##VIDEO ID:rZWkNCCGvTQ## this government meeting is brought to you by eastw works and our local cable subscribers all right good evening everyone out there in TV Land and those present we have a for here tonight for our Southampton planning board board meeting October 16 2024 um a lot of housekeeping to do here by the looks tonight so uh I will defer to our consultant Richard Harris who is here to update us on the site plan review that we have been discussing um getting it ready for the warrant and also followed by bylaw revision discussion uh camping glamping short-term rentals Etc so I'll let you start off with what you want to begin with um what you have for you is per is a revised draft based upon discussion at the last meeting May there's some discussion question about if somebody's going to do a small uh solder for instance for their house ground mounted should they have to have a PO notice in the paper and Etc and so I incorporate that in here by basically saying if it's a minor activ some require site plan review has be located in a residential zoning District it's a minor site plan review and those don't require those type legal notices um and then it also makes clear that uh the board can set up in the policies and rules and policies Poli procedures a class or classes that do not require that type of notice so we start writing your we start looking at the Poli and procedures we can say these are type of applications we don't feel that a legal notice should be required just notice to Butters and that's sufficient so leave it that way instead of going to lot of detail in the bylaw itself so that's the change I made there I think that's ready to go but if that goes through at the same time need to have and I sent an email this morning with additional warant article that if this goes through then you need to go through the bylaw and where it says site plan review and approval change that to site plan review where it says and in the Solar bylaw where it says site plan review for one class site plan approval for another it's minor site plan review and site plan review so if that goes through then this has to be acted on otherwise you got a inconsistencies within the bylaw and so those both need to be in the same warrant article just recognize the first one fails you make no motion on the second one it just dies yeah um so I don't know if you have any discussion about those but that's what I've we've got so far in for site plan that could be advertised for hearing and then be held then be scheduled for a town meeting whenever that is to occur MH um the next step on site plan review is gets into a more it's not recy plan view but it's gets into the SE because soda needs to be changed it needs to be changed from A administrative as well as from a pragmatic perspective you've got people doing ground Mount soda that treated as large scale and they shouldn't be so we need to look at how you differentiate between those uh but that's a NE Next Step we'll do in a future date I don't expect that to be ready for the next town meeting um we've had discussion regarding camping or clamping and you've got a lot of large volume of materials here and the reason you have that is there's such a diversity as to how people communities have dealt with these I don't think you did Big volume sure as I emailed out I assume that went to everybody thought they sent everything you had so the question comes up when we talk about camping and or clamping in Southampton are you wanting to allow a somebody devop a KOA type Campground a br camping Campground or something that is more of a um short-term rental seasonal use facility where they have pre-established structures such as Ys or such as tiny homes that think that can be ran out 14 days at a time um what type of vision do you have that would fit in with Southampton CU I do know that some places are very laxed about it but some other places recognizing that if you're close to urban area it could become a um bit of a problem just be do we have any feedback from the town's people on this type of thing because I I kind of feel like this could be something that would be like our opinions about what we would think the town would prefer but do we have anything from any of the surveys we've done or any like the the I haven't seen Sur that would um would help to inform which way the towns people want to go on this kind of thing you know because otherwise I think we could suggest something in the town's people like we bring the town meeting theyd be like no no that's not right I know there's been I think about initially this there is a woman who wanted to do a clamping or camping type operation on her agricultural property M and it's not allowed under the zoning mhm so the question is do we want to allow that type and if so what type of level would you want to have now you got the dentist season uh College approach and then you've got others that basically a very wide range of camping options that allow and you know I'm sympathetic to Dan's Point um I think where we're trying to get with all this stuff is simpler clearer process for folks and not to stand the way of reasonable yeah I guess cottage industry um you did push button when you threw out an example of KOA because great deal of the traffic that's headed to the nearby KOA Travels by my house and it's quite a parade got to know that there there is notable impact uh and I don't mean to demean koas but it's a recog nether I just that that's is a it's different from why recognize name it's different from one unit that's rented occasionally on Airbnb uh both need to be regulated but I I don't know that we're looking to promote ecotourism or large scale camping in Southampton no