##VIDEO ID:VNnE-6n3NPY## [Music] [Music] [Music] Mii business recently participa in their first Ann hallowe decorating contest past few weeks our local businesses have truly shown their creativity and Community sphere transforming their storefronts with Incredible Halloween displays uh Garcia nebit chocolate here if you go in there you're guaranteed to buy chocolate it's fantastic uh hand and stone massage and facial La pza Max cycle to get your bicycles subbies best subs in town stretch Zone Sushi Maki right down the street and our great Sunset Inn we encourage everyone to visit these businesses enjoy the remarkable displ so after considering all the judging I want to declare the one winner for this year's Halloween festivities and without further Ado drum roll congratulations to sunset in for winning this year's nice Fant while they're walking up here there was a second and a third place so second place I want to say congratulations to and then third place sushim Maki go ahead and visit their scor and their food it's amazing thank you so much for being out [Music] here so with that that concludes our video thank you to all the businesses that participated this year and we hope to make it bigger and better next year so again congratulations to Sunset and mred thank you thank you thank you and and and thank you so much and Andy Andy before you speak I just wanted to say uh congratulations I I I don't know if your costume was supposed to be scary it was but but you definitely won was the most pathetic Shaggy of all time I want you to know but but I want to thank you I thought it was a wonderful contest it really created a lot of uh camaraderie within our company my daughter Naomi kind of spearheaded it for us without her I don't think we would have done this at all quite frankly but it was a lot of fun we had a great time and uh and and I urge all the other businesses in the community to participate next Year we're putting up a beautiful in the process this week a beautiful Christmas display hopefully other businesses will join us in doing that but thank you very much for the award appreciate it thank you oh Andy before you go we'd like to take a photo with you and give you your award I know the trophy's coming home with me I did all the work Co thank you very much and Sam thank you as always for the creativity and and everything that you bring to the city um moving on to the next item um that is going to be the recognition of um uh of Midtown opportunities and Baptist Hospital uh Chief you'd like to introduce this item good evening honorable mayor vice mayor Commissioners and residents today we have the privilege of recognizing two exceptional sponsors Baptist Health uh South Miami Hospital and Midtown opportunities for their incredible support in funding shelter beds for those in need these shelter beds represent a Lifeline for some of the most vulnerable members of our community providing them not just a safe place to rest but a foundation for re rebuilding their lives this support goes far beyond the financial assistance it Bridges the gap between hardship and opportunity creating Pathways to stability dignity and hope it reminds us all that change happens when we come together not just with resources but with shared commitment to caring for one another on behalf of the city of South Miami we thank you for your support in making our city a place of pleasant living thank you very much and oh if you guys could if you guys could stay up we actually will be um also giving you an item too but uh I I did want to mention uh to provide a a little bit more context as well um we had these beds prior and the cost of the beds went up significantly we were very concerned but our sponsors stuck with us and this is so such an important part of our programming to address uh uh homelessness without it we really have no tools to begin the process of getting people into permanent Supportive Housing you guys have been such great Partners in this initiative and we're so appreciative that despite the cost increases you stuck with us so thank you you don't mind taking a photo e and our last item for presentation tonight the uh via Transportation update and I believe we have a representative from there or uh city manager are you taking this one or yeah vice mayor I'll just Tee It Up and we certainly have uh two representative from via Juliana Diz and Mike Vino um and um on August 20th this commission approved an an award uh to uh via uh for the on demand Mobility Services since then we've been discussing um how to roll out that program and so today really is just informational in nature is just to share with you and give you an update on um how the program would work just so you're aware because obviously there'll be questions when this gets rolled out we still need to uh solidify uh deployment date uh because we have to transition from from one service provider to another so today again it's informational nature just to share with you a little bit about how the program would work based on conversation that we've had uh I know the mayor is is online and has also participated in that conversation uh so uh we have uh Juliana Dez from from be that will take us through a brief presentation I'd be happy to answer any questions and and or any comments you know from the commissioner or the mayor all right good evening uh Commissioners good evening everybody here Mr Mayor uh my name is Juliana diis from via I'm with here with my colleague Mike uh happy to talk a bit about what um we have here on the on the men service that we've been working with um the manager to fine tune um so basically where are we in this process we've come a long way um we went through an RFP process which was awarded to Via in August the objectives of today is basically more informational to share a bit more the service overview uh and the details of how it would really work prior to the launch which would be earlier in next year so as a bit of a background met metroconnect is a highly successful microtransit service that we have with the Miami dat County that has launched since the 2020 uh basically metroconnect covers 11 zones uh in the Miami area it's uh service M Transit uh on an on demand so it runs on an app base um the idea is that when South Miami is able to partner with Metro connect the city then is able to tap into this Mobility ecosystem that is already connecting 100,000 plus miamians to South Miami so the current um service I think in the area that we zoomed in here is dland north and Dand South uh that covers the South Miami Zone um and basically the existing service provided already by the county runs on those schedules that we have there from Monday to Friday 6:30 to 7 and then Saturday 8 to 8 and Sunday 8 to5 that is covered with 12 vehicles and with waiting times around 15 to the P speak hour 20 minutes um the idea here is that we're complimenting the existing um service that is offered by the county with a dedicated Fleet that Fleet uh allows the city of South Miami to basically tailor the service hours and boundaries so then really service and meet its needs um basically what we have been discussing um and we've laid out is a service that runs mostly on late weekend and late hours of the day so we'll be focused on Thursday to Friday from noon to 11: same thing on Saturdays and then Sunday from noon to 8:30 this time basically allows and the idea here was to create a one larger extended South Miami Zone uh which covers the entirety of South Miami and also extends into bordering uh North Pine Crest um the idea here basically is to attract an inflow of riders into South Miami into the Town Center uh and basically have the South Miami be a connectivity Hub um ex connecting between also the kind of two datem zones this uh exclusive this dedicated Fleet alongside the Metro connect uh service really helps H enhance the Metro the existing Metro connect Service as well in the South Miami area again this is all has a lot of flexibility and the idea we can adjust this as the service evolves and as the delivery goes we can um play a bit more with the hours or with the boundaries but basically this is the the discussions we've had so far with Mr Mayor and mat um basically with this uh combined service between Metro connect and the Metro connect in South Miami area basically we are going to have lots of options to serve the residents and the folks here in South Miami uh basically in the extended Red Zone you would have all the times that are the times that we have been discussing so the late extended hours but then you also have this connectivity that goes into um Dand North and also into um uh Dand South South so in any of these areas in South Miami you can ride into these Dayland zones at the in the combination of the day the Metro connect um service hours plus the South Miami Metro connect service hour so that's the schedule you have there so you'd have Monday to Wednesday kind of good coverage of the day and then Thursday Thursday to Friday not only the Metro connect but complemented by the metro connects of Miami and then Saturday and Sunday the extended hours and then this is kind of what it looks like in the end and you will also be able to receive an inflow uh of people into South Miami on the Metro connect dland hours so during the weekdays and um um part of the weekends hopefully this makes sense uh to everybody um and happy to continue the discussions thank you thank you so much for the presentation uh colleagues any questions Mr Vice May if I could just briefly yes um just to provide some more context again you know we've talked about the service and and wanting to see how we could leverage um the benefit of being in one of metroconnect sub zones I think this this proposal does a fairly good job of that as a first cut we'll see how it works but the goal here is to um take advantage of the fact that the county is investing heavily uh in our service footprint and then looking at our incremental dollars as a way to kind of bring more patrons to Our Town Center to support you know our existing businesses which uh desperately needed and reduce um the friction that we hope will develop as as more projects begin to come online in our town center over the next few years so that that's was the overriding kind of goal of what's in front of you and love to hear your feedback thank you thank you Mr Mayor uh I believe uh uh commissioner bich also had a a question yes so if I understand this correctly then we're using the Metro connect as it exists during the day and our part of it will kick in noon to 11: so if we have someone trying to do it I don't know if we're going to have an app for ourselves I'm not really sure how that's going to work because I don't know if that we're there yet but supposing that we are will it be like two separate apps will the city be using the metr Connect app like how's that going to work great question so um the idea and today if you you the writers have to download the Metro Connect app and then the South Miami Zone would serve would be showcased within the metr Connect app alongside all the other Metro connect uh service zones that we have coverage okay and then one more thing I I've I I've taken metr connect so I kind of know how it works um when I you know log in to take Metro connect right now I have to usually like walk a couple of blocks to get to a car MH is that going to be the case when they're using our part of the app from noon to 11: they're going to have to walk blocks to try and find this car correct um uh via service is a corner to corner so it may be that you are requested to walk a block let's say um it's only door too if we're serving a wheelchair access okay and when you say corner to corner I'm just trying to understand because when I used it like I one time it did it ended up at the corner of my house just I guess cuz that's where the corner was but another time I live I don't know like four blocks from Palmer Park but it was telling me how to walk to Palmer Park to get the Metro conect because that's where they like all meet up merge exactly so then I think it would be good for us to understand moving forward how many blocks we're expecting people to walk because like are we expecting seniors to walk these four blocks like how are we going to kind of play with that because right now it shows up where you want it to show up well when it shows up but um that's true um but but we'd have to see how we could make that work for our older residents as well Mr vice mayor if I could just jump in here on that point because it's an excellent one by the by commissioner bonich I think it's oh yes sorry yes yes Absol no no problem just want to be recognized so uh just on that point uh commissioner uh you're 100% right what we have we have done a number of uh training sessions with via and um Transit Miami or sorry not um gosh I'm butchering the transit Alliance excuse me to help people understand how to use Metro connect and how they can access the service in the case of seniors the information we've been providing so they can avoid having to kind of walk the block or two blocks to access serviceing get Point too service we've been asking them to connect the um the function showing them as U you know U handicaps that's been kind of the operating instructions they've been getting so they can actually get picked up uh at their building and taken point to point to the their their destination so that's functionally that's how we're addressing that issue thank you thank you and and just to uh compliment I think the the main idea of the corner to corner is that efficient for the whole system because or else you because it's a ride shared if you have to be picking up more people and it may be a lot of um uh detours that you don't want to do that so that the idea that's the corner to corner thinking is optimizing um um the experience in right thank you thank you thank you so much for coming tonight we look forward to further developing uh the the program oh my apologies commissioner Cay so far away now quick question um what is the capacity of the cars right now currently so uh here we're going to have Teslas um four yes so I'll repeat that in the microphone so uh the Tesla have a capacity of four passengers the Metro connect um which is not the Tesla is up to six passengers so are we are we doing the corner or the end to end on all cars or is it just the six passenger cars versus four it's the differentiation of the end to end has is not related to the car itself it's related to um the passenger um request eligibility just curious I mean I I don't know how the efficiencies would be versus Corner versus point to point when you only have four people per car in a in a I'm not really trying to I'm trying to understand what the efficiencies would be there on walking and all that stuff maybe we don't have to go through it now it's just something I you know maybe we can talk about because we can study that I don't I don't think B difference here and I think we can maybe come back with a bit more details to share that all right thank you very much again all right thank you and uh as we move on to the add-ons I just wanted to address some CLE clean up items here um I'll be deferring my discussion item M3 which I don't believe requires to vote so we'll just go ahead and do that um commissioner bonich I believe it was your desire to defer resolution 10 okay uh do we have a motion to defer resolution 10 I I'll move it I'll second all right uh thank you and um if we could call the vote um um Madam city clerk yes sorry commissioner bonish yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Cen yep vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes item Mr the next wonderful thank you and then we do um have to have a motion to um add add-on item F1 um which we will have to read before item 14 um can I have a motion to move that okay I'll second all right great and um would you be able to call the role please Madam City yes um commission bonish yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Cay yes Vice man Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes is added to the agenda to item 14 all right wonderful thank you very much and then uh next up is just the approval of the minutes um of November 4th and November 18th could I please have a motion to approve those minutes move so moved all right great uh second so um Mr vice mayor I I don't I wasn't here so do oh so you defer um yeah or sorry abstain sorry abstain sorry defer yeah abstain okay deferring yes very very sorry all right commissioner Cay yes commissioner bonish holy moly we're all over the p yeah yes yes yes mayor Fernandez yes all right wonderful thank you so much and uh city manager um it's time for your report yeah Madam Deputy will provide the report good evening so a report on our community center is officially a 7-Day operation we're now open Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the events side we have a ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow at South Miami park at 5:30 p.m. and soccer programming will resume at that park on Thursday December 12th we have a movie night Friday December 13th at vice mayor Robert C Welsh Park a toy giveaway on Saturday that is a resident only events at the community center from 11: to 1 and then that same night on the 14th we have SOI second Saturdays from 5: to 10 with an NOA theme an annexation update a second communication was sent to the area resid with a December 16th deadline we still have 57 responses in favor 64 against so a minimum of 133 are needed in order to move on um in the process so at the next commission meeting I'll give an update after those letters were sent and finally I'm happy to report that the residential F uh parking program that was passed by the commission is officially live so we will be putting together a social media and mailer uh informational piece for residents um but for now you can find information on our City website under the parking section so that residents can pay $150 an hour which is half off that's the end of the manager's report wonderful thank you and uh uh Madam City attorney do you have anything to report uh yes good evening everyone tonight we have an informational report we we received various inquiries about the city establishing a charter review process a comprehensive process currently we do not have that in the charter of the code we do it item by item as we did this year with various resolutions uh but many cities do engage in a periodic Charter review process every five every 10 years if it's the will of the commission we could establish a process and a committee that would be appointed by this commission to review and study the charter and make recommendations eventually that would lead to a report with their written recommendations on areas of the charter that need either updating revisions or amendments and then the commission could consider those those recommendations to the Charter at that point then they would be adopted according to the normal review process or the adoption process for Charter amendments and so if it is the will of the commission tonight we could you could direct us to prepare a resolution and bring that back at the next meeting where we would establish this process we would establish the committee the committee would be an ad hoc Committee of the manager it would have recommending powers only it would also be subject to Sunshine and they would have public meetings in order to gather input from members of the public and the community it's your Direction please I'd like to offer the direction before we do so mayor I have a question yes um do if there's any Charter changes does it need to be approved by the by the AR by the City by vote by City vote Yes eventually any Charter amendment that is recommended by the committee and is adopted by this commission would need to go to the voters and the usual process that we follow so mayor if if we're going to go ahead and do this there's a list of 20 items that we feel need to change putting 20 items on a ballot would be very complicated or do we split that up if it's 20 as a number we split that every every year four items per valid it seems convoluted to do that I mean I understand that we need a chart we should definitely do it I'm just trying to see the execution to actually correct it is not that easy right we have to go to the public mam City attorney if I get to ask a question just to piggyback on commissioner Kaya's question which is my sense is we could we could have a a complete Charter overhaul that's published and and done as one instrument or we can break it up into pieces as he suggested we we retain that option after we get the feedback from the committee we imp panel is that correct yeah yes that's correct mayor um you could do at peac meal or you could amend essentially and restate the entire Charter and do a complete overhaul as the mayor mentioned or you could do it you know in pieces and a little bit each time Madam attorney so just so I understand that we do amend the whole thing does that go to the public yes it all goes to the public how is that how is that how is that applied or how is that communicated to the public that we modified the whole chart like how would they go about going and understanding all the changes modifications well there would be a document it would be an amended and restated Charter that would have the changes and that would be available to the public and we could identify in the questions that this is a comprehensive overhaul of the charter and we could identify key Provisions that are being amended and other cities have gone through this I believe um City of Homestead did that some years ago uh North Bay Village may have done it as well Miami Springs in that fashion and I did some research I think the last version of the charter that was adopted by special Act of the legislature was 1953 so the charter that you're looking at today the base of that document is a 1953 document that has been amended as needed over the years mayor I agree with you I think we need to do this I just we just to make sure that we communicate to the public would specifically what changes are recommended by by the team and again through the vice May if I may I mean commissioner guy I agree 100% I just I think um last year was an instructive year where we a lot we wanted to do and had to go to the voters multiple times which I'm happy to do but it was rather inefficient it's somewhat confusing and I think we could do a better job of managing the communication once we figure out what kind of changes we want to make and whether we do that in whole or in part I'm open to um either approach yeah and uh thank you and I and I definitely think it's a it's a good idea having obviously been up here for the four or five years we've been running into these issues and instead of being proactive about them we're reactive and it wastes time and loses opportunity so I do think that this is a good proactive measure does everyone on the commission agree that we want to give this direction I do oh sorry absolutely commissioner bonich you're recognized um rather than impaneling a whole new group would it be more efficient to find a group that we already have put together and tap them to do this you could you could appoint whoever the commission Wills to this committee it could be people that are already serving on boards or committees um but it really should be a special Committee created just for that purpose that meets for that purpose of revising and studying the charter okay so it does appear as if everybody is in favor so unless anyone's opposed we'll give the dire ction to the uh City attorney to begin working on that yes we will thank you thank you very much um all right so we uh will move on to public remarks um I do have my list here and we will go online I just wanted to reiterate if you are here to discuss any of the zoning items there are public hearings on those later so if I do call your name for that some of you have put those as as uh subjects here um if you don't mind holding your comments till those items come up um that would be great just so that we can we can get to that portion of the meeting um so we'll start with uh Jennifer Hernandez and Anthony Ferguson I believe you guys might want to come and speak together on this item sorry it took so long kids we did our best good evening my name is Jennifer Hernandez and I am truly proud to be here tonight to share a truly special moment it is my honor to introduce the Ferguson family who are deeply grateful for the unwavering support of the city of South Miami and 2021 the Fergusons were experiencing homelessness Mr Rodney Napier yeah okay oh man he's not here answered their call for help and went above and beyond to connect them to the proper resources as part of that process he brought them to the library where I had the privilege of meeting the boys at this time I was a librarian at the South Miami library next door and I devoted time to finding the family assistance this past year the Fergusons were living in the Chapman South shelter but just this month thanks to the incredible support of the city of South Miami and vice mayor Brian Corey they have finally achieved permanent housing and a place to call home personally helping this family and especially these wonderful kids find stability has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my librarianship career it truly feels like the best Christmas gift of all and I'm grateful to be here to celebrate this moment with all of you I also want to take a moment to acknowledge Mr Ferguson who has has been an excellent father from the very start his unwavering dedication and love for his children has been nothing short of inspiring it's rare to witness the level of compassion and commitment that the city of South Miami commission and City officials have shown for this family and for that we are profoundly grateful I want to give a speci special thank you to commissioner Brian Corey or vice mayor Brian Corey and officer Rodney Napier without their support and tireless efforts we wouldn't be where we are today their dedication made all the difference in helping the Ferguson family achieve this incredible Milestone tonight we have a highlight video to share with you and Mr Ferguson and the kids would like to say a few few words as well thank you for your efforts and support and you can rest assured that this family now has a brighter more stable future thank you everyone for making such a meaningful difference in their lives I'm going to pull up the video just give me one second Pur for Mr Ferguson would you like to say a few words while we work through the technical difficulties yes sir sir hello good night how everybody doing tonight well I like to share a part of a story with y'all about how I became part of South the city of South Miami well I was living over here in the townhous was down here and I was St with family member and I left came back home it was a vision not on the door so as you know what I'm saying when I get home I see the vision not I take the vision no off the door take it in the house and wait for somebody come home so when I when family member get home I give them the vision notice and when they get the VIS to see