this government meeting is brought to you by eastw works and our local cable subscribers okay all right very good welcome Stephen okay uh we are going to call to order the meeting of the Southampton select board for March 26th at about 6:03 p.m. uh if we could all stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance please ALG United States of America into the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay thank you very much all right we have a little bit of a order revision uh tonight um there was notice tonight of a public auction uh to take place at 6: p.m. so at this point I'm going to formally open the public auction and this is for a property at 19 Cottage Avenue and Jen would you like to say something about this um briefly I think you pretty much just covered what had to be said to open the auction okay um but so this was just tell us how the the property was a couple sentences that are in your for that was it was acquired by the town because of whatever right so the property was foreclosed on by the town in 2022 due to unpaid taxes okay so this is 19 Cottage a um going to public auction today minimum bid of 5,000 okay all right and this is uh if you want to just give the partial number for anybody listening you wouldn't mind this is parcel ID is it in here yeah 4495 a okay yeah I don't I didn't even look for that in here like okay so at this point in time the i' move we keep the auction open for 15 minutes for 15 minutes I don't see mostly anybody here for that but that would be the option to have people you got 15 minutes to get down here with $5,000 who are interested purchase this property yeah uh so we will keep the auction open for 15 minutes until 6 uh 6:15 is okay okay what what happens if there's no bids uh if there's no bid it remains in the custody of the town to my knowledge um correct yeah that's a 616 conversation yeah that'll be another conversation exactly yeah I think if there are no bids it stays in the custody of the town and then we have to worry about next next steps from insurance to what whatever has to happen with it so so with that uh we'll keep an eye on the clock somebody please and we'll just continue with a couple of agenda items and come back around in about 10 minutes thereabouts 10 15 minutes okay all right um anybody here for open time for the public all right seeing none let's pop down then to I guess uh reports Scott you want to do your Town Administrator report uh thank you I'm going to try to get these out the week before in the future too okay kind of still developing everything um but I want to thank Stephen for uh taking me out for a tour last week it was uh really informative just being able to see everything and over just get your mic a little closer that's all yeah just reminder to everybody that we speak up a little bit loudly so that people were having trouble hearing us last last meeting and not have to keep my eyes on the road so there you go yep perfect I wouldn't be able to cover that much area um so the transition to Microsoft 365 and the new server is completed and we're back up to our um levels of a few months ago uh so far nothing has broken um but it does kind of show some of the significant needs such as the internet Wi-Fi for the Council on Aging um and some updated technology infrastructure that we'll probably have to address in the future um I did talk to uh Ty and bond um um Alex just to get an update on the Southampton Greenway project um I know that the zero College Highway was presented to the planning board uh for the anr and that was approved I know we have several me members that are also on the planning board so uh thanks John for getting the uh budgets ready for the schools um and that's going to be a that was a big help just to put everything together uh 89 Clark Street um so we did receive the apprais and we're going to be get negotiations with the property owner this week um the Colin Center said that they should be able to give us a draft uh this week of the report um it won't be the final report but it should be enough to give us some idea for budgeting purposes okay um we also met with mountain Waters uh with the castal trust and TI and bond again for the U Municipal drainage system uh that you might have saw on social media that Randall posted so mhm okay good sounds like you've had a busy week mhm and a few or a week or two I guess and many more to come with other other things and hopefully all of our breakdowns stay at a minimum so good all right how about uh we've got a few more minutes how about other select board reports Joy do you have anything from any of your committees lately just um Housing Authority had a joint meeting with planning board um discussion in regards to the a 4dr district overlay and um applying for that and possibility of doing that over by um the East Hampton side of College Highway um it was a thorough discussion but there are some major uh hurdles sewer infrastructure um but um and just to clarify the 40R would be a mixed use um District mixed use mixed use District um I I I'm not that well uh versed in it because of the hurdles have hindered the really getting deep into it but um there was a good discussion on it and um talking about working with mass works or finding other um other nonprofits that could help us with applications and INF to kind of put together an application okay and that was I think that was it that's all you had okay good y Stephen um I'll expand if I might oh yeah stepen was there cuz he was on planning board and I had to leave early yeah well uh following up on that um our consultant Richard Harris has done some work and and he reflected back to the Pioneer Valley planning Council that had done an earlier evaluation and found us not really quite ready for lack of infrastructure it's not just mixed use but the base density for the housing component is 10 units per acre so given that we're limited to four bedrooms per acre there's no way you can get to that qualifying density for the for the housing that said um we are near to sewer up in the Red Rocks Plaza Big Y neighborhood more than just one property several properties there um because uh East Hampton and this is another piece of the follow on evolving conversations eastampton has some sewer capacity and