all right welcome to the 10th meeting of the year today is April 22nd 2024 Alyssa please read the statement in compliance with chapter 231 of public law of 1975 notice of this meeting to be held at the South River Middle School cafetorium three Montgomery Street South River has been published in the home News Tribune posted on the municipal building bulletin board the burough website the front door of the Criminal Justice building and the South River Middle School cafetorium roll call please mayor gindy here Council Ballas councilman SE is not here Council desian councilman grensky here councilman kenzel here council president ala here please stand for the salute to the flag flag United States America the stands na indivisible please stay standing for a moment you may be seated we have nothing for proclamations we're going to go into new business um Alissa please read the 2024 159 resolution 2024 159 resolution to read budget by title only whereas njsa 4A column 4-8 provides that the budget be read by title only at the time of the public hearing if a resolution is passed by not less than a majority of the full governing body providing that at least one week prior to the date of the hearing a complete copy of the approved budget as advertised has been posted in town hall and copies have been made available by the clerk to persons requiring them and whereas these two conditions have been met now therefore be resolved that the budget shall be read by title only what is your pleasure to adopt i' like to open it up to the public hold on let me just do roll call First Council balles councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Olivera yes I'd like to open up to the public give me a 10 minutes please state your name and address first reading H first call I can't hear you can you hear me no this is public this is going to first all in [Applause] favor you can hear us yeah uh I'd like to open up to council disc uh discussions anything after this do we have to do the self-examination of the budget resolution first yes yes okay mayor I make a motion to authorize a self-examination of the 2024 Municipal budget second councilman Ballas yes councilman desian yes councilman Ki yes councilman kenzel yes council president alera yes okay motion to adopt the 2024 Municipal budget resolution 2024 160 adoption of 2024 Municipal budget so moved do I have a second second motion by councilman kenzel second by councilman dimian councilman ballis councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Al yes all right we're going to go into an agenda session uh for first reading we have we have three uh ordinances the first one is on salt shade ordinance which is um party [Applause] [Music] yeah go ahead that's has all right thank you thank you we're going to open up to the second uh reading um or uh list ordinance 202 2413 please ordinance 20243 an ordinance of the burough South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending chapter 350 of the burrow code of the burough South River titled zoning mtion wa full read motion by councilman krinsky seconded by councilwoman Ballas all in favor I'll be opening it up to the public have 10 minutes first only second motion to close public hearing second motion by council president ala seconded by Council councilman Kinski all in favor Council can discussion do I have a motion motion to adopt Senate motion by council president Olivera seconded by councilman krinski Council ballis councilman Dean yes councilman grensky yes councilman kenzel yes council president ala yes Alissa 20247 ordinance 20247 an ordinance of an ordinance amending ordinance fixing the salary ranges of certain burrow officers and employees in the burrow South River do I have a second motion by councilwoman Ballas second by councilman all in favor I'll open up to the public first may I make a motion that we close public hearing second motion by council president Olivera seconded by Council krinsky all in favor open it up to council discussion what is your pleasure motion to adopt second motion by councilman kinsky seconded by council president alera councilman Ballas councilman desian yes councilman kensky yes councilman kenzel yes council president Ola yes Alysa 20248 ordinance 20248 and ordinance amending BAU code chap 155 fees second motion by councilman kinsky seconded by council president Oliva all in favor like to open it up to the public first call second call Mayor I make a motion that we close public hearing second motion by council president Aliva seconded by councilwoman Val all in favor Council discussion what is your pleasure motion to adopt second motion by Council councilman kinsky seconded by Sorry seconded by council president ala Council ball councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president olera yes Alissa 20249 orance 20249 an ordinance of the burough code of the burough South River amending the burrow code of the burough South River so as to amend chapter 13 entitled administrator office of motion to wait the read second motion by councilman kinsky seconded by council president olera all in favor opening up to the public first call Mayor I make a motion that we close public second motion by council president Oliva seconded by councilman Dian all in favor open it up to council discussion what is your pleasure mayor I make a motion that we adopt ordinance 20249 second motion by council president alera seconded by councilman kinsky councilman ballis councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president