e e e good evening we can take our seats please if we can all please silence and turn off our cell phones we'd like to call order tonight's meeting of the South Miami city commission today is Tuesday April 2nd the time is 7:00 uh Madam clerk if you could please call the role yes mayor Fernandez present Vice May bonish here commissioner Cory present commissioner C present we have a quum thank you madam clerk before we begin tonight's proceedings I just like to acknowledge the absence of our colleague Josh lean because today is his 50th birthday uh commissioner leben if you're watching which I hope to God you're not uh we want to wish you a very happy birthday and will acknowledge you at our next meeting uh but wanted to note that for his absence of the record and the reason why uh if we could please rise for a brief moment of silence and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you please be seated Madam clerk are there any presentations this evening none no okay uh no item items please no great uh can we get a motion to approve the minutes of March 19th 2024 I move the motion second we have a motion by commissioner Cay and a second by commissioner Corey Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner Cay yes commission Cory yes Vice B yes mayor Fernandez yes minutes pass 4 z Mr manager your report please yes mayor a deputy mayor Deputy manager will present the report excuse Madam manager good evening good evening um we'll start with the monthly update on the Avalon Bay project so Marcus is just going to run through the slides so we can see the progress as usual um we met with them yesterday topping out is expected in May so the project is running ahead of schedule and delivery and installation of glass is also going to be occurring this month um so these pictures run through early this week that's the last one upcoming events in the city Sunday April 14th we're going to have our fourth annual electronics recycling event that's going to happen right here at City Hall it's open to everybody not just residents and it's a free drive up event staff will be there to help people unload the electronics into the recycling truck our Arbor Day event is Friday April 26th from 10: to noon that's at vansmith Park let me back up the recycling event is from 9:30 to 12:30 um on the communications and marketing front we've had several campaigns go out we continue to feature our businesses via the somi spotlight um the chief has continued to put out Rio's re with information um for our residents we recently did one on the dangers of distracted driving and we released an informational yeah featuring salty donut um and we released an informational parking video that has received a lot of traction viewed over 65,000 times how many 65,000 times almost 700 shares just on Instagram so very popular video on our page he doesn't want to give you a ticket so you know remember there's a 15-minute grace period and the mayor is complaining about parking see how well it's doing oh you go people love it um and lastly a big congratulations to FL we're going to congratulate Junior Vin Hill um after a very extensive uh promotional process that included a written plan oral interviews um one-on-one interview with the chief panel presentations he was chosen as the next captain for the city so his promotional ceremony is going to be taking place here in Chambers April 9th at 3M you're all invited to come celebrate that's the end of the manager's report thank you any questions of the manager I have one brief question question uh can we get an update on the status of the RightWay improvements on 73rd from Avalon Bay for the next uh report you talking about the um streetscape the streetcape portion corre we we we've met and we we've talked to them they're currently doing some some civil work okay to come back so Design's underway and they're making progress yeah coming back with uh uh some Concepts and ideas I did have a meeting um with Mark shriber uh preliminarily on some Concepts and things he wanted to talk about so there's been some dialogue okay great mayor are you are you talking about on their particular property or across I'm talking about across the street the segment that uh on 73rd that we're hoping that they'll do the north north end and I know there were some possible conflicts with the county so just want to make sure that we're staying up to date on that if we can help in clearing some hurdles love to do that so there it it does go to the curb but the extension was to take a look at the sidewalk from end to end across the street uh and as the mayor mentioned there are some things that we have to talk to the county about um having to do with a crosswalk at the intersection um so that's some of the work that they're doing right now are we eliminating the parking on that side as well was that the idea uh uh both sides would have uh elimination of certain parking because you can't uh the project itself the way it's uh going to be rolled out you can't have that angle parking uh now there's a discussion to be had that there could be some parallel parking uh but it would be very few slots um and I think at some point not maybe not yet but convers ation about is it better to extend That Sidewalk just as the block that's to the east of it uh when you in front of the garage if you if you take a do a straight line I thought the answer to that question was yes but I thought we had already addressed that but yeah just for the record I think it's a yes for me so that that would uh provide obviously uh dining opportunities that are not not there now but also then that would do away with a few slots parking slots but I think it would provide for a much better public space uh um right now the the way that's set up the conflict there with the the pole and The Limited