##VIDEO ID:4cTiHXlGUvc## e okay yeah were you able to find it online for good good you guys ready this me is called to order in accordance with the open public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided meeting of October 7th 2024 was published in the Korean news and Star Ledger and placed on the Burl's website notice of this meeting was also placed on the bulletin board at borrow Hall with the complete agenda a copy of this notice is available to the public and a copy of this statement shall be included in the minutes of this meeting mayor Brian Gallagher here Teresa vonner excused Glen Den here Tom Mitchell here Randy pittz here Gina straic here Roger room here all right please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all if I could ask everybody just to remain standing for a moment um I think most people who uh are in involved with the burrow uh intrinsically heard the news that uh uh Bernie Nado passed away uh Bernie was um a very unique gentleman I don't know that there was many other people that loved this burrow as much as Bernie did um he dedicated his entire life to this burrow um he was our planning board chairman for uh 30 plus years he was summerson County's planning board chairman uh for about the same amount of time um his goal in life was to help create a community that his children wanted to come back and live to uh live live in and uh and he succeeded um Bernie was a good friend um he was a colleague he was a mentor um he taught me a lot of things and his thumbprint is on most everything in this burrow and in this County this County and this burrow developed over time over the last 30 years um in a manner uh that was wellth thought um Bernie understood how Community should be and he strived that in every part of his life um his wife Barbara his his daughter Maggie his son Joe their wives and and they beautiful grandchildren uh will miss Bernie greatly uh he was not big in stature but he was a mighty big man and uh he uh he had those piercing eyes and that uh that that witty grin uh when when he was up to something and uh I think we're all going to miss Bernie NADA Bernie thank you for sharing your life with some of you thank you thank you Kevin I would just also ask that uh the burrow flag be uh posted to half mast for Wednesday and Thursday Bernie's wake is on Wednesday and his funeral services on Thursday thank you okay uh motion for approval of the minutes of September 16 2024 so moveed second discussion roll call Glen Deni yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes genus traic yes Roger R yes all right departmental reports and notices are as listed uh let's go into committee reports and we'll begin with Tom okay uh first of all this this coming weekend October 12th and 13th is weekend journey into the uh into the path be sure to check out the Daniel Robert house better known as bur Hall and the fire Museum there was a problem with the fire museum with water coming off the roof landing on the balcony and running down the facade of the museum this has caused some rot and damage it may be possible to install a second gutter on the neighboring roof which would prevent water overflowing onto the fire Museum we will also have to repair the underside of the balcony the historic advisory committee discussed plans to demolish the granates building as part of a Redevelopment proposal discussed at the planning board the historic committee feels it would be W wise to involve them in this process historic Committee Member Harold Willard was honored by Congressman Tom Kaine as a senior of Distinction and Sunday the 20th at 3:30 PM it will be the dedication of sha Park which is the park uh on uh Cliff Street just across the uh across the creek from well or excuse me just next to the uh Brookside departments it's on this side of the creek and that's all I have there all right thank you Gina uh the Somerville Rescue Squad uh continues to maintain good service to our community um they will be participating in the annual fire inspection uh ceremony and day uh on Saturday uh the Board of Health commission uh met recently they um the members of the commission are uh taking on some new programming for 2025 so each member will bring some new health programs to our community uh so we look forward to seeing their good work great thank you thank you Glen okay so the fire department I think it's already been mentioned here too but the fire department has its annual inspection day coming this Saturday uh October the 12th uh starting at 3:30 at Burrow Hall you can come there for a small ceremony and then they will parade uh going east on Main Street uh in addition to that uh just mark your calendars I know it's a little soon to start talking about this but December the 7th on Saturday starting approximately at 6 p.m. we will have our annual Lights Parade as well uh organized by the fire department and uh many people love coming out for that one so put that one on your calendar uh as far as the environmental commission uh soon we'll see and hear from Jeffrey lamborne so I won't talk much about that now but uh I will mention that the electric EV show the second time we partnered up uh was held at the recent Street Fair uh to great success and then also on um part of the journey through the past our very own Jerry uh one of our environmental Commissioners will be reading a poem at the Wallace house uh come there at let me just double check at 1:30 uh for the second anniversary of the planting of the Salem Oak there there will also be other music and activities as part of that uh also hot off the presses I just found out we were awarded a grant from the ARB Day Foundation for $188,000 for trees and that is also with some volunteer support from MetLife and we will be meeting here next Tuesday at 7 o'clock that is the 8th of October great a than you thank you that's great ready thank you mayor the DSA is hosting a pink out for breast cancer event October 17th DIN and Shop we in pink in our local participating businesses and a portion of all proceeds will be donated to the steeple chase cancer at Robert Wood Johnson Somerset this Saturday night the haunted Horseman rides into Somerville tickets are available on Eventbrite and at the check-in table which will be at the clock by the Somerset County Courthouse lawn tour begins at 6:30 and departs every 15 minutes until the final tour at 900 p.m. enjoy an hourong tour and feel free to shop and dine with one some of our wonderful businesses and restaurants in our downtown that is all thank you Roger I have nothing this evening all right no not gearing up for fire inspection I I mean we're they're ready to go they're ready uh just a couple of things uh one the uh October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and uh if you noticed downtown there are a number of pink ribbons uh uh all up and down Main Street uh we had an organization called a nonprofit organization called Dance For the Cure um about a week and a half about two weeks ago we met