##VIDEO ID:L71jsdS0LpM## oh wait hold on microphone might help go ahead Peter good evening welcome to the 16th meeting of the year today is September 23rd 2024 Alissa can you please read the in compliance with chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting to be held at the criminal justice building 61 Main Street South rer has been published in the Hess Tribune on January 15 2024 post on the municipal building Bolton Bo the B website the front door of the Criminal Justice building at 61 Main Street sou River mayor gy here counc here coun here coun s herecan here the United States of America the stands na pleaseing we have nothing for PL naations nothing on the agenda sorry agenda session talk about after the executive session ala please read 20 2024 20492 231 1975 perits the exclusion of the general public from a meeting of the governing body under certain circumstances and whereas the mayor and counsel of the B South River or of the opinion such circumstances presently exist and therefore be it is hereby resolved by the mayor and Council of the bar South River in the county of middlex of the state of New Jersey with the public being excluded upon the here and after specific subject matter and that such subject matter to be so discussed is as follows property acquisition Personnel be a further resolve that such record of the above discussion made public and confidentialities no longer required the B Council the B may or may not take formal action at the conclusion of the executive session motion second motion by councilman kinsky second by council president Council counc yesc STIs yesan yesensky yesc president will be Jo Clos we'll be right we're going to go to our second reading we have three agenda session to recap Andrew uh thank you mayor uh 20 24-40 that's just for a handicap parking spot um ordinance 2024 41 that's for a no left turn and reduction of speed limits at certain locations during school hours as recommended by the police department and 202442 that's just the amendment to the Redevelopment plan for 55 Main Street that's the PNC property thank you second please read 20244 ordinance 20244 and ordinance to amend the code the Bor South River chapter3 entitled vehicles and traffic by amending section 193 31.1 schedule moot reading all in favor I'm G open it up to the public you have 10 minutes say your name and your address first call second call third call second this oh that only okay all right all in favor uh Council comments do I have a motion second motion by councilwoman B second by Council counc boun yesc STIs yesan yes couny yes counc president kenzel yes L 22441 ordinance 20441 ordinance of the B South county middle state of New Jersey amending the bur code of the bur South River so as to amend chapter 193 entitled vehicles and traffic motion W before reading second motion by Council second by Council all in favor Council discussion I'd like to open it up to the public minut your name first call second call third call motion to close second motion by councilman siola seconded by Council Kinski all in favor I have a motion move the ordinance second motion by councilman second by Council counc yes counc yes countis yes counc yes counc grensky yes council president kenzel yes was 202442 what is 2024 42 in ordinance of the bar South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey adopting the amendments to sub Area 151 of the lower Main Street read motion second motion by counc second by counc all favor like to open it to the public your name and your address is ordinance time 10 minutes don't interrupt me U so let me just get this straight so this is for the bank next to this building you PC correct that's a question yes uh it's going to be four stories high it's going to be 40 Apartments is that correct 45 how many 45 45 apartmentss and there 45 parking spots short the is that correct 43 with permits 43 um any idea where they're going use 43 car he's going buy permits for the tenants you're going to buy permits where buy permits for the extra3 what what lot were they buying perit for all wherever there's perit parking the town that's connecting streets whatever we're end up there's permit parking on the street I was going to ask you so there these amendments he said they were attached but they weren't attached no way to see them what can we see these amendments should be were also Bo you should have it at theice they're not online and we attached to the packet and wanted to open to the public I just wondering what what is since you're voting on it there must be knowledge of this parking on theet it's not Secret well then what is IT Park have permit parking we start off St Street start back George Street other parking lots we're GNA have so here so St Street right now is two hour parking for customers and then you're going to make it exclusive for the paring not only for the Whoever has all right so the customer parking is being converted to resident parking that's correct and we're going to do this on a lot of other streets mostely which streets which customer parking spot to be converted I have an interesting question I'm asking a question because you're limitting time it's unlimited time I don't know when more I have questions about this so these negotiations they weren't at the Zone board and wer at the plan board right it's the developer meets with the council and the download or seen private meetings and then you come up with this plan and now it's in front of the council that how that works and it comes close to the planning board might the one you well