alera yes we are now going to start the first reading uh Lissa 20242 it is 20 2420 an ordinance of the burough South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burough code of the burough South River so as to amend chapter 258 entitled Property Maintenance mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 202 24-20 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with the second reading and public hearing to be held on May 13th at 7.m by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South New Jersey motion by council president Oliva second by councilwoman Ballas councilwoman Ballas councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Ola yes Alissa 202 2421 ordinance 202 2421 an ordinance of the burrow South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 319 of the Township Code entitled tree removal and Woodland management mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 20242 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with the second reading and public hearing to be held on May 13th at 7 pm by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South New Jersey motion by council president olera second by councilman desian councilman Ballas councilman desian yes councilman GR yes Council mcrel yes council president Oliva yes Melissa 2024 22 ordinance 202 2422 in ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 350 of the Township Code entitled zoning mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 2024-25 on its first reading by title only that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with the second reading and public hearing to be held on May 13th at 700 p.m. by video conference via Zoom we in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South New Jersey motion by council president Olivera seconded by councilwoman Ballas councilwoman ball councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman kenzel yes council president olera yes thank you we're going to go into reports uh Bruce thank you good evening everyone the uh 2020 3 local aid program and the 2024 local aid program we have that basically done I'm going to go out in the field with the person designing it walk everything they'll make the final changes and then we can submit that to the do the 2023 local Aid Transportation projects Grant the burrow received a $575,000 grant for that and we submitted a proposal to the buau for the engineering and surveying Services the 2024 Local transportation projects Grant is still open until June 30th since you were successful with the one above it I think it would make sense to apply Mr lenski and I have discussed that I had submitted a proposal for doing that in the latter part of last year I will just redate it and resubmit it and if you'd like to move forward with that we will get it in the electrical substation maintenance we processed the change order to the contractor for the batteries and the uh storm water assistance grant application you received a $25,000 Grant you get $115,000 of front uh we have basically performed Services up to and just slightly above that we're going to get together whatever information the department needs to to prove that we have done that then they will advance the other 10,000 to the burrow and if you would like then we can make an application to the DP for the next year's funding and that is it thank you hey Bruce so I I was reading in the paper today that I saw like Cel I believe got $3.1 million cared there was five burrows in Middle SE county that got massive amount of money um I don't think that was out a trust fund okay I believe it was storm water if I'm not mistaken something to do with st water um those numbers make me think it was a line item appro ation that might have come out okay I'm trying to see if I can pull it up yeah it's for uh $17 million was distributed five central Jersey towns for disaster protection so if it's something part of it was storm okay yeah if it's something we can continue to do that Manville got5 million to yeah okay thank you Bruce and thank you uh anything else for Bruce uh Joe thank you uh a couple resolution on the agenda the first one is a resolution entering into a lease agreement with koser for copy machines under State contract second one is a professional service resolution for Appraisal Services on Two tax appeals uh for the apartment complexes third one is a resolution regarding radio dispatch sold for the police department under State contract and the last one is hiring spring employee for the recreation program right thank you Joe anything for Joe councel you might as Welling so he doesn't have to get up AG yes today we started Hy flushing and it went well it runs till May 9th so everybody knows also our shred event is Saturday May 11th from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the epw 9 way it's open to all middlex County residents residential paper only will be accepted no businesses it's a limit of five file boxes or 100 pound per car and also we are still out there doing control all right thank you a council anything for age age just want to thank the parks and re guys DA's Pond we had our first game on there this past weekend they did a phenomenal job so just please thank not just them but all the DPW workers for everything they do uh fire chief Miller mayor and Council we are currently operating at 119 alarms per year all higher includ vehicle department service my vehicle will be going to b a yard for inspection and oil change nothing El thank you thank you please chief that was