uh at the at Burrow Hall and uh we put ribbons up all around the uh the triangle of burrow hall and then the following sat Sunday uh they actually brought in the Somerville high school cheerleaders and uh they put uh pink ribbons all up and down Main Street and uh it was just it was nice to see they just fanned out all over Main Street and uh it was good creating awareness uh for a better healthier future for everybody so i' just like to thank them um and then very quickly just in the last three weeks we've had four different grand openings of stores uh in D downtown and uh I just think that's that's absolutely wonderful um you know the mayor's job isn't always always just cutting ribbons but when you do four in in three weeks that's uh that's a lot and uh and it's uh it's a it's a sign of a healthy Somerville and and I think that's good so um up next we have a a discussion regarding Main Street tree plantings and uh Jeff lambor from the environmental commission the chair of the environmental commission is going to do a presentation he's also got some members of the environmental commission here with him you can come up um just as a by way of background so I'm going to dial back 20 plus years and ruter blowstein school of planning and policy had done a study of main streets in New Jersey and and they raided them and what they did is they took in all these different Dynamics they took in Street width sidewalk width parking um facades closeness of the buildings to the streets uh and and tree canopy and they threw all of this into the mix and they spit out a rating and and Somerville I was trying to look for it again I couldn't find it but Somerville came in number two or number three in terms of Main Streets and and their likability and their presentation of their main street so over the course of the last 20 years we've had this ongoing discussion uh regarding Main Street trees and and what's interesting is everybody has a good point and and we're trying to come up with this mix of um Aesthetics tree longevity uh tree maintenance safety of the sidewalks and the limbs um healthy trees uh these trees were all planted about 30 years ago and I shouldn't say all a majority of them were planted about 30 years ago and we've gone through fits and starts a number of times trying to figure out how do we create a forestry plan that keeps the aesthetic or even improves the aesthetic of our tree canopy because it really is beautiful in the in the summer when it's blazing hot you've got this beautiful tree canopy the short trees that people are putting up in all these new projects now they're little short scrubby trees they're not great they're just you know I don't like them um you know we have a canopy and you don't find that on on many main streets in many areas um so we've had these fits and starts of you know how do we do do we cut down the unhealthy trees the ones that are heaving sidewalks so we've got these issues but we also have this com overarching competing interest to make sure that we maintain the aesthetic of our beautiful downtown so um this is I think the the third time we're we're we're going at it and I just said to Jeff I said I think we've got good level heads at the table who understand those they're not competing interests they're they're all interests but it's they they raise and lower um depending on the tree each one has their own set of of unique challenges so in my discussion with Jeff uh and with Glenn Glenn is the liaison to the uh to the environmental commission you know I said PE a lot of people come to downtown Somerville for different reasons some come for the food some come for the car some come for whatever um I would love to have some people come and say come to downtown to say you got to see these trees they're beautiful so um that's kind of the the overview I'll turn to Glenn anything no I I mean I think that said I think no I think that that summarizes it pretty well and I think one of the things that came up in all these conversations was just starting to acknowledge how they are really a valuable part of the infrastructure and they do provide so many different things whether it's you know increasing the value of your store because people are willing to stay there because they're not blazing hot um or just that Viewpoint and that aesthetic of that sort of tunnel effect when you get going down Main Street sometimes where the canopy is really truly healthy and and pretty big there um and then also all of the different things as far as you know helping uh reduce storm water in all different places um I know you know downtown has a lot of pavement but still we can you know still do a lot to to help reduce things like that there as well so I think just acknowledging the value that they do provide we sometimes sort of take it for granted that they're just there um and it's really way more than that so we'd like to continue that and improve it if we can good Jeff you're on all right well thanks and I appreciate the introduction uh I uh when I started on the commission five years ago uh that was the latest tree walk that we did at the time uh in 2019 so I want to make sure I give the presentation up on here uh but uh thank you uh Brian and and Glenn and the rest of the council here that I've had experience with talking to about trees in general I think Roger you're about the only person I haven't spoken to about a tree in town yet in particular um but much like much like us uh the trees are considered individual parts of what uh the storefronts and the business owners and and the residents of the buildings above uh have uh in front of them uh so I do hope that we can build upon uh the forestry plan that we have uh which is to say uh we have a pretty L Bar to begin with um but with level heads I think we can really move this along nicely um we're putting a lot of effort in I have great support here from a handful of my Commissioners that are helping me U make this a worthwh presentation so um without further Ado I can uh I plan to take about 10 maybe 15 minutes your time to talk about our what we experienced recently on a tree walk with a licensed tree expert a fellow named Paul kowi um he is an urban forestry expert with expertise in uh Manhattan uh Jersey City in particular and many other projects where uh he um has a lot of tips for us how to maximize what what our trees are currently and how to take care of the ones that we do have um as as we've learned uh over the past five years it it's an expensive Endeavor to replace a tree downtown so let's make a plan to make it last and that's what I hope to to do today is convey what what we advise for our plan uh that the Bro can consider and and how best we can maybe make this an effort so um I don't have the presentation on my screen over here Kevin is it able to pop up okay great we got it here excellent so my cursor my mouse goes here and uh doesn't look good from the beginning with the misspelling but trust me the presentation's worthwh so um thank you