e e e good evening everyone and welcome to uh today's meeting of the South Miami city commission today is Tuesday May 21st the time is approximately 7 p.m. we'd ask at this time that you please silence or turn off your cell phones Madam clerk if you could call the role please mayor Fernandez present vice mayor Bon here commissioner liman present commissioner Cory present commissioner C present we have a forum thank you madam clerk if we could please all stand for a brief prayer and moment of silence and this evening as we begin our reflection I'd ask you to pray for Sonia Castro beloved member of the PBA family uh who was sick Lauren weed uh the daughter of Bob weed from strickly tennis who is hopefully on her way to recovering and we ask to pay for the souls of two of our family of our community members Mitchell truy who recently passed our condolences to the try family and uh for the soul of Ella Adler and the Adler family uh due to her recent passing Lord Jesus Christ savior of the world we pray for your servants and commend them to your mercy for their sake you came down from heaven receive them now into the joy of your kingdom for though they have sinned they have not denied the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit but have believed in God and worshiped him their creator amen amen amen please join us in the prayer of a pledge of allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please be seated Madam Clerk do you have any presentations today yes could you please call the first presenter Evergreen compensation study report Robert or Rob Williamson Mr Williamson good evening the floor is yours sir evening we good cool good evening good evening so it's good to be back again it was uh I think November first week of November I had the opportunity to be in this room I was facing this direction and I was talking to your team and uh you know we had orientation sessions and we had focus group sessions and I had an opportunity to learn what it's like a little bit to work here and some of the challenges you face but really what I learned more than anything during the time that I was here during the Outreach is that you've got a great team here and through all of the sessions in an Outreach there was at least one or two people that would comment when I asked hey why' you come to work here they would tell me well I I love the people that I work with or I like what I do or I like it here and so I'm thinking well we'll see if the numbers bear that out and then I started looking at I find out that you have goodness 20 plus employees that have been here in service to the city for more than 20 years your average tenure is approaching 11 years and I can tell you as somebody that does this all over the country that doesn't happen if folks don't believe in their leadership that doesn't happen if they don't like serving the place that they're in so it's been a great engagement those Far We've really enjoyed working with your team and we hope that we've got a recommendation for you as a result of our study that can help modernize your pay plan and move you into a more competitive position uh the PowerPoint presentation will take me about I don't know 15 minutes to go through and then we'll be open for any questions that you might have we'll see if this will actually go to the next slide hey look at that so we're going to go through the process the philosophy we're going to talk a little bit about the review of the survey that we did for the employees what the overall compensation Outlook is and then we're going to talk about the money slot which is where everybody wants to go but we'll we'll get there in just a couple of minutes so we wanted to focus in or prioritize the market competitiveness that's what we heard initially was the most important thing it wasn't the the only thing but it was definitely the most important thing turnover vacancies were something that um wanted to take care of and one of the ways we can do that money isn't everything but being competitive is pretty important and so they wanted to focus in on that but then we also wanted to evaluate your plan to see what could we do to help modernize your plan and give employees a clear idea of how they could progress in their careers here in South Miami started with a kickoff call with your project leadership team and as I that I came here November 8th for in-person outreach with actually my analyst who was born and raised in the area so that was a neat experience for him as well um and then basically one of the key things that we were asked to do was survey your employees and we were also tasked with surveying the market and then putting that data together and Reporting on it which is where we find ourselves today the presentation of study findings compensation philosophies I said we want to be competitive with the market average that doesn't mean that our recommendation is that you stay at the market average or that your most competitive positions as you continue to go through you know it's it's a living breathing thing a pay plan is so as you identify positions that might become more competitive you might want to place them above the market average uh we want a pay plan that's fair we want one that's flexible and then we know that you want to be good stewards of taxpayers dollars so it's got to be a fiscally responsible plan this isn't uh everybody gets a new car plan right we tried to make sure that it was fiscally responsible and we worked with your team to get there open range pay plan not a step plan why open range well right now you have basically job classifications or job titles and you have annual salaries you don't have a dedicated or approved pay range where you'd have a minimum midpoint and maximum where an employee would know what their salary range is and how they could progress through it throughout their career so we're recommending that you start with an open range pay plan it gives you more flexibility to move High performers you're not restricted by a step plan every year and it gets us to that last bullet which is you can progress employees based on tenure as well as performance something that I told your team when I was here that elected officials always want to know is what did staff tell you what was the participation like and so I told them that it would be important for them to demonstrate to you how important this study was to them and I think you see that with the overwhelming participation 94% of your employees participated in the survey letting us know in their own words what it is they do here in service to South Miami and I have to tell you that is vitally important because having a clear understanding of those essential functions allows us to more defensively compare them to the market it gives us a more defensible set of data it gives us a more defensible recommendation from which to provide you the policy makers and then you look at the classification summary there that's every one of your job classifications that you had in the pay plan when we surveyed here again 93% we average around 65% across the country so this is Far and Away above the national average so kudos to your folks for leaning forward now we'll look at the compensation Outlook nationally Mr Williamson if I could just for one second I think I'm sorry this is a hot bench here you often get questions mid presentation I apologize I just because it means that you know we're going through this real quick can you what did the uh supervisor summary the uh can you can you explain that little part of it the the blue part yes so when we uh roll out the survey every employee at South Miami has an opportunity to complete their employee survey and after a s to 10 day time period then we close that out and we move to a supervisor review that's an opportunity that if a supervisor sees that what often happens is an employee may have under reported their essential functions if they left something out that gives the supervisor an opportunity to weigh in to true that up and make sure that they've reviewed it here again to make sure that it's accurate before we move forward okay thank you yeah absolutely great question so as we look at that competitiveness piece the employee survey or the job assessment tool where I just showed you those participation numbers that's the fair piece of the pay plan we want to make sure that it's fair internally what's the relationship between employees how do they progress what's the hierarchy not only between departments but overall in the organization and then we move to the competitiveness piece and that's the market salary survey that we conducted for you nationally inflation is sticky it's sticking around 3.2 to 3.5% fluctuating in there the good news is it's come down off the June 2022 high of 9% um this is obviously something that you as leaders are well aware of because your area I'll have another slide here in a moment your area of the state and the nation is one of the fastest growing for cost of living increases housing affordability rental rates inflation everything keeps getting more expensive but it seems like you're one of the more popular areas of the state and it may be even more so here and so what does that mean to your employees well it means that it's a very competitive labor market and it's one that you don't want to fall behind because within a 1hour drive ring employees have choices here and as I said at the outset you have a tenure that averages around 11 years what does that mean that means that at the midpoint those employees that are starting to get those necessary certifications lure they have experience they become very valuable in a competitive labor market like the ones that you find yourself in today so you're going to want to make sure that you're staying competitive we do see see that the trend is softening as far as wages go right around 4 and a half% now um which is good to a to a degree but it it's you know it's come off the highs but bottom line wages in the in the public and private sector are still going up and it looks like inflation is going to be around for a little bit longer before we get to that desired Fed rate of 2% as I mentioned the cost of living here in your part of the world is some of the highest in the state and some of the fastest growing and changing as well and so that impacts not only your employees but your constituents but it also makes for a very very competitive labor market so all of that setting the stage for bringing it back here locally to trying to identify what is the market that you compete in for talent and how can we get some on the high end of the range the low end of the range how can we capture entities that might best represent Public Safety your law enforcement professionals as well as director or senior Le uh leadership all the way down to a maintenance worker one or introductory level positions in other words we wanted to have a defensible data set and we wanted to have a wide range uh how did we develop this list it started with the kickoff call and it kept going when we got here for outreach where I asked your employees in each of the sessions who do you think we should be comparing you to then we used our own Market data as I'm sure you're well aware at this point Evergreen has quite an extensive footprint in Florida and in this market especially and ultimately that list was provided to your project leadership team it was approved and then we solicited the market for their salary data a very robust 11.5 matches per classification that is definitely on the high level here again just like the high participation from your employees this High participation in the number of data points that we had gives us a very defensible recommendation and that's particularly important for y'all because we're recommending a significant change your current compensation structure is classifications and annual salary so really the only way you can see what your average salaries would be is if you had a position that had multiple incumbents you can average those together to kind of get an idea of what you're paying but when you go to compare that to the market virtually none of your competitors have titles and a salary what they have is titles and a range that those employees are slotted into so what this Market response allows us to do is to recommend New Market competitive pay ranges for the city to modernize your pay plan um we did adjust for cost of living for those that fell out of the immediate area and we needed to get at least five matches to report on uh salary range I know this is a little small to see uh but basically this is every one of your job classifications and what the market response was for those meaning when we averaged all of the responses together we would get a average minimum midpoint and maximum minimum is important because if you're going to post an open position you're going to want to have a competitive minimum starting salary to where you have the best opportunity to get a wide range of qualified applicants right now and talking to your folks during Outreach they would comment on how they used to get 30 40 applicants when a job gets posted and now they might get three or four and one of them is qualified this will hopefully help correct that for you the midpoint is where I'd want you to pay particular attention that's that area in the middle and here again with your tenured around 11 years the midpoint becomes very important so when we compared your average actual salaries to the midpoint of the market we found that you were about 5% behind the market at the midpoint so lagging the market slightly we had some key considerations as I mentioned to the employees when I was here there's no recommendation that we would make that would have employees make less money than they're making now so the methodology that we're using if an employee is currently making an annual salary that's above where the methodology would place them then no increase is given or no raise is given but we don't recommend that their salary be reduced okay so the salaries would not be reduced they would either stay the same or employees would be brought to where the methodology would take them in the plan um how we design our pay plans is we take the job classifications we slot them into Market competitive pay ranges and then we take take the employees that occupy those job titles and we move them into those new ranges and we're recommending you do that with hybrid parity when you hear parity think time we're using time to move employees into their new pay range and hybrid parody uses a combination of the amount of time that an employee has spent in their current job as well as partial credit for the amount of time that they've spent overall with South Miami regardless of the job that they've been in it's a true balance of those two components bring to minimum cost that you see there that is the first thing that we do regardless of the implementation option that you select and the $73,000 cost of bring to minimum is included in the hybrid parody model Mr Williamson if I can I I have a question anyone have a question about this slide um can you give us a sense of in terms of of the impact of employees in on each three of these tiers who makes up those cohort of employees what job classifications are we talking about it's a total fruit salad it it's runs to Spectrum it is not like positions it yeah it's a great question it is literally every department is touched M Vice May is there one Department in particular that was glaringly obvious when you looked at this is that's a lot of people going from going from memory um you know maintenance worker one and two positions roughly I think 10 to 12% behind um heavy equipment operator positions 15% behind um so the Public Works positions you know some of those would were behind and and that's not too unique to what I'm seeing around the country um but those those positions especially in an area that's growing faster has experienced a lot of construction a lot of private sector influen is there um you know that that was an area that we saw definitely behind your leadership positions as well we notice Mr Mayor sorry my apologies yes madame mayor um when when we get to the end of this are you going to have a list even if it's not presented now that our city manager has if nothing else that says okay I'm looking at 68 employees if we're doing hybrid parody and is there in what we are receiving a hierarchy of what is the most important secondarily most important going you know tertiary and down the line of where the changes should happen if they are and when so it doesn't pick winners and losers or prioritize per se the methodology doesn't um differentiate between a maintenance worker one or a deputy County manager or Deputy city manager excuse me it it doesn't look at that what it looks at is what is your current annual salary that's number one and then it looks at a combination of how long has this employee been in their current job and how long have they been in service overall tenure to South Miami it calculates those together and we create hybrid years and so an employee has moved into their new pay range based on those hybrid years so I guess if you were going to say a priority a priority would be if you have a long tenured employee where their hybrid years would be higher then they would probably be moved or they would definitely be moved into their pay range farther what's the reason for that well what also happens in a very fast moving labor market is when you have open positions right now you have to fill them and to fill them you have to pay a competitive wage and often what that means is you might be hiring employees now close to or in some instances Maybe even more than a tenured employee that's occupying the same job what this parody does is it separates those employees a little bit and gets rid of the wage compression or reduces the wage compression that you have now but it doesn't prioritize based on classification family or job it is indiscriminant in in that way second part of your question is it will provide the city manager the the solution file that we provided it does provide a very detailed um analysis and report of what each individual adjustment would be so so Madam vice mayor what I'm hearing is that the decisions of where we decide to allocate dollars to move people closer to their uh midpoint is the decision we'll make uh as a board not not a recommendation that's coming from our consultant the great thing about this parody uh or this recommendation we have before you you know if you were to implement it all at one time first sorry go sorry what I was going to say is that the $345,500 cost for implementation of hybrid parody that is a one-time implementation cost and that would move employees into their new Range we provided an alternate option which is where you'd have a two-year implementation and you'd separate this implementation over the course of two years uh maybe to make it more palatable um and so we've just done an example of that where you'd have 250 in the first year and then basically 100,000 in year two so it would take you two years to get employees to a market competitive position and reduce those instances of wage compression this is base salary adjusted for cost of living so your staff would let you know what the overall fiscal impact would be with taxes and insurance and all those supplemental pays that you might have so Mr maners you want to say something yeah thank you mayor I I just piggybacking on the vice mayor's question um um if if we remember this commission supported uh increases above and beyond and the budget that we're in above and beyond the customary cost of living or Merit increases uh as an additional adjustment um and we did prioritize based on on your comment um if you remember Public Works employees uh received 7% increase and then other employees receive 5% and so uh these recommendations come you know sort of in the heels of that but imagine if those increases were not done um we be further away you know what you would have seen would have been further away but we sort of prioritized understanding that Public Works we did our own sort of cursory review and realize that that we were you know behind so that's why you saw 7% for that group and a 5% 5% for others so we sort of did prioritize in that case and you know that might still be the uh the case in in this scenario and just want to clarify something that you know the uh city manager line was blank I just want to clarify that that they're not recommending not to compensate the city manager um it's negotiable and that's why it's blank I just I figured you would say that but it's true we're we're basing our recommendation on on if we're retained for a staffing study after hey John cut the mic excellent excellent his point is well served though because of the decision that you made um the adjustments that employees received helped reduce some of the cost you have now and improve your Market position had you not done that yes you were more than 18 to 20% behind Market in some areas so yeah good on you for what you did Comm Le you recognize sir thank you so oftentimes what maybe a draw to work with a municipality or government is traditionally less stress more job security and benefits so my question to you is in the average compensation is that all in when I used to speak with the two previous managers and they'd say to bring on this employee it's going to cost X I said how much is it going to cost me as a steward for the city that X was never you know 1.25 or 1.30 for the for the healthy benefit so my question to you and by the way that's a very inflationary number because as the salaries increase the city's contribution increases and so on and so on so my question to you is do these compensation are these compensation averages all in for the city no they're not sure he mentioned just to clarify because that's what I heard I want to confirm my what I heard was it's just the direct salary impact correct base salary adjusted for cost living yes the most but that's all in I mean that's part of compensation I mean that's what I need to see because that's part of compensation and every decision I make I need to consider the impact to the taxpayers and this doesn't show me the impact to the taxpayers I need that those numbers all in so commissioner I think we're just getting the benefit of the study report today I I I would you know again if the manager wasn't doing that I think the direction is clear based on your comment I think our general sentiment that when we talk about this in the budget context which we're going to start that process here in a month or so we're going to see this adjusted with the add-ons for benefits and other retirement contributions correct we certainly the exercise uh has begun to to C that out their scope was certainly uh just salary related and then we would bring that information to you with with the all in call thank you to to your point though it it hopefully gives you as policy makers a point of reference of Base salaries here without any supplemental pays without incentives um without retirement benefits without different um you know things that might be in your standard benefits basket if you will this gives you a frame of reference to know where are we in a you know competitive position relative to those folks that we're trying to compete with for the next generation of talent and then you are very wise to talk about benefit benefits because employees are absolutely making their decisions more and more now based on the benefits offerings of organizations the years of the private sector lagging way behind the public sector and we're providing much better benefits they're closing the Gap and so if salaries aren't competitive and your benefits are just even with the private sector to your point it'd be very difficult to be competitive and uh so it's definitely something that will be part of our recommendations and our report that we provide to you would be for you to take a look at your benefits offerings just like you did for the salary you're now going to know where you compete on a salary compensation level the next step for you is to know do you compete for those key benefits offerings thank you further questions please continue sure so as I said you know the decision you'll have to make as you roll into your fiscal liberations is what part of this implementation would you like to do uh with your cost of living adjustments basically it would impact every employee so you have your usual cost of living adjustment and then the hybrid parody would take care of your wage compression and make sure that employees are brought into a new market competitive pay range this is no small thing y'all going from having job titles and salaries to having established pay ranges is a dramatic improvement from where you find yourselves today and so that that's going to be a big change just on itself when we finish we're going to create a draft report that will memorialize everything that we've done that you can share out with everyone because we all know that transparency leads to trust the numbers are the numbers the data is the data and uh we want to make sure that everybody has an opportunity to review that um the job Force manager training is a fancy way of saying we're going to work with your staff to make sure they understand how to maintain the pay plan moving forward um and then a job description update where we're going to make sure that all of those classification changes that were made the internal equity in those changes that was made we want to make sure we have a legally compliant job description and one that the essential functions match what the job description has and then we'll move to project close out after that colleagues any questions I have a question yes sir recogniz this is more for the city manager and reflect you know maybe just refresh my memory uh do we have uh per end of the year performance reviews uh if we do implement this