easy Alysa I don't have anything Andrea agencies to apply to that's great thank you anything for councel all right Art thank you mayor just a few things um 163 which you temporary appointment as you know oneill be after get May left us with one SLE and we back retire to help out the next one is 167 we're going for request for proposal the the D required us to do uni directional flushing in the Target are it's more than our water department can handle we need a whole bunch of people open Val close Val and flush in the opposite direction so this is that RFB to go out once we our responses back we will come back to with a professional service contract do that and the last one is 172 suitability for count business what this is the next step um the B has to give a letter of support the acist commission the B couldn't give a letter of support until they got their zoning get their last month so the next step for them to get per the last thing is progress on the flooded Elevator Shaft hopefully I can award a contract emergency in the next couple of days get our quotes hopefully we back in the council chamber by the next all right I do have a question in regards of the D required reverse flushing I know our most of our lines are well over 100 years and with us now reversing everything what's the likelihood of Ms or for that matter U valves you know blowing cracking leaking they they feel that univers unction in the reverse we clean out some of those veins before we do the chemical change which is in process so we get that clean and you know one of the thing we're adding on to the chemical is a chemical that aderes to the pipes on the inside and reduces that rust off until we replace the pipes okay trying to this ahead of the chemical CH and the D is requiring this art the D is requiring this yes the universal unidirectional flushing with one violations okay all right thank you art uh we're going to start with uh Council reports councilwoman thank you councilman Dean thank you mayor um [Music] thank we had the second open house to the public meeting on the budget this past uh Saturday and this Thursday the Board of Ed will be releasing its budget for the year at its public meeting which is at 7M at the high school and that's all I have mayor thank you councilman krinsky thank you may thank you uh mayor um there is not a lot happening at the office on agent um the next event will be coming up um and please watch your bur calendar for any events with you office on agent um the only other thing that we have to is a neighborhood watch meeting and the kickoff meeting would be this Thursday on April 25th at 6 PM South River VFW they request um ass signing to get an approximate number of how many attendees are going to be there you can go under La go online and look under South police department at the burough website and sign in that way or on the uh QR code and with that that's all I have right now mayor thank you thank you councilman quenel as everybody else my report I have nothing to add he has nothing to council president all right so from a parks and recck perspective um the recreation cheerleading program will be offering a free clinic this upcoming Saturday April 27th ages 3 to 5 are from 11: to 12: p.m. ages 600 to 9 are 12:30 to 2 p.m. and ages 10 through 17 is 10 uh 2:30 to 400 p.m. location will be determined we're shooting from the primary school but uh please look on the parts and Rec Facebook page page for further details on that as uh councilman dimian mentioned we had our second uh public budget hearing for the public to ask questions um again just want to thank the budget committee I want to thank Mr Zenga art Mr stankowitz for everything for showing up on Saturday this is something that we brought back to the burrow after a couple year Hiatus I don't know how long it's been Joe what four or five years uh prior to covid so this was an opportunity to ask questions I'm glad everyone thought the budget was amazing because no one came um but again just thank you for all the hard work that you guys put into this uh it couldn't be done without you um in terms of um other parks and wreck items our spring sports are now in full effect we had softball start flag football our flag football program has over 110 uh registered participants which is great uh Youth Baseball uh mayor gindy will talk about his opening day pitch it was quite uh worst pitch you would see if you guys were there um but pleasure to to see um at the end I also want to address you know worst kept secret in town this is my final meeting I have resigned from my position on the council and I will address that matter uh during uh Council comment all right that's all I have mayor thank you I will hold my comments to later uh there are no Mar appointments I will open up the floor to public you have 10 minutes please state your name and your address Joe you want us to bring you the mic yeah you want to bring it to council members Jo from 30 Street here in South River um it's a couple things uh tonight be flash drive to Mr lensky it's got three items on it the November 1978 report on the water dist distribution facilities the July 1998 water distri distribution system evaluation and finally the 2020 report U done by uh Ru which the municipality participated in which got a lot of really interesting information on in it as well hopefully get chance put that on the municipal website um also I gave I've been in contact with jcpnl for about the lighting on Main Street and I think apparently they've been speaking