Mr bonds okay great you're live great thank you so much good evening it's 6:31 p.m. and I'd like to call the November 27th Fergus implementation special committee committee meeting of the South Orange maplehood Board of Education to order Mr Burnside can you please take the roll call Board member Nubia Deval Wilson present board member Regina aert here board member bill gford board member Alysa malespina board member Coe telesford here board member Arun vad lamani here board member Courtney Winfield board president Caitlyn Caitlyn whtl here board member Johanna right present thank you thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all you okay the Schoolboard meeting oh sorry please take note that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner a written notice was sent from theice Office of the secretary of the board at 9:10 a.m. on November 17th 2023 that said notice was sent via email to mwood and South Orange Township clerks and the editors of the news record Star Ledger tapen tooma and the Village Green the school board meeting is a business meeting in public and not a meeting with the public oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with Administration and the superintendent to ensure that the members fully understand the matter after the committee discusses the matter it is then shared with the other board members for consideration only then is it placed on the agenda for board discussion and action at a public meeting tonight is our second first implementation special committee meeting I want to start off by thanking Dr Gilbert and the administration for their work around implementation of the Fergus recommendations one of the first steps Dr Gilbert took as Acting Superintendent was to schedule a meeting with Dr Fergus and the District administration to review the district's implementation plans that were presented to the board during the October 30th meeting tonight Dr Gilbert will update the board on how the initial meeting went and he will discuss any potential modifications that are being made to the district's implementation plans as a result of that meeting we will also receive an update on the monitoring process too after the district presentation we will have one public speaks portion of the meeting and then the board will adjourn the public meeting so with that I will turn it over to Dr Gilbert thank you president Whit letter members of the board members of SLT who are with us thank you all who are also watching uh online with us this evening um I'm going to attempt to uh share my screen uh I did decide to do a brief presentation which I will share with the board and we will make available tomorrow uh just to kind of guide us along our discussion today so okay I hope you all can see my screen um so this is the second part of our um report on the implementation of the Fergus recommendations or the Ruckers report as we call it I showed this particular slide uh when I when I did the first one and I just wanted to reiterate that this slide just really talks about what is guiding us through this process it's found on page eight of the executive summary which talks about how we have to Center this work on the the needs of our black and latinx population and our free and reduced lunch El eligible families also keeping in mind that as we do this work we will be very intentional about trying to create spaces for families students Educators to have discussions because we want people to know that this this work is in the benefit of all of us and that you know we want to make sure everyone can understand what we're doing also be part of the process which also helps us to build trust this is actually a new slide because what I did fail to put in the previous one I just wanted to reiterate that at the bottom of that page uh Dr Fergus talks about how these recommendations are designed to put us on a trajectory to have fully integration or to have this thing implemented within the next three to five years I also thought it was good to put this slide here is because when we met with Dr Fergus on the 21st of November he really talked to us about how you know fully full implementation is around a fiveyear uh process uh to kind of get that done and so keeping that at the Forefront that we do this work is important I know that people are probably looking at this and going now we're waiting again but we are going to be having internal discussions about what are things we can do in the present to try to narrow many of those gaps that uh people have that the the lawsuit speaks to that Dr Fergus spoke to in his report and so you know there are several things we're going to work on to take care of some of the immediate things that we need to do in order to start narrowing the gaps that are pretty prevalent which led to uh you know the lawsuit but which also were identified heavily by Dr Fergus in his report as I share with you on the 30th I'm going to always have this slide when we do our presentation the all the next several slides these are the recommendations however I'm not going to read them each time so I'm not going to read them now but these are the curriculum and instruction recommendations there were seven of those recommendations these are intervention recommendations they primarily dealt with our inrs process and of all of the recommendations I think we're the furthest along in implementing these four recommendations and this is one that we're fully in the process of working through right now um really helping our leaders develop that tiered system but also really put a lot of work in helping to um normalize our r inrs processes and now in the process of monitoring those to make sure uh that we uh are doing what we're supposed to be doing and so um I think of all the areas this is the area that you're going to see the greatest growth and the greatest work and we're hoping to start seeing some great impactful uh um things happen following uh with that work that we've done with inrs these are the seven recommendations that deal with the pedagogical uh capacity with an equity lens these really are uh down are really about how we're going to help build our staff capacity to actually be great stewards of this work that we're doing and how we're going to help to make sure we are supporting our students uh and giving them opportunities