again for your time it's it's just in the presentation mode that's causing that but okay I believe it I believe it um so anyways uh just to reiterate our mission statement on the environmental commission is we're here to educate Advocate and promote uh best policies and practices for the buroughs environment and the health and safety of his residents and and we believe trees especially the street trees downtown are are in that mix uh so today talking about uh these topics general information about the scope of what I'm referring to here recent Assessments in the last five uh actually 10 years now uh current conditions what's next and and some recommendations to how we can move forward uh from our perspective at the very least um so in Main Street um there's about 85 trees what we consider to be the downtown district which uh stretches from the western boundary of the War Memorial in front of burrow Hall where Main Street splits to fire engine number one uh and that's on the eastern boundary um most of these I think you're probably more correct in this term Brian that were planted 30 years ago or so uh the best guess for our tree expert was 20 years ago I I just didn't know at the time so um but we've we've seen these grow and and get to a point where um they've been planned for a lot of it uh there's not a lot of diversity in in town you can see that by the 60% that's relative to one particular species and as it breaks down from there um there are in as you can see in this Photograph tree fences that are protecting most of the trees on Western Main Street um there's buried electrical lines those overhead lines are not a concern so we do get to plant larger species as a result and we can see that that happens here as you move along towards Eastern ended Main Street there are no fences around the trees and no overhead utility wire or there are overhead utility wires and what that does is it it reduces what trees we can plant there but uh we've got a good list of options and um this isn't that list here here but I'm looking forward to sharing it uh so in the last 10 years uh we've had uh a lot of Assessments um the first two were completed by our Planner on staff uh Michael Cole and Associates and uh resulted in a street skate replacement tree plan um that didn't follow through so much and and in 2018 we I think uh the feedback from the EC at the time and the DSA was we need to have a professional licensed tree expert and that's what LTE means on these to take a look at uh in 2018 the uh the colorful chart that's listed here is what he produced in addition to a report letter colorcoded for what needs to be pruned where and where the issues are read for highlighting of what probably should be removed or at the very least taking some serious consideration to it um and uh when we did our tree walk most recently in 2024 uh a couple weeks ago with Mr Paul kawi uh that turned into actually some of them are okay still surprisingly but it's one expert versus the other so uh we're always uh understanding that we know what we know but licensed Tree Experts are the the expert in the field so hopefully they can tell us what best to do here um between those uh a 2023 Capital Improvements plan by aerial is what we recommend using as a guide for the downtown district and they didn't have a licensed tree expert but they did have good recommendations that I'm going to reference here in the presentation um so some current conditions of what's here in town uh most for the most part we're in good shape um but uh it's time to take some action here U so pruning and particular is necessary there are some trees that have reached or are nearing uh what is considered a good remaining life expectancy and they should be removed um the uh pavers that you can see in the center photograph here are heaving in a lot of trees um that's a sign of a good tree making good progress I should say but at the same time um they uh it's a something that can be a tripping Hazard unfortunately so uh these need to be addressed and there's many of those across town uh tree fences are protecting in a lot of ways um but they are large as you can see in the other photograph um and obstructive to a lot of especially restaurants and places that businesses that want to use uh the sidewalk space for their own so we have our recommendations for how best to do it uh other mentions here in the tree conditions in particular uh We've noticed that in the past three to five years a lot of the plantings are have been smaller in size uh Japanese tree lilac and calorie pair um the Japanese tree lilac is the one featured here in this Photograph uh they just aren't Fair in well um we've learned a couple things such as uh soil space is a lot of it and and that's at minimum 400 cubic feet which to put in perspective if you're putting a tree about four feet down which is typical uh that means you need a 10 by10 area around it uh that is inclusive to be um have the soil engineered or otherwise replaced to be something better suited for the tree to grow um and I think we've noticed a lot of these smaller trees just aren't aren't making it nowadays with what's there it's not to say that those flush mount greates are the problem uh there's ways to make it work but uh once you get below the side of the surface that's where things matter for the trees um and uh there's a rendering of what uh The Edge Apartments are here in town um we believe that uh those trees that have been placed and planted there are undersized they're also not growing well um and there are really too few compared to what is on the opposite side of the street where we do have a really nice canopy um so to jump into what's next um we we recommend updating the tree inventory and assessment here um a Paul cowi as I mentioned is preting proposals together for his pricing and and what it takes to perform this uh and in addition he'll help us create and uh we would like to implement and we think it's wise to implement a long-term tree service plan and this includes training the DPW on how to maintain these trees for pruning um they uh they they are smart with it but uh having a schedule in a way uh is something that we would like to put forward um the H the the the heaing pavers um and uh in general the tree grates and fences are the fences in particular probably wise to remove if uh we can maximize the the space that we do have downtown um and uh in particular when we go to replace it putting a proper construction specifications together for what should be done I think is going to give us the best bang for the buck for the longevity of these trees um that includes selecting the trees ahead of time um not just and when they receive making sure they are in good shape to begin with um these are investments that are in the ballpark of tens of thousands of dollars uh when you do consider how much construction has to take place to put these in so um we think that it's wise to spend the time to make sure that the specifications are appropriate