sliding scale from the corporate my memory there's always an end of the year performance review where we adjust depending on what the score is going back and forth is that something that we have in place currently right now is that something we might need to look through as well from a process perspective no it it it is part of the process uh which is determining on your Merit increase um so depending you know there there could be individuals that if they score below a certain line that that they would not be eligible for the Merit the cost of living is the cost of living uh and and those are set by the labor contracts which those that are not under labor contract pretty much enjoy the same amount but yes the the performance uh appraisal uh dictates your your mer Merit increase all right thank you any questions no I mean I I would be curious in knowing at least when we were making this decision how we compare in terms of benefits to some of the neighboring cities or maybe cities of our similar size so that'd be great information for us to have when we're making our budget decisions okay Madam vice mayor along the same lines as commissioner Corey I'd love to know what cities we are comparing ourselves too so that we're comparing apples and apples and not apples and oranges you know we're if we're a 12,000 resident city with a 20 some odd million dollar budget I wouldn't want to think that I'm being compared to a city with 60,000 residents and $200 million or whatever to your point here's the list those in bold are the entities that returned data and um you know one that might jump off the page there is Miami Dade County right how in the world are we going to compare y'all to Miami Dade County well for every position you wouldn't but a maintenance worker one at Miami D County and a maintenance worker one here you better believe that's con competition um so for some of the positions they are um yes when you get into the leadership positions we adjusted it to where we wouldn't be comparing a finance director here with a finance director there we might be two levels below that for them to where we're trying to line up the essential functions the complexity the leadership the scope to where we can make sure we're getting to more of a defensible comparison and and that's really ultimately what we're trying to get to it's a it's a great point because that's that's your Market as as it relates to the recommendations we're bringing to you thank you absolutely through the mayor yes sir so I mean we we're looking at all these cities that and counties uh they're all significantly bigger than us maybe a few that we can match up to but I think what we what we want to try to do as a city is be competitive we always strive to be Best in Class I me we're trying to be we've been trying to do that so that's something we should definitely look into as we continue to move forward on that commissioner lean you've been awfully quiet any comments yeah certainly so just just general comments don't feel pressure to respond so you know I looked at three three things prior to the study one we have a great staff two we've had no turnover no attrition and um and three our staff is happy so when we conduct a study like this well the other thing I'll tell you is the unions are very happy no one negotiates more than the union the union start negot if they wait till the next morning and start negotiating after they reach a contract then they're then they're late so everyone was happy so in a case like this we're only negotiating against ourselves it's public and I just don't see a um I just don't see the benefit to the city I mean just on the very low end we're talking about what was the number was over half a million no it's it was lower lower than that can we go back a slide well sorry no it's okay but as as per my well as per my meeting with the city manager he told me minimum half a million to bring us to the lower threshold that doesn't include benefits so now you're talking about 650,000 I just want this commission to take ownership and I just want them to be transparent to honor all this and I was told to be phased in in one or Years you'll have to raise taxes I mean you're looking at a a quarter basis point I I so I'll just jump in on that really quickly because I know it's a concern um I'll say the following I think look these are understanding where we on the market and understanding and realizing what our limitations are and responding to it are two different are two different things the data is the data um I don't think we do ourselves a disservice by we talk a lot about having a team culture here and part of having a team culture is being honest about what the market is and being honest about what we can do to meet the market where we can are we going to meet the entirety of this Benchmark I don't know commissioner Leen I don't know if our of our means we'll see what we'll see what comes back this year I don't know if our means will match our ambition in that regard but I don't see the I don't see the detriment in doing that and you again the the unions and our manager certainly will have lots of conversation about what can be negotiated but those the limitations those limitations are real and they'll be on the table as well when we actually have those negotiations so I think you know right now we're talking about this in a vacuum and I I recognize your point we've got to be very conscious about how this could drive the budget in ways that you know uh affect taxpayers but I don't want it to be I don't want to leave this conversation with the definitive statement that anyone here is raising taxes yes sir yeah I I I just want to sort of shed a little different light I mean we we the city has had challenges as it relates to uh even Public Works the standpoint of vacancies um been offering an individual job and then not taking it because of an offer from somewhere else that was hire uh challenges in recruiting at public works so that stems from you know our compensation um and certainly we've talked a lot about police and vacancies there and when we did the 5% additional increase for this budget um some of the early data showed that we were in the bottom third of of some of our peers so I I just there there have been challenges the city has had in and and and retaining and and filling certain positions uh of which there's a direct correlation to to to compensation um and certainly the the the half a million commissioner I was throwing as a number because I knew it was we needed to bring benefit calculations which we haven't totally run yet but being that we were in the you know let's say mid 300s when you have benefits definitely going to be over 500k so that's where that number comes from but we'll give you that data once we run uh the numbers based on what scenarios we may be looking at man VI may have a question sorry I just oh sorry follow my goe just but thank the city I just want to thank the city mancation thank you madam vice mayor I I have a question for the city manager I we all know kind of I come from West Miami which is another little city and I didn't see them on the list but I'm wondering if it's it's a good idea for us to have this conversation with them as well because they face something similar to what we what we are they have their own Police Department I I don't know about uh public works because I'm not that keyed into it but maybe it's worth a conversation with them to also see where they are because they they've grown up a little bit you know in a different way than we have but they're actually making it happen like on the borders of the city and what have you incorporating larger buildings blah blah blah so I think it'd be interesting if they're willing to have that conversation with us to see how we compare comp to them so that we have something I mean all of those cities are great but I think if we're looking at one that's very similar to us it would be them yeah certainly I mean any comparable that that we can get our hands data on the data is is welcome uh um I will and I think Rob alluded to it I just want to be mindful scale of a government doesn't necessarily say that the position is different right the skill set and experiences needed for certain functions are the same in a big government versus a a small government right you mentioned the maintenance work certainly if you're managing at scale from a leader standpoint as the CFOs and finance directors and people that are managing things that are at scale there's definitely a relative difference but the core competencies that may be needed to to to be in solid waste or crane operator are the same regardless of size so that's where that competition comes in where maybe the data from a Miami day County or even a Coral Gables that's bigger is relevant to us because we compete for those same individuals absolutely and so yeah if we can we'll certainly reach out to like we reach out to myi Shores they didn't provide yeah they didn't provide the info they're kind of similar size I did see uh another uh like-sized Community but I I would caution us just to focus on focus more on the classification and what are the true comparables because it could be a good a big government it could be a small government and and separate ourselves of those that are scale related to understand okay we shouldn't compare ourselves on that position I'll call you know Finance director is a perfect example yeah no and I I agree with you in in general I agree with you I just think it's beneficial to us to see certainly what what we're looking at you know with our I don't know how you say it in English so I'll just stop going look our sister city thank you no problem Mr Mayor um just to build off that a little bit when I was here for outreach yes we had comments that this is a great place to work um but I have to be honest it was the comments were it was not all rainbows and unicorns um there were quite a few folks that talked about the you know lack of Staffing and the fact that they were noticing that you know salaries were falling behind because this information is readily available and so there were folks that brought information in to the meetings to you know let us know hey this is what just got posted and this is more than I make type of deal um so I I I feel like just because you may not have a lot of turnover with 128 employee operation full-time thereabouts um when you do have vacancies it has a tremendous impact more so than a 300 400 person operation is definitely something I would say and then the other thing to keep in mind is the numbers we're providing to you are the market average this is not positioning you at the 70th percentile of the market when we look at I know I wrote down a few of these maintenance worker one with 14 data points that means we had data from 14 different cities or counties you're 12% behind market right now if we look at a park superintendent you're 8% that's 12 that's 12% from the midpoint correct correct okay um 8% for Park superintendent then the heavy equipment operator with 11 peers you're 16% behind Mar Market you had some that were above Market as well you know so you have some positions that are performing well to Market but overall this is just at the average our commission salaries are top of the list for sure they were not that was not part of that sure um but it's important to know that this is not hey you know we're behind Market but we're looking at the 80th percentile this is at the average and so um this doesn't place you as a premier employer of choice I would would think yet it's a step in that direction for sure but um I think the the staff was clear that they do love working here they love the people they work with they love the community that they serve but that um they know that they're not necessarily where they should be in the market thank you for that um with that I think in the interest of time we'll close the conversation unless there's a pressing need for a comment or question Mr willson thank you for your work we appreciate it thank you we're grateful for the opportunity want to say the chip was great and Samantha no brag on her she was amazing responsive very tough with the questions and challenging everything we did all along the way and um we've really enjoyed the opportunity to serve you thank you very much you sir mayor i' I'd certainly be remissive you know I didn't think this commission for supporting the funding to get this done and it's important because it's it's you know the framework of what we do uh as a city and obviously as a service organization so appreciate that because it's very forward thinking and and it'll have uh great results for the city over the long term thank you Mr manager with that let's move on to item uh two mam clerk Chief Hatfield you recognize it sir mayor vice mayor Commissioners it's mod own privileg to stand before you tonight to introduce two programs that we're going to bring to the city of South Miami uh to help our uh special folks with special needs uh in our community uh the first one will be the persons with disabilities register program uh and Lieutenant agar will give presentations on that and followed by project Lifesaver uh with officer dool giving a presentation on that thank you thank you I'll keep it brief short on time um back in January um the state passed uh protect our loved ones act um basically authorizing local law enforcement agencies to uh create and maintain a registry for special needs uh it was January the Chief came back pumped up he wanted this this program to better serve our community and those vulnerable individuals I Enlisted the help of Brandon Diaz and Samantha Luhan who really assisted me in in putting this program together I believe uh Brandon already had experience from Miami Lakes he had worked on a similar program and uh we we uh we got the help of U assistant chief Larry Corbett we put together this uh this video to try to promote the program and try to get as many able to um register uh we already have our application online and I'll have um Mr Webster play the video give you a little insight on what the program is all about hi I'm assistant chief Larry cman with the South Miami Police Department we're excited to announce the persons with disability registry [Music] program this voluntary program was created to better serve those with unique or special needs in our community especially during an interaction with a police officer each participant will receive a door or window decal to display outside their home allowing responding officers to know that a family member is on the registry the registry is intended to compile and maintain a list of individuals who have special needs due to mental or neurological disabilities each participant will also receive a card and a wristband with the special needs logo letting officers know that the individual is on the regist the registry can also provide the officer with the parents or Guardians emergency contact information if you are a loved one living South Miami and would like to participate you can find more information about the voluntary program including how to register on our website thank you for your time let's work together to make our community safer and more inclusive so yes we're very excited about this program and just to uh mention some of the disabilities um which are now mentioned in the videos autism blind deaf non-verbal intellectual disability Dementia or any other cognitive impairment so they would go online apply it would get screen by one of our communication officers if they're accepted into the program their information is placed into our system so when we respond for a call for service the officer will be notified that this person has a disability and for example of their non non-verbal Communications uh the officer is better equipped and better prepared to deal with these individuals and we would like we're going to start promoting this program every month with the help of uh Mr Diaz and if you have any questions um colleagues any questions commission K you're recognized so some of the programs that we've seen throughout the county can you talk about how inclusive it's been how the growth you know the impacts you know how how do we attract besides doing social and all the marketing uh is there you know can we can we really figure out how many people we can touch with this and be responsive on that have we seen data or anything like that no no we haven't I it's pretty new we've had yeah it's pretty I mean this just the law just came out in January authorizing the Lo uh local law enforcement agencies there's other programs that have been in existence by other agencies in the past but this law just came out actually authorizing local law enforcement agencies to create this list and and maintain it um I could reach out and find out to see what success other cities have have had um but we're we're going to start promoting it uh very soon and um reach out to our local schools and maybe uh speak to the the children who who may have a disability so the other thing that we can also do um you know we we're starting a community board for special needs and all that stuff so if whatever registry I don't know we if we can talk about this but figure out how we can get a little bit more inclusive into some our community boards where we can have a little bit more response of what's needed not only as an acknowledgement of what they need but we also have that feedback coming back to the commission and we can react on policies that will be more inclusive to to that type of community of course that's great of you thank you thank you further questions or comments mam vice mayor hi there are we going to be able and I don't know if any of us know this answer I know that commissioner regalato was here talking about a sticker that goes on your car will we be able to like kind of cross reference for the people that have that that live here so we can reach out to them if they're not reaching out to us well I placed the the decal you guys have a copy of the decal we don't know we don't know what their decal looks like um but I'm sure that we could get that information um but as far as cross referencing right now there's nothing that we have in place okay thank you leing I just want to say lieutenant a great job it's good to see you we hav't seen you a while you did a great job how many how many years have you been with the Department 20 years sir all right good excellent It's good to see you thank you thank you I have the same a question along the lines that the vice mayor asked which is this registry is there a way that actually it'll get communicated to the officer who's dispatched so if they're registered our CA will communicate out that to the office with this person there's someone in the household on the registry so beyond the line of sight reference that's information that they'll get real time when they're responding to a call correct great fantastic thank you very much appreciate it Chief second item project Lifesaver will be presenting on Project Lifesaver which will piggyback off of this program thank you hi good evening for those of you who don't know me I am the Traffic Unit here at South Miami also known as officer Del I'm going to speak to you today about the project Lifesaver um it's pretty much just similar it's pretty much similar just um like the autism program but just a little different in the sense that when not only is it for autism but it is also for um the elderly with Alzheimer's and any other cognitive disorders as well so the big Pro the big question is what is Project Lifesaver so he's going to go ahead and play a video for you and then if you have any other questions I'll go ahead and answer them for you well drownings this past summer led to massive searches and it also claimed the lives of two young boys with autism those deaths are raising awareness of a program that can help First Responders track missing persons more quickly rich and I shows us how the system works and gives families a safe peace of mind children with autism sometimes have a tendency to wander off if they do this device and that chirp you hear might save their life they don't understand safety they don't understand depths of water things like that so there's a lot more risks in being able to teach a person with autism a lot of the safety awareness that they would need to remain safe the Wayne indicator Township and Morgan County fire departments ran a rescue simulation at dayar services using project Lifesaver the first thing we do is to do a 360 because the victim could be in the home or whatever the last scen location was the receiver listens for a radio signal sent by a bracelet transmitter warned by people who tend to wander off it's over here to our right you know that time is critical so you were hustl absolutely yes because kids especially kids with autism are attracted to water so whenever you know we go on a search we take everyone seriously here she is I found her I found her I found the victim are you okay the drill victim Marina was found about 300 yard away in just over 5 minutes searches this summer in Brownsburg and Perry Township took many hours before the boys with autism were found in Retention Ponds a 100 yards from the homes I know it would have made a difference um because they would have been found you know a lot sooner instead of overnight or you know hours later so it would have made a difference so I mean it's if you have a child that wanders has a history they need to be on project Lifesaver Kim ce's Son Derek was the first person in Indiana to wear the tracking device when he was 10 years old he's 21 now and still wears it for safety with project Lifesaver it only took firefighters just a few minutes to find Marina because she was wearing this bracelet contact your local public safety Agency for more information I'm rich I Channel 13 Eyewitness News Okay so you so the next big question is how's it going to work pretty much they're going to reach out either the family member the caregiver is going to reach out to South Mii Police Department they're going to have a one-on-one consultation with us and find out if they meet the qualifications to be on the program if they do the the next p the picture you see right there is what is called the project Lifesaver portal that is where we're going to enter all the information for the individual and they're going to also have a tracking device number that number specifically is very important that number is going to go into the portal it could be accessed by any officers that I give permission to access in the portal if for whatever reason they go missing they will contact South Miami let us know their last known location and how long they they were last um they were missing for from there we will get that tracker number enter it into the device that you saw in the video and and then go ahead and and and do the search now the search um the radius of that device is within a whole mile the antenna the goes on the car is only 38 of a mile so the 38 of the mile will be if they've been missing for quite some time it will pretty much narrow down the search of the area and as soon as we pick up that um chirping sound then we would exit the vehicle and then um conduct the rest of our search at that time the next big question is how much is it going to cost each individual that's registered into the program is going to be a starting cost of $347 that includes a one-year Supply the company guarantees each tracking device for up to five years if anything happens to it they will replace it with no charge all the items that are listed within um the package the startup package will be given to the caregiver or the family member of that individual they will be conducting their own battery Replacements it's going to be replaced every 60 days they will be taught how to replace the battery and they will be also given a battery tester the battery tester they would have to check every single day the bracelet to make sure that it's in working condition and that it's still active an electronic search specialist right now South Miami currently has four including myself we do not have to reer Cy um every two years but every other officer that we do um certify as an electronic search specialist will have to recertify every two years right now the I believe the chief has in mind to train two officers per shift which is going to Total eight additional officers and it will be a total of 12 of us that will be trained as electronic search specialist to become a electron and electronic search specialist you have to find three tracking devices within a total 15 minutes if you cannot find three of them within 15 minutes you do not pass that's it guys have any questions for me thank you officer D so any questions colleagues yes Madam vice mayor on one of the slides it was of what is being provided to the families the first thing that was on there it it was like sorry I don't know if you have a copy of it but transmitter the yeah so then they get there's no way for them to have something to find them the only people that have it is is us correct okay we have two devices at the moment um that they so the little circle that you saw on the bands that has a specific number when we register them into the project Lifesaver portal that number it's kind of like their ID that's associated to the number so for whatever reason if anybody has to go in there and find that number they just go into the portal once they're reported missing because a lot of times the caregivers might not have that information to provide to law enforcement so we we would grab that tracking number and then just put it on the device yeah so it only finds that person not pinging everybody who's around them say I just was wondering if parents get any device to try to find their kids before we find them okay thank you and by the way thank you very much for being with the SOI kids today no problem commiss leben yeah I just want to thank you as well for