to also uh grow but also make sure our educators are in a position to provide all of those uh whole school supports but most importantly be able to meet the needs from a culture responsive standpoint for our young people and then finally uh there were five uh intentional uh integration uh recommendations and uh one of the things that has happened since October 30th meeting uh we have had our first meeting with the ales group to go over some of these and there will be a next step in where I'm going to have the members from the ALS group sit down with Dr Fergus who he's also agreed to meet with to kind of help us really teee out a process going forward to pres present these this this model this 3 to five year model and implementation of those recommendations if you remember when I did the present in October 30th on October 30th we hadn't quite figured out what those look like so part of that process is going to be having uh the alss group and Dr Fergus connect so that we can start moving forward and we hope to get that that meeting together uh real soon so uh some of the things that want to highlight since the since our meeting uh the last time uh as our board president duly noted uh a group of leaders from our SLT met with Dr Fergus on November 21st it was an inperson meeting um and he really uh prior to coming into that meeting we also sent him a draft of our implementation plan that we presented on the 30th so he had a opportunity to really look through it he offered no revisions to the plan at this time because what he really wanted us to focus on and what we spent our hour together with him talking about was what does successful implementation look like in other words how are we going to go about making sure that when we Implement these recommendations they are going to be actually effective and successful uh for our young people going forward so here are the five stages of implementation in terms of he's done several Equity audits here on our district with the last one happening in June and so what that also provided us is number two which was an outline of where we want to go so looking at the um Equity audit that he provided us that gives us our road map to what are the things that he suggested we can do as a school system uh to meet the needs of our uh our bipod students uh um number three is installation what are the infrastructure pieces needed for successful implementation and sustainability and this is one of the reasons why he did not offer many revisions to our plan because he he put very strong emphasis on the fact that the first thing we need to do is make sure we have in place the infrastructure pieces for this implementation to be sustainable right so to make sure we have two main buckets were around a data infrastru infrastructure so that we're able to capture the much needed data that we need in order to make sure we are narrowing gaps paying attention to details and being able to uh continue to meet the needs of our our students but then he also talked a lot about making sure we have that professional development in infrastructure he really felt like these were the two big pieces of the pot that we needed to make sure we spent time developing because these are the two that really lead to more sustainability and when he talked about professional development piece he talked about not only being a uh the model of lecturing and giving out information but looking at how we want to model what it is we need our Educators to do for for our young people and also looking at the practice that they have um uh in in their classes and in in schools and what they're doing uh in their schools and then uh really making sure that you know we build um a successful Workforce with the capacity to uh be as culturally responsive as possible to our students of color and then the initial implementation so once you have that infrastructure in place you can really begin with some solid implementation plans I highlighted these two in blue in that he identified for us and we pretty much figured out that where we're lying at right now are in between three and four right now so we're in the process of really looking at our infrastructure pieces making sure we have them them where they need to be and then we're looking also at our initial implementation of things to get there we'll probably be in these middle two spaces throughout the duration of really trying to build out his implementation plan he wanted to put emphasis on that because number five which is sustainability is only grown out of if you have the infrastructure in place and if you've done a good job of effectively implementing the things that you want to put in place that's what builds sustainability and so that fifth part that sustainability part can't come in until we are fully implementing uh the the recommendations that he that he's given us so um and that's what this slide kind of highlights so what's next uh towards uh moving towards implementation first uh going to have a meeting with our internal implementation team the members of our SLT who met with Dr Fergus to really look at year one in a strategy that that we pulled out so when we presented the plan to you we had it broken down years one two and three four and five really going back and looking at the things we said we wanted to do in excuse me in year one to make sure we have put the proper emphasis on building that infastructure that he talked to us about primarily uh looking at any data infrastructure pieces we need and our professional development infrastructure pieces as he suggested to us on the 21st uh um our President also mentioned the fact that we getting an update on the monitoring plan uh we are supposed we're scheduled to meet quarterly with our monitor who is Justice Wallace and at that meeting will be representatives from the black parents workshop and their legal representation Dr Fergus myself and other possible representative of our district but also our attorney will be there where he will get updated on what we're doing through implementation so far our first meeting is scheduled to be in December I think tentatively right now it's scheduled for December 14th and in that particular meeting we'll probably just outline the things that we showed you on October 30th and talk a little bit about you know him coming to our district