##VIDEO ID:eUjVCEEk8XQ## okay thank you we have some type [Music] of off CLE it's recess yeah but still I think if you push on it not even push that button probably just push on it's just an contact I'm saying we're live but I'm not seeing video I don't not sure why it's saying we're live but oh there it goes okay it is oh down Beach I can't this meeting is called to order would everyone please rise for the flag salute and please remain standing for a moment of silence for C Stanley lawitz to the flag United States of America to the repu for it stands one nation God indivisible thank you it yeah I got you covered thank you I appreciate may I have a roll call please council member gar here council member Habor presid council member Owen here council member dep pamplet here council member mcgan here council member Dill here council president Johnston here also present is Mayor tap city clerk Heath city solicitor Smith and city engineer Schneider uh Mr Frost will be along shortly just I had a family obligation to attend to first um pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers point gov.org can hear myself I okay okay welcome everyone thank you for being here uh just a few changes in the the agenda here we're going to pull resolution number 229 and I'm going to move resolution number 226 up to the front of the agenda so um resolution 226 please resolution number 226 of 2024 saluting and thanking school crossing guard Lynn Cade Moore whereas the city of Summers Point hired Lynn Cade Moore as a school crossing guard in December of 1998 and whereas crossing guards are a vital and integral part of our educational system and the daily lives of children in our community and whereas crossing guard are responsible for safely Crossing children both prior to and at the conclusion of each school day and whereas parents in schools entrust crossing guards with the lives and well-being of their children The Crossing guard's primary responsibility is to see that school AG children cross the street in marked crosswalks and in a manner which provides for their maximum safety and whereas crossing guards also instruct children on how to cross a street safely when they are alone or an adult is not available to assist them whether there is or is not a Crossing light and whereas crossing guards are a welcome and familiar part of a child's day many know the name of every child who walks through their station as well as the names of their parents or caretakers and whereas it is fitting and proper to acknowledge and express appreciation for the labors of these dedicated individuals whose contribution to the protection of our children though not often recognized is significant and whereas Lynn has done an outstanding job of protecting children from the hazards of crossing the street for nearly 26 years and whereas Lynn has decided to retire from her career as a crossing guard in order to concentrate on the needs of her family and whereas Lynn's smiling face and cheerful nature will most certainly be missed by the children and parents as well as the members of the police department who had a chance to work with her over the years now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and City Council on behalf of themselves the employees and the residents of the city of Summers Point hereby sincerely thank Lynn Cade Moore for her many years of dedication and loyal service to the school children of the city of Summers point and be it further resolved that the mayor and city council extend their best wishes to Lynn and hope for much happiness in her retirement may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments yeah council president I would just like to thank her for her 26 years of service the resolution pretty much speaks for itself but uh it's it's a tough job it's a a very large responsibility for very little pay and uh I just want to thank her uh for her years of service with the uh the city and her cooperation uh with the school district and our Police Department thank you madam president yes if I may uh you know having had my wife and I I have raised three children put them all the way through uh the Summers Point School District systems and it is very true that the crossing guard becomes a very part of that fabric of of their daily lives and and particularly we have a number of s crossing guards that have served for quite some time and uh you know we still see them still wave as you know my children are grown adults at this point so thank you to uh her family and to her uh for that service thank you yeah actually I'd like to you know thank Lynn also she lives right around the corner from me and I've seen her you know every day for the last 35 years you know whether I want to or not she uh not Not only was she a crossing guard there also but I know when we were doing a uh dog licensing check when we were doing the rabies check she would go door too and if everyone had a dog she would find who you are and she would go in there and she was playing detective you know to make sure that your dogs are protected and safe but uh I want to thank her very much and I wish her the best of luck in retirement thank you thanks okay all in favor all any opposed resolution number 226 is approved um you're going to do this I don't know if uh over here oh great go oh