##VIDEO ID:SN9PF22oMR4## good the meeting of the planning board burough Somerville for December 11 2024 will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting as required by the open public meeting act has been provided that on a copy of the notice specifying the date time and location was one posted on the bulletin board outside of burrow Hall two mailed facts or emailed to The Courier News and three given to the clerk administrator this meeting is a Judicial proceeding any questions or comments must be limited to the issues the board May legally consider in reaching a decision and the decorum appropriate to a Judicial hearing must be maintained at all times roll call Chris adex here art aens here Larry Cleveland here Jason crasa here John IO here Barry Van Horn here mayor Gallagher here council member of room here acting chair perser Warner here and Andrea dar's excused please stand for the pledge I pledge ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible and justice for all all right motion to approve uh minutes from November 13 so moved second Chris addex yes R aens yes Larry Cleveland yes Jason kco yes John manilo yes Barry Van Horn yes mayor Gallagher yes council member of room yes acting chair personer Warner abstain all right we have a hearing for an application for R22 dispensary yes good evening Madam chair uh board members board professionals members of the public my name is Michael silbert and I'm an attorney at the law firm deep franccesco baitman located in Warren Township New Jersey I have the privilege of representing the applicant this evening Route 22 dispensary LLC in connection with an application for final site plan approval this application concerns property located at block 92 lot 2.02 more commonly known as 1062 Route 22 East property is located in the Burrows B5 Highway business district and is a corner lot it's located at the intersection of Route 22 and North gon Avenue uh before I move on can I just confirm I'm chair with uh miss kazinski that the applicant served and publish notice of this hearing as required and that notice is uh adequate and sufficient board has jurisdiction thank you excellent thank you so as the board may recall the applicant received preliminary approval on April 24th 2024 set forth in the board's resolution uh which was memorialized on June 12th 2024 preliminary approval was granted to permit the conversion of the existing one-story building on the property currently utilized as a sonoko gas station and convenience store into a cannabis retail dispensary uh the board preliminar pre preliminarily approved the construction of a second floor addition over the first floor of the existing building the removal of the existing canopy fuel dispensers and underground storage tanks servicing the gas station and the milling and repaving of the existing parking lot for the provision of 20 on-site parking spaces uh just a reminder for the public or the board this is not a drive-through facility um and as I had mentioned this is an application for final site plan approval uh as a reminder the board on its own accord decided to bifurcate this application and required the applicant return to the board for final approval once the applicable conditions attached to preliminary approval were satisfactorily addressed um which I believe Mr Cole would confirm we have indeed uh addressed those um the proposed exterior and interior improvements at the property are the same now as they were when preliminary approval was granted with the exception of certain revisions requested by by the board or by Mr Cole which I'll have uh Mr Styers confirm in a moment uh I'm if if it's okay I'm not going to go through the variances and the waivers that were previously granted there were variances and waivers that were granted at the preliminary approval uh unless Madam chair you want to want me to go through those um I don't see a need to go through those all right great nothing has changed exactly um the applicant previously presented the expert testimony of Mr St are our professional engineer as to the proposed site plan uh we had testimony from Roco Camp andella as to the architectural drawings and we had professional traffic engineering testimony by Elizabeth Dolan as to the traffic and parking impacts associated with this proposal also the applicant presented operational testimony by Mr James Bar the applicant's managing member um there are just a few things I wanted to note before I call our first witness most of which or all of which were testified at the April 24th hearing um the applicant then respectfully requested and the board agreed to include in its preliminary resolution of approval that the applicant and property owner may continue operating the gas station during the construction of the building and the second floor Edition so I respectfully ask uh Madam chair and the board if this provision could also be reflected again in the resolution of approval should we get final site plan approval this evening um the existing driveways and building footprint just said everything is the same so it'll remain in their current locations will not be altered by this application um I did mention that we had heard expert traffic testimony uh Miss Dolan testified that the uh that there was not going to be a substantial increase in vehicle trips as a result of this