everyone we know the Celtics start at 8 so we're going to get this party started um I will call to order this meeting of the somerset Berkeley Regional school committee at 6:02 p.m. due notice having been posted pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions may be made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible we'll do a roll call of members present Mr fenon Maker here Miss Ashley present Miss Ferrera present Mr Mado here Miss O'Brien pres Miss Solomon here Mr Vieira here um also with us this evening are our superintendent of schools Mr Jeffrey schoonover our director of business and finance Mr Ronald Taro our director of curriculum Miss Elizabeth hasell our director of special education Miss Megan Ashton and our principal Dr Susan bford and of course as always our recording secretary Robin varara um could I ask you to please rise for the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States America and to the rep it stands one nation under indivisible witht and justice for all thank you everyone the next regularly scheduled meeting of this committee will be held on Tuesday June 18th here in the somerset Berkeley Regional High School library the first item on the agenda this evening is the reorganization of this committee the appointment of the chair and the vice chair what are the wishes of the committee Madam chair yes Mr Faker I'd like to nominate Jennifer Andrew is the chair for the next year that was quick I think he did a fantastic job so I you should keep doing it appreciate that we have a nomination and a second is there any discussion or other nominations are welcome okay um thank you um okay so the nomination is for Jennifer Andrews as chair all those in favor I I I'm going to abstain opposed so voted thank you everyone very much it's a pleasure to work with all of you and I look forward to continuing that um okay next the committee needs to um appoint a vice chair what are the wishes of the committee Madam chair i' like to nominate M Ferrera we have a nomination so fast nomination is for Miss Kim ferera and we have a second is there any discussion are there any okay well hearing all those well I'll just make a discussion the reason why I nominated M chair cuz she's just been elected to the board but also I for the record Mr offence to maker I did not want the vice chair correct yes yes all right I don't want I don't want people to think that we we bypass Mr I have to say I have really enjoyed it yeah and enjoy especially working with Jen in in the administration but I'm okay with not being chair or vice chair this year thank you and no inspired Mr um okay anything else on discussion all right all those in favor I I I opposed so voted okay thank you welcome I look forward to thank you everyone okay the next item on the agenda uh under student teaching and learning is the report of our student representative Mr Ryan VI all right good evening everyone I'll try to make this quick since I know there's there's a lot to get to tonight um so just to start off with um as the year is wrapping up um and the seniors are last day is this Friday uh signs were delivered to the front Lawns of class of 2024 families uh and just a special thank you from the donations from the friends of Music boosters and Somerset education foundation and special thank you to miss f for um organizing the delivery and ordering of those um posters they're greatly appreciated by the senior class um so just a few topics regarding Sports um the sport season is winding down um the boys lacrosse uh season just wrapped up and hear nothing but positive feedback about um about that new program and then since last me uh the last meeting there was the performance of Mean Girls by the Performing Arts uh Group which was fantastic uh every Everybody um really enjoyed that performance and just another send off to the seniors was the spring concert uh and Pops night for the Performing Art groups uh celebrating the seniors of work that they've done here at Somerset Berkeley that's it mam chair thank you I just wanted to the signs I appreciate that uh I also want to give a shout the PTO also but there was the four of us so I wanted to give them that yes thank you that's a really awesome thing because I know in a lot of communities families have to purchase the signs and so the fact that folks here get together to do that for our seniors and then you know plant them on their lawns for them is like pretty awesome so thank you to everyone involved in that um the next item on the agenda is our Citation for our student W ran Vieira it's sort of a Funny Story I was I was thinking he was a senior um because he's um so mature and has made such wonderful contributions to our committee so I'm hoping we'll be fortunate enough to have him back next year um but that doesn't mean we can't um give you uh the praise um and recognition that you deserve for your work this year so on behalf of the committee um we would like to recognize you with the following citation whereas Ryan Vieira served as student representative to the somerset Berkeley Regional school committee and whereas he faithfully and conscientiously performed his duties on behalf of the students at Somerset Berkeley Regional High School while providing this committee with the student perspective and whereas he was instrumental in informing the committee of Student Activities and upcoming events at Somerset Berkeley Regional High School as well as helping the committee better understand the needs and concerns of the student body and whereas his talents and commitments have brought him academic success and a leadership role and be it hereby resolved that the members of the somerset Berkeley Regional school committee commend Ryan Vieira in the official minutes recording this expression of appreciation and gratitude to a student member of the somerset Berkeley Regional school committee and extending best wishes for happiness and success in all his future endeavors thank you very much thank [Applause] you you're required thank you so much thank you very much [Applause] the next item on the agenda this one is Bittersweet we have um citations for two of our retirees um I'd like to first um recognize Dr Edward duet have come on you're going to have to come down dret we have so many things for you I'll read them first and then we're going to hand you all kinds of things oh my God you just going have to stand you think we'll see um I I'm going to read the citation and then I know we have some folks who would like to say a few things um whereas over the past 13 years Dr Edward ducet has served as the content coordinator of the English language arts department at Somerset Berkeley Regional High School prior to being hired by the district Dr ducet provided his expertise to the district as an independent educational consultant and whereas Ed's extensive knowledge in the content area has been instrumental in aligning curriculum and providing datadriven decisionmaking and whereas Ed maintained the highest Professional Standards for teaching and and learning and educational leadership and be it hereby