okay do want come forward please and we'll se you want to do this that's the mayor it's the mayor I appreciate that but thank you I'll handle it yeah you there's no extra charge to get your picture with the mayor all right look this [Music] way want me to turn around sure thank you all [Applause] right okay next we have a h special presentation uh regarding Pro the project at Bay and Maryland Avenue uh Mr Rick Huff will be doing our presentation that what it says on here thank you madam president uh members of council uh mayor tap for the record Richard Hoff law firm of bisar Hoff I'm here today on behalf of Summers Point paddle Club LLC Harbor Cove LLC and I think a couple other llc's but they're all within the scarbo properties family so um I'm here to talk about as council president indicated properties located along Maryland we have here sort of rough sight plan of sorts that we hope to be making Redevelopment plan that I'm going to talk about very briefly um as Council probably recalls uh block 121 lock 2 is a site of the former an existing Redevelopment plan did back in 2021 for the paddle Club so the paddle Club a of a recreational Club amenity that was subject to the development plan that actually approved in 2022 approval is in place and it provides for as it name indicates of P Club but also three affordable units on the property uh to provide some affordable housing towards the city's pursu housinger since that approval and really for a number of years we've been looking for an opportunity to figure out the corner what are we going to do with the corner of Maryland and Bay um commercial higher density residential there were a number of things that uh the ownership group was toiling with as to what they thought worked there so when the paddle Club got approved we started looking harder at that um and what are we going to do sort of comprehensively and what we've come up with here and what we're asking for the council to consider by way of sort of moving forward in a Redevelopment context is we have a concept here for that corner pce be 24 single family homes inclusive and including eight affordable units as well in the corner of that property for a total of 32 units on that parcel what we would be doing is one of the things we've learned in the paddle Club business um Scarboro family has one in ringtine theyve one in Kate May and so operationally we found the need for more space to run the operation not so much more space for amen or any type of housing but space to physically run things the things you might think of putting chairs putting equipment and having areas for sta so what we have proposed here is the area that was going to be dedicated to the housing on the paddle Club we're actually moving over to the Maryland and Bay parcel because eight affordable units on a 24 market rate is a particularly High set asde you don't see that very often but what we're doing is we're taking the three from there and we're incorporating then additional 20% for the for the market rate housing that we're proposing and that's where you get the eight affordable unit so we think we're all square with the city settlement agreement uh I've had the opportunity to speak with fair share housing center as well as the city's affordable housing Council and we'll end up getting a consent order from the judge before any of this happens to make sure that it's approved but we did it with the paddle club I'm very confident we'll do it again with this because of the set aside percentages are in line with the city set agreement so really as you might recall this was a site that's actually zoned under the ah1 for a much higher residential density it anticipated somewhere in the neighborhood of a 100 plus multif family units it didn't work we tried we we marketed it and we think this just fits very nicely here it's a similar product that we've had success with in Kate May again next to a paddle Club same type of housing product successful as SP in May if you've been down in that area and we think it's going to simly be very successful here so again a single family product not particularly dense in terms of what was permitted by zoning this is actually much less uh and then finally to sort of complete the picture there there is the Vass Harbor parcel in the back we're not proposing anything new there it's simply pretty much codifying what exists out there now um um it's the Marine Village harbor zone the use as it exists now is permitted but given the proximity we wanted to roll that into one Redevelopment plan for the entirety of those three Parcels U Mr jul is our engineer he has worked up the zoning standards for all three of those Parcels uh we have that ready to go ready to pass along to Mr Kernan your planner take a look at so you get to go ahead from Council to at least start investigating it and our goal be to put that together in a formal Redevelopment plan for consideration by the council should they find it agreeable for introduction referral to the planning board and then back to you guys for a public hearing and hopefully adoption we're excited about the plan we think it marries these uses very nicely in that area um and you know we're obviously excited to get started um but that's in a nutshell I didn't want to take too much Council time tonight with their