good evening everyone if you could please uh turn off or Silence Yourself pH ones we'd appreciate it okay I'd like to call the order uh the meeting of the South Miami city commission today is Tuesday March 5th the time is about 7:03 p.m. uh if you could please again uh turn off your cellones or silence them we would appreciate it Madame clerk if you could please call the role mayor Fernandez present Vice B I'm here commissioner Leman commissioner Corey present commissioner Cay here you have a COR thank you madam clerk if we could please all rise for a brief moment of silence thank you please join us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you please be seated Madame Vice may I know you uh are only with us for a limited time so I going to quickly run through a proposed order of the day to try to move things along um I'd like to ask for a deferral of item number 10 to March 19 2023 that is the mobile um vending ordinance on second reading uh if there's a motion I'll take one at this time on that item for deferral defer second have a motion by commissioner Leeman a second by commissioner Corey Madam clerk can you call uh the RO on the deferral please yes commissioner cou yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner lemman yes Vice bones yes mayor Fernandez yes IEM pass to the F okay uh I'd like to then if there's no objection uh on the EA presentation I'd like to with draw that Improvement um since our last discussion of that item I have been approached by a couple of the neighbors uh one of them who had voted previously in favor and since indicated that they would like to not see the traffic circle installed um so I'd like to recommend that we strike that Improvement uh by one action and then secondly um consider reallocating those proceeds to enhance the Landscaping on the Southwest 84 Street median or the traffic circles that are already existing in the neighborhood um that would be my suggested motion if there uh someone like to present it a firm second okay so though I'm not opposed I prefer traffic circles I would but at this point yes don't want to fight The Neighbors on that so again the motion would be to withdraw the item and direct staff to uh reallocate the savings associated with the noninstallment to enhance the Landscaping on the Southwest 84 Street median and the two traffic circles located on Southwest 84th Street on 58th and 59th Avenues okay mayor that was an item that was approved at the last commission meeting the this Improvement was not approved we took action sep Improvement yeah we took action on the two other improvements that were part of the item this one was held over for that reason we've heard since that there was some uh desire not to see that installation occur so rather than spend the money where it's not wanted let's take that money and improve some other elements direction to staff to move forward with that with that other Improvement correct and to reallocate those monies as you said okay perfect thank you so that is the motion we have a second by commissioner uh before you vote can I have a quick discussion on by all means please um so I the process of us picking what roundabouts traffic studies whatnot has been based on phone calls um maybe we can can we can we because we do have an item on that issue specifically on tonight's agenda can we table that discussion well I think mayor what what my concern was already allocating the budget that we had for that for something so let's let's just let me do this then I I'll I'll resend that P that portion of the motion i' just like to direct staff to or or pass a motion to withdraw this improvement from our Capital plan the installation of the traffic circle at the intersection of 82nd Street and 58th Avenue uh would you second that motion commissioner lean don't you offer to do it before do I have to no you don't yes okay so we have a motion to with to withdraw this improvement from our Capital plan a second by commissioner leedman Madam clerk if we can quickly call the role on that item and then commissioner K will take up your uh comments on the next item thank you okay commissioner Cay yes commissioner Corey yes commissioner Leman yes Vice May bonish yes mayor Fernandez yes that passes five St okay Madame vice mayor against we have you for a limited amount of time uh are there items that you wanted us to consider so as to allow you to participate in the discussion yes if we could do four six 13 and nine in that order I think we'll take it from Morse to lease because you're going to lose me at 8:15 your time no no problem so without objection without objection if we can take up item four Madam clerk if you can read it well let me do this before we do that we do have folks here in the audience so why don't we with your Indulgence uh Madam vice mayor uh move to public remarks and then we'll open up the floor on those items it that you requested sound reasonable thank you thank you ma'am perfect thanks okay with that um John do we have a list for public remarks it's coming okay thank you madam clerk is there anyone online who'd like to address any item on tonight's agenda while we're waiting for the list folks in the audience anybody on Zoom would like to speak um doing public remarks please raise your virtual hand I see seeing no one okay thank you thank you we have two three people uh registered for public remarks commissioner Palmer welcome please Podium is yours good evening everyone my name is belma Palmer I Am specially here because I am I have been looking at the plans that you are embarking on okay some of the things are not clear I think we're putting a lot of focus and emphasis on this whether 50 years or 100 years but there are some things that is not we're not hearing I'm seeing the cart and I the hor is behind it and we want to see it in the right order so you know it's I would say having improvements and all of that is great but I don't know why the rush couldn't we wait until November and then we get into it by bit and see where we are and what we need to do I looked at the papers and I see you want to decrease taxes and all of the goodness but we are still not there yet as to why are we rushing to do this you know sometime I'm concerned about these developers we don't want them to be the leader we want you to be the leader and stay the leader and we will be with you when you know we want to feel that this is the right thing for us instead of just running running straight into it um you you know um and some of the answers I just cannot get you know so I would like you to reconsider and we're not saying we're not we don't want Improvement that's not what we're saying we're saying this is too much of a rush to get this thing done and you know longterm you know is the city I'm asking is the city in financial crisis I don't hear anybody say that or I didn't see it anywhere I would um think that that's not the case so if we you know we're not in a financial mind and we can take care of ourselves up to now which is very good that we are able to take care of of ourselves so I'm just asking you if you could reconsider give us time give us more information because we just hear about this thing and it's a rush rush to to to vote and this is a long-term thing a 100 years good Lord none of us won't be here and I understand that I think 50 years is good and then they can come back to the Next Generation and say hey we need another 50 we won't be around here so I'm just asking you to reconsider and look into because this impact all of us all of us I know you say you need a new police station okay the new library new this new that and by the way I love this place it's nice I haven't come in a while it's beautiful thank you for doing all of that so please reconsider and let us go back to the drawing table thank you for your comments man appreciate them uh I believe it's Pamela Michels good evening welcome just get your name and address of the record I'm sorry if I butchered it I'm Pamela Michaels Michaels okay Michels Michaels Michelle's um so I'm here regarding the plat subdivision um firstly I just want to get out of the way that I don't think that this notion that this will affect or improve any housing crisis in Miami there's no shortage of million dooll properties in Miami for people who can afford them so that said my concern is that the plans that have been demonstrated so far and I know this came up during the zoning meeting that there were a lot of logistics that weren't addressed and it seems ambiguous still not nothing final has been shown there was a gentleman in the zoning that voted no for this because he couldn't see how the math added up um so I'm very concerned about that I know things are shifting and changing they didn't get the sewers so that makes a difference I know that they were given more imper perable surface yet still the plans reflect a twostory on the furthest east side which the mayor you had shown leadership to offer a compromise that that property Abed mine sorry I'll I'll hold your time in AB bance I just wanted to ask the City attorney because I I I did read the staff report in preparation for tonight's meeting and I did note that that we had we had conditioned that appr approval with the direction that if the lot coverage ordinance was changed that the Easter most lot would be a single story it was not reflected that way in the memo so can you just correct the record so we give her some assurance that in fact that's the case that that was that was my fault from last meeting I I'm going to be reading several conditions into the record that will correct that it will be a one because the plans were still showing a two-story I I believe they show a one story or a twostory they were providing the alternative and so we we we will specify that it is the one story on the eastern most okay because it's just seems like it's ambiguous and it's hard to we'll clear the amb terminations when there's vagaries so I appreciate your leadership and um you know I hope that we in the community are kept up to date on steps going further um because it's going to impact the people who live in this Community more than anyone there thank you for your comments and your vigilance okay thank I just wanted to make a quick comment on that uh there to the record right now there is no drawing submitted to the city on what's going to be built there at all no it's it's just the improvements that are listed on the plat on the plat so I think that's what she was referring to just wanted to make sure it's clear that there's no drawings being submitted to the city as we speak there's nothing been submitted there's conception from a pers just by way of by way of clarification Mr City attorney let me just clarify there is a conceptual plan that's all it is and you one of the conditions I'm going to read is that that conceptual plan is not binding on on on the applicant that they will have to provide regular plans full scale plans should we just take the item okay well yeah let's just get through com we'll take it up quickly I want to get to the vice mayor's items okay uh lastly on tonight's list Mr Lee Jacobs your recognize sir thank you uh when I saw that we were planning to sell City Hall well it didn't say sell it says lease but it's effectively the same thing for a hundred years it's going to be out of the public domain and I I thought back to when mayor stard wanted to sell it and I know that he uh came came to the green the task force the green uh whatever it is the green task force and he asked them to look at it in 2014 2015 because I know some that was on the board so it wasn't their idea it was his idea and you can't use that as justification well it was all done by the green task force it was done by mayor Stoddard and he was behind it and it's a very easy thing to do to sell something like our city hall it's a it's a jewel look where it is it's in the main highways it's everyone would want it for the money that it's worth it's worth a fortune an unbelievable Fortune so if you sell it or lease it for 100 years it's the same thing it's gone for the public use and we'll never know what happened and it would be uh it's been here through hurricane Donna Hurricane Andrew it's a steady Rock that's been here people know it and you haven't made the case that we need to sell it if you rely on that green task force ruling was silly and you haven't made the case in any of these it's just pictures and to promise to save taxpayers dollars you can't really back that up because you don't know what will happen and we take on the risk the citizens take on the risk when the public private transfer goes we don't they don't have any risk that's why they want it so bad it's a real gem well as far as Financial it's not good for us to do unless we absolutely have to so if we absolutely have to let's see why we Absol AB have to are we just doing it for uh something to keep us busy or or is it something that we really need for the the deterioration of the place which looks fine and uh you know I want everybody to watch I was really surprised to see Mr Milo from related come and speak for the the destruction of this property so that he his related company could build on it and I hope that he isn't the one that's chosen if there is anything because there there's a mo a film out a documentary called raising Liberty City that everyone should watch and it shows what Related Group is all about in that case and I know that it's very similar in the case on SOI Park the problems that they had yeah so Mr Jacobs if you could bring in for a landing please if you could bring your comments in for a landing we'd appreciate it I'm landing okay thank you very much for being here and listening to me thank you sir any any please no clapping if you want to show support just raise your hands thank you uh anyone else who'd like to address this commission if you're not you no one else is registered if i' invite you come up to the podium at this time if you'd like to no one okay seeing noal Clos public remarks is there anyone else online Madam clerk no anyone on virtu on Zoom like to speak please raise your virtual hand and I have okay seeing none uh we'll consider public remarks closed at this time Madam vice mayor if you can remind me you wanted to take up items four six 13 and nine 13 and nine okay okay Madam clerk if you can read uh resolution four please yes item four for a resolution of the mayor City Commissioner the city of South Lam FL amending the schedule fees and fees to modify certain parking rates and fees for the sou parking garage thank you Mr riveral why don't you give us a quick