##VIDEO ID:64QqtxhU__g## e e e e good evening yeah there we go thank you good evening everyone uh we'll be starting here in a couple minutes but uh while we have a moment if I could just remind everyone who's here in the audience to please silence or turn off your cell phones so we don't have any unexpected interruptions during the course of the meeting thank you for being here e e good evening everyone uh tonight is the first budget hearing of the city of South Miami uh the commission is now in session uh again if you could please silence or turn off your cell phones we'd greatly appreciate it Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes mayor Fernandez present Vice May Bon here commissioner Cory present you have a call thank you madam clerk if we could please stand for a brief moment of silence commiss Cory would you Len The Pledge please absolutely to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for stands one nation under indivisible andice thank you please be seated Adam cler if you can note for the record that commissioner Kai is now in attendance thank you okay um folks today we have two items on the agenda unless there's an objection to have the clerk read both ordinances into the record and then we'll open up uh the budget for a brief presentation by the manager and any questions that my colleagues may have mam clerk if you could read the items please yes item one in ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Soph repor adopting a proposed Mage rate for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 through September 30 2025 which amount may be amended the first or second reading and AD in the final millage rate on second reading item two in ordinance of the city Commission of the city of southy adopting a tenative budget for this city for fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 and ending September 30 2025 and which budget may be amended the first or second reading of this ordinance adopting a final Budget on second reading providing for salaries expenses of the city commission and officers as acquired by the city Charter thank thank you madam clerk Mr manager would you like to give a a brief presentation before we open up the items for public hearing yes sir mayor our CFO is going to uh provide a presentation to share uh some information and some of the changes from the budget that was shared at at the Mill stud meeting so that way you have an understanding of what had changed from that budget to this budget so see if I will run through a presentation thank you sir Mr riveral you recognized good evening good evening everyone happy to be here thank you um budget highlights some of the things that have changed from the budget Workshop that was held on in July to where we are today and what's being presented in adopted hopefully uh by ordinance later um maintains the same 3.95 which is the millage that we currently have um in fiscal year 24 so we're holding the the same millage is being presented in this budget and was developed using that same Village uh taxable assess value increase by 88.6% uh again that's information that was presented at the workshop that's the assess values provided by the Property Appraiser's office um we found or we were able to obtain about $570,000 in savings from the budget uh due to workers comp general liability insurance um just Insurance in general that helped us uh maintain the millage the same and it did with our budget increased but that Savings of 570 help offset some of those other increases like salary increases cost of living increases things like that um wage increase Staffing I think you saw the or you've heard the presentation the Evergreen study which was presented this budget takes into account a a staged approach in trying to bring wages up to uh to what they should be to to stay in line with the the market uh emergency reserves maintained at 25% something that we strive for and continue to maintain and our Idol funds are strategically invested in different money markets tools that we use to try to maximize our return so that it helps us gain more revenue on idle cash so we'll continue to maintain that same practice and it's been working for us very well lately um proposed millage rates um we presented this at the last budget Workshop um we added some additional information which was presented one of the Commissioners um asked a question reference to what is our millage what would our millage be uh if you took out Solid Waste we're one of the few cities that has our Solid Waste built into the adalum rate so we do not charge Property Owners a a a sanitation or a garbage and trash fee so this this small uh verbage just explains of the 2863 properties that we have which is what is used to collect recycling um and provides a budget of 1.9 million for sanitation in essence trying to compare it Apples to Apples with some of the other entities we would be able to bring down the millage to about 3.2 430 and in turn to cover the cost of the sanitation it would be roughly about $666 per year per property owner sort of like what Miami day County charges for theirs again we don't have that fee but that gives you somewhat of a it tries to put an Apples to Apples comparison as best we could so some of the budget highlights um compens increases as I mentioned there is two new positions built into this budget right now one is the administrative services coordinator which was was discussed at the workshop and we've added an additional for streets and maintenance a dedicated maintenance worker for the Town Center that would be for the parking garage that would be their sole responsibility would be to help enhance and maintain the Town Center um in great conditions another consideration something that we've been talking about is grant writer it's not in this budget what's being presented before you there doesn't but it's something that maybe you may want to consider um in your discussions Public Safety radios radios is a big item uh Miami County has moved to a new radio system um we have had the same radios for a while in this budget you have money set aside to upgrade our radios for our police officers and I I believe this only covers not the in vehicle radios but the ones that they carry sorry sorry to interrupt you but when do you know when the last time that they were upgraded was or I believe we financed them she's there so many years okay Finance them I remember we were financing in 2011 but 10 plus years okay thank you I know it's been it's been a long time yeah um wage adjustments continue for Public Safety they were part it was incorporated into the Evergreen um provides enhancement for training We There is a good amount of enhanced training something that we we've upgraded and we've focused on in this budget and that is for nighttime training daytime training uh training for as it says escalation or deescalation and Crisis Intervention those are things that we focused on this budget and uh have is a big part of the public safety budget Parks and Recreation big items Dante fael you see in the CIP 3.34 million for Dante fael also for Dante fael $390,000 for a trail and two pickle ball courts we're doing a master plan a master plan that would put us from 202 10y year master plan 2026 to 2035 um the current master plan has outlasted its life useful life and with all of the changes that have occurred in the last 10 years it's time to now bring up the next 10 uh Palmer Park is having their own master plan as you can see it's just dedicated for what is the best use for Palmer Park and how to enhance that Park uh purchase temporary restroom trailer you've heard a ton about that we're in the process tonight you will be uh hearing discussions in reference to the construction of the permanent restroom facility Well this during the construction which is expected to be a year long this allows us to buy a nice portable trailer bathroom facility that can be used uh for Park goers and the soccer program and things like that nature so that's built into this which I think is is a is a much needed uh utility security cameras throughout multiple facilities again enhancing security at all of our Parks we do have park cameras that have been installed many years ago we're replacing them with the same camera system having one camera provider as what we do in the parking garage and in some of our other Park facilities finish your slide and we have some questions yeah no problem and senior citizens um enhancements for their program so they can dance and if we can pause right there I believe we have a question from M gu and Then followed by the vice mayor M gu you're recognized thank you Alfredo um I don't know if Q's not here but can we uh I wasn't aware that we're doing something for fuches park on the volleyball facilities can we should what what is it that we're doing there or maybe I just miss it we're doing renovations to both uh outdoor volleyball facilities at each Park so each each has a court currently what are we doing just resanding I think we're resanding renting Mr manager I'm not sure lights will verify that but yes obviously we're resanding uh and a few other elements we'll we'll get the full scope uh but I'm not aware of any license included all right further questions no okay Madam vice mayor I'm sorry because I know I've asked this question once before but I can't remember the answer the $135,000 for the cameras are they passive cameras or is somebody actively monitoring passive cameras that are they're they're going to be accessible at police 911 and on the it's sort of like a ring it's an enhanced camera but they're not somebody's not actively watching all of the cameras to centralize our security cameras okay so they're unlike the ones in the parking garage that are actively monitored those are on multiple sites but there's nobody physically watching all of those cameras either all right thank you thank you continue sir so some of the big ticket item significant uh changes from the workshop um $864,000 was uh appropriation from the fleet you you saw on the last commission we adopted a a large amount of Fleet and we're using the arpa uh due to the constraints and time uh to help alleviate some of the CIP expenditure church for fiscal year 25 um also you see we increased the D fael in the CIP by $200,000 for the that building uh we it's continuously being reviewed by multiple agencies from fire to Derm to Wasa so all of those have come back with comments which are going to increase the cost of this facility um and these are Necessities that need to be uh if we want to build the building PTP we increased the budget by 828 ,000 to fund two traffic circles that have already been designed and procured um we're just waiting to the fiscal year in October 1st if approved today uh this tonight and ultimately at the final budget hearing on the 17 um we will hopefully move forward with the purchase of those two traffic circles and lastly we increased storm water drain uh for one project that had some modifications to the scope providing an additional Inlet and an exist modifying an existing speed hump um and that's the project that's located on 65th Avenue between 50th and 52 uh street now these are just some changes in the general fund that have occurred due to new information or modifications that requests um additional funds so 70 residential discount parking program that is something that was discussed at the workshop providing a program similar to City Miami has s similar to what Miami Beach has where residents they register with finance and approved because they provide the proper documentation and they qualify they will have a discounted rate in parking in throughout the city at different locations so that that program is something that I'm hoping to bring back I'm hoping on the 17th a program for your review and it'll require a schedule of fee change um intergovernmental these are Revenue that we received from the state of Florida they tell us how much they're estimating that we collect they provided uh they update periodically and $45,000 in additional Revenue which is great so see these are some of the changes in expenses I'll run through some of the majors um uh added for annexation expenses $35,000 that's an initiative that we're continuously to focus on on multiple areas uh redu special events at so many second Saturdays uh 4th of July we want five more minutes of fireworks we're we're going big time so we're adding $3,500 for that senior events again new monthly gardan program 20 Evergreen adjustments we were able to because of personnel changes since the study came out to when we're implementing beginning on October 1st people have left people have come so that has modified the actual amounts provided in that study um reduction in South Miami Park restroom trailer again you heard me what we did was we reduced it because we had a large amount we had $190,000 after doing procurement and looking at the different facil temporary facilities that are available and instead of leasing it purchasing it our on our own it actually provided a lot of savings so that's why you see it in the CIP and with $25,000 of an expense just to manage it we have an outside company that's going to come in and uh take the refuse with it um increase in public work salary uh $12,000 we increase that budget and future land use projects $50,000 to help uh the attorneys help the planning with some of these reports that are that are needed in front of the commission so the net change is about $297,000 uh changes to expenses with that I thank you so much for your time thank you very very much is there a way that we can have that or at least the last page while we have our conversations or have it up yep put me back up on the screen thanks um vice mayor could I just ask a question so I had a question from uh one of the earlier parts of the slide we we talked about a 8% increase um in uh uh I guess in millage or what we what we received this year from last year I was wondering if you knew how that compares to other cities that we've uh in terms of the increase the question is how it it Compares in the setting of The millage in other words maintaining The Mill at 39 the revenue that we generated the r% increase I I don't have that information I have there certain reports that I have in the back of which tells us what we're increasing to and how much it's generating for us keeping the millage I don't have the information on other cities okay and commissioner just I think think the the slide that you saw made reference to the taxable value the assess value increase year to year so that's the eight plus per not not the millage right it was the assessed value difference year to year yeah it's the one before yeah I guess I was just curious how how we compare to to other cities okay I now I understand so in taxable assess value how much we increase we're pretty much right in the middle there's been other cities that have increased significantly because new developments came on we're we didn't do quite as well we did last year so we're last year we did I think we're just ahead of Sweetwater and West Miami but we're behind pretty much everyone else and then uh the only other uh question I had I know I saw in the recommendations the potential of adding a grant writer position or grant writer service I think I saw maybe there was a line item in there but there there's no additional line item added for that a discussion that's going to be part of the discussion we we we have it as a a consideration to add a a fulltime position to that instead of Outsourcing it we've outsourced it uh in the fiscal year that we're in and it's one of the things that we've talked about that maybe we've graduated enough to to do that uh that would probably be in the order of magnitude Allin salary and and benefits $ 85 9,000 okay U so it's a top you know something El discussion but it's not built into the budget obviously there is a net net uh a positive net operating uh still within the budget about 235,000 so something for to consider and discuss all right perfect thank you and and if I may just uh no lights at fuches commissioner you had asked we just verify what parks uh the volleyball did not have lights as part of the Improvement at FES and Dante fael either at both correct apologize for stepping out but little family emergency there uh are we done with questions on this slide or you want to move forward one comment okay yes M vice mayor Rec as as it relates to the Grand wrer can we talk to how much based on what we have now for the outsourced grant writer we would see kind of folding into that number you just mentioned of 80 whatever so a line item that we use uh for the Outsource is 50,000 currently the contract is not for that much it's uh about 25,000 and then if we write additional ones so roughly about 30k but the line item itself has 50K okay so do you think it'd be fair to say that we'd want to maybe take half of that if we do decide to go towards this position so it gives us some leeway in the future if we did want to do something outside of that position so if we wanted to have a combination in-house employee with some money set aside for an ability to Outsource a particular Grant potentially if that's your question yeah so we could use a combination of the 50 whatever portion we want to pray we would have to find the difference from um other expenses Andor a from the Surplus the net operating positive amount that we still have in the budget of about $235,000 I want to say so yes we could take some of it all of it the 50ks depending if we're going to leave some money into there may be grants that are very specialized potentially that we may want to tap somebody in the outside potentially but yes okay and do we want to is it me does it is my microphone low you sound low yes yeah do we am I still low still low sorry John can you check on her volume please yeah cuz some some seem very loud and I seem very low it's probably because I'm usually really loud um it do we want to wait until we get to parks in the overall budget conversation to have a conversation of what we saw here or do we want to yeah I was going to let Alfredo I'm not sure if Mr R finished with his presentation he has okay I was going to open up the public hearing okay and then we could have a conversation about uh discussion items that we want to raise okay create a list and then we can go through all okay thank you fair enough uh Mr manager anything else you'd like to add for the good of the order no sir thank you sir so at this time we have a public hearing item on both the millage rate proposal which is ordinance number one on tonight's agenda and Mr C unless there's any objection from you I'd like to open public hearing on both items items one and two item one again being the mill rate which we proposing to keep flat at 3.95 uh the second item is the adoption of the budget which was just summarized by our Chief Financial Officer with that if any member from the public would like to address this Commission on either items one or two you're free to come to the microphone at this time and uh address this commission uh Madam City attorney is there anyone online who'd like to address this commission with respect to either the budget or the mill rate if you're don't online please raise your approach hand you like I'm nor and um what we want I would like to talk public so I'm sorry not a problem just your name and address for the record if you can please excuse me just your name and address for the record please gr nor 7541 Southwest 61st Avenue we have a big concern which is with waste uh we are six units building side by side and we have um garbage collectors that are driving the prices they're driving us out completely it's we pay 800 a month to have our garbage picked up and they start very low and they increase they increase they lock you for um years and we want the city to take care of that we're residents we're not rental units we live there and um before we had this big truck coming in into the building inside the driver finally we managed that they don't do that anymore because they were destroying the the uh parking area the driveways so we are hoping that maybe the city can consider to put us into program and have us have our garbage being picked up by the city instead of paying these people such amount of money plus all those big trucks additional trucks destroying our roads and polluting our roads with liquids that come out and things like that so that's what we are requesting the where we live is called The Enclave to South Miami thank you for your comments appreciate it is there any other uh person here in the audience who would like to address this Commission on either budget item please come forward at this time okay seeing no no further um individuals coming forward we will close the public hearing at this time Madam clerk no one online as well okay thank you so we'll consider the public hearing closed colleagues um what items is is there a motion on item one that we' like to entertain or would you like to discuss the budget first then take action on both items no I'll move the motion to move item one okay so we have a motion to adopt item one as presented the M yeah y okay is there a second second okay so a motion by commissioner Cay and a second by commissioner Corey uh Madame clerk I'm sorry anything we need to read in terms of particulars uh on this item my apologies yes mayor we're just going to announce publicly that the proposed millage rate of 3.95 as advertised in the trim notice that property owners received exceeds the roll back rate which is 3. 6351 by 8.66% which statutorily is characterized as a property tax increase we're just announcing that for the record thank you and we have covered the items with respect to the use of those additional revenues and complete the public hearing there was thorough discussion of the budget there revenues and the expenditures any other formalities Madam CNE that we need to address before we thank you so we have a motion and a second item one madame clerk then if you can call the rooll please yes commissioner K Madam clerk hold on one second please yes Madam vice mayor you recognized thank you how is it considered a tax increase technically under the statute it is because the proposed millage exceeds the roll back rate by 8.66% is it higher than it was last year I'm going to no no so mad the millage is the same as the roll back rate calculation so it's the difference between the roll back rate and the new millage or proposed millage so so Madam vice mayor just it's one of those audities in State Statute that anything that does not result in the same net revenue is considered by Statute a tax increase okay it doesn't account for the cost of any cost of you know CPI or any sort of other cost increases that would affect your need to have more Revenue to offset those costs um but it's just again statutorily any dollar over last year's collections is considered a tax increase so for the average homeowner like myself who would not understand all of that legali that was just spoken when I look at my bill from last year and it says you know whatever the percentage is this year the percentage looks exactly the same yes our our millage rate is exactly the same we have not raised or lowered the millage it is just the number that has changed because the county the state whoever the world may be they've changed their number we are not changing our number yes the taxable values increased and so but the but the assessment rate is flat and just to contextualize it further that's on the heels of a reduction last year yes okay thank you no problem further questions or comments okay Madam clerk you can now read the role please yes commissioner Cen yes commissioner Cory yes Vice Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes one passes 4 Z okay colleagues questions you'd like to or items like to discuss in the budget uh I have the comment on the waist pickup I noted that we want to discuss a possible grant writer position I have um a discussion item I'd like to bring up on parking Staffing and enforcement uh anything else anyone else like to throw into the pot for discussion I want to bring up lobbyist lobbying okay other items please yes Madam vice mayor I also have lobbyists I want have an evergreen conversation for one second I want to have a what conversation Evergreen Evergreen okay um I would like to have a Parks conversation and I have like two or three more do you want me to list them out sure that way I can keep a running tab yep I have are there is it specific Parks or just the parks budget generally ma'am want no it's specific the the well one of them just so since our director's online that way he's aware of what we're going to way here very nice hat I I loved it um the $135,000 that was mentioned for cameras okay I have $350,000 for a rescue vehicle for the police I have is that in this year's budget or the capital it's in the capital budget for 26 man it's it's projected request yeah FY 26 26 so not 24 so I can scratch that or you still want to it let's see let me keep going Girl Scout Little House $250,000 okay okay sorry I'm just going through the I think I'm done so if somebody else wants to go I'll keep looking just in case Mr Cory any items uh yeah just the grant Rider position I did also have a question about the the uh Citywide Parks Improvement for uh Furniture uh just a a general question there and um I guess a little bit on the Palmer Park U master plan as it separates from the 10year plan just curious about um a little bit more on that just to for General discussion sure further items Comm we're good going advice anything else before we close the list sorry know I just have one more page of my notes to look at I know right I have like pages and pages I drove all for real crazy um I think I'm good because somebody else already mentioned Grant riter and we already had that okay I'm good oh recycle recycling but that's on the agenda for the commission meeting this evening as well okay I'll add a I'll add a 10th item which is if we can just get I I know we saw some references to multi- Agency SWAT and possibly I think that was you were going there with the feature acquisition so may put the chief on the hot seat here for a minute and ask him about that initiative oh we can start there if you like so we'll go we're going to go backwards let's do this we'll do PD we'll take up the parks issues so we'll just do that Silo and let her direct her off the hook and then we'll move into some of the other items on the list so Chief if you could please good evening if you could just share with us uh what it is you're cooking up on the multi- Agency SWAT and I know it's been referenced in the budget in different locations there may be some vehicle purchases in this year and next year's budget that you've identified potentially wanted to understand what we're trying to accomplish there yes sir so the multi- agency uh SWAT would be uh city of South Miami the City of Coral Gables the city of Pine Crest and the City of West Miami joining in as a mutual uh crisis management Response Team uh for uh any incident that would occur uh within those four Juris itions it would not eliminate by any stretch the use of Miami dat County uh but there is some concern uh potentially with amongst Chiefs right now uh of the transition to the Sheriff's Office and what that may or may not look like for us as a city uh and uh or cities I should say in the future C can you elaborate on the concerns just um I mean if you could just maybe give us the background what the what the state of play is today with obviously the Sheriff's Office being Consolidated as part of the county how how do how do we access your SWAT services today currently we access our SWAT services with either Coral Gables um but mainly we us utilize Miami dat County uh SWAT their SRT team for any of their special responses and and what kind of instance are they responding to uh this would be like a hostage barricade um most recently when I uh first got here we had an officer shot at and potentially the person had barricaded himself into a home uh so those are the type of incidents that the that we would be calling upon for the county to respond to as well as any explosive ordinance disposal I mean there's a vast number of other things but particularly related to swat type operations would be hostage rescue barricaded gunmen uh armed gunman Andor search formants where uh these were believing that we may have to force entry into a home to either gather evidence for an individual okay okay K you recognized thanks Chief so what's the concern moving forward with the Sheriff's Office like what is it that the municipalities are worried about uh well there's several one starts tomorrow at the County Board of commissions whereby uh the county had initiated uh the chairperson of the commission had initiated a uh an item on the agenda that was going to roll back the memorandum of agreement ment with the current cities in Miami day County and in that there would be uh we would Chief just to be clarified because I want to make sure I'm on the same page you're talking about the discussion around uh the mutual Aid agreement yes sir and I think that's driven out of a lot of the conversation related to Miami Beach's operational Staffing around Memorial Day correct it it is very much focused on Miami Beach I would say that but there are a lot of concerns amongst the day Chiefs uh whereby uh I believe most will show up tomorrow at commission meeting uh to show presence and and disagreement with rolling back that uh Mutual Aid agreement Andor a standard operating procedure that would uh impose fees on municipalities for utilizing Miami D County Services so for the benefit of my colleagues in the public that may not be following these conversations as closely uh as I understand the item um commissioner Gilbert who's the County Commission chairman has expressed some displeasure about the fact that and I'm going to characterize his comments and maybe you'll characterize them differently but Miami Beach in his estimation has been um using the mutual Aid agreement to basically underwrite the Staffing of their uh operational plan for the management of Memorial Day obviously the beach has had past issues uh with um visitors on Memorial Day that have they would say overrun the beach in many ways and in recent years he been very aggressive about having a proactive policing presence uh and I would say drawn upon the resources of other departments as part of their operational planning for that event um I think the chairman was fairly displeased that was coming at cost to other agencies when this is uh was not an event that was triggered by an emergency which I think is probably the intent of the mutual Aid agreement but one where it was just part of the proactive planning on the part of the beach to manage whatever uh nuisances they were trying to respond to in connection with uh things that happened over the course of that weekend so the proposal As I understood it was to try to make sure that uh the mutual Aid System remain one where you're responding to crisis as opposed to one where agencies are using in a proactive manner to kind of plan and underwrite the cost of the events am I summarizing the conversation fairly accurately yes sir okay so with that his way background do we have any questions about that and how that system works well no I mean I think we can I mean agree or disagree with what I mean that's the question so whether we agree or disagree with that characterization of no I mean I it's a fair again that's why I started my comment by saying it's my characterization it may not be one that other share so if you have a yes sir go ahead mayor I just want to certainly that's been a topic of conversation but I just want to decouple a little bit the conversation about having this regionalized effort and leveraging small agency resources to to and have a force multiplier predates the this issue that that came to the county when we started talking about this multi- agency uh approach of having training I don't see the issues as linked honestly I think there are two separate issues in my mind uh you know one is do you want to have your own kind of backup capacity the question I really have is obviously we pay a countywide we make a contribution to a countywide mides I think it was 459 last time I looked at our trim notice uh and so we all pay some amount of money the count County for these Regional services and I'm just wondering whether we just think that bundle of services in that is inadequate so that would be really my question to the Chief and how is it inadequate if we had some experiences where we haven't gotten the kind of responsiveness that we needed from the county and why would we want to create this this reservoir of capacity here at the local level would be my question I I would say that there's the Count's not failed Us in that regard I would not characterize it in that manner uh I would characterize it in the manner that um when we don't know what we don't know regarding a new sheriff in town yeah so to speak and what that may or may