##VIDEO ID:fUy_J3Z_y28## good evening welcome to the 17th meeting of the year today is October 7th 2024 Melissa you please leave the statement of notice and in compliance with chapter 231 of public law 1975 notice of this meeting to be held at the criminal justice building 6 Main Street South River has been published in the home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 the municipal building bulletin board the bar website the front door of the Criminal Justice building at 61 Main Street South River call Mayor dinding here here here here herey counc here pleas Stand United States of America stand na indivisible andice stand Standing for a moment of silence is one year ago today the act of violence in Israel may be seated our first reading today is going to pertain to our presentation that's going to be conducted by CDM Smith presentation which is going to be uh if you like thank you Mr Mayor thank you for letting me U talk about the project let's get this going here uh can you guys hear me okay yes so um we have been working in this for for a while we we're doing a finan analysis um of what would it take to do the the project yes so just let me interrupt him this is the plan to replace all the water lines in our town this what he talking about so um the team so we have uh Tom shuttle is the principal in the office Mar is the Environmental um expert B is the technical reviewer but forgan is the in charge of Permitting Rie the permitting and myself I've been the project manager for the project project understanding as mayor was mentioning we have 14 and6 in watermain replacement um issues so we have extended regation we have restrictions we have color in the water um we've been working on this for a while we did a hydraulic model I think it was around last year when I was here presenting on the result of the hydraulic model and how the pipe of the side the size of the pipe was directly correlated where the color issues were um the B has embar in a un Direction Hy fling to alleviate the pro the F with color and um this is the big hit here so the cost of capital replacement of the 4 in and 6 in waterm for is approxim $67 million we have 16,500 linear ft of new 8 in toal iron pipe that will replace the 4 and six in we have 60 wet tops different locations to reconnect the existing pipe with the new pipe replace 241 hylands just to keeping this in perspective this is 2/3 of the hyr in town service lateral 3,340 lateral will be reconnected to the water M that is again 34 of the service Connections in in the Board Road reconstruction Tren reconstruction of everything that is excavated to install the water main concrete or whatever need to cross sidewalks or curbs and traffic control um some considerations replace 4 and 6 in with 8 in pipe we are doing a partial replacement of the service later from the main to the curve uh new water tab new disconnects new fire hyers uh coordination between uh utility and um the construction to minimize the disruption during this connection of the fire service uh the existing 6 in and four and 6 in will be abandon in place and um it's a phase process so you put the 8 in first you don't disconnect anybody when that's is ready then you make the connection so you don't have any Interruption and service in the houses some breakdown in numbers here 4 in means right now in town are 68,000 linear feet and 6 in is 92,500 fire hydrant we have connected to the 4in lines 103 and connected to the 6 in lines 139 and the service water uh connections 1,660 connected to 4 in lines and 1,680 connected to the 6 in line so at the end of the project it's going to have one 8 in line and everybody will be connected at the same with the same kind of configuration scope of the work as mentioned before 16,500 lar ft of pipe new 8 in do iron 241 Hy all these numbers are going to be this is an estimate right now now we might reconfigure the location of the hi and so on water services and um the transmission is going to the pipe material is going to be the iron pipe important to mention here um we will be working in the funding very closely with the council with the mayor uh it's a huge project and every money every penny that we can get uh in a grant in principal forgiveness method is going to be very important for completing the project now in terms of of the work itself a third um the survey work is a third of the total cost of of the design component then we have a test fit plan inspection of the test fits we need to follow environmental requirements for linear disturbance to verify the flow uh the type of material that is in the trenches uh and then the big uh task here is the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and New Jersey infrastructure Bank permitting assistance those they have a specific requirements that need to be met in terms of Permitting and in terms of planning so in order to do that we prepare a environmental planning document prepare all the infrastructure B application documents and um there is a step forward due to the size of the project all the contract documents need to go to um the uh office of state controller to make sure that uh the B laws are in place as part of the N process we have also to comply with um equal opportunity and economically and disadvantage utilizations plans and schedu documents over 150 uh sheets of design drawings plus auxiliary uh sheets this is scale 1 to 30 to give details very detailed information on uh the prodject uh designed and then a specifications specifications are going to include uh a specific language for nddp nddp U funded projects SCD requ re I mentioned before and uh it's going to be preparing the division 50 uh for the technical specifications and as I mentioned before all be reviewed by the infrastructure bank and the office of State Controllers then we'll prepare a cost estimate right once you finish the survey once you finish your preliminary design you're getting closer to the actual number that cost is part of the requirement of the funding process and also part of the funding process is the permits this is the list of permits that we would like to go and follow so division of land use styland utilization license division of land resources protection flood Hazard area perit by rule we are hoping that we don't have any application required for this one just a little Crossing that we'll figure something out on that Sol erosion control with the um County and water quality uh 5 G3 General permit construction we have a big one which is the middle sex County engineering with the road so that long stretch 527 there are going to be multiple connections traffic control traffic plans accepts and so on and so forth and finally as mentioned before the state controller review prior and post award notification and then the buing services for the for the product schedule survey for months 50% design drawings for month I'm not doing this sequentially because they start at kind of concurrently 90% design 2 and a half months and 100% design 1.5 months this uh items in green are about eight months when you put them in a in the correct order why are we saying one year the permit so we have the P off controller time for advertising beting requirements and so on and so forth um really quick here so this is little visual notes on what we're talking about doesn't see very well but the the light uh colors here let's see so all these uh CM or purple colors are 4 in and the blue is 6 in so if you put it maybe this one we'll show it better so uh blue is 6 in and the purplish lilac is 4 in and and red is the H of the town so you see the impact the scope of the product in terms of length um at this point I'm open to any questions that you might have you want to go deeper in some specific aspect I'm willing to do it but any questions when you do the road repairs you talking about the complete Road curve to curve or just the patching area where the trenches so um if we were doing Water and Sewer you could do curve to curve since we're only doing water they only allow you to do the trench repair however trench repair is for for a four U for a water man is usually 4T wide so we put base and then three months after you go wider you go six feet you me and pave so you try to make it more nicer but this includes only trench repairs we usually you don't because as you see it's going to be in the road mainly and then you don't have services in the intersections where a a Rams are going to be so but if we come across them they will be replacing kind yes usually when the utilities when they do Replacements and suff it seems like they go later on and they cap the whole Road they'll Mill it and say a year later they Mill it and then save the entire road so it's uniform and we don't have the you're going to get settlement in the trenches no matter correct that's why we wait for the three months up it settles and then we me and pay but it's going to be the trench plus a foot in each side so try to make it as nice as possible yes what does this mean in our pockets for South Riv residents okay so South River residence we we if we let's let's go worst case scenario right so it's $67 million uh no let me make a check it's a 40e loan 30 to 40 that's part of the negotiation that we need to do so divide that by 40 and then that is when you start paying and then you so that is 67 uh yo we did this calculation sometime ago y so is 67 ided by 40 and this is part of the documents that we need to give the state when we're