overview on what's proposed since I know you've been working pretty hard on it mayor commission um they tasked me with trying to find a validation program program for businesses in in the garage or in the Town Center we're working with pay by phone exclusively um like most of the cities that have parking programs and one of the things that they're working on is a validation program but it is not in effect and they're hoping to launch it in September of this year at this point we focused on businesses that have recurring memberships sort of like gyms to see if there was some relief that we can provide some sort of validation program that's tailored to that and this is the best program we can come up with at this time once they launch their validation program come September of this year then we'll all come back to this this board and say these are the the options we have in the validation program that they've developed which I have not seen yet so that was the idea of why we uh what you have before you to provide some relief to recurring customers to the downtown area okay thank you for that colleagues any questions of Mr over all go anywhere Madam vice mayor you're recognized and you're muted oh there you go sorry I just have one because I want to make sure that I'm reading this properly so if we were to do this we have to pay a $500 fee plus $199 a month that is correct to to operate this type of of program yes so call me crazy here but at2 a month wouldn't we be maybe cutting off our nose to spite our face I mean I can't imagine that if they have you know x amount is x amount of people the members that they have going to be more than this 199 a month and why would we even do this when it's essentially a fee to us to have people Park in a place where they are paying less to us so I you want to address that or I can take a crack at it no please please do so I think I think can somebody fix sorry but can somebody fix thank you because I keep seeing myself like 25 times no problem I think I think the challenge is that the way the operational system is set up there's really no other mechanism but to employ a ghost code program Madam vice mayor so by virtue of the technology we're using to take parking receipts at that garage and like we have a a person there who is handing out tickets that could then validate the use and avoid these operational costs since it's all essentially a cloud-based or app based service uh these are just the built-in fees I mean uh they have provided us a concession if I'm not mistaken of the removing the 35 uh Cent per transaction fee says to mitigate the impact to us um you know look I think uh I brought the I brought the item forward uh at the request of a couple constituents uh one in particular who's been who just opened up a new establishment our downtown uh in a spot that has turned over multiple times I don't think that the constant turnover is necessarily a good thing for our city um so I I recognize there are limitations to this but in the grand scheme of things it's you know roughly $2,600 uh the garage revenues have been improving they're still not where they would we would want them to be uh we'll have a conversation later about the valet parking program that commissioner Gia has sponsored I have some thoughts about the fee that we're proposing there what what I what I'm trying to do in in this conversation we'll have another discussion item and I apologize to the vice mayor about parking enforcement is in my mind reduce the friction in people's experience coming to downtown so that we just enhan you know just increase during this transitional period um the efficiency and the experience of people coming to the town center to frequent our businesses right this is done with the intention of supporting this one type of business that unfortunately uh their customers come on a daily basis to use the service and um given the way given our current fee Arrangement probably would pay a disproportionate amount of the parking fees associated with those visits um and it's something I think we I'd like to figure out how we could do it more broadly to accommodate more businesses but um you know this is there are limitations from what I understand in terms of the deployment of uh this incentive that uh comes come with costs that are imperfect so can I then take you back on that um if we are looking to subsidize gymnasiums there are two more of them within I don't know probably the same distance from the front door of the sweat 440 and the pulse and the club Pilates you've got four gyms within spitting distance of that parking lot I am not for doing this but if we are going to do this which we likely will um if we are then we should consider making this a gym centered thing because just like the people who are going to swat 440 and to the physical therapy location you also have two other gyms probably the same distance and as such I think it's punitive then to say no to these two gyms and yes to these two other gyms I don't so mad Madam Vice just to get a point of clarification for Mr rival is it just apply to these two gyms or does it apply universally to gymnasiums period so because I do share her perspective on that point yeah we looked at those other ones in the neighboring area they already have parking that's why they weren't included the Pates has a few it's not yeah they have they have two parking spaces and it's the front desk person and the instructor for employees it's for employees it is not for gym goers believe me I took over 600 classes at Club Pates and for all 600 and something classes I paid for parking if I was there after 9:00 a.m. so the idea that they have parking spaces is is misleading they they do not so realistically if we're doing this we need to include them as well if not then we do it for no one I I am of the mind that you know I get it some people drink cafeo every morning at at kakua but if if if this is something that we're going to force through then we need to force it through in a way that is right no one's trying to no one's trying to force anything through so let's let's no no but I'm saying like I I understand I understand your point I think I think it's an excellent one which you know it's that it's we're we're not just trying to do it for one business we're trying to do it for a class that's how we structured it i' I'd like to do it more broadly but there are limits given the technology platform that we're on yeah commiss K you're recogniz question is more for the City attorney and and our our director here of Finance um do we have anything in the with the garage that we could stipulate that whether it's F whatever the I forgot the name of the of the uh training class or uh any of the tenants in the garage if they wish so to lease out parking spaces dedicated parking space is that is that available is that doable so my my point is very specific if Taco craft I don't know they're not there anymore but if they wanted to give out seven spots and they pay us the month monthly fee of $60 a month times s they pay us $400 a month and they have their dedicated spots is that is that doable I think that's a probably a question better directed to you sir block block I think it's a lease thing as well they I mean so from my understanding they can rent they can basically buy a monthly parking pass however the limitation is that that is assigned to a specific vehicle is it not Mr riveral depends there's we have a monthly decal program that is if you do it by pay by phone it's Associated to that PL if you come to finance we'll give you a hanger and you can actually if you have two cars switch them between the cars they're not dedicated spaces though so you will park anywhere available um in the garage can we have dedicated spaces and the reason I'm asking is because we're doing that with Tesla we're doing that with charge point or whatever the other things we have dedicated spots that we allocated because we wanted to is there an opportunity for us to dedicate spaces shortterm maybe longterm maybe at 6 months month basis or a year basis that we can offer to these people that they can have these dedicated spaces is that something that we could do so just to answer that question we so we control the parking garage the parking garage component there I don't know if anything in the lease we don't know if anything in the lease that would prohibit that so we we're able to do that so I would like to look into that because I think that's an opportunity for us a to make a little bit more Revenue B ease the problem that we're having where most most most people that have urban areas they have an office bace or a building they have to buy those spots or rent those spots from the garages we shouldn't be that different from them either right so I'm not of the opinion that we should give parking away just for a training for a cafesito I wanted to be you know General very specific and to to the people in general so I think that's my opinion I'm not I think that's an Avenue that we can probably tackle and it'll probably be more lucrative to the city and even L distributed to whoever wants it um so I think that's a solution I think that we should look into so I just to kind of bring this conversation maybe in for a landing right now what I'd like to do is defer this item okay because I think we've heard a lot of good feedback from the vice mayor contribute you like to say something on them okay please go ahead sir sorry um first thing commissioner Kay I profer that idea suggest Initiation fee where and that covers a sign suggest that those those um spaces because ultimately um those spaces will be paying less per trip will be in a hot would be in a higher floor and they'd be for Limited hours right they wouldn't those spaces wouldn't be 24 hours they won't extend beyond the hours of the business it was it discouraged for a for a number of reasons and then i' I'd like to continue go ahead um first I want to say is uh vice mayor it's great to see even if it's not in person and anytime you can see yourself 25 times that's a good thing because that means you can outvote all of us you can vote times 25 think of that so um first thing I want to say is uh that this gym is the whole model is it's called sweat 440 it's a 40-minute model shouldn't take more than an hour that allows 50% of the time to go from your car to the gym and go from your gym to the car it's also a reservation based model so you have to make a reservation and you can't stay Beyond 40 minutes and let you take notes unless you can bullo these I know you like to take notes mayor the other thing is are if there's any type of business that is receiving um I don't say preferential treatment but that's receiving a benefit gyms disproportionately benefit from our our parking enforcement structure as it stands today I want to announce this publicly we're glad to take anyone's money wants to pay before 9:00 a.m. but we don't enforce um parking till 9:00 a.m. and if you want to go online and Google it the peak hours of a gym are before 9:00 a.m. for obvious reason so gyms are already disproportionately benefiting from our parking program and now are looking to benefit them further now to that point I believe if we're going to do something it shouldn't extend to one gym or as was originally opposed and now two gyms is being proposed or was suggested potentially four gyms I think it should be extended to every single business and beyond that if there's one business that's being adversely impacted the most which I'll argue has even more daily visitors it's kasak Kuba kasak Kuba hasn't complained once they are being the most adversely impacted by a construction project that's probably going to take three years they've never complained once and kasak kuuba has daily visitors you can ask for a request from the gym most people probably go three four times a week which is a a good week I know you like to go to the the gym M Mr riverol um the other thing I want to say is that I I I and this is testim Tony directly from the uh the subject gym owner said we're catering a different demographic this demographic isn't as affluent as the demographic that frequented the pre previous gym and the customers of the new gym are complaining about parking so the testimony given by this gym owner is saying that this demographic isn't as affluence as the previous demographic and this commission keeps saying they want to attract a more Dem a more affluent demographic but what we're doing is on the contrary we're rewarding this and encouraging a less Dem a less affluent demographic when we're trying to attract a more affluent demographic the other thing I want to say is that this dollar an hour which been suggested which is a third of the rate can is there is it limited to an hour a day or it can be used on Friday evening and Saturday evening and on the weekends um will there be any will there be any abuse we can we have the parameters to set so it it's only applicable up to 4m or 6 PM or so yeah we have we have the rights we still own those rights as far as setting them on the on the pay by phone so if we cap it say you can use that rate only up to 8:00 pm or 6 p.m we can do that yes okay and then again I mean I'm just going to leave this is if I don't think we should reduce rates we have and um Mr rol you can tell us um the exact number but I believe we have engineering repairs that total over a million dollars is that correct that will approximately we're doing an assessment right now our Capital Improvements uh division to see what improvements need to be done and critical so we're actually in the middle of the bidding process some of those improvements so yeah I'm not a big fan of this but if we're going to do it I think it should be extended to every business just across the board fair enough I think I again I think we should defer this item uh lots of good feedback um I think this is a perfect te up to a conversation I want to continue which is a lot of the self-defeating things we're doing today on parking enforcement which is not just hurting gyms but hurting businesses across South Miami particularly uh commission I look forward to sharing with you the analysis that Mr riveral gave me on what our enforcement practices are today and by way of summary and Advan preview we over enforce on Sundays we have more ticket Revenue than we do parking Revenue every weekday evening and so I would invite us hopefully to have a conversation about whether what we're doing is really actually helping the business district to grow and Thrive or really uh undermining its current success so with that uh if we