##VIDEO ID:HUVCiVXyohg## call this meeting to order salute to the flag please FL of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please Mr Mo here Mr Chapman here Mr Fel Mr JIA here Mr Miller here Mr Pender here Mr cbury here Mr Casio here Mr P in accordance with terms of the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting was posted in all school buildings the administration building B clerk's office Public Library through newspapers and tap into on January 8 2024 please be advised there's no smoking on school grounds inside or outside at any time please silence all electronic ofaces pursuant of District policy number 0167 each statement made by participants shall be limited to 3 minutes duration and no no participant may speak more than once on the same topic thank you mr's report thank you Mr CCO welcome back to all of our students for the 2425 school year we had a wonderful opening uh earlier in the uh month we welcomed over 490 new students into our school district this includes new preschoolers and a bump in the kindergarten numbers as well as those who entered in all grade levels with the students removed from the high school graduation and transfers this brings our toal total number of students in the district to 3781 as of today 98 more students listed in the total than we had at the end of last year these numbers will continue to grow as the year progresses the district will continue our practice of inviting a representative from the South pville High School to present information to the public our first student speaker of the year is Katherine Piper some of you might remember Katherine as she presented a number of times last year and did an amazing job Katherine while she was serving as the president of the junior class this year Catherine has been elected to the student council executive board president and she is heavily involved in a number of clubs Sports and activities at the high school as a member of our field hockey team track team competition cheer and passionately pink Captain when you're ready good afternoon everyone I'm back for another year I'm Katherine feifer and I'm this year's student council executive president recently I've been spending my time with the high school F hockey team right now we are 4 and two in our season and tomorrow we have a home home game against North CVI at 4 today and tomorrow the Freshman sophomores and juniors have school pictures during their fiz Ed classes the school's homecoming will take place October 2nd at the Grand Centurion tickets were already sold to students the homecoming game will be September 27th which is the home football game against Governor Livingston this Thursday is back to school night and this year it will be hybrid more information was sent to the emails of students and parents by Mr pcola September 27th is a Student Activity Fair which will be held during the interventions where all students will be able to learn about all the clubs and all the clubs that SPS has to offer personally I'll be um at the National Honor Society and the student leadership table um Club interest meetings have already started model un started the 16th and goes through the 19th tiger trivia is on the 20th and passionately p is on the 23rd the class of 2028 is wrapping up their class representative elections results be posted tomorrow and this Saturday the 21st is the town cleanup many students are volunteering volunteers are going through the environmental club that will meet this Friday at 2:30 in Miss Benton's room there will be a senior parent night held at the high school and more information will be emailed later on um the marching band won their first competition and this past weekend they hosted a competition and although they couldn't compete their performance amazed the audience all the sports teams are starting off with huge successes just a few highlights include the football team won the Rivalry game against North Playfield for the third year in a row the field hockey team just won a 2 game against seille and the boys cross country team placed Ninth at their last me last meet which got them ranked the 23rd fastest team in the state there are many more successes to acknowledge from all our teams but we'd be here for hours the PSAT will be held October 16th for juniors sophomores and some freshman there will be no delayed opening as seniors will be fitted for cap and gowns and the Freshman will have an assembly the October sat is on the 5th and the high school is one of the testing locations lastly October 7th is the week of respect to conclude this week's home football games theme is Welcome to the Jungle and the beginning of the school year has started off strong I along with the rest of the seniors are enjoying the expansion of the senior privilege Pro program and we can't wait for the upcoming events we have planned thank you thank you great job um as you know our district held a re-registration for re-registration for students in grades 2 6 and 10th a total of 127 uh students transferred from our district um and of those 127 students 23% came from grades 2 6 and 10 as a result we will be holding another re-registration for students in grades 4 8 and 11 we will begin later in the fall anybody who rreg their um their child and they have a sibling now that was in 2 6 and 10 they will not have to reregister again so we we'll be covered there but for those of you that do have children in grades 4 8 and 11 expect that you'll be receiving information from the district about the re-registration later this fall last year last school year our district went through in the NJ qack the New Jersey quality single accountability um Continuum as required every 3 years we receive the scores back from the njd doe on September 6th and I must report them to the public before they're posted on our website so in the area of instruction and program we scored 81% fiscal management we scored 100% governance we scored 100% operations 95% and Personnel we scored 100% so that will be posted um tomorrow morning a important reminder to our families we have several families who have not completed their free and reduced lunch application and they were uh eligible for this past year so please take the time to review the application and submit it if you need help to complete the application we have guidance available in all of our schools so please reach out we'd be happy to help you our last back to school night of the year is scheduled for tomorrow uh right here at the high school 5:30 p.m. it is going to be hybrid so there's an opportunity for you to attend either way and finally the elementary schools grand school and middle school um have were um the recipients of backpacks that were generously donated to the district from our own south cville social services if your child is in need of a backpack please reach out to the guidance department and we would be happy to provide one for you Mr Casco thank you Doctor any board member comments on presentations Mr TR cat as usual you killed it U you did a great job thanks for coming out and uh you know giving us some of your time and congratulations on your field hockey season so far you are killing it over my goal for the wind that that so uh great job keep good work thank you anybody else and there's nobody else here