application and that a new access permit from the dot was not required so just a reminder the to the board that that was on the record previously she also testified and the board found that the 20 proposed on-site parking spaces would adequately accommodate staff and anticipated interior and curbside pickup customers um and similarly the board found that the existing driveway configuration uh was and remain well I assume remained sufficient to handle the minimal increase in traffic associated with this application um as far as conditions of preliminary approval necessary for this final site plan application to have been deemed complete uh we satisfied conditions and I'm referring to the preliminary approval resolution conditions 24 7 9 12 13 14 15 21 26 and 27 um1 21 26 and 27 um for example um the proposed shade trees along the southern southerly property line uh meet the Barrow's requirements permit Cole's December 4th 2024 report a financial contribution was made to the environmental Commission in lie of providing six Street trees the sore lateral was televised and no repairs are necessary for Mr Cole's December 4th report the wall sign was relocated from the East building facade to the south building facade as approved by the board during preliminary approval uh the proposed Landscaping as of the December 4th Co report does not adversely impact existing sight lines and no sore connection is necessary in connection with this application I provided Mr Cole with the applicant's correspondence uh with Somerset rid and Valle surge Authority but we're still waiting for them to issue a letter to the municipality we did receive a soil and erosion settlement control permit from the conservation Soil Conservation District dated August 13 2024 that's also been provided to Mr Cole Mr Styers and Mr Cole are working towards finalizing the engineers estimate for this matter and uh to my knowledge there should no performance guarantee required for this application as there are no public improvements but with that being said the applicant will comply with all bonding requirements as set forth in section 53 of the mlul um the applicant reiterates its commitment to comply with all requirements of the CRC and the New Jersey cannabis regulatory enforcement assistance and Marketplace modern modernization act this includes obligations regarding odor odor mitigation Air Quality Security identific checks Inventory management surveillance Etc uh more importantly the applicant is scheduled to receive its class 5 cannabis dispensary license approval at tomorrow's CRC meeting I in my introduction I want to draw attention to the Dual licensing process with the CRC so while the applicant is set to obtain the class 5 license tomorrow evening the CRC will not issue its separate permit to operate the dispensary until building is completed and the burrow issues a certificate of occupancy so I would respectfully ask the board and the board attorney to include a provision in the resolution of approval if one is uh to be drafted that allows a CO to be issued before the crc's permit to operate is obtained it's a kind of a classic chicken or the egg scenario which which comes first and in this situation to just ensure a smooth process with the barrows building department um we want to make sure that the uh the Co ultimately is issued prior to the CRC issuing its uh permit to operate um there are couple other final points I just want to address before I turn it over to Mr Styers um condition number 22 of the preliminary resolution requires the applicant to establish a plan to address any queuing along Route 22 before a or temporary Co is issued so I've been in contact uh with Mr Cole on numerous occasions in attempt to satisfy this condition condition the goal was to satisfy this condition during tonight's final site plan hearing so in short and what we dis what Mr Cole and I discussed uh is that as a condition of approval the applicant consents to allowing local law enforcement and if necessary State Police to be stationed at the property's entrance uh if necessary to safely direct traffic to and from the property should parking space issues arise additionally the applicant agrees to reimburse the burrow for reasonable and actual expenses incurred from local law enforcement and if necessary the applicant also agrees to reimburse the Barrow for any expenses incurs incurred by the Barrow as it relates to the barrows procurement of State Police Services again if that's required um if this needs to be memorialized in in a separate agreement we we're happy to do that if it's if it would suffice to just be a condition in a in the resolution of approval that would certainly be our preference uh another thing I just wanted to mention the app acknowledge receipt of the letter prepared by Mr fiser on behalf of the township of Bridgewater uh as a and that letter was dated December 10th 2024 as a gesture of good faith the applicant would agree to install additional signage both inside the L lobby of the building and if the burrow and the burrow of Somerville and the township of Bridgewater's consent is necessary we would also agree to install signage along North Gaston Avenue simply to IND indicate that the consumption of can cannabis on public property is illegal um this Builds on our prior agreement to provide no loitering and no on-site