the planning board I was there seemed like things was just dumped on them the beginning of the meeting some people seem confused yeah the attorney said they had to vote on it that night it pretty much seemed like a rubber stamp nothing against the plan board but just it seemed a little bit quite frankly I think it was little rude and disrespectful the council to dump something like that on the the night of the meeting and say vote now but that's besides the point um So the plan is to convert on Street customer parking to private res and how is that going to help the downtown bring more we going to be bringing in more business to the town but there's no place for to park learning actually there's no one parking on our streets excuse me there's no one coming to our main street right now you know that seems to be the the the image but all the bu all the Stef are full name empty St you know you don't have to get about this none of you all have any skin in the game when it comes to these plans I do so you got a lot of years go by where people come they have crazy plans and then they split and then the people that are downtown like me we're left like holding back like so you know you don't have to get kind of sted about asking questions about what's the plan when this all comes down behind closed doors just use like attachments that I can see online you can't it was dumped on the planning board I went to the planning board meeting nobody seem to know and now what I'm asking a few simple questions again kind s so if that's the way it's going to be I guess that's the way it's going to be so I mean it's a done deal I know it's a done deal we're getting this huge building here there's no plan for parking you're going to just the parking lot has 68 spots for permit last time I saw a permit in there 124 on the remember so we're already double BR but if you're going to build more buildings and stick more people in you know how many parking spots are on Main Street there's 46 so you're 45 short and you're going to take all of Main Street it sounds like a naked prate residential Market that's not going to help the businesses we got the storefronts are all full we got an empty bank we got another bank owned by a land Speculator uh we got a burnout building and Don Browns that's it the rest of is full over Street all the businesses are full Fair Street we got Jensen's building and then we got one just down the street for me so it's full Jackson Street's full I don't know where this impression that the town is is empty with bacon Stef just coming from maybe you guys don't come downtown maybe you're not down here I mean like tonight we park this place doesn't have its own private parking where you park we park where the customers are supposed to park and have parked since 1957 and now you're converting so I don't think that's such a good idea so that's you know I don't think it's a good idea I think it's a great long ter plan um a lot of times these developments you see it all the time in the paper they get pretty liated tax breaks any tax breaks planned for this if there are tax breaks given to this plan will it be at a council meeting will it be at his Z board or P be negotiated behind the scenes this so there'll be discussions at a council or it'll just be like a no it'll be out of coun so I say I just this parking stuff you know the last time they they they expanded the park was 1978 brige Park Lot was originally built in 1958 when which ball they had foresight to create parking to help the businesses so nothing's happened since 1970 matter of fact we had uh businesses open that uh are having a big impact on the real parking bu expion Our Generation hasn't done anything from the downtown it's a shame we're used to going to the mall and there hasn't been anything to improve the shopping environment I me the silence is terrible half parking going coming open it's no welcome to South we got rusted signs to say South is veteran friendly the industrial commission signed when was the last time the industrial commission was around 30 years ago and you know so nothing has been our generation hasn't done anything the downtown but a couple guys F did some stuff and not to get on your case but I mean to go forward with these sort of plans I think is irresponsible and I don't think in the long run it's going to be good now you want to ask me a question anyone else from the public first call second call third call public motion by Council s second by Council all in favor Council discussion what is your motion make a motion to move the ordinance second councilman uh motion by Council second by councilwoman Bas counc yes counc yes counc Sant yes Council yes ccy yes council president Cel yes to reports good evening everybody uh the 2023 2024 program began uh the contractor started on Leonard Dean Avenue happened to pull off the job this week but supposed to be back and continue work uh the 2023 Local transportation projects Grant we're working on that design the local aid program we should be hearing back from the state of New Jersey the dot regarding the awards soon the substation maintenance the contractor is working along in there they replaced the battery bank they did the repair to the load tap changer on T6 and they're going to be doing feeder maintenance this week and we nothing on the storm water assistance gr so that is it thank you Joe isn't in today or you wna okay starting October 7 we'll be handing out Lea bags down at the uh DPW office from 8 to 12 Monday to Friday you must bring uh you can bring the coupon from