to talk to us uh on the 21st and just to give Justice Wallace uh the indication that he need that we are being serious about uh moving our implementation forward um also plan to set up a followup meeting with Dr for Dr Fergus and our leadership in January since we're meeting in quarterly in December I felt like we didn't have to bring him back in December to meet so we'll do our quarterly meeting with him in in um December our first quarterly meeting with him in December and then in January I'm going working going to work to bring him back where we can actually start helping us dig through that year one and those year one processes that we put down in that strategic plan because there are some things we need to get immediately started on so that when we come back to you at the end of this school year we can have some definitely uh uh areas of success to show that our implementation is moving forward and finally in January of that report that we present every year uh based on the the lawsuit where we have to talk about our enrollment data for our district and not only the district in general but also in our higher level classes and that's broken down demographically and also by gender uh that presentation will happen uh in January as well so those are the next four uh next steps uh that that would come out of what's next for us to do this work and I think that's it uh Madame President so I can stand for any questions that uh the members of the board may have for me at this time sorry I was muted thank you so much Dr Gilbert and team um we really appreciate that I'll start with turning it over to see if I have any board questions Miss Deval Wilson thanks thank you Dr Gilbert that was great um it's good to see that we are bringing all parties together um so thank you for doing that and and I love that there's next steps with future meetings um so I only had two things one was um you remember we had this document that had all the columns in it what was in the settlement are is this document going to continue to be updated for the board to track progress that's the first question yes absolutely so we've got like several documents running right now we have that document that you just pointed out and we have our actual implementation plan document what we actually tried to do was make sure the initial things that we put in that first document that's available to the public matched up with some of the things that we were doing in our long a long plan so next what we'll have to do is add things to that public facing document that you just showed us so that it's consistent with where we're going but yes that document is living and breathing and we will make sure it gets updated so the public can know what's going on towards our implementation planning okay that's great that that document is really helpful um the only other thing I was going to comment on um you said during the November 21 meeting um Dr Fergus mentioned that um wanted to know like what the successful implementations look like and I think that goes back to um the smart goals that you all were putting together for all the phases and some of those smart goals still need to be finalized a little bit with some deadlines and I think we talked about like measuring success at the last um committee meeting so um so yeah I would agree with him and I think as you dig into fa into Year One one um that will that will be one of the things that I would like to see is that those smart goals are are honed in a little bit more maybe with some specific deadlines or I think we had said like what does it mean from like an achievement standpoint or from a number standpoint how do we quantify some of the goals um so that we can understand how we're how we're improving or or how we're meeting the goal in the end so thank you absolutely thank you and sorry AR board member badani I see your hands up but I just wanted to ask because I want to piggy back off of what um Nubia just said Dr Gilbert did he mention like should there be academic achievement data points that throughout this like 3 to five year installation implementation phase that is did he mention there's things that we should be looking at to measure the success of the work that's getting done so he didn't give us any specific targets at this time not to not to say that he's not going to do that I think his purpose for November 21 was to really focus our attention in making sure we're looking at those stages of implementation and make sure we have those stages in our mind especially the infrastructure pieces what he talked about data uh specifically was in order for us to be successful we've got to we have to make sure we have the data infrastructure in place that can help us monitor our successes and our failures right and so that's going to be some conversations we're going to have going up I I was meeting with our assistant superintendent today and uh and zoa in in in in uh in our uh in the cni office today and that was a huge conversation of ours uh we are gonna have to do something about our data warehouse I see Keith on the screen cringing every time he hears us talk about this but we we're going to have to do something about our data warehousing because he that was one of the first things he talked about we've got to have a way to collect this data in a more intentional way so and a userfriendly way too right because we want our leaders to be able to use the data this data doesn't just need to be designed for us to pull together things and then present to the board it has to be usable data uh that our that our principles can use that our teachers can use and so right now we have performance matters uh performance matters is uh tricky I'm going to use that word and uh but we know that there are other data warehouses out there that uh are more user friendly and so um you we will be looking for so when we talk about this document being a living and breathing document you all ask for uh possible resource recommendations well that's one of the things why we have to keep that open because as we have these conversations with Dr Ferguson as we look towards what building that infrastructure looks like we may have to add some ass to what those resources may go and I know one of the first initial ask to honor this whole infrastructure building will be around a data