can I move to theur the item to April 16th second so we a motion in a second are there any is there any objection hearing none what may I'm just but real quick point I just wanted to make sure that we land the plane on this one we've been deferring it for a while I know we've had a lot of and by the way it's first time I hear it the first time I hear from you um on the different plans but maybe we should maybe uh sunshine and one of the priorities we just kind of nail it down and just because we keep on I I will tell you this is not this is not my this is not my priority I mean so I will I will tell you I may wish withdraw it on the 16th my priority item is dealing with the other item I've been asking Mr R about which is what we're doing on property enforcement because you know we are we are there's a significant amount of Revenue I think it's punitive and so I mean I'm not sure when we're scheduled to have that conversation but hopefully we will hear in an upcoming agenda and we can give some direction to staff Frank that to me is the bigger the bigger item this item again I'd like to help as many businesses as I can by by moving policy here but I understand the concerns about equity and uh they're not they're not lost on me and frankly you know webe we should I think we should revisit the rates in the garage because we're not we're seeing increased Revenue but we're not seeing a whole lot more marginal utilization sorry mayor I don't know if it's Germaine or not but to that point what I was going to suggest quickly is what a banner just says $2 an hour and just put that up make it $2 an hour for everyone let's have the conversation in terms of a a fee modification at a future meeting we can take up the parking enforcement item on the same agenda I don't know do we have a do we have a timeline on when we're going to bring that conversation forward Mr rimal I don't right now but we can make it I'll make it for the 16th of let's do that we'll take them up together and at that time I can consider withdrawing this item okay thank you mayor so with that objection let's show this item as deferred to April 16th thank you okay uh Madame vice mayor I think your next item was number six number six if you can read that to the record Madam clerk item six a resolution of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Mar Florida authorizing participation in a lawsuit seeking a declaration that a that the provisions of section 112.1 441d for the statutes that require Municipal elected officials to file form six Financial disclosure forms is unconstitutional and invalid thank you for that Madame vice mayor this is your item if You' like to introduce it um yes I've been speaking with our City attorney regarding this because I think it's quite intrusive and when he was doing the research and I'm sure he will correct me because we all know me um he was doing the research there is a lawsuit going on and there are I believe over 25 names already registered on that um seeing that there is a cost associated with that he actually offered me the the alternative of having us do if I'm not mistaken like a reso in support of or something like that he could probably do a better job of explaining exactly what he said but I'd like us if we all agree to be on R saying hey we're not with this and if so then he'll do a reso versus us actually joining the lawsuit itself with that I'll hand it over to the City attorney Mr City attorney recognize if you want to sure uh Madame vice mayor actually did a very good job of explaining what it is form six is a is a requirement uh that all of you would have to fill out it's a it's a pretty onerous disclosure requirement um there are there are many municipalities that are that are participating in a lawsuit to challenge the imposition of that requirement uh form six there are still disclosure requirements that which you have all met already this is a this is additional disclosure requirements um so the the litigation that is going forward um my firm is handling not not Lily or I but but there's there's another uh attorney in our firm who is leading that litigation uh the cities that are participating have uh participated to the tune of $10,000 per City uh that's that the pledge that they've made um to the extent that that's not if that's not palatable to you all that's that's perfectly fine if you'd like to uh adopt alternatively as the vice mayor said a resolution in support of the litigation that's one option or you can take any other action that you want to do but that's what's before you uh comments questions question to the mayor U Mr City attorney maybe you can also to the public disclose in kind of a quick synopsis what form six actually is extra about it like why are people so against it why is there a lawsuit being developed about it essentially all of your financial uh uh ties your uh your what companies you're invested in uh you have to disclose uh What percentages you own What percentages of your Investments are I mean it's it's a fairly robust requirement Mr Cory I just wanted to ask the question kind of to the commission as well um we've been in similar situations like this and taking opposing views to perhaps what the what the state is doing does that create any concern with people here on some of the projects we might be working on for the state receiving funding things like that that commiss LE did you want to chime in on this or have no I mean look I I'll say for myself I I'm going to be a no on any resolution to oppose to join in the litigation uh I understand it's an intrusive standard that the truth is I lived under it already serving the legislature I had to follow form six disclosure so I'd be a bit of a hypocrite to lend to vote challenging the standards I I I personally don't see why we should be spending taxpayer money uh challenging this mandate I know we're not proposing to do that necessarily but that is an option that's in the agenda packet today I've had to challenge standards I thought were unfair personally to me in my practice and we were able to sign on and get Council to take it on a contingency basis it's a 1984 action so they can recover their cost completely if they Prevail so it's a it's a risk the lawyers take it's a risk the candidates take it's a risk um we would take individually if we wanted to challenge the standard to finance the cost that litigation that would be my recommendation to us as individuals if we feel that strongly about this requirement being onerous its ability to retract attract and retain uh good people in public office I think we should basically take individual action here to challenge the standard but for the reasons I mentioned i' I've lived on the standard already uh it is intrusive it is invasive but it's what we signed up for in my opinion so I'm I would be a no on a resolution to either join litigation or or register a statement in opposition to uh the requirement okay so then we have do we have two things in front of us then I think we have I think we have I'm sorry you want to explain the posture of the resolution Mr City attorney just sure sure the the resolution is styled as joining the the litigation uh and participating in it and whoever of if any of you want to participate in that resolution as a named plaintiff there would be a a like a a site agreement it's a one-page agreement that where you're signing on to that if so that's what's that's actually in the agenda uh vice mayor what what the vice mayor had had raised is the possibility of an alternative which would just essentially be a resolution of support uh for the the uh position of the plaintiffs in this litigation and and I am in support of that you're in support of what I'm in support of a motion of support a resolution of support support okay but not a financial correct okay correct and I believe that was always the vice mayor's intent at least that was the way it was explained to me by the um by the City attorney in my agenda briefing yes that was my intent I don't think that the size of our city or our should be spending money on this type of thing we just can't afford it but to do nothing and say nothing I I think is not the best way to move forward commissioner GAA so I I agree with the vice mayor I think that I I when I first came up since form six came out I just thought it's not a a productive way of attracting talent to the resources that we have in municipalities it it detracts it it it makes the the pool a lot smaller so I'm I'm for supporting uh our legislation to kind of emphasize that I don't want to spend obviously tax dollars money to do that but I am in agreement with that okay so I think we have a resolution that does not seem to have a mo uh a sponsor right uh or a second for so do you want to Prof for a resolution I would assume it'll be styled somewhere a resolution by the CATE of Miami South state of South Miami commission uh affirming its support for the position that the the form six requirement is unconstitutional yes okay yes do you want to style it for us so we can get a motion on it I think you just did but that's that was pretty an Artful on my part but okay if we understand what we're trying to say by way of a statement and you can reduce it to writing thereafter I got no objection okay so is there is there a motion on such a resolution I'll for the motion I'll second we have a motion by the vice mayor a second by commissioner Kay is there any other discussion or comment on the resolution seeing none Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Cory no commissioner Leman yes Vice Bon yes mayor Fernandez no um it passes the motion passes 32 thank you okay Madame vice mayor again next item was nine 13 13 13 so that's a first reading ordinance it's not a public hearing Madam clerk if you can read item 13 please yes item 13 an ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of southman Florida amending Article 4 dangerous intersection safety of chapter to 17 streets and sidewalks to create section 17-8 of the city code of ordinances to authorize the placement ination and operation of speed detection systems on roadways maintained at school zone established traffic enforcement procedures when speed detection systems are utilize for school zone speed limit violations and create hearing procedures related to such school zone speed limit violation thank you mam clerk sir you're recognized good evening mayor members of the commission PO with the city attorney's office um by way of background uh this past July U House Bill 657 went into effect and essentially authorized municipalities and counties throughout the State of Florida to utilize speed detection systems to enforce certain traffic uh speeding violations that occur on school zones um a little more background the speed detection systems are essentially video cameras that are equipped with lar technology to detect the speed of vehicles passing through now in order to actually enforce speed limit violations in C in the school zones uh in accordance with the uh the house bill you are required to adopt an ordinance and that ordinance has to actually authorize the installation placement and maintenance of speed detection systems uh in eligible school zones now not all school zones are eligible um a couple of months ago red speed actually was hired by the city to analyze our school zones and created some traffic data based off of that based on that traffic data the city Commission on second reading will be um reviewing that traffic data and any other evidence that may be presented to determine whether the school zones in the city of South Miami each individually constitute a heighten safety risk that warrants additional traffic enforcement measures uh so this ordinance is stylized to authorize the placement it authorizes the placement um at Lam Elementary Summerset Academy South Miami uh K to8 South Miami middle and then the Joint School Zone where the mandom school and epip Epiphany Catholic School is located um again you'll be considering that traffic data at second reading during the public hearing portion and hearing other evidence that may be presented to this uh to this board and you know the school can be adjusted as you see fit uh so that's the first effect of this ordinance the second effect of the ordinance is actually getting into the nitty-gritty of implementing speed detection systems by establishing procedures for the actual enforcement of eligible speeding violations at the school zones that we that this commission determines constitutes uh a height and safety risk that warrants additional traffic enforcement measures and then the third effect of this ordinance is to actually create a hearing procedure whereby special magist the special magistrate for the City or the special master I apologize for the city will hear any appeals or challenges to the actual citations that are issued utilizing the speed detection systems um from here you have any questions and uh colleagues any questions Madam vice mayor did you have a question yes thank you problem um when we look at that data again is it possible for us I know that there was one that was way out of sync with all rest of the schools and I want to say it was the little Street on Lam Elementary so when we do that can we look at that critically because if I'm not mistaken and I'm not looking at the numbers in front of me it just seemed like if everybody else was at 30 that one was like at 120 and so I I think it'd be good for us to maybe look at that data even if it's just in that one when we look at the rest so we have a more informed dision because if it's such a big outlier we have to ask ourselves why that is that's a good question if I can just ask do we intend to have the uh engineer that prepares the traffic analysis available to us on second reading I we could uh certainly uh request that um M Vice May would you like to make sure that we have the engineer here so if there are questions about the study and the results they can address them if if it doesn't cost us more money I I would like to just because I I believe the I believe the stud is being paid for by the by the vendor so it was care it's not at our cost ma'am okay and the location the vice mayor is referring to to was llal entry and that may be more of a volume issue you know with with the amount of vehicles going through uh through that area potentially not necessarily going to the school but just going through that area so um but yeah it was definitely an outlier okay so unless unless there's an objection I think we would be we'd be well advised to have the um consultant here so they can address