the calendar or bring proof of residency you get it's 20 bags per household also October 14th is columus day will be closed there'll be no yard waste pickup on that day on October 15th we start the curbside Leaf program we'll be starting on the south side of town and it goes all the way to December 20th and also on that day October 15th the fall hydrant flush flushing starts and that will also start on the south end of town we'll start on Veterans and the information will be on the website we'll be putting out a nixel before each week of flushing and uh we urge not to do laundry during that time so have thank you h fire chief uh we are currently at 341 alarms for 2024 all fire apparatus are in service no other news for the fire chief please Chief mayor good evening I just just a couple of things just want to thank everyone that came over on Saturday for our G the cruiser event all those proceeds went to the food bank so uh on behalf of the food bank and the police department thank you for all those that came that day also we did inspections on I believe six car seats uh are we have two officers here that are nationally certified uh are Public Safety certified car seat technicians um that uh will help you install and make sure that your um child car seats are installed properly so we had that event on Saturday um that's not only a Saturday event so if you have a new board or if you are questioning if you've installed your car seet the correct way you can come down here and ask for sergeant Florence and he'll make that appointment for you also this Thursday at 6 PM right here in council chambers is our neighborhood watch meeting it's the second one for the year uh please come out uh right now we only have 39 RSVPs uh from from this town uh hopefully we can get more people to come out here um and go over some of the crime prevention techniques we have uh for the for the burrow uh lastly if you look at resolution number 304 it is an agreement with the Ruckers Universal Behavioral Health Care um that is an agreement between us and that organization we are participating in the aw arrive program which stands for alternate response to reduce instances of violence and escalation basically what that does it Partners up a police officer with a mental health specialist uh to deal with mental health uh individuals that are in distress so once a week for every two weeks one of our officers will be assigned a n health specialist um whenever we have a call um that officer and that specialist will go on that call so we'll be partnering up not only with that organization but it's also an agreement between us South Brunswick sell East Brunswick cranberry and mil so as soon as we get all these memorandums strained out with uh that program will just a couple things mayor resolution 302 the execution of agreement with Pace Analytical Pace Analytical has brought out Agra nothing really changes other the fact that our build now come from Pace number 307 the authorizing Amendment AG with Ron Valley as you know we got a grant from the mili County Health Department for 35 year old swimming lessons uh we are able to extend that Grant and this authorizes us to change the location to an indoor pool so anyone who would have a three or fivey old wants to learn how to swim they can contact the recreation department that still sign up their children for the program during the full months and the last thing I have is the electric and water bills um we've worked closely with the building company they have claimed now that they have sent out the bills we still not received them to our post office I just want to make it clear it's an inconvenience to the public it also is an inconvenience to the burrow we're losing Revenue by not getting the bills out so it's not that we're not actively daily hourly working with the building company to get this trained out um as today it's still not straighted out soon as we do the there will be a grace period we don't expect you to get the bill of that's going to say next day you know pay it your um liable for interest but not doesn't work that way so I'll just keep the public informed and and the council informed when this problem gets straightened out and this company's contract is we extended till December um let that can come up with a good reason I don't think we'll be dealing with the same company next year you just can't drop company like that and change companies so we'll be going out for a bid for either a change or the same company to improve what they're doing good all right Council um sorry councilman s mayor council kiny thank you mayor uh all I have to say is the Office of Aging doesn't have their schedule out yet for the next month uh please check the website and remember if you want to do any of the events please register early that thank you may thank you mayor good evening everybody um The Bard of fed the new turf field is in and we'll be hosting soccer baseball and softball games the first game to be played there will be H boy soccer on October 7th and this Saturday is football's homecoming um as the chief had mentioned there is a neighborhood watch meeting uh this Thursday September 26 6:00 here in the police station registration is requested and can be done online at girls website thank you [Music] mayor this Friday September 27th the Board of Health is holding a blood drive at St Peter and Paul's Church 70 six whad Avenue so going to church um from 1 to 7 you can make an appointment either online by going to ww. nbc.org back/ drive or call 1 800 933 2566 you will receive a free