##VIDEO ID:kGIBWmdwqAs## got June on there too Dennis yes all right we're on ready there Mr Mayor you ready to go yes good evening and welcome to the city's reorganization meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act add quate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers point go.org the first order of business is the swearing in of City officials will newly elected city council member at large Kirk G and his wife Margie please come to the podium you can and raise your right hand I Kirk g i Kirk gity do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and the government's established in the United States and the government established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of city council member at Large of the office of city council at large congratulations thank you [Applause] thanks and next we'll have newly reelected council member Janice Johnson and her husband Charles to come forward to be sworn in by county commissioner Moran Ker good job thank you Michael okay yeah you've done this a few times before okay I I Janice Johnston do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the con ition of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments established in the United States and the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and justly perform the duties of the office of city council member W one with the term expiring fall perform the duties of the office duties of the office of city council W one according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations Jen [Applause] you uh next will newly reelected city council member Howard Dill come forward with his granddaughter Emily holding the Bible please raise your right hand and repeat after me I I Howard Bill do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will be Tru true faith and Allegiance true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments and the government established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties and perform all the duties of the office of city council members W to the repeat that again one for me yep you'll perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of the office of city council city council and W two yes according to the best of my abilities according to the best of my abilities so help me God so help [Applause] me congratulations okay now I will call for nominations for president of city council for the year 2025 Madam chairman yes I would like to nominate that great Statesman from the other side of Route nine Charles Habor and I would like to second that motion okay are there any other nominees ations hearing none I will need a roll call for the election of council member habrin for president of council for 2025 council member dampas yes council member gity yes council member Johnston yes council member Owen yes council member Dill yes council member mcgan yes council member Habor yes congratulations council president haor [Applause] okay um the first thing here we have next is to uh ask for ntion for president tempor for 2025 motion Mr chairman yes sir I'd like to nominate uh councilman McAn I will second that motion are there any other nominations hearing none for roll call yes sir council member deanis yes council member G yes council member Johnston yes council member Owen yes council member Dill yes council member mcgan yes council president habber corn yes president thank you thank you president pro temporary for 2025 is council member Sean mcgan sometimes I wonder if the mic doesn't work so if it doesn't just scream okay um it's all right I heard you thank you uh Shelby would you like to do a roll call yes sir council member depilis yes council member m council member Owen here council member mcgan here council member Dill here council member Johnston here council member G here council president Habor president like before we get into the uh agenda I'd like to acknowledge some of the dignitaries here hopefully we've got them all uh Senator Vince potina back here my favorite person in all of South Jersey County Clerk Joe jello [Applause] kers County surrogate Jim kers Kio Kio we got uh three County Commissioners here Morin Kern John rizley John you're out there somewhere back I did see June Burns where's June there's June back there sh yeah Hamilton mayor art Shanker AB seeking councilwoman Linda [Applause] Evans staying with uh some celebratory stuff tonight we have a couple birthdays here tonight I'm not going to lead everybody in happy birthday but we are going to recognize council member Mike Owen [Music] Marie gity over here on this side Wonder Twin [Applause] power we did we miss anybody I thought you were twins all right so moving on with the business uh resolution number one of 2025 resolution number one of 2025 appointment of Municipal solicitor namely Thomas G Smith I'll make that motion I'll second that motion any comments Mr President yes sir if I may this is the favorite moment of the Year for me when I get to vote to uh bring on uh one of Summers Point's favorite Sons uh to protect us all year long I look forward to Casting my vote in favor of this thank you thank you any other comments if not uh all in favor any opposed no so come on up Mr [Applause] smithk you're welcome sir with that um SK your tee don't just ignore me um with that uh we're going to all stand for the flag salute and remain standing because after that we're going to have the Reverend Lewis G come up and lead us in an invocation to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all good evening everyone before we have an invocation I'd like us to take a moment of silence for a variety of people and issues we'd like to pray for Fire Company number one safety officer Mike wiback for his recovery we'd like to remember the family of former commissioner John