not look like depending on who were to step in office uh at the time uh and if I called upon a sheriff uh police department SWAT team to come out to the city of South Miami and they took over complete operations and uh the operations didn't go as well as we would hoped the news media is going to be standing on our front door and probably not theirs and I want to be able to answer the I want to be able to have a final say in my city so so again colleagues I want to domate the conversation any questions yes Madam vice mayor go to commissioner Corey I I have a concern about how this would play out liability wise when you've got different municipalities forming an intergovernmental Agency for lack of the right word if you have Pine Crest Coral Gables and South Miami responding to something and something goes wrong My worry is above and beyond whatever the the hard cost would be to the city is now who's responsible for whatever that liability is and I I I certainly don't have the clarity when it comes to that to make me comfortable with this I'm the first one I I mean I I tell the story that can can I just not to interrupt but so is your question so I understand let's to say we're we're responding to a barricaded shooter at here in South Miami or in another jurisdiction that's subject to this Mutual Aid agreement and there's an innocent bystander that's shot and there's a lawsuit that flows from that response who's defending and who's paying that claim maybe the chief can help address that question specifically or or share some background with the help of our City attorney I'm going to defer to the City attorney explain that a little bit better than I might be able to I I'll let him chime in but I just want to share that we have that today right we we provide Mutual Aid to other agencies so those scenarios are are real today uh because um we we have you know boarders at Cross and respond to the count or there's a there's an active Chase and obviously you're responding across jurisdiction so what you're saying is those those what you're saying is the creation of this entity will not necessarily change the posture of how we respond to those claims and that liability however I think it would then put us in a realm where we're dealing and we're responding to different incidents without the benefit of a sister agency like the county taking taking the lead on that response is that a fair and and do we and do we actively Chase anybody today today we we do yeah do do we we may we may but do we do we actively chase today yes we AB absolutely absolutely Chase for certain crimes so violent crimes we will chase you for okay hidden run we chase you for that's not a violent crime okay no but violent crimes like armed robbery we will chase you okay so I think I think it would behoove us to understand at least me what we would Chase for and what we wouldn't chased for because if I got smacked up in a hid and run I want you to chase somebody down and knowing now that that's so I think there's difference between active Pursuit and an investigation that falls from the accident so we would we would investigate and then pursue the person but you wouldn't have an active we wouldn't Chase somebody down yeah correct but that doesn't mean that that person doesn't get flagged on an LPR reader right in another jurisdiction and that jurisdiction does not try to apprehend that that person when they're okay sorry moving into something completely different but it's a this is a little worrying to me both the action and the money because the money $350,000 is a significant amount of money so the the hi Josh the $350,000 would is is slotted for fiscal year 26 which is will be another year and that was a a sort of a placeholder for a discussion for next fiscal year not the one that we're putting in the one after that potentially and to have that capability possibly the actual operation of it would predate that right we that because that vehicle purchase so the liabilities exist today and I just want to share that inherent in the way they operate uh and the way the cities collaborate and if there's a Chase in The Gables and they call it in and they're coming into South Miami you know we get involved in that or if the county comes in from a swap standpoint they do something in our city that liability is there as well so it's inherent in the business as well I want to say it's a it's a proper question as to the liability that we have but that exposure we have in that operation because we share so let me let me do this if I may because in the interest of time we're at 5:45 and this is the first of 10 discussion items I have and we probably have not had a chance to all be briefed by the chief on this issue so I think I certainly would like to get some more information about what the costs are to stand up this capacity what we think the expenditures are going to be to stand that up over the next three years what kind of um Capital outlays we have to make beyond the ones that we have in FY 26 identified and chief I know I mean these these things are just often tough to discuss in public as well I'd like to understand since we're I know I'm I'm involved in actively endorsing one of the candidates right are there concerns about things we've heard we can talk about the stff line from any one of the candidates that are now uh among the two left for that office that are that are creating concerns about the current status quo um certainly something I want to be at least advised of so if you can put together that information for us on the on the quantitative side I I know I would appreciate it college is anything else you would want to know about this particular item oh one sorry yes sir go ahead um is is this all or or nothing so do you need all four municipalities to join to make sure this is works or what if Coral Gables or Pine Crest doesn't goes to the commission they don't want to do it we've already been to this um and we've signed it it's already been commission for all this as far as the as far as the agreement as financially obligated anything we have mutual agreements with all three of these jurisdictions no I know that but for the SWAT capacity you're asking correct I think I think what I heard the chief say is that that Coral Gables already has SWAT as part of their their portfolio so work this is additive to us I'm assuming additive to Pine crust and additive to West Miami so if you can help also explain you know what role we would play and and if there was an event who would have incident command control to your point before yeah so at at this point we're we're we're sponsoring three people for this SWAT team at this point right so um they will go over and be trained as a mutual Aid team as far as incident command it's going to depend on which city the incident occurs in okay so if it occurs in South Miami I'll have incident command if it occurs in cor Gables cor Gables will have incident command and so forth and so on that was the whole point in PR behind this was that if we called upon a SWAT team we want to be able to as Chiefs dictate what whether we walk away from that incident or whether we push forward and continue the incident if we turn it over to the county it's and and this new sheriff comes in so to speak and decides to take it over and takes full incident command they are the decision-making Authority could be unilaterally could not be a unified command uh and we just don't know we don't know at this point okay and we do not have a mutual Aid agreement with the county today that that governs that relationship we do have a mutual your concern is what happens to it once the new Chief comes into place but four months from now we that agreement would have to be modified we all know that the mutual agreement be I think I I'd like to understand the cost the time it takes to stand this capacity up because obviously that's going to happen here in in the next 60 days or 65 days or so so um those details would be appreciated before certainly the next budget hearing if we can on on 9917 yes sir anything else colleagues that you want from the chief on this item okay then thank you sir we'll move on appreciate it um let's talk about the parks item I had uh a few in that category Palmer Park master plan Citywide Park uh Furniture acquisition cameras uh anything else I missed colleagues on Parks items okay do we want to include the Girl Scout Little House in the Parks category as well okay so and so Mr manager do you want to take any one of those items first yeah I'll take I'll take the Palmer Park one and the the Citywide master plan and I think I think um there was the Citywide master plan it was a question regarding Citywide Park Furniture acquisition correct Mr that one and and Palmer Park and Palmer Park as the separate item yeah separate master plan and so I'm dealing with the master plan question and I'll turn over the other questions um the the the master plan obviously uh is a 10-year master plan and that's a Citywide that will uh address you know programming and what do we need as a system looking 10 years forward and given on on the city and any growth what have you the the Palmer one given given the uh Sports oriented nature of that facility it was a conversation about is there an ability to reorient and take a look how it's currently laid out and used and see if there's a way to maximize the space uh We've started conversations with the school system the mayor and I had a meeting with the superintendent about potential joint use facilities to leverage each other's properties uh possibly during off hours so M Palmer Park was very Centric to the operations and layout and design of that facility the Citywide is just all our operations all our facilities right so that I just wanted to explain the difference and mayor if I may you may um and the separation of it was to expedite and to address the unique concerns of the interlocal agreements or so I'll let me let me jump on that one I I you know a Parks Master point is looking at your inventory taking an assessment of what people want to see by way of services what we have today what they want to see perspectively I don't know that it necessarily delves into the site planning or Master planning of any one asset and so in this case we had talked about spending money on lighting and Laser grading fields and you know I've talked to a number of parents there facility hasn't really had any real investment the last 40 years and by my estimation its layout is pretty obsolete when you look at you know the sports that are actively being played there today and how those facilities are configured elsewhere in might the county or or Beyond so um there are the opportunities to maximize our existing footprint just what we control and own um I think give that Park a very different um aesthetic in terms of your arrival experience which you end up arriving into a lot of the back of house storage areas when you're parking Andor or or walking into the park uh and I think there's also the the possibility in the school system seems interested in we've got two campuses that are are adjacent to that facility that have basketball STS and surplus spacee that potentially could also be programmed in conjunction with Palmer Park so to expand this the uh the scope of offerings right um one example I'll give you in in talking to folks who run the gy ghost program or parents there's been a desire there also connect to the school and maybe have some after school um AC an academic component to the football program and so getting access to the adjacent classrooms in one of those two facilities could be part of that conversation but I really think that this par the the intention of this discret master plan is to look at how to optimize that facility both Standalone right and with a prospect towards a possible joint use facility agreement with the school board if that ever comes to fruition and maybe incorporating that parking we were talking about Jason parking correct right that's that's exactly right yeah all right thank you thank you as it relates to the other individual items I I'll let uh Parks uh chime in on I guess you want to tackle first Furniture part uh furniture and Parks commissioner Cory you had a question on uh yeah I guess I was just curious what the you know always with placemaking Furniture uh uh things like that while we're in the middle of the study what what that plan entails in terms of what we're going to be doing prior to that that can also be continuous into our study our Parks director jump in good evening so while we're going through the 10-year master plan um as the mayor stated part of that plan is to look at inventory um if you go throughout our Parks um today we have different Furniture um at every um particular site so um this whole Capital um Improvement plan is just to Simply stand our phone furniture from the trash receptacles um and benches and picnic tables uh to the various benches throughout our Park system um I would like for us to have a um you know some sort of Unique Look to our Parks when it comes to our furniture and that's the purpose of the um standardizing of furniture throughout our Park system we also have some sites that need more benches um that need more picnic tables so rather than go out and getting these things indiv ually um the idea is to take advantage of this 10year master plan look at our inventory um let's come up with a standard that represents our city represents our Park system and create that throughout um our Park system moving forward questions to the director Madame vice mayor first of all Mr Webster can we turn that down just a little bit thank you um when you're looking at the parks furniture and and all of that are you looking at it so that we don't end up with people sleeping all over our Parks absolutely uh the goal is to you know Implement vagrant uh deterrence um within you know our Park Furniture that's the benches um things of that magnitude so yes we were also looking at those um those particular things as well thank you while coming up with a very unique identity to our heart system so yes Madam Vice Cory your recog yeah are we able in any way shape or form to integrate a little bit with plac Serbia and the information that they've extracted from residents on you know the the future look of the city since it's going to expand out from yeah I I I want to build on that comment and say I know we're also in the process of retaining a landscape Architecture Firm as well um I think to the director's comment and likely Direction what I would like to see us do is have again we don't need to be Coral Gables but I think we could we can learn a little bit about how they kind of are curating the aesthetic of their city if you go to all their Parks all their recent Parks they all have similar elements right uh the benches Etc the use of certain new light Stone fencing from park to park it's all the same and to your point commissioner Cory begins to Brand the city so I don't know if there's a way Mr manager for us to connect this landscape resourc ringing on board with P Serbia and put them at the disposal Mr Mr puso when we think about procuring these elements maybe comes back to us and we can select from a couple of options and make sure that they're kind of again helping to Brand uh the aesthetic of the city so that you know you're entering into South Miami it's a special place and has like kind of a a uniform aesthetic that your comment Y okay further questions about that item I think we had a question about the cameras Madam vice mayor I I think I had this same question or comment last time I just don't understand spending $135,000 on cameras for a parks that nobody is monitoring in the hopes that if something happens we can kind of go back to it I and crossing our fingers that seeing a camera is going to force better Behavior I I just think it's a lot of money on on something we could use it for so many things that that that doesn't make sense to me and I don't know if I Stand Alone on that because I'm not a big like my kids didn't grow up in Parks so I I'm looking to you guys because your kids have so I just I see $135,000 for that and that seems like out of control to me so I I I I think question maybe to staff on how they think the technology would be helpful and maybe our police chief can also speak to the benefit of having cameras in these public spaces from both um a crime response and deterrence perspective um you know I would imagine if if there's an incident about a theft or a child is taken from a park having video that's you know concurrent with window would be helpful but I I I don't want to I don't want to play I don't want to play police chief or or Parks director yeah cuz that's that's extreme but like I just think of like the ring camera where my my best friend Bridget like when they broke into her house yeah she had the ring camera and guess what the guy was doing the ring camera yeah like yeah okay now what so I don't know if staff Mr director or police chief if you want to address um the possible benefits of such an expenditure yeah well obviously the uh addition of cameras from a security standpoint there is a deterrence Factor there how do you measure that I don't know how you measure the deterrence Factor uh however uh being the victim of a crime myself today having that camera footage was fantastic uh so it is populated through next door uh and uh several other social media sites whereby I'm hopeful that there will be a apprehension soon to come based off of that footage so I would I'm a very much a supporter of the camera system today look I I think that from sorry can we hear from the I don't know Mr director did you want to add anything Quinton he's trying to get back in he's trying to get back in okay sorry commission before we qua did you want to share any thoughts on on why you think spending the uh money proposed on cameras is advisable Mr director can you hear me I I I'll jump in in the inum while he's trying to connect Quinton if you could hear us but so you know similar Approach at the garage right garage um added a number of cameras uh that hopefully act as a deterent and we have used it to go back and take a look at things that have happened so we can take some corrective action um I mean being monitored would be the greatest right uh but realistically the ability to monitor all those C real time um is actually something a coral Cable's has where they have a real crime center with with a room that has all these monitors um but in the inum there are elements of cameras being around that do help deter and we've been able to use it to follow up and find out what's going on in the garage we've seen a downtick of certain activity that we were seeing before because those individuals realized that they're on camera and and so we've seen a reduction in some of the activity that we were dealing with before I think those were the general premises that that kind of led us to and I don't know Quinton if you're back on uh can you hear us and can you jump in from a park standpoint yes I can hear you manager U we currently have cameras at Marshall the community center in at the pool and when something happens it allows us the opportunity to go back and U provide further information to police um if we just simply rely on eyewitnesses we're not always successful um over the last year we had 19 um different calls to Palmer Park and I I will admit Witnesses haven't been very reliable um Palmer Park actually led the number of um calls that we had to police outside of Murray Park so by incorporating cameras at both Palmer Park and South Mountain Park which have heavy foot traffic um is it's I think it's a the best thing we can do we're not necessarily monitoring activ but it does allow us to provide information um some corrective action and it does deter um things from happening so um the cameras are I think the way to go here I'll add one comment just to to that as well is we we do have the cameras inside of our uh Dispatch Center so there there's an ability to access those cameras uh when we respond to a call for service so there is that ability to pull over the cameras and direct officers where to go thank you for that commission Le you recognized sorry Chief if you don't mind you may not take maybe I think it's directed to you maybe our Parks director will take this so obviously it's a det wellable but it's a we can argue it's a deterrent but I've also questions sometimes when we're coming up with Solutions are the solution for existing problems or so will you give me an example I know Mr director you said there's I don't know if this is for the chief that there did you say 17 or I don't know if you Quantified that you give me an example of what happens where we would need the camera just to justify the expense I can give you one commissioner I mean I think we recently last year we had an incident regarding an alleged assault by a parent at a football game with a fire extinguisher some kids um would have been helpful if there was a video of that incident to kind of ascertain what the actual facts were um that was an alleged uh one one team that was visiting was alleging that parents were targeting their kids with the use of the uh fire extinguishers and forcing Inhale Smoke like the the uh fire repress uh fire suppression chemicals so we've had I I'm assuming fights and disputes between parents are probably among the more typical calls you're going to get to uh to Palmer Park but I'll let the director elaborate further thank you Mr director you are on mute it looks like can you hear me now we can thank you perfect so yes we've had calls regarding um fighting amongst parents we've had calls regarding traffic um accidents um we had some traffic details related calls uh various different disturbances um there were some um a couple of burglary incidents and suspicious vehicle incidents at Palmer Park just to name a few sorry we're talking about parks what I think of this park safety right turn from parents fighting uh which just ridiculous but I don't really get the traffic accidents I mean to me yeah that that that could just simply be someone backed out of a parking space and may have hit another car oh yeah sorry probably one or two of those cars that came in yeah I get that I mean to me traffic just I I don't know if it necessarily justifies right the expense help us correct someone back into someone's car parents are fighting that that's a whole another issue I mean we don't even allow fire extinguishers in the park so that's the question why were they there to begin with right again is there this a solution is there an existing problem that's what I want to know I I don't cars backing into each other allowing parents to bring in fire extinguishers and spray kids when they're not even allowing the park to begin with well those are the kind of complaints I think to your to your qu the question whether whether we respond to them this way or some other way with you know we're not going to have active Staffing in all of our Parks uh that's certainly more cost prohibitive recurring expense and uh than the expenditure on on passive cameras but um options for us to consider Chief thank you uh Mr director thank you we have a I think we had a question on the Girl Scout Little House Madam vice mayor you want to discuss that item as well yes um we recently had a meeting where different Alternatives were discussed and based on that I I don't know that we need to keep that amount of money in there I think that should be lowered I I just don't think that that's a responsible amount of money to be earmarking for something that may or may not be our responsibility the mayor yes ma yes sir I'm sorry vice mayor I'm not privileged of the information the meeting can you so recognize that maner to maybe give us some background on some of the recent conversations sir you're recognized thank you mayor U the vice mayor uh was mentioning a a meeting that we had U we've been talking to CEO of the Girl Scouts and then we had a county representative from their environmental uh program biologist who who deals with invasives and and has you know dealt with other cleanups vice mayor was part of that call uh whereby uh he was willing to connect us to other resource State resources for certain plant material that they may want to eradicate um and then identifying uh contractors uh we would still have particular cost potentially on removing some of the embas not all of think not so I think the Brazilian pepper was the one that he was talking about that state is yeah they were funding potentially so a portion of those are in that site it is a rock Pineland um it is you know on their list U so what we don't know yet is the extent of the expense and that's where I I I'm uncomfortable not having any money for it because we don't know if the state is going to say yes or no and then we have not obtained a quote from the contractor that the gentleman from the county had recommended who's done some work at County uh Parks uh the issue of uh I think you have mentioned whose responsibility is it um you know that's going to be a conversation I guess whether we're going to say well that's the leasehold leaseholder is responsibility and we're going to hold tight on that or we the city are going to come in I can tell you the CEO has said they don't have the funds to to do that they have some technical knowledge they are bringing some ideas to the table but as it relates to funds to remove the Exotics and the invasives they she has said that they do not so I I worry it's a timing thing we we may not need that much uh but we just don't know how much yet right that's that's a window of time that we're in can I just ask a clarifying question and I'll recognize you again we are having conversations with them about possibly changing the use Arrangement because that was a concern of the board as well and are they open to revisiting the arrangement today correct okay yes and that's part of the conversation this was just one of the subsets of conversations was the is just for the record yes that they're open to having a conversations around a lease modification yes and secondly changing the use there a better use balance so they will retain some use but there'll be additional public use potentially in such a modified scenario okay and and just to clarify again the dollars that you have in the budget are simply for the restoration of the of the of the of the pine Rocklin correct so we had some funds to do an assessment and then some funds for removal as part of the conversation that the vice mayor was a part of the county representative said that uh Fairchild has submitted an application for that site you don't have to be an owner of a site for the environmentally endangered L program and as a result of that they had done an inventory so he says you can share in that information and maybe reducing that from being a cost for us to have to do an inventory um so the money was for both for assessment and for removal understood so potentially there in terms of just addressing the inventorying and the removal of invasives the cost may may be less but that money is not for broader improvements to fencing access the perimeter of the park streetscape Etc which is something else I know we had discussed so I I mean I I I guess to your question it sounds like we don't need all the money for the earmark purpose should we expand the purpose for that money and keep the same amount would be kind of my question to the board as well what I would suggest is for us to at the very least have that and move half of that into other things that would benefit the city if we are looking at the parking lot or we're looking at at the surrounding area which I had mentioned is some parts of it are not in good shape you know because I understand the plight of the Girl Scouts I understand the whole thing I also understand that dubious at best we have not been tasked with maintaining that we have not I understand they do not have the money that being said I would not run into being the one to repair their problem without first having a very clear understanding of where we would benefit from that so we cannot put the car before the horse in the hopes that the horse will show up and so I think they were extremely forthcoming very helpful there is a willingness to do all of that I just think that putting that money into the budget essentially is highlighting a willingness that I do not feel you're the mayor yes sir you recognize and I you know I agree with a lot of the things you said the good thing about us and just allocating money to it it's not a finite number right we just allocate to the budget when that time comes after we've hopefully negotiated and gotten to see what the city's going to get in return then we can go ahead and improve those funds to actually be released so it's it's not really the you know course before the card or it's just allocating the funds there that we have available if if we don't use it then you know we can move it um if we need more because we want to do more with it and we've gotten something in return then we can allocate that as well so I I I and I just want to build on both of your points which is I I think you're concerned that in having 250 for this limited purpose we're signaling we're going to solve your problem right um and I do recognize what you're saying which is just because we canc come for the money doesn't mean we have to spend it all right do we tend to do that I I don't disagree and I I'm concerned about the signal fact so my my question to the both of you is would you both be more comfortable with keeping the same amount but expanding the scope so that's money that then can be used for enhancements to that area just to the West right to improve the natural condition of the parking area repair the sidewalks surrounding the property fencing things that would enhance the a if we didn't did nothing to the interior could enhance the let's assume conversations with the Girl Scouts break down completely would we still want to have some money in the budget to improve the exterior condition and uh aesthetic of of that area I want to know what you think and what commissioner Cory commissioner leben and then commissioner Corey yes I'm going to say the same thing I've said previously if we're going to put in any money we should put the money into the parking lot and that's mutually beneficial it's simple it's on the exterior there's a shortage of parking for the facilities at Palmer Park and now you're talking about completely transforming those facilities which will create more demand so I'd start there and will also benefit the Girl Scouts it'll give them more exposure it'll give them a proper parking lot and then uh we still have to figure out who's going to take the weed eater to that easement setback uh whatever you want to refer to that as the swell okay commiss Cory I've I've always considered this item connected like if we were going to go in there and remove the invasives and prove the property that that would come in exchange for some kind of like public access to it so that's why I was thinking if we were going to expand the scope maybe not be so exterior on the expansion as much as could be something that allows us to take steps toward opening that Park to the public if that were parts of it if that were a possibility saman do you wanted to add something to the conversation if I could suggest something maybe so our next step subsequent to that was to um get the contract sure that the county has uh suggested has done a similar work uh to give us a quote so we have now if we can take care of Brazilian pepper through the state hopefully that's not a guarantee and then we have a quote from the contractor will'll be in a better position to see okay how much money are we really talking about um and so maybe this could be a SE a second hearing we can do that homework bring that information back potentially and then bring that information and then you you have more one more piece of information uh that we're trying to obtain regardless um so that's our next step would be to get that quote May uh yes commissioner K so you know to commissioner lean um comments about the parking do we have an estimated budget of what it would take to fix up that particular parking lot and make it accessible visually appealing Etc no we we have not pursued that as a as a project okay but I don't think we have a definitive cost on the cost of eradicating the invasive so again my my thought was let's just make this a line item that addresses all potential aspects so we're not just signaling to the girls CS we're going to solve your problem okay but speaks to the broader ambition that we can use the money however we decide you know in the state budget this issue is more easily solved because we have Proviso or implementing Bill language that says how money can be used if you want to limit it that way we don't really have that mechanism here so uh I would just say we modify the description of the line item if that's a meable to everyone okay okay um I think the vice mayor had questions regarding the Evergreen study and its