is interested in exploring an intermunicipal agreement but um it takes pipes to connect and um the availability or the willingness of East Hampton doesn't mean that we're ready to launch uh but the 40R is interesting because it does provide flexibility uh for doing as Joy said mixed use with a key on housing um that evolves and we're looking at how we might bring sewer uh beyond the Red Rock Plaza again uh with the attention on the greenway and the engineering Focus there separate discussion M yeah off to the grants committee a proposal to look at that in more detail the grants committee is coming up soon I know uh planning board not so soon um assessors welcome new uh member of the board and started some field visits good okay I have more to say but that'll cover it for now yeah well we'll keep it going John uh uh most of you were all at the finance meeting so I don't have to report on that and um I believe that was that was live broadcast the uh schoolwise the local committee has not met since last week other than than when we did the the budget presentation but um the all district subcommittee is working and we met last night and we have a recommendation out to the all district committee which is two members of every school committee on it that um the it'll be public tomorrow night um is that we are going to recommend that we temporarily halt or slow down the process to find a superintendent by uh September 1st and move move towards an interim superintendent an individual has self-identified who has a um believed to be a stellar reputation recently retired long-term superintendent of a Regional School District that comes highly recommended from their colleagues who has uh potentially agreed to he's agreed to be interviewed um to take the post to give us the and then September we would hit the ground running this is not generally the time you look for superintendents they generally don't want to give 30-day notice before the end of the school year um so that will come out tomorrow night um Hampshire Regional did pass their budget um I believe it's it's finalized at this point and I think they're going to probably come forward next week at one of our finance joint meetings for to go through their budget like as we did with Norris MH PPP met but everything's on the agenda for tonight um and I believe that's all my committees okay very good all right and then just briefly on the um ad hoc Grant committee we're going to be meeting on Thursday and we've got two or three uh possibilities of Grant interest all of them are expressions of interest that have to be done one is for the historical commission two others are related to the One-Stop program uh one for the public safety building complex and the other for a feasibility study on the idea of um looking at utilities along the future Railway um so those are three things that are kind of on the agenda that we want to take a take a look at and um all the expressions of Interest are due within the next probably 3 weeks or so so um we'll divide and conquer and get those written up and that'll be the main main work that we'll be doing for the next two or three weeks we have nothing to report yet on any grants um coming due in terms of any awards as yet uh and then the uh cost efficiencies meeting I must say I've been very very delinquent on with all my other duties going on here but I'm going to try and arrange something probably for April 10th at this point in time uh if that meets with everybody's approvals so that's where we will be so let me take one more minute and do one more thing and then we'll come right back to this auction here um moving on to new business if I can there is uh in front of us tonight in your packages there's a uh mdar so Mass Department of Agriculture resource ources proposed acquisition of an APR property for the hamls and for those listing this is all part of the bigger um Mountain Waters landscape partnership program a grant that has been awarded bya Kestrel uh and there is a notice that we need to read for the public here and Scott correct me if I do anything wrong here but this is a notice of proposed acquisition of an agricultural preservation restriction on property in the town of Southampton in compliance with uh Mass general ledger uh Mass General Law chapter 7 c section 37 the Commonwealth Massachusetts acting by and through its Department of agricultural resources the department hereby gives notice that it proposes to acquire an agricultural preservation restriction APR on the real property identified herein for the purpose of protecting in perpetuity its Superior and productive agricultural resources by preventing their conversion to other uses the application received by mdar indicates that the property is owned by Edward p and Mary M Hamill and consists of parcels located at Glendale Road in Southampton as represented as approximately represented on the attached map which we have in our packages here uh the APR May Encompass all or parts of the area shown the current use of the property is primarily for Vineyard hay and pasture uh following the recording of the APR the use of the subject property is limited to agricultural use as more particularly set forth in the APR document the general laws chapter 184 section 31 and the regulations of the department 330 CMR 22 um this is from the Mass Department of Agriculture resources uh Christine chisel the APR Regional planner so there is nothing we need to do on that this is simply a written and therefore also a public notification of the intent um for the acquisition so we will having read that we need to be able to sign uh uh little certificate saying that we have actually read this out in in the public forum this certific CER certificate of notice and then there is a second part that I will ask for a vote on um there is um the regulations for the APR require that 120 days prior to a per purchase the agency must notify public officials of that action um because of the Department's priority classification of this farmland for protection we ask the municipality agree to reduce the 120-day notification period to 60 days to expedite the process basically to to close on the property so the closing for this project is a time-sensitive matter and there therefore ask that you wave