to our mayor and uh the next week or two they should be in the process of completing the repairs they're hoping to do it this week maybe next week so we'll keep our fingers crossed to see what happens but it is uh jcpnl facilities not counting facilities that's correct um the uh Crossing at uh in front of the Senior Citizen Center at rowski Park I understand that that is moving forward now the adoption of the new budget so looking see that done in the near future um and the only other thing I have just explanation for things um and this is stuff that happened a PRI reading and I was reading through it um was a resolution 2024 51 uh boing the contract to CDM Smith uh for Professional Services related to the financial and fusibility of the water main replacement program I just going explain to me what that is why we doing that what that contract is is for them to prepare the application to the ibank for fun oh okay okay yeah it wasn't wasn't clear when I was reading it and that's why I fig bring up and uh okay okay understood there there is uh the uh the outline the proposal is that available for public view since is their proposal itself is there proposal available yes yes yeah okay thank you thank you um another question I have was the uh electrical substation maintenance um in my experience when we we have changes in the contract it's usually something within the limits of what we would expect but this one you're talking about from eight batteries to replac to be replaced and now we have additional 84 batteries is there a specific reason why there a big change they're they're not reliable they're old and and the compan that we hired year and said now is the time to replace one failure that we were able to repair but they're they're very old no I I understand that but usually in the contract you check them and find out which ones might be uh you know questionable and you would include those then we talking about 8 to 84 more it seems to water B sealed so he tests them every year but this year the test that he did said show that they're failing oh so it's something that recently come up that didn't come up before and that's why we're doing oh when he started the regular maintenance he went and looked last year to this year they're starting to not hold full charge and it's very important for us to have battery backup okay okay that's that I understand um um uh resolution 2024 162 U which is the preliminary design of a recreational center Kowski Park yes I've seen a lot of people have been asking for that for a while it's nice to see this moving forward my question is it's in a Municipal Park usually Municipal parks and I believe sou is no exception they come under Green Acres if you have any type of funding it automatically put it under Green Acres is rowy Park under Green Acres and if it is it's split yeah it's split the pond part of it is under Green Acres the other part ofre between the county and the park okay soond Park on your left so it's a separate item that DP is not going to have a big GRE is not going to have a big fit about doing that because I know that's in that might be in a flood area too so you have to be a little bit careful yeah so we did a flood study on that Mr Donado and what we determined was we are able to go to the back half of the basketball court we can replace template for template of the black top so this is actually the second study that we're doing the first one was a I forgot the what was the I'm sorry the top was really a feasibility study delation yes um and we were able to determine where the uh the 30 foot up back line or the from the the edge of the the repair 50 yeah so this is now the next phase we originally tried to do it under a co-op but I believe the price came back at $5.5 million which is just unrealistic so now we're trying to see if you know we go out to bid what's more reasonable amount okay like I say not having been involved from day one still something in my mind how we stand on that so that's it thank you very much anyone else from the public at John Cross T Shack Avenue I understand that there's a water rate increase coming down the is true that is no water Jason would you like to please remember the yes so from a financial uh from a financial perspective what essentially happened with the budget was when we looked at everything as a budget committee uh middle SE water and Joe please fix uh anything that I say that's incorrect middle sex water provided East Brunswick with a increase which was then passed down to the burrow that increase was about 4.5% and then contractually uh our budget uh our water also increase so the total increase for East Brunswick to supply South River water was about 5.8% 5.23 um the remaining amount is going to go toward infrast infrastructure repairs so what we saw is we saw an opportunity to fix a problem in the burrow that has been plaguing us for 40 50 years in the water line replacement our goal is to stop kicking the can down the road and start fixing what need is what needs to be fixed so the additional fums that are not going toward the increase are going to be put to fix the water and replace the water I'm sorry replace of water lines that are outdated 4 in which unfortunately the burrow has I think you mentioned it what 70% or so yeah 70% of the to um so that is where the increase stems from but it's actually financially uh responsible for us to do this and I know it may not seem like it but that's one of the reasons why we decided to lower electric roughly 5% to hopefully offset