all right Lissa welcome to the ninth meeting of the Year today's April 8th 2024 uh reason for the meeting being held at the south of middle school which we do appreciate their services uh 61 Main Street elevator is not operable so uh we had to have the meeting here um Alissa can you please start off the statement in compliance with chapter 231 of public law of 1975 notice of this meeting to be held at the criminal justice building 61 Main Street South River has been published in the home Min Tribune on January 5th 2024 post on Municipal Building bulletin board the burough website the front door of the colal Justice building at 61 Main Street South River as amended in a public notice advertised on April 7th 2024 this meeting will be held at the South River Middle School cetorum three Montgomery Street South River uh roll call please I was just saying that can't get any closer just thank you roll call please mayor gindy here councilman Ballas councilman Cula here councilman desian here councilman giny here councilman krenzel is not here council president olera here please stand for the salute to the flag States of America and to stands Nation indivisible Li and Justice all please stay standing for a moment you may be seated we have one Proclamation which is for National Public Safety telecommunicators week which is on April 14th to the 20th of 2024 whereas emergencies can occur at any time that require police fire or Emergency Medical Services and whereas when an emergency occurs The Prompt response to to police officers firefighters and emergency medical technicians are critical to the protection of life and preservation of of property and where as the safety of our police officers firefighters emergency medical technicians are dependent upon the quality and accuracy of information obtained from citizens who telephone the South River Police Department's emergency communications Center and whereas Public Safety tele telecommunicators are the first and most critical contact our citizens have with emergency services and whereas Public Safety tele tunicates are the single vital link for our police officers and firefighters by monitoring our their activities By Radio providing them information and ensuring their safety and whereas Public Safety telecommunicators of the South River Police Department have contributed substantially to the apprehension of criminals suppression of fires and treatment of patients and whereas each dispatcher has exhibited compassion understanding and professionalism during the per performance of their job in this past year now therefore I mayor Peter es gindy along with the members of the Council of the burough South River do hereby Proclaim April 14th to April 20th 2024 to be National Public Safety tators Week of South River in honor of the men and women who diligently and professionalism keep our community and citizens safe given under the hand and the Seal of the burrow of South River in New Jersey this 8th day of April 24th Chief can you [Applause] please if you could pass it off to the dispatchers please thank you thank you now we will be moving to agenda session we do have uh three first readings that we will explain uh each one before we get into it uh the first one is the uh actually Alissa could you read off the first one want me to skip to the for reading ordinances salaries which one 20247 just the header an ordinance amending an or an ordinance amending an ordinance fixing the salary ranges of certain burough officers and employees in the Bure of South River uh Joe thank you that ordinance is to approve titles and salary ranges for all burrow officers and employees uh it's something we do every couple of years um and it gives the ranges of where the employee should be making the salary in between the ranges so it's a common ordinance that we do uh the second one is the fees as well you want to take that one while we're there second one yep the next one for 18 was we previously authorized ordinance 2024-25 per decrease one section was omitted so now we're just approving that one section so everybody gets a one penny decrease increase decrease decrease so that's when we decreased electric rates we skipped one section of it out there was eight sections in the Ordinance one section didn't get the decrease so we're just correcting that with this ordinance okay so everybody gets it and last one 19 is creating positions for uh in the code book for code enforcement assistant and tv35 manager cameraman camera person all right thank Lissa we're going to go to Second reading If You Could Read 202 24-3 ordinance 2024-the state of New Jersey amending chapter 350 of the burrow code of the burough South River entitled zoning motion way for reading motion by Jim uh councilman kushinsky seconded by councilman siola all in favor uh Andrea could you please give us a uh explanation on this before we to all right we're going to open up to the public hearing anybody from the public no is this for the is this for the ordinance not yet okay all right first read uh sorry sorry first call second third I a motion CL may I make a motion y may I make a motion that we adjourn to the following meeting motion by uh councilman uh sorry council president ala seconded by councilwoman Baris Ballas councilwoman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes council president olera yes Alissa can you read 20244 ordinance 20244 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burough of South River so as to amend chapter 155 entitled fees motion away reading motion by councilman siola second by councilwoman ballis all in favor I Mr Olivera can you give an explanation please yeah this ordinance is just essentially setting the fees for the 2024 2025 uh Recreation Department programs so we are already planning for next fall winter and spring season so we just wanted to go ahead and get these on