coffee mon if you donate and anyone over 76 must have a doctor's note unless they're already on the file and if you do sign up online this the sponsor code is 63101 if anybody wants to look at this before I go you can either come up and scan also um they also holding a paint party Wednesday October 9th at 7:00 at the riar tickets are $30 per person it includes appetizer Buffet a paint session there will also be a cash bar all money is due by October 1st tickets are limited to 45 people if there's any questions you can contact Michelle at 48 Washington Street and to buy tickets they do go quite fast they are still doing the start the morning off right um food drive again you can donate at Corpus Christie Church Holy Trinity St Peter and Paul's St Mary's the South public library South B H or triar lock hardware and locksmith now last week the last meeting we had the women from Loving Hands they were invited to a Board of Health meeting and they did come last weekend last Tuesday rather they just wanted me to go over a couple of things because they're they're getting phone calls that don't pertain to that they're getting phone calls from residents to come and trap cats on their properties they're not allowed to go on people's properties they do not lose TNR which is trap manuver and release there are nonprofit no kill rescue located on whad Avenue their mission is to place a doal cats and loving homes while they're in their care they make sure that every cat is socialized vet check spay or neutered microchip and up toate on all vaccines they do take emergency rescues when they can because they do have a limit of how many they can have in the building they are completely run by volunteers um the Board of Health is not associated with them per se but we're going to be running maybe some educational things together as the year goes on and into next year um they do give back I might you might see them on Facebook they do um when they have um an extra amount of cap donated by people they will give that out to anybody that's in need but again they are not a TNR group don't call them to come and track your pets what they're finding is some neighbors are ping on their neighbor cats they have collars they've already clipped so these are cats that are taken care of by other people they just don't want them on their property so they're calling them to come track them they will not do that so that's it thank you um DDC they met last week um they are planning a excuse me a meet and greet event coming up soon um this is going to be where the businesses and the owners can get together and meet each other see what each business has to offer and work together on different plans for the downtown area um they're also working with our grant writer to see if there's any grants out there for store fronts the facades that we can get grants to help improve the fronts of the buildings to start going in and improve the entire downtown district so that's what they're planning on now as soon as they give me a date and time and where um I'll let everybody know that's all I have right now you heard about the water bill electric bill I'm not going to repeat that we're looking into it we'll probably discuss it at our utilities meeting which this Friday at 10:00 I'll hold my comments I'd like to open it to the public 10 minutes please St your name and your address thank you for the my name is AR I'm president of nonprofit organization called Foundation Global we conduct a yearly conference which a youth conference which happens in South River at s marks academy uh every year in October uh same thing happen this year in 2024 on October 13th that's a Sunday uh I'm here to personally invite all of you to that event en Council and the environmental commission my team sent out an email inviting all of you guys uh I think week and a half ago uh if you have time that day please attend it's the same place third time we're conducting that my church uh St Marks Academy their school um same place it's the third time the concept this year is we focus on sustainable development goals set forth by United Nations we pick a goal every year this year we're picking quality education partly because I teach as well uh but we focus on quality education uh are our um our agenda includes a bunch of U school students from VAR School District dist most of them are my students grades 8 through 12 they come prepared on a topic uh there's three panels one is on all on us education but one is on US versus foreign education the other is New Jersey versus other State education and and the third one is lowering the Voting Rights and the fourth panel is an all teacher panel for teachers from various uh uh school districts on various classes and I'll will be moderating the Forum so there for house so you all welcome to attend I came here person invite all of you thank you very much for your time last year we had the same uh similar event the same place at the time Mr pety was there the time mayor Fel if you remember you were there and jul maray was also there at the time and Rich bur also help so I'm here invite all thank you 13th October 13th and what's the time Sunday from 10: to 4: there will be four panels an hour long there will also be a 10 minute period at the end of the panel discussion for the for the Q&A the goal is to cultivate leadership skills amongst youth because if we see a lot of people a lot of kids graduating from Schools they're they're they're excellent academically but they they they struggle with public speaking my goal is to introduce them