Carman who passed away today we'd like to remember all of the victims and survivors of the New Orleans tragedy and we'd like to remember president and humanitarian Jimmy Carter may we take a moment of silence please and all God's people said amen amen usually an invocation is a quick prayer and then you get on with the business but I don't do things normal so please bear with me for a moment and you all can sit down if you'd like I I'd like to talk about Jimmy Carter because on a reorganizational event such as this we need to recognize what someone has done with his life Jimmy Carter lived to be a 100 so the percentages I'm going to give you were real easy for me I didn't have to think too much he was a devoted husband for 77% of his life he was in the US Navy for 7% of his life he was in the state senate for 4% of his life he was governor of the state of Georgia for 4% of his life he devoted himself to the Carter Center and humanitarian efforts for 44% of his life from 1980 to 2024 he claimed Christianity for 100% of his life and he was a good person for 100% of his life none of us expect Perfection when it comes comes to governance only god is perfect but we all would like to know that you are good people and by your service to the public here in summers point and elsewhere we pray for your safety we pray for your continued wisdom and discernment and we pray to God for the peace that can come from doing the best job you possibly can so that when we go to meet our Eternal maker we can be talk spoken of as a person who is good 100% of their life may God grant you the peace and the wisdom that only he can amen amen amen thank you now we're going to invite U each member of city council to address the public and I'd like to start down there with Mr the pamphlet and work our way this way for I'd just like to uh congratulate the uh new not the new but the returning city council people that were recently elected I'd like to uh say Charlie uh you're in for a good time and uh anything I can do to help let me know and Sean congratulations thank you thank youil Johnson uh I would um also like to congratulate my counterparts here on getting reelected um and I'd like to thank all the voters for their confidence in me for uh voting for me to continue to do this job I take it very seriously um I'm very happy with the progress that we've made um the last couple years a lot of good things happening here in summers point and I have um the utmost confidence in Mr Habor that he will continue to uh lead us to um make even better things happen and I'm I'm here to support you 100% so thank you Mr D yes uh i' first like to start out by thanking my family and my granddaughter especially for coming and helping me be sworn in I'd like to thank of course the Republican Club for all their support and I'd like to thank the taxpayers for the opportunity to represent them again I'd like to thank the volunteers and there's a lot of volunteers that make this city what it should be and what it is including the fire department uh Emergency Management as well as all the uh other uh committees uh I'd also like to thank the professionals and that means the police fire Emergency Management Public Works and the administrative staff and all the offices the people are very professional and you do a very nice job to make this city run smoothly and finally of course I'd like to congratulate my running mates K gity and Janice Johnson for their uh uh election re-election and uh I wish them nothing but the best thank you thank you Mr D Mr McAn thank you Mr Habor uh I'd like to sort of echo what Mr Dill said there and he said it very well that um the city employees the group of volunteers uh the fire department and the police police department and OEM and and all our our uh our First Responders and so forth you know you're really the backbone of this city and it and I it never I never fail to understand uh that and and I appreciate that and uh thank you and and I look forward to a a a great year on Council uh hopefully get a lot of stuff uh done and accomplished here and uh you know I look forward to working hard again thank you Mr Owen yeah um like to Echo Howard Dill's comments as well as Sean mcwiggins i' like to thank all the First Responders for all you guys do as well as all the veterans that are here tonight um and especially all our volunteers with all our various organizations that help make this this city run uh it it takes a lot so I also want to give my support to uh Charles habac Horn and everyone else here on Council whatever whatever you need I'm here 100% and uh thank you all for uh coming back on board thank you Mr Owen Mr G yes uh first off I'd like to thank everyone for being here tonight uh next I would like to thank my running mates for uh such a good time that we had in the campaign I'd like to thank uh Shelby for swearing me in uh I'd like to thank most of all my wife who lets me do this uh it's not an easy job being an elected official being a volunteer as many of you know and she's put up with my Annex for 30 some years and 30 years ago when I walked through that door to be appointed to take John rli's place when he went to the commissioner board uh I've learned a lot over the years I've been here I've left I've come back uh hopefully not like a stone in your shoe but uh uh I've never forgot that it's an honor and a privilege to sit up here and serve this city so I thank you all for letting me do this job Mr G I'd like to just make a couple comments here um I'd like to start off by thanking my wife for all the support when we moved to Summers point 10 years ago um couldn't dreamed that I'd be up here doing this but I'm glad I am I'm glad we made Summers Point our home I thank I'd like to thank thank the uh city council for their confidence thank all our volunteers