sidewalk and the cars parking over the curb is just it's just not a great great design and setup are we are we talking to the business I mean the uh owners of the buildings where kasaka is and uh what's the Mediterranean building cury Cory yeah not not yet commissioner we we will uh we're trying to get a little bit more info that that they're working on and at some point obviously we'll talk to the affected you know property owners and business owners to kind of get their input on it okay and mayor if I just AO a personal privilege on on the mention of the promotion process you know I want to thank the chief and and certainly the department and Human Resources uh Jasmine and the whole team really um really took a different approach to promotional opportunities uh from Assessment Center including members of our community that served on a panel from business to to Residents and it really elevated you know what the expectation is of a captain at you at that level and so there were many looks and many exercises uh a little stressful for for those that been participated in such an event but I think it really just changed a game on how we're going to uh uh communicate to our leadership and police uh what's needed uh from a community standpoint and what it takes to to to get promoted to the next level so it was very comprehensive a lot of moving parts and so I want to thank the chief for taking that step fantastic thank you Chief and we look forward to the ceremony on the nth uh further questions none what you do man manager please really chip yes please I I just want to make sure that I understood correctly and I'm sorry because I forgot to have the conversation with you about um you had sent me a comprehensive email regarding my question of when we get the new sidearms that the police officers would have the option to purchase the gun that is being taken out of service at the cost at the cost that the trade in value was going to be and I'm wondering if there is a large interest in that if there's anywhere if the cost is high if there's anywhere that we can kind of negotiate a little bit so that it's not prohibitive for our officers yeah uh the chief is working on U program we can't sell directly so we would do this trading and and obviously we we want to maximize the value of that trade in to reduce our out of- pocket cost with the new weapons I know that Chief has been working on that and um we'll take a look depending on where that comes out I don't know if you already have the price of the trade in price yet or not but um if you could if you could address that this Chief um and then at that point once we know what the Delta may be uh how we address that okay chief good evening yes um we've had uh one we we sent out bids for a Glock 17 version which is a 9 millimeter version of the of the Glock um we started getting feedback from vendors that it would probably be more um cost benefit for us to look at a complete built system instead of piece mealing them together so we're actually going to switch to the Glock 47 which is the newer version of the 9mm for the Glock it will also come with the a red dot optic and a flashlight attachment as well as the the Dy holster that would fit that as and that uh holster will also be capable of having signal sidearm which is a activates our body C CER as soon as the the gun comes out of the holster so the officer doesn't have to think about activating the camera uh those we're waiting on two more uh vendors for that because we need to have three uh the first vendor came back and I will say that it's about $245 per firearm um so it's relatively reasonable at the at that vendor cost I don't know what the other vendors will come back with it'll obviously be a $35 um FFA or FFL um that we have to where we have to pay that uh for the officer so there'll be some of that for the transfer fee FFL meaning what I'm sorry federal firearms license transfer fee thank you sorry it's okay I was I got to ask so I don't know what was the value of the older guns uh it's about 200 depending on which version because we have several different Firearms within that um about 245 on average will be our trade in value yeah thank you I look forward to seeing who's interested in that it's a good thing thanks are you asking of any members of the commissioner are available to buy as well well sir no not for myself not today you got to be able to pass a background side there you go oh gosh there we go okay well that concludes the manager report we'll move on to the City attorney nothing to report mayor thank you good okay any questions or comments to the to the City attorney can we make up stuff you can make up stuff if you like okay we will move on uh let's open up the floor to public remarks is there anyone signed up for public remarks Madam clerk No No One in the Chamber this evening is there anyone online anyone online please raise your virtual hand like this doing public remarks Mr G no seeing no one online we are going to close public remarks um Commissioners given the Hope hopeful brevity of tonight's agenda uh are there any reports discussion remarks any of you would like to share at this point the agenda seeing none we will move on Madam clerk can you read the board and committee appointments please yes Elizabeth Regal has been reappointed by commissioner Corey to serve on the community relations board foring to your term anying December 7 2025 Levi Kelly has been reappointed by mayor fernandz to serve on the community relations board for a two-year term ending November 16 2025 chance Rivera has been appointed by mayor Fernandez to the budget and finance committee for the budget for the fiscal year budget 2024 2025 thank you mam clerk um are there any uh items on the consent colleagues that you'd like to pull for discussion it's