didn't seem to come up in Prior Master plans no so I think to be accommodating rather than necessarily leading so perhaps something that that if somebody is actively uh maintaining their property in agriculture use they might be able to use a portion of that property for seasonal um what I would call glamping type operations where it's number a backpack comes in sets up the tent but rather there may be established facilities there that they could rent for up to 14 days for instance that's the key established not somebody pitching a tent but someone that has the you know the structure on hand mhm okay that's why I think it's easy just to focus on the short-term rentals like just bound it to the short-term rentals for now and would that would that fall under that Umbrella short rentals yes no oh okay um short-term rentals would be one way to help regulate these but um short-term rentals doesn't get around the prohibition of more than one dreling on property is it fair to say short-term rentals is a use regulation not a structural regulation yeah it it's more operational type um and it it relates more to established dwelling units that are then being rented out or portions of drilling units being rented out uh everybody refers to Airbnb but it's not Airbnb it's vermo it's all kinds of other platforms but it is largely intended to keep someone from uh without proper inspections rening out multiple portions of their building of their home for short-term purposes and uh especially in proximity to certain large institutions that we have in the region um but it is it doesn't get to the issue of multiple drillings on the property that you have with clamping or camping um so I I would my personal opinion is you would want if you want to allow the clamping type stab structures you also want to have the short-term rental regulation as well cuz that that covers both categories as well and you the short-term rental could actually be more accommodating let's say someone wants to rent out their house on a short-term basis for up to four weeks but you might in the glamping Type R environment set it to a 14-day limit so there's uh because there multiple there's more drillings there it's not like you're simply changeing occupancy of a existing drilling do you understand where I'm going from so I think there's do you want to refer to the South Hadley short-term rentals we want to go to that or I want want to get the idea the I think on the camping glamping the if I understand what you want to look at is you agree that if it's for purpose of maintaining agriculture use so someone is not just taking wide range property and uh only for they have to have established structures that they're Renning out as opposed to allowing for the pullable tents or trailers yeah and we just want to make sure it's clear that homeowners can camp on their property all they want with their own tents not interfering with that um but you can't rent out your property to for someone to bring in a tent and Camp the glamping that I've seen varies but uh often there is some permanent mhm platform and then there may be a seasonal you know tent type structure erected above that and they can be plenty fancy and whatnot but um are we getting overly descriptive about how much I heard you say pre-existing structure on an agricultural property I didn't say pre-existing but established structures established structures so someone would have to establish structures on it as opposed to um allowing portable T yeah yeah and it could be structures that are that the owner can move and relocate yeah but the shepherd's wagon yeah um right um and mention diversity uh recently stay at Milan Hill State Park in upper part of New Hampshire that'sa state park is probably the smallest Campground state park I think I've ever seen it's got maybe 10 no eight six or eight T sites a couple shelters and four yurs that's it it's pretty you you really can't see one from the other because it's so so a space apart but that yeah they don't have showers but in a sense that scamping cause it's not packed in and uh half the spaces are established structur such the shelters or yurs okay shouldn't you be defining requirements for acreage yes um and limiting the number of units as well so someone can't have like say more than three or but I mean you've got to have don't you have to have minimum and maximum requirements when it comes to acreage I mean nobody's going to be putting these in their backyard that's only got a acre and a half but I mean the lady that is down the street from me that uh brought this issue above she's got 15 Acres back there so um setting those type of limits would then right and it may be now I'm going take do more research but that's why I want to get some idea the parameters you want to look at because what I'll probably look at is other communities and see if maybe one unit one campsite per acre they have that doesn't mean all it's one distributor but it's that's the quantity up to maximum number and we look at the term the the duration people could occupy one of those so you can't have somebody moving there for the summer or for 6 months at a time did you I didn't notice it um in your attachment which I sent to everybody now I thought i' sent it earlier but all the different scenarios you gave did you did you do any research at all on glamping or could you find it anywhere where there's nobody that defines it in in the bylaws as clamping they refer to seasonal housing seasonal seasonal recreational seasonal hous okay seasonal Rec recreational um so that's what I'm uh I think I know where you want to go with this and I can do some more research and come back something what do you guys think yeah I think you know