States of America to the for it stands Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all Mr V here Mr Chapman here Mr parella here Mr here Mrs Miller here Mr Pender here Mr cber Mr Casio here Mr peni here in accordance with terms of the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting was posted an old school building the administration building bur clerk's office Public Library three newspapers and tap into on January 18th 2024 please be advised there is no smoking on school grounds inside or outside at any time please silence all electronic devices and pursuance to District policy number 0167 each statement made by participant shall be limited to three minutes duration and no participant may speak more than once in the same time thank you moving on for theend report thanks Mr P um I'd like to ask Mr skolo to come up to the podium uh this evening we have a presentation from South clean field high school this evening students from Mr Man jer's intro to engineering class project lead the way will show us how they designed popular carnival games so that you will not be able to win them thank you Dr tany thank you members of the Board of Education thank you everybody for coming tonight uh really excited I'll keep my part brief because they were way more excited than me talking uh Mr Maneri does an outstanding job with our intr engineering class as a part of Project Lead the Way one of the projects something we really like to Showcase to you some of the things that we going on utilizing a lot of things we have throughout the building so anything further Mr M Jeri have fun hello Scott ner I'm a math teacher here at the high school and for the past several years I've also been teaching m j engineering class class um the class is kind of designed to help students develop their 21st century learning skills while giving them a little bit of background in engineering that would be helpful for any like basic engineering classes in college some of the topics we talk about is uh our statistics in equilibrium Material Science AutoCAD um just a lot of stuff we go through a lot of like basic engineering properties uh the class is Project based uh and as such it it gives way to Foster some problem solving communication and collaboration skills in a more authentic way than they're used to when they're like in the classroom um which is great and so we have some students here today they're going to go over some of the projects they did for the first half of the Year oh yeah um the first group is going to talk about their Carnival project basically right on like the first day of class they were tasked with making a catapult out of just household items and using data they collected on their catapult they were tasked with creating a carnival game which just like any good carnival game is winnable but not too winnable right um and then once we moved on to the fusion 360 AutoCAD software uh the second group will talk about how they use that software to 3D model prizes for the carnival game that would be useful to incoming freshman at the high school okay so I'll yield the rest of my time to them so they can give you kind of downlo on what they did and how they and yeah they I printed out the presentations for you guys so that they didn't have to say everything they did if you guys wanted to like look through and yeah see their problem solving procedures here um so are the first group come up hi everyone I hope you guys are having a night uh I'm Ashley ining we are part of the first group of in engineering class and runs so during literally the beginning of the year during September and October we were assigned to create a catapult with only few materials such as spoons of rubber bands pops of the sticks Etc and with those materials we had to create a catapult in under a week or so so after that we were assigned to create a carnival game that had to do with restrictions and how many so our game is um called CBS of C it mostly has to do with trying to like grow certain throw B balls at the cups and long for to go down but there were certain limitations that we had to add such as such as a restriction because we didn't want it to be an easy game but we didn't want to be a hard game at the same time so we have to do like a lot of Statistics analysis accuracy to doal with it so our statistics show that um two out of the 100 Tri that we um each took um the pingpong ball or rice bag uh landed in the um highest level um cup so it's winnable it shows that that's winnable but it's not so easy okay so any of the board members would like to try our game sure okay so basically like the goal of this game is to like try to hit like the grand prize which is like those little cup and then like this like the top part right here the green cups are like it's like a point system so if you hit the green one it's like 15 points the pink one is like five points and then like the little one right here is like one point so it can like fall down and like hit a bunch of like these cups to get more points but like the main goal is to hit this top one so yeah we did that like two times out of yes and this is our you said you hit it two times out of 100 Tri that makes it a little different here goon's going to give it I know it's about like now I'm just wondering if that came into the calculation when I figured it out the distance of the Catapult from the uh from the board we may use like um we like graphing we have like