what was going on so now my decision was is what I was going to do with me and my kids from deeping out this department from where I was standing with my family so I got my stuff up I went on side of the road and end up calling sou M police station and one of the officers gave me some help with Mr offic um Rodney p and he gave me a call back and asked me do I know where the library was and I told him yes sir so I came down to the library and when I came to the library I met Mr Jennifer Hernandez so we got down there and from there on they helped me out and then like I said Miss Garcia she came down here miss C vice mayor Cory Bryan Ro Mr offic Ro p m Jennifer Lopez all them came to my rescued and help me out and I appreciated all that there what they did for me and now the good part about it that I went through the storm and made it through the storm but I have to get blowed away with me and my kids and when I got to the end of I went to a shelter and as I went down to the shelter I stayed down there like a in the shelter and you know they took me back and forth through the road by trying to get me in out of there to where I need to go at you know it was rough in there too but like I say thanks to miss Vice May Cory Bryan he made a phone call for me and everything happened for me and this what came out the deal right here [Applause] me a boy we can't complain about it this been going on since 2021 and they still been with us since 2021 never depart from let God take like my second family thank you thank you so much Mr Ferguson I can't think of a better story coming into the holidays yes if You' like to say a word uh I don't know uh Jennifer you think the video is a possibility or okay I thank you for Miss Leana Garcia um Miss Jennifer um herandez I thank you for um Mr Co Bryant I thank you for a miss a Nill uh I appreciate the help that y'all give us and God help us get in our apartment God love us all of [Applause] us go for school way way thank you guys very much I I really appreciate it thank you thank you and have a have a happy holiday all right yeah we'll come back to if we're able to get that video going so from the um other people who are signed up right now I see quite a few have zoning in the topic I do see one n Cleland uh is is are you planning to speak on an item that is an ordinance tonight that is a public item or okay so come on up then it's going to be kind of hard to follow those kids I don't know uh my name is no Cleveland I'm my residence is 5994 Southwest 50th Street and I serve on the green task force committee here so I thank you for doing that and and uh we're here to be able to help you in any of the time you need extra resources to study problems um what I came here to ask you about is topic that you're probably aware of and that is uh the county is trying to deal with how do we replace the incinerator for the county it affects the city of South Miami because you have a trucking fee that that has to get more the garbage from South Mi to wherever it's going to be uh the county has been trying to decide the site selection process since the summer uh last week it was deferred again until February uh so far city of cores and the City of Miami have passed a resolution supporting the idea of of getting the county to consider something other than ceration there is something called zero waste initiatives which means we can we can solve our our waste problem without having to put everything in a landfill and also without having to burn it burning our trash does not make the trash go away it makes toxic emissions coming out of the Smoke Stack and we create toxic Ash so it does reduce the volume but it doesn't make our trash go away so it's important that we start figuring out how how to have a better solution for our trash than just burning it or throwing it away so that's that's what we've been asking the cities to to consider uh and i' like to to the South city of South Miami to also include that as as one of the resolutions that you'd be willing to pass have any questions I got two questions M um one what if we would pass a resolution for something like that do we know of any other solutions that are viable I mean what would be the process of going not only providing a resolution for it to the county helping them make a decision which is going to be difficult as it is anyway um but what what is it that we can recommend some ideas and and secondly I guess this is a two-prong approach can you speak a little bit more about the green task force what you guys are doing and if this is a mission statement that we can ask the green task force to look into for us is that something that is is viable here uh possibly I mean the real purpose in my mind for the city city be able to tell the county what to do right I mean that's that's a given um but what we can ask the county to do is to take into consideration the city of South Miami when you're making this site selection and make make it for a future because the S the site selection is going to affect where our trash goes for the next 30 Years um there hasn't been been a new incinerator built in the country since 1995 State of Florida has more incinerators than any other state in the nation right now now all the rest of the states have been have been decommissioning their their incinerators West Palm Beach uh re refurbished an incinerator several years ago and now Miami is considering uh building a new one so conceivably sometime in the future when our kids get older we're going to be the only incineration in the country uh so it's a it's an idea who's passed we tried it for for decades and uh the rest of the country has moved away from that so as far as what the the alternatives are I think it's probably overstepping the the purpose to try to be able to tell the county here's what we want you to do with our garbage but what we want them to do is go back and take a look at what other cities City of Austin uh it's it's a metropolitan area that's similar in size to Miami day they have about three million in their in their uh extended region they have implemented what's called a zero waste strategy it has to do with rethinking how you how you uh handle your your waist in the verse SP there's even a Florida statute that takes into consideration um Demolition and construction debris it's supposed to be recycled uh food composting is an incredible uh waste stream that's part of our our trash right now we don't do anything to sort it out it represents about 30% uh the schools themselves are trying to look at how the school board can Implement food composting in the schools which represents about 40% of their waist stream because kids don't eat all their all their lunches um you start incorporating restaurants hotels grocery stores there's a lot of food that can be be diverted it doesn't have to go to a Landfield it can be composted there's other Alternatives that instead of trying to Source separate it out there's a single single site selection and then it's uses some of these very fancy uh sorting systems that will sort it after it's collected so we could eliminate uh separate recycling within the the county and go to a single single Source method for for sorting so there's plenty of ideas Santa Barbara has implemented one of these single Source uh sorting me mechanisms so my point is that I don't think there's a real need for us to be able to tell the county what to do but to just be able to to open their eyes consider other opportunities and then go from there thank you thank you very much and we always appreciate any advice coming from our boards and we'll take it into consideration any resolutions that we that we sent to the county yeah I gave I gave mayor Fernandez a copy of the resolution that cor had so we can use that as a model if you'd like to thank you thank you very much appreciate it um so um if if there are anyone on Zoom who is not also speaking to the zoning items that have public hearing later on oh someone in the audience somewhat uh familiar to all of us commissioner commissioner leedman come on down I didn't see your your name in here though sorry a name and address please sorry I was late today I couldn't find a parking spot I I almost tripped on Shaggy's uh shaggi's trophy it's a little intimidating here I I was going to ask Mr Webster to put some time on on the clock don't worry I'm going to be very quick I actually just came to welcome all of you uh for all of you at home and in the audience that do not know this is a brand new commission I am super proud of this Commission because maybe you don't know this is well but every single person in that commission has a young family and that certainly represents a demographic that we want to attract here so never said this before but I'm so happy that you're represented by uh by everyone in this commission I also want to thank the city for being Uber classy with me on my way out I I heard you were happy to do it no I'm just uh I'm just kidding really it it it it made me very appreciative as a uh commissioner I may be very proud as a resident and to that point I said to uh Shaggy Mr C was sitting next to me as we were watching your Uber impressive presentation the Ferguson family and by the way you're doing God's work uh vice mayor Corey I leaned over to um Andy cge and I said this city has come a long way and he said boy is that the UN understatement of the decade so it's great to sit it back there and um I wanted to uh welcome our newest commissioner commissioner Danny Rodriguez and ask all our V veterans because that's what you all are now you're all veterans not to hazing too much but um we're all really looking forward to uh to your progress and then lastly I know you're curious the view is much better from the audience all right good night thank you thank you all for your service thank you love you thank you thank you thank you very much appreciate it all right so um uh with that I'd like to just open up to uh Zoom if there's anybody on Zoom who would like to make a public comment before we close the public comment section please raise your virtual hand if you would like to speak on Zoom no one all right wonderful we'll uh defer commission reports at the end of the meeting uh and move into the discussion items uh we have M1 the municipal parking garage artwork um I don't know if we have Mr Maharis here or were you going to open that up yes vice mayor uh thank you yeah Mr miadas is here um as you recall uh previously there was an item that came before you uh and you already had directed me to execute a contract the one caveat was that uh you wanted to see some options as it relates to potential um the artwork that may uh be used for our parking garage and so in your agenda packet there are three options that are provided by Mr madz and he's certainly here to be able to answer questions but you had asked for this to come back to you um and that would be the final piece before we finalize an agreement to execute on um the garage and and wrapping the garage with artwork and and certainly try to light that up and and um I think it would be a focal point of our community so I said Mr miadas is here and certainly he can come to the podium and answer any questions that you may have wonderful welcome you sir good good good did anybody have questions of Alex and uh any uh uh direction for the city manag I I have one question Mr Vice May what it's appropriate uh yes absolutely go ahead just just quickly to the manager and Mr madis thank you again for the time you spent on this I mean I'm I'm ready to apply on one of the three options but as a followup just just curious are we going to see a mockup of what the actual mural would look like so we can also see not Beyond just the aesthetic what the actual layout would be on the on the garage um well yeah so though since we were going to be doing the big portion of the thing in a wrap um I would create the artwork first and you know you'll be able to see that and if everything is good and everything is green lit then we take the high-risk photograph send it to the rap company and then they wrap and then as far as the other side part of the garage we had talked about maybe doing that with some of the local schools and kids um that we would basically kind of like Freestyle uh using the same colors palette that we're using on the outside the rap and to incorporate both so they look like they were done the you know as the same thing okay I think that answers my question thank you very much problem and commissioner bonich I think you also oh I'm so sorry is that all right if go ahead um vice mayor um to the city manager I know uh the mayor just said that we had three selections but I believe you and me reviewed the fourth option the blue option so the the the the image that I had showed you since you weren't part of that meeting was was the original two options that Mr miadas had provided um that had there was a green option and a blue option subsequent to that uh the commission wanted to see some additional options and so the three that are on your agenda are additional are additional for your consideration okay yeah we had um originally I had done just showed some existing artworks and then in like Photoshop we just kind of changed the color to give a couple options uh but after the meeting on site with many of you um we decided that may maybe some more color or two different options or three different options so it's a matter of what you guys like commissioner nich I I just wanted to kind of kick off and tell you guys what I would prefer and the reasons why I when I look at the different options option A seems like the most solid option to me which one which one a the first one and that's because when you have something that's more monochromatic at a distance I think it becomes more difficult to read when you have the different colors it stays as cryp as crisp an image of close and further away so when I look at this that's what I see and then when the artist is doing whatever the version of the freestyle is at the entrance to the garage I think it gives them more freedom to play when they have something like option A which one do you guys have as option A it's a Goa that's what I was thinking as well can we can we share the image on the screen if possible Mr [Music] manager no we didn't we didn't have them as separate items uh images if you will we just had the agenda packet do do you want me to send you a text message of what I'm seeing mayor if you go in the uh the link no I think I think we're talking about the one that's uh blue white and orange is that or or some and then we would also uh as mentioned just to kind of um towards the top sections of the columns we'll go ahead and since it's going to be like a wrap we can go ahead and incorporate the new logo that you guys want to use for the town center and then we can kind of digitally add like kind of like a shadow behind it so it'll darken the colors around that logo and it'll make the Logo Pop more and after walking all the restaurants on the opposite side of 702 it would be very very visible from all those places all right so are we all uh fans of option A then give that as direction to city manager and artist I I texted the mayor option A say Okay mayor I texted I've got it I I'm fine with option A or or C uh for the group better for the group I mean I I just what my only my only caveat on option A was the integration of the logo the extent that we're going to advance that um how that would how that would play with this color scheme to me not being a creative person it was more obvious how our potential Bird on a perch could very neatly fit in with option C but I do like option a um less inclined to support option b but either a orc is fine with me um right so in the option I I don't know if we if we have it in the blue one if you look at the color scheme the color scheme actually matches the street signs so the blue one it's bright I I initially like the mayor liked option C uh but after reviewing with the city manager it's dark so if we're driving on Sunset and you want to see where the where the parking garage is we need something that's going to catch your eye so I initially like C because of the color scheme um but I think it's it's it's a little bit on the dark side so for me um that's the only reason I wouldn't do that the blue one I mean a is is is is fine with me I I thought it was um you know it was very busy the other one seemed a little simpler but I'm I'm willing to go if we can show we don't have the the blue one initially here but it's it matches a lot of the colors of the city and it matches like I said the the street signs just if I could say one thing um all the colors and all the options are actually really really bright it's just that the photo quality where they were shot some of them were darker it's the same color so the same blue that you see there is the same blue on the initial like just like Photoshop thing that we did we basically just switched green to blue um but all the colors are kind of like what you see like at they're very very bright okay yeah I I guess I would ask you're the artist what what oh there it is so did you see it yeah then so as the artist what do you recommend I personally think doing like option b which is you know we can kind of you know pick like let's say one or two colors where we make it a little bit stronger or the same thing with option C which is the all green one you know where it's just a little bit more uniform and it'll actually look like the like the trees you have growing it'll just be artistic version of that which will also look very clean so it's just a matter of does the city want like something really really bright or something just kind of different shades of one color to kind of just make it feel very uniform and by doing this you know if let's say the two columns come out great and then we do that inside uh parking lot you know we might say you know what let's add this in other parts and it'll kind of feel like Vines growing all over the you you know the Town Center like that yeah I like that it it'll it this will be like that style like option C would be a lot better to kind of roll it around if we want future projects where they all match and it's just the same color same everything um so if it was me I personally like that option C okay you guys don't feel that looks like the Incredible Hulk I'm sorry but like I keep seeing green and green and it just all looks like the incredible hul to me but we could do something like that and incorporate uh you know couple like maybe like some more yellows and maybe some oranges to give it that but where the predominant color is maybe mostly green instead of just like a mix like splatter like a shotgun of different colors that's what I would do okay thank you yes thank you and I know this is somewhat subjective it might be good for us to just kind of each give our vote and see see where we fall I am I am I'm happy with C what about you commission go with the artist recommendation C same I'm going with the artist well needless needless to say I stand opposed to all of you because I think this green one is not it and uh uh mayor did you uh you already mentioned a and C right with C I think that's U defer to the Artist as well all right well s sorry that's we'll we'll go ahead with that then thank you so much we really appreciate it all right thank you thank you I'm sorry all right we have discussion item M2 uh and I believe um uh city manager you taking this one as well yeah vice mayor um so it's that time of year where we begin to think of uh some some items that we would ultimately have this commission approve uh that we would hand over to our lobbying team from a State Legislative priority standpoint what what is included in the item are a few ideas uh these are funding requests uh for your discussion this is not all inclusive you may have some other ideas that to cover a different need um so we just wanted to prompt the conversation so we can end up with a package that we can share with our lobbying team uh for the State uh legislature uh yes I believe uh commissioner manich has a question for our city manager um the invasive tree species removal is that us following the direction that we had during that meeting with the gentleman from the county is this following those steps or is this just something completely different no it it would be part of that it's this is just a funding request but it would be to implement um whatever part would would end up with us that we would have to fund that is not covered by some other program as as we discussed if the state can handle maybe the let's say the maluca the Brazilian pepper if we can get them to do that anything that's not covered by an outs outside Source we would use these funds to cover our portion of any of the uh removal invasive removal yes as per the conversation with the the county representative thank you were there any more uh uh questions from the commission yeah are we I'm sorry are we GNA add or go through this again to see if there's anything we wanted to add welli talk this is what you know you you could add if there's some things one of the things that maybe I can bring up to the commission is the we we've been talking about this for a while is the Canal beautification cleanup and activation maybe this is something that we can start looking into as well I know there's been other examples of the State uh providing Appropriations to do so maybe there's an opportunity for us to do so as well I don't know what you guys think about it you you guys both are close to Canal so I don't know what you guys think about that I I I I agree with you on that we that's something that we need to focus on because we have with that yeah some of some of the canals that we have and it and it does present some it presents some opportunities for us to have some micro parks in some of the open areas which obviously we're just running out of space for that so that would create more opportunities for us to potentially do that as well um yeah I'd be fine with us adding that I I'm impartial I I think not going to f with the alligators that's what I was going to say I'm like I'm more worried about the Gators than I am the the park things so and but I I mean if that's if you guys are interested in that then I I don't have a problem with that at all and then I can I can I suggest that we move to table this item to our just first meeting in January um hopefully after we have a discussion on S or a second meeting in January after we have a discussion about selecting a team we can maybe have some dialogue with um our representation and figure out what are the things you should think about prioritizing given whatever is the flavor of the wean Tallahassee absolutely uh uh city manager is there uh time constraint on this item no I mean obviously we want to have this dialogue going because because you know you're going to you end up with committee starting and and and the more time you give you know our lobbying team time to work but certainly we can bring it back and and have that conversation and be better influenced and and informed by by our team as the mayor mentioned you know what would be maybe some of the priorities that tah has is signaling for the next session perfect and does this need to be voted on the the discussion item or were to okay all right great um all right great we go through to the um consent agenda um on the consent agenda I wanted to ask um of the nine items was there anything anybody wanted to pull for discussion I have to uh Vice May or commissioner B I know it's weird I'd like I'd like to talk three and seven please three and seven any other items uh we'd like to pull for discussion the got quick comment on item two Mr vice mayor if I can two two three and seven okay would uh uh oh did you want me to give you some time okay two3 and seven uh Madame city clerk would we be able to read the other right um items yes item one a resolution of the mayor City Commission of the city ass sop for approving a proposal and project agreement with family horn and Associates to provide design plans and other Professional Services in the amount of $40,000 $4,800 for improvements to the gifts and V Community Center to address air quality and moisture is issues item four a resolution of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Florida accepting and approving the Department of Justice doj safer outcomes grants in amount of $40,000 for the implementation of the integ integrating Communications assessment and tax IAT training program approving The Proposal of Police Executive Research form curve and authorizing the expend of funds in amount of $ 39,95 for IAD training facilitated Services item five a resolution of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Florida selecting and awarding a contract for construction to V engineering Corp for drainage improvements at Southwest 76 teres between Southwest 67th Avenue and Southwest 69th Avenue in amount not toce $ 33,50 together with a 13,35 contingency for a total project cost not toy $146,300 item eight a resolution ratifying the purchase of holiday decorations from the Christmas Palace LLC in amount of $1,452 item nine a resolution approving an education compact with my day County public schools for collaboration to include student achievement Community involvement Communications and Facilities substantially in a form attached here to authorizing the city manager to negotiate and enter into any necessary agreements with M Day Count public schools for educational compact thank you very much uh could I have a motion on those consent items please I'll move the motion second I'll second thank you very much and uh uh uh since there aren't any discussion if uh Madam city clerk if we could call the role on this yes commission B yes commission Rodriguez yes commission cayen yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes cons pass 5 great thank you so oh go ahead if I may I'm sorry I just want to thank and recognize Miss tabino from Mi day County Public Schools who was here for the education compact item who's working with the city on this item so thank you for supporting the item and we'll be back with further documents on that but I just wanted to thank her for being here in the audience thank you thank you so much and thank you for um catching that uh recognition um Madam city clerk could we read uh uh consent item two into the record please yes was on the mayor City Commission city of South florid approving a Construction contract with wallpark maintenance Inc for professional infield maintenance services at Palmer Park and amount not toce $4,475 contingency for a total project cost not to receive 5947 thank you and uh could I have a motion on this item before the city manager uh goes over I'll move to it I just have a question thank you all right I think that we wanted to discuss oh sorry just moving the item yeah yeah so we could talk about it not a call to question just moving the yeah I need a second did I move it I'll I'll second all right thank you thanks Mr Vice Mr vice mayor just very quickly the City attorney I just wanted to understand uh I guess there was a rejection of all the bids that were received here and then we contracted directly with ballpark