##VIDEO ID:b6K0A8zfRE4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone my apologies for being a couple minutes late today is Tuesday January 7th uh the time is 707 p.m. uh we'll Now call to Lord of the city sou Miami commission meeting for today if you could please silence or turn off your cell phones we would greatly appreciate it uh Madame clerk if you could start with a roll call please yes mayor Fernandez present commissioner Cay here commissioner bones here commissioner Rodriguez pres you have a quum thank you madam clerk if we could please stand for a brief prayer uh a moment of silence and Then followed by the Pledge of Allegiance I have a short prayer for the new year which I'll read we just please bow our heads God of all time help us as we enter the New Year quietly thought thoughtful of who we are to ourselves and others mindful that our steps make an impact and our words carry power may we walk gently may we speak only after we have listened well creator of Life help us to enter the New Year reverently aware that you have endowed every creature and plant every person in habitat with beauty and purpose may we regard the world with tenderness may we honor rather than destroy lower our souls help us enter the New Year joyfully willing to laugh and dance and dream remembering our many gifts with thanks and looking forward to the blessings yet to come may we welcome your lavish love in this new year may the May Grace and peace of Christ bless us now and in the days ahead amen commission Kai would you listen to The Pledge please the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please be seated thank you Mr manager I believe uh you mentioned commissioner uh Corey's vice mayor Cory will not be able to attend this evening that's correct sir he's still so with that colleagues I'm going to go a little bit out of order before we start recognition and just ask for uh since we'll be short-handed a motion to defer if we can uh items three on tonight's agenda as well as my other item which is item uh let's see here what's the chart to review item Mr City attorney five so items three and five so we can have a conversation about both items at the January 21st meeting that's okay through the mayor yes sir so item five is there a reason you want to I I I looked at the schedule wanted to talk about it I would like to give some direction or have a conversation with City attorney about the calendar that was presented in the item I I don't know that I want to necessarily do that on a special election and potentially incur some additional cost for the city so rather than have that conversation today rather defer to the 21st and and have a time to some time to speak to them about it given that I only got back from vacation on on Saturday so I'll move I'll move the motion okay so a motion to defer items three and five on tonight's agenda is there a second second so a motion by commissioner Kai a second by commissioner Corey mam C if you can call the role on the deferrals so we can set the agenda any other items we want to defer as well no okay so Madam clerk if you can call the RO on items three and five please okay commissioner Kay yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes items okay thank you so much so we'll hear those on the 21st and my apologies to anyone in the audience that's here for those two items but um would rather have a full board to discuss discuss both um colleagues any other items that we want to consider a deferral on uh this evening okay seeing no further requests why don't we proceed then on on with presentations Madam clerk if you can read item E1 into the record please Community News recognition Emy nomination great thank you do we have uh do we have an award that we'd like to present to our distinguished new servant Mr Miller would you like to come forward let me make the introduction mayor please go ahead sir so I was talking to Mr Miller from Community News and I was aware that they were Emy nominated uh this year for a short uh where is it a documentary that you guys had created correct and I was uh pleasantly surprised that someone our our companies here from the city of South Miami is doing great things so I wanted you to present it to the city and and let them know what you've been doing well I appreciate apprciate that the real honor goes to Sergeant Daniel Jacobson 105y old before you begin sir your name and address of the record I'm sorry Michael Miller 6796 South 62 Avenue thank you sir the real honor goes to Sergeant Daniel Jacobson he's 105 years old and when he was in 1945 one of his assignments along with tens of thousands of other Americans was to help release the Holocaust Survivors during that tour of Duty he was also assigned to guard Hitler's home and en acted Defiance he went into the home sat in Hitler's chair sat at his desk and gathered up Hitler's personal stationary and wrote letters to his friends and to his wife one of those letters was just recovered which is now in Washington in safe hands having a conversation with this gentleman it was he was articulate just like this and he understood exactly the significance because he said if Hitler knew there was a Jew sitting at his desk and roll over in his grave so it's a tribute to him and all the soldiers across the across the world that stand up and do the right thing so again Mr Jacobson Sergeant Jacobson and and his family thank you very much for the honor of being able to do that we work with Willard Shephard on this most of you are familiar with one of Miami's most unsung heroes he's one of my heroes one of my mentors besides winning six think he also has a podcast ons what's it called it is called in the No and when can we hear it oh it's every two weeks okay so will thanks for the commercial thank you so Willard put this together he is not not just an Emmy winner he was a fighter pilot and the rocket War flew 52 flights pretty risky his job was it to fly a Warthog airplane which is low flying plane to protect the troops he's the pilot and the fighter he's also an attorney one of the 6% of the attorneys in the country that can practice in front of the Supreme Court we're fortun to be able to record the work that he did right outside the Supreme Court about a year or so ago is a boxer an a certified under underwater camera guy a real honest to God great guy what he did he went to Columbus High School and we said we need four students that want to help film this thing got four students that now can have on their resume that they were they were nominated for an enemy that's what this is all about it's helping people along the way I want to thank Steve for helping bring this to the surface we appreciate it and Mr Mayor thank you for your for your help as well thank you no and uh congratulations on the recognition and we are uh obviously blessed and honored to have you here headquartered in South Miami so with that uh let's come down to the front of the deis we'll present you with this uh little recognition uh and we'll take a picture together thank you okay so [Applause] do you you have access yes thank you again Mr Miller um and congratulations to uh you and everyone on community newspaper staff uh Madam clerk are there any add-on items on tonight's agenda no okay um we do have um two um minutes for the meetings of November 4th and December 10th is there a motion to approve the minutes again of November 4th and December 10th I'll move the motion okay is there a second are there any corrections we need to make to those minutes colleagues before we approve those minutes see any okay so seeing none we have a motion and a second uh Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commission Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes pass 4 Z thank you Mr manager your report please yeah mayor our Deputy manager will provide a report just a moment of personal privilege I'd like to uh welcome our our new director of uh Public Works and and Capital Improvements uh Alex mooz you know he was here before we're going to have to have him come up and say a few words before we let him off to evening see what his impression been the first two days here on the job so today he's here formally as an employee so open season on so we can we can we can absolutely rib him and give him a very hard time so I just saw he doesn't like why don't you come sit in the front Mr Muno here please ask there's a there's a seat waiting with your name on it up front uh Miss fral Lopez your recognized please thank you for your report um tomorrow the city will be hosting a lunch at the community center for former commissioner Gil's plaque dedication at the basketball gym so that's a current in at noon this Saturday January 11th we have a few events happening it is the first community cleanup and business recycling event we invite everybody to come out for that and volunteer we're doing that in conjunction with uh cleanup. org so our meeting here at City Hall 9:00 a.m. the event will be done at noon there's an informational flyer on tonight's agenda fro what lope is what are we hoping to accomplish with that event so if you can just elaborate on that for people who may be watching sure so um it's been an effort by Samantha and our Our Town Center Ambassador getting the businesses involved so they will recycle old Christmas decorations anything that they have in shop and the volunteers will go pick that up they're also going to be in different areas the Marshall Williamson area the Town Center area so they're breaking up into four different sections coming back to City Hall with all the recyclables hopefully we'll have a good amount of trash thank you um the night at night there's SOI second Saturday night market we have freestyle night so we invite everybody to come out 5: to 10 p.m. it'll be a good night and throughout the day as always we invite people to shop shop SOI we have over 35 businesses now that are offering discounts as well as sidewalk sales that will be occurring throughout the day a reminder that January 20th City facilities will be closed for Martin Luther King Junior Day but we will be uh celebrating just across the street at Gan Willis park with a breakfast at 10:00 a.m. one last thing that I would like to share all residents will see something similar to this maybe a bit smaller but it's a a mailer with information for 2025 so it has information on the residential discount parking program and how to apply for that as well as City events on the back they'll have the garbage and trash schedule as it relates to um holidays so just another way to keep our residents informed that's the end of the manager's report thank you colleagues any questions of uh Madam Deputy manager no okay Mr Man