the cost for the residents because if we do nothing we're going to continue to have problems down the road and 10% will turn into 20% 20% will turn into 30 so now is the time no more excuses we have an Administration that's willing to put in the work so we're going to do everything we can to make sure our residents have clean water have we replaced any lines in the past like recently so we have but it's been emergency repairs if I'm not mistaken yeah and then also about the uh part you were mentioning the reverse flow so what is that going to mean for the residents are we going to be like would you reverse the flow is it just push garbage back into the line what they do shut up areas flush you know clean it out those ni are so I guarantee there won't be any ground water from it no but I mean are we literally reversing the plug yes literally literally reversing FL I may only during the flushing I'm sorry only during the flushing only during the process is what the water okay it just it just doesn't make any sense to me that I mean all I can think of is that you know you have a hot water heater you drain it the rust comes out but if you had the hot water heater and you pushed it back the other way it's just going to go back into your lines into your house like it like to me it seems like everything is used to going one way and now we're going to say okay let's push it do we do we get a second opinion on that do have we spoken to anybody else about that it's just logically doesn't make sense so this is not us choosing we're being told we have to do this we have and this is not a permanent reversal it's at night when they flush the if the water normally goes in One Direction you flush it in the other because the tuberculation that forms on the pipes tends to gather whatever minerals are flowing in that direction by reversing the flow you have the chance of pulling all of that out flushing it down into the street and into the drainage system and then when the system goes back online it goes back to operating the way used it's an outside company that comes on and chemistry doesn't really get involved in this at this point but for right now for the flushing it's it's a it's a standard that the DP has adopted and imposes on towns that when you flush you flush either two ways or backwards not the way you waterers always traveling because you don't dislodge as much of the loose particles they there and then and how much order line are we thinking about replacing yearly do we have a program yet so with the ibank the ibank would provide us funding are um if I'm not mistaken for the most of the project correct so we're talking about yeah 30 4050 million what is the iank so the ibank or if you want to explain it because you did a great job at the last meeting what it is it's part of the NJ it's a bank that give low interest or no interest loans to municipalities to help with their quality of water so you have to apply to have certain criteria okay um for your application you need engine hey Mr in addition to the ibank we have written letters to Dawn um who is the Special Assistant she has reached out to our uh our state and our federal Representatives so Miss Bonnie colan watman uh Melendez and uh Cory B Cory Booker to see if we can get Federal funding which would be rant funded into the budget appropriation so I know Peter has been working hard and trying to get a hold of them our applications are submitted we're ready so now we get to uh be aggressive and make sure we reaching out to them to try to get some FAL and so would like repaving go hand in hand with so part of the ibank if you the do water and sore you have to pave the road okay completely and that's included we have to so that increase in the budget in water would cover Paving as well as [Music] water I would say yeah this is this is an intense project that's going to go on for so the okay so the money is going to tell us how much line we replace a year plan the the plan that uh no like how many like are we replacing 500t a year year So the plan that uh Mr Donado spoke about CDM Smith that's what they're working on creating a plan to submit to the ibank on what it was but if I'm not mistaken the ibank has what a foure 5year cap on certain projects so we may have to do this within four or five years yeah okay you anybody else from the [Music] public first call would you like to come [Applause] up my name is michol B I live here in town with here about 15 years uh I came to the information of something that the town and the council hopefully will uh will want to want to do or get out there to the community uh we basically got awarded a DCA grant for betterment and Remediation and uh the grant is free for homeowners landlords tenants um you know for anybody who applies um they just have to qualify by income and family size and you know I just wanted to share that with with yourself and the council and I also have information here if you like that I can pass out you guys can take a look um you know I think it's it's a it could be a great thing for residents here out there you know anything before 1978 you know house is full of leg kids you know getting sick things like that so I think this is a great opportunity town you guys would like to promote I would be interested I'd like to see down sure thank you I like thank you and what was your name and your street address 25 what thank you sir thank you sir anyone else from the public first call second call I have a motion motion Clos motion by councilman krinsky second