would be a a minimum acreage and then the maximum density U that you could have you know so many campsites per per acre right um but there still have to be a maximum I guess some two questions one is that it always seems the sanitary seems to be an issue that needs to be somehow written in there it has to comply with the D and Title 5 and sanitary code and one one of your thing said they had they had to have water and sewer in accordance with the National Fire associ patient or something like that that was an old one I think from way back but but we need to have some clause in there you have to have the sanitary I I would suggest that one in sanitation has to be approved by the Board of Health yeah that's fundamental requirement uh two there has to be approved by the fire chief for um safety Public Safety and access to each of the units as well as was provision of water for uh fire protection purposes fire suppression and then get in issues of n do you allow fire pits at these facilities of course which I think you normally do interestingly um in uh aadia national park at scootic Peninsula Campground they have some hiking um walk what most places come Walkin these are hiking a quarter mile hike into at least and those don't have any fire pits allowed they used to until they had a fire and they had to carry water in by hand to suppress the fire and so they said no more so I think issue of fire pits gets into provision of water for for Public Safety suppression purposes in in a contained right and it has to be somewhere they can get fire apparatus too because if you're camp in the woods and you got dry season you know you shut it down yeah but it can it can ignite very quickly um you want to be sure they can get to it yep um so is there any opportunity for the town to tax these type of things if we're going to have to maybe provide certain fire apparatus to access draw something up I think what you probably would do is require not a tax but a licensing fee mhm you probably want to I would I would suggest that selectboard want to U explore a uh annual license based on the number of site each site mhm well we won't have to worry about that until this passes mustard that's and I would if this that'll be a might be a long conversation if the planning board decides getting into but I don't like it if the plan decides they want to go forward something like this I would suggest that'd be a select board licensing issue yes that would Pro you would probably want to then put a bylaw on the warrant at the same time that this goes through that needs to go through okay yep and same thing with license and um you know your maximum 14 days or 17 how would that be enforced or monitor I mean you say we don't want somebody come in homesteading but who's going to check and see if they've only been there for 3 days or 6 weeks and how is that monitored like with any other special permit it's his own Court they don't comply well actually you have better opportunity because you have special permit being held here that's a conditioned special permit if the owner is violation of it and I that be bylaw if it's not maintained one of the penalties would be they had to shut down the clamping operation so it's determined that people are in fact saying longer than the lowed amount of time that has to be done with the owner's approval so there I think you would then uh make that as one of the uh ways the building commission could enforce it is by requiring them to suspend operations until such time as it's rectified I think the the money made off of a short-term rental is taxed differently than a long-term rental so from the owner perspective they have interest to ensure that people don't stay there over a certain period of time because that puts them into long-term rental tax versus a short-term rental the um I prompted a lot of the short-term rental discussion State uh well e and pro State short-term rentals were taken away from affordable housing units MH but on a broader case commun is generally reposed to what was happening because people using Airbnb what have you they weren't paying Motel Motel tax ah mhm Y and short-term rentals should be subject to th those revenues this glamping and camping too should only be restricted to like our our district or although the lady I'm an RN and she's got the 15 acres in RN so you'd have to you'd have to regulate it and where it could be done you could do that I'm more inclined suggest that you do it on minimum acreage approach if something is owned RN but they got 20 acres and they're allowed to use let's say 20% of that for it that that may be something that works because you meet the buffers you meet everything you need and very frankly the this is a temporary type use it's going to be an easier trans uh holding use than what you find in some other cases some people do manyi golf courses or they do um I've seen Self Storage use as a temporary Revenue source that when the property get redeveloped those easily to removed they've already got everything in place I can see a residential property owner you using the U uh clamping type for the same purpose as a way bringing Revenue until they're ready to develop the property for residential purposes so I'm not sure that it necessarily needs to be strict to r r or n RV but that's something you can decide at a later date and we and first get the parameters of what we're going to discuss so I think I got a good idea of what you want to me look at and I'll look at that do more research and within next couple months come back with a graph for youall and take a look at expanding on this last point a little bit you know maybe it's not the residential Zone it's the minimum acreage and the qu characteristics