consumption signage on the property so if that's uh satisfactory to the board and to Mr Fischer we're welcome uh we we welcome that to be a condition of approval that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a CO and perhaps most importantly to the applicant um before I turn it over I would respectfully request that the board Grant permission or just put on the record this evening uh for the barrows construction Department to be to begin reviewing the applicant's construction drawings prior to the actual memorialization of tonight's approval should one be granted ordinarily assigned resolution to my knowledge is required for this step however since this board bifurcated the application to avoid unnecessary delays uh it's particularly important to the applicant that this be done so if acceptable I would request that just if the board could put on the record or or the board's profess could put on the record that they are able to work with the Burrow's construction Department to facilitate the review of the applicants construction drawings concurrently with the drafting of the resolution of approval this would allow the process to move forward without waiting for the formal adoption of the resolution should this be approved and I just want to be clear I'm not requesting that the construction Department issue building permits prior to the adoption of the resolution of approval again I'm simply requesting that the construction Department be permitted uh as stated on the record this evening to begin process processing and reviewing the applicant's construction drawings so thank you for indulging me for my my introduction uh I'm going to introduce uh Mr Styers to just briefly confirm um that the final site plan before the board this evening reflects the preliminary site plan that the board approved back in April so I'll allow uh Mr Styers to get sworn in and uh put his short I think that they were they were not submitted as part of the application they were submitted um for in terms of meeting preliminary compliance so they were submitted with our compliance package and probably I believe digitally um just through email correspondence but they were not submitted as part of this final application would you mind just utilizing the microphone toward your little yeah because we're we're utilizing a minute system through Ai and it's it's very it's much easier if people speak into the microphone thank you sure that's fine you had mentioned a request for the board that a CO be issued prior to the CRC final operation permit being issued um can for my ucation and the board can the CRC operation perm be issued on a TCO or do you so I spoke to the applicant before this who's uh who's been through this before he indicated that that's not possible they have to that a CO has to be indicated if if it's possible to put in the co that um that subject to I know that I'm describing what a TCO is but but um no the the short answer is no okay all right thank you I suggest that we just say that if it's required by the license Ing and that's way it's going to be on the record yep okay thank you so you can't have the cart before the horse you have to have the Building completed and ready to go right before the CRC approves yes right I think uh it's largely do in part because the CRC is going to do a site visit and they're going to inspect to make sure that all the security Protocols are in place and that's really why you need a constructed building and personnel in place to demonstrate to the CRC that you are operating um the dispensary in accordance with with the law Larry and typically you have to show that all approvals have been satisfied prior to issurance of the Co in this case they can't show that until the inspections are done correct on the final product and the agency is saying they want a CO so it's it's unusual circumstance we actually just finished this same process with the medical center y exact same process the state required a finished co uh before they could actually open their doors thank you right just trying to avoid any issues down the road so I figured I would address it this evening that's the best way to do it right uh okay do you s the testimony you're about to give this spor and Truth the whole truth I do and Mr Styers if you can please place your uh academic background and professional credentials on the record in the field of professional engineering I have been before this Bo for 30 years now we're good yeah thank you thank you okay so Mr Styers you prepared both the preliminary site plan and the final site plan that's before the board this evening yes and I made a number of representations my introduction um specifically I represented that the final site plan depicts exactly what was depicted on the preliminary site plan uh with the exception of any changes that was required by the board or the board's professionals is that accurate yes the been a number of revision Cycles with Mike Cole to account for all the conditions of approval okay and is there anything that you wanted to uh add upon as far as uh changes made that the board should be aware of or did I cover it in my introduction you got pretty good all right I think the only thing we need is uh like Mike putting in his b bottom of his letter is to to do the engineers estimate yeah um should it be approved tonight so that's the only