any questions for second reading for second reading yes sir any further any further questions okay seeing none any discussion commissioner nope can I get a motion on the item I move the motion have a motion by commissioner Kai there a second second have a second by commissioner Corey uh again seeing no further comments questions or discussion Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner C yes commissioner Cory yes commission lemman no Vice May bonish no mayor Fernandez yes item passes 32 great thank you uh if you can read item nine please item nine a resolution of the city Commission of the city of South Florida granting approval of or denying an application for final plat approval pursuing to section 20- 4.2 of the Land Development code seeking to subdivide a property within the low density single family residential RS3 zoning District located at 7709 Southwest 67th Avenue great thank you sir you're recognized actually mayor may I read my oh you're just yes I'm sorry we need our judicial disclosure yes thank you uh application number nine on your agenda this evening is quasa judicial uh public hearing on a final plat uh staff will read the item and summarize a staff report following the presentation by staff you should hear from the applicant and any members of the public who wish to speak the Commissioners may ask any questions either before or after public comment is closed following public comment the commission may deliberate on the application the quasa judicial procedures require this commission to consider the evidence presented to it and base its decision on the applicable law and primarily on the evidence presented whether by the applicant staff or members of the public the staff report provides the applicable law and criteria for approval specifically the planning provisions and criteria of section 20- 4.2 land subdivision regulations of the Land Development code the evidence considered must be substantial competent evidence this means testimony or other evidence based on personal observation or relevant expert testimony that a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion it is not a popularity contest it cannot be based solely on non-expert opinions no matter how fervent those opinions might be uh anyone who seeks to speak on on this item uh should be given an opportunity to speak during the public comment portion if you intend to provide testimony as to any of the applications considered uh this evening you will be sworn in shortly please know if you do speak you may be subject to cross-examination if you refuse either to be cross-examined or to be sworn your testimony will be considered in that context and given its due weight the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the commission to direct questions on their behalf to either staff or the applicant at this time anyone who wishes speak should be sworn in I'd ask that you please stand and raise your right hand if you intend to speak at this public hearing do you swear or firm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do thank you uh Madame clerk please confirm compliance with the advertising and notice requirements for this here yes please thank you madam Clerk and then mayor vice mayor and Commissioners have any of you had any exp partake Communications with the applicant or any member of the public on this application either for or against no no no I did receive a text today at 120 from Tommy Cabrio asking for my favorable consideration of this item to which I responded with a thumbs up so that's the extent of the communication okay thank you mayor um and then one quick uh set of cleanup items is this is with respect to the uh the conditions on the approval and that is to clarify part of this is to clarify the the two story versus the one story item so the journey we can just get organized and then get you on the microphone because little absolutely I'm sorry yeah so the you have uh conditions a through C uh for condition number uh for the first condition which refers to the tentative plat uh resolution uh it should State before the the condition starts that uh uh except to the extent modified below basically so that we're referring to the tentative plat resolution except as we are modifying it below and then we are adding three I'm sorry four conditions uh the first D prior to building permit the applicant shall execute and record in the public records of mate County a restrictive cover Covenant in a form approved by and subject to the review and approval of the city manager and City attorney which contains all commitments made and conditions imposed as part of the approval of the uh final plat condition e the applicant shall submit a grading plan landscape plan and tree disposition plan in addition to all other required plans to the environmental review and preservation board for review for each of the three homes the next condition F the easternmost lot shall be limited to one story but shall be permitted as per code a building coverage of 35% of the lot area and impervious coverage of 50% of the lot area and finally G the applicant May alter the conceptual plan that has been submitted in any manner that meets code requirements okay are we clear on the on the revised conditions for the additional conditions any questions on those and vice mayor commissioner leben Sor I wouldn't say that these are new they were just restated restated and yes rest and revised yes right because I had proferred that that the first two homes Clos us to um 67th have the re reduced setback but that the the mo the interior lot would would be limited to one story okay yes sir you recognized um Mr city manager I did have city manager or attorney no attorney I'm sorry thank you um I did have a conversation with another constituent about this particular property uh in reference to other options in the future I don't know how to explain it but just I don't I don't know if it affects the they're not a party applicant to the proceedings there's nothing there is in any event we'll accept that as a disclosure that's the required disclosure okay thank you Mr Cory okay any questions Madam vice mayor staff okay let's hear from staff on their presentation actually sorry thank you very welcome evening Mr Mayor members of the commission Marcus life planning zoning department just give you a quick background uh this item is a continuation theant applied to the commission reviewed September 5th which they adopted via resolution number 10623 d160 39 afterwards this the applicant proceeded to the Mia County plat committee where they December 29th of last year 2023 and receive tenative plat approval via plat number t-250 21-2 a sub subsequently the item came back for final plat approval and was reviewed by the planning board last month at its at its February plan meeting where they voted 5 5 to1 to recommend approval of the item staff has reviewed the application for final plat and determined that it it complies with the city's Land Development code there is only one one guideline listed in section 24.2 that I'd like to bring to your attention as required by the code there we are required to do a meeting analysis of lot size and Frontage for everybody within 500 feet of that are in the same zon excuse me zoning District staff performed that analysis determined that while it exceeded the the meeting meeting for the surround for the lot size for the surrounding area it did not meet or exceed the frontage and now the code allows the commission to approve this this item when it doesn't meet that meeting analysis as long as it complies with the minimum requirements of the code provided that they approve it by by a vote of four staff is recommending approval of this applic application contingent on the the conditions that the City attorney has listed as well as those that are in the resolution thank you thank you your presentation I I have two quick questions uh if I may one is with respect to your analysis on that one ldr provision that's the same that was the same analysis that was provided at tenative plat correct correct it did not change has not changed okay and then secondly um I'm just curious as to the member of the planning board that voted in opposition what was their their objection to the best of your election that was s Basu he voted an objection to it mainly because they were not bringing down the sewer line and connect connecting the the houses to water SE inste instead they got a waiver to to do sep tank and drain fields on the property thank you you're welcome uh to the applicant you're recognized if you'd like to come forward and then we'll open up the public hearing good evening uh Edward or Eddie Baker uh 1450 Berk Avenue Miami Florida 33131 representing the applicant Legacy 7709 uh joined today by the applicant representative Manny Liz in our landscape architect of record Orlando komas uh I won't go into much detail as uh Mr Lightfoot already touched on uh the background in history this was before you last year um I have been in contact with the city attorney and we are amendable to the conditions um I will just add on on the point you raised with respect to the one uh vote of recommendation of denial for the application on the planning and Zone owning board the uh intent was to connect a public sewer and as required uh by the plat review County committee it went to durm durm determined that it wasn't within a feasible distance so the only alternative was to request a variance because the Lots as required by new County ordinance need to be a minimum of 15,000 square feet uh to be able to take advantage of septic or use septic so we uh went before the eqc received a variance we have a top-of-the-line septic system on all three lots even cons or rather on the two lots that didn't meet the threshold uh so it was not something that was of our doing it was a determination by durm that we couldn't connect to public sewer even though we intended to happy to answer any questions questions of the applicant Madam vice mayor you good seeing none uh thank you if we like to reserve yes problem reservations reservations noted uh at this time I'd like to open up the public hearing on item 9 if there's anyone in the public who' like to come forward and speak on the item please do so at this time Miss Michaels you're clear on the on the condition with respect to the eastern most lot I know you had made that common in in public remarks okay seeing no one uh coming forward at this time in the chambers Madam clerk is there anyone um anyone on Zoom like to speak on this item please raise your virtual hand no okay so we will close the public hearing uh colleagues comments yeah do matter yes sir um I guess this question is more for the City attorney uh City attorney if if we divide the plot and we have the three different plats uh what is the process if you know something doesn't move forward economy changes whatnot is it easy to unify that plot like what what are the how how does that work just on my behalf so a knowledge base so I can make an informed decision sure so if the plat moves forward to to final plat and is actually recorded um by m County there there are three there will be three lots three buildable Lots subject to these conditions these restrictions um in so three homes could be built there in accordance with these conditions or if if there was a a desire to unify them they could be unified through unit of title it would be relatively easy they would not they would likely not replat there wouldn't need to okay further questions not comments men ofice may you recognize I just want to make sure before we vote that what we're going to vote on is what we had originally agreed on which is two two story lots and one one story one yes ma'am that's correct as uh as stated by the City attorney in his presentation thank you you're welcome further questions or comments seeing none um I'd like to train a motion I move the item a motion by commissioner Leeman is there a second I'll second I'll second we have a second by uh commissioner Corey just beat you madam vice mayor um again seeing no further conversation Madame clerk if you could call the role subject to conditions subject to conditions as stated by Council commissioner Caye I'm gonna go last on this one okay um commissioner Corey yes commissioner lemman yes Vice bonish yes mayor Fernandez yes commissioner Kay yes I don't pass SP Z thank you very much okay you're you're gonna lose me now you guys but thank you very very much for taking things that a Ved for me my pleasure have a good evening take care okay okay uh colleagues um just to dispense with some items quickly if we can can I get a motion on CA 1 and two sorry M Madam clerk can you read CA 1 and two yes cons General item one a r of the mayor City Commission of the city of s for approving the renewal of services with Civic plus LLC for website services for a oneyear period in amount not toce $1,911 189 item two a resolution of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Mar Florida authorizing the city manager to execute Mutual Aid agreements memorandums of understanding mou and other procedural law enforcement agreements with governmental entities including any amendments or renewals therefor there to on an ongoing basis is there a motion on CA 1 and two I move the items have a motion second a motion by commission Le and a second by commissioner Corey seeing no discussion Madame clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner Leeman yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner cayen yes mayor Fernandez yes consent pass 4 Z great thank you if you could read resolution five please item five in resolution of the mayor City Commission of the city of Soph repor selecting wsp USA environment and infrastructure Inc for the community rating system CRS 5-year recertification report authorizing the city manager to negotiate and execute an agreement for the services and amount not toce $ 24,90 I move the item we have a motion so we have a motion by commissioner lean a second by commission Cory again U any discussion seeing none Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Leeman yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 4 Z great if you could read um the two second reading items please I believe it's 11 and 12 yes item 11 an ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of sth Florida amending the sth pension plan to allow the purchase of up to 5 years of prior military service by all applicants by amending chapter 16 pensions Article 2 City Pension Plan section 16-21 purchase of credited service thank you uh this is a