resolved that the members of the somerset Berkeley Regional school committee commend Dr Edward ducet in the official minutes recording this expression of appreciation and gratitude to an honored professional of the somerset Berkeley Regional School District and extending best wishes for happiness and his retirement Years thank you you can't leave though we have so many other gifts for you you don't get away that easily I'm more comfortable giving gifts way more comfortable we also have a citation from Governor Mor Mor hey and lieutenant governor Kim Driscoll this says on behalf of the residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts I'm pleased to confer upon you the governor citation and recognition of your 13 years of dedicated service to the somerset public schools and the somerset Berkeley Regional School District signed this 30th day of June they're a little ahead of themselves but that's great in the year 2024 so thank you very much and then we also have a Sint look at this this one is fabulous right um oh this is from our rep so this is a citation be it hereby known to all that the Massachusetts House of Representatives offers its sincerest congratulations to Dr Edward ducet in recognition of 13 years of service and commitment to Somerset Berkeley Regional High School the entire membership extends its very best wishes and expresses the hope for future good for forun and continued success in all Endeavors we should have brought a bag for you you're not done and um we have for you oh my God we got a bell you have to ring the bell oh youve given me way too much power congratulations I know this is a lot of power that's a um I know we have we're going to EMB you just a little bit more just a smch okay um Neville Berry um good evening ladies and gentlemen it's a pleasure to see you all tonight I'm G to add a few teaching career he has been 52 down here so folks can hear me Neville I'm going to trade places come on down I'm also not going to cry tonight um 52 years said I know here it'll help thank you and the theme that I got from him because it was an English teacher and which sumerset has provided also is a theme of love he has been the most compassionate understanding dignified gentleman in the 52 years of his teaching and I have had the pleasure and honor to be a 13 of that and damn it I don't want him to go so on that note I love you Ed like the whole department loves you and you are going to sub every day that I call you so don't turn your cell phone off speak to my wife first on that note the Bell goes back I thank you for the honor of letting me you know speak for you thank [Music] you you have the floor I have the floor oh never ask an English teacher to speak [Applause] more I'm going to be uncharacteristically brief first of all I want to thank you all for the 13 best professional years I've ever had out of the 52 I saved the best for last you know one of the things I say to my wife a lot we've been I have three granddaughters going to college in the fall and what we say all the time is how did that happened and when I came to this District I had known many of this and I knew it would be really good indeed but I did not know that I would find such incredible people with such incredible skill and such incredible Hearts all in one place not a very big place and the question is how did that happen because as you know I've been around the block more than once um for 39 years before I came here here I worked in at least well 30 years in Providence but in about seven different buildings many other buildings and to come here and say my God there's wonderfulness everywhere I go and certainly the greatest people and I thank you because I come to school every day because I know that when I come here I'm going to be among not just peers but friends people who understand what it means to be good people and I think our kids know that that we are good people and that is something that is precious and I will carry with me I do this sometimes thank you I can only say thank you thank you thank you for providing me with 13 years in the district that means so very much to me I this is the best icing on the best long built cake 52y old cake with the best icing and you are it folks thank you very [Applause] much I'm going to come around so this is already the best school committee meeting we've ever had all right Mr Petty come on down a lot to get me on [Laughter] this all right so the school committee would like to recognize Mr Petty whereas over the past 24 years Mitchell Petty has served as a valued member of the social studies department at Somerset High School and Somerset Berkeley Regional High School Mitch brought with him his extensive experience and knowledge from years of her career in Marine and Industrial construction and whereas upon review of Mitch's evaluations over the years it has been noted by multiple evaluators that Mitch is a consummate professional an outstanding Innovative teacher who promotes confidence and determination in all of his students creates an environment where each student is made to feel important bright and accountable for their actions and whereas Mitch's unwavering dedication helped to nurture the growth and development of students during their formative years he is a kind thoughtful professional who always cared deeply about his students even long after they graduated and be it hereby resolved that the members of the somerset Berkeley Regional school committee commend Mitchell Petty in the official minutes recording this expression of appreciation and gratitude to an honored professional of the somerset Berkeley Regional School District and extending best wishes for happiness in your retirement Years thank you very much thank you very we have more bling for you as well so we also have a citation from Governor Healey and lieutenant governor Driscoll um which states Mitchell Petty on behalf of the residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts I'm pleased to confer upon you this Governor citation in recognition of your 24 years of dedicated service to the somerset public schools and the somerset Berkeley Regional school district and also a citation from the House of Representatives be it hereby known that the Massachusetts House of Representatives offers its sincerest congratulations to Mitchell Petty and recognition of 24 years of service and commitment to Somerset Berkeley Regional High School the entire membership extends its very best wishes and expresses the hope for Future Good Fortune and continued success in all Endeavors thank you very much and you got a bell to and thank you for everything and we [Applause] have can he resend those papers one oh he's over here okay so Mitch has been here for 24 years I've been here for 22 years and we've taught side by side uh for 22 years and he is not only an excellent excellent teacher um who will definitely lead a leave a void but the one thing he has done is he's mentored our department and so I feel good about that because we will keep a lot of what Mitch has done um his you know how he does these extra reviews with kids