now everything's on I think yep all right meeting of the Somerville planning board for May 22nd 2024 will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting as required by the open public meeting act has been provided a copy of a notice specifying the date time and location was one posted on the bullet board outside B Hall two mailx or emailed the Courier News and three given the C administrator this meeting is a Judicial proceeding any questions or comments must be limited to the issues the board May legally consider en reaching a decision and the decorum appropriate to a legal a Judicial heiring must be maintained at all times roll call chairman Nado yes Miss razinski here mayor Gallagher here councilman vom miss adir here miss Warner here Mr CA here Mr cresties Mr Cleveland Mr adct Mr aen okay Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with lice someday I'm going to count the number of times I have recited that in my lifetime never enough I didn't say anything about whether it was enough or not I just said someday I'm going to count the number of times okay um approval of the minutes for May 8th second any additions or Corrections we do both together regular and exec both together regular and exec yeah okay chairman aado yes Miss rinsky yes mayor Gallagher yes Miss adir Miss Warner yes Mr kco yes okay um my comments I have two sets of comments we have the rfps which have been amended based on our meeting from last meeting and does everybody agree with that yep no issues no issues um do I hear a motion to send it on to councel Second all those in favor I I all those opposed thank you uh the other thing is that I sent out um I had Jenis send the procedure for purchasing a firearm in the state of New Jersey and I did that because we couldn't find anybody to come in and explain the process to us because nobody wanted to when I say nobody the state police and the prosecutor's office did not want to be put in a position where they would be having an interaction with residents and the community so this is information that we will put on the agenda for the next meeting and discuss and I want everybody to take a look at it read it um I I think it's pretty much self-explanatory so is this going to be put on the website for the public to view beforehand so that we can do that they they have the information beforehand so we're not trying to explain it it's already 20 Page document to them already on a State Police website but we can put it on ours as well I think probably best okay direct y that works and the discussion you want to have is to see if anyone has any questions to see if there's anything we have to do ordinance wise what's the yeah what we need what we you need to do is decide number one whether or not the existence of this particular retail use poses a threat and what level is that threat and do we want to change our zoning as a result of that discussion so do we have a right to determine if it's a threat though I I guess yeah I might I I don't know if it's really determining whether it's a threat or not I think it's really a discuss from the planning board level on where is where is it appropriate what zones uh would a store a firearm store be appropriate and if we determine it's not appropriate I think we need to determine why yes absolutely correct I guess I'm confused as to how the procedure for purchasing a handgun I don't know I guess I'm just I'm just a bit confused as to I think I feel like we're tiptoeing on a line that isn't really necessarily ours and I don't want us to we have been asked by the council to examine this issue and to determine whether or not we would recommend that the sale of firearms be restricted in certain zones and and that's really where we need to go with this so this is more of a background and understanding that procedure for us is that what I mean are we using it yes okay we see how hard it is to okay and that makes sense like I that's where I felt like I was a little confused just how we're using background to determine for us to determine whether or not we need to restrict or recommend restriction of the sale of firearms in any particular Zone already restrictions so I think I think this is the discussion that we should have at the next meeting okay what I'm saying is the other information I would like for the next meeting is what are the existing restrictions at the state level or the national level like around schols and things like that's what's there I not see that well it's the procedure yeah but I'm asking everybody talking about feet from a school should but that doesn't apply that doesn't apply to retail gun shops so well this is what I'm saying are there are there any restrictions state from the state level PL like location restrictions not that I've seen I've looked at this I will look at it again and be prepared with that information but not that I've seen so this is that's what I was I had from talk it seemed like were already rest so so one of the the caveats is we had expressed to the public at numerous times that the public would be involved in this discussion and I think I what I don't want to do is get ahead of ourselves in this forum right now that it being on an agenda because yeah because it's not listed on the agenda right what I would suggest is at the next meeting weed to ask some of those questions so that we can ask our professionals to obtain that information I think I think the next meeting really is a discussion of what information we will need in order to make a a judicious decision on what's appropriate what's not okay and I I think we can actually make that request now no no no that's that's what he's saying do not make the requests come with questions we we because we have expressed to the public it's not listed on the agenda we have been said to the public very specifically that they will be included as a part of this process and if we're starting this discussion now we're being disingenuous to the public I okay we're not really starting the discussion we already are by asking questions and ask no I get it I think we're just clear and understanding this document and then all the questions and everything will go forward from there and and just to clarify this is for moving forward not we're not making any decisions and and we're not doing anything backwards there's nothing retro to any stores that are open already this is not doesn't happen Okay gotta okay that's all I have I will entertain a motion to adjourn so moved okay I where where does it say mayor's comments very briefly if I may Mr chair um I the zoning board chairman and I had a brief discussion over agenda items and I think it's a good policy and practice he and I both agreed policy and practice with the zoning board and i' like to to request that the planning board do this as well once an application is heard and a uh at least the verbal resolution is approved prior to the written resolution coming back to the board and being voted on where it's not that it's dropping off the boards should be made fully aware of what the status is of that written resolution on subsequent agendas so if we had an approval tonight on the next agenda even if the resolution wasn't ready yet it would be listed as resolutions pending approval okay um and and I'd like to see that at the zoning board and also at the planning board so that if there is if there are any delays that the boards the respective boards are aware of why is it a professional delay is it an applicant delay and if so why and then this way it keeps the boards fully informed it keeps professionals moving forward hon well it keeps them moving forward with the applications one going to be discussing exactly and I just think it's a good policy and practice to have Place everybody agree yep I'm good information is always good I do that in other towns and it definitely works so I think that's a great idea to start doing it here too good okay we're all in agreement I move uh public just open it up to the public yeah we got to open it up open it up to the public of which there are none we'll close the public session I know you love it when I do that but you know just for the record okay we have a motion in a second all those in favor I all those opposed thank you