implementation did you want to ask those of the manager Madam vice mayor yes I I have more a question than anything else because I see it obviously throughout the budget and I they did a very good job of explaining it to me I just wonder when it's being rolled out throughout the city is an explanation being done employee to employee because as humans we all talk right right and and let's be real there's no such thing as I'm not telling you what I'm making and you're not telling me what you're making and when you and I are doing the same thing and you're getting a raise and I'm not is is there some kind of conversation going on that is explaining the wise of this I I don't know it just popped into my head yeah vice mayor we we uh hosted uh two town halls with employees I believe it was two two town halls with employees uh where the employees came and we have a consultant and staff uh and explained why the study the methodology uh what was its purpose um globally right because we didn't get into individual employees uh situation just not an appropriate setting to do that yeah um so the study itself in the budget has recommended increases based on the recommendations as it relates to individual employees depending on what the commission does from a budget standpoint then we could explain to employees hey chip you know in your particular case the competitive benchmarking info stated the following uh but we haven't that done that on an individual basis because we don't know what the commission is going to support from a funding standpoint so we held it globally to explain it so they would understand what was the purpose of the study how it was done um and we had two sessions here in the last two weeks okay if if it passes and everything moves forward will the employees be will they have the ability to come and speak and I don't know who that person would be to have that conversation if they're having questions are uncomfortable whatever will there be somebody that they can talk to definitely i' be honest with you part and partial of this approach was to have a structure in a system uh and that was you know competitive in nature U and the second part of it is transparency employees understanding you know what is the pay uh pay classification what is our uh strategy for for for pay so part of that compensation Clarity and transparency is sharing with the employees now they may not necessarily they may think that they have an increase coming and they're not because the numbers don't support it uh and we would explain that not everybody's going to walk away happy necessarily but I think it was at least it would be clear to them and that is the second part of this equation which is transparent because I think that's going to be really important yes for them I agree because we don't want people you know unhappy okay perfect thank you vice mayor all good there yes move on great yes thank you okay we've got four items left I'd like to try to do them in 20 minutes at most um I'm going to try and take two hopefully two easy ones that I put on the list one is on the Mr manager the issue of waste pickup for smaller multif Family Properties I don't even have a long conversation but we've had one member of the public I've gotten a couple emails and had a number of conversations if there's a way for us to address this in the budget so we have the cost reflected I'd like to figure out whether whatever I'm not sure what the threshold is today that we're using in terms of our standard but certainly I would say uh buildings with less than 10 units whether they're rental or condominium maybe we can bring into our residential disposition program I don't know how that would work for bulk way but at least on the on the resi side as a minimum if we could bring back some clarification at the next meeting about incorporating them into our program I'd appreciate it I don't know that we'd have a huge conversation about it unless someone has any questions or wants to add something to it yeah through the mayor I just wanted to add I I think that we just an understanding policy wise if we need to make a change whether it's resi or or departments like what is it the you know the code says that we maybe we need to monit so we work on that Mr City attorney you've got some information it sounds like or looks like so yeah Mr elers had had warned me that this might come up so uh the the threshold is four okay right now anything more than four units is considered a commercial residential structure and is required to have a franchise FR a city franchise uh agreement operator taking doing the pickup so that could change if depending on the costs that was this this commissions will in addressing some of these concerns with that that have been brought up before uh like today and previously I think there were some inconsistencies that we want to get clarification as to what exactly is the city threshold for whenever that was passed and created um so we understand what that is and then we can deal with it and that was an email today to to to for that research so I think we'll huddle up after this budget hearing and and come back with some uh ideas or recommendations on that commissioner leben yes thank you yes the the threshold I know it's been stated is for units if we we decide to relax that whatever that threshold is could we limit it to condos as opposed to so I that's a question I would put the City attorney I don't know if we can we distinguish between uh resident ownership versus non- ownership we could do that by folio if it has one folio it's an apartment or we yeah we don't presently do that but we could certainly do that okay okay so I I you relax it it prefer for condos rather than a I have I have no objection since one is commercial typically more commercial in nature than than the other so and commercials understood I would want to provide a little bit of situational awareness as to what we actually are doing now I I would I would appreciate the background of where we are and the implications of a policy change if we went to something like 10 units that incorporate a commercial condo so we understand what the budgetary impact is if you can bring that back to us for the next budget hearing we'd appreciate it and Mr C attorney to the extension to the extent that we need to modify an existing ordinance if you can just draft up a proposed modification I'm happy to serve as a sponsor okay Madam vice mayor recognized and also what that would physically look like okay because it she she actually made a comment that stuck with me is they had a big truck coming through and it messed everything up we also have a big truck that would come through through so what would that look like it would it become Visa the GBL where you have somebody running through all of a sudden so when we take all of that into account we have to see what that's going to look like thanks excellent point we I actually discussed it with them that they could actually store and roll out their individual containers so yeah correct yeah okay further questions or comments colleagues on that okay so moving along then um I have uh let's see guys take up the grant riter position next well I think um what I was going to propose to the commission is um we currently have I'm going to do suggest um gr Rider and Lobby team okay um So currently we have $100,000 allocated to State lobbying and $35,000 to uh government uh DC lobbying so with with the grant opportunities that we have around right now and by the way from a state level perspective they're pushing us we got vetoed a lot of the money we're allocating because of because they want us to start going to some grants opportunities and stuff like that so I definitely think that we need to invest in a grant writer and I think the way that we should pay for that is eliminate one of the lobbyists so we go ahead and rebid it up uh at $50,000 so we save $50,000 from the budget and then um and I obviously ocate what we already had in the budget for Grant Rider consultant and just put it into the staff member so yes you're recognized thank you I have a suggestion for you for all of us yes for everybody I would suggest that we maybe leave the money where it is seeing as we have a contingency right now leave it where it is you know put out a solicitation see if we can save some money but leave a little bit of a contingency because we never know where we find ourselves later right further on down the thing I absolutely agree with the grant writer position as a matter of fact I was discussing that earlier with our city manager as it relates to the TPO and the different Alternatives we have when it comes to grant writing so I I agree with the idea we saw some you know we've had some successes with the lobbyists and the two of them but I I think it would be good to put it out there see if we can save a little bit ask for registered clients what did you raise for who who be the lead you know get as much information as we can it's coming up and by the way thank you chip for sending that to me earlier it's coming up for contract at the end of this month so it's something we would want to jump on so that we could make a decision sooner versus later I do I do support the gr writing position again it's a revenue generating position I think even in the first year or two I think we're likely to make our money back on that so I I I have I want to just bif forgate my thoughts on this and have some questions on grant writing one one is I think on the lobbying um while you know the trest thing you can say about tassis things are always changing and so you know the Senate incoming Senate president's position with respect to water projects right he's probably at the point where he's got the he'll have for another year the most influence you'll have in in sheering that policy through uh between now and the end of that first session in his term and it's like s through an hour glass there after in that process in terms of his influence on pushing that policy on a going forward basis you know my suspicion based on how D's program works today is that uh South Florida Community is going to Fair very badly in that grant writing process I think of the 40 Awards there were in fiscal year 203 I think there was one awarded to all of South Florida so you know uh I think you're probably going to see a lot of the need for putting some pressure on policy makers to either change the rules Force D to reevaluate its criteria for awarding projects which is going to require the help of uh a Lobby team certainly or um you know push to go back to an Appropriations Balan process right so that communities can't see dollars come back to them for priority needs that's my strong suspicion as an observer of the process um and so I I think you know I I do agree that you know we have a contract coming up um the last time we talked about the federal contract I wanted to put them both out or extend both of them since we had success in equal measures at both levels at least on the appropriation side unfortunately at the state side $3.5 million was veto or just about by the governor uh that would have benefited benefited this community uh so that's point one I'm happy to support direction to the manager to bring bring back a solicitation or issue a solicitation for those Contract Services on the grant provider position I have a couple questions or a number of questions number one is you know bringing in another staff position um entails you know substantial recurring costs um and also you know positions tend also get the benefit of being pensionable over time so the lots of Legacy cost with that I I don't know how many grants we're writing today I don't know how many grants we expect to write but 12 so I I don't know that you know 12 or even 24 grants you know I would want to see someone writing the equivalent of you know a grant at least one every two weeks right before I wanted to internalize that cost um I you know so I want to understand what our goal is going to be before I commit to a full-time staff person I certainly have no problem allocating that same amount of money to you know authorizing authorizing a a consultant to provide us more support in providing the preparation of Grants because I think that's a good investment on return I I don't know that I'm ready to commit to a full-time staff position for that reason no other reason through the mayor yes sir you recognize I I think the only problem that I have with doing that and just keeping an Outsource is that we don't have control um I think we have the opportunity to really expand it and do something well with it I think the return on investment uh yes it's you know something we going to have to cover in house but the return on investment on some of the things that we could get I mean there's a lot of Grants out there that as the last couple of months have gotten into it there's just a lot of money out there and we're not we're not doing a really good job of trying to go get it so and and the benefit of the city I think that we really do need to invest well I mean I think I've I've learned being here is that someone needs to own that process I agree and um because we've had a couple fall through the cracks in multiple years and so I I I would suggest maybe I know we have this administrative services coordinator position I don't know Mr manager is there something we can add to that portfolio so that it's one position with this is an adjunct Suite of activities for the for the moment as opposed to just you know maybe we Elevate the pay and profile of that person so it's someone that's got a a balance of skill sets I mean again I'm just I'm hard pressed and want to commit to that one extra position commissioner leedman yeah fine yes why there is a lot of money out there it is a very competitive process and Truth is is is well South Miami is much more marketable than it was previously right it's not as markable in terms of Grants because we're not as we're not as diverse and we're not as as low income as as we once were which makes South Miami previously a better candidate for Grants so the demographics right and the income of the communities changed so it's something we should take into account when we're considering how marketable the city is for Grants as well M Vice had a comment something to consider that our CFO had mentioned was taking one of our finance positions and what the grant writer had brought in to have one of his team be the one that kept on top of it and made sure we hit all the benchmarks I know you could explain it a lot better than I can if you want to do that because I think I'm watching it but maybe it's a combination of all of these things that are being talked about now I'll share a little bit on the certainly let the CFO chime in on that but there's a there's a you know victim of your success right as as you write more grants there's a lot of work to support those grants a lot of paperwork reporting um and that's where a exceeds uh you know maybe our skill set and our capability given our staffing right so there's that aspect of the Grant Management after you chase it uh the other aspect potentially from a value added would be that uh there are folks that really have a good handle on the landscape of Grants uh throughout across municipalities and and really you know writing it is one aspect but understanding where to go is the other aspect and and that's that's where we broaden our game where we're Che you know looking at for example Federal lobbyists will give us forward us a lot of federal grants that are out there so we uh Alfredo has been made point on this program uh for right now and and he coordinates with our Outsource so the the the Outsourcing aspect is is the mechanics of writing it but you know who's advising us to come the internal advisor as to the opportunity so there are positives and values that that certainly you know may pay for itself um but even the right even if you Outsource it the managing of and keeping up with those grants um is is is a lot of work and and I can tell you exceeds right now dealing with an EPA one right for for our our septic tour U so I bring that component because that gets lost a little bit uh in in the work and somebody has to be able to do that that work as well so there are different ways of going about it I don't know that there's a right or wrong answer but of the issue is have we graduated you know we're creating a program uh right and and we've crawled to Outsourcing now Finance overseeing it you know have we graduated enough to now have somebody internally that could be our advisor and has that skill set uh potentially and and so you know we may be I tell you if we didn't next year doesn't is not a wrong answer if we did it this year that's not necessarily so there's an opportunity and and we may be able to start doing it now um so I want to bring in the Grant Management aspect because that's a lot of work and that's uh vice mayor to your point the conversation about having somebody in finance that can help with that paperwork is is part of this conversation but it's still a skill set and a knowledge that somebody would have to have for us to be able to chase the grants that that we need to graduate to the next level okay so colleagues I think think on the lobbying on the lobbying is there consensus on wanting to give the manager direction to bring back uh or issue a solicitation for lobbying Services State lobbying Services we have an existing contract at the federal level correct correct okay will we agree then that we're going to keep the money where it is now and put it out you know to solicitation to get one back in for us to take a look at bring it down a little bit and keep a contingency so that we have wiggle room I I think that's prudent okay everybody agree with that all right okay so I think consensus manager we can we'll keep the line item where it is and if we can make sure to plan for the issuance of a solicitation for lobing services okay I I mean I'd like to see that process closed certainly by no later than the end of November since committee Week start in December and we'd like to be engaged with the firm for those conversations contract expires at the end of September correct yeah I don't think we're going to get done before then but yeah okay on on with respect to the grants writer what's the consensus of the board I don't think we have a consensus why don't we just bring back have the manager bring back Solutions yeah okay couple of different solutions and a recommendation and we'll go through it Mr manager do you want to give us uh put put some guard rails around some options that we we can consider the next budget ideas okay thank you sir okay uh lastly to wrap up uh again if I can get this by way of information I don't need to have a long conversation uh I was privy to get a copy of the draft of the parking study IID asked Mr riveral uh to forward it to me uh I'm feel pretty strongly that you know uh we're probably have too much enforcement happening over the course of the day we could probably stand to to bleed down at least one position I think right now any day we have three people sta uh enforcing on certain days of the week that could probably be drawn down to two I just want to understand what the Staffing what possible Staffing Alternatives we can look at and what the attended savings would be and also understand potentially what you and our consultant would estimate would be the Lost enforcement revenue and possibly parking Revenue against those savings so we can weigh all that and maybe come to some sort of a consensus as a board to what direction we want to give you and our contractor um in terms of parking enforcement on a going forward basis through the through the mayor yes sir quick question refer my my memory do we pay for the staff parking Staffing is that part of our budget it's part of our base contract with last parking but that's what I was asking if it's a contract based is it based on we can terminate for uh so I I mean I said this at the last meeting and it was not meant to be a threat to last parking but we do have the right to terminate for convenience and so what I would suggest is we have a if if we think it's advisable we have a conversation with LZ about retaining them but agreeing to a contract modification for the reduced Staffing got that's what I was asking okay thank you further questions okay with that uh can I get a motion on item two please and vice mayor do you want to vote on the budget first reading before you go sorry thumbs up so we have a motion on item two please which is the adoption of the budget as presented with the request or further information that we highlighted for the manager I move item two okay is there a second I'll second okay so have a motion by commissioner Cory a second by commissioner Cay uh any further discussion before we vote seeing none Madame clerk if you can call the RO please Vice Bon yes commissioner C yes commissioner Cory yes Comm lemman yes mayor Fernandez yes I don't passes 5 thank you uh with no further business uh for this special budget meeting we stand in recess or stand in j and a lot of people the grp --------- ##VIDEO ID:usJdc0B5umE## e okay we say hello and welcome everyone it hello and welcome hello everyone welcome to tonight's meeting of the South Miami city commission today is Tuesday September 3rd 202 for uh at this time if I could ask you all to please silence or turn off your cell phones uh Madam clork if you could call the role please yes mayor Fernandez present Vice May Bon here commissioner Le commissioner Cory present commissioner Cay here you have a quum thank you and with everyone's Indulgence tonight I have two special guests are going to help us uh with both our prayer and Pledge of Allegiance Lucy and Jerry Fernandez if we could all please stand for the prayer Jerry if you can come to the podium and lead us in the prayer loving Heavenly Father we come to you this hour asking for your blessing and help as we are gathered together we pray for for guidance in the matters I hand and and ask that you would clearly show show us how to conduct our work with a spirit of joy and and enthusiasm amen amen amen Lucy you going to lead us in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you can we get a round of applause for [Applause] yeah okay if we can all please be seated thank you here let sit with you on ready come here yeah okay here we why did you talk when I was [Laughter] talking the vice mayor accuses me of doing that a lot all the time like okay there we go so uh Madam clerk we have a couple presentations this evening yes can we take up the one that's not on tonight's agenda please yes if you could read the um item in the record please um a proclamation for former commissioner Lis Gil from my County thank you uh Mr Vine the floor is yours good evening mayor and Commissioners a pleasure to be here I'm Mia devaine with Miami day County mayor Daniela Lin kava's office um Josh uh commissioner Josh lemman reached out and had a great idea that we present a proclamation uh tonight in honor of former commissioner Lewis Gill and I'm going to uh read the proclamation it's it's not too lengthy but I think it's um speaks volumes M if you can hold for one second I believe that commissioner Gill's family is in the audience if they can come forward please and join us up here the solder looks like you're on your own good evening thanks for being here whereas Ralph Waldo Emerson American essayist and poet once said do not go where the path may lead go instead where there is no path and leave a trail and this quote speaks to how Miami day County feels in regard to those citizens who serve as pioneers and Trailblazers for our future generation and whereas The Honorable Lewis l Gill has been an upstanding member of our community who has dedicated his life to Public Service committed to improving the overall betterment of our society and whereas knowing for standing for Quality this former commissioner of the city of South Miami first ran for public office in 2017 and served from 2018 until 2022 in addition he served on various boards including the environmental review and preservation board and was heavily involved with the design of the Bob Welsh Park and the fuches park design and whereas The Honorable Gill's career also includes him working for 20 years in it for the airlines before moving to baptist Health's it department and whereas it is fitting and proper That official recognition be given to the honorable Gil for his various impacts on our way of life now therefore be it resolved that Daniela LaVine Cava mayor of Miami day County chairman Oliver Gilbert III and the members of the board of County Commissioners on behalf of Miami day County in this community do hereby Proclaim today Tuesday September 3rd 20124 as The Honorable Lewis l gil day commission Le would you like to say something sure no want you please you do the honors since you made the request please thank you um and I really want to thank the County Commission and the uh and the mayor's office we had a similar recognition in our in our previous commit uh commission meeting I had the pleasure of running into our newly reelected uh mayor Daniel vava pardon me a week and a half ago and you were kind enough to make this happen especially in such a short period of time so we're greatly appreciative as is the uh the Gil family thank you very much onal of my husband and family thank you my have impressive than thank you thank you for being [Applause] here Madam clerk if you can read the next item please Proclamation Miami diaper Bank oh I'm sorry um Proclamation hunger action month beting South border okay thank you um KY if you give me the honor of reading the proclamation of the record I'd appreciate it got my left full whereas since 1981 feeding South Florida has worked to end Hunger in South Miami by providing our community in need with immediate access to nutritious food and whereas hunger does not discriminate it knows no race religion or age in South Florida approximately 1 million individuals face hunger food should not be an impossible choice for the community of South Miami and whereas feeding South Florida leads hunger and poverty advocacy efforts in our community while transforming lives through Innovative programming and education that provides economic growth and overall well-being and and whereas city of South Miami is therefore committed to supporting feeding South Florida so that together we can achieve a hunger-free South Florida now therefore I Javier Fernandez mayor along with my colleagues in the city commission vice mayor Lisa bonich commissioner Josh Leeman Brian Corey and Steve Cay do hereby com uh Proclaim September 2024 as hunger action month in the city of South Miami Florida I call upon the good people of the city of South Miami to join me in supporting feeding South Florida during this month of action thank you commissioner is there anyone here from uh feeding s please come forward if you could share for the benefit of public your name your address and a little about a little bit about the mission of the organization sure thank you uh good evening uh my my name is Carmen uraga I am the director of Health and Wellness at feeding South Florida I live in Weston in brow County um thank you on behalf of feeding South Florida as you said September is hunger action month a powerful Nationwide initiative uniting us in our mission to end Hunger this September let's focus on raising awareness of this critical issue driving mean meaningful action and inspiring enduring change every gesture matters whether you are volunteering advocating posting a food drive or simply sharing a meal each effort brings us closer to our vision of a hunger-free South Florida in which families have transitioned from dependency to self-sufficiency when we nourish people by providing access to nutritious food we nourish our entire Community feeding South Florida serves 25% of our state's food insecure population that amounts as you said to about 1 million of our neighbors 500,000 of which are children and seniors last year feeding South Florida distributed approximately 118 million pounds of food to individuals in need that is equivalent to about 98 million meals thank you to the city of South Miami the Commissioners and mayor Fernandez for raising awareness and demonstrating your commitment to ending hunger we are honored to have your voices join ours as we continue this vital work together thank you Carmen thank you to you and feeding South Florida for all the work you do on behalf of many of our needy constituents here if folks want to get involved either to volunteer or donate where can they find out where can they learn more information about the organization feeding South florida.org okay there you can find help get help sign up to volunteer um find out about all the different programs and initiatives that we have and just jump in in any way that your vat thank you any questions or comments colleagues just commissioner K you're recog uh maybe you can explain to the public maybe how it would work locally is that something that goes in through the website and then it gets back out to our local constituents or how how does that work you mean like Financial doation so um if I remember correctly every dollar is equivalent to about four meals and we have partner agencies throughout are are cover four counties Monroe Miami day Broward and Palm Beach and we have I think it's about 250300 partner agencies spread across all of them where we send out foods to their pantries where anybody can go there's no the only requirement is you're hungry um we also have programs uh I want to say right now it's in Miami Dave County for homebound seniors where we home deliver meals to them and grocery boxes there there are a variety of different programs so the donations are not earmarked like if if you give $1 it's not ear Mark to necessarily come right back here but we serve the entire of Four County area thank you mayor is this with Dr Scott or can we you know Dr Scott had initiative with that yeah we I had I had contacted Allison um on their staff about possibly setting up uh an event here later next month so we'll we'll talk further about that that's what I wanted to do an event for we can absolutely do that yes and Allison is is the right person to talk to for that um they can work with you and then she'll put you in touch with um whichever department is whatever it is you want to do most suited to do that um it could be my department it could be the distributions it could we do a lot of different things but yes we can do that and also we invite anybody here uh anybody in South Miami to come volunteer it's a humbling experience and it's very impactful love to have anybody again thank you for all you do uh would you join us up front with a picture please thank you so before we move on with the presentations we've got one special presentation uh my goddaughter wants to share a joke with us so before before she goes and gets home for her bedtime you get a parting joke here you go I want you to do we'll do it later okay let's say goodbye to everyone bye goodbye everyone being here yeah bye Lucy okay give me hug okay uh we have one other presentation for National diaper need awareness week uh so brief Proclamation uh whereas diaper need and condition of not being able to afford a sufficient supply of clean diapers can keep babies and toddlers clean and dry and healthy can adversely affect the health and well-being of Children and Families and whereas a daily Supply or weekly supply of diapers is generally an eligibility requirement for babies and toddlers to participate in child care programs and whereas many parents struggling with diaper need report missing an average of five days of each month due to insufficient supply of diapers uh and whereas the people of South Miami recognize that diaper need is a public health issue and addressing diaper need can lead to economic opportuni for State the state's families and improved Healthcare outcomes for children whereas the cop Mi is proud to be home to trusted community- based organizations including the the Miami diaper bank that recognize the importance of diapers in ensuring health and providing economic stability for families and thus distribute diapers to families through various channels and now therefore I Javier Fern's mayor alongside with my colleagues Commissioners uh Josh leedman Brian Cory Steve Kay and vice mayor Lisa bonich do hereby proclaim the week of September 23rd through the 29th as National diaper need awareness week uh is there anyone here on behalf of the dier bank okay well seeing no one present Madam clerk we'll just entrust to you that you'll deliver the proclamation yes thank you so much okay okay Madam clerk are there any further presentations this evening yes Michael mud and onique Spence from Mi day County Mosquito Control Mr mut Miss uh Spence you're recognized good evening good evening hello Mr Mayor Madam vice mayor town resid city of South Miami it's actually Michael moot apologize for butchering your name sorry that's okay it's happened for 52 years now yes