and followed and uh we do have an updated species list I think there's been about eight or so for the past six years um Tim how many species are we at about now 8 and 13 approximately our where we're recommending and that includes large medium and small trees uh and uh uh well we prioritize many aspects about it I think the DSA is going to have uh there we'd like to hear from them and have them V the list to tell us what what they think is most appropriate because um it may be a stinky tree it may be a tree that has leaves that uh fall too often and too frequently and uh we want to make sure that we do get ones that match what the desires of the storefronts and and the business owners are uh in particular um we want to make sure also that the planning board is taking a look at the trees that are coming for new development and and that they are approving ones that are appropriate for the space um the Capital Improvements plan that's uh pictured here is is uh something that uh has a good guide to follow um if you know we are planning to make this something to go through in downtown they do talk about what's the best way to make uh make that work here in town um so here's what we recommend for our short-term plan uh this is broken down into two categories next 12 months uh which would end uh at essentially around this time next year and then one to three years for for short term after that uh the DPW has gone through removing ivy on trees that's something that was nice to get done to properly evaluate the condition um they can the ivy can choke the trees as well over time so that needs to be removed um we recommend having these pruned at the advice of our recommended consultant licensed tree expert and uh remove and replace the priority debt and unsafe trees and there are a handful of those um as the environmental commission we've completed a list of trees replacement species for review uh and uh what we will be doing with the licens tree expert is uh completing the best practices for how best to remove and replace these um same with the uh fence and grade options that can you know manage and see what's best for what we have in town uh to council um we don't have numbers to talk today unfortunately that's something I'd like to present or over email or otherwise is uh what the cost is to hire license tree expert and and make a replacement plan for three to five trees per year to be taken out uh it what that allow us to do is uh prevent a Fallout of many trees that are the same age in town uh currently with 60% of them being one particular species planted at one time and 30% being another species at another time um they they are susceptible to dying around the same time so we don't want to have it where there's a blight of any kind where we have to take out 10 to 15 at a shot and all of a sudden we have a big gap and and a high high price tag to pay in that place so uh we think that making a plan for three to five trees a year is wise um going forward beyond that um it's executing those plans um with the administration and the DSA uh recommending budget and perform the removal of these uh tree fences and suitable sidewalk Replacements uh for those uh the DSA is also recommended and and we would happily support an adopt a tree program and uh whether it be business owners individuals uh in town or or whoever uh take a look at trees and evaluate them on an individual basis and help us understand what is uh the condition of these uh in case we do miss it um for instance some of these trees are falling into the street where trucks are um running into them uh when they do park or otherwise and uh if that's not reported or seen very quickly it can turn into a hazard and and uh just in the interest of Public Safety making sure that's taken care of as quickly as possible um and for lastly for the dpws to manage the replacement and removal of these operations and Implement these service plans um going forward longterm 3 to 10 years we see a a consultant performing a tree assessment every three to five years and then we take uh had the administration and the EC take action based on the recommendations there um more of the same for the DPW and the EC is just manage the replacement of these we don't think this is a complicated thing it's just simply a matter of putting a plan together and uh and from conversations here sounds like there has been one but hasn't been followed through so um I would like feedback maybe from the Council on uh what is the best way to make sure we do stick with the plan that we do put together because that's something something that while on the EC we can try to you know recommend and make a plan for it how does it get executed um so that's something that we look forward to and uh in conclusion um these Street trees do a lot do a lot more so than just look pretty um they're a wonderful thing to have uh for what they what you see and what you feel when you're downtown um they're walkable uh Paul Co referenced the study where um businesses are able to um it's not the right way to say it but are able to price their goods and Services 7 to 9% higher than than main streets that don't have a nice tree canopy and successfully get customers that really do appreciate what's there um so we think it brings an economic benefit um environmentally speaking air quality is a wonderful wonderful thing to have they reduce storm water runoff when they're especially when they're paired with green infrastructure options that are around them and they keep the temperatures down um but we think overall they're beautifying our town and and we recommend we maintain them as best as possible and uh as always because we're a volunteer organization uh here with the burrow uh anybody wants to get involved please do reach out to us uh we are available on social media through email or just reach out to the burrow and and you can get a hold of us so with that being said I want to say thank you for your time and uh we hope we can make a plan if you have any comments or uh discussion points I'd like to love to hear it and take these back for our monthly meeting that's actually tomorrow great great presentation I think you captured we did the walk around about three three or four weeks ago and it was uh it was good I mean it was I think we all learned a lot from each other in terms of you know the different trees and and with the tree expert he actually you know there were trees that we're looking at saying it's fine he's going ah it's not really fine this this one's in in tough shape um and a couple that uh you know are in really tough shape so it was uh it was a it was a a great walk around and uh um so and questions any concerns any issues anybody so um what I what I found interesting from the tree expert was it's not even the water that's the big issue getting to the tree because that you said they'll figure out how to get the water it was the was the air it was the oxygen they needed air um and I like the idea that you know we talked about