the 120-day notice period and make it a 60-day notice period if an agreement please complete and return the inclosed consent to reduction of notice period um I will say that we've been contacted by Senator vas's office and rep P's office they received the same letter and they have already signed on to reduce the waiting period from 120 days to 60 days to expedite the closing on this property so I would take a motion to that effect if we could please so moved all right could I have a second on that second any second by Joy any questions about that John no just um because of the owner the owners are uh current clients of mine so I'm going to abstain from the vote okay all right so all those in favor I I okay and and John you're abstaining yeah okay so three in favor one abstention all right thank you very much just PS on that y I think you did an excellent job organizing the vote but this property is in agriculture production it's commercially active and it will remain in private ownership the only thing that this the important thing that this does is it ensures past this ownership uh in all future time the town and the state have a right to ensure that that land remains available for agriculture in perpetuity yep importantly it remains on the tax rolls yep exactly thank you for your Indulgence okay so with that I think we are now at our time to close the tax auction Property Auction I'm not seeing anybody that has come in here to uh put in a bid on this property on 19 Cottage Avenues so could I have a motion I guess to close the public auction motion to close all right we have a second second by Joy okay all those in favor I I okay so we're declaring the public auction for the property at 19 Cottage Avenue closed and um I guess you'll let us know of any next steps that we need to take but I'm assuming it simply means that it remains in town property until we decide to take another step okay suggest question Joy first you want to go first what if someone is interested in the property if someone is interested in the property they should contact you or I mean it has to be auctioned off um so we would have to post again for another public auctions we post for 30 days okay okay so was a 30-day posting yeah okay so pretty much I mean it doesn't have to be 30 days but I did it for about 30 days okay so for those listening um just to be sure that you all heard so if if there is still somebody out there who maybe missed this first notice and is interested in this property um you should probably let the town treasure know of your interest so that we could actually post this again for a second auction opportunity okay and normally it would be posted for up to 30 days in in in addition to that I would suggest that the town Treasurer collector just get with the Town Administrator and figure out next steps in the event we hold on to this right you know I think we have to budget to de right you need to come up check the next steps would be to dis budget to demolish and clean it up ourselves for the town to do that I mean that's really all giv the timing that we're at with warrants and special meeting and right I mean yeah and finding the money to do that I mean it's going to cost us to demolish it it's going to cost us to ensure it um so we need to you know take a look at those kinds of options in terms of what we have to do if we have to make any kind of transfer if this is an iMed issue that we have to make a a transfer a budget transfer for town meeting I don't know U that might be a another article yeah Stephen um I should know this CU I I'm Le on to the board of assessors but um in the process of doing the auction did abutters to this property get specifically noticed or only generally notice through legal postings I did mail the notice to all Butters of the property yes that's good marketing if nothing else thank you very much and there were a Butters of the property that inquired so I did think there would be success um because they did inquire about purchasing the property um but so they had specific notice of the auction it's and that's a requirement under the law that any AB buding property is is no notifi great thank you good no that's fine so just in case somebody missed the for whatever whatever reason I mean I think the first step would be to talk to the Town Administrator or the treasurer let them know of your interest and then that we can take it from there if we had to open up and offer a second uh auction opportunity I guess we could probably do that but yeah we good we will otherwise um take some steps on our own okay anybody else questions join I help no all right thank you all right thank you all right thanks thank you all right so moving down let's um we may have a little bit longer discussion on the warrant article so let's skip over to two other things that are on they're going to be on the warrant anyway but since the chair of the bylaws committee is here in case we have any questions let's just jump down to there's two proposed General bylaws that are new bylaws one is on tag sales and one is on the board of registrars um so does anybody have you had a chance to read through them do you have any particular questions I I have no questions on the tag sale I have questions on the U on the okay let's check the tag sale first just in case anybody else has any any questions um just to say that this is a new bylaw partly based on reaction to people in town asking about do we have a bylaw on tag sales um this is actually defining what a tag sale is uh versus a community tag sale which may be a grouping of homes in a small neighborhood uh versus an estate sale and proposed permit uh to be obtained from the town clerk's office for uh basic tag sale personal family tag sale um $5 Community tag sale $10 estate sale $25 uh and then it basically just talks about um getting your permit and being careful in terms of parking when you are uh dealing with tag sales and putting one on uh so that we don't infringe upon our traffic reg regulations in town if anybody has any questions about tag sales or not this will once we say that you know we we we're pretty good with it this still has to go to KP law to do the final version of any kind of legal ease that we may be Miss make sure that we're citing the correct