so on behalf of Miami day County and the mosquito control Division and my colleague Monique Spence we're here to talk a little bit about uh something that no one really likes you know U mosquitoes so Miami day County's mosquito control division has been around since about 1935 uh although we are headquartered in Dural we offer services to the entirety of Miami day County including the city of South Miami we have a a rich history that goes back a few years well since her and I have been with the county of of partnering and working with the city of South Miami including in 2018 rolling out a wakio mosquito control a natural control experiment that went very well we thought uh so we're here to talk a little bit about and get a little into a little bit more details about what what the services we offer and and sort of how things um work at mosquito pil so I'll talk a little bit about operations and then I'll turn it over to Monique to talk uh about education and what residents can do to protect themselves from mosquitoes so I like to think of our mosquito control program sort of having five main pillars and uh what we focus on on a day-to-day basis is uh first of all surveillance we like to keep our eye on the populations of of the mosquitoes in Miami day County we like to know what species what numbers where they are uh if they're carrying diseases and we do that through a series of about 320 traps that we have set throughout Miami day County there's a number of them here in the city of South Miami proper uh then the other thing that we do once we have trapped these mosquitoes we don't trap them for control we trap them to study them so once we have them back at our lab we count them we sort them we log them we have a a very extensive database uh that goes back years that we we track uh the different numbers again as I mentioned the species the the uh the gender is also important because I'm not sure that many people know this but uh only female mosquitoes bite so if you're if you're a male you're pretty harmless I guess that's sort of the opposite of how things work unfortunately in society but we do um sorry we uh we do watch them carefully weent Iden ify them then the the next thing that we do uh very often is we do areawide uh control measures when that's just kind of a fancy way of saying truck spraying if we see that there's a concentration of mosquitoes if the Florida Department of Health which is another really good partner to the division tells us that there's a disease case somewhere we roll out our trucks we fumigate we knock the mosquitoes out of the out of the air and we also treat for mosquito laring so truck spray program very big premium we place on that another thing we do uh also is and this is one of the is probably Mo that we offer the most and it's available most available to Residents is uh residential inspections um You can call 311 or you visit our website at miami.gov mosquito inspection you put in some simple information and we're able to send out one of our 25 inspectors out to check your property if uh he or she finds U mosquitoes they're able to eliminate them right on your property if they find breeding they're able to take care of that too and we're we're also involved in um not just inspecting your property but we do the ones to the adjacent side of the property we do the one to the rear to make sure that we do a thorough job in controlling them and so then the fifth pillar is is really education and for that I'll turn it over to my colleague M good evening um everyone it's a pleasure to be here um as Michael mentioned U we have a very robust program as an aside to that is our education and Outreach component I'm pretty sure everybody has heard about drain and cover we we say that we communicate that um everywhere um it's a part of our Communications program and the Outreach that we do conduct we also do like to go out into the community and make sure that we're informing residents and educating residents on what they can do and just simply drain any standing water that might be around your home and then if you're out particularly during the hours of Dawn and Dusk to cover yourselves with long sleeves and use EPA certified repellent so some things that we like to do um we've done our mosquito one-on-one tour we've actually come to the city of South Miami we also do a virtual Outreach sessions and what we able to do with that is to bring the residents into an engagement effort where they can understand how they can help us help them and then also to just making sure that we keep that message going as it relates to drain and cover so that everybody has that understanding so again if there is any type of issues as somebody that that that has mosquito issues they can call 311 and then they can remember to drain and cover you know we're always open to go out into the community and address any issues as it relates to Mosquito Control just so that we can better inform the residents on how to keep mosquitoes away so thank you any questions from anyone thank you both colleagues questions uh Madam Vice May we're gonna give you the floor on this one Follow by commissioner K thank you very much for coming this evening I have one question do you know what the time frame is from when someone calls that 311 until you come to their house to study and eradicate their mosquito well we we have it set for up to five business days but usually you get the re early enough we're able to get there the next day wow usually one day or two Max um right now we're in the height of our our mosquito season that's why we say five business days to give us a little brething room uh about a month ago uh just after the first really big soaking here in South Florida we were working on the weekends I think we went the crew went three or four weeks straight without a break it was it was pretty crazy but right now the the the turnaround time is is fairly quick so I would say a day or two thank you very much commission Kay uh thank you for the presentation much much appreciated um um you spoke about the pilot program in 2018 that you did with the city of South Miami can you elaborate a little bit more what was done organically and maybe if it's improved it it has it scaled like what is you know what you did before can we do that again is that something that we can speak about sure sure um it was a very successful program it was just for a couple of months it was a pilot program the one thing about wakia is that it's a very expensive um initiative um there were talks to try to bring that back it's still kind of gone back and forth we haven't fully gone to the Spectrum as to how we're going to roll that out again but it was successful just for that pilot program I know that there are other districts that do do different types of genetically modified mosquitoes well Baki is not the genetically modified it's basically the bacterium that's injected into the male mosquito so again the male mosquito cannot release to be able to go ahead and have the the female mosquito do any type of biting or anything like that but it's something that we're looking at um but again and because of the cost prohibitively um to our city manager is it possible for us to put the information on our website on our social media so that our residents not to call 311 definitely yes I think we've already contct with some of your staff we've shared some some resource material um digitally so it can be shared by email on on social or through the website and we also brought some um some takeout materal some take material there's some brochures and rack cards there for the public and for every anyone else who wants to know a little bit more about us and we also left a little gift a little fight the bite pack for everyone it's got a little mosquito repellent it's got a hand sanitizer and sunscreen all in one little pouch thank you very much thank you very much we appreciate your time you okay uh Madam clerk any further presentations to evening okay are there any add-on items no uh can I get a motion to approve the minutes of August 20th 2024 I'll move them is there a second second a motion by the vice mayor a second by commissioner Corey Madam clerk can you call the role yes commissioner lemman Vice bonish yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Cay yes mayor Fernandez yes minutes P 5 Z thank you very much Mr manager your report please Madame manager good evening good evening thank you mayor some event updates grandparents days uh we have September 6 at 10:00 a.m. at the South Miami senior Plaza there's going to be a DJ raffle prizes Wellness checks by Miami dat fire manicure chair massages food a bunch of fun things so come out to that our next onlyi second Saturdays is September 14th the theme is Disco Night wear your bell bottoms um as part of Place making an Urban Design study there will be a workshop openhouse on September 12th that'll give um the public the opportunity to see everything plus has been working on as well as an opportunity to participate in a workshop on how the branding is going to look moving forward so that's 6:30 to 8:00 pm September 12th white here in commission Chambers um the public can RSVP for that on our website or on our social media there's a QR code that's the manager's report for tonight thank you madam manager colleagues any questions of the manager regarding the items on the report or any other items okay seeing n thank you very much thank you Mr City attorney your report please thank you mayor just uh one quick update on Lot B you had asked us uh I want say July 2nd you had asked us to uh speak to the owners adjacent to L B to see if they had any interest in participating in the RFP uh we have had some very preliminary discussions um unfortunately there are some other things at play right now where we won't have Clarity on anything until late September most likely so if you are still interested in in uh uh gauging whether they would they would want to be part of this U this would probably be a an October item back to you I appreciate the update uh colleagues and particularly commissioner Leeman then you were championing this item uh do you want to share some thoughts and what your preference would be or my preference is what the commission's preference would be I I'd like to go but on RFP though it it sounded mean we've it should have come this also should have come at the beginning of we're really a month late on this item right given me the original yeah okay and um yeah it sounds this in the private sector it's government sounds great in nature it's well intended but for the city to represent potentially two private owners as well um I I think we should in our our property the that would benefit the center prop ultimately the city but the center property the most um um and uh yeah I think we should go on our own and do it and we could it certainly could notice that the other two properties are are on the market as well and leave it up to private sector to put an assemblage together because I don't know how the city is going to represent to private land okay so do we do we want to give direction to bring this back as an agenda item on the 17th for if adoption I don't I don't believe we adopted or mov the prior item correct no no you not I think you asked for it to be deferred for this reason okay I just want to make sure I'm thinking what posture we're in so okay so commiss K you're recognized no I was just going to state that I've been speaking to both parties already uh trying to figure out what we can do I was actually going to have a meeting with with City attorney to figure out what I don't know what what you're talking about why it got delayed but there was some progress there and how to go ahead and dissect this particular contract but I mean if you guys it's the will of the commission if you guys want to move forward I feel like we have an opportunity um so if you give us a little bit more time well at least i' I've been working on it let's let's I I would just just let's bring it back on the agenda conversations can continue okay we'll see where we are at at the 17th and uh we can take action at that point in time okay commiss Le is that acceptable to you Sly what was what is the interest of the commission that the city would represent all the city's property as well as two other private property owners I think the the purpose of the conversation was to see if they wanted to include themselves in a joint disposition that was right I get that assume they said yes what it walk me through the Second Step that we're now representing two private property owners so yeah the the framework that that we have kind of thought about is uh they would participate subject to a reserve price and then if that reserve price was not met for that land they would uh they would have the option to withdraw from from that that process and they would know that as soon as bids were received you know and again that would not preclude us from sure having a loan disposition if that was our if that was our preference but it would just at least give us the opportunity to see if there was a appetite to to do something across the entirety of both assem entirety of all the assembles yes Madam vice mayor you recognized is that common I I would not say that it's common no okay okay because then why are we doing this I'm just I'm asking from a point of not having as much knowledge maybe as some of you on this from my perspective to the mayor yes sir you're recognized from my perspective it's a better return on an investment so we have the opportunity to do something that returns a lot more dollars to our city has ability to get more parking in that area um and help facilitate everything in that particular area with Sunset Place with all the restaurants that are coming all that area that's that's my thought process okay so then what is coming back to us in the next thing is what I believe it would be a draft RFP it may or may not include those two Parcels depending on where conversations evolve on the on the 17th it would not if it's on the 17th it will certainly not include those those okay so let's just let's just bring it back and there's no sense in delaying it we're going to vote it up or down and we'll figure out what do on the 17th okay I just want to be fair to my colleague who's been championing it and only has has an expiration date on his tenure here so um um with that without that objection we'll give that direction to the manager and staff and any any last word on this particular item not in this item but I'd like to continue with the city attorney's report I have a question for the City attorney sure you're recognized for a followup question on the city attorney's report great thank you so piggy Becky with the N mayor just said we have only have three meetings remaining until the election so I'd like to get an update on City Hall and see if we can't expedite that considering there's there's only one proposal sure so it is under evaluation by the city manager city manager has uh actually uh met with uh the the Consultants last week um I believe there's he's there's some additional information just to close out what he needs to make that recommendation and um you know that's we're certainly shooting to move it as quickly as possible so and maybe sorry Pa maybe this pardon me the question should have been for the city manager so pardon me but what what is the timeline given we have three more meetings and so uh the O uh August 6 the selection committee met um on August 20th the chair of the committee uh forwarded the evaluation and Report uh to me then a week later August 27th uh myself uh and the attorneys were part of a meeting with the technical consultants to go over U their observations of that uh particular selection committee uh there's going to be one meeting with the proposer that's under a question and answer to clarify some things not a negotiation because it hasn't been an award uh and that'll be scheduled and certainly we're mindful of the dates the original date we had pegged was October 3rd but I'm sorry one thank you um but obviously we understand that September 17th may may be imp possibility so going to have one session with the proposer the one proposer through a question and answer to clarify some things and then try to bring it September 17th if not the originally scheduled date that we had on the uh which gives us a second meeting October still to troubleshoot something further questions to the manager that again uh sorry of the City attorney thank you uh Mr manager and Mr City attorney for your reports uh we'll now take public remarks uh for purposes of housekeeping I see that there are a number of speakers who want to address the zoning item on tonight's agenda with your Indulgence I'll ask you not to make comments or public remarks I'll bring that item up first in the order of the day so that we can get you in and out and allowed you to speak to the item contemporaneous with the presentation from staff or we leave thereafter so with that as our our process forward and no objection from the board I want to call Mr Del Travis Williams who's uh registered first for public remarks good evening sir good evening mayor Commissioners Nikki City attorney City clerk I mean city manager um two items I want to talk about tonight um the first one not too long ago a few weeks last month we lost a trailblazing former teacher former assistant principal from s junor High School over 20 years Miss Enid Johnson pi from 1970 to 1991 she was a sister principal of S Junior High she covers from my grandmother's I'm sorry my mother's oldest sister all the way to my mother and then from my oldest cousin all the way to me so she taught us least three generations of kids in stht Miami I know Nicki remembers her um Miss Johnson was a good lady and that's an understatement she was an excellent lady and i' been remiss if I didn't talk about at least mention her tonight with Mr Ward being behind me um those two really were involved in this community for a very long time um and we buried her a couple months a couple of weeks ago the second item I want to talk about tonight street lights my street 62nd Street has to be the darkest Street in soft Miami what I mean by that from 59th Avenue to 62nd Avenue it's completely dark there's three lights on the whole street one street at Miss Palmer's house one street at the end of Marshall Williamson that doesn't work behind lots of trees and bushes and there's one the end of the street that does work we have a sidewalk all along 62nd Avenue I'm 62nd Street sidewalks so dark at night with it being dark at night I don't walk on them I walk on the street and I mention this because it's a hazard for us who like to walk on the sidewalks who can't so we're supped to walk on the street where we risk getting hit by a car I would notice because it almost happened to me on a few occasions because I walk to the dollar store a lot so not just my street 62nd Avenue from 64th Street to Miller it's dark at night there's lights all along that on that street that haven't been working for months I put it in the app no action has been done 64th Street from 59th place to Red Road completely dark at night and I know it's because I go that way to walk to the metro rail every morning 5 days a week Mr will I going give you more time I just wanted to ask a question the manager if he can clarify for me I would imagine 62nd Street the lights on that street are it's a city street it's our responsibility so we'll make sure to follow up on those on 62nd Avenue are are those street lights uh under our car management or they uh part of the County's infrastructure have to be reminded I'm going to ask Le on John to remind me if if it's count Trav I just want to make sure so when we're Miami day County okay so 62 okay so we can we John can we follow up on 62 Street for at at 64 uh perfect okay 64 street is your is is our street as well as well yes absolutely so I just wanted to note that so we can get our staff been working for months so 64 street from what where to where just so we from 64th on 64th Street from 59th place where Madison Square apartments are all the way down the Red Road it's completely dark any others okay if we can get those fixed it will be greatly appreciated and I say for walking at night thank and Del Travis you've got my C so text me if you don't see any progress as well okay appreciate you we'll do okay next on the list Mr Dick Ward please good evening sir you're recognized I thought there were more people on the list than that commissioner Leeman you served on this commission a long time with a lot of Mayors but tonight you finally got a good one and the mayor ran him off ran her off what kind of person would that I you can expect anything from this mayor you know the last gentleman talked about Kean Johnson and she was she and I worked together for 21 years and South Miami was very lucky to have her that long because the two of us were very involved in the community and we didn't get interfered with by those high ranking people downtown tonight I'd like to give a short report card uh you you as a commission have accomplished a few things of which I don't agree with but you need to have recognition for it for instance the most recent one is your asking for a $65 million bond issue with that's going to be difficult to fund from the residents probably you increased the height of buildings in South Miami maximum to 30 stories you increased according to state law the campaign contribution to a candidate from $250 to $1,000 and if you look at the reports of what's going on right now as I told you before we're going to end up the city is going to be elected the commission by the dollar I mean that's what's going on whether you realize it or not the idea that we would have 50 60 $100,000 raised to sit up there ask lean how much he spent the most while he was there there wasn't very much G who is our new commissioner he didn't he spent just a about a little over average in his campaign and I hear you were the only one didn't get an appointment an opponent rather I thought Cory was free too but I was just told that he got an appoint he got an opponent also he did and as a result of that the next month or so is going to be interesting around here and Mr Corey I haven't seen any signs like I see aguera and Rodriguez so you better get on the ball thank you Mr word it's going to be an interesting campaign and the best thing of all is that the the elections are now held in November with our federal elections before we'd get 18 to 20% in the last election we got over 54% and I wouldn't be surprised with the Trump Harris campaign the way it's going we might get 60% out for this election thank you thank you sir uh next on the list is Mr Lee Jacobs Mr Jacobs good evening good evening good evening you all um Commissioners I I grew up in Detroit an industrial city and a huge Ford plant was there and it paid all the taxes taxes were very low we live in a city where there's no industry virtually the only industry is development so we have SOI uh South Miami Sunset Place that's our Ford Rouge Plant to say that and there's others that are 10 story 12 story going up and what I'm questioning is why are we having to raise taxes with those huge buildings the number of people increasing uh and the question is how could we not have enough money to do what we want we're in in essence what it looks like to me is we're paying now for their development so we're subsidizing them that's what it looks like to me and the way that I could understand it better is if I saw how much the developers were paying in taxes for each floor that they got I know that when I was on the planning board we gave um the windi the wind Dixie property permission to build another story if they would put in a bicycle washing station and bike racks I thought that was ridiculous they're making so much money for a whole floor what are we getting out of it so that's the secret that I want you to reveal how much money are we going to get in taxes from all those extra floors it's increased our density so the streets are crowded the air up above those buildings is CR cred and they all have to empty out onto our streets I've been asked why do you care that it's going up 30 stories because I live at the far end of the city but that's not that far it's the streets it's the money it's the confusion that we've created and we're building it and then we're building the infrastructure we're paying for the infrastructure and running away with the money and running away with the profits that we don't get to hear about the shops at Sunset Place made a deal when they left they went from three to four stories to 20 stories 18 stories 16 stories and then they made a deal thanks to Mr Bass who was here he got the council to agree to I think Mr liman was on that in on that he got them to agree to eliminating their citizens review boards they wanted to be efficient and agile in this modern changing Society so they could put up things and do things without going through citizen review and that's what you did in November when you gave them 30 stories 25 stories 18 16 you increased it from 6 units per acre to 1486 units per acre that's actually that's I just want to be clear that's not nearly accurate so what is that no it's it's 150 units an acre 150 they have 10 acres which is why they're proposing as they can propose as much as, 1500 units so again I I take no issue with some of the other things you're saying but I just wanted to put that factoid into the record okay that's a good fact to know the the truth is though it's 30 stories 25 St in 18 and 16 is that right something like that that's if they uh pay for all the bonuses that they are required in order to achieve those what we want to know the bonuses how much are we getting and does it go to our taxes or how does it work for Citizens so what I would do just in the interest of time is I would ask our City attorney or maybe our um Marcus on our planning staff if they can share with you the details of that particular ordinance right so you can have you can have the um you can have those details and if you want to we can at some point they have submitted plans at this point so there probably could be a calculation that's provided to you so you understand exactly what the remittances they would be required to make if they built what they're proposing yes I think that excluding you know me personally to know it's important but I think that the whole city needs to know not just me well they they'll they I believe they're scheduled for a public hearing next Tuesday in front of the planning board and if you have questions about those details I I'm not proving to them yet but you certainly have the opportunity to ask at that Forum as well and eventually here in front of this commission when it comes back to us sir yes we we're we're being asked to okay these changes in how you take the money and man manipulate it make it easier we you we voted for that so you got that done and then the next stage is to get money to manipulate so you're going to raise taxes and I think that's important for people to know how this whole city is running and it's important thank you very much thank you for your comments sir uh next on the list uh Mr Walter Harris good evening commissioner kids um I just want to first of all thank you for uh the um at the community center the basketball court being dedicated that is really really good secondly I uh originally planned to come here and speak to you about the sale of City Hall and the sale of uh the library but now I find out there may not even be a sale so everything I had planned to say I won't say because it sound really stupid and with that I will leave I do love the shirt sir thank you I got the shirt because I'm a Harris I know it's fantastic J you're up to date have a good evening uh mayor Fu you're recognized good evening even Mr Mayor vice mayor distinguished staff Mr manager Madam clerk good to see you again you haven't changed um I'm here to speak in opposition of the $65 million loan but first I want to thank commissioner Leeman for recognizing a true public servant and commissioner Gil he truly embodied that sentiment of public service we which we see less and less every time we turn around and Mr Mayor thank you for bringing prayer back I mean I'd like to think that God knows we need more prayers so uh in light of the by the way I'm a 34e resident of South Miami I served on the commission for 12 years elected three times as mayor and uh I bring this up because I have some experience in in um in finding money okay you you're putting out I I think every resident in South Miami has no doubt received a flyer by your pack your political action committee which shows you the vice mayor's likeness and Mr Corey and commissioner K and commissioner Cory yes um I don't see where the taxes who pays for the bond it's a loan I don't see that part that part is missing in that slick flyer and advertisement that we see perhaps the distinguished Mr manager chip could tell us Mr Mayor Mr Mayor just to by way information it'll be on the next set of Flyers when we have okay the election in November on that question because there is a tax increment there now along those lines what I was saying is that when I was on the commission each commissioner was assigned to Lobby a certain uh County Commissioner state representative or a congress person uh I remember lobbying uh uh commissioner I mean congresswoman Ross leonan um the mayor of the county at the time and uh I it didn't matter what party affiliation it was I went to see um Mr Marco Rubio who's now the Senator Rubio but back then he was the speaker of the house and certainly our distinguished uh former mayor representative juli Robina we built the improvements here in front of City Hall it didn't cost the taxpayers a dime because we brought home the money from the state and the county and also the federal government the uh uh the community center Gibson bethl that didn't cost the taxpayers a penny why because again we effectively lobbied we had a good lobbying team we had a great granch Rider and we bought parks that way so I'm wondering why do we need $65 million if it's something that you guys can do Lobby bring home the money now Mr Mayor uh with all due respect if you sue the governor like you did uh had having to do with I guess being a lobbyist we're not going to be getting much money from him because he's going to veto that line item well it's curious in the year that I sued him he gave us $1.8 million so that Lo in the year that I sued the state not him yeah he did he did approve of $1.8 million in the state budget for the city of South Miami which I think was the first grant we've gotten successfully through in in a number of years so I I don't I don't follow I don't agree with your logic but all right well then but Point granted I mean Point uh good point now where's the money I mean that's the how you you save the money and you then you put it to a good cause and it seems like the infrastructure that we're looking for whether it's Parks or a tiny Bridge you can get that money elsewhere you don't have to pick the pockets of us the taxpayers all right so please be openminded start thinking about you know bringing in the bacon little money from the state we paid for it okay thank you thank you for your comments sir and just again C facts being important in in public discussion I think this commission has successfully procured in two years $6.8 million from both the state and federal government so I wanted to share that with you uh Mr Mayor and unfortunately $3 and A4 million were vetoed last in last year's budget the majority being Water Project because the state wants to move in a different direction in terms of how they allocate that money but we're certainly doing our damnedest to get that money in the budget and bring it home so hopefully you can take some solace in that and again the public will get to say their piece about whether or not they want to approve our ability to borrow here in November so thank you for your comment sir okay thank you okay I believe I have one other uh registered person with respect to public um comments Alberto Garcia please come forward good evening sir hi good evening well first of all uh I'm sorry for my English and from my Spain uh so it's my first time in a public hearing good night everyone so I'm the current owner of the restaurant opening B Road and red road we located Alan drugstore and theas espia uh we are really happy with the city especially with all the neighborhood so I only have gratitude to all of us so for to all of you the only thing that I'm seeing right now especially coming from Madrid Spain that is a city that is um destroyed by parking tickets it's that I observed that uh we have an issue with the tickets in the parking also I have one employee that she is disabled and also get tickets when she Parks into disable parking spot that is on the 41st the street so it's just an advice just because I've saw that in Sp that the people hate that continuously goes uh under day for the tickets on the parking I understand that they