a great presentation very professional thank you for everything you do thank you commiss Cory you recognized I just uh had a quick question you mentioned that when the parents submit for this they still need to qualify is that just a medical diagnosis or is that something they would have to so they would have to for for example the AL the Alzheimer's um there there is there isn't there is many people that are not diagnosed with Alzheimer's even though um their family members might say oh they're sewing a little bit of signs of Al of Alzheimer's but aren't necessarily diagnosed yet at that point so once they are diagnosed at that point and they they do have Alzheimer's because their level might be very um it might be severe it might be very um you know in the beginning stages then it would be um I guess determined at that time whether or not because remember every single person that is on the registry is going to be $347 so we want to make sure that it's not just a family member that's saying oh yeah they might be forgetting things here and there but isn't really necessarily diagnosed with Alzheimer okay thank you very much no problem K the the thank you so much by the way the $347 that's paid by that will be up to however you guys would like to do that um they also have a contract where there are some departments that when you sign them up you have to sign a contract the contract is all on the portal so I can provide that to you guys if you need it some agencies do provide um the the the cost of it for free others provide cost or charge them like a $10 um startup fee um if they can't pay the $10 the department really doesn't force them to pay you know the the $10 that would be up to you guys however you would like to to do that um but it's really up to you guys if you want to have them because the chances are if they have to pay the $347 themselves they probably won't okay and then um other programs throughout the county throughout other municipalities are we the only one the only one in Miami dat at this point um I know the city of Miami was reaching out he is trying to get in contact because project Lifesaver is not as promoted as um the autism new registry program I was actually at the the registry when it came out April 1st um when we did the Caravan or April 2nd was when Miami Dade County announced it so it's like Lieutenant agar said it's fairly new um but for the Project Life sa we are the only one and because there isn't so much media on it um other departments I don't think are necessarily aware of the project Lifesaver program now the director that did our training he is going to reach out to all these departments to see if with sometime of promotion they can get the other agencies to come together I think he told me that pinecest was um trying to to get into the program as well and the City of Miami um who who's who's the vendor again the the company provider Lifesaver International so that's the name of the company is there under any other competition this is the only company that does it correct and are they a nonprofit or a for profit a nonprofit okay my only question I don't expect to have the answer right away um is how many calls for service of this kind do we get a year I mean again it's and I I don't need a question today an answer today excuse me I'm just I asked the question because you mentioned the cost people signing up and I think that uh obviously these searches if people not equipped can become very Manpower intensive correct so I just throw that out because this could be a significant cost savings to us even if we're undering the initial cost the people get registered and pay for the equipment because it's going to result in you know more effectively utilizing our police resources so again it I think it'd be helpful to get a sense Chief and off Soul how many calls we've gotten historically for you know lost elderly or kids with autism you know what was the force deployment around those kind of events because I think it would help inform you know you know how much we want to commit to underwriting the program um mad Vice may you had a followup question yes do we have any kind of budget set aside for this at this point or is this something we would look be looking to fund for next year I would have to get back to you on oh I just want to sorry Chief those are hard acts to follow when we did have the startup um when we got the equipment we do have two tracking devices as right now we haven't necessarily distributed it yet just because we have to have those two devices for the training of the officers but we do have two parties already that are in mind one she goes missing like every other two weeks and then the other one is a gentleman that we're trying to reach out to his mom so thank you for the presentation chief that limp is look thank you lieuten officer Del geez that limp looks like it's still pretty bad it's good you doing okay video with I saw the video complex I saw I saw I saw but he got up there a little a little gingerly so yeah U so from the budgetary standpoint it's we're going to take it out of the police budget uh from that perspective we will'll have money uh set aside from that whether it be asset forfeiture whatnot but we want to look at it from uh as officer do mentioned you know screening the folks properly making sure that we're we're we're properly utilizing those funds to to do it and I don't think that we're going to have that many people that would be cost prohibitive for us to to register folks okay and as she and Lieutenant agard mentioned you know the special needs program registry uh we had been developing that prior to uh commissioner regalado's presentation to you all we were just waiting for our videos and everything to come together to be able to give a nice big presentation but to the vice mayor's point you know that that sticker program that they have is for the vehicles not necessarily for the cars and it is a it is a great opportunity we will reach out and try and leverage that registry if it can be shared between agencies uh so that we we can you know piggy back off of that as well but our officers are aware of it as far as the it being placed on the vehicles but I think there's opportunities across both their lanes and ours but being that we have this divid in um City you know broken up uh as I think the city manager puts a hole in the dut you know hole in the donut areas it's an opportunity for our registry to be for the city of South Miami and for Miami D's registry to be for those fill in areas sorry Mr Le I think the manager you want to say something as well close it up okay thank you just a quick question I I understand it's not a substitute and that children and adults especially if they have memory issues may not remember their phone but obviously there's phone tracking devices and if you know you have a child or adult in the house that's at risk so my I'm going with this question is is have you had any call calls to date or before you were here where people handed you their phone and said is that what what people have been using in the interim absolutely so project life has been around for a while uh it's it's it's a nationwide um database uh when I came here you know I I realized Miami Dade County had not been utilizing it uh yes there are other opportunities right you have the GPS find my iPhones all those apps and stuff but they don't work in water either this is an RF transmitter that allows for it to be working in in water uh areas so that there's an important distinction there but there are other technology just okay interest time Mr manager please close us out well since you made the reference to the limp I just you know the chief starting a nonprofit that's called Operation Safe hamstrings so I just wanted to share that but but uh no I I wanted to thank the chief and our and our Police Department for for looking for opportunities to to better serve our community in Innovative way and and uh you know this this speaks to that right and especially when nobody else in this in in the county the entire County um is looking at it so I appreciate them you know always looking at how to be better every day so thank you to you to to you all thank you sincerely okay colleagues uh we have an add-on item uh is there a motion to addon fa I'll move the motion okay I'll second uh if you could read the resolution Madam clerk a resolution we have to vote to add you have to vote we I believe we have the vote to add the item on we do yes if you read the resolution please a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of South Miami Florida retroactively approving and authorizing the waiver of certain event related fees and costs in the amount of $1,489 30 pursuant to section 15 b-6 of the city code for a special event known as the Jaden Higgins Youth Football Camp presented by first round management held on May 19th 2024 at Palmer Park thank you for that um is there any objection to the item being added on if there's no objection let's just show it as it added on thank you we'll take that up when we get to the resolutions pass is added to agenda okay um the mayor yes sir is is that considered a uh consent item or is it goes as no I I I'd like to discuss it okay we we'll just we'll take it up with the resolutions okay okay uh I see we have a motion to or we have a request to defer the minutes of May 7th yes with that objection we show as as referred to our next meeting Mr city manager is there a report yes sir Deputy city manager is going to present Madame Deputy good evening good evening um registration for youth summer camp at the community centers is open that's for kindergarten through sixth grade and for the youth tennis camp at Dante that's also open for ages 4 to 17 if anybody wants any more information on that you can visit email car Parks and Rec Department those camps run from June 10th to August 9th a reminder that on Monday is Memorial Day so City Hall will be closed for our residents garbage pickup for Monday will occur on Tuesday Tuesday's pickup will occur on Wednesday with Thursday and Friday remaining on regular schedule um happy to report that the city worked with our federal lobbying team on submitting requests for consideration by congresswoman Salazar's office and we were advised yesterday that she did submit um our request for 2.4 million to complete sub area K and begin sub area J for septic to sewer um so we'll keep you posted on that and lastly excuse me so second Saturdays um we held the last one a couple of weeks ago it was a great success especially for the first one we have some tweaks to make the next one even better that's on June 8th and tonight seems to be the night of videos we have a short recap if you would like to see it please come space I like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the end of the report thank you any questions to the manager commission leben no I just I just want to thank uh everyone in staff that was involved in this I know events are very very timec consuming so and I know especially the first one so uh thank you to everyone that uh that produced this great event Madam vice mayor thanks to you guys my husband doesn't thank you I managed to spend $200 in in like 15 minutes and so I'm sure he wasn't very excited about being there after that but everything was great I had a really good time my kids were actually there and they said it was good so I imagine you know they're younger obviously and they thought it was great and they loved the the guy playing the violin and not so much of the guy with the fire that was a little scary the fire guy was a surprise to all of us but it was very cool thank you very much we might have asked for more insurance if we knew that he was fired okay colleagues no uh and I just want to thank uh Mr John Edward Smith as well for being another person behind a lot of the good stuff happening in Our Town Center thank you sir Mr Mayor and we can also add Mr Alonzo as a sponsor of the event we can formally on the next sign we'll give him a promotional credit okay moving on U Mr City attorney your report please uh just a quick uh you had asked for an update on the dry cleaner uh in and around Lot B the the issue that was that was there um the there there is a battle over trust assets that has been going on for quite some time the property was actually transferred in February uh by the receiver to one of the parties one of the trusts of one of the parties uh and the whole thing is going to jury trial on July 8th so that's where things stand at the moment okay so so and so that the party in possession does not have the ability to dispose of the real estate it it doesn't appear so okay I'm not 100% sure about that are the proceeds of any sale just encumbered until the there's a disposition of the case it looks like that and it looks like it looks like the property itself encumbered for the disposition of the case but but we don't know that for sure so the only reason I asked the question is there was another property that was part of the same joint venture in South Miami that my understanding was recently transacted but it was transacted to one the parties yes well if if it's anything like the dry cleaner property same would be the same situation the receiver transferred it to one of the entities involved okay so now that we've been that's very cryptic anyone have any questions okay any you're recognized related we're still waiting for the title on for lot yeah we have not received that yet because they share property L yeah okay thank you Mr just a feature report if you can kind of give us an update on what's and the manager what's happening on our annexation petition and then secondly maybe we can bring back just uh an update on the status of our inter local Amendment with uh the county on Waste Management yes thank you through the mayor yes sir I requested from the city manager as well that we try to review it once a month at least the status updates on the annexation process okay yes Mr thank you um mayor not really related but we haven't discussed in a long time and when you said Waste Management what is the status because it's we're still in the due diligence period what is the status with the public works contract with the waste to rails company it's been a long time and've heard nothing so the county is still uh they've not made a final determination on that we've tried to move it ahead we if speaking to the microphone yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry uh so we had uh a couple of weeks ago we had a a discussion with the county attorney's office regarding the interlocal agreement the modifications that we would need they they were concerned uh because they did not have a deal yet with the waste to rail operator um and it's not when I say they were concerned they were concerned with moving ahead with our interlocal that was the kind of the gist of the conversation um the commissioner regalado's office is uh is pushing for us to get our inter local modified to accommodate that so that um once they deal with the waste of rail operator is is put in place there's nothing else to do we've got everything is kind of locked in uh but the county is still trying to figure out their Solid Waste strategy and that is that may be part of it or it may not be it's it's they're still working through those issues and I'm sorry I don't have any more information that they I can add a little bit more color because I've had was part of that call and also had some subsequent calls both with um commissioner regalato and and the lobbyist for the company that we are under contract with so the county came back to American Waste Services and asked them also to consider providing them with an option to remove some of the sludge that's been accumulating at the southern landfill and so they have asked them for pricing as well as the means and methods for the removal of that Sledge it's become quite a nuisance in terms of the smell for people in Cutler Bay in particular if you go on Instagram you'll see commissioner Cen Higgins and and mayor mbot actually talking about the situation out there they're getting quite a few resident complaints so um our our agreement is actually pretty instrumental to the sludge removal because it has to be removed on a certain ratio of waste to sludge and so the waste that we would collect would actually be the mix that would allow the provider to remove it out of that sou landfill so um my expectation is that our interlocal will probably be taken up at a commission meeting in June based on my conversations with both the office of commissioner regalad the commissioner she she's very uh displeased with the fact that the county has been taking such a long time to come up with uh an interim solution for Waste disp position generally and see our solution as one that's fairly TurnKey and executable and that certainly has a lot of pricing advantages for the county so she seems pretty committed to it her staff was pretty unforgiving to the county attorney's office on the call that's putting it kindly uh the big issue uh there were collateral concerns about um other jurisdiction taking advantage of our facility for disposition we reminded them that every every city has its own inter local and you know just as we are asking for an amendment they'd have to go to the county to ask for an amendment to dispose at our facility um we reminded them that we would be paying them the Tipping fees on the trash that would be disposed out of our facility and I and lastly there's you know for their County contracts and this is probably more detailed than we need there are put requirements mean they have to dispose of a certain minimum amount of waste for you know the former wheel librator site required a minimum disposition threshold as we all know our our piece of the overall disposition puzzle is so di Minimus that even if we were allowed to stay out of that system it really would have no impact on the economics of the deal for the county or that deal for the county so I think we're well positioned to kind of have that approved uh I think the issues that were raised you know our City attorney did a masterful job of addressing all all of them and um you know so my expectation is hopefully sometime in June we'll have something positive to report at least with respect to our inter local I don't know what the status is of the contract approval for American Waste with the county as a potential vendor that's still that's still evolving yes commission k um to the City attorney and maybe you mayor um I've had a lot of conversations with a couple County Commissioners uh in respect to this particular project I was not pleased that they're not really aware of this particular project do we know if there's a push maybe from commissioner Regalado for maybe Jimmy Morales or maybe the county mayor anything like that that it could be because I don't even think it's been discussed at the County County Commission uh this particular project and a decision therefore hopefully coming in the future so it's been discussed uh there there have been discussion items on this on not solely on this on the solid waste stratey for for the entire County this was included as one of the options that are out there one of the Alternatives it was briefly spoken about yeah briefly briefly I'll be briefly yeah um in terms of the the specific push I think they're trying to sort out they have the Administration has not determined their their ultimate strategy here and this is this is one as potential aspect of that strategy so we're you know we want to have our Solid Waste inter local I think in place um so when when they determine which direction they're going as the mayor had mentioned um and the mayor was very kind uh uh characterizing my participation in that in that call the mayor was very forceful and masterful I got to tell you um the county attorney's office uh was not um they were reticent to move forward and commissioner Regal's office was uh also very forceful so this looks like it's going to get put on an agenda soon and good that's what I was asking okay thank you thank you mayor you're welcome uh thank you for that report uh public remarks do we have uh we have no one register for public remarks is there anyone in the chamber who' like to come forward to speak on any item before this commission seeing no one will close public remarks is there anyone online Madam clerk anyone online in Zoom that would like to make a public remark please raise your hand no seeing no one on Zoom we will close public remarks this evening I think that's the first so um can you read the discussion items Madam clerk proposed ordinance to allow urgent care center and gr zoning District so I I I asked for this discussion item and hopefully a referral to the planning board um as was approached recently by one of our local uh Healthcare Providers they're looking at a property that they would lease uh in the city of South Miami currently our our gr zoning District does not allow for the location of an urgent care center I think it's a use that could work well there I think it's a service that you know we could benefit from uh my only concern and my comment and direction to the city attorney has been that I do not want this to become an emergency services facility so while people may come in there for you know treatment and find out that their their situation is more dire and have to be transported out of the facility by ambulance I do not want them receiving ambulatory services or delivering people to the facility via ambulance and so um I think that portends a whole lot of possible nuisance conflicts with our gr zoning District so um wanted to say wanted to see if there was a willingness on the board to advance the modification um it's a realtime opportunity for space that currently has a vacancy uh along South Dixie Highway we can specify the locations Mr C jorney if you have it I don't have it hand I don't recall the address off hand but it's the shopping center just south of Chipotle um if you have any questions I'm happy to take them yes uh commissioner lean moving left to right sorry more of a of a comment uh when you look at the architecture of that building and some some people for some people frame of reference is better when you have a landmark or name the name of it was Florida Appliance Builders or Florida Builders appliances something similar um I'd be concerned if this was going to be in a mall because this consumes a lot of uh parking and could uh could attract from parking from some of the other establishments but this is a standalone building and and if you look at the architecture of it it's looks like it was designed for uh for that use um glad we have a land use attorney in the office I mean pardon me on the deis with the mayor who thinks about things such as uh as ambulances and uh and the the noise um and that that could disturb the residential area but in addition my my biggest concern would be even as an unoccupied site or empty storefront though it's nothing anyone wants to see it still pays taxes so my greatest concern would be that uh that that would then potentially would not pay taxes so as long as the properties and we can legislate this leased and not sold um it would still pay taxes and that would alleviate my concern yeah my understanding of the transaction is that it's the property would be remain in private ownership and that the user which is a charitable entity would be leasing it so again I don't want to play the role of uh tax lawyer here but my understanding is that it would remain a taxable uh property M VI mine was along the same concern where I don't want another piece of property to become non-t taxable and I I would wonder why it is if they have buildings already you know they have the hospital across the street then they have the the other area across the street and they have two empty lots I just wonder why they they wouldn't want to take advantage of any of the space that they have so so my my my understanding of this particular opportunity is that the there's a project on a site where they currently have a Urgent Care Center that apparently is well very well used I know certainly my family has used it on a number of occasions just further up the road um in the City of Coral Gables and that that mall was being is proposed to be redeveloped and so they're looking for and they're going to be displaced so they're looking for a long-term lease hold and this was an option that they identified uh because they didn't think that they could either collocate or accomodate this use within their existing service footprint so basically they're looking at moving from you know basically the same sub Market within one spot to the other yeah no if if there is no tax implication to that I don't have an issue with it okay further questions so can I get a motion to I guess refer this item to the planning board for consideration yes uh direct us to prepare the ordinance and put it on a so the motion would be to I'll move that we direct City attorney to prepare a modification to the ZR gr zoning District to allow for an urgent care center use and ask that they place it on a future planning board agenda for discussion through the mayor I'm sorry yes sir so uh can you walk me through the process City attorney and and maybe from a planning perspective um how that works so we're being very specific on which particular uh opportunity here to add to the list of them assuming different uh possibilities of usage models is that is that what we're doing here so the the uh the hospital has has proposed like a draft ordinance okay and what they proposed is to allow it within the gr General retail District because that's that's what that district is there would be a new use being added just a new use a new use being added to Abes that we already have correct correct and then with a definition so that we can restrict things like ambulances and and noise and those kinds of things so in the process I'm sorry I'm just I want to understand this