mgls um so that's always a always anything and then as we all know and Lucy before you leave I just want to give you a shout out um everybody who has been at town meeting in May last year December last year knows that we have had bylaws and all this proposition to get our general bylaws and our zoning bylaws all into this new code system called the ecode 360 uh and with finally after town meeting the attorney general has to approve all of our bylaws those things at least for the general bylaws have been fully approved and that e360 is going to be coming online within this week we've got it already there um so thank you Lucy for all your efforts on that and we will get Madam chair get it on the uh on the website Pronto since we're on the public record small correct c um the Attorney General review is complete um we have to confirm that the edits were consistent with what we had in for zoning bylaws I'm just talking about General bylaws there's two separate ones yeah you yeah so the yeah so the the general bylaws are completely all set those have been fully so the one related to the strong Chief is done and approved by the attorney has been yeah everything that was done I remember if it was a it was an article on the media apologies we'll take a look at it yeah but good okay so that's that so fine on the uh tag sales if nobody has any questions I do have a question was there was there a concern brought up about tag sales in town that brought this to our attention that we needed a bylaw um I think at the time people were asking about tag sales and were trying to figure out where they needed to go for a permit and there had been a time where I believe the permits were available at one point in time way back when at the police station at some point in time and then realize that they they were stopped so there haven't been any permits that have been awarded in the last number of years did people need is that something we were requiring with this that's what we're proposing now a while ago yeah it but then recognized this may have been like 12 years ago recognized that there was no bylaw in this oh so then they weren't so there has not been any any bylaw to regulate tag sales so this is this is putting a bylaw in place before the town to see if they will accept it but besides that has there been any issues with TX um not to my knowledge but again it be the police that enforce it it' be probably more parking issues than anything else I would think um if anything there are some that have people that end up doing tag sales and then leave a lot of their unsold stuff out on the curb for weeks and weeks on end U so this is trying to sort of just put a little bit of a a framework around that as well to leave it out for just a certain number of days and not leave it out forever as as yeah Francine come on up sorry just let me add that we were in the minority of towns not having a bylaw on it and so putting some information out to the public so that they could be aware of what the parameters are and expectations it just it just documents a process that we would like to see in place that's uniform that's all okay uh my other question is how are we going to determined between what is a tax sale and what is an estate sale definition is trying to be there um right where you've got a onetime event for an estate sale to liquidate belongings of a particular estate contents of somebody's home if somebody's passed away basically whereas a tag sale would be something I would have on a Saturday afternoon at my house kind of thing put stuff out on the lawn for myself but it's not because I'm getting rid of all the things in my my entire house okay so we would be asking that of people like is this an estate sale or tag sale cuz I mean not a lot just the regular old lay person would just be like no it's just a tag sale yeah so I mean that's why the definition is there for an estate sale one time event to liquidate the belongings of an estate or contents of a home and may occur within the home or have items displayed Outdoors so that's that's what we've come up with we'll see if KP law agrees with this there may be a better definition that they want to put in here I don't know but that's what the bylaws committee came up with yes and we're open we're open to yeah you know any any other information that you have available just to include it to to make it acceptable but uh it's pretty pretty straightforward pretty simple okay wish we didn't have to get this deep into people's business yeah that's what what I excuse me what I expect is that phone calls go to the police station saying what's up or there's is an issue and so we might as well have a process so I haven't heard an issue I've just heard people are inquiring about permits it it will grow over time I'm convinced so I I'd just like to cover our costs given that a it's been raised somewhat recently we are out of the norm with other towns um and I know our police officers are our peace officers are overworked so okay again I I don't think I've heard anything where police are going out no I don't tag sales as a concern okay all right I just saying that we're not saying that nor have they ever come to enforce the burn permit but that's the law well the burn permit is different yeah I mean I think you know in general we've got a set of General bylaws to guide how we all live together in community right I mean there it's not because we've necessarily had a problem it's trying to sort of put some guidelines out there for how people react and and interact with each other living in a small town so that's the purpose of any of the general bylaws I think I I I just don't think there has to be a bylaw for everything so okay well we're trying not to make anymore believe us we want to be done with them too all right so um propos one on the board of registers uh John you said you had something yes so um I mean in general I'm okay with this however when I read the second paragraph about comp the compensation or the makeup um composition yeah composition thank you you know presant to that section of the law the board of register has four members three of them are appointed by the select board right each for three years the town clerk Shall Serve as a fourth and unoficial so the town clerk's