the book this way we can start advertising giving families the opportunity to register early for programs thank you councilman I'd like to open it to the public what first second third do I have a motion second motion by councilwoman balis seconded by Council council president ala all in favor I H is there a council discussion then anybody make a motion to adopt motion by councilman siola seconded by councilman krinsky Council Ballas councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes council president Olivera yes Alyssa 20245 ordinance 20245 an ordinance to amend the code of the borrow of South River chapter 193 entitled vehicles and traffic by amending section 193 31.1 schedule 2A handicap parking thereof make a motion with read second motion by councilman siola seconded by councilman krinski all in favor I will be opening this up to the public first call second call third call motion by councilman krinsky seconded by councilman siola all in favor Council discussion do I have a motion motion by Council ccom Ballas seconded by council president alera councilwoman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman ginsky yes council president Olivera yes like Alyssa 20246 ordinance 20246 an ordinance of the burough South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the code of the burough South River so as to amend chapter 288a entitled special events second motion by councilman krinsky second by councilwoman Bas all in favor uh Andrea would you like to do an explanation this thank you I'd like to open it to the public first call second third call do I have a motion second motion by councilwoman Ballas second by council president ala all in favor Council discussion do I have a motion motion to adop Second motion by councilman kashinsky second by councilman council president Ola Council Ballas councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes council president olera yes thank you Alyssa we're going to go into 20247 first reading ordinance 20247 an ordinance amending an ordinance fixing the salary ranges of certain burrow officers and employes EMP es in the burough South River mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 20247 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with the second reading and public hearing to be held on April 8th at 7M by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South River New Jersey motion by council president alera seconded by councilwoman Ballas councilwoman councilman Cula yes councilman desian councilman grensky yes council president Ola yes bless you Lissa 20248 ordinance 20248 and ordinance amending burough code chapter 155 155 fees mayor I move that the council pass ordinance 20248 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with the second reading and public hearing to be held on April 8th 7: p.m. by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South D New Jersey and I do want to apologize I just realized that this should say April 22nd not April 8th so the next meeting is April 22nd second motion by council president Olivera seconded by councilman krinski councilman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman Des yes councilman grensky yes council president Ola yes Alissa 20249 ordinance 20249 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burrow of South River so as to amend chapter 13 entitled administrator office of Mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 20249 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with the second reading and public hearing to be held on April 22nd at 7:00 p.m. by video conference via Zoom where in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South New Jersey second motion by council president Olivera seconded by councilman dimian councilman ballis yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes council president Ola yes we are going to go to reports uh Bruce thank you everyone good evening the uh 2023 and 2024 local Aid projects were're still working on the design but moving along with that the 2023 local Aid Transportation projects which was Franklin Street pesy Avenue and albourne street we had applied for a grant and the burough received $575,000 for that which was very close to what we had asked for so that is very good news the uh 2024 one we've not heard anything on substation maintenance there's a change order on your agenda tonight for the batteries for switch house number three which are the oldest batteries out there and uh due for replacement and the final item is the storm water assistance grant um just we're pretty much caught up with that and uh we'll have to see if we can get funding for the next round uh Council anything for Bruce uh Joe uh two items first one is a resolution for a shared service agreement with the bur of miltown for Court Administration Services uh the bur of miltown already approved their side uh the burough here has to approve our side and then we'll enter into a shared service agreement for Court Administration Services uh also another resolution for Recreation employees that we do every single year that's it thank you age yes the uh spring hydr flushing starts April 22nd and it runs to May 9th the information can be found in your burough calendar the website and our DPW Facebook and we'll also be putting nixel out every week prior to the week of the Flushing all right that's all I have thank you Council anything for agent uh police chief hear me I hear you mayor I I don't have anything for this agenda for this Council session but I just want to thank you for proclaiming next week National Public Safety telecommunicator Week this is the 10th Year we're actually doing this this event uh I know there's probably only one dispatcher that's been here all 10 10 years for this event but I know all of them both past and present they appreciate that the burough recognizes what they