he's a consumate professional he also has these pet isms which the kids uh you know like to joke about and um we have a list of them and we're just going to review them every now and then when we miss him um but he will be uh sorely missed for sure in the classroom um he has worked so hard in the last 24 years um you know commitment dedication um working with students working with struggling students um holding them accountable getting them to know that they can do this inside and outside of the classroom so he has done so much for the students he's had an extraordinary impact on the co on his colleagues and the school Community um at large so um this is Bittersweet for us because we don't want you to go but we know you you will and we want to um wish you the best retirement possible and just know that we're here and um I think we might have a long-term sub opening up in the fall just in case just in case so if you don't mind so we wish you the best thank [Music] you this is actually hard for me I'm actually humble like that's usually not might not the case with me uh boys I'll see you tomorrow you guys know that uh I just I know when I got hired by Donell from the be high school to come up here it was one of the happiest days of my life and I know I've taught so many of your children here at there desk and out there so it's it's been an honor and a pleasure to be part of this I was fortunate enough to marry a Somerset graduate my wife Suzanne so lot of times bad words come out when I get like this but no it has been an honor and pleasure to serve the Su Ander uh Regional High School District and to have such wonderful students I've always said that kids can do remarkable things they just need to be kind of guided that way and uh you know I started this year with the basketball team Bob slay is going to get a good recognition now thank you very much Mr Petty uh before I Madam chair before I left here I said I'm G to see Mr Petty today Morgan as you mentioned she had you and she says I can't be here today because I wanted to say something um because she has music and so this actually caught me off God he is epic epic he's a Legend music not so much but he's extremely funny um um so and I know that when she had you last year you were one of the top so she wanted to share that with you today as well thank you very much so thank you and I did it all standing up for a long [Applause] time before we huddle up for the next presentation I would just entertain a motion to adopt the citations for Ryan Vieira Dr Edward duet and Mr Mitchell Petty so moved motion by Miss Ashley seconded by Miss O'Brien all those in favor iost nobody's so voted thank you thank you everyone um okay the happy news continues um where's my basketball team at come on down cuddle up boys why don't we have you guys come back here there you go fin you okay uh coach later we figured a huddle would be sort of appropriate right I can't scream at him right now definitely scream at that um I'm sure many of you have heard the uh amazing wonderful and well-deserved news that the Boston Globe recognized coach Slater as the division 2 basketball coach of the year and so we wanted to recognize you for that um those of us who had the uh the joy of watching The Run that this team made this year um it was so much fun um and we are so grateful for all you do not only obviously athletically and on the court boat what you do do help us raise good fine young men so on behalf of the committee we wanted to recognize you thank you thank you so much and we're going to embarrass you coach Lawrence is going to say a few words um I've been fortunate enough to work with Coach Slater for almost 20 years um I was a volunteer and then the Freshman coach um when I started out with Coach Slater um and at the beginning like you know I honestly was a little bit afraid of him um I'm just kidding but I mean to kind of give you a little bit of like an understanding of how uh much I appreciate this guy um when my wife went to Florida in February without me um because I had to coach basketball so my family goes without me U my wife decided I'll put this on the record too while she'll be embarrassed my wife decided at the airport 12:30 at night to drive over the strips where they pop your tires when you go the wrong direction with my children and 77-year-old mother in the car and called me from Florida to alert me that this happened cuz of course I'm going to be able to fix it from home at 12:30 in the morning so at 2:30 in the morning when things are finally situated I get to bed I turn my phone off because I decided that it was a good day to sleep in um and my wife apparently thought I was dead and of all people to call PA she called Bob knowing that he would be like the most reliable person to come check on his friend Andy and I tell you that story because like that's how much Bob uh has meant to me and my family um and that's what he's meant to the kids over the past 20 years um there's been countless times where will be out after a game talking about a game and like oh I think the kids are at aaro um I'm going to go buy there and pay their tap like that's the stuff he does um we'll have a game on a Friday night Saturday morning at 8:00 at the food pantry um um collecting food and helping people there um I mean we've done it before we go to m Vine for a game at the food pantry because he committed to be there and thought it was important um and then there's been countless times where he's taken the kids like we've gone bowling over at Somerset for team building um we couldn't get to the hockey game uh this year for the playoffs because we had practice to get ready for our game he bought pizzas from aoro to have all the kids in my classroom to watch the game live streamed all together and of course like the kids that we have they all showed up so I mean I think the coach of the air wward is kind of like a recipe of all the years of service he's done he's been the coach of the year in my opinion many more times um but when you had a group of kids a group like the coaching staff we had and all the things come together in one year it obviously came out with getting the coach of the year award um but in my book like he's been the coach of the year the years we were sometimes five and5 he was still trying to find a way to get us that fifth win um and you know some of of those years you don't get the recognition maybe you get the criticism but like he kind of stood tall and always fought through it and then this year he got the award he truly deserves and I'm blessed to have him as a friend um as a colleague and I mean I've been out it 20 years and it's because of him so um and obviously I shoot a message up to the kids and we have half the varsity basketball team here to show up to support him so congratulations coach well deserved thank you thank you I told the kids this um might have my name on it but it's a it's a we award not a me award I'd like to thank my wife um all you fine people the administration uh a lot of the faculty reached out to me um a lot of the administration did too uh very important