having a tree grate but it's much larger which then allows for more air more oxygen more um it I think we have an ability here to to craft a plan um with the outline that you've presented We Begin crafting that plan we can look at from a financial standpoint um perhaps sharing that cost with the DSA that's my job to tell them that they have to share it um and uh uh and let's craft it let's let's craft that plan I I think some of it really has to come from the environmental commission still probably a lot of it sure yeah um and I think you know over the course of maybe the next well 3 months um and and you know from a budgeting side we can at least begin thinking about how we're going to handle that through DPW um and how best to make sure that it's followed through that it's you know because pruning is done on Main Street you know the last time we had full scale pruning was probably six seven years ago I think full scale pruning um you know they'll come in and do you know the low overhangs that are that are popping out but um yeah we got to take care of it it's one of our assets so Brian in uh respect to the tree inventory I believe that there is funding with the community Forestry Department of the state so I think we need to look into that uh I think that could be U really helpful and I also think that we really need to get more out of our developers and our community um they come in um they do a great job building our community back up but I don't think they do enough on the environment side and I think we've really got to figure out a way to get more green infrastructure um more tree planting and and um and environmental needs built into their development plan so um I would encourage that we as a government body look at that moving forward I know we're getting into planning so um but I think those are key key takeaways and and uh you know uh again I always commend the work of the environmental commission um we have uh a really bright group um that that spends three hours every month at the table just discussing these issues and then they're active in the community throughout the month so um they they have their hands and pulse on what's going on and and we need to listen to them yeah and we appreciate that I I guess I'd like to know you know does anybody in the council remember 10 years ago we had with plans and and otherwise to replace a lot of trees uh what were the roadblocks what what can we do differently you know how can we get ahead of these well I think you've done a great job changing the mentality because there was a time Brian where I remember that all the trees were going to be cut down and we fought that battle and that was never the case and then it got then the trees got pruned there in lies the issue and then the trees got pruned and uh and we're still then we got a three to five tree replacement agreement which was moving forward and then Co hit and then you know finances changed for DSA so uh we do have to move that forward I yeah it the plan back in 17 uh before I moved on uh was about three to five trees a uh a year replaced because the fear then was we'd have a blight um and you know we got similar we got all the heads together and we did a walk down Main Street and and you're right it wasn't done with a licensed tree expert it was done with um uh you know some quasi professionals um and representatives of council and planning board and it just where it went CU I I left in 18 so it just kind of it evaporated um so it it's it's actually where I had thought it would be back in 17 and had we begun it back then we'd be talking about how we have been doing it since we started exactly yeah it would be a different conversation so you know look the you have the plan of attack I I think your your synopsis is spot on I think you've created this outline that we can begin both from a council perspective and a planning board perspective um beginning to tackle uh you know we're going the timing is impeccable because we're we're going through this process now at the planning board of uh of looking at planners so we can look at our master plan and then we can look at the Redevelopment plans as well so the timing is very impeccable that this now can all coordinate not just within a policy perspective but maybe more importantly from a master plan perspective that's where that's where the basis lies and then figuring out how do we make sure it gets done every year that's the challenge sure and I don't have an answer for you yet no it's going to take a lot of people to make a lot of effort and and we I appreciate your support I mean we we do this for the burrow and and with uh with your help and your councel uh we think we can get it done so um well thank you High Hopes no I don't think they're High Hopes I think they're realistic hopes and and you know because it's it's you know there there's we're looking at it from a whole bunch of different perspectives which I think is the difference I think there's an understanding now that there is a safety perspective uh that there is a commercial perspective there is an environmental perspective so we we I think we're beginning to marry those those perspectives together and that's what will make this successful and I I think holding everybody accountable yeah you know I think keep showing up at meetings we continue to do the good work and we keep paying attention to you know what what the findings are and I think just you know that check and balance is so important because otherwise when everyone stops checking then no one's balancing yeah for sure well we'll be here I'm relatively young so count on me being around a little more well we thank you we thank the envir the environmental commission and and the ladies from the commission who showed up as well so thank you very much thank you very much thank you thank you all right um do we have a motion to open the oh sorry I I skipped one uh mayoral appointment uh making the appointment for planning board class four member with a term expiring 12 3126 to Giovani manilo uh he'll be sworn in at Wednesday's planning board meeting uh I will ask a for a motion to open the meeting to the public so moved second discussion roll call call Glen Den yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes gusic yes Roger Room yes all right public portion is now open please state your name and address for the record and please address your comments to me Yep this one yes okay Geraldine desapio 46 East Main Street I just feel moved to stand up here first of all and tell Jeff how proud We Are of him and the work he does for us all the time secondly I just want to say um yesterday's Fair the street fair was really so well attended and I think I was particularly excited because timmey and Rebecca and Jeff and Sandy and Helen I mean what a team uh put together a great interactive activity for the public and we we have tremendous amount of data about the environment what people think what people want their concerns their their happiness about certain