do for the town for the police department for the fire department and for the rescue squad so I thank you other than that I don't have any anything else if anybody has any questions for me um all yours anything no you're good you're off the hook fire chief mayor and councel I do not have anything to report on for this month I don't have an accurate call number I would say roughly a 100 it's been kind of I won't say it but call volume thumbs down it's good see yeah um all apparatus are in service with the exception of my Chiefs vehicle they do go out for emergency lights on the rear to get repaired that is in Somerville um it is all done that'll get picked up within the next day or two and other than that progress thank you anything no oh one other thing we did we were awarded that $75,000 Grant just to keep you in the loop what I Look to do with that 75,000 um a maximum of40 to $50,000 would dedicated towards interior structural firefighting gear and then that extra 25,000 will be put into inventory structural firefighting gloves exucation gloves helmets mask foots the rest of the Ensemble for the turnout here excellent thank you thank you Andrew Alissa I have nothing tonight all [Music] right Professional Services that's phase one of the replacement project be submitting the application to the I the last count me I to explain the iank I think very easily I can explain by Miss statement to the New Jersey infrastructure Bank an independent state financing Authority administering low loans qualif municipalities Cy Regional authorities water New Jersey the purpose of financing water quality infrastructure projects that en ground Surf Water Resources ensure safety of drinking water supp protect public health and make possible responsible suain [Music] 15U we have twoes one on street is progressing they expect wrap it up this week start thank you I will now be opening it up to the public you have 10 minutes please State your address and your name oh I forgot the council sorry sorry about that couna please I am so sorry the only thing I have is u gotc meeting um they started to walk around Main Street and they were looking at the businesses talking with the business owners and they want to come up with a game plan how to start unifying Main Street and start bringing into some new business so they're working on that so hopefully you'll have the work at the next meeting absolutely that's great councilwoman mine is just a report from the library um the friends of the library would like to thank everybody that came out during the book and bake sale that was a great success even though there were those were those really rainy days but everybody was there and they're very appreciative of that they're also starting their walking Club again at kusy Park every Thursday at 9:00 a.m. weather permitting lastly they're going to be conducting a a craft swap which is any Crafters in town that have extra materials or anybody that wants to start a craft or a new um uh any kind of supplies they want to uh what they're going to do is they're going to be accepting donations of unwanted correcting supplies on April 29th those that donate between these days will receive an early bird ticket for the Swap and will be allowed in before the general public any corable supplies in good condition will be accepted for the Swap and any leftovers will be used by the library for future programs so if you donate between those days you will get in at 6:00 before it's open to the public at 7:00 council person excuse me pardon me council person yes uh it's April 22nd to the 26 that you donate your suppli yes 26 22nd to the 26 and the swab itself is the 29th yeah oh thank you I couldn't hear you so I I I thought you misspoke I'm very sorry no problem so anybody that has crafts that they're not using or people want to taking crafts they're going to be doing that if they're the good thank you Council okay thank thank you mayor um the Board of Ed will be releasing their budget at their April 25th public meeting anyone is welcome to come to the meeting to hear and discuss their budget uh the meeting the meeting will be at the high school at 7 o' the next public budget meeting will be held on Saturday April 20th at 8: a.m. in the courtroom at the public safety building on Main Street not to be announced yeah it's TV to be announced yeah I'm G to talk about that part okay sorry so it's still on April yep the time to be announced um please come and ask any questions you have about the town's budget for the next year uh the shade tree had a great volunteer response last week with the rain garden planting they had the Boy Scouts Central jerseys sewa and several high school students and parents over 20 volunteering their time and last I have is um I successfully completed a planning board online class which was a uh required assessment for planning board members on being on my committee and that's all I have thank you councilman kushinsky thank you the offs on agent had their uh solar eclipse viewing today and even though it was cloudy and everything too I believe they got a couple good views and everything like that and uh that's pretty much it it's been a quiet month far as thank you thank you council president so uh as councilman desian was mentioning April 20th we're going to have our next public budget meeting it's going to be at 8: am we will publicize the location as of right now the elevator at 61 Main Street is still filled with water if I'm not mistaken Chief uh so we're work working very quickly to to get that matter addressed uh to make sure it's operable but we want to give everyone an opportunity to come in and ask questions so councilman uh sorry uh mayor gindy will publicize it on his instagr official Instagram page and we'll make sure that it's on the website once we determine the location um in terms of parks and wreck uh signups for