##VIDEO ID:m2BXNBFa9hA## September 9th 2024 meeting the 15th of the Year Melissa can you please read the publication in compliance with chapter 231 of public law 1975 notice of this meeting to be held at the criminal justice building 61 Main Street South River has been published in the home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 postponing Municipal Building bolon board the burough website in the front door of the Criminal Justice building at 61 Main Street South River Roll call Mayor gindy here Council Bas herea here counc SZ here counc here counc griny here council president here please stand for the FL flag the United States of America and to the stands one nation God indivisible and jusice for all please stay standing for a moment silence may be seated [Music] iations uh agenda session we do have three uh readings for the first meeting um Andre would you like to please chin in sure uh ordinance for first readings 20 2440 that's just a handicap parking spot on will Avenue 20441 um yeah that's some recommendations uh from the chief uh regarding no left terms and a reduction in the speed limit uh on specified streets and 202442 that's just an ordinance uh adopting amendments to your Redevelopment plan for what we know as the PNC property and then for second reading um we're just going to go over before we start reading it uh one of them was for the stop signs uh which is going to be the four-way stop signs which was on Virginia Street second one was lower Main Street the development for the for paaza that's all for that for that uh we're going to go on to Second reading Alyssa 202 2437 ordinance 202 2437 an ordinance of the burrow South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burrow South River so as to amend chapter 193 entitled vehicles and traffic make a motion with full reading motion by councilman Sia second by Council all in favor like to open it up to the public 10 minutes first call no no no Virginia I yes you can how you doing my name is Ronald Luke I live on the corner Virginia D Street how you doing um 85 down street okay I just it's for me it's not good just to come up here and complain about something I need to come up here and also tell yall the good that y'all do since you know I mean I sat underne that fig tree many of days and watched if I count 100 cars 95 of them has stopped for that stop sign May before of and slow down and then continue on one and one go straight through also I have not seen a speeder I mean one speeder since that sign was put in for me it's thank you for the people that I live around I know they feel the same way so again please keep up good work thank you that's all I got any first call people second call Council second by councilwoman D all in favor any Council discussion do I have a motion counc second counc counc counc siol yes counc santz yes counc desian yes Council grensky yesc president C yes Alysa 2024 38 ordinance 2024 38 in ordinance of the B South River County of middle state of New Jersey authorizing the sale of block 150 lot 2.01 make a motion W the full reading second motion by councilman SE second by councilman Kinski all in favor like to open it up to the public first call second call motion toose public motion by councilman siola second second by councilman Kinski all in favor I Council discussion have a motion motion second motion by Council woman Bas seconded by Council Council bis councilman C yes counc santz yes Council yes councilman grensky yes council president Cel yes we're going to go into first reading hold on we we have one more 39 20439 orance 2024 39 ordinance of the B South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey adopting the amendments to sub area 150 of the lower Main Street Redevelopment plan motion with reading motion by counc second by counc all in favor open it up to the public First Call second call motion to close second motion by councilman siola second by councilman Kinski all in favor counc discussion do I have a motion moot motion by Council woman D second second by councilman s Council bis yes councilman CA yes councilman de santz yes Council deian yes counc M kinsky yes council president kenzel yes now Alysa 24-4 ordinance 20 2440 an ordinance to amend the code of the burrow of South River chapter 193 entitled vehicles and traffic by amending section 193 31.1 schedule 2A handicap parking thereof mayor I move that the council pass ordinance 20244 on its first reading by title only and the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held on SE setember the 23rd 700 p.m. uh by video conference via zoom we're in the council chambers of Criminal Justice building 61 Main Street South New Jersey motion by councilman Sia second by Council woman Ballas Council Ballas Council Sia yes councilman de santis yes councilman deian yes councilman kensky yes council president kenzel yes Alissa 202 2441 ordinance 202 2441 ordinance of the bough South biver County of middle sec state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burrow of South River so as to amend chapter 183 entitled vehicles and traffic mayor move at the council pass ordinance 2024413044 [Music] second motion by councilman siola second by Council ball councilwoman Ballas Council Bas councilman CA yes councilman de santis yes Council deian yes Council grensky yes council president kenzel yes Alissa 202442 ordinance 202442 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey adopting the amendments to sub Area 151 of the lower Main Street Redevelopment plan may I move the council pass ordinance 202442 on its first reading by title only in the clerk you authorize to publish the same as required by law with the second reading and public hearing to be held at 700 p.m on September