items one through five okay commission K good uh Madam clerk If You Could Read resolutions one through five please for the record yes I don't one a resolution the mayor City Commission of the city of Florida selecting an awarding contract for construction to tomka LLC for new fencing at Murray Park in amounty $247 plus a $2,000 contingency for a total project cost toity 26761 item two a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of southman FL the resending resolution number 14823 D1 16081 selecting a Prov for unhoused outreach Support Program services for fiscal year 2023 2024 selecting New Hope corpse in for unhoused outreach Support Program services for fiscal year 2023 2024 in amount not to see 8,920 authorizing the city manager to enter into agreement for such Services item three a resolution of the mayor City Commission of the city of South repor certifying and declaring the results of the city of southy special election held on March 19 2024 for the election of the referendum valid question entitled authorizing leases exceeding 50 years for city property involving City Hall Redevelopment item four a resolution of the mayor City Commission of the city of South for the selecting and awarding contract for construction to Western Waterproofing Company of American DBA Western specialy contractors of America for the municipal parking garage PRI one structure and waterproofing repair repairs project in amount of $ 23,89322 $ thank you madam cler can I get a motion to approve items one through five I move the items is there a second I'll second a motion by commissioner uh Corey and a second by the vice mayor Madame clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner C yes commissioner Cory yes Vice May bonish yes mayor Fernandez yes agenda passes great U Madam clerk if you can read item six and then M Kai I believe this is your item can do an introduction there after thank you m item six a res of City Commission of the city of sou Florida amending the schedule fees and fines to add a special event parking space rental fee um so we we've been doing a lot of studies here on on really trying to understand uh we've done valet to minimize the the fees associated with that we've also gone through a lot of or a lot of discussion on what to do with special events so this is just another understanding or a way to start really getting down to the nitty-gritty of what we should be charging for parking fees and then this this one specifically to uh it special events so um right now was $100 every time that we we have events we all recognize well this is just my opinion we we I've seen the people uh $100 people B at so this is just you know getting back to something that is a little bit more reasonable questions to the sponsor yes mam vice mayor have we considered having kind of a stepped approach where on Sunset we make more Revenue than we do on the cross streets have we considered maybe finding the difference between that like 33 to $35 on Sunset and the 25 that I imagine is what we're seeing on the side streets and trying to split the difference to come up with a number that could benefit both versus losing that actual real revenue on Sunset I mean the the what we're seeing on averages and and I'll ask Alfredo just in case I'm wrong here to back me up but I think we're seeing somewhere between $ 33 and $35 on these high uh volume areas I think that to keep it simple we just have a you know a simple number there if if we see that that it's being used a lot more then we'll come back and maybe we can just modify that number a little bit higher but you I just wanted to keep it simple just just to be clear for the record we're talking about $25 correct your question was invitation discussed possibly raising that number to something closer to 35 like split the difference because on Sunset we are making that revenue and so I I'm wondering if we would consider maybe splitting the difference between the 25 and the 35 and saying hey we'll make it 30 can I ask a question staff if you if I can Mr Riv I'm sorry to put you in the spot but do we get the majority of the event requests we get are for what streets I imagine for Sunset 73rd correct the high areas where we get requests for special events is by far is most on Sunset Drive and second where we get you know when they want to close it for Irish Times in those side streets on 73rd and the streets in between the cross streets between Sunset and 73rd when they did CCO Mayo know again sometimes they'll request 73rd Street to be closed instead of sunset tribe Sunset tribe is a big street to close okay and and and just by way of followup and the average revenue there is $33 $35 on those streets what 30 each space makes approximately on the peak times high volume especially on days like Fridays and Saturday which are our our our most utilized parking space days um 33 is about the average what we're collecting okay okay and one more thing yes if we do this does that mean that as a group we're going to stop waving the fees for people because we have waved the fees of paloa I think people are still going to ask but I know but what are we gonna say because now it's actually a by doing this we're bringing it to a realistic number yeah I I my my personally I would say we've been trying to wave it to get it down to this $33 of space right um I think that's what we've done on all the items that I think we we've we hav waved them out right so I I mean again I would would say there's probably no need to Wave parking fees once they at the actual cost I don't know how the sentiment the board the rest of the board is but that's certainly my sentiment well was it again there here we've been waving fees to get to the actual cost of the revenue that we actually collect on an average basis that's my recollection