warehouse and get and getting us a data warehouse that can help us handle that the other big piece of it and I know you just talked about data but we have to also coincide with that professional development piece uh because he's also put emphasis on that because we need to make sure that we're building the capacity toward that sustainability of our staff and who have the most direct contact with our young people so those two kind of things work together no I think it's helpful to have the time frame to manage I mean you guys have a lot on your plate with all these recommendations but to manage District's expectations the board's expectations the community's expectations because I know we want this work to happen overnight but to do it thoroughly and to do it well and one of the first conversations that you and I had was that the sustainability piece right we want this work to actually make a dent and to actually improve um outcomes for all students so I think that it's just knowing that this three to five timeline 3 to five year timeline um is what is sort of expected is helpful so that we we can get it right um so I will I see it was board member vman and then Dr telesford so Dr Gilbert I remember I I if I heard you right you said you were going to be meeting with the monitor on December 21st and uh at that point I'm sure you will have bunch of documents reports you know whatever data sets whatever it is can you share that with the board before you you know go to the monitor so at least we have a a first look at all of that yeah absolutely and you already have have have it all but I'll just give it all to you all so you can all have one Collective packet the things that we will present to the Mantra would be the implementation planning document that Miss dval Wilson showed the three to five year plan document that we have already presented those will probably be the main two pieces but we definitely will make sure anything that we go before the monitor with we'll make sure we put in your hand so you can know uh what what it is we're that we're going to be looking at well thanks you're welcome and uh just a correction it's December 14th if I say the 21st that was a slip on my part but we're meeting with the monitor on December 14th Dr telesford yes um I know we're talking about the data infrastructure back in July we just had a a vendor come in to give a presentation on a possible um infrastructure that was more user friendly that could be used by ad Administration and by teachers um do we have I guess a I guess a not timeline but have we had any more discussions about that software package because that was the same meeting where Dr Fergus came to our meeting he spoke to us about I guess building up a data infrastructure and also building a data plan so I think those are two things that go very well hand inand that we should we start looking at those software packages and also start thinking about what the data plan will be um yes that would definitely be one I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry where you finished Dr tell us for it up sorry sorry something happened on my my audio okay yeah go ahead yeah just it'll be important for us to take a temperature on the district every now and then so just have a data plan set for that and also looking at the software package that we talked about in July so yes uh the the software that that software package would be one of the ones but we were also going to try to open up for a couple of other ones just so we can have a real clear look at uh what what else is out there so we can find a package that meets the needs that we uh that that we need to have so but that data package is not off the table it it'll be one of the ones we will also be considering and I wrote down your suggestion about having a data plan and what that looks like and so we'll take that back as a team and kind of Flesh that out because while we're work waiting on a data warehouse and this is one thing I talked about in the earlier meeting this afternoon we still got to keep the work moving and so we may not like performance matters at this time but it's what we have right now and so we still got to figure out how to make that work and the other things work because like I said there are still uh things we have to do to meet the needs of our students and so that's part of our infrastructure plan now but we want to make sure we have like I say the the right Warehouse to help us do all the things that we need done to support our young people qua is that an old hand that's an old hand thank you yeah thank you do we have oh go ahead I just have a this is more of like an administrative question did are we doing Recaps of these Like official Recaps like we do with all of our other committees because I don't I don't remember if we did last time but I'm just so used to all of our committees we know we have our wups after so I mean I'm taking notes um I just didn't know if we were formally going to do that with these or how that was going to work that's a good idea should we be doing might want to add it to the um committee report outs for our main meeting just very supposed to it's in the resolution yeah but we never like we never actually said this person is going to do a recap this person so I don't know if that's something we want to talk about now or later but you know me I'm always taking notes um obviously we can use um Dr Gilbert's presentation as part of a recap but um there should be a we haven't had a board meeting since the first committee meeting was October 30th now this one so we would have to do two readouts which is fine yeah that's true okay any other questions okay so we will thank you so much for that um we really appreciate it we are now going to move on to the um hearings of individuals and delegates thank you to folks on the line here I think we have about five of you folks um for joining us this evening the board has time limits by policy so each individual will be given 3 minutes to speak and um please do your best to stay within the time afforded to you so we will start with uh Charlie drer hi my name is Charlie Drexler and I'm a junior at Columbia I am the treasurer for kg Nation the social media representative for the class of 2025 and the captain of vars field hockey as a sophomore I was diagnosed with a language