we're so early you didn't come to eat oh youe before me yeah you come here like at 6 anybody want anybody want to recording in progress we're not starting e e e e e you go good evening everyone today is Tuesday March 19th 2024 it is 7 7:00 we'll call to order today's meeting of the South Mi City commission welcome if you could please silence and turn off all your cell phones Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes mayor Fernandez present Vice May bones here commissioner lemman president commissioner Cory present commissioner Cay here you have a quum thank you madam cler uh Madame vice mayor would you lead us into prayer [Music] please Lord teach me to be generous teach me to serve you as you deserve to give and not to count the cost to fight and not to heed the wounds to toil and not seek for rest to labor and not ask for reward save that knowing that I do your will through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen amen you please join us to The Pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please be seated thank you colleagues before we get started just quickly run through a possible order of the day unless there some objection so I thought we would start next with uh adoption of the minutes move quickly to public remarks then take up the presentation uh scheduled by commissioner leedman uh we've got uh a couple reports board appointments and then I thought we could take up items that might not gener a lot of conversation uh numbers three four two public hearing items 12 and 13 we have Council perspective Council here in the chambers on item seven and then move on to items that probably would generate a little bit more discussion public hearing items 10 11 and then regular agend items 2 five 6 8 and nine anything from a discussion perspective that I might have missed sorry okay you you're going to recuse yourself for the team footworks uh fee approval item okay problem any other items I was thinking maybe eight we move up a little bit okay eight we move up last time were there place on the placemaking discussion item we can move that up do we believe we're going to have a lot of discussion on that item on placemaking the placemaking item commissioner C was at suggesting that we may move it up in terms of or an order the day order the day yeah just higher up in the agenda fair enough not a problem any others okay with that we'll proceed in that fashion uh if we can get a motion on the minutes please I move the motion second have a motion by commissioner Kai a second by commissioner Corey any comments on the minutes seeing none Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner Ken yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner lemman yes Vice May Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes minutes pass 5 great if we can get a motion to add on uh fa move the motion is there a second second a motion by commissioner K again a second by commissioner Corey uh any discussion on adding the item on the agenda yes commissioner yeah honestly with with all due respect the sponsor I appreciate the sponsor intent but these two boards I think we should really retire them they've been defunct for decades just this is just to add the item on the agenda okay and then second the board that we're adding it to it's almost insult to injury hasn't met at least the last four maybe half a dozen we can confirm that our city clerk scheduled meetings I think that's it doesn't make any sense from my perspective that sounds like a a discussion to uh move it on to a regular agenda do you have any objection to having this item continue to the next agenda oh for the next agenda without this one yeah yeah you can add it the agenda but that's what I'm going to say once it's don't get it yeah yeah okay we'll just leave it as discussions so move do we want to move it on to this agenda is there a motion to move it on to today's agenda or do we want to discuss it at a future agenda well we had a motion in a second already now what the question we do have a motion in a second is this require unanimous consent Madam clerk under our rules or do we to add it on or can it be added by simple majority okay thank you okay so we have a motion and a second Madam clerk let's call the role and we'll can discuss it later that that's what I okay commissioner kayen yes commissioner Cory yes Vice I mean commission lemman yes Vice May bones yes mayor Fernandez yes I don't pass it add to the agenda thank you okay if we can uh open up the floor for public remarks please have a list and for anyone who's here if you not have a chance to register on the list you can please come forward and speak to Mr Webster he'll get you signed up and we'll call we'll call your name at that time uh I only show one person signed up at this point in time Mr Levi Kelly Mr Kelly please come forward commissioner good afternoon good afternoon good evening I bring you greetings from over 500 of your constituents to say thank you for your support for our annual reunion and Unity Fest it's uh what we consider to be one of the great events that we've had so far and I just want to say thank you to those who were able to come by and have a little bit of a good time thank you it's a full service operation here apparently so I I'll I'll speak a little louder too okay all right there we go so in in the uh in this process we we were able to actually bring a lot of people back to South Miami who hadn't been there for some time and we continue to get emails and compliments from everyone that was involved saying that hey this is a great thing and how do we can continue to make it happen and how do we make it better so uh I just wanted to say again thank you for all the your support that you uh gave in terms of U your waving up of the cost and so forth and we really appreciate that uh on another item as it relates to the relation Bo um I think that uh over the last six months or so we've been trying to establish some type of U system in which we can have people to at least bring their their concerns and support to us we've U asked that anyone who having any concerns that they either U send it through to the clerk's office and we as a board will convene at those times to address those matters I don't think it's necessarily uh a good thing to waste people time if we don't have any concerns we don't have them but it's just to me just to me that I think it's it's not uh productive but uh you know it I I'll leave it at that point uh the other few members feel the same as I do about it so um I know some people probably want to go ahead and just see it going byebye but that's the will of this of this board to to make those decisions so I just want to thank you thank you sir for your comments the mayor yes sir uh Mr Kelly I had a question for you and maybe you can find out for me do you know how many people were at the unity Festival yeah we had over 500 plus awesome thank you congrats on a great event right thanks okay um Mr anyone else signed up Mr Ros Mr Harris you're recognized please come forward that's it always a pleasure to be back at City Hall good evening sir good to see you anyway to make a long story short I have some questions first of all do you have the results of today's special election no huh oh what is it so what some people I think are furiously looking up the results as you just asked now so maybe we'll have an update in a minute oh you have it running apparently the clerk is uh way way ahead of all of us as is typically the case so I'm sorry I still we don't we don't have results yet you don't have the results yet oh okay I feel better um anyway to make a long story short as a resident of South Miami separated by time and space from the commission um I got some questions like who paid for the 50 or so people who had to work the various locations uh for the special election also from what I saw the turnout wasn't overwhelmingly High um so I mean if we had 50 people working um that would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $115,000 that what we pay for the volun they're not volunteers what we pay for the workers and also um those the Flyers that you sent out who paid for all that stuff so I I I'll I'll take a crack at a couple of the questions and the city manager and U teach can correct me as to the uh elections operation since it was a uh presidential preference primary there was no cost to the city for putting it on the ballot on that date so it was just another item on the on the election ballot am I am I mistaken in my understanding or was there was there any additional cost associated with it Madam clerk not the cost for the workers just the cost of the ballot so that would be so printing the ballot yeah so the C the only cost that we paid for was for the printing of the ballot which was one page uh as to the as to the turnout I don't know what the final turnout is so I won't speak to it as to the Flyers as I've said before at a prior commission meetings with the question came up my political committee uh paid for the cost of the of the communication okay cuz the whole my feeling and a feeling a great many people in the city was this whole thing was not brought up through the populace I mean the populace kept getting the Flyers but they had no input as to why where when or anything like that so um my question was you know you you took on yourself um the costs of all of this stuff which I imagine probably came to a total of 25 $30,000 just about yeah anyway I'm just expressing my concern about lack of residential participation yes I think the vice may like to say something I'll just address that point commissioner Harris as you know or may know we are not allowed to spend any public resources promoting a ballot item so all we did all we could do was have that informational Town Hall which we did here uh earlier in the month and unfortunately it was left to myself uh to try to Shepherd that question forward in terms of advocating for it but my my sincere preference would have been for the city to be to spend resources advancing the item but unfortunately we're legally barred from doing that so okay anyway so I'm basically the next to last person speaking I mean I just got in late sign a te thinging them always the light good to see you again sir hang in there thank you did you want to say okay thank you is there anyone else in the audience who'd like to come up and speak Miss Reen please come forward may may I'd like to say something you may all right Mr read one second yes sir please come up in in response um commissioner Harris the the commission did support it unanimously 5 to put the item on the ballot um so nominal cost because it was not a special election there was a primary as the mayor mentioned and then I'd personally like to thank the mayor for all the the time and resources you you put in if you win we'll see either way I thank you and I appreciate you m reading you're recognized good evening good evening good evening um to the mayor Commissioners City commission the chief Public Works and the recreational department I just like to come to thank each of you all for the wonderful time that we had at our South Miami um festival and reunion it was fantastic the people are still in awe about the reunion we had friends that we hadn't seen for 10 and 15 years and it was just like being back in high school we had so much fun and the food was great the fun was great the people were great we had no incidents no accidents no ticket riding offices right no it was wonderful and I just want to thank you all for the giving us the opportunity to have a event and I'm hoping and I'm looking forward to it being even better next year so thank you thank you thank you and those that I miss thank you thank you and thank you I ain't going to tell y'all what the chief was doing though okay thank you is there anyone else in the audience like to come up and speak in public remarks seeing no one in the chambers is there anyone online Madam clerk if there's anyone on Zoom would like to speak please raise your virtual hand not I don't see okay uh seeing no further uh citizens wishing to speak we will close public remarks uh Mr manager you're recognized for your report thank you mayor a deputy manager will uh present the report Madam Deputy manager you're welcome or welcome excuse me good evening I'm happy to report after our last meeting that the funding request for the city sanitary sewer extension project for 1.75 million was officially approved so thank you to congresswoman Salazar for pushing that project forward um our South Miami Senior Center is having their lunch in for Easter on Friday March 29th that's from 10: to 12:30 so the guests will enjoy music games and a catered lunch speaking of Easter the city had a great easter event so thank you to Parks and Rec who put that together um with the coordination of Miami Kids magazine we put together a short video just to show um the turnout in the event [Music] [Music] [Music] l [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] that's the end of the manager's report thank you and congratulations on a great event it's extremely well attended uh before we move on to the C attorney if I can I'm sorry I want you want to do you have a report Mr City attorney sorry one one minor issue mayor um than you the bills and sunberg was a a law firm that represented the city in connection with the city hall uh with a potential City Hall Redevelopment the last time it was discussed um they there is that 2017 or 2019 2017 through 2020 they actually terminated uh the representation December of 2020 um they had uh reached out to me regarding whether there was a conflict because they want to represent one of the potential proposers uh in the RFQ um and uh I don't believe that there is a conflict but I wanted to run it by you and to the extent that that a waiver is necessary to to hear your opinions on it if whether you would consider that there would be a waiver it's a different uh the only thing that's common about it is that it's the city of South Miami and City Hall but it's a different city hall project it's a different set of circumstances uh different commission different management de City uh so all those factors uh Lead Me lead my analysis to believe that there's no no conflict of interest any questions or comment to the City attorney uh not from the city attorney but I would ask commissioner Leman maybe he can give any historical there with the particular law firm uh certainly so uh quickly there was cost recovery the applicant paid bills and hopefully but to represent the city at the time um and if if we were voting on this uh correct and I appreciate the question Mr pardon me commissioner K that institutional knowledge I I have no issue me personally right so they they represented the city last time further questions or comments okay uh seeing none is there a motion to approve a a conflict waiver I'll move the motion okay there's a motion by commissioner Ka or a second second okay we have a motion by commissioner Kai and a second by commissioner Corey seeing no further discussion Madam clerk if you can call the role on the waiver yes um commissioner Kay yes commissioner um Cory yes commissioner yes B yes mayor Fernandez yes passes 5 thank you thank you Mr s anything else okay with that thank you uh commissioner lean you recognized to introduce your presentation uh yes thank you I will uh be quick I would I would like to introduce artist and scul sculptor Rudolfo uh Sanchez for a long time running now I've been trying to secure it's very difficult to procure donated a piece of art but a Rudolfo Sanchez sculpture I am Nearing the end of my term and um it's a and Rolph was specialized in geometric sculptures um this was a special sculpture for me because it happened to be in Miami it was exhibited in front of the Lowe's for art basil and it's a color that's not represented in our sculpture garden and it's also a very Miami color in that it's turquoise and which is also a Dolphins color so when I received a call today to uh meet in the park I said well better yet what you uh come to the commission meeting and do a a little brief presentation to share with our community what they have to look forward to so um with that um pleaseing maor maor Commissioners ladies and gentlemen s because me my English is knows very well I have a support for Sanchez I'm Colombian I'm from bota I studied uh Fine Arts in Spain and I have 30 years of experience it's an honor to be part of this uh project in a place so special in a public space I'm I'm interpreting I'm convinced that uh art in the public space um improves our community life I want to I want to share with you some uh pictures of the sculpture in par a video of an exposition Open [Music] Sky for I want this is the sculpture this is the sculpture and I want to highlight how important is myami with D Park this is the sculpture that will be placed H at the park and it was before in Basel Collins and with uh these kind of um proposals Miami is going to be like an open um Art Space like a museum an open museum for [Music] everybody this is a a great opportunity for people to be closer to to Art in the Park thank you so much and now we would share some pictures form different scures in different format [Music] thank you so much it's an honor to be in in in one of those uh open spaces and and share with all of you thank you so muchim gracias this sorry this through the May is the commiss is there anything the commission would like to say or or uh I believe only the second person from Med never elected uh commissioner Kai I'll repeat this a second I as them I think it's a great sculpture and I think that it's something that we want to continue to do in the city and one of the things I was asking is if we can move it if if it's movable so we can move it in different parts of the city eventually I'm not saying that we'll do that now but in in future references as we continue to you know expand the cultural arts and the diversity of the city I think it would be an awesome possibility if it could be moved at different locations as as we progress so that's what I was [Music] asking okay graci thank you can we get a translation of his response for the record please okay thank you for the benefit of people that are here speaking it's easy to move the the work and depending it can be on a temporary basis or in a different uh place okay but just to clarify for the benefit of everyone who here I believe he also said that it's uh there is some special lighting associated with the sculpture so his intentions if for it to remain at the location is going to be installed at correct I misunderstand okay yes thank you further questions or comments yes