##VIDEO ID:2494jrHZjv8## to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Mr B here Mr Chapman Mr here Mr J on the other side Mr here Mr Pender here Mr cleberg here Mr Casio here Mr P here in accordance with terms of Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting is posted in old school buildings the administration building bur clerk's office Public Library three newspapers and D on January 8 2024 please be advised there's no spoking on school grounds inside or outside at any time please silence all electronic devices in pursuance District policy number 0167 each statement made by a participant shall be limited to 3 minutes duration and no par no participant may speak more than once in the same conference thank you superintendent's report thank you Mr peni uh this evening joining us as our student representative is Maria pet Maria is currently a South planfield High School senior class president she has been involved in softball here at school kids the mental health awareness club and a member of the National Honor Society welcome Maria when you're ready good afternoon everyone my name my name is Maria KET and I the senior class president I'm also a part of the Spanish and National Honor societies as well as an officer of the mental health club so far this year I've been enjoying my senior privileges getting various club meetings and I also attended some of our sporting events on the topic of the sports the field hockey team is 8 and 7 with this Union night coming up this Friday the football team is 2 and 5 coming up with a great win against new frun so far the season the color guard and marching band are undefeated and are ringed first in the entire division additionally our color C guard was given the auxiliary award and the drum line was given the percussion award coming up this weekend will be the region for the marching band and color card the boys soccer team is the blue division Champions with an undefeated season in the greater middle sex conference the girls tennis team is 5-8 and the volleyball team is 9-9 with three more scheduled games to play the boys and girls cross country teams have also had successful Seasons so far both winning their division the gymnastics team is also having a very good season and are currently on a four me winning Street on October 2nd our homecoming dance took place at the Grand centurum on the same day a successful blood drive which was run through the American Red Cross took place right here in our information center during that same week on Friday October 4th the senior sunz took place on L CL field having one of the biggest turnouts that we have seen so far additionally a spirit week was also ran with different days including a bamba day Jersey day class colors and a '90s 2000th day this week there has been a lot happening in our school today PSAT testing was conducted in the morning for junior sophomores and some freshman at the same time seniors came into school for our cap and gown orders one of the many important steps we have to take in orders will walk at graduation in June since the cap and gown orders went by quickly there was enough time to listen to a guest speaker who was also a former student at SPS additionally the counseling department is hosting a college cost planning seminar this Thursday October 17th at 6:30 p.m. in the high school auditor registration is required weekly reminders and sign up were provided to the families via sport any questions can be directed to the students guidance counsel the week of the 21st is school violence Awareness Week on October 22nd a representative from Zar will be at the school for any Juniors and seniors who would like to purchase a class bring on October 23rd underclassman will be able to make up their school pictures and on November 5th senior retakes will take place during the last week of October where colleges will be coming to the high school for instant decision week lastly schools will be closed on November 7th and 8th for teachers convention the school year has been off to a great start and I cannot wait to see what is in store for the rest of the year thank you thank you Maria we also have a presentation tonight from uh Miss Mesa assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction and she's going to be providing information on advanced placement in njsla data thank you Dr Mar your I everyone very T in on the things you were reporting on so let's see if I can hold the same captive audience as we move through this um the enthusiasm is thank you all right so we are going to go through our njsla scores as well as our Advanced pleasement scores so some of our goals for tonight I'll Define that in jsla explain scoring contextualize our scores a little bit and then disaggregate our scores for subgroup data um both ethnic and racial data as well as program and we also identify action steps um and some of our plans moving forward to help our students achieve even higher levels and then we'll talk through our advanced placement soures so we've been working with the njsla for quite a long time this is an assessment that's given in English language arts grades 3 through 9 as well as mathematics 38 along with course subject Assessments in Algebra 1 Algebra 2 and geometry we also have science ra 5 8 and 11 the scoring is Level 1 2 3 four and five with levels four and five U being considered passing so I'm going to move through the scores fairly quickly um there's nothing huge to report on in terms of our performance levels for ELA grades 3 through 99 um they're consistent with scores in the past there's a more comprehensive presentation that includes cohort data that will be posted online but what I would like to do is focus more so on our subgroup data so when you move to