this government meeting is brought to you by eastworks and our local cable subscribers call the meeting to order it's 6:01 p.m. of the Southampton school committee 4 out of 5 members present uh Dylan modley is chairing the meeting tonight uh chair John lumber is not present uh first item on the agenda is the approval of the minutes from April 10th 2024 all right so item D under reports I just I want to fix the spelling um Glenda's last name is cresto c r s o [Music] motion to approve the minutes as amended second there's a motion to approve the minutes as amended made by Julianne seconded by Kim discussion hearing none all in favor opposed stain motion carries public comment once going twice circulation of warrants you should have gotten those online I believe those are all set this is announcements and correspondence I [Applause] have principal [Applause] report uh this week is Teacher Appreciation Week at Norris it's also School nures day today we celebrate all the staff this week for the wonderful work they do on a daily basis for our students thank you so much um May 10th is a half day for professional development all staff will be in training with the South Campa police department at Norris learning about updates to Safety and Security protocols mcast math is wrapping up and grades five will five and six will finish this week next week grade five will complete the Science and Technology test um field trips and special events coming up great 1 will be going to Stanley Park on May 16th the birk Shear theater group will be performing for us on Friday May 17th we will have a concert in the park at Norris on May 21st students will perform musical compilations for parents beginning at 9:30 a.m. it'll be held outside uh grade two we'll be going to Old Stage Village at May 29th grade three we'll be going to Arcadia Wildlife Center on May 31st uh Mrs uh Jen Goodridge has volunteered to take care of our old broken garden beds outside the preschool area she ordered new beds um put them together along with our head custodian Tom llli and thank you to the PTO for funding this project big thank you to Mrs H Haskins our grade one teacher who makes the font of nor so beautiful each year with the blooms and the garden out front it's beautiful flower garden and then Southampton Junior troop 65706 fifth graders at Norris worked on the magic for Maddie Garden that they created last year and it's looking spectacular thank you and thank you to troop leaders Jen Johnson and Katy Chilson there's a beautiful picture in color online if you look at it and I know they're putting up a sign as well uh the sign just wasn't there when I took the picture that's so nice yeah it's really nice it's it's not too much it's just really really um our enrollment stayed the same from last month to this month on us second page any questions for the principal see none superintendent's report okay I'm reading Dr Bon's report so just want to let you know we had a great um GRE spoon award we were offer uh The District in General on April 24th was invited to um bring teachers who received the Excellence uh and teaching award which R Shelby morit from um West Hampton Lor Cary came from New Hingham and then Casey Mii um was from high school she was one of the new teacher award so they honor um 100 outstanding Western method in our counties and they're looking for teachers in all stages of their career um since Inception over 2,000 Educators have been recognized and these winners demonstrate excellence in and out of the classroom and go the extra mile um those winners were chosen based on um staff input so uh the principals got together we reviewed our um people who were nominated and the principls made the decision together and based on some of the feedback that we had so these were the three specific teachers that were chosen this year um nobody from oh is from um North this year but uh you know we try to try see make sure that everybody gets a award when when we can um so the collaborative for Educational Services will not be continuing as our Le Agency for the title 3 Consortium for 25 they've um cut ties for all of the people who are part of the Consortium because it's so hard for them to spend the money at this point so we are going to have to do it on our own um but specifically they want to use that funds to directly hire tutors plan and run programs for staff and families as well as continue to coordinate regular meetings um unfortunately this isn't just feasible uh there been challenging for districts to utilize the funds giving a relatively small amount of money allocated I think we get about $1,700 a year so you know right now we're we put in to participate on our own but we will reevaluate as it comes time for the to see if you know if someone we can strategically use that money before that time comes but the the collaborative has dropped tied in everybody in that because it's just becoming too too much of a hardship so um we're going to continue to look at that we again we apply for for next year um see what we get and and we'll see how how we proceed from that point but the money for what they want you to do is for $1,700 is not a lot to um SP on tour ring for the year for student so it becomes difficult um we just start working on our pre audit want to thank the uh principles and U Miss Luda and her staff was really great it was a little bit of confusion when the audit started in the focus groups we were picking one person from each group like a preschool teacher kindergarten teacher um Fair professional but they wanted it as all preschool teachers all karten teachers so had to revalue so I want to thank the principles and the staff for the patients when we redid the schedule so they interviewed a