by councilwoman Ballas all in favor uh Leta we're going to go into consent resolution 2024 to from 162 to 175 where oh I'm sorry 176 whereas resolution 20241 authorizes the Bro Council to utilize a consent agenda to adopt various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time now therefore be it it is hereby resolved that the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the burough Council and whole as if the same were individually acted upon consent resolution ions 2024 162 to 2024 176 162 awarding a contract to CME Associates for Professional Services 163 authorizing temporary appointment for the Department of Public Works 164 authorizing the lease of photocopying equipment 165 resolution appointing a part-time dispatcher 166 awarding a contract to soer realy Services Group Incorporated for Appraisal Services 167 authorizing the solicitation of request for proposal for Professional Services 168 authorizing the purchase of a radio dispatched console for the police department 169 authorized certain utility refunds 170 appointment of Xavier Gonzalez as laborer a for the sanitation department 171 resolution adopting the burough policy for request to apply for a grant funding 172 support for suit for suitability of cannabis business Garden River Incorporated 176 173 appointment of 2024 Recreation Department employees 174 accept April 8th 2024 regular and executive session minutes 175 authorize the bills and claims list and 176 authorizing the execution of an employment agreement with Arthur lensky as the business administrator Council what's your pleasure second uh motion by councilwoman bis second by council president olera councilwoman bis councilman desian yes counc M griny yes councilman kenzel yes council president olera yes uh we do not have executive session so we will be going to governing body comments we start at councilman kenzel okay I attended the budget meeting on the 20th no one came um looking over the budget knowing we've done enough of these over the years um it's a good budget we continue to Mo move forward on several projects and slowly they will come to fruition uh looking over to the Future our next meeting will be May 13th so there's lots coming up between now and then uh this B mentioned about the Speedy shredding event here in town that's April 27th and there's best wishes to several groups happy and blessed Passover happy Easter to those of the Orthodox Church happy s of demile Happy Mother day and finally uh how's Al it's been fun uh thank you for your service it's been U I hope that you've learned something here and you know I know serve this town well um you know best wishes your Endeavor to become a doctor after this year we can call him Dr Aliva and I can say that because I know you're going to have to Flying Colors so good luck sir okay that's all I have councilman Kinski thank you uh first off I'd like to thank our uh police fire uh Robert with Johnson and especially our DBW for the job that they do to take care of our town uh today is Earth Day with that it's start of our Hydro flesh and it is going to be at the south end of town which is the section of town it's closer to Oldbridge just in case people aren't aware of it in the burrow calendar and then progressively it's going to go on uh on 429 area 2 and uh May 5th for area one which is the north end of town um with that and also we have our neighborhood watch meeting coming up this Thursday at 6: pm at DFW uh we urge you to go online and try to register or use a QR code if you can uh if not and you happen to attend anyway we will try to accommodate you as best as we can this is at the BFW at 6:00 in the evening um also councilman all there it's been a pleasure working with you it's I'm going to miss you with that I that's all I have thank you thank you Council mamian can't hear me too loud uh this Thursday will be the first neighborhood watch meeting um it will be at 6:00 at the VFW building on Reed Street any Resident can attend but you need to register prior to the meeting which can be done by going to the South hariv burls website this is a great opportunity to help your town by participating with the police department with the goal of preventing crime and Jason and this is your last meeting me being the my first year actually my first couple months there's been many times I looked to you for answers and your leadership was outstanding um thank you very much it's going to be sad for me to see you leave but I wish you the best of everything in your pursuit of your PhD and good luck thank you and that's all I have mayor councilwoman [Music] Bas the only I [Music] IET so they're going you got going back and now iser to say Happy Mother's Day all and to Jason you will be missed got to work together among all things I hope you don't step back too far I wish you much luck in getting your PhD you will be a doctor my niece will be a doctor next month um I we appreciate everything you done Recreation Commission but not have app thank you I'm Gonna Leave You For Last oh sh thanks man uh as you all know um the South River School is enduring a project that's right here next door and the superintendent reached out to me uh in regards of uh this project uh this project is on a Tim restraint and uh they are requesting that um on the Saturday for the next two months which would be uh May and June uh that when they start work at 8:00 of course you know there's a um noise ordinance but or a I should say start ordinance but for that one hour till 9:00 if we would be able to uh give