doing the Environmental assessment report is the capacity of the town to pay so 67 divided 40 67500 correct uh divided by four four quarters 4175 and then divided rough numbers 5,000 people 5,000 connections right 8375 83 a quarter more rough numbers if we get the funding yeah if we get the funding which we already have an ear Mark for $21 million from Senator cor Booker then you're deducting that So 20% take out of that so it's not 80 it's 60 we get principal forgiveness we make a case with the state in the uh funding process with the uh infrastructure bank so we need this we have problems we have issues there are other Avenues to get more free money no interest on part of the no interest uh in part of the on the loan you should it varies every year it it it's been 1% uh 0% on 25 and market rate for that 75% some years is 50% no interest 50% market rate so it it varies but that that do answer your question still coming in Market no matter what do we know what areas of the town are in the most need because we've got for in L all over the place and it's it's more than just how many people called up if they had brown Water we had people on the internet and they shouldn't be there they should be here uh with all kinds of terrible situations that they have with their homes can they be invited or had they been invited to attend meetings where they can discuss it and bring their bring their water problems to the council so we have a better idea where should we start in town should we start uh and down Whitehead Avenue area or do we start on the Amherst whatever area it is we got to go to the worst areas first so we have a a schedule in in process on that so if we think about of South River like it's presented there I I have a map if you would like to take a copy of that we have the railroad that goes east to west right the worst area is railroad to the north that's where the cluster of color issues that's where we're going to start or at least that's a plan where we're going to start there are Logistics associated with it because you cannot start at the end you need to start in the main connections that going down to make a logical logical connections of of the main in in in the most efficient way but we know where the issues are and that's the plan to start with those keep in mind 160,000 linear feet of pip a good contractor can do 500 feet a day okay good contractor so we're talking about two years of construction that is going to be faced in time so what about traffic TR traffic sensitive areas you're not going to be digging at 8:00 in the morning you sensitive I mean there is a whole traffic control plan uh included they 527 is going to be critical they require more in in in those areas and in town uh the disruption for what we have seen the main is kind of in one side of the road rarely in the middle okay so we we are expecting to have issues in some places in one day you're going to be close from end to end get it get in get out and move on do you work in Cycles do you have maybe some areas that are high traffic maybe have them work at night when there's less traffic that's all things that can be figured out but I know that when you go night working it's more money times three you tell that they take 20 breaks every time I po a they're all standing around talking while they're doing supposed to be working making a lot of money an hour okay so come on I have a question yes you said that um they're going to all be 8 in when it's said the new ones yes the new ones yes but you also mentioned that there were 2/3 and 3/4 areas originally you said everybody all lines will be replaced so there lines there are main trunks right now that are already 10 12 14 18 20 we're not touching those those are the main these are the secondary distribution lines that are six and four Ines will people get a copy of that as it comes to fruition absolutely can make that available you can post it in the web if you if youire like yes thank you mentioned that the existing 4 in and 6 in Mains will remain corre what about markouts in the future you're going to have a new 8 in main out there right and then if somebody goes out and does markouts the spot where the lines are you can be jumping from a four to an eight a six to an eight you can get bad marks part of the end of the project is a new complete map of the system with the allocations with the new caps with the new services with the new system so it's going to be a lot easier I understand that but still you you still have to go out there and Mark those somebody physically has to Mark those lines correct so when you're out there you could be marking the wrong line you marking a nor line and more and then that could lead to a fun so our water guide to go out there be doing markouts and they can be marking the wrong line well the water and is going to espe a gas line close to correct correct but that's a responsibility of the gas markouts I'm not talking about Market a gas line I'm talking about we Mark a water line we mark it incorrectly they dig for a gas company line and they dig incorrectly and theyit with you 100% If U you decide that you want to take the lines out you're doubling the cost of the product because you're doing two trenches one to install and one to remove can lay right next to it because you then you would have to take that out of service put the new one in take the old one in and put the new one in place nobody will have that tap in on the new line yes you tap the new line you you correct you connect that Tab and then you take the old one out in the same trench yeah not happening so it just logistically doesn't work you need to have a line you need to disinfect you need to do many things to then you do your connections uh it's not that so you're you're going to be digging a totally new trench correct where the existing four or six line is in proximity find the right location the right path for that avoiding you're still going to have to locate are you going to be disconnect you have to disconnect the service line disconnecting the service lines in this in the direction of the main so if you have the five year and then you're Crossing when you're crossing the new line you're going to find the new the whole service and reconnect the service to the curve I understand that but if you had it all exposed you can take it all in one shot I don't see how it doubles the cost two trenches to repairs one trench you dig right so you have to keep the one in service and then do the other one you need to put base you're going to maybe double the side of the trench maybe not two trenches in some places time and effort and I'm all open if you guys want to remove the all Mains it's just there is a increas in price would AR it's not double let's look into this yeah I think that's a great suggestion what he had this you expose everything then you have the service line exposed right you have the main exposed you put the new main in might want to hire I spent 23 years in Water Systems I know could be ands in some places it works but in some others it won't but this potentially could be a problem down the road should they dig in those areas you're thinking you're hitting a line or you hit something and you're just leaving debris in the ground more debris in the ground and then affect the entire neighborhoods when that water line breaks that you have with the psng G gas lines end up hitting the water line and you just shut off water for the entire service I don't understand how what you just brought up the point of getting hit if PSG were come in and hit a water line that is there but the line is going to be Theiss it's not going about the new line they they Mark the old line because they it's there picking it up you mark it there it is and then p goes out because they happen to be on the other side we'll take a look at at that but it's going to be down they dig into our new Main and it's like i a s grade sense the location of the the new water man is that going to be somewhere nearby the existing or is it going to be on the other side of the road s to speak it defense the ideal spot would be to dig one trench and put the new one in and take the old one out which means until you get to a certain point that trench is going to be open 247 so when I gave you the 500 Fe new line in and then take the old one line you keep that old one in service okay then you got to make your attach into your new line to the different residents so it it's it can be done I imagine but it's going to be awfully difficult to put the new line in and then go in and take the old one out but if they're that close together you might not have to do that but it's still going to be um and then when you go out the market you're going to be marking the new G the new water man very close to the old water man and they this confusion about um what line is being marked out is lessen I had uh some work done at my house some years ago gas company came out located their lines painted everything up and when fortunately when the contractor was digging he got close enough he started doing everything by hand and lo and behold they actually marked the the old gas line that was no longer in service and the new one they could have actually broke uh during their uh during during their operation so I understand the concern fortunately you're talking about water you're not talking about gas but um so if it's possible to he said you're going to take the old line out you can lay the new line near