lot of the pre uh prek staff principles and individual teachers to to see you know how things are working at uh all of the elementary schools including noris and then um we're just waiting to get a report from our EI providers early intervention so they'd like to interview those folks as well so we're looking to get a date for those people and then once that happened we'll disseminate the report so it will help us guide our preschool programs to make the more Boston or maybe leave them alone depends on what happens with them P um central office update it's been a busy month we've been interviewing a lot of business administrators and assistant business ders we've had over 35 people apply for both positions um really uh ziper was very helpful once we uh joined forces of ziper and um instead of school spring using some of alternative um venues to to uh search for people really been helpful um so A J School committing will be held on May 20th to approve the business administrator and nurse leader stiens we have signed out with the company under Pam Thor's leadership to meor our newly hired payro benefit Specialists um and uh I think it's I a NE so it's a human resource company who really um join forc with us to help us strategically um work with our HR Director um so we've also reached out to maso to line up a men for our new business administrator so they can very helpful to get us that but sadly cik will not be um the regional treasure for um Hampshire Regional andham um for fy2 so right now we're going to be searching for a new treasure for the Regionals and then add it and that's all I have on super suppt um I think I can answer any questions we have on this un you have other questions I questions so the joint meeting on May 20th is that in person or is that Zoom I don't think I can answer that I don't know that's be zo I'm I'm sorry I couldn't answer that okay chair's report John's not here he did not send me anything um Hampshire Regional school committee met on Monday uh busy busy meeting I think the biggest and best news out of that is that the contract for the h teachers esps was ratified unanimously um it's a it's was a tremendous amount of work uh this both Margaret and Kim at various times Margaret brought it home Kim at one point was on the team and I'd like to reiterate again my my thanks to them for the incredible work they did the amount of time and energy and effort spent on that to get us to a really I think excellent resolution um I think one of the bigger biggest highlights in that being a four weeks of paid parental leave uh which we would be the the Hampshire region will be the first school in western Mass to do it and I think one of the first in the entire state to adopt a paid correal leave policy um on top of that uh approved multiple field trips which made me very jealous and want to go on including trips to France and Spain as exchange students for for a couple of weeks uh for next year um and I think that's the Highlight yeah we also improve approved wage increases for our cafeteria staff um who you know it's it's getting harder to attract people and so we were really happy to do that for the Mansion staff as well as um for people our dishwasher and two servers Etc thank you questions no PTO we haven't EXC d one second the um contract is h r a yeah edat Association got it you guys meet next Tuesday yeah we meet next week so we haven't met until since the last one okay school council uh our last meeting was went over the budget and you know just talked a lot about how budgets work and how Town funding works and you know it was it was a really good meeting anything you want to add TOA what else did we to no and I actually I might have updated everybody at the last meeting I don't think you were here last time is that possible it doesn't I wasn't here the last yeah so I had told everyone that you did you did a great job updating everybody on the budget um and our next meeting is May 28th that's the Tuesday after Memorial Day y uh C upate there's been no meeting since the last time we met their next meeting is May 29th excuse me their next meeting is May 29th thank you select board update can I just ask a question going back to the report and know you know about this uh why is desie acquiring this of CES which limits their ability to provide services to the schools only in that only for the title threee Grant okay it's not for everything else it's just for that particular uh funding Revenue um do we know the Imp behind that pardon I have no idea we just received something from the director Todd gasa earlier in the week um so we had to actually go back into the our gr portal management say we don't to that conser had to redo all those so um but I don't know I think if they're just whever regulations they put in place to to support that as use specifically for those specific items I mean in the past we' use it for our e students and and such but I think specifically they gave specific regulations I don't I don't have an answer something I concern is this affecting like the after school programs with the collaborative that as like email I really didn't get a chance to talk I haven't informed as on anything about this yeah we just got an email earlier in the week and I think the only reason we got it early in the week is because everybody had to put in your intent to participate in those grants by May 7th so I think you wanted to get that information up so we can get back in and redo it if they chose to um and then I think probably going to have more discussion later on so I think everybody at some point is when you apply for these GRS you have say do you want to belong to a Consortium or do you want to do it on your own so we're going to do it on our