why don't you come up introduce yourself and tell us what you've been working on for the last couple days thank you mayor uh commission uh what an honor to be here if you don't know it already you have an incredibly hardworking we have an incredibly hardworking I like that I like that we have an incredibly hardworking uh group of folks over there in that Department of Public Works uh their dedication is beyond I don't know if you know that or not but it's they do anything no task is too big or too small and in the two days that I've been there I've been blown away by their Dedication that was the first thing number two is the welcoming just incred inedibly welcoming group of folks as well uh had the ability to drive around with the manager and with John ree uh and he knows this town like the back of his hand literally I think he knows every house who lives where and what and what they do it's it's been uh it's been a humbling to be out there with him and also with the manager the projects are amazing I think what you're doing is uh incredibly uh well served for the the the residents here uh and I'm going to be really excited to just be part of what's already happening I hope to like I I've told the the team is I just want to make the jobs easier uh you know no change for the sake of change we just want to make uh things better and easier so that's that's the the focus and there's a lot of opportunity the manager has given me a lot of guidance already I've met with him quite a few times more than just the last two days we've talked a lot more than that so uh I'm just looking forward to it I'm really excited and I I think you guys are doing great work and I want to be part of that I'm very excited to be part of that so thank you well I I'll just say uh for the benefit of those who may be watching and are here in the audience uh I'm I'm glad you finally said yes Alex yes you've had conversation for a while about um how you could be a value ad here in South Miami and I think uh you know we had a great team already but certainly uh those of us who are newer to the day has started here two years ago but I I I think we'd be hardpressed to find another city of our size that has the caliber of experience in our leadership ranks with our city manager you coming on board Miss Cabrera kind of leading uh critical functions for the city and and we are really blessed as a very small City to have this kind of senior leadership with a dep depth of experience and relationships that all of you bring to bear so uh I want to thank you for coming on board I'm excited about with the future holds for our little city to compliment was already a great team you know led by Alfredo and and Samantha uh many bright Fe many Bright Days Ahead for our small town so thank you thank you thank you colleagues any comments yes Comm got and John I I want to tell you on our behalf of the commission thank you for everything you've done uh and filling some big shoes and and keeping the the machine running uh we really do appreciate it I'm sure all the residents do all the ones that you know they all thank you man thank you so much commissioner thank you for those comments John Echo those thoughts and I mean um we have we we're only building on a very strong Foundation that you've helped lay so thank you sir Madam Madam I almost say Madam vice mayor commissioner commission it's okay it's okay just um I just I just want to say that all of our departments are amazing our directors make it all happen and our team is there every day to make sure that every one of us and I when I say us I mean residents because we are first and foremost residents so thank you for being there every day all of you and making it happen for us without you no matter what we want it wouldn't happen so thank you thank you okay uh with that further comments we will move along uh to public remarks um John Madam clerk yes thank you oh city attorney's report I skipped that over I had checked it off Mr City attorney you're recognized for your report thank you brief brief brief brief and Brilliant as always so um uh on the list first we have Miss Deborah pow I think who's here for potentially the uh the event is that correct so why don't we hear you when that item comes up if that's okay if if we if You' like we'll take your comments when the with the item okay thank you through the mayor had just a quick question for the City attorney yes go ahead sir uh City attorney was there an update on the did we close that with the school the the what's the name of that school 57th by the mandle stamp school yeah that that got finished right I no ongoing there's no update it's it's there there's semi update there's still like one hanging out thing the the Court ruled you know what yes let's do an update real quick the court the the Court ruled um in favor of Verizon and in favor of the city uh recently um Judge Thomas rules yes R really hold on fall out of your chair moment please but we are moving for for uh our our council is moving for clarification of the ruling so you know that's why it's it's it's a little tentative because he he left out a determination on the deck the deck action portion there was a deck action and there was a a a suit for damages and he ruled against uh Mr Mand remind me what was the declaratory relief they were seeking uh to set to determine that the uh basically that the city had acted incorrectly and issuing the permits uh that the permits were unauthorized and they were void AB been issue that was the deck action portion of okay and what we don't so the ruling the ruling did not address the declaratory it addressed it it addressed the declaratory elements that were um in connection with Verizon but not with respect to City not with the city and we don't know if that would it seems like that was just a an error of omission that's why the our council is moving for U clarification but the damages count went in favor of the city so that that is the uh fantastic the update and and and again and um in the spirit of trying to arrive at a resolution myself the City attorney manager met with uh Mr mandle Sam his Council just before the holidays was it the 20th I can't remember the exact date uh to talk about settlement to resolve the matter uh it was a very polite very constructive conversation so not withstanding whatever outcome we may find in terms of uh favorable relief of the courts there may be that doesn't happen sooner uh there may be a way to hopefully an resolve the matter between the parties uh be be outside of the uh some sort of a judicial ruling so okay okay I don't know why I was on my mic thank you for asking further questions see attorney before we move on no okay we will move on to public remarks Miss Powell will take you uh contemporaneously with the item I I see Mr John Edward Smith uh listed Mr Smith you're you're recognized and again you know the drill name and address of the record please thank you good evening Mr Mayor members of the commission John Edward Smith resident and business owner here in South Miami wishing you all a Happy New Year thank you and we all are going to thrive in 25 there we go uh I'm here to announce that uh if you haven't checked your email this afternoon this evening uh somi magazine has just launched its 20th year uh with a brand new online edition and I think a round of applause is in order congratulations thank uh point should be known that uh when somi first started of course it wasn't called somi mden uh we partnered with Community newspapers and Community newspapers and myself joint published for the first year uh what was then in and around the the shops of South Miami Town Center it was a long title but that's what we had and um then our business plan was after that first year you know you fly in your own so for U for the remaining 19 years for doing that and um grateful for the community and the support that we've gotten we also publish our uh exclusive sui guide uh I think you all have copy that were sent to the clerk's office for you and this uh is our also our 20th edition of that so thank you very much and wish you all well thank you thank you Mr SP a brief question so how many hours of sleep have you got in the last 48 hours probably four I just want to say thank you again for all your hard work I appreciate it thank you okay uh anyone else who'd like to speak in public remarks is welcome to come forward uh to the podium Mr MCC good evening good evening everybody James M10 Southwest 63rd terce I want to give a personal thanks to uh Mr William L Winkler he owns holiday sales uh for Christmas trees he gave um this community 350 Christmas trees he was he was a source of donation thank you he was the source of donation and it it went through the um black cultures affairs and if you pass by that corner you know you you will see the quality of the trees that this community had and this is not just this for this year he's been doing this for three years so I'm going to give him and his company a a personal thanks on behalf of this community and the South Miami uh black cultures Affairs sir can you can you connect us so we can acknowledge his gift at the next meeting on the 21st I I sure would if you please get the clerk his contact information we'd like to thank him for I've not had a chance to before so and it was an extraordinary gift and I know a lot of folks who uh were looking for some help got it because of his generosity so thank you to you and for him for for making the connection absolutely and I want to say one more thing because of the uh public works department John specifically and his staff he really helped us uh decorate that corner in the Marshall Williamson area so give him and the staff of kudos we have a great Department all the way around but uh the public works department with John is outstanding amazing thank you sir appreciate that can't give him too much Kudos he already got some already yeah okay anyone else who' like to address uh this body on on any topic please come forward at this time Madam clerk is there anyone online no one's online you're welcome to come back up Mr MC no one is online okay sir second bite at the Apple you're welcome listen um still got a minute commissioner Danny Rodriguez thank you man uh he was the one that's a power the power his group they donated everything so we can have a a lited up Christmas tree uh for all the Christmas holidays thank you man you and your goo it was my appreciate it thank you you good job okay seeing no one else uh with regard to public remarks we will uh close public remarks at this time and move on uh colle [Music] um do we want to take commission reports anyone like to share any comments or thoughts no um quickly um James