maybe widen the trench a little bit put the new line in with the old line you can cover it up and then at the end all you're going to be doing is is is connecting and disconnecting the services uh outside the curb where however you're going to certain evate that you also have to consider the disposal the material the disposal of the material there might be other issues with that but we will consider that that's totally a per conversation control everything with the vales the street vales control everything with the street vales it will all be new8 in vales continue any other question yes are you considering doing the new water line and leaving the old water line to not have to do a bypass is that what you that is correct bypasses are very complicated just think about uh which which we we do too when we're relining for example you create a new system above ground you connect hydrant to hydrant you put a new line you connect and then you redo the whole thing handicap connections cu the pipe is exposed all the services will be coming out of the pipe and connected to the open uh so it it is it is tricky a lot of work and the process is slower so you have to build a temporary system above ground reconnect remove and install and it's difficult to do when it's colder out as well it's terrible to do when it's colder out because the spes will freeze right away the the service connections to the houses are just not going to last long are we considering the weather with our time frame as well ideally you design in the winter you build in the summer uh that's and it sometimes it get to Hot and they are not very productive so it it depends but that's what you put in the contract documents to give a time in the project and contractor if they need to put more Cruiser in the certain period of time unless Cruise when it's not necessary then that's what happens any other questions I have one question does this go on a voting ballot at any point to the whole town votes on a referendum it doesn't it's called a referendum okay so how would the whole town become aware of it well we would probably hold the workshop this is just a preliminary introducing the whole town was exactly the plan moving forward this is a long awaited issue that has been in everybody's house for years in this is something that uh I'm sure just like you you and I we want crystal clear water enough is enough and we're finally trying to move forward with the plan uh so this is the first step in trying to get that going uh once we get past the uh readings then we're going to have workshops to come to explain more into detail what we're going do as well as cost so what you don't know is we have been pre-planning this for a while where we even uh applied to Grant where right now I'm talking to Cory book every other week like I'm his storing his side I'm trying to solicit this whatever I'm doing just to get money for this town so I'm actually meeting with the governor next week I'm doing everything possible to bring as much money to to this town to help alleviate the cost so that number that he was giving you was based on we have no Grant so the grant still comes we just don't know how much we don't know how well I think it's a great project I think more people should hear about it oh people will hear about it hold the workshop and it won't be here we the bigger facil one more question the service line is going to be going from the main to the curve is that going to be would you design that normally for the average customer unless they have a larger service of one inch copper copper service 3/4 inch in4 that does we don't some uh towns do plastic I think copper is better just and then a new curve box curve stop reconnect and part of what we're trying to sell this project too is uh the uh service type right there is a big push into removing all lead services and so on so that is our side of the story what happens from the main to the curve and then we will know that's where we need to Pivot the conversation with the people with the money to say hey we are tackling collar lead copper everything at once so that's that's part of the of the task this will be a follow question this is go mayor and councel right now residents own up to the TP at the main since this is being put in by this project the town now take over ownership from the tap to the curve box or will that remain will that remain residence I don't know responsibility that's usually the case because the township usually owns up to the RightWay and that will be the division the new curb stop but that's up to you to decide I don't know the the Ines but that's usually the case m is in most most investor own utilities the investor own U own up to the curve stop correct theor all the way to the main yeah that's a question I think we need to address I highly recommend the town takes Council any questions for me I appreciate it for you you said you have copies of this I have copies of the plans there are a few copies in oh thank you 20243 ordinance providing for the replacement of wi water and Hy including lead and galvanized pipes appropriating 2,600,000 therefore and authorizing issuance of $263,000 bonds and note to finance a portion of the cost authorized in by the B South River in the county middle SE New Jersey mayor I moveed the Council pass ordinance 202443 on its first reading by title only and the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held at 7M on October 28th 2024 by video conference via zoom in the council chambers crial Justice building 61 Main Street South New Jersey second second motion by counc second byoun counc boun yes yes coun yes yes yes thank you we're go to reports Bruce than everybody good evening the 2023 project the contractors focusing on Leonard deman barel next week they'll be doing the four hydrants that are getting replaced after that they do the sanitary SE repair and then that portion of the road once the trench itself itself can be M and overlay uh then they'll move into the 2020 for program uh which is the other roads on the other side of town uh the Local transportation project Grant we're working on that design local Aid we're still waiting to hear the announcements of the grant awards that should be coming soon substation maintenance they did the repair to the load tab changer on Transformer T6 and that is it Council any questions Jo just one item uh we have a grant we received $4,000 from information and assistance foron agent this resolution for approval that's it just a reminder hydren flushing starts next Tuesday the 15th goes all the way to the 31st we'll be starting on the south end of town also uh curbside leaf pickup starts on the 15th also on the south side of town and we started out handed Leaf Bags today down at the uh DPW office went well so if you didn't get them come down and get it it's 20 per household from 8 to 12 9 I in away is the address that's all any questions I have one one thing for age um recently saw a post about someone leaving a TV like on Main Street in like a bus hub we got but the the residents can bring those down on Saturdays correct yes 8 to 12 8 to 12 any Resident can bring it down and they just they come in and they drop it off right it's pretty simple thank you um the Le Bank going up during the weekend they do the Saturday also no we're not doing Saturdays yet but we will announce it and put it on Facebook when we start the Saturday thank you Alissa Andrea I have I than Council councilman um EDC is scheduling a meet and greet for the businesses and the property owners for the Redevelopment area on Main Street uh that's coming up in December um they're sending out invitations to all the businesses and Property Owners to go over and discuss the Redevelopment and the storefronts on Main Street see what kind of Grants we can get to help the business owners and Property Owners so that's where they stand with that and I'll give you more details as I get them that's it c b yeah as people might have seen on Facebook the frost of the pumpkin is coming back this year it's being run uh in coordination with the health department and the track coach at the high school and it will be a 5K road race this year it'll be Sunday October 27th 9:30 a.m. it starts at the primary school on David Street they will have age group Awards and prizes are going to be giv out any costumes Runners so they want you to register though at www. Grace for .r okay the south of library and the recission are teaming up to host this year's Trump Retreat Saturday October 26th from 2: to 3:30 p.m. it will be held in the South library parking lot decorated and non-decorated vehicles are welcome to register you have to go to www.south rer nj.org 237 Park Recreation this is going to be held rain or shine so in case it does rain they're going to give tables to people inside the library to set up their decorations that they on now this one I wish we could go to the haunted Halloween history the library is going to be doing that up there too that's October 28th at 6:30 it'll explore the strange history of Halloween around all the Harvest festivals and Modern Family um register to that also is online it's https bit. l3t you know what just come scan this all these backlashes um but uh the library is doing a lot of things uh I know they're doing sewing classes they're doing a lot of arts and crafts for our kids so again if you get a chance to get up to the library they they really do a lot of good work up there and that's all I