own you know whether we do or not it's one thing that will be able to analyze what we do in the future so I think the connection between Norris and the collaborative the after school programs and the professional development that that will impact that this is specifically used for um you know title 3 funding it's just for that particular small amount of money so the other things won't impact that we use them professional development we use for other things as well you don't use T SCH I so no anything else um I see the placeholders for online item transfers to close out fiscal year 23 and adjust fiscal year 24 I don't have any information on that I don't see Mickey here I don't think I think that's just a placeholder um though it would be nice to close up F year 23 uh new business review the medication policy first read I guess I just have one question on like where we haven't seen any budget items or done anything like how does where does our role how is it happening how is the budget being to what like monitor monitored if we're not presented a budget and haven't been approving any line that is unnown great question okay so I did meet with uh Mickey bule and Abby shmer shmer um this week or last week I can't remember and we just discussed some of the things for that I have spent and things I've been spending and they have looked at the budget and they're trying to clean some things up and I know that um they're also trying to figure out the grants but no real updates at this time and we've been meeting with them pretty frequently but a lot of it is we're still working through this we don't want to present anything till we have't you know it's just contining apparently we keep getting it's we're peeling the onion and we're finding more things every time they do something so it's um very frustrating and I know that I think people are working really hard to get where it needs to be and I have confidence that we'll get there but I I agree with you I don't know how we're supposed to know what what's happening without the information okay I'll tell you that I have not been overspending okay great been very frugal okay perfect and I think that's the key I think the principles have really been doing a good job keeping track of their own budgets and I think that's really been helpful so I and I think that's across all the schools the good thing is and unlike a lot of other districts the principles are in charge of their budgets so that makes it a lot different so they able they're able to keep track of it on their own so that's you know never know right that could be the Silver Lining going forward too is how familiar our principles have become correct particularly our new principles with the budget process and and their own budgets and so um hopefully that will continue going forward I mean our our seasoned principles always have but we do have new ones yeah and I think going forward when we have this um conversations with some of the people we've been interviewing it has been you know we going to be you need to sit down with the school the school committees present reports those things are really important we need to do that you know yeah at least quarterly at least if not you know more when first get there for sure it used to be every meeting every meeting would approve that's what I us do as well okay next sorry I just good questions um review the medication policy first read should be in your packet this is under policy jlc d I can tell you that this has been brought forward to the nurses and they um right now there's been um been reviewed reformatted and approved by the new um n c that they're looking to to move forward with um so um did all of the nurses have input on this I'm sorry it has been approved by the nurse leader or well she she's not the nurse leader yet so but she has looked at approprate no was was this done with the I think dph puts a checklist out yes and so this was developed with the checklist with the DP check right and it says um you know um so this follows that the 105 CMR not the same website each district poliy this is the policy y so then on page six I see um under self- Administration it looks like there's like one sentence that's highlighted so is that something that we added it's sort of hard to tell but it looks like something was highlighted here it does about the only medications that may be self- administered or pres yes it says right here what they specifically are okay epinephrine inhalers enzyme supplements and ins Delivery Systems yeah that's what that is all right students with asthma by threatening alence who self administer prescription those things I just mentioned um make possesses administer so that's part of it correct so um can I just ask a question about that cuz that stuck out to me too about what I'm sorry about that part self Administration does that need to be limited by school because we're not doing that at Norris that need to be what limited to the high school or certain ages that's a good question I don't know and that and that could be a question you have this is only a first read yes no I why we ask questions at the first Le because that that really stuck out to me that um well do you want a first gr walk around yeah in order for self- administration to happen usually a parent or family has to go to their PCP primary care provider physician nurse practitioner and then get the form completed for which medications they're on and in the medication then the provider writes whether or not the patient can self administer oh yeah no I understand that I'm just wondering if that we need to make it clear for anyone reading this that this is specific to students who are capable of doing that I think outlines there in like letters