ma'am that sculpture is beautiful I love it there was a very many beautiful pieces that we saw thank you how youl that you it further questions or comments graas thank you thank you okay so good do we take a pict we doing I think we're moving on okay um can I get a motion on the approval of Melissa lesnic to the budget and finance committee we don't need a motion we don't okay so we'll just note that that is uh adopted without objection um can I get a motion on the appointment of Jose Lopez okay let me read it please if you can thank you item one a resolution of the city of the mayor and City Commission of the city of South Miami Florida confirming the appointment appointment of Jose Lopez to the pension Board of Trustees can I get a motion on uh consent to item one please I suggest remove it okay is there a second a motion by the vice mayor second by commissioner Cay uh any discussion on the item seeing none Madam clerk please call the RO yes commissioner C yes commissioner Cory yes V Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes commissioner Leman yes I passes 5 Z yes okay if we can take up item seven since we have Council here um Madam cler if you can read that to the record please item seven a res of Mayor City Commission of the city of Soph for the select name of Carter an English LP as specialized real estate legal council for the city hall Redevelopment project authorizing the city manager to execute the retainer agreement with mcarter and English LP for the legal services thank you madam clerk um yes ma'am want give a brief introduction would that be helpful yes okay thank you so um as you know we've been talking about the C Hall development for some time uh we have excellent Council here at the city uh we've been working yeah colleague here is uh there's a vot no confidence here to my right I think uh Mr the attorney not withstanding that um potentially this is a very specialized transaction that we're about to enter into and so uh we had some discussions with our City attorney about the possibility of identifying uh Council that has experience in P3 deals to make sure that we get uh the best possible negotiated resolution whether it's a sale lease uh whatever whatever was authorized and we'll hopefully get some good news here on our ballot item in a few minutes um to that end we identified the firm of Carter English specifically these two practitioners uh Alberto Delgado and Manny Fernandez uh who I'd like to come up and introduce yourself please uh Manny and Albert can share with them share with all of you uh their experience uh on these type of transactions uh including successfully helping the city of Dural navigating the development of their City Hall uh and so wanted to present their credentials I thought it was important that we identify Council before responses came in so that we are choosing from a from a group of lawyers with the maximum flexibility not choosing from Council that's conflicted out on the matter at the on the back end so hence why we're bringing forward at the beginning of the process as opposed to waiting for the process to play out and we're trying to retain Council after the fact so with that by way of introduction uh I'll let them say a few words and then we'll take questions from from the commission okay Mr Delgado are you recognized good evening mayor commissioner vice mayor Commissioners uh thank you for the opportunity to speak to you guys uh my name is Albert Alberto uh I'm a partner at mcarter in English um I've been practicing attorney for over 20 years uh particularly in in the commercial real estate space and I have a wide variety of uh of expertise and and experience in uh in real estate Finance development um and and other transactions and I'll let Manny my partner hi I'm uh Manny Fernandez I'm the second one to speak because Albert's better looking um anyway I've been practicing a little longer than Albert as a matter of fact I met Albert when he was a child so makes me feel old um U but um I've been practicing since 1987 I've had the opportunity to see a lot of different things in my career and among the things that I've been fortunate enough to be able to work on have been a number of significant ground leases ground leas transactions which is part of what we'll be involved here uh with the city and in terms of structuring had the um opportunity to represent uh JP Morgan as a as an investor in in Merrick Park when I was at stru and strook and and leevan and um represented uh the joint venture between JP Morgan and kadina partners or I guess by I guess at that point it was kadina Partners uh in connection with the uh transactions relating to City Hall which was uh kind of the Imp is for U when at some point uh suggesting that the the mayor uh speak to kadina to get some of uh their views regarding what went well at City Hall Etc um so you know we we think we certainly have the expertise in terms of dealing with developers uh understanding the the finan ability of these transactions and you know honored that uh that that the uh that the city commission's council uh Tony Rio and and and uh my former colleague Lily arango who you're very fond of uh that that they would think of us as as um you know to be considered for this for for this role and and uh to the extent that we're prove going forward we we we intend to see it through it to its its completion not develop any conflicts in the interim and uh to u to help the city achieve all of its objectives and whatever you know were there that's what we're here for and appreciate being considered thank you for that and so attorney can you walk us through very quickly a summary of the engagement letter so the public understands what we're entering into and maybe anticipate some questions from the commission certainly mayor so the retention has a almost like it's a it's a scope of about six six major items um big picture items so the first three are involved prior to selection of a proposer they involve evaluation of the the RFQ respondents uh advice and Counsel on the RFP structure and then evaluation of the RFP respondents as you know we have the two sections the RFQ and then the RFP and then once a proposer is selected uh then they they would go on to advise the city with uh respect to you know title survey all of the real estate aspects of this uh they would also negotiate the agreements that's the that's the uh the largest portion of this and the most uh complicated portion um and you know through all of that I I want to make clear our office will still be involved in in all of that and this is really about having another another voice in the room um another set of eyes actually they will be the main set of eyes we will be also reviewing everything um this is the most important project uh public project probably in the city's history um and it's really important to get it right uh it will last a long time it will have lasting effects and I that that's why we felt a lot we felt very comfortable with having special legal counsel and specifically these two gentlemen uh so that that's that's kind of the background on this and and just to clarify again for the record um in terms of the structure of the arrangement my understanding and reviewing it was it's an hourly our goal is to recover their their fees on cost recovery that's correct to the extent that that's not accomplished there is also an embedded discount that's been negotiated I think it was 25% on their base rates so that's correct and there there is also the opportunity so there will be cost recovery from the respondent side but there is also the opportunity to build into the RFP a uh you know a cost recovery element correct for the review of the submissions correct yes exactly okay that will mitigate any potential exposure so again I just want to give the council that that comfort that we have been thinking about how we would not get stuck with the full Bill and and and frankly you know this is not an inexpensive proposition but I think as we've all seen with one protaction one transaction in particular that bad lowering required a lot of work on the back end to save us a lot of money so we want to be working on the front end to make sure we've got the best Council available to us to advise us through what is not an inconsequential project certainly for the city so with that by way of background any questions of Mr delad or Mr Fernandez Madam vice mayor any had some questions as well or our councel actually thank you very much because you answered my initial question and now this is nothing if not to satisfy my brain that's running like a hamster and a wheel I know I know you um I I attended a few of your uh campaign fundraising okay I'm going I know this person I've met this person I met you through your brother-in-law okay thank you thank you very much he's friends with chy just he was driving me crazy I'm like I've seen this man if I could add I'm his partner he's you the no I'm just telling you that the uh Albert Delgado is actually more well recognized in Miami day County than the pope so you know you know I know how you Manny I have a Manny and everybody knows Manny nobody ever knows me so it's me you and I we the same boat story of my life thank you anyone else with a uh two degrees of Kevin Bacon so uh no just for the record we we had coffee this morning uh I wanted you know it's a very like City attorney said it's a very important decision probably the most you know important project that we're going to have in the city's history so I wanted to make sure that we're all you know process understanding what we're going to go do so I'm excited to have you guys on board great okay see no further questions or comments gentlemen thank you uh is there a motion to approve uh the engagement letter as presented I move the motion second have a motion by commissioner Kay a second by commissioner Corey uh any further discussion or comments seeing none Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner liman yes Vice Bon yes commissioner Cory yes commission Cay yes mayor Fernandez yes IEM passes five thank you gentlemen we look forward to working with you thank you very much thanks for being here okay if we can take up uh item eight commissioner Kay did you want to talk take up Poli making now yeah let's just okay uh Mr city manager do you want to lead us off on this item let me read it first please read it first thank you a res on the May City Commission of the city of sop for approving test two through five of the phase two project scope from plus Oria LLC DBA plus urbia design for placem Branding and Urban Design Serv for the portion of the hometown District located on Sunset Drive and adjacent streets authorizing the expenditure of funds not to receive 8747 $790 subject to sub city manager pre-authorization of work for each task thank you madam clerk uh Mr city manager thank you Mr Mayor U vice mayor Commissioners uh as you know um plus Heria uh was a firm selected to to assist with our placemaking efforts and Urban Design uh through a solicitation process that that U uh was initiated September 1 of 2023 um this commission had approved on February 6 uh phase one of the the project which had five phases phase one is really more an analytical phase um uh recently at your Sunshine meeting you provided direction to bring back the balance of the scope which was task two through five for your discussion and consideration um to obtain Ain approval for the remainder of the tasks um now um these tasks obviously you would be providing approval but uh giving them notice to proceed would would be done at each phase of this project um so what's before you is the amended um item where before you have projects uh scope one through five task one through five what it's before you is Task two to five uh for your discussion consideration and approval to continue the placemaking uh Urban Design project great thank you for that summary uh do we have questions regarding the individual tasks that we want to direct to the manager or M muite who's here Madam vice mayor if we were to approve this and then decide that we want to either remove a part of the task or change something as we move not add because I can't imagine with as comprehensive as this is that we would be adding but if we did decide like I on on task four which is the public participation I I think we may want to tweak that as we get closer to it and if that was the case then would we still be able to do that sorry I couldn't see you madam Vice may I see no reason why we couldn't amend it as long as it hadn't started and we're not changing something on the Fly again the manager will issue a notice to proceed if he has an issue the notice to proceed I see no problem and Madam vice mayor I on that item I had had extensive conversation with Mr mu about that item um I'd like to do things probably in a non-traditional way where we actually Focus grouping what I would call consumer groups our residents right potential customers for our downtown or Town Center investors to get their perspective on what we should be doing and focusing on so we're not just kind of doing a typical kind of we should we will have a public chared process and public meetings but I want to get more kind of statistically valid feedback than just hoping that people show up to give us their perspective so I'd like to see that item and that approach certainly refined and maybe Mr manager we can give some direction to kind of bring back a more developed public participation process with some of those ideas in mind so that we you know feel comfortable that we're going to get really valuable feedback from from those conversations further questions or comments on the tasks I have one on task five I know that we had some urgency on the design of Sunset Place because we had a grant that was kind of waiting in the wings Mr manager any any developments on that front that we should be aware of you said Sunset pleas Sunset Drive Sunset Drive my apologies my apologies Sunset Drive yes um as as we've discussed uh we the city had been provided a a lap Grant from uh Florida Department of Transportation for improvements to Sunset Drive U when we pivoted from the previous efforts and previous design um we uh asked fot to to uh extend it to another fiscal year which they did um mayor I think to your point um that you're making is uh we're working towards a a deadline to to to be construction ready and whether that's realistic or not certainly uh an important point I um it's something that uh Mr Mur added from plus and I have discussed it is shaped in that manner but we will have to make a decision as we move forward here in the near term um if that's even realistic or not I I would want to communicate with fot as early as possible if I see that we can't do that uh to maintain good relationships here because obviously they would reprogram those funds we could always come back and reapply if that were the case um but as put together now uh it's a very ambitious uh approach to tasks to get to that point but uh we may not be able to thank you madam vice mayor if we or is it possible possible if we weren't ready for something on Sunset Drive could it be used in some way shape or form on the cross streets so I you know that's a part of the full design um so I plus Herby I would would have to really uh weigh in on if that could be partialed out as far as the side streets the second aspect of that I would need to confirm how it was awarded and written if it was strictly for Sunset Drive Andor if it uh contemplated any improvements on those sorry if I can just on that point you're referring to the grant correct sir correct you're not referring to the item of the scope no I I think if I think the you're saying could we repurpose the funds to the side streets right I think what yeah I no yeah but I I heard repurpose the funds for purposes of Designing the side streets first no no instead if if we know 100% we're not going to be ready for Sunset Drive could we maybe repurpose it and exactly and I'm going to just say crazy things because there's nothing in fact here you know could we repurpose it to fix the street fix the sidewalk even if we're working maybe a little ahead in something of that you know what I mean I'm just saying like Bia to say an example it it would uh Bo has a technical term the Spanglish is strong today it would it would still require construction drawings um that that is still the challenge to be able to get to that point is is being able to have comprehensive construction drawing so that's a first hurdle um the second hurdle which I I I can't really speak to right now I would take a look uh the manner in which the city was awarded those funds was it specifically and strictly first Sunset Drive um so that may be a limitation as well but something we can look at okay commission lein yeah I'm I'm just gonna say the same thing I said last time I'm just really concerned about the overall expense it's it's not printed in the header which everything traditionally is it's it's again it's 5,000 short of a million um I really take ownership of this this is my item I've been championing this forever to get it past originally i' even had to suggest the previous commission that they didn't support it the third go round i' passed it with another commission I negotiated these payments for this item on the front end of of projects um and um and is concessions for uh additional approvals and right now we're spending a million dollars on a recipe with no money and no plan for the ingredients so have the best recipe but if he can't eat what's the point and before we discuss spending a million dollars we should discuss how we're going to get the funds and if to to implement this and if we're not be able to then then what's the point it really pains me to say this because I want this and everyone knows this on this day and have a limited time left more than anything else and I think it's the most important project for the city and if someone's going to say a bond we all know first this be a referendum to reduce five out of five to four out of five again then has to be approved in the commission then the Public's going to have to vote for majority be very difficult to do for the um to approve a bond then of course we'll come back to the commission again so it's a very long process and um I'd like to know before we approve this what is the plan to fund this and we're talking just say $25 million or I keep asking this question I can't get an estimate on how much it will cost to execute this plan so unless someone's going to say 30 million or 15 million that's fine we'll go with that number but what is the plan to execute this and then if we don't have a plan