need to pay for pay by phone it's totally normal in Spain you should do it but for us or for me especially it's a little bit annoying that sometimes especially on the before lunch 1 p.m. before dinner or Saturday at noon or Sunday at noon there is branch that is what we are more Crow the ticket from the city is there with the tickets stand every every Saturday every Sunday and for me it's funny because I don't I never see them at 9:00 a.m. on Monday or 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday like today I only see them in you know in the special moments that for me it's fun is brunch lunch Saturday and Sunday so I understand that you need to have it it's something normal but this just my advice that I saw in all my life in Madrid that if you continue punish the people the people is going to hate that and you know that in my area is a little bit complicated to park we I we I think we have plenty space on the around the 41st Street but um I see that many years so if you punish the people maybe the people go away from the city go another places to eat um that's a thing that this just one advice from something that I live in my in my real life that's all thank you so much for your time have a great night Mr Garcia thank you for your comments and for your investment in our community Madam clerk is there anyone else register for public remarks no anyone on zo would like to speak please raise your virtu hand oh you you did yes sir I I I believe you're here I have you you noted you're on the zoning item so I'm going to take that item up next so you can address it contemporaneously with the uh the presentation okay anyone else who's not addressing the zoning item here this evening okay with that we will close public remarks um colleagues with your Indulgence I'd like to take up item items 12 13 and 11 uh so uh Mr City attorney are there any uh cause judicial warnings that have to be read for any of those items uh for number 11 for number 11 yes Madam Vice may you have a question o sorry I have commissioner comments today so can we make sure that we bring them up later so that I don't forget yes ma'am I'll I'll fly that we all want to say some remarks to the record not a problem do you want to uh just dispense with the requisite warnings on item 11 and we'll take again as I said we'll take up item 12 13 and 11 sure uh mayor for application number 11 on this evening City commission agenda is a quasa Judicial item uh the clerk as always the clerk will read the title of the resolution before the public hearing the public hearing will include presentations by staff and the applicant as well as and any public comment excuse me the commission may ask any questions either before or after public comment is closed following public comment the commission may deliberate on the resolution the quality judicial procedures uh for item 11 require this commission to consider the evidence presented to it and base your decision on the applicable law and primarily on the evidence presented whether by the applicant staff or members of the public the staff report in the resolution provide the applicable law and criteria for approval and in the case of item 11 it's section 20- 4.2 of the Land Development code which is the subdivision criteria the evidence considered must be substantial competent evidence that means testimony or other evidence based on personal observation a relevant expert testimony that a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion it is not a popularity contest it cannot be based solely on non-expert opinions no matter how fervent those opinions might be uh anyone who seeks to speak on any item for a public hearing should be given an opportunity to speak during the public comment portion uh for each if you intend to provide testimony on item 11 as to any of the application as to this application you'll be sworn in before your testimony is taken please know if you do speak you may be subject to cross-examination if you refuse either to be cross-examined or to be sworn your testimony will be considered in that context and given its du wait the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the commission to direct questions on their behalf to either staff or the applicant uh would you uh like to square in the people who will be testifying on item 11 at this time let's go ahead yes please okay if anyone is speaking on item 11 please uh stand up and raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you and uh Madam clerk can you confirm on item 11 that the advertising was provided yes thank you and uh do would you like to make the expart community uh disclosures at this time or just go ahead and dispense with it if we can I I have nothing to report does any member of the commission have uh any any expart Communications with the applicant or any member of the public on that item I do not no no record reflects that everyone said no thank you mayor thank you Mr C attorney um if we can have a presentation from staff on item 12 and if you can read that item into the record mam clerk to start yes item 12 in ordinance of the mayor City Convention of the city of South Miami Florida amending article 8 Transit support a development District to modify afal development regulations providing for Corrections stability conflicts implementation and effective date thank you madam clerk yeah Mr Alvarez good evening you're recognized good evening mayor and Council um tonight we have the first reading of the transit supportive development District this is the text amendments for the um the entire zoning District um before we go forward I I like like to go through our schedule we've been on a long schedule of many pieces that fit together for the schedule of the entire zoning effort um we are now in September um we have accomplished we have gotten the th18 or townhouse ordinance push through on the text amendments um we are in the process of the land use plan Amendment as we stand here tonight we are we have gone to the planning board with the tsdd which and this is a very substantial text Amendment um after tonight um it's not technically part of our zoning process but it's such a big project I I mentioned at the Sunset Place Large Scale development we'll go to the planning board later this month actually next week um in October we will continue on Sunset Place and we will start the last of our new zoning districts which which is called neighborhood mixed use which is a transitional small scale mixed use um again only text amendments in November once we've got all of our text amendments through their process of planning board and two readings um and also we will at that time we anticipate having the text amendments for the comprehensive plan done we will start um the really fun part where we'll do the map amendments we're going to do those as the comprehensive plan and the zoning together basically you'd hear the comprehensive plan map amendments right before the zoning math amendments that's a process with again it's um it's comprehensive plan so we have to have a planning board sitting as a local planning agency that'll happen in O in October November um and then we'll move forward we have to transmit to the state so we have a time that'll it'll take that's actually a bigger amendment process not in in paper but it will typically take longer because con concurrency becomes much more important with the math amendments um that will all come back December more likely January we'll do the second reading of the map amendments um again this is a this is a really heavy lift when we do the map amendments a lot more advertising a lot more details um so by January or February we're more or less complete with the zoning amendments underlying all of that we have the what we call the ear-based Amendments going on um or just starting it's the evaluation and appraisal report so the city at in this year um it's actually fortuitous but again it adds to the workload a lot of ways um we have uh what's due is called the E based amendments it's the entire comprehensive plan this actually does tie in because there are a number of things that we see during this process that we should amend through those amendments that would be in other elements of the comprehensive plan um so by March approximately March April we're we're kind of done um it's a lot of pieces and every every time I come before the board I try to update that that t that chart and make sure we um know where we're at it does move at times um so for the tsdd the transit supportive development District um which before March of this year was known as the transit oriented development District if just to give the proper reference um but it is changed now to tsdd um we have the same guiding principles that we've had for the entire zoning process we are trying to increase the flexibility of the zoning code for the market response we don't want we want we're we're here to to build a downtown and redevelop it um we also want to direct density towards infrastructure this is of great importance not only to the city but to the county to the state to everybody we want to move the density move the intensity of use and move the number of residents that live within the proximity of the metro rail station of us one and sunset that that four corners is the sort of the the heart of it all and then we want it to spread out from that so everything here is done to to bring everything together to that Central spot um we want to respond to the housing needs we have a great need for not only uh market market rate housing but also affordable and workplace Workforce housing um of course we do not want to damage in any way what makes South Miami a great city so we want to establish that all of this happens we are increasing a lot of intensity and density we want to make sure it transitions properly to the neighborhoods the neighborhoods are what made the city great they'll continue to make the city great and finally simplification Simplicity and predictability very hard things to do in a zoning code um but we do try to make Simplicity in terms of having a lot of tables where words would be normally we also Simplicity also means that we make a simplification of what the rights are for every property so we're trying to take as much away from administrative decisions and have it on paper sometimes it looks like it's not simpler because it takes more paper to do that but we want to make everything to be pretty much this is what you can get you have a wide range of uses a wide range of things you want to do on that property and you don't have to wonder and that puts the city in a much more competitive position so that somebody doesn't look at our own and say I can't figure it out what it is I don't know what my rights are let's look in Coral cables so Simplicity predictability are two key aspects one of the things that we did in tsdd was we added residential density limits so for since since uh for seven years the what was known as the to D District had no uh maximum density it had a minimum density residential density of 50 units per acre but it had no maximum and the idea was that it was all based on form so we have a certain height we have a certain way a building can fit into its envelope and we would depend on those to create a density envelope what we had um with some of the the prior um prior approvals the somi park was something like 100 40 came in at 149 units across the street 6075 came in at 196 units per acre so we knew we were kind of hitting 150 to 200 units an acre and we felt that we should reflect that is still having a maximum because there are a lot of things that are very important now we have um we have not only the need to just kind of establish this for our concurrency purposes and knowing where we're going we have plenty of density um but we also have a lot of preemptive issues with live local and even though we can steer clear of them in a lot of ways we never was know what going to come forward next time around so it just seemed to be a safe thing to establish ID it limit overall and the density limit is based it's been based on pretty much what's already come in so we feel pretty safe that we're not um on the face of it taking any rights away from anybody so um we do have a density limit and it's in section I'm just going to go I don't have the sections on the slid so it's in section 28-8 point4 B paragraph the has been added there um we had to create as is now you you have a tsdd ordinance you have a map and you have different districts the mu4 which isn't used the mu5 the mu6 there's Parks there's um public uh and institutional um and there's there's the Publican institutional has almost no regulations mu5 and mu6 are pretty much the effective subd districts we had to keep the subd districts because there are a lot of rights that are tied to those and what you see here is a map uh the sort of and I know the colors can be difficult at times but we have to use this sort of pink set of tones for mixed use um the dark pink is what is now called the TOA the transit oriented District area which comes out of Liv local language that we're using and that's basically the area that will be the most intense have the most uh variety and most intensity of uses is closest to the metro rail station the height is no longer tied to this with B bonuses but the height without bonuses will be eight stories as you go to the lighter pink area and again we're moving away from the the station area um but we're still within the downtown we're still in the walkable area we have the the area that's called the the tsdd D tsda subdistrict which is a little lower it's the eight stories it will be something like the mu5 uh I'm sorry like the mu6 that you have now um again bonuses bonus Heights are controlled elsewhere um again it's a little it's almost as intense almost as dense but it's missing a few of the uses so it doesn't have the light we don't have light industrial uses doesn't have the artisanal um uses District it doesn't have the the sort of Boutique automobile uses District um so uses I'm sorry um and then as we go out further that sort of salmon color is a new district and it it's actually not effective until we remap the whole zoning map but that is all the outlying areas that interact with the downtown but they should be buffer areas that transition from the more intensive uses to the neighborhoods so those salmon colors are always called the tsna or Transit supportive neighborhood area it's limited in height no bonuses only residential um so those are the the area moving around again this is the transition as we move out not just in height but the intensity of use and all the other things that would go with that and again respecting that at the edge we're always going to have residential the permitted use categories is something that was a major impetus of doing this so we have right now 140 or so permitted uses they're all on the list and a lot of them like video stores and you know carburator repair shops things like that are are outdated uses nobody uses them anymore there are always uses that the planning director will find that people come in and they want an opinion on use that it just takes time again it's one of those things that you don't know if you can have that use so you have to go ask we wanted to make it so that if you have a use and it's something in the normal range of things but it might be new it might be something that's retail it might be a cross between retail and food it may be a retail that serves some food or has a bar or tasting wine tasting room all these things usually aren't in the zoning code and aren't in this one so we want to allow those uses without anyone having to come to ask it not only makes it easier for development but makes it easier once development is here so if you're the property owner if you're the if you if you own the property and you have a sell that goes empty you don't have to ask before you allow a new tenant in you just know here's a list it's in this category I can do this and so that's what we did we took everything and put it into categories there's a table of the categories and it's in section um 28 20 d8.5 um now I know the table has a lot of words in it because once we reduced everything to categories we have to have a lot of words to explain all the unintended consequences and what we don't want so to put it to sum it up kind of in a in a nutshell is we are very careful about allowing uses near any kind of neighborhood facing a neighborhood so there's a lot of things that become a special use when they're facing a neighborhood not they should because we've zoned it in a way that that won't happen but there's a few places basically anytime you have something I hate to put it so simply but as long as none of your use leaks out of the building we're happy right so if you have something that's you know you can there are Aral uh uses now if you are making um Ceramics you know Pottery if there's nothing that goes outside that building you can do what you want inside and you can sell them you can retail them you can be an artist if you're an artist and you paint and you have turpentine that's fine we like that but we don't want it to come outside of the building so a lot of the table that's in the code explains all the things that you can't do in each category that you mustn't be at the garbage outside you must keep the door closed and so forth things like that so I know the table looks long but it's actually much simpler so you just look to see if you fit into a category what subd district you're in and that's the way it works so what we did here is in the tsna which is the neighborhood area the area at the edges is residential and the only thing that's allowed is residential and live work then as you move into the what was before like the sort of uh light pink area um the tsda or the transit suppor of development area which is more or less the entire downtown except the core near the station almost everything is permitted except for warehousing and storage and then again as and sorry and also limited Automotive businesses um that's a special category I'll get to on the next slide and then the the transit oriented Development Area which is the core right near the metro rail station includes progress and commerce Avenues everything along the tracks it includes in fact City Hall and the for lack of knowing the street ofr right off the top of my head where the tire stor is across from Sunset Place and the next block below it are all in the TOA and they have the most liberal range of uses applicable along with the new use with the the use categories we add three categories that are a little bit something different um and again this is for you know we want to create an economic resiliency we know retail and office are not in they're not falling apart there's no bubble breaking but we know prices are getting a little soft we're not really sure a lot of retail turns over very fast so we want to build in some uses that can be uses that are good Alternatives that are still business and more to the point they're businesses that might be ownership owner owned by um Proprietors that are in the area or even better yet South Miami so one of the first ones and this is more or less in the zoning code we call artial occupations we allow artist Studios because we like art but artist studios are basically industrial uses and what really makes them different is that they're small the scale is small small it's oneoff items or maybe a limited production kind of item but we don't have factories that's really where we want to go here so if you're an owner and you want to build something and you don't have a lot of people in your shop or you want to make art or you're uh a jeweler and you're smelting gold and silver whatever it is you can do this in this area um small shops 4,000 square ft maximum again nothing leaks out and one of the big items here that want a retail Frontage to go with it we just don't want these anal light industrial uses we want to be selling your goods to the to the public um we have a lot of Automotive businesses that are currently along progress and and Commerce Avenue I think mostly on progress Commerce actually um most of those will become legally non-complying but we do recognize that there is a type of automo Automotive business that a lot of cities have and they integrate very well into to a more downtown area and it's these sort of Boutique Automotive uses they are not the the main thing here is that there's no outside inventory it's not the Ford dealership or whatever with lots of cars out in the front it's a store and it may be very high-end automobiles it may be builds it may be a good example is motorcycles have had this kind of concept down for a long time they have you know a very bouquey interior and they sell their motorcycles but they're all inside inside the store nothing's outside so again it's like a storefront but we're allowing this sort of Automotive use very limited type of Automotive use and then um lastly uh we do have warehousing and storage uh which we were going to initially just not allow at all but then we realize that there may be a number of businesses that do need to have some kind of warehousing storage within their building we would allow it as long as it's an ancillary use so those are the three uses Mr Alber just if I may interrupt typologist on on the last side we can go back for a second I'm just curious um in this Suite of uses would something like a collector's Suite be permitted could include someone who collects wine or art or automobiles right uh so those would fall Within These permitted use categories we're discussing here correct okay if you're back back in the day soille if you were familiar with Miami around 54 55th Street Mark Soo restaurant he bought these buildings initially so he could store his cars and sort of show them exactly okay and he they created like these boutiques out of them it's just a very nice thing just glass just Windows nothing no garages um one of the benefits of of simplifying the parking and having the parking in categories is that I'm sorry one of the benefits of simplifying the uses and having the uses in categories is that we also get to simplify the parking so a number of things happen when um we have the parking regulations that we have right now like most cities uh you could have a a shopping center or a building a mixed use building with an let's say 10 retail cells on the bottom you have a use that doesn't require a lot of parking and then a new tenant that one goes away a new tenant comes in and you have to say to the tenant no because on paper you don't have a parking in your building I you know I've been planning director I've seen this happen a number of times and go out there and there's a lot of parking but on paper they can't go in we want to get rid of that problem so you can always we've learned in the past that the owners of shopping centers of buildings do a very good job of this their tenants will complain if people can't park so they get their mix correct and they take care of their parking so we want to we want we have the parking also by these broad categories so there's a retail category and we have a parking for that what you're selling doesn't matter as far as the parking goes the same with um entertainment uses the same with restaurant type or eery type uses it's just their broad uses and that's what the parking is also right now we have the ability to allow an applicant to provide a shared use study and a shared use study it it doesn't do us a lot of good in a number of ways one is that the applicant would only look at their own building and statistically it's kind of hard to prove that you know if you have a store downstairs for um you know let's say a vinyl record store you know 20% might be too aggressive to use for the residents above and we know that doesn't really happen what's going to happen is people live here and they walk to other buildings they walk to other places so we want to look at the downtown as a whole so we don't really want shared use studies on project by project basis so the best way to do this was incorporate the shared use concept already in the parking rates which it is and we also Incorporated the transit reduction already in the parking rates so these rates are based on the it national averages for urban areas and then we take 20% for Transit and 20% for shared use no more shared use studies everybody's got the shared use already it's much simpler and again it's a simplification that you know what you get as a right you can come into South Miami you know you need this many parking spaces you can build this much commercial area Mr alv before you move on I think the vice may had a question regarding the last slide I only have one issue with all of these parking spaces that I'm seeing here actually it's two on TS if you look at townhouse and you look at hotel when you go all the way to the bright pink on townhouse you go from from two spaces per unit two spaces per unit to no spaces per unit that use type is not allowed that's why it's not applicable so so that yeah that's why you're not seeing a requirement there and in the hotel why do we go from one space per room to one space per two rooms is this in the so yeah so when you see and Mr OB was correct me if I'm wrong uh what you're seeing not applicable on this chart it means that that use is not allowed in that category okay and here where I see it go from one space per room to one space per two rooms that's sharing you the existing stand versus the proposed standard for that for that District why did we change it from one space per room to one space per two rooms um again it just based on National standards we also know that we are transitioning our hotel spaces to having more dependency on using metro rail public transit if people get here from the airport they don't always have their own car so still Uber can we fix that to be one Spa to so that it matches I the reason I say this when I travel almost anywhere I go I have a car so I pretend it's me I pretend I'm going everywhere and I'm coming here you guys can disagree with me if you want literally I can't think of one place that I've gone that I don't rent a car I'm probably herz's favorite person um so while I understand that people don't use cars Miami is famous for bad Transportation so I think we're taking taking something for granted here everything else kind of makes sense to me that one doesn't make sense to me so I may be different I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about it uh I mean I think the standard works as proposed I think the prior standard was way overp parked at that most I mean if you're going to draw an equivalency in unit type it would be 7 five spaces per unit like you're seeing with the studio but again that studio tendency is non-transient so those people are probably more likely than a visitor to have a car um so you I I I think it's fine at one space for two rooms it's standard used in other jurisdictions pretty widely so but it's again it's a matter of the board's preference let let's table that conversation till the end of the presentation but you can not it as an item we want to discuss yep okay okay let me and I want to say three things that I missed saying before um one on parking we what we have right now is we park uh for the tsdd we park commercial the way we park Suburban it's the same standard as everything else and we have a discount on the residential actually should be sort of the other way around right because people still own a car so we've taken in this case we've now discounted the commercial side of it one of the things that's really important and it's sort of on this slide I think um yeah benefits of reducing overp parking we you never get parking right there's no such thing as the right number generally for 50 years we've tended to overpark but overp parking was space a kill space that you would have for for habitable uses it doesn't allow for a walkable downtown uh some of the the cities that we all love and they're underp Park so we are tending to if we have to make a mistake we would rather underp Park than overpark and the concept is if we underp park we can fix that the city can you'll have more permit requests the city can build parking somebody else can build parking with their development and the last part comes into there's a bonus we'll get to that later one of the bonuses is for building more parking than you need so if you overpark you're stuck with it you just have parking lots and it's very hard for anyone to develop them because they're part of somebody else's rights so we've tended to shift our philosophy to let will under Park we get it wrong rather than overpark also with the concept that parking is very expensive as you know is 30 $40,000 a space and also as we move forward over the years and through the times uh this will not all develop overnight as we develop the population changes we have more people who are coming from other places they're used to taking some alternative whether it's a bicycle know e whatever it is they do they're used to doing other things we hope and think that that will happen not tomorrow but over the decade or two as the city redevelops that's the concept that's the driving philos I have I have a I have an inconsistency in the language I want to point out to Mr Alvarez but let's unless we have questions about the information on the slide let's save the debate and discussion till later so okay so let's move forward Mr alvers thank you um parking some of the other things that we try to increase the efficiency of the parking um one of the things here is that um we we do now but we we reinforc the idea that we allow tandem parking spaces certainly if it's a la operation you can have tandem or stacked uh if it's a residential and we have allowed that before by um as part of special permits as part of the large scale uses we allow we will continue to allow um tandem parking for a single residential unit in other words one unit the cars can be in front and in back of each other but not among different units simple idea that we assume that if people can get along well enough to live together they should be able to work out the car thing was who goes out first who comes back later and that adds a lot of efficiency to those parking decks and again we want to kind of reduce the size of the parking in the downtown physically the other thing that we want to recognize is that we do see if you go around if you drive around Miami a lot you know this a lot of scooters are becoming very popular most places don't allow a place for them to park and actually scooters and motorcycles want their own spaces so they don't get hit by a car and knocked down they also fit a lot better they they save a lot of space in a garage so we're allowing a development to have more efficiency in that garage where there's structure where maybe a full car space won't fit there could be a motorcycle space or two or scooter spaces it's just a way to try to increase efficiency there was no provision for that before it would have been something that would come in with a site plan but we're now showing it as provision and finally we did um also maintain the bicycle parking requirements there's requirements now they they're more specific to indoor and outdoor what's inside the building was outside um and they were adjusted a little bit they they were sort of out of calibration before and we tried to get them a little more even what's which's typically done in other cities development bonus so we have um in the subd districts we have a base height that each building can go to in the terms of number of floors um and again it's it's we've tried to respect the rights we have respected the rights for every property in doing that so everything in the TS the TOA or the core is eight stories base everything in the area just around it the light pink area the tsda transportive district area there eight stories and then the the outlying area the neighborhood area is six stories bonuses would get each building up to a higher level and we again we've talked about this before focusing on parody of you know what you give and what you get there's some bonuses that were in the past that were fairly simple and we Tred to make sure that we get a little more public benefit for what we get so the bonuses are um there are seven basic bonuses we have an open space bonus which is to provide extra open space in other words above and beyond the requirement that's already it's a little later it's already in the open space requirement um we have an affordable housing bonus which is to provide affordable housing based on on current standards at that time Workforce housing um condominium ownership and you've seen all three all of these actually you saw for the the Sony District um the um Sunset Place Sunset Place thank you yeah um yes downtown SS um we have a sustainability bonus that can be used twice one for each story um one for gold one for platinum again this is just like U downtown SOI except here we do have and we'll get to it later we have a base requirement for um sustainability