um oh where was I headed with this earlier you mentioned a tie to Agriculture and while I think that this might be proposition of interest to some agriculturalists I'm not sure we want to limit it and therefore I'm not sure we want to mention it discussion I think it it should be an option for the owner if they want to have a the gu guest or clients to participate in farming you know that a or that's that's something I don't think I agree with you I don't think it's a worthwh putting in there regarding agricultural okay oh a person could have um beautiful Woodland Creek and it would be a attractive business opportunity perhaps and no ultural time yeah okay I wouldn't I wouldn't use the language agricultur okay I think all of this is on track hi each of the things you've marched us through I think you've summarized well and you've identified the next steps so okay more edent shortterm rental okay you've touching this already I said you so if you want open it up and was five attachments on his email I I gave you the South had one cuz I knew that was already available and I can find others but want to get some idea we're going go with this I think South had is quite thorough one um that's because you work for them I can do this one he's patting his own back this is done after I retired ah oh my goodness I I kept avoiding this um and this was done after the state enacted a law on shortterm rentals too because wait a minute let's let's back up here he said he wanted to avoid it he's here he's making us do it come on what's going on well this was raised already so um but one thing that's interesting about South Hadley is and there's they differentiate how short-term rental is regulated for own occupied structures and non-owner occupied unoccupied is sight plan review if nonon occupied it's special perent I that's a very good approach because if somebody owns property and is living there they're more likely to regulate how the short-term rental occupants are functioning and if somebody doesn't who owns it doesn't live there I I personally that's a good approach especially in a region that has some significantly sized universities with or I say institutions with population um um but and they they restricted 28 days consecutive days or less and um so I don't know if if you want to pursue this or not uh and I can pull out some other example I can get other communities that have enacted short-term rental bylaws as well we take a look at I like the approach a question I have about the one specifically for South alley do you know how long they've had it in place just want to see how how how long it's been used to get some uh data on how it was adopted May 10th last year okay so it's kind of new it's new yes and I know they've had a couple of applications already uh from talking to the plan director and I met with her before um and part of this is this arose because they have a bed and breakfast bylaw and what we found is at one point I identified 25 Airbnb postings in South Hatley and that fluctuated from month to month one time I can only find five and and they're kind of difficult find where they are because way they screen them um but we only have have two approved bed and breakfast those two went through the pering process the annual inspections by Board of Health fire uh Department Etc all the others didn't and so they've got a short-term rental bylaw that gives them some Force to to uh actually make compl because the issue ran into without this is um it's a residential use what why do I need if you don't have something like this on the books how is my reigning that house out for 3 weeks a violation it's not it's still residential use um and so this addresses that if you rent it out or portion of it out for short-term and non compliance is a zoning violation right off the bat uh and that's the benefit of having this on on the books uh because otherwise yeah you and that that's question we kept going around with the Building Commissioner and Town Council is where is the violation and there wasn't how how how much more complicated could this be going with some other towns I mean comparable in size than than we are I mean that this this has all the um meat and potatoes to it that it should I'm not quite sure I mean like you say they throw it out there and maybe a couple years later they might revise it but right now it's a pretty good starting point for the stuff they have here I think maybe Richard is giving us a preview of the um citizen opposition that we might hear and well I can so that's one reason if this type thing want to go with I can also research other communities and see if others have more succint or more in depth um in fact if you look at um Mount Washington they have a very very re short-term rental very small town um you know a short-term rental shall be the rental of a room or unit and property occupied by an owner as a primary residents to the use of advanced reservations for a period of time not more than 31 consecutive count of days in a 12-month period operators of short-term rental shall register with the Mount Washington Board of Health and comply with our regulations prom pregated by the Board of Health zoning bylaws the State Building Code in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that's that's it so you have that one which I think is a bit skimpy um and it kind of leaves it open to you knowing how to apply and Board of Health going after them um it may be something between the two that works for Southampton um I was just taking a second to look over our existing bylaws because like you said the word bed and breakfast and I was like oh wait I know that there are some references to bed and breakfast in our bylaw so