public hearing item is there anyone the public would like to address item 11 the modifications of the South Miami Pension Plan seeing no one in the audience is there anyone online Madam clerk no one on seeing no one online we will close the public hearing uh colleagues any questions on item 11 seeing none can I get a motion please I move the item second a motion to approve by commissioner Leven a second by commissioner Corey Madam clerk please call the rooll yes commissioner Lan yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Kay yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes SC zero thank you uh if you could read item 12 please item 12 an ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Florida amending section 7-16 preconstruction and construction standards for sites of chapter 7 buildings of the city po of ordinances to require restoration bond for construction work impacting City property and or rights away to prohibit construction work on legal holidays in residential districts and to and to require a staging and parking plan for construction sites I move the item is there a second second thank you before we vote we this is a public hearing item uh I'd like to open up the public hearing to anyone here in the audience see no one here in Chambers is there anyone online Madam clerk no yes sir seeing no one online we have a motion and a second any questions yes sir actually I would like to bring up for um discussion what about a deposit instead of a bond deposit can be cash if I'm not mistaken so effectively it's the same yeah can that come in any form cash uh yeah I I you can just speak to that issue sir yeah uh I Believe Miss cabera is on here but she can confirm that that's the way they do it in the other city it's list a bond and they take it oh she's on great great good evening suami CA um yeah it could be a cash which is typically what homeowners do um a cash Bond okay in the city holds it and then they refund it at the end of the job right that was important to me thank you everyone you're welcome any any further questions seeing none Madam clerk if you can call the role on item 12 please yes commissioner C yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner lean yes mayor Fernandez yes item pass is support zero and colleague s you for your support of that item um if we can read uh the first reading item 14 please yes item 14 in ordinance of the mayor St Commission of the city of South Florida amending article 3 zoning regulations and article 8 Transit oriented development District regulations to clarify the extent of the trans par Development Area and modify requirements applicable to to dwelling units authorizing revision of the city ass official zoning map consistent with the noncl of the amended regulation thank you madam clerk Mr City attorney you want to give us a quick overview on this item sure this was uh this was discussed at our last zoning study Workshop uh the changes to the live local bill it's a live local glitch bill is what they're calling it uh that uh was just approved by the house last week uh provides for certain uh incentives within Transit oriented uh districts our this the city has been very like Forward Thinking in terms of identifying a a Transit oriented District uh that was a good idea at the time however with this with this bill and the changes to the bill the impacts could be far-reaching and there was we had discussed perhaps dialing it back keeping it as Transit supportive or or we can come up with whatever terminology you feel comfortable with we came up with Transit supportive uh to to indicate that it was still supportive of Transit but but not quite the transit oriented District that the state is identifying as eligible for certain incentives in connection with live local development that's the purpose of this it's to restrict that area questions of councel seeing none um this is not a public hearing item uh We've read we've read the title to the record is there a motion to approve the item I I move to approve the item I just wanted to thank our city attorneys and the mayor for bringing this forward thank you sir is there a second second have a motion by commissioner Leeman and a second by commissioner Corey Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner leben yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Caye yes yes mayor Fernandez yes IEM passes 4 Z thank you for that okay uh we have left on the table uh three yeah seven and8 I believe item three as well resolution three seven and8 we also have reports from staff uh colleagues what order would you like to take those in let's actually no why don't we why don't we have a motion to approve the minutes of uh February 6 and February 20th I move the motion second a motion by commissioner k and a second by commissioner Corey to move to approve the minutes of again February 6 and February 20th Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner cayen yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner lemman yes mayor Fernandez yes minutes pass 4 Z great so uh colleagues do you want to take up the resolutions you want to hear from staff on reports what's your preference let's take the the resolutions fair enough so why don't we read item three into the record please Madam clerk yes item three a resolution of the mar City Commission of the city of South for approving a proposal and project agreement with stantech Consulting Services Inc for a traffic study at various locations an amount not to exceed 64830 thank you for that uh commissioner K I believe you had some comments at the start of the meeting related to how we pursue traffic analysis if you wanted to jump in on that well I think that the city manager we we we were in discussion earlier I think today or yesterday about the process to actually allocate funds to actually see what traffic studies or locations be determined so you know I I would recommend that we take this back a little bit and really try to understand a process and determine a need besides just one person saying that there's a need so Mr C manager I know we've I saw some corresponsive so can you just clarify how we identified these particular segments thank you yeah and and certainly uh a can provide more background if if I'm sort of off the rails on on information but you know typically I think they're very low barrier of Entry as it relates to pursuing uh or getting on a list to pursue traffic studies um we receive uh complaints uh from residents for specific areas and those end up on a list and when we kind of have a little bit critical amass of those you know we we assemble those and assign them to the next rotation from a traffic study standpoint so uh to to commissioner Kaya's comment um I I I think um sometimes there there could be uh you know limited representation of that it could be one one resident and one in the microphone if you can there could be a limited representation of that with one one resident um and and equally um uh in pursuing that we we a lot of effort and money uh could be had we recently sort of relaxed a little bit about um how these projects may be killed later on by opposition um uh whereby depending on how many residents May oppose and we made some changes to that and relax that a little bit so I I think there may be room to kind of take a step back and take a look at this a little bit more holistically from a program standpoint both how we pursue uh and and and and sort of conduct traffic studies and what kind of thresholds equally maybe some level of support that maybe is garnered by by the residents of that area that would then uh give us some indication that there's some general sense versus just you know on one uh one complaint um because by the same token when we come back at some point um the those individuals that that would uh speak against the project could kill the project later on and and certainly this money is spent already engineering May support that in fact a traffic calming device is is called for um so I I think there's a lot of energy money and and maybe uh raised expectations potentially um so I it may behoove us to take a look at this have a a program that's a little more defined uh as as uh not only coming into a process but through the process and then final execution and approval um as we last meeting there were some residents that that had a difference of opinion on on a traffic caling device that their particular intersection and and so um I I think that's the conversation that commissioner Kai is referring to that we that we that we had thank you C man so let me let me add on top of that so currently the way that it would work is that we have uh I believe I remember it's like 10 or or eight no seven seven or eight spots that we have in this current uh legislation seven seven seven thank you um if we proceed they do the traffic studies and the traffic studies deem that it's there's no need there's no engineering uh can you walk us through that process or maybe aelio can walk us through the process aelo can but but in a global way in a global sense if if it does not support based on standards uh then then the county says uh you know those don't don't meet the threshold uh but I'll let aelio certainly share um um the approach that he takes with the consultant in the county sure good afternoon mayor Commissioners manager um so yeah basically uh we have our consult go out and they do a data collection on uh speed volume crashes and depending on the segment uh that we're looking at if if it meets the threshold that we have established and agreed up with Miami day County on the interlocal agreement then we can go ahead and Implement those those uh traffic coming devices so technically speaking we would go ahead and improve the traffic studies which cost us roughly around x amount of dollars it gets determined that you know Miami day is not going to go because it doesn't meet the threshold it just goes back into the pot and that's it right that's correct cor okay so again uh I I want to see if the city can go and I would ask the commission to ask our staff to go back and really come up with the process look for example in my neighborhood the back street and I told the city managers there's you know there's a lot all unified it's a cut through Street there's a lot of speed being going through whether it meets it or not you know maybe for the county it won't but it's something that we would also I would want to have the opportunity to do so in our city without using Miami Dade if it's possible right I I don't know that yet so those are the things I just wanted to determine and have a process moving forward so it would just be easier to to determine if there's an an opportunity possibilities Etc yeah commissioner and I certainly just for clarification purposes you know the step of having the data obviously we would have to take that step uh formally and and and spend spend those dollars um my comment was more regarding uh you know a complaint that may trigger uh such a move when in fact you know it may not necessarily um be something that is experienced by the rest of the residents in that area so but there is no way to proceed uh as it relates to having a finding if it meets a threshold or not without a traffic study uh but maybe we can a little bit be a little bit more defined as to when we trigger pursuing a traffic study and then taking us through the process including approvals uh and closing that out at at the back end and and so I ultimately if we're going to pursue it we don't know if it merits or not without a traffic study at the end of the day do we have the opportunity to create uh a traffic modification engineering wise on our own without going through County if it's a if it's a city road so we're in an inter local agreement with the county and county has you know jurisdiction so by virtue of this interlocal the county has allowed us to to sort of step in and manage this process but we're still Bound By by you know those traffic uh regulations so we would still have to meet that threshold what we did have some wiggle room uh was in the uh sort of approval process which we recently sort of tweaked right uh before um if you had a traffic circle one one resident out of four corners could kill a project if you had a a speed table uh in the middle of a block one of the two residents that lives across could also be object to it and it would kill the project I mean in that case you could find movement throughout the block but and you also need a threshold over over 50% I believe for that block if you will um so those are elements that that we ended up controlling and and have some wiggle room but as it relates to the inter local and the standards we're still under County jurisdiction a if I said anything that that's correct okay we are required to have the uh the traffic study to be able to determine if if it warrants a traffic comment device okay further questions or comments yes Mr Cory thank you um I don't know if it is necessarily Germaine to this item but when it comes to these projects that we plan and some of them don't go through whether it's because of engineering limitations or you know neighbors not wanting it I I do recall um during the traffic study the massive amount of input that we got from residents and quite a few of them that didn't get the traffic calming that they wanted out of the study because other areas were seen as priorities it'd be great to be able to revisit those areas that didn't get um the traffic calming for with projects that that fell through the crack so or just fell through it' be great if they became the next priority just because I recall quite a few so I'm not make sure I understood what you're saying there there are projects that previously the city did studies for but did not meet the threshold and fell off the list because so like a year and a half ago I think it was we had a a a massive Citywide traffic study and that's where these projects were determined um but um you know many many different locations were considered and uh priorities were made based on you know budget based on what the studies came back but there were still areas of of concern that that were identified in in that original report I I will ask clarification from my understanding was that those that fell off did not meet I had the the engineering data to back it up but I'll let out ler clarify then that's right that we had UH 60 locations that we looked into and there was only eight that met the threshold uh we've already built three speed tables and we're doing the the traffic circles or two speed table we're doing the traffic