have um with the shade tree committee a weeding day was arranged with Mr cerbat at the ice schol where students worked on the rain Garden a week ago uh clearing away unwanted weeds thank you to them the students for the help and that's all I have mayor thank you Council kinsky thank you mayor uh the officer on Aging uh has a new face on board uh Annabelle swinford and uh hopefully if you have a chance to drop by and give her a warm welcome um there's a few programs going on hopefully you uh register earlier uh they have a Halloween mingle which is on 30th the 30th at 11:30 a a.m and uh it's $5 prepaid and the sign up if you didn't sign up please sign up so they at least have an idea of who's coming we also have a fix it fire fixing program too you have to uh register to let them know if you're interested in that particular thing there may be uh a cost involved too if they have to replace some of the uh items that you have in your home or whether it be the smoke alarm or the CO2 alarm or whatever and also the Medicare they are going to have help with uh your prescription drug cost and signing up for for the new year and your enrollment for your different plans um you have to call to make an appointment with that they'll have a representative come down here and also coming to be announced they're going to have the motor vehicle um agency from New Jersey come down here to help you with uh either your real ID or uh some of the other uh see registration renewals and real IDs but that that's all I have thank you thank you Council s uh the next planning board meeting is next Tuesday October 15th 700 p.m. held here at the criminal justice building 61 Main Street in council chambers and that's all I have council president utilities committee had a meeting uh we discussed various matters one of them was presentation here um just some highlights the electric utility the maintenance continues um there are some problems at the substations people are feeding CS cats uh which is nice for the cats but everyone else comes around the raccoons the pel the rats we know already what Ricky the raccoon did to our uh Town one day and so please don't feed them around the substation uh sewers tile yard pumping station is working working on the Jackson Street pumping station there is a uh what you call it what's the muffin monster how best to describe it grinder grinder there uh that's expected in October um it's amazing what people will flush down their toilets really I mean okay you know ts are one thing how do you manage to get a Coke down there we don't know but please don't do that it's that's not what toilets are for that's not what the sanitary sewers are for please don't do that because you cost us a fortune in trying to clean up after this and people just continue to do it please don't hydrants they're continually being repaired if they break down or ordering them uh it takes time because the supply chain that's still a problem interesting little trivia it's $5,300 for a hydrant and if you have to change the valve it's $1,700 so you're talking about $7,000 for the hydrant in the valve and that's without the labor so byy expensive be nice to those hydrants and during the winter please clean up around them the water treatment plant uh basically 90% is finished it's going to have lots of nice clean water coming out and eventually it'll have nice pipes to go into so uh the meters we're just about done but there are a few hold outs don't be a few holdouts you have to have your meter changed it's going to be done please do it we don't want to get mean nasty with you but if we have to we will that meter program has to continue we have deadlines for ourselves to do it so that's what we're planning to do uh you just heard about the costs of our project that we're having for years years people complained about the water well long last we're going to do something about it and yes somebody has to pay for it hopefully everybody in the country will chip in Cory Booker and maybe our good Governor still have some extra dollars from all the pandemic money few dollars from there but eventually it has to be shouldered by us and we're going to have to pay for it so the Day of Reckoning is a pot ofbody wants clean water we will have to pay P for it so but at this point giving what's happening in North Carolina be happy we have the water so thank you thank you I'll hold off I will be opening the I'll be opening up the uh mic to uh the public 10 minutes please say your name your address that all at once go for it your name short me um my name is L pako and I um been a resident here since 2001 TR can you hear me I hear myself but CU I could be loud s cam Avenue New Jersey 08882 okay so um Pam Avenue has become a Raceway just like other streets I know why there was a young man that was killed um we need stop signes um I have walked across uh my son has walked his dogs I have neighbors that are here that have dogs that they walk they're Crossing and they have like practically ran people over and it's good and all that we need water pipes changed that's beautiful we all want clean water but let's think about the little people that are almost getting run over my there's a there's a video of um a mother Crossing with her stroller and a child that almost got ran over um there is nothing that the police does because they have to see it for themselves so Cam and James no stop sign uh what's the next one down David David and cam no stop sign so it's just and the later it gets once it gets dark it's get it gets worse and so um a lot of us are here for that we need stop signs we need stop signs with lights we need more police presence more frequent I haven't seen a police officer on C James or David in so long until we had an issue that my son was crossing with his dog and the guy just kept on pushing when the state law is The Pedestrian has to cross okay so if The Pedestrian is Crossing with his dog their child we're near a church we're near a school all the schools up there plus the I'm sorry I don't know but it's it's a private school I don't know right okay so that other school so there's so many things around there um that people need to just slow down and when we are going those of us that follow okay 25 26 27 but hello they're just behind you beeping the horn passing you around giving you the finger like one of these days something is going to happen happen that might include blood and you don't want that in your hands so we are pleading please for so that our children can be safe our children I mean my children are older but I'm saying like mothers and the stroller and this car just goes and I don't know if anybody else has something to say but I'm about to cry because it's it's just nasty disgusting people come and fight you want to fight you my son was about he was thrown he was thrown he was like punched trying to get punched and if he didn't go backwards he would have been like on the floor and he was walking his dog and then if my and then if the dog was to defend my son then the dog would be in trouble my son would be in trouble how how how can we walk our dogs how can how can we go out with our children how can we cross the street to go to the church and you almost run over well a logical question or you may report on this there is a four-way stop sign at lower cam because you're at the upper portion of Cam right by the right right the lower portion 5 foot Hills Drive was study done do people actually stop there nobody stops there no one stop sign I think the issue is they talked about putting stop signs on cam and they ended up putting one on the lower on that lower portion and I I drive that all the time public still open I want you to come and St your name I'm sorry don't sorry after you're all done thought after will you a full report what we name my name's Larry Brook I live at five Cam and we we bought our house there in 1981 so I've been there for doing that and over the years it has become a problem on Camp there some reason people turn off over Turnpike and they just they got the foot on the ass because they know again a lot of people taking cam Avenue are looking to avoid Main Street they're looking to avoid you know not go down morning side which has stop signs every other road has stop signs except for can and I know when they it was three four years ago we talked about putting stops sign on C and they ended up putting one down the end and I try that all the time and there's never coming the other way stop sign isn't need there he one have to talk of the about because if I'm flying down there because they know once they get once you get halfway down can where where you can park on both sides of the street they have to slow down anyway so they're doing their they're doing their racing coming up over the Turn Point going past David and James and when you get to that first short turn then they have to slow down so I think stop sign right at the head of C the First Street in right James I the first one right by the church there I think stop sign absolutely in order stop sign or speed bumps I don't know if the town about speed bumps we're working on speed hums as we speak now for multiple roads there's more but I I think again I've been driving around the town all these years I think that is the place to live there but that is a spot for sign speed my concern thank you anyone else hi my name is Dominic haror I'm from six cam I've been a resident for about 40 years uh I just lost my pickup