thank you very much for that I appreciate it and I I just want to say thank you for having me at the event of the tree lighting um it was my first one obviously and and being in this position and it was uh it was a great event and I i' love to see what it is that you and Levi are able to do with the rest of the community put that together and I think it's a it's a great event and I hope to be at at many more so and any anything else that I can do you know my door is always open thank you commissioner um commissioner Kaya you recognize I just wanted to tell you guys that I have asked the city manager to make sure that we put on the books um a goal orientation what we want to do I thought that last year our five goals even though you know sometimes we did meet sometimes we didn't but we actually executed pretty well I thought commissioner Leman did a really good job of setting that up and I want to continue the process um so I I've asked him to go ahead and put something together so they can bring it back to us yeah I think we should uh if there's no objection for the meeting of the 21st let's have U our meeting pre commission so we can actually agree on what our priority items will be for the next two years I think that's a great practice and we should definitely continue it so what time right before five o'clock five o'clock would be great without objection yes ma'am so you know I used to make fun of Josh with the microphone because he could never get it to turn on but I think it's the microphone and it wasn't Josh so I'll say I'm sorry to Josh now even though he's uh watching Gator basketball not watching this um I just wanted to for a moment remember someone that is the father of a very good friend of mine le le he passed away recently some of you might know his children Leo Leong and Luli Leo mararo he was a wonderful man and he will be missed thank you we all keep them all in our prayers thank you um on the same note sadly uh I'd like to offer my condolences to the parents of a classmate of mine uh Dylan barmer who passed away and expectedly uh a week ago we were just celebrating I apologize I was late we were just celebrating his life uh before I came here and I'd like to offer my condolences publicly to commissioner Ken and his family on the passing of his father-in-law thank you for being here this even evening uh on a very difficult day for your family we appreciate your service uh not withstanding um the fact your family is going through a very difficult time uh please know that we'll keep all of you in our purse uh colleagues uh without any further commission reports there are no discussion items there are no board and committee appointments we do have a couple of consent one a couple of consent items one is a fee waiver the other is a procurement item we do have a discussion about a uh special event policy uh commissioner bonich had asked to discuss item four first so if unless there's an objection I'm happy to take item four at this time if if Madam clerk will read that into the record and then we can take up the two Fe fee wavers thereafter um commissioner bonich did you want to have this conversation with the idea of applying the fee waivers policy to these two items or that would not be my preference but but um if that's not our preference then I will I'm going to take this off and we're just not going to talk about it again we actually brought it back because you guys asked no I I I I want to adopt the policy yeah but it doesn't make any sense to adopt the policy if we're not going to apply it to everything that okay I just don't know how it would I just had not analyzed how it would apply to these two particular requests and I don't was not really part of the staff analysis for those items so that's why I asked the question but they're they items they're special events that are asking for a fee waver correct and so it it doesn't take them outside of this so if I seriously I don't say this in any way other than trying to get either it done or gone this is I believe the third or the fourth let's take item four because I I think it's I I'm ready to support it so I know we've talked about it for quite some time let's take item four M clerk if you can read it and then we'll take items two and I believe the other item is item six item six or before we do that let's take the one consent item we'll bifurcate it okay which is item two if you'll read that into the rocket bom clerk which is the procurement item because I don't think that's controversial or warrants any discussion controversial controversial War any discussion I don't I don't think it's controversial item excuse for the use my misuse of the language there uh if you can read item to let's take that quickly so we can dispense with it and then get on to a discussion on the other three items okay a resolution of the May and City Commission of the city of South Florida approving the purchase of new fitness equipment machines for the Gibson Bela Community Center from Centron Partners Health and Fitness LLC DBA Fitness Smith utilizing the terms and condition of the competitively bid brow County School Board contract number fiscal year 2022 d128 in amount not toce $1 6,522 providing for authorization declaring three existing exercise machines at Surplus property and authorizing the city manager to sell or otherwise dispose of them in accordance with section to- 4.7 of the city code great is there a motion on item two I'll move it thank you is there a second second okay so a motion by commissioner bonich and the second by commissioner Cay are there any questions of the city manager on this item uh seeing none if uh Madam cler if you can call the role please yes commissioner Bon yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Cay yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes for if you can read item four please item four a resolution of the City Commission of the city of souer for approving and adopting a special events fee waiver policy to address requests to weigh special event fees pursuant to section 15 B- 611 of the city code of ordinances thank you um commissioner why don't you introduce the items it's yours it's it's mine it's ours it's ours mine um we've actually been looking at this on and off for months if not almost a year at this point where probably more than a year actually yeah probably more than a year and we we look at it we decide not to decide on it we talk about fee waivers again we bring it back we decide not to decide on it and so we've kind of moved in and out of this now I want to say three or four times and Quenton thank you very much for putting this Quenton director of parks and rec put this together for us to look at um it hasn't really changed very much since we all agreed to kind of what we wanted to see on there which was we wanted it to be a cap of $25,000 a year we could do it however the commission decided at that point we'd bring things up like we are tonight we say yes we say no until we run out of our $25,000 um it's supposed to apply to everyone and so that's why when we just had the discussion that we did I said either we do it or we don't but if we don't like let not keep killing it because every time that we talk about it Quenton has to look at it again update whatever it is that has changed and it's it's not fair to them their time is valuable um so if we're going to do it I say we do it not oh we're going to do it but we're not going to do it for this or that or not the other so because it just doesn't make any sense you know what I mean if it's if we're saying $25,000 is what we're going to wave per year then that's what we should wave period for everybody if that's not what you guys want to do then I say we drop this and just have at it however you guys want to have at it but it it doesn't make any sense to put something in place that's not going to apply across the board because it's going to be while might be clear in your mind this year and his mind next year and mine three years from now it won't be for people who has to have to live with it later this is not for us this is for the world you know so what are we deciding colle think any questions of commissioner bich first of all no and do we want Quenton to give us a quick recap so that I mean we can I mean I think it's pretty clear I think the modifications are pretty minimal I mean the big item is how much do we want to um from a fiscal perspective commit to fee waivers you have a a $25,000 item that could vary I I what I would like to see but my only comment is as follows I think this is a a good policy it's a good set of guidelines there's enough flexibility in it there there's an opport to bring an event here we want to go beyond this number we can decide that as a body but I think it's a good set of rules for the road which is why I'm happy to support it uh what I would like to see for this coming fiscal year is that we do have a set of Base events some of which we don't really even consider the budget of I'll just say the elves parade which is a fantastic event but I don't frankly know how much it costs us for us to produce it but I would like to see as part of the budget process for fiscal year 26 right a budget that just considers both City sponsored events the direct and indirect cost of those events and then what we know to be kind of a recurring set of events including one of the items that's the subject of a fee waiver request today that we get on a recurring basis annually have that built into the budget so if it's more than $25,000 we we have that conversation once a year and those recurring events are already kind of factored in if we want to go beyond that because there's an opportunity to do something that's particularly unique and attractive to us we can then decide whether we want to spend above that amount within our limits to induce a future event so commissioner commissioner bonich excuse me I'm used to saying leadman looking at that seat you know what is there is there a is that is that consistent with what you're thinking I know that one thing that we had put in taken out kind of put in again we were like oh do we want to make 501 c3s exempt and and that most of the people that come to us are 501c3 exempt well I think that was only exempt from the application fees correct or the or the deposit requirement it says fee wavers do not relieve the applicant from payments and obligation 501c3 nonprofit organizations are exempt other Financial Obligations associated with events activities or other conditions of approval that may be required so here we're saying are they exempt or they not exempt Mr director why don't you come forward and clarify that point for that might be a good point of of