not voting uh membership must include representatives from the two leading political parties okay with no more than two members of each of those parties at the term of the registers expire where vacancy occurs the board of registers the select for shall appoint their successor it then goes on later on to talk about how we come up with those names and we only reach out to the two leading political parties MH this morning I inquired of the Town Clerk of what our current status is M and these are the numers she gave me there are 6,45 residents in the town of such there are 4,822 that are registered so 75.2% of our population of those registered only 19% % are registered Democrats and only 12% are Republicans 68% of our community recognizes themselves as unenrolled yet there is no process to ensure that an unenrolled person has an opportunity to get on this board of registers that's my problem with it we are ignoring the majority of our community go ahead okay um this is straight from the state's guide this is not a local decision that we made okay it's a document that's issued to the board of registers by the Commonwealth just just to clear that up but what I what I do see it it said that no more than two members of each of those parties correct that does not preclude an unenrolled person but from coming forward since the the the request for names only goes to the two parties I suspect that neither party will ever put forward an unrolled name right so therefore there's never an opportunity for an unenrolled person to say hey maybe I want to do this and I want to come forward I'm I let's get some opinion on that but I I see I don't read it that way I read it that that the political parties May recommend and that on the committee no more than two could be from one of those political parties but if there's one from each and and one independent I I would find that to be accept rewarding that I would suggest and if KP says we can do it it's no more than one from each party toensure that an unenrolled comes in or there are 45 other political right so any of them too which makes up 93 I'm just say you know yeah I'm good with everything until it says the two because then and there's no Avenue for the for the majority of the voices to be heard as spelled out in here it can be interpreted that way yeah what's interesting if you look at the the qualific on the on the first bullet though it says must be a registered voter in Southampton and if a member of a part correct so that kind of leaves that door open to it doesn't say that they have but you're right the letter going out to the to get names for us to I'm all for one from the Democrat Party one from the Republican party and then and they can submit more names but then there should be some sort of General broadcast even if it's on the website MH you know any own Ro that wants to come forward put your name forward um to solicit now it may be like our volunteers we don't get any responses but at least we're putting the call out there making the opportunity and if there's no response then we can pick a double from the other side but I think the voice should be I think that's acceptable um and and you know I read it not the way you read it I read it that it was open but um if we can get it to to KP law get their reaction and see if they could help us with some language that would make get clear but then the town has to come up with a mechanism of outreaching and you know to recruit to recruit potential candidates and out of that you know they would they would get one person yeah thank you FR I I think you've translated John's concern well and I share that concern and to be clear I also say it's regardless of what the town clerk's registration is right that person should be removed so that's where you end up with the two they're official because right so if they happen to be a Democrat and they get there's your two M MH right you know what I mean so then the natural course so okay but that's my concern other than that I'm I'm fine with the whole process no I think it's fine okay so that's one one question in terms of how do we how do we deal with the unenrolled population and how do we make sure that they have the access okay yeah and certainly I mean you said it was 68% 64% 67.9 68 okay all right good okay good thank you all right thanks John anything else any other comments Joy no okay all right great so those will be uh hopefully depending on any comments from KB law should be able to be on the agenda uh on the Warren article um for the May meeting there are two others that have already been through select board one is nuisance peace and quiet and then keeping of unregistered Vehicles so those had already come through we did already passed those yeah many months ago actually right it happened at at Town meting they never they never went to town meeting yet no they never went to meeting yet so did we vote both of these Madam chair yes so we should we should have a motion to say that you know with with minor Corrections here and there that we've talked about as you know for the commentary I moved the subject to review of council and John lumber the only you know if moving forward I wouldn't I wouldn't have to say this if if uh Rainey was still on the board but um on the tax sale one I think section six we we shouldn't assume that we're always going to have a male police chief you know so the chief of police or their design their design sure that's all yeah shout out to Rainey there you go perfect thank you all right so with minor Corrections this the motion would be simply to move these on to KP law with comments with yeah with comments as noted I okay all right I no okay I so three to one all right thank you next up um Scott you want to take a look at the warrant articles you want to just go through the list that we have in here um so we've got in our package just the overall list of what we think is coming at us for the warrant articles that have been put in right now um and you won't uh Scott's been working on drafting the actual warrant articles and motions themselves so we'll we'll catch that up probably at a at a future time but at least let's get a sense of what's coming on the yeah on the agenda for the town meeting additional packet go ahead please um so the