the 23rd 2024 by video conference via Zoom or in the criminal justice building of the of excuse me 61 Main Street South River New Jersey second motion by councilman second by councilman Council yes counc yes counc santz yes counc yes couny yes council president yes we're going to move on to reports uh Bruce thank you the 2023 2024 Road program began here starting work on 11 the uh 2023 local projects Grant you authorized us to proceed with that and we're beginning the project design loal a the 2005 loal 8 application that was submitted we're just waiting for all the towns are waiting for the do to make their announcements the substation work is continuing uh we have processed the progress payment and that's pretty much it Council anything for uh our engineer thank you thank you John yes thank you mayor uh couple of resolutions on the agenda number 273 bars renewing their prescription coverage from 7124 to 63025 it's a 99.75% increase it's significant but it's less than with the state and some other hips offering number 274 the Barrel's amending the lease for the second phase of the battery project down the schol substation uh this resolution amends the original location and extends it so we can do the second phase 275 we have a resolution for a chapter 159 for a Green Acres Grant for $554,900 this is for C Park all-inclusive playground uh total project was 739 th000 uh Green Acres granted 75% 554 250 you also approved a $79,000 grand a couple months ago so the barrel share will be 105,000 out of $739,000 uh 276 we have we're applying for $100,000 Grant down at volunteers Park from state New Jersey Department of un services for Fitness area and walking trail and $277 is a $50,000 appli to to T-Mobile for a grant for the same project so if we get both grants that'll cover that whole project thank Council anybody anything for AG I have nothing to report may all good thank you Fire Wolf uh nothing just we uh all of our engines got pump tested uh last week everything passed no problems everything good with that uh right now they're doing U maintenance three of the three out of of five are done the other two will be done the end of the week um and then we just will move on to our other maintenance for the vehicles but right now we're status quot right Chief correct keep in mind we have structure fire at 160 162 Main Street please keep those families in mind and thank you to all the neut companies that came to help us that yeah was there a remarkable job Council anything for the Chiefs police chief nothing man Andrea have nothing tonight Maya nothing tonight all right yeah mayor just a couple infrastructure things the road program has started they're on leonardine Avenue they're doing all the handicap curves first and after that they will notice the public again when they're getting ready to Mill and PVE um the water treatment plant the chemical change has been completed and tested it is now online and the meter program is moving along we just urge the public if you get notices please call and get your meter CH go uh the only question I have for you is the electric bill a lot of people have been calling me in regards of the delay electric and we're still investigating they supposedly were sent out to the post office about a week and a half ago right about a week and a half ago about a week and a half ago and they seemed to have disappeared online if you pay online your number is correct um the company is looking to have to redo the bills come they're going to bring them up here to South River and we're going to send them over to the post office ourselves um we've heard some rumors that was there was a problem at the postal Authority building um up in Carney about a sewage flood that damaged thing that we haven't been able to 100% uh into that so just be patient you are adjusting the dates that the bills are due by and there won't be a penalty period and of course we're not shutting anybody off for re until we get the bill things straighten out the same way with the water bills you know we have to juggle now half the bills are coming in electronically and half the bills are still with the meter readers so they're joining them together together to get the water they have to do two separate things to get them together so it's moving forward we're sorry for the delays never happened before the first time for art I one thing so with people that have the new meter that's going to be automatically red right I assume they're still going to get the blue card because the person delivering that not going to know they shouldn't be getting a once the meat is installed they shouldn't be getting a car so when I was uh at the at 48 Washington on Friday and a resident called that they were trying to read it and they had the card and they had the new meter I actually went there myself I I knew I knew the woman a long time so I guess the question is if they get the blue card but have the automatic me reader should they still fill it out or they can disregard it I I think they could disregard they're online there the possibility some of the which meters are done and the meter reader is in that section if there's he he just doing automatically what he done all these years you can't get any Le a card differ because they could have got inst the day before a lot of these meters the reader now is inside the house so he can't tell from the outside before that there was a reader on the outside of the house so that could be the problem that they you know half of a section is done and the other half hasn't scheduled their appointments that's why we're trying to get everybody schedule their appointments thank you and the the last thing I forgot to say may was you know the building department worked very