discussion there's something I think that we need to look at if we're waving and and I'm using this just as an example because it it happens to be something that we wave every year which is the the festival with the the cultural Affairs if that's something you want to do then what you're saying makes more sense because then guess what do we co-sponsor it because if we're waving you know $10,000 of it do we co-sponsor that and then it becomes a City Event whatever it is I just this we gota I I agree I think that's how I think we we I think there are certain events we know happen every year here that are done in partnership with you know local nonprofits that where the city should be a co-sponsor I would put this event in that category I think it's item three on its agenda now you know we can have a discussion year to year whether we can afford to do that or not right but it happens once a year in the context of the budget you know but I think this policy is very helpful for those events that are not contemplated in the budget to give us something by way of criteria to evaluate where we get a new event that wants to come in and ask us for some assistance and how we how we evaluate it as well and and not to like kill it or not kill it because obviously we' we've talked about it so many times is if we're exempting the 501 c3s then I think we should look at what what those are and like we know we have I well before we have this conversation can we ask the director what we are what we mean by the exemption that's in the in the in the criteria so just to clarify so we're on the same page so Mr director you're recognized good evening uh mayor Commissioners happy New Year so B1 c3s are not exempt from um this policy there are certain things that do apply to them um that are totally different for example if you can elaborate for example um so the indirect the indirect Services um wouldn't necessarily apply to a 501c3 or at least that's what we're recommending application fees things like that uh street closures um uh parking meter rentals etc those are the items that we will suggest U will not be applied to nonprofit but the direct cost where there is a c a cash outlay potentially for City Services they would still be responsible for those unless we decided to wave them that is correct direct cost such as uh Staffing police vehicles um ET direct yes now apply again thank you for the clarification to my colleague is that consistent with what you wanted to see in the policy yes okay and and one thing that I think we should talk about is what do we really see this doing because what I also don't want is for us to adopt this and then kind of oh no we didn't mean that oh no not that oh we're going to wave the hard costs for this or the hard cost for that because when we waved the hard costs the first time we said it was something we weren't going to do and we've consistently done it since then till today for every single person that has requested a waiver of the hard costs and I'm not saying it's a good thing or a bad thing but it is a a hard cost is a cost to us the the city so when we are looking at these things and that's why I'm saying that I think now is the time to to have that discussion is what what do we really just just if I can if I can because I want to get to clarity with respect to the monetary cap that's in the policy that applies to the hard cost correct so $25,000 threshold as I understand the policy whatever comes before you for waiver appli subject to a $25,000 cap unless we vote to increase that cap is that correct that is correct okay so we do we are creating some guard rails for ourselves on the direct cost side and we're saying $225,000 is the budgeted total amount that we will wave again it does not tie our hand and absolutely we can go beyond that but we're sitting that as a benchmark for a year which is I think pretty consistent with what our practice has been is that correct that is our goal okay should someone request a waiver now is that again I asked the question because that is that consistent with what you were hoping to drive for yes because what I'm trying to do is is control how much we are just saying yes yes yes yes okay again I again I you know I think the policy is good I don't see this we may see this like differ I've never seen this to be a particular issue from a cost center perspective in our budget but I think I think the criteria helps to clarify both to people who want to bring events and to us as policy makers evaluating events have some objective criteria to weigh what is worth uh giting big gifting money to correct yeah yes colleagues forther questions commission C so just to for clarification moving forward yes if we designate eight different events that we want to make sure the city's sponsoring one way or another moving forward this won't be part of that correct so if we budgeted I I think it would be great every year if we if we knew there are eight events that happen every year I'll use the black cultural Affairs is they here in the audience this evening that we sponsor let's roll them into our budget that's it let's agree to the number let's save them the agony of having to come here every year and ask us we know what it is we can control our cost that way and it can be part of a global number May the number goes to $35,000 so we can be a little bit more you know allow people to come in and say we want to do something new with South Miami I heard I had a conversation recently with the owner of the physical therapy center complex that wants to do a 5K and possibly a bike Roundup on a monthly basis may be something we want to do by way of an activation you know that would be something that's new that we could bring in and evaluate under this criteria subject to the cap yes ma'am something that I think is important for us to keep in mind is I think we came up with that $25,000 number because we were just globally looking at like okay what did we do last year and we included those those events that we're now saying we're going to bring into the budget so I think we need to very much keep in mind when we're saying this $25,000 it's not really $25,000 because we're rolling this other stuff in so I agree I would go beyond that $50,000 beyond that there's events that I don't know like I said I mentioned the elves parade I don't know what we spend I I can't really think I can't off the cut T tell you I don't know that that I know that the exact number is but I think it would be we'd be better informed to consider all those costs they we already sponsoring plus the ones that have been kind of recurring events that should be rolled into that category and have a more global perspective on it do we think it would be fair than independent of this because it seems like that's the way that we're W to kind of rule that we then ask Quenton and his team to give us the last three years of what what we have had so that we can say okay we I'm G to make this up okay I City sponsored and City non-sponsored events what the direct indirect costs are for all all special events exactly because we have the you know we have the footworks team footworks that has we have a if if I'm not mistaken it's three offense with the cultural Affairs I think it is three is it is it three events a year two two two the Martin Luther no no that's that's something we do on our own we did that on our own yeah oh so so but but I think I think M so there three so I think my point would be I think as we move into the budget process in May June that should be something that's presented to us as a discreet line item I don't know if that's something you would agree with or not I I think I'm I don't have a problem seeing it when we see the budget but I think that before we get there this being realistic this will pass from our minds and when we see it in June it's not going to have I think the same impact for us that it may now even if we just get a listing after we say yes no whatever to this so that we know kind of what we're looking at because if not we're going to get to the budget and then we're going to have the whole back and forth and back and forth of what we think yes no the other and it's going to become more than I think it should be at that point okay even if we say we're going to have it during one of our of five o'clock conversations where we say hey this is what we've looked at the last two three years and this is what we kind of want to roll in if if the sponsor will I I I respectfully would say I don't want it to be part one of our part of our five o'clock conversations because again we're talking about let say the most aggressive sense $100,000 in our budget which is to me not a huge priority item and not to say that $100,000 is not sign a lot money it's it is but in the context of the other things we're talking about about priority items it's it's a rounding error and so I I mean I think it's it warrants I I it warrants again examination which is why we're talking about it for this amount of time but it's not so significant that I would put it on that list of a f of a no no I'm 500 priority item not make it a 5:00 priority it what I would suggest is let's let's have the manager bring it back as one of his feuture reports whether it's the 21st or in February as an item a breakdown item with the proper backup kind of explaining what we've spent historically and if we have questions about it at that point in time we can have some more conversation in the context of the manager report Mr manager you're fine with that I I just again I want to make sure that if we're going to get a dedicate time beyond our time here on the day is to Priority projects at 5 o'clock again we should never be Cavalier about money but I don't don't think it kind of Rises to the level of the stuff we talked about the last time which is you know City Hall and streetcape enhancements and those kind of things that are are substantially what orders of magnitude far beyond what we're talking about right now I I agree with you when you're talking about orders of magnitude the reason that I say let's have the discussion sooner versus later is because while to usn't maybe a rounding error to the cultural Affairs committee a huge difference correct in how they're viewing their budget for the year yes absolutely that I agree with I mean whether you go to those events don't go to those events they're Hallmark events for this city for sure comment so through through the mayor and and commissioner bonich so it was my understanding so is is this budget put together by events that we've done over the last year or is it where each commissioner because if you five times five we each had our our own budget to sponsor a certain