public speaking thank you very much anyone else from the public first call second call motion public Julie ma 189 Main Street um I just want to thank U again our um legislative standing Sterling for allowing the Motor Vehicle Commission to come out last year uh last Friday for a residence um they came out um to John Street from 92 2m for people to do their real IDs and registration uh I have a question did we ever receive the uh whitee head Avenue traffic study was that ever publicized for the public yes answer is yes you're always did we put it out for the public to see so Council received it would we be able to make that public can put this the I I watched last meeting I was very happy that residents are happy with the improvements that we made to Virginia Street um but as you know everybody always sees the issue with speeding and kids walking from school onad Avenue with you know year has passed about that tragedy but we do want to continue to improve that and um I I've checked the B website I know I haven't seen anything there I just wanted to make sure that residents also get a chance to see what the conclusion of those that um human relations I know we integrated human relations with culture Arts and Heritage um this year we had our first flag raising with the Portugese Club it is my understanding that the Mexican Community requested a flag raising for October 6 October 6 I was told that nobody had reached back out to them okay they put in a permit we called them we followed up with them they had a proposed date they were not ready so they said we need to talk please confirm okay so is that does that go on your we're waiting for them to confirm with us they haven't confirmed they weren't ready for their proposed date so now we want them to come back to us and say okay we're ready for October 6 on the okay when is the next in Heritage meeting approve those they approve we haven't anything I my understanding that they submitted an application at the I don't know who receive the application at the burrow if they're having a like a event after the flag raising like food and everything then they would come to me for a special events permit if they're just doing a flag raising nothing afterward words then they would just fill out the application with the cultural arts and I wouldn't be involved in that okay it is my understanding that the community filled out an application for the and submitted it at the I don't know who received it I don't know if it was for Mexican flag raising someone did come in and I asked them if they were having an event afterwards and they said no so I gave them the application for just flag raising I don't know it was for what you're talking about but I haven't seen anything since then the at the who does receive applic so that if someone brought it into me I would just leave it in their mailbox or I would let Teresa know that someone was asking about it okay so what I've gotten back is they're patiently waiting to see Mexican Independence has already passed right September others have done and wees herself called I will the message please U my last comment that I want to make you know it's been a month since the uh fire on Main Street uh four families were displaced two families are still displaced they're still looking to uh find a location temporarily I'm happy that the house is starting to get fixed up again but just so the residents know they're still two more families still struggling to relocate and you know get everything they need I want to thank the food bank for directly reaching out um and you know showing their support and giving everything that is need supposed to that's all I have to say Julie I just want to say thank you I know that the your driveway was utilized for some of the stuff to go there I read that online so thank you for putting that out there to help I know you live right there so that was nice of you just right across the street I'm still have bags and bags of clothes for the families uh right now they're still trying to essentially find a home so then be able to get uh furniture and and stuff like that but at least we were able to get them situated for the first day of school there was a lot of school kids uh the PTA helped out with that um and you know the community really came out and supported so thank you everybody who did come out they gave gift cards clothes donations school supplies book bags you know it was a big help for such a shock to to have for those kids especially right for school one more quick thing I just want to say you know with all the fall Sports out there uh football cheerleading everything's been going great I just want to give a shout out to the par W because they this year you know took on Pop Warner which I think only he would know right now it's a very difficult task when you only have volunteers and our parks and GRS took over that and it's it's like having two full-time jobs so I give credit to the par for being able to do that and still continue to do the other um programs with for the kids so thank you all right the two residents are still dis could you I know Red Cross came out two to four families that night could you reach out to Red Cross and see that night Red Cross there that I know that can you ask them if they could look into two other families that are still displaced I'll make a call in the morning but normally they just P nowaday the Red Cross just deit cards you know money and they don't put you in a hotel or anything any give you ex amount of dollar I'll check with thank you anyone else from the