maintenance and I just wanted to make sure in terms of the form of the resolution whether that was a waiver of competitive bidding or you essentially satisfi the competitive bidding requirements uh with the solicitation that was or the ITB that was discarded it's sorry to be nudge just curious yes mayor I can answer that question in the warehouse Clauses the city is waving uh purchasing requirements pursuant to our policy that we adopt with the budget thank you appreciate clarification line 38 thank you yeah if I may just from way of background uh uh why uh it resulted in this action is that the bid based on a cost estimate that we had ended up coming in four times higher than than what we anticipated it to be and and so therefore U we didn't want to spend four times the amount that we thought this project uh should should cost and therefore um went to a vendor who's done previous work um and got a quote that ended up being times lower than the the bid price so that was a reason for rejection of the bids the the the memo itself did not specify that and and it should be front and center it is in the warehouse but but U uh something that we should put in our memo front and center so would be obvious that it's a waiver of competitive bidding all right thank you and I believe I was moving the item for discussion but I I think the mayor may have moved it to approve I don't know if that means that we just need to vote on it at this point okay wonderful um Madam City cler Commissioner bonish yes commissioner rgz yes commissioner K yes vice mayor yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes that's 5 Z can I can I ask a question just for clarity are we gonna go out of order like this the whole meeting I'm just trying off the line okay so we're going this way and then back this way got you well this way with the commission and vice yes yeah this way this way and that way okay thank you and could we read uh three into the record please yes item three a resolution approving a proposal and project agreement with EAC Consulting Inc to provide additional architectural and Engineering service to update exterior Improvement plans for the southy restrooms and concessions building project in amount of $1,468 48 and then commissioner bich I believe you had a question on this I I just had a comment i' actually had discussed it with the city manager um and I understand that it doesn't make sense at this point to try to do more than make nicer what we've ended up with but ugly architecture costs the same as beautiful architecture and I think that striving to have things that even objectively or subjectively are beautiful is better than industrial looking buildings we I feel we can do better and we should I think our residents deserve it amen to that was there any additional comment here no I think that you know I agree I agree with the commission I can't vice mayor I know I I messed it up too and yeah um I think we just need to instruct you know the the our staff to look at a process so we can review this a little better sometimes maybe not us we're not all Architects but maybe go through the review process and figure out what systematically what's the best way of going that sounds like a great idea yeah because like I said everybody thinks something different is beautiful but I don't think any of us think that beautiful you don't have a Board of Architecture I know but we have suami Cabrera we do thank you so um we'll call to vote then yes commission Bon oh you keep making me first no wait we haven't made a motion oh sorry you like to can I have a motion I'll second all right you want to vote now yes commissioner bonish yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner C yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes I pass 5 and could you also read uh consent item seven into the agenda please yes a res a resolution approving the purchase of curbside recycling services from Mii day County Department of solid waste management in amount not to see $256,000 for fiscal year 2024 2025 um who would like to move this item move it just for discussion second okay absolutely I'm I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this just know that we are now facing another increase on Recycling and we need to keep front and center the conversation that we had about having some kind of dedicated if remind me if I'm saying this wrong Mr Mayor that we were going to have somebody do a dedicated pickup for us so we could understand truly what we're doing and how much we're recycling because we all know how I feel feel about throwing our money away on this Madam Madam commissioner Sor I'm getting confused with Madam vice mayor my apologies I agree I think to the to the manager we um I think that's still the desire of the commission to see if we can work with Waste Management to actually have a dedicated pickup for one round to see what our what what our base base level of recycling is uh on a bi-weekly basis currently is that something that's still in the work sir uh mayor yes unfortunately this contract that was approved by the county uh would does not come into place until April of 25 as far as the the new vendor which is Waste Management replacing the current vendor for our own um so I may not be able to do it till then uh unless say I can ask them to do something special on our behalf or a current vendor who has not agreed to do it so that's still my intent to do that I just want to make aware that they don't come online till April 25 I'm fine with April 25 just want to make sure that we that we follow up on that uh request so thank you mam thank you again commissioner bonich for reminding us you're welcome Mam and uh could we call the vote please yes commissioner bonish no commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Kay yes Vice May Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 41 thank you very much um and now we'll move on to the resolutions if we could read uh resolution 11 into the record please item 11 a resolution consenting to the appointment by the city manager of Alejandro Alex Muno as the Director of Public Works and Capal improvements for this for South Miami uh Mr city manager would you like to take this one thank you uh vice mayor um as uh as required um I make appointments that have to be consented by this commission and this item is comes before you uh seeking your consent of my appointment to of Mr Alex Munoz to our director of Public Works and uh Capital Improvement uh projects um certainly excited to to have the opportunity to have somebody uh of Alex's experience uh possibly join our our team um Alex is a longtime Mii day County employee moving through the ranks uh from an executive standpoint um background educational wise a master uh Bachelor and masters from Florida State that's the one negative that he has I like [Music] already and um but but Alex is has been a go-to person throughout his tenure in miy day County and starting as a something that not a lot of people remember and I didn't remember myself being a planner uh early on and moving up through the budget as a budget analyst and um has been a go-to person for major events uh in in this County as it relates to Super Bowls again as a go-to person uh has managed you know fif proposals to attract FIFA to to to Miami day county has served as an assistant County Manager overseeing a huge portfolio of departments including capital projects and Public Works um and has uh been called to to when needed to to take on assignments that needed a turnaround including the animal services department who was a director of that and let let that turnaround including it building a new facility for Animal Services um most recently Alex served as a director of internal Services Department Department which is a huge department at the county that included uh a number of services uh countywide and so his death and breath of experience makes him a really a great multi multi multi-purpose individual generalist uh be given his wide range of portfolio and has always been deemed as a great go-to person a high integrity uh uh can do person and and customer Centric so we've been uh trying to recruit a leader for for this area for for a bit and the opportunity came about with Alex's retirement from amid County and and um certainly had a conversation about joining this team and shared with them what what is going on in the city and the vision behind this commission and I'm excited to have somebody of of his background experience and I think he would yel incredibly well with our with our somi team here so this is before you for consideration and certainly Alex is here we love for Alex to maybe be able to say a couple words and introduce himself one I'd like to move the item for approval and then recognize Mr uh Munoz if I can mayor you don't want to make him wait a little or no no let's not make him wa I'll second it by the way there we go thank you uh thank you for having me here today and uh I am looking forward to this opportunity thank you to the mayor thank you to the vice mayor uh all the commission and the entire team and the manager and the attorneys um I'm excited about this opportunity uh lived in Pine Crest for the last 27 years always had an eye on South Miami wife and family have grown up in this area yes I am a simal I do have two Gator kids uh you know you can't get everything right but you know uh two Gator kids and um and uh some um family so cover all all the breads I I love my I love this community I love our community uh on a on a small level and and on a big level um the the manager mentioned my background's in urban planning I've had an eye on on on the city for for many years and I think what's happening now is just incredible uh I I enjoyed the opportunity Mr manager to to come to the the dinner before and and it's just an amazing team and people that are just working here for all the right reasons which I thought was uh very refreshing um I have had the opportunity over the years to work on all breadths and scale and scopes of of projects and there's a lot to be said to have your hands on on on something and an up close and that's an opportunity that I do welcome I would just like to continue the great work that's being done and and have the opportunity to be part of the the team that you've already built here uh so with that I would just say thank you again and I look forward to working with that we're here it's been nice to meet everybody already thank you very much and welcome to the team we have big plans and we know you're going to be a big part of it so thank you very much thank you all right would we like to oh would anyone like to say anything else or should we approve this fine gentlemen I think we all say welcome yeah welcome there we go and gos oh just order no I'm anyways all right all right let's go Ahad we can we call uh uh the vote please Madam City Commissioner Bon yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner C yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 5 thank you thank you very much all right do you want you can go ahead I I just wanted to say thank you to John ree for stepping for the amount of time that he has it is much appreciated thank you very much you're here yeah thank you all right and we will uh move to uh resolution 12 which is a public hearing item so anyone in the um audience around Zoom who would like to speak uh please raise your virtual hand or come to the podium I need to read it oh sorry item 12 a resolution approving and authorizing the lease of mobile data terminal equipment with docking stations from p CN strategies Inc for the police department pursuing to Omni Partners contract r283 in amount of1 42,68419 for 36 months with an annual payments of 47,5 6143 all right would um would anybody from the audience or Zoom like to speak on this item hearing no one uh is there any discussion from the board no no all right uh Madam city clerk could we call the vote I'll move the motion oh sorry second all right um Madam city clerk could we call the vote please yes commissioner bones yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Cay yes Vice May Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes I don't passes 5 wonderful uh could we read item 13 into the record a resolution approving and authorizing the city manager to negotiate a multi-year agreement for the purchase of Internet service from New Horizon's communication Corp for City Hall internet circuits in amount not to exceed $71,400 excluding taxes and fees for 60 months with me monthly payments of $1,185 excluding taxes and fees wonderful would anybody like to speak on this publicly in Zoom or in the chambers seeing no one uh can I have a motion for the item I'll move the motion I'll second and uh could we call the vote please yes commissioner bonish yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner C yes Vice May Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes IEM passes 5 Z wonderful could we read item 14 or resolution 14 into the record please yes resolution oh sorry sorry I we have to uh do the add-on before resolution 14 by apologies yeah thank you for the catch oh yeah could we read read um Tony I I can present the item oh okay if you like there's no there's not a resle per se for for Madam clerk to read so okay uh so this is the item that you approved to to add on to the agenda um so um as as you know the the subsequent item to this will be the lobbying contract of which you'll consider and there's a recommendation before you we had gone through a procurement process um that ultimately resulted in a recommendation from from me to you um that you'll deal with after this item U as a result of this process we uh had some information that may have uh U shed some light on potential uh campaign contributions uh of which we have a section in our code that um states that if a current vendor directly or indirectly contributes to political campaign there could be subject to a six-month disqualification from the time that that particular individual that commissioner that they uh um contributed to um gets sworn in so during that research uh and we worked with the city attorney on this um there was one contribution that um was made by an individual that has affiliation with capital city Consulting under a different entity um so uh after reviewing that it was determined that U that U actually triggers this particular section that's that stipulates that a vendor uh if they contribute directly or indirectly would then be subject to potential disqualification from the date of the swearing in of the commissioner they contributed to but for that also there's a provision that allows this commission to wave uh that element of The Code by a forfeit vote so uh the reason you uh have to address is now you you it's been determined by attorneys that that you have to address this as a separate item independently of the the lobbying contract item and as a result of a public hearing a properly noticed meeting which obviously this was properly added to this agenda and so what's before you is um either uh either accepting the disqualification as stipulated Andor providing a a waiver by a forit vote of this provision of the code and and so therefore uh once you act on this then you can properly address the lobbying recommendation subsequent to to taking action on this i' certainly be happy to answer any questions that you may have thank you very much Mr city manager I believe the mayor's had his hand up for a bit so I'll let him uh start the discussion oh did was that unintentional no no I finally figured out how to use it I apologize sir um I I just wanted to suggest to the commission that we expand the scope of the waiver I I you know I don't need to get into the legal semantics why but um there were multiple contributions um in my opinion opinion that could open up any award to a challenge and so uh I think at minimum it should be for two firms that I that I at least am aware of documented contributions that would be capital city and Ballard and that's just as as a prophylactic measure uh so that that would be my suggestion if we're going to do it for for this one this one instance let's just do it for all potential instances so that we don't end up um with anyone asserting a challenge on the back end to any action we take as is there any additional comments I was just going to comment vice mayor that that I have we the city attorney's office has no objection to to expanding the scope of the wayer if that's the will of the commission okay does anyone object to that okay then uh can we um adopt that add-on with that Amendment so it would be as to uh as to all potential uh proposers or just capital and and Ballard Partners I I I you know if it's if it I would say just all just to be if I'm not sure we've all looked at all the records uh to confirm whether there are any indirect contribution so I would just say as to all the proposers if that gives us the greatest amount of cover Mr C attorney yes all right thank you and uh uh would anyone like to move this item I'll move the motion I'll second do we have to read and uh could we sorry one one thing for for the record we have to make a finding these these so I would ask that the motion include uh that the that the competitive process was open an open to all sealed competitive process which the city manager's memo talks about and and uh that's what the that's what the next item is for and that this is in the best interest of the city to to to achieve this waiver and and the lobbying contract itself okay so you need us to add that uh yes please I'll move the motion with the Amendments subject to those fin to those great thank you thank you and I'll second them great thank you very much and uh um Madam city clerk if we could call the vote please commissioner bones yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner King yes Vice Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes it passes 5 Z great thank you very much and if uh we could read uh resolution 14 into the record please yes item 14 a resolution selecting and awarding a multi-year professional service agreement to um one Capital City Consulting LLC and two Ruben turnball and Associates Inc for State lobbying services and related consulting services puror to request for proposals number CSM 2014-11 authorizing the city manager to negotiate and enter into a multi-year professional service agreement with each of the lobbying consultants in amount not to receive $50,000 annually for a three-year term with one twoyear renewal option thank you very much would anybody um in Chambers or online like to speak on this item oh wonderful we have a taker good evening mayor vice mayor Commissioners uh Nicholas Pasqua Ballard Partners uh two all Hamra Plaza Coral Gable Florida 33134 um I'll be very brief um I know the biggest hold up on our proposal was what our fee schedule was and just to let everyone know that we are willing to negotiate with you all and come down to a lower retainer if you all see fit so those are my comments thank you for your time have a wonderful week um would anybody else like to speak before we close public comments anyone on zom please raise your virtual hand seeing no one we'll close public comments and move to discussion would anyone like to add anything um on the board Mr vice mayor if I can just one item uh I mean I my preference is to move the manager's recommendation but with one modification um since the legislative process kind of works on a two-year term I know this contract is uh structures a three and two I would just suggest we modify it as has a a 2-year base term with a two-year extension so we kind of stay in the same cycle as the political process that would be my only modification to the manager's recommendation I would I would like to see us move all right seems like everybody agrees so uh if we could uh move that uh can I have a motion to move that with that modification I'll move it with a modification okay discussion oh did you have okay all right okay so I'll second I'll second it and uh could we call the vote please yes commissioner Bon yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner C yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes IEM passes 5 and uh Madam city clerk if we could read resolution 15 into the record please item 15 a resolution authorizing the city manager to execute the Central Square Solutions multi-year agreement for an ini initial 5-year term for community development software and maintenance support migration installation other Professional Services for a hosted Community Development solution and amount not to exceed $30,000 in fiscal year 2025 and provide for an annual subscription amount of $ 58,4 in fiscal year 26 authorizing an annual 5% increase for subsequent fiscal Years thank you very much is there anybody in Chambers or online that would like to speak to this item anyone in Zoom please raise your virtual hand seeing no one we will close public comment are there any discussions uh the board would like to have on this item no no all right um move yeah uh move the motion I'll second and if we could call the vote please Madam City clar yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner C yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes um vice mayor stepped out okay I don't passes 4 Z thank you very much uh we are moving on to the second reading of our ordinances these are also public hearing items um if we could read um item or uh ordinance 16 into the record please yes in ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Florida amending section 2- 26.8 budget and finance committee of the city code of of ordinances to revise the purposes of the committee to add advice and recommend recommendations on bond financing and projects and to revise the term of mbers Mayor Fernandez this is your item would you like to open it thank you uh Mr vice mayor very briefly um as as my colleagues on the council uh know we moved this on first reading with the idea of providing some additional oversight on whatever action we take with regard to the authorization of bond programs um so commissioner Rodriguez the goal here is to uh task the budget and finance committee with some additional oversight allow them to review recommendations as to project priorities and then ultimately review projects as we advance them so we get the benefit of their perspective on anything that's going to be funded in part or a whole with with Bond funding so that's the the main the main purpose of the proposal and happy to answer anyone's comments any uh comments from the commission no uh vice vice mayor bonich or commissioner bonich geeez this is crazy um so yeah just to catch you up we're on ordinance 16 uh sponsored by the mayor is there any uh we we'll give you a second get caught up oh vice mayor this is a public hearing oh sorry yes to the public all right well we'll open it um we'll open it to the public before discussion anyone uh in Chambers or on Zoom like to speak to this item anyone El zo please raise your virtual hand hearing seeing no one uh we will move back to discussion uh commissioner bonich was there anything you want to add to this or right sorry no uh mayor would you like to make a motion on this I will move the item thank you sir you're welcome I'll second it commissioner oh commissioner bones yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commission cayen yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 5 Z all right and um could we also read item 17 into the record please item 17 in ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Florida amending Article 2 definitions article three zoning regulations and article four other regulations of the Land Development code to establish regulations related to residential single family driveways great this is a um public hearing item as well is anyone in Chambers or on Zoom uh interested in speaking on this anyone on Zoom please raise your virtual hand seeing no one hearing no one um mayor Fernandez would you also like to um introduce this item uh again we here with the idea is to basically modify our driveway standards we've had a rash of driveways being torn out to over the last few years uh to deal with providing for more impervious allowing for more impervious cover um at the rear of yards and so uh and also want to make sure that we don't have gravel uh you know Finding its way into our right of way um so I think these standards will help uh curve both problems and I I'm to the City attorney just want to make sure that um commissioner Bon's comments uh and revisions have been Incorporated uh in this final version yes so I believe commissioner just had to do with the the curbing of the of the gravel areas right that that was yeah then and they have those are the modifications that you see uh highlighted um that allow for other materials as approved by the development services directive Perfect all right go yeah and I also wanted to add that we also alleviated the imperious calculations so we can be more beneficial so both both uh resolutions hopefully will help alleviate our constituents building plans yes commissioner minich thank you I I don't need this answer now but if I could have somebody just shoot me an email like people who ended up and I just noticed this the other day I might have even mentioned it to the city manager I was driving in my neighborhood and there's somebody who used to have a circular driveway that now has like a half driveway and then grass everywhere else and I'm like so once we change the code like what happens to those people how can they come back to us and say hey can I get my other half of my driveway like if we could maybe come up with a way that people who ended up with these like crazy configurations in their house that can possibly get their stuff back like how we make that happen but I don't need the answer now I just need an answer please thank you um and uh we uh do we have a motion on this item I move the motion I'll second commissioner bonish yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner cayen yes Vice May Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes thank you I don't passes 5 Z great could we read um item 18 into the record please item 18 oh sorry and this is a quasi judicial item no it's not quasi judicial actually that's a that's yeah I know it says it um but none of these are qu judicial these are all legislative items oh okay yeah so uh we don't need a qu judicial statement but you may want to consider 18 19 20 and 21 together because they're all related to The tsdd District just to for efficiency sake okay uh yeah absolutely up to this up to you and this commission 18 19 20 is everybody okay with including those together no yes no no no no sorry sorry but no Madam Vice I'm sorry um commissioner you mean in terms of presentation by staff or do you want to discuss them separately I like to discuss them separately I I would presentation and happy to hear it one time I I agree I'm happy to hear it one time I'd like to discuss them separately okay thank you okay all right thank you so um item 18 if we could read that into the record please yes in ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of sere for amending article 8 Transit supported development District to modify