event so the the initial kind of the evolution of the item commissioner Rodriguez was that initially I think the proposal from commissioner bonich was to give us all like an individual allocation you know I chafe at that I like us to work as one body and arrive at kind of a unanimous decision about what events are important um so we kind of aggregated that $5,000 into this $25,000 item which is more than what we've waved historically in direct costs so it gives us a little bit of flexibility I would say we should go A Step Beyond that and as our our budget process annually you know talk about what we really want to kind of co-sponsor with black cultural Affairs or any other nonprofit and kind of make a signature event for the city and understand the full cost of what we're already doing plus these third party events and just roll it up into a line item now that's not to say that we shouldn't I think the policy is very helpful because on occasion new ideas come along we've got to evaluate I think this provides us a road road map to evaluate those new opportunities and old ones year as years go by that may or may not be as relevant as they were in the past today so um that's kind of the evolution of the conversation I think it I I feel like we're all kind of going in the same direction on this um so what I what I would suggest is I would like to entertain a motion on item four to adopt it if there is one out there uh see if it'll be seconded we could vote it up and then we'll ask staff to bring forward a report as part of a future managers report no later than February so that we have a full sense of what the what we've been spending across all City sponsored third party sponsored events direct and indirect costs and then you know we have that basis of information we have questions we can ask about it at that time and maybe move forward in the next budget in a more robust conversation about this particular line item is that acceptable Madam yes can I can we just maybe take one thing kind of out of order because it time is of the essence yes for the black cultural Affairs group could we then do we want to wave it now and then say oh we're gonna roll it no I we're gonna I think we're if you're if your questions are we going to act an item one yeah because we they need an answer no we should we should adopt item four okay and then I'm going to take up item one and I think there's item uh item item six as well that's another waiver so we'll have both of those discussions today and I but I did a very bad job of speaking what I'm trying to say sorry what I'm saying is if we're going to be looking at taking them into the budget are we are we going to adopt them into the budget for this budget year no that's perspective I'm talking about I'm talking about fiscal year 26 so then we're going to run out of money in 25 if we're adopting this we're we're at 20, 378 if we say yes to both so that's why I'm saying I think based on the conversation on the 21st we may want to bend and groove a little bit on how we're looking at that well let's get through today and let's see how where we end up uh on on any future requests so that's how so I I I agree with with moving like you said some of the the the events that we have you on a yearly basis and moving them into the budget you know aside from some and there are other items you know for example there's a scholarship that that every year they got to come I agree with you the reason I'm bringing this up is um you don't want them to come and ask every year for it when it's a when it's a continuous event kind of like when they have to come and ask for the scholarship to be approved C certain things like that should just be in the budget and and and so commissioner that scholarship item is in the budget okay so the money is there allocated annually what I think what they ask us to approve is the awards of the scholarship okay which by the way I don't disagree I'd be perfectly happy to delegate that to the committee and not review it myself I mean I think they they make a very um do a good job of selecting uh Scholars for those Awards but um but yeah yes but that's that's the process that we use currently okay so is there a motion to adopt item four I'll move it because it's mine great is there a second I'll second it great so we have a motion by commissioner bonich and a second by commissioner Rodriguez Madam clerk if you can call the role on item four please yes commissioner Bon yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Kay y mayor Fernandez yes item pass if you can read item one please since the vice mayor's AB I'm going to give you this item one resol may City commission the city ass for approving and authorizing a waiver certain event related fees and cost in amount of 9,457 183 pursuing to section 15 b-6 of the city code for a special event known as the unity reunion Music Festival presented by the S Black Culture Affairs Foundation to be held on Saturday February 15 2025 in muray park ma'am would you like to come up and speak with us about it I'm deah pal and I'm the president of South Miami Black Culture Affairs Foundation Incorporated and uh well I have some questions after that whole discussion but I'll get some clarity on that later uh but um we have three major events that we sponsor and we have uh been in existence for going on 13 years and uh prior to uh uh we had a CRA and basically we work in partnered with the CRA and uh for the Marshall William some uh area and so therefore we uh were the entity that sponsored a number of events in that particular targeted area so that was our mission our mission basically has been to uh provide cultural activities not just for that area but for the collective Community if you will um and they've been very successful F events I'm tonight speaking on behalf of one coming next month so I'm a little bit concerned uh and uh we'd like to I mean we're open for questions or you know to clarify um in terms of criteria we can give you that criteria and I guess one of my main concerns would be who would make the decision as to what particular event is more relevant or significant than the other how would that criteria be decided and would the groups have some input uh into how that criteria is is if you will designed but let me speak on that one event for February okay this is our annual Unity music uh reunion festival and as I said it is an event even though it's held at the Gibson bethle park it is a uh Community event that reaches out to all communities in the city of South Miami uh one of the main focuses is um in terms of community empowerment to engage Civic engagement if you will and also uh for families current and former residents of South Miami to come together uh last year we had one of our most successful events we had over well a safe number would be 600 what there more than that that came to that event and uh we already have people planning to come from out of town and they're ready to go um uh I would just like to say that um this particular event is a significant event in terms of if you will historical preservation in that community that that's a fancy way of saying uh of saying that and also um it touches a number of residents like I said in and outside that grew up in South Mani were raised in South Miami to come back it gives them a kind of a reunion if you will to come back and celebrate and see how our community uh has been flourishing uh I'm going to take a line he took my line uh we are thriving in 2025 and I concur with um that would be wonderful if we could roll it into the budget and we would be open to having discussion if you will with you know the uh appropriate uh persons uh to discuss that but these particular events uh We've run uh even though we've wait fees we've gotten sponsors so it's not we're asking for complete money from the city of South Miami we've had sponsors Community sponsors business sponsors um from South that people that were raised in South B and people beyond that have helped us to do these events they've been high quality events we have not had any incidents let me just say that one more time because I think that's important we've been having these events for the last 13 years with without any incident and I think that that's something that we're very proud so uh our membership um I'd like them to stand have some MERS here stand please and some former members if they would stand and I understand in terms of uh budget uh we are you know asking for waivers but we are uh uh an organization that basically we basically try to stand on our own um in terms of budget for most of the events and that's the only thing in terms of waiver so I'm open to any questions that you might have in terms of the organization and the event or other events thank you for presentation are there any questions colleagues I don't have question colleagues no no colleagues um then questions I do I do implore you to please vote yes thank you well I I'd like to I'd like to move the item for adoption is there a second a second okay so a motion by myself a second by commissioner Cay uh colleagues any comments yes ma'am you're recognized I I just I I want to make sure that when we have these discussions that we are clear because I think it can be a a point of worry for whoever we're saying oh we're going to just kind of take them into the budget like like what does that mean and what have you so I think that when we decide what we're going to essentially take the fee waivers and make them our participation in these events year on after year that that we're clear than exactly what we imagine our participation to be when we take it into our budget where we're saying we just don't have to have them come every year and say I need 9,457 183 that will be that will be our city contribution to whatever the event is not not taking on more than that but giving that that kind of like relief valve yeah yeah I think I think that the only difference is rather than than being reactive to a third party bringing forward a proposal what I would see is us being proactive and reaching out saying look we've had this relationship for a millennia whatever just a a very long time uh let's figure out what the event did last year what we'd like to do at the future at what level we think we can support it given our budget limitations and have a conversation a more structured conversation in the budget so that it's not you know catch as you can right it's already thoughtful and and and for me the opportunity is more so to see that we can work proactively and build these events right because I think uh whether it's this we're talking about or the next one that we'll talk about there's the opportunity to kind of engage very