I want to make sure um you're probably already aware of that but something we'll probably have to do during the course of this is reconcile what's in there uh with bed and breakfast is and bed and breakfast are somewhat different and that typic bed and breakfast is required to provide a meal oh yeah breakfast short-term rentals do not they're just providing the housing and Ms on your own which was what the lady on my street thought she fell under as a B&B no qualified all so so you have situation on and bed and breakfast regulations require they provide LOD in in a Mill and somebody simp wants to provide lodging they don't meet that requirement and short-term rental yes they can rent out the room for two weeks and some people don't do it because they know that hey I'm not going to rent out year round but uh UMass M College Smith college Amherst others will have graduations typically in June May and June and influx of family that's an opportunity for me to make some money for a couple weeks uh there are people that come in for ski hey I if I can my place out when I'm gone for a month or snowbirds for instance want to the down Florida during the winter and they want to rent out their house for pr1 come up up here for skiing or snow sharing there's there's an opportunity there um so that's how some the short-term rentals come in people just want to use it not as a ongoing operation but just certain times of the year where there are influxes that give an opportunity in the market that they don't have normally now would people need a permit for that as well but that's how depend how you write it cuz again some there could be several people doing that already and it's under the radar so in South Aly by law you had to get either site plan review or a special permit for it uh in the case of the Mount Washington bylaw you simply have to register with the Board of Health and comply with all the regulations that people have so there's there's different ways you can approach this my my preference would be that well my recommendation be if you're going to entertain this and you're right there are people doing it under the radar that you don't know about nobody knows about um that isn't being done and my suggestion being that hey they have come in either for site plan RW view or special permit to get there's a public hearing the the ABS get notified of it and you get that input from the community before you approve it and I say this uh I think South Hat's approach is reasonable in that if the owner is living there site plan review no problem the owners not living there they require a special permit cuz they can then deny that special per much easier to deny than S plan review is yeah I'm still a little confused if I have you know the new law that came out you can have multi multiple dwellings on your property now so you have three multiple multiple dwellings on your property and one of them is unoccupied and um you just um rent it out to somebody for 2 weeks um they have to come here for for site plan review before they can rent out one of their free houses on their property that ain't going to happen no oh well you tip not allow I don't think you're allow to have more than one drone on property okay the new bylaw that shortterm rental includes renting out a portion of a unit let's say just a bedroom um that's that's where you get into it is that people in South hady one of the c one of the ones I saw was person owned a condo on um West Summit Street two-bedroom condo and they're advertising one bedroom on Airbnb as a short-term rental and you can say well that's a problem that well may not be a problem but it may be something that Community wants to have some control over so it doesn't get get out of hand but that's that's up to you if youall want to do or not it's um as said under if you don't have a short-term rental definition and prohibition we don't know it is perfectly permissible instead of w a regulation to rent them out on a short-term basis because you're not changing the use is still residential use um our prior topic is unaffected we don't have to have a short-term rental bylaw the camping lamping thing can be by definition those would be right those would have time ration and they' be a different type of use I don't know about the rest of you but it looks like might have to leave this one alone I don't know follow South headle try leave it alone uh yeah um I'm I'm just trying to think as a I have a a brother-in-law in saratogo whenever Race season comes he rents out his house just think have to get a permit to do that um and pay taxes for or should be paying taxes um over regulation that very sticky is it a problem or I mean I guess what are we what are we avoiding by creating this bylaw and this regulation that's something to you to answer if you if you think it's a problem or not I think Dan was saying probably if if our BNB thing is design defined and maybe we go this route with the but I mean BNB Define that well enough then leave the rest alone my guess what's happening is people are bypassing your bed and breakfast by law yeah and they don't want to go to that permanent process and they're simply using a online platform to rent out and so anybody that goes through the process of getting B breakfast approval is put at disadvantage uh the bened breakfast also paying hotel motel tax and folks R uh shortterm rentals aren't so you're effectively hurting your businesses by not regulating short-term rentals so your homework assignment for the next meeting is you go and Google bnbs in Southampton on some of these verbo sites or whatever and see how many of them come up diantha's Garden went out of business two owners ago and I currently own that B&B