appal development regulations um so this is a public hearing or no this is yeah this is a public hearing if anybody in Chambers or on Zoom would like to speak to the item if anybody on Zoom please raise your virtual hand all right uh come up you can go ahead and um line up there if you like are we reading them all we G to comment on them individually um we're commenting on them individually yeah thank you uh Nick notto from the law firm of bills in sunberg our office located 1450 brickville Avenue suet 2300 I'm here tonight on behalf of academica the owner and operator of SOI Somerset Academy um and also the holder of the development rights to build the somi incubator next door um we're here with a with a small Amendment request to the tsdd ordinance um currently there is a special use provision that requires all schools to to uh be capped at a 150 student uh per acre cap um we're requesting that be accepted in the tsdd due to all the intensity that is that is occurring we want our school providers to be um in a position to where they can provide for that that new demand as the tsdd gets built out the schools will also of course still be required to meet all building fire prevention codes standards and other County and state requirements for for schools this is just a a a city special use requirement that we're requesting just be accepted in the tscd um District we have uh Workshop the small legislative Amendment with the with the city attorney who has approved as a form subject to this commission's consideration um which I'm happy to share with the clerk if you'd like to see a copy for it yourself um I'm here to answer any questions you may have about that and then also it's my understanding that you're going to hear some comment about the sunset buffer District tonight and I just like to put on the record that academico supports the inclusion of the sunset buffer District um program in the tsdd ordinance um and is looking forward to to getting this this ordinance across the finish line Thank you thank you quick question on that yeah uh City attorney um if if there is no limitations on the amount of people per schools as is that subject still to development rights or any other rights where that could be amended if we wanted to put a some type of exceptions or caps if you will so so so two two ways to approach it they what they have proposed is that the the maximum student capacity that is currently in the code right now would not apply in this area so that you could go with that what is the current 150 units 150 students per per per acre yes uh so this is as to schools there's there's a limitation in our in our current code let me let me give you context there's a limitation in our current code at for a for a new school and the new school is subject to a cap of 150 students per acre uh so you do the math on your on your property and you you you can only do 150 students per per acre that you have so if you have less than an acre you you're doing less than 150 students that's that's the cap what they have proposed is that that not apply in the tsdb and the rationale that Mr notto raised is that we are increasing density uh in in much of the TSD so if you know we're anticipating a lot more families a lot more students they want to be able to to to address those student needs okay so one one thing one ways to do what Mr notto is proposing which is just uh Delete the requirement when you're in the tsdd another thing that you might want to do is uh say that the it it can be varied it can be increased with commission approval that's another way to go about it and that way you have a chance to to review it so two two ways to approach it if it if it's completely eliminated yes do we have does the Commission in future have an opportunity to cap that somehow in the future if it's w completely waved Mr vice mayor if I may um th this will still have to come back to this commission for conditional use approval at that time you would have the the ability to yeah just wanted to make sure everybody knew that yeah thank you all right schools are schools are subject to a conditional use process okay thank you and we can continue that discussion as well after the comments if we have to yeah good evening everyone uh welcome commissioner congratulations thank you um I've spoken with a lot of you before my name is Adam Freeman and I'm here on behalf of 5700 Sunset Drive uh the crossroads building uh we recently purchased that building in the last few years uh but we are also owners of 5734 Sunset Drive and 7230 Red Road those properties have been in our portfolio for over 50 years now um so we are Legacy stakeholders within South Miami and our purchase of the crossroads building was to continue to be a part of South Miami as it grows into a new era for the city uh as I've shared with all of you and as all of you know uh the legis ation and the zoning change for the downtown Corridor uh is to me the most important legislation that has crossed the commissioner's desk uh in many many years and will last well beyond uh all of us for many decades to come so the decisions you guys make are critical and the map that you approve and the zoning and the height and how we blend older buildings and preserve charm of our town and our city with with growth and appropriate growth and new development um Sunset Place which is not a part of this ordinance obviously plays a critical role in downtown and it will have new buildings along with all of the properties along Sun you know Beyond Sunset Drive um around Sunset Drive that have been zoned for 10 stories 16 stories will hopefully bring new wonderful buildings and new tenants the area but that process will take significant amount of time it will also bring new retail development that is modern that will attract other business clients and and and businesses to the area right now Sunset Drive is struggling we are for the preservation of Sunset Drive but when we say that we're talking about the preservation of what it once was and what it can once again be right now you have tons of vacancies you have businesses struggling to pay the rent and you have landlords with buildings that are continuing to dilapidate that are getting older and older and cannot make Financial s Financial sense of improving those buildings due to the struggle of the tenants and the rents uh what we've suggested to you guys through a memo is a TDR program a TDR program that you guys are familiar with but this there are similar programs like this that exist across all municipalities in the state of Florida and not just big ones municipalities like North Bay Village Bay Harbor Islands Isa marada by creating an incentive program for Sunset Drive owners that will help Sunset Drive owners push money back into the street which will result in direct public benefit to all of its residents to the city as well from a financial standpoint it will assist in increasing rents and attracting more tenants to all the nearby buildings if we we have a vibrant and beautiful Corridor but we need your help to do it because if you approve a map without any incentive program for Sunset Drive and you give all increased development rights and Heights to everyone around it what you're going to have is more and more challenging times for Sunset Drive owners and maybe in 10 years we've got three four new buildings five new buildings but what has happened to the existing tenants what has happened to those Property Owners I think there's a a an an absence of equil equitability here uh but also what we are asking for as stakeholders is to give us the assist to help us put our improvements into the city um the City attorney um Mr rcio I thought did an incredible job of looking at that memo adding his comments and laying things out in a very simple way that also ensures that the majority of funds in any transfer of development rights would go back back into the city uh so I strongly urge that you guys discuss it and look at it you have all acknowledged that Sunset Drive is the focal point of our downtown district yet it appears to have almost been forgotten and we feel like this incentive program ties together everything that you guys have worked hard for um I also think that if you look at that map you can maybe discuss finding a little bit more balance on the street between the North side and the South Side um but I really appreciate all your time and I hope you guys can understand that this is to us for the benefit of All City residents it's not just private property owners and there are several stakeholders that feel this way there's several on Zoom I think that are going to speak tonight and there's some that are also unable to attend you know Peter petti and several others that have had a big important role in this city who feel strongly about this we've submitted uh letters of support with signatures of 70% of the street so we really feel strongly about this and we really hope that you'll consider this program and what we've had to say and what the city attorney's comments have added to that uh proposed legislation thank you guys thank you uh Mr vice mayor I don't know if you want to take the folks on it's okay go first yeah so for the record Javier Veno with a law firm of bills in sunber 14 50 Brickle Avenue here on behalf of the Bayside office uh property which is the crossroad property um I prepared a brief presentation I first want to thank um staff and uh and you all this has been a long process um which we're uh very supportive of um we think this legislation is critical legislation for the revitalization and Redevelopment of downtown um but uh I would remiss be remiss if I did not mention that uh there seems to be uh a sort of hole in the donut if you will with respect to Sunset Drive um if you look at the maps that are proposed um by uh by your professional staff um this area the Sunset Drive buffer area is the only area that's not being proposed to be touched everything else um is proposed in some fashion um to be modified um and I think there's a balance uh and it's obviously a policy decision that's in your all's hands to balance that preservation that Main Street feel that we all want for Sunset Drive um with with really incentivizing um you know the the right preservation path for Sunset Drive and so I I shared at the planning board meeting legislation which your City attorney had in in the backup of your of your packages it's been since modified just slightly to add some additional suggestions from the city attorney's office including um you know some language with regards to preemption um laws um as well as just some minor modifications and I and if you if you'll indulge me I want to just go through the highlights of what we're proposing as a solution to um a balanced approach on Sunset Drive which allows for the preservation of um Sunset Drive and the reinvestment into Sunset Drive um while at the same time allowing some uh recapitalization of that investment for for the owners on Sunset Drive and so um as has been described before by Mark Alvarez your your planner um there's a menu of of bonus options for those that are seeking new developments in in uh in the community and there are a number of folks some that you'll hear from later today that are are those folks that are looking to redevelop and they will certainly be seeking bonuses um and and in in the for in one form or another so what we're proposing is to add to the menu of options this has been referred to as a menu of options uh we're proposing to add what we've call the Sunset Drive buffer area bonus and what that would allow for is a recapture for every one square foot of unused floor area from an eligible sending site you can you can you can send that one square foot of bonus area transferred to the receiving site and let's just walk through how how it what it's attempting to capture um because it's again requiring reinvestment into into the properties so the Sunset Drive owners um must have completed improvements to the Sunset Drive property or have an active building permit for improvements at the time of the application for a certificate of transfer the Sunset Drive owner is only eligible to transfer unused floor area in an amount proportional to the investment in the Sunset Drive property and contribution based on the total floor area transferred is required to be remitted to the city as a recapture to be used for public improvements uh within the tstd so I think it's easiest to express this in the form of an example um if a property owner makes $150,000 investment in the renovation or restoration um then the amount that they would be eligible to transfer or sell is uh is 10,000 square ft that's taking the $150,000 investment dividing it by a coefficient of $15 and it allows for the sale of 10,000 ft it also would require for that same 10,000 square F feet the payment to the city at $2.50 per square foot so $25,000 to be paid to the city for them to for for you all to use either in the tsdd district or if you create a separate Sunset Drive District that could be um used in that in that manner as well so there's a recapture that goes back to the city as well this incentivizes and rewards um uh the Sunset Drive Property Owners uh provides for a new or a different Revenue stream to the city for reinvestment on sensed drive and ensures that preservation that we've been struggling with and I've heard you all struggle with um over the last several um meetings as to what's the right uh approach for Sunset Drive so um we've circulated I circulated to each of you individually and have um also provided the draft legislation um to be added to the tsdd uh ordinance um and we welcome your feedback on this uh as I mentioned there are a number of uh potential receiving sites some of which you'll hear from today um that are supportive of that you heard from uh academica just before um that that is also supportive not just of the ordinance of the but of the optionality to be able to um to uh approach a a owner for um for this benefit so with that um I'm available for any questions comments and I look forward to um hearing from you all and hopefully your support on this item thank you thank you um we oh is there anyone else in Chambers plenty good evening everybody uh Jeff bass is my name I think most of you know that by now um um I'm here representing Avalon Bay we're we're delighted for all the hard work that everybody's put into bringing this um for decision to I really just have two very simple basic points to make the first one though is a detail and I think it's important um you have a bonus structure uh an applicant pays for the bonuses um we' like some assurances even just by way of slight modification to the language that once you buy the bonuses and incorporate them into your property they become a part of your property run with the land and it's not like they burn off or expire so if you have a site plan approved with the bonuses that site plan is vested with those bonuses and there's nothing in the ordinance that really says anything about that one way or the other and I think it merits some clarification we brought this point up previously I brought it up with the city attorney again hopefully that's not controversial um and as it relates to the TDR ordinance that is before you and it's been before you I just want to say on behalf of Avalon Bay our clients we we do not object to the proposal that's before you as it's currently drafted and we wish you much luck in working through um the balance of these items this evening and I thank you for all the time you've given us up until now thanks good evening Alexandra Simo offices at bills in sunberg on behalf of Alta Development LLC the future developer of the property at the roadway in which would be the first Condo building in the city um on behalf of our client we would like to show the support for this ordinance before you today and would like to extend our gratitude for all your hard work to get this across a Finish Line and um including the incorporation of the Sunset Drive buffer TDR program which is something that we may potentially Avail ourselves in the future and are excited to have that uh potential item so thank you so much and have a great evening uh good evening Mr V vice mayor Commissioners Mr Mayor remotely uh and staff congratulations to the reelected and newly elected uh Commissioners Jerry Proctor is my name I'm an attorney 7600 Red Road in South Miami uh I'm joined remotely by Don VTEC of South Miami Corporation and with the vice mayor's permission I would ask that he be able to speak when I conclude uh Mr vice mayor and Commissioners uh I represent ws realy and the South Miami Corporation they are the owner of about 85% of the block directly across from Sunset Place that includes United Community Bank uh they owned all of the parcels within that block with one exception uh there is a separate ownership on 58th Avenue of just a little bit more than an acre that property has direct access on 58th Avenue I know that's important in reviewing some of your past uh minutes and videos in terms of access not having access on Sunset Drive to to place new development um but our our client owns the bank property as well as the retail uh to the West going all the way to 58th Avenue um this this block and this area as you know as well as anyone was a major part of the hometown plan that was adopted many many years ago by the commission the sidewalk in front front of our property and in front of Sunset Place and in front of Mr Freeman's property is among the Wiest in the city uh it's in our case it's 20 feet uh it's a 20 foot sidewalk and and that's important as we talk in a couple of minutes about a solution that allows some Redevelopment some increased intensity but with compatibility um at the outset we are supportive of the tdrs that have been brought forward this evening and and in past meetings uh we think that's a good option for rehabilitation uh we are in a situation where we would like to encourage a little bit greater balance in terms of the Heights and densities as was mentioned previously balance between Sunset Place and our area on the south side of the street and balance between our side of the street and 73rd Street and going south where you have uh in some cases zoning of in the 10 story range that's shown on your plan um we have no objection to the elements that have been brought forward in terms of design requirements a greater amount of window does a greater amount of uh really architectural consideration than has been the case in the past but we need as as the prior speakers uh mentioned we need your help as well we would like to have an opportunity over time to achieve uh greater density in our area and on our property and we like to achieve that and we think we can achieve that in a manner that's compatible with the Sunset Drive streetcape compatible with what you've talked about in Prior meetings and compatible with the community at a as a whole something that will add Synergy and connectivity between the south side of Sunset Drive and Sunset Place as well as the rest of the downtown and and we're heartened by the support we've obtained at the planning board uh last week in this regard I have asked staff and I appreciate their help to put up one of the slides from one of your meetings in mid October uh it was a workshop that dealt specifically with this issue and I have put forward and I will read a proposal that we think will achieve that compatibility that balance but we'll give us some greater development incentives and something to look for down the road U and I would say at the outset before I describe it what we are proposing is actually less intensive than what is on this slide uh this slide shows four to 8 to 10 stories for the entire Sunset Frontage for four blocks from Red Road to Dorne Avenue which of course includes our property it's among the lowest densities and intensities on this map yet what we have in front of us tonight after a lot of discussion at the de is basically a four-story frozen in place zoning that we would like to ask your support to amend what we are proposing is similar to what's on this map but it's actually a little bit less intensive we're proposing that there be a maximum height of four floors on the properties on the south side of Sunset Drive for a distance of 75 ft from the center line of Sunset Drive going south uh in our situation there is a 25t pavement area and a 20 foot sidewalk uh and a 5 foot additional setback uh before you hit where our building is located now and we we're essentially proposing an additional 30 ft from where you see the existing Bank building that you've all known for many years that would be a maximum of four stories and we're proposing a maximum of eight stories in the area behind that to the South um uh and as an alternative we're not we're not even proposing the 10 floors that are in the graphic and in some of the discussion in the area uh in your deliberations or in the area to the South we are proposing as an alternative kind of an inducement that if we limit development to two floors or 34 ft in that area 75 ft from the center line that we may be allowed to seek the bonuses in the tsda which could potentially not automatically but could could potentially allow up to 10 stories on the back portion of our property as we go South toward 70 third straet um I'll I'll read the language it is it's just a couple of sentences that we're proposing on the south side of Sunset Drive to Southwest 73rd Street from Dorne Avenue Southwest 59 Avenue to Red Road Southwest 57 Avenue properties are limited to a maximum height of 4 floors for the area within 75 ft of the center line of Sunset Drive and a maximum of eight floors for the remainder of the property South to Southwest 73rd Street with no opportunity for additional bonus floors as prescribed in the tsda subdistrict as an alternative to the above limitations these properties may be limited to a maximum height of two floors and 34t for the area within 75 ft of the center line of Sunset Drive and a maximum height for the remainder of the properties South to Southwest 73rd Street as prescribed in the tsda subdistrict that would allow basically in exchange for a reduction in height along Sunset a slightly greater height adjacent to 73rd Street now this area as you know is not anywhere near any single family areas there's no compatibility I can interrupt I'm sorry interrupt Mr proog I have a question I'm yes sir I'm trying to follow what you're presenting it's um certainly not lost me what you're trying to accomplish I believe but it's not uncomplicated it's certainly the first time I'm hearing of it and so I just wanted to ask staff Mr Alber who I think is on the call and the City attorney have you had a chance to vent any of this language again we are on second reading so we're a bit of a disadvantage and I I again Mr Proctor I with all due respect I I very much we've had lots of conversation with your client myself I know commissioner Kaa has spoken with them as well about our desire to see them and help them get the site activated but I'm I'm just struggling to follow the proposal and not sure that I can really give it the Merit that it warrants here at this particular moment so to staff have you had a chance to review this vett it and analyze it for us um this is Mark alare can you hear me yes sir thank you uh this proposal is actually from a workshop proposal that we had uh presented iOS back in October uh Mr Pro's exact proposal is no he's he's actually uh bifurcated it so we had proposed at that time we were working with set I'm sorry setbacks but but but just if I can if I can simplify the inquiry have you had a chance to review this language and can you give us any sort of recommendation regarding it right now uh this is very similar to a proposal we have made and no I have not specifically uh review the FL okay and to the City attorney I asked the same question same same answer uh mayor not specifically reviewed this language but it's not this it's pretty similar uh to what lines 922 through 28 in your ordinance uh previously provided um it's very similar to that it was it's a it's a play on that just the numbers are a little different yes thank you okay thank you for that clarification I appreciate it thank you very much and yes uh and also just in the interest of time if you don't mind uh obviously we had plent of time to discuss this we we want to save some time for discussion on the day as to if if possible if we could just um skip your client comments because we do have other people as well that want to speak we want to make sure that were fair to everyone if that's okay um I'll respectfully ask through the the vice mayor if he could speak perhaps on a brief basis absolutely sure not not a problem you could speak briefly thank you for your consideration thank you and yes if we could open the floor to um zoom and if we could start with uh Mr vek and if he could be brief if possible just to uh in all fairness to everyone else who wants to speak hi hi yes thank you um good evening Don VTech with South Miami Corporation 577 Fern Avenue elst Illinois a thriving Sunset Drive is a wind for South Miami it will attract more residents to the downtown core and provide a range of additional benefits to the city we support implementation of transferable development rights for Property Owners along Sunset Drive because we share the belief that tdrs can help owners rehabilitate their properties contributing to a more thriving Main Street we believe that tdrs will result in better rehabilitations and will accelerate improvements within the district while tdrs would be highly beneficial for Sunset Drive we would encourage including an opportunity for additional density to be developed along Sunset Drive which would accelerate construction of Improv improvements within the district and bring more residents to South Miami we look forward to working with you moving forward thank you thank you very much Mr vek um Joey Weston is next on um Zoom with his hand up Mr uh Weston would you like to speak yes can you hear me yes hi my name is uh Joe Weston I uh own a company called m xon company uh we represent about a 100,000 square ft of commercial space in South Miami uh I'm here in support of the TDR program um I have you know we have our company has Decades of years of experience with these so-called Legacy owners uh and I think that the TDR program is our best opportunity to get these owners to really invest back into their properties uh many of these are the gateway to South Miami um I think without the TDR program we're really going to struggle to get these older buildings to keep Pace with a lot of the renovations that are going to be happening in South Miami so I really hope you guys consider approving the trdr program because I think it's a great thing thank you thank you very much Joey next on the list is Maggie Courtney would you like to speak uh this this is Hank Courtney can you see me or hear me uh we can hear you sir uh I'm using my wife's uh device and that's why it's Maggie Courtney there but this is Hank Courtney we own the property 5801 Sunset Drive we've owned it for about 25 years and uh we have tried really really hard uh to improve the building and to make Sunset