hard and we were able to give a temporary Co to the Early Learning Center they got in on time and the temporary Co with some outside stuff that hasn't been completed everything in the building was completed too so everything went well now I'm going go to the council councilman desis okay so I'm L aison for the planning board for those of you that may or may not know so we had our meeting on August 20th which was held virtually via Zoom uh we had a presentation there by resilient New Jersey ran River and Bay communities there are a program focused on the seven middle sex County municipalities that are impacted by the ridan flooding which include Oldbridge Woodbridge Carterette Perth Amboy sville South Amboy and of course South River uh they're part of the njde and they help provide guidance and strategies on how to improve the quality of life uh of the blue Acres Parcels uh for you don't know what blue acres is blue acres is also part of the NJ D and they purchase properties in flood prone areas to help relocate those residents um after the purchase there's a lot of restrictions on how the land can be reused uh with focus on Green Space Parks Community Gardens Etc uh south biver of course has several clusters of blue Acres properties uh the presentation that we saw was geared around the Waterfront revitalization distri District which for those of you that don't know it's off Whitehead between Causeway Street and Herman Street so if you're coming down Whitehead it's on the right there all that area um the process is several stages we are in the very beginning stages right now uh we were shown some Concepts this is to create dialogue and get feedback from the planning board which has already started uh I'm personally looking forward to that area getting up and going and I think the planning board is on the right track to get these discussions and dialogue going as we progress I'll keep everyone updated as best I can and our next planning board meeting will be next Tuesday September 17th at 7.m right here in criminal justice center 61 Main Street second level and the public is encouraged to attend these meetings and be a part of of what we're doing this thank you councilman CHR thank you mayor uh first off on The Office on Aging um see they will be closed on September 10th on a half a day and on September 25th for an offside event um there is also a high Do seasonal flu coming up you must pre-register for you know appointments are required so you can call the office on agent on this and uh set up an appointment and sign up has already began I encourage everybody who belongs to the office on a82 uh to go to the website see how the sign up procedure works because a lot of times too you may be too late and miss an event that you might be interested in um also there are a few other things um the neighborhood watch is starting up again they're going to have a meeting Thursday September 26th at 6 pm. right here at 61 Main Street um also the police department is got a food drive going on that will be on September 21st between 8 and 12 here uh donations come from Thomas Street or you can make them at the food bank and they also have uh uh child safety belt seat check and installation too if you want to stop by here this is also going to be on Thomas Street and this is on September 21st between 8 and 12 p.m. uh and they'll check you know your child safety seats and if they're uh good or if they're not good or if you need to update them or whatever um think the you have to access it Chief I believe from thas Street the parking lot I think that's where yes that's that's where our Representatives will be okay and that's all I have right now mayor thank you Council um Board of Ed the new free school was completed for the new school year the gym at the high school was redone and will be used for All Sports and also for classes the waight room was also redone the new addition to the high school was completed has has two extra classrooms along with a dance studio where students will be able to put their own music on and learn how to dance that's um just from the south food bank they have a program called now it's called start the morning off right it's the 2024 breakfast and snack food drive which is going from now until September 30th uh the most needed items are hot cereal C cereal pancake mix pancake syrup granola or snack bars fruit cups shelf stable milk and non- perishable orange or apple juice the places to drop donations off are Corpus chrisy uh Church on 100 James Holy Trinity Church on 90 lender Dean Avenue St Peter and Paul Church on N Jeffrey Avenue St Mary's Church on 30 Jackson the South Republic Library at 55 Washington um 55 Abby Avenue uh the bur uh fall on 48 Washington Tri blocksmith on 44 fa Street and of course the food bank at 98 Jackson Street if there's any questions um You can call 238 uh 732 23832 okay the library the library sponsoring sponsoring something which I I think will be very cool and helpful they were doing a Halloween costume swap so if you drop off a gently used costume I'm sure people have them from when their kids maybe wore once or whatever um they will give you a token the library hours to drop off are Monday September 23rd and during the library hours and Wednesday September 25th so for each costume you donate you will get a token so say if you donate three to uh three costumes you get three tokens you can you can exchange that for a new to you costume so if you see somebody's costume they donated and you like that for your child they will swap it out so I think it's a great idea um that will be done the swap will be done Thursday the September 26th between 5 and 8 so I will go through what I have I'm sure my house I'm asking my friends that