property there was a B&B on um Palo Meadow U nor in pal Meadow for quite a while was advertising the old carh house there right yeah yeah to my knowledge there's only one that we approved in my time on the board it's up off of Cook Road I think somewhere in there that's and they advertise as such you know it's not under the table they they are right a business you'd have to do some business to pay the overhead right and again you have those who do that way and those who don't and well I think um if we were in a tourist destination or a college town we would have a different environment and um and so on I think here with um however few residential units we have it it it would be it would be become obvious if there was an emerging problem I think and if we want to C and make sure that we tie it into the sary code yeah I think the Mount Washington model is basically saying just follow the law you you you have to provide sanitary facilities and and I guess by implication check with the fire chief although they don't enumerate it right yeah um and that that's part of the benefit also is that so I I don't use I've never used Airbnb or ver vermal the reason I don't because I know that a lot of those folks don't get their health inspections or fire inspections uh if the Board of Health and the fire departments in South a didn't know about them means they weren't get inspected mhm and I want to stay in a place that I don't know hasn't been properly inspected I stayed in one of those in the North End of Boston Lord and I'm not saying that just go they're inspected means they're good but i' feel a little more safe about it than knowing they don't get good points I think uh our chair signaled that we should sleep on it yeah yeah there a lot of details if we're going to go in if we're going to absorb this it's a lot of detail to work out we'll hold off on doing anything short-term Ral until you decide you'd want to do anything in the future so that's it I mean seriously though you you could write a you could write a bylaw for that how many people would comply with it yeah go unless somebody picks up the phone someday and say hey there's little cars park here I think somebody's got a rooming house here or whatever that's the only thing that's going to trigger it I would agree with you but I also tell you that laws in general are not written for the 95% of the population they're written for the 5% of the population that don't do what's right so if if if everybody did what was right you wouldn't have to have any laws in bylaws and that's a Libertarian at heart so it's it's the uh it's the 5% that are not just not doing us right but they abuse it and they're abusing they hurt others and that's the reason you have basically all the bylaws and laws you have unfortunately bylaws burden the other 95 they all pay attention they wouldn't need do we do we need to update or review our B&B U I'll take a look at that and see if there's anything needs to be done on that right that's all you have right now yes all right thank you couple of other things here um I see some insertions Blue Wave solar um we've had some discussions and again I'll let Richard go on with that they had a uh request for a minor so-called site plan um change up there and um I think I forwarded it to you folks but Richard weighed in on it and I'd like you to see what the bottom result is after you responded with them that it could have to come back to the board in a public hearing and whatever and then uh they might have revised their plan again but whatever yeah they um basically they're shifting some their uh uh solar panels and their initial Draft when you approved the special peram for that and S plan for that only one parcel was the subject of things is parcel number one well when they shifted it the initial draft showed panels extending onto things parel number 11 also owned by the same owner but my point ra to them they agreed was that that was outside the scope of the original approval and therefore they wanted do that you had to go through the a public hearing process to incorporate that into it because it was a so-called major not a minor site plan right right be a major Pro major change because you had here is a property line of the original approval and you're shifting you're going over that line even though it's owned by the same owner right you're changing the scope of the project I think we gave them a waiver from um separation from property line because it wasn't it was by the same we did give a waiver right to that portion of the B but they still can't go over the property yes um and so they agreed yeah and my my guess they talked to their attorney and turn said yeah you can't do that uh and so they came back revised one that they are going to clear a larger area than the original proposing but still on their only on the same one lot one parcel and while they're going to and I was initially concerned about erosion aren't you erosion but they're going to they're going to clear it of trees but they're going establish it as a metal which should deal with the erosion and drainage issue that I had concerns about so they're going to Reed it and whatever they yeah they make it a open field basically okay MH U and that should take care of that so from my perspective it is a minor uh modification and I don't see a need for new hearing or new review by the board and the way and the building commissioner's way in was it was fine with the first draft and I couldn't agree with that but this is I thing everybody's fine with and the way the decision is written the plan warer myself or not the Building Commissioner if the bilding commission determines it's a DI Minimus change with input from the plan board