you just knocked welcome to the uh July 8th 13th meeting of the year uh Alissa please do the uh presiding uh statement in compliance with chapter 231 of public law 1975 notice of this meeting to be held at the criminal justice building 61 Main Street South River has been published in the home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the municipal building bulletin board the burrow website the front door of the Criminal Justice building at 61 Main Street South River roll call Mayor gindy here council balis is out councilman Cula here councilman desian here councilman Frost is out councilman kensky here council president krenzel here please rise for the salop the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please stay standing for ex Council at chicky you may be seated we are going to change the agenda a little bit we're going to do a proclamation and then we're going to go into executive session after that we're going to go into agenda session um Alysa Proclamation which is going to be the 50th anniversary of Trigo Hardware locksmith if you come up you okay you sure [Music] M we as July 1st 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of tri's Hardware story inor South and whereas tri's Hardware story is a is a veterans owned business that serves the burough of South River with friendly customer service dedication to our residents and whereas our owner at trigard is a homegrown South River citizen who exes all the good things all good about the municipal small town characteristics and whereas trar hardware store is continually giving back the community supplying many donations and various groups such as the TNR program now therefore be the result the mayor and Council of South River to hereby Proclaim July 1st 2024 as F's Hardware day in the floral South congratulations Melissa executive resolution 2024 246 whereas Section 8 of chapter 231 Public Law of 1975 permits the exclusion of the general public from a meeting of the the governing body under certain circumstances and whereas the mayor and councel of the burough South River are the op of of the opinion such circumstances presently exist now therefore be it is hereby resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough South River in the county of middle sex of the state of New Jersey that the public be excluded upon the here and after specific subject matter and that such subject matter to be so discussed is as follows personnel and contract negotiations be a further resolve that such record of the above discussion would made public when confidentiality is no longer required the burrow Council of the burough South may or may not take formal action at the conclusion of the executive session do I have a motion so moved motion by councilman council president kenel second second by councilman siola councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes come back motion by council president krenzel seconded by councilman Dian all in [Applause] favor adding on the agenda oh uh we are going to be adding on to the agenda for consent resolutions uh 2024 247 which is going to be the purchase of a new fire truck would you like to start off with uh 2024 29 first reading you want to talk about them first dur I do um Andrew you like to uh sure I'll go I'll go through most of them um just first ordinance's on first reading uh 2 2429 uh this ordinance amends chapter 120 the Cannabis ordinance it amends it to add two retail licenses um and Retail as the category licenses uh 2024-the comes in and uh it gets fully approved the locations and the regulations that would govern that uh when you go on to 202 2431 um that is an ordinance authorizing a non-binding referendum question to be placed on the ballot uh to establish a joint land use board um because your population is over $1 15,000 uh 15,000 uh residents you have to go out by referendum to do that uh 2024 -32 that's a ordinance amending your storm water management uh that's your D required changes uh 20 2433 I'm not sure if uh the deputy chief wants to do that but that is just um uh concerns police promotions and the promotional process that was requested by the chief uh 2024 34 that amends uh your chapter 193 entitled vehicles and traffic uh that ordinance indicates that the parking lot across the street from 48 Washington is to be utilized for municipal business only I just want to make Council aware that there is one revision to that there was a uh there was a mistake in the top section and I'm just going to get there I believe it subsection a um um subsection a the words in the rear of the South River Criminal Justice building will be removed uh 53-55 Washington Street will be will be included in that one um 2024 35 art that is a yes what this one is is I gotten a request from some of the residents the uniform construction code doesn't require a permit for a pool uh under 24 in in depth our ordinance had 15 I think it's better off that we are in compliance with the uniform construction code and it gives the people to get a little better pool for two you know 20 below 24 Ines that's fine uh and the last one is 2024 36 this uh updates your fee chapter and it just amends fees for uh the Cannabis licenses uh before we start we are moving the meeting from August 12th to August 5th due to one of the ordinances that has to be approved by before August 9th for it to be submitted to the state Melissa can you please start off with 202 24-29 ordinance 202 mayor if I just make um on the ordinances 20 24 29 30 and 36 um I feel that I I don't have enough information to vote for these so I am going to give it a no vote for those three until we get some new information and update locations uh fees and um the uh ordinance itself with the uh the number of licenses and the percentages I've already said where I stand on those uh on the ordinances for retail uh given the fact that there was a referendum less than a year ago on that I don't think there's been enough information given to the why they their view should be so I would not vote in favor of them I don't know how the rest of the council feels I also would not go in favor of that particular vote because of the