so actually we expect this one to be more more easily taken because if you have to get green or bronze then it's easier to just step up and finally I mentioned there's an additional parking so if you want to provide more parking in your building you want to provide parking to the public you can get a bonus for that as well sorry Mr Al can you clarify on that point is is it publicly accessible parking or is it it would be publicly accessible parking okay so it's can't be it can't be parking that meets your minimum uh your minimum you got to overpark your building right above the minimum correct and that and that excess parking has to be accessible to the public correct okay and and presumably we can charge a fee for that correct okay and it it has to look like public parking from the outside okay um one thing to add to that point is there is a particular circumstance in the to Da the transit oriented Development Area the core if you have a live local project because of safe preemption those projects are allowed to develop with no parking at all um we don't think that any reasonable residential project would come in with no parking at all so this would be something that they can get a bonus they have a little extra incentive to not put their cars on the streets of South Miami that so that would be the only case where it's it's still public parking but it's to make up for what should have been private parking um as we get into the the form part of the plan so we're we're out of the bonus is uh and I'll talk we have a height plan so we'll talk about where the bonus Heights go um but I do let me just go back um you see that there's seven bonus potentials different potentials there's actually a total of 10 stories that you could get out of bonuses but in no location Could you actually use all 10 stories so this is a menu and you can't eat it all kind of thing um the street hierarchy is what determines our form which determines our setbacks building our step backs and so forth the best way to do that was not just by subd districts but we think certain streets are more important than others in the walkable area and so those have been outlined they're fairly similar to what's been done before Sunset plate a Sunset Drive um excuse me I'm losing my voice um but this the streets that you have outlined in blue are called the primary streets and everything else will be a secondary Street within the downtown and this basically Keys into what we'll have later in the form regulations two or three slides from now um so the primary streets are a little more attention to a little more openness the open space would be more of a public Plaza whereas in the other streets it would just be maybe a pocket part um their step backs in many cases are a little bit greater on the main or the primary streets there's also some green lines um and again this actually does exist although hard to find in the existing code but we do want to have poos or cuts of pedestrian passages for the very long blocks and those have been outlined there they're shown in green those are actually open space that would provide a bonus so in other words it's not mandatory but we're trying to say where they would go so we don't have somebody taking a payo just where we don't really need it um so it's it's open space and it's something that could be applied for as a bonus we have an open space plan it regulates the amount of open space it regulates uh where the open space goes and the types what kind of Plaza what kind of Park is very public is it just a private space is it part of the entrance to the building we have a few Dimensions to make sure we don't get insignificant spaces there's a mistake on the slide the um open space requirement is for everything above 20,000 or 20,000 Square ft of Site Area or more from 20,000 to 40,000 is 5% of the site area below that we don't have an open space requirement it's just too burdensome on small Parcels above that the requirement is 10% it's not 15 so it's 10 and then that's without bonuses so you're required to do 10 if you want to have a bonus floor you're going to put five more in and you can have a second one of those and have 20% if you want to have two bonus FL the other way around uh so again this is the basic requirement bonuses add more the building height plan um is what we this is new so at this time right now the height of the building including bonuses goes with each subdistrict mu4 mu5 in the new subd districts that doesn't happen the subdistrict decides how many which bonuses you can take in certain cases like parking is not allowed outside of the TOA um but that's all it does and it it determines the base height as it does now because we do have to preserve those rights the building height plan um so the purple is the highest and then you know descending lighter and lighter colors is of blue so the purple area is the area closest to the metro rail station it's the most intense and it's allowed to go up to 15 stories uh that's with bonuses so if you have eight you can apply seven bonuses and get to 15 the medium blue color or darker blue color again we're we're moving out from the center so we have a less and less intense effect visually um that is a 10 story area and that would be everything more sort of the outer ring of that intense area of purple and then also a long Sunset Drive because again this wouldn't be effective right away we have to rezone Sunset trive or the hometown TOs STD and then as we go uh further away there's a category of the medium blue um SE blue whatever you want to call it uh that would be an eight story and again that's where we get to we're getting very close to neighborhoods and then where we're very even closer to neighborhoods we're typically in the neighborhood area the tsna transit support of neighborhood areas only residential those are six stories and then toward the outside of that you see some cross-hatching and this is not this is in the the code it's in the post code and it's in the text of it that says anytime you are within across the street adjacent or AB budding a a single family neighborhood or residential neighborhood you would have to have the first 75 ft of your project be no more than four Stories We would expect town houses there and the 75 ft um distance was actually metered off of the of of the somi park project of of the Related Group pro project that's exactly what they have 75 ft in they have the four stories and then they go to the higher building it seems to work pretty well and so we're using it for the entire um area of downtown as a ring around it so that we never have something that faces the single family areas or the lower density residential areas that's more than a four-story building and typically if they're town houses most of them seem to come in at three stories which again is what you're seeing so many Park hey Mr alz before you go on I think we have a couple questions commiss k um yeah Mr alz on the on the teal blue on the bottom near 76 Street M uh before we had I think I believe it was eight stories with with bonuses now we're seeing six is that six with bonuses or is that maximum which which one are you uh between between 74 Street and 76 Street on the southide uh 74 and 76 a good point yeah those are um actually the those are the residential areas right now and they're they're zones at the moment um as residential 18 unit SRE and 24 unit SRE the 24 is allowed four stories a lot of those buildings are there they're as far as the go today they're legally non complying I know there's I think the Aztec is like eight or nine stories eight stories and then I thought it was 35 density wise per acre that it was currently it's um it's 24 24 density and 24 and 18 for all those residential areas actually there's nothing in the city that's over 24 units per acre for residential and one of the reasons we talked about this a lot earlier on about that residential area we decided initially we were going to the residential category we decided not to because we would have a an effect that would go in other areas of the city where we didn't want it so this area would go to six stories which is lower than some of the buildings that are there now but is higher than what the rights are um and and it allows much greater density in this particular part of in the phase that we're doing today we're not estimating density with this as well right this it just naming or are we allocating density to this particular area as well we're not so it's it's part of the tsdd um yeah so the entire tsdd has 150 units per acre throughout the whole District okay B bonuses don't apply here so they couldn't get to 200 uh I don't we don't think that 150 fits in six stories anyway but six stories will be the limit there and it's trying we're trying to respect as we transition into the neighborhoods do you think think because one of the issues that some of us on the commission want to make sure change happens in that particular area we see condos updated upgraded do you feel like six stories at that particular density would suggest or welcome change there six is is a compromise to be honest um we had talked about eight we had talked about six we talked about seven um the benefit here is going to be so right now now as as you go down to that area and you you might want to redevelop a lot of it a lot of it's all parking lot most of it is is surface parking so the benefit here is that with a greater density to redevelop you're no longer limited to 24 units in acre so before you had 24 units in acre and it counts over the parking lot so what do you do you have a surface parking lot and maybe a taller building now we're saying you have six stories to work with you have a very high density 150 is quite a lot you won't fit it all in there but you can redevelop you can get a lot more units in there and it incentivizes that person that investor to actually build parking within the building and not have surface parking because then you're just wasting the density so but again it's been a balance because we want to have I remember when we first started this a year and a half ago former mayor stter got up and said he wanted the sort of camel humps plan we're trying to do is make that nice transition that comes into the neighborhoods and then the last part of it would be four stories um and it doesn't have to be townhouse but we expect to be sort of townhouse kind of structures that would face the street it doesn't have to be Mr Tris I think the vice mayor's a question you recognize ma'am I just have one question because I need you to clarify what you just said for me if I'm not mistaken you said there's a bill I'm just there's a building there that's non-conforming it's eight stories it's tall but it's not wide it has a bunch of parking lot the way that you've done this is you'll take away height so you give it width so that they can build the parking and make it six stories but they don't lose inventory correct because what we don't want to do is like have somebody pass through the drive-thru get home and there's no fries right right that's correct except for that we haven't taken any height we're giving height we're giving two stories of height if but you just said there's in this light blue area there's non-conforming buildings that are eight stories right but they're non-conforming yeah but they exist be careful yeah but but they exist right so right now I'm pretending it's eight stories there's 75 units so if they were to knock it down tomorrow they could build six stories with 85 units and all their parking build more units and and even the guy who has even the guy who has an aid story building yes it's a very small a story building okay that's what I'm trying that's what I'm trying to get at so we we're not sending anybody home without french fries because what I don't want to do they're getting a shake with their meal as well so I mean essentially there you go because you see I'm trying really hard not to say anything that's essentially essentially I think in in that particular case you're bringing the building closer into Conformity with the code so today it's at half the permitted height they're they're getting close closer to the permitted height if they were to redevelop they would get more more units more floor area uh but with in a lower envelope okay okay I just want to make sure we're not sending somebody home with less than what they have today okay thank you and thank you the last area I wanted to point out was the the red cross hatching along Sunset so what happens here is we've wanted to preserve Sunset we want to preserve the Main Street feel and the Main Street feeling of it is two stories the two stories because we in this code we're allowing a very generous first story um it's 22 feet it's a very generous first story you can have a mezanine in there but we also know that for commercial for retail the trend is for very high quality retail we have these very high floors on the ground floor so the two stories on Sunset would be something around 34 ft potentially which is you know closer to a three story building small floors um but we want to preserve that that feeling of the main street so that area is a step back on those blocks of two stories 34 ft um and it goes 75 ft into the property we had a lot of back and forth about what kind of distance we should go back into the property and in the end what we're using is basically what most of the buildings are not the properties but most of the buildings are about 75 ft deep so it's not to say that we want to preserve those buildings we'll get to that later about what preser preservation will mean but we're following the pattern that's there um and we'll see what happens again it's it's a bit of an experiment because we're trying to go back and forth we too little or too much and we decided on what the buildings are that exist now so that's a step back for Sunset the rest of the block can go to its 10 stories with bonuses or to eight stories without question from I think commissioner Cory hi I just had a quick question about those um units that we' be zoning at the two stories on Sunset Drive what are they currently zoned at that's all so that's one place where okay it's currently mucr 4 um four means four stories and it's and with the hometown overlay um that is a step back it's not the full property number number one so we are taking away for that part of the area but we are also giving much more at the back of the property so it would be a very difficult challenge to think that we're actually taking away rights from the entire property um so and of course the density is increased and we are actually not looking at F right now mcr4 is an F of 1.6 and 24 units an acre four stories uh four stories in 50 ft so Mark just to clarify on this point so the crosshatch seems to be the entirety of the folio so you're not saying the limitation applies to the entire the folio you're saying it applies only to the 75 ft right in some cases that might be almost the whole folio but in other cases it's not if it depends on I guess it depends on what we have so I think the size of these blocks not we're not going to see much development that's not assembled um and we we have if we took away 30 or 40 or 50 fet we're doing the same thing and this is the debate that we had a lot on this we if we take away 30 or 40 feet we take a lot out of that development project so does that does that create any liability for us to I think he's saying it would not because in in in in essence you are adding adding adding at the back substantially more than what they had today so that's how I believe staff is explaining how that that can potential could under be resolved okay I mean I plan to discuss this point further later we get into conversation but this is an extra table I think it gets it can be a little um and I know this looks very busy but I wanted to just show something block by block where you can see very easily what the base height is or number of floors which is the number that's the black number on the white background and what the bonus amount is block by block so you see there for the for a lot of the district we don't have bonus require uh we don't permit bonuses so those are straight up numbers six four where we transition into neighborhoods and then as we get into the core District where we allow bonuses we have possibilities to go higher than the base number of floors so the idea was it's a busy slide but it was to just help understand each block how that works then finally I think you mentioned before that we had shown a different something different we did make some changes between the planning board and this first reading there's a lot of discussion about the height and we've made some adjustments to where the heights go and I wanted to provide a comparison of the two basically what's happened is that that the big things that happened is we took away a little height from the planning board uh discussion when this was presented planning board our maximum with bonuses was 18 there's a lot of thought that may be too high um so we we brought it down and spread it out a little bit geographically so it's a little bit more distributed along US1 and the Metro Rail tracks and a little bit onto the other side because of course we have fairly High development um in Sunset Place so that's what happened and there was more a little more transition that was created the eight story um color height limit came through in that those sets of discussions again I just wanted to point out there was a change we did move this into a greater amount of transition and pull it down a little bit but spread it out geographically and then finally there's building form so um building form is the rest of everything else all the other requirements for the building the setbacks and the step backs how long the facade can be where the brakes occur um not to get deep into the details here we we have we asked for a little bit more a little bit more set back and step back and a little more control on the primary streets the ones that were outlined in blue um on three slides earlier and um the other thing was that um we wanted to be we wanted it to sort of all pull together into into a a district for the city where pedestrian space is identified two ways and is identified by the building as well so again this is there's a lot of details here I don't know if we want to go through all of them but suffice it to say we are providing a little more um setbacks than are required currently we want to open up the streets a little bit more we are providing more Heights so we want more space on the ground level we want more public space especially on the primary streets where we expect the walking to be more about shopping and points of interest whereas some of the other streets secondary streets are more about pedestrianism and other to get from one place to to another mark on this slide before you move on I have two quick questions one can you explain sorry the next the slide on the standards not the height can can you explain uh what the maximum impervious coverage at 1% is that everything but the building yes okay so of the 10% open space requirement only 1% can be impervious is that what you're saying we're in an urban environment so we're we're respecting that um most public Clauses were intending for pedestrian use for you know fountains or we can still have Planters but we can't make large green spaces in the downtown of the area we want to have that more at the edge and more in the rest of the city if we are if the decision is to be more urban about it C can you also explain how the maximum number of trees required I'm sorry can you explain how the minimum number of trees required gets calculated based on the primary per primary per lot standard and the 28 per net acre standard for secondary streets I I'm not I'm didn't immediately it was not immediately evident to what the interplay was between those two standards it's it's actually out of the code that we have right now um so we have about a 25t spacing um and that's really where it comes from uh we wanted to be a little we want again we wanted that to be more strict on the primary streets and give a little a little more room on the secondary streets it one of the difficult things here is we we're recognizing there's an urbanness to the environment we want trees we want green space but we also realize it's an urban environment okay so so basically we're just to just to understand we're basically saying that every 18 and a half feet or so you need to have a street tree on a primary Street um because if you do three per three per lot in your minimum Frontage is 50 feet M it's somewhere between 15 and my math isn't I'm not a math major so you know yeah yeah so he more or less goes with a car space okay spes um the other thing I do also want to mention is that a lot of the the um dimensions for continuous Frontage that was all based on development interest so we know we have 65 to 70 foot um double loaded corridors so we're trying to not go smaller than that we want to allow development to happen without these catches where we we asked for something that's impossible to do that also works off of parking trays they're 6 they're 70 65 to 70 feet with structure so um but again if there's something to edit here I mean these this is getting I just want to understand what you're proposing so on on the second category which is secondary streets 28 per net acre how does that get applied to the secondary street that would be on the open space it can all oh the there would be on the public open space space and also on the private open space and that's something I I am sorry I missed I skipped it while I was speaking we have a requirement in here very easy requirement every development does it but we have a requirement for besides public open space for private open space there's almost no place that actually a residential development they never not include private open space but private open space is very important is what's within the building maybe above the the parking deck uh we want trees there to you can put them on the roof that's fine I doubt that um but if if you can make a green roof of trees that's fine uh so we want trees in those areas we are actually though now having a requirement for private open space because as we develop as a city this puts a lot of burden on the parks we want people to mingle and socially come together in our Parks as well but if a development creates its own we want them to say make your own pickle ball court because we only have so many in the city we're having a lot of development a lot of people Mark I think I'm understanding how you intending to express it I just don't know that it being represented a table this way makes intuitive sense okay you know uh these seem to be standards that would apply the second one in particular to the entirety the lot I don't know why it's would be referenced on a column that refers only to secondary streets so to me you're kind of baking in some some confusion so I would just say we may want to revisit just the presentation maybe not the standard so it just reads a little bit more intuitively than what you have right now and again the three Perot you know that's your basically your street tree requirement I don't that needs to reference any primary street but where you have a lot expressing itself along any Frontage you're you're talking about one every let's just say 20 feet to round up right essentially okay I think I understand what you're intending there okay okay I'll fix it um architectural standards so here Mark how many more slides do we have if I can ask just like two more I know this is there's a lot okay so let's let's did do everyone read the materials and have specific questions they want to get into or not uh any questions on architectural standards I just want to try to move this along I'm sorry Mark no it's okay understand it's a lot to talk about okay let's let's let's skip this next let's just do this just flip through your slides if people have questions we will stop you so if you can go to the next one please okay um most of it's the same I'll just talk about what's what's different and interesting okay um we we have a glazing and transparency standard that's been added it's it's the minimum architectural standard we can require one of the the difficulties we're not doing a design um we're not having we want to be open to anything an architect wants to do so the only thing that we can do and agree on is glazing we don't want a lot of buildings with little tiny Windows um the other thing is the historic context along sunet Drive um the buildings are not historically designated they're not in the Federal Register they're historic context so as we have Redevelopment along Sunset and we do have the the step back to respect the Main Street feeling what we don't want to require is to have an art a investor actually preserve some of these buildings because in a lot of cases as they found on the on Miami Beach these historic buildings the cement is old the V bar is rusting is too much work to actually save the building and build around it so we're allowing that that design would be interpreted in the new building and they don't have to save the actual cement and actual rebar and actual structure of the old building and try to build over and around it um so that's probably the most important about historic context uh and then you know we have our standards for the zoning we're consistent with everything um I'm not going to belabor all of this so I'm open to questions mam Vice recognized actually before um go ahead go ahead thank you what we saw here takes into account all of the feedback that the planning and zon gave yes okay planning no I should say there's one one thing that Planning and Zoning did give as feedback they had a concern about um legally non-complying uses and that we would provide we would have a provision that any everything that's there would not be legally non-complying in other words if a natural disaster knocked the use down they could rebuild we actually T and I talked about that a little bit and we realized that we as far as the uses go we allow everything we have now the only thing that we are not allowing is light industrial and the type of Automotive uses that we have right now if we were to allow them to go on inunity then is contrary to what we're trying to do so we did not include that thank you okay um before we take any further questions why don't we open up the public hearing on this item and hear from members of the public if there's anyone in the public who'd like to speak uh to item 12 on tonight's agenda I we'd ask you to come forward at this time we had a number of people that were registered so I will start using that list um uh Mr Dr Steve Hua you're you're recognized like to come forward sir I'm Dr Steve Hela chiropractor in South Miami since 1977 and still in practice in South Miami I'm for Progress I'm for buildings because I think South Miami needs it I like the old part and you know the old feeling but I think we need more people to be in the area I own some retail on Sunset Drive and I can tell you the retail is having trouble existing they need more people to shop more people to eat in the restaurants there's not enough traffic we need buildings to be built where people can walk down walk a block or two and use the retail I think that's very very important very important it's good for business it's good for me it's good for everybody I'm also not in favor of being on Sunset Drive and having I know you're talking about a two-story restriction of height I'm not in favor of that I don't think that's good I think you should be able to go at least four or five stories the way it was before I think you're trying to break bring it down to two stories but I don't agree with that I'm not in favor of that anyhow I'm for progress I think it's important for the city to grow and the retail will do much better and the retail is a very important part of the community the restaurants are not doing so well and the stores are not doing so well and we don't need more PS people to be going out of business it's not good for the city it doesn't look good it's just not good we need more people to be living walking distance to the store okay thank you for your comments sir we appreciate you being here you got it you may uh Dr H before you go I believe we have a I had a question for you a question from you said you had properties on Sunset correct yeah what would entice you if we have the opportunities to do something better with on on the properties at Sunset Place you said four a little more height you know because you know down the road I'm sure it's going to be developed all around and just to let these you know properties are getting old you know and uh I think they're going to have to be torn down and just rebuilt you know to some degree they're old properties you know okay which just asking they're getting old I would just like them you know to be able a little higher so someone could come in and maybe develop them a little better make brand new stores and you know brand new buildings there okay it just be better thank you thank you Mr Freeman you're recognized hi my name is Adam Freeman and I'm here on behalf of Bayside office Center and the ballow companies as asset manager um we have property at 5700 Sunset Drive also known as the crossroads building 5734 Sunset Drive as well as 7230 southw 57th Avenue um first and foremost I just want to thank uh all the Commissioners staff planning mayor vice mayor um Joe cordino and his staff I know it's been over two years of planning and this is not easy it's not easy to get it right it takes a ton of time and really appreciate the public service and all the thought that's gone into it um my comments today are specifically as it relates to Sunset dve and the overall intent of the zoning plan um right now you know when I when I look at the uh the inner office memorandum from today it says that the chief intent of the resoning study is to respond to trends for mixed use programming and Revitalize the South Miami downtown for long-term social environmental and economic stability It also says that Sunset Drive is the main street of South Miami downtown and as the vice mayor is so beautifully put she doesn't want anyone going home today with less than what they have or even better without any french fries right now we do not have any french fries as it is written in the code today uh currently right now those properties are zoned for four stories 50 feet of height they are going down to two stories and 34 feet of height and while I understand Mr Alvarez's point of 75t and then anything beyond that you can build up from there it's not really how development works we don't build twostory buildings 75 fet deep and then 25 feet of 10 story buildings I think the plan needs to be looked at again and if you really look at what this is doing it's essentially establishing Sunset Drive as a preservation District or even as a historic district and in other municipalities there are always incentives to to preserve that if you want to create and preserve that neighborhood feel that has made it special in the past and continue that then you need to help Property Owners preserve that because right now as Mr Hela said the retail conditions out there are tough businesses are turning over um they're not able to pay their rents and keep in mind that the standard retail lease is a trip net lease meaning all property expenses are passed on to those business owners and those tenants so when a building is dilapitated when it needs extra work the tenant ends up paying for that so if there's an incentive program similar to the City of Coral Gables the city of Miami it's not a New Concept for transient development rights that can be given to those owners if you want to say you can't build four stories anymore you can only build two well then help us and incentivize us to beautify those projects and make the city better um typically when that happens we can we can tie those transient development rights to property Improvement you don't get your transient development rights unless you're improving your property that will help improve the corridor because as it stands right now Mr Alvarez was saying you don't want to see those historic properties remain some of them are older it doesn't make sense but if you want new development there yet you're removing property rights and property height where's the catch it's just Sunset Drive property prop owners being left holding a bag and they're not exactly being treated fairly so I think you've got a lot of things right in this plan but I urge you guys to look at that again and create some type of incentive for Sunset Drive either Transit development rights or a a a fund related to Sunset Drive Rehabilitation whatever it may be you're going to build an entire city around one street that's your most important Street and yet you've forgotten that one street it is the only street that is going through a down zoning and losing property rights with zero incentives to help preserve it so thank you