meeting but in a nutshell that's that's what we'd be proposing by way of development um we're soon to have arals we'll get all of that along in the process but for now this is um this the 20,000 foot view of what we would be doing out there by way of reading okay good could you just turn that around for a minute so everybody can see it thank you yeah anyone have any questions Council Madam president if I meant yes you uh said it would be in a Redevelopment Zone correct it's m it's actually in a Redevelopment area all Parcels are within a Redevelopment area it would now be Consolidated into one Redevelopment plan so it's already subject to a Redevelopment uh agreement back in we were much younger right it is already designated yes right so that and that was settlement agreement for that Redevelopment Zone correct that is correct is that going away now or are we going to what what happens to that agreement the Redevelopment designation won't go away you actually need that to be able to do the Redevelopment plan the Redevelopment plan will serve as I presume it I obviously input from solicitor and Mr Kernan but I presume this to be sort of an overlay situation where the Redevelopment plan will exist over all three parcels and allow for this as an additional development option but you're saying that there since there's already a Redevelopment zone or Redevelopment plan there then why would we need another there's only a Redevelopment plan for the paddle Club there is no Redevelopment plan for Maryland and Bay the corner part but let's go back to 2008 when the settlement agreement that globally took care of all Bay Avenue right or or those areas in Bay Avenue that was a Redevelopment plan or not necessarily Redevelopment plan but a a I don't know what the proper term would be a settlement for that uh Builder's remedy suit the time there was a settlement agreement entered that settlement agreement declared the areas actually in need of Rehabilitation not actually Redevelopment but it then rezoned the parcels did not use the Redevelopment process for the purposes of rezoning it created the ah1 ah2 and ah3 zones did not do any Redevelopment plan for the parcels right and those zones all had criterias relative to Affordable hous they did okay what Dage to those criteria well since that time the city has entered into a subsequent settlement agreement with fair share housing center that recognized that the settlement agreement that was the Bay Avenue redeveloper settlement agreement was premised on the notion of common ownership amongst all of the parcels all Beyond these Parcels including the parcel across the street the subsequent agreement with fair share housing center recognized that common ownership fell apart so what is actually on the books for the city relative to affordable housing is an obligation to pick up affordable housing as these Parcels become developed so paddle Club is an example when we came in with the paddle Club in 2021 although we weren't proposing any residential housing we were cognizant of that settlement agreement that said we need to pick up affordable housing opportunities as we go along that was the reason the paddle Club had three affordable housing units on it even though it had no housing in recognition of that fact so now fast forward to this plan same premise applies as we go along we need to pick up affordable housing opportunities we're taking the three from the paddle Club as well as the affordable units that will be generated by the additional residential units and we're going to put them on this property I've spoken with fare housing center because one of the concerns they raise is all right well how do I know that the affordable housing gets done or doesn't get done but the paddle Club gets done for instance and we've worked out a we're working out a form of consent order that says that the affordable housing get done as everything is developed so will that will that be part of the Redevelopment agreement yes that'll be part of the Redevelopment so that that you you the the paddle Club property was not uh did not have an obligation for affordable housing from the 2008 settlement correct correct that was one of the parcels that was not zoned for any affordable correct but the other partial the corner partiel does or did have an obligation that had an anticipation that there would be units on that parcel correct okay so you're and that and those uh are anticipated in our agreements with parare housing it is anticipated that as these Parcels are developed affordable housing opportunities will be captured family you're saying is there there's no there's no number now to that the number that's referenced in the affordable housing settlement with fair share is 26 right we're not getting the 26 not yet okay there's other Parcels to go okay and and they and this uh this property or to do this project it needs to be in a Redevelopment Zone um it it Redevelopment plans are easier to do in from my perspective in this kind of setup you got a redeveloper agreement um it's just a better process by which to facilitate the thank you sure thank you thank you very much sure thank you so is there so what's the next step uh is there escrow money or is Tim going to examine everything memorandum of understanding and the escrow again and we