and learn I'm happy to allow the call we go ahead thank sorry yeah you know it I don't know it yet I wanted to understand it um does this go as a variance as well does it go through the process of a variance or is this no this would be is this just something that we put in place planning takes a recommendation approves it not Comm it be text Amendment to the code presented to the planning board for adoption okay that would come back to us and then we go back final problem and second reading mm good question thank you m vice mayor is there going to be anything in that verbage that states that it has to remain a taxable property I the the short answer is probably not because I I I don't I really don't know how to write that in there um that would make sense sense and be enforceable um can I ask the question slightly different way yeah just to see if I can address the vice mayor and and commissioner lean's question would the authorization of the use when they come forward to permit require a development agreement uh we could require that it it it wouldn't have to but we could require that so if that's something the board wants to consider would be one way to help address the concern okay okay so I have no objection to that modification in terms of the D of Staff further questions or comments seeing none so I have a mo I move the item is there a second I'll second motion by myself a second by the vice mayor uh Madam clerk if you could call the role yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner leedman yes vice mayor Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes passed on to another meeting thank you with the board's uh concurrence I'm going to move on from board committee report board and committee reports can I get a motion on the consent agenda are there any items we'd like to pull for discussion before I no and can I get a motion well Madam clerk if you can read items one through four please yes a resolution of the mayor and the city Commission of the city of South Miami Florida approving the purchase of indoor gymnasium refinishing improvements for the basketball Gyan 4 at the Gibson bethl Community Center from Trident surfacing Inc in an amount not to exceed $32,000 utilizing the terms and conditions of the competitively bid sourcewell contract number 031 022 dger authorizing the city manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with the contractor relating to the same item two a resolution of the city Commission of the city of South Miami Florida approving the purchase of football game uniforms from BS Sports LLC for the South Miami Great Ghost program in the amount of $15,500 item three a resolution of the mayor and the city Commission of the city of South Miami Florida approving a proposal and project agreement with kimley horn and Associates to provide Design Services for the replacement of the existing covert over broad Canal at Southwest 58th Street between 63rd court and 57th dve in an amount not to exceed 89,1 19560 item four a resolution of the mayor and the city Commission of the city of South Miami Florida authorizing the city manager to negotiate and execute a multi-year agreement with passport Labs Inc for mobile parking Payment Systems utilizing the terms and conditions a contract competitive competitively awarded through Omnia Partners a purchasing qu operative thank you is there a motion on items 1 through four I propose remove them have a motion by the vice mayor is there a second second we have a motion by the vice mayor a second by commissioner Corey any again this is consented items uh Madam clerk if you can call the rooll please yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner lean yes vice mayor bonich yes mayor Fernandez yes Madam clerk youa passes thank you if you can if you can read item six please an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of South Miami Florida amending section 20-410 garage sale of the city Land Development code to modify garage sale permit application procedures I move the item is there a second I'll second have a motion by commissioner uh Le and a second by the Vice May here any discussion or questions seeing none or did you want say when I when I saw this item on the agenda at first I saw the title I got nervous because I have tra Trauma from this item PSD for the for commissioner leing on luckily it's just procedural just has to deal with the application process but for once the five out of five worked to my advantage previously because I was able to block un limited garage sales congratulations previously thank you PTSD we have a motion and a second let's call the role commissioner C yes yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner liman yes vice mayor bonich yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes you can read item seven please an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of South Miami Florida amending section 2-3 compensation for Commissioners and mayor established of article one in general of chapter 2 Administration and city government of the city code of ordinances to provide for health health insurance benefits for Commissioners and dependent family members thank you for that commiss K I believe you're the sponsor of this item thank you mayor um as as we've gone through you know maybe almost two years of being on the commission more the newer ones I've noticed that and I've gotten to realize that the benefits that we get as Commissioners compensation wise or are benefits is not much we we don't really ask for much but I did realize that I thought it was really really unfair that some of the people on the commission they depend on this particular um benefit of insurance or whatnot and um we weren't it wasn't covered and with we were using our benefits or our compensation to cover that and I just didn't think it's fair I don't ask for too much from a benefits perspective so the the idea here was that you know that the city would cover the benefits uh of our families um and it you know and if we I I'll leave it like that I don't I don't I don't know if there's anything add to add there city manager is there anything else that we should add there uh commissioner there was um uh maybe just for further Clarity that um and I believe it's your intent that if a member of the commission under this uh legislation uh would opt out of the family uh there would not be a stien in that scenario the stien would only remain as it currently applied if it's employee only that's the stien they receive but if they opt out on family they would not receive a stien and I believe that's your intent yes yeah and I think the City attorney has drafted some language to that effect and I I'll just pass it to you this is some alternative language that addresses that exactly that issue all right thank you thank you sir further questions um leben you're recognized so yeah for the say round numbers um so as a commission previously we used to receive a $1,000 um $1,000 a month um and we remember in the commission I mean time we commission discussed increasing the salary former mayor came out and said well that's not fair when I was a commissioner we I don't know we only received a maybe the same amount of thousand and I said well mayor I said said when you were in the commission did your house cost the same and they said no good point what the commission decided to do there was a commissioner who was um active in a in a labor union and and they thought that uh health benefits should be available to the commission so for the sake of around numbers and guys can correct me mayor I'm going to include you in this of all the compensations equal because essentially it is we receive about $1,000 a month um for all the hard work and an heartache we have to deal with and then additionally we receive um health insurance valued approximately $750 I think it's specifically 736 going to round up to 700 and um $50 we also have the option of including our family in that which I believe in of itself even though you're paying to include your family which is approximately another $750 to include your whole family I believe that that is a benefit in in of itself because you have health insurance provided to you and you're able to include your family so that's number one number two is one thing that the commission did previously is they gave you had three options with the health insurance you could take the health insurance you you could wave the health insurance sorry you could take the health insurance one two you could take compensation in lie with the health insurance or three you you could wave both um Believe It or Not also tra was when commissioner was taking cash in Lou the health insurance criticize me for taking the insurance which believe it or not I did not respond to but I still don't understand but I don't fault anyone for yes it's on the record but I I um your silence is on the record yes and I not been receiving benefits I mean part health insurance they would have been able to take the cash but all to say I I don't fault anyone for taking cash in lie of in Le of health insurance because they may prefer to be on their spouse's policy so that $750 access or 736 whatever that number is access subsidy assuming your may want to be on your your spouse's uh family plan so um one I believe it's already a benefit two what this doesn't it's this isn't this amendment is not consistent with what's already in place which is that you can take out cash in uh um you know in Li of the payment so it's not really consistent for the bonus and then the third thing is it doesn't treat everyone equally and that's what we're about is equal treatment and this is not about me nothing's about a name or face it's about the seed and policy and this won't go into effect until after I'm here or pardon me after I'm gone but um this only benefits people with uh with families so it does not treat everyone equally so those are my three concerns number one it's already a benefit to be able to add your family to the policy um number two it's not consistent with the plan that's already in place which is you could take cash down it's not about the cash again you can subsidize a spouse's policy um and then third it doesn't treat everyone equally further comments or questions um so first off I want to say I'm very grateful for the coverage we do receive uh whether I I pay for my family or not and frankly never more grateful than last year frankly to have the opportunity to access the healthcare so um I I appreciate the sentiment behind the idea uh my biggest concern here is I don't understand the timing of when this would go into effect and I certainly would not want to take the benefit of this compensation or benefit however we want to style it until after the voters had the opportunity to pass judgment on my ability to retain the seat so I think if I've learned anything from watching some other jurisdictions in recent months uh that I will not name on the record around these conversations is uh I certainly do not want to have anyone characterize any action all of us are taken which I think is all very well intentioned and Beyond just the concern for people in the immediate seats uh I don't want to be seen as you know voting in my own interest here um so I I wanted to ask the sponsor or or City attorney what is the effective date of this modification with this is going to effect immediately or would it Go in effect after the next election so it would it would the benefit would go into effect after the next election according to your Charter okay great uh so and then commissioner Le my question to you is I appreciate your comment around treating people uh you know with parity we some of us choose to have family some of us do not um in your mind I mean because you are the one person who does not have a family it's again it's not I'm asking you it's not about me I know I'm not trying to make it about you or me but I I want to ask you a question what you what do you think would be Equitable well with respect to that issue the way there could also someone who's divorced there could be someone who's elderly right and um treat everybody equally it's it's not it's not Equitable so and then also it's not Equitable and it's not consistent with the pre the previous item it does it make sense so with the first 750 you can take the up and now with the next 750 we have people in the stus who's spell worked at Baptist or state attorneys they may have better coverage correct why can't that money be used as a subsidy they still have a family again it's not important to name names or seats but plenty of people have spouses who have sure coverage so that money could be used to subsidize it so I if if there's already a plan in place for the first 50% assuming this the pass why would the second 50% be consistent with that right and let's treat everybody yeah let's treat everybody equally and then again let's make this very clear just the fact that you can add your family onto the policy a benefit yep it is so again I asked the questions again I think it's very important whatever we do on these issues that we act with one voice again uh we've seen examples elsewhere with these issues around compensation are characterizes self- serving Etc so commissioner leben would you support I'm I'm gleaning from your comments you would not support this current proposal but if the second half of the benefit was payable to uh a commissioner as a cash contribution would that render it Equitable from your perspective or do you just think want to take the position that it should not be extended to uh at all maybe we should just clean it I mean my opinion I don't need my vote I would just address my concerns clean it up and um and bring it back or just or just vote on the salary Al Al altoe but either way I mean you're asking me for my opinion this is not about no I'm asking again I'm I'm what I would like is a consensus vote here if we're going to have vote at all frankly so yeah so and actually what what I think this does and I want to commend commissioner Kay for it and and and commissioner Leman as well as we want a lot of diversity on the board diversity of opinion we want people who have large families small families um older younger so I do think that uh commissioner leman's feedback commissioner C's proposal it's all good things so I think if we can clean it up and bring it back and and speak as one I think that'd be great through the mayor yes sir what what is the proposal to clean it up what what is it that we're requesting here is that we're at requesting to uh double the family so as a stien for that's what I was trying to understand I know I wasn't clear on what yeah that's that's I was how do we clean this up I don't I don't know how it could have been more clear just consistent with the item that's are with the Ord that's already in place so you're saying making the full amount of the premium whether it's for an individual or family reimbursable as a again contrib treat everybody equally why why is it fair if someone has a family and they're on their spouse's health insurance and that they in lie of the health insurance they take the cash payment to subsidize their spouse's um contribution to a family plan I think no one's trying to argue the the point I think youve made an excellent point point I think we're trying to understand how we but mayor I was just said that people didn't understand what I said so I was asked to clarify it no so I again but I'm just want to make sure you may have understood but I was asked to clarify it yeah what if okay can I can I offer an idea yes please go ahead what if we maximize the benefits so that we can standardize what people get paid if they don't have a family put on it so I think I think what I'm hearing commissioner Leeman say is that he thinks we should have a a set cash reimbursement whether you if you choose to opt out okay with for whether you have a family you're an individual or because you have coverage elsewhere my understand just make it consistent with what's in place or someone can um wave it altogether corre we don't you don't have to take the health insurance you don't have to take the cash in in Li of it and I don't know it's personal it's private yeah I don't even know if it's Hippa I don't know I believe we did have one commissioner who I could be wrong but just waved it all together okay so to the sponsor are are do you have some clarity no what I what I would what I would in the in the hope of addressing and moving this on so we can get to it I think we spend this much time on this item what I would suggest is a modification Sub City attorney that would basically provide for the payment of a lumpsum benefit in terms of cash or the ability to wave the receipt of the benefit altogether in addition to what's reduced to writing here in lines 81 through 84 and we would be striking current lines 82 through beginning at any member and then lines 83 and 84 because I believe that's the language that creates the disparity that commissioner lean was addressing commission lean is that correct May if I closer be cons of time why don't we do this I I I I would like to move to table the item and bring it back at the next at next meeting so the C has some chance to review the language we can get some clarity in individual one-on-one conversations with the manager and the City attorney and we can look at one proposal one time with fresh eyes and some common understanding is there a is there a second I'll second that okay so have a motion and a second to table the item is there a date we want to bring this back to bring this back on next meeting okay so we'll bring it back on the next meeting uh with without objection we'll consider the item taed okay thank you Madame clerk if we can read item eight please microphone an ordinance of the mayor and the city Commission of the city of South Miami Florida amending article 3 zoning regulations Section 23- 3.6 supplemental regulations of the Land Development code relating to boat storage and single family residence properties thank you for that so very quickly as a response to this item um commission Le commissioner Le has done a Yen's job trying to address and bring us into Conformity with what is the practice everywhere else in day County in terms of boat storage over the course of the consideration of the last item I came across a couple examples actually when I was canvasing for ballot referendum of individuals who share with me that they were in agreement with the policy but had intended to buy a vote immediately because they had older um what do you call the core of a boat the I guess shells or I don't know anyhow older boats that they were intending to replace in the very near future so since I know the sponsor's intent was not to impair their rights uh what I thought was we would basically allow us to grandfathers but folks who registered uh I think the the draft that's in front of us allows them to be registered for for or grandfathered for the period of time that they remain in ownership of both uh or the title of the boat remains in the title of the name of the owner of the home correct okay um that's what's in front of us by virtue of this first reading item if there any modifications to that proposed revision I'm certainly happy to entertain them uh Madame vice mayor you have a question I I actually have two questions and then a comment um I I had asked the city manager how many permits we had currently in a house that had a boat on them because I in my mind this has be this this has for whatever reason taken off taken on a life of its own some of us have gotten insulted other ones have I mean it's it's in my opinion been a little ridiculous um so if we have 4,000 properties how many boats do we have registered to to date we have uh 50 boats that have registered um as I mentioned I I'm not sure how many boats are out there but but there's 50 to have registered as a result of this program Madam vice mayor I heard from I would say a total of four people that were concerned about the policy once it was explained to what we were actually doing because there was a whole lot of confusion about what the effect of the last modification was I can honestly tell maybe four people that I came across who said to me look I got an older boat and I was planning on buying a new one this year here and I still want a store here it's going to be smaller than the one I have I just want a chance to replace it so whether we allow it you know that person to do that for the balance of the time they own the home and the boat in their name we want to do it one more time I'm certainly open to have that conversation this just allows us to grandfather those folks and be done with the issue hopefully once and for all and avoid any further recrimination and and something that I think that we should look at adding here is I I and I'm remiss because I can't remember the house that I drove by it's in my neighborhood on the same street a house that has a boat that has landscaping around it it actually looks quite nice you don't pay attention to the boat because the way they're storing the boat is actually very nice and then there's another house where the boat is you know just an eyesore and so if if we want to move forward with this I think we should consider having something like right now we have it it has to be next to a hedge or something there has to be a hedge we between your house and the other house but there might be something that we want to add so that you know right now we're just obscuring it from their neighbor on the side of the boat but not obscuring from anybody else who's driving down the street walking down the street their neighbor on the other side so knowing how difficult it is to maneuver a boat I wonder if we have something that we can do and I'm not a landscape architect that I'm I going to pretend but to to make where that boat is more attractive because some of these boats are nasty like they're just not nice and for your neighbor to have to look at that every single day I wouldn't like it understood and I think to the extent that you have an example you want to try us to work a modification and I'm open to it so thank you I I'll be driving aimlessly looking for this house now people who own the boat that has the Landscaping in the too shout out to us further questions or comments sure have some comments okay thank you mayor for indulging me so we're wanting you clear the record not not the city record but uh amount of grief I've had to deal with and just slander it's it's just honestly unconscionable um so first I'll I'll start with just the facts this was never ever an antibo ordinance uh we were the only County only city in the county pardon me at 34 municipalities that didn't even have a boat ordinance um that's why we're elected to create policy um the former mayor say which completely disagreed with as a quote there shouldn't be a limit to the number of boats you can keep in your front yard well I categorically disagree with that and um what this ordinance did originally was it simply adopted the most laxed boat ordinance in the county which is the county that's when live in a city people traditionally live in cities for more more enforcement um so we simply adopted the County ordinance which said the boat has to be Beyond the frontmost Wall in addition I thought it was thought of all the neighbors if you currently had a boat in front of your house all you had to do is register for free and you and you could keep it there I've um it's never been any secret I ran for office every vote I've cast up here and I stand on all my votes I've always tried to raise the bar in this city and uh look at the city when was first elect and look at the city now there's a reason why have a 100 municipalities there's an article in the herald about this South by appreciated more than any other municipality in the Tri County Area people do love their boats in South Florida boat storage becoming more expensive and harder to come by but that said there's there's values property values there's noise absolute noise pollution environmental pollution and boats very large loud colors on trailers t-tops Outriggers it's it's not as simple as a as a boat we allow boats to be parked anywhere in the front yard but yet you couldn't even put up a hedge that never made sense to me could put a park a boat parallel to your your house in the street but you couldn't even put up a hedge because the Hedge would block visibility but but what about the uh the boat right that's a public safety concern the boat did not have to be seaworthy the boat only needed to have a a current license plate and and air in the tires a uh a dear dear friend and and Mentor lived a few houses uh few houses down they've since moved to South Carolina um you know their daughter their daughter studied uh Urban was an urban planner and and they were an urban planner a very large uh very large firm and uh they if I didn't hear bane of my existence every day from my neighbor about a boat that was grow I mean pardon me about a tree that was growing out of a a boat of another neighbor's house um I didn't hear it once so in through segue here a couple things that that I believe other than being able to speak straight regardless of the consequences always take the hard vote is I grew up in two different households divorced parents and one house and directly across from Baptist and the other one down Red Road in The Gables one house had sidewalks street lights there were no boats on the street but you could have a boat if you wanted to and then I grew up in the gables where you a treat canopy you didn't have standing street signs streets aren't numbered you have to know the streets they're on the curb there were no there were no boats allowed and no street lights and there's my mind and I've no secret since first elected always strive to be more like make this city more like The Gables one was absolutely more appealing even though I didn't agree with the pickup component of that so you