um very humbling uh but these guys deserve the credit job great job and we have the best coaching staff in Massachusetts with uh Andy Ray McDonald and Chris Mendy's uh I just really want to thank you all appreciate it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you everyone it's wonderful when you can have a meeting with thank you happy tears it's wonderful when you have a meeting with such um wonderful news which I think is emblematic of the work that the staff and students do in this District every day okay we're moving on we have some more um recognition the next item on the agenda um is for our transition program and we're going to acknowledge um our local business collaborators is Dr Jen Kramer here students come okay [Music] hi do you want to come on I know putting everybody on the spot tonight right you spot whereever the camera makes me look better so tonight we wanted to recognize some of our Community Partners for our transition program um which are our 18 to 22 year old students that are at Somerset Berkeley and out in the community working this year we have been very fortunate that we have students out everyday working some students are working mornings and afternoons some students are working two days a week some students are working four days a week and we have been very fortunate to have amazing Partners this year we have the somerset Public Library that we've had for three years now we have Critter cab and our pet wagon which are our doggy daycares um two years for our Critter cab and then we have our first year for our pet wagon we have Tractor Supply this year we have Berkeley um Public Schools we have Berkeley Community School Middle School um where our students have gone and we have restaurant supply over in Fall River so we have been extremely fortunate um with our partners and we are hoping that these Partnerships continue um next year and then in future years if it is okay with some of you we do have our students here tonight could I introduce our students and our our staff just so that everybody knows who our students are because they do make an incredible impact here at suet Berkeley High School and we're very proud of them so is it okay and we have a and we have a couple of students that have actually written something about their work experiences if that's okay um in addition I think you all received um the little um booklet that we had sent and and um the superintendent does have the actual copy of it so um so I hope that you enjoyed that so we have Hannah here tonight we have John we have Christian we have Kate we have Alex we have Ethan we have Aiden we have Briana we have most of our students would you guys like to come on up we have [Music] we have uh Molly Keith we have oh come on up Molly we have Sasha we have Emily we have Tammy we have Logan and we have um Lena thank you I don't have glasses like come on out so these are uh this is the whole staff that works with our students um 18 to 22 so who would like to go sorry we're all kind of jammed in here who would like to go first right up Sor my name is k I worked at full vision Farm Cur cow and pet wagon and trapped to supply very late working with animals and Lake working with the puppies last December six puppies were born at Cur cab and I worked I mean and I helped take care of them when they were born I I learned how to hold them and clean up after them and play with them I still get to see the some of the puppies when I go to work I also like working to a fall Vision Farm I them out to their outside paddocks I've faced my fears with the chickens and have G that's an Applause for [Music] her chickens because my work with animals I have taken anal science classes at BCC and really enjoy the classes and learn about animals chapter support has taught me how to stock and organize shells keep the store clean and work with my supervisors when they are helping customers I like going and working at different jobs at Chaps apply my work as parents dist has been great I mean excellent and have learned so much from my jobs I have I have I have good I mean I have had a fun year oh my God and I have one of the puppies I'm just saying hi John my name is Johnny this year I worked at Texas Supply fill version farm and summer SE Brickley libr I like working at the farm and keeping the animal dos and padic clean I check the supply I Stu tools on the shelves and I like taking care of the horses I also help stucking the feet at some Public Library we helped the liing organize and help make crows for the liary program for the young kids I like helping with the cfts because I know it will make the kids happy to create something look can at my job this year this year has been fantastic and I love coming back to school to tella about my jobs that day [Music] [Applause] we have um a few of our guys have also written a couple things they'd like to read come on hi my name is Alex I work at berley Public Schools Hood restaurant supply and full Andis Farm I take out trash every recycle I love working because I get to travel outside of the school in the future I would like to work at Tractor [Applause] [Music] Supply good job Alex good job hi my name is Ethan I work at Tractor Supply high at restaurant supply Somerset Public Library a brookley public school I start clothing wash windows and take out trash and recycling I love working because I think it's fun and I get to see the new places in the future I want to work at Doggy Daycare brookley public schools and the smon public library sorry bu good job bu hi hi I'm Hannah um I work at Traer supply Highland restaurant supply which I want to give a big shout out it's amazing thank you um in the Berkeley Berkeley Public Schools um I am able to help restock the shelves and help customers at Tractor Supply organize clothing and even scan files and do files at the Berkeley middle school I just love working there because It prepares me for the future and it shows me what to expect and I'd like to work as a Vette Tech or anything with animals [Applause] [Music] p p I love I like what [Applause] so this is the first work experience for most of our students and hopefully it will lead to some paid employment at some points so fingers crossed for that thank you so much thank [Music] [Applause] you miss Andrew Madam chair if I could just um I just want to thank you all um you guys have done a wonderful job the especially this past year the program has really grown um I'd love to see the collaboration between you all um Jen Kramer has really been a you know big proponent of making sure that we honor all of our Community Partners and I truly appreciate that you're all here appreciate what you do for our students Administration all the support as well and thank you all the students for coming here tonight and sharing your experiences with us thank you could we introduce our partners so we have Nicole and Allen if you want to come up from pet wagon and critic have [Applause] [Music] we have Miss Francisco from our um Berkeley um Community [Applause] School we have Logan's dad shaker from a restaurant supply [Applause] [Music] have