prepared form of escrow so that um escrow can be posted for Mr Canan my understanding when we met with the Redevelopment subcommittee was that Council really just kind of has to give a nod to Mr kand so that he can start the process there's nothing there's no plan obviously yet right for you to consider that's really what he needs to get working on um but our understanding was that sort of the board would or the council would provide some direction as to whether it's worth pursuing in which case we can get started okay do you have a timetable for all this yeah we would like this done by the end of the year so we have a form of zoning standards that we can provide to Mr Canan to kind of get him started on this um started running sort of speak um with introduction you know hopefully later next month uh referral to the planning board then ideally adoption by the council in December and then for the $64 question that I'll get asked at every Tavern when will construction start and when can I move in well a developer will always tell you as soon as possible but practically speaking we're not even going to get to the planning board until first quarter next year um and then it's the state of New Jersey I hear you know what though I just to put out there my goal on the paddle Club side because the paddle Club is a longer built than single family housing not the whole thing would be to try to be in the ground in the spring like April in the spring which would give me 12 month build period I think it's a 10 month build probably the paddle Club but we need any cushion you can build in in the front end so that would be ideal to to have that cushion and then for ramp up and hiring people and going into the summer it's always chaos obviously but yeah that's the goal okay thank you thank you thank you see you Tim see you thank you Tim anyone have any Communications to offer hearing none Mr Mayor I just have a couple things um I reported this last meeting uh uh Shore Medical has a uh the free flu Clinic it was just this past weekend they have another one coming off October 12th 8 to 12 it's a Saturday at 6:49 Shore Road no appointment necessary but I'll give you a phone number if you choose to make an appointment which isn't necessary either but 609 365 620 Z and something else that Shore Medical is doing they have a free nerve pain cause and treatment educational breakfast and that's going to be October 3rd and that's in limbwood Country Club from uh 10 to 12 12 and the phone number 609 365 5257 if anyone's interested in doing that uh this past September 20th we had our P Mia ceremony and uh it was a very nice event uh and I want to just take the time to thank uh police chief Summers and our summers Point Police Department for being there Chiefs fire chief Sweeney and the volunteer fire department that's there uh the vva and the AmVets uh Legion Riders and uh our public works department that comes out there and sets everything up and this time the speaker worked so that was a plus that's and uh I want to thank take the time to thank uh Bill Pedic from the VBA he was our MC he ran the event and it was very nice I was so glad for that uh tomorrow morning if anyone's up tomorrow is the Run for the Fallen it is a uh basically what it is our mission statement is it's the New Jersey Run for the fall and is an organization of milit Runners and support crew whose mission is clear and simple to run one mile for each New Jersey active service member who has died during a global war of Terror started in Cape May uh tomorrow morning they making a stop at Patriots Park uh to honor and remember our own AJ Salto our summers Point resident and some of us coached him as a kid and tragically killed in war and uh they'll be stopping there they'll be also stopping at the Grace Lutheran Church for uh Richard or Oro he was not a summers Point resident um or wasn't born and bred here but he was living here and then he you know got killed more so we want to be able to acknowledge that so if anyone could be there at Patriots park at 7:07 it takes 5 minutes they come running they have breakfast in the morning they run big entourage carrying the flags they go they salute AJ because there's a monument there for him so um but with that um hopefully everyone can be there uh got a report from the Atlanta County Health Department that we had a positive West Nile mosquito on the 100 block of Shore Road uh the health department has been notifying 80 local residents to let them know so if you have any standing water and I don't even know how we have any water we haven't rain anyway but still old tires an upside down trash can or something that holds water dump it out so that way we don't have a West Nile problem here and lastly you know our we had new tax bills go out this past week gave a list of different events that were happening in town and unfortunately they put the wrong date for our Christmas parade they have it down for the six when it's actually December 7th it's going to be a Saturday instead of a Friday night uh makes it easier for us to be able to shut down Shore Road with public transportation always an issue and we feel that we're going to be able to get more people out there since they're not rushing home from work and being out there at 6:00 so if you take a look at that flyer that dates