that show their commitment to Summer's point I'd like to thank our Professionals for their advice and guidance and to all our employees who work each and every day to make Summers point a wonderful place it is I'm looking forward to bringing a collaborative and Common Sense approach to my new role I'm looking work with all council members professionals volunteers and employees to accomplish the prior ities and a sense of continuous Improvement to better serve our residents and our guests here in sumers point you hear me use three words often the first word is process whereby our decisions are founded in fact and logic and defendable courtesy regardless if we agree or disagree we must do so with politeness to one another and the last one is committed as council members professional volunteers employees and residents that we're all committed to making Summers point the best it can be for our residents and our guest alike as they make this their destination of choice so let's hit the road running and have a great 2025 here in summers point and thank you again May a tap well I got one thing that I'm going to change next year is that I go first CU I swear you guys are looking at my sheet second before the may get started this is a council meeting we decide who goes first oh boy okay I'm not helping you well I'm want to start off I want to welcome everyone back to city council uh and wish everyone a happy and healthy new year as we begin this year I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to all the volunteers who serve on our committees and in our Volunteer Fire comp compes your selfish dedication and hard work make a tremendous difference in our community whether you're helping to shape the important decisions through your committee work or ensuring the safety of our residents through your courageous service in the fire department your efforts embody the true Spirit of community we are so fortunate to have such committed individuals who give their time and energy for the greater good thank you for everything you do we couldn't do it without you I want to thank our police officers and the office of Emergency Management for their unwavering dedication bravery and service to our community every day they put themselves on the line to ensure our safety and protect the values we hold dear their professionalism and commitment especially in challenging times and we are in challenging times make all the difference in keeping our neighborhood secure and strong on behalf of the entire Community I express our deepest gratitude we are proud to have such dedicated Office of Management and courageous police office Force courageous police force serving and protecting I also want to thank the men and women who work tirelessly behind the scenes as our dispatchers they are a critical link between the public and our First Responders and they are truly the backbone of our police and fire departments and of course I'd be remiss if I didn't show my appreciation for all the hard work our city clerk's office tax office the courts finance office Construction Public Works and Sewer Department do you are on the front lines with the residents always with a pleasant smile and eagerness to help and lastly I am very excited about 2025 we bring new opportunities for growth and revitalization to our community this year we are moving forward with development for new retail spaces and housing that will not only enhance the beauty of our city but also provide more jobs services and affordable living options for residents we're committed to ensuring that these projects reflect our values in sustainability and quality of life together we will work and build a better future more vibrant future for all of us thank you thank you council members and mayor for your your comments as we go through the agenda here the next thing on the agenda is proclamations so I'm going to turn that back over to Mayor tab as he has four proclamations here uh Proclamation one on horning historic preservation commission naming Tara mcginness Donna Moore Levi Fox Bill reinert Maran McVey William dumpy ly mccuan Greg D satino and Debbie Argent I have Proclamation number two and it is the appointment of planning board members naming myself Mike Sweeney Michael Sweeny that is uh Howard uh we don't know about you yet we don't know about me yet all right you're off the list okay uh Jack Shield Brian cotton Max Slusher Paul stfy Vince Lombardi and John O Conor Proclamation number three environmental commission appointments naming Pam DeMarco uh Linda kaisner Kaiser yeah I said that right uh Sue seconder Paul Ludgate Jack Shields again Bill reinard and uh chairperson John hellig and lastly appointment of the veterans Advisory Board naming Tommy inocente Ronnie bird John L Glasser I think we all know him uh Morgan Slaughter Phil Huber Larry Lemieux Fred Fontana and then we got Howard Dill as well as Rick the pamphilis on that committee and I want to thank everyone that volunteers for that it's greatly appreciate it okay move along the next two are resolutions resolution two and three and I'm going to ask Shelby to read those two and just for clarity after that both of those are read the Motions had Madam perk is going to swear the people in so number two resolution number two of 2025 fired Department officers City fire chief Michael R Sweeney Deputy fire chief Michael C Sweeney assistant chief James Summers assistant chief Jay loader Captain Timothy Welsh Captain Patrick Winkler Lieutenant Christopher Martin Jr Lieutenant Robert Blaine Fire Marshal Kimble Feinstein assistant Fire Marshal gray SS safety officer Robert blumberg and safety officer Michael wireback so I'm going to have ask for a motion I'll make that motion second second any comments yeah council president I would just again like to thank