of most of the waivers that we've handled here so for my money I don't know that we need to be waving um requests for for for parking fees now they're at the at the actual true cost so we we we've done some Pro for-profit but we've also done a lot of nonprofit and some of the arguments for the nonprofits were you know that's why we give them the discount there so is that something we're considering on doing I mean I guess it's that's the part of being having a commission right we can do it on a oneon-one basis uh so anyone's entitled to come here and ask for a reduction whether we do it or not I mean I guess it it really does become more an individual respons and and vote for that so yeah I I think you know uh again well it's a caseby casee analysis no doubt but I think we're we're at if we're adop if we adopt today's item we're actually below Market on some of these streets um you know I I don't I don't disagree with with the with the vice mayor we may want to have a differential approach here which for two streets it's 33 and for the balance it's 25 or you know or we can go I'm assuming on 74 Street there probably not a lot of Revenue right so if we get a waiver request for those spaces you know it could be free essentially but um you know I I'm fine with 25 personally I think it's kind of a it's a it's a discount below market so for the nonprofit there's already an inducement to make it less of a hardship we're providing it a built-in discount but it's to me it's we're in the realm of what we should be thinking about yes Mr manager yeah mayor just um we're in conversations um with the promoter of the Porsche event um because we had a dialogue after the event of other ideas that are not just one big event is something that we can have at a regular basis some of those would be on Sunset Drive some may not require street closure it may just be using the parking spaces on the side uh to bring cars so there's other ideas to try to do something on a more regular basis um so I say all that because there could be somebody that brings a an idea forward that has a regular monthly or every or bi-weekly uh event um that that would pretty much add up so the rate was a little bit to encourage maybe some additional activity from from that standpoint um so we don't have anything solid yet but I'm just letting you know that the we're having conversations to try and bring more events on a regular basis not just the one big Super Bowl event further questions Comm Cory no I just wanted to say that I thought I think this is a great idea and I would certainly be more incentivized to not wave the fee in this case since it is far more reasonable and better representation of a partnership between us and whatever events game and it's and and I'm thankful that it's happening I think it's about time that we get real with what the number is okay further comments Comm Mr Kai you want to bring it home I move the motion okay we have a motion to adopt the item and we have a second by commissioner Corey uh seeing no further discussion Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commission Cay yes commission Cory yes bonish yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 4 thank you uh if you could read item seven please item seven a res of the mayor City Commission of the city of South M Florida approving a multi-year agreement with G LLC for police uniforms utilizing the terms and conditions of the brow Sheriff's offic Office contract competive awarded foru to rli number 23013 AG thank you uh Mr manager or the chief would you like to address this item yeah mayor this this item is uh to to provide the ability of the police department um uh to buy uniforms and and some other equipment it through this contract uh I may give the ability to for other departments to also use this procurement this was a Brower County Sheriff's procurement of which we're piggybacking um it's going to provide some other efficiencies given the way that gal's LLC uh brings their products to the marketplace from a uh web standpoint and more efficiencies so this is something we do on a on a regular basis annual basis there's a line item for uniforms uh and the spend on that would be what that line item is is uh allocated for um so this is just a vendor we're switching vendors uh and piggybacking a brow shar's contract for this purpose uh this contract was uh secured for three years from uh 2023 and there are extension five one-year extensions that could be had uh as a result of this procurement okay thank you for the explanation uh this is a public hearing item are there any members of the public who'd like to come forward and speak on item seven resolution to approve a multi-year agreement with G's LLC for police uniforms seeing No One in the Chamber anyone online would like to speak on this item please raise your your hand seeing know one online we will close the public hearing is there a motion on item seven be before we I just have a quick question um we have uh we're providing the police new Firearms we're getting them dressed appropriately is this helping is this helping us with the uh cause of making sure that we're filling up our spots with police is there a quick little update city manager maybe on how we're doing that I heard some great news today in talking to staff about uh some of our marketing efforts and getting some more applications so I just wanted to see how we're doing with that yeah Chief is investing a lot of time I I'll let him kind of share um obviously uh all these elements are part and parcel of having a department that that certainly um gets the notice uh out outside of here and and and within the department so you know I appreciate every effort that's being made on service enhancements uh obviously training uh uniforms uh we're going to be looking at getting