things so we're going to use that data and it's going to inform some of our activities going forward good excellent so real really great guys and the other thing is thank you councilman Deni for mentioning uh Wallace house it's tradition that people come out and take photos with their children about with the tree and that we measure the trees growth every year so that's kind of a traditional thing we do and I hope people will come out to support that and the last thing um and we has we spent hours and months discussing Park View and its intended use perhaps as a playground for children and we were very concerned about the health of the soil and we went on about this with you with Council for many months and we haven't heard anything and I'm wondering Mr Mayor if you could bring us up to date about the status thank you thank you any other public comment all right hearing none I'll ask for a motion to close public so move second discussion roll call clenon yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes Gina straic yes Roger V yes all right public portion is now closed um in regards to Park View uh what I can tell you is that we've had discussions in executive session uh because we have been speaking with uh the developer and uh at this point we're not at Liberty to talk about that yet because we're still trying to finalize uh exactly what is going to happen with that property uh we've been working with them uh I'm hoping in the next meeting or two Colin is that about correct two two meetings uh we'll we'll be able to uh to give some information on that uh but unfortunately right now it's just it's an executive session material so yeah um I would love to be able to give you more than that so i' to thank you thank you um all right ordinances for introdu ction uh ordinance number 2744 is amending chapter 166 section 46.1 entitled schedule VA permit parking to include South Bridge Street East Side from Southside Avenue to Second Street Uh Kevin can you give us an overview on this uh sure mayor the um so what happened was on second and third street about a year ago uh the governing body decided to make that permit parking and just like parking does it's going to find a location where other people can could move we we've been noticing uh Zena's office and my office of people coming in having difficulty on on South Bridge Street and the reason is because they can't park on second or third either um which which means that the problem that was occurring on second third has shifted itself onto brid stre so it's making it a little difficult so what'll happen is this ordinance will enable just the one one side of the street to have permit parking associated with their addresses okay I call it punching the pillow you push it in one area it comes out in another area yep um I'll ask for public comment on 2744 if there is any it's not something that we have to do uh but it is a practice that uh that that I hold that um we're not obligated to have public comment on the introduction of an ordinance but I do allow it public comment is now open hearing none we'll close public comment and motion for introduction please so moved second discussion yeah uh qu question isn't the parking only on one side of that street at that point that section that's correct so so Mr sluka was saying it's only the the Restriction only applies to one side of the street but that's the only only parking there is on that street that's correct y yeah I apologize if I misspoke but the um no you you didn't missp speak it's just just a little clarification thank you all right uh any other discussion roll call Clen Den yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes gvic yes Roger Room yes all right 2745 is ordinance number 2745 24107 amending chapter 80 entitled fire prevention Life Safety increasing the fee schedule uh this is uh uh updates on the fee schedules that are charged for fire inspections throughout town on various properties uh uh public comment on 2745 is now open hearing none we'll close 2745 and motion for introduction so moved second discussion roll call Glen Deni yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes Gina straic yes Roger yes 2746 is amending chapter 95 housing standards to include article three entitled prohibiting valet Trash Services Uh Kevin informed me today of what that is and apparently some residential communities are uh not necessarily here but some in the state are beginning to offer valet trash which means you call uh or email or text somebody in your housing complex and put the garbage in your hallway and then they come get it and throw it down the shoot for you um yeah I think that's kind of lazy uh to to be honest it really is um so and plus there's a number of issues behind it one is obviously life safety potentially fire tripping hazards um another one is obviously Health uh for sanitary reasons and smell um so it's something that uh we would not like to see uh in in in our communities so uh public comment on 2746 is now open hearing none will close 2746 and motion for introduction so moved second discussion yeah I kind of wonder that that we need to do something like this uh the description of of what is prohibited in the uh uh ordinance ordinance itself is applies to something I I used to take the garbage out for a tenant I had take it from from the you know and uh some people you got to keep in mind that some people are are elderly or infirm and might have might have difficulty carrying their garbage great distance some of these developments you got quite a ways to go from the from the apartment to the uh so Tom makes a good point the ordinance does not speak to a paid service for this so I mean maybe could adapt it in terms of that I mean I don't think there's anyone that wouldn't want your neighbor your friend you know what whatever the boy next door to take the trash output do we want paid well Apartments I I think the idea is to keep the trash out of the holes that's the concept here well perhaps we ought to address trash being being stored in the Halls because uh this would prohibit them them from coming to the door and and the taking the trash from from inside the apartment carried out or in my case uh trash being stored outside a rental unit and just carried to the out to the street I I think it specifies service Tom I don't know if I would Define your landlord just picking it up for you because your elderly is a service but but so what's the point of this are we trying to prohibit a service from coming in and taking trash or we trying to prohibit people from putting the trash out into the hall for the service to pick up because if you're just trying to prohibit people from putting the trash in the Hall of an apartment complex it doesn't matter that it's a valet that there's a valley service or not you then they would have to get the trash from inside the house so right the point of this is is well I guess that's what I'm asking is the point of this just to prohibit trash from being in the