wrong and we'll be advertising that that it's going to be on the 7th and after that that's it you got you got the rains thank you thanks are you running no these are all military guys running kid man we lucky I don't get beat up but I'll be there okay okay uh Mr Frost uh nothing Mr Snider uh yes I just have one item um every year we send out to the utility companies uh updated uh Paving plans for upcoming year what's projected and the New Jersey American Water Company reached out to me because um next year for 2025 Third Street scheduled to be repaved and the water company was looking to push up a project are replacing the main on Third Street at the water tank because of that um and they're looking for some kind of support from the city that they're okay with the project um basically because they have to show that um they could push the for the project forward instead of you know waiting five or six years after we paided it um they're just looking for something from the city it doesn't have to be official it could probably be from our city administrator just saying it was discussed in the city's supports the project any reason why we wouldn't want to I no we want them to do we want them to do it before before we pay for street right yeah I think they need to show that they're going to spend the money ahead of time that the city wants it to that's the main reason right oh okay everybody okay with that absolutely and Mr Frost he'll send them some thank you can I ask a question real fast uh any dates on when New Jersey Avenue is going to get paved right now it's not out to bid yet the state has the plans um we should go out the bid I would think in October so um construction it depends on the weather hopefully it will be started you know November December but it definitely by the time the spring late spring comes gotcha yeah I know because I was uh went to Charlie's for lunch I was talking with one of the Thomas' there and they want they want to have an idea when uh that would be because then that way they can coordinate with things that they need to do for their business yeah definely as soon as you know can you let me know yeah and when we have a contractor we could actually invite them for the preconstruction meeting so oh that'd be great yeah thank you and I guess also question for you um ballad Drive is getting ready to phase one bids will be going out soon uh that's already advertised okay that should be next meetings look forward to it thanks thank you uh anyone have any committee reports uh Madam president yes if I may I attended the Board of Education meeting last Thursday night um a lot of new faces in administration and staff there it seems like the team's really coming together they uh it was stated that back to school was a success which is a really good thing and and it was brought up that New York Avenue School uh may go out for a bid on a proposal again but there was no uh timing for that um that's at this point in last um council meeting I did bring up the idea of the buildings and ground subcommittee I'd like to uh see if we could get that started um because I think it's something that's really needed um with the you know t with appraisal of all our buildings and grounds and come up with a strategic plan to go forward on them so who would like to help Mr with I would like to be involved in that place okay M Mr McAn was one that volunteered um I don't know if he still wants to do that yeah I'll do it but I mean uh Mr Gary beat me to the okay sorry I'll yield to Mr M here so if that's okay um is that really true thank you for that Mr G I would uh I'd like to do that and get it started and uh Jason obviously we need you to be a big part of that as we go through it so thank you okay appreciate that great but I would imagine there might be some concrete involved in any kind of building so well I was going to say you could refer me to an expert I'm very impressed with the eagerness of all the councilmen I remember sitting here when they say we need somebody on a committee and everybody tying their shoes depends on the committee yeah that's true worry about the electric and like I said I I really do appreciate the support so that's good thank you nothing gets done without the electricians there you go uh oh boy um um okay could I have a motion to approve regular meeting minutes from September 12th 2024 and also executive session minutes from September 12th as to content only so moved second any comments all in favor all any opposed the minutes are approved move on to resolutions could I have a motion to open for public comment on resolutions only please I'll make that motion I'll second that motion all in favor I any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions only anyone wishing to speak please step up and state your name for the record motion to close the public portion on the resolutions second all in favor I I any opposed we're now closed for public comment resolution number 223 resolution number 223 of 2024 cancelling Homestead benefit balances due to 100% except Venture status may I have a motion please so moved second any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 223 is adopted number 224 resolution number 224 of 2024 authorizing purchase of playground equipment through the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey National Cooperative purchasing program for contract number 24 and 25-1 playground equipment site Furnishings outdoor circuit training equipment and related products for the Summers Point Public Works Department may I have a motion please I'll make that motion can I say one thing real quick sorry this um this resolution the quote was updated yesterday the resolution doesn't reflect the updated amount the updated amount is actually the proposal is correct 81,82 the resolution says 72375 82 this is to account for the um dissemination and demo of the existing play equipment that wasn't included the add initial okay what was the number again 81 yeah it's 81,82 do we have to amend a resolution to reflect that probably we can amend it yeah okay motion to amend second second uh all in favor I any opposed resolution is amended I need a one point clarification Mr Frost this money is from a previous uh capital and our Capital Improvement Pro and it's been you know bonded correct thank Mr Frost can may ask a question What's the timing on this as far as completion or I honestly don't know I'm pushing for before the end of the year but it kind of depends on whether we've come a long way from when it was taking 18 months to get this stuff in um I think it's probably closer 60 9 days but don't hold you that that's what I'm pushing for thank you difficult process yep yeah thank you okay I need a motion for the amended resolution number 224 please so moved second any comments here council president I would just take a moment to uh I know there's a lot of work done over the last 18 months by both Mr Frost and councilman mcgan and uh it's long overdue that that equipment be replaced at the beach and I want to thank them uh for their efforts in getting this done I'd like to Echo that I think it's a a great upgrade all in favor I any any opposed resolution number 224 is adopted number 225 please resolution number 225 of 2024 authorizing executive session advice of council and attorney client privilege communication regarding the status of contractual negotiations between the PBA Patrol and dispatch and the City of Summers point may I have a motion please so moved second all in favor I any opposed resolution number 225 is adopted number 227 please resolution number 227 of 2024 authorizing executive session advice of councel and attorney client privilege communication regarding the status of litigation involving the city's planning board entitled gmh restaurant Holdings LLC C gmh restaurant Enterprises Gary M Holloway versus the city of Summers Point having a docket number of A- C- 66 d24 may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 227 is adopted just so everyone knows in the interest of everyone's time we'll be going into executive session at the end of the meeting um I don't anticipate taking any an action after but you're more than welcome to wait in the hallway until we're finished and we adjourn uh resolution number 228 please resolution number 228 of 2024 approval of short-term tax exemption application for Sunset Avenue Redevelopment LLC may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 228 is adopted number 230 please resolution number 230 of 2024 awarding bid and authorizing contract for vehicle exhaust removal systems for the two fire companies in summers Point may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments here C council president uh this is something that was budgeted in this year's Capital Improv ment and uh it's has been been requested for uh by both fire departments for several years and uh we're finally able to do this for them it does exactly what it says it pulls the exhaust system out of the building uh as a safety precaution for our volunteer fireman and uh I'm happy to uh be able to uh vote on this and award this contract okay thank you all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 230 is adopted may I have a motion for the consent agenda please I'll make that motion second all in favor I any opposed the consent agenda is adopted okay uh anyone have any old business to discuss Madam president I just want to bring up something um we have a walk walking group in town called we walk Summers point that had been walking on Mondays we're going to extend the schedule into October and November and we're going to walk both on Monday and Wednesday on the Mondays in October we're going to meet um behind City Hall on a bike path on Wednesday we're going to meet down by the track and the football field everybody's welcome to come on October 21st we have a representative from Shore Medical coming over the city hall here to give a talk on vaccines and flu that's right after the walk you don't have to walk you're all welcome to come it's a to reach out by Shore Medical to uh to try to help educate our our residents so that's going on too so uh any information on that please reach out I'd love to give you as much as we can on that thank you thank you um also Madame President old business uh under committee reports Arts commission we just had met this this past Monday two weeks ago they had the uh in the park it went really really well I want to thank all the members and all the volunteers and everybody that came out uh they really uh really did a bang up job as well as having uh you know Atlant County