the spring are ongoing just want to congratulate we had two of our uh youth cheerleading teams our u8 and our U14 uh Team competed in the global Nationals event Virginia Beach this weekend uh both teams placed second and it was a great thing to see our little South River was competing against teams from North Carolina uh Pennsylvania everywhere it was a national event and it was great to see that uh our girls came in second place so very proud of them and then our September teams have a couple more competitions this month and they'll be competing those are our local teams and they're competing this weekend in Tom's River so we're uh quickly approaching the end of our spring Sports season some wreck is upcoming as well be on the lookout for that we have a lot of great things happening in the town um issue we're struggling with that every program continues to struggle with is just a lack of space so thank you to the board of ed for always working with us and allowing us to use the gym but it's time we uh we start looking uh we got to figure something out our programs continue to grow uh cheerleading had over close to a 100 girls this year gymnastics I think were over 50 um it's we're growing and it's a beautiful thing to see but now we have to figure out where we can put every and that's all I have there thank you now I'm going to open up to the public you got 10 minutes state your name and your address so sorry first of all I'd like to apologize to council person Donna um I'm sorry I don't know how to pronounce your last name B Bas council person Donna I I'm president of the friends of Library I'm Maryanne Squire merer I live at 340 Whitehead Avenue which is Willet Manor um and as president of the friends of the library I'd like to thank the entire Community for supporting the Friends book sale even through the horrible weather uh we raised $850 which is amazing uh given the conditions and um uh we're very appreciative I'd also like to request that the library please be included uh their closings uh holiday closings and emergency closings and uh um Internet outages on the nixel alerts and on the uh Township website it hasn't been done and I don't see why not and I've requested it in the past I don't understand it and um you know previous administrations have uh you know it's fallen on a depth ear I haven't requested it of this Administration and I'm sure you'll be amable I'm I have it thank you um the library after all is uh I think one of the best Township Township assets there is um and um uh I'd like to um as a resident of will it matter I'd like to personally thank um the chief of police and the pr Chief is he still here no he's gone um uh please thank all the First Responders um for all of the services they provide to the residents of Willet matter and South River Landing um and on that note uh I'd also like to personally thank and commend mayor Peter gindy who since he's been a council person has taken his own personal time and come even if it's in the middle of the night every time every time we've had a power outage to come and check on us um and sometimes the generator doesn't come on and um he's continued to do that since he was elected mayor and he's just an incredible person I was going to vote for uh his opponent and um then I found out about that and I met the mayor and I was so impressed um and I'm so glad I voted for him appreciate and um I'm here as a with a neighbor um as a I'm a tenant advocate at will it Manor and I think the um chief of police um and the fire chief could um agree that will it matter is a drain on uh services that it shouldn't be Emergency Services the property this uh senior property manager um instead of doing her job um and handling residents complaints um with um Regular resident meetings which she does not hold uh she's had one since the pandemic ended except for when the elevator was broken for 13 days and we had um uh we had to um the Emergency Services we carrying wheelchair bound patients uh uh down uh 79 steps um there uh she had meetings then uh up on the uh floors uh you know offering excuses she has not taking out uh bids although her uh upper management to um we thought retrofit the elevator but it turns out there's a second shaft she has not seen to that um she when there are tenant complaints about noise she says it's apartment living even though New Jersey leases guarantee tenants the right to quiet enjoyment and instead of having um resident meetings meeting with the ten and trying to resolve it issuing lease violations for noise or there were smoking in apartments there was a lady who was um unfortunately had a very severe alcohol substance abuse and was smoking in her apartment she did not even though uh we complained every time there was smoke smell in the hallway uh I think the police chief could affirm she did not uh do anything until the uh police and the uh EMTs were involved that shortly before her death she was you know drunk and smoking in her apartment and you know that's a God forbid it could have been a fire then she issued a lease violation um it's it's just a horrendous situation I also um J the gentleman had Public Works correct I'd also like to ask you if um they' replaced the uh dumpster yet do you know I don't believe they have because they're both still rusted and I see one uh I saw today there's garbage underneath like a garbage bag coming out the bottom fell out of the dumpster and I don't believe um uh they're recycling because uh which really bothers me because the uh residents often who are um uh don't speak English instead of uh we've gotten them to put up multilingual posters but instead of uh checking the cameras to see who's not doing it and addressing it at resident meetings which don't exist um the recycling bins are constantly failed with trash and now the one bin the has fallen out of all correct and um uh also I'd