what do we what are we doing no I commissioner Leman I think that you know since we've had the last the last meeting you know we've had a lot of discussions with the design team and then you know in my in my experience is when we do construction you really have to understand what the design and the CDs are really going to look like so um do we have a plan right now exactly how how much it's going to cost or how much we have to go raise money or or figure out how to pay for it not only do we not know we have no idea how we're going to how the design is going to go we don't know if commissioner Leman or Brian Corey are going to want marble as as as pavers I'm not saying that's what's going to happen but we don't know that yet right so during the you know we didn't talk about this in detail last time but I think we got to give the design the opportunity to get there if we feel it's going to be $35 million we're going to figure a way to cut that because that's way too much I think we would all agree 25 or 30 whatever the number may be is going to be what not what the city could do um I think we need to get to the process where we can make that decision do we have the opportunity to pay the 900 x amount yeah we do do we do we know how much we're going to have to pay whether it's 7 or 30 million right now no do we have the experience or do we have the know how that we probably figure out how we're going to go get paid for it I would say nine out of 10 times we're going to say yes we're going to go figure that out whether it's a bond whether it's Revenue whether a revenue Bond whether it's a loan there's a lot of different opportunities out there for a city of what we've done capability with our CFO and the way that we manage our city that we can figure out how to pay for it right so um I'm not too concerned I mean I'm concerned don't get me wrong I'm concerned about what the number is going to look like I just feel once we get there I think we can figure it out I have a question to manager what what's what's the discreet cost of task five the discreet cost of task five we have four we have three tasks we're talking sorry four tasks that we're talking about two three four and five correct yeah yeah so this was broken up um for task five is construction drawings just for sunor Drive correct so the adjust adjacent streets were were not added um basically we were trying to prioritize that I I get the scope what's the cost so uh that cost is $3 $10,950 plus construction administration of 91,4 120 okay so roughly about 400 400,000 a little bit over 400 okay see 405 of so that's 405 of the million dollar scope correct so that's four 40% of the cost correct of the total cost okay correct I I you know I I don't disagree with commissioner Leeman but um you know Lord knows when we got here we found ourselves having spent a half million dollars on a police station with no plan to finance that either so I I and Full Construction drawings at that so uh if I have my DRS this evening what I would what I would recommend is a motion to approve items two three and four right which really take us to the point where we are getting through the conceptualization phase of what we want and then we can really drill down on authorizing the actual design of any segment or all the segments uh with a related cost by that point in time we should have a sense we should have had more discussion about our Global needs in terms of infrastructure investment and possibly a sense of what we would need to allocate now I think with respect to the downtown Town Center whatever we're going call it these days um we have to be cognizant of the fact that we are encouraging people to consider investing and developing in that segment to the extent that we drive forward and invest in and shape the design we can dictate what they're going to build by way of the replacement infrastructure as a companion to that development so I think you know we're going to have to make some assumptions in their guesses right you know educated guesses about whether we're going to pay for 100% of that amount which is I'd say the the the certain to that is zero right you know we may pay for 70% of that I said we may pay for we're probably going to also try to leverage other people's money and grants right to pay for some portion of that 70% so you know unfortunately I think that would be my recommendation this evening to my colleagues let's let's move forward with two three and four I I don't know that it's realistic to expect that we're going to get to a point where we're going to be able to capture that lap funding I think we should just notify the state that we're not going to be in a position to have a design completed conceptualize a design aesthetic and then design the actual improvements for S to drive within the time we have left it was a stretch the last time we discussed it I think it's a greater stretch today Mr manager you recognized Mr R just a correction 310 is is is the subtotal for TAS five the additional 91,000 is is an extension of that which is a little bit of a contract uh uh construction Administration so just the core cost of Task 5 is 310,000 I wanted to but if we don't spend if we don't spend on t five we're not spending the $91,000 I would just add it on to that tab so anyhow further questions sorry and we have to lead absolutely and attract investment that's the whole point of this but point is we start Sunset Drive that can be duplicated we can expand this once we have the funds and any 15% 150,000 145 to be exact is for public input commission Le me so I I I I but the whole point is every dollar we sa is money we can put in toward we do then sir my question I'm with you I'm supporting your item Point Mak I wanted to clarify because again it's a it's a point of discussion I mean we don't I don't have all the answers honestly so you know we can we can spend the 405 and just focus on a design for Sunset Drive if we want and try to take the balance to build those improvements I will tell you I don't think we're going to get the full cost of those improvements with the 60 $600,000 that are left plus whatever we get in the grant funding so what I mean what are your thoughts is that something you'd like us to explore conversation about sorry so I'm supporting your motion I'm supporting your motion by saying by limiting the scope those are additional funds that should be earmarked for the hardware okay got it understood okay Madam vice mayor oh and sorry go ahead no yes sir finish four to five precincts reported and it's we're well ahead great the valid so we're we're we're good we're good so far so good okay um I I keep having issues with for and I I understand here what we're saying with the resolution is that we have it all on paper and we use what we need to use is that correct just because it's an easier mechanism after I I'm not sure I understood your I think what the manager said before is that the we're authorizing the expend we we've budgeted the expenditure so let's be clear about that we have the money in the bank to do this we're authorizing the expenditure and the tasks he has to release them for each of the work okay so so so if there's if there's a concern about a piece of task I think you'd like the manager to revisit and bring back let's pull it out and let's talk some more about that I yeah that's why I literally I was like I got one two and three down I get it I'm on board with it I'm on board with the idea of four five obviously comes when it comes but I'd be more comfortable you know and I don't have a problem approving it like you're saying it here on the verbiage with the understanding that before we get anywhere near Four we have more of a conversation about it is it all of four Madam vice mayor or portions of four it's portions of four which portions I you know I we can't talk any other time so I just like to hear your thoughts on that now what what I have learned is that when you have these open Forum meetings we don't get very far I don't know if every Municipal so the public participation $150,000 line item is something you want to revisit I want that Revisited just because I don't know that we're going to get like you said substantive feack any other portions of that scope of of task four of task four ma'am no because if you look at it the steering committee meetings obviously I think they probably have to happen because they need some sort of feedback the stakeholder meeting I don't really know what that means um open houses and stuff let's let's we have our we have our we have our consultant here so why don't we bring him forward Mr M if you can and just address explain what a stakeholder meeting line item is for I just want you get the information so we can decide whether we want to pull that out as well okay okay good evening your name and address for the record please good evening 1385 thank you so if you can address the question around what what the stakeholder Lem is intended to fund in task four the stakeholder Lem which is the second one in the list am I correct all right that that is um so we try and capture as much information as possible from your from from your citizens from your constituents um we do it in different formats we do it through uh online engagement we do it through open houses where a lot of people come in we do it through focus groups and we do it one with one-on ones the the the stakeholder meetings would be either one-on ones or focus groups it wouldn't be open to the entire city it would be looking at for instance a group of developers or a group of um um business uh businessmen Etc business um so that's what these would be and then when you're saying here open house is that similar to what they did for the underline what are you referring to the the underline had a meeting here and they set out all of the things that they had been working on people walk in and they looked at it we do that and we also typically have uh Hands-On sessions where we uh run a set of exercises that can provide specific information that we're looking for do you find that in a city of our size in a project of our size that there would be sub such substantive information for all of these items as to make them necessary because I look at this and I think it's a it's a bit over what I would imagine that we saw I get sending out you know Into The Ether a kind of hey click here click here don't click here that kind of thing makes sense to me but it's this like overabundance of feedback from maybe not and I and I don't mean this to insult anybody can I help you you just want me sure the feedback is representative of the full scope of people living in the city is that correct you see this is why he sits next to me certainly no I I I totally understand where what um where you're coming from and there's there's I guess I'm going try and explain this this is about placemaking and it's not just about your constituents right so we're looking as the mayor mentioned um to get information from people that could potentially become either your constituents or uh businesses moving into uh the city so it is a little bit more complicated than just your typical Town Hall um and we want to make sure that we are Guided by that input um because I can tell you what I think uh Sunset should look like but I don't know whether or not that's the opinion of the residents here and I don't know if that is something that future residents slash uh business owners would appreciate so I just want to make sure that when we when when we get to task five if we get to task five but when we get to task five all those designed decisions are done because the moment that we get to T five there should not be any changes for for your sake and for my sake um I just want to make sure that our design is rooted on sound opinion of those that matter um and that is informed in a way that is not just the designers and our Whimsical nature but rather uh you know people that actually know understand and and they're going to use the place okay thank you okay thank you further questions so where are we at right now so I think we we we are what I suggested was approving task two three and four I think the the vice mayor would like us to revisit task four further what's the pleasure of the board and just just for my understanding mayor so we already spoke about that we won't be able to get to five unless we are okay with four three or two right so correct understand what's the difference what I would what I would suggest is why don't we so there's I think there's two ways we can proceed we can approve two and three which there seems to be consensus around right maybe we table four and have them refine that further and bring it back to us to see if there's some cost Savings in the scope that can be achieved I you know because I get the centure you think there's some duplication potentially in the kind of Outreach so what I'm hearing on this side of the days I don't know if you share that perspective or we all want to just kind of move forward and adop four over whatever concerns with some direction of the manager to kind of find some efficiencies we can handle it one of two ways if if I may Mr Mayor yes yes sir certainly happen open to other ideas well I just want to inform you that the uh task four runs concurrent with task two and three okay generally so I'm I'm not trying to push uh put task four onto the EU to to make a a determination but I I would recommend um that if you move forward with any tasks are those at least those three together um and you know if if the fdot deadline is not so you know that there's an understanding that that potentially won't be met then we have time to revise that we have time to discuss it to be very honest this scope was the one that we proposed in our uh RFQ response with because of the rush because of we wanted you know we wanted to deliver to you as as fast and as as as responsive as we could we have not really had a chance to discuss andine so I be very pleased to refine it before uh you make a a but I I would recommend that you move whenever you move them two three and four together task five I'm not as concerned again because we don't know what design what the design is and as commissioner Kaya mentioned it really depends on that design the way that task five is going to move forward Mr May Mr Mayor just for make sure we have a clear Record Man certainly um given this approach I I would communicate to fot that that you know we we would not be able to take advantage of that particular Grant um because I think it's important to maintain you know that relationship and credibility that uh that in fact we can't um meet that deadline and so you know I would do so and then we can always reapply Mr manager I I I agree and I would ask you this question which is with respect to task four is there a way for you to try to find some refinements we can approve it I think we should approve it today give the need to move in process but I think with a commitment from you that we're going to try and find some efficiencies in that $150,000 and and maybe remove some unnecessary duplicative or non-essential Outreach okay yes sir and to further elaborating this any cost saving should be earmarked for for investment but in addition getting back to cost I still can't get over 150,000 for Community input I've been to countless charettes Community meetings over the years this more than anything we've done we had a more protective approach before we should be looking forward and not looking back and these tend to be I commission that attend these meetings it's a not only is a lot of money but it could take us in the in the wrong direction I mean looking for vision here people don't know what they want until they have it right that's what Steve Job said people don't know what they want from someone that has never owned an Apple product until you give it to them and that's who we are this is representative government we've been elected and it's not just the money it creates we're talking about delays now this creates a lot of delays so it's all on the record it's the way you feel been through it um commissioner will do what they want commission Corey you recognized yeah I just wanted to add with um with task four I think we've we've experienced this before if we don't do a thorough job with this feedback from professionals from residents from thing you know we end up trying to break ground on something and having to Pedal back and and spending more money and that's happened multiple times uh since I've been on the Das here so I'm um I'm comfortable with being thorough and following the guidance of of Consultants so okay which multiple times has that happened since you've been up here uh Bob W Park definitely was one of them um but but no there was plenty of public input right said where there wasn't public but there was more it I think I think his point was it was not led by with professional a professional consultant at the hill so look I think um any need for further discussion on this item if not I'll just hopefully close with this which is I think I'd like to move items 2 three and four with Direction item four that we try to refine the scope particularly to commissioner Leeman's concern which is my concern I'd like to have more than just a traditional Outreach approach with the sheret but really something that is touches a cross-section of people both in the city and outside the city they're going to be hopefully the consumers and users of Our Town Center downtown and um you know I think that's what we're looking for we're looking to be informed by the folks we' like to attract not just the people who are using it today so with that uh I'll move the item is there a second second okay Madam clerk if you can call the role and again the motion is to approve task two through four of the scope of work that's commissioner Cen yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Leeman yes Vice Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 5 ammended thank you for coming up and ask answering all of our questions I appreciate thank you again uh if you can read item three for the record please item three a resolution of the mayor City Commissioner the city of South FL approving proposal and project work purchase order with SRS engineering for additional engineering and design services for the the 100% construction drawings related to the proposed for sale park community building project and the not toed $3,897 120 Mr manager you recognized thank you um this item um expands upon the work being done for the uh tennis office tennis facility and and um Cafe um there's some additional elements that have been obtained through uh our partnership with University