Drive uh as as good as it could be uh we are all for the uh incentives or all for the tdrs uh just one little example of uh many years ago about 20 years ago when the uh commission was uh composed of a very very conservative group of people uh we had a beautiful design for a redesign of our property and oddly enough we were rejected because uh uh the people who were against it indicated it was just too much it was too much for Sunset Drive well my wife had a store there also and she was doing great for uh many years but then in the last uh five years or so it went down and down and down uh fortunately now uh because of the improvements that are going on things are coming back but uh we are very very much in favor of the the the Redevelopment of all Sunset Drive we were very much in favor of the incentives that have been proposed and I want I want to thank the new commission I was a mayor of Miami Shores at one time and the counselor of Miami Shores at one time and I know how difficult your job is but I want to thank you for your very very Progressive uh Viewpoint of South Miami and I thank you for all of your support thank you very much thank you very much mayor Courtney um there's also um iPhone on here if you don't mind um giving us your name oh sorry hey can you hear me yes can you hear me yes oh hey this is Joe ala I was previously uh connected on my PC and was having connection issues I could start my video if that helps or just it's not allowing me so I'll just I'll just speak so joea um I gave my first comment on this topic at the planning uh meeting uh last week uh it's my first time in front of the commission so I just wanted to take a moment to thank the commission the mayor and everybody else for being here I think this is an extremely important topic so who I am um I represent the owners of the Shelly building and numerous other historic properties on Sunset Drive we've been owners of said properties for decades um I've been personally I've been the property manager um in charge of those properties for about 15 years um Sunset Drive I wrote a letter to the commissioner so just for the sake of the public the Commissioners have already heard this but I grew up in South B my whole life um it's where I got my first pair of shoes it's where I went on my first date um and it's where I worked my first job and it's where I continue to work um it means everything to me I believe in the city of South Miami and I believe that Sunset Drive as we all know is the center of the city of South Miami if you neglect to address the issues on Sunset Drive you're NE you can do everything else in the world but you're neglecting the city of South Miami I was very pleased when this resoning project was brought to my attention I felt that there's a new commission and you guys are you know doing your best job which you are to address how we bring this city into the future I was then let down to learn that the existing plan as of last week to me glaringly neglected the importance of subset Drive I think to my best knowledge what I think is going on is that we're we're very concerned about preserving the historic buildings right I don't think anyone understands that better than myself I mean I literally we've invested so much into these buildings we care about the story of these buildings we care about the businesses that are in these buildings but I think we can do everything we can bang our heads against the wall put as much money as we possibly can to the buildings support our businesses which we have but if we don't have the city on our back we're just going to be where we are which is as others have commented businesses going out every day people struggling to make rent you know no incentive you know every time I try to to put together a new project I have to fight an uphill battle to get it done it just feels like if you guys really do want what's best for the city we need to start working together and we need to start getting an equitable plan that works for everybody um I I came in with a very open mind to the TDR project I wasn't sure whether that's the solution or not you know I looked into it I called a few of the Commissioners I spoke to a couple of you guys I look forward to speaking to the others I haven't heard one argument for why it's not a good idea maybe I'm not listening tell me I haven't heard one argument and I've asked why not approve this it seems like it's a good plan I support it now I can say that for the first time I fully support it um I'm looking to hear if we're not going to approve it tell me why I I don't see why not I think that we need as much help as we can get and and I think that we have some very smart Minds in the room that have presented very good arguments as for what this can do for us on Sunset Drive what it can do for us as a city and what it can do for our businesses I think we need to uh strongly consider approving this tonight uh and let's start moving the city forward on the right foot I thank you all for the for the time and um thank you the commission thank you mayor thank you very much sir um and uh before we uh close public comment was there uh something you wanted to mention commissioner B okay uh if if if no one else would like to speak um anyone in Chambers anyone on Zoom all right so we'll go ahead and close public comment and then uh commissioner bich did you want to say something yes I I think we've heard a lot from a lot of different people and I would suggest that we I I believe with the rest of the zoning changes we're probably all pretty much on the same page so I'm wondering if we don't separate these two things so that we can get the tdrs and have that conversation independent of the rest of it because right now we continue to not move forward because we're grabbing on to this I'm I'm not saying do it don't do it I'm saying we've heard a lot of I would say valid suggestions and suggestions I wouldn't agree with but I think that we need if we're going to make responsible decision Visions as far as tdrs or whatever we want to call it I think we need to give it its due time and waight I think that it became I don't want to say glaringly obvious but very obvious um with discussions that I had this morning that while we may feel we have all of the information I think some of us only have partial information or partial understanding I also think there are pieces that are missing if we were to consider moving forward with this that need to be addressed so I would suggest that in order to give everything it's due weight that we split these two things and look at the tdrs separately and allow the rest of this change to go through because we're holding up everything for One Piece thank you very much commissioner bonich if I if I can just get some clarification on that are you suggesting that we separate um Sunset drop from this plan or or or uh continue with the plan of zoning Santa drive but then talk about tdrs later I think that we take the piece that is of the main discussion of the tdrs which is the piece of Sunset Drive and for some reason 73rd Street that I wasn't even aware was part of that my bad I think we take that out and have that as a separate discussion because even when you're looking at the map there's things that just don't make sense okay and mayor fernandz you had your hand raised as well I don't know if someone else wants to go I'm happy to wait to make some comments on the suggestion but go ahead I think everyone wants you to go first no no problem I'm happy to jump in look I guys I mean we've been talking about this for a long time and my apologies to commissioner Rodriguez that we put you in this position that we're still dealing with this but I don't know how we can adopt the zoning Amendment for our Our Town Center call whatever we will SOI district and not address with some finality the the principal Street the street that identifies it and so I mean I think we have a TDR proposal that now has support from not only the commercial owners but also receiving sites I think to my understanding I'd ask the City attorney to confirm has been vetted by our City attorney and he thinks it's workable and I I don't see how we bifurcate this not withstanding that that's been the suggestion I respect the vice mayor's opinion but I'm I'm not sure how we bifurcate this um and expect to have a working proposal we come back to because these things have to work together so adopting one without the other particularly adopting a zoning regime for the districts that's defined by the street I'm not sure why that's how how that can be a solution just to me uh it's putting the the cart well before the horse I mean the horse the thing that's going to define the character of this district is sunset drop far none uh and and that's why I've been so insistent for so long about studying this as an alternative I know that we had very little appetite to consider it before which is why we're kind of in this position I think we could have done a lot more of this vetting on the front end and I I think we just you know let's just vote it up or down today and I I'll be done with it yeah I I would I would agree with the mayor on that as well but did anyone have any questions I believe uh uh commissioner bich wanted to answer that question but I wanted give or or did you have any or just wanted to answer the mayor so I just wanted to see if you guys had anything to say before she okay ahead yes so obviously well thank you Mr Mayor for for saying that I did I am the the new one on on this deas and um getting all this uh given to me all at at once and um I ultimately for me the most important thing is to do what's best for our city our residents and our businesses so in in being the new one here and have spoken to so many people our residents are looking for us to do something that's going to revitalize and improve our downtown so for me if we can use these tdrs as a tool to better our town I'm all for it I'm opening I'm open-minded I'm all ears open I've actually reviewed this today with the city me with the city attorney and made some suggestions I don't know Tony if you would want to read some uh of the suggestions to the legislation if if that's appropriate is it okay Vice chair yes that's fine I mean vice mayor sorry um so with respect to the the change that we had discussed uh the the first change had to do with the certificate of transfer um so the way the process works just as an overview you is if there's a there's an eligibility determination basically this is how many tdrs there are in a property and then in order to send it somewhere it has to be um what would be what would be sent to a new site has to it requires a certificate of transfer which is a basically the city saying yeah you meet the criteria you can send you know 10,000 20,000 whatever the number of square feet is and you meet that criteria by spending money on your site okay so the first the first uh proposal uh that came up this morning uh by by commissioner Rodriguez had to do with um making sure that people spent money on their site first as opposed to Simply getting a building permit because uh I believe the concern was that a building permit could expire or could be abandoned and then we never get the the uh the result that we're looking for so that was one uh one modification a second modification had to do with the kinds of things the kinds of investment that would uh result in in uh qualifying for these tdrs and um rather than just any money spent on a building uh it was uh more along the lines of remodeling reconstruction or expansion basically money invested into the building to make it more usable even if it's a tenant Improvement money but money to make the building either more beautiful so like like facade improvements but not repairs and not just gener en maintenance that would have been done anyway just to keep the building standing you know including you know like a like structural repairs that that don't actually add anything to the building they're just there to to keep the building up so that was the other uh proposal and then uh the the last having to do with the building permit uh process and the qualification is that this would apply going forward so any monies that are spent uh in in in going forward so basically from January 1st 202 five onward so those were the the three main proposals and the only other I guess propos last proposal was that that $2.50 uh U contribution that would be made and that would go towards improvements I believe commissioner Rodriguez wanted that uh spent a long sunset drive anywhere within the tsdd district but a long Sunset Drive so so so basically a a a sunset fund so if this money is coming in from Sunset it should go back to the streetcape and anything that we have to do to upgrade and uh future work that will need to be done on on Sunset Drive so those are being you know new to this this process um these were just some of the suggestions that that that I made um you know obviously we can't share them but I guess now you guys could review them and and see what you think and go from there i' I'd like to just add something before we move back to the mayor's comments just so to see if we can move forward from this and into the bigger picture of getting this approved um given what we've heard um all that we've learned we've discussed this many many times we did create our own menu of bonuses um we do understand um the the different proposals of tdrs as it stands now from previous about three-fifths of the commission doesn't support adding them to the menu of bonuses is that how it still stands if that is how it still stands maybe we can move on and start working on on on the bigger picture has has anyone changed their mind potentially and and and are now open to tdrs so um through the vice mayor I'm sorry yeah um so I was always a hard no on tdrs um there was no proposals given to us on what actions would be viable to us to go do that my concern was always the management of set tdrs and how they would transfer um the way that the money's collected you know I didn't want the city to be involved with that this current proposal kind of bifurcates that because it's more of a private transaction between um Sunset Place owner and Set uh developer so that's one issue that I'm believed with the proposal of the the the calculation is something that might might need to be tweaked but it's something that I see it seems fair look the the Sunset Drive always had that issue that we we we didn't really address how to be more fair right we tried to you know add more floors to the backside of it right as a as a means of rewarding or giving more access to the backside so it' be a little bit more fair we could never really agree if it's four stories six stories eight stories 10 stories um it's still up there by the way something that we should talk about is if it's another opportunity instead of using tdrs that they have access to six or eight stories on the backside on 73rd Street that's something that we should talk about as well um just for the mirror Imaging and the Imaging of 73rd Street where you have 10 stories currently the way that we ever proposed on the nor on the South Side 73rd Street and then across the street as it's proposed right now on this drawing it's four story so I personally don't like that and we we we've all agreed that we don't um so I think this is the first time that there's been a proposal that I been I I deem a lot more chewable um so I am probably more in tune to do something like this it's small it's easy there's less um there's less there's less touch and feel from the city so I think this is the right way of doing this particular TD off that was always a hard no everybody knows that but this is this is easy right this is an easy way to do this I don't really think a lot of people are going to take advantage of this at all I mean I I think it's very minimalistic but if this is what we need to move forward I'm all okay so uh if there are three Commissioners or three people in the DI in support of it we can maybe move forward with um other items look at for instance 73rd or we want to talk about 74th as well and any of the items that were brought up here so that that version of the TDR does have have three uh commission member support that right and the may there's there's four of you no no I don't I'm I'm not in support of it oh okay yeah but it has three I believe we need four four we need four okay you need pardon me you need four votes to adopt the ordinance the ordinance but yeah but if you know you can decide how you want to move forward whether you want to move forward with three on this unless it's a unless including it is a no for for everyone then it's worth continuing the discussion yeah go ahead mayor oh I think you're on mute yeah I am sorry my apologies I had a couple questions one is I'm a little confused are we are we saying showing the sunset buffer going to 73rd Street on the south end I thought it was only to the mid block currently it's all the way through that that to me I agree makes no sense I mean I think the sunset buffer should go only to the mid block uh between 7 2 and 73rd last time we said 30 ft in from property no property land I think I think that was for this I think that was for the setback uh above the Second Story commissioner if I'm recall the conversation correctly but it's anything behind the 30 could go up is what we had spoken about last time correct I think anything above uh the Second Story with after a 30 foot step back could go as high as whatever was six or 10 stories whatever you guys were no because we we never wanted just two it was we didn't want to go step down from four to it was always at four stories on 72nd Street with a setback of 30 and then you can go up that was what I had proposed last time yeah I I'm I'm I I'm again not a fan of of that scheme but I I do I do I do agree that having the sunset buffer go down to 73rd is way Overkill I me I think this is at best a condition that we limit to the mid block okay um so I'd be I'd be amable to to that change I I I liked a number of commissioner Rodriguez's uh procedural changes and support them all the only thing I would say I agree that we should prioritize investment on Sunset Drive I I I think that should be expressed in in how we spend the money but I don't know that we want to limit our expenditures to just s to drive improvements we should if there's more money to be had from that that we can use for the balance of the district I I would like to have the flexibility to spend it across the tsdd but with a focus and priority on suned drive for sure given that Nexus and I do think that there have been some owners that have made some Investments recently and you know it's not uncommon for these programs to have a short look back of 24 or 36 months of permits for recent improvements and I would just encourage us to kind of allow for that in the program as well if it's not already reflected in the in the language the City attorney can that that's the only point of um frankly um disagreement I have with commissioner Rodriguez on his on his recommendation I think some look back some nominal period of time is worth it I don't want to penalize folks who have made an investment and are probably not going to make anymore for another 10 years but they've done it recently I don't want to penalize them to not be able to unlock any value uh until they make a subsequent investment so a small look back I think would be appropriate for that reason so Mr Mayor um I actually looked into that and what they were those were actual um they were repairs there were structural repairs so it wasn't necessarily facade upgrades or upgrades to to the the building it was more repairs that were needed to do be done to the building so in my recommendation I would say that that the TDR work that we would be actual upgrades to the building and not just general repairs that have to be done no matter what yeah yeah and I think you know uh as long as tended improvements uming rights you know uh I I don't dis agree with you commissioner but I do think that there are you know um every every relationship between tenant and owner is slightly different some some leases require tenants to make structural improvements uh you know the mechanical systems or or whatnot some of those responsibilities get bifurcated differently depending on the lease I don't want to I just wouldn't encourage us I mean I think I think as long as money is being invested into the physical plan of the building I think that's a positive thing uh I I wouldn't get into the weeds again to go back to commissioner K's Point let the private parties kind of regulate how that how best to abortion that burden and share the benefit thank you and I believe uh commissioner bich also had a comment oh I waited so long I forgot what I was gonna say I'm so sorry my fault wait let me think again tdrs yeah it's gone forever oh no um no I had mentioned 73rd Street and then the mayor mentioned it as well so it's it's not that it's oh I remember now thank you thank you very much um you know during our last conversation on this when we wanted to say do we vote on it do we not vote on it Mr may it was you who actually said to send it back to the planning board and have them give suggestions and interest interestingly enough at this point then I'm the one that's saying look at their suggestion it has Merit and you're the one that said send it to them for their opinion but you don't want to follow their Direction I I never want to follow their Direction Madam Madam Madam I mean commissioner that was not my intention was out of respect for the former chairman who made the request because they believed it was coming back to them I was not look I have I have my own opinion and my own mind about these things and I'm not shy about advocating what I think so I mean I respect what they said but again I my my opinion stands so uh it's not it's not a point of inconsistency all I was trying to do was show some difference in respect to that board because I value the work and their and their contribution and they asked me specifically two members to send it back because that's what they was their expectation not uh it has zero bearing on on my deliberations I I've watched their deliberations I understand where they are you know um I think we've got to make a decision and uh we owe it to all the people in the audience that are watching to make a decision I think that dealing with Sunset Place should be the synic oneone of any vote that we take it's absolutely something we have to deal with and punting it to another day and kicking that can down the road which I know you hate doing frankly just taking up bandwidth on my schedule your schedule everybody else's and we had plenty plenty of time to decide whether this is a good thing or a bad thing I I must say I'm I'm quite surprised because because I it seems like you and I have switched roles from a last meeting to this meeting from me saying let's look at this and make decisions to you saying no we're we're not looking at this and making decisions and wanting to punt it to middle of January and now that we actually have something that I feel that we can even start to discuss you want to make a decision today oh there you go that's exactly what it looks like there you go I couldn't hear I'm sorry no it's just I I had just Steve guy you're making fun of me you didn't miss a thing there no no problem so I here's what I'll do just so we can bring this to a close because I know I've been trying everyone's patience probably for the better part of a year on this topic so I'd like to move to amend onto item 18 the TDR program that's been Ved by the City attorney I think he's reviewed the language with a modification suggested by commissioner Rodriguez and see if we have three votes to add it on to the ordinance is there a second for that Mr chairman mayor for a second if I have a comment so you're just talking about specifically the TDR requirements here there's other there's other things on the document on exhibit exhibit a that I would like to discuss before we move forward there's a couple changes I want to just discuss is that yeah yeah yeah yeah so we'll pause on tdrs yeah on uh page five which is uh section actually it's section 20- 8.3 page five um on the tsna uh chart section 20- 8.4 what did we what did we talk about on the what sorry the the book fell apart and I can't find it on mine I'm I'm moving over so what on the tsna um allowances per per um different opportunities we have mostly everything not permitted what did we talk about about the the current businesses that are there are there going to be non-conforming moving forward no we have we have some savings language hang on let me let me find it for you no I believe you say you have it yes yeah we address that okay yes uh page six um I don't ever recall and maybe vice mayor we we um commissioner bonich I we we've always spoken about the amount of square footage this is I'm sorry line line 143 floor area on page six um did we ever allocate one-bedroom efficiencies two-bedroom an actual square footage allocation I believe that we did yeah why why would we mandate uh two-bedroom to be 700 F feet or less uh no that's a minimum a minimum oh a minimum sorry minimum yeah these are Min why would we do that why why can't we do two bedrooms at 900 squ F feet if if that's what like why would we mandate we could certainly do that that was just so most of this was already is already in the code um like previously yes previously it's currently we want to modify completely all it's right it's well it's right now in the code so we we we had taken that and you guys had looked at that uh when you made the change from uh from Todd to tsdd so we started out with just keeping what you guys had previously done and then at the last meeting I believe uh it was either October or November they're running together for me uh but there was a change made to split efficiency studio and one bedroom because before it was 550 for both of those but that was the only change that was made so with respect to the other ones you could certainly look at that and either increase it or decrease it that's that's up to you all we just didn't we had not proposed that I'm just not one for limiting what people I mean I like the minimum sizes I think that's up to the really the developer to do whatever they want as long as they conform with size density and all the regulations that correct that's just my opinion I don't know what the rest of the commission thinks about that on page third wait wait but wait sorry sorry through the vice mayor I just want clarification so you're okay with these as minimums or do you want to blow the minimums out of the water I I don't I'm okay with the minimum that required of 500 square feet okay that's it like so just one minimum 500 square F feet per unit I think that's the only thing that we really cared about as a commissioner to my recollection move forward do we do we want to talk about do we agree or not agree As you move through them so that we don't have to keep track of them later yeah I'm I'm fine with the minimum so you just want 500 for all no not all just just one minimum nothing smaller than 500 yeah I'm fine with that modification