the slide focusing on subgroup by race I would like to point out and I'm proud to be able to say on an annual basis that historically underperforming subgroups perform relatively well compared to their peers in South l so this is something that our entire School District should be incredibly proud of however we're noticing now if you move to the next slide when we start talking about sub Group by program you'll notice something very different and specifically in um English language arts as well as in the Science assessment these are more um text heavy right different than mathematics so we have to start focusing a little bit more on non-fiction and informational text because you can see here uh that our elll now considered a multilingual population as well as our special education students um are not succeeding in the same way as other subgroups are so I would like to point that out as we move forward for mathematics um we're looking at a similar distribution as we have in the past Algebra 1 always Soares above um as soon as students switch into Algebra 1 and e8th grade their performance levels are often much higher than they are for um eth grade math so that's the discrepancy between the two again historically that is fairly common as we move forward with mathematics subgroup data you'll see this is different than it was for ELA so both for the subgroup um data by race and then the subgroup data by program you'll notice that our elll multilingual and special population are performing better than they are in ela so it's just something to take note of as we move forward um the Science assessment is given in grades 5 8 and 11 so you have the district distribution of achievement level here that you can see um the science scores are not as high as our Ela and Mathematics scores something to note about this Science assessment it's not an end of course assessment so when you're looking at the math scores for grade seven for Algebra 1 or Ela 9 those are all things that are contained and taught within one grade level when you're looking at science it's done based upon grade spans so when you sit for the 11th grade Science assessment it's a comprehensive exam of everything you would have seen in grades 9 10 and 11 and across the sea we find that students have a harder time um retrieving and Performing the data that's Cross grade span so that is the explanation as to why science is not as high as the other areas um but as I mentioned before or in looking at the sub group data we're again finding that our multi Global Learners as well as our special ed population are not performing at the level of their peers in other areas so something to focus on we have had an increase in our multilingual population from 2022 to 2024 we've increased our district population from 128 to 194 students so some things that we've done in District to support our teachers um we've increased our scop training so teachers now are trained well have been consistently but we are increasing the pool of teachers who are trained to have support strategies so that multilingual Learners who are in general education class settings will have appropriate supports um we also then break things down so there's targeted instruction using multiple data points so we're not just looking at the njsla we use districtwide diagnostic measures common grade and subject level assessments as well as classroom data we also have um data coaches so this is something new where data coaches have been hired and are in each of our schools so that they can help facilitate data analysis in the classrooms um I think the curriculum office has done a wonderful job Mr Sur and Dr Gman have been working very closely with the data coaches and in support with building Administration we've really gotten some good Traction in how we're training the data coaches which then in turn allows them to become experts in their subject area so they can assist teachers um as they're working through data and trying to unpack this because it is a lot to unpack um we also look at things uh collaboratively it says here right we review student performance and assessment materials we try to Contex dualized Benchmark progress um and we analyze students longitudinal data to get a picture of progress not in the moment but longitudinally over time so next up is advanced placement did anyone have any questions about nsla before moving on in the MultiLing population yes are we seeing that spread out across all age groups or is that tend to be more concentrated in elementary middle or High School we've seen an influx in K through 4 primarily that's a 50% increase it's a huge increase and then not only is it consistently in elementaries what has happened in the higher grade levels it's inconsistent timing and so that's something I know um Dr chany is talking extensively about with me and with our administrative Team how to best create situations where students who are coming in mid year have a great transition plan so that they can um come into the school ready to go because a lot of students have interrupted formal education so they're termed Scythe Scythe students students with interrupted formal education and it's really up to us to provide the training for ourselves as administrators as well as our teachers to ensure that we know how to break down our instruction enough so we can p it into what's happening and keep things moving um so moving along to Advanced plac our scores were awesome so our scores were the highest they've been in about 5 years um so talking through AP exams they're scored on a scale of 1 through five historically I've always reported out on the average score um College Board no longer reports out in that way so you'll notice that percentage of those who scored a four and