thing left unless that's my understanding at least yeah Craig did a nice job on the revisions they were done per the preliminary approval So the plan you're looking at it was it wasn't discussed but the waiver for shade trees was eliminated with the trees along the driveway so there's actually a waiver was eliminated between plyy and final so he did a nice job in my opinion thank you the one thing Mike I don't think we're going to get a as usual from srva we're not going to get a letter we're just gonna we have the email I'm good with that I just it referenced the letter so I was just following up on that the buau didn't have it so I didn't know it was in the works but the letter works it works yeah the email is it's been going pretty good so I don't have any questions for you unless the board has uh questions of Mr Styers any questions the only question I would have is regarding the um the signage that you talked about I don't think we have the authority to approve putting signage up on Bridgewater side of Gast Tav right I I agree and that's why um we're willing to work with in in good faith with the burrow Council if Somerville wants that signage as well as with the uh Township of Bridgewater and their Township committee if that's something that the township of Bridgewater wants to entertain obviously if they're not interested we we won't do it but if it's well received we'll we'll work with them to to accomplish that um I guess the question I had when you're referring to calling in local law enforcement and state police if there is issues you know what kind of authority do we have to put anything like that in as a satisfactory of the mitigation plan I don't we've never had that one come before us so I'm a little hesitant of us overstepping our authority of putting and saying this is what's going to happen yeah I would I would say that um that I think a condition of the of the resol resolution of approval can certainly include what what I had represented this is related to Traffic and it's something that a board can require now I I guess the next step would be to work with the barel counsil but as far as a just being a condition of approval it's something that this board certainly has the power to to to do and we've already agreed to it so sees a problem okay yeah we're fine with that I'm more comfortable with something like that right but but only but only for for traffic yeah only only as it relates to traffic no for everything you're not going to agree to that so who so my only question with that wording is who would be requiring the police should it the verbiage be if the you know local or State Police see necessary because who makes that determination if there it could be anybody that gets called it's just we're saying it's in relation to a traffic issue yeah then they yeah so if a neighbor or another Commercial Business along the highway is having problems with their access being blocked because of uh you know backups or you know excess whatever the case may be and they call local law enforcement and local law enforcement has to go out there and has to deal with traffic and then they call State you know in that circumstance so so let me let's jump back a little bit I think the biggest traffic crunch you're going to have is right when you open right yes um it's that first you tell me week two weeks probably two weeks two three weeks I would think grand opening and and then the novelty wears off right so so you know those crunch times what if what if the applicant committed that they would hire off-duty uh either jobs for blue or an off-duty uh police officer uh for those first two weeks as a as a commitment so this way there's mitigation already present and we're not reacting we're proactive yeah so um for we're welcome to just it's a good idea to plan in advance if you already know that the grand opening is probably going to have the most traffic to the site um the applicant is more than happy to uh to procure uh either local law enforcement local law enforcement or um Security in addition to what's already usually on site to mitigate any traffic concerns associated with the grand opening for if May if you said two weeks well you tell me I mean that's they they they I think they know best what that that impact is on the initial open you know what's a good time perod how long do you yeah I I I would be more comfortable with two yeah because I think and and and the reality is if after one week you you know if if it dwindles down you know I don't see a problem with with eliminating it two weeks Andor until the the mated until the situation is until the traffic concerns are mitigated the the the traffic is ultimately my opinion the public safety and active road is the local PD of the state highway so it's basically their discretion of what needs to be done yeah I don't want just because a neighbor claims that Something's Happened that they have to put somebody out there you know 12 straight hours every day at they're open or whatever the hours are unless the police say yes this is substantiated so yeah that's why if you have an off duty officer there for the first two weeks you're you're covered we're good to do that for the first two weeks and I think how it would play out is certainly if if a if there was a complaint from a neighbor I would hope the burrow Council would investigate and and