I'm sorry I'm not under I'm having a hard time hearing the sidebars so are we saying we're going to go to just a a 500 foot minimum unit size and leave it at that M yes not have not have a distinction by unit unit the number of bedrooms is that what you're proposing yeah what you know if the developer wants to build you know an 800 foot lot that's up to them that's nothing to do with us let yeah no I I just have not heard any comment from anybody who's reviewed the ordinance uh with any concern about this so if you have I'm I'm happy to reconsider it I just wondering just that was just one one person but I mean it doesn't it doesn't there's no detriment to that it's you know opening up the ability to do whatever they want so do we leave it do we do we agree then that we're leaving it or taking it out mayor you have an objection I I I'm I I mean in my mind what's there has not been an issue but I don't have an objection to just having a single minimum unit size if that's your preference so open open to going with the flow and uh and Mr City attorney I know we're going over all of these do you want us to vote on the modifications individually or are we Gathering them all up if you're if you if there's consensus on an item I'll just mark it okay here and that way we can just kind of with all modific okay yeah well I'm I'm I'm I'm fine with it and so is the mayor yeah okay so so we're going to 500 feet as a minimum I just want to understand what we're doing yeah okay I'm fine page 30 um want to write something 20- 8.8 uh section g line 652 hold on hold on okay one of the uh opportunities that we have with one of our uh Partners in the city is the ability to do a new development uh on 73rd Street for example where we can allocate um more public open space um so I just wanted to see if there's an opportunity here maybe we can have this for discussion on how to increase the bonus requirements so we can add more green space in a particular lot so actually this came up uh at the planning board and there was a suggestion made that was adopted by by the uh by the board uh that right now it's limited uh to maximum of two stories that you can obtain with a public open space Bon still the same ratio it's a one for 1 to 24 ratio so for every one square foot at the ground level you get 24 sare feet of bonus and it's sizable because open space is valuable right um but it's limited to only getting two stories you maximum of two stories right now uh what the planning board suggested was getting rid of any maximum and if if people want to qualify for you know the full bonus whatever that is you know maybe it's you know it could be anywhere from 10 stories to 16 stories depending on where you are uh if you're if you're qualifying for that bonus and you do it all through open space because that that means the city gets a bigger open space so that may be something that's desirable does that address your concern that because that's what that's exactly what I was thinking about yeah it was mayor I know go ahead no no go ahead C sorry my apologies no no I was going to ask for your opinion because I know we you've always spoken about we we've always spoken about open Park you know and ability of having more open spaces and I thought this would be a good opportunity to address that yeah no I I I I I I think we should be more generous I would keep a Max again going back to everyone's favorite topic if we're going to do tdrs there should be again some attempt to um drive people to that item or else to your earlier point we're basically going to allow people to achieve um the full bonus through this this one preference and uh commissioner commiss Kai I think one of the lessons to learn from Sunset Place is that um being too open and allowing people to select from the menu not driving choices results and outcomes that we may not be happy with so I'll leave it at that so maybe maybe go from two to no more than four or no more than 50% of the permitted permitted bonus floors can be you know achieved with this any one particular um uh bonus option I'm okay with that yeah which which one because I I think one sounds very simple and the other one was not like was not a simple statement so are we saying a maximum of four floors or well it's not not every every every category is not is not eight floors correct so I think it's you know we we set it as a rule that it's not more than half of the bonus floor area can be achieved with the use of any one particular bonus so they've got to you got to together a couple of these things in order to get the the maximum envelope right promoting or provide a cash contribution but wouldn't it be the same as putting four floors if eight is the total am I just being like am I missing the force for the trees here well we it's 10 if it's 10 it would be six right yeah we have we we haven't really landed on that yet either that's a good point it's true yeah I don't like that just I think we may be better off putting a number than a calculation that's just me I think that's what we're doing putting four four four okay so four is the answer okay that's fine yeah all right so that modification as well and then page 37 no that's PDR oh so do we um through the city attorney do we do we modify or is this the appropriate opportunity not only to address tdrs but on 73rd Street like the actual height this is where we need to do this as well right yes yeah yeah if you want to change it from what's what's in here so currently right now it's at four stories four stories four stories on the North side and 10 stories on the south side is that accurate that's what the map yeah the map on page 45 all right so what is the will of the commission to address the north side and the south side of 73rd Street because we've been back and forth on this with different numbers from six to8 to 10 on both sides and Ju Just to be clear sorry commissioner when we say the north side of 73r remain up to the midline of the block correct okay about 115 ft deep correct okay so I I believe uh commissioner K you said earlier that this had been already discussed to to do was the intent of the commission to do 10 and 10 on on the south and north side that's up for discussion I'm not I'm not I don't want I think previously it was eight I said six okay I'm sorry I have the benefit of Tony's book my my my my fear of 10 and and and 10 would be you don't want to be sitting like if you're in a canyon you know I I I think um but six is definitely something that I would be very open to on the North side and 10 on the southide I'm also in agreement with six so I Echo those comments yeah I I think we all are in agreement with six yeah and 10 on the South Side so again just to be clear 10 South of the midline between 72nd and 73r no no no what we're what we're saying here right now is south of the midline facing 73rd would be six stories and on the other side of the street is 10 yeah correct okay I'm I'm in agreement cool uh turn you good yes thank you page 41 sorry public it's just we we need to final this today yeah page 41 uh can you explain the private open space area that we the the red line on page 41 on the bottom I didn't understand it yeah and I and I apologize for the the way the SP shows the question mark yeah yeah I had a question mark too just there's some weird f thing happening uh when we upload gr um okay so this the private open space you're saying the change from uh 51st for 50 square feet per residential unit from 20% thank you from 20% of lot area um so uh prior to this change it was just on a percentage of lot area but that uh didn't account for um developments maybe that that don't need private open space or need less private open space uh like an office development so that was raised to us by a member of the public and um because private Open Space is really more uh needed by residential we tied it to a residential metric so we did it as a as a as a uh 50 square feet per residential unit as opposed to just a general requirement that's why that change was made okay a question on that Mr vice mayor to the city one second uh commissioner bich uh had requested it first I apologize not a problem um I think we're seeing a lot of residential units that are moving away from balconies and doing those floor to ceiling Windows um because they've learned that people are not using their balconies they are preferring to have that as livable space is there a way to account for that here because that seems to be the trend that we're moving towards at least with apartment living that I've seen so private yeah thank you uh just to clarify that private open space in this context doesn't only apply to balconies it can apply to like a courtyard for residents it can apply to to common areas for residents maybe even a you know pool deck or that kind of thing move on yes I think the mayor had a question oh sorry mayor yeah that was my question what what what's within the Ambit of private open space and I mean I I understand it's less of an amenity for maybe an office suite but I'm not sure that we shouldn't just remove the standard altogether um so maybe reduce it substantially but still still encourage people to have you know an outdoor recreation deck for an office building on the roof or um you know a ground floor Plaza uh or Courtyard for people to have lunch in um I I don't know Mr City attorney if there's a way for us to have a a bifurcated standard for residential which is maybe a little bit higher given that we we need those buildings we want those buildings to be better amenitized and would still have something by way of a requirement if it's just 5% right um for all non-residential uses so to to to address the mayor's question we we could certainly bifurcate it that's there's no Li there's no prohibition on anything like that but just to clarify uh with respect to ground floor open space all developments would still be subject to an a public open space component that they would be required to to provide that that would be at the you know potentially at the ground floor what this is referring to is something that would be only accessible by the by the uh in the occupant of the of that building you know so if it's if it was an office building would be and if you still want to bifurcate it we can do that I just want you to understand the distinction again I don't I don't know whether it's 50 s feet or where that standard came came from whether that's something we recommended or some third party recommended um but I do see the need to have a residential standard I guess I'm open on the I'm open on the on the on the non-residential standard if the the board has a has a preference I don't have a preference no preference I I'm fine with just having the public Plaza that they respect for when you come to business so so remove it well right now it is removed it's it's red lined out already right now so all we see is residential on this document okay so move forward yes page 44 um again this is just uh B andc uh line 9 922 929 this is just the I guess the verbal of what we've just spoke about on 73rd Street yes yes yes the the the answer is yes that that would that would have to change so uh specifically lines uh like 922 would only go to the mid block um and then it would be a limitation on on four stories or 50 feet and then you can you all can decide whether you want to accommodate tdrs on that area or not um I I I I would just if we're if we're going to go to the mid blog I would just like to leave at 924 9924 at four stories and remove the uh reference to 50 feet I'm sorry no scratch that my apologies I'm just reading it so I think it's fine as it is okay good thank uh the page 45 um I want to uh understand the residential buffer so in the map we have uh the hashed uh blue and yellow currently reads residential buffer at 4 stories or 50 foot high and a 70 foot back from property line can we explain 75 foot property line and then um I would like to discuss if we should do three stories or four stories okay that that so both of these I I believe commissioner Rodriguez has you want to speak first and I'll then I'll answer question if you don't mind um yes I I I bring the same point up if you look along 59th place and 76th Street you know the the they have the street where you buffer but if you move as it raises towards the east you have direct it's it's directly abutted to to the residental um uh backyards if it's you know if the commiss is up for I I I recommend doing that three stories instead of four so all hashtags three stories well in that particular Block in the other one it's it's it's separated because this is that new development that's there across uh from foxes when you're looking at the west side when you're looking at the East side of of this where I guess you would go um that little piece there next to west of 59th Avenue and then going east of 59 9th Avenue to 58th uh doing three stories there because you're directly Abed to no directly AB buding to the residential so they're going to see that on by through their backyard so having a four story there is kind of impeding on any privacy that they have on their backyard so my sorry commiss Rodriguez the backyard you're talking about the which ones the so the Lots the lots that are so if you look on yeah on 76 you see those residentials and then right behind it you have the dash marks at four stories those are directly back to back see conflict I I I I have a concern about 58th Avenue and the single family hes facing the six stories on on 58th Avenue on the West Side uh to me that's even a bigger conflict 58th Avenue what Street Mayor sorry so you see there single family on 58th Avenue on the east side south of 74 Terrace yeah and on the west side we're talking about a six-story 84t envelope right um you know look my my my preference here is that we we um we pass the text to enable this and the comp plan changeed but we do not adopt the map for this area and we just let people come in and apply for rezoning and site plan approval on a one-off basis with the project because that'll give us a chance to frankly right size some of these conflicts which may be hard to do uh you know in in a text in text frankly you know the current zoning in that area right now it's six stories right six six stories no I believe it's it's a four stories rm24 and that that that specific block that it's a little little Hodge pody there some RM 24 there some RM 18 uh rm18 would be two stories RM rm24 would be four stories so I think on that block it's rm24 four which is four yeah let me I'll look I believe that's the street where that um mango building is yeah it's colored it's the only red one yeah yeah there's there's currently I believe uh two story buildings along between 74th and 74 Terrace East of 58th Avenue so do you want to and then we've got the town the town homes on 74th to 74 Terrace West the 58th to 59th Avy mayor I I I agree with a lot of things you're saying I just don't want to I want to incorporate this I don't want you individual bring it back and let's do that so if if what you're saying I think I agree with you that just go hash you know hash it all the way up 58th Avenue to that buffer so yeah CL commissioner guy I I mean I think the difficulty with that is we're not going to get that perfect today and I I mean I think we can you know I think we can what we wanted what I what I we've talked about for a long time is sending a signal to the marketplace about where we want this neighborhood to go um you know and I and I I think with the comp plan change with enabling adopting the text but maybe holding back on the map we give the market exactly that signal and we reserve the right in the opportunity to make sure that we mitigate some of these conflicts that were maybe not all that I mean to me they're not completely obvious right now Comm sorry commissioner bonich maybe I'm I'm misunderstanding or being naive here but what's the difference between approving this and approving the tdrs that you said you wanted to get done today that then you don't want to do for this I don't understand what that comment me I'm not sure I understand your question okay when we were talking about that tdrs you were like no we have to approve everything today we're not going to hold something up but then for here you say no we're going to do one part but not the other understand understand the question again no inconsistency ma'am if I'll explain so you can understand yeah um go ahead again my my prior Point Sunset Drive is at the heart of this district and I know when all of us ran and knocked on doors uh with the exception of commissioner Rodriguez now two years ago the goal or at least the message I got was fix it downtown when I ran no one told me fix 74th to 76th Street uh people certainly would like to see it improved I like to see the aesthetic changed but it's not an imperative and I don't think it's essential for us to do that uh today to get this done correctly so that's how I see the distinction um but you know uh hopefully that hopefully that's clear enough for you I I would agree then with commissioner G like that we do some of them and don't do others and kind of leave them in my opinion kind of hanging doesn't make sense to me yeah I would they're not again I I'm not saying that we leave them hanging what I'm saying is we we're going to adopt a comp plan that's going to allow for all this development to happen we're going to adopt the zoning regulations that would allow for this to happen the only thing I'm suggesting we do on item 21 is not adopt this as part of the zoning map so basically then individual owners as they want to bring in projects that are consistent with this guidance could have their individual projects and the zoning approved concurrently that's what I'm suggesting ma'am right City attorney what would be their their if we don't adopt it do they have the right to develop at six stories or at four stories whatever we whatever we deem in the map right now they would not right so it go back retro they they would not have the zoning in place to do it so they would have to obtain a a zoning map am menu mayor that's not what I want to do that's not my that's not my my process here yeah and I I'll agree with uh commissioner K that I would like to get this area done and if you have a proposal to amend it uh I I I would support it with with the Amendments that both of you have suggested for so I I just I'm sorry I'm I'm bringing this back this one area that is exactly abing to a residential house yeah um can we keep those at three rather than four um and again it's just that one line that AB buts in the hashtags yeah the hash right now calls for four stories in the property in where that's located directly AB buding a uh a residence I would I I recommend that we do three because of let's not kill their privacy so uh through through the vice mayor yes I would say that everything that's hashtagged would not be four stories it would just be three the feasibility that let's just do that because feasibility to do a four store you need an elevator it's not going to happen right keep it three and then adding that north south buffer area that that was pointed out that's a budding okay you have that so the buffer on 58th we're talking about 58 between 74 Terrace and yes mayor yeah yes and and question was it three stories and 50 feet or three stories and 40 feet what are we that's a good I would say three stories at 40 feet yeah I'm fine with that yeah three stories at 40 feet thank you mayor all right all right and uh are there were there any more uh suggested changes commissioner Kai uh no that was all for me okay okay and uh commissioner Rodriguez so that was one of mine the other one I have is um page 37 of the 56 um where we're where we're talking about primary Street and secondary Street on uh Street Che uh section on the on the width um right now we have proposed 60 and 60 um with the build to line of 5et and five feet so basic basically that's giving us an 11t sidewalk 11 is is an odd number so I'm proposing to move it to 68 ft and incorporating an additional F uh four feet on each side making it a 15 foot sidewalk wait yeah so sorry through the vice mayor yeah um so this is for Sunset Drive no this is 73rd this is on 73rd right Mr Vice chair can we Mr VI vice mayor can we have Mr Alvarez just confirm those dimensions for us on 73rd sure it's right here on page 37 of 56 I'm looking at Tony's book so if it helps you it's total page 1463 I don't know if you had that one it's it's the chart uh on line 770 which is page 37 yeah no I'm on the I'm on that page I'm just looking at uh you're saying Street section total which column if I is it which column this would be the primary Street 73rd Street so this would be like a like it could even be specific to 73rd Street so one additional line primary Street 73rd and I'm not seeing a reference to 73rd on the primary street it's not M it's a we would we would be adding a a a a line to that based on what commissioner Rodriguez is pro proposing specifically for 73rd Street so it would be adding a line to the street section with total the build to line and the sidewalk with total so the the purpose of of proposing this is integrating um a a a walkability along with having uh you know if there's restaurants here having outdoor dining and and just making it more more walkable and and and try to establish that in on 73rd so to my through the vice yes um this is something that we discussed with not only our design team uh plac Seria um but we've also gone back and forth on this I is Mark Mr Alvarez on on the line is it is it yeah is it yes I'm Mark if you could comment on this that'd be great a lot someone their yeah I we could what the best thing to do is we we'll make a change on 73rd Street um actually this has to be changed because we did change 73rd Street to a primary Street and we have to change the right way but um we have we have both actions going on so we'll work we'll get plus Serbia's plans and we'll make sure that it's the right um width for the future what does that mean Mark in terms of a final determination on the width for Mr Rodriguez because I'm not sure question it we just have to check on it and make sure that we still add the 5 feet or as commissioner Rodriguez if that's what you V for can can I ask a question mark just because I I mean I guess what he's suggesting if I'm understanding commissioner Rodriguez please correct me if I'm wrong you want to end up with a 15 foot sidewalk Dimension back a curb to front of the building correct is that is that a dimension we have anywhere else in the plusia plan currently to you or I don't know if um anyone else on the team has that information I don't have that information yeah I mean I my only my only reaction Comm is I I I I I I applaud the goal I just think that is a pretty substantial sidewalk I I'm hardpressed to think of one um you know certainly in urbanized areas like Coral Gables where you have a 15 foot wide sidewalk dimension in on Miracle Mile I don't think they're that even that wide there um so it may just be a little bit too wide I think 11 feet I know it's an odd number but it's probably wide enough to have a 5ot you know area for outdoor table seating it's still a six foot clear path for people to walk um I guess I would I would I don't know if there's a way Mr City attorney for us to incorporate the plur standards by reference um so um so that this is all married and integrated with whatever they're recommending since they're really doing this analysis we so Mark included a provision actually uh anticipating that that if there's a in the event of a conflict between the Pia standard that you guys adopt and this the plac Seria standards would would rule I mean I I I would be fine with that if that if that language is in the ordinance you know um going with commissioner Rodriguez's recommendation um I just want to make sure it's right size to what that you know we've invested substantial amount of money in this placemaking and uh Street design exercise uh given that they've been looking at this with the finest tooth comb and have the best understanding of the intersection Dimensions I I'd like to defer to their standard so if it's if it if they come back with a 15t sidewalk at that location I'm fine I don't have a part I'm not going relate to a particular position but if they want something narrower or suggesting something narrower I would just suggest we defer to their their professional guidance all right thank you and commissioner uh bonich I I have a question because I seem to recall and this might be a a mark and tsami question more than anything else I I think thought that we had a sidewalk conversation is that what is showing in this now do you remember what I'm talking about I don't know development services director so I'm not sure if Mark uh has a different recollection but there was a conversation about instead of having um a setback so that we could and then dedicated to the city so that we can have a wider sidewalk so that we don't have the developments that are going on now which is that they build to the property line and give us a colon a that really we can't use as a sidewalk or to substitute the sidewalk and then we don't have planting area but um I does that apply to this area Mark I don't recall the whole the in general and code of course is written for every street and and try I try to make it General um but the I the focus of it was to shift from setbacks and not have setbacks and have that area become a dedication to the city the idea being to bring the sidewalk to the property line if there are storefronts sidewalks up against the storefronts and we have any area for Street Furniture or Street plantings will be on the outside to sort of protect the pedestrians from the traffic um so that was the major shift the additional line that we did about the plus Serbia work was um because there was a lot of issue about whether we're designing the street Scapes the code is not intended to design the street Scapes however the additional uh language that was added was carefully because we don't want to be flexible on what the dedication will be because then we don't have a good zoning code because we don't know exactly what our dedications will be in the future we wanted to make the DED medication 5T everywhere and that's where we ended up with the 11t sidewalk because what works one place needed to work in different places and we did not want to make it different for every street so that's that's where the odd numbers came from and that's where the language that we would look to plus Serbia for our streetscape plan but we'll set our dedications as a hard as a hard number so Mark I think so the B would become a dedication so that we could have it as a sidewalk so that the planting could be in what's currently our sidewalks and get them away from the building facade uh because what's happening now is that even if we get a setback we can't consider that our sidewalk like d won't let us say that's our sidewalk now so let's get rid of our sidewalk and put planting for Big Trees there so that was the idea behind making that change that getting that dedication so that we could have these nicer sidewalks with these trees that would be a buffer between the sidewalk and the street