referendum that we made any the obligation to the people of the town with that said I say that we table this until the August 5th meeting and we'll have a full report on exactly what this consists of and how this would benefit the town and the type of tax revenue as well as uh um prices that would come with it wouldn't that be cooling it from the agenda that's correct I'm tabling it what ordinances were they 2024 -29 202 24-30 and 202 24-36 [Music] Alysa 202 24-31 ordinance 2024 31 an ordinance of the burrow of South River County of middlex state of New Jersey authorizing a non-binding referendum question be placed on the general election ballot for 2024 relative to establishing a joint land use board motion away the full reading second this is just the first reading it's only done by title only okay motion to adopt well then motion I'll make a motion that the council pass ordinance 20243 on its first reading by title only and a clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with the second reading and public hearing to be held at 700 p.m. on August the 5th 2024 by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of Criminal Justice building 61 Main Street South River New Jersey second motion by councilman siola seconded by council president krenzel you have to have the magic councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes Lista 202 24-32 ordinance 202 2432 an ordinance of the burrow of South River County middle sex state of New Jersey amending the borrow code of the borrow South River so as to amend chapter 295 entitled subdivision and site plan review storm water management mayor I'll move that the council pass ordinance 202 24-32 on its first reading by title only and the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held at 7 p.m. on August the 5th 2024 by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers to the criminal justice building 61 Main Street South River New Jersey have a second second motion by councilman Sia second by to councilman zian councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes Lista 202 2433 ordinance 202 2433 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burrow of South River so as to amend chapter 7 to entitled Public Safety department of Mayor I move that the council pass ordinance 202 24-33 on its first reading by title only and the clerk be authorized to publish the same is required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held at 7 p.m. on August the 5th 2024 by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers at a criminal justice building in 61 Main Street South River New Jersey second Council uh motion by councilman siola seconded by councilman zian councilman Cula yes councilman dimian yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes Lista 202 24-34 ordinance 2024 34 an ordinance of the burrow South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the borrow of South River so as to amend chapter 193 entitled vehicles and traffic mayor I move that the council pass ordinance 20243 4 on its first reading by title only and the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held at 7:00 p.m. on August the 5th 2024 by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers at a criminal justice building 61 Main Street South River New Jersey second motion by councilman siola second by councilman desian councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes Lista 2024 35 ordinance 2024 35 an ordinance of the burrow of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burrow of South River so as to amend chapter 300 entitled swimming pools private mayor I move to the council pass ordinance 2024-25 on its first reading by title only and the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held at 700 p.m. on August the 5th 2024 by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers at a criminal justice building at 61 Main Street South River New Jersey second motion by councilman Cula second by councilman Dian councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes we are going to go into reports Bruce thank you good evening everyone uh the 2023 and 2024 road projects are being advertised on Thursday um we were going to so we'll receive bids um and then uh we're going to have to do that quickly for the I'm going to have to check that against the August 5th meeting with the shift um I'll have to see if we can res I'm trying to remember what the bid date is but so I will get back to you on that one uh the 2025 local Aid um we submitted the applications for that 2023 Transportation project grants we submitted a proposal for that the substation the uh load tab changer in T6 is not functioning properly but the guys are we were going to do it with this hot weather didn't make sense to take the Transformer out so we're waiting for the weather to cool off a bit so they can take it apart and see what's wrong and that's really it thank you is there anything for uh Bruce thank you Bruce um allart you want to take on Joe's report yeah the only thing I have is um on Wednesday we're receiving our first delivery of uh cortic we'll be running tests with costic through the new system and uh once that's uh done approved by DP that uh new new chemical system will be operating and the other thing there's going to be notice on the web page and probably a nixel uh starting on Wednesday a company by the name of valve Tech we'll start um exercising the valves in the North End area of town before we do the reverse flushing so if you see a truck we don't expect any problems with discoloration but we put the notice out anyway these valves need to be tested before they can do the reverse wash that's all I have thank you anything for uh Bruce I mean Bruce for Joe or art sorry um deputy [Music] chief meing mayor of Ro Council we would like to let you know that we graduated proudly uh 20 new Cadets from the junior Police Academy on Friday June 28th um also want to let the community know that if they're going out of town over the summer months um that on our website for the police department there's an unoccupied residence form they can complete this form submitted to the police department