a five so that's why it looks a little bit different um also before we jump into the scores there are some subject areas I wasn't able to report out on because they had less than 10 test takers and this doesn't allow you to report out because then you could identify the student so for calculus DC music theory Judy Art and Design physics C mechanics and search I don't have scores reported because we had under 10 students testing doesn't mean we less than 10 students take the test uh take the class it just means that they may not um so looking forward to our stem you see here biology physics one environmental calculus safety statistics and computer science the numbers and parentheses are the number of students we had in South cille taking the assessment and the percentages are the number of students who scored a four or five so in my biology 100% of our students um scored about three so that's pretty amazing the global average they no longer get a state average so you're looking at the global everyone who's taking an advanced placement exam was at 68% so as we go to the next slide um you'll see similar trends for our humanities so this is literature and composition language and compos English I'm sorry English L composition English language and composition then there's Spanish language and Psych ology again the numbers are next to them as to how many students took it and our performance level percentages are noted there and then one more slide for humanities where we're focusing on US History world history US government politics macroeconomics and seminar um and again we're we're doing one play across the board something to note for AP all of our Advanced polic courses exceeded Global performance averages so that's an absolutely wonderful thing to be able to report here in it's a testament to our admin team our teachers building administration at the high school I mean everyone really came together to support the kids um and looking at data really works so I'm excited to report that we also have a position um bronze Distinction on the a School honor rooll this is our second time getting that which means South cville High School had 50% of seniors who took at least one AP exam during High School 30% of seniors scoring a three or higher on at Le Le one AP exam and 5% of seniors who took five more AP exams so those are some notable mentions uh for Advance placement and then just in terms of data Trends and an action plan annually we do a correlation analysis between classroom grades and AP exams exam scores so that we can understand and talk to the teachers about classroom riger It's always important to know if you're sitting in an AP class and you get an A but then you're only getting a one or a two on the test right there's there's a disconnect there so we've worked very hard to ensure those correlation analyses happen annually and we have conferences with teachers to reflect on classroom riger um we also do longitudinal data looking through 10 years of assessment data um and then of course we work collaboratively with teachers and administrators to review the student performance and assessment materials to ensure our benchmarking matches the riger again of the College Board and the AP exams that is that State naal global global global thank you Mary and congratulations to our students and our teachers and administration everybody who works so hard and I Mary I don't remember exactly what you said but the sentiment was um looking at data really really works so we continue to focus on our our data analysis and I think our data coaches and all the work that they're doing in the um the curriculum instruction uh office is uh amazing so thank you um something for our parents and guardians of students currently enrolled in grades 4 8 and 11 the district will be um sending out information via the parent Guardian School registered email regarding an upcoming re-registration parents and Guardians will be required to provide the documentation to the district confirming that their child's information and residency is accurate for the South pville School District re-registration will open on November 4th and close December 6th if you have a child that's currently in grades 2 6 or 10 and just re-registered over the summer you're not required to participate um in the next re-registration for any of your other children that might be in grades 4 8 and 11 our system will allow us to tie those two together so we don't have to worry about that but please understand that this registration is not optional and it is required families must complete the reregistration process or their child will not be allowed back into school after the winter break it is important that the district verified the students residency to ensure that we are maintaining manageable class sizes and the services for all the students who live in our district so please keep your eye out for that free and reduced um our free uh breakfast and lunch program as of today Wednesday October 16th 2024 any family who is eligible for free breakfast and lunch to the state and federal program and did not complete a new lunch application is no longer eligible it expired at the end of the day as of this morning that number was 106 families who have lost their eligibility ility for free breakfast and lunch please if you believe that you are eligible or need assistance uh you must complete the application it only takes about 5 minutes and could make a huge difference to your family the application can be found online on the district website or you can contact your school guidance counselor for assistance please make sure that you do this so that's um again for the 106 families who lost their eligibility today and it's not retroactive and then any family who