the barrows professionals would investigate it to we'll let you know right to determine whether or not this is truly an issue and then if it is we'll we'll work with you yeah any other questions of the board all right I'm going to open it up to the public for any comments and questions and questions not sure good evening uh mayor members of the board Mr chairwoman uh my name is Alex Fisher with the law firm savos Shaw corini Warner gespo grck and fiser in Somerville um first off I'd like to thank uh Mr silbert and the applicant for taking uh some of the concerns in the letter that we had um and working with us on that um I just want to first uh confirm the on-site sign what did you propose I would say we proposed that it would say no loitering and additionally it would say no on-site consumption or no but now oh you're saying what we previously said yeah that what you've agreed to oh to this evening this evening uh we said that we could put signage in the lobby and along North Gaston Avenue that says something to the effect of um public consumption of cannabis is illegal Can it can it reference North Gaston it absolutely can okay um and I guess the the only other thing we have and I'm not going to belabor uh this because I know it's final site plan approval and not preliminary is would your client be willing to make the same accommodation if there's a traffic issue that spills over into Bridgewater as a result of uh I guess a lack of parking um to come out because due to a traffic issue caused by the dispensary by the applicant then in the same way that they would uh reimburse The Bu of Somerville for its cost or the cost required for the bur of Somerville the state off duty off duty is there any plan for if there's a Mr Fisher can you use the microphone because again other people are watching it and and I know I know we're we're able to hear you here but not everybody can is there any plan uh or accommodation for traffic issues uh that may arise after those two weeks well that's why I suggested mitigation should unless it's a compelling mitigation succeeds the two weeks having that St statement in there right and and would as part of that mitigation the applicant have to uh reimburse the municipality uh if if there is an issue regarding queuing into the uh into Somerville onto the highway we we didn't contemplate that we only contemplated having the offsite or the off duty officer for two got me saying offsite officer for two weeks for two weeks yeah all right I mean yeah there's you know there's experience and again I'm not a a pro in this type of uh but you know I passed by the I think one of the first ones in the state to open on Route One and and it was busy for the first couple few weeks and then it trailed off and now you know there there is there's no issue there's there's no traffic there's no queuing there's no so um so it's that initial push uh and and then it kind of subsides and seeks its own level all right we just ask that if you do come to an agreement with Summer bill for reimbursement that you'd be willing to work with in good faith with Bridgewater to do the same yes it's something we'll consider to work with Bridgewater I mean like I had mentioned the signage already I can't um you know we're not going to agree to reimburse Bridgewater or anything to that effect tonight but we can keep the line of communic open we don't want to create any problems for bridgew so yeah it's not a reimbursement of Somerville it's a it's a h direct hire of an off duty officer direct H yeah okay okay now that's uh all we have thank you thank you thank you anybody else for public comment or questions all right we'll close public session Cara can you go go ahead I was just gonna go ahead can you go through where we're at right now yep so the application before you is for final site and approval uh the conditions that I have are all conditions that were attached to the preliminary approval and outlined in the resolution will continue except as may be otherwise amended tonight or previously satisfied in connection with the final site plan application the applicant will comply with all bonding requirements as they testify to um the co will be permitted to be issued as appropriate obviously they have to comply with low requirements um but prior to the CRC permit to operate um however all other third party permits would be required to be satisfied in order for the co to be issued um signage the applicant has agreed to post signage in the lobby and along North Gaston to indicate no uh public consumption of any product uh and that that is illegal um and they would do that prior to co and would work with the burough and the township of Bridgewater as necessary uh to install and approve the installation of that signage um the applicant has requested and I think that really all the board can include as a condition is that they have no objection to the burough construction of building department beginning the review of the permits we can't direct them to do anything but we certainly have no objection to that um and and make sure I'm getting this correct um beginning at the Grand Opening or soft opening whatever we're going to be calling it um the applicant will Engage The Services of an off-duty police officer for traffic purposes for two weeks from that date to assist with traffic and queuing as necessary