ready for labor negotiations both fop and PBA will be coming down the pike and you know that'll you're stealing his Thunder I'm sorry you're stealing his Thunder keep going so but he probably wasn't going to talk about the labor negotiations piece so uh it's important but I I'm going to say it because he probably wouldn't say it because he's not going to talk about himself that way but obviously that's the the level leadership that the chief is bringing to the department so I appre appreciate that yes this uh this contract will not only um you know provide opportunities for newer type uniforms but a vast majority of type of police equipment that we'll have access to at a discounted rate so even the stuff that our officers are not issued they'll receive a discount uh through GS to be able to purchase police related items on their own through this contract other part to this contract is is that it provides us a Quarter Master Style Logistics software program whereby we can track what officers have ordered over the years or over the the year and I can be printing that off line by line so that I know that if an officer orders another pair of boots I can say hey why did he just get issued Boots three months ago right now we're in a paper uh transition uh exchange at this point as far as the um the hiring uh yes we're currently you we've been aaging about four or five applications as you all know uh a month we were at 40 applications uh in the past month so we've got 16 certified and another 24 Cadet applications for the police department so we are leveraging our our human resources department Jasmine has been uh an absolute asset for us uh to really carry on um and move some of that Recruitment and hiring back into what a human resources department does and then allows us to free up some of that for more recruitment time 40 applications versus five that's that's that's very good great further question yeah go ahead I with the software and and this is more like a curiosity thing that for me if I'm going to pretend I know if everybody got you know you have 50 officers and you've got 13 officers that have bought a clip for their belt is that something then that we would use as kind of like a ding- ding ding maybe this is something we should be purchasing for our officers so that we continue to kind of evolve how we are and what we are getting for them so what I've formed I mean we certainly could use the software for that capability uh what I've formed is an equipment committee so once a month equipment committee meets this is officers our training staff and um our um accreditation officer so all those folks meet in a room they hash out some ideas as to what equipment they think they need and what they want and and then they present it to me in a in a format which was the Glock was one of those that the equipment committee brought forward with all the the Red Dot and the flashlight and the holster that they they brought forward so I'm expecting more um from them here in the in the near future I know they've got some stuff on their plate right now that they're they're itching to to me yeah and Alfredo Alfredo's got the money honey he's got the money that's what he keeps telling me I know it's there we go thank you Mr man just as a follow up on this item I think I I was recently at the city of Miami and was um given a really friendly heads up by their CFO that um they are anticipating a substantial base pay pay raise increase for officers and so knowing that we're heading into budget season and into renegotiating contract are are we working with HR to kind of survey where departments are at but also what they're marking towards again we're having success recruiting I'm excited to hear we've got that volume of applications coming in but I also want to make sure that we are ahead of the curve and understanding where the Market's moving yeah mayor is a good point um the the answer is yes but uh the world of law enforcement is very Dynamic right now as it relates to to pay salary and benefits you know as soon as you do one assessment here comes another city you know coming back with another increase that's it came in that it came in that light was it came the the heads up came in the form of an apology in that you know heads up were coming for your guys and gals because you know we know you got a good group and we're going to be moving further up the pay scale well I I uh I take the uh the threat in a very positive way no absolutely right I I think it it speaks to what's going on and uh but it is a real issue so the answer is yes we if you remember this commission supported a a a compensation study the city had never really gone in that direction U that's almost finalized and and we'll be coming before you to talk about their findings um certainly what we anticipated um is is being shown by that some of that information did tap into law enforcement and try to get some uh competitive benchmarking information I think we're going to go a little deeper with it it's it's it's evolving I mean every other day you hear about somebody else doing something because of it so uh so the answer is yes but we're going to have to dive a little bit deeper uh and figure out where to move the needle to stay competitive what we did last fiscal year um just began to kind of pivot from where we were um we're going to have to take another big bite at it great I mean and I would just advise ask us as well to consider activating the budget and finance committee on these issues I know that you know my appointe is chopping it the bit to kind of get re-engaged with alfredo and team now in preparation for the budget and um certainly can use the benefit of their perspective on a lot of these folks are actually work in the private sector's managers um and so they understand the