of Miami and their feedback uh through talking to this commission and staff and this would allow um some additional components that were not originally contemplated uh in the design including raising a parit display the U the city's logo U extending a concrete slab um on the back side of the building uh so we can activate that space uh some additional lighting um I apologize I'm apparently doing a terrible job at running today's meeting we have a presentation that I apparently skipped over if I could ask you to take a quick pause I apologize to the audience for interrupting um commissioner Cory I should have recognized you a long time ago why don't you do the honors on the proclamation we should have presented probably half an hour ago so no thank you very much mayor uh yes we have a proclamation today um uh that's been uh unanimously approved by the board uh declaring March women's History Month I invited uh three former mayors tonight um uh Dr an price is here tonight uh to accept this Proclamation on behalf of them and uh uh mayor would you like to read her no please to the h no problem you got on your hands whereas city of South Miami recognizes the month of March as women's History Month established by Congress to celebrate the contributions American women have made to strengthen the nation since its Inception and American women of every background have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of our city state nation in countless recorded and unrecorded ways and each woman is extraordinary in her own way and continues to play critical economic cultural and social roles in our city by constituting a significant portion of the labor force working inside the home or outside in Academia science technology labor business governance and more maintenance of a pivotal role in every sphere of society and American women were particularly important in the establishment of early charitable philanthropic and cultural institutions in our nation and American women of various backgrounds served as early leaders in many social change movements and American women have served our country courageously in the military and this month we celebrate countless pioneering women and their victories and we continue to work uh to build a society where our daughters will continue to thrive with Endless Possibilities now therefore mayor Javier Fernandez along with the city commission uh vice mayor Lisa Bon commissioner Josh leedman Brian Corey Steve Cay do hereby uh Proclaim to observe March as women's history month thank you sir mayor price please come forward we'll just step down and take a picture please thank you turn the mic I want to say say thank you for the acknowledgement um if the other two Mayors female Mayors are watching I want to say I'm hoping I will represent you um I believe we may be the only city that has had four women Mayors and I will thank Kathy MCC for leading the way I want to thank you all for the acknowledgement understanding that this wall does not have to be all of One gender so thank you very much and I hope there will be more of us thank [Applause] you and again my apologies for the oversight uh Mr manager we'll go back to item three if you want to continue your your comments my apologies sir motions in order motions in order any questions on item three colleagues yes madame vice mayor recognized with this or we like actually done like we're that's it no more finish the design yeah like we're done and we're going to build it well we the we'll finish the design and then permitting and and then build yeah but we're not coming back again like hey three chairs no these were the last of the recommendations from a design standpoint okay okay so just understand because I I I share the same sentiment which is I want to see this thing get in the ground and get built which is uh has this design been completed or is designed still to be done are we just basically picking up a this EX in some ways maybe a change order we're authorizing for the work yeah I I you know and I I'll let uh Quinton kind of chime in but um the design obviously these elements of the design it has been ongoing and these elements have been discussed uh for a little bit so they've been working on some of these things that we had discussed the original contract didn't anticipate these additional services so that's why this is coming before you that as it relates to where we stand on the design I'll let Quinton yes if you can give a sense of the timeline to complete the design any related permitting and then best guess onone we'll be ready to uh put this thing in the ground thank you sir absolutely good evening so um if we if you all approve this um additional Services number two we're roughly about six to seven weeks um left in design um if we go ahead and incorporate these items here so we have about six to seven weeks of design related items that need to be completed so let's just call that 90% design phase then uh once approved we'll go ahead and submit it for permitting I'm hesitant on giving you a timeline on permitting um this is this project is connected to uh area K where we're running the sewer line so I don't know from a permitting standpoint um can I ask a on the permitting we had had we not permitted the prior design of the building we have not we had not okay it has not been submitted yet so um permanent I would say is anywhere let's just just say 3 to six months um that will be on a good side so hopefully by the end of this calendar year we will have a permit and we'll put it out for bid and hopefully start put a shovel in the ground or start construction um sometime in 2025 and and if I can asked uh through the manager why would we not begin to bid the project at 90% design or CDs no 90% CDs is what we would have I would think we can certainly take that route once we submit it for permitting and then once we get through certain um I would imagine after a few rounds of comments we should know whether they're major issues or whether they're issues that can be easily overcome so yeah we can take that chance it's very risky to bid at 90% um simply because I would I would quibble with that characterization I mean it's what the rest of the world does I mean you know clients don't wait to to to to bid their procure pricing till the end of Permitting because projects would never start and so again I just to you know from my for my Val for my for my money time is money and I I just like to see us you know be a bit more aggressive about you know understandably we may have to revise some documents as we get comments it's just a natural part of the process I can't imagine that the range of error is going to be that great when we go through the process if it is we have a problem with the design going in so you know I think that would be you know I I think we have had a good experience with our design teams I I would expect the variance is not going to be that great you know if it is we probably have some other things to talk about in terms of uh the consultant Consultants we're working with but that's just my my perception sir so any you know again any any thoughts on on any further comments or questions uh and then what's the estimated build time on the improvements we'll have to run those numbers for probable calls after we factor in these items here um I will have to get back to you on that one um when we first did this project we were at if I'm not mistaken $2.8 $3 million or something like that for construction of this building uh we did add the pickle ball component we did add the um redoing the trail project along with this project so once this is complet it give me about six weeks or so I should be able to get a another opinion um on estimated cost for the project you said cost or time cost and timeline to build but that's okay okay timeline for construction is roughly anywhere between 9 to 12 months okay thank you yeah further questions no not directly related with may you had suggested another time some sort of mural or storyline or tribute to um to Congressman Donnie fael the interior of the building there will be it could be anywhere it could be in the main hallway it could be in a um I was thinking we do in the community room but we'll I'll we'll cross that I just wanted I know but I just wanted to again thank you and sort of remind everyone thank you okay thank you okay thank you for that M uh Mr Po um Mr P excuse me any further questions seeing none is there a motion can I get a motion to approve item three please I move the item is there a second I'll second we have a motion by commissioner leben a second by commissioner Cay uh Madame clerk please call the role yes commissioner Cay yes commission Cory yes commissioner Leeman yes Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes IEM pass 5 Z can I say thank you for a second you may In fairness to other items on this agenda which I find interesting because we all know I am the vociferous denter of the church it's coming up it's coming up I think it it's fair to say that there's been a lot of focus on that dollar amount and if I just heard the director of our parks and recck Department correctly did I when you said $3 million okay that's a ton of money people for are you're referring to the amount for the building yep okay so I I think fair is fair and we're talking about one building in a park that is very improved that's why I'm saying I can't believe that I'm the one saying this but I think it's fair to note that that is over $3 million and the discussions for the other Park are between six and seven for a park that has no improvement okay you are right commissioner K you've been right thank you I just need to acknowledge that thank you for that um Madam clerk if you can read item 11 please item 11 in ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of sou for the amending Article 4 dangerous intersection safety of chapter 17 streets and sidewalks to create section 17-8 of the city code of ordinances to authorize the placement installation and operation of speed detection systems on roadways maintained at school zones establish traffic enforcing procedures when speed detection systems are utilized for school zone speed limit violations and create hearing procedures related to such schools on speed limit violations thank you madam clerk are there any questions from the de on item 11 and then we'll open up a public hearing on this item seeing no questions uh we will open up the public hearing if there's any member of the public who would like to address this Commission on item 11 please come forward at this time seeing No One in the Chamber anyone on Zoom please raise your virtual hand there's no one seeing No One in the Chamber no one online we will close the public hearing uh colleagues any comments thoughts on item 11 floor is yours Madam vice mayor if you want to if you want to take the opportunity I just want to say I think this is a terrible idea that's all thank you okay with that Madam clerk if you could call the role please I need a motion we have do we have a motion on item 11 please I move the motion second a motion by commissioner k a second by uh commissioner Corey Pard pardon me mayor just I just wanted to State for the record yes that uh there was a traffic study that was submitted along with uh with the consideration of this item um it has been reviewed by staff and it justifies the uh the I guess the locations that will be uh impacted by this ordinance where where the uh school zone enforcement uh equipment will be placed is that is that a I'm asking that question I guess so I was going to ask that question I did see that in the backup when I review the item right it was it was in the backup for the I guess for first reading for first reading I don't know why it was left out here but it but um okay so are we going to take separate action to authorize those locations or are we I thought this was just we were just approving the proc ordinance at this correct the procedures but it but to the extent that this authorizes this authorizes yeah this is this is authorizing those locations if there's any locations that you don't feel comfortable with now would be the time to raise those I can't even begin to intell you speak to that issue tonight so um if we could there's a desire to bifurcate it we can take that up separately I'm happy to do that but I'm only prepared to vote on the ordinance if not we move it and if we have issues we'll deal with it going forward we got a first and a second here okay okay so we have a motion as presented uh by commissioner Gaia and a second by commissioner Corey uh Madam clerk please call the RO yes commissioner C yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner lean no Vice no mayor Fernandez yes item pass is 32 great uh if we can read item two please item two a resolution of the mayor City Commission of the city of southam Florida proving the purchase of artificial turf and other Park related improvements in amount not to see m799 260 and Advanced Care improvements Advanced Care maintenance service and amount not to exceed $4,285 together with a $200,000 contingency for sopam Park from field tur USA in utilizing the terms and conditions of the compatibly bid SS where contract number 0 31622 ftuu authorizing the city manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with the contract they related to the same do have any questions on item two for the manager just the projected shelf life commissioner Leeman uh Mr manager uh I believe the anal had 15 years is that correct we have an initial warranty period at eight um so obviously shelf life usually based on maintenance so if we're very diligent about that maintenance uh we obviously would exceed that time period um I would probably lean on the director if there's something beyond that between 10 and 15 years um but again if the city's diligent about its um service we we should see a life of 10 saying eight years is that is the a warranted period warranted period and and its corresponding maintenance that that is required during that time period okay commiss Le follow budget for the maintenance the budget for the maintenance is included in the item included in the item yeah 40, 285 my only point to that is just based on the example that was given before for comparing like expenses you have to amortize that so you're looking at 8 years versus 100 years you know minimum 50 years for a building which requires less maintenance but okay thank you further questions yes madame vice mayor are we approving these things out of order and and by out of order I mean in my mind which maybe isn't the correct order I would imagine that we would be looking at you know lights first and I know that we had the light conversation and so then after that would it you know like how are are we doing them in order of how they're going to go in light lights have been approved and actually the light project has mobilized and you will be seeing work uh starting tomorrow okay for the light project and then this would um we're going to take advantage of the spring break uh for light project uh this project would advance in in June but would it and and this is I guess why I may be wrong in my in my thinking when they go to build the oh my God the bathroom concessions thank you I keep thinking of Kida in I'm having an English day um when they go to build that concession thing aren't they going to rip up all kinds of stuff near there I mean how separate area so the bathroom concession is outside of the footprint where the fields would be located and and the lights obviously go along the perimeter of the Pro so it's two different areas no I know but if I'm not mistaken you have the parking lot M mhm you have the the track you have parking lot playground concession stand correct the concession stand is closest to that field if is there enough distance between where this will end and where that construction will start so that we are guaranteed that there is not going to be any damage to that Turf because at $2.79 million I can't imagine that it would be a good thing if there were havoc in Mayhem yeah there's two two different locations uh you know there's this and never the two shall meet I'm the two shall not meet I mean um um the bathroom facility as cited is further east uh than the playing fields or the beginning of the playing fields um so yes uh that footprint is not that tight where those things are going to be right on top of each other Mr maner just a clarify the the laterals for servicing the the bathrooms run outside the footprint of the field as well correct correct okay they've been run yeah corre yeah those things I remember had already happened and would there be I not that I can imagine that at this point there will be but wouldn't there be some places where it might be smarter to do those two things the construction of that and the fields even kind of concurrent when you say that you mean the bathroom facility yeah in a separate um timeline given the permitting so these fields um will will be uh way underway before the bathroom project and that's just a permitting permitting design issue mad you may recall there was an issue with what the a water and store permitting for that facility which kind of changed the location for the access point which kind of set us back and I think we'd all hope that the bathrooms and Concession would be done first yeah uh because that's a immediate utilization need yeah but uh unfortunately it's not the case it's going to lag do we know when that's going to happen um well we're we've troubleshooted certain things that um they've required which we've had to go back to to change the design and we also troubleshooted something that uh REM me they want to ensure we requesting that they originally had approved um so they they've gone uh forward with their original approval which is the pump uh that would have caused further delays on design so from a timing standpoint I would have to lean on the director and see more or less how much time we think we have left um from that standpoint but so that's why the two timelines are two different projects okay lights you know you're going to be seeing that uh work beginning tomorrow uh this is slight for a June to December type of project and depending on permitting um bathrooms would be yeah permitting of the bathrooms we're looking at Mid April where we'll be resubmitting our design plans um based on uh some contingent um elements or items that Wasa and dur were requesting so I don't if you recall at the last commission meeting you re you approved an additional services for EAC and that was for a water main extension grease interceptors um some elements related to The Pump Station Etc so those