again people have said the worst thing imaginable in my street which is a shame cuz I don't believe anyone's everever done more in this city and I I stand by that and I could tell you all the things I've I've done and I absolutely showed bias favorability to East US1 because the first person elect East US1 in 22 years and it's where majority of taxes come from so the fact that I've received nothing but just slander from my neighbors people instead of asking the question prefer to make the accusation so I absolutely take issue with that and everyone including my dear friend to have tremendous respect for and appreciation our mayor says we signed up for this we absolutely did not sign up to be slandered we signed up to serve the public which we all do and I I still believe I was doing with this ordinance so I never signed up to be slandered it it's G went so far that a neighbor by name of rul assern um can't believe he's in the financial services of the fiduciary responsibility um committed a criminal act he lied he filed a false police complaint just simply because he didn't like the ordinance he happens to have a boat but rarely keeps in front of his house could if he wanted to went to the police department and said that I threatened him um call was all at 21 seconds I as three witnesses that around me even started to doubt myself I mean that's how much traum me have to deal with here did I say something and all three wi Cooper cooperate I never said anything about him but that police reports on the record simply because that nasty lying neighbor again I can't believe it's fiduciary responsibility people trust this person with retirement didn't like the ordinance even though it doesn't adversely impact them so um I I just have I have serious issues with the way that the people have done nothing but serve responded to this and no one's even had the courtesy of speaking to me about it so in terms of the policy I have no issue I just have tremendous issue with people we want to call our neighbors in the city of the pleasant living that have done nothing but uh but serve so thank you mayor thank you for your comments uh any further comments or questions okay seeing none is uh I'd like to move this item is there a second a motion by the mayor second by commissioner Cay Madame clerk if you can call the role on item eight please yes commissioner Cay yes commissioner Corey yes commissioner lebman vice mayor bonich yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 5 Z okay so we have two items left do we want to take on do you want to address the RFP or the add-on let's do the RFP so Madam clerk if you can read item five please a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of South Miami Florida authorizing the city manager to issue a request for proposals RFP for the South Miami City Hall Redevelopment project to the respondents selected pursuant to request for qualifications number cm224 d01 thank you um Mr manager or Mr attorney anybody want to provide some sort of background introduction on this item or sure mayor so uh what you have before you is the uh the draft RFP um the essentially what it's looking for it Incorporated all of your comments as to what we believe it Incorporated all of your comments we may have some more comments to to walk through there are a few open items uh to address but essentially um it sets forth uh two types of development that would go on the city hall property uh generally speaking um or uh alternative locations uh with a permission of the city uh the there are uh private development parcels and then there are Civic Civic Parcels or Civic uh portions of the development the Civic portions would include a city hall a police station the uh library and Gan Willis Park in its current Incarnation or in a relocated uh renewed Incarnation uh on the city hall property uh the there's there's a discussion as to you know what the re what the requirements of the RFP would be and then there's a the weighted scale for uh uh evaluating these things the the process that has been set up has an evaluation committee evaluating and and actually uh scoring the proposals those those scores would go to the city manager who would then make his own recommendation and include those scores in his recommendation to the city commission City commission would then determine uh who the uh what what project uh what proposal is in the best interests of the city if you look at the scoring on um see the the scoring breakdown is heavily weighted towards the actual development plan um out of 500 points it's half of the points have to do with the development plan uh another 100 points or about 20% of the total is the Financial offer um and the then there's some points for the project schedule and the finance plan uh so we tried to address as many of the um you know the aspects of this we consulted with uh your special uh Council for this uh Manny Fernandez and and alberado uh Who provided ample comments and uh what you have before you includes a lot of their comments um the but it is still open-ended to try to elicit a variety of responses um what to see what the market can come up with you know in terms of what is the best uh proposal both from a from a development standpoint and from from a a financial standpoint for the city and we've stated here that the goal is to develop the Civic parts the Civic portions of the development uh at at no cost to the city if that is possible so that's that's that's the stated uh primary goal um I could answer any questions you like or I can direct your attention to the open items um would that help all right so the let's see y Mr secy before we go to the open items um just G to ask my my apologies I'm think I'm getting a little of a cold and my voice is going uh I wanted to ask my colleagues are there any items that you wanted to address quickly so we just keep a list and maybe address those that way I have three four I have about nine items that I have on my list that I have questions about uh some of them are open items so again I don't want to scare our City attorney too badly with those but uh are there any items you want to all quickly call out that are items you want to make a focal point of the conversation this evening mayor just asked you was going to ask you if you want to take a quick break because I hear your voice also before you get in I'll be fine yeah i' rather I'd rather wrap up sooner rather later but thank you for that any any items we want to add to the list I'm going to quickly run through mine and maybe that'll help frame the conversation number one is our preferences as to the location of the Civic improvements I don't think that's addressed in the RFP expressly number two is we have an open question about what the about allowing people to I think uh present an alternative zoning envelope so the zoning envelope seems a little bit flexible in terms of how we are presenting it here um I believed in a prior conversation we had expressed a desire to have a minimum requirement around Workforce housing I did not see that reflected in the solicitation document with respect to Gene Willis Park this this requires the replacement or if you're going to move it but it does not express a preference as to where we would like it located um so that was another comment um we have minimum parking standards for the Civic improvements uh both for our components and the library components I I again I would rather make those aspirational goals as opposed to hard minimums particularly as it relates to the library where we have no contractual obligation just just a request to ask I just some comments on the scoring allocation um we have uh three open items two open items related to the minimum percentage rent the annual escalators and then the multi-year escalators and S some questions about the interplay of those uh three items that's maybe one comment and then uh we are requesting financial statements at this point I'm not sure that that's necessarily something that would be attractive to respondents and so maybe it's requesting that before we enter into negotiations with a selected respondent we require that they provide us with their financial statements so they confirm they have the wherewithal to do the project as opposed to asking everyone to provide financials detail financials at this at this stage where we're still at the RFP level those that was my list of issues I don't know if you guys wanted to add anything to that list Madam vice mayor I I'm interested in now that you've said yours in hearing what the open it are because maybe they they marri and and it's easier than for us to have a conversation sure my my open the open ouns as I had them were the consideration questions about minimum percentage rent and the escalators there's a schedule I think also a schedule that's open if I'm not mistaken correct Mr City attorney what else was I missing in terms of open issues the amount of cost recovery was another one uh both uh at this time and and uh at the time of uh award um there was the the scoring itself essentially what is the what is the the value of the oral presentation um it it may be that 200 points out of total of at that point 700 points that that maybe twoo weighted towards the oral presentation um but that's just that's a thought but it was primarily the the the base rent and the escalator and and with respect to the actual schedule for the discharge of the RFP I mean I think there's a schedule listed of key Milestones but we have no dates attending to those correct I if the manager or you have suggested dates that we would add just so you could walk us through that schedule that might be helpful as well sure okay so those are the open items that the City attorney had colleagues any other items we wanted commissioner Cay well I just wanted to I don't want to make you repeat it but the first two that you said that you had questions on so again I have uh our preference with respect to the location of Civic improvements we've had a conversation before about wanting to keep City Hall if we can and the library on this campus as our preferred alternative I don't think that was expressed directly in the solicitation again we're allowing for it to be suggested to be placed elsewhere but I thought we did want to send the market a signal that that was our Express preference the zoning envelope here makes refence reference to the study that we're doing but I think it does allow people to go beyond that in terms of what they want to present if I'm reading it wrong please correct you're absolutely right yeah I I my my my concern about that is that it's going to make it very difficult to then compare Financial uh proposals because there will be differences in terms of permitted program that could vary not in substantially so that was my concern about about not setting an envelope and committing to something um we can always once we pick a respondent we could always certainly liberalize that further but my concern was in the comparison that might get tricky I also had a prior discussion about a I think it was Mr Milo who mentioned at the last public hearing on this item that you know we should have a minimum Workforce housing requirement I thought we had s provideed some direction on that front I may be mistaken Gan Willis Park minimum parking on Civic improvements I had scoring which the City attorney mentioned and again the financial the financial terms and financial statements that was my list I didn't make you repeat all of I just one of the first two but it's it's fine I just what what the heck he just went for blue go for go For Broke I got a list here G Willis Park he's just gonna go down over and gonna go down the list okay any other items we want to add to the conversation commissioner lean Ju Just in terms of the just in terms of the waiting okay so anything new and then we'll we'll we'll take it in any order we'll start with waiting Madam vice mayor any items that we're not mention that you want to address I I have a question yes are we in any way looking at the possibilities of people partnering in this endeavor you know like we've got related Urban that is great with Workforce housing we've got other people that are also present you know also part of this that are good in in regular housing I think to the City attorney um try to take your question we have five firms that we have allowed into this next phase there's nothing in the solicitation that would preclude any of those five five firms deciding to submit a joint RFB response so there there is is that your question mam vice mayor yeah that's a great question there is a provision regarding uh regarding collusion but collusion would be working correct independently towards driving towards point but if they decided to join forces yeah there's no there's no prohibition on that okay there's no prohibition on that no no there is a Prohibition there's not any propos not if I'm confus I believe the mayor's talking about the submitting so the existing five are in the process if if let's just pick you know son and blink development wanted to team up with related just picking up random names right and that was something they came in with a joint proposal responsive to the RFP in all respects could they submit jointly I think it was this the vice mayor's question question yeah to the extent that they can if it's the will of the commission to to to allow for that then we would tweak it okay to to make that clear that that could happen more tweaks required for that is what I'm taking away further further items commission Le uh Corey excuse me I think everything was addressed I did have a concern just be based on something we've done recently which was say that the Cil Martin building could be moved that the most obvious location that it would be moved would be the relocated G Willis Park site and if that were to occur if everyone would be okay with us losing that green space if they did that I was I was just going to talk about that as a discussion item but enough that's so I I'll I'll add that to the list no harm in doing that okay Kish Kaya did you have anything you wanted to add no everything's been okay spoken about that I had all my points on okay as you can see what the okay Comm Le I saw you move your microphone and then Retreat anything you want to add okay I'm going to consider the list of items closed if that's okay uh let's start with scoring commission Leeman why don't you get your comments on the record regarding the scoring just just personally I'm I'm sure consulted with number of our outside advisers work with a firm that's done number there's only so many of these but a lot more experience our our legal team has a lot more experience but um to me waiting the deal at 20% just doesn't sound Rich enough for me now it all I'm okay if we want to leave it it'll all balance I I agree I think I agree I I think waiting at uh at just 100 points frankly is too light particularly if we add in the 200 points on the oral presentation so I I mean I think um you know I think we've got maybe a little bit too much right now on the too many points on the master development plan and Architectural approach that's certainly important to me uh but I I probably would sacrifice a few points there to increase the financial offers waiting so I concur any thoughts on that topic colleagues uh where where do we get this point system to start with start just our team's best effort at coming up with something for us not something that we no no there was no input on that we just we just put something together to to prompt this discussion okay gohe so I mean I I would suggest commissioner lean if you concur maybe reducing the master development plan to 200 points and maybe conferring another 50 points to the Financial offer section just to kind of balance it out a little bit further see this is for the waiting and ultimately it'll be our vote correct based on my vote personally yeah be a lot more than 20% into the financial terms okay what do what would what would your suggestion be well with everything we want to do and retain our great staff and so forth I'm going to place the greatest emphasis on the financial deal okay but is that 50 is that 250 points out of 500 is it 300 I mean I we just need to a Target I'm much higher than the rest of the commissions whoever the rest of the commission would like to settle because obviously want a quality product be concerned as you mentioned about height and density but um but yeah that that's of the of greatest concern to me right we need new facilities beautify the city put it on the tax roles okay but would we want to switch up yeah and we need this to pay for our new let let me just ask if I can a point of clarification to City attorney in this scheme is the Financial offer a total of 100 is so the overall Finance plan is another 50 points so in aggregate the financial elements are 150 points yes okay okay may if I if I Qui share something on that and um I kind of shared commissioner Leeman's uh thought process um I would just say it's a matter of degrees that would be careful of the unintended consequence because obviously there could be sacrifices to the proposal to the project which allows for a richer Financial proposal right but then the project itself is sacrificed so you know it's a it's a matter of degrees uh obviously we're trying to maximize the value that we extract from this site uh but you don't want the project itself to be sacrificed to a certain degree so I just throw that out so when you're considering what the ratio should be out of the total points um that there's a little bit of balance here can I can I ask in terms of qualitative from a qualitative perspective how are we going to evaluate the financing and budgeting approach as described here at 40 points I mean to our to our team what what what would what would be like objective criteria that we would use to evaluate what that what those words mean is it is it is there a preference for them paying out of cash right or or conventional debt or are they relying on what what you understand where I'm going which is what are we trying to tease out with that language ter what it means my my interpretation sorry may go ahead my interpretation was what the financial benefit and how they would go ahead paying it so would they have an offer for rent um if they have an offer for that term 20 years repeatable for the next four and that that that's I guess that's the Financial offer right well there's two parts of the Financial offer right there's there's The Upfront cost of the way the way I read this was I'm not but I apologize was the Financial offer was the actual consideration right improvements and or Cash correct right and what I read as the overall Finance plan is their approach to underwriting the deal right okay so part of that is an evaluation of their strength and capacity which we rated at 10 points here the other part is how they would go about I guess putting together the capital stack for the project yeah mayor to answer your question that so the the two comp components of this portion relate basically the feasibility of of the project is this is this is this a legitimate uh proposal that's that's what it's getting at you know or is this pie in the sky you know and and we thought that that would have an impact as to whether you know if it's if it's not really feasible then that you should know that okay yes Madam vice mayor okay so being real right now I have an art and a marketing background are we purporting that I as an individual am supposed to know all of the things that are in here or do we have a person because you just said something that set off a sparkler in my head which is like yeah they have a pie in the sky idea I mean wouldn't somebody I don't know if it's you guys or some other person that I don't personally know right now is going to come here and say hey that's never going to work so so Madam vice mayor just to help with that I think this is this is the criteria we're going to proove that the evaluation committee is going to take right when and and apply to their review of the responses right so I think the concern about piie and the sky offers is in the section about Financial offer they could promise you $80 million right of total consideration improvements in cash but there's really no evidence that they could execute and the evidence of the execution as I'm reading this would be in the overall Finance plan SE section right which is here's what we've done to finance similar projects here's our typical mix of debt Equity alternative financing here's what we think the market looks like today or for the next few years right there's some disc again I'm asking as much as I'm saying is that what we're going to be evaluating in that section because that's how I'm understanding is that clear issue for you one more part of that please go ahead which is who are these scorers going to be so Mr manager could you could you elaborate on the scoring first on on the technical side I also want to remind that that U obviously we we've enhanced a team by by the outside Council and then pfm public financial management would be provide that technical support that's M yes okay thank you right and help provide that analysis of the financial structure and and is it you know is it to Market is it realistic is it doable and and I'm I'm assuming our our appraiser would be part of that assessment team as well correct anywhere we need that so so they would help inform uh and then there will be a committee yet to be named individuals that that would sit in this committee that would benefit from this technical support and this information uh so they can make you know their decisions and scoring uh based on the technical assessment of uh these outside you know your internal team and your external team we're not going to have like 17,000 people on this committee that we're talking about outside of the people that were p999 yeah right because what I what and maybe it I'm looking at this very simplistically but I'm like we're all professionals I think most of us are pretty smart but we're paying somebody for their expertise and while a committee is a nice thing to have for these three people so that they have somebody to bounce stuff off of and what have you I really want whatever the the feedback is going to be to really come from the people I'm like that I'm paying I you know my mechanic knows my car the guy who you know works next door at the solar tinting place might know what my car looks like but he can't fix my car episol I think commissioner I'm sorry M vice mayor excuse me what the conversation we're having here is this is really where we allocate points is we as policy makers we we're assigning priorities to how to give that committee directions to what we think they should evaluate and with what kind of weight so can yes commissioner can I go back to your original point I think maybe commissioner Leman if this sounds right to you if we move 50 points from the master devel plan the overall Financial picture from what the offer is to their capacity would be equal to that of the master plan it' be 200 200 200 200 100 and then 100 doesn't that that sounds a little more balanced right yeah okay so I think we want to figure out how to reallocate the point total and like and do we want to delegate that to staff or we want to spell it out I'm I'm fine delegating it within the big number so let's I set the master development plan number at 200 right okay okay are you good with that do we want to now do we want to allocate 25 points to the Financial offer and 25 more points to the finance plan I think it's semantics I mean it's the same overall they're all Financial okay so why don't we do this why don't we just consolidate that category and make it 200 points it's Financial offer and the finance plan so those things are weighted together at 200 points and then leave the project schedule at 100 obviously we all have concerns about the timing when things get built because that speaks to the the realness of the office so from a scoring perspective consensus on that point okay hearing no objections staff has that direction okay so we talked about scoring what issues we want to take up next do you want to go down your list I can go down my list do we do we Civic improvements um again we yes sir could I and and I could have missed it but I just want to make sure the oral which has to do with points as well should we should uh have the discussion now before you move on this part yes absolutely so do we want to wait the oral presentation at 200 points or some other number why would we make it 100 I I'm fine with making it a 100 I just think why extra why make it a bigger number just to make it I think I think it gives it giving it the same weight as the Financial offer to me does not make a whole lot of sense so I I would be comfortable at 100 any objections to reducing that to 100 points going once going twice hearing no objections so at 100 points okay um cific improvements had a lot of priority meetings we talked about what our preferences were I thought for those prior meetings we had said we'd like to try to retain the library and City Hall at least a ceremonial City Hall on this campus if all the back of the house goes elsewhere is that still our position colleagues if that is can we add language that at least indicates the response that that is our preferences preference huh the police I thought we were fine with moving the police station off campus is that wouldn't that be either or or so I I thought our I thought our our Express preference was at the very least we want to keep the library and a ceremonial City Hall maybe one building on this campus everything else could move could be moved to an alternate location if I'm recalling it incorrectly please correct me I I I think I I agree with commissioner Le so let's elaborate on that why don't want to recognize commissioner Kai and then commissioner leing on this point yeah I think that either or would be preference if we