have little kids that aren't using them anymore anybody up here welcome with kids drop it off you get a token and I think that's a great idea for kids you know costumes are expensive and I think this will be a big help um the library is again open on Saturdays between 11:00 a.m. and 4: and I suggest you go to their website I checked it out today they have so many events coming up they have a chess club session they have an artcs and crafts but they go on different times but they they really really do a wonderful job up there so check out their website library.com that's it councilman SE thank you um EDC is going to resume the meetings coming up in September 18th uh they did postpone them for the summer um all are welcome you're coming up with ideas on U different things on Main Street for flags and Banners and things like that so any ideas you're more than welcome to come and let us know trying to go from there and that's all I have right now thank you council president planning to have a utilities meeting on September 27th um you know it's not easy keeping up to date with laws and regulations uh the powers at B are planning to increase the electric costs for the grid as we get more information on that we'll let you know about that and here's a fun wall coming down the tracks I should say the highway this is from the New Jersey motor Truck Association New Jersey has adopted California's advanced clean truck act regulation that's what it stands act regulation the objective of the regulation is to require all new trucks sold to be electric and it's phasing to begin January 1st 2025 the cost of a new electric truck is three times that of a new diesel truck and there is neither enough charging locations nor power to supply if they were all put into action um just to let you know and of course you know electric trucks can't do as much work as a diesel truck so therefore it's going to take more trucks to get out there and therefore guess what prices are going to go up on everything so just to let you know some of the things that we're keeping an eye on and trying to stop so that's all answer thank you I will hold my comments I'd like to open up the public for their comments 10 minutes say your name come [Applause] up evening everybody my name is Regina Sweeney I own Ling hands cat rescue on myad Avenue I know there is a huge feral problem in this town I cannot address it on my own we are a small rescue we do just that we rescu we have taken in seven in the last week in very bad condition found in various places we take surrenders these cost me money we are a nonprofit We are a no kill we are run by volunteers and we are run on donations I cannot I don't know how to take on the problem that you guys have here I don't have the volunteers I don't have the Manpower I don't have the money I know everybody wants CNR to be done but it's very hard when people that want their cats tanard have been feeding them for three years once you feed a cat in my opinion and I think a lot of people's opinion you own that cat but then they start calling us when their cat just had kittens and now they want us to take the kittens I'm only approved I know you you were the mayor sir I time I'm approve for seven to nine cats or kittens that's what I have in there now and if they're if the TNR if it's not provided by the borrow when people call us and I can't help them they think we won't help so education I think is absolutely key here people need to know that they need to be fix these CS we can help them we can help them with traps I will help them with monetary things but I can't drive all day every day down to PFA to get these cats spayed and neutered out at a low cost I can't do it I mean it's just we're just trying to help you we help the community I know you know we do things we work with the community we work with the businesses in town we hold our events in the community we do the we get the um the food get away we did the children's supplies I need help doing this I can't do this on my own and I'm I'm really asking for something from somebody here monetarily help educational something to get people on board with what we do and why we do it now I've had a call I think it was on the South River chapter some man wanted me to come and take ferals off his property and some of them had collars on and some of them are ear tipped if they're ear tipped they are TNR that is pretty much everybody well most people know that so they'll cut a piece of their ear off so they know that they're not they're not in any danger to anybody they're can they're not going to make babies or anything like that so he had said to me he wanted me to come and I said sir I'm not I can't do that I I I just can't do it I can't go on your property and take other people's cats or cats that are theral what am I doing cats so he harassed me to the point that I had to go to the police station and file a complaint and I don't think that's fair to me when I'm just trying to help you know I can't I we're run by volunteers we 20 women I don't know what to do and I'm I'm looking for guidance from you guys and help from you guys to control this population because couple of years from now you're going to have more cats here than you have people and you know there's you know it's very sobering to think about that but one cat they can have kittens at 4 months old one cat in her lifetime can have 188 children not including the children her kittens have so you're talking about thousands and it can be corrected for 80 bucks but I can't do all that it's too much it's too much I don't have grants I don't have I work on donations I'm out all day every day you know hitting the pavement asking people for money so I'm looking to you guys to to help