disorder that mainly affects my short-term memory and Rapid recall I was given a 504 plan with extra time accommodations and it helped me raise my grades and gain more confidence in the classroom I was able to use the period conference period to complete assignments and tests and I didn't have to miss any of my class Peri periods to attend games when it was announced over the summer that conference was moving to period one I was instantly worried my ninth period class was honors chemistry and I knew I would miss at least 10 periods of this class for away games how could I keep up with the hard work of an honors class with that many absences I couldn't teach myself chemistry to catch up and I felt like I was being set up to fail as I expected I quickly fell far behind in this class and and in other classes as a result my teacher Miss Booker has been amazing as supportive wherever she could and even came to a game to cheer me on but the cards have been stacked against me from the beginning progress reports were released and I was failing this class to help you understand how this works in real life I will share two examples for instance if I miss a class on Tuesday to leave for an away game and the teacher's next available conference period was on Thursday I would sit in Wednesday's class completely lost or if I had to take a test on Tuesday and I needed to use my extra time and the teacher's next available conference period wasn't for two days I would struggle to retain this information due to my language disorder I know how important my junior year grades are for my college applications but because of this schedule change and the fact that my 504 accommodations aren't readily available to me I will spend the rest of the year trying to salvage my grades I would like the board to understand that all athletes are being punished by this new schedule we are not getting the extra sleep we need instead we are having even longer days because we have to use period one to make up for the class classes that we missed when we had away games I have friends who play three Sports and I don't know how they are expected to be successful I also think that teachers who coach are put in a no- win situation my coach teaches AP level classes and has a ninth period class that is affected when we have an away game other teachers coach two sports and will be out of the classroom more than 20 times in a school year how can that work I would like the board to understand that all students with 504s are being punished by this new schedule we cannot access our extra time accommodations if we have to wait so long to complete a test I feel like the decision to move the conference periods didn't take into account all the students who need support I would like the board to help us by returning the schedule to have a period n conference at the start of second semester it is not too late to change things so that all students have an equal chance of being successful in their classes this year thank you thank you so much Charlie we appreciate you coming on next up is Terry Adams hello hi hi Terry hi I don't think I'm on video but can you hear me yeah we can hear you don't have to be on video either okay okay um so I am I have two daughters at Colombia uh both played tennis uh one on varsity who's a junior Claire and one on JV Shay and yes they both had to miss I would say six to eight ninth period classes in the fall for away tennis matches sometimes even part of eighth depending on how far away the match was if it was you know 45 minutes to an hour away um you know and it's they missed a lot of class Claire had honest honor Spanish for um you know it proceeds at a pretty quick Pace the whole class is in Spanish um so when she was away um you know there's no slowing down it's just okay turn in the work when you get back but you've missed the class um yeah so I just I think last year when there was a conference period ninth then you know at least for those kids who didn't take nine periods you didn't miss a whole class you had to duck out of eth a little early for an away game away match but uh this year right it really penalizes the student athletes which I feel is unfortunate because obviously Colombia you know otherwise supports their athletes um and again my daughters play one sport potentially The Freshman may do track but I can't even imagine if there were three and how many classes that would be um you know so I I I do hope that they revisit this and I I guess the answer is returning the conference period to period nine the other thing I wonder about is pushing the start time of away games to later but I realize that's not just a Columbia issue it's a district issue uh with you know the other schools we play um but yes I would definitely like the the district to look into this um as soon as possible thank you thank you Terry we now have Jennifer Paganini hello do you hear me yes we can okay hi um I don't think I'm on video either but I'll just um jump right to it I know as the other speakers I'm certainly concerned with the schedule change um that was made you know really at the 11th Hour um before the start of the school year and I'm you know really struggling to understand sort of the contradictions that are going on right we've we've established a a a vice principle to handle attendance for students there's a a hyperfocus on attendance for our students but yet we've created a schedule that will impact our student athletes um and will require them to not be in attendance of all of their classes not be in attendance of all of their classes um you know it's you know it is the administration's you know role to ensure that our students at all academic levels not all kids Excel um and can play catchup during a conferencing period um you know it is the administrator's job to ensure that these students are getting the instruction that they need that is required by state law and creating this schedule where you know a large percentage of our student athletes will be missing um courses just is really unfathomable to me um you know my my child is um you know an aspiring baseball player he's been looking forward to playing for Columbia High School um for as long as I can remember he's also quite dedicated to his studies and these two passions are clearly at odds he's set to miss 10 um world history 