first part we have the financial articles um free cashes to stabilization fund uh free cash to operating uh stabilization fund and um free cash to the oped fund after that we have the annual operating budget the wind water Enterprise budget and then the transfer station Enterprise budget as well um and then I think the more uh popular items would be the land acquisition articles depending on how the Cy board wants to move forward tonight um the first one is the land acquisition of 89 Clark Street so we did get the appraisal the draft purchase and sale and we're going to be meeting with the um property owner this week to discuss negotiations and finding a price um everything's been done through KP law uh at this point that we can um obviously we still have to do a title search and all the other due diligence after um you know pending approval by town meeting and getting a negotiated price together uh the next one is um a joint one from the public safety building committee and select board uh again depending on how tonight kind of plays out uh the next parts are are transfers uh one from the police chief I do have a placeholder for the the fire chief just in case um I know we're looking out for some bids for the uh evacuation system um so in case you know some of It Gos a little bit more than the 38,000 that was appropriated last year um and then two from the that I'm recommending which would be the transfer funds for technology and it's essentially for the the Wi-Fi it's going to be I roughly a little under $15,000 uh currently our um this part of the building does not have access to the internet or at least reliable access um so it's very difficult for the Council on Aging to uh be able to log on and we're actually on an unsecured Wi-Fi completely within Town Hall yep so that is something we should not be on yeah and we have like three different zones so here is a different Wi-Fi upstairs is a different Wi-Fi and then that area is a different Wi-Fi so it would just make it one uniform secure network uh and the entire infrastructure would pretty much be redone with the wiring as well so it's not just the Wi-Fi but it's also doing a lot like the physical wiring to have that um transfer salary for the Town Administrator salary uh and then that would be the end of what we have for transfers so far um you there might be one or two that comes through but I think uh we've sent reminders to all the department heads to double check their budgets I asked Bradley to double check everything as well see if there's any red flags um and we did send out a uh reminder to all the Departments just to if they do need a transer to let us know as soon as possible uh we have the uh four bylaw changes uh tax sales the nuisance board registers and the unregistered uh vehicles uh we have four CPC articles uh three um affecting the use of the CPC funds and then obviously the fourth is their uh budget for the year um two for improvements uh Greenway design in the mountain Waters so it's it's those are two of the longer projects that have been um ongoing and then the cemetery fence restoration which was just approved a couple weeks ago uh and then uh the last two articles so far are the revolving funds and uh the uh zoning submitted one um Amendment to the zoning table so are we missing one of the transfers to um free cash cuz we do three by policy but don't we need to correct Article 5 from the last to meeting or address that right the 360,000 right from the school correct that we need to rep we're supposed to replenish first the funds to Hampshire Regional that were and then apply the calculations to the balance right so that was how much was that John 365 I think it about 360 something like that that was um was Article 5 of The Last town meeting of the May town meeting I believe it was right right hold on a second find that um hold on [Music] for the main warrant last year we had we transferred money from operational stabilization for Hampshire Regional did we is that what we did I think y uh right that was $350,900 communities approved the overall Hampshire Regional budget cuz we voted it down and they did approve it so we o if it takes two out of the five communities for the budget to fail when only one out of the five communities one happen to represent 56% of the entire budget fails it and the other four pass it the minorities speak and we pay it so we had to temporarily borrow that money to make sure we had it and our at least from my select board point of view it was our intent to replace that out of free cash mhm to put it back into our op so it wouldn't be lost and then apply our free cash and that's why we were pushing to get free cash certified in September but that ship hit a bridge I guess right literally um so this moved it out of operation into a revenue Source yeah to fund the Hampshire Regional budget right so how we need to word this now is going to be trans transferring from free cash the amount that amount to meet the to replenish the amount borrowed for fiscal year 24 for fiscal 20 24 correct yeah and then the actual amount of the budget for Hampshire Regional is a bit more than this much now though right I mean this this will be applied to the this is this will just go back into our stabilization account okay okay okay sort of clear Scott yeah yeah okay so sorry about that um we had to do a few machinations last year um the other one that's coming up and I know you said that there was a capital uh Capital Improvement meeting and they they don't have much to work with in terms of not having free cash Etc um but I know one of the high priorities had been getting our various doors on the bathrooms ADA Compliant so I would highly recommend that that be a warrant article if it's not so I can speak to that so we the committee is scheduled to meet I believe Thursday at which time we'll score all the requests okay um and I I think the general consensus of the group is that's the number one priority I would hope so yeah and I don't have a clue how much that was $1,943 really for four bathrooms yeah yeah and well three I thought it was three doors and there's um 95,000 available okay before we move in free cash [Music] okay all right yeah because there's well there's two bathrooms down here one upstairs and one in