very competitive market that we're in yeah Alfredo's already communicated with the committee and the committee chair uh and scheduled uh you may have scheduled their first meeting already I believe so okay great yeah thank you okay with that is there a motion on item seven please if I can I move the motion I'll second have a motion by commissioner Kaya a second by the vice mayor Madame clerk please call the role yes commissioner Cay yes Commission for yes Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes for Z thank you if you can read item eight please item eight in ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Florida amending chapter 2 of the city code of ordinances to abolish the commission for women established pursuing to section 2-26 of the code of and the Jun commission for women establish pursuing to section 2-2 6.1 of the code and merging the powers and duties of the two commissions into section two 2.6 2- 26.6 community relations board thank you for that commissioner Corey this is your item you like to give it a brief intro yes thank you very much obviously uh this is the second reading on the first reading I got great feedback from the board um some of the changes that were made uh we wanted to sort of in uh reinforce participation um we have uh uh term limiting the chairperson was not um something that was included in the previous iteration so we now have that on a one-year term I do think as well some of these changes we might want to look at the other boards to make sure that we have a uniformity in how these things are met and especially since we have a lot of people serving on multiple boards it should be good to like have the rules um sort of evenly um spread out the second item that I added was if two consecutive meetings aren't held in this particular board meets quarterly that the members would be subject to replacement at that point just as an additional enforcement mechanism to to reinforce participation um and a third item um since this board does in some ways mirror uh a county and the issues that they face we wanted to make that part of their initiative is sort of transmitting to us um what's happening on the county level in these and and in the community um relation boards with the county of course most cities have this board in the iteration as well so it serves as a bit of a funnel to the commission as to what's happening in the county so to increase a little bit of the purpose on the board and to reinforce participation um through some enforcement mechanisms that we do have on some other boards but we didn't have on this one thank you questions to the sponsor colleagues M Vice mayare I I just I don't I I I don't understand why we don't just get rid of those two boards that are not working just get rid of them I don't understand the the concept of rolling them into the third one so that we see stuff that's say women I so I'm sorry your your to clarify your question or comment um you don't you don't you don't believe we should preserve any portion of their prior Mission within the scope of the community relations board no I think that's what the ordinance intends to do am I mistaken correct I I like the the changes that were made to the meeting schedule and the timing of that I I think all of that is great I just I don't agree with the part of the women because I think the more we push us to be something different than what we are the more we shine a light on something that I don't know is such a huge thing I me I'm sitting here with you okay further comments questions well my only comment is I'm again apologize to uh the women of South Miami that we voted to on first reading abolished uh two commissions or boards related to women's issues on during women's history month but I I think the I think the I think the item is very well intentioned and certainly I I understand that sometimes highl highlighting differences can become a point of division I think is your point but um I think it's also important to recognize differences because in doing so we recognize that we still have many much much grounding gain I mean your your service here is a testament to um the fact that you know women are now part and partial and at the center of our politics at the center of our economy uh at the center of our community but um there still are very real issues in the workplace in in community in terms of political representation I think that impact women um certainly in my profession I'll say they're not as well represented as Equity shareholders at firms as they should be and I think that there there there are still issues where uh women in certain forums not withstanding that they are may be the talent certainly they all the talent my relationship uh right are are underrepresented because of um I think still lingering um inequalities that we see in our society and so I don't I don't I don't have an issue with incorp ating that portion of the Mandate of the hmer boards I think fewer committees uh and Boards is a better is a good thing for the city so long as we keep a focus on uh the issues that impact all of us and I think um certainly rolling this work into the work of the community relations board is appropriate given that women certainly at the center of our community so uh with that Madam clerk um if you can call the role please it's a public hearing oh my apologies it's a public hearing item if there's anyone here in the audience who'd like to speak on item 8 please come forward at this time anyone on Zoom raise your virtual hand no seeing No One in the Chamber no online we'll close the public hearing and M clerk I ask you to call the roll this time I need a motion do we have a motion I have a motion second okay we have a motion by commissioner Corey a second by commissioner C don't mind commissioner Cay uh