the fire department for everything that they do uh they've been very busy probably the last month at least okay and they're always there they're always responding and I'm very happy to see them uh being sworn in tonight uh it's well deserved thank you any other comments hearing none um all in favor all in favor I any opposed canot hear any opposed motion that resolution is adopted number three resolution number three of 2025 appointments to Harbor Master and Deputy Emergency Management coordinators Harbor Master Mike Kora and Deputy Municipal coordinators um police chief Summers and Jack Shields I'm GNA ask for a motion so move second okay thank you um any comments no comments all in favor I opposed that motion is adopted also so be swearing in now yep it would be my pleasure to swear in the fire department officers and Emergency Management officers if you could come forward you got Harbor Master too right or is that a different one okay well he he'll get up and do that you guys uh want to mention the party or some people ready I state your name do solemnly swear swear that I will support the Constitution constition of the United States United States and the Conti andit of the state of newy St that I will bear true faith and allegiance alance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the government established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully faithfully impartially and justly per all the duties of all the of according to the best of my ability to the [Applause] ofil I do want to make an announcement that after the uh meeting is closed there will be a party over at the Oro so if anybody has to leave before the end of this party will be after all right moving along here resolu number eight resolution number eight of 2025 the 2025 temporary budget ask for motion so move second any comments R any comments on this one I'd like a roll call there's dollars involved yes sir council member G yes council member Johnston yes council member deanis yes council member Dill yes council member McAn yes council president Habor yes the uh resolution number eight is adopted resolution number nine resolution number nine of 2025 zoning board appoint namely Doug Gilbert Joseph kraic sha Rowan John hellig Elizabeth Lawler Mike Kora Rex granis Harry Kent and Morgan Slaughter so moved second any comments not hearing any all in favor I any opposed Mission carries or resolution carries let's move on the next one resolution number 11 of 2025 appointment of municipal prosecutor namely Adam Barker I have a motion so moved second second any comments hearing none all in favor I opposed it's adopted resolution number 12 of 2025 appointment of public defender namely Frank lent so moved second second any comments not hearing any all in favor I I opposed no IA hear any okay it's adopted resolution number 13 of 2025 Contracting with Municipal accountant namely Leon Costello of Ford Scott and Associates I'll make motion second second second yep any comments not hearing any all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 13 is adopted 14 resolution number 14 of 2025 class three planning board appointment namely Howard Dill so moved so any comments yeah I'd like just thank Council for again having the uh desire to have me represent them on the planning board we didn't vote yet sorry you didn't vote yet oh you didn't vote yet I think I'm sorry okay well till after you vote in [Music] favor sorry I couldn't that's okay no problem now Howard you have any comments it's been it's been it's been one of those weeks for me so uh yeah I would I would just like to thank the council for again having me represent them on the planning board uh it's been now 16 years that I've been on the planning board and I've enjoyed even though it's a difficult job it's I've enjoyed every moment of it and again thank you thank you resolution number 16 resolution number 16 of 2025 Recreation Commission appointments namely Donna Shields Larry randor Brandon Adams Michael Stanton Chris Marshall Matt Endicott and Michael Stewart a motion so moves second second any comments not hearing any comments all in favor fa I any opposed not hear any opposed resolution number 16 is adopted resolution number 19 resolution number 19 of 2025 appointment of tax appeal attorney namely Thomas G Smith I'll make that motion thank you second second any comments yes did we get a [Music] resume any comments that are going to help us all in favor I I any opposed not hearing any resolution number 19 is adopted number 21 resolution number 21 of 2025 appointing city engineer namely Greg Schneider of Kate Schneider engineering LLC motion please I'll make that motion second I'll second it any comments Mr President yes sir I'd just like to acknowledge that year after year we get excellent service from uh Kate schneiders and and I look forward to seeing that same service again this year thank you any other comments I would just Echo those those same comments uh dealt with him for many many years and he does an excellent job okay any other comments if not all in favor I any opposed not hear any oppos resolution number 21 is adopted number 22 resolution number 22 of 2025 Contracting with Palestina and Associates for Engineering Services regarding Summers Point sewer utility you have a motion I'll make that motion second second any comments Mr President yes sir I'd like to again acknowledge another professional outfit that we get excellent service from year after year thank you I would Echo the same thing he's his his uh company has done an excellent job and has represented the city very well any other the comments if not all in favor I any opposed not hearing any opposed resolution number 22 is adopted number 23 resolution number 23 of 2025 appointment of bond Council namely McManaman Scotland