public first call second call third call second motion by Council second all in favor I there's no marital appointments um please go into cons resolutions Melissa 2024 293 to 307 whereas resolution 20241 authorizes the B Council to utilize consent agenda to adopt various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time now therefore be it is hereby resolved that the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the B Council and is the same individually as upon consent resolutions 2024 293 to 20247 293 permit a voluntary Cy fundraiser to support the head overals parent Association 294 appointments to the Office on Aging Department 295 approval of the special events permits the Portuguese club for an event to be held on September 28 2024 296 approval of a special events permit to the BFW for an event to be held on September 29 2024 297 authorizing the B clerk to weigh the special event permit fee for the W 298 resolution resending the approval of consumption license for the 2425 license year 299 granting renewal to an ABC consumption license for the 2324 license year 300 gr granting renewal to an ABC consumption license for the 2425 license year 301 authorized certain utility refunds 302 authorizing the execution of an agreement with police analytical Services Incorporated 303 appointment of Charles Barnes as Junior firefighter 304 authorizing the execution of a of a memorandum of understanding with rocker University 305 accept September 9th 2024 regular and executive session minutes 306 authorize the bills and claims list 307 authorizing an amendment to the agreement with rton Valley YMCA second motion by Council woman Ballas second by Council counc Ballas yes yes the exstension from 303 and on 306 24-1 841 00 432 02203 and 02322 councilman de santis yes Council deian yes Council grensky yes council president kenzel yes thank you go into governing body comments Council thank you um just to go over what our DPW director had stated earlier the 24 Leaf bag distribution will be starting on Monday October the 7th going through November must show proof is South L A residency and there's a limit of 20 bags per household the pickup location is at the DPW 9 Ivan way the pickup times are between 8 and 12 noon during the week the DPW will be closed on Monday October 14th for Columbus Day no yard waste will be picked up the next pickup for yard Wass will be on Monday October the 21st uh the 24 curbside Leaf program is going to start on October the 15 on the south side of town and go back and forth each week between the North side and Southside and will end on December the 20th there would be no collections on October 14th November 11th November 28th and November 29 starting October 15 they are going to be doing hydrant flushing different areas in town so the 15th through the 18th is going to be uh starting on the south end of town the 21st to the 25th is going to go to the center of town here by the high school area and then the 27th and the 31st would be on the north side of town so please they recommend you do not wash laundry uh during these times when they're flushing the flushing times are going to be let me see here but on the area three the first one will be between 7:30 and 2:30 p.m. and that's October 15th and October 18th October 21st to October 25th 7:30 to 2:30 p.m. and on October 27th through the 31st be 900 P pm to 5 a.m. and that's will add council okay um while Julie was asking about the flag raising I did text Teresa she said they haven't gotten back to me they were still checking with their members on a date that they can all agree on so she has been in touch with um other than that hope you all come out homecoming need to win going to be a Beau weekend support all those school um if you remember there was a powder outage uh outage on Saturday September 14th it occurred around 10:20 a.m. areas of Union Street up to Whit Avenue were affected uh please on duty found the balloon that was Tangled by the Transformer on the telephone pole on Union Avenue right behind the substation electric Department was there at 11:00 a.m. removed the balloon we set the trip circuit and power was restored by 11:30 um the frost and the Pumpkin road race is set for Sunday October 27th it's going to be a 5k instead of a 10K a new route has been um put in place and it's going to be in the area of the high school and there'll also be a one mile fund run and I guess more details will come out as time goes on gets closer that's it thank you Kensi thank you mayor first off I'd like to thank our police fire and our Public Safety workers uh BPW and Robert Wood Johnson ppw especially the job that they're doing between patching the roads and uh cleaning up after some of the parks and everything very much aside from that the weather is changing uh leaves are coming out there uh let's be courteous and not blow them out into the curb or put them into the storm sewers that have be maintained and clean by the de govern and uh let's watch out for children because the days are getting shorter also that that's all I have Mar thank you thank you council member just to heads up that this Sunday the pop warner organization is at home uh flag starts at 9:00 a.m. so you guys can come out support our young cheerleaders and football players the concession stand is open and uh it's a good full day there you can see a lot of people and it's good to get out so we appreciate the support thank you council president kenzel I always try to push things that go on in South River um we had the September 11th ceremony was very nicely