the COA there's four all together so oh yeah I think they probably all need to be done one way or the other all right uh anybody think of any other articles that we might be missing off hand I mean people have had a chance to submit articles here but is there anything else that comes to mind that anybody any other no other um I think you know as we get into it tonight if we take a look at the latest um and I guess Bradley's doing this anyway though on the expense and revenue report if we're seeing people at this point in time you know nine months into the fiscal year if people are approaching their their allocation for their budget that aren't yet overspent but they might be in the next couple months they need to be thinking about a transfer right and or be reminded that it is Pro illegally prohibited to deficit spend we're not going to deficit spends so people need to just be sure that they're looking at their budgets very carefully on that because you've got a one-time chance here at the annual town meeting to do any you know Interline transfers within your department so we have them for f for uh police and maybe for fire and we'll see if anybody else has any um but speak now or forever hold your piece cuz we don't offer it many times a year the ability to do that so okay very good any others that uh if not so Scott we'll keep on working on on tidying up the uh the actual article language and all that kind of stuff um and that would be getting us moving forward okay great all right anything else if not we'll keep on moving on the agenda here and keep us going we got another 10 15 minutes before uh the public safety building committee joins us and point when they do come in we will join into executive session briefly uh while they are here okay so fy2 budget discussion is next up on the list what do we know there Scott uh we know we have now a more detailed budget of the Hampshire Regional School System has come in uh we had a bit of a placeholder John gave us one last meeting and I think their actual budget is coming a just a tad bit less but uh not much maybe well it's $37,000 okay $37,000 is that hey that pays for something I shouldn't I shouldn't uh oh I will say too while while you're looking at in your in your packages I don't think we will go through these but you have an explanation from the community preservation committee about their articles um all pretty lengthy in terms of their explanation but please do go through them if you have any questions or anything reach out to Scott um and ask about those if you would um but hopefully that will be pretty self-explanatory they've done a good job pulling their articles together so what do we know in terms of uh revenues expenses where where are we in terms of our total proposed whatever Scott um so far we have most of the items in for the budget some of the things that we we just kind of carried over from last year um you know post postage uh some of like the smaller amounts you know the finance committee expenses things like that um and it comes out to so far anyone oh less than last year that can't be well I think it's part of it's the um the dispatch uh and the reduction in the the wages to that and that's one of the thing that we talked about is maybe um building into the budget just a reminder in a couple years that that grants we're going to have to be paying for that yeah right so we need to yeah we I I I think we should budget 100% show 100% but then as the revenue Source show 100% of the year one Grant from the state you know much like on the school side so it's both there and over time the grant will reduce but the the expense stays consistent so the the year it comes back right you know it's not a shocker to anybody because we've got three years that that the grant te Hampton should pay for our dispatch service but year four we start paying in year five we pay definitely and year six yep we pay all of it so we definitely need to be building a many manyi future day rainy rainy day fund to uh take care of that because that's definitely going to come back and bite Us in the near future um the are there we don't have in here though do we have like the Enterprise funds dealt with in here or not yet um so those maybe water is we're working on it we're going to meet with uh Brett St by last week and he just needs a little bit of guidance on some of the indirect costs to finalize everything but 3/4 of his budget are done okay uh we're going to be meeting on Thursday with uh Bradley as well so there's some um he wants to go over the indirect cost and what it is moving forward okay um and then the other big item for the um Enterprise funds would be for the uh transfer station right and one of the items I I talked to Bradley earlier today um about potentially transferring that $115,000 monitoring fee and putting into the general budget so it's a little bit more accurate of what's actually spent at the transfer station right it's probably going to be a deficit this year so was that only 15 I had 35 in my head 35 deficit but 15 is the C is the monitor monitoring fee okay yeah I think the other night when we started talking about that I mean that seems to make some sense that that is I had a I know we're scrolling we're not going to spend a lot of time on this but I thought we didn't we sign a three-year contract with the with the outside Auditors and it looks like we're holding the price consistent but that doesn't sound right to me on the outside just as a note yeah we we're staying consistent at 47,000 year-over-year um and we had a three-year contract with an option for four and five but yeah yeah we've got to go back and look at that contract and just double check those figures on that one but I think the you know the notion back to the transfer station you know the fact that we are paying to monitor the capping of the landfill and we'll be paying for it forever and ever and ever it seems to me that that's a big you know it's a baked in town expense as far as I'm concerned and shouldn't need to be covered by the fees at the landfill itself at the transfer station itself um so to me I would be fine to put in that $155,000 as a separate line item or where it needs to be okay I think that would makes sense um the other thing we talked about briefly