and Bowman a motion so moved second any comments not hearing any comments all in favor I any opposed i' hearing any opposed resolution number 23 is adopted number 24 resolution number 24 of 2025 resolution appointing members to the economic development advisory commission namely Robert Phillips Chuck Westcott William dumpy Denise Boyd Rob Hopkins John hellig Levi Fox Max Slusher Adam marlson ktk gity Thomas Bellow and Richard bear barl may have a motion so moved second any comments this is yeah council president this is an example of all the volunteers that we have not only the fire department but all these uh these committees are all volunteer and I certainly appreciate everything that they do uh for the city to make the city much better any other comments not hearing any all in favor I any opposed not hearing any resolution number 24 is adopted number 25 resolution number 25 of 2025 appointing attorney to represent the city of Summers point in matters involving New Jersey Council on affordable housing and Fair Housing Act matters regulations and compliance namely Michael J Edwards and a motion so moved second any comments not hearing any comments all in favor I any opposed I hear any opposed resolution number 30 is adopted number 31 that was 25 we'll go 30 now I'm sorry okay yep num a hurry resolution number 30 of 2025 Summers Point Arts commission namely Donna Moore Lois Gregory Shaina Castrol Karen Southerland Karen Clayton Christine Tolland earri Margie G Jenny Swift Kate McKenzie and Ashley mats okay I'm going to ask for a motion so move second okay any comments yeah council president I don't want to neglect these uh these commissions and these committees uh they are also volunteers and I appreciate everything that they do I was just probably a little premature in addressing it uh earlier I'd also like to address on the Arts commission they do a really robust schedule every year it adds a lot to the uh the town uh it's it's a it's a great thing to see and experience and it does keep the uh senior Senate quite active so we appreciate that any other comments not hearing any other comments all in favor iOS I didn't have too many eyes on that all right opposed not hear any opposed resolution I told you it' fall asleep number 30 is adopted I know number 31 resolution number 31 of 2025 Green Team advisory committee namely Jack Shields Pam DeMarco Linda Kaiser William Riner Sue seconder John hellig and Paul L gate going to ask for a motion I'll make that motion second second any comments not hearing any comments all in favor I any opposed hearing any opposed resolution number 31 is adopted 32 resolution number 32 of 2025 appointing planner and Grant consultant namely James M R have a motion I'll make that motion second second any comments yeah Council council president uh Jim Rella has done a fabulous job for us getting grants millions of dollars of grants for us uh and uh I think he's one of the best in the uh in the state at being able to achieve those things and I want to thank him personally for everything he's done for the city through the our grant programs any other comments not hearing any all in favor I any opposed I hear any opposed resolution number 32 is adopted number 33 resolution number 33 of 2025 appointing Reverend Lewis Drew Gala police chaplain I have a motion so moved a second second any comments Mr President yes sir uh the work that uh uh Reverend Lou uh performs uh cannot be the value of it cannot be be overstated and and I appreciate it uh and you're you're a uh an icon in the county and and we're uh I'm very proud that you are associated with our Police Department thank you thank you comments yeah may I yes you may uh Reverend Lou thank you you're invaluable here you you you help in ways that we can not even express uh Reverend Lou is the guy that you call all hours day and night drops everything he is there he is here to help uh he helps our Police Department he's also here to help our fire department uh he's here to help us all and it's greatly appreciated thank you any other comments don't hear any com all in favor I any opposed I hear any oppos resolution number 33 is adopted 34 resolution number 34 of 2025 authorizing an award of contract for Extraordinary unspecified services to professional benefits consultant Inc for Insurance Consultant Services have a motion so moved I have a second second any comments not hearing any comments all in favor I any opposed hearing any opposed resolution number 36 is adopted number 37 36 that was 3 that was 34 36 yeah 36 36 well 36 oh okay I'm sorry getting ah head of the horse sorry rookie mistake resolution number 36 of 2025 appointment of COA Municipal planner namely colar engineering and design Inc I'll make that motion second okay all in favor iOS resolution is carried number 37 resolution number 37 of 2025 appointing labor attorney namely Barker gelfan James and Sarvis have a motion so moved second second got a second any comments all in favor I oppos resolution number 37 to the consent agenda ask for a motion for the consent agenda my motion I'll second it any comments not allowed to comment on the consent all in favor I any opposed no opposed so consent agenda is adopted go to new business right yep okay I'm going to ask for a motion on public portion to open up have a motion I'll make that motion second second all in favor I any opposed not anybody that wants to speak state your name and address not see any motion to close the public portion second all in favor I comments from the governing Bo body any comments hear any I'd like to adak for thank you I really do thank you for the opportunity to serve so appreciate that motion to close so moved second second okay all in favor I opposed got one under your belt there you go see you at Duos record breaking time there you go