circles now MH unfortunately the there's got to be some development to to generate traffic um so the areas I fell through I mean I can look at it and see if there's anything that's near any type of development otherwise there's not going to be any increase in traffic uh unless there is some something that that that that was built in the area or or any modifications that created that additional traffic in the area so we typically don't go to those back to those areas unless there is something that has developed in the proximity of the area now requires an additional or a new traffic uh collection so just I guess could clarify Mr kand none of the projects or none of those locations fell off because a lack of funding they just didn't meet thresholds that's correct yeah so I think that's what you referring to yes thank you further questions I I just I just by observation wanted to um you know when this item was on the agenda and I sent the manager some questions about um this item a lot of the comments I hear knocking on doors again now with this ballot item is there are concerned about traffic but I you know uh also hear about Street Lighting in the evenings also hear about sidewalks these are all issues as we're learning are in many cases jump ball issues for Neighbors some neighbors want the improvements some neighbors do not just wondering kind of more globally whether we want to do almost a street by Street assessment or or or in some of these areas we identified problems actually you know uh query a block full of residents to see if they share the same concern so if we got the one complaint for for example on whatever intersection whether it's worth us at the front end you know we're small enough where we can actually go and leave a you know questionnaire or solicit some feedback before we expend you know considerable dollars on on studies from a process perspective Mr manager is there something we can do and then by by by core by related question I mean I go I go to keis G on occasion and I you were the manager there for a while and it seems to me there's not a street on kuk particularly on the on the residential streets do not have a speed table and I would think in many cases they probably have less cut through traffic than most of the residential streets in South Miami so I was curious to learn what the secret sauce and keepe was to actually meet the warrant thresholds for those improvements good yeah I I get the feeling you were making a connection between me and those uh possibly I was just curious if if they happen to coincide with your tenure there in charge of that uh wonderful Village any other questions no I I be be honest uh I don't um remember process on on on some of those locations I mean some were built before good so you just built them you built them and you asked for forgiveness I buil I built I built uh cranon Boulevard at that do I remember but uh most of those uh tables are or um circles were built prior to but no different I mean they're still under County jurisdiction from a traffic standpoint so U they would they would have to um have the same so so was not the strategy it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission that I'm I can't speak to that I don't know if that's the tactic that they use Mr Mayor um yeah I I'll use Ali North's uh all North St clean the fth okay uh no I I I they would have the same threshold that we that we do so so to your point of canvasing a neighborhood uh my word not necessarily yours but um you know that could be something that we look at uh from my creating more of a formal program uh you know there's also concerns about raising expectations that because we're canvasing that you know it's doable and yet we have no data that would support it in fact so you know there could be some petition uh requirement so I I think it'd be good for us to go back take a look at programmatically what options we have um to to ensure that we're not embarking on on on a failed Journey so I I I think there's maybe an educational process where we need to find some more data because certainly there's I talked to neighbors and they asked me well we want to do more lighting right that's an issue that some people like the lack of ambient lighting or keep the ambient lighting where it is some people want more artificial lighting want to avoid the light pollution it's a it's a question that cuts both ways but there is a limitation process if we're not paying for it if it's a special taxing district that's going to be opposed for that area it requires a certain threshold of people to participate so you know maybe we put together some sort of an assessment tool that kind of explains with a question you know we hear people may want lighting but explain here's the way we can do it or we certainly want have a sense that there's like a majority view on the issue street street by street block by block where people kind of share in those facilities but I I hear those questions all the time I answer them as best I can I just don't know you know with traffic in particular I kind of share your sentiment we a lot of times do the front end work only to find out on the back end that it's an improvement that people may have thought they want and changed their opinion about once they see the execution or never wanted to begin with so um certainly would love to see more prod process just to to finish that off real quick quick question on budget wise do we do we allocate funds on a yearly basis to do seven to 10 traffic studies per location is that something that we're doing currently or um or is this just a one of bases that we decided we wanted to do seven points it's not in the budget so it' be out of the budget we have to allocate it for somewhere else like can you explain that to me yeah I know Odio kind of waits till we have you know a grouping uh uh of these studies uh but from an annual standpoint I know you take a look at what funding is coming in uh that could help support Outlet you elaborate on the funding aspect yeah we we have a a portion of the money that that that we get through PTP and we allocate it for miscellaneous traffic studies oh okay perfect thank you okay further questions or comments colleagues what's your pleasure on this item do we want to defer it then I would I would choose to defer it on my side okay is there a motion for deferral I move the motion to defer uh is there a date certain you want to move it to or you want to defer it indefinitely I'll leave it up to the city manager to to discretion to give us more of a process procedure you're the sponsor I'm the sponsor no sorry okay I'm looking at a different item oh sorry I think we I'll move to defer the item indefinitely and let the manager bring it back at the appropriate time fair is there a second a second okay so a motion to defer indefinitely with a second by commissioner Cay Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Leeman yes mayor Fernandez yes item mayor can we take eight we can Madam clerk if you can read item eight and the record please item eight a resolution of the city Commission of the city of FL designating mayor Javier Fernandez as the city's director and blank as the Alor director with Mi cities thank you I move the item if I can just we we need to we need to uh we we had I just want to quickly B introduction this request came to us from by the Miami de League of cities we need to identify an alternate director I believe the vice mayor served in that capacity last year Madam clerk is that correct so in terms of filling in the blank do we want to retain the vice mayor I I was hoping to ask her before she left but I frankly forgot it s my mind I apologize um or do we want does someone else want to serve as the alternate maybe maybe we why don't we do this why don't we table this item what M cler can you contact the vice mayor and see if she's still interested in serving in this capacity and report back to us so we can at least I don't want to vote to displacer if you're still interested in serving that role okay thank you so let's table that temporarily can we read item or huh or vice versa or vice versa uh item seven please yes item seven a res May City commission the City assment FL amending the schedule fees and fines to modify daily valet parking space rental rates for on Street spaces and adopt a daily Valley storage fee for the South family parking garage thank you uh commissioner Kai I believe this is your item yeah so the premise be you know for this particular legislation was we there's a need and there's a want from different restaurants and new restaurants are going to be coming up and I kind of want to start playing uh with the different options for valet so this is an opportunity for us to bring it back we've already started it on bir Road in 41st Street um it hasn't started yet there's no no activity there yet so that's the reason I'm trying to do it throughout the city so we can start getting some more data on you know whether the storage fees if we have interest or whatnot so we can kind of get ready as you know the years come closer and we're going to have a lot more populated downtown that were efficient and effective uh when that time comes thank you for that introduction any comments or questions from uh colleagues to either the sponsor or to staff uh through the mayor if we can also have the finance director as well up here because I know that we were talking about the fees and schedule so I'm I'm sure we might have to ask him a couple questions on it commission Le do you have a comment I I I do yeah um the first thing I want to say is uh thank you for bringing this item forward and when you bring forward your initial items right know you don't want to have opposition on the day so I I do support the item but one of my concerns which is just um consistent maybe this is expert testimony because I I did Valley Park at the Mayfair in between uh you know when was an undergrad home for the summer so um I you see us doing a lot of this this in the city and you and you hear me opposing this so our average the the average parking rate we receive per spot in our commercial core is $33 um but that's not Sunset Drive Sunset Drive or our premium spots we actually receive more than the maximum because they're constantly full full and people pay beyond that and I just don't see the the rates as being Equitable because I believe they charge $8 to 12 a car is that right it depends yeah okay charger 8 to 122 a car if you just look at the hours so um for example dinner only five to midnight we charge $3 an hour this is the minimum rate 7 time 3 is 21 we're doing it for 12 again I I Valley parking's great that we want to support that but should me just so I'm following your comment you're referring to the the the rental rate for the on Street space corre okay that's I just no because there there's two because our benefit in terms storage rate and there's okay so in terms of the storage rate I have no issue with that because those spaces go unused I'm saying is fair and consistent but there is a concern and I used to fly you know through the parking garage with cars I was at the Mayfair but that garage was limited to valet there was no self-parking and and I know that it's not a practical location so it may not be used it may not even be relevant but should it be used there's a concern with the general public driving in there cautiously and with Valley Parkers um there's a tremendous amount of urgency and them taking it's really hard to curb that um so my my whole Isa here is I support uh you on the item commissioner Cay support valet parking just the rates are completely inequitable and I I never understand why we keep lowering making everything so low why are they so low when they're charging $8 to $ 122 a car and the minimum that we receive and we receive more is um again just look at dinner five to midnight 7 time three is $21 for charging 12 um uh you have let's see brunch nine to five right say brunch is 9 to five but okay that's um8 hours so 8 * 3 is 24 we're charging 10 and and um yeah and then says lunch and dinner but there's no there's no hour time frame given so just charge the minimum rate that we receive because as you know and you can come up here M for finance director we actually receive more than that that rate these are the prime prime spots in the city long Sunset Drive and people value that convenience right our patrons like parking there I keep seeing you nodding and smirking what what is it I said what you were thinking it because it it depends 30 on the prime spots when we're taking 73 is prime 72 those are the two main streets in the town the town center that are prime it depends on the day um obviously the busiest is Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday not so busy but a good point of reference $33 on Sunset and 73 is probably about average of what we make per space because everybody wants to park in those areas um that's just that's just a reality are we would we be alive allowing valet on Sunset because I think that's presents queuing and traffic issues as well which to me is a bigger concern in preserving free full of traffic on that street that's correct now as a valy as per the code city manager the applications come to us or to the city we review them with the city manager the city manager grants them or does not grant them depending on uh if some areas we require four Bays or five bays in an effort to reduce that uh that spill off onto the main us one or 57th so there's certain things that we can or do do to mitigate that um it has been a practice to stay off our main and to do it on the cross streets um some of the businesses are are Advocate that they want to be on Sunset or right in front of theirs you know so it's a balancing act um for me to stand here and say at this point we're not going to leave on 72 or that's really a city manager uh decision yeah I I I would um so obviously the the traffic is is is a concern right and not only traffic um commissioner Lan and I had spoken about that turn on US1 and and and dor right right when you turn there you kind of come up against that um so if it was on Dorne Avenue it doesn't necessarily uh relieve that if you have three cars and they're backed up you're going to turn and you kind of come up that um previously the city had it on Sunset Drive I guess right in front of sim is where it used to have that operation uh you know the other challenges if for example the city used to have it in front of um oh Lisbon there was another stop most patrons won't know where the valet park necessarily is if it's on some other Street