I missed anyone I think that is those are all of our community partners that are here that were able to make it they were all invited but not all of them can make it oh I'm sorry justed to say how appreci having students in public school and certainly bring the best wishes of superintendent Ryan as well as principal Heber um you know we had the students at our school actually today um and I can't tell you how much their work has meant to us and to all of our students at the elementary level they've prepared manipulatives they've helped get workbook pages ready they've sorted and arranged books um they have cleaned and organized our Supply Closet in my 31 years never so I tell you how much joy they brought into our midst and how much our students and our school commun has benefited from them so on behalf of our district I just wanted to offer you know our best wishes and our thanks for all of their hard work and the cookies that they brought thank you very very much [Music] Madam chair if I may I just also wanted to thank the transition program they helped and delivered all the senior signs to Berkeley for us on Friday maybe 60-ish signs uh so I really appreciate all the help thank you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you everyone um one more bit of wonderful news before we get to the boring stuff um so we uh the committee would like to recognize at this time the April Visionaries um and I'm going to do my best with everyone's name um leak Jacob independent Josephina melon for empathetic Julia morera respectful Gavin Parker academic Roman raposo independent Emma pasovic digital citizen Shelby Smith resilient and McKenzie Thrasher academic congratulations to all of those students for their accomplishments now into the less fun stuff the next item on the agenda under business and financial is the April financial statement not that you're not fun when you said that I looked at the agenda oh that's me so I'll try to make a little entertaining for you tonight that be great thank you that's a you want to get we don't have any bells for you I'm sorry yet yet say yet so you did receive a copy of the agent Financial not much has changed uh from what we presented when I presented the bch financials um some pluses and minus in certain categories we still on track with the expenditures B looking at you know the special out of District tuition um we be doing probably um a contribution to the op fund based and um did everything we could really do now for the end of the school year this a couple of things that fall in the capital but they're going to most likely be hitting the operating budget and I want to kind of just give you a little heads up right now the the maintenance Lind incur some expenses I don't know the dollar amount yet we're going to be doing some slight modifications over here to put a crosswalk in um across Prospect and do a couple of curve I'm sorry L Prospect Lo them uh do a couple of curve Cuts uh down I what's this rated Boulevard down with a crosswalk is there's a crosswalk there we're going do some curve Cuts we can make we can cross do some hot surfaces anding bring the pathway down that's phase one of the project the other phase why don't we'll just why don't we pause just for a second only because I want to make sure folks folks at home can hear it's fine it's all good it's all good [Applause] celebration and I I should have probably paused too I was I was offended by the com we can do take too I'm okay now I just about to say get over it I'll you later somebody's trying to make an ENT okay we can resume Mr tarell was regaling us with entertaining news of um crosswalk please continue so I'll refresh a b because it was a little bit noisy so I just wanted everybody to hear what we're doing as I said under the financials we'll probably spend some money this year low dollars probably under $110,000 but we're looking at doing some curb Cuts on Blue rid Boulevard we crossw workers right now do a hot surface so when students come down the sidewalk they can cut across at the side at the crosswalk in a short uh Pathway to the building so we're doing that and then we're also with the assistance of Public Works we're going to be relocating uh some of the plants that are at the top of rate of Boulevard on the left hand side as your acting just sticking out a little bit is creating a line of sight that's an issue we met with S Roberts uh Mr Carrera we looked at that and looking at we're going to be taking those out they're going to be replanting them somewhere else uh either on this premise or somewhere else within town so those are the things we're looking at right now um Mr Roberts is doing some other things behind the scenes as far as additional safety um and we may even be looking at some signage as far as pointing out where the crosswalks are we will be doing a crosswalk from this side of the street over to the I'm going to say west side of stre direction to going across the street so that there's a curb cut there and we link that as well to create some nice line of site where students should be Crossing so those are the plans we're trying to we're trying to get done now and it'll have a little bit of an impact on the budget we will still be within budget and still be able to complete all the things we need to complete within the budget um other than that I think we're trending favorably in all those categories there's some things that are over a little bit with the technology line I think we talked about some of the things in the prior meetings but just as a reminder we made some investments in technology we have a savings in certain categories on page eight for technology that wasn't spent that'll help offset those for that particular or brid uh what's trending a little bit over is really the longterm and shortterm substitute line items but again we're within budget in those categories and the one of the things that i' I've been trending and looking at is the uh school choice Revenue was projecting was approved is coming under a little bit and we're just doing some research right now I spoke with uh uh Amy our Treasurer uh to see to make sure that U everything that came in is posted so we're we're looking at that as well any questions on financials does anyone have any questions thank you very much that was very entertaining um oh more fun the next item on the agenda is the continued discussion of the 2024 2025 budget I I'm going to give us an update from last night's F sure uh last night Somerset town meeting the uh somerset's assessment uh Somerset Berkeley's um uh Somerset assessment was uh approved so now uh the next stage is uh waiting for Berkeley's uh and then uh really the the other thing I just wanted to mention and is still obviously um up in the air but both the house and the Senate have proposed increasing the uh student minimum student aid from $30 which is in the governor's proposal to $14 so if that $74 increase does materialize uh that would result in a little over $70,000 of additional Chapter 70 funding uh to the region which then would would impact positively impact uh