Madame clerk please call the role yes commissioner C yes commissioner Cory yes Vice May bonish no mayor Fernandez yes IEM pass one thank you for that uh if you could read item nine please item n in ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of Soph for amending article four other regulations sections 20- 4.5 landscaping and tree protection requirements for all zoning districts of the Land Development code to modify requirements for new construction additions and other structures on single family and duplex slot thank you um we had a presentation on this item the last time by staff do we want a brief summary from or development services director Commissioners I'm good good commissioner G commissioner Cory all good okay any questions any comments seeing none uh this is a public hearing item if there's any member of the public who like to speak on item nine please come forward at this time or raise your virtual hand seeing no one in the audience and seeing no one online we will close the public hearing uh Madam Clerk or sorry is there a motion on this item move the motion second have a motion by commissioner c and a second by commissioner Corey Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Cory yes VI B yes mayor Fernandez yes I don't passes for zero thank you uh and before we close since there's no further business before us this evening uh I just like to ask whether it's autism awareness month this month I have the honor of serving on a board that's building per Supportive Housing for uh folks um with autism and special needs and so uh some cities across the county have been flying Autism Awareness flags and if there have been any objection to us possibly directing the manager to um and show solidarity with that Community possibly soliciting a flag and also um displaying it here at City Hall any any concerns or objections about that nope I I do not can ask commission another question yes I've been approached to see if we can start actual another another Board of of of having more input from families with with with these type of needs so we can you know it affect us not only in the community business Community parks and we don't really have that I I saw Coral Gables and some of these other communities are starting to do that keus g um I know we have commissioner Cory's uh facility that we've been using the sensory lab so I I thought that maybe we might want to consider opening up a board uh to have more input from our community on this I don't I don't know what the commission the commission's appetite is on that that we can direct to start it up I I personally don't have any objection I don't know what the proposal would look like but if you've got some thoughts I'd say let's work to put it on paper and see where we end up in a discussion I understand that it's another type of a situation where the county has a board and they're trying to transmit to the city's various initiatives so I I I have heard of that when when setting it up as a city so that's okay so there's no objection maybe we can give the manager if you U we'll make arrangements I I'll work with you to find a donated flag and possibly we can we can displayed here at City Hall yes ma'am do we need any legislation on the actual board itself that we put board members and assign seats and whatever whatever the case may be right I'm assuming so you're talking about your the board Proposal with respect to special needs and not books okay I think it's a disability board right y yeah yeah I I think we'd have to why why don't you work with the city attorney's office on drafting uh a proposal yeah no worri okay actually I think I have something right okay uh along the same lines um commiss regalato has also sponsored a decal program for law enforcement so where they're approaching a program approaching a vehicle right and they may be encountering someone with special needs um who may not respond well to that interaction I know that we've done some extensive training in our our own department on this but I thought it might be wise to participate and uh they will make available to us decals they'll have the Cy's logo on it which I'm perfectly fine with but um without if there's no objection I'd like to see if we can direct staff to to reach out to the county and encourage our department to also participate and and distribute these to um members of our community that may have a special needs child or a household with a special needs adult so that um if there is uh an enforcement stop the officer has some sort of visual cue that they're interacting with someone who may not be disobeying an order um out of malice uh but just because they have a disability so Chief if you have any objection I don't know if that's a concern for you or you be willing to Mr manager yeah uh commissioner Cory had emailed me um to put something on the uh the agenda for April 16th perfect we'll take it up then yeah to bring up this item and and even have maybe somebody from commissioner T's office come so fantastic something on the agenda there well great I'm glad that that's moving thank you m well without yes ma'am one thing please I know I asked this once before but you you actually brought it to the Forefront again I would love to know for all of us to know if we have Flags what flags we have and if we are going to be recognizing different things which I'm not saying that we should or we shouldn't I think that we should have some kind of a calendar some kind of visual that we can look at as a group and maybe come to an agreement on things that we would like to recognize instead of having to have one of us kind of take it on the fly over and over again I think it's an excellent suggestion perfect thank you okay any further business before the commission seeing none We Stand adjourn thank you record e e