I think we added in there and or until the traffic conditions are mitigated right or traffic concerns or think we should say which will be determined by why don't we say the chief of police I that's that really that's right yeah yeah that's where the authority belongs and obviously you know just for for the record if there's any concern at any point either the burough or the township can reach out and have you know law enforcement go over there and and deal with it so it's not just during that time period so it's it's from that point going forward okay uh till chief of police determines okay that's all I have right you a motion I will move it based on that I'll second mayor are you seconded I did yes Chris addex yes R aens yes Larry Cleveland yes Jason kosa yes John manello yes Barry Van Horn yes mayor gallager yes council member of V yes acting chairperson Warner yes thank you very much thank you okay next we have the resolution amended uh for conditions for a Anda uh this is for Brian do you actually want to yeah I'll I'll take this um so so this is the uh the end of an a very long ongoing saga of the uh the park viw Parkland that front's Fair viiew Avenue and um this predates me uh and um probably a year year and a half ago is when it it began to uh to become a bigger issue so so the push was uh the Redevelopment agreement that the burrow had as well as the site plan approval that the planning board had for uh the entire project over off a Fairview um part of that was that the developer would uh donate and build a uh Park uh on a plot of land U I'll call it a thumb that uh that fronted uh uh Fairview and long story short um the environmental commission raised an issue uh to ensure that the property was clean uh a lot of Deep dive was done a lot of work with the developer was done a lot of negotiation amongst the council and the developer uh were done and what it came down to was uh they had I'll call it an NFA uh a no further action letter that dated probably about 15 years ago or so Colin 20 yeah um however there still uh was a concern because this was going to be Parkland and uh and that concern was raised by a number of folks including Larry uh and I think rightfully so um and uh the concern was well let's test it before we take it um so we went through the iterations the developer said I have a piece of paper it says it's clean the burough Council took the position well you know what because it's going to be Parkland we want to make sure uh and without that uh added extra measure of security uh the burough Council said we are not uh going to take possession of that piece of property so the council passed a resolution at our last meeting uh actually two meetings ago I think it was and uh and and we eliminated that as a part of the Redevelopment agreement so once that has been done it no longer is a component of the site plan approval so it's now coming to this body to amend the approval to eliminate that from the uh uh their their site plan approval as that is that a good synopsis yep I think you did a pretty good job all right much better than I could um and and the council uh unanimously uh supported this so um and that's uh due to the concerns raised by Larry uh environmental and the council itself so um that's it so all make a motion um I'll second it but I can't vote on it so can can I second all right you can't second um and I'll just I'll just reference uh just one more thing for the board that there is a a bond that was posted that was part of the prior amendment of this condition that the board agreed to um that Bond will be uh returned that would have to be an action of the burrow Council um subject to any monies that might be owed to the burrow um and that's also reflected in here so we've got uh Warner Sullivan Adair and Cleveland that can the motion and vote oh I can't make the motion on the original the original okay all right so so I withdraw I'll make a motion that we adopt this modification as is is that sufficient yes second we have to do a voice yes could you repeat the members that were eligible Warner uh Adair and Cleveland so really just Warner and Cleveland sorry mayor Larry Cleveland yes acting chairperson Warner yes we go all right so we did have some items for discussion um the ARB was on for discussion this is still with uh Council so we are going to hold off on any discussion on that um then we have our ordinances these are the ones relating to the fence Corner Lots things like that they are uh already have been introduced on the 18th I think it was of November so we get our next round of comments does anybody have any comments or discussion as it relates to so no comments back to council and then they will just proceed okay do we have to take a motion on that to send it back to council or no just so I don't forget after done we do have that summer Bill Urban resolution to do also so we'll hit that back afterwards so I'll make a motion to make the recommendation to con to council for the two ordinances again in the same form that we sent them up and they I don't think you guys introduce anything different correct there's three three sorry three and that they are in line with our master plan they're consistent with the master plan cor correct so moved second Chris adex yes art aens yes Larry Cleveland yes Jason kco yes John manilo yes Barry Van Horn yes mayor