a through J yeah I'm looking you know if you look at but this is a district policy and so I just don't want there to be confusion that's all so what do you want me to find out I think it does spell say there like I feel like it's pretty clear okay because there are some Elementary School students who are old enough and capable of of doing this right I mean It ultimately it would be the nurse who can decide if it's appropriate right if the doctor says it's okay I think it's still the I think it's still the medical professional in the building that has the authority the first line that says that that the prescriber has to authorize right then I withdraw any questions have about it well you can please ask ask any question you'd like thanks no they're good questions to ask I mean I think if the physician says it's okay think they know the maturity of the student are you know hopefully well yeah because there are students at the high school are not capable cor of doing this all right so this is a first read so if we put this on the June agenda we should be able to approve it and have it in place for the start of the coming school year y if we can do it in June that'll be great we'll bring it out again if you have any questions maybe you can just email um de Y and then um you can put them in there it looks very thorough and I very much appreciate that so we'll accept that as our first read of policy J LCD medication administration uh appointing Dr mner as a district physician he's coming back so so every every school committee has to approve them right I don't think you have to do every year well it was a one-year contract okay so I mean we can approve it and if we didn't have sure you can approve it I don't think it would hurt I don't know if it's on the list you must be able to you must have to I don't I don't so I know that we approve Dr Muller as the district position for another contract the length of which to be determined or is it always a year that's my question yeah I I think it's just a yearly contract so second so there's a motion made by Margaret second did by Julianne to approve appoint Dr mulner as continuing as District physician for another year discussion hearing none all those in favor say I all opposed exensions motion carries uh review nurse leader updated job description now before we get into that have it should be on the last page it's the very last page very last page the question is is this appropriate for us to be taking up at this point or because this is being discussed at the ADC meeting on May 16th that that it should come from ADC back down to the committees or do we want to review it and then send our representatives to the ADC with our feedback for the that committee meeting whatever you would like I will be at the May 16th meeting as one of your ADC reps so um if you have things you want to share that you'd like me to communicate I can do that and if you don't I'll just communicate my own thoughts let's just review it and see if you have questions on I found I was looking at the wrong package sorry what's that looking at the wrong packet I'm sorry I do have it is there anything you want to address on this before we begin to review it yeah okay [Music] so I guess my first question is [Music] is number one I can you mention this previously um is a district nurse leader always going to be the nurse at the new hangam Regional Elementary School and if not it's probably not appropriate to put that into a job description period right no that doesn't belong I my personal opinion is that doesn't belong there at all because that's combining two two very two separate jobs there's the full-time nurse at new hangum and then there's a stiped position I would agree that you so I can leave the second one if you want to take off from there leave do which is is this expected that this work is to be done outside the hours of the full-time nurse position and so when and how much is the sight of this position I my memory of what we had in the central office budget was $5,000 I believe that's true this is this this is a this is a lot a lot for someone to do after hours because there will be things that have to be coordinated during work hours it just has to be and so I I I am concerned about that workload added on to a full-time workload yeah I mean I honestly my hope would be that what we would what would we would be getting from this position would be um compliance with state regulations 105 CMR 210 to be precise which is what our medication policy was based on in part um I think what I would like to see from this position is getting a medication manager in place so that we can then um apply to the state medication delegation which we haven't had all year and so that we can get our um control substances regulations and doing that kind of work for five separate districts to me is more in line with what we're offering as a ston this seems like way too much to me for that kind of money this seems like the role that are previous fulltime nurse lead was doing and we have not the Committees have not eliminated the full-time nurse lead position we didn't fund it this year but we have not voted to eliminate the position which is the only way to eliminate the position is with five committees to vote on that and I have not given up hope that we will at some point be in a position where we can have that full-time position again and so I don't want to be making decisions now that that could impact us being able to do that later so that's another concern that I have in particular the coordinate and Implement daily nurse staffing plans including coordination blah blah that the daily nurse staffing plant would have to be done during school hours or immediately before and