them that that one hour now I know that they're on like I said they're on a time restraint so I'm looking for that consensus from the council that uh we could help them out of course is it going to be every Saturday it's not going to be every Saturday they just they're covering themselves for the next two months when do they start work they already started no no I mean what time do they start in the morning oh 8:00 oh yeah that's not a problem not a problem Mr krinski I problem with it thank you it's okay all right I will relay the message to the superintendent that uh she's good to go hydrant flushing listen I know this is not easy we hear about this all the time that our water is brown yes your water may be tinted happens two times a year where we have to flush the hydrant so please bear with the Department of Public Works uh if it exceeds more than two or three days after they have flushed it then I understand why you would call the Department of Public Works and believe me what I tell you they're going to come out and they're going to check your water so please bear with their uh flushing uh we did pass the budget today we have a really great budget ahead of us uh with the uh increase of water but with the decrease of electric you couldn't have any better on April 17th I had the privilege of being one of the speakers at a Chamber of Commerce in East Brunswick uh let me tell you it was a packed room I sat with veteran Mayors uh Brad Cohen Brad wack from Woodbridge uh the mayor from Oldbridge couldn't make it it was a great experience but one of the things I learned was the amount of opportunity this town has and although uh I brought it back to the EDC and they're going to be uh Distributing most of these grants uh there's more out there that's going to help this town and believe when I tell you the networking is coming here besides that we've also had a very very eventful uh April 19th uh I uh finally had the news12 Main Street project come to town uh we started at 4 o'clock in the morning I know the chief is still a little upset about it um but we had the opportunity to visit five different uh stores or five different um U facilities in town uh the the five were ranto which is on fery Street which believe me what I tell you they have such a great display of pastries you need to come and see what you have in your own backyard the second one was serenos serenos uh their food is remarkable uh matter of fact sodas rantos they have a great uh spread when it comes down to sandwiches uh we also got a chance to see the uh new city Fresh Market which was right here on Main Street they have a large amount of selections when it comes down to uh uh groceries of course we also had the opportunity to go see the zeppy guy um when I tell you if you don't have a sweet tooth after that I don't know what comes after that uh the uh spread was incredible he does serve lunch so that's something that you should all come and explore and then we went to the Portuguese Fisherman which we all know uh let me tell you um the Lauren dun which is the uh reporter she did a remarkable job it is on TV uh let me tell you South River has a lot to show it really does and there's a lot more coming there's a lot lot of development knocking out our door uh I know that we're expecting to break ground in quite a few projects by the end of the year this is your town we're all here to work together and make it happen I also had as council president um Olivera said I had the opportunity to throw the first pitch I don't know how I got it to the uh to the plate but it was a great great um uh day beautiful weather the kids were awesome uh I don't know what the outcome was on that game did they win 10 you they won all right so congratulations on them neighborhood watch um this is something that has been a problem for this town for quite a while our police department does a remarkable job as it is but it isn't easy because at any given time you could have three police police officers on the road and any given time you could have just one you are just as instrumental as they are you are their eyes and ears you are you are more than just a tool you are somebody that's capable of reporting what you have seen and what you could do to help the Police Department please register for this program it's on April 25th at 6 o00 at the VFW you know um we all know this the RAR uh they just finished renovating the facility so I don't even know how to express how remarkable doesn't even belong in this town but this is what you're going to expect that's going to come to your town I urge you to go and see the new rore it's with the lighting with the waterfall you're going to enjoy your time it was yeah exactly what council councilwoman B said it's spectacular I urge you to go and go to the RAR well going into the bottom Jason um I don't know how to say thank you um when I first when I ran three years ago um I remember prior to that being on the council I was leaon to the parks and wreck I saw something in a council president uh that I never saw and that was um his motivation his determination to the town how much he really wanted this town to move forward um very well spoken extremely intelligent and with that I knew he was going to be an instrument to the council uh we ran we had a remarkable time we did a lot of walking lots of one but uh we got to know a lot uh within days we were like best of friends brothers and here I am today uh I want to say goodbye but I know it's not a goodbye I know that you're venturing out to