with the transportation and all the vendors and whatnot and just it was really good atmosphere and uh looking forward to uh they have the um talent show coming up at the theater at the end of the month in October aren in the park with was great we have a lot of talent a lot of talented people here in summer Point anyone have any new business to discuss hearing none uh discussion of the bills Mr Frost yes this evening B5 okay could I have a motion to open for public comment please I'll make that motion second all in favor I I any opposed we're now open for public comment anyone wishing to speak can please step up and state your name for the record i' also just remind everyone to please abide by the three minute rules so everybody gets an opportunity to speak hello friends of council hello Madam council president hello Mr Fox just get my timing up here if you all don't mind all right well I'm here today in reference your name oh I'm so sorry Fox 90 Broadway apartment C4 uh Vice chair of the historical preservation commission um I'm here today to speak to the Redevelopment proposal that came before Council last meeting um and I actually think that the uh proposal that came before us earlier today provides a very useful Counterpoint to what uh seems to be happening to myself and uh 16 other families in High Bank Apartments um as I know that you all know because it was brought up last meeting uh we all received eviction notices many of us received it before the initial presentation to Council in terms of that Redevelopment scheme um we were told that we need to be out by the end of the year um and I feel like given that we just saw a Redevelopment proposal that first came before Council was it two or three years ago that the idea of forcing residents out um before there's been any attempt to begin to secure the necessary state permits um is you know kind of a a a public policy problem that we're appealing to you all to intervene in in um there's no guarantee the project that was proposed or any project is ever going to be built there given the environmental concerns where we're located um and I would given the pity of affordable housing in the city that was referenced earlier suggests that kicking 17 families out at Christmas when it's not necessary and when it doesn't seem to serve the longer term interests of the community is something that again we would ask you all to try to um help us alleviate um I won't bore you all with the details of why we believe the current process is problematic they're kind of putting the cart before the horse uh what we are asking is is that uh as a council since there is discussion about going into a Redevelopment agreement with the new owners and since we have been informed by the current owner the only reason that people are being kicked out is because of a condition of the sale to the new owner that we would ask if you may negotiate with the new owner and say hey well Summers point is not going to go ahead and give you everything you want if you're going to force 17 families to be kicked out at Christmas for reasons that have not yet been explained to anyone why that needs to happen why uh eviction would come you know probably two years before construction could even begin um they brought us last week they brought you all we could call it I think generously concepts of a plan we would ask that there be an actual plan and that the law be followed and that we actually have the three years were guaranteed when there's a conversion as is happening thank you very much thank you hello my name is Mary fondi I live at 28 Delaware Avenue I just want to say that I live in a historic house in a protected um section of town how much I value and appreciate the protection and the respect that the city provides for people who live in the historic area and people who live near the bay and I would hope that you would extend that respect and protection to the residents of the high Banks Apartments who are right by the bay I know an environmental study would have to be done and that takes time and maybe it would be a good idea to allow that time to the residents instead of forcing them out in three months thank you thank [Music] you hi Susanna Slaughter 13 Violet Lane I saw that there was some eccentric and vulgar artwork um on multiple sides of the you know vacated Walgreens proper property I was hoping Council might be able to enlighten me on what's being done about that and if there's any timeline on when that's going to be cleaned up either by the city or by we are aware of it the property that that'll be it'll be cleaned up tomorrow yeah we've been in touch with Steve nead who's the attorney representing Jerry Holtz who owns that building he was contacted today he had told us that if he did not get it done today he will get it done tomorrow if not I'll have Public Works take care of that great thank you thank you [Music] can I have a motion to close I'll make that motion second all in favor I I any opposed we're now closed for public comment could I have a motion to pay the bills please I'll make that motion second uh all in favor uh any opposed Mr Frost can pay the bills uh any further comments for the public from the governing body hearing none we'll take a five minute recess and go into executive session thank you everyone thank you