certain quadrants and everything if they heard like a certain region that means show like it wasn't out of like like out of the glue like it had to do like coincided yes that was part of our testing plan or um our testing uh where we had to move uh our catapult certain distances to see um what would would work and what wouldn't um so yeah this is about like 4 and 1/2 ft that we decided um was like the best fit four and a half is that is that a different game right there yes you're not going to try it I don't use it what do I I use that yeah I'll demonstrate first1 you need to hold it like a little bit with your hands it's it's kind of a little hard to work but she's not going to give you any tricks do you have it mounted when you guys mounted your Che hold up here just you can hold it up here but just make sure you're not like holding the bag okay give that a world you had to pick the most unathletic board member you didn't do it um yeah it doesn't matter what it's like sh I'm looking at thing I on a spoon who's next I did aftering those soup we moving close yeah that's why he's the president spk why he plays the yellow te can we move it closer Che they're the forward te moving it closer see break not do it listen I had enough with with the music that I I tried to play The V and it was upside down was upside down okay um just make sure you're not holding the bag don't hold the bag yeah there you mhm she got it W come on try come on you got the leverage go ahead well it was like it was like around here so oh they moved it back back well again no he doesn't want any help no you're good oh that's that's just sad got it so there this is the recommended distance it's got to be where you put it on a spoon too I think you know you know what it's like it's like the frog game it is oh that well you we have to take into account so they had like weeks to work on the game so they had a lot of practice with this cat so they're much better with the cat oh how much different can it be set yeah you got a catapult too yes everybody catap so instead of rice bags we use ping pong balls and it travel farther yes yes kind of we hope this one I'll try how's it been tested in a while come on Tommy each each cup counts for different points the prize is 10,000 points this is 10,000 these two cups are 5,000 if you land it in this cupet rolls through here that's another 5,000 what do we what do we train them in for is there a shuffle prizes uh your Ultimate Prize is 10,000 points and then all of these down here are 500 except the middle one which is 750 there's an eraser Sho for going in so yeah you've got seven tries oh my God you got to be careful you got to make sure your hand isn't on the ball when it's going clearly on the ball hey 200 500 you got four tries your hand anything between the erasers and yeah you're not supposed to hold the ball oh the bit outset that's an old yeah good like seven tries in a row that was close enough to make you feel like you can do it this should be a try try because you are like so tempted you want to try hard oh our percentage was like one in like 500 are Harper Harper har Harper we had CH I feel it I feel 25 tries you get it in once so you have a one in 25 chance do you want me to help you you got to hold so look you want to you want to place the ball on here and then like I like these interactive board meetings we should do this more often and then so we'll we'll wear it down more and then watch it oh Tommy I think she's going to kick your butt that doesn't count for anything right no if it goes off the board it's zero go don't shake it put your hand right back here yeah you might want to hold it because it's going to be shaky all right want to angle and then bring it almost he's Whispering the pressure on everybody watch 500 last try you got it now little go another 500 but she hit that count like 1,000 oh there you go she hit the up oh if yes if you hit the rim it also counts she did you only so these are 2,000 so you get 3,000 points there you go it's so true you keep trying when you're at the boardwalk or wherever especially that's what I said make sure you hold D structure oh 500 only 25 more got pink white oh pink and white if it hits the side doesn't count oh 2 2500s left yeah you got 2500 well if you get this one come on you can do it hit my face that'll be an extra 10,000 winner 500 that was great guys um yeah thank you guys for trying out their gam uh I did hear a couple board members say like oh it's like you want to come back to the game that was kind of the idea behind like the design process is again you don't really want the game to be wonderful but you want people to think it's wonderful right that's what a good Carnival games um so our next group is going to go over their 3D model for the prize for the game for incoming freshman that's pretty cool hi everyone uh I'm Chris cha uh so our job we were required for the project to make something that would be enjoyable for upcoming nth graders upcoming high schoolers for the elective Fair something that they would enjoy and something that many almost all high schoolers have is a phone so we came up with the idea after days of research we came up with the idea of doing a phone stand and it's got multiple uses you can hold your phone there's a place where you can slide in an airpod Case Lot lots of kids have airpods um and there's also a small hole right here you can fit in your pencil so um it's multi-use