both assessments so we're waiting on that and and hopefully we find that out before too long is there anything else to is it no just I think you had a long night last night other than that it worked out Mr fens Maker I know uh you were present last night um I'm not sure if there was I I for the life of me I can't remember the comments or questions that were made during the sumers at Berkeley presentation I don't think there was much of anything there wasn't anything there were no comments I don't remember it was all sum no no was it was it was very good because it went right everything went through PR smoothly so thanks to everyone who worked so hard um to bring that together and Miss Solomon remind me the Berkeley town June 3D June 3D yes so after that I could I add one more thing please do to this at the U town meeting here the end of the night it was all school committee members essentially and you know the school had showing through it a lot of other groups kind of did their thing and went went on the road but you know we stayed there so so the bit I think it's a good thing to do good thing to do you're show you're showing that you're dedicated to it thank you very much okay moving along the next item on the agenda is the recommendation and approval of additional um opab other post-employment benefits contributions um Mr Tower do you want to add anything I I would um I I think given the financial status as presented tonight um if the school committee would be interested in consider in making an additional trans refer to the opep fund which is the other post employee benefit program which funds on medical insurance for retirees uh the effort is to really address the unfunded liability in that account and the school committee has done a tremendous job with continuing to make those efforts to making contributions when possible based on the financial status I think it would be appropriate to at least authorize Administration to make a transfer not to exceed $250,000 to the opep fund that gives me flexibility that plus or minus um any additional expenses that may we may occur before the end of the year I can make sure I address those before I need to transfer to the op fund what was the dollar amount again 250,000 not to ex not yeah so the recommendation from Mr tarot um and I'll take it in the form of a motion would be to recommend um that we make um a contri bution to the opep fund not to exceed $250,000 motion by Miss Ferrera and seconded by Mr Fence to makeer any further discussion hearing none all those in favor I opposed so voted thank you Mr Tero um you're not done yet the next item on the agenda is the discussion on Capital Improvement funding so at um one of the budget meting so could have been public hearing and things have comingling a little bit so I apologize for not remembering the time frame uh but Mr Mr Mado oh I know what it was during the audit presentation Mr Mado had requested the auditor look at alternatives for putting some additional funds aside in a specific account Mr relli from the uh CPA firm of relli Clark and Associates did do some research uh met with some colleagues tried to find Avenues where we could establish some type of a fund to put some money aside to start addressing uh the athletic turff and the track he was unsuccessful in finding any creative methods he suggested I reach out to to the Department of uh Elementary and secondary education which I did I did send an email out requesting some guidance for establish such such a fund I have not heard back yet but I will follow up I usually give people you know a couple three four days to to give provide a resp and think about that so I will follow up and they're usually pretty good about getting back to us so I make I will make sure that I follow up on that great it may be or may not be related to this but it relates to the fields and I think this may be a good time just to give you an update I did receive a proposal to address uh the baseball field and the drainage issue we had a firm that came out that's really experienced in this area um they are on the state contract but I'm doing my due diligence to make sure number one does it require a a seal competitive bit process I did reach out to um our legal attorney our attorney to just get advice to make sure I'm following the right procedure as I know it you can use vendors on the state contract without having to go out to bid but because it's under a public work scope and that's the title of the under Chapter 30 B I'm just asking for some guidance if I have to turn a bid spec around and I will but I just wanted to let you know that that is being moved forward as well does anyone have any questions and just as a reminder the funding source for that will be the bond proceeds that are sitting in that account that haven't been used yet so we can try to wrap that up so it's good because from a timing standpoint if it's not done by June 30 which it won't be we have access to those funds because it's not a deadline of June 30th what he's proposing would that I know we talked a little bit last meeting that it would take three growth seasons are we looking at that I I I want to look at this the scope and I have to have a followup followup conversation with him but I thought he said two seasons depends when he starts the project and gets it done and when he can get growth out of it so if he started it now got it done he'd have a growth season this year i' have a growth season next year really in the fall would be the second growing season if you can do something in the spring the second season would be the fall possibly it could be ready in the spring possibly so an option I I did not have that conversation with him I think that try to have the field available soon than later if it's not a cost a huge cost difference and that's that's one of the things I got to look at what his proposal included it was pretty detailed proba like seven or eight pages it's a lot of work that has to be done to really Rectify this problem but the good news is we have a particular vendor who's really qualified and able to do this type of job because this is what they do it's not somebody that would be just U I don't want to say a landscape company but this is somebody who actually knows how to do that in drainage he did it within within five minutes of him coming he grabbed his shovel he did some digging looked at he says you have a subbase here was this a construction site so right away he knew that we had base underneath there he said it looks like they just put soil on top of the H base where the construction site was so you have no drainage so no matter what we do unless we take that out we can repurpose the soil as thef said and then put a better base down but it's a little bit any other questions going updated our June Meer um okay the next item on the agenda is to consider approval of the 2024 2025 contracts for year three of three um and we have four contracts um so I would entertain I think everybody has the information in front of them so I'll move to entertain a motion um to approve the boiler Services contract