um changes in the design will be completed by mid April we will then resubmit those drawings uh to miam day County durm and we've been in communication with them so we're on top of what they want what they're asking for we'll resubmit it and hopefully within 60 days um you know godp speed we'll have our permit and then we'll go from there and so then at as soon as those permits are good we start building um no mail uh once the permits are in hand we're ready to go we're going to solicit um and even at the 90% um Point once we have cleared certain agencies that we're having trouble with now once we clear those certain agencies and we have a green light we're at that 90 95% point we'll solicit um for construction bids or proposals and then we can start um construction do we foresee all of this that is happening at this park being done by like end of third quarter no ma'am as far as construction yeah no ma'am we're probably looking at realistically construction starting sometime um I want to say winter or early spring so we won't have bathrooms until next year that is correct yes ma'am sweet Jesus on the cross we're looking I'm estimating um September or October the item will come before you for approval for construction you know we'll have a contractor in hand we'll be making a recommendation sometime in September or October of this year and then from October through December there's a lot of backend administrator um things that need to take place shop drawings Etc from the administration standpoint okay and then we can start construction hopefully early next year thank you mayor yes sir yeah vice mayor we had a lot of delays with Wasa and it just really pushed it back it was unfortunate and it was not just delays it was additional costs Mr manager how much how much did some of these modifications cost us in terms of additional money I don't know if you director if you have that sort of order magnitude uh between the grease trap and extension of the line and I don't remember off hand so yeah there there were two separate additional Services based on feedback from durm um don't quote me here but one of them was roughly 90 something thousand and the most recent one was about 40 so we're looking at about 130 130,000 worth the changes that's just design changes correct yes so we don't know what the cost impact of those and that was on approved scope items previously approved scope items yes sir okay so again the county the gift that keeps on giving sometimes so further questions taking or taking further questions no just to comment um also because the comparison was brought up want say put the money in for the pickle ball courts years ago pickle ball was re saw your look mayor is revenue positive the first year the trail ironically I didn't know was in there that's expensive the first thing I did 12 years ago but um I just want to say I've supported everything that's come before this commission regarding the park from the trail to the playground to the lights to the bathroom Rooms To The Sewer to the snack bar just I prefer grass and um always is going to take a you fiscally responsible approach so yeah with this item I I can't support this item but I've made my comments before and I'll I'll leave it at that for the comments to close no just to close I I agree with commissioner Leman I wish we could just do the grasp that we can so in a perfect world and we don't live in one that would be the right solution but we don't we just can't do it but thank you I'm good Mr Cory Madam vice mayor okay first I'll start by saying I thank the L out days for the support of all these other items you know I think it's um as the vice mayor noted this park has long needed these improvements and it's about time that we gotone around to actually executing them so thank you to all of you for your leadership and for your for your support on this item in terms of what's fiscally responsible I'll just take a slightly different perspective which is again this this this solution has a longer Shelf life allows for a greater amount of utilization and I think for my money provides for the greatest consistency of play which is a problem we've had you know not just related to South Miami but grass fields all across the county so um not the optimal solution as commissioner K said I think we all would prefer to have a natural grass surface if we could manage it to Perfection but that's never been the case nor is it something that we could control with any level certainty so that's why I think this execution is the right one both for financial and for fair play reasons so with that Madam clerk if you can call the RO please I need a motion move the motion we have a motion second and second by commissioner Corey now go ahead and call the role please thank you commissioner Cay yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Leeman no by I I'm really big on the rest of the stuff I'm really sad about the bathroom essentially being the last thing um I'm gonna have to follow kind of what I said before I I like all the rest of it I just really don't care for the turf so I'm gonna have to vote no on it even though I know Steve is right because I just that that amount of plastic worries me okay so it's a no it's mayor Fernandez yes item passes 3 thank you I know because because guess what he's right noted if we could read item nine please item nine a res of the May City Commission of the city of South Florida select backround kov PA for federal lobbying services for a oneyear period and amount not to $36,000 thank you any questions Mr manager you want to present this item uh thank you Mr Mayor vice mayor Commissioners um currently Becker poofs through Omar Franco Mr Omar Franco is our federal lobbyist uh he's been engaged uh to help with the Appropriations uh including working with our congresswoman's office that we um the allocation that we recently were confirmed with on for septic dour um also on a regular basis Mr Franco shares with us grant opportunities that that we share internally and bet uh uh so that's definitely a very value added uh so we're bringing this uh forward as a renewal of our relationship to to formally engage um Becker poof and Omar Franco for federal lobbying um this is at the price of onee period for $36,000 uh we currently have been at a rate of 30,000 per year um that was um originally done about three years ago so this is in consideration for the period of time that uh um this item has been in place and and cognizant of that so we're bringing this before you as a resource uh to continue to tap Mr Franco at the federal level both for Appropriations and for information related to Grants U that helps the city sort of pursue and Chase funds from the outside to support some of our projects and initiatives questions of the manager no questions Mr manager question what what is what's what does this contract terminate and how does that line up with our state contracts so this obviously would be effective and it would be a one-year contract uh but a one-year contract with what's the start date what's the termination date the start date would be as of approval um the state contract I don't have exactly when we uh approve that mayor yes sir you're asking specifically if if it's bifurcated or is it it's bifurcated I I I asked the I asked a question I'll you know just get to my point I guess yeah which I just don't remember the date of the state contract so this one's April 1st I'm sorry this one that we're looking at right now says April 1st no joke but the state contract I'm not sure when when it kicked in and so I don't know if it overlaps or not well it definitely overlaps I just don't remember the date of when it was approved and when is it good tool yeah no I I I look I think we've had exceptionally good run of late and you know commend our team for the work they've done at Becker and and at the state level as well with capital um and I just asked the question because you know we're getting to the point where we're spending you know north of $130,000 on third party lobbying services and so you know um like Becker right the firms have the integration at the state and federal level and so you know we're going to we're going to think run up against an expiration of our state contracts so I think we should give the demander some direction are we going to renew the state contracts consistent what we're doing here or are we going to look at procuring those Services here again if we're going to procure there I would just ask the question of the board's preference are we going to procure here as well that's kind of the the reason for the question Excuse me yes ma'am so what you're if I understand what you're trying to say is okay let's say we have Becker here and Becker here you'd want to join them it's it's I'm just saying there's a possibility for example we have that possibility with Becker there may be other firms that could provide both the question is we're are we going to renew without soliciting other o opportunities here right for representation at the federal level at the federal level that's what we're doing here are we going to do the same what's Our intention with respect to State contracts well we want can we talk about this one and then kind of bring that part in because I the my question to you is it seems like it's effective what we're doing in at the federal level there Becker and poov is doing a good job for us so I don't know why we wouldn't renew this I say we keep federal and state separate simply because I think Federal we're not seeing any you know any issue any conversation nothing and as a matter of fact just netted us a decent amount of money so I think the the federal one we should let it right as it is the state one I think we've had a lot more conversation about and that then should be a conversation of what we want to do Statewide but to mix them up something that we historically have had no issue with and no conversation I it it's tough for me through mayor yes sir I I I think I agree with the vi man I think I understand what you want to do um so I don't I don't I don't have a particular I'm sorry plan when I'm asking the question disc you know look I think both teams state and federal level have had succcess in the last two years at the state level St Mr Franco year currently have right correct Mr Franco's had success this year we're grateful for the $ 1.75 million again I just you know what's good for the goose is good for the gander right so I'm asking the question if we're going to extend this this agreement without soliciting other other offers I don't have an objection to it I'm just suggesting we we're running up against the expiration I think of our state contracts which probably expire in the next month or two months you know you know I would I would ask the board what is Our intention with respect to those two uh those two parties are we going to direct the manager to extend there as well or do we want to do we want to do a joint solicitation for federal and state Services keep them separate that's perfectly fine but I think you know um State contract lob have had similar success right so if we're going to do it here based on what's happened this past year and extend without competition then I'm just asking should we just tell the manager to bring back two contracts for the next the next term if you're asking my preference my preference would be leave the federal as it is and then we'll bring up the state level will do set up an open process for an RFQ RF p p yeah and open it up yes commission leben mayor I'm I'm in agreement with you um and I have similar conversation with the with the city manager and uh no one has more experience on this item than you in addition so appreciate your input so you're you're saying which part I'm supporting the the mayor with his in his direction to consolidate right and run them s simultaneously again I wasn't my direction wasn't that I just want to understand what our intentions is with respect to the state contracts do we want to give the manager direction to extend bring a contract to extend on similar terms that the parties are willing to accept them or do we want to direct him to issue a solicitation and I only asked in the context because to being from my perspective they're both situated similarly right we can yeah we had success in in Washington we had success in Talahassee I just rather dispense the business if this is the way we're going to do it and have the manager bring back the items Sor I don't want to get bogged down a long conversation about I just wanted to ask so we can give the appropriate Direction okay maybe I'm missing something you guys are seeing and that's fair enough this is not my no they I think what I'm what I'm asking is I I I get I understand your perspective if it ain't broke don't fix it I think if I can summarize right okay so that's what that's what the vice mayor is saying I believe with the federal with the federal yes if it a broke don't fix it keep it yeah no I'm just I'm talking about let's move this this here because this is what we are actually talking about okay okay let's Okay so let's is there a motion on item nine yeah I'll move the motion okay second okay so a motion by commission Cay a second by commissioner lean Cory sorry I think it commissioner lean okay Madam clerk please call the RO yes commissioner K yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Leman yes Vice May bonish yes mayor Fernandez yes IEM class thank you do you want to give the manager any direction on the state lobbying contracts now that we've dispensed with that item should we just take a straw pole because I think that's what we wanted to do you I mean if you ask me I would say open it up at the state level okay what do everybody El that would be my preference my opinion but that's just me open it up to consolidate it or open it up to to to just bid it on the open again okay we're not we're not consolidating CU we already took action on this side no not this remember we have two sets of Lobby St Lev state level are we going to keep two sets is that's that's what I guess I'm trying to get we don't have to decide that now yeah but what is your preference is the question that's it preference his his his was a straw poll the question was what's our preference in terms of fut future action elaborate them sorry yeah to elaborate my point earlier yeah we just selected a firm reason I used the word consolidate that's where I thought you were going mayor we just selected a firm on the national level right Federal level yep the same firm represents us on a state level that's my point it's the same firm I know it's separate contracts federal and state but no selected one of the two firms on a federal level okay and so do we want to direct the contracts put out solicitation the same firm but are there are there economies of scale there's there's certainly economies of scale even if they're independ in contracts and someone can argue maybe there aren't Financial economies of scale there're still economies of scale working with the same or efficiencies working with the same firm but okay mayor uh yes sir I just want to September 30th of 2024 is the expiration for State okay that that provided that info what was the date city manager September 30th 2024 time all precincts reporting now okay item passes okay let's we'll bring it back the conversation at the pledge of the manager let's move on to the next item um can you read item four please four yeah item four a resolu of the mayor City Commission of the city of South for authorizing a waiver certain bit related fees and cost in amount of $ 6,619 184 for to section 15 B6 of the city code for a special event know as the twilight 5k run walk presented by team footworks education and Fitness corporation to be held on Sunday May 19 2024 providing for affability and other fees and call requirements sorry uh mayor before we open this item um I know we're picking the order out of a hat I was hoping this would be last I don't accuse myself there's no uh uh fiscal conflict they do not profit from this event but there's just a personal one so no problem okay the cler read the item is are there any questions regarding the item or comments seeing none is there a motion yes please I'm looking at this I just don't understand which part we're waving we're waving this part Mr Man you can clarify the ption sorry I saw it I saw it now through the mayor by the way one of the things that we're going to bring up in future meeting is the reduction of the actual cost of the parking fees so I'll I'll be working with the city manager and staff to bring it back to the commission so we can fix that in my in my opinion anyway I move the motion okay a second so motion by commissioner c a second by commissioner Corey Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner C yes commissioner Cory yes VI B yes mayor Fernandez yes item pass by way of this I give up I give up on all the few waiver I'm just gonna say yes from now on do everything you're right we need to if we can read if we can read item five in the record please yes item five a resolution of the city Commission of the city of South L Florida selecting an awarded a contract for construction to ATC engineering ink for the construction of a sanitary sew system for phase one of the area known as sub area K in amount na toity 2 million 24,32 32 authorizing the city manager to negotiate and execute a contract for the project any questions regarding item nine item sorry five please see no questions of the manager um again this is a contract to begin the septic toore conversion for Bas and K uh is there a motion on the item I yes sir five commission leben one I just had one clarification uh the resolution uh should be uh revised on line 21 and 22 uh where it makes reference to has obtained all the necessary permit of the project the permits came in are coming in a little bit slower we're a couple couple weeks away so I would just change that to is in the process of obtaining beef permits that's all I got okay um sorry if I may you ask mayor I I will move the item and I I just have a comment not a question on the audience yes go ahead uh for the public so this is lowest line level of the city it often comes up on the deis right the length of service here since been on the stus and long before that this has been an area of uh of concern um I also wanted to share that um that this project is completely paid for with grants and there's still an additional uh three and a qu million remaining so and and mayor I just want to take the time to thank you for all for going above and beyond with the pump station so um and I think two grants two out of the four or five we received