it's useful for any kids in school if they want to hold up their phone if they're watching something or they just like having their phone up instead of down or in their pocket and that's about it we also learned that it can also like hold like it even hold it what you said hold it com oh yeah it can hold it can hold many heavy items uh actually for our statistics we tried out 100 Kids 100 kids put their phones they had iPads Chromebooks keyboards yeah it can fit for iPad it can fit really anything uh that and any electronic except for like a big computer I don't think you want to put down phone stand though sopr I'm sorry did you say that's surpriz if they get so many points on your game yes if so for our game if you get 10,000 points you could win this prize wow yeah I'm sorry so can can I ask so you you designed the the stand oh yes and then how did you make it so we designed it in the 3D software Fusion 360 that we've been learning to use throughout the whole year and after designing it we had printed it using a 3D printer could you pass that around so we can look at yeah how long does that take to print like for when from beginning to end ours is like four 4 3 hours in between there we had to like cut inside a hole into it cuz it was like over like 6 hours at the start which is way over our requirement which if you want to put your phone on go ahead might might give it back if I do how many people ended up winning we haven't done that not yet you guys fix game the guine and if bunch of well the statistics hold up you probably need about six of those right that's pretty cool you actually had your name in there too what also we did have another uh member on our team named Kylie Chi she's part of model um but she she helped influence our design a lot so we wouldn't have this without her I should give her credit Chris they had a 2% win percentage what do youing yeah I saw that you had the right Leverage very impressive very impressive great job guys nice job thank you you did an amazing job very thank thank you we also have a sorry forgot oh I'm sorry yes congratulations I make sure you get your priz we also have a presentation this evening from our uh student representative uh ienna IU um I don't know what to say other than this is your second time here and I can't imagine that you'll top the last time you were here so we're all week good evening all all in attendant my name is I IU uh I was the first student speaker here like um Dr leack said back in September but just to introduce myself again I'm the student council president here at South lanefield High School I'm also the captain of our basketball team and practice was running late which was why I haded late arrival so I'm sorry for that but um I'm also the president of our school's PE club which is a community service based organization additionally I'm one of the founding members of our school's black student union and I'm an active participant in our school's National Honor Society Spanish Honor Society and mod United Nations club now I'm going to talk about some school events that we've had in the past what's to come in the future um at the start of February our black student union decorated a educational bulletin board that's on this side of the high school um on different like figures throughout black history in in the Civil Rights Movement for all the students to see also at the start of February we have a drug awareness organization come into our students gym class and give an anti- vaping presentation to every single student and on Valentine's Day last week we had our student assistant counselors doing prizes and games around about developing healthy relationships in our newly founded Comm room which students go whenever they feel like too Oben or anxious um on February 29th the elite day we're going to have our our tri-annual pep rally where all individual classes compete against each other in our competition called battle the classes to see which class will win uh on March 7th we're going to have our district Music Festival where I think all the schools are actually going to come and perform their own individual music performances but our individual High School drama musical is going to be on the 22nd 23rd and 24th of March academically um our Juniors will be taking the njpa which is a graduation requirement for the state of New Jersey on March 11th during this the junior is going to take it in the morning and all the rest of the students will be operating on a delayed opening schedule on a delayed opening schedule because they don't have to take the test we're also going to be running our seal of by literacy test on the week of March 5th which is a test where students who's Advanced way past like a normal advancement in our world language classes such as Italian Spanish and French you get the opportunity to take the test and this test will give them like like it's called a seal VI literacy um sign sign signify signifying their um excellence in that language um on March 4th we're going to have a read Across America where seniors are going to be going our seniors are going to be going to elementary schools and reading to um all the different elementary schools reading a book and doing activities uh this is pretty cool because I remember when I was in first and second grade and the seniors came to my class I thought it was the biggest thing in the world so it was kind of nostalgic now that I'm going to be doing it