with ardan buildin companies ardan engineering for the period of July 1 2024 to June 30th 2025 this would represent year three of a three-year contract we have a motion by Miss fera and seconded by Miss O'Brien is there anything on discussion hearing none all those in favor opposed so voted next I would entertain a motion to approve the electrical repair services contract with Boston electrical and telephone betco for the period of July 1 2024 to June 30th 2025 this represents year three of a three-year contract so motion by Miss fer and seconded by Mr Fence to maker anything on discussion hearing none all those in favor I opposed so voted next I would entertain a motion to approve the plumbing services contract with DDS Industries for the period of July 1 2024 to June 30 2025 this represents year three of a three-year contract motion by m r and seconded by Miss O'Brien anything on discussion hearing none all those in favor opposed so voted finally I would entertain a motion to approve the snow removal services contract with J andh Landscaping for the period of July 1 2024 to June 30th 2025 this represents year three of a three-year contract second motion by Miss Ferrera and seconded by Mr Fence toer anything on discussion hearing none all those in favor opposed so voted thank you everyone um I think the next item on the agenda we covered there was discussion on the Baseball Field improvements and I think we covered that I jumped the that's okay it's all right we're keeping it moving good work all right we'll get an update on that in ume unless you have something before that for us um okay the next item on the agenda under new business is a staffing update Mr scon over sure uh no resignations since our last meeting we do have three appointments uh one uh as a van driver and two within our food service uh Department as presented on the agenda thank you very much um the next item on the agenda is the school committee meeting schedule for uh this fiscal year which is July 24 through June 2025 I think we've got a calendar here and um sorry just open that up um I um in conversation with the um new chair of the somerset K to8 school committee we tried to um organize meetings in such a way that they would not have such um an impact on the evening responsibilities of our administrators so we hope we accomplish that um so I don't know does anyone have um any questions about the proposed dates or any issues with any of the proposed dates um I would like to suggest that as we have in the past that we suspend the July meeting unless there was some urgent matter that came before us but I think everyone should have a little bit of a summer so does anyone have an objection to that okay actually think we addressed that in now a policy I think we put it so it was uh May July the option sotion great so we that will we will um hold July only if needed for an urgent matter um great um I don't think we need a vote to accept that our meeting calendar so that okay fabulous moving along um the next item on the agenda was the discussion on the replace schedule for athletic uniform I think Miss O'Brien asked us to take a look at that at the last meeting I don't know if we have any updates or additional information on that I actually just got access yeah I apologize I didn't realize you didn't have access in the folder to that thank you Mr Mado step out okay so give folks a minut yeah I apologize I'm just opening it that's okay so I think looking at this I think maybe just there was some miscommunication when I received the schedule last year because it doesn't align with this um closely um so it may have just been updated since then um but as long as this is what it is now I have it if I get questions I I'm better prepar to when uh the different spots are up for their replacement and I would just ask I know when I spoke to Mr Francis he said that they do ask the coach the end of the year when the kids are ruring them they're not always in the best condition right we all been there we know that um if they would just take a second to look and if it's really bad pull it out of the rotation right the the uniforms couple that I've seen come through should not we don't want to represent ourselves that way in my opinion um so I appreciate you getting as far as white Place C never good situation they look nice when they're cleaning brand new but PL or actually sat on on in the dug or anything else better yeah great okay thank you um does anyone have any other questions or comments on that okay great thank you um the next item on the agenda are subcommittee assignments for the upcoming year and I think in the um you have descriptions of the subcommittees in your folder um I think what we can do I would suggest that members um can review preferences and if folks would like to um we could do another Google form prior to the next meeting where folks can indicate their preferences um I think one thing I would point out in Mr Fence to maker correct me if I am misremembering I think this year we folded the maintenance Capital planning and security into budget only because um they kind of go they go hand in hand Mone you need the money to do the things and plan and to plan um so and it just I think makes for fewer meetings and these things will inevitably come up in a budget meeting anyway um other than that I you didn't notice anything that was different so would you change the name of the budgeting committee to include that we could we could combine those yeah just yeah so folks know that we're also paying attention to those things that would be a great idea okay so we'll combine those um into one maybe we just call it budget Capital planning something like that um okay so if folks can take a look and then Rob will share with us Google form prior to the next meeting and then we can organize that at the at the June meeting have chair if I may you may there's a community lean on here do we have that told now I don't know that we do let's see got one from each Community one member from each Community I don't know if sort of informally when we do our updates so um yeah so it's been a shared responsibility Miss yeah um Miss Solomon and I know that was meeley anyway and Mr M I've kind of done that um okay sign up for it officially if you like I know it's just trying to be respectful of everyone's time if we don't need this stuff is be duplicated another in another group absolutely I think it's essentially just the updates yeah okay great um okay oh yeah okay next item on the agenda is policy updates we have um several policies presented um for a first reading um is are there any questions or would anyone like to pull anything out for discussion if not then I would entertain a motion to approve the first reading of the policies noted on this agenda which will become a part of the permanent minutes so move second so a motion by Miss Ashley and seconded by Mr Fence to makeer any uh anything on discussion hearing none all those in favor I opposed so voted um moving along the next item on the agenda is Berkeley Public Schools update Miss soln just Berkeley tonight um anyway