different cross segments of uh our city right and connect them back to this place which can create additional Commerce which can create additional opportun for investment and obviously there's also the social aspect of this in terms of retaining a connection to a place that you may have left um all those I think are lonable goals and you know the more forward thinking we are about it the more we can build and grow these events as opposed to kind of waiting for someone to take the initiative to kind of present us with the next opportunity I I agree and also from a marketing perspective for the city if we're putting money even if we have nothing but waving all of these things on a yearly basis similar to what we saw with the Arts Festival our name gets attached to it in some way because it guarantees a better outcome exactly if we are investing whether we are giving you know whether we're just covering all these hard and soft costs related to the feed um at least we're also seeing our brand hopefully grow as well absolutely okay so with that we have a yes sir you're right um this is this question is more for I guess the city manager um last year we had this same event at the same time as the Art Festival we're not repeating that are we no different different weekend okay just to just to repeat what you said the data has been changed so there is no conflict uh they're both being held on separate weekends thank you I I also have the question um you know the black cultural Affairs this is as you said you're very proud you have your sponsorships and all that I think we should also ask them that being part of the budget you know you're taking us as a partner is that even some you know you're open to absolutely I mean just to ask to because as you said we're not going to relieve them of their obligation to help us find additional money to put to produce that no no no I'm just saying no no no I'm not saying I'm not even saying that but may you know instead of uh you know making it a partnership maybe it's something you like as a standalone uh event that that that's yours you know well to be something to answer uh commissioner Bonet uh to be very honest with you we've always include uh the city of South L is the informal sponsor if you notice uh uh they've been included on you know uh marketing publication so they've always been a sponsor um not uh perhaps a sponsor where they donate and in the past we've had some Commissioners that have donated some uh from their discretionary funds have donated um but um we pretty much uh in terms of the finances have sponsors outside the city of South Miami but in terms of on a informal basis they are always included on the Publications as being a sponsor so I guess we can maybe make that more formal or formalize that and as I said I think it's important uh when you do have the discussions about criteria and that kind of thing if you would include those organizations in those discussions we really appreciate that Miss Pa thank you and again thanks to the uh miam County also funds the event as well so but uh partner with us on this particular event as well great well thank you all for your hard work we appreciate it okay we have a motion in a second is there if we can have a roll call please yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Rodriguez yes commissioner Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes item pass if you can read item six please yes item six a resolution approving and authorizing the waiver of certain event related fees and cost and amount now to receive $1,921 pursuant to section 15 b-6 of the city code for a special event known as da Ren Trin forge car show presented by Patrol views LLC to be held on Friday January 17th through Sunday January 19th at the shops of sun sit in adjacent streets I believe the applicant is here um please come forward sir your name and address for the record good evening uh mayor Commissioners uh Happy New Year happy New Year New Year thank you very much uh we are U very excited to be back again I might know your name but for the Rodriguez sorry founder uh director your address to the record please uh which is a 503 see um we're very proud to be back um it's it's it's you know I've been here for now this is I think our our 11th year and I've been up here for eight out of the 11 years and it's always really exciting and and not so refreshing because things have moved really fast uh we started the event uh long time ago as an extension of a Volkswagen event renting a parking lot for $500 so the idea that 11 years later we're we're here um with what I believe is a pretty significant impact to the city and and I think to me personally U serving as a as a pretty you know exciting sort of uh uh inspiring uh opportunity for for anyone that's an Enthusiast from a kid to an adult to to all of us is pretty exciting so thank you for for having us uh we're very happy to be back um as I as I said uh the event has grown uh significantly uh we as a as a non for-profit uh do have sponsors have had sponsors from the very early days um I think because of our audience and our participants uh the event has grown uh much quicker than than we ever ant anticipated uh having significant cost uh from insurance security uh activation activation time Etc um and being back last year um after having stepped out uh postco um we have come back with a much bigger footprint with a much bigger uh activation um and although we've had great support um from the shops of Sunset Place hosting the indoor activity we've also had significant impact fees there as well um so for me you know asking for for the waivers uh and the waivers that we asked for uh originally were based on on on pre uh uh I don't know what the right term is but uh procedures um we were rally requesting for the uh not the direct impact fe uh or the direct impact piece uh and not all the piece um I realize um and and because things have happened so so fast uh in the first years and the early years of event we actually donated and contributed to Parks and Recreation in in different uh forms with different dollars amount and different activations and and support but but really what I'm looking for more so than waving the fees is the opportunity to work together to actually create a legacy for the city that actually impacts you know youth uh farts and Recreation and and you know potentially put together scholarships or anything that that that that again creates a legacy I think it's it's truthfully a little bit shameful to have a gathering Where We Gather you know three or $400 million do of cars in the streets of South Miami for a period of 72 hours and we don't leave anything greater behind so to me it's not really about yes I would love the support yes we need the support to continue on and and to grow the event but really I I want to think of this as as a partnership where we actually create opportunities to leave something behind uh and you know uh the idea of partnering the event sounds great but uh I think you know committing and and coming back uh to to what last year was was three times the budget that we ever spent doing an event here was a big commitment for our from from us um obviously we're we're not looking to go anywhere we're looking to grow here uh if nothing else because we believe in in what the city's doing and we're very grateful because we're here because we started here so uh I think we're in a very fortunate Place uh considering everything that's happening but again more so than the than the feeds that we do need wave uh really is is we're reaching out to to consider a longer commitment going forwards thank you for those comments uh colleagues questions commiss k your recogn Mr alvare congratulations last year on your exceptional show it was awesome um I think that I understand what you're saying um I do agree with you that it should have a lasting Legacy not just a 3-day you know 72-hour event um I will put it on you and your team to reach out to us to make sure that we can build on something like that last time I saw you was a year ago you know I want to make sure that your event's doing something special it continues to do something special next year is going to be a different year right next year you're not going to have Sunset plays right so the the process of what what we all want to do together and we spoke about this last year is something that could be long lasting so I'm looking forward to that um you know I'm a big fan of the of the show and I think it does really well for our city it does really well for everybody everybody's happy uh and I think that's quality of life right making sure people are happy so um just take that into consideration moving forward okay thank you comments questions you recognized I I think you were being very kind in understating the impact that that event while it was 72 hours had on the economy as it relates to the shops and the restaurants that were frequented by the people that went to your event so I think I think it was significant I mean I was I was here I walked it I you know saw people having to wait you know an hour and a half to be able to get a table at gas so thank you very much for considering us again this year it's going to be interesting like you say commissioner K to see kind of how that evolves how it can evolve if Sunset Place is under construction so we we've considered and we have met U with with them obviously uh with the project and uh have looked at possible activations we've also talked to uh some event uh structure companies to potentially erect enclosures for the event which would again come at a significant cost but I think with the future plans of sunset uh not only we could evolve the event uh but we could actually have a world class event with with the future PL so I mean again the the the intent is to power through and build on it and and you know we we are aware that come future years we would have greater structure uh cost to activate but I think you know once things are are finished it it would be incredible I like to I like to think that we could have the P Beach of the East so so I I'll be the wet blanket in the room on the conversation tonight I think last year's event was very exciting um I was very hopeful that we would and I think our staff attempted to continue the conversation around interim activations between the annual event um um forun those conversations seems to uh seem to have gone by the by the wayside um you know I I I think this event could be a signature event and I think it's something that frankly I would like to support beyond what our manager did but I don't I don't think that as a sponsor frankly enough has happened in the last year we not withstanding