chair and myself that's all that needs to be done and so I would say at this point based building commissioner's comments it's a DI Minimus change therefore no further review by the board is required we're still talking about the same owner and the same parcel overlap which we thought opening argument was go for a full hearing yeah and but they pushed it back on the just that one parcel now so oh they I missed that key part all right I was worried about legal notice to abutters and if with the other parcel involved we needed to reach new additional and actually because the property they were going on two on the original draft was owned by them yes it one affected the area of notice of the butters the same bu have been notified just because configuration of property okay but in any case because it would have been a new property involved they they redesigned it to keep on to the original site right now one of the other changes are making originally they had two um pads um basic generated pads what mounts too that's not for battery storage is it andec it's battery storage for just for this site they one was on the west side one was on the east side they've Consolidated both of them onto the East Side um I didn't see that as a issue that would be significant would that be the North or the South Side it' be on the right side of the plan oh okay okay so you're looking South at the barn and the orchard than um and moveed to it further east than yeah yeah because I think we had a little bit of concern about some of the neighbors to the West that maybe there'll be sound but the fact that they're taking that West want and moving it easily I think that's even better for the Neighbors iation so the building commission already apped that it wasn't in problems with it anyway but but I think given what the change they made it would be dominous it would not require need notice um and so I I then they've got to proove of the need from all the need was approv from the building commission anyway but yeah well given that he left this message for me on my phone this afternoon to see if the changes were going to be satisfactory so that's why I brought it up tonight and I'd like the board to approve the minor changes given the description that uh Richard uh investigated on it so we could tell him he's good to go I have a Motion sounds good Stephen yes second no no no no it was not my motion I'm sorry I'll make the motion as stated was stated by Mr Harris I Old Second again all those in favor I okay um you want ratification of the building permit that you've already ised I have two there's one that I had done last week and there was one that was in my mailbox tonight and it's uh 123 Brickyard Road which was pre-approved but tonight nine guil Farm Road which is part of the Gil Farm subdivision off of uh peat over in that area or white Loaf and that was uh no disturbance there that was exceeding because the uh entire subdivision has its own storm water management plan so I pre-approved that one so 123 brickyard and nine G Farm motion I move we accept the chair's report on building per it's issued since the last meeting second motion made in the second all in favor I I um I received today as I spoke uh before the meeting uh we have a solar installation going in that I have to set a public hearing for uh it's Valley solar is uh doing a installation at 120 138 Brickyard Road and it's a so-called large scale they had to uh edit their application it's 10kw to 500kw so um I'm going to schedule that right now hopefully for November 6 so I've got to get the information out for the public hearing and the utter notices Etc but they filed it um and I received a communication from George Russell the conservation agent that um requested that all solar installations ground Mount um if he could get copied on them because he just wants to make sure that none of them have any conservation issues Wetlands or whatever he would just like to review it um for the sake of his office and his responsibility so I will copy him now on all solar round ground Mount so I think that's a good idea so put that on your calendar for November 6th we will need uh at least four right that's got to be a super majority yeah yeah and the after elections I don't have anything else any committee reports or updates on any committees your folks around yeah yeah I think you have something to mention from the about planning right um from the select board um gosh when did we last meet you know that 1171 125 College Highway actually closed the end of the month and uh we're extremely grateful that a gift of $1 million from the boil family off set the purchase price of that property so um that's a huge milestone and uh we also were uh in receipt of a third proposal for public engagement and land use planning and so we at uh the select board last night selected a land use planning firm uh we went with Pioneer Valley planning council with a subcontractor Dodson flinker Associates and um Peter flinker and crew would lead the um public well it's not such clearcut um the visualization is certainly with Dodson flinker uh the connection to uh what do our as how well do our aspirations fit with a current zoning with 4dr with something else that we might invent um will have excellent access through if not one stop at Pioneer Valley through them to the other quasi state agencies like Mass Housing Partnership and and whom whomever but I'm really hoping that through the regional planning Authority we're able to get leverage on the next cycle which would be OneStop grants for Implement design and implementation so um right Pioneer Valley planning Council Dodson flinker um I don't know if they've been notified yet but that was last