okay and and what we're seeing here in writing reflects that yes okay okay well so it and Mark um Tony tell me if I'm right so it does reflect that but it reflects that as it currently is so and I guess what I'm proposing is that there would be a 4 foot dedication into the property correct to give the 15 feet you you would so it's not it's not like like we're yeah we're we're measuring from Center of of the street into which this would be an additional four feet in the property because right now the the the the the property to property is where it's at right now those those sidewalks currently are 11 feet so what we're asking for is you're going to get a you're going to get 10 stories we're asking for for for 4 foot dedication in order to have these wider sidewalks to have accommodate for outdoor seating and for pedestrian walkthr you could do that and have that additional dedication and then it would be outdoor seating on the public right away versus having if you want more outdoor seating having a requirement that they have the setback but it's still private and they have outdoor seating on private property which would be very different I'm it's two means to to the same outcome I'm so Tony well the way it's set up right now we have a zero foot setback and we have we have the build two line and we have 11et we could either we could either push that build to I mean maybe Mark is someone that should that should yeah Mark say say something on this yeah might be good to get his because basically what you're saying is to add another four feet four foot setback whether they dedicate it or they keep it as private what you want is an additional four fee where they could have outdoor seating but I don't know if you care if it's uh like a colonade where you have um building above it because if it's for seeding who cares I mean our concern with what we did was to be able to get trees on our sidewalk in our rideway yeah and get them away from the building I'm I'm I'm open to to All That Again pbia is the ultimate the ultimate one that's going to give us what their recommendations are um you know so I I think this way I'm trying to incorporate you knower vision and just a little bit more outdoor and more this this is more interaction um outside for our downtown showing more life basically yeah and I don't know if Mark if youve looked at the properties to see if they have a depth that you know this will start becoming difficult for development it's kind of hard to tell on the flyer yeah I I think when plus Serbia's plans are completely done we could at that time look to have an additional dedication on 73rd Street in particular um and then at that time we'd study what the impact would be and so forth uh again this was done for the for the whole area to widen sidewalks everywhere um so we wanted to have something set in stone for the dedications which would be 5et just Mark or Mark or the manager or who else or sarami can you just we do have sidewalks on these segments today on 73rd how how wide are they right now on the nor on the North side they're wider than the South Side in sections how how wide is the widest section today how arrows and arrows one what's what's the range today oh I know uh mayor Marcus you mark no I sorry oh sorry no mayor I I think me and Tony looked at it today we have 11 ft uh in front of the Boiling Crab so that that that whole sidewalk is 11 feet I'm not sure about the south side yeah I think the south side is narrower I I mean I think you know just eyeballing it I think I think you know um sometimes too big can become cavernous right to use your your your term on the on the height my concern is I think 11 feet you know seems to work well on the North side I don't know if that's a I think that's probably why it's a standard that we were trying to replicate across that whole section but uh I mean I don't want to speak for staff um but I imagine that's more of how he landed on the 11 foot Dimension is that correct uh actually no but it it works well enough okay Vice mayam sorry I just yes yeah plus her's work is is not that advanced where where we have that information because it was asked you know where plus Heria was on this so unfortunately at this point they're they're not there yet necessarily we've had conversations about that um certainly we've had conversation about the garage and commissioner Rodriguez alluded to that today um and we have looked at that uh with uh as it relates to uh to the west and across from the current Avalon Bay project potentially to to maybe have something that would mirror that um so now you would have the sidewalk you almost all as similar uh with uh not only in front of the garage but uh further west as well uh but unfortunately plus Heria is not necessarily at that point in the work to to come back with something hard yet all right to answer a little more I'm sorry that I answer that before but um we looked at you know national standards for downtowns and how wide the side Works would be and a lot of this and I'm not uh I really wasn't even looking at 73rd that much we were looking at some of the narrower side streets that the the sidewalks are very narrow they're five and six ft wide and those national standards say we should have about 10 foot and basically it was a compromise of doing what we can and so I knew that we couldn't dedicate that much and we needed to dedicate more so the minimum area to get a tree in was 4 feet I was trying to go for six seven feet of minimum seven is the minimum for a smaller Street in an urban area and that's where the standards really came from it was just a bit of a a compromise between what other cities the national standards and National averages um have they're they're basically based on nacto standards okay but we don't reach those so I didn't reference them so that's where they came from and the fact that it's similar to 73rd Street on the on the um South Side is good and it's good for an example but if we have a strong reason to have a wider sidewalk there and ask for more dedication I think that would be something that we should have when plus herb is finished with their work the real emphasis here and and not to unravel it was to pull away from setbacks and have a widen all of our streets so that we would have all of our sidewalks wider and that was just a compromise to go with five fet on each side thank you very much Mark um were there uh additional uh modifications or areas we wanted to discuss have oh sorry no that's okay so then are we then saying that we're putting a pin in this additional sidewalk size until Serbia is wherever they need to be yes is is somebody keeping track that we have to whatever gets passed in as this now that we need to move back later so so underline um uh line 758 through 762 which was on page 34 there's a there's a reference to the uh streetscape master plan and in the event of a conflict so I don't think we would need to modify anything if as long as what you approve in the streetscape master plan is what you want then that's what we'll rule okay all right great and uh were there additional request for modifications uh mayor Mr vice mayor I think there was a request that heard earlier on the student cap I didn't know if there was that's something we wanted to incorporate or not but the will of the body was on that item I'm certainly fine in the tsdd I don't know that I would want to go beyond that elsewhere but I think um I think I think the speaker uh made a there's certainly a good rationale given the uh change in intensity and density yeah and I'm I'm fine with that as well yeah it was just an it was just talk all right any others good so to to eliminate the that was for the school the cap obviously all all typical codes and all that will still be in effect as far as yeah you know yeah we we would still retain the right to cap it under the conditional use process so I think that's I think to the point that commissioner Kai pointed earlier there's still a safeguard there I I just don't want to jam I I think it's unfair to those teachers if you jam 45 kids and 50 kids in a in a classroom you know that's not fair to them so if that eliminating that cap that's what we're looking at I I'm not in favor of that yeah maybe we can put something wherever it is because we're not Eternal for all we know that'll stand for eight years and maybe none of us will be here so what kind of verbage can we put in place that captures the conversation that we are having where we are okay waving the 150 for students based on having what you know are we following the public school classroom ratio are we following another ratio are we going to discuss a ratio at that point because I understand what you what what what commissioner Rodriguez is saying about all of a sudden you take off that cap and you end up with 50 kids in a classroom it's not unheard of I think we've all seen or heard it before I know I sat through it when I was in Catholic School do the vice mayor if I may just again just to clarify what we're talking about is a cap on the number of students per acre we're not talking about limiting the number of students any limits on the number of students per classroom yeah I was going to say they don't correlate with each other at all in reality they don't have tiny classroom and have a ton of administrative space and stick all the kids in there even though it's 150 per acre you know it doesn't I don't think that's achieving that you yeah yeah so I think I think we'll provide that direction for that modification as well um and then there was one more I think that we didn't address and maybe I think it was a question to um the City attorney from someone in the audience and it was about um the bonus clarification to can we just address that before we yeah if bonus are if bonuses the the concern was if bonuses are transferred and they're they are tied to a site plan if that site plan is sold to a new property owner that that it be that it run with the property so to the extent that the site plan is still still valid and in place I I I that that would be the that would certainly be my recommendation that's the way we had intended it but if if a clarification is needed we can do it so Mr vice mayor I think if I can just add build on that because I have a question I think this is a this is a uh a problem created of our our last concession on the rate uh Mr City attorney because typically we would pay the bonus at the time that they pay the building uh permit correct correct we're really just talking about a problem in the case where in this incentive period we're trying to get people to to start and pay earlier with a reduced rate so I guess um if if in fact there's not a building permit vested during that incentive period are are we really going to uh do we want want to give them the benefit of that um of that vesting or should we make them pay the difference and pay the then current rate so I I don't want to I don't want to I certainly want to encourage people to build uh as soon as possible but I do not want to give them a basically vested right to a bonus that is below will be below Market within two years I agree agreed got it okay it sounds like there's consensus on that so I'll draft the language to to to that great and if there are no more modifications we did um uh I guess push the TDR issue um but I do think we should probably put it in there we do have a majority of the commission support I won't vote against the entire item based on that um but I do think we we should just for the sake of um finalizing this since we have a majority support on the on tdrs what do you what do you guys think if we're including the tdrs the way that we've just discussed them right now without further discussion I'm a no okay was discuss no no I what do we we we don't have anything to discuss yet literally we I feel that we need to sit down and look at what this really means and how we individually feel about it do we think it makes sense you know what in the whole conversation I didn't hear anybody bring up the importance of a shopkeeper it's all the owners the owner the owner and there's nothing by way of a shopkeeper you know because if you can have an owner but if there's no shopkeeper you still have the same thing we have right now and so it actually came up in a conversation this morning and when as it relates to a completely different project as a matter of fact it's the the one that's being built here in the corner there's a restaurant there that literally ask you know what's the impact fee for because this street being closed for weeks and months on end has impacted my business and so there it's not impacting the owner of the building it's impacting the shopkeeper but while we talk tdrs and have as many in-depth conversations or actually with lack of depth conversations in my opinion um things about tdrs no one has mentioned a shopkeeper not once which for me is a very interesting Omission considering that it's you know it it's what we all say we want we all say we want shopkeepers we all say we want shops open well it doesn't matter who owns the building if you can't rent the space and that's just one tiny thing we don't know like we haven't I don't know about the rest of you but how long ago did we get that document that we're all ready and running to vote on and if all of you are okay with that have had it but I'm I'm not I'm not okay with that I'm I'm not okay with voting on something that we might have talked about as an ephemeral thing but actually didn't have anything solid to really talk about until very recently but but Madam Vice may I mean sorry um commissioner I mean quite honestly you know the the conversation before when I when I sought to ask staff uh to be given Direction at least prepare a recommendation the commission said no so but for a third party taking the time and Contracting a lawyer to put together a proposal we'd have nothing to react to right and I'm not sure so you know I mean I I understand you'd like more time but this is not a new idea unfortunately I was one person I'm glad that commissioner Rodriguez and commissioner K are now open to the idea but we do have a concrete proposal it's been invited by Council you know they say it works the owner say it works the recipients say it works I mean I don't if if there's a question as to how it benefits the shopkeeper I would answer it this way the less the more money the owner can put into the building the less money they're going to ask the tenant to put in by way of tenant improvements or system enhancements so there is a direct benefit to tenants as well so I will you did I will do what you did because it was your prerogative at that point yeah and if four people say they're absolutely happy with everything that they've seen and heard and are comfortable enough with it to move forward without further review then that will be the will of the board and I will be a no so is there yeah I mean I obviously like my main concerns with it is how competitive it is with um the menu bonuses that we have obviously this one is less competitive than previous versions I'm still not supportive of it but honestly it's not enough for me to vote against the entire item that we have been pushing for over two years now yeah commissioner Kai vice mayor I agree with you I think that I'm sorry oh sorry when we had the discussion you were vice mayor so um here it it was always it was always an issue that we had with you know I always thought and the way that it was always proposed and Mary I'm going to disagree with you there that we always said no no we we spoke about it we had people come in give us staff gave us a recommendation that it shouldn't be done I mean this is not something that we just said no and no one gave us the requirements we hired consultant to go understand what the market value was of it they recommended no so just I want to make sure we're all on the same page it wasn't that we said no we never spoke about do we have a recommendation from staff saying that we shouldn't have a TDR program I mean I asked staff many of times so I I I what I've heard from staff is that they they they need a direction to study it and we never gave it to them Frank that's not my rection but that's fine it's neither here nor there so so so going back to what you were saying mine was always that problem right that tdrs if we had a bonus structure that was all structured to that and it was freely given not negotiated not private right this is not this is the other thing it's not Collective against all all the tenants I mean all the owners on Sunset Drive most of them won't take advantage of to be honest I me this is probably the market and it's not going to happen but this is different now right this is not affecting those every single landlord or I mean every single tenant this is affecting only the ones that take advantage of the remodeling and fixing of the building or that particular spot they're going to what they're doing it for a reason right because they either have a new tenant that wants a new restaurant a different opportunity I'll give you an example if the bank right now it's a current bank they take an opportunity to do this and now they do a big retail place where there's shops and restaurants to add to the vibe that's the opportunity that they take advantage of from so then would you say because you you guys have I mean you guys are going in a direction that you're comfortable with but you're not taking into account shopkeepers so are you saying would it be fair to say hey we're going to take 10% of whatever that money is whatever it is there has to be a percentage I think there has to be a fail safe for shopkeepers because if not all we're doing I'm I'm sorry but it it feels like corporate welfare and y'all have made fun of me when when it maybe the shoe felt like it was on the other foot but that's what this looks like and so if that's what everybody wants to do then commit you then have to make some kind of a concession or a commitment to a shopkeeper because the building owner is not your only client agree Vice I think the point I'd like to make really quickly just well sorry I'm not I'm not the chair I apologize Mr Vice I'll wait to be recognized no worries uh we'll recognize them that no just I'm look I don't know if it's corporate welfare or whatever you want to call it we can we can try to put labels on on something to make it sound really really negative I think what what commissioner Kai is saying is that by the way owners and tenants are both Savvy parties they're going to negotiate they're going to negotiate a lease and if the if the incoming tenant knows that there is a program that's going to benefit the owner by way of additional investment into the building they're going to ask for a concession in the lease in the lease they're going to negotiate freely between the parties so I mean I don't know that it's corporate welfare for the owners it may be in fact that the very objective you're trying to achieve gets realized is that we end up helping Tendencies because we buy down the cost of their tenant improvements which otherwise they'd have to bear exclusively so again I don't I don't think this is a zero sum game only benefiting owners I don't think that's a fair characterization I think both parties going to be left as commissioner GA said to negotiate for themselves in the form of a lease how those burdens related to improvements of the building are are shared and who gets the benefit of the of the of the additional dollars either in a rent concession or in direct TI payments from the owner to the tenant to help them build out the space yeah commissioner okayy what I think you and I have always agreed upon is that we've always let the market do the what the Market's going to do right it was always let them Mark well this is a private transaction we're not involved we take a small nominal fee to make sure we can record it understand it and make sure it's available that's it it has nothing to do with this this is the only reason I like this particular aspect of it is because we're out of it it has nothing to do with it right so it's a private to private transaction it's just like their selling but it's very specific just to those two parties like I said I don't think most people are going take advantage of it that's why I was never against it I don't think the market Bears it but I don't see anything wrong with having it available okay so then you guys are in in agreement that there shouldn't be anything than a percentage or something in there that has something for a shopkeeper I don't know how to I don't know how to distribute that through the vice mayor yes um so well it it isn't well commissioner K there there there's actually restrictions that we're putting on them to get these tdrs issued so it is so it isn't just between them we are actually very involved um so so in that in that sense in your um in commissioner Bon's U I'm with you as far as there are ideas and and again every everybody knows I am very open and for the for the TDR program at the end of the day I feel the last thing I want is having a new Sunset Place and the rest of the corridor be the same old same old I I if this is a tool that we can incentivize you know our our our our property owners to develop it and and and bring it to life then I'm for that but at the same time if we if everybody's open to having discussions and and seeing what are the best Avenues to present this I'm also open to that I mean we don't have to necessarily say all or nothing and come up remember I'm I'm new here so these discussions that you've had before I've never been a previous to but maybe one of the things that we can do for the for the shopkeeper is during this period where they're under construction maybe it's a the rents can't be raised you know again I'm just thinking out loud there are things that we can do the ti is actually TI can get very expensive and if and if that's something that the owner is willing to give that that tenant I mean that's that's a big relief also um so again I'm I'm for the program and I'm for forward to using this um I'm not necessarily saying that we have to vote on it right now either you know if if commissioner Kai is open to this and is willing to discuss it and the vice mayor and and and and commissioner bonich and and the mayor are open to discussions on how we are what's the best way to move forward with this I'm I'm open for that too remember we're we're we're not to make a big decision we we're like like commissioner K says he's Forward Thinking for 20 years what we're about to implement now this is 50 years down the line 30 years down the line so let's do it right is my suggestion so as I don't want to lose the program by by by um by by taking it by by bringing it back or or separating it I I want to make it clear I don't I don't want it to be off the table then completely because I don't think that's that's fair either so if we all agree that this is still going to stay on the table and everybody's open to considering it then I'm willing to do that but if I don't want to just it's off the table if if if we separate it so that's yeah I mean I I'm gonna take a line from the mayor and say I think we should probably lay on the plane on this one I think we do have a majority support in its current iteration to get it as uh an amended item and then if no one has any additional um changes we can we can call the vote Vice I like to make a motion because I think we just yeah just to kind of bring this conversation to a point so I'd like to incorporate the following amendments number one the 150 remove the 150 student cap uh incorporate the changes to the TDR incorporate the TDR Pro changes incorporate the trdr program with the changes suggested by commissioner Rodriguez uh at the outset of the discussion uh I believe we had some modifications proposed by commissioner Cay i' ask the C attorney to read them into the record and I'd like to vote that set of changes modifications that were consensus modifications up or down and see where we end up if I think we already added those for the most part I think the only one we have to add is the TDR if I'm not mistaken okay so then I'd like to move the TDR proposal as Modified by commissioner Rodriguez then got it all right um is there a second wait hang on this is this is a motion for the entire ordinance with the oh no I'm sorry just to add am on to the to amend on to the on to the on to the ordinance second reading the TDR program so just just this narrow change uh uh quickly Tony um oh through through the vice yeah sorry if if if we feel there are changes to be made to the TDR program we can always come back and by a separate ordinance yeah and and make amendments to it you can do that yes so this is B basically just getting the foot in the door and later we can come back and yes make possible changes yeah we'll have to account for any that are already in progress but but yeah you can you can modify it if if you see a tweak that needs to be made or you know change and does commissioner commissioner bonich if we if we implement it and then later can come back and you know see see how it is are are are you open to that or let I I think I'm nothing if not blunt to the point of probably driving everybody insane sometimes but once this passes let's be real people nobody's going to come back to this this is going to be Off to the Races and anybody who thinks differently is in Cloud cucko land right I mean it it's true I don't even know how to say that like in a nice way once we say yes to this it's done it's done and it's gone and trying it's like you know closing the barn door when the horse is already outside if I can ask a question City attorney on that just proceed you over over clear because my understanding is you know we still have to adopt the map Amendment right and does that does that map Amendment also require the comp plan to be transmitted and approved and reviewed by the state and then adopted on Final reading here in March by us yeah the zoning map would not we're not going to bring it back for second reading until the comp plan map has been vetted by the state so so effectively what I'm trying to say by highlighting that is that all we're doing today is making an an affirmative adoption of the text and I and what I would offer is with there's not going to be able to be a transaction completed because the map that's needed to provide the severable rights is not going to be in effect until the the F end of the first quarter of next year so to to my colleagues what I would say and commissioner bonich in particular that if there are modifications that we want to look at to create some additional benefits you know I don't I don't want to dictate rent concessions or no rent increases because there are other cost that landlords have to bear insurance cost being the most obvious one but I but I do want to make sure that I think we have multiple constituencies I agree but we do have time between now and then to uh to continue to modify and Tinker with this language I I don't know Mr Mr City attorney if I'm if I'm mischaracterizing where we are procedurally please go ahead and jump in and and correct the record no no you're it's accurate what you're saying all right so yeah there's a