have a Civic a Civic building that includes police then that's fine that's an option that we have but we also have we don't want to take the option away of putting it elsewhere I'm I'm what to clarify what I'm saying we're saying is our preference would be to have a Civic building it would have the library and the ceremonial components of this function on this campus so our Chambers for example and maybe a public meeting space that we would share with the library everything else we are open to it being relocated elsewhere am I being clear Madam vice mayor if I think the police needs to stay wherever our general operations are simply because because if you sit in the assistance office for our city manager they're saying oh okay no you have to go to the police department for that background check no you can go to finan we I I'm I think what I'm suggesting would not ex would not exclude that possibility I agree with you I think if be best if our general government and police operations were at least contiguous right they can't be integrated all all I'm saying is at least as a minum to keep at M keep the Civic function on Main and Main the library and the ceremonial City Hall could stay could stay here now which which ones would be off campus if it's not a preference think be maybe I think that's where I misunderstanding your statement mayor I think the general the general Administration would be elsewhere and in that in that scenario if it wasn't retained here it would be the police station as well yeah I think the mayor's uh point is you know do you signal stronger on Chambers and library is it a requirement or you know I'm not saying it's a requirement at least saying it's preferred and then the the the City Hall operations and police could be here or could be somewhere else right I think you're allowing dep correct every could be elsewhere I would be of the opinion that they stay together that's just my opinion no I'm sorry they just said building department elsewhere correct no I didn't say elsewhere I said together yeah together with city hall because it they would not necessarily be it's a let's let's let's let's I want to bate the conversation this way for clarity I I absolutely 100% agree that the management should be integrated in one facility right all I'm suggesting is that for purposes of holding public meetings we would have a space on this campus with a library maybe we have some a working office or a couple offices for all of us and the manager to receive people on days that were're functioning out of this building but in terms of the general operations and management you know they would be moved in conjunction with all the Departments and and preferably be contiguous with the police department elsewhere I think I think the the purpose of that what we had discussed before was trying to unlock the most value from this site given that it's very well situated across some Transit there might be alternate sites where we can locate those operational functions elsewhere and not detract from retaining a Civic Presence at least here on on our our Main Street which is sensor drive so commiss sorry um just provide a little yeah context so was originally the champion of the police station there Champion braz the in inspection station structure and so forth and said the crime either occurs in that area or emanates from that area um additionally police would have more accessibility or because it's it's very difficult to enter and exit from from Sunset Drive but in speaking with you mayor at the sunshine meetings you would preferred that at the time that the police station was here and was Consolidated so right here's all the things I'm I'm factoring into this create more economies of scale right and that will generate more revenue for the city if we consolidate those operations so there's consolidate operations there's economies scale in terms of the building we can build the police station alongside with the city hall but we're in that in the unique position to do that if we locate the police station the inspection station that's it stand alone you can't build on top of that I was also doing that to work with the commission accommodate some of the other commission's concerns I know that some members of this Commission maybe the majority would like to see a Workforce housing product in that site which is an excellent location for it I've even suggested leasing that site or selling that site to generate revenue for whatever it is placemaking um because we're not sure a bond will pass and so forth so um yeah there's advantages and disadvantages but I think it's a net advantage to keep the police station on the city hall site and I I'd argued against it originally because I thought it made for more track site to keep it separate and also the police you know given the choice I believe they like to be indep somewhat independent but um but you you already partially convinced me you did I mean now you're going the other way to keep everything Consolidated especially to create economies of scale in terms of operations and costs so but whatever the commission wants to do okay so so again just to understand you're you're saying you would like to I prefer the police station and our City operations on this campus in total yes in total yes okay but that's I'm just one opinion no understood just want to be clear okay mam Vice May thoughts jeez okay I I I find it odd that we would just have a ceremonial presence here because in my mind that just equals essentially a stage this for me is a stage right broadcasting out to the world the decisions that we're making other than that we're really not in this space so we would be doing the stage and a meeting room that we would share with the library so essentially two meeting rooms and then everything else could be somewhere else I I just want whatever we do for the resident to have the ease of being able to walk from Finance to building to the police without issue because while everything that goes on here may be beautiful it's not beautiful to me if I have to walk or drive different place so Madam Vice may I think my my suggestion was that all those functions go be in one location yeah and I'm fine with that we allow for the option of being located elsewhere and that the only the only preference we would Express would be to try to retain some Civic aspect on this campus Because one it's basic town planning you're always want to have your city Hall library on Main in main but we also want to unencumber as much as possible this real estate which we think is valuable by limiting the number of public uses on it uh so again it we could leave the language as it is if you think it's fine or we could add that preference I'm open to I'm it's not an issue I want to die on today no and and I'm fine with both but if I were going to choose like for the chambers why would if if we were fine with our business being somewhere else then wouldn't we just want Library that's all that I so the so your just to be clear do you want to leave the language as it's written currently in the proposal okay you think about that I'm gonna go down this so I'll come back to you sir yeah gentleman any thoughts I yeah so I I think that we've allocated 30,000 square fet to to the city hall building which should contain a 30,000 square ft uh not only our building department our city financial services and everything in comment already so I'm of the opinion that we should leave it as is um I'm more of a presence it just complicates the aspect of looking for different facilities different places there's a lot of restrictions that we're going to be able to incomp here when we move forward and trying to find off-campus locations to fulfill these positions so I mean these positions and and you know the assets and everything that goes into that so I would probably leave it as is mayor uh for that reason obviously not eliminating the possibility of doing that but I would just leave it as is 30,000 square feet um it suffice suffice square foot to do all that Mr guy just on that point we're not saying I'm not saying the 30,000 feet were changing I'm just saying that all all 30,000 square F feet don't have to be here I'm saying I would I would probably prefer it to be here all 30,000 all 30,000 okay that's my preference and that's my opinion commissioner Le sorry the reason I wanted to speak at turn is I think I misunderstood you I want to correct myself yeah you're not you were not referring to a St police station you're potentially referring to the City Hall police station all operations on the inspection site correct sorry I'm I'm fine with that misunderstood or some other location that someone identif corrected I misunderstood the only thing I was suggesting that we express a preference for was keeping a limited I retract what I okay said so we have I think commissioner K on one side saying we want to keep we want to send the message that we keep all 30,000 ft here is that the consensus of the board or do we want to just Li I think I'm I'm yeah okay right now could you do to the manager yes sir yeah it could you know I think the approach that you've taken to date has been to try and um provide as blank of a canvas to let the creativity of the market come with ideas and so you could signal a preference but you give yourself some flexibility if if it's you know not required and you there may be some creative you know options that come our way that that we're not seeing the art of the possible now um so so I I think adding flexibility uh to to to that whether it could be here or could be off campus gives you more options right unless you feel really strongly about something I mean yes I think there's Synergy between a city hall and police headquarters being together vice mayor you articulated to one simple scenario that happens every day 50 times in a day when you sit in that conference room but um so maybe you know we're saying the same thing but I think if you give yourself flexibility we may get surprised by some ideas that that you know somebody may come forward and said hey we would do this in this manner and it may be an off-campus idea right but we're not required to necessarily the way sorry mayor through the mirror yes sir um the way that we do that is just leave it as is and let them give the ideas based on that right I mean I don't I don't really want to Signal of preference one way or other I do have probably a preference myself just because I'm imagining all the all the different things that are going to come behind that but that's just my preference yeah I mean one other not that complicated but if you wanted to say this scenario but if you have ideas you know almost like a separate category because I think you alluded to the ability to compare apples to apples when you have somebody saying everything's here and and somebody splitting it then you know it gets a little bit more complicated I I don't I don't that wasn't my concern about the complication end of the day we're asking for a minimum amount of improvements and as long as we get them we can value them my concern was on the that stuff doesn't generate Revenue like this stuff generates costs right the zoning envelope allows people to generate revenue and so if we don't Define the zoning envelope not to get off topic right we're going to get I think a wide Chasm of possible Financial responses and that's where I started get concerned about being able to compare from my perspective I think about our Civic improvements it's all cost to the deal right it's not Revenue right so that's why I was less concerned about bifurcating where those facilities could be located I I do have one I think we're speaking about paragraph five on page six if you want to reference this is where this this programmatic issue was raised just on the gene Willis Park issue again I said keeping it we have a preference here that again we're expressing a preference whether we agree or not for a 27,500 foot park at its current location or an alternate location on the project site I would like to go a step further and say adjacent to the underline right so that it's or or connected to the underline because I think that is an important PL planning idea to kind of introduce to the RFP that would be my modification for that subcategory on G W Park yes commissioner Le do you want to say something on that topic yeah I can Ur okay that's what I wanted to say I do as well okay so I if again I think mam vice mayor you have you don't have a preference commissioner Kai you don't have a preference okay so we could add that by way of modifications there seems to be the majority of us have that expressed preference some connection to or Jason C to the underlying for that Park if it's to be relocated would be our preference um on the city hall item I would just say let's Civic improvements let's leave the language as it is and see what comes back my my my strong preference personally would be to see again uh us keep move as much of the program if we can somewhere else to unlock the value and uh just keep the city city hall and or Civic presence of a city hall ceremonial and the library on this campus um yes sir sorry it's just the Civic improvements doesn't actually read right now that we'd be open to any kind of relocation that I I believe it does it says at minimum The Proposal shall provide for the following Civic improvements and uses with the minimum following net floor area either on the project site or an alternate location identified and secured by the proposer subject to our consent and approval okay so then it goes into and then goes into the elements huh page six it's paragraph five ma okay the actual page six actual uh it's page six of 18 at least at the bottom reference there yeah no not of the file my apologies okay any further comments on that paragraph okay we had we had had a prior hearing done we'll consider that item closed we had a conversation around Workforce housing before is there a desire to express um a minimum amount of Workforce housing we on the site we had discussed 10% before kind of consistent with our policy generally do we want to retain that preference or do we want to just keep the RF RFP silent what's the what's the pre pleasure of the board Madam vice mayor you want to say something go right ahead come on you're not going to believe this is coming from me you're going to say yes I know you're going to say yes you said yes last time yes I know you did yeah I just if it's a if it's it's our property yeah why wouldn't we want a part of it and and just so that youall know I've been speaking to the City attorney about trying to work out a way so that our employees that are considered First Responders necessary blah blah blah have a preference they get first picked like right now we are we're having different things happening in this city and they're not benefiting us first and while some ways of doing that are not legal we're trying to find the ways that are so that we're taking care of us first and other people after so when we see this Workforce component come in we need to have this in place so that it doesn't so that our people don't end up as I see right now as 1,500 and something on a list of gazillions of people so you want to put a South Miami first well no he's working on it you look like you're dying over there preference Express preference for South Miami first in the RFP it starts with a hero housing preference which is which has been used in other locations okay okay and you're we have a yes to Workforce housing the others yeah I would say I say I hope we have them in time I would say absolutely yes again and part because it's this property that we own and it's public benefit that's to commissioner Kai yes I am as well so if you can include a preference or Express preference for at least 10% of the and I think we need to understand what 10% means because if there's 500 units you know so I I think yeah so our question or we have put here that that you are you all are contemplating putting a 150 units per acre on as a density and we can talk about that when we talk about the zoning envelope um but nothing in this compels them to build to that density or to even build residential at all perhaps it's an office project that they come that they come up with so how do you want me to I think it's if if if there's residential product then we have I think the requirement that at least 10 % be Workforce that would be my suggestion I agree okay thank you okay so okay uh Gan Willis Park we address that any other thoughts on Gan Willis Park uh yes yes sir but commissioner no I was just reiterating the idea that you know I want to make sure we don't have the unintended consequences if we move it that we're going to lose Green Space on on the park that we put on the underline even though I I do actually think it'd be a pretty cool activation but at the same time I I'm a little re and then losing green space in the park through the mayor yes sir I think it legally I think we have to have equally land again it's it's move yeah it's park space so it has to be open Green Space I I I would I would tell you that I think as wonderful as that space is visually the one that we have today I me it's visually a very nice space it's just it's not utilized it's not utilized and I I would tell you I think the activation with the silver Martin building even if it renders less Green Space probably would serve the park and its activation in the future in a much more positive way so I I I personally don't have any reservations about that being an Express preference where that historic building should be relocated to if that's a consensus of the board or at least an option that we would encourage people to explore commissioner Le sorry you right so in terms of Jean Willis there's some trees that are planted there and there's some significance to it just some of those trees maybe we have to include that reloca them some trees I believe were planted in memory um there's some there's some there's some trees from from David fertile and and so but the park was utilized for smoke breaks by yes by yes and that was so it's not a criticism it's just the reality it doesn't have direct visibility so before this commission was here when we had the first iteration with City Hall um and ironically pen to me I think commissioner Kai brought up the same thing what I now before with the proposal to go backwards did it it was less dense was a different time not just for the city the for everything but uh they did a great job of incorporating the silver Martin building into the project and it was a chance check out those renderings but my idea was was to further activate um the underline which you also suggested mayor moving the Green Space there but also move the Silvera Martin building there and in Bogata it's the coolest coffee place I took pictur pies did a little presentation ever been to was high-end coffee and a do-it-yourself bike repair ironically a building that looked almost exactly like the silver Martin building and could incorporate smoothies and sandwiches but I think that that would really again I always look for things to put South Miami the map there's the bar and differentiate South Miami that would be be the only place along the underline have character because of the building it's a high-end place even with to do it your self bike repair so if for my choice that's what I'd like to that's what I'd like to see I I would agree and I think you know to reference Colombia again I believe commissioner Kai brought up the same thing or something similar in a previous meeting yeah I mean to reference Columbia again like mon sales which had a chance to go to has a a building at their Civic Plaza it's a Hardscape Plaza by contrast that's activated exactly the same way described and it's it makes for a very thriving and active public space yeah mam vice mayor um we've heard and we've seen that transplanting trees is not always very successful I wonder if we would like I I I keep hearing that you know these trees has significance but I wonder if we would consider the same species and I'm going to make this up hey there's a mam tree here and that mam tree is not going to transfer well so we're going to put a new mamade tree of you know a similar size over here is that something we're willing to disc discuss because if if we're going to draw a Hardline on that tree has to move from A to B and it has to survive after that I think we're going to be disappointed no matter what we do I don't I don't I don't think that's an issue with address at this level I mean I think once we select a respondent and we're negotiating an agreement and we're approving a plan right that kind of you know they're going to show us a concept at this at this level we get into actually approving a project at some point I think we can get into the details about you know tree relocations and then what do we want by way of mitigation is it you know do we just want if you can't save it then let's go and let's go and Source larger trees yeah so we can at least recreate the canopy to the greatest extent possible yeah because people are really stuck on those trees okay okay so moving on uh minimum parking was my next comment I don't know I'm looking at page seven of 18 of the RFP it's uh section D2 we've expressed the development plan for parking that provides at a minimum my only comment is I think these should be targets that maybe the developers are encouraged to meet but I I don't want to specify minimums again my selfishly and no offense to my friends at the county I don't know that I need to feel compelled to provide them 39 parking spaces where they aren't promised any today but I I do want to honor my agreement which is to at least let them know that it's a Target we're trying to hit so um and I think you're going to have flexibility between the library and these other spaces these other parking space there should be some shared use and again a minimum allocation to me just is to me it represents more cost It ultimately comes out of our pocket and so hence why I'm reluctant to specify hard minimums and it is the the new Todd zoning correct um through the mar so this is including all parking right so guests facilities people employees Etc right correct Yes again I I again I if you want to prescribe a minimum for us I'm fine with that Mr City Attorney At what point do I do we run a file our inter local if we're not are we required to ask for 39 spaces no no our interlocal uh we are required to provide 15 okay so I think I think we should provide a minimum of 15 with a goal of hitting 39 so that we stay within the realm of our contract and we allow again the market to respond to that request sorry May one thing you may want to address is the shared parking because could be office right residential and then with City Hall we have employees and then with with guests we do not charge for parking right so how do if it's shared parking I guess we have to distinguish that visitor parking one hour I think I think this this proposals I read it in in the revenue sections or the finance sections contemplates or suggests that they provide us you know a base rent maybe even a revenue share model or show us what they expect by way of revenues in other line items inclusive of parking so it may not be free parking but maybe it's you know I I'm not sure what one hour whatever one hour or we'll end up subsidizing parking because we'll be collecting revenue from it I you know I don't know I don't have a solution or an answer to that it's not something I was focused on well I think that sorry go ahead sir going to that level of detail would be flushed out when we go through this but going through other big municipalities that I've gone through they have employee parking separated but that's a level of detail that we can work on later on I think what's more important is just the number of parking spots that we allocate that we prefer and then we'll do the allocations after the fact okay the next item I had was scoring and I'm sorry mayor can can I just uh was there a minimum that you wanted to require for City Hall and and the police department or keep those as just straight targets where these numbers come from by the way these are based on the size of the of the uh our standard Park 3 per and you did MH I mean we're splicing apples here so I mean I would just leave it is reduce the uh parking for the library component just leave it at that okay and leave the others leave the other let's leave the others yeah as minimum okay okay um I'm on page uh this is the Financial offer section it's on page N9 of 18 uh I'm in section 1.7.3 point1 so here here frankly I'm looking to staff and and and and the manager um do we really want to specify a minimum amount my concern is if we specify a minimum Z become the target um you know that everyone tries to hit and that's it not go beyond so I'm inclined to kind of leave it um blank and by the same token I would I would indicate that we're looking for proposed annual rent increases and then periodic based rent adjustments but I wouldn't specify necessarily the percentages and see what comes back by way of an offer because that might be frankly that's part of the the best way to test the market any thoughts on that point colleagues smart like a bus so so let's if you can modify the section accordingly it seems like that's a consensus of the board okay okay um the last comment I had was financial statements so I'm moving on to um we had spoken about that before and we did say let's just eliminate it but I mean we have five reputable companies that we we know they've done this I don't think it's that important yeah I think there should be a requirement at some point if we select one that they show us their financials well I think they're going to have to show how they're going to be financially capable of doing the project anyway so what what do we want I mean do we want to just ask them to provide evidence of financial capability you can ask for Comfort letters from