you know not the best history in terms of uh meeting obligations we made some accommodations the event was put together in very short order it came off fantastically well again to your credit uh but there but in this year frankly what I'm what I'm regretting right now is the Lost opportunity the last 12 months and frankly you know this event for me to see an application come in and dated December 8th of 2024 with what happened last year to me is a huge disappointment and I and I can say for the record that it is not something that is on at the I'm going to lay at the feet of our staff because I believe there's been attempts to engage but really you know for me to want to dig deeper into our coffers and even offer the request that our manager is considering I'm hardpressed to do it because a request coming in at this date with the event happening in 10 days 15 days doesn't all allow us to leverage it to the level that could be leveraged we should be having food and beverage Partnerships with our restaurants to can drive more traffic to them uh I'm you know I was when I saw the item on the agenda did a quick Google search there's really no promotional information other than on your Instagram page about this event that draws it draws tens of thousands of people organically could probably draw more than that if we really work together to grow it um I'd like to have a very deep and robust part partnership with your organization whether it's a nonprofit or for-profit I thought it was a for-profit until he said it was a nonprofit frankly um you know I the way I look at this event frankly uh this request it's not what I'm I'm Inc I'm inclined to support notwithstanding the impact because in the absence of that conversation that has not happened the last year what I see it is as a marketing opportunity for your your companion for profit business and I don't I don't think that we should be in the business of of subsidizing your marketing and because there's nothing has happened and and I think that to your point commissioner Cay and to your point there can be a series of Legacy projects to come out out of this frankly given that we have an industrial area that has probably the best um Auto Body specialty car repair facilities in the county barnun right this could be a launching a launch pad for creating an economic development partnership between you know kids and certificate programs to work on these vehicles use this as an event to kind of create and stimulate interest connect those businesses your festival with them and build on a partnership that has transcendental transformational impacts uh year over year and I again I I I take my responsibility that I have not initiated the conversation but given that you're the the requesting party asking us to give you $44,000 it's not the manager not not recommended that you know I I I would have zero reservation about investing that money in this partnership because I see what the market opportunity is I just don't see a commitment to really being a partner at that level with us right based on what's happened over the last 12 months again you put on a phenomenal event it has incredible residual incred incredible residual impacts for our businesses is exactly the kind of event that we want to grow I'd like to see us have more than one activation a year and I think there's opportunities for that I don't know why that didn't happen over the last 12 months I've had some conversation with the manager about it he's giving me his perspective we should meet and talk about it further but for tonight I'm going to be no on the request for those reasons I just want to be clear on it Madam Vice I'm sorry commissioner Bon you sure recognized I I I like to I'll give you a chance to respond yes thank you um I I have a question so it the points you've made are valid if if we were looking at this as more of a long-term thing and we were going to say I'm just using hypotheticals and we're going to say okay we're going to go into to this with you every year whatever I wonder if it would be better for us for us to set a timetable of when it is that we would like to see this so that we don't then have this conversation over and over again because if we saw it last year and we're seeing it this year it may be that and and you can talk to this after or not talk to it because what you're going to say it to me and for me it's going to be like Charlie Brown's mother I okay um it maybe if if we're driving hey we're going to need to see your fee waivers by this date and if we don't see it then we don't give it so that at least we can try to steer our part of it because it we are like with the black cultural Affairs committee making an investment in this so rather than just be angry every no it's not about but so I want to clear because I think there's a there's a difference in kind obviously um I mean what you you have in front of you the person who is probably the formost Auto Broker of Porsche Porsches in the market barnon right and um that's an incredibly valuable thing that you're bringing to our community uh but I think that to to kind of draw the distinction between this event and the prior one right there's there are mixed motives here right this is I I know you want to do something that has tremendous commun impact but it also has in the case of the black cultural Affairs it doesn't feed uh it doesn't there's no question about whether it feeds are not an ancillary business right it's the same conversation we had we had the fee waiver discussion around the football camp right so where again we had a sponsor who was in both worlds right and so I'm a bit more reserved with my willingness to kind of open our wallet when I see that there are other mixed modes again I'm not trying to impune or say that that's the case here but I have to ask these questions what I what if I have any frustration about what's happened is I see the potential this event which is why last year even though it came last minute we said let's just do it let's double down I was hoping that as soon as that event was over I know our manager had a debrief and we talked about what went well what went what went poorly what we could do better next time how do we expand the footprint so it has more impact and then the conversation stopped and to my knowledge you know this request comes in at the end of last calendar year and we've lost eight or nine months of an opportunity to build on the success and grow the event so that next year my suspicions that Suns of place will still be in the same state it is because they still got a lot of work to do before they can really advance that project but in two years right which is what we should be building towards where that place is in transition we have the kind of partnership that warrants us saying you know what Alvaro I'm going to put in $30,000 of direct cost to take the security cost because I know you're going to have staging cost to erect temporary facilities right because this event is so valuable from a from a branding and economic development perspective because we can leverage it with a year worth of planning where our social media team is engaging businesses and bringing those Partnerships to the table as well that we can really continue to build it that has not happened this year and so rather than just say I'm going to do repeat what I did last year which is taking on faith I'm going to say no today because I want it not because I don't want this event to happen I absolutely want this event to happen I want to happen every year and I want it to be a Legacy Event just like the other one is but I want to make sure it happens with a partner at the table that says if we're going to give value you're going to give us the opportunity to get value as well and our value is in building the brand not just of the event but of the city as being a place where these events happen on not just a one-off basis but on a recurring basis throughout the year because what we need to have our town center grow to grow is not people show up one week in a year 10,000 20,000 people at a time we need to show up every single weekend that's because they associate the value with the South Miami brand so I'll get off my high horse and commissioner Kai I'll turn it over to you and because I've said all I need to say real quick I know you want to speak Mr alare look it I know he's being hard now I'm not going to follow that I'm G to give you one more shot right but seriously like this year we need to work together this is a really big event we there's a lot of things that we can do together we just got to work together so I expect after this schedules understanding meetings moving forward next year won't be the same all right thank you and and thank you all for your comments um I will say uh October 15th I was here at this commission when the Sunset Place project was approved um and during the last six months before that I didn't speak with uh the event uh coordinator at the time about potentially doing some activations we talked and we have entertained the possibility of activating in the parking garage Etc unfortunately um because of the transition period um that Sunset has gone through it's been extremely difficult to get things through because at the end of the day we cannot host what we currently have with some of the vehicles that we currently have we just don't have a way to activate more in the city so so we were here for the 15th because we were excited about about opening sort of the floods and the gates and just going at it and unfortunately we weren't able to uh get to an agreement with uh sunset uh which we're very grateful that we have until literally maybe a week ago so um I want to also I just want to say to you we can be a partner of course and a resource to you in those conversations as well right because we are we are a stakeholder with them and one of the things that I think excuse me and one of the things that I think it's extremely important and that I want to make clear um and and it's just a comment in regards to a a potential marketing efforts to my business this is AIT this is an event that has grown and it is what it is because it's open to every Automotive broker in not only Miami but in the US uh it's co-sponsored by potentially every one of my competitors and to me truthfully uh you know one of the the my internal personal challenge es is that I've looked at this project or this event as a way to truly give back myself you know to to to sort of be thankful to the enthusiasts that have supported us um and I think that's something that I like to take the time today to say you know last year was was an eye opener because this is It's you know it's a huge commitment