cover this exactly so thank you um Mr manager I just want to ask a question we've gotten some questions from some neighbors about the pump station and the RFA antenna have we gotten any feedback from wasda on on that element of the project not yet again for the benefit of my colleagues we've got some correspondents raising questions about the safety concerns with that technology and proximity of people's bedrooms so if we can just get something on the record if we have it not not ad is telling me we have not final comments from was Diana yet okay um um have we tried to call them other than just email them for this information I mean I I you know my my sense is that we they use this technology all over the county for other pump stations so I imagine it has to be safe it's not the first time that they've probably encoun encountered questions about the safety of the transmission antennas is there some way we can get a meeting or get a call back I just again as people don't get responses they get nervous uh theories get developed that are not accurate I just want to make sure we get these answers responded to immediately so that we don't give okay please because it's been it's been kicking around for two and a half weeks yes sir something else just to bring up quickly related to this item I had a conversation with the city manager simply because these were conversations with two previous administrations was um and it may not be be feasible but um some sort of pulled connection there may have been a program the county at one point maybe we can contract with the existing contractor for flat fee for with for residents uh the manager correctly brought up that maybe different costs different distances right for connections but um if we can ease the burden and create some economies of scale for however many residents want to do it simultaneously right Works already activated and so forth so um yeah may I just like to ask you and maybe you in the city manager that's something we can look into you're follow that way they're not oneoff connection Comm we're we thinking must have a mind meld today but we've been thinking along the same lines we I I know I asked very early on our our Design Consultants this question uh I think for a host of reasons there's the county in particular concerns about liability um what I've encouraged uh I have a regular coffee with some of our neighbors uh who are cons and we've talked about this project recently what I've encouraged them to do is to talk to their neighbors that are going to get benefited by you know having the the connection brought to their Frontage and possibly pulling together to enlist the services of one contractor to do multiple installations so they try to kind of bring the cost down uh again through through a small private pool but I'm not sure it's feasible nor maybe advisable legally for us to serve in a coordination role since the feedback we got from Wy when we asked them about that opportunity um was that it P portended A lot of issues that they didn't want to necessarily have to deal with I don't know if through Council or the manager or you've got any other feedback or if there's an opportunity for uh the county to play a coordin role we're we're uh commissioner lean we're U doing some research and started obtaining some information how some other communities have handled that to try and create uh make it easier for residents uh from um pooling information or facilitating um so we're we're working on that and we'll bring back a report uh that speaks to some ideas on how to approach that and then it just Dawn to me which I didn't bring up in our conversation Mr city manager um little institutional knowledge the city did do uh something similar with solar it had agreed upon rate with one contractor the city even paid for which I didn't agree with but a mailing to promote that but there is a precedent so thank you through the mayor yes sir I think one of the things to commissioner Leeman's point is I've attended some of the septic the conversion conversations around the county um I think there's a lot of emphasis not only at the state level that we've also started to receive uh Pace programs to go pay for that so I think as we move forward and get closer we'll have more Community involvement we bring in people I think that to really discuss on a how to pay for it B economies to scale bringing up uh groups all the different options so but we'll get to that point so Madam vice mayor I discussed with our city manager how uh that maybe it would benefit us to speak with someone with institutional Knowledge from the city of West Miami they actually handled this very well they had a program and I'm not even going to give you specifics because I don't know them but they had a program that Consolidated these efforts in some way shape or form and benefited yes to the consumer so that's I mean a lot of those people have left or retired but the didn't disappear with the people I'll take that on I'll go visit them and we with maybe with the city manager if you can connect me or city clerk can connect me with someone at the city of West Miami so we can have that conversation thank you and just for the record one other item the manager and I have been speaking to the county about is um there's about a quarter million dollars Mr manager correct in connection fees that we're hoping to get waved so hopefully it'll bring down the cost of this project as well that's a fee that's typically charged to developer developer parties uh for the privilege of connecting to the county system we're hoping that um you know either administratively or through the good offices of our County Commissioner that that amount can get waved given the circumstances so yeah mayor on my side to help that as well I've been talking to some of the County Commissioners so they're well aware of our request as well so far just to clar just to add to that they they are waving they have agreed to wave everything except for the park repeat that I'm sorry into the microphone because I can't hear yeah I apologize um they have agreed to wave everything I think your microphone's off sir testing all right they have agreed to wave everything except for the park at this time so if that's the last little bit if Park the uh the park improvements the connection to the park improvements okay got it okay how much is that by the wayon no $6 million I'm feeling I'm feeling an a Powers moment here yeah I don't have that handy um a do you have that you can come to the microphone sir aelio whose leg is telling us what the weather is going to be you're right good evening it's going to be approximate approximately $7,000 okay okay well that's good news it's based on a calculation of U of A seage uh $560 times the amount of um usage so fantastic that's great news thank you see vice mayor you're only $1,000 off there you go there you go okay any further questions or comments see n do we have a motion mam Clark no we got a motion on item five please I move the motion is there a second I'll second a motion by commissioner Kay the second by uh the vice mayor Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner k yes commission Cory yes commission Le yes V Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 5 you read item six the record please item six a resolution of the mar City Commission of the city of sop for approving and authorizing the expens funds in amount of $250,000 to afford a power and light for the design and construction of the electrical connection to San sanitary sewer pump station for phrase one of the area known as sub area K thank you Mr manager uh this is a related item uh this is for fpnl to design um the electrical connection to the pump station uh fpnl provides a sort of uh estimate from a range standpoint um we need this authorization to provide a deposit so they would move forward uh to design the electrical for the pump station so it's related to to our septic toour this cost is above and beyond the previous cost that you um uh saw on that item on awarding the contract for the contractor any questionss the manager commiss Le I do have one I believe we we covered it but um sorry Mr manager sorry to put you in the spot can we uh we can use the grant funds to pay for this as well correct okay thank you further questions nope hearing none is there a motion item six I'll move the item is there a second second so we have a motion by the vice mayor a second by commissioner Lan Madam clerk please call the role yes commissioner lean yes yes Cory yes commissioner C yes mayor Fernandez yes item pass 5 thank you if you can read item 10 to the recor please actually before we read item 10 this is the um ordinance Madam uh vice mayor that had asked to have deferred based on some modifications You' requested have those modifications been addressed yes your satisfaction I already gave them to the City attorney before the meeting started Madam CL if you can read item 10 of the record please item 10 in ordinance of the mayor City Commissioner of the city of sopor amending chapter 4 alcoholic beverages Article 1 in general section 4-2 conditional use approval of requirements non-conforming use certificate of aacy and chapter 15 offenses and miscellaneous Provisions article one in general section 1563 mobile vendors of the city code of ordinances to modify conditions related to food service in connection with the service of alcoholic beverages including allowing mobile food vendors for drinking place Bar Lounge within the hometown District under certain conditions thank you uh Mr City attorney uh with respect to the modifications can you read them into the record please certainly certainly mayor uh so the first modification is to line 127 at the end where it says shall be located on private property at all times comma and the new language is comma and shall be buffered from all adjacent property by a a by an opaque buffer is there any objection to that modification okay here well here other change uh mayor the uh line 129 which says when the Mobile Food dispensing vehicle has to be removed uh it shall be removed from the premises from 7:00 a.m. to 900 p.m. instead of 8:00 p.m. okay any questions regarding the modifications commissioner lean no anyone else is there a motion on sorry this is a public hearing item uh any member of the public who' like to speak on item 10 please come forward at this time anyone on Zoom like I please raise your vir your hand seeing No One in the Chamber and no one online we will close the public hearing is there a motion on item 10 I'll move the item there's no other motions there a second second a motion by myself a second by commissioner Corey any final comments yes sir uh thank you Mr Mayor I'm not in favor of the item for all the reasons I've previously stated what I did ask the city manager and I want to thank him is uh Rock sorry Taco craft which is backed by Anthony's Pizza Group which is doing very well in all their other locations then to well here we now have a new investor uh that's a successful restaurant tour opening up in that space which is a corner location it faces this subject location where we're going to allow a food truck directly so I I personally don't think it's the right message we're trying to attract a new investor and the right type of uh investor um so I just want to thank the city manager for reaching out to that proprietor to make sure that they were uh that they didn't have any objection to a food truck being located across the street thank you for that clarification further comments yes sir okay no good sorry have a motion a second Madam clerk if you could read the role please yes commissioner C yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner Leeman no VI B yes mayor Fernandez yes item pass 4 one is amended great thank you so can we read item 12 into the record please yes item 12 in ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Florida amending article 3 zoning regulations and article 8 Transit oriented development District regulations to clarify the extent of the transit oriented Development Area and modify requirements applicable to dwelling units authorizing revision of the city assment proval zoning map consistent with the N nure of the amended regulations thank you for that Madam clerk um um any questions regarding this item seeing none will open the public hearing is there anyone in the public who' like to address item 12 which relates to certain modifications to the transit supportive or Transit oriented development District yes yes sir feel free to come forward wanted to bring something oh good evening sir if if you can have your name and address for the record please good evening uh Mark Stoner 3334 Northwest bur Road pal City Florida good evening and thank you for this moment to speak to you um I brought with me a map the City's map of the Z so last week I attended by Zoom the Planning and Zoning uh boards meeting in regards to this and several things came up first of all um we I need clarification I think everybody should get clarification on what exactly we're talking about here because they talk about changing the name of the Todd and you see in the map here outlined in red there's six Todd zon so which one in specific are we talking about uh sir if you like if you'd like to take one of those at a time we ask as you manag to clarify see attorney to clarify that for you that be okay sure sure through the mayor all of them okay so all of them including the mu6 all of them okay so all the Todds are going to be have the name changed and it was suggested in the meeting last week that maybe they were going to change the name to something commercial zone or something other than to is that the case or are going to be in fact tsdd all the T are going to be changed to tsdd is that correct believe it's tsdd but we'll ask to C attorney to confirm yes tsdd Transit supportive development District that's when it's going to be changed to that's correct sir okay and within the tsdd there's a mention of a to yes okay that is said here that it's going to be in regards to properties contiguous or AB budding the metral station the the metro station property correct if you look here on the map this is what we're talking about here the only property that is contiguous or budding is the fire station everything else is a street away this commercial Zone here the Todd mu6 which holds Commerce laning progress and these blocks right here none of these properties here are but that so I'm I'm not sure that's the right terminology now the state's terminology that they use in their live local can we just get clarification on what the intent is from the city attorney so it's we clear that up and then we can get you I'm going to give you all the time you like sir I'm not having to call wor wor sure so the the area there's a clarification in in this ordinance which describes that this this includes all properties that are even across the street from the metral property so you see the pi that you have there that triangle that's pi anything that's directly across the street from that that is that is touching the street that that that and is directly across the street from that would be included in the TOA do we understand that's only two properties uh sir that there's all the properties on the North and all the properties on the west and all the propert and the property of the South if in fact the commission which it appears wants to encourage development to help solve the housing crisis we can't have that just be these few properties that touch 70th Street sir so just to clarify because I think I want to I want I'm anticipating your comment we the what this would do is we have a very liberal parking standard in our Tod the the effect of this change would be to preserve those parking standards which are lower probably than any other jurisdiction in Miami day County within this area um and I believe the further modifications correct me if I'm wrong sir gentlemen is to also uh ensure that we have a minimum unit size that just does not get abused we we are all I've spoken personally in favor of the LI local act in tasse but there are some when we're using when you're developing policy at the state level you're taking a sledgehammer where sometimes you need a scalpel get and so the idea here is to is to allow for projects to come forward make sure we're rewarding them with the appropriate exemptions for parking uh but for all the other uses making sure that we're not losing full control and not providing a minimum amount of Park to get it totally get it I appreciate that get it and I know what the current parking is in the top and I understand the state was going to do away with parking or whatever I get that but I just thinking of drafting this it's not drafted clearly I mean the City attorney just said it's only properties that touch 70th Street and that would those and those would be those would be afforded the full wa sorry I want to be clear that's not what I said okay what I said it's all properties across the street from the metro rail station property what you're pointing at right now that whole pi so it's 70th Street it's the properties across one two three four properties and then there's another Street to the West there are multiple properties along there and there's and there's Sunset Drive and there's a property to the South those would be the to Sunset Drive doesn't come up here Sunset Drive is all the way over here the pi reaches out to Sunset Drive sir okay the pi is on the other side of US1 the you see you see that little tip of the of the pi yeah I see right no no come down right there it crosses Sunset Drive at that point so in other words the commission's okay with the to just applying to these few properties that touch what about all this proposed you know I I don't understand if somebody's going to develop this whole commercial District in here which is the most underutilized property in South Miami it's also the only property on the US1 Corridor that's not developed with live work space on a Metro by a metro station just for the record you're stating the Commerce Lane yes section right this just making sure we're the same Lane progress so if we're just doing the properties which are I don't understand how you can develop on these old te properties you need to you need to assemble some of this to put any kind of a development so if we're just going to be the properties which is not what it says by the way but if you're going to change it to just the properties across the street that includes properties across the street that touch which is you know now six seven eight properties I mean that's I don't know how you're going to develop anything on