um so just a couple things we had our um Town elections on 11th two school committee members were reelected Tara Weber and Dan Fagan um so we did a reorg I am continuing as the representative obviously on the region um also to note from our elections Jennifer Vincent who previously served on this committee um was elected to the board of Selectmen so she will be serving as a new on our select Board of um what else um we tabled our budget decision um our budget vote for our meeting right before town meeting we need a little bit more time to work together on some things to bring it in line um we did unfortunately have to we cut eight positions um within the both schools um so but that still didn't bring us in line so we're still working towards um anre agement hopefully have that right before town meeting so we'll vote on that then town meeting is on June 3rd um uh tomorrow regarding our msba building um project tomorrow we are or our our schematic design which is 100 800 page document it's been submitted to the msba they have it will be um seen by their committee tomorrow and voted on by them um that gives us like our our budg they approve the obviously the design of the building but also our budget number um that kind of finalizes everything for us to be able to move forward and bring it um before the town on November 5th election um that's all I have thank you um that's not on here technically we no long have we can skip it yeah just not on the agenda okay um all right um topics not anticipated by the chair 48 hours in advance I have done um action items for future meetings upate baseball the only thing that would be for the baseball field is if I get affirmative that we can move forward I would present that to the school committee for your final approval to move forward with the contract for that um if not then I'll go to B I'll keep up to dat we probably keep it as as a possible action item okay great I had I had one thought as we were um looking at the population student population numbers and I we had a lot of time last night to look through the paperwork there for other but the do we do any kind of or can we do any kind of kind of recruiting students to come here they have so many choices now right with all these new schools being built and and it's just how do we draw them back or you know whether we do I know that uh earlier on and it may be still true that we were we had folks that were kind of uh coordinating the the students meeting with the students in Berkeley the year before they're going to come here and that kind of could get them in the thought because you know the number we need the numbers and we need to figure a way that we can we've got a great facility great instructors do a lot of great job and but if nobody knows it outside of these These Walls then it's kind of difficult so I don't know where that falls in but I just got to think about that going through the paperwork last night might be something to talk little bit yes there are shiny new buildings on the horizon that um certainly you know are attractive not just the buildings obviously but that are attractive to some folks I know that um so maybe that's something that the student advisory say Council committee yes it's sort of maybe they could um I just maybe brainstorm some ideas about you know what what you know what are they the best things about SB for them and then like you said the messaging maybe needs to be sooner or um more often right because you're right we're we're sort of competing for students and we know that we have all the best things so and I know it's it's obviously not an item on the agenda but it's and I've mentioned it now we're at a couple of meetings so yes we'll we'll definitely tackle that we'll figure out a way that um we we can better Market ourselves but um as you noted we have uh vocational and agricultural schools that are expanding at the same time where not just our population is decreasing our student population is decreasing uh here both somet and Berkeley uh but then there have been so many stories recently just on Massachusetts population in general and how people are fleeing to other parts of the country because it's so expensive to live here uh so we got you know increasing competition and a decreasing population so it it is um an issue that we talk about frequently and and Dr Brer and I have this conversation uh quite a bit as well so yes we will absolutely bring it up on a future agenda thank you thank you Mr Speaker does anyone have anything else okay um and then next on the agenda um on your consent agenda would be excuse me to consider approval of the following minutes um actually hold on um I would uh entertain a motion to approve the Open Session minutes of April 23rd 2024 as presented so moved uh motion by Miss Ashley seconded by Miss O'Brien anything on discussion hearing none all those in favor opposed so voted we're going to defer the executive session minutes until after executive session um next item on the agenda is public input is there any public input okay um in that case um I would entertain a motion to enter into executive session pursuant to Massachusetts general laws chapter 30A section 21 A3 to discuss um with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares American Federation of state county and Municipal Employees asme par professional custodian and cafeteria units Somerset Teachers Association STA and the cafeteria memorandum of agreement and pursuant to Massachusetts general laws chapter 38 section 21 A7 to comply with or act under the authority of any general or special law or Federal grant and aid requirements to consider the release redaction or withholding of the April 23rd 2024 executive session minutes the committee will return to open session do I have a motion second motion by Mr fenon Maker and seconded by m f will'll do a roll call of uh members present Mr Fen maker U Miss Ashley I miss Ferrera I Miss O'Brien I miss Solomon I and the chair votes I and just to reiterate we will return to open session so we're returned to open session um so I would entertain a motion um to approve the memorandum of agreement with the um American Federation of state county and Municipal Employees askme cafeteria workers for the period of August 1st 2024 through July 31st 2027 second um motion by m per seconded by Miss O'Brien anything on discussion hearing none all those in favor opposed so voted next I would entertain a motion to accept the April 23rd 2024 executive session minutes as presented so moved second motion by Miss Ashley seconded by Mr fenon Maker anything on discussion hearing none all those in favor I opposed so voted finally I would entertain a motion to release the April 23rd 2024 executive session minutes with redactions second um motion by Miss ferera second by Miss O'Brien anything on discussion hearing none all those in favor I opposed so voted and lastly I would entertain a motion to adjourn so Mo second motion by Miss barer ex seconded by Miss O'Brien all anything on discussion all those in favor all right so voted opposed non so voted go Celtics thank you everyone