at this time we uh we need to go into an executive session to discuss Personnel student and legal matters can I get a motion so move second roll call all in favor this should be half hour to an hour TOS we take action the agenda thank you call meeting back to order Mr B here Mr CH here Mr here MRIs here Mr Miller here Mr Pender here Mr suberg here Mr CIO here have any agenda yeah one resolution uh we can this is number 11 number s it would read that sent you later uh resolved after reinvestigation consideration of the parents appeal held in um case number 264003 SPM 41520 24 the board reverses the administration's initial finding of HIV because of statutory requirements for a finding of Hib have not been met and directs the superintendent to inform the family of the finding as required by law then I'll just them after that that's the rest thank you Mr in uh under the job description oh yeah we have to add that one line the line would be uh and such other duties as directed by the superintendent or design need m in every one of our JS thank you do we need a motion to add that resolution no because the way the agenda is written we'll just put it in as number seven since I read it out in public go uh any public comments on agenda items only seeing none resolution to approve prior for minutes move second any discussion no call please Mr both yes Mr Chapman Mr Fel yes Mr G yes Mrs Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr cber yes Mr CIO yes all right curriculum insent activities through seven second move any discussion V call please Mr both yes Mr Chapman yes Marella yes M gakis yes Mrs Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr cleberg yes Mr Casio yes a policy You Got A and B so move second any discussion roll please Mr both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr barel yes Mr gakis yes Mr Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr cleberg yes Mr gasio yes yes we've got Personnel a through F I believe so move second any discussion Mr both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr carel yes Mr J yes Mr Miller yes Mr pend yes Mr cber yes Mr CIO yes Finance I've got A3 you second any discussion call please Mr Bo yes Mr chman yes Mr carella yes Mr gas yes Mrs Miller yes abstaining on you and um also it's not wber it's over so I don't know if the amount is going to change or not we could always adjust it if necessary call please Mr P yes Mr tberg yes Mr Cassio yes yes all right moving on any public comments on any items anybody yes sir yes to state your name turn on the microphone pleas can hear me okay yes St your name address please sir so aington Avenue papa is M Ben going to die don't let her die save her Mr President Dr Mish members of the board mend is Big Sister parents sitting in the audience the 219 parents who assigned petition looking for alternates the principles and teachers of the school in this District your student stents and parents who have transportation and finally this poor who like us and ties to the school as past students parents grandparents and finally Dr lishak as a trusted custodian and voted members by the public to overlook the wellness and safety of our children future as Future Leaders like yourselves and this country how would you like me to respond to this question how would you like me to break this to the mother a mother of three the sort of question her innocent six-year-old son asked me yes I have three children yes I'm angry I'm confused and I'm determined that the Safety and Security of our children inside play field is nonnegotiable and I'm sure I hope and I pray you agree with me two of my children G Roosevelt don't have transportation and I'm fine with this why because we are enrolled in Aftercare which permits the flexibility and the demands from mandatory back to work along with long commutes we have from New York and this and the rare and those rare conditions where bad weather delays or the breakdown in our New Jersey transit systems forbid us to get back at 220 where I think of my own we live in a time of social media rapid communication internet and now ai where children children whether we like it or not have access to information that the fingertips faster than us you should know my children also know that I joke with them that they're not permitted to get phones until they're 40 years old yet my 6-year-old asked me this question from a conversation my six-year-old as this conversation over hearing our older sister talk with my 9-year-old daughter and her friends going to chat while she was deeply sad over a chat my 9-year-old daughter while deeply saddened and expressed that she loved her school her teachers and her friends D perhaps we should go somewhere else you 30 seconds Sir I have a lot to say I can go down and name children who have been struck by kids I have a lot to say and there is a lot I wanted to share today but I'm going to skip to the end for my 30 seconds we're simple citizens of this Township we're confused have gone deep to understand what's going on we're really inviting dialogue and a vocal conversation to address how do we move for to resolve this matter in an amicable way let's hold each other accountable full transparency our simple ask is for current impacted students and incoming students in just want talk and I don't want to answer that question I don't want any of you to answer the question thank you anyone else okay moving on board member Collins oh I'm sorry go ahead sir so hello thanks for hearing us out Harrison called as live at 9 Spicer I won't um I won't go into as much detail as Mr Rell there but um really what we want to consider is south of ban in our in our neighborhood where we are we're um we qualify for busing from Grant but we do not for high school and middle school and it's essentially the same Walk we're in the 1.8 1.9 mile range we lose out on bus service so really they ask is just to be considered for hazardous Transportation um we're probably talking only a few kids here so I think realistically in 2024 we should be F we should be able to find a way to figure this out together um and that's really all we ask thanks thank you anyone else okay any board member coms seeing none no no I'm sorry I didn't see you I was shocked when I didn't see your hand um I just want to congrat ulate John fanella our own John farella on completing the Iowa r r Pride so if anybody doesn't know takes place over 8 Days approximately 468 miles um that's about 67 miles a day he go he went um and it wasn't just flat surfaces um it's the oldest longest and largest recreational bike touring event in the world and our John Paran completed it with e [Applause] anyone else anybody all right other than that I I just want to thank Tom the other day uh what is today Wednesday yeah we got a panic call at was that yesterday or Monday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday 5:30 in the morning we had a busted pipe in Franklin somebody was panicking wasn't sure we're going to be able to open Franklin on time I said give Tom an hour h taken care of school was open on time that it without it wasn't an hour either what 20 minutes it took a little bit all right but lots but thanks Tom thanks for all you guys do and uh seeing that can I get a motion to return so move all in favor have night