truck in front of my house I was dagging to Larry's truck that was parked in the robbery about 10 ft away the guy hit my truck dragged my truck about 10t into his truck and God forbid his wife was just got out of the truck and got to step to the house otherwise he would have been dead that's how bad it is and when they like Larry said when they come off over St bre it's like Raceway Park it's like boom let's hit the gas it's like straight the straight ground straight like right par like it's bad and then when you try to pull out of your your driveway my wife did it a few times they come right around you it's like you don't even exist you're halfway out in the road and they still pass you and sometimes I see when I'm sitting on the steps of the house I see people like going down the street like 25 miles hour next thing you know the car ping it's it's not like no respect for the Neighbors no respect for anybody that's all I have to say thank you of I don't microphone's hi I'm Dave 180 Avenue um I got a question for you on White had we noticed that we have 18 wheelers that are coming down from about midnight to about 5:00 a.m. uh loaded with all kinds of stuff that they put on back but they're coming down the road one after another especially between 3 and 5 in the morning um 18 wheelers not not small trucks not tandem trucks full 18 MERS are coming down from they're usually coming from uh the end but towards Snake Hill towards um from D coming down towards Jackson towards Jackson Street right and uh we don't late worse I don't know if there's any kind of something to do or check and see they allowed to I know that's County Ro and I know that's a truck let me check the law enforcement and see what they say about okay another thing um I'm confused is uh unregister and uninsured vehicles are you allowed to have unregistered uninsured vehicles and on your property not in enclosed but just on your property no so someone wants to have four of them we have mentioned before that we have a neighbor that has four vehicles that it's at recomend you to talk to the business administrator give them all your information all and all okay that's thank you Jim hudon 38 Virginia Street I'm going to talk about stop signs don't hit me I just want to thank bur councel Police Department everybody associated with the stop signs that were added on Virg indry um it's two years now that the woman was killed on my property U when uh gent r sign um but I I see it's working it's definitely working we do have people they can still go through it there some people that slow down they don't come to a compl stop but there are majority of people are now stopping on Virginia Street in both directions which again is is huge I understand what you guys are talking I do um and uh it's very difficult to to listen to somebody as far as getting a truck hit almost taking out of life I experienced it and uh wasn't fun so again I want to thank all those involved I think we're saving lives on Virginia Street I think it's a good thing um I want to thank gentleman here for uh providing us with the water review tonight it's a long time in coming um again I'm pretty passionate about this and uh uh I just have my own opinions and I'll I'll continue to voice that good but uh the other issue is again as you saw from the pictures there's a lot of our town has 4in Ms those have probably been in the ground for 75 100 years you're lucky if you have two inchs you're lucky so it's like having a garden H basically feeding everybody on that line um and that's why you get the this color water water pressure everything else it's it's not good I agree we should be putting in 8 in that's that's a great decision um so I'm looking forward to that and strong in my opinions how we should do it and so I will be there and uh I know counc binsky talked about the Office on Aging um as a member of on Aging uh the uh Halloween mangle uh for those that are coming dress up and make it scary is there anyone else from the public Lisa burn 11% place this is more of an appeal to the whole bur I I'm speaking as myself but I am a board of education member uh we had an incident Friday we opened up our new turfield and sometime over the weekend it got trashed we had garbage everywhere benches thrown over and the new playground equipment has been graffiti graffiti it's horrible way in two days unbelievable two days it f open okay we spent a lot of time and effort people need to control children right upsetting I got a good vendor for you for solar powered cameras we are now going to look into getting cameras and can watch on new playground the soccer field we have a security system we have we have a security team for the school district but we've always left the playgrounds open for the kids to go along the parks and now on the same venue are part the public parks are getting destroyed yeah it's I don't know what people are thinking but they're being policed no some things are getting done the still of night as that happened there be anybody else from the public first call you no hello my name is Richard Gomez I live on 45 mon way uh for about 25 years and uh I'm not here on a life or death situation or any property damage you're more of a convenience type of issue U there's been talks that the road between Colin drive and Monella way into the her Landings development the discussion might be closed off and I'm here say like I really like object to that because a lot of people go through that road and if they find Clos and go all the way around it's a waste of time waste of gas and you know everyone's been everyone's already familiar with the roads around the development and I feel like it should be really inconvenient and we just comp our close off the road and you know you've seen you've been at the Box party DJ so yeah um and you know I think a lot of people from our development weren't able to show up they're busy so you know I showed up and want to say you know I really don't rather not see the again it's not life or de but matter of convenience so yeah I'm still evening Jo 30 South I got you all trumped I've been here for 74 years I've been here for quite a while um two a couple things right now I'm bring the head of the county nox from our department I mentioned that I try to keep everybody up to date on some of the things that are going around in the barrel uh Main Street Charlie charliie Charlie track removal and caving um we did get the plans and everything back and comments back from the state that in the process of being tweaked so we don't even get away with it so once that's tweaked then we'll move on to the next phase which I believe would be to put it out to because you have to get the funds from the state when that happens I'll I'll let you know as soon as that happens uh The Pedestrian Crossing beacons uh art we received the materials today as soon as we can scheduled with our electric Department to install them be insted about the right time um okay now I'm the subject of Main Street Bridge Approach Lake I understand we still driving Fray night check it but get the word from my son who travels that say still out I reached out again to the utility company reminding them as the mayor has done what's cooking and uh I got the reply back that I had to talk to somebody else and I contacted them and they said mm and and then we don't have the part and then we don't have the person there's all kinds of re I can say this and I think I'm perfectly perfectly honest about this is that uh if it were a county problem it would have been done those guys who had it and that's just like our utility company here in South River they have a problem they go out and they get it done they get it done quickly um unfortunately we're dealing with uh the uh I got a question now and I still haven't gotten an answer from the county they're not sure who pays for the power of those lights does the for it reason reason why I'm saying is if we've been if the town has been paying for these these lights month after month not on my last argument with JL was you can't f no bill part of that is s actually that's the part of South Riverside is well it's not handled by the same company company believe it or not but in any case if we are paying for it and I'm trying to find out if the Count's paying for it I will confirm and I'm going to recommend that they just stay stop paying for it and give send them the bill for all these months that they Haven been on they they were out there for a reason and from my what I understand they were up there because of safety concern whether it was the town or the county probably the town they're more connected to the roads but uh that's why his lights were installed so we're letting a serious situation we're open we're opening up somebody getting her killed oh yeah and if somebody gets h on that on that bridge with no lights who's responsible well the bridge is light is it no the coming the approach who's going to get sued yeah who's who's responsible because one night coming over at 3:00 in the morning there was a herd of deer that came playing a car in front of me almost went off the bridge deer that's I couldn't tell you about that I'll say this though about the approach the uh borderline between South River and the bur cille Cuts back and forth over there on the south river side but isn't that 535 which is the county road the county road but far as jurisdiction uh there's always been a question and I was approached some Years Ago by the