thank you for your comments uh Mr Bass and then Mr AO Mr Mayor members of the commission it's wonderful to see you this evening before I begin I just want to acknowledge that Mr Alvarez did I mean I do this a lot he covered a lot that was an incredibly thorough presentation not easy to do not easy to do at this hour not easy to do after a long weekend um so that was really a very thorough comprehensive um presentation I'm here tonight representing a repeat customer I'm very proud to be representing Avalon Bay Avalon Bay is the developer of the Avalon South Miami project sometimes referred to as the wind Dixie project now referred to as a fresh market project I think it's a great compliment you should all be all very proud that such a preeminent developer uh that would undergo such a difficult execution with that project would be here again um seeking to devel in your jurisdiction I'm quite proud to say we have an incredible project under contract 12 12 parcel triangular piece um that is bounded by US1 uh Sunset Drive 59th Avenue um and to the South by Southwest 73rd Street um it uh we wish to redevelop it with a vibrant mixed use Transit oriented development and doing so hope to to eliminate any perhaps notable or um otherwise um interesting non-conformities that may exist within that parcel so we could have it uniformly zoned in accordance um with with your codes um with respect to the building height plan um we're seeking few fries and perhaps a shake um we would ask that they all be all 12 Parcels be labeled um purple on the building height plan um presently three of uh the parcels in the Triangle are proposed 10 stories but we would like the parcel to be uniformly um purple there um and we would ask that only the northermost parcel at the tip of the triangle which directly touches sunset be limited um as Sunset buffer and that that the parcels behind it without any Frontage um on Sunset not be so limited I'd be quite pleased to work with your staff and you all between first and second reading to continue this conversation hopefully we could um amend this between first and second reading to get our fries and Shake um and if not we would be happy to continue the conversation within the context of a of a separate District I I thank you all for the care and time that you've you put into this important exercise and I look forward to seeing you between now and second thank you we'll take your payment on the way out of the drive-thru thank you Mr AO you're recognized for the record ja AO with the law fir of bills in sunberg 1450 Burkle Avenue I'm here um to uh Echo the sentiments of the prior uh speakers um I think this has been a a very well and I will speak about the fries in a moment um but this has been a long road and uh and and there have been a lot of iterations of what is before you today I think the refinements that are before you have uh are largely um uh in line with uh with what the general public um and the property owners uh are are wanting to see um I will start with one of the comments made by the mayor with regards to the Chart I do think the chart um perhaps can use a little bit more fine-tuning there were a couple of items on there that um at least to me and perhaps it it's a you know just a misread uh seemed uh off like maximum lot area at 12,000 ft I'm I'm not sure if that's intended to be the actual maximum lot size I assume it's not and I'm misreading what that the intent there is but the the largest item that I wanted to discuss was density um I know that um that Mr Alvarez mentioned um that you know putting in the density restriction was was you know sort of based on uh the existing conditions and and uh and not not really seeing a an issue with uh with achieving that uh that maximum or or exceeding that maximum lot size but I'll tell you in specific in the tooda area uh which is set to be at 15 stories with bonuses um getting to in specific sites that already exist and already uh in place right so the the this isn't a new uh uh a new grouping of of properties um achieving that um the ability to go higher than 200 units is is uh is not not doable with with the with the current regulations in other words we are looking to get um to what today's standards are which are either no density in the to area or perhaps there's a a mechanism for a non-conforming you know or an existing uh property to be able to exceed the maximum lot size exceed the maximum density and and what I'll tell you that is is easy to to do here is you already have a minimum unit size um you already have a maximum height so if you're building within the envelope I'm not sure I see the damage of it going beyond the 200 units per acre um because if you're able to achieve that bonus height um and you're staying within the volume if I have to stick to 200 units of the acre on certain Parcels that are of a larger size I'm just going to be forced to do larger units which may not be really what you want especially um if you're looking to create additional units and additional yes vice mayor so those that's my fries so those are the fries you want ask him a question is that does that include your comments that does okay I do I believe we do have a question from the vice mayor M vice mayor right I always have a question um when you're talking about unit size you're not talking about those like micro units right no so your minimum unit size is 550 square feet so micro units typically are between 250 and 275 did we did we kill those I just we killed them right CU we never have to see the to motel again so you're at 550 Square fet so just to give you an example representative example you know the property I'm talking about in particular is 5959 Southwest 71st Street you all will know it as the roadway in uh property um so the Redevelopment of that site um in order for us to when you when you work out the 15 story uh volume if you will achieve in all the setbacks the parking requirements Etc um and meeting the minimum unit size with a unit mix an average unit mix of about 800 square feet so there's two bedroom units in there there's one bedroom units in there and there are some studios um you're you you'd be leaving about 50 units on on the table if we're capped at 200 units um to the acre does that I just wanted to give a representative sort of example of why that piece is is important question you mentioned something about non-conforming sites and so what about that site is non-conforming no I I there's what I mean is existing I mean just an existing assemblage that's what I meant not a non-comp I meant an assemblage that's existing I think candidly in the tooda area you've already made a policy decision that this is where you want your height this is where you want your density and it's consistent with what you have presently right so the the fries reference uh vice mayor which you won't live down today um but that that is what that's what you have now so there's not anything inconsistent um I I I understand the desire to have a maximum density um but I wanted to share with you that particular example because there would be um in in that case um because there's already an existing assemblage you wouldn't be able to achieve uh you you would have you would be capped understood fur the questions yes thank you sir appreciate it thank Youk you so I have a question for for you yeah can you yeah write it down and we'll take it uh is there anyone else who would like to address this Commission on item 12 the chamber anyone on Zoom please raise your virtual hand for item number 12 okay seeing no further uh public comment we will close the public hearing uh colleagues questions of either staff or each other I guess it's like forget asking Mark one I could ask you you're right next to me so as he was mentioning okay so they leave 50 units on the table but when we're looking at something like that how the heck would all these people get out of that building like that that's what what I think about when I think about the density I think Okay so we've got the possibility of that 10 story building and then we've got the possibility of the roadway in and everybody trying to get in and out I think of my friend Robert who used to live across the street from the American Airlines Arena is that what it's still called it's called something else now um and it would take thank you thank you it would take him 35 minutes to get out of his parking garage and so I is sorry we can ask you to Mark H might not have the answer I don't so so is that is that kind of where we capped that density is it because people aren't going to be able to get the heck out that was your question I'm sorry I speaking and didn't hear it yeah no like okay so when we're taking into account what Mr aen very nicely pointed out hey we're we're leaving open space on the table so when we did those calculations did we do it thinking about like at my friend Robert's house or Tak some you know not anymore thank God he moved um 35 minutes to get out of the parking garage in the morning because there's so many people in that building is is that kind of what we think about we were just discussing that so one of the things we can we can take an average unit size which you just heard say 800 square feet add circulation people circulation inside the hallways and so forth a th000 square feet for unit isn't a bad estimate and then you need more or less another a thousand to park the cars that go with the unit so we can do all those estimations where we get a little bit off on this is um the shape of the buildings and the amount of amenities and private open space and the other things that go with that building the lobbies of that house get very hard to estimate so as far as estimation goes it's it's something that I'm happy to do but it's I have to do it in a very generic way for every single block when we talked about density so we have gone forward without a density limit for it would take seven years with the to now tsdd and form basically the bulk of the building and a lot of development parameters double loaded hallway and so forth Define what that'll mean so I'll take 6075 across the street you didn't get a giant block taking up the whole block it's it's got a shape to it um those are things because we can't Zone that quite specifically we can't to make but we know that the buildings will not take up the whole block so those floor areas get pretty difficult the reason we did the density is again just because we're seeing we're living in a time where we have a lot of preemptive statutes coming from our state um we started to look at those and say you know maybe it's a good idea to have a density limit so we needed a legal opinion just on the first uh action of live local as to what's the highest density in the city because we immediately looked at what was then the to and said there's no limit so what is it and I think a lot of other cities grappled with this there this happens in a number of places and we just decided for some safety purposes maybe it's a good idea to have a density limit a very generous one 200 is a lot it's 250 would be like Kendall I mean we're 200 is still a good amount of density it also allows us to no longer as we go forward and we're going to do year-based amendments and we have to I don't know how this happened before when we tell the state what kind of concurrency we need we're in a traffic concurrency exception area so we don't have to worry about traffic but we still have to worry about the other aspects of infrastructure um schools and parks and so forth parks that we provide we have to have some way of estimating what we could have in the sort of very long term um and all this is very difficult also because we know development it doesn't all happen tomorrow we won't have 200 units in acre on every single block tomorrow it's going to be like 10 years from now 15 years from now so we just it's really something to be conservative and the best metric to use since it's so hard to estimate every single block and every single circumstance every particular U Prof fora that each investor might have they want highend they want a those are different those are if we're talking about affordable housing or Workforce housing or high-end market rate housing they're very different in the amount of square feet that fit into that form amount of units that fit into that form so it became very difficult and we decided just to use what little history we have we have two developments that were approved one was at 100 approximately 150 46 I guess and the other was at 196 200's a very good number to be at I mean it's that's quite High got you so that's where we that's how it got established it's that simple we went through all the complicated stuff and came back to a very simple one just use what happened thank you Mark further questions of Mr Alvarez then okay um with that thank you Mark uh colleagues discussion on the item I heard go go right ahead you're you're right recogniz been a vice mayor thank you would we want to consider leaving the buildings on Sunset Drive at the four stories 50 feet that they are today so we're in essence not removing something from them reducing yeah can I follow up mayor you may I I wasn't aware that we reduced it is that something that came from um planning board I hadn't had that discussion I was just wondering where the reduction came from um that's actually been a discussion we've had back from almost the beginning that we would two to four that we would leave the context along sunset at a two story context and historically and you had said oh we do uh on the roof dining and all of that stuff but yeah we kept making it smaller but I'm saying do we want to just leave it where it was so we're not taking things from people yeah if you ask my opinion I think it should be at four but we already had it at what do you think sorry I'm dragging you into this you're very quiet today it's the first time I think Cory wanted add something before recognize commissioner lman I I do agree that it wouldn't be great for us to obviously down Zone that area to two stories but it is interesting because we have Sunset plays coming to us with an idea of where they're going to be at and they probably will have that twostory preservation back to a certain extent and to keep that uniformity if if they can make it work maybe the rest of the sunsa tribe can make it work so I to a certain distance commission leben I don't want to jump ahead of you go ahead sir microphone sorry I don't have a comment other than that comment um I I don't see the I don't see the comparison a 10 acre lock to much smaller Footprints but but yeah other than that yeah I I don't I I regret honestly in retrospect um allowing for that setback on Sunset where it was I should have frankly personally dug in much deeper on that point because I'm seeing the creep now with this conversation so I'm just going to lay all my issues um and I apologized to Mark and Tony because I had thought I had sent you comments on the actual draft I only sent you my map comments some of which are reflected in the map that was presented here um as a refinement you you'll limit your issues to the zoning study right correct yeah yeah so I think we need to consider whether 90% lock coverage is advisable I mean a lot of what we've heard by way of feedback from Neighbors in response to um in response to the one project that's vertical which is the uh Fresh Market project is that the building feels too massive right I think part of that is I'm not sure what the lot coverages there but i' love as a reference point to know what we approve there uh because that's that's the uniform feedback I I think people are interpreting the lot coverage is height and the height feels more exaggerated than it is because it's it feels like it's the entirety of the block so I would I would suggest we look at a 90% maximum lot coverages something we might want to revisit down slightly um and maybe allow for a 90% lock coverage with some incentives or some sort of contributions from the developer uh just to limit that that impression gets further baked in the mind of the public um I don't I have serious questions about where we got the bonus values from and I think we're probably just carrying them forward from the Sunset Place document I I don't want to use that as the basis for establishing values so I think between now in second reading if we can engage Mr magenheim to talk about how we can he's our he's our I'm sorry Mr magenheim is our um appraiser that we've used on a number of projects that's on contract with us I would just want to engage him in a conversation about what the right valuation is for these bonuses so that we're getting um you know fair value for um giving those concessions on height um related to the lot coverage you know we're talking about 20,000 foot floor plates as a maximum here as well again I would just ask that we have some further conversation about whether that maximum floor plate size is advisable for the reasons mentioned before you know we had Mr Jacobs come in here and talk about the fact that you know now there see to be more obstruction in the air obviously the larger the floor plate the more the height feels like an imposition so um and then uh beyond that I you know you mentioned the hotel parking mam vice mayor I would tell you what's in the code is probably a good standard one based for every two units is not a bad outcome uh I think that probably a lot less personal passenger automobile trips out of a garage with a hotel use you're certainly going to see a lot more shared use rides to and from uh or public transit related rides uh in today's environment from those uses that you would have historically and I think if we're basing it on the it manual it's updated it's probably a fairly good indicator of what the trip generation would look like or profile would look like for that product uh probably going to surprise a bunch of people but today I'm going to vote no on this item and my no vote should not come as a surprise I I'm you know again I think this is all good and well well well meaning but uh to liberalize the envelope and cut our nose despite our face which to my mind is to either up zone so to drive or if we're going to leave it static in today's environment not concede some additional rights to those commercial property owners for what is I think the greatest gift they can give us which is allowing us to preserve what is the character that can make this place special and different from any other Tod in Miami in Miami dat County uh I think is a mistake and so I just want to be on the record on that point strongly today I think the I I don't want to tag the setback to what we're seeing at Sunset Place that is a much larger project the only reason I didn't dug in is not to be a no I don't want art this commission to be an obstacle to progress we've seen where that left us the last time around but I don't feel I don't I don't feel that today's code is certainly not optimal but today's code certainly we can we've had some success working with the current parameters I I like where we're going generally but I don't want to go in that direction and sacrifice the thing I think going to make this town eventually special what going to draw the contrast between the old and the new and really Define a special place so um you know I'd like to see you know I think Mr Freeman's statements perfectly encapsulate my sentiment which is let's keep it at the scale that it's at uh let's give them rights that they can sell not a shocking position to all of you given given uh given all the comments I've made before so that's where I'm at yes sir um just to follow up on a couple things you said and one thing the vice mayor said in in terms of uh the I don't want to get to granular here with one item and the what did you say vice mayor 75 pages but in terms of Hotel parking I'm fine without any any parking requirement um on the other side of that argument in terms of uh wind Dixie project Fresh Market call it what you want I believe the floor plates the entirety of the lot I believe there's 100% coverage in in term terms of the floor plate in terms of the you know in terms of the lock coverage there's that open Plaza um certainly not the scale of what we anticipated it would be but um in terms of the plan itself this way we're not throwing the baby out as well um because I see how good you are with with babies is your only concern in this plan the Sunset Drive or is it that's my that's my that's my major concern I mean I I think you know we've done a pretty good job of calibrating the transitions back to the neighborhood you know we've had a conversation about 74 Street before I'm concerned the more we bleed South the more invites opposition but I think we're striking a good balance there I'm I'm with you and I appreciate all your concerns the concerns you bring to the day as as a uh as a land use attorney um so maybe we could approve the plan I want to hear from everyone else but maybe we could approve the zoning plan and then come back and workshop at this because that's really the way it should be done we're sitting a conference table across from each other and right not have to be fighting against the clock when we started at 5: this evening and then maybe we could just focus on Sunset dve look I'm I'm perfectly fine being the minority there's another vote still I mean and I procedurally I want to just ask the City attorney I'm not I'm not killing this by voting no we this could pass with three out of five votes is you correct right this requires four V votes to be adopted for adoption that would be on second reading just to pass on first I and mayor what you always try to do is you always try to build consensus so maybe we can agree on everything as opposed to just planting feet in the no vote agree on everything with the exception of Sunset Drive and then come back and and workshop that and see if we can't build consensus on on sun drive as well and if we'd like we can bring in stakeholders or right outside voices to uh to weigh in but I just back to this I I think these types of these types of initiatives are I we have enough meetings but are are better held in than I just think workshops are more suitable more productive than and we're sitting across from each other with the Consultants more interacting and so but to get back to my point let's see if we're all in agreement with everything except for Sunset Drive Right and start there and then come back and and workshop Sunset Drive is anyone here in agreement with actually setting it at the two stories because I don't I don't I I know I'm not I know commissioner Leeman's not and commissioner Kai is not can I say something you you may I think there was just a question so I I mean are you let's just go around the Around the Horn so are you are you are you better at for or or you fly with two I think that was the I don't want to take away property rights and and current property rights but I I absolutely appreciate the mayor's perspective which is which is correct what makes Sunset Drive 57th Avenue to US1 and only one connectivity in there side US1 what makes that Main Street special is it's it's the Main Street why do people Ste it's it's Central but other than that no one or it's it's tired right it's a neglected area there's no restaurant that pops up in your restaurant Rolodex right there's no real draw there so um you know it's the architecture be attired but um yeah once you have four stories and it won't all happen at once then I think it goes from Main Street to a you know lowrise Corridor and we should preserve what makes what makes this city unique or one of the things that makes that makes this city unique so I have a question though but isn't it four stories now yeah it's it's so we're not taking anything away it's we're just leaving so no I think I think well the proposal had it at two stories no I know but if we say we're scrap what we've said so far of two feet two stories to here and then 10 stories to there we're going to say the Sunset Drive and 57th Avenue or however it is that it is right now we're going to leave it the way it was we're not taking anything away we're just leaving it alone would that appease your sensibilities and yours it would not appease mine but again my sensibilities are different I I think what it would what it would I I think it would I think it would address some concerns others have about any potential taking claim although I think staff has said what we're doing is limiting the envelope for dis for a certain amount of feet and then liberalizing it substantially beyond that okay so through the mayor yes sir I I think the challenge is what we always had is how do we incentivize the owners of Sunset Place to develop something that's not dated something that's a little bit Sunset Drive sorry what did I say Sunset Sunset Drive how do we incentivize them to do that right so one option was always tdrs the other options is let the market take you know take place what what they want to do we we had spoken about that and we just you know I think that we just need to settle on that the four stories I I wasn't aware that we lowered it but I've always been of the opinion as should be four we should never and I think that four out of the five of us I I think right now four out of the five of us are maybe feeling that we keep the four stories that were there and four out of the five of us have always been no TDR so I think we're Landing back where we started so the qu you know what what I wanted to state is how do we incentivize those and and tdrs is always the Avenue that the mayor wanted to go do so but we've had ownership here that we spoke about that they would rather just sell it not really upgrade the building so it doesn't transfer like that and so those are the things that we have to take into consideration what I was going to say along those lines we debating two and four it's currently for how much have you seen the Sunset Drive the last 20 years word stance so yeah the only other lot in play with scales it's very larger than the current small Footprints and and sunset places with the bank properties and and mayor and commissioner Kai didn't you did you meet with the warts family how did that go are they interested they went well they want to preserve the existing building and retrofit it believe it or not so that was surprising to me but I a welcome a welcome representation on their part so they're they're banking on less being more frankly on suned Drive which I think is what I've heard from ownership and you know you look at you know successive districts like the Design District where you know a developer I represented an sap gave back a million square feet of development rights right on the theory that less can be more so I think you know that to me is part of the possible genius or benefit of this is that you know sometimes not having everything go vertical creates uh a unique sense of place that's hard to replicate elsewhere uh in environment but I I you know I think look I think we need to give staff some Direction so we can kind of eventually Land This Plane because at the end of the day people in the audience that want to make an investment decision need to know where we're going to be for for better or worse and I may not get everything I want or the main thing that I want so and that's fine that's democracy um so I think for this board staff has recommended a limit of two stories it sounds like we would prefer to revert back to whatever the Baseline is and I'm not sure if it's uniformly four stories across this entire District I I thought the nor side had a much more constrained zoning envelope is it four or two stories there the both sides of sunset yes with exception Sunset Place um is now Z for four stories so is is the direction we want to give to staff just so we can make some progress four stories along the corridor at minimum okay is there is there a minimum number of feet that's prescribed today today it's limited at 50 okay so four stories and 50 feet is what's there today so I'm what I'm hearing from the board is we want to see something that's not less than four stories or 50 feet is that correct what did you I yes sir finish the sentence I think that we oh I'm sorry we're allowing higher floors than we allow today so if I can three I I would recommend that if we do have four Stories We Still upgrade the floor Heights to consistent with the rest of the code which would be still 22 on the first floor very B generous first floor and then 12 Okay so we end up with a 68t building it's going to be uh it'll be 58 yeah yeah okay um I would stick with 50 ft that way you maintain a lower height and leave it up the developer whether they want higher floors or or not we don't have to dictate it based on Floors be dictated based on height okay so that up to theel markable when it comes back I mean again my my my my my fundamental other other principled issue is I have a hard time liberalizing the envelope for everyone else and telling these people thank you very much you're stuck where you are that's essentially what we would be doing here so we've had this conversation we have had this conversation a million times and so like I said what direction you want to give staff I I say I think we've all pretty much same four stories 50 stories 50 okay well and in defense of that the more development around property will make that property worth more more there's more everywhere right okay no we're not okay so four stories 50 ft Mr Alvarez if you can if you can show that on the on the revised plan we'll bring it forward yes'am you wanted to say something about landscape coverage did you want no I just we don't we don't need to address it all today I just want to put with my issues where I'll work with staff on trying to present some modifications and if they choose to bring It Forward we'll we'll note it for the record perfect okay may I ask an additional question on the four and 50 that we have today how far back will we take that so in other words right now we still will have a front of the property at 450 but the back would be allowed to 10 so how far back do we take the 450 what was it what was it on the code right now 75 for the whole thing the whole thing the whole thing is four stories and 50 ft no I'm saying in the proposed oh it's 75t 75t I'm not again I think we're just you're going to irre IR irrevocably change the character of the corriddor so you're going to you know at that point just just just subzone the whole thing frankly no no I'm just telling I mean you're going to have a 10-story building set I mean no that's what I'm saying let's correct you know what commissioner Leman had a good point let's just sit down and talk about it okay so Direction in terms of a change for stories 50 ft anything else we want to ask staff to bring back as a consensus position no and if we're going to Workshop please let's not do it next week because I'm not here okay okay is there a motion on item 12 please that's move it with discussion that let's move it with a modification to the map yep okay is there a second sorry are we all in agreement with I just want to get back to this are we all in agreement with the plan is proposed excluding Sunset Drive I am yeah yes yes I am with yeah but I will be a no because of sunset dve right yeah just so it's clear okay right okay okay let's work we know we need to focus we have a motion I haven't heard of a second yet who's the second did I motion you you move M vice mayor Comm k Sorry K who'd like it I'll take okay so commissioner Kai or the second Madam clerk if you can call the role please commissioner Cayenne yes commissioner Corin yes commissioner lemman yes Vice Bon yes mayor Fernandez no IEM pass the first reading for one thank you uh if we can read item yes sir I have I'm sorry I think that would be the goal certainly yes just not next week should we set a date two weeks two weeks from today that would be a commission meeting that's a budget as well oh we have a budget here people that following Thursday why don't we do 16 is that a Thursday let's do this let's have the clerk circulate some dates and we'll get a consensus that way okay but it'll be this month thank you sir and in the in that time would we also um I'm ask you know through the manager would we also be engaging Mr magenheim on the bonuses issue yes I would ask that we that we certainly consider that so um mayor Commissioners can we bring this back for second reading on October 1st then there time to implement that' be great thank you okay okay M cler if you can read item 13 wait are we going up yes item 13 in trying to get people here who are here in the audience out of the out of the chamber in ordinance of the May and City Commission the city of rep amending article 3 zoning regulation section 2033 pered use schedule of the Land Development code to allow use merchandized establishments within the low intensity office District thank you do we have uh do we need a presentation from staff or is everyone ready to vote on this item I'm ready you are okay the it's a public that's a public hearing my apologies so if there's any member of the public