me I'm in your community and I want to stay in your community but I need help well I know that I had a conversation with you not too long ago and one of our biggest issues is well two folds one money which is not easy to come by right now the Board of Health has about $1,000 or so as ear Mark towards the tanr but the other bigger problem is volunteers uh I know that they have been trying to do fundraising it's not easy to get volunteers um I'll tell you right now volunteerism was out there it would be easier for us to raise the money for you and for us if we could just raise awareness right I think you might get volunteers honestly if there is some kind of pamphlets there something that we can do collectively to get people to understand that with their help we can we can make a difference here but I don't know how to do that I can't do that as one person you know I I took this on to to do something you know now that I'm retired and it's become it consumes me and I still don't feel like I'm helping okay I I'm Le to the Board of Health we have sent an invite to you to come to one of our meetings would you want to come to one of our meetings just to I mean I know Bonnie's on there with me just to maybe get some years because again even the Board of Health they have to have volunteers to F Racers sometimes there not enough people sometimes there is we don't have enough for either we have for that have six cats I mean then they're keeping them for now until they get adopted so the same problem is every one of my volunteers if you volunteer at a cat rescue you have a cat yeah I have six everybody has probably average of three so I can't take any more on I know you know I'd like to come to these me but I don't I don't even live locally is there someone that lives in town that would want to attend I'm sure a call and let me know I'm sure I can get someone but volunteers are hard to find you you know if you go to the Board of Health meeting I don't know if there's something we can B around or we can discuss with each other not that we have the money to give to Loving Hands because we have our own small budget but maybe together a public announcement or something could be put together like a pamphlet you never know who knows something or who is connected to someone EX that can help you know you just don't know and I I will just my own hor over here we were recognized by the governor as volunteerism of the Year this year so we were honor so we do really want to be here and really want to try and help but we need everybody's help today but again someone's more than welcome to come we have a meeting next week and we can't we do it once a month the third third Tuesday third third Tuesday of every month down at 48 Washington Street at 6:00 just let me know and it's open to the public so you more anyone's more than welcome to come okay okay all right thank you for list ma'am if you if you would give me a press release we'll put it right on our front of our web page you need volunteer my email address is right there anyone else from the public want to bring no no I need on 30 ba Street and South River just two houses down from Virginia Street beautiful job that is that works out I notic it and sometimes Drive every day just keep driving you don't see anything and I've had that happen to me pulled over by a police officer one day um but that is very noticeable we did and uh I noticed in quiet in the neighborhood as well so that work Police Department is doing a good job going around the whole town yellowing out curs and sidewalks yeah I think something new that people will probably notice because it's something new right like that third light on your car when they first put them on everybody noticed now it's just part of the uh the atmosphere the the umul um I did try to go through board meeting via zoom and my computer my cooperative and in fact it's at home right now trying to figure it out my hands walk away from it um uh on County County matters uh the uh Main Street project oh how can I put this nicely the state has a backup in in uh approvals so it's going to be probably another month or two theur us that they're going to put a um expedite it whatever that means so hopefully we'll get something out of that but it's one put out to bit again trying to find I see that they put out to um we have to get approval from the state state funding and they can come back and say to us well it's nice but and then we're going to have to make changes so that'll Del a little bit hopefully it it'll be simple should be so Lu but just so that you know it is we're on a matter of actually get done um then we have I understand the crosswalk be will be i s purchase order 10 we delivery wey about 5 weeks since I sent you a purchase order soon as they come in only takes a day to install yeah I've been busy so supply chain issues oh thank you thank you whoever fix the elevator thank you but unfortunately the elevator works but the clock work has never worked this first time I see that um yeah soon as that's get gets done can just s a little asked about from time to time and be on top of it um I also want to thank art for posting those uh two um studies that were done on the the water water main uh problems we've had in town and the uh the third uh study that was done by um BL Institute part of theug university about the community as a whole um it's amazing what you ask for stuff that all a sudden found apparently those those documents the two studies which uh the r engineer did which I think really really well done they got a lot of information in there so if you could use that my other question of course is do we have a plan to do the water you know that question here's your answer the answer is yes we're