Gallagher yes council member room yes acting chairperson Warner yes all right you want to loop back to this uh Somerville Urban y um so everybody may recall that we had uh Somerville urban renewal phase three come before the board in October yeah beginning of October um to make some amendments to the uh buildings one two and five um this resolution um memorializes the uh application and memorializes the action of the board I just have a couple minor comments uh changes which are really just Corrections um page one and throughout the entire document wherever it references the application number in of 20 23- z3p it should be 2024 um the bottom of page one the date of that uh adoption of the first resolution was on February 27th 2019 not February 22nd um page three the date of the cha completeness letter was August 21st not August 2nd 2024 um the bottom of page and I'm sorry this is not numbered bottom of page four uh the square footages of uh are a little off and a building reference so the last sentence on page four should read the restaurant use in building two will be increased by 3,490 square ft and the retail will be decreased by 1,000 will be increased I'm Sorry by 1,475 sare ft um um the next page second paragraph second sentence uh we'll read building five will now be amended will be amended to now contain an open SL cafeteria type food court on the first floor a resident amenity space on the second floor a spa on the third floor and a hotel on the fourth and fifth [Music] floors and I think page nine yep page nine condition number 11 uh just a typo it shouldn't be roof top amenities it should be roof toop amenities um so other than that we're all set and the members permitted to vote are everybody here so moved second Chris addex yes rart aens yes Larry Cleveland yes Jason krasa yes John manelo yes Barry Van Horn Barry's the only one that c v mayor Gallagher yes council member of room yes acting chairperson Warner yes all right so under pending business first thing is we uh have the EV stations residential and the parking decks um I think that we would like you Mike to begin some research on this to develop maybe some uh ordinance guidance for us as it relates to proximity to buildings parking decks where they belong where we don't want them um but I think if you can do some research for us and bring those back to us for some recommendations so that we can get that pushed up we'll do right is that in the commercial and resal I think it should be my understanding from the Fire Marshals yes it was it was no distinction made from his office at least all right yeah it is the um and then we have the review of our uh still open the 2025 RFP for the professionals uh at the next meeting we will go into executive session and then we will meet and discuss from there um so that and make some guidelines and decisions moving forward okay um the next one was our the storm water ordinance which is the tree ordinance this is going to be carried over um you know this is something that the council is looking at we're really kind of waiting on them if if it it comes back here but just to be aware that it is out there and it could come to before us go ahead just to let you know that the environment commission people are very interested in making a presentation to anyone who will listen so if we have to have a joint meeting to make it easier and more efficient between the burough Council and the planning board board of adjustment we would encourage that want to see so everybody gets the same message counil uh and reest coun okayed we're waiting to get some sort of margin over ioun okay I'm sure you'll find somebody I'm sure maybe maybe not oh no no no there's plenty people there it's okay yeah thank you thank you all right and then last but not least is our 2025 planning board meeting dates um went through them Jason went through them I don't see any conflicts so we do have to uh take a vote on these I'll move the uh 2025 planning board meeting dates as noted Chris addex yes R aens yes Larry Cleveland yes Jason CA yes John manilo yes Barry Van Horn yes mayor Gallagher yes council member vom yes acting chair person waren yes only question still s 6 o'cl yes still six o'clock nothing changes on the time um so my comments I just wanted to really quick it's been a crazy hectic year for us here on the planning board um had some uh very unfortunate happenings throughout the year I think everyone has conducted themselves professionally um and that it is an honor to serve as your chair as the acting chair in Bernie's place it was defin Ely a year that nobody saw coming so thank you for everybody's support throughout the year as well I look forward to an amazing 25 on the planning board whether it's a chair or not I love being on the planning board always happy to serve um and that is all that I have um I am going to open it up to the public for anything any comments okay close closing public sorry jump in the gun just a quick note for everybody um because different people watched the reorg meeting for the council is not at the high school this year it is at the middle school so just wanted to let people know case you know a lot of you guys go so yeah there don't go to the wrong place Conflict at the high school this year wow okay okay I would like a motion to adjourn so moved all in favor second I all opposed thank you