hallway because we don't need to say valet service if that's the point so so the Val so F first of all the valet service up until this was brought to my attention I had no idea what it was um that definition that's assigned is assigned to us by the valet service that actually provides a service so they that definition is provided by a valet service that does this work um it does come about the premise started with the fire officials office however it also leads to the Health office as well the fire officials office is is listen we we want trash to be put into a fire suppression system that is the shoot not the hallway right so the and and instead of having it sit in the hallway and again it might be text there might be various ways if you go online you'd be surprised how many of these Services exist because again it was news to me until I looked it up um but the idea was the prevention of putting it in a hallway for the the purpose of of fire but it also has the purpose for health as well um because the trash needs to go from the multif family apartment dweller to the shoot that's the intended use of that um not into a hallway that either gets brought to a chute or gets brought down to a a lower level um and these Services I'm sure they they um provide a good service in the beginning but again those Services you know are not something that we would be able to enforce so the value of this ordinance is to be able to make sure that we advise all the multif family property owners that that this service prohibited and and you cannot contract for it and that's the purpose of it we're we're one of two municipalities right now that I'm aware of that are doing this ordinance but see what the way I read this is that you're saying the Trash valet service can't operate but it's not saying that you can't put the garbage out in the hallway it doesn't even say they can't operate it says that the landlord can't arrange so if we if we don't have a valet service that picks up trash in a hallway you're putting in the hallway for what purpose you don't want it put in the hallway right that that that's correct what I'm saying is we could write that in there but if you're putting trash in the hallway with no service that's already a violation right you can't do we have that as a violation I I don't know I mean you can't put trash in a hallway have a multif family have it just sit there well it doesn't mean it wouldn't happen right that's correct but it'd be in violation of a health code I'm sure the tenant could put it out there because if because according to the uh ordinance it says it says no landlord shall permit contract or allow Trash valet service so this ordinance is saying they you you we will not allow valet services in town but it doesn't say anything about Val Services get charged is that tenant pays for it so what happens the landlord adds it on to their rental agreement and that's how they customarily get paid based on my understanding of researching valet Services I I can add whatever Clarity we want into the ordinance saying you can't let leave trash in your hallway right we know that already but we can add that in there um we could add that that's already covered under our that's already covered yeah um this is basically you know we could add peser we can add whatever Clarity you want but I mean the other the other uses are already not are prohibited right a valet service currently is not proh Trash valet service is not currently prohibited in the burrow you know again it if someone hires someone to take their trash from their apartment door to the suppression system the the main trash can why should we care what we should care about is that the trash isn't sitting in the hallway yeah well and and agree with you there Gina that you know if if they knock on their door and say give me your garbage and I'll go throw it out for you that that's that's fine right but you know to to leave it outside your door and that's not what a valet service does right right you're you're being asked to leave it outside so the valet service can come and collect your garbage they're not coming into your home and they're not setting up in that manner what what I think has been mentioned before and will be mentioned again if you would like to have or you have a neighbor or something normally you coordinate that and you're not leaving it out as was said it's a you're now have obstruction in the hallway and with the uh you know Vermin that we've had crawling around town uh we don't want to invite them anywhere in our multifamilies as well as our you know single family homes so this this is just trying to get ahead of one of these organizations coming into the burrow and setting a precedent so I I think that where it says obligation of owner I I think there should be an additional sentence that says that um no trash should be left be permitted to be in left in hallways um or common areas um and then no landlord should permit contract with or allow trash Valley service to operate that I I think it needs to be clarified because you you you could have them not even having a valet service right you might even just say the apartment complex is going to pick up your garbage everyone put it out to your door if you don't say that there's no trash allowed in the hallway then then the intent of this is not met on the Health Board have we received any comments about multifamilies leaving trash in the hallways well we didn't get this to go to no no I'm asking as s because I sat on the Health Board and during my time on the Health Board I never got any thing where where the health officials had to go out to the multifamilies and check for this that's my question so what what what I'm saying is that it's a situation that we don't have currently at least as long as I was on that board and what we're trying to do is prohibit that from starting by well how about we take this back to the Board of Health then I mean I we don't need to because It hasn't been a thing with them that's what I'm saying so if we if if no one's complaining that there's trash in the hallway we're we're saying that we don't want this valet service to start that problem and and what I'm trying to say is you don't need to have a valet service to have trash in the hallway that's all I'm trying to say and if we're going to make this whether it's covered somewhere else in an ordinance I don't know but this is the one we're looking at now and if we're going to pass this we should make it more comprehensive to state that there should be no trash in the hallway because that's what this is intended for and if you look at it one step further like I said if you wanted to hire someone to take the garbage from your door to the dumpster you you should be allowed to as long as it doesn't sit in the hallway but this originated from where the fire department the fire officials office fire offal yeah okay yeah we were notified by another so they see a potential they see a potential issue yeah the Fire official was