working out the tweaks we'll probably be presenting it sometime in October it's going to be one big surprise for that's all I have to I can any help probably I'll be talking okay okay that's good that eliminates a lot of things talking about um now I didn't make all the Mee I've been in indisposed physical treatment after my surgery so I've been out of it for a while um but the uh permitting the sale of Pop if I the F so what is uh I know you had two gentlemen in here and I just I was at the meeting I did I watched you guys a video they explained a lot of stuff um I think problem we have with the last election is the people didn't understand didn't have an opportunity to ask questions about it right because uh if we can do something like that you might get a lot of uh positive feedback where you're getting this answer I'm just concerned that people said no you know just like everything else oh yeah yeah we can permit it to be sold in the state sure that's fine but not my town that's that's not unusual a lot of people we had a lot of people that said yes a lot of people said no I said after my last council meeting what were you saying yes to what were you saying no yeah the question the question for the state was yes yes but were you educated enough to say the word yes or were you educated enough to say the word they to realize when you say yes you're talking about your account as well as long it's in the SP it's handled properly and the chief has no problem with it the police are going to get involved at some point in time and they I over tax the police now so as he's okay with it I don't see anything I I whether we sell it in town or not I really it doesn't U I have no opinion I mean what I do it's fine uh people use it I know but you know the people that use it some people need it medically but there's a lot of things for medicinal purposes only it helps in multiple ways for me it helps in the tax revenue that's exactly what I'm looking for well that's that that's another thing that would be good if we could could be we could uh direct that we figure for one gentleman spoke about here they can give you an approximate idea of what the town would be be realizing and if that money can be put into let's say you know this is the water system that is that is I think a positive um idea that people would I think not everybody but most people would probably say yes okay that would see that but then apprach you have to do it can't say you're going to do it say you I mean Administration yeah got to talk to you um yeah so it's uh it's got to be done demonstrated that yes that is what's happening and people have more confidence in when you say you're going to do something that's actually with what gets done um the other item I was I was thinking about and uh they're planing with the comp combining of the planning board and the zoning board okay again I wasn't able to be here um um is there is there there been a problem because the reason why I'm I'm I'm concerned is the the report that was done by Ru one of the things that said is try to get as many Town people residents involved in the community itself serving on committees planning board zoning board adjustment now if we combine those boards we might be losing some of those spots or are we having problems with getting people to Ser on it's not so much the idea of having problems with getting volunteers to uh contribute to these boards it's um more of me looking at as a streamline I want to try to make it easier for that homeowner or that contractor developer to come to one board present his project and get it done so what what you're saying is that uh even though it'll be one combined one board there still be separate entities to it so so basically I go to one meeting would be one meeting I'd be taking members from the zoning members from the planning board and put them together okay so we're not going to be I just I've been doing reviews for the county of middle sex for many many many many years and I know what happens with developers not so much individual homeowners because we don't deal with us we see that most of the times like we have no interest in it strictly Municipal uh jurisdiction but as far as the developers go they always try not say always there's enough of them that try to get away with stuff and that is a concern I go through it every day doing it now for 20 some OD years um 40 some OD years professionally so that's concern not that we don't want do to give give them a fair shap got to give them a fair shap the property as a property own you should be able to develop the property to its fullest extent short of violating a neighbor or or the or the or the uh the municipalities uh area so that has to be that has to be enforced I mean there's no question about it I mean I was for for me and I think you guys at your office knows that when I ask for a land survey I'm asking for a land surveye for development and we get all kinds of stuff that passes for and it comes problem big problem that cost taxpayers a lot of money so I want to see that happen in my own Community again you got my number I I like working well know what got to work together and that's that's this is this is we all live in the same town our well as I said many times before it's family yes and they may not speak the same language but they're family nonetheless um another suggestion is for the for the water I almost forgot I'm going this thing over I keep on doing it um have public meetings and invite the public to come in with their problems make out a questionnaire for them to fill out they can bring it in and bring samples of the water if they really have any problems I've seen a lot of stuff on the website and as soon as I get on Facebook ADV