like code enforcement to come out please I observe the senior property manager today I was uh in my car um running it for a short time I'm not able to drive presently and uh she uh stepped over a huge tire and a 4X4 there's also a mattress has been there quite a long time which you know could be filled with Burman uh there's um a bed frame there's a stack of 4x4s and 2x4s and it's going out into the parking lot God forbid someone get hurts one of them the end of it is so sharp you know children from the neighborhood sometimes ride their bikes or their skateboards through there it's just a recipe for disaster really AG what I'm going to do is tomorrow no don't don't be sorry what I'm going to do is tomorrow I'll reach out to code enforcement as well as Arty uh I am already speaking to the the gentleman that you gave me his phone number so we're already working on issues at your place so in time we'll get things resolved I just feel you know have telling tenants to call the police when there's a noise issue telling tenants uh to to call the police when there's this or that is egregious you know she should be doing her job I understand that but you know the police they're there to take the call so yeah but it's not a police issue when a tenant is noisy I follow saying you know it's something that management should be taken care of no I I understand that you know it's not a Police Issue especially when the one person who is has been an ongoing issue for one tenant for years uh is 82 years old and doesn't speak English what do I ask are the police going to do without that except waste their time and resources when they could be helping someone else you know I thank you so much and thank you for coming thank you come anytime it's just a disgrace come anytime that's what we're here for thank you so much for all all of you do and for serving our community I appreciate it anyone from the anybody else from the public okay first call second call have a motion motion by councilman siola seconded by councilman krinsky all in favor uh Alissa consent resolution oh I'm sorry I have uh mayor appointment planning board I am appointing Monica almea as the mayor's alter alternate uh you will get information sent to you probably through email Alysa consent resolutions whereas resolution 2020 401 authorizes the bough Council to utilize a consent agenda to adopt various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time now therefore be it is hereby resolved that the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the burrow Council and whole as if the same were individually acted upon consent resolutions 2024 147 to 2024 1557 147 authorizing the execution of a shared service agreement 148 resolution authorizing the issuance of a duplicate tax sale certificate 149 property tax refund for a total disabled veteran 150 appointment of 2024 Recreation Department employees 151 awarding a contract to CDM Smith Incorporated for Professional Services 152 authorize certain utility refunds 153 resolution authorizing change order number one for the project known as 2023 electrical substation maintenance 154 resolution awarding a contract with bnw construction for various sewer repairs 155 except March 25th 2024 regular meeting minutes 156 156 authorize the bills and claims list 157 appoint to hear Walker as a probationary firefighter for the South River fire department what is your pleasure motion by councilman councilwoman Bas by coun second by councilman siola Council M balis yes councilman Cula yes councilman dimian yes councilman grensky yes council president Ola yes there isn't anything for new business we're going to go into uh Council comments we will start with uh councilman kinsky first off I'd like to thank all of our uh public uh service workers our police our fire Robert with Johnson especially our DPW keeps us clean and safe and um operational from day to day um aside from that I really don't have any thank you mayor thank you councilman dimian um the first neighborhood watch meeting will be held on Thursday April 25th don't know the location at time yet but the key thing is any Resident can come to the meeting um this is a great great opportunity to be a part of the group to help in keeping your town safe councilwoman Dallas um as a new member to the library board I would like to thank where is she back there marann for your help with the friends of the library if there's anything you need me to do just reach out I have your information now Council gave it to so if you need anything from me you let me know thank you so much okay I've been there I'm very impressed with that everything up there it's very the new director is marvelous she she really has um uh instituted some wonderful Pro uh programs in a very short time thank you may I ask one more question that I forgot about is it possible about um not about um uh Township uh uh statute uh we could do that we could do it go ahead sorry real quick real quick um we uh the residents uh requested that they tow non-resident parking uh Vehicles because um you know there's not enough parking and there's no handicapped parking spaces in the back lot and um there I know they're not in um compliance they didn't do anything for like nine months and recently she just put a sign on the door uh subject to Towing which I know is not within the statute when I lived in another town you had to post where in the parking lot where you would be towed to and who and I'm sure you sing that's a good question that would be a question for the police chief uh that is a I know it's a private property but you can speak to him we'll probably give you a direction for very much thank you thank you all thank you anything else M councilman siola just reate the high flushing is going to start o 22nd through May 9th times will be 7:30 to 2:30 during the day and 9:00 p.m. to 5: a.m. on the second