lenders um yeah that should be suffice I mean or you know yeah I mean usually when we any deal that's been done if they want to go they provide a line of credit or a letter from the bank saying that they're capable of doing this that's pretty much it yeah I this is what we talked about before we did yes yeah and the timing if you want to push it to once you select a a vendor that you're going to negotiate with and maybe asset at that point you you had I think I think they should they should provide some information of their financial relationships and statements of what they've been able to borrow in the market to support recent transactions right so you know so they provided some of that at the RFQ stage um would you want an additional round of of I don't I don't recall what they provide at the RFQ stage could you we minimized the RFP stage as well didn't we we we didn't ask for full financial statements we did no we didn't not ask minimal right we pushed it to this uh but but we're going to push this to the negotiation stage I guess I guess the question this this this you know is this in the realm of a trade secret in terms of the public records exemption or not M City attorney and City attorney the reason I ask is I again if I were sitting the respondents shoes I don't know that I would want my financial statements on the market because you know it could be used Yeah by competitors to push people away from doing deals with me right understood understood so and there's not a clear there's not a clear exception there is an exception for uh a for public work yeah a public work right this has elements of a public work but also have has elements of private development U so it's it's unclear but to your to your point we could we could push this off to yeah my my my my preference would be to push this off until we get to a selected provider they can basically make at that point they've got the contract they can put up or shut up their financial statements and and uh we can move we could move from there and wasn't this part of the application process the RFQ it was we just asked them for evidence of deals that they've done and and again we may want to ask for that same information with more detail you know get you know and and ask them to Source letters from prospective Financial Partners whether it's Equity Partners Andor lenders you're talking about once they've been selected no at this point I think that would probably might might make sense well what what we want to be careful of is um that there's nothing here that requir requires them to have the ability within a certain time frame because they may say hey we're trying to put the money together you know financing has become problematic I think I think you know again what so going back to the scoring right their financial plan how they plan to execute the financing is important to determine whether this is a pie and the guy offer to use the city attorney's language or something that's real and so I think to the extent that they identify for us we did it this way on this deal and we're proposing and we had success and we're proposing to do it the same way on this deal right they provide us evidence of how they've executed a similar Financial strategy in the past I think that would be valuable information to us for us to assess the validity of their approach if if all of a sudden they presented some sort of exotic financing proposal right that they've never used before I would question whether or not that's you know an approach that's time tested and true right there there certainly should be language that uh they would satisfy our financial advisors uh to to their ability to carry out what they've proposed um in in some sort of time frame because because they may have proposed something that um is doable but they have not been able to assemble the credit and and and and so you know they can we be sitting here waiting for them to put that money together so there's got to be at some point and maybe when you select the final one that there's a burden that our financial adviser says yeah they're credit worthy they can pull this off and demonstrate the ability to do so they could hold this up for I mean I think to to go ahead commiss k sorry no I was just going to say I'm a little hesitant to put a burden in dependency on one particular firm or agency to make a decision like that I mean I wouldn't necessarily word it that way in my particular opinion but um but I understand what the gist is but that's what our financial adviser would do right they would have to tell us that they're comfortable that this firm because if not we could be waiting a year to put the financing together right and and and and we're sitting and waiting for them there's nothing that tells uh uh that speaks to um a timeline for them to be able to and if they can't if our financial advisor cannot demonstrate that early on that's going to be a red flag I think I think for example just let's just let's just use an example of a product type so they someone don't propose to build an office building right and they propose to build in phase in the next 24 months more likely than not they're not going to get credit to do that right so I mean we'll be able to discern that now that's not to say that in a later phase an office building would be a great addition to this campus but I I think we'll have enough market knowledge between Council and and our fa to make those determinations I I guess the question is what do we want the respondents to provide by way of evidence of their ability to execute the financing plan and so I you know I think what what I don't want to see is someone comes up with a particularly Rich deal right seems very attractive financially but it's predicated on some exotic financing that they've never used before that they don't have a commercial institution relationship to leverage right and so I think if we're getting some information about how they've executed other projects who they've called on for Capital right and and then said from that same Capital Partner let just pick you know let's just pick Goldman Sachs right provided us whatever $100 million credit facility to build this project they're interested in financing this deal and there's a comfort letter from that same provider to me that says okay this is in the realm of the reasonable right uh and when we select them they can Pro they can provide us financial statements and if not we've got an alternative bidder that we can then turn to if we're not satisfied with their ability to perform right but we haven't put everyone's Financial records into the public record which is I'm concerned people saying you know what this sounds like a wonderful opportunity but I don't want all of my laundry out there if I'm not going to get the deal right right so can I add sure please so that that was my recommendation but I think what I was just also thinking about was the you you someone said something about the timing of all this what do we have in place and maybe I didn't read it correctly but what do we have in place that if they don't execute within a certain time frame whether you know in in the industry you make a deposit they don't they don't comply they're due diligence and all that that that that's a contract issue I think that'll follow this process commissioner okay so I think I think I I think the I think the they're going to they're going to give us their best sense of the schedule the timing how they would Finance It ultimately whatever they're held to I think it would be bor the development agreement that we negotiate with them oh that's part of okay or the lease agreement am I yeah that am I missing that would be addressed in in the agreements that that will be negotiated now there what we have in here Li was just reminding me there's there is a proposal guarantee if they if they pull out during the proposal process that's what I was asking yeah if they don't if they've committed to to certain things if they've submitted a proposal so what does that look like um it is a we have it right now at $5,000 as a basically like a bond and there's there there's there time limits but that's that's excuse me that's intended for cost recovery or not no no that that provision is intended for someone saying I you know I will build 500 unit and I will pay you guys $8 million right and you go through the process you select them and then they you know while you're negotiating the deal they're like well we were just kidding you know we we can we can only build a 100 units and we're going to pay you $2 million that's that's what that's intended to to cover I mean I I I I mean that sounds wonderful I just I mean the people that I see in this process I mean I know all but four all but one of them MH and they all do these deals regularly I think they did that to us it'd be the absolute worst mhm thing they could do because it would in my opinion kill their prospects to do a deal anywhere else in this town again so I don't I mean but mayor sorry yeah go ahead but we should protect ourselves that way right like I I agree with you that the high the unlikelihood that they would do that is is is near zero but the language should say that and we should be protected just you never know what the but we're going to so we want to we want to we want to signal that we're going to require a deposit at execution of the lease cuz I or we're going to or we're going to require them provide a deposit now at the RFP stage yes it's two separate things proposal guarantee at this stage of of submitt their response again I don't understand the logic of that if you could help me understand I I understand from a cost recovery perspective because we're going to engage professionals to look at the deal that we would ask them to Pony up some cash and it's just the cost of doing business right because we have costs but the guarantee uh a portion of their financial proposal at the stage to me seems very premature and again we're asking respondents to tie up money that they would be using to pursue other deals but there's no guarantee they we get this one certainly when we're going to negotiate a contract with him I have no problem asking him to say you want to you want to guarantee some portion of X number of years of payments we can have that negotiation with him but I think at this stage to me it just seems very early I I don't disagree with that mayor but I think that language needs to be understood that moving forward that's going to be the case right so maybe semantics wise we're not going to be at that position but moving forward once we negotiate the the contracts with them they have an understanding that's what's going to happen if I may mayor the other thing that it covers a proposal guarantee and it's on page 516 of your agenda also they have to hold their proposal in place for 180 days in other words you submitted a proposal day 31 you can't pull and say I'm withdrawing my proposal so you guarantee that your proposal is valid and active for 180 days after you submit it it's uh it's proposal guarantee it's not really a deposit I guess my question is I mean this is this standard practice in this process to me it's seems pretty novel I don't know maybe I'm just not that well in projects of this size yes there is a proposal again what is the typical size of The Proposal guarante is in the order of $50,000 or is it in the order of guaranteeing the fin it's like some portion of the financial proposal because that that's the part the part you suggested which is cost recovery we could easily spend a quar million doar in this process with someone going through a review right we have five proposals here so if we get 50 Grand a piece you know I think we're doing a pretty decent job of covering our downside in terms of professional exposure professional fee exposure but I where I struggle and I again I'm going to shut up now listen is going and saying guarantee me a portion of your financial proposal at the stage when I promised you nothing sorry colleagues who wants to speak and ofice mayor I agree with you Comm leave in any thoughts okay K well you already know what I said about okay Comm Mr Cory yeah um I'm fine with just focusing on cost recovery as well okay are we comfortable then with the cost recovery amount what's the cost recovery right it's right now it's at $50,000 what it's at no it's at $7500 stage at this stage 7500 per proposer and then uh it's at $50,000 if you well 50,000 initial deposit if you were selected for an award if your select if you're correct it's a right deposit and then when that gets depleted we we're going to require it be renewed okay so so Mr C Mr Man do we have a sense of what our cost will be through selection rough order B into estimate we're now we're looking at we were looking at what 35,000 what 7500 what's $2,500 more so 375 right for yeah for this phas I think probably more I think that's light I mean yeah it's it's really difficult at this stage given the amount of hours if you will that that that may be required but um I I would say higher than that I I I would just throw out $25,000 as the first deposit and then we're probably looking at if we're going to really negotiate something I'd say probably I know 150 to a quar million dollars by way of a deposit if the person is selected yeah I think the CFO was under the the same that we were charging a little too low so I agree with the mayor on those numbers yeah I mean if you look at it from a percentage of what this deal you know would be the value of development of this obviously it's not my money but but it's still relative the size of the deal it's if you're having issues with that then you shouldn't be in the business okay so 25 and 250 is that what we want to ask for I'm just making sure I heard correctly yeah that that's what I heard thank you okay thank you okay that's all I had by way of uh comments any any anything no I know I want to ask I want to ask what else did I miss on the list because I'm I lost track it was zoning envelope zoning envelope Okay who wants to start there I've been talking too much well what can we start with what we currently have proposed as a zoning envelope sure in our development study sure I just uh what you have according to your development study that I the notes that I have is uh base height of eight stories with bonuses to allow a total of 14 stories uh 150 units per acre that was the General envelope that we provided we we did provide in in the RFP or more stor M and Mr turny on the bonus side how does one qualify for the bonuses under that schedule those with the Civic improvements qualify for the bonuses uh those are yet to be determined uh they should be yeah my that's exactly was going to be my point I think they should they should again because we're dealing with other issues I think the Civic Improvement should be credited towards achieving the maximum envelope commiss Le does that anticipate your concern right as long as we're protected from live local live local yeah yes what's going with live local not live work but live local I would want this to be the most Den zoning because this you have to generate the highest return for the stakeholders which are the taxpayers so so so right now then we're at let's just say 14 stories assuming the bonuses are in place and you suggested 150 units an acre correct that's what we've provided in the that's what you guys had had talked about provided than the other districts yes Madam vice mayor are we going to have a consideration of any more height at all in this location or are we all comfortable with 14 stories this is the point where we discuss that so you have thoughts on that topic well we always know what I think about height I'm not afraid of height what is your thought about height I'm not afraid of height I I so I'm probably not the driving force in where we want to land because this is a commercial area we've got height kind of we've got is it 13 across the street we've got 10 earmarked in the lot that's empty so are we comfortable with 14 are we comfortable with 16 are we comfortable with 18 I'm not the I'm not the Bob Barker like the Price Is Right on that because we know I like he I think that through the mirror I'm sorry yes sir go ahead I think one of the last number numbers that we spoke about um was Todd core being at 15 with bonuses um I know it's been going back forth between 14 and 15 depending on different opportunities that we've seen in the market recently okay I don't think the difference between 14 and 15 is that great if it's 15 I'm I'm fine you sorry you're you're fine with 15 yeah as long as as long as as long long as we are protecting our single family neighborhoods by having it be bonus driven and that the bonuses in this case are satisfied through the through the provision of the Civic improvements I want to ask something do we want to take what we saw at the Avalon Bay project and have it be built into this where remember they asked for an additional floor that isn't actually a floor it was the Elevator Shaft that goes all the way up so so that if there has to be maintenance it doesn't need a crane considering that everything that goes around this location is a main street or a train do you remember where they I don't I don't think that would call CL classify as a story or in our zoning code so I don't foresee that being an issue I think they'd be allowed to have a protusion above above the maximum height for those those maintenance or service elements but I'll let the City attorney speak to to that yeah yeah but those will be addressed those are being addressed by Mark Alvarez in the same manner as it was done as what we saw yeah yeah because that's just common sense rooftop infrastructure okay further comments sir when you consider the site it's number one it's publicly owned it is excluding the triangle it's Peninsula right you're it's framed by Sunset Drive and usan hospital um you have plenty of ambient noise from us onean and from Metro Rail it's as close to Metro Rail as you can possibly get um and then directly across the street it's 33 stories so I I really want to generate the highest return for the city for the taxpayers so for me I'm I'm with the vice I'm with the vice mayor again tricky it's public I don't know how we protect ourselves or insulator cells from from live local but I I think this most important site to have the greatest density and height because it's this is the site that'll return the most taxpayers so do we want to limit ourselves at 15 or do we want to think a little broader I think in in I mean to distinguish the sites from Sunset plays right um that's a site that's got you know institutional use to the Northeast right commercial to to the immediate East on the same side of us one uh it's not close to any residential um you know I'm I'm I'd be concerned about anything near that high profile uh on the site because you know uh spitting distance from 602 Avenue you've got single family resing um I just don't think it you know it is closer to the transit station which is the hard part of that analysis but um I think contextually it's just closer to residential uh and will be more impactful from a visual perspective to adjacent neighborhoods right I mean one of the one of the you know people have said a lot of things to me about the new building coming up from Avalon Bay some are excited some think it's pretty massive I may share some of those thoughts but one thing I can tell you definitively is when I get to 76 Street I still can't see it right because the canopy obscures the T story building I think if we go well above 15 stories as you're suggesting it's going to be visual from everywhere right it's going to be what you see um over at over at uh 37th Avenue which again I'm not criticizing the pro it's an excellent project but the sight line you see it you see that building from almost anywhere and so that that's my concern about going well above 15 stories sure sorry we in 62nd are you referring to potential townhouse project or behind 62nd Avenue talking about the I mean just right behind even right behind the hospital you've got single family you know correct okay so the other side as well so and you think that from that street in terms of the sight line and the trees it's a thick canopy in that area and you have the hospital there's I don't think there's any way you can see from that street 15 stories with the hospital there and the tree canopy as well as I'm not worried about 15 stories I was reacting to something like 33 stories oh but there's a happy medium in between there may be you know I'm I'm pretty I'm pretty Happ few stories personally well do we do we want to have that discussion or have them give us something of a conversation my my only concern about not setting a a parameter is that then it becomes hard to evaluate all the proposals okay um if they want to provide us development scenario Beyond 15 stories then they need to maybe break out the additional economics separately so that we can evaluate Apples to Apples because we have an an 18 story or 22 story or 24 story response and someone comes in something at the minimum envelope then I think the economics change substantially from that deal that's that's my concern if you want again if you guys want to allow for that and analyze it you know for my money I'll probably be at 15 stories across the board but I mean certainly there's no harm in in making it an alternative through theor yes sir's everybody sorry no no go go go no I was going to say like you know this is a Todd core that we've been speaking about todc for the longest it's always been roughly around 14 15 stor I just don't if we if we do this just for this particular building I feel it's going to be very different throughout and I don't I don't know if we can spot it's City Hall I understand that but if we spot Zone this and let it be different than what we've already zoned for the whole core um I just don't I don't know if if I would like that either I think it's just massive okay and we kind of want to keep I thought we spoke we always wanted to keep that kind of the same right like be be why are you laughing I'm laughing because I love Playing devil's advocate in these conversations um I I I would just say that I really do like the idea of it being Todd Corin at the 15 I think it'll be within character of the neighborhood I think as developments come online around it they could be at a similar height and we won't have that kind of conflict they won't say that this was an unfair project because you were able to create special Zoning for yourself and like I said from what we know is going up right around in this direct neighborhood it does seem like it will be in character all right then I think we have our answer I think the other I mean we haven't talk spoken about this I mean if you guys already made the answer I don't want to speak anymore no no but think about it right now we're sitting 32 and you three of you are at 15 so I but let me let me say this I don't think again I don't I don't I hate when we're doing the math on the votes here we're we're trying to have a conversation I I'm I'm certainly open my preference if if I was choosing you things I would probably choose 15 stories now if you want to look at 18 stories and allow people to bring in a proposal that allows for a little bit more flexibility let's write it up so that there's a base scenario so we can compare apples to apples and then maybe if you want to allow for some additional height so that we can study with the economics if it's that that different right you know we can have that conversation too I'm I'm open to that convers ation I'm just tell you what my preference is I don't want it to seem like I'm you know it's a 32 vote and let's just not you know let's just talk about it so I was going to said what I had said earlier previous me was 18 and maybe you were at 14 so my question is if it's 18 22 24 how do we insulate ourselves from live local because it is a municipal project I think I think one of the one of the I mean again one of the challenges is obviously you know when we have a bonus structure you know uh it cost people to achieve those bonuses right and here here it costs them here it's costing them by virtue of providing the improvements so I would want them Satisfied by virtue of delivering the Civic improvements I don't know you know how cost prohibitive achieving 18 stories is elsewhere I think for a live local project it might be fairly cost prohibitive but I don't know what you know I don't know what other project I mean remember live local project only 65% of the floor area has to be residential right I mean one of the things you're seeing in B Harbor with that project is that the retail is really really really valuable so even even even the carry on the on the units is worth it when you're getting $125 $150 you know per square foot rents so who knows we could evolve in a similar way where the office rents and the retail rents are really attractive and someone says you know what I'll pay the bonuses to go up 18 22 24 stories because the balance the project effectively help subsidize the residential I mean we have that example today in South Miami with Madison Square right the retail is what makes the residential subsidies there work under that current project right that's a Family Dollar and that's a Family Dollar so I think you know you know it's it's a concern that I have that that's why I'm you know in a different world without live local I'd be much more bullish about about because we would retain the autonomy but I you know at this point I don't want you know perfect to be the enemy of good I I like your idea of making it 15 and saying hey if you want to go to 18 show me what you got yeah and I think we just need them to describe what the how the incremental economics break out so that we can analyze some reasonably analyze the difference so Mr City attorney is that is there a Artful way for you to do that yeah we could figure that out okay okay any objection