so yeah I'm just concerned about this workload and how attend all regional and state n leader conferences yes so all this is pretty right this is this is essentially the job description that our. not like a 2 FTE type position where if you have a nurse that's working 80% clinical and then 20% of their job is this this seems like this is a maybe someone could do it 50 like but it's probably at least a05 I think so true so I think this is too much and I think you know if we can my my hope would be that we would get through this next year being in compliance with everything we have to be in compliance with and a SED position could help us do that but moving forward the state had had a nurse leader model that they were promoting in school districts and they there were all kinds of grants for there were reasons that the state wanted us to have that more formal full-time or closer to full-time position um so I I just I would rather limit what this what we're doing this year and work toward getting the full job of running again the Fone I think I'd like to see someone bull it out too like how many hours in a week you think someone would dedicate to each of these things and then how many hours that come up to right and it's not $5,000 Ty right so so that that's pretty much what I intend to say it ABC I mean if if if this was if somebody said to me you have to vote on this job description I would vote no think you have enough to put with yeah and if anybody you know if you think of anything between now and then objections from people here yeah I don't think are you are any of you objecting to this thought process no no okay I think I I think just just to finish up the com from my perspective at least um is is this purely to be a stop Gap in order to get Med delegation done and Med Administration handled or is this meant to be a permanent solution solution and if it's the latter we need to put more thought into it if it's the former I think I understand it completely but again this does not as written yeah see that I mean we could pull a few bullets out of here make that the job if it's the stop yeah what I think it is I I can't I can't attest it I don't think this is a long term I think this stop till next year till we can reevaluate what it looks like but I I I can't attest that but to me there's a lot of work here and I do know you know um I I don't know but I think so that we can proceed next year to have that in place but and I think it's also important for us to recognize that these are things that have not been done over the last year and and will not happen over the next year and so we are as a district putting ourselves at risk by not participating fully in the activities we should be great Jim has a question a question of course I'm just when you're saying so this wouldn't start and this position would be for all of next year like 24 25 and then by 25 26 you're saying that I'm hoping that in our next budget cycle when we start working on that that we will restore the funding whatever I think that's the hope I do I think that's hope but we can we can verify that before the AGC or yeah I mean it just needs try to make right yes because there also is a training comp you do that how do you assign mentors a lot we have people who've been mentoring out of the goodness of their hearts they're not being paid right and I'm not really sure that's fair either right so you want to do that thing under other that you had mentioned a couple things under other now um first other I hear our principal their children out State at some point so um grade five teacher Sunday Burke would like to coordinate a field trip for grade five students to go to Five wits in Albany New York on June 13th excuse me go where five wits it's called wits five wits wi TS got it yep in Albany New York on June 13th and it'll be funded by the parents and the PTO um the cost is 2,200 for buses and 2,140 for admission um they will be doing team building cooperation and critical thinking and they need your approval to leave the state what is 5S it's like a umap room escape room oh really but not just say the last single like a bigger picture it's the fifth grade gone the last six years I'll approve if I can go are you smarth gr notth no appr this amazing filter awesome second motion by Margaret to approve seconded by Kim discussion all in favor I opposed stain uh motion carries unanimous other other other other uh with the election coming up next week there's going to be some change over we have our our next meeting will be our reorganization meeting however as there is multiple potential meetings with the Hampshire Regional school committee coming up between this meeting the election and our next meeting um what is the election again May 2st okay so we have a meeting May 20th 20th that's corrected on the regularly scheduled hampire region meeting is the June 6 something um I have no intention of carrying on as the Hampshire Regional School Representatives after the next election um but I am running for the my nor SE however in preparation of that uh I would seek to to resign as the Hampshire Regional representative effective immediately hold on then well no no no just hear me out I don't know if you can well you could you could resign effective imediately but if we're going to try to appoint anybody else to it right now the only other two people cuz Julian's going to be gone too both of us are currently elected members of campshire regional I no PR no you can you can hold no no no no but I meant I'm saying like could it be effective like May 22nd that's my thing I don't know if you can be the appointed person from the school committee and an elected con about that is that we have all kinds of of governance documents