and um we're going to be having our SAT prep SAT prep classes offered in the morning um with the start of sat season coming up soon and we have our classes for math which Mr M teaches over there and we have our classes for reading which Miss B teaches um also we're going to have um our mod un club which I'm a part of is going to be is hoping we're going to be taking a trip to Washington DC to participate in the uh conference over there um athletically our winter sports teams have had an array of success this season uh starting off of our girls b bowling team which won their division the boys and girls swimming team each won their division Additionally the girls track team also won the division and the C comp cheer team has placed first in three competitions in our competing in States this week where they hopefully become backto back state champions cuz they won last week as well um our boys basketball team won the division for the fourth year in a row and we Advanced to the semi-finals of the county tournament the farthest we've gone in 20 years uh the boys and girls basketball team each start their playoff run tomorrow um my boys team we take on Governor lson as as two seed tomorrow at home at 600 and the girls are 14 seed and they take on Somerville away at Somerville at 6 with that being said I've concluded my report and I believe this will be my last time speaking here as we have a rotation of students and so I would just like to thank Dr tany Miss bista and all other board members for giving me the opportunity to speak here today your commitment to giving the students an opportunity to share their voice is really appreciate you make us proud couple of reminders for our preschool expansion program I'll be holding a preschool Zoom parent Guardian information meeting uh on March 201 at 6:30 p.m. the link is on the district website I'll provide information on the enrollment process the lottery and other important information uh related to the preschool so please make sure that you register so that you can go on and and uh make sure that you're you're you have all the information before we open up the preschool uh Lottery we will be doing the breakfast and lunch balances we're currently working on collecting open breakfast and lunch balances from all of our uh open um accounts in uh in the uh schools those of you who have an open pass due balance may add funds to your child's account through the meal time system or by mailing a check into our business office if you feel that you may qualify for free breakfast or lunch please take take the time to complete an application the process is quick and easy and you'll get an answer within 48 hours we also just wanted to remind um our South planfield community that we are in the process of updating our leases and Rental renewals so please be advised if your current lease is expiring soon you'll be required to provide an updated lease to The District in order for the district to verify residents in the bur this is one of the methods the district utilizes to ensure we have South planfield residents enrolled in our schools thank you thank you thank youy great job everybody it's it's nice to see that you know at our meetings everything you guys do and great job and we did talk the last one great job um right now uh we don't have any addition or deletions for the agenda public comments uh um uh any kind of public comments on any item because we don't really have an agenda so any public comments on any it seeing none um board member comments J I just want to again thank aena for uh your presentation to us your information it's greatly appreciated and it is really beneficial to us as well to know what's going around in our school so thanks so much for what we've done did a great job and also um to the students here tonight who did the presentation um tremendous job it was so much fun it was really great um you know you're really starting to learn about engineering and hopefully you know maybe one day you'll be entering your career in that go to college for it and it just is wonderful to see what this district is doing it's not just simply math reading you know geography history but we have so many other interesting classes now that um our students you know have the opportunity to take and this is just one of them and this was so interesting thank you again I have to agree with everything she said it was it was great presentations tonight great job thank you I'm still trying to figure out fax machine so see how that 3D printer made that little thing is just incred it's just incredible that came out of a printer that that little telephone stand there that thing was unbelievable great job guys um I know um whatever three times L uh great great job uh really enjoyed playing the games you guys did a fantastic uh fantastic job I love the statistics and stuff that's behind it I find that very very interesting and intriguing so um you guys did a wonderful job thanks for taking your time and coming here tonight and presenting this to us uh I kind of great job I I I I don't know what your plans are for the future but I think Communications or something of that nature uh certainly be in order you do an excellent job presenting yourself um and you really do you're a great representative of the the community so thank you for coming and congratulations on a fantastic basketball season and Shar gu you're killing it good luck in the uh in the state's Co and uh of