U the police department and they asked me how to resolve the issue and what I suggested to them is to go talk to their Town engineer but then I realized that their Town engineer and our town engineer rather seral Township engineer one of the same so so I said the only other thing I can think of is to try to have an agreement between it in this how someone that gave a ticket it would hold up in court so so the boundary line does cross back and forth maybe twice in that area because that way the channel used to be years ago before the bridge was constructed I do remember that um so that we're still keeping on that and at this point that's about it now I F off my County hat and I go to um messed me up I was going to ask about what's going on with the water man and did mention this month is going to see something so I'm very happy to see it's progressing um be nice to know from month to month at least been going on so that is uh that would be helpful um the uh and it's I say keep the people involved because there's some areas that I wish I had I was able to retain the records They had some really hard water I don't know if it was made up or if it was true hopefully it didn't make it up and I'd like to see them at this council meeting and bring in everybody who has the water problems so you get a better idea where are the critical issue where the critical areas are in the town and then base the replacement on that that would be key thing but I don't I don't know if people are going to come in unfortunately um lower Main Street uh Redevelopment area um one the area down by Lain and the other area right next to this building um I noticed I wasn't I didn't wasn't able to make the last meeting but I noticed that um things were changed parking in particular oh first of all those developments we can sustain those with our infrastructure or the water or the electric and sary we're not going to have we're not we're adding to the pressure of what is situation we have now absolutely and as long as that's the case then that's fine um but uh parking issue came up now the one at La I think they called it um you Dro 30 39 at least 39 parking spaces the one uh up next door you reduce that by 45 parking spaces we're supposed to have two parking spaces per apartment well you said last time I was understanding you said how many parking spaces are there be what's inside the building is 473 so where are they where the the remaining U you have 45 apartment that means you need 90 part space minimum going to provide 45 inside where are the other 45 go 47 inside 43 what we're looking to do is working out a plan he's already working on a plan for second phase of his development which we can't talk about because it's not set in stone yet his second will actually contain a lot of parking until that actually happens he's going to have a lot of parking permits that he has to buy into the system which is going to be his burden until he resolves it until then outside onto let's say for example let's say Steven Street if we decide we're going to make it a permit parking Street and we're going to do that it's going to allow more parking for him or for that matter the back of George Street he's actually moving building foot back where he's going to have parking behind on George Street so that's going be permit parking as well so we're we're helping him move forward with bringing development into our town he knows that the burden is the parking by himself yeah that is is a big issue the I know the residents as were concerned about it the um business owners were concerned about it and uh I don't want as beautiful as downtown is going to be once everything is done if we have a parking problem it's going to discourage parking part problem will be resolved by the time businesses decide they're going to keep their doors open past 5 o' and that's my goal I want to see businesses stay open to 1 2 o' in the morning by then we already have a parking that priv you have any general idea that Happ I tell now my next project I'm our next project that we're working on now the guy has the scope of a park I just urge the not to sacrifice parking because if you if you have permit parking on the street well all most all the streets in this are area or substandard you can't some of you can't even get parment on one side that's correct and uh the homeowners you know the old homes built down 25 500 for Lots they have no driveways they're going to be they're going to be entire stets and yeah the road is public and you the public has a right to park there I've got somebody that parks in front of my house hey that's fine no big deal uh but if you have people coming up from outside the area downtown my parking on my street has changed dramatically when from when I first Ro in uh we have families that have four or five cars some of them may be a company car but you know you don't have that one or two cars per family like they used to do years ago because everybody's got to get somewhere and public transportation isn't as it used to be and more people everybody wants a car go places we want to keep as many people in town going to the shops downtown and without parking like with me I I used to go downtown quite a bit um the parking can't really find a good place of par I'll spend the time to go up to other locations and I don't like that this is my time i' rather money here then go someplace else so it's a very big concern um is there any place on the uh the municipal website where we can get copies of uh the uh development plan and the amendments to the I would probably say probably the near future I'd like to take a look at that I do have one Oprah request and for I believe it was for next door I want to take a look at at that um but I haven't put one in for the uh one uh I'm calling it the LA parking the laugh place but U I'd like to see that I know that one I did get some information for it I particular parking spes and I just disappoint I thought it would be originally was 115 parking spaces now from the plan I got they eliminated all the employee parking and they reduced aring spaces beyond that which maybe for a good reason but there no invitation on the on the drivs why they did that um so I I'd like to get a copy of that as well oh speaking of which out of curiosity um there's a study that was done by the plan or lower main Redevelopment plan is that the plan that was adopted Council yes that's consider the master plan and then you're making amendments to the master plan the the different developers that are coming in okay so that request for the master plan okay I got but yeah I'd like to see all that more concern sure you thank you very much thank there anyone else from the public first call second call good evening everyone I'm Daniel Vargas I'm from s cam Avenue I am the sunning question who almost gets run over seven to eight times a day in this Township Crossing cam Avenue I literally have to walk my service animal to try to mitigate my pain for my arthritis that is less than 90,000 patients in the country have so in order for me to get my steps in I need to cross cam Avenue to not be pigeoned to one block the fact is that I'm getting constantly attacked by Road ragers on cam Avenue because they think they have a v entire Township of South does not have any not one New Jersey state law pedestrian signs for me to cross safely with any crosswalk in this count not one so all I'm asking for is a stop sign four-way stop camue David James hey if you want to go all the way down with $300 stops on every corner to keep those children safe on the corner of will it by good grace you're more than welcome to I invite you to please keep the community as a public concern safety now that I cannot cross the street to get over and literally walk my animal my service at this point so I'd like for you guys to please bring them to consider ation of putting us offs sign and keeping the public safe I mean hey what you guys are here for right thanks have a good night anybody else from the public first call oh and I also got my property damaged a drunk driver crashed into my car I'm not sorry evening Council Edward Grimes I'm with SAA cross. we're at 5123 here in New Jersey fighting for our Disability Rights cabis patient's rights throughout New Jersey I shouldn't be here tonight I should be uh home I'm in a lot of pain I'm in a similar condition I have a lot of pain I have neuropathy I have a artificial disc I have a fusion I'm I'm in a lot of pain and uh this people from the disability Community have been asking for online Church an online school online Council online everything and you gave it to us for 19 months but you did it for healthy people you didn't do it for the disabled you did it for healthy people so the disabled people Disabled Vets people with cancer people that are sick and dying they were along for a really good ride for 19 months and then you took it away why did you take away access for disabled vets after 19 months why did you take away access for cancer patients after 19 months why can't they take part anymore why are disabled bets unable to take part my friend took part from his death pit something he couldn't do today he wouldn't be able to do that today a lot of towns a lot of towns are being sued for that um I don't know if your bur turnning knows that a lot of ter being sued for this because of the title 2 uh the title two of the adaa says there's a process for changing disability rights in and it requires a