believes that they could benefit from this please take a few moments and fill out the application um and just some information on our Halloween celebrations there are several Halloween celebrations planned in our schools for October 31st each school will provide their students parents and Guardians with information regarding acceptable costumes um and the information on any parades that they might be having in addition the PTO will be sending additional information for celebrations that they are planning to sponsor we realize not all students and families celebrate Halloween as the students are not obligated to participate in that activity alternate activities will be planned for any student who does not participate in Halloween please let your child teacher know in advance so that we can plan accordingly thank you I I have a question quick question how many students did we catch the first round that did not live here so I can't I I can't say um why people left but we 37% of the students who for whatever reason did not come back to the South clean Field School District in September were from grades 2 6 and 10 so I I don't have a reason why they left but they chose uh not to come back to our schools it was the highest percentage in those grade levels so I have to assume some of them did not live here thank you your comments on presentations Bri did a fantastic job I'm not surprised uh it's really a pleasure and an honor to see you up here representing the senior class you're doing a great job you're making everybody proud uh I'm very proud of knowing you almost your entire growing up and it's really you know you're doing a great job should be proud of yourself and um you know just Kudos it's not easy to come and sit there and speaking for all us and I think you did a great jobs sure I just want to thank Maria as well you did a fantastic job with the update and it's really important for us as board members to know what's going on in our schools so we thank you very much for that information back to did a great job bill again thanks Maria for the work so we know what's happening in the schools and I know was tough for you to sit up here for the first time but he did a great job I also wanted to commend the U the work by the teachers and the students to get the scores that uh M bisa presented tonight I know there was uh a lot of hard work inv it sh up in some of the scores there's room for improvement in some but I think the history of this district is when they see this work get done they dive in and do it so good luck in the future thank you for joining us tonight Maria uh and thank you for sharing the work that you and your peers are doing it's extremely important to to um come here and share the work that's going on in high school um so thank you uh thank you to to Mary on the great dat to presentation um and as Bill just said Thank you to our our students and teachers that are uh really going out there and getting after it and and Performing well doing their best to get the grades up um so great job all around Maria very nice job very articulate um in front of us now probably more articulate than one of us but a great job Mary good job staff everyone with the uh bronze local that's pretty impressive and um all right moving on uh session resolve pursu to the public meeting act at the board meeting close session at this time discuss confidential matters pertaining to Personnel attended by privilege and have motion to approve prior board minutes so move second second discussion Mr both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr here mrus yes Mr Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr cleberg Mr Casio Mr P yes a I move check both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr barel yes Mr gakis Mr Miller yes Mr peder yes Mr cleberg Mr CIO yes Mr yesy Personnel so move second discussion Mr V yes Mr Chapman yes Mr Fel yes Mr gakis yes Mrs Miller Mr Pender yes Mr tberg yes Mr CIO yes Mr P yes finance a through U Move second discussion both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr Pella yes Mr gakis Mr Miller Mr Pender yes Mr cleberg Mr Casio yes Mr P yes public comments good evening good evening my name is AR J and my address is on Delmore 6 I tell more you I moved in this Township last year we bought this house and we were staying before this in this C Township so last year my son was going to Grand school so he had a bus and this year he doesn't have a bus and uh neither there's a facility of after care for the middle school and uh so I had you know U I wanted to know like you know I did speak with transportation they say there's no subscription bus like you know if there are parents who are ready to pay like you know if there's a thing we can pay then there should be a facility for that or at least you should have the after care facility because when there are parents like you know I and my husband we work like so there's nobody like uh know it's like you know difficult even to get in getting a neighbor who can you know uh I mean in the morning we have to careful I mean I can draw both the kids but you know the dependency of having someone to pick the kid when her son wants to join a club and my son doesn't want to join a club particular Club because it will be a toll on the other parent that they have to drive twice so there should be something something in on the basis of humanity something as a provision in this Township an after care or something by the school wherein the working parents can breathe in the Rel because see it's not it's like I work in New York uh like I work in state and Island so I'm driving so the thing is you know driving this to the school when you have to look at the school buses and this route the the cars are going slow