and our officers will check their house keep a l when it was checked um so that's something that they can take advantage of um we'd also like to invite the community to National Night Out it's South th 14th National out taking place Tuesday August 6th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 P.M um at St Mark's Christian Academy the rear lot of 8 David Street and finally uh we are currently hiring a police officer um it can be a certified police officer so an officer from another agency or an officer uh who has completed the police academy has a bcpo basic course for police officers um they can apply here to this out there for Police Department up until Friday uh this next this Friday at 4:00 p.m um they can receive our background packet otherwise they can go on to the South Police Department website and download the application there applications are received 24 hours a day um however they must be submitted by Friday uh this this Friday coming Friday by 4 p.m. thank you thank you anything for deputy chief um fire chief or just hold it in your hand all right there we go mayor and Council I believe we're sitting tight at roughly 250 alarms for year could be more than that um all apparatus are currently in service with engine I'm sorry engine 3 is out right now with an air leag engine four Once engine three comes out we'll probably go out of service again for oil as usual that is the uh engine that's supposed to be replaced um that I believe that's the resolution you discussed correct um through this whole process um the truck committee consisted of pretty much a lot of ex-chiefs four ex-chiefs and myself um all of whom were on the previous truck Committee of engine 3 which is a secret as well we were very transparent through this process um answered any of your questions invited you all in for meetings had you have an understanding of what the apparatus was it's far from Custom all right it's pretty much a cookie cutter um with a couple tweaks to it and it's built for the needs of South River if I showed you what we wanted it'd be well more than what you're looking at right now um I did bring in our sales from Seagrave to answer any of your questions um to my knowledge that some people thought that me bringing up the fact that if we don't act on this is it was a threatening manner it wasn't a threatening manner the inflation is that bad that within 30 days the price goes up roughly $30,000 yes or no um another piece of of uh information here we were we spent $10,000 on a consultation correct fiveyear plan correct all right so I want to go back to Lord knows how much money you spent on the previous consultation now I know most of you weren't on that mayor and counsel but you all play a part in some part of part of party whether you're a Democrat Republican or independent right change of seats you still have an obligation to the residents the last 5year plan Engine 4 was supposed to be replaced in 2016 2016 if we go back to as far as beginning of March 2023 sitting down with a budget committee um we discussed that I was not getting a new engine it's not me it's the department we were not getting a new engine because the town needed a new street sweeper well you got your new street sweeper I'm still leaking oil and you still have other apparatus after this one to replace yes going on to March of 2023 truck committee sat down with crave and it was a cost of 900,000 we waited we told you that if we wait longer the price will go up inflation I understand that there's a process readings bonding I get that right i' really appreciate if you vote this as a yes today and we can take care of an apparatus that's failing all right and eventually move on to the next piece that has to be replaced thank you for your time one question yes how old is the one that you're replacing they'll be coming up on 30 years 30 years 1994 1994 I was 88 thank you any other questions33 94 thank you what well if I may just so we can St with the bid opening date Andrea will'll just have to be on a little shorter time frame but I'll turn it around quickly and get it over to you electronically okay and would ask that you tentatively schedule a spot on your agenda for an award for that meeting okay okay good thank you very much than you Andrea uh there's nothing I have nothing toon nightmare Alysa nothing tonight Mar anything else you want to add the only other thing that I want to go over is on the consent resolution tonight you have 236 which is the authorizing Cooperative pricing agreement this is another Co-op that we're using to be able to take care of number 239 which is authorizing the daily field ball stopper which is a netting operation so when they play this fall for soccer they don't kick the soccer ball into Del's Pond um number 238 uh is authorizing to purchase installation of camera systems at Del e park this is going to cover the soccer field and the new uh playground either specialized cameras because there is no electric down there that is on all the time the lights are only on the electric when the lights are on the so solar powered cameras and this will give us better surveillance we've been having some issues with the soccer field that we spent $150,000 to reside people been using it for fireworks people been riding on it this is not a deterrent for us to watch it all the time but when we get a report that it happened we'll be able to go and find the perpetrators and take action and the playground of course is a wonderful playground that we just put in and we feel that since we're doing this at the same time we might as well throw a couple of cameras on the playground just to make sure is any vandalism I believe that's it anything for councilman aola you have anything uh no nothing at this time councilman zian uh Rec Department update 286 participants registered 75 participants are registered for classes after summer wreck cheerleading 16 art 23 tennis 20 soccer 16 competitive cheerleading varsity cheerleading participants uh that's 35 impact cheerleading that's 30 summer 2024 and fall 2024 signups football camp registration classes on July 21st and Pop Warner Football registration classes on