that I I think the intent of this being a Todd being that this Metro station right here the state uses half a mile which would include this so that that half mile rule radius rule would still apply in terms of the height the density would still there's no density delivered in our code so you could still take advantage of those benefits okay the I want to clarify the only thing that I understand this impacts is preserving our parking minimums that's that's the sole distinction am I correct see it's not clear because what you understand is different than just no I understand I've been living this bill for for a year and a half now so I understand I'm a little in a in a privileged position of information but I just want to clarify for the record and for your benefit if you could just quickly highlight the distinctions so that he can walk away ass sure that we're not taking a scalpel or Sledgehammer to his property rights sure so the this change in nomenclature is literally a change in nomenclature there's there's it's going from to to tsdd okay it has no impact on any rights you have under our code right now I get that okay I get that the only impact that it would have is that you would no longer be a Transit oriented Development Area under the live local Act and the one place where it matters is under the live local act where it says you would have zero parking requirement for a live local development all right and we don't want that so that's that's the change that that that is it's not the change when you're bringing in this TOA TOA the to so what is the effect of the TOA Mr City attorney is that would be the only place where you have a zero parking requirement would apply sir so in fact we are liberalizing the parking standard by changing the nomenclature and allowing people to take within those limited properties the full benefit of the parking exemptions because they are immediately abing the Metro real station okay so those six properties would get zero Park correct everyone else would would be would be yeah for an eligible for an eligible local project correct 75 everybody else would be0 75 that's correct sir what it is today that's correct okay yeah and again to further clarify for the benefit of the public as long as it clarifies that when it goes into because what I'm reading here I I didn't understand I ran it six times I didn't understand I think our development services directors here and she understands it's it's intended effect and will'll apply it that way I think as does our City attorney so if there if there continue U you know those words uh contiguous and a budding nothing contiguous AB budding with the fire station okay but now I got that you mean across the street across the street yes okay next uh and I'll try to be brief here I know it's getting late um and I guess Mr City attorney I'm going to direct this at you because I know your specialization is dealing with developers and renaming this uh from Todd to tsdd because Todd you know is a term like empowerment Zone and these terms that developers you know look for in properties for opportunity and renaming it you know are we going to maybe not attract the attention the reason I'm asking uh obviously I own property down there and I have not been contacted by anybody with any proposals and it's interesting to me because you drive down the US One Corridor and every single metro rail station has project going except except right here and I I wondering why isn't anybody even approached me not that I would do anything but I haven't been approach what what's what's the what's the you know what's the problem so if we take away the T ation and this is not my field of expertise it's yours are we then going to be less attract even less attractive than we are now so so I I I think that's probably a question that's beyond the City attorney scope well he said he works with developers it's a market question I'll I'll I'll take a CRA I'll take a crack at addressing and we'll close sir do you have any further any further questions for the City attorney or myself for the board I just have a closing I'd like to say please go ahead okay in closing I'd like to submit to you that we want to encourage housing and mixed use development especially in light of our housing crisis basically that we have going on here we don't have affordable housing it's just everybody knows that it's a crisis in Florida at this point okay so in light of the fact that we want to encourage that along the US1 Corridor which clearly mu6 is right on the corridor you know the idea that the council said last week well this is a good thing because we make one more hurdle for developers to jump through well I don't why are we trying to I don't understand they said that I I was at the meeting okay by Zone we want to make another H well I'm not sure if we're trying to encourage this why are we trying to make another I mean I'm not sure what the what the what the idea is there or it's contradictory we appreciate your comments we'll we'll have some conversation and I'll share some thoughts in closing thank you sir you want to ask him a question please you're recognized um it stting little context independent of this I fought as hard as anyone could fight with the previous commission to get zoning in that area previous commission I know city manager used previous city manager two previous city manager used to always say take half a loaf I I never liked half a loaf I'm a big eater so um they watered it down with with um bike storage an arcade a Green Building I I I forgot what else there were four or five things and nothing nothing ever happened in that area I mean nothing even following that I mean one of the issues believe nothing ever happened so um I mean there was an attempt right to attract investment and then they wanted to repeal it and you going to repeal it what's the threat we haven't received a single application correct so there's other factors and then thanks commission we we are supporting additional zoning which will increase the density I'm sure you're familiar with that but you the problem is want to stay there there's small Lots very costly to put together an assemblage it's still a relatively small footprint but what is it that you're that you're looking to do at a k City cuz I guess I'm looking to dispel this notion that I heard in the planning of Zing last week that we need to make more hurdles for these developers we need to we need to enact this quickly get this passed so it's just one more hurdle for them that's that's exactly what was said verb so I'm not sure I mean so sir let me just address it and we'll we'll close with that which is you know the only the only thing we're trying to do is act quickly to preserve our already low parking requirements so they're not completely preempted uh under the proposed statute which will be signed here probably within the week that's the only effect of this the only other effect that I would highlight is you know when we are giving people the extraordinary benefit of additional density and height that they not would not be entitled to what we're trying to assure is that we're also getting unit sizes that are consistent with the market unit sizes are being offered we don't want Developers cheating the system by giving us a bunch of very small units for low income or Workforce individuals and basically then taking all the larger format units for for the market right so that's the other part of this ordinance that requires if you're going to take advantage with the local which I'm a fan of and I hope that others hopefully people will bring a project forward here we want to make sure that the units that are restricted for rents that are going to get the benefit of a tax exemption also are of the same size and quality as the balance of the market units so that there's a representative the representative offering across all unit types and sizes both for market and for affordable because you're intimately involved with the live local you want you do know that there's huge tax incentives if they can meet the meet the mark correct and one of the problems that we're responding to is in communities that are adjacent to universities it's uh Gainesville spent hours testifying on this particular problem they're having where their tax base is being eroded they're bringing a lot of student housing online because students qualify under their personal income not under the income of their guarantor for the lease a lot of units are being qualified as live local and you know creating a lot of demand for services without the companion tax revenue so yeah they're going to um and they need low income can I get it correct so that's that's you know again we we we would love to see projects some forward what I hear from because I also have the benefit of representing developer clients in my private practice what I hear about progress and commerce is that it's just hard to assemble because you have a lot of uh owner occupied properties businesses that would have to be relocated and so the exit cost to make that transaction worthwhile for the owner is prohibited from a development perspective that's the best I can share by way of what my perception of the market is but our goal here is not to make development more difficult just want to make sure that we're getting the right kind of return on those basically exemptions those zoning concessions and that we're actually meeting the intent of the bill not having it abused so that's that's the intent sir I understand and appreciate your time thank you have a good evening anyone else in the public would like to address uh item 12 on tonight's agenda Madam clerk is there anyone online anyone online like to speak please raise your vir your hand seeing No One in the Chamber and no one online we'll close the public hearing colleagues any further questions or comments regarding item 12 if not we'll entertain a motion I'll move the M second we have a motion by commissioner c and a second by commissioner leedman Madam clerk if you can call the role please yes commissioner C yes commissioner Cory yes commissioner lemman yes Vice Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes item passes 5 Z and and thank you mayor and thank you City attorney for bringing that item thank you sir and thank you for making the unit sizes livable and keeping us away from micro units appreciate that yes sir can I ask a question so the unit side we went into detail with with the square footage on two and three bedrooms and we allocated the same square footage for all micro unit Studios efficiencies and one bedrooms is that accurate we we basically raised the minimum for uh micro units studios in one bedrooms to 550 ft but we also we also specified those the square footage for twos and those already those standards already existed they were not modified sir I know but why why do we have them there in the first I that's a you know again we're not we were not trying to rewrite the to we're not I just I just had no it's it's it's a why would we get to that L couldn't even begin couldn't even begin to guess sir so and by the way the standard the standard for Studios was usually 450 I'm just wondering curious why we stood at 550 we so we increased it all to the one bedroom size the minimum one-bedroom size so no micro units uh no micro units in other words yeah the the the the in other words I I believe the initial concern was was whether um uh whether uh all the live local units the affordable units would be stuffed into those categories and it was an attempt to avoid that okay just verify that just trying to understand that look we can always come back and fix it if you if there is modifications anyone wants to propose on those unit sizes I'm open to them but again the the intent was to make sure that we didn't leave the barn door open for it to be exploited uh Madam clerk if you can read item 13 please item 13 in ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of South Florida amending Article 4 other regulations sections 20-45 landscaping and tree protection requirements for all zoning districts of the Land Development code to modify requirements for new construction additions and other structures on single family and duplex blots are there any questions of the manager or development services director on item 133 yes sir commission Le sorry yes so certainly well intended they certainly support that in terms of tree canopy protection but um what is how does this change what currently in place and it is another it is another tax it is another cost so I I I a tree survey I think it's we we're not requiring a tree survey please come forward if you can to clarify I think we're actually trying to do the opposite sir but I'll let that's not to me CER explain to okay you guys hear me yes we can now yes development services director So currently for single family we don't require a tree survey we basically um if they tell us there aren't any trees on the lot we just trust that that's the case if you're going to put a pool or a driveway or something we don't verify if they're removing any trees so in light that the city of South Miami has had a loss in its tree canopy probably one of the cities that had the greatest loss in its tree canopy we're trying to protect that and this would require basically if we can't tell from aerial photographs from the Google Maps or even from visiting the site that there aren't any trees that are going to be affected by the development that they would have to give us a tree survey great thank you further questions okay um yeah sorry please other municipalities do a lot more than this I think this is just a way for us to really start protecting our tree canopy and really understanding you know what we have out there before we actually do any construction can you comment on any any other municipalities that also do that yeah I mean there are other municipalities that have a much higher percentage of Urban Tree canopy that we do here in South Miami and they do everything necessary to protect that including requiring a tree survey not taking somebody's word that they don't have aundy old tree in the way of their pool um it doesn't mean that you wouldn't be able to develop it it just means that you would have to mitigate that by either contributing to the fund a tree fund or you would have to actually uh plant trees to replace the canopy loss uh because of the development and I think I shared a study from Miami day County I I don't know who I shared it with but I know I shared it with somebody here in this room that showed that south of Miami was one of the cities that had the greatest um Urban Tree canopy loss in a four-year period that the day County um got this study I had I don't know I think it was the University of Florida or something to do the study to see all of day County and there are municipalities that had an in in the Urban Tree canopy and they weren't only I mean bal Harbor was there kis G but also some of the areas like I I don't know if it's opaloka or haia so other cities are increasing their tree canopy and city of South Miami I think has had a history for having this you know very green and um a lot of trees and a little more laidback than maybe the Gable is not so manicure but that's something it's you know very nice here and we've actually been going in the opposite direction so this is an attempt to try not to hurt the developers or the homeowners that are trying to do improvements but to find a balance between protecting our tree canopy and allowing people to have their developments and their improvements to their property through the mayor yes sir so I think the importance of tree canopy is extremely important especially here in South Florida not only does it show where the abundance of I don't know how to use this word but it just shows where a lot of the concentration of where people want to live is usually where there's an abundance of tree canopy and if we're losing tree canopy it's it's a severe issue that we really need to tackle right away so I would ask the commission if we can ask the city manager to either get with the marketing team and the social media team and whatnot to actually start really making sure that we control this and and and make sure that everybody's aware of the issue that we're having here because I think it's extremely important to our city that we don't lose that canopy and if we can go ahead and cycle that that presentation or that documentation to the commission that would be great too as well sure further questions or comments okay Square again just to clarify for my benefit it's not a requirement that you provide a survey it's only we can request it if we determine we don't have enough information to make an informed decision correct correct I mean if obviously we can see in Google maps in the last five years aren't any trees on the property why we're going to require survey so I mean it's there so that we have it when we need it but it doesn't mean that we're going to be punishing people with it thank you for that clarification okay um we are the item has been read is there a motion on the item move the motion second okay so we have a motion by commissioner Cay a second by commissioner Leeman um Madam clerk if you can call the role please commissioner C yes commissioner cor yes commissioner lean yes Bon yes mayor Fernandez yes 5 thank you I think that only leaves us the add-on item um yes which I think is intended to merge the two boards am I correct Madam clerk is there any other item beyond the add on add-on item other than commission comments discussion okay commissioner Cory this is your baby you want to introduce it after let me read it after the clerk reads it and ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of South Miami Florida amending chapter two of the city code of ordinances to abolish the commission for women established Pur to a section 2-26 of the code of of the code and the junior commission for women established Pur to section 2-2 26.1 of the code and merging of powers and duties of the two commissions into section 20- 26.6 community relations board thank you uh commissioner Cory you're recognized thank you mayor uh yes I'm uh uh uh very happy to be consolidating these two boards I share some of the concerns that commissioner lean does with our inactive boards which is why I wanted to take one enactive board um and move some of its responsibilities into another that we certainly want to see more activity in I was original a sponsor of that board and I am very interested even personally in helping them become more active somewhat of a companion item to the proc Proclamation we had earlier I believe it's important um I