and then you have back of your mind or you have to reach in time so that is also a kind of thing which uh I mean which I think many of the working parents would be experiencing I had to leave a job which I hadn't parip for this reason because I could not fit my 8 hours in their schedule working from 8 to 5:30 because either I have to drop or and the drive to bar peni is something very far off in the traffic so the thing is you know there should be something when a Township at least give a provision of after care or something or your Club should have more space or some like you know that kind of thing and there still minutes well you had 30 seconds have 20 so there's this kind of so um mostly it would be helpful if there's a subscription bus when we are ready to pay we're ready to pay I mean it's something we are asking for because at the rout is Hazard I cannot make my child walk there's a railway track and the second thing there's no on the other way there's a transportation one thank you just press the button thank you hi good evening my name is T is 6en same for the K Transportation so we don't have SA rout uh to come here and what are option that make CH just press but again thank my name is LEL I live on all inter it's my third attempt on the same issue so just I just wanted to share a few facts look I have three kids two of them go to Roosevelt one goes to midd school I have no problem with my two kids going to Roosevelt because it's before care and after care and I'm willing to pay extra for it I have the same issue as many parents in that subdivision in that area of the city where we actually are not very comfortable with the roots and we do not see that the facilities as defined in the PWS that were shared by the district uh cover um we don't have alternates um we're really looking for a little bit of due diligence a little bit of diving deep and really getting our questions answered we don't feel like our questions were answered adequately we did look at AET bus list that Mr Casio sent to bunch of different parents those those buses saying you need to work with the school we have a petition with over 237 237 parents who signed it either currently Ed or going to be impacted we work with the we were told to go and work with the township we did work with the safety department there and ask them to put crossing guard which they have but still that's not enough uh we we will have issues during uh bad weather we have a bunch of parents and we're willing to work with you we're willing to pay for it I don't understand what we need to do to get more answers I don't know work with I don't know when or if we'll get a response we never I never received one from last time's event so I really don't know what to do um we did on D religious to find out how the township works and they ident they told us that there's a Safety Council they pointed us on the website it's supposed to have representation from the Board of Education we looked that up who's in the Committees Mr CIO you are in the committee that's that's correct traffic yes and we asked how do we get how can we how do we work with you to bring in laws that the bo of education has brought and how can you reasonably do this we're okay to even take time off we'll walk the route with you I invite this entire board to come and walk the roots our kids are supposed to walk through the different weathers where do we go next help us or we're just going to try to figure out different alternate needs to get someone to listen to us yeah yeah thank you uh first I wanted to uh congratulate the high school band and all their front groups for their success in their poll competitions I think they're undefeated and have all of a time and represented as sou plank Feld District also um as I serve on the board of education I'm also uh serve as the superintendant representative on the library board and at the recent meeting they discussed the Hispanic heritage day that they held Saturday October 5th and they specifically requested that I come back to the board of education and commend the the teachers Aura Salazar Elizabeth arola PA rendin U from South Lin and Cynthia Ward who used to teach in town but now she's in Edison and then all the students that came from these schools for the excellent job they did for the libraryies Hispanic heritage day and they just were very proud of the students and just wanted me to send their congratulations and thank to our district for having such great teachers and students can I um I see Mr here I was in the high school today and I happen to walk out a door that I normally don't come in and out of there is the most beautiful um Bill uh uh what do you call that board bulle board bulletin board the most beautiful um um celebration for uh Hispanic Heritage Month it's it's uh in between the cafeteria going to the to the gymnasium who did that uh that was done by the I believe that was done by the uh Spanish National Honor Society I'll double check for that it's absolutely beautiful if you would mind taking a couple of pictures and putting on the website course um yeah I just want to let everybody know that there was some reorganization at New Jersey school guards Association and Patty bees is no longer our rep Mary and fredman is once again our representative now and I wish everybody a happy Halloween if you celebr uh good luck to uh congratulations on all of the success of our our winter athletes uh Maria gave an excellent report on everything that they're doing and everything that they're going to do in the uh coming weeks uh and then also as as Sharon just mentioned echoing everyone please have a happy and safe Halloween if you go out Tri retreating please be careful take care other comments see none have a motion forve second