August 1st um age groups are nine nine uh let's see it's 12 and 13 10 11 and 9 and there's flag football and to register uh go to the Civic recre page within the burrow website and that's all I have mayor thank you councilman kinsky uh thank you mayor um the only thing that I have on the uh Office on Aging is to please go out there and get your no knock registry forms uh solicitors are coming around right now too and just to keep you from uh running out the front door or being converted Ed into doing something that you don't really have right now uh it's a good chance to put the decal on the front window and avoid some of the hassles also that the Office on Aging will be closed on early at 12:00 pm. on the 26th and that's all I have mayor thank you councilman uh quenzel I I will be holding mine I am opening it up to the public got 10 minutes state your name and your address resolutions good evening everyone um Joe dado I live here in South River I'm here with two hats again tonight uh county middle sex as well as me as a resident I I want to let you know that uh Main Street Improvement project I'm told was put before the state for approval we're talking about maybe 2 3 months and we'll be able to put that out to bid provided nothing happens and I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that so um I promised I'd keep you advised as I found out and I'm doing so uh my question uh is about the uh the beacons the crosswalk beacons in front of the CM Center Where Do We Stand we're in the process of doing the purchase order for The Replacements we have to get three quotes a little difficult finding fre companies that do that you know but we can if we can't find that we can say that the companies weren't interested and I would expect it to be awarded um probably at the next council meeting great great um yeah I figured I'm here I'll ask um um that's all that I have is there any questions that anyone has about something that's going on that County's connected where that I can maybe look into and get some information or we pretty much um good right now good for the moment street lights are done on the bridge street lights are done on the bridge I was going to I was just going to uh mention that's a good uh thing again it's not the county unfortunate no I know I was out there I was out there with them oh you were out there with them I was out there with them are they on because I've had the opportunity oh in that case great thank you we'll see how long yeah hopefully long um we we've had problems and when we redid the uh the approaches to the bridge years ago we're not no sooner did we finished that there was a contractor out there digging in the area where those lines were yeah they I freaked out I saw them I stopped by I get get rid of the riot act because they didn't have any authorization to be there and they didn't know where the lines were so I was say Here We Go Again they're going to knock out the darn lights in the approaches anyway um I asked I went through the request and I asked this is a personal nature I asked for some information one was about the Professional Services uh for the feasibility and Tech the technical feasibility of the water main replacement and I did get um I asked for a number of things but I did get the proposal from CDM Smith from Agra and I'm assuming the one from CME may have been the base proposal or did CME actually submit a uh a proposal for that as well that was it wasn't clear to me they submitt propos no I think they submitted us proposal they did yeah they did oh okay okay because that that that answers some of the the other questions I had for the information because that wouldn't be available okay um the word of bnm construction company was in another one that I asked for that was resolution 2024 154 um and uh what I got was uh the B&M construction proposal which is for emergency services throughout the down for the year wasn't for this specific and since it was a sanitary sewer and it collapsed in two locations I guess that is considered sort of an emergency so I could understand why um it was done so that is uh that is terrific I just want to let you know I did ask and I did get stuff back and this is my interpretation and I if I'm wrong please someone yell and say you're wrong um finally the uh uh missable resolution for CMA Associates for the uh preliminary design of a recreational center at grasski Park um I was I asked some questions during a meeting about the location since it's Green Acres and I was uh told that it's going to be outside the Green Acres right uh I was also told there was going to be outside the uh Wetlands uh the wetlands and so on and so forth and I did receive a drawing which I looked at it to me it was a to me is not a drawing that showed me anything other than it was prepared for discussion purposes right okay Peak my interest and I figur well let me take a look at this so I did and what I found was um and these are recorded documents at the clerk's office okay I found a document for Green Acres Grant contract which was uh deed booking page for so it's on online also found a Green Acres development Grant contract which was one that came later on both documents clearly indicate that every Park in this town is green anchors or under a program so no matter where you put it it's going to have to go through their approval process just to let you know I'm not being the bad guy here okay some people's Tails um and and I further took a look at it because the drawing brought to my attention there something going on uh in the back the back area we have a base there's baseball field and structur in the back and looking at the tax maps alone behold those properties back there are County middlex okay well town would not have built on the property without certain agreements or permissions I out of curiosity I took a look at that this is my town so of course I'm concerned and um we went back and forth I did sell a couple letters through the town to let them know what was going on and long and behold I find uh information basically that the county purchased it it was seems like it was conjunction with the town at the time to develop