uh there's a motion on the floor is there a second I'll second and this is just to add that Amendment which only takes three out of five right correct all right that's to fix the verbage in all right uh could we uh have a vote please yes commissioner bonish no commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner C yes Vice Cory no and it's current Fort mayor Fernandez yes passes to all right and so uh if there are no other modifications um would someone like to um move the item as a whole with the Amendments I'll move the motion read I'll second it the I think she already read it read it yeah yeah okay before we vote can I just ask for one clarification so that this the the consensus modification included the reduction in three stories in the in neighborhood buffer zone to three three stories and and 40t is that we where we left it yes sorry want sure I heard it correctly yes three stories and 40 feet and then it was to add the buffer on the west side of 58th Avenue when it's across from single family okay and I'm I'm going to I'm going to jump on this one uh in deference to commissioner Cay and the rest of the commissioner's desire to want to do this because I still have reservations being the only person that lives south of uh in the southern half of the city now uh where I used to be joined by commissioner Le I this is this is something we may have well the problem is if we do this colleagues there's no way for us to revisit it and that's my biggest concern uh that's why I've been insistent about it but if if you all feel this is the right way to go I'll support you thank you and thank you to the commission thank you everyone in the audience these are very difficult things to do it's taking us a long time to do it but I'm I'm very excited that we're at this point so uh Madam city clerk if you could call the vote please yes Commission do we have a motion on a second sorry yes oh we do yes yeah C and Rodriguez C and Rodriguez thank you okay commissioner bonish no commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner kayen yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez I'm sorry we had don't know one no right yeah one I'm the no I'm vote no I'll move to reconsider so I'd like to understand where we're voting no other side if we can have some discussion about it we need to move to extend the meeting before yeah I'll move to extend the meeting someone second I'll second it all in favor what what time are we extending do we we can extend it to maybe uh uh is that 11:30 12:30 okay yeah all in favor or extending the meeting I I I okay now go ahead okay we're moving on to the next we're discussing this discussing okay so why are we so so uh mayor how do we I believe there's a motion to reconsider no mo to reconsider the item and just for the record uh the mayor just to get straight for the record the mayor voted no and you can only move to reconsider when you are on the prevailing side of the motion technically that is the prevailing side of the motion because it needed four votes to pass so with that as your Prelude please mayor no I just wanted to ask my colleague commissioner bich why she would vote no on the whole ordinance and is it simply because of the TDR issue yes I am very uncomfortable with voting yes including the tdrs for all the reasons that I already stated not that I am 100% opposed to than having the conversation because as I said before we have more information than we did but not even discussing that in any way shape or form the way that we have every other element of this zoning thing and refusing to separate it to have it as a discussion to move on its own makes me a no I can't be a yes I don't have faith and I don't think in as clear as I am on almost everything else that's Happ happening in this code I am not clear on that and so I I am I am a no and I mean we don't we don't need to have five of us saying yes it it will pass with four of us I just I am no I know my reservation Still Remains on 74 street so I mean I I you know I'm going have a hard time looking at my neighbors and telling them that we're doing the right thing there by upzoning The Neighborhood substantially on the edge of a single family residential neighborhood um when there's no guarantee that there's going to be any Improvement and that's not an area that anyone ever told me on the thousands of doors you and I knocked on that they wanted to see turned over and so that's where frankly I I my you know I I have certainly gotten what I wanted on Sunset but I share the Reser I have a lingering reservation of substantial one even with the modifications to try to render this more compliant but I again there's I I understand there's other factors at stake here I wanted to understand why you wouldn't know if there was something else that needed to be addressed with that understanding I'm going to move to adopt the adopt the ordinance on second reading with the modifications that we discussed uh and I'd asked for a second and we can just call the role I'm sorry to belabor the point further actually sorry before that just procedure you made a motion to reconsider is there a second for that motion and then we need to take a vote on that if there's the will is to reconsider then we'll do your we can take on the next sorry my apologies I'll to reconsider we have to second it is there a second second commissioner C yes commissioner to reconsider oh I'm sorry I forgot you're coming to me first yes commissioner Rodriguez I'm sorry this is for to reconsider failed before now back so we consider that it's the narrow question of whether you're going you're going to entertain another motion on this yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes pass 5 now I'll I'll move to adopt I'll second that's with the changes that were described before with the modification mayor second uh yes uh very quick question is the change to the South half of the map uh on on Sunset between the half block and 73rd part of the motion yes yes we move to adopt it to six story sir thank you thank you all right so we had a motion in a second so we can call the vote again yes I'm sorry commissioner bonish no commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner C yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes passes 541 all right all right thank you that was easy well we still have 19 20 21 and 20 all right so no we are uh currently at 19 if we could read that into the record please item 19 in ordinance of the mayor and City Commissioner of the city of South for the amending policy 1.1.1 of the future land use element of the city is a comprehensive plan to establish a maximum density of 200 dwelling units per acre in a Transit supported development designation and modify is description this ordinance is a public hearing yes anyone would like to speak to it oh geez uh and see seeing no one in chamber or Zoom Vice May one quick one quick clarification for the just for the record the um this is first reading so 19 and 20 will be sent to State and other reviewing agencies after first reading if they're adopted or if they're approved rather and 21 would be held until they come they all come back and they'll all come back together that's all all right uh did anyone have any discussion on this item um sorry I'm asking the question what is the the reasoning behind this motion the this is a change to the text of the of the comprehensive plan that is basically putting the density cap on uh on this district and it's consistent with the regulations that you read before so there's a maximum of 200 units breaker okay and what is what is it currently now it there is no limitation and in order to uh since we have we have to defend this to the state in terms of impacts uh the the cap was put on over the the entire district and um Mr Alvarez has done a bunch of mathematic gymnastics to demonstrate to the state that the impacts are are are absorbable and that there it's not resulting in in in an impact that that exceeds our levels of service okay all right thank you um any additional discussion on the board all right uh can I have a motion I'll move the motion I'll second it I'll second there we go all right uh if we could have the vote please Madam SEC commissioner bones yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Cay yes Vice May Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes on first read 5 Z thank you could we read item 20 please item 20 in ordinance of the May and City Commission of the city of South Florida amending the future land use map of the future land use element of the city of South comprehensive plan to change the future land use designation of process currently designate mix use commercial residential residential limited Commercial Business Office parks and open space multif family res residential townhouse residential single family residential hospital and public institutional to Transit supported development designation uh this is oh sorry premature no worries this is a public hearing item if anyone like to speak Zoomer in person Zoom please raise your virtual hand seeing no one we'll move to uh I'll move it yeah is there a second second all right and uh vote please yes commissioner bonish yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Cay yes Vice May Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes and I'll passes first reading 5 all right and then we have item 21 item 21 an ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Florida amending the zoning map of the city of South M to change the zoning of various properties from transit supported development District mix use five tsdd mu5 Transit supported development District mix use6 tsdd mu6 Transit supported development District mixed use Market tsdd mum Transit supported development District public institutional tsdp special specialty retail Sr Hometown District overlay HD oov historic overlay HP o neighborhood retail NR low density office Lo residential office Ro public institutional Pi Hospital age minimum density multif family residential rm24 low density multif family residential rm18 townhouse residential rt6 low density single family RS3 and Parks and Recreation PR to Transit supportive development District tsbd thank you would anyone like to speak to this item anyone on Zoom please raise your virtual hand seeing no one would the board like to discuss at all can I have a question attorney Mr vice mayor when it's appropriate yeah no worries Mr russio just a question on this again back to the coral area on 18 which is the text um if there's a motion to bif forgate the area south of 75 four Street how does that affect the other item we just adopted it it wouldn't have any impact on the other item they just the regulations would not be applicable to those properties that are not rezoned to tsdd okay thank you thank you would anyone like to make a motion on this item I'll move the motion thank you very much I'll second it Madam City Clerk yes commissioner B oh I'm I'm so soon okay yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Cay yes vice mayor Cory yes mayor Fernandez I'm gonna rote no this time IEM passes 4 one thank you and then we have one additional item that's 22 item 22 in ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of South Florida amending chapter 2 Administration and city government article 6 purchasing division one generally of the city City's code of ordinance is to add section 2-60 purchasing agent and limitations to established purchasing limitations for the city manager by ordinance pursuing to subsection h of section five powers and duties of the city Charter thank you any discussion on this item uh well commissioner bonich would like to say something yes um I'm just wondering if we would would like to do an addendum to this when it comes to higher threshold Capital items because if you look at what we see on the regular we we were trying to do something twofold by having this in place one was obviously to move away from having to see you know paperclip orders but um it doesn't address when we say we have to buy four cars or something like that so I don't know if we want to give like a TW line thing I I know that other municipalities have something like that actually many of them do um so maybe between first reading and second reading if you guys are open to it they can float something to us so we can see what that would look like for us I'm looking at consistently having agendas that take us to or later than 11: p.m. which we all know is my least favorite thing um and I don't see where just doing one part of this would alleviate that issue I think we would still continue to see a bunch of the things like we did today internet and all of these things and so if not that then a suggestion for something else so that we start to calm the traffic that we're seeing I agree with the vice mayor um I think a two-tier pral would be good and I don't know if you wanted to offer the 30 which is in the ordinance and maybe 75 on the capital side as an idea matter of vice mayor did you have an idea you thought would be important to give staff some direction um i' I'd like to ask the city manager who has a better working knowledge of what would generally be seen what do you think yeah thank you commissioner and um you know to to your point um obviously we were by even one single car it probably would exceed the 30,000 so I I think that's what you're trying to address we could come back some ideas as you mentioned between first and second reading um u in The Gables they have 100,000 for goods and services as a tiered example not necessarily talking about the amount per se but more on on the tier tiered example um so we can come back with some recommendations between first and second okay um that um we can recommend to you thank you very much I think that would be great because it it starts to calm this traffic absolutely are you guys amenable to that yes absolutely absolutely yeah okay all righty Perfect all right um do we have a motion approving this on first you need a motion um motion to move forward with um commissioner Bon's um recommendation recommendation thank you and I'll I'll second it okay commissioner Mish yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Kay yes Vice May Cory yes mayor Fernandez yes and I don't oh great sorry and then there is there was one more item which was the commission comments I do believe commissioner bonich did want to say something and everybody it is also your right to do so as well if you choose to um I have received a request for us to consider pressing pause as I'm sure many of you have heard on the branding the you know of the district and the bird and the parking meter and I think maybe we should hit pause so we can at least see what is going on with it if anything are you guys familiar with what I'm talking about no no I'm not sorry yes um we had Brandon and team working on a branding oh that sounded weird on a branding thing and we called it the district and it had you know a little bird in the thing and once we said yeah cool we've never really seen anything again and I can't help but keep thinking that District I keep thinking like I'm in The Hunger Games um so I'm wondering if maybe we can push pause on it and see where we are so that we have eyes on it before we continue to move forward really the vice mayor question yeah you're talking about theia study part of the it is part of we brought that item to his commission The Branding portion when plus Seria concluded that process we brought that forward for the commission uh uh concurrence with the recommendation which with District commission said yes move forward with the recommendation we don't want to wait till the end of the plus Heria uh study because that's going to be five six more months of that work so yeah this commission had weighed in on that and said you move forward with adopting the somi district and the logo after The Branding effort uh um I'll remind you that they went through a internal process with a branding committee then um had a sheret uh where members that participated uh weighed in and then there was also an opinion poll if you will where people voted at each of those legs um that particular one that this commission said move forward was the one that that that um was was was one out at each stage of that process um so the The Branding U that has been discussed is something that was done in the mid 90s uh the Town Center was done in the that doesn't work for me either as yeah that was a an effort that was done in the mid90s to um deviate or pivot from what was currently the the logo at the time and so in the mid90s the Town Center is what came through this process and so now you know we've brought forward a branding effort to to refresh that and so that was the journey and we brought that item to this commission um as a as a move forward which that's the direction that we received so that's what we're were planning on doing um so any I just want to yeah and and do we do we have any well you wouldn't know because I haven't said anything um I don't know if we've moved on from where we started like what we saw where like can we see can we pause so we can see anything like no that's what I'm saying that the item that came before you was the the recommendation and so that's just it like they've moved nowhere since then with it no we we haven't really placed The Branding logo anywhere yet uh obviously that that happened you know recently we just want to get your direction because then we'll begin to look for opportunities of where we can use that branding U throughout throughout what Mr manager if I if I can help I think what I think with the vice with sorry hard it's okay everybody's doing it including Brian I did do it but uh what I think what commissioner Bon is saying is maybe we should put a pause in the not the process I think the process we either wittingly or unwittingly concluded it with the adoption of that particular recommendation but I think that the uh maybe put a plan in the deployment of the actual branding or the brand for the time being until we solicit some more feedback I've gotten one complaint about it I think it's from the same person that uh commissioner Bon has probably gotten it from as well expressing some concern apparently the concern is more widespread but I hav hasn't gotten to me yet from any other parties um I don't know if I don't think there's anything immediately planned that we're going to do with it we're not weren't producing any Chach skis we weren't putting up any signs the only thing we're planning to do uh commissioner bonich was possibly incorporated as part of the wall mural for the garage uh and maybe we just you know that's not going to happen overnight so maybe something we put on an an agenda for for disc discussion at the beginning of January if if we need to revisit it direct direct the manager not to spend any money on on gred items at this point in time yeah we we were going to begin to use it from a social media standpoint and use it to advertise you know that that area and the the commercial area give them the refresh I I certainly can appreciate if that anyone that was involved in that process in the mid 90s uh that that still you know is is holding on to that because that was an effort that they were participating in but you know I I would say as hard as that is um I I don't know that that has had any legs as a recent because you don't really see it anywhere that that area has not really been known as that um u in in in recent history so anyhow I I just wanted to reiterate that there was a very substantial process of three layers of involvement and and input was taken if somebody didn't like it that their opinion was taken into account obviously but but uh at each stage of that process that particular Mr the only the only thing I I want to add this just in terms of process and I think sometimes we do things and it sends a message that's not intended and I think the only mistake in that Outreach process I think was to the town center Advisory Board which we kind of gave you know I think a man some direction to kind of help lead this these kind of issues and unfortunately they got that they got asked to give their feedback the same day that that item was coming to us and that might have been received received as an unintended message that you know we were hoping that they would just acques and not comment so you know look I I would just to to to support uh commissioner bonich on that would just say let's just maybe put a pin in this until the middle of January and have some conversation over the holidays with stakeholders maybe let the Town Center Advisory Board reconvene in January and discuss this item see if there is any any real concern on the part of that body since that seems to be where the concern is coming from from and then maybe you know move to kind of full roll out if there's no concern you know at the end of next at the end of January I don't know uh commissioner bonich if you think that makes sense way kind I think that that's the most prudent way to do it thank you for making it sound much nicer than I was making it sound I I do want to clarify that they they were they did provide input and there were maybe one or two members that said they didn't weren't really excited about it but the others you know did not object and and it moved forward after that so I I I just don't want the record to reflect that maybe they didn't participate they were and it wasn't 100% unanimity on on it um but I doubt that there's a process that we ever have that you know that that that would have that so I just wanted to clear that up a little bit because I think my was not intended to basically say that that was the case I mean they did have an opportunity to comment you gave it to them I just you know again just the timing you know some members may have just decided to say this seems like it's a done deal let not let not really get in the way um I I I certainly you know we're asking these people to give up their time I I certainly am going to speak to them all privately and say if if you've got an objection whenever it comes to you my expectations you're going to raise it right and so we also I need also I'm going to do my part to hold them accountable and making sure they're getting feedback to us about how they truly feel about proposals if in fact there is a concern about this but you know I don't know that we're going to lose anything by waiting another few days um that's just my that's just my opinion I don't know how the rest of the board feels I I think it's a good idea it I think in this case better to be prudent than fast I guess is the right way of saying it it doesn't really cost us anything in the grand scheme of things I mean it will if we have to go back through the process again potentially in time and everything like that but I I do think it's probably all right for us to wait and hear that feedback but I do think we should probably still move forward in January unless we find some major issues with it fair enough all right and then uh uh uh commissioner Rodriguez did want to make a comment I know we're coming close oh you do one okay sorry one more sorry about that y'all I've been moved to the corner oh no yes oh thank you that's what my husband said put baby in the corner nobody puts baby in a corner um I will say it was UN respected Nikki had the benefit of my very nice uh response as I'm sure unfortunately did our mayor's mother um who was standing next to me this is not what I expected I was disappointed with how it happened and the one good thing there's nothing near my knee that is killing me so vice mayor Corey you now will have the suffering of that big thing there that holds up this desk by your knee so um putting me in the corner will in no way shut me up unfortunately you've just put me closer to the City attorney who will then have the unenviable job of giving me big eyes and well he gets candy there's no more candy for you Mr Mayor none for you all right by the way mad Madam Vice May I'm no sorry again commissioner B I'm under No Illusion I could ever get you to shut up never never my husband didn't manage in 31 years right and number two that was not the intent I mean I I think you know uh and I'll say it publicly not not embarrassed to share it I think one of my only regrets about the last composition of how we organized the board was that we seem to create a voting faction on two sides and that was certainly not something I wanted to replicate so the point here is that we all work as a unit try to govern as unit and lead by consensus and that's the intention for the seating arrangement it's not intended to send anyone a message to be quiet or that their opinion is not valued uh hopefully after two years you understand that's not the way I operate so much love to you oh GE thank you all right commissioner Rodriguez um so well saying on what the mayor said so I think the mayor was trying to separate me and Lisa no just maybe no um I I just want to end it I want to do um sorry my old man eyes um I just want to remember Nolan King who was um shot over the weekend and killed in our streets which I think is very sad and and disappointing that um you know we still have things like that and and and send our condolences to Andrea Price which is the mother he was a foster child and um you know at the end of the day I just want to voice it that I I think we all send our condolences to her and for her loss you're here thank you absolutely and thank you for my first meeting for making it such a small and irrelevant meeting so thank you all welcome to the Thunderdome I'm kidding Mr vice mayor just a just an announcement for the benefit of all of you um um and thank you CHR Rodriguez for for extending condolences on our behalf to um on behalf of the recent tragedy I I just we'll be I'll be meeting with a mother on uh Thursday at higher praise I wanted to extend an invitation for all of you to join me um was arranged by J James MCC and uh Bishop colie so I will through the clerk get you the details if you want to if you have the time uh certainly we wanted to visit with her and see if there's something we can do for her at this particularly tragic moment and I just wanted to say to the manager particular um and our team in public works thank you we've had a very trying experience recently with the septic dour project and the challenges executing the the construction of that um improve Improvement it's been gring on neighbors and um I think our manager today as he does in everything kind of shown the way through his personal leadership and uh brighten someone's holiday through a very simple act of kindness and uh I'm I'm very indebted to him for making a difficult situation a bright one in someone's day and uh thank him and Mr ree for for executing that act of kindness uh you know I'll let him share the details with all you individually okay um thank you Mr manager uh Mr Mayor just letting you know it's uh actually tomorrow at higher praise tomorrow sorry my apologies tomorrow at higher praise that is correct thank you sir 4:30 all right 4:30 and is uh is that all nothing from commissioner Kai all right thank you guys very much that concludes our meeting thank you sorry it's 11:30 have a good evening Lisa turning into