vanished I don't know what the heck happened I get all these emails now and none of them about the problems we have in in South River because as Mr prel said many of times don't complain online come to the council bring everything here I age and that's what would encourage anybody to do these reports that that AR put on the website it's good information that the people should take a look at read easy to find believe it or not you just go into the search engine put water me or something of that nature and you'll get a whole list of a lot of things that U were not on there before even though those uh those two studies are old 1978 1998 there still could be use all right let let you go than you anyone else from the public first call second call motion to close call motion by councilman Sia second second by council president kenzel all in favor I Alissa consent resolutions 24 272 29 whereas resolution 20241 authorizes the B Council to utilize a consent agenda to adopt various resolutions of the routine and non-controversial nature at one time now therefore be it is hereby resolved that the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the B Council and whole as if the same were individually acted upon consent resolutions 2024 27 2 to 2024 290 272 authorizing the requisition of funds for payment to the facility of the school monies 273 authorizing renewal of prescription plan coverage with v card services 274 authorizing the execution of various agreements with a on-site Partners LLC 275 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget 276 approving submission of a Grant application for an age friendly project Grant 277 approving submission of a Grant application to the T-Mobile Hometown grant program Q3 2024 278 authorizing the execution of an indentification and hold harmless agreement for Block 249 lot 34 279 authorizing a block party for Heritage Landing on September 14 2024 280 approval of a special events permit to the VFW for an event that was held on August 17 2024 281 authorizing the burrow clerk to wave the special event permit fee for the BFW 282 appointing zoning Board of adjustment member 283 authorized certain utility refunds 284 property tax refund 285 accept August 5th 2024 regular and executive session minutes 286 authorize the bills and claims list 287 authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement with 55 Main Street Sr urban renewal LLC 288 authorizing the purchase of a fire hydrant 289 approving submission of a grant application to the mwc mental health initiative 290 authorizing the execution of a software product agreement with real Incorporated motion motion by councilwoman Val second by councilman Council councilman C yes with exension of 286 24-2 537 00176 0160 2 02023 and 02833 councilman santis yes councilman desian yes Council M tensy yes council president Cel yes we're going to go to governing body um Council thank you um the only thing I really have is um Wednesday 911 we going to have a memorial service at DA's pond at the memorial and um starts at 6:30 all are invited to come down pay the respects and as I always said never forget thank you councilwoman that's what I was going to say I hope to see as many resents come down of our own there and this was a great family family are still hurting it's never going to go away so 630 counc there are free concerts on the first Sunday of every month at 2 o' at the Imperial Music Center hosted by the Imperial Music Center band some of our own South fiver high school graduates are the ones playing and they have a great selection of slones they had one yesterday the next one will be on October 6th at 2:00 again there's no charge they have a snack bar to purchase chips and beverages they usually have some sort of fun razor auction uh come out and listen to great music and help support them that's on the first Sunday of every month at 2:00 in Imperial music center and this year the frostman pumpkin race is on a new course is being designed the length will be changed from a 10K which is 6.2 miles to a 5k which is 3.1 miles and the date is set for Sunday October 27th and that's all I have thank you councilman Kensi thank you mayor first off I'd like to thank all of our Public Service workers our Police Department fire department our DPW and Robert Wood Johnson and uh like uh Council mola had stated you know this Wednesday we have an event at 6:30 and it's really never forget and the same thing too we go also a lot of people figured out of their minds don't really understand but December 7th is another day that is another day that we should never forget with that I thank you mayor thank you councilman desis uh so councilman zian thanks for letting me know that the frost on the pumpkin is half as long I'm probably going to think about it this year the only other thing I wanted to bring up is the souer pop winner football and cheer season began this past weekend uh we were all played away games but this coming Sunday we will be home at 9 a.m. so you got about well over a 100 of our up and cominging you know student athletes that are that are represent the town we're in that maroon and gray and uh I'm part of it as a coach but it's it's a good thing to get up there and and see everybody it's a good time so that's this is Sunday 9:00 a. is the first game council president I've always tried to get people to come together whenever the town has an event like the Memorial Day Parade remembering 911 is another such event it is a short event get at 6:30 sun sets at 7:15 we have to be over by then it's an event that all can come out as the family of South River and all you have to do to participate is to show up so please come it's moving event and it's something again that the community