course I would be remiss if I didn't congratulate Grace for I'll be quick great job thank you for giving us some form um great job Mr maner continue to influence the lives and and continue to shape those Minds a great job to the students in the interest engineering class that's that's awesome you guys duped all of us I mean when it comes to those games I I I thought at least one of us would have something but chared I was wrong yeah you guys should have charged us uh and last but not least good luck to our remaining winter athletes come cheer boys and girls BK basetball good luck go get Tigers thank you any comments can't see none at this time uh need to go to Executive session resolve proced to open public act that the board meets in post session at this time to discuss confidential matters pertaining to Personnel matters and attorney C privilege being further resolve that the matters discussed in close session shall be made public as soon as the need for competen no longer exists have a motion move second all in favor hi oppos um I would suspect it might be 45 minutes to an hour before we come out and then we'll go right into the regular Mee okay thank you before we uh approve the agenda we do have some changes on the agenda we have a couple resolutions put on yeah I got two resolutions One Is Res hearing of student SE and it says whereas on February 21st 2024 residency hearing was held before the Board of Education and whereas on that dat the parent of the above ref student to not attend the hearing despite having been arised of their right to do so and that the hearing would proceed in her absence and whereas based upon the evidence presented the board finds that the above reference student is ineligible to attend s Bill schools due to failure to provide proof of residency now therefore be resolved that the board finds the above reference student is not entitled to attend school in the district and further ORD that the student be disenrolled from the district and be further resolve that notice of this decision and the family's appeal rights be served upon the parent as required by the law that's one resolution okay that would be f f yes and then this I suppose could be ccul student activ G which is the next next one right so this one it says resolve based on the disciplinary charges in the letter dated January 30th 2024 sent to the students family which the board finds to be substantiated that the suspension of student andv shall be continued for a total period of 45 days subject to the receipt of medical clearance for the students's return to school and be it further resolved that the student's family be not the board's action and the right to appeal is required by law that's G that is g very good and then just the other thing is policy um on the Hall of Fame bylaws the only thing we're going to do is just add uh there that U that current city board members or families can nominate or be nominated for that that what we're having there okay and that's it that will just be the change in that policy um so now can I have a vote on approving the agenda as amended motion second discussion roll call Mr B yes Mr Chapman yes Mr frell yes Mr gakis yes Mr Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr Casio yes Mr P yes um not adjourning we're moving right into the regular public meeting and we're going on to comments on agenda items only public comments on agenda items only n uh resolutions approved prior board 18 minutes can I have a motion move call please Mr both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr faell yes Mr gakis yes Mrs Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr Casio Mr P yes under curriculum a through G so move second discuss call please Mr Mo yes Mr Chapman yes Mr Barella yes Mr G Mrs Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr Casio yes Mr P yes policy a through C so move second discussion Please Mr V yes Mr Chapman yes Mr Barella yes Mr gakis yes Mrs Miller yes Mr Fender yes Mr yes yes under Personnel a through e can I have a motion move discussion roll call please Mr Bo yes Mr Chapman yes Mr yes Mr gakis yes obain on C1 Mr Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr Cassie yes Mr yes and under finance a through BB so move second discussion roll call please Mr yes Mr Chapman yes Mr bar yes Mr gak yes Mr Miller Mr P yes Mr CIO yes yes public comments on any items seeing none can I have board member comments okay the snow now Jesus want to say thanks to great job with the snow thank you to I also want to congratulate uh Mrs Murray Mr Z for their new positions and I wish you well you guys do a great job in those positions uh I want to congratulate Carol her retirement she's been with us a long time she's a wonderful woman and a great nurse and she'll be missed and uh lastly I just want to say congratulations to the cop chair team for another undefeated season they're done they go to States on Saturday I wish them well and uh another one in the books undefeated just great job with them thank and all the other teams that doing so well Lu there too about myself any I can keep going I just love want to congratulate shant and Dave um on their new positions congratulations I job excuse me congratulations thank you uh to the both of you always excited to to see y'all and I'm excited to see the work that yall do that's a lot of pressure right there any other very good that's it can I have a motion that's it all favor all oppos