that's not you know in front of the business people are kind of used to that um so not ideal um but I it not ideal but I I I it may work against the program if they're not um you know adjacent to the the actual restaurant and and certainly in looking at rates you know we sort of looked at Coral Gables as well and some of the other areas that that have such operations and then balance that out with you know what maybe we should we should be charging um so Sunset Drive not perfect but it may work against the program if it's down the street and around the block um I I think people going in a particular restaurant will not necessarily look for it um and or made if the purpose Mr K no I I I I don't mind revisiting the the dollar amounts I I think that we we just got to be Progressive you know we're not going to be perfect every time I think this is an opportunity that we want to support our our our our restaurants and the the future uses of our restaurant so you know if you guys are you guys want to modify a little bit the the the fees and schedules that's fine uh I think that if Dorne is an is an issue we see that progressing then we'll stop it uh you know if we see issues with sunset or 73rd Street because we have two little Bays that's something that we can play with and understand look this is going to be a changing thing right where the population of our downtown is going to be evolving over the next three or four years some you know some lower some higher so you know this just something that we need to start understanding and but if the commission wants it as a whole I think we need to adopt it and start start modifying it so I I just like to throw in a few thoughts for the conversation one is um I think the storage rate is exceedingly High I've talked to you know Alfredo at length about it over the weekend um I understand that he's trying to price in some risk associated with allowing valet in the garage uh having represent a valley operator probably the most intensive Valley operation Ali Beach was at the convention center uh for years they operated in a co-mingled environment they still do um and while I don't well I don't uh deny that it creates some Conflict at times because the urgency associated with returning cars and trying to meet a service standard um very few accidents and and none that I'm aware of involving pedestrians if anything it's vehicles that are that are being H being hit there's insurance for that and certainly we're going to require anyone who's using our our storage uh as their storage to provide us with you know additional coverage so I think we can cover the risk with insurance and so I I think buying down the rate is is important here because labor costs for this program are high Che Point commissioner they're going to have to charge a certain amount to get people little park that's going to be a function of what the labor costs are and what their projected volume for traffic is uh our storage right now you know even in our best month which is you know again Kudos is $45,000 we're making progress on the garage Revenue that still translates into $352 a space per day on average and so um a $15 storage rate to me is just too much I mean my my preference would be to be at in the5 to $7 range so that we're really providing this is not exactly necessarily the most convenient storage option so I don't think there'll be a high demand for it so I think we need to mitigate that with the pricing or to basically make it a real incentive and so I think a much lower rate is Justified for that reason we should certainly charge a premium above our our base Revenue so that we're not losing money uh and you know adjusting for that risk that Mr riveral has rightly noted but I don't think a $15 rate is anywhere near reasonable I would say $5 my worst case I'd say $7 somewhere in that range I think is a good place to try to incentivize people to think about using our garage as a storage option there are probably better Alternatives in in in the surface lots that are underutilized today um and so I don't know how much utilization will be I think the utilization of of this program will be Zero from a storage perspective in the garage if we're certainly at a $15 a day rate and I I just wanted to note in the conversation about what the appropriate on Street rate should be I think it's I think it would be instructive to this commission for you to share share with them the information you gave me Alfredo in response to a request gave me the breakdown of gross revenue and parking by day and per hour and ju suppose that again citations issued I'm going to tell you right now we have no demand for parking on Monday evenings right uh our citations exceed gross revenue on Mondays on every evening uh Tuesday and Wednesday after 8:00 P.M uh and then on Friday evenings in the late every pretty much every day after 11: there's zero demand our enforcement receipts exceed the gross revenues of parking paid and Sunday across the board we are over enforcing in every time block morning middle of the day evening so I would say to your point commissioner lemman there are Peaks where we're going to generate or days we're going to generate maximum amount of dollars uh and we should maybe have a differential rate for Fridays and Saturdays where there's the most demand for on street parking but if we're going to provide storage and charge people a daily rate on every other day it should be probably even lower than what he's proposing because it's really not it's really not gen we're really not generating that much on Street Demand right now our town center is busy during the day during the morning hours right uh and then for lunches on Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays that's when we have our Peaks every other window we should be frankly in my opinion not giving away parking but we should just at least be we should sub sanly be ratcheting down our enforcement to get people to want to come here and not stay away so I would suggest that we have some tiered pricing for on Street Storage depending on the day uh to kind of induce some demand uh for business activity in the Town Center that would be my thought Commissioners on how to maybe split the difference between what I think you rightly have noted on some days is a loss in revenue and other days where the rate will just be punitive and people will not provide the service because it's just not feasible given current traffic volumes or business volumes I would be uh amendable to obviously trying that out didn't I agree with you if we have it at $15 well with the storage rate we probably would be at zero so you know I agree with you we could try that so I I'd like to I'd like to profer a $5 a day storage rate uh I don't know if there support for that across the board correct yeah I mean I think storage is different than the on Street issue that's fine we have demand for that inventory on different days I think we should I think I should we should respond from a fiscal perspective fiscal management perspective to the point that commissioner lean has rightly made but I would say that on that issue I even I would have graduated rates depending on the day so on the storage is there what's your consens is around what the right rate the right rate is excuse me Sor right for Storage storage well like I said I have I'm fine with any rate for storage okay so $5 those go unused okay soly so we'll we'll table that issues I think there's consensus around $5 I do want to say mayor to follow up as you said labor Valley Parkers work for tips I used to work summers in between between semesters at in college and the Summer Valley parking paid for my entire year yeah I would I would tell you that when we were kids that was true uh having I'm just saying they work for working for working for an operator they're they're paying them an excess of $15 an hour and so it's not it's not the labor side of this equation is not insignificant and so and and again I think I want to you know it's a convenience that you know the mosos of the world the Lions of the world want to provide because again to your point they want to bring in a higher level clientele you know um they're not going to offer those services on a whole host of days particularly if we have on street parking storage costs at the rates that we're suggesting because between the labor cost and the storage costs there's no margin they're going to be basically subsidizing that valet to a significant dollar amount which is I don't think it's their goal either as as it relates to dor Avenue by practice and and meeting with the valley company that previously operated there they would not use a garage not so much because of the the rate but operationally uh distance location and the route then they need to take to get back to Dorne Avenue just work yeah for other business maybe it is they are more Central um but as as for Dorne certainly get some good Intel from a prior valet operator and yes sir sorry the other thing I wanted to say is that I believe it should be more in our commercial area or at least Less on bird I I know it's it's only two zones it's simpler to keep it the same but there's obviously more demand in our commercial area I don't disagree with you on that point so folks where do you want to land or where do you want to park this car to you know try to plan upun H I just think it should be $3 an hour what it is it's still it's still nothing you're charging $8 to 122 a car I'm not asking if anyone else has another number but that's what I could be wrong but that's where I I honestly until we until you mentioned it I had not really analyzed kind of I had analyzed the storage I thought a lot about that and bothered Alfredo all week and about it thank you for your patience with me uh but I had not I had not really thought about the on street parking issue I just reminded myself of this analysis I did on the parking enforcement and so I think you know um and as much as people love Valley parking right there's the majority there are some people that also feel hey a lot of people don't like Valley parking they want to park their own car and other visitors may feel hey I want to park my car myself and it's being monopolized by valet as well so um we're not talking about a lot of money but it is for-profit and I just don't like giving things away I'm of the opinion that we we I I know that we don't like giving stuff away commissioner but we we need to try something like we we just might need to modify to get some movement in there so whatever the commission wants to do on a price let's just you know so what what what's the propos right now if you can remind me proposed currently for it's adopting exactly how we have uh what was adopted in Bur road if you can just repeat it for my recollection please brunch and lunch 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. $10 per space per Bay to that time dinner only from 5 to midnight at $12 and then full day lunch and dinner or brunch and dinner uh $15 okay so so if you did both lunch and dinner it's a $15 maximum so if I want if I wanted to if I wanted to take a space on 73rd Street for valet for the full day what would it cost me you're going to be required to so it's going to be $45 okay so $45 for three Bas 15 15 and 15 okay and depending again on how busy it gets we may require operators to purchase four you know I I'd like to suggest that we adopt the $15 rate maximum for uh Saturdays and Sundays right and you know I don't know colleagues what do you think about what are your thoughts on this rate structure I really don't have a particular strong opinion on on this issue on the valley storage I have a much stronger opin opinion no I agree with the valet storage mayor I think you know $15 what was the number that you proposed commission leaving I I said $3 an hour because well we have uh so it's uh so they rent it for 12 hours they pay $36 of the day for storage per space 36 hours I mean it's $36 or is there a cap that you would propose on what they would pay I know I'm asking I certainly don't you know do $25 these are prime these are prime spaces and they're charging eight look I remember what the blue signs used to say8 to 12 dollar a car so probably more now but that's okay so is that a rate You' suggest for Saturday and Sunday $25 for the day per space sure okay I agree with that okay so and You' want the same rate or you want a differential rate for Bird Road I think we can leave Bird Road where it is okay CU we established that and I believe Bird Road should be less Okay so a $25 a day maximum on Saturdays and Sundays I I I mean I'm fine with this proposal particularly for every other day but I think on those peak days there is a you know there is justification to have a differential rate so is that a modification that you'd be willing to support before before that the busiest days is not Sunday and Saturday Friday Friday and Saturday is what I was thinking Sunday is a lost day correct okay so you meant Friday and Saturday I meant Friday and Saturday my apologies thank you for the correction I just okay okay so just to reiterate 10 12 and 15 every day with the exception of Friday and Saturday where the maximum rate is $25 okay how would we break down that fee in the in the time increments Mr riverol for brunch lunch and dinner only how would you want a portion that $25 if someone wanted to take a partial day so what what I would suggest then based on a 25 for the full day I would suggest for dinner only only 20 okay and then 18 20 20 and 18 for lunch correct 18 for lunch and brunch and then 20 okay and then 25 18 20 25 okay that's fine everyone clear okay and then the the storage rate at $5 a day I'm okay with that too okay okay so just to reiterate um 18 20 and 25 on the peak days which are Friday and Saturday 10 12 and 15 every other day and valet storage at $5 a day okay landed is there a motion parked is there a motion on I move the motion to park it okay is there a second second okay further comments or questions before we hopefully close this item thank you sir appreciate you seeing none Madame clerk if you can call the role for the motion on the rate schedule as modified yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Leman yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 4 Z ad thank you all for your comments on that item uh Madam clerk what do we have left other than reports um by the manager the City attorney and members of this commission that's it no presentation we we dealt with that's it okay Mr manager you want to give us your brief report our Deputy manager will provide that for