can all come together um you'll be reminded of this cram the cruiser it's for good cause on September 21st 8 to 12 ENT on Thomas Street and our next meeting will be September the 23rd thank you thank you okay long awaited first of all I want to thank Brothers Builders Mr Santos earlier today we passed the second ordinance for something that's been long overdue and that is your Redevelopment project that is going to be the pathway to South River the old LA and Chevrolet it's going to look like this this is the side that's the back a whole entire Corner thanks to the rest of this Administration the planning board the zoning board you're going to have a new improved building has 17 units it's a specialty uh Supermarket Cafe a wine room uh they even utilize the blue Acres uh with a park uh so I can thank you Brothers Builders for doing what you did and this is just the beginning uh in our second reading or sorry in our first reading uh we are we're moving on the PNC Bank where that's good put that down we're moving on the PNC Bank which is going to be your second re uh Redevelopment project uh which is going to be presented at your next council meeting this is just the beginning to what South River is about to look like it's long overdue this is your town this Administration is working hard to make it happen for you also earlier today in one of our consent resolutions which was 290 we spoke about something called a b a b right now is a business card it looks something like this all over the council actually has it what I'm doing is I'm making it easier for the residents to approach any of us actually swipe the QR code this will actually open up all of South ry's opportunities to you when it comes down to permits uh what's going on with your town when it comes down to uh board meetings um if you have to pay a parking ticket everything's on this business code this is just the beginning so you can see that QR code sell I'm sure the residents will to mind uh scanning it you see one of us walking around you like to ask for a card will we scan your card right we're moving South River forward I also like to uh thank the fire department all the mutual aid for the last fire that happened on Main Street that is right four h four people sorry four me uh four families got displaced it's a lot of talk over social media unfortunately I find social media a complete utter joke and entertainment I'll explain to you why I say that to you what you don't know is when a fire call comes in for a structure fire or a for that matter a house fire the people that are displaced uh if there's a process and the town does contribute the way they contribute is OEM along with the marshals we call Red Cross they come out and we hour her in the night while this fire is going on and I was there at 2:00 in the morning and they're lending out their hands to these people these people actually got helped doesn't stop the community from helping any families that gets displaced with clothes toys food money me whatever you wish to do is what you wish to do that's it's a great gesture for us to all men to have so that is the god on this truth there is no racism when it comes down to talking to any families that have gotten displaced everybody's considered equal in this town so my only word to you is this if you believe in racism this is not the talent for you we all work together period that's all I have to say to you uh streets Police Department continues to uh line our streets the proper way they put up four-way stop signs a lot of people do complain about the yellowing on the curbs or on the turns the reason they're doing it is for your safety your safety own I know a lot of people complain about hey I've lived here for a long time and you yellow it out my corner well you're looking at something else that you don't see today um Virginia Street I thinkk the residents from Virginia Street I know that this has been a long awaited and like I said this is just the beginning uh we're going to be Paving lardan Avenue A lot of people saying it's a Raceway you're right it's a Raceway first step is Paving it second step is putting up four-way stop signs we are looking at uh speed humps which is coming down the path and uh last and final September 11th it's a day that we don't ever forget uh we lost one of our own Christopher dinkov uh a longtime South res a lot of people lost their lives that night that day including firefighters police all public safety just remember where you were that day when this happened other than that we are going to be going into close session um there will be no actions taken you're you're more than welcome to stay you're more than welcome to leave it's all up to you thank you Alissa executive session 2024 2021 2091 20 24291 whereas Section 8 of chapter 231 public love 1975 permits the exclusion of the general public from a meeting of the governing body under certain circumstances and whereas the mayor and Council of the bough South River are of the opinion such circumstances presently exist now therefore be it is hereby resolved by the mayor and Council of the burrow South River in the county of middlex state of New Jersey that the public be excluded upon the here and after specific subject matter and that such subject matter to be so discussed is as follows property acquisition be a further resolve that such record of the above discussion will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required the B Council the B South River may or may not take formal action at the conclusion of the executive session motion to go close motion by Council krinsky second by councilwoman b counc b counc CA yes counc santis yes Council ban yes counc griny council president gzel yes motion open my [Music]