that Park so the county bought that those properties and behold they gave a lease to the town for $1 or 30 maybe 30 Acres or so in the back uh but the lease was for 19 years well the lease began in 2001 19 years so point I'm trying to make is we should the town should go forward and renew that lease because can't do anything back down back there without going through the county anyhow but since you don't have a lease to do anything in back anymore we want to you know cover those uh those legal problems that may arise um I don't think I personally don't think the town's going to have a problem to get a an extension on the lease do something like oh 50 years 100 years or something like this so that way you don't have to worry about that again but uh as far as I could tell and the people I spoke to they have no uh renewal of that lease so it expired in um 2020 good to know that Andrea can you look into us please look at yeah absolutely thank you that's it I'm not the bad guy no I'm happy you brought it to our attention but any project that we bring to this town we're going to have to we're going to have to look at every possible permissions whatever must done it's the recreational center is part of the recreational program which I don't see any reason why can't be approved by everybody that's involved because it's going to be used for a consistent purpose correct so I I personally don't see any problem with it but something like that could be a flying we don't want that to happen no I hear you okay thank you I appreciate it thank you very much have a good evening I no no okay anybody else for public third call first call second call third call make a motion to close public second motion by councilman Sorry siola seconded by councilman krinsky all in favor I uh we do have two marial appointments one is for environmental shade and tree Commission Advisory Board uh we are just moving members around Sher white now will become a uh regular member and for the planning board there are three Nick chopis is going to be moved to class four Jess orara orara is going to be moved to alternate one one and Monica almea is going to be moved to alternate [Applause] two Alyssa can you please read out the consent resolutions we as resolution 20241 authorizes the B Council to utilize a consent agenda to adopt various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time now therefore be it is hereby resolved that the below-listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the burrow Council in whole as if the same were individually acted upon consent resolutions 2024 226 to 2024 245 and 2024 247 226 granting renewal to ABC licenses for the 2425 license year 227 property tax refund 228 authorizing turnover of tax sale certificate number 19-9 229 authorizing the requisition of funds for payment to the custodian of school monies 230 resolution authorizing a block party 231 resolution amending the appointment of the tax assessor's term dates 232 approval to submit a Grant application for the NJ doot 233 authorized vehicle auction 234 authorizing permanent status to police officer to Brett glinka 235 authorizing permanent status to police officer to Kyle Jensen 236 authorizing Cooperative pricing agreement 237 authorizing change order number one for the project known as the installation of a traffic signal 238 authorize the purchase and installation of a camera system at Daily's Park 239 authorizing daily field ball stopper 240 authorize certain utility refunds 241 authorizing fireworks display for South River Recreation on August 16 2024 242 support for suitability of cannabis business Garden River Incorporated 243 appoint Zoning Board of adjustment member 244 accept June 10th 2024 regular and executive session minutes 245 authorize the bills and claims list and 247 resolution authorizing the purchase of a new fire apparatus through crave fire apparatus LLC Council what is your motion so move the resolution second motion by council president kenzel second by councilman tan councilman CA uh yes with the extension from 245 numbers 23- 0361 031 162 03 318 03428 24- 01867 01 488 0123 01520 and from resolution 247 councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes thank you executive was already done we are going to go into governing body comments uh councilman krashinsky uh thank you mayor uh first off I want to thank all of our Public Safety workers our police acire Robert Wood Johnson um we had a wonderful fourth a bit on the warm side and it's still going to be warm for the next few days so um looking on your neighbors make sure that they're okay no one's uh in any Dire Straits or anything and uh be cool have a nice weekend thank you mayor councilman Z Zan um nothing other than the national night coming up in August that's it Council mola okay I just want to touch again on the no knock ordinance that councilman kinsky brought up on uh South River day we signed up over a 100 residents for the no knock ordinance uh basically what it is is once you sign up you get a decal for your front door you mount it on your front door and no solicitor is allowed to knock on your door there will be a fine issued if they do all You' have to do is call Police Headquarters and an officer will come out um Down The Office on Aging I attended one of their meetings and everyone down there signed up for it so if you know of anybody or you need it yourself please come down to the clerk's office see our burrow Clerk and she will get you to fill out the paperwork it's four lines uh you sign it and she'll give you a sticker right then and there for for your front door and with that mayor it's all I have thank you um council president everybody said everything so stay cool I have one announcement the fireworks will be held on August 16th which is going to be at the uh um school at 6:00 there is going to be a luau show please come out it's going to be pretty interesting to see uh a lot of flame throwing other than that please stay cool check on your neighbors it's extremely hot outside that's all I have to thank you make a motion to adjourn secondment by uh motion by councilman siola second by councilman Zan all in favor