question answer period um a gravance procedure a transition period all that I don't think any of that was was done and I don't even know if you have a disability coordinator here in town um if you have over 50 employees you need to have a disability coordinator I don't know if you have that but I'd like to talk to them if you do so I shouldn't have to be here tonight I should be able to um to talk from my my my bed um because the theme of tonight is disability rights or human rights I want you to remember that disability rights are human rights we forget about that ableism is just as bad as sexism and racism it needs to be eradicated immediately I've been all over the state and I've seen police stations without wheelchair access post offices without wheelchair access doctor's offices pharmacies you name it I've seen it all and there's a lot of things we fight for one of the things we fight for is uh is is Traffic Safety because dis disabled people shouldn't have to run across the street thank you so in Bon I've seen in Bon how this is and I've seen it here too but in Bon we've fought for a traffic light on avue SE in 49th and what I do is I go on a circle around the intersection I go a circle around the intersection and for four years I did that I C so much Ruckus I got assaulted I got people thanking me people throw water bottles at me people hand me water bottles people loved it people hated it so I know I was doing something right with after 4 years we finally got a traffic light so now I'm on Broadway in 49 trying to get a traffic light on Broadway in 49 a blind person that I used to know back in the day reached out to me and Jimmy good he says he says Ley I know you got the light on ABC but can you get a light for a blind person on on Broadway I was like what's that he said it's a light that talks it says wait wait wait walk walk and I was ignorant to that I didn't I said Jimmy I didn't know about that I I said well now we're going to fight for a traffic light that talks vir jiny good so now we're I'm Broadway doing laps doing laps and I'm going to do that for another year I've been doing this for about five or six years now and I've seen over here I've done laps here on C Avenue and it's just as bad on C Avenue as it is in B own it's actually more dangerous in some areas people aren't stopping for puppies or children they're beeping at children beeping at puppy I mean I don't understand what the rush is where everyone's in a rush to go to but one thing that you really should get which is cheap and fixed you could do this in a day it's get one of those stop for pedestrian signs because people don't realize you have to stop for pedestrians so you see that yellow sign in the middle of the road and then they let oh yeah now we have to stop if you don't have that sign there people are not going to stop that's very important so um we're going to do some more laps here on cam Avenue to show you how dangerous it is I can send you the videos that I did with the Laps on cam Avenue to show how dangerous it is it's it's not safe the children need to be safe and you know if something happens to a child it's going to be on you guys because it's we we've told me about people here are telling you about this problem and you need to do something about it as public servants you need to do something the speed bumps are a great idea that's I love that uh that's the kind of energy we should be thinking about uh 68% of Jesus's Miracles were for the disabled just so you should know because s theme is is disability rights or human rights so 68% of Jesus's Miracles were fre the disabled so I ask that your energy be for the disabled and to bring that point home I'd like to sing through you a song and some of you are going to hate it some of you going to love it some of you are going to get offended by it some of you are going to clutch your pearls and I'm sorry but I want you to remember what I'm saying about disability rights Being Human Rights disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights are you human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights or human rights disability rights are human rights disability right are human rights disability rights are you human rights thank you that's so you don't forget ever thank you anyone else first call I'm in pain that the patient doesn't have zoom access excuse me Julie 189 Main Street um last meeting I had spoken about the um wh head Avenue and traffic study thank you for whoever posted on the website for everybody um I didn't know until I saw this last meeting that um way had Avenue study was only done from Gates Avenue to Jackson Street we all know wead Avenue is about a mile long and we only did about3 of the mile um just last week there was a car accident and motorcycle accident on way head Avenue in one of the important intersections that um is on this from the study if you saw uh The Proposal with the paint more crosswalks increase pedestrian crossing signs and uh the street markings alerting pedestrian Crossing um I'm happy that Mr hedson reminded that it's been two years since the death of the woman on Virginia Street it took two years to do markings and and stop signs on one street it's been a year and almost a excuse me and almost a half since um the boy died on Avenue um I urge you guys to really start looking into more crosswalks the reason why I wanted to study and I thought it was for all of them it's for us to realize the amount of accidents that do happen on there I know they're not all pedestrians they are Vehicles because a lot of the portions on wead Avenue is and you can only Park on one side of the road which you makes it a little more nrow for two cars to drive by um but it's a County Road and if you have a study based on it to know what needs to be done we can ask for more assistance Vision Z it's to cut down to zero of pedestrian accidents we should be asking for more grant money from Vision zero I know we made a pledge with the county we made a pledge last year was it again to renew that with vision zero if we have data on paper we can give that in and ask for support for signage for stop signs for things that are important to our resid especially during the school year I live on Main Street I no longer allow my daughter to walk to school last year two times she was almost hit by a car crossing the street right in front of my home in the morning as I'm watching her cross nobody stops for pedestrian so you can please look into that I thought maybe the the chief would be here today usually does um but I'm requesting from all of you can we extend our traffic study to all of white head Avenue and we find out how many accidents we've had there and if we can increase the amount of crws that are anybody else from the public First Call second call a motion motion to close motion seconded by council president all in favor there's no appointments please resolutions resoltion 20241 auth the agenda to adop various resolutions of a routine and noncontroversial nature at one time that therefore be it is hereby res list of resolutions are hereby adopted by the fal Council in whole as if the same were individually acted upon consent resolutions 2024 308 to 2024 319 308 authorizing the purchase of a skid steer loader for the electric Department 309 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget 310 authorizing the requisition of funds for payment to the custodian of school monies 311 resolution appointing appointing chrisy Pagan as SP time dispatcher 32 appointment of Richard montelano as firefighter to the soub fire department 313 appointment of Matthew Rau as firefighter to the Seth police uh fire department 3:14 appointment of Joseph James Maron as firefighter to the Seth over fire department 315 appointment of Joseph Keegan as firefighter to the southover fire department 316 appoint southover free public library Board of Trustees member 317 authorizing the extension of Summer help to the Department of Public Works 318 accept September 23rd 2024 regular and executive session minutes and 319 authorize the bills and List have a motion motion second motion by Council second by Council kinsky Council B Council C yes the exstension from 312 313 314 and 315 counc santz yes counc yes couny yesc president kzel yes be opening up to the governing body comments starting off of councilman the sandis all I have this week mayor is the PO Warner organization football and cheer is home this weekend at Denny field say Stadium um and we uh we play Edison uh on the nineu level and our nineu team has has a 4 in1 record and Edison is also doing well so it's a big game for that group that starts at I think we're at 10 10 o'clock this week and uh just come come cheer on all the boys and girls it's a big pride of our town we get together we're one of the smallest teams in the whole thing and it's a good good mix of everybody so they do some fundraising with some food if you're hungry and and all that so starts 9 a.m. all councilman kashinsky thank you mayor uh first off I'd like to thank all of our public Serv workers are police fire uh DPW especially and uh Rob with Johnson for all the services that they provide for us um just to let everyone know that Columbus Day the burrow offices will be closed so there'll be no yard us picked up and uh that's pretty much it it's getting darker a lot quicker please be a little bit more Vigilant about people that are walking and everything too they sometimes wear darker colors