shift around um also there's a paper shredding at mesy junal home on April the 27th from 12:30 to 300 pm. uh bring your garbage bags of all paper and boxes of paper and they will take care of it for you again it's April 27th from 12:30 to 300 p.m. also um we just approved today on consent resolution appointing um a junior firefighter who has now reached the age of 18 to a firefighter for the fire department South River um again we're looking for firefighters 18 enough to become regular members volunteers and if you are 14 and 15 you can become a Cadet and 16 and 17 you could be a junior fire firefighter tyer Walker joined that 16 years old as a junior firefighter he worked his way up for the two years and is now a regular firefighter for the burrow so again anybody interested contact the fire department at um 732 257 9217 and leave a message if no one answers thank you thank you council president yeah as we wind down the uh budget process I just want to again uh thank Joe and art and the budget committee for everything that they've done I've had the opportunity to speak about the budget to a number of residents that have asked questions um and one of the questions that keeps coming up is you know the 10% water increase and why we did that and um no one on this Administration no one up here would like to raise water rates would like to raise any type of rates but sometimes the reality is that's something you have to do when you look across the state of New Jersey I've had the opportunity to uh look at you know not only electric but water consistently you know you see multiple utilities that are increasing anywhere what was it Joe from five to 15 even some we saw I think at 20% um you know we tried to minimize the impact that's why you know the budget committee we felt very strong that okay if we're going to raise water we have to do something to make sure we're minimizing the electrical impact on our residents and that's why we decided to raise uh I'm sorry decrease the electric by 5% uh the other question that I keep receiving um is well why don't you raise the electric rates even more with the battery storage project or you know the battery storage project is a in my opinion um the best thing that this could have happened to this burough uh it has been a really a godsend but the battery storage project is not guaranteed every year uh you cannot guarantee the cost savings so in my opinion when we discussed with the budget committee and we discussed with Mr zanga and art we decided to use the cost savings that we could on capital projects that would minimize how much the burrow has to bond when we're bonding we're looking at interest rates we're looking at down payments there's no need to spend uh funds when we don't have to and the battery storage project really is an opportunity for us to continue to work on Paving additional streets uh fixing the infrastructure and guys I the electrical car mandate is coming down the road um and we as a burough need to be prepared uh for what that's going to mean for the grid what that's going to mean for the um utilities so little by little we're going to continue to do what we have to do and again I just want to thank the budget committee for all their hard work this has been a grueling process of what since January of meeting and trying to come up it's finally coming to the end the lights at the end of the T tunnel so just want to thank everyone for all their hard work with that and that's all I have here thank you um but the budget committee I can't thank you guys enough for doing this kind of work South River is a town that's growing and as it grows there are changes along with changes comes expenses uh we try to cut back as much as we can but at the same time there are things that are needed to be done so look into the future is what I'm going to tell you there's a lot of changes coming your way that's all I have to say uh today we uh experienced the Eclipse which was a sight to see I hope everyone had an idea uh chance to actually take a glimpse at it along with the eclipse we uh experienced a uh earthquake which everybody was okay and safe uh thanks to the police department Department of Public Works um as well as the fire department uh as you all know the weather is getting better spring is here please drive safely I can't tell you how hard it is to do that when you're driving down a street more than 25 miles hour or even Le less there kids getting hurt please Drive slowly so I'm going to ask you um we are going to go into executive session um there's going to be no actions taken after the executive session we are going to adjourn the meeting you're more than welcome to stay you're more than welcome to leave whatever uh interests you uh Alysa if you could please go into uh 202 24-18 resolution 2024 158 whereas Section 8 of chapter 231 Public Law of 1975 permits the exclusion of the general public from a meeting of the governing body under certain circumstances whereas the mayor and Council of the burough of South River are of the opinion such circumstances presently exist now therefore be it is hereby resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough South River in the county of middle sex and state of New Jersey that the public be excluded upon the here andafter specific subject matter and that such subject matter to be so discussed is as follows contract negotiations be a further resolve that such record of the above discussion will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required second motion by councilman krinsky seconded by council president Aliva councilman ballis yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman gky yes council president Ola yes second motion by councilman dimian seconded by councilwoman Ballas all in favor have a motion to adjourn motion by councilman siola second by councilwoman Ballas all in favor