night's doing uh last week's doing Pioneer Valley planning Council had their annual meeting and they had a presentation you might be interested Richard who's over at the boat house or the riverfront or place i' driven by in South Hadley forever Marina mhm yes yes bells and um boy a whole bunch of researchers who looked at the um economic impact of this Regional planning agency so the X number of communities pay in their dues it's even an aggregate it's a very small amount of money to hire a couple of people but Pioneer Valley planning Council being an no RPA all this they are the big funnel and take in a lot of state and federal grants as a matter of course so the multiplier from the municipal contribution to the total budget of PV or the total uh income of pvpc it's huge multiple and then they went on to hypothecate about the multiplier effect and so on how the implementation of a lot of these planned projects has growth impacts and all good so U you should feel good about our modest Municipal dues to the regional planning agency but along the way one of the things at the prior select board meeting we voted to support the pvc's um funding application to the PR grant program which basically would be a fresh look at Regional Housing needs throughout the Hampshire Hampton Franklin and Berkshire counties I believe birkshire is included and to bring several communities up on their housing production plans we might be in cycle to update our plan through this so um what just looked like a letter of support actually uh Dan is something that I think we should bring to the attention of the housing authority and track that alongside our thinking about College Highway property also um just uh it was a presentation to the select board many years ago fuss and O'Neal did presentation on it wasn't technically Advanced and Innovative it was small scale septic not single family residential but the kind of thing you might have for a apartment building um they were a little vague about the several different types of systems and how far they scale up before you're building a municipal treatment plan um but I I thought it was very interesting in terms of the possibilities for 117 125 Advanced and Innovative gets us some relief from the nitrogen sensitive criteria the cost of those small systems also depend whether you're in a water supply Protection District um I know from we permitted a condo development back in 2006 on dry Brook Hill in South Aly zone two yep and you know what happened in the economy 20072 2008 uh but it went through three iterations with our peer viwer before they came up with a system that a per view said would meet the standards for approval and the cost of maintaining was essentially that of a small treatment plan to be what I'd heard by licensed operator decades ago yeah yeah yeah um one of the U retirement apartment complexes have they have a license engineer on call 247 so these things don't come cheaply it's just an option actually some data or some insight that we could access because video is on our website uh under the planning board or select board but the sewer fusibility plan is well underway I don't have a specific update but it's expected run December to feed into this planning process and by the way the cond devel that didn't go was 36 units it wasn't big development it was a small system uh and that did bring me up one thing I mentioned at the last meeting there was discussion of there's a chapter in your uh General bylaws regarding groundwater protection yeah that Board of Health has y I took a look at that in 2011 Mass D prated two model models for water supply protection y one was a zoning bylaw and one was Board of Health regulation what you've got in your general bylaws is a portion of the model Mass D Board of Health regulation it they for some reason they didn't incorporate all what's in there what's in the model but they did incorporate some of it and so when we look at the water supply Protection District revision we want to also be sure that pvpc works with the port of Health that either we take their definition of zone of water water supply Protection District and incorporates in the zoning or that they are not in conflict and are you saying in part that our current zoning is in conflict between the Board of Health and I think it has to be because the current zoning was based on a 1990s model and the Board of Health regulation is based on a 2011 MD model so by the nature of it it incor for instance it it incorporates some of the performance standards that M DP approved in for 2011 that the Zone bottle doesn't so I remember that we Unearthed this problem earlier is Kyle aware of this the pvpc Kyle seeming we we discussed this at the last meeting he was there so I will be in con contact with town to how we need to resolve these conflicts to make sure that we don't have this conflict so that's general not zoning not VI correct and it's it's a and it's in your general code but it's a Board of Health regulation adopt by the Board of Health it's not adopt by town meeting which as you know Board of Health in Massachusetts has a very wide range of power love everybody any other even introducing this topic to the board of health will be in there I'll I think our chair she'll be leading that charge is that Jerry yes you can tell Jerry that she needs to rewrite their BW to conform to ours you don't tell Board of Health what they had to do what to do any other reports Dan anything from no nothing I think that pertains to this group so Mark no no we hearing none I will call for an adjournment motion to adjourn motion from Dan there go get your ore in the water all in favor hey thank you everyone thank you good night thank you for your work