who'd like to address item 13 which is an ordinance uh to our permitted use schedule to allow use merchandise establishments within the low intensity office District please come forward at this time and if you're if you're on Zoom for item 13 please raise your virtual hand seeing No One in the Chamber and no one online we will close the public hearing uh again colleagues any questions if not I'll entertain a motion on item 13 I'll move the item is there a second second have a motion by uh vice mayor bonich and the second by commissioner Cory Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner lean yes Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes item pass is 5 thank you I'm sorry to keep you waiting uh if we can read item 11 into the record please item 11 a resolution of the May and City Commissioner of the city of South Florida approving or denying an application for waiv PL foror to section 20- 4.2 of the Land Development code seeking to subdivided property within a semi State residential rs2 zoning District located at 5400 Southwest 63rd Avenue thank you madam clerk um colleagues would anyone like a presentation from staff on this item okay uh Marcus if you can come forward I think we have a question from the vice mayor anyone else have any questions regarding this item okay Madame vice mayor recognized for your question Hi Marcus um how are you I'm great thank you is it possible um John for us to put up the conceptual site plan please okay we don't have a copy of the conceptual site plan that we can load up onto the monitor it's on the agenda it's page what page is the um I don't know it's on on the agenda it oh did you want to show it for a particular reason Madam Vice May yes I have a question for I mean I can take my computer up to you we can also he's I think he's got a copy of the site do you have a copy of the site plan sir yes he does okay you can get it from the link oh okay why don't we try without the audio visual and see how far we go 11 conceptual conceptual are you ready for me yes we're going to do for you um when I look at the location sketch on the top right on the screen okay there when I look at it on the top right the hashtags show me the property in question all of the other properties are showing their full size so this property would be the only property to be subdivided into a smaller lot everybody else would stay the size that this property is right now yeah this is the only property that would be subi all the other ones would stay the same so everybody else is the size this property is right now yes no that's what I'm yeah I want they vary in in size based on on the medium analysis but they're roughly approximately the same size as what this property is currently are you talking about once so hold on second sorry so just to clarify I think what the vice mayor's asking is she's seeing a location sketch at the upper right hand corner of the of the of the site plan that seems to indicate what appear to be the pl lot sizes MH uh are those lots in that current condition sir or are they uh have they been subdivided by waiver of plot into smaller lot sizes no they hav the other Lots on that in that location sketch have not been platted or recently platted so they are they are they are currently the size that's shown on that location sketch I because I have you saying correct and I have the applicant shaking his head in the back so Mr City attorney no the answer is no so let's if if you can come up to the record I'm happy to recognize you because we can get your comments in the record but before I acknowledge you please come forward just in case we have a question uh Mr City attorney did you want to add some clarity to this conversation yeah I was just going to add I think what what Mr Le was referring to is is the platted Dimensions what but those properties are actually they have most of those properties have been divided um in fact I I kind of did a very crude map of the area okay and oh good lord you know just just from the property rers office then these are owned independently most of the properties are owned um in roughly the same same size some of them are are broken up down the middle so they're about 21,000 square feet per property this one is about 15,000 feet on one side and about 28 on the other so so anticipating the vice mayor's question yeah to staff uh approval of this waiver of plot would essentially render this lot consistent with the division of the balance of lots in the area so we're not we're not it's it's generally lots are it's of equivalent size to other Lots in the sub area roughly roughly there's there are some that are that are little bit I think the 15 would be uh on this same block face I think the 15 would be the the smallest one save for the one on Miller okay um on the but across the the uh Street there's they're all 13,000 across the street going west or across street going west west okay so the lots that they're facing have a similar character in term size and maybe slightly smaller correct correct okay thank you I I thank you for sitting next to me no problem happy to help and I just want to just I understand that the map because to meet was a little bit unclear um lot two is uh how deep Mr Lightfoot it is 110 110 feet okay so it's that line okay so that pool will be demolished or is that oh sorry is that pool is part of the new one story CBS structure the pool would be part of the new it's it's proposed it's not it's currently not there now correct it would be part of the Redevelopment of the existing home so the lot fronting on Southwest 63rd Street would have a very deep setback that's equivalent to almost the size of the lot dep of lot two is that correct yeah but that's the minimum required for RS 2 is 35 ft no I'm sorry you're maybe I'm yeah I'm just noting on the site plan you've got a dimension of 103 ft yeah that's un lot one to the face of the remodeled home yeah that's the existing that's the existing front set back for that so essentially these two homes will be kind of scrunched into the middle of that block pretty much yeah okay someone understand what I'm looking at okay colleagues any further questions and just to clarify your recommendations for approval correct yes yes this this plat does comply with the rs2 district complies with a code okay as well as the planning board I voted 60 on that colleagues forther questions seeing none then is there a motion on the item y'all this is the quietest commission we've ever had everyone's no one wants to I move the item I'll second thank you uh we have a motion by commissioner Leeman a second by vice mayor monich mad clerk sorry I'm hope you're fine yeah you were Madam cler call the role please yes commissioner Leeman yes Bon yes commissioner Cory yes commission C yes mayor Fernandez yes I pass 5 thank you very much appreciate it thank you very much uh colleagues we've got six consent items or are there any items we want to take up for discussion are we going to have commission commment we are can I move this out of the way any consent items that we want to discuss or have questions of staff so you can pull for discussion I'm fine okay if uh we have no desire to discuss these items can I get a motion on items one through six once the clerk reads all the items into the record okay n clerk if you can read items 1 through six please yes cons agenda item one a resolution approving in agreement with Miami kids LLC DBA Miami Kids magazine for event Management Services for the sant's parade of the L's event in amount of $110,000 item two a resolution selected boing contract for construction to Hon Investment LLC for construction of the restroom concessions building at South Park project pursuing to invitation to bid number PR 20247 an amount not to exceed 2 2,565 19434 31 authorizing the city manager to negotiate and enter into a contract for the project item three a resol approvement proposal and agreement with kimy horn and Associates for the preparation of a comprehensive Voluntary Assessment and and adaptation plan not to exceed $150,000 item four a resolution approving and authorizing a purchase for the development services department of three Ford Maverick pickup trucks from Duval Ford pursuant to Bradford County Sheriff Office contract number 22-27 1.0 each in amount of $ 29757 46 for a total expend amount of 89700 9,272 38 declaring the existing Vehicles as Sur person property item five a resolution approvement authorizing the purchase of I plan tables workstations for IE project Solutions LLC in amount of $ 4,233 item six a resolution Rel to budget authorized and transfer $887,000 from city managers contingency account Solid Waste workers comp account and solid was supplies account to the solid ways refuse disposal via account thank you thank you madam clerk commissioner Kai I think you wanted to move items 1 through six yes I did so so moved is there a second second second okay so we have a motion by commissioner Kai a second by commissioner Corey Adam clerk if you can call the RO on items one through six yes commissioner C yes commission cor yes commissioner liman yes B yes mayor Fernandez yes passes passes 5 Z okay um Madam vice mayor why don't we take public um commission reports at this time thank you pleasure there are a couple of things I want to talk about one being the school speed zone cameras it was brought to my attention that these cameras are set up to ticket outside of the school speed zone hour um upon looking at the language it is ambiguous it kind of says one thing at the beginning and then another thing in the middle I've looked at it with the city attorney we've kind of done this to ourselves so in saying an exuberant with the exception of some of us yes to these cameras we've now opened the door to giving tickets out outside of school times so I would like us to consider having us look at this again because it is now more than I think that y'all bargained for well speaking for myself on that item I was perfectly aware that would provide for tickets during school hours and anyone outside of school hours I think it's over 10 mil hour but the posted speed limit would also get a ticket um I'm happy to revisit the conversation if we want to revisit it I would also ask uh the chief to give us we do spend quite a bit of time on suned Drive uh with you know um officers kind a Manning that roadway segment I think one of the benefits of the cameras is we can actually get those one or two officers off that traffic Duty and deploy them elsewhere so we're not have you know active duty officers maning that segment to keep speeds um at or near the posted speed limit but so um I would if we want to revisit let's ask the manager to put it back on the agenda's discussion item and I would just ask staff to kind of prepare um some sort of a estimate on our cost of manually enforcing uh speed limits on that on that segment or any other segment that segment in particular since I know that we do it you know almost daily uh today so and and at the same time I would love it if I know that we had had a discussion about getting a machine that will let us do traffic studies um if we could maybe have at another point a discussion about what I consider a speed trap on Sunset where we go from 35 to 25 to 20 to 30 I think that that's unfair to motorists I don't see the reason for it I think that the idea of us going from 35 to 25 at random down to 20 in front of City hall and then up to 30 in the zone where the shops are it it doesn't make sense it's kind of counterintuitive to what one would think so I'd like us to consider looking at that and I'd love when and if we do that for us to see how we're giving tickets in that area because I think it's it's I don't think we're doing the right thing there yeah I mean I I probably defer to public work staff there I my assumption know why we had that variable rate of speed was because of the geometry of the street in front of City Hall it's a little bit off off center so probably requiring people to slow down so they don't you know clip each other going into that um somewhat serantine section but I mean we'll get some clarification on that item and I think um you know I had gotten a call recently from a colleague at the law firm saying you really need to get your cops out of those left turn only left turn only lanes and he's a pi lawyer because someone's going to drive up on them and end up suing you guys for you know creating an unintended Hazard because our lights are off they're hard to see along that section so you know one of my one of I think one of the benefits of the cameras is we're taking our cops out of Harm's Way and we're also putting them into you know active um active patrolling as opposed to just dedicated to um doing traffic enforcement but anyhow uh let's have the conversation uh at a future agenda yes ma'am and then one more I've had more conversations on the $65 million Bond than I would have ever imagined and I've had people say they'd prefer us to raise their Millage are we going to raise their taxes just over and over and over things and I'd just like to clarify for the record that my support of this is that I would never support something that would actually raise someone's taxes my view of this would be that this would come into play when we have something to pay it down I am not in support of raising anybody's taxes I think anybody who knows me would know that's not something I would ever support so I am officially on the record telling anybody who will listen because I think that is ridiculous to think of me Amen to that and I agree with you on that point yeah we all agree I think we all do so okay uh do we have any other commission reports ju but just a clarification yes for the public in terms of the uh the school traffic cameras so and I'm bring the chief up if drive more than five miles an hour during the school right Crossing hours can can you can you can you elaborate on the standards of when people get a ticket yeah Monday through Friday Saturday school hours Crossing Zone hour all just so that that way there's Clarity we have to let people know when they can speed and I think we have a public information video on this topic that we had on our social media as well so we have done several outreaches with not only the news media Outlets but PSA videos uh We've even done handout Flyers to somi park Lee Park uh and our senior center we'll do it we'll do it once more yes sir uh so the speed enforcement is enforced 30 minutes prior to the start of school okay so that is uh if it's a breakfast hour let's just say it's 7:30 speed enforcement begins at 7700 hours it continues throughout the school day now there are times during that school period where you go from 25 miles an hour to the flashing yellows that bring you down to 15 at that point in time the uh speed enforcement is at above 10 miles an hour so 11 miles an hour and above you're you're uh could get a a notice violation and then it continues throughout the school period but that 15 miles hour obvious obiously stops at some point the flashing yellows come off and it goes back to a 25 mph school zone there are notices of violations during that period where again 11 miles an hour and above above 10 miles an hour you can get a notice of violation for speeding in a school zone and it ends 30 minutes after the end of school so for example if that's 3 at 3:30 it gives the kids time to clear out of the school area the parents to pick up the children children and that's when the school is enforced it is not enforced during non-school hours so not on weekends not on City holidays or uh school days where school's not in session and not on evenings then I'm sorry not not on evenings then no sir okay so it's better than I thought I thought it was I thought it was all evenings as well so you're so funny you're like it's better than I thought it's worse than I thought you see Chief they have not been watching the public service messages so it's all day long I did all those for you thank you it's all day long no it's just during school hours so it's what he that's all day long 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after so no all day long be from 0700 if school started at 7:30 it could be from 0700 if it ended at at 300 p.m. it could end at 3:30 so from 7 in the morning to 3:30 in the afternoon you can speed all evening dude I'm I'm Driving Miss Daisy I don't even go to speak yes sir you're when's the last time wa what is the latest a person can get a ticket I'm sorry what is the latest time a person can get 3:30 potentially well it depends on what school I mean it it could be if it's a early out school one if it's a 1:30 day it could be a 2:00 would be the ear the latest they would get a ticket or a notice of violation okay it just really depends on the school zone in and of itself thank you for the clarification sir yes appreciate it thank you okay further commissioner reports commissioner commissioner lean no Sor but there are a couple commission discussion items yes right commission reports not talk about the Chicago so sure uh I mean why don't you why don't you take it you you had some good conversation with as well please goad um the worth family it was a a good conversation um they they've been up to speed on what we're doing we gave them a very good update on what we're doing as a City Zoning uh all the changes that we've seen the commission base um and they were very happy to see uh the opportunity to really invest in our community so uh the bank center has uh they're already thinking about redeveloping it uh or modifying it for more retail space so we can have more walk walk through uh with the ability to also reach 73rd Street so it'll extend from Sunset to 73rd Street um they said they'll be working on that right away which is good news and on the other um lots that they have uh there are very open to start looking at the development process for those that's short and sweet from my part thank you no again I think they were also very complimentary to the city's leadership and our staff um and the interactions we've had over the last couple years so I compliments to all of you for um putting on a great face for our city so Mr Cory did you want to add anything by way of commission reports uh no not at this time uh I just want to say two thank yous to the public one for the passage of the charter modification which hopefully will approve the results later today and secondly for my own um hopefully will be a re-election without opposition later this November so uh my heartful thanks to um our city residents for the endorsement of that item and uh for the opportunity to continue to serve the community for at least another couple years so thank you um with that uh discussion items um can you read them one Madam clerk yes um legal nonconformities so um colleagues this is an item I think the memo kind of speaks for itself um this was brought to my attention by one of the candidates for a city commission seat um we have a very short uh uh period of time in which people can preserve the existing rights that they have that are legal and non-conforming and so the intention here is to direct staff to prepare uh an item for consideration I'm assuming by the planning board then by the city commission to basically put our legal non-conformities provision I would say uh um in a similar procure to most communities across Florida which gives people a larger window of time to submit a permanent application and thereafter complete uh complete improvements uh so they can basically restore um the existing buildings that may have been damaged by some Act of God so that is the sum and substance of the item U Mr City attorney did you want to add anything by way of comment no sir other than the main focus I guess of of this question was really how how much time should we be providing for this and if we get if it's the will of this commission to to modify that just give me that direction so we can that I think you had it 180 days to submit an application that was the recommendation yeah I I I'm fine with the recommendation I think that's pretty pretty customary any comments colleagues on that under yeah thank you for bringing this forward I absolutely support the item and this is consistently intent with what I did in the CRA with making legally non-conforming Lots yep correct perance so well that I'll I'll move the discussion item for adoption is there a second second okay do we need to take action Madam Clerk or is the direction sufficient okay so with if there's no objection to the direction well we'll just have um the seity attorney prepared ordinance for consideration by the planning board um uh M2 if you can read into the record as well yes fet and walls in front yard uh thank you I asked for this to be added to the um to the agenda obviously have limited time left I just want to bring up the discussion and then should it be the will or the commission they can they can continue it um it's it's not on my short priorities list for the next uh couple months but um some I thought about a long time ago and you they would joke you in South Miami that the backyard is the front yard because the kids play in the front yard one of the great things about South miam that it's it's so neighborly but everything if if you know anything If you experience anything with design it's all about line of sight so when you look down a block if there are no Fen in front yards you can see the entirety of the block your eye stops at the first F fenc in yard and these fences are becoming more like walls and they're becoming denser in our code you need x amount of visibility but there's ways around that and uh it's just the reality of the marketplace as more wealth moves into the area homes are selling for more than 10 times what they sold for originally that's that's accurate and as more wealth moves the neighborhood it's it's just a that that's a product of of new it's a product of a new demographic moving to the city and these these brand new homes I know for the most part thus far they you don't see as many as as we may you know as we could but I I think it's to preserve that neighborhood character and not just the visual but having neighbors engaging with with other neighbors um yeah I'd like to see us I'd like to see us revisit that and these are also these aren't Pine Crest State lots a lot of our lots are just simple quarter acre you know almost 11,000 square foot Lots so I I personally think once you start to see more it's going to detract from the neighborhood quality of you know life in South Miami so and I I definitely like to he the City attorney everyone's but the City attorney and the mayor's position this I think you've seen I I agree with your observation I think um it certainly makes neighborhood spere more inhospitable right I think the only place that um they do make sense often given just the um traffic on some streets is on some major arterials like an 8 Street certainly proliferated there I think that makes sense is 62nd Avenue which it connects to neighborhoods but in the interior neighborhood streets you know uh in my mind L is more so I'm supportive of the item and would love to see it move forward towards some sort of you know draft policy formulation for the planning board and and this commission ultimately to consider further comments or thoughts colleagues okay so if there's no objection we'll ask staff to uh prepare a a draft ordinance for again consideration referral to the planning board okay and ultimately for consideration by this Council through the mayor while you're doing that yes sir do we have like an idea of how many houses would violate this Vision here I'm just asking like if we have is it seen a lot fencing in the front like that think uh you know I would say that um newer homes in my neighborhood absolutely incorporating more front yard fencing um certainly on 84 street again you can masonry fences yeah masonry fences um very very prominent on 80th Street but I think that's a reaction to the just the level of traffic on that street um but yeah you do see that um you know the newest home on 87 Street uh newest home with an addition Incorporated fencing um I think it's going to become more and more ubiquitous if we really don't kind of make a affirmative policy stand against and again pros and cons to both um but you know there's um I think you D lose you know certainly I would say you know one of the greatest surprises of moving into South Miami was the of interactivity in my neighborhood around around Halloween you know that would forever be changed with the proliferation of front yard fenes I mean that's a holiday where people sit out front and welcome people onto onto their into their front yards to interact and again with fences that that the the vibe of that all it would certainly be changed I wouldn't disagree may but I would say that on the North side closer to bird you would see that houses want to be isolated they like the security they like the fencing so it's it's just different different neighborhood so we we need to look into that because on the North side you would see that a lot more there's Gates yeah I don't I don't I don't think this proposal as I saw the memo would prohibit it per se it's just going to make the fences lower in scale uh and require I think much more opacity I think it was above 36 Ines so you know that's that's how it was styled I mean we can talk about it um we can talk about it further but I think it's a a discussion worth having a conversation about you further comments colleagues any objections to the direction of Staff seeing none will dispense with it that way Madame clerk uh for item N1 do you need to read that to the record and do we need to vote or no vote okay so just a note for the record that Angelica Lang has been appointed by commissioner Cory Cory to the um historic preservation board yes uh colleagues we've got items seven8 nine and 10 to dispense with uh Madam vice mayor I know item seven is yours and it's back on the agenda per direction to staff I know in my briefing with the manager we still don't have pricing on the recycling can we roll This one over to the next meeting yep okay uh can I have a motion to defer item seven then I I'll second it Madam vice mayor will move it commissioner Cay will second it and let's defer that to the 9917 agenda yep hopefully by then we'll have that information information Madam clerk can you call the role on item seven please yes commission cayen yes commission cor yes commission Leeman yes Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes item defer to 917 Madam cler can you read item eight into the agenda into the record please item eight a resolution certifying and declaring results of the city ass special election held on August 20224 for the election of the referendum Charter Amendment valid question entitled voting requirements to issue bonds or borrow money um I'll move item Eight Second we have a motion by myself a second by commissioner Cay colleagues any questions seeing none Madam clerk if you can call the rooll please yeah just a comment uh thank you mayor for how much um how much time and and resources you put into this it's my pleasure thank you guys for the support commissioner Cay yes commission Cory yes commissioner Leman yes VI bones yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 5 Z can we move uh read item nine to the record please item n a resolution provisionally approving the collaborative plan and approach to fund operation maintenance and management of the underlying phase 3 based on the terms and conditions attached here to as exhibit a authorizing the city manager to negotiate a memorandum of understanding with the underlying conserv Miami day County the city of Miami and or the city of cor Gables and any necessary parties for a collaborating funding plan for the underlying phase three so colleagues U this is an item I asked to be placed on the agenda and so by we by way of brief brief background um you all are familiar with the underline you're probably all familiar with the fact that um our city unlike the city of Miami Coral Gables and and D County did not contribute to the Capital Improvements that are being constructed I mean sorry did tce my AP no please correct that because I wasn't aware of that contribution so there's a contribution made for design easy but it was it was a nomal amount okay I believe definitely I believe on two two occasions but you could break that up right design and so forth right engineering and then the construction so not the construction yes so I guess I guess to correct my state and yes there was just no contribution for the construction of the improvements okay so uh I was approached recently by me daily about her request to have various cities support this request I had initially you know it was going to be basically a handshake understanding I have I have reservations about uh doing it unilaterally I'd like to make sure that all the cities that are benefited by the linear path or are adjacent to it are contributing in accordance with the schedule I thought it would make sense to have some sort of a you know memorandum or interlocal I'd asked for interlocal specifically but I'm assuming Mr City attorney we did not style this as interlocal because we have a non-governmental entity that is would be a party to the agreement that that's part of the reason we okay if you can clarify the reason why yeah we just thought a memorandum of understanding would be more flexible there there are certain things that don't have that would have to be in an interlocal agreement that we we're trying to get the other cities to to sign on to this and to have like a like a finding the memorandum of understanding would accomplish that okay so that's the reason for at least the change in my mind and uh again what what I would like to just if we're going to commit to fund it I want to make sure that we can put pressure on our Navan jurisdictions to do their part as well and have some sort of a contractual relationship with them obviously subject to the typical caveats for budget and appropriation anually but um again I thought again not an substantial amount of money for us to commit annually at $300,000 it's an obligation that would start in fiscal year 6 once the facility is open that is the reason for the request um you know uh as a as a favor to our friends of the underline I asked to bring the item at this agenda because they are having a ball at the end of the month I thought it would at least be good to be able under to announce that ourselves and I believe the city of Miami will be moving a similar item forward to adopt this funding model um I have not yet confirmed whether Coral Gables or the county but I think the county is already committed um so hopefully we will show some leadership here and have our sister uh jurisdictions kind of follow suit and memorialize our contribution and writing um and hopefully I'll be bound to support this um important amenity on a going forward basis any questions I can answer for my colleagues Madam vice mayor you're recognized I I had asked earlier but I can't remember the answer is are we responsible for security uh the uh the number for maintenance includes security so again this is the full cost for the operation and maintenance of the facility they're Contracting the security they're Contracting the security obviously we would provide you know our Police Department would provide support to uh their security that there is actually an incident that requires uh police response okay thank you further questions okay uh without further questions I'd like to move the item is there a second so motion by myself and a second by commissioner Caye um Madam clerk if you can call the RO it n please yes commissioner cayen yes commissioner cor yes commissioner liman yes Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 5 thank you for your support uh if you can read item 10 please item 10 a resolution approving the purchase of new LED Sports lighting and related installation services for Palmer Park from mus Sports lightning LLC in amount of $65,000 together with a $50,000 contingency for a total am not to SA 655,000 utilizing the terms and conditions of competi bid Source World contract number 04112 3- MSL authorizing the city manager to negotiate and execute in agreement with the contractor relating to the same thank you madam clerk um colleagues any questions of the administration on item 10 the par the lottery that's it there's nothing else to say they won the lottery what am I even talking about the police car 50,000 I'm sorry I'm sorry would you like to move item 10 then no no who would like to move item closing out the Mee no I'm not moving it you move it you're OB with party we have a motion by commissioner K is there a second second second by commissioner Corey uh seeing no further questions or comments regarding item 10 Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner K yes commissioner Cory yes commission lemman yes Vice Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes item pass 5 thank you uh seeing no further buiness before this Council uh we stand a journ thank you everyone