us Deputy manager you are recognized um I'll start as promised with the monthly update on the Avalon Bay project um John is going to share some photos so the ground floor Shoring has been removed allowing for easier deliveries and they started masonry block at the second level so just a little time lapse of what it looks like the latest photos were taken the last week of February mad manager what's the size of the block that City Block is it 880,000 square feet do we know caught me off guard with that one I'm sorry I'm just curious you know we didn't we didn't approve the first version of this project but I mean the building's not you know I think it's within the height range that we've been talking about but just curious to know what the floor plate sizes are because it's pretty M or the lot the floor plate sizes because I mean the floor plates seem to take up the entirety of the lot from what I could observe well they had the follow our setback it seems pretty massive that's why you know so we're excited to have it but it's uh I just want to make sure we don't uh repeat the pattern in future approvals is it looking too big for you no it's not looking too big it's just looking it looks very I think it looks more imposing than its height because it's you it's a large floor plate oh you also see it the way it is like when finished it sorry mayor it is that's the comment I've been getting from people in the public it's 2 5,859 ft according to the property appraiser okay about 26,000 ft okay thank you mean the lot or the floor plate be the lot yeah so the floor plate should be roughly around 18 to 20 no hang on hang on no it's got to be bigger than that it's bigger it's big biger got it's got to be about 80,000 sare feet the L 81,000 I clicked the wrong one yeah 81,000 okay so I I think as we talk about planning or zoning study it's just something to be aware of it's a pretty it's a that's a pretty large floor plate project the grocer is 50,000 one of the and there's two other bays and the one Bay is 5,000 the other one's 2,000 so we're closer to 60,000 yeah there you go there's your answer 60,000 so just something be mindful of I things to go for thank you for that update thank you um registration for summer camp and grey go football and cheer opened up yesterday that will remain open through April 14th for the summer camp and April 7th for Fon cheer additional information for that can be found in the Parks and Rec Department some upcoming activities St Patrick's Day party at the senior center that's happening March 15th at 10:30 a.m. and we have our City's Easter egg hunt that's at Murray Park Saturday March 16th that's free and open to the public that runs from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 um some exciting news as far as Appropriations are concerned on the federal level the sanitary sewer extension project that was submitted by uh representative are for 1.75 million was included in the interior Bill and that's going to be voted on this Friday and at the state level there are several requests for funding um one for Police radios for 500,000 bike Lanes 800,000 uh septic to se one half million um maner Lane Culver replacement 235,000 so those were all included in the state budget um subject to Governor Dan's veto but we will update you as we continue to get updates on that thank you madam manager report yes sir mayor if I may just point a personal privilege I I just want to send a thank you to staff um U we had a pretty busy weekend with the art festival and the unity festival and and there was a lot going on in our city and you know I think uh the work the pre-work by staff and and during uh was exceptional making it happen uh some challenges with unit Festival you know greater attendance than expected which is a good thing so it kind of pulled some resources to try and manage that so it was exciting to see certainly a big uh turnout and and and a great Vibe uh compared to to last year but it did it did provide some challenges from a staffing standpoint but I just want to thank staff for all their work and and carrying two big two big events in our city uh at the same time thank you sir Mr City attorney uh before we go on sure yes sir sorry mayor um I was going to ask of the city city manager if we can for the next next meeting if we can talk about where we are with the annexation process an annexation process on a street on 80th Street and us one in that area see where I think I think we have some is there something you want to share on that already say it again is there some news you can share with us quickly here yeah we we uh we met with the county we're sharing um some of the ballot language as they asked us to to please you know keep them in the loop through the process to to ensure that um you know as we move along there's no surprises on on either side uh so we're sharing and getting that feedback from back from them uh We've obtained an updated list of uh voters I I believe uh that would uh receive the uh straw ballot and and that's the first step that needs to be taken so in the process where is that like how are we moving forward with that so we we would have to I got to see when we would actually get those ballots out um I I'm not sure if U suami has that information she's online but uh that if not I'll get that information to you tomorrow uh that would be our next Milestone which is get get that get that batt l u straw ballot out to the voters uh if we exceed the threshold the required threshold then we continue to move down in the process obviously you've already appr the consultant uh go ahead sudam I'm sorry I'm online yeah so um we the consultant is approved uh we're just waiting for the county to give us the the okay on the ballot language but everything else is set to go out we have the the voter the revised voter list um so we're ready to go pretty much thank you any further questions to the manager okay seeing none Mr City attorney you recognized mayor I've got nothing to report nothing to report wow that was brief thank you okay Commissioners for the good of the order do we have any any yes sir you have a question for planning director just want did I hear you correctly you said the consultant is approved yeah that the commissioner had approved that some months ago okay just say ciry which consultant we had we was the same Cal Jano had prepared the study overall we had yeah great yeah voted probably five months ago I would think curious great thank you problem okay colleagues all we've got left are commission reports anything you'd like to share with the public you want to move left to right commissioner leben nope okay short sweet today here a Cory oh I just wanted to add as we've been knocking on doors lately I wanted to share this with staff that residents seem to be very very happy with the city particularly Wast and police that didn't mention their fabulous commission but I think that was probably an oversight uh just wanted to share that and thank the rest of the commission for continuously bringing ideas to improve the downtown I think that's something uh we're obviously all put here and I think we should continue to do and work on together thank you thank you commissioner Cay uh a couple things I wanted to talk about one uh obviously we already talked about the somi Arts Festival how great it was the unity Festival as well I got to meet one of my childhood Idols Andre the hawk dawon so it was awesome to meet him there um I also had the privilege of meeting with commissioner cabero so I'm updating the commission on this uh we spoke about the library and make sure that they're up to you know up to up to speed uh commissioner C wasn't up to uh kind of in lingo with what we're trying to do with the library and City Hall so he was really excited about what what we're trying to do with the city he wanted to know about sunet place of course because everybody always ask us about that so gave him some updates on that we spoke about the green Corridor there's a uh some legislation that the green Corridor with the Latin Builders Association will do be doing some cool uh and choosing some people to go do some installations of whether it's uh uh new roofs uh new windows Etc so we're working on getting some people in our community to be participants in this particular program so I'm excited about that I also spoke to him about the lam Trail and where they are in the progress right now I know we touch we touched the loveam trail at 64 Street which is one of the spots I think we touch it but I need to verify that and we also spoke about the annexation process so that's why I was asking the city manager on that so he's up to speed we talked about legis the the uh mitigation fees if any and Etc so just letting you guys know that that that's what IAL spoke about with commissioner C thank you any questions of our colleague okay just by uh um quick debrief ju Mr manager can we get an update on the status of our septic distort procurement for Bas K and now that we have um hopefully knock on wood if we all behave another million and a half in the budget to uh expand that project uh whether you can get us feedback on whether the contractor or the respondents whoever we awarded to will expand their scope to include the extra money to continue that work if we can mobilize into the same contract if that's permitted legally um on the advice of council okay yeah mayor and from a update standpoint as as I mentioned previously we've had four proposals uh we're currently uh doing the due diligence on uh the proposers and and and the cost items and we had an internal meeting to discuss several things obviously there's a Delta between the the proposer the lowest bid and we're looking at at experience uh for that proposer um there's a Delta between one and two of a million dollars and then the other two were at 8 million and 8 million um so um we're trying to get through some due diligence I just want to ensure that whomever we uh partner with has the uh the ability to deliver on on a sewer project and and certainly but the cost standpoint is is a little bit of a challenge obviously if if we were to go to number two so we're in the process of trying to fin finalize that review okay um I I just we we need to we do have a timeline on that money so I just like to understand where we are what the issues are so we can just get them out on the table try to solve for them and Advance the project um you know I think at some level at some point we we're going to have to make a decision about what we're going to do to either spend additional dollars to take advantage of the State dollars that we've gotten but I just don't want to stay kind of you know in in neutral uh on that issue because um you know we we have made commitments we've gotten additional monies we need to mushed those projects down the line to kind of preserve our ability to get additional dollars um in future years and we've been we've been very fortunate think the last two years to have a good amount of success you know procuring you know over $5 million in commitments to um to to deal with some critical infrastructure needs so if you can get us a report if there's some action that we need to take I'd just like to get that on the next agenda um I wanted to share again I think Sam mentioned we we had a good ear in tasse went 444 on our project request thank you to all of you for your work on that item um Mr manager I had a conversation today with Meg Dy about the underline and she's interested in having a conversation about possibly how we can jointly design or modify the activity center that they have to take advantage of the the prospect of you know a relocated Gene woodis Park so it would be great to get a meeting on the books with her and maybe pler if they're helping us with that task to see how we can concept reconceptualize that opportunity with them together and maybe take advantage of some of their design resources to actually get some Concepts out there that when we push out an RFP possibly later this year it can be informed by that Collective thinking and then last I just want to share with the board I'm going to be meeting with commissioner Regal on Friday to talk about a bunch of City priorities and Joint opportunities if there's anything that you all would like me to address with her just wanted to let you know that please um you know maybe through the clerk um send us um thoughts I mean certainly we're going to take up um seic toour will take up the ability to pursue some County funding whether through grants or possibly re uh pursuing the creation of UC with her support for our town center and uh portions of the Tod that can address you know not only funding to fix the physical infrastructure of Our Town Center but also I think to some of the issues you've raised commissioner Cay uh make sure that we have adequate uh water and sewer infrastructure water we're probably very good on but on sewer we probably need some more uh capacity to meet future growth needs um and also improve the aesthetic certainly on my list of the South Miami Metro Rail station so uh any thoughts you know uh Council if you can advise us on the best way for them to communicate those priorities to me without violating the sunshine uh I'd like to be able to kind of put together a list forther or actually you can communicate to the manager he'll be going with me on Friday so please share your thoughts with the manager about what You' like us to discuss so we don't run a foul of uh the Sunshine Sunshine Law and we'll take those concerns to her and make sure that they're we're working with her to address them as our as our district commissioner um with that seeing no further business in front of the council uh yes sir did you cover uh item uh the item regarding the league of cities did not yeah no uh actually I texted her as well she she confirmed she's she's good with it she's good with it she she'd like to be reappointed yes okay so with that is there a motion on item eight eight with a modification that uh the vice mayor as the alterate ctor is there a second I'll second it if not okay so a motion by commissioner lean a second by the by myself Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner lemman yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Kay yes mayor Fernandez yes I don't passes Z by the way just by as an informational Point you're all welcome to participate those meetings it's just for formal voting matters we want to make sure we have a a director and an alternate so with that seeing no further business for this commission We Stand adjourn thank you e e e e e e e e e e e