believe that board is important and I want to reactivate it re-energize it questions with the sponsor yes and and thank you it's certainly not personal but just fact-based disc discussion one is these other two boards which we're trying to consolidate are absolutely defunct they haven't met in decades so where's the need what is it that we're what is it that we're doing um we can refer to the city clerk how long it's been talking double digit years since those boards have ever met so again what what is the point um second concern when this Public Relations Board first came up it's an absolute joke I'm going to tell you what was suggested that five people were appointed the commission each appoints one person five people who had voting rights then those people had to go out and recruit it was the Amway AB boards those two people had to go out and recruit two other people but they didn't have voting rights there was no vote it's just a advisory community board and there were a total of 15 people five had voting rights two didn't and then I think it was even more fragmented that board which we're talking about consolidating these defunct boards for decades hasn't met how many meetings have they missed in a row uh Madam city clerk at least six and by the way if any member of any board misses three meetings in a row they're off no questions asked so the board itself hasn't met more than three times but if any individual on the board hadn't met three times they would by our Charter be off the board so what is it that we're talking about here Madam C Clark can you tell us how many um meetings the Public Relations Committee it's not great PR by the way community relations board it's not great community relations or that they never meet how many meetings in a row Madam cler do you have that information yes I think they haven't met since September September of 2023 yes if I if I may ask excuse me what what was the L what was the prior time they met and do we have any open appointments on the board the last time they met was October October 20 and sorry so they met they met in September October October 2023 October 2023 and the time prior they meet in September yeah they meet in September okay and do we have any open board appointments by any members of this commission or the commission as a whole and my whole I just don't understand the point and my follow question would be when of the other boards these defunct boards that were trying to roll into another defunct board when did those other boards when was the last time they met I I I think we can we just concede that there two boards that are not been active for a long time I think through the mayor I'm sorry yeah let's just let's she's looking yes go ahead sir um trying to be efficient with our time mayor I'm sorry I was trying to as well touche um I think I commissioner Leeman I think you're correct I think that we have a lot of problems with not just those two boards there's a lot of boards that we're not getting full attendance on I mean even today the rpb didn't we didn't have Quorum for it so we had five projects on the rpb and they all got approved because we didn't have enough people I'm going to I'm going to take a step back and really you know challenge the commission to figure out what we really need to do and I'm going to ask staff as well how do we really challenge the city to and us as a commission to really start getting people in these boards right we have all these boards that are not meeting anymore I have other meetings that I've been attending whether it's the South Miami neighbors board they're trying to recruit people um the Columbia you know the the sister city program I want to do that we we haven't had any board meetings there there's just a lot of stuff that we want to do I really want to challenge us and the city uh to really start working on Recruitment and how do we do that so commission lean I agree with you but we we we still need some of these boards and we need to start getting people on board not necessarily cancelling them my opinion yeah do before we move on to next questions I'm going to go down the line Vice May no not right yet hold on a second but I never suggested we cancel it's been suggested twice oh I'm sorry sorry I misspoke then I apolog let you I'm going to give you time for reut do we have an answer to those two questions ma'am yes we have a vacancy um for commissioner Cay and the other four members their terms um their terms have have expired what members terms have expired um Levi Kelly Elizabeth reg I think Levi Kelly is my appointment is that am I mistaken um yes okay can we get him reauthorized then please G and Dr okay when those terms expire what do you bring those do you bring those items forward for our reappointment how does that happen procedure well I sent you um a memo asking if you want to reappoint sent sent a memo to the commission asking as a group yes okay I already send it tomorrow okay okay yes you're you're recognized M vice mayor okay I think that before we have a conversation about rolling this into that or why does that exist why is there nobody on this list I think we need to look critically at the things that do exist even if they're inactive because just because it was put in place 40 years ago doesn't mean it is still relevant but it's still on the books and so I think we would be more effective and efficient if we looked at what we have and let's even say let's take our next uh early meeting next month and say all of these are inactive and if we're ready to have the conversation of everything that's inactive is taken off the books if we're able to streamline what boards we do have I think it might be easier for us to find people to put on them because there are so many things and like you're saying boards that meet others that don't then you have quar then you don't and while I think it may be a smart idea to you know maybe merge boards so that we're more effective I think that and I can't believe I'm saying this because I'm a woman so I'm standing up here like having boards that say women this or woman that we've come a long way baby you know like that commercial in the in the 70s I I don't think we need boards that are just women we're all over the place now and so saying that you're going to have something that's just women or just men or just Hispanics or just African-Americans or just just just we don't need that here so I suggest that the city clerk send us the list again and we look at it very critically and come with suggestions of what we think we need to take off the books if I'm not mistaken there is only one board that is by Charter and that's the plan planning board correct yes so everything else is on the table do you guys think that's a good idea or no I do including the commission can I can I just so let me let me reclaim the reclaim the floor on this really quickly so I I I think I I'd like to entertain a motion to defer this item no disrespect to my colleague I my my my principal issue number one is I haven't had a chance to review the ordinance because it was an add-on my second concern is during women's History Month we're talking about eliminating two women's Focus boards so uh probably the better choice would be to defer this item let time pass examine the issue we can have a global conversation about boards if we want to or we can take the specific item at the next meeting that would be my motion with respect to fa any any is there a second for that well I'd like to yes it's okay with the sponsor if it's okay with him to give him the cred well I guess I was just uh wondering since it is an ordinance in a first reading if those some of those concerns couldn't be brought to a second reading which is not not at all I mean I think I I would just ask is the ex excy around acting today on the item I don't know if you're intending to do it because it is women's history month right or or you know but I again I just note note the irony of eliminating two women's focused boards uh in the month women's history month right and I understand and the intention was to actually activate that as an issue of discussion in the city since it's not current ly um and of course uh part of this was done through research to see that we already had these boards prior and what their initiatives were so I I would have assumed that if anybody had any issues with it that we could have addressed it and moved it to a second reading instead of table it which we'll have to do two readings again on it but that my preference would be to move it to Second reading but if if it's the will of the I'll withdraw my motion do you want to make a motion sure I'd like to make a motion to approve and uh discuss the issues that were addressed on second reading and I'll make those modifications is there a second I'll move the okay so have a motion by commissioner Cay sorry a motion by commissioner Corey a second by commissioner Cay um any Pary remarks um one extra I'm s recogniz uh maybe city manager we have we have uh a community relation liaison person is this something that maybe we can have her him tackle uh as as maybe a project that we can really try to figure out how to better improve our attendance on boards and I do agree with vice mayor that we really need to revisit some of the stuff but I think I think the better attendant starts with us timely appointing people so we got to start with that so respectfully and I speak from someone who's guilty myself myself so we're all guilty um you know Madam clerk I would ask you know tomorrow if you could send us another reminder and I know we all are very busy sometimes certainly for me a phone call is probably or text is more effective than an email um particularly if it's not copied to the law firm I'm not going to see it all that regularly so um that's what I'll take some ownership of moving this most ball down the field okay so have a motion in a second uh let's go ahead and votee Madam clerk commission Kay yes commission Cory yes commission Leeman yes Comm Vice bon no mayor Fernandez yes I pass first reading okay I just want to say I'm sorry to somebody I broke the table no no listen you broke I'm not an apolog except that I broke F any are there any commission reports discussion remarks for the good of the order anyone okay see no further business before this commission we stand a journ I'm sorry what about discussion item parking garage right oh I'm sorry okay I asked you if there was another one missing yes okay discussion on the parking garage items I believe that's commissioner lean's item yes thank you so um don't worry vice mayor we're not trying to keep you after for the same topic become famous now we've got an hour and 20 minutes commiss Le and you're good take all we got all the Time in the World to talk about this so the the intent was to address that concern um brought this forward the city manager he has to make a discussion item instead of uh right reso uh the parking Global convers much larger conversation I don't like tacking things in PAC mail but it's become a little controversial and very consuming it's not our biggest concern so consider it an interterm solution um you can be the judge of that so limit or reduce the park in the garage to $2 city is not the best with banners banners not for an advertisement as simple messaging as possible people are driving by a lot of distractions white print on a blue Banner simply two dollar sign two back slash per hour garage parking over the garage very simple to the point I don't personally love banners on Sunset Drive I think the city like many cities suffers from sign pollution but you want to throw a banner over Sunset Drive um do the same exact thing and if you want to frame it again less is more but white as well two of the city logos on either side it's a wider Banner but that's it simple to the point you're not giving away parking like originally suggested but at least it's a at least it's a discount there is a benefit to parking in the garage your car is not baking in if there's one benefit other than potentially reduced reduced rate it's uh not going to be 100 degrees when you especially if you have a black car when you get in that car right it's not sitting in the sun so I suggested this so we don't keep having this conver conversation about whether it should be free or free for how long or free for certain businesses it's a uh it's the same price for everybody comments colleagues and if you like it we'll give direction to the city manager and our parking director what what sorry just reducing parking yes you're recognized what was the rate that it was a couple of months ago when it was reduced it was free no for the holidays no I 50150 a150 okay then it went up to three yeah when it was three then we went down to 150 well originally originally it was three right three it was the same yeah it was the same why it was the same everywhere then we went down to 150 and now you're saying just round round numbers just round numbers to round it off okay I just to make three now just yeah okay I'm doing this honestly for the benefit of the rest of the commission's interest just to sort of adjust your concern in the inter term but it's it's entirely up to up to you I just suggested this for the commission that would the members of the commissioned look I I think personally I'm you know the garage could be free the garage could be $3 I think the utilization is probably not going to be much more robust which is ultimately what I think the objective of having the Improvement is s um you know my my bigger concern I was beating up the manager and and Mr riveral earlier today on parking enforcement so um frankly I think that's where we need to spend our time energy and effort this is a nice thing but it's not going to change the perception of the district at all here's the difference mayor nobody ever knew whether it was $3 or free and forget about the dollar they didn't know that either now clear me simple messaging they'll know that that's the difference and they and they probably still won't use it as my point so but but but I but but there was a different nobody even knew but I I appreciate I appreciate what you're trying to do which is try to get us to a final place on this issue so we're not wasting time talking about it yeah I I I don't commercially I don't mind it I think that but it needs to add some stuff I I'm going to go talk to I had a meeting coming up with the owner well the co-owner of the parking garage on a couple different other aspects of parking so if you don't mind i' rather I'd rather talk to him about a couple other projects that we can bring in with this and maybe we can just kind of really start getting it down and Landing that plane so I I appreciate I was going to work on that as well so I don't have an answer for that yet and and and I don't think it can hurt I just think that you know to the mayor's Point as well I don't know what kind of utilization we can get we really have to just hope hope for density as the years go on and we add more units there that that the parking and the Street's going to be unavailable and people are going to use the garage I think that's where the utilization is going to come in and on on the subject uh you know one of the issues with the garage is the uh is the upkeep the uh the construction workers at the the uh mixed use Market project are just the trashing the stairwell they need to be responsible for maintaining that for cleaning that do we have the full of concrete through mayor sorry do we still have the cameras and all that stuff has that been implemented we do yeah yeah okay we do yeah the garage um we're going twice a day and contractor is also a going by but they track as you mentioned they track all that uh back to the garage from the site um we've recently made some improvements and painted and but I know Public Works is going there twice a day but there's a lot that comes from that project um in their boots and and so forth so it's a challenge it's not the city's fault but they're a good partner I'm sure they'd be more than happy to take care of that okay further questions on this item comments direction do we do we want to at least straw poll it would we be happy with the $2 so the commissioner GA has something to hold with his part or look I think we're going to have a conversation on is April 16th Mr riveral on parking or globally so I think if you could address it a part of that as part of that April 16th at 11:00 p.m. 11 11:15 I won't be here for 11:15 we're going to ex move to extend 11:02 we're going to move to extend oh man maybe 11:45 just we go all the way down to the wire by but uh so why don't we why don't we pick up the item then so okay just closing comments remarks anyone I have I have one item I just want to highlight yes may the yes sir go ahead the referendum yes so we we just got uh final results the item passed so congratulations to all of us thank you for your work um I wanted to ask the manager one congratulate staff on a fantastic Easter egg event uh was slammed I couldn't find parking I drove around for forever my sister and my my niece went they had a fantastic time so I got the reviews from them so kudos to all you for your great work the unity Festival as well to the black black cultural Affairs committee thank you for putting the event together with our support uh to our kick Ballers thank you for a valiant effort again this year unfortunately we came up a little short but it was all good fun and again we raed some raised some much needed money for Cystic Fibrosis research which ultimately is the purpose for getting together and and and supporting the event and lastly on one sub of item uh as I was canvasing for today's ballot item particularly the Marshall Williamson neighborhood where they've begun the FPL undergrounding of the overhead lines just noting the RightWay is not in good shape after that work's done sidewalks are damaged uh the rights the streets you know have have been cut not been repaired these may be interim repairs just want to ask the manager if you could please I'll send you some pictures just do an inventory let's have some conversation with FPL about about how they intend to correct the conditions in the RightWay once the work is completed you know it's now starting to touch other parts of the city as well and I just suspect we're going to start getting more complaints from people about the conditions that they remain as they are certainly in that neighborhood as well okay comments questions reports nothing yes ma'am so me connect people anybody who's seeing these things in the streets so connect yes good way to do it yeah okay with that we stand a journ thank you yeah that was e e