notified by another Fire official another municipality to take a look at making sure that we prohibited this before it becomes an issue because you know if you do look online of the valet Services some of the buildings here could be candidates for that yeah all right all right let's drive this to a decision if if you like I could certainly add that line and we're only introducing by title tonight anyway yeah so however you please yeah um so you're comfortable Gina with it just saying don't which rational Hall you know fix the word language up but yes make your kids take the garbage out is that what we're saying um we're saying for health and fire safety we don't want trash left in in quarters and common areas all right we we'll craft some language all right uh we have a motion in second for introduction did we do that we we did yeah all right so roll call please yes yes yes so clarify we're voting it amended or no it's introduction title yes yes okay uh number 2747 is it amending chapter 147 of the burough code entitled Solid Waste Management requiring containers for the disposal identifying enforcement positions uh we beat this to death yeah uh essentially it updates our our trash or ordance uh with a requirement for uh I'll call them toter um because the uh collection equipment is moving in that direction um and uh and having bags out at the curb is uh is also attracting uh Critters so uh public comment on 2747 is now open hearing none will'll close 2747 motion for introduction so moved second discussion yeah I'm I cannot support this uh we we don't have that the need yet because we still have a trash uh collection contract that accommodates picking up bags uh as for attracting Vermin an open bucket of trash I think it's going to attract more Vermin than a seal than a tied up up bag uh and uh I think it's you know we we should try to minimize our intrusion into the lives of the citizens not maximize it any further discussion roll call yes no yes yes yes okay ordinances for public hearing and adoption uh 27 41 is amending chapter 16644 schedule 3 no stopping or standing to remove two parking spaces on the north side of West Cliff Street West of North Bridge Street this is the corner of Northbridge and uh West Cliff uh it's the large Victorian there are uh two parking spaces uh a little further west from the corner the driveway for the property is going to be a realign to where those two parking spaces are um it will create a safer condition because the current driveway right now is literally feet from uh the corner from the intersection uh the planning board has reviewed this uh this this governing body has reviewed this all felt it was was a very appropriate uh uh thing to do uh we may gain one space back it that'll be a field decision once the driveway is in and the sight lines are looked at and we can make that decision at that point so I will ask for a motion to open the public hearing sove second in Stereo thanks guys no problem here entertain uh roll call yes yes yes yes yes all right public hearing is now open heing n will ask for a motion to close a public hearing so moved second discussion roll call yes yes yes yes yes public hearing is closed uh motion for adoption please so moved second discussion roll call yes yes yes yes yes all right 2743 is amending chapter 132 of the burough code entitled residential rental units removing annual fees five-year inspections and removing attachment of leans as a penalty um this is an ordinance that uh that updates our uh annual inspections um it will actually create a a better process for our administrative staff in burrow Hall and executing that so uh motion for uh public hearing so moved second discussion roll call yes yes yes yes yes all right public hearing on 2743 is open hearing none I'll ask for a motion to close the public hearing so moved second discussion roll call yes yes yes yes yes all right public is closed uh motion for adoption please so moved second discussion roll call yes yes yes yes yes all right consent resolutions I to be pulled off for further discussion all right uh hearing none 283 is awarding a contract to Topline construction for rehill Avenue improvements as noted 284 is appointing Emma gianco to serve on the municipal Alliance youth uh commission and youth services committee expiring December 31 2024 285 is supporting midblock crosswalk improvements on Route 28 mile poost 2.72 and mile poost 3.21 that's West End Avenue and uh uh West Main Street 286 is approving chapter 159 from the Hazardous discharge site remediation fund Grant through the New Jersey Economic Development Authority and the Department of Environmental Protection 287 is approving the sale conveyance and Redevelopment of blocks as block as noted in the landfill Redevelopment area by Summerset station urban renewal to avalan Somerville station urban renewal as a qualified development authorizing the execution of a partial assignment and assumption agreement 288 is amending resolution uh 276 accepting the resignation of Jenna laruso effective September 26 end of business on the 25th and authorizing final payment for $4 and half days of vacation time accumulated daily rate of $212 for total amount of 954 289 is approving the hiring of Sarah Perez as payroll tax and finance clerk effective November 4 290 is authorizing a refund of $2,330 to lysella garciaa for land use application as noted for 14 South Gaston Avenue uh 291 is accepting a grant of $1,866 63 and approving chapter 159 for the Bureau of Justice assistance for 2024 bulletproof vest partnership 292 is accepting a grant of $10,000 and approving chapter 159 for the state of New Jersey Board of Public Utilities for the community energy plan Grant 293 is amending resolution uh 300 extending approvals and resolution of local support resolution for local support for suitability of cannabis business to Route 22 dispensary for the issuance of a class five retailer license at 10 at address as noted for an addition additional 6 months to March 2nd 2025 294 is intent to award a national contract through NPP gov to Bower compressors distributor air and gas Technologies under NPP gov contract as noted in the amount of 87,134 295 is extending the time period set forth in resolutions 23511 154 and 23121 18354 conditionally designated Northbridge Properties LLC as conditional redeveloper for the properties designated on the official tax map of the burough of Somerville uh as noted and commonly known and identified as 130 to 148 East Main Street and 10418 to 199 Veterans Memorial Drive East and 2 to 34 Meadow Street and which are located within the East Central business district Redevelopment area for the development of a mixed use residential retail project motion please so moved second roll call yes yes yes yes yes all right Roger bills and vouchers uh I make a motion to pay bills and vouchers in the amount of 888,246 second discussion roll call yes yes yes yes yes Mr Mitchell I will ask for a motion for adjournment move for adjournment second