they don't have reflective vests and you know just I think most of our residents are pretty much but we have a lot of people that pass through our town that are just a little bit inconsiderate of some of our laws and a residential areas with that thank you Council um the only thing I have is just the frost and pumpkins race is coming up anyone is interested it's uh an event that uh is a fun day and try to get as many participants out the library as Don said has many activities coming up with Halloween that would be fun to attend and that's all I the only woman up here um I I understand where uh Lisa P uh talking about the field IED pictures of that it was very disheartening to see equipment and paint and it's why can't anybody let us have things I don't get it I don't understand it your kids are out at midnight why I'm not saying they're all you know mine we're never all Angels either but you got to watch uh the speeding on cam avue I live right by the primary school between James and David now they come off well you don't want to go there with me on a school morning so but they come off of OBT the and that street the James they go through that one and that's on school days because everyone is in a hurry to get nowhere just just how it is people are disrespectful of our laws uh they need to have some sense we need the stop signes but again you need the people that are on the their bicycles and their scooters obeying the laws also night I've seen them zip right through the stop sign on will Avenue in Johnson place without a care in the world what happens when a poor person hits that person it's give and take it has to be from both sides that's all I have to say thank you um just to reiterate Columbus Day in observance of Columbus Day merrow offices the Department of Public Works police records and Municipal Court will be closed on Monday October the 14th no yard waste will be collected the next pickup for yard waste will be on Monday October the 21st excuse me curbside pickup for the leaf program will begin on October to 15th um the leaf bags are available at the DPW Yard from 8 to 12 there's 20 bags per household uh the it'll start on the south side of town on 105 15 and on the north side of town will be on 1021 do not put grass brush or other debris mixed with the leaves uh leaves should be will not be picked up if they're placed in plastic bags they have to be in the leaf bags Supply um hydrant flushing as Mr Tor has said before um it will begin on October the 15th and it's going to start on the south end of town so please keep keep an eye on the website it'll tell you what areas will be starting after the 15th and that's all we have mayor thank you thank you counc I believe that there's a report out there already that was looked at as a census of the problem areas for the water that's already been done I think that's already out there it's part of the public domain uh things that were happening in the town cram the crew are homecoming parade things that you know get together in South River New things are coming up you heard about the trunker tree frost on the pumpkin remember we usually have a curfew for Picket night and for Halloween Halloween's coming up on October 31st also something very speaking of which uh American Horror Story We they going to show the South River very important date coming up before our next meeting October 15 last day to register to vote in New Jersey you have to make sure you get out there you want to register 15th do it because otherwise come fifth you won't be able to uh have your say finally happy Columbus Day happy indigenous people's Day that's coming up there on the 14th so that's it than time here go I'm GNA start off by saying that there is no such thing as a street in this town that does not have a speeder period Speeders are everywhere no matter how you want to look at not too long ago a person actually lives on cam M they came and spoke to me about a situation to happen that problem not only exists on cam Avenue it exists on every possible Speedway when it comes down and I use it I use the word Speedway because of streets like Leonard Main Street not pren Avenue so anything that happens to have a straight away it's considered a Speedway the problem you have is yes a lot of people come off of a turn off and they they they've done it now with the policing had policeing go out there and we actually had a report done now the way it works just so you're all aware is yes Kem avue was getting actually three stops L thank you okay we we hear we're even going as far as looking at speed humps and certain spots of Main Street sorry of Cam Avenue as well as the concept of a yellow line yellow solid line so that's already in the mid thank you we hear you okay but between October 2nd and October 6 we had a police detailed out there they ran it for quite a while 11 documented and dedicated details were T undertaken out of that five people were pulled over well I'm sorry six people were pulled over six three summonses and three warnings all in a small amount of hours so it's there we're doing our traffic study we hear you okay now unfortunately when it comes down to a car hitting a parked car such as what we just encountered last week on Prentice Avenue it's it's a freak accident whether the person who was impaired whether the person lost control whether the person a deer ran out we don't know it has happens everywhere I live on George Street I watch the person zip right past my daughter's on a bicycle and hit the g in broad daylight so unfortunately speeding is everywhere let's go speed bu crazy now when it comes down to us speaking out we are the eyes and ears when it comes down to law enforcement and this is why I'm telling you this this is what you don't know I get a lot of people that will call me late at night saying I just seen somebody go right past me the first thing I asked him do you at least get a make or model of the car color something I'm the one that's calling the cop at 2:00 in the morning say hey white BMW just going right past this person's house so every time you see something don't hesitate to pick up that phone and call the police you're only helping unfortunately we just had a crime a neighborhood crime watch not too long ago only 20 people showed up all we're hoping that more people show up but this is for you we're here to cater to you right is going to be well taken care of thank I could assure you that now when it comes down to the county roads yes I was at that accident Julie it was a unfortunate accident I can't get into the details because unfortunately I can't explain exactly what happened why had Avenue as a county Ro last year after that individual passed away I was on the phone with the county asking for help and the problem I have it's a County Road it's like P just trying to get help on Main Street was that mother and that child that got hit unfortunately you know we're we're doing our best so we are we hear what you're saying we are we are doing what we have to do to stop it it's everywhere so please see something call the cops Colin Drive I know this was brought up you used one of the two words that I was going to bring up convenience the other word is the word sa now the reason I use that is unfortunately there's going to be a traffic study on that road because the oneway road is not a bade the right way meaning people early in the morning come up that road Speedy the reason I'm telling you that is because I stood on the road two two feet away age two feet away from the curb and I watched the car with right past me and was hit and AG couldn't understand why I didn't Flinch he came up the wrong way so it's about about convenience and it's about the word safety so remember the people that live on Colin Drive they don't expect the car to come up the opposite way so we are running a traffic safet to see what we're going to do it's going to be sented to the council and we're going to see what we wish to do from that point on water bills I know that everybody's been going crazy about them we haven't received them for almost two three months it is not the fault of the town it's the fault of the building department the company that we outour are I can tell you right now I've been on the phone with Mr zanga as well as Mr lenski I am done with this company we're looking out for another company to Aid help us out so in time you should be getting your bills if you haven't already gotten it I know I received mine yesterday after two two and a half months three months this month is National Breast Cancer Awareness that's why I'm wear in pink I have my daughter Emma and her friend Frankie actually out on Main Street yesterday putting out pink ribbons you'll see them on some of the most of the the trees Please be aware of your surrounding October 7th today one year ago the UN foolish the the terrorist uh cowardly act that happened in Israel taking out almost 1,200 people most of those people were under 30 years old please remember those people Act of terrorism should not be tolerated by no by by nobody we all we all share the same air we all have the same col and last and final yes Mr kenzel on October 15th American Horror Stories will finally be coming out on FX not exactly sure on the channel but you will it's only going to be on Hulu oh sorry yes you have to have Hulu to watch so it's going to be on H October 15th watch your South River be on TV than that thank you can I have motion by councilwoman second coun