2 honors classes um come the spring you know these classes are quickly paced and really nothing can recreate the the academic environment like a classroom we can't pretend that the conference um period will will do the same and you know on top of that I just worry about sort of what we're teaching our children and these mixed messages you know we sit in these meetings and the coaches underscore the importance of academics to be eligible to play a sport how academics is sort of the Cornerstone of these athletes yet we're putting them in a position to put that um to make that compromised um and to miss this period nine I've sent letters to Mr Sanchez and Miss D porfo they've gone unanswered and you know my rally call to them is the same as it is to you today to put the students first to put a schedule that puts the students academics at the Forefront um we know we can make last minute changes we did it when this was changed during the summer and I ask that um this be reconsidered um for the start of the next uh semester thank you thank you Jennifer we have next Maran Rob Maran yes hi can you hear me yeah we can hear you now hi good evening and thank you for letting me speak my name is Marian RAB and I live in Maplewood and my uh almost 17-year-old son is a junior at Colombia and also has special needs uh he is he has mild CP uh I am also the CPAC liaison to CHS and I wanted to bring up um another group of students who I think are being uh very heavily impacted unfortunately by the decision to move the conference period from first Peri from ninth excuse me from n9th period to first period and those are uh all of our special needs students students with IEPs and section 504s who have extra time written into their IEPs or 504s on exams um I think uh we have a really serious potential legal liability situation here too because asking speal our special needs kids who as we all know are among the most vulnerable students in our district to wait until the next day if that even happens because apparently now we only have conference periods on Monday Wednesdays and Thursdays and uh I know my son himself were was able to go to ninth period to finish tests and exams uh when he was a freshman and a sophomore pretty much any day on Ninth period uh but right now we've limited the conference periods to uh Monday Wednesday and Friday and um it is not working well for our special needs students and uh that is an understatement um I implore the board to and principal Sanchez who I have met with with other CPAC representatives to move the conference period perod back to 9th I think there are so many unintended consequences unfortunately for this move which I believe was done in good faith to help our to help ninth graders but um my Lane is Special Needs students and our special needs students are being um dis have this is has is having a severe disparate impact on special needs kids to ask them to come back the next morning to take an exam is not appropriate under the individuals with disabilities in Education Act and I fear the district is opening itself up to a class action lawsuit uh on this matter because it is in my humble opinion not appropriate to ask our special needs kids to do this especially if say they have an exam on a Thursday um are they supposed to wait until the next Monday to finish it I'm not sure and neither of the teachers it's caused a lot of havoc and a lot of stress um among our most vulnerable population of students uh it's not just the sports kids and I really feel for them too who who are being impacted by this it's um all of our special needs students who have an accommodation for extra time on exams and once again I know I'm at the end of my time thank you for listening and I implore the board and Mr s and and principal Sanchez to switch this back in January um um once again I think we're opening ourselves up to another um lawsuit and I hope that I hope in my heart that that doesn't have to happen thank you for letting me speak and have a good evening thank you Maran our last public speaks is Beth Constantino hello Hey Beth we can hear you okay hi um one second here let me find my notes so I'm Beth centino resident of Maplewood I have two children in the district um I'm speaking tonight regarding the list of recommendations by Dr burgus specifically under the intervention recommendations number three um which says develop a list of tiered interventions for academic and behavioral support well it say says academic behavioral support but I'm assuming it's academic and behavioral um so I'm I'm interested in learning who will be developing the tiered interventions for Behavioral support and what that looks like um and how that will be conveyed to parents um and how you'll do it at each level um preschool elementary middle and high school we've seen that um how behaviors are addressed is drastically different dependent on the school and educator and we talk a lot about school climate and culture and restorative practice but we continue to see and hear about punitive measures um taken towards students so I hope when this um recommendation and um this list is being developed that the appropriate people are in the room um working on it and uh I just wanted to um voice and express that so thank you thank you Beth so that concludes public speaks right Mr bons I didn't miss anyone I don't think I'm G to double check no it looks all good okay thank you so much so we are now moving on to the new business portion of the meeting is there any new business this evening okay and I apologize I have a lot of background noise happening up here right now sorry about that um seeing none I'm going to close new business and with that I'd like to make the following motion the board of school estimate will be held tomorrow Tuesday November 28th 2023 at 6 p.m. and the Board of Education will also meet in public session on Thursday November 30th 2023 at 6:30 p.m. this meeting will be held virtually may I have a second thank you board member Deval Wilson all in favor okay that appears to be animous and now I would like to make a motion to adjourn this committee meeting on Monday November 27th at 7:18 p.m. May I have a second thank you board member eert all in favor okay great meeting is adjourned thank you everyone and we will see you two more times this week thanks so much bye