completely that need to be addressed and I would like to volunteer for those and as someone who is no longer on that school committee as of May 21st and in an elected position right I would not be a candidate to participate on those subcommittees and so it would be important I think based on my knowledge with desie that I be on that committee I 100% agree with you my only question was I just didn't know if you could hold an elected position and appointed position on that committee at the same time that's my question my understanding is you can I have not confirmed that but my understanding is that you can um serve in those roles so so like well doesn't John kind of do that he's are appointed liaison to the select board but he's also in elected there a voting not a voting position on this committee so the question is is can you hold both votes yeah I don't have a copy of the regional I don't I I just I do not believe that it is silent on that particular okay if I I I have absolutely no problem doing any of this as long as it's just like I mean does that mean she gets two votes when she goes there and she counts in the Quorum twice great question so again but I think that we can given the timing I think we could probably still well the bigger question comes to the May 20th meeting I am not available on May 20th that meeting so if the if I'm going to be there you're going to be there you'll be there are you able to be there June 20th May 20th May 20th I think it's 6 so so as long as John's there John's there okay so I I given that concern I'm I'm willing to say I will resign effective May 22nd um and but then I won't be able to say at that meeting that I am the representative from Norris and I will be continuing on Hampshire Regional and as such I would like to be part of the subcommittee working on the Hampshire Regional governing doents on the May 20th meeting your concern is that yeah well cuz we're we're Tom wants to entertain that on the 16th actually okay all right well I mean I mean I guess we can can do it and then if we find out if we find out differently that we couldn't do it we need we me again I don't know I think we can I think I looked at this briefly okay hello um and uh there's not there's no prohibition on it is my understanding that there's no prohibition to it does not say you can but it does not say you cannot M that the appointed member canot does not say cannot also be there separate elected positions and um I'm not aware of anything so I those purposes I effective immediately okay um and I would accept the nomination at this time for new represent the reg school committee from the school I nominate Margaret Larson to represent southton school committee on the Hampshire Regional school committee it's you don't want to do good absolutely not so we have a motion uh by K seconded by Julianne discussion we did that sorry thank you well we will miss you at the regional I I appreciate that voice of reason and also you make me laugh and so that thank you uh we can reevaluate in a year I guess yeah um all those in favor I I opposed extensions motion carries and the motion was to um appoint Margaret Larsson as the Southampton school committee representative to the Hampshire Regional school committee got and since we're talking about terms uh this is Julianne's last official meeting and I just want to thank you for all the time and everything you put into and how fantastic you were to work with particularly during the pandemic thank you and your knowledge and just your thoughtfulness has just been wonderful for for this committee and for the district as a whole so I very much appreciate that thank you yes it's with mixed feelings that I go but I did was a lot of work it was a lot of a lot of work a lot of effort a lot of important work but the pandemic made it definitely very spicy and interesting and he long meetings yes but yeah it's worth it I think it's great working with everyone with you great working with you thanks Julian yes thank you what do you enoy your evenings now work yeah more work yeah my my fulltime job so couple I have a additional role that I have there so ongoing business yeah security upgrades we've made a little bit of movement on the security upgrades um we are going with a company in town I cannot remember the name Securities integration systems who's done other work for us so that we know that everything is compatible uh we're giving them a deposit soon and they'll be able to start the work um in a few weeks computer system no security upgrades cameras that's the of the company alarm system um security integration system thank you I [Music] believe any questions uh preschool van update so I feel like it's a little bit of a pingpong ball going back and forth but I did get an email from the new town Administration TR um Scott and he wants me to touch B wanted me to touch Bas with marot Ford I'm not sure why we were told at one point that we couldn't get the van from marott but I spoke to someone down at marott yesterday and they're going to send someone up to review the Hampshire van that we have now and the van that we took Offroad to see exactly what we need and move forward they are on the state bid list so they would be able to get us a van hopefully we can move quickly cuz it's been since November and I'm sure Lauren wants her B back and Lauren needs her band back so will you need it in the summer for that's to be determined usually for summer any other ongoing business that needs to come before the committee weird so joh is the problem uh I will take a motion to adjourn move to adjourn second motion by Kim second by Margaret discussion all in favor I oppose none motion carries meeting is adjourned at 6:44 p.m. thanks everyone e