to that approach I mean we just talked about it to the gentleman my right are we fine with having kind of a a minimum scenario and then allowing people to go beyond that and break out the economics I think that's what Todd core had already done but yeah if we if we if we need to do that across the board then we can do that okay fair enough I I like commissioner leman's approach of how to add more bonuses that's right that's fine and it would well it would also be a good way for us to know what we were potentially giving up if we want to pull it back like at least we know at least we know what kind of tax revenue we're giving up and everything anything like that we're kind of Y right okay um anything else colleagues on the list are you guys okay with density uh the density at 150 yeah I did I did want to speak to density I think uh sorry go ahead no please this is we're we're being informal today I think that again going back and I'm going to follow Vice mayor's kind of approach here that we've have across the street we're at 200 an acre and that we're minimizing it here at 150 an acre not really understanding the differences there why we want it limit 150 instead of going to the 200 especially the market I'm working off of what the zoning study I got it proposed so if you want to go to 200 I that's the whole so all of Todd core is currently at 150 okay in the zoning study that's what yeah that's and what is the f is there is there a compan in F is it just a long FL paste I should know the answer that question but I don't yeah I don't have that right right off the top of my head with me here commiss Le while we've got a pause why don't you jump thanks why the City attorney looks it up I just want to thank our city clerk he did a great job tonight yes you really did thank you it was noticeable what and commissioner Kaya you were right we should have done it in the other order it's okay okay 95% [Laughter] well are we we're researching something I think we're asking if there's a floor a ratio cap on on development in Tod core or Todd or TSD uh we did not have a FL ratio cap okay so we basically are limited to the envelope and the but the envelope and the density mhm yeah we had a lot coverage of 80% okay so is that something that we're missing from the zoning study that we need to add I mean that'll be part of the inclusive anything that you do from a building perspective we'll need to add that now no leave it blank not necessarily no we we were leaving what this proposed was regulating it with with everything else with setback with your lot coverage with all this you know minimum uh I'm sorry maximum floor plate sizes over a certain height that kind of thing do we want to mess with the 150 do we want to do we want to just put a 200 a unit acre cap and so what I would maybe what we should do is I don't know I don't have an opinion what's what's the will of the board I I don't really know the consequences or the benefits of going from 150 to 200 it's uh substantially more Revenue per door I mean at the end of the day if you can build more units we see more Revenue so that's that's definitely what I what I do want to I guess my sorry my concern wasn't necessarily with City Hall I understand the benefits here yeah like for the rest of the Todd core it's going to mean more more more trip generation for sure whether it's pedestrian trips or vehicular trips I'm I'm happy with that 150 I you're okay with 150 yeah I'm I'm fine with 150 I think that when we looked at the 200 across the street we were looking at it as like an anomaly we weren't looking at it as the new Norm okay Comm lean no it's dense across the street yeah it was and that was pre- local but yeah the commission was all similar to Fresh Mark we were hungry for some investment right for some progress so I I think we just leave it at 15 I'm not opposed to 200 I just wanted to have a discussion that's fine so let's just leave it as is as my I think the consensus and um the only thing I want to add before we close and move on to the next item on on the workforce housing uh is there I'm a big believer we should get units consistent with the unit mix all over so I don't want to just get a bunch of Studios so if we can add a what did you call was a very nice term we used at that meeting the to day for the municipal Coalition was it Equity clause or parody clause or what was it it was very nice honestly it was great what that be proportionate I forgot I forgot I forgot to write that down but yeah I have to think about coining that phrase I forgot to remember Mr russio okay so seeing seeing seeing no other items for discussion are you madam City attorney yes Mr Mayor did you want to talk about the dates and the timeline the dates and the timeline would you like to run us some dates and timelines and make sure that we can so we can ratify them uh so what we had you need some time to make these modifications so yes um we had approximately 75 days for the RFP for the the proposers to put together their their proposal so we had that pushed to approximately August 9th and then an evaluation period of six weeks with uh the selection uh the manager recommendation presented to the commission uh by October oober one okay I I would like to modify the let's let the let's let the proposals out for 60 days 60 days so you can buy ourselves a couple weeks I think folks have probably already been working on their conceptual design and we'll refine it based on the final product but I think 60 days given the experience the cohort of respondents has is probably sufficient I was looking at Andrew shaking his head I'm assuming that's true right yeah he's good Andrew Andrew's going to be fine he's not here Andrew slap Happ he had a he has a baby we we we love him but he doesn't count this conversation come on SO 60 days colleagu is that okay it sounds like it makes sense okay so you can walk us you'll walk us through the timeline then quickly again we go 60 days we're looking at uh try to figure out some dates uh so it's May 21st today we're going to need some time to get to implement all of this this um what do you think Mr uh yeah we just so we have a little bit of Wiggle let's let's talk about the issue date so let's say the the issue date is June 3D just pick okay right so we get this so from yeah from June 3 what's 60 days 60 days would put us at August uh thir yeah call it August yeah August 5th I guess a Monday okay yeah okay so and then what happens after August 5th there's the evaluation process it has to go to the evaluation committee okay that would be something we form internally does not require any sort of public hearing or discussion since we correct be here that month arguably the manager the manager would would uh the way this is yeah they have to be notice meetings they have to be public meetings Okay um the so that that could occur and and actually the evaluation committee could be appointed before that that date so they're they're ready to go um so once the propos proposals come in can I ask you to put a pin in that colleagues do we want to have the manager bring forward a recommendation as to who would serve on the eval evaluation committee that we want to ratify or do we just want to delegate that to the manager exclusively thoughts on that your question is do we do we appoint or no no what I'm saying is I I think what would make sense is the manager brings forward if we want to we can we can do it one of two ways the manager puts together evaluation committee at his discretion completely or we can ask him to bring forward a suggested evaluation committee composed of all the members that he would recommend for us to ratify if you want to see and have a window a window into that process I'd like okay is that the consensus we at least uh we want to see the people designated to serve on the Comm what was your opinion there uh you know I'm I'm fine either way at the end of the day I you know I value the opin the evaluation committee but I'm going to look at all the information and okay I'll probably be a very hard judge of what we see so and it it doesn't seem to be something that will slow the timeline down it does not so yeah so I mean do again I guess the question is do we want to see that do we want to see the composition and waigh on it before it it's finalized or not that's simple question from a process perspective I would like to see okay that's one yes commission lean while it provides transparency what I mean we're only only going to ratify or we say well we want to replace someone or so you know what I'm saying like what's the there's a con benefit we don't like it that it it can extend it you're right so it provides what I don't want what I don't want is for again I'm asking I don't feel a partic I don't feel a particular need to be that in the weeds right some of us have expressed before concerns about the fact that we didn't have Windows into prior processes this is obviously a very important process where the most important process that we're going to supervise do we want to weigh in on that on the composition of that committee I think you do I would I I'm going to guess most of us would right I'm probably the odd man out in that scenario but um so I'd say at least let them bring it forward if we have some serious concerns we can have a conversation with the manager about possibly substituting or considering other voices on that committee would that create any delays I don't think it has to I think he can he can develop that while the RFP while the RFP is okay again let me ask that question because the one question is then those people are identified and can be contacted by or potentially contacted by respondents how do we handle the communication around of Silence they they're prohibited from contacting okay so we if we if the manager were to bring forward at a separate agenda his recommendations is ask the evaluation committee membership we can have a conversation the con of Silence still applies to those members but you you can have the conversation correct yes at a public public meeting publicly noticed meeting but once that meeting is over they they cannot be contacted okay understood is the is evaluation committee staff or that's what I it could be it's it's it looks as I understood the Andrew's first comment it's going to be advised by the technical professionals we've hired so pfm outside Council our appraiser obviously our city attorneys and then we probably have staff would be I don't know Mr maner do you want to elaborate on what your thoughts are on the evaluation committee at this point no yeah certainly I mean uh uh as as currently the process allows uh the manager would appoint individuals and try to diversify the the the views and skill set of those individuals right to get the best content out of it so who who they are upfront totally I you know something I'm going to think hard and through but definitely it definitely will be some staff members and and certainly some of the technical uh individuals that are part of it there could be somebody outside in the community that we're to have we're going to have County representation on that board as well CU they're I prior local we have to incorporate them so as a not as a an evaluating member they're they're I believe they sit they can sit on the committee okay and provide input but they're not determining scoring necessarily corre okay correct got it so again again so direction for the manager bring back that as an item for our discussion what's the preference yes no yes I'm in different indifferent indiff yes okay let's just bring it back okay and even if it's just to to tell us I think that would be I think that's probably the smartest ways I don't know necessarily think that we all need to provide feedback but we need to know who it is okay we sorry just considering different skill sets if someone on the commission felt strongly that they had a good recommendation can they recommend someone this isn't personal not by all means yes I think I think you should feel free that's way for the commission to be more engaged yeah correct okay okay so we said that publicly okay thank you okay last Mr City attorney timeline again if you can reiterate so uh the 60 days for response from proposers uh this is assuming like a like a June 3r issue date June 3rd issue date um that 60 days gets us to August 5th for the responses the evaluation committee would then have five weeks uh to evaluate the the proposals have all their meetings uh provide a their their recommendation to their valuation to the manager uh by September 13th the manager would then formulate uh his recommendation to you and you all would meet on October 1st uh to consider the manager's recommendation and presumably award make the award so when would when would oral presentations happen in that process in the event we wanted them that's that's a good question um we need to build in some buffer so I I think I think I think as a Target as a Target we should try to see if we can get on the September 17th agenda for selection for for for for first first I mean for you would minimize the five we selection time lower that increase we need to is that not feasible sir I me no yeah because the committee does their work and obviously there's got to be a little time for me to you know transition that into a recommendation for sure no I understood so um we had cut out we had six weeks originally then we had discussed it maybe okay shave five weeks within that time time frame the committee would conclude their work and push it over to me staff would push it over to me so there's a little that would make it really really so but so let me ask in the five weeks that the committee is going to have it they're going they're going to going to conduct the oral presentations we're not right correct they will and and we can we can we can look I think guys what I would say is you can you can you can watch the entire record right that's going to be recorded it's going be available you can sit in on the meetings and listen we could we can't participate but they're open to us like any other member of the public so you you'll have a window in if you want to Avail yourself of that opportunity either on tape or live and direct what what I'm asking is in those in that four or five week period that they've got it can they do you think it's feasible for them to to eval do a first evaluation do and do oral presentations and forward you a recommendation within the five weeks with or within four weeks again I I'm yeah again it's it's pretty aggressive for the whole thing this whole timeline is aggressive yeah that's pretty aggressive for for something of this magnitude you know right and they're relying on technical expertise and financial information so um I I would I would say you know five weeks would probably be a little bit more reasonable because remember then there's a turnaround time to get an agenda item ready uh for for for your review and action uh October is it October one October one yeah and then within that time frame as you mentioned it not only the analysis and the meeting they may meet more than you know multiple times and include oral presentations uh and then convene you know to to make a decision and a recommendation on their scoring so it's a lot uh for this type of deal for a group okay so October 1st any any thoughts colleagues so in terms of the timeline and I'm apologize in advance I was going to hypothetically ask what the completion right projected completion date would be but in that line of thought let going take a couple steps back here one of the benefits of locating all the facilities and the inspection station is that can be built I need you for this mayor that can be built prior to us vacating this site so have we even discussed that shouldn't that be part of the RFP where's where's the city going to go if we're going to be in the same site that is that is that's what the RFP has drafted requires them to explain if they're going to if we're going to relocate off site they there's there's no language there's no there's no there's I think there's a I don't think there's any it's not incumbent on the respondent alone but they're going to tell us where they would put us we're going to have to then negotiate with that party as to where we would go in the interum I mean look we're we should be we're going to there's going to be some displacement at some level okay I mean I don't know the and we don't have all the answers part of that's going to be driven by what the economics look like I think commissioner we spoke to sixth graders about that today okay you don't what is your opinion of that add-on item just let's take five minutes okay so let's I think we need a motion on this to approve the RFP I move the so we have a motion with the modifications discussed okay move by commissioner Le is there a second okay so a motion by commission leave a second by the vice mayor Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes microphone it is oh commissioner Cay yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner liman yes vice mayor bour yes mayor Fernandez yes why don't we take a five minute I'm gonna just test my bladder let's go okay we're gonna take what a five minute break no let's get this done come on I want to go home and go to sleep okay so then we're just reading the so if you can read item uh the item item please if you fa come a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of South Miami Florida retroactively approving and authorizing the waiver of certain event related fees and costs in the amount of $1,489 30 pursuant to section 15 b-6 of the city code for a special event known as the Jaden Higgins Youth Football Camp presented by first round management held on May 19th 2024 at Palmer Park okay I don't know who the sponsor of this item is and I'm not familiar with it so who's okay do would you like to take it or would you like me to take it okay we have this past weekend Jaden Higgins which is a South Miami resident graduated from Westminster Christian School and he's now playing in the college Arena he had a camp that was free for children to come it was successful I passed by commissioner K passed by it was something that I I feel was a bit of a moving Target because as I said they're young this was put together by a young group of guys and so when they got to the end is when everybody was like hold on wait we didn't ask for fees to be waved so what I'm proposing is what we do for everybody else which is to have them pay the hard costs which is the police department and the recreational staff and then we wave the rest which comes out to $1,489 this was something that they're doing it's has a benefit to our community and making them suffer for not knowing as young guys I think is is the wrong message so I want I want to ask a question about who so because that references it doesn't reference Jaden Higgins or the Jaden Higgins Foundation right it references first round management and I I know Maliki Ka Kawa and he's a a great guy and in many respects has done a lot for the Great Ghost when they were part of the program I think a couple of his teams may have exited the program last year I know I had talked to him about some concerns he had about the league that we play in so I is it is it is the was the sponsor the athlete or was a sponsor the agency that was the question I had I think they just kind of pulled it all together everybody that I spoke to so who paid the fees I guess the is the way to simplify they got it from donations literally no no I no I I understand that but again who who would be responsible for paying whatever amount we we don't choose to wave that's the only question I really have the group of guys okay oh there you go good evening the applicant is the management company first round management okay so if we don't wave all or a portion of the fees they'd be responsible for paying for the cost of the event that is correct have they paid it already yes so so I I look I I I think this is um I'm I'm I'm torn about this one because I know we do this but we we tend to do it more often than not for charitable organizations um again it's I I really I really admire this guy who's the I mean this is an agent who's built an incredible business is situated near here um but I I also want to recognize the conflict here right because I think um what we're doing here it's it's not the athlete that's a sponsor it's the sports agency and in today's day and age in college football a big part of his business is negotiating nil deals for athletes and so I don't want to be blind to the fact that these events while they're have a charitable Focus also inure to the bottom line benefit of the athlete and the agency right to the extent that it builds the brand of the athlete because that's how they're getting compensated these days so I'm going to defer to you guys as to how you want to handle it but I wanted to just say that so that we're aware of I think the complexity it's a little bit more complex than I think on its face um it's why I didn't necessarily donate when I was I wasn't kind of indirectly approached I think many of us were I was a little bit unclear as to what was actually happening it seemed a little bit last minute um so I I was a little I had some trepidation about it when I heard about it I think it's a great thing I don't know how many of our kids were served I think it seemed like it was a very well organized event but I think you know just facts are facts this is this is not uh me I know we've had concerns about for-profit events getting support before this I would put in the realm of the for-profit for that reason and yet and yet we we do no I know I know but I just wanted to that's the that's the thing and I don't I understand but I know we I know we had had that conversation before but we did it in a different context right I think we did the for-profit event there in an area where we need it because we want to build up our business center that's the only distinction I would draw we could have done this differently right um and we could have done it through our own we could have done it through sponsoring it through the own you know donor advice fund that we set up and had them contribute to that and then wave the fees and pay the difference out of that again I'm just a little bit you know again it's it's a very gray area like this guy does I mean I know him personally he's I mean I I've seen him at flag football coached opposed each other he kicked The Living Daylights out Daylights out of my team because his teams are just super teams then definitely don't wave it they don't no no no that's not the reason why that's not the reason why but he does an amazing job I mean he writes checks out of of his pocket to get kids new uniforms every year I know we approved this uh uniform item his teams always are wearing new gear it's funded out of his pocket so I have tremendous respect for what he's done I'm not trying to but I I do there also is I think the the the you know there is mult there are multiple layers of motives here right I think if it was the athletes Foundation I probably would say no problem right maybe it's a distinction without a difference but it is in this case the sports agency that's the promoter of the event right and again they get compensated to negotiate nil deals with the with with with universities that all said as long as we're aware of it okay I I'm happy to support it because on balance I think you know we'll have that conversation for future events but if you want to move the item I will certainly vote for it okay okay I I would like to simply because I look at it a little differently than than you do I look at it as he is a gentleman who is from our city he went to South Miami High yeah he did well he graduated from Westminster no no not the not the football player I'm talking about the football player I'm talking about the guy who runs the business so yeah so another level another connection stuff and so there there are people doing something for our community in our park and it while I think it shifted and grooved a little bit from where they were originally looking at it I I don't see a downside in doing for them what we've done for other others I see what you're talking about my answer would be why wouldn't we want to support you like I said I'm I'm I'm yes I just want to highlight that issue so we you move the motion I just have a sorry a question before we vote I I appreciate all the context mayor provided my question is so who would because they were saving someone money they made a payment we're going to refund it are we helping Jaden an athlete or we're help being a sports te no we're help that's why I wanted to just be clear because I I was UN but when I read the header we're Sports we're helping we're helping that for I think we're helping refund the money to the business that basically paid the fees so I want to be clear about that okay because I know we've had concerns about it in another context um again I think net positive it's it's four kids this does not adversely impact Jaden one way or the other right well I think it if if they're doing it again next year I I want them to think of us first I mean it's not like Jaden Higgins star is going down I've never heard of him he's probably a great young man I don't and I think I think I think you know I think you know the more the more we can get kids who were former know his parents the more we can get kids that were former members of you know are connected to South miam to come back and do things in the community it's all for the better again I said my piece I just you know okay so do we want to we have a we have a motion for the vice mayor do we have a second I'll second we have a second by commissioner CA any further comments okay m CLK if you can call the role please microphone commissioner C yes commissioner Corey yes commissioner leedman yes vice mayor bonich yes mayor Fernandez yes IEM passes thank thank you and again good job to our city clerk thank you e