uh in uh make it better for you when it comes down to education and I I applaud you for that uh I know that one day you're going to be back I'm going to be waiting for you we are all going to be waiting for you South IR is going to be waiting for you so I thank you for what you have done and what you're continuing to do for our community and last and final to all your mothers Happy Mother's Day Council president all right so as everyone mentioned up here today huh I I speak loud thank you as everyone mentioned you know today is my last meeting uh what a lot of people don't realize is over the course of the last year and a half I had a new child and in addition to having a new child I embarked on completing my doctoral degree um I did my best to try to try to not have my education interfere with my political aspirations of serving on the council and serving the residents but this has been by far one of the most gratifying experiences of my life outside of my wife and my two beautiful daughters um but I just just my mental health is very important to me and it got to a point where I was struggling to try to balance both of them and over the course of the next four months I would have had to miss the meetings because I would be in class um and as mayor gindy mentioned this is not a good by uh this is a see you later I do have plans on one day hopefully serving our residents again of course if I'm voted in but man has this been one hell of of experience I started uh if you recall I know Peter said it was cheesy but one of my favorite authors says seek first to understand then to be understood I think over the last two and a half three years that I've served it's really about understanding the process understanding how great of individuals we have Joe you are by far the best CFO in this County and I truly mean that you are great at what you do we're very lucky to have you Mr stankowitz best auditor you know you guys made the budget process extremely easy um and we can't thank you enough Alyssa you're a rockstar thank you for everything Bruce you as well again can't thank you thank you for being patient with me as I bother you about the rec center as much as possible uh and Andrea you say something aboute I'm gonna say something about age he's gonna be last uh I'm working my way around the table Andrew thank you for everything uh that you've done I know in the beginning it was uh a lot of decisions were coming up that you know were might have been an issue uh but I can't thank you again for providing guidance not only for me but for this Council um and art you know man you're amazing um this town is grateful to have you um I'm happy that you received another contract extension for twoe um we're very fortunate that we have you in this position to lead the town and continue to grow our job is to make sure that you get additional help we're going to make sure that happens as much as possible but thank you for everything you do AR truly mean it um and of course we got our Police Department chief I know it's not easy being a police officer now we have a great force thank you for everything you do I think the steps that we're taking again as a council as a community uh with the neighborhood watch we're trying to be Innovative we're trying to do things and I think you see that from this Council through uh mayor gindy's leadership through his vision South River will be great it's going to be great and it we just need to work hard and I think you have a council up here right now that it's willing to roll up their sleeves get their hands dirty and make sure that everything our residents come first and that's something I want to remind you guys our residents come first and we've been doing that and of course age we have the best DPW workers we really do um they're amazing they have great leadership on your behalf you know thank you for everything that you do to provide this town but it's just not about us up here what makes our job easy is the workers at Reed Street um I'd be wrong if I didn't mention Terry I know you mentioned how great the rec department has but Terry and Jessica are rock stars they've made that program into what it is today we've offered flag football we've offered cheerleading two of our biggest stuff that we didn't offer two years ago so to see everything grow and flourish now the onus is on you guys and I'm leaving you guys with this we need a wreck home we have no place we need to be able to provide our children our youth in this town with something to do it's up to us to decide how we're going to do that so don't let it be when I'm running in a couple years from now as a doctor um saying where is this going why haven't we done anything uh because you guys know me I'll go against the ground if I have to so just thank you guys for everything again Peter thank you for asking me to run I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I feel like I've gained brothers and sisters up here and lifelong mentors and uh John you know never thought I would uh you know thank you for taking me under your wing and having me learn uh Peter and I apologize for leaving you out here you know as a council president uh and having to transition things but I can't thank you enough for everything and making me take the lead of Faith with you um it's been a very gratifying experience that I'm very very lucky to have completed so thank you guys like to join the [Music] meeting CC president seconded by Council Jian meeting's adjourned all right now I got to go to a brick meeting