attended GL to see so many people coming out there are other things going on in South River you've heard a few of them U you know the Portuguese club is having something the BFW on the 29th this Wednesday I want to make sure I got this right uh the southan historical and preservation Society join us on Wednesday September 25th for quote uncovering middle six County's history the 1918 influenza pandemic end quote we're going to be talking about the radar survey that they did at the South Washington Monumental Cemetery long been associated with the 1918 pandemic that's 700 p.m. at 64 Main Street Museum uh usually they are well attended and by all means it's open to the public you don't have to be a member please come out it's interesting it's informative about our town other things that are going on you heard about the neighborhood watch that's something good about protecting your house homecoming Frost pumpkin These are times that can get together come out like with the homecoming will there be a parade T yes yes there will be a parade stand outside wait to people you know become part of South River those are the good things of South River our little Community being a part of it thank you may thank you all right so let me answer some of the questions were asked today first of all I really thank you I had the opportunity to go to your event last year unfortunately I can't make it this year I know that we still it's a great event so the council member actually make it I urge you to do that now one of our biggest problems and one of multiple problems that we have with this town happens to be parking unfortunately it's not that we such a small town there's just can't find parking if you really wanted to when it comes down to the business district unfortunately and I use the word unfortunate is that most of our businesses are striving just to stay open most of them close around 5:00 some of them try to stay open a little bit later but for the most part it's always stop and go stop and go now one of the things I ran on last year was the con concept of the word le development the reason I use the word development is because and I know all of you probably have the same feeling uh Main Street there's nothing on Main Street that's the reality of we are not a matachin we are not a freehold we are not a Westfield unfortunately we are none of these TS we can be we can be in the last past nine months this Administration has been working on quite a few development projects one of them as you seen last month last meeting which was the SE at 17 that's got approved today thanks to the administration we now approv the second revelop Mr you so this is what Redevelopment looks like coming to your town but here's the problem we're going to complain about the word parking this individual that came before us knows that he has a parking issue he paid into the actual concept of the parking permits he didn't have to do that we could have easily compromised we could have easily did whatever it took just to break him down but this is what re development looks like coming next door to this building the next literally in the next few months this is Street this is your town so we're going to complain about parking every time we want to bring something big into your town and I don't know what more to tell this is just one of men coming now he knows he has a parking per he knows he has to pay into the system for a long time unless he finds a conclusion I could bet you he's going to find a conclusion he's not a person that just started developing in our town he's been doing in five different other towns so when you're going to sit there you're going to complain about how we have a problem with parking the only problem we have is saying yes to developers that want to bring something nice such as this two commercial on the bottom this is just a sneak peek of what next year's no comes out to Dev so there's more to come so thank you Mr for cleaning how long take before we see the structure going on what time both both projects you're probably about within the year be breaking grounds soon breaking grounds are completed within the year hopefully um fall is here as missa actually said be careful with the kids they're all out playing sports all into it the weather's cooling down one of my biggest concerns moving forward with kids is Parks one of our biggest problems is vandalism not too long ago dry Park got vandalized a slide a spiral slide got broken and unfortunately we had to un caution take it matter of fact Chief did you buy any chance get a police report on this no no the way it works with our parts just so everyone is aware that we inspect our parts every two weeks so unless somebody tells us there's something vling that we could either fix or replace we don't know unless whoever's inspecting every two weeks so that could happen in a two we time frame happen in our in our case Kowski park there is no reason for us to replace because we got a grant that's going to replace the whole entire park come early next year so you're going to get a brand new park sitting just like what you saw with daily spot is going to happen right here at Bowski Park and that was all Grant so like I said this Administration is working hard to make self a better place it's not easy our next council meeting we're going have a very nice topic for work so I like I invite everyone to come out to this Council other than that is there anything else from the council do I have an adj motion by council president second by Council all in favor yeah that's the kind of