it's a huge budget um and and we haven't made hold so I think you know last year was a very challenging time we could couldn't really advertise we couldn't do a whole lot we didn't know how it was going to be perceived by the community by you know other Commerce um and unfortunately until until late in the year we we didn't fully commit so I I do concur we wasted a year I do take responsibility for that but it was very frustrating not being able to to to be more aggressive on the conversation not understanding where we stood that's all and and and again I wasn't sure how we were navigating all all the changes and and and co- changes and everything else that was happening so again we're we're super happy that we're here and and and I don't want to wait a month to be back I want to be back sooner so thank you for that thank you is there a motion on the aumn or you wanted to make some comments um just um alv um obviously we we we've never met um being here but I have been to your event you know with my son and uh my brother-in-law actually uh brings his Porsche to to your event so I've done it you're lucky with me being the first one here I haven't given you a a first chance yet so this will be my first chance so um you know but I am I am hoping as they said that that this would be a partnership that doesn't come down to the last minute and and is more of a a partnership because your event is also very important to our businesses and our businesses to at least me and I think to everybody else here is very important to us um sustain staining these businesses and doing everything we can to support them is very important and your event is very big on that so we're again as they I'm just repeating what they said I I I hope that we can work together throughout the year but thank you through the mayor yes sir I'll move the motion is there a second I I'll second it a motion by commissioner k a second by commissioner Rodriguez Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner Kay yes commissioner Bon yes Comm Rodriguez yes mayor Fernandez no item passes 31 thank you uh if you can read item seven congratulations thank you s an ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of South for the amending chapter 2 Administration and city government article 6 purchasing division one Jour of the city's code of ordinances to add section 2-60 purchasing agent and limitations to establish P purchasing limitations for the city manager by ordinance pursuant to subsection h of the section powers of and duties of the city Charter thank you madam clerk uh for the benefit of the public this is an item that is an outcome of um a recent Charter change that was approved last November to authorize uh us to increase by ordinance uh the procurement threshold uh for the manager that threshold uh Mr attorney can you clarify the thresholds for Pur of the public sure so the at first rating which you all saw was a uh just a flat $30,000 threshold it had been 5,000 in the charter before right as you mentioned there was a charter um there was an election to to amend the charter that was approved uh basically to allow the commission to set it by ordinance and that's what you guys are doing right now um at first reading was $30,000 there was uh some comments at first reading to expand the scope for certain uh types of capital expenditures yeah exactly Capital expenditures and uh we we added some language um after working with the the city managers the city attorneys and the the finance director and where we land just so public understand absolutely uh so it's it remains $330,000 for most expenditures and then it is it is $100,000 is what is before you right now for c for uh expenditures from the Capital Improvements fund or any other pot of money that is not really City money such as grants such as uh cost recovery such as forfeit funds any of those U monies that are not coming from the general fund again again for Capital expenditures well there are capital expenditures that's one category okay and then these other these other categories that you have before you so they're two two buckets uh and those would would not have to go before the commission uh so long as the EXP so $30,000 for general fund expenditures for services correct okay $100,000 for General funds uh expenditures for Capital Improvements or Capital Improvements or or expenditures for Serv or expenditure for services or Capital Improvement movements funded by something other than general fund correct services or or Goods no not general fund other than general fund general fund correct okay correct and there is one modification that uh in speaking all of us uh before the meeting that we think uh lines 96 through 99 the the the highlighted portion um we think that there there may be unintended consequences of that language so we would recommend that you strike that language uh that we had added I brought that copy comp just see I don't recall it right can you read 96 through 99 absolutely it was a it was just clarifying for the purpose of so the $30,000 applies to Goods Services equipment and whatnot uh for any single purchase and lines 96 through 99 was attempting to clarify that single purchase would uh we would evaluate a single purchase as a as any monthly expenditure uh for things like utilities or subscription fees but the more we thought about it the more we thought that that's not really what what that what you all wanted so so we that's why we're recommending uh deleting that language colleagues any thoughts on the revised thresholds Madam uh commissioner you recogniz oh good job thank you thank you for removing that that was actually probably one of the only places where I was like that don't make no sense um and and I'm very happy to see this because giving a $30,000 threshold and then when we have things in the capital Improvement budget and other budgets we're already having those discussions and looking at it separately and then having somebody say okay now we have to buy six cars now it it it really just kind of negates what we were trying to do so I'm glad to see that we put it in this way because it it just fiscally makes more sense now to me thank you can I ask a question with respect to the changes on line items 101 through 110 yes what's what's the policy rationale there is that is the is is it the administration's expectation that those items would have been pre-approved uh on a on a prior occasion so this commission would have basically passed judgment on those expenditures either through the approval of a budget or the acceptance of a grant so and the attending Grant budget what what I mean because again I I in the absence of that I struggle with the idea of again raising that threshold right it just be $100,000 threshold right we're going to if we're going to allow Services out of nonf uh sources right then let's just have a $100,000 threshold for both capital and non Capal Services expenditures but I I by the way I'm reading this the way I the way I think it was intended is that what you're what I'm assuming is that expenditures from the sources have been if it's a grant for example we've received the grant accepted it that's right and accepted the attended budget so the expenditure was was contemplated the acceptance of the Grant and that would apply to the grant okay the grant one so explain to me uh whether the same is true with respect to Federal forfeiture funds or state forfeiture funds at what point will this commission have either approved or seen those expenditures in the form of the adoption of a budget that would have contemplated an expenditure at or below the threshold amount to to the extent that they are included in the budget um and I would ask that Mr riveral uh just weigh in if I if I say anything on of turn but to the extent that there that they would be included in the budget then yes you would have seen them but not all of these categories fit that criteria so the rationale you had asked for the rationale it's it's money that is not so I see I this makes sense to me in the context of a grant cost recovery because we will have seen the contracts with respect to cost recovery you City Hall as an example um but I I don't I don't see where in the context of the state forfeiture fund the federal forfeiture fund or uh Roman numeral six which is special a special Revenue fund right that we would have preapproved either a grant or some sort of other budget in connection with those exp you're correct you would not have preap and again no offense to my friends in the police department who are here but you know those become you know in my experience in other local governments you know pinatas for expenditures that may or may not be things that we would want necessarily to approve right so I I I would we don't have a motion on this item but I'd like to move its adoption after we have the public hearing with a modification of paragraph C in light items in lines 101 to 110 which would essentially remove romanets uh two three and six right two three and six um because those are not expenditures that we would have pre-approved in in some other way okay um just to again give ourselves because it's not just about us but guard rails for future commissions until they choose to modify the ordinance themselves so um again my my suggestion colleagues would be to remove the references in Roman at 2 which is the state forfeiture fund Roman at three which is the federal forfeiture fund and Roman at six which is any special Revenue fund that is not funded by the cities at Alor tax revenue because those those are not things that typically we would see in advance and approve that's just my one comment on on the the changes that I will present on second reading makes sense with that uh I believe Madam clerk this is a public hearing item yes it is so uh if there are't any further questions of the administration or City attorney I'd like to open up the public hearing at this time if there's any member of the public who is present who like to speak on the item seven uh regarding the revised procurement threshold thresholds please come forward at this time seeing no one in the chambers Madam clerk is there anyone online no one online no seeing no one online we will close the public hearing colleagues further comments no if it's okay with you mayor I'll move the motion with your Amendment okay so move by commissioner Kaaya as amended call second second by commissioner bonich Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commission C yes commission bones yes commission Rodriguez yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes for zero seeing no further business before this commission We Stand adjourn thank you very much everyone for