the other night and I guess we maybe need to figure out and John unless you might know we started talking about having a revolving fund for the Board of Health do we need to do something special to create that like the Warren article well that would be under article 21 that's on here the revolving funds to establish it okay because that is just simply saying here's our list of revolving funds here's the maximum amount that can be spent from them that's all we usually do correct so then starting July 1st all money coming in would be proportionately deposited there and into the general fund 30 days later the contract employee would submit an invoice and in theory there is sufficient funds to cover it we may want to for the initial startup seed money in there whether it's 5,000 or 10,000 you know whatever the number is so there's something there but I mean just so but there seems like in addition to voting on the amount of the revolving funds we need to create a an article to establish a revolving fund for the Board of Health pink yeah yeah so my memory is article 21 is we're re every year we have to annually reestablish everything so it would be an insert to create that extra one there okay and then the cap would be there okay so it may just be part of it not not a separate article itself correct but but I think if we're going to do seed money that would be like a one time line item here right to get the money in there okay got all right the other thing and I I guess we'll catch up with Jen again at another point but at some point we need to understand too what debt is coming off the books right y um which I don't know if we have a sense of what's up there is there anything that anybody knows that might be it should be this is the interest so it does significantly take a pretty big dive um all this should be coming off this year Bradley when I talked to Bradley about it so I just want to verify that okay the other question that I would I would like answer I mean that's that's part one but the other question that I would have or I'd want to know the answer before we go to town meeting on potential Acquisitions and large things is what do we have currently authorized but not issued because we we have our ceiling you take you equalized value of the Town times 5% that's how much can get so there's your ceiling we have all our existing debt but then there's anything that we've previously authorized but not borrowed would still count against that I.E if we haven't borrowed for the Easter bridge yet we need to know that number to know what our capacity is and or potentially resend some votes to bridge the bridge has been the bridge is on there the debt is there yeah I think that would have been the last thing unless there was a piece of equip as part of the annual audit there should be an ongoing list uhhuh that we could reference is um to show it right and if we have bond councel which we do MH they're supposed to certify it so I I think somebody easily has it if we just ask for it okay yeah cuz the other thing the other thing would be we've approved septic betterment borrowing M but we actually haven't done it so I mean it there's I don't get a spot where we over borrow mhm okay within the limit all right thank you okay good anything else on budget how are we looking at the and the revenue Scott was that on that page too or uh yep let me bring that up here just to see where we are with we can tackle that one as long as it's more than 22 we're in a good spot just to see how how far apart are we here in terms of numbers are smaller can't read what that is numbers are smaller H that means it's not good it's kind it's kind of like I can't be overspent I've still got checks in my checkbook [Music] right so 25 estimated and we still have a few more numbers to figure out there probably do we have all the school money in there or all that stuff probably not yet no yeah so we're close Okay so we're not looks like about $300,000 deficit not terrible ought to be able to be well we still have to I mean it depends what you want to do with like the cins report um and how that was baked into the budget this year and if there's going to be a separate thing um I'm not sure if all departments actually followed the standard that I had put out yeah so there may yeah and the budget instructions were to take whever your current person is on the wage scale and move it to the next step period that was it not any more raises than that not more 3% is New Growth already here huh this for Scott is New Growth already in from the assessor's office uh I'm not sure I have to double check okay okay so that might be another one too yeah uh okay let's see here I think that was pre plugged by yeah say trust but ver so yeah no I think uh is not comfortable we will be having um a joint M well announce now joint budget meeting with finance committee if everybody would just be sure you have that on your schedules on April 3D and I believe we said 6:00 on that did we or S let me check that and just to be to be clear at that meeting we're going to we're going to go on revenue and then if we are going to be in a situation where we're talking about reductions yeah would that start at that meeting because I know there's probably a few if we're going to have that discussion there's probably a few department heads that want to be at that meeting uhhuh so if there's possibility to just let them know Well I think the other one we probably need to do is to be able to invite somebody from Hampshire Regional as you suggest to come and actually kind of present their budget to us since they're in a bit of a disarray uh John was suggesting that maybe the chair of the Hampshire Regional committee Tom clear be contacted and invite him and or have him send somebody to explain the Southampton budget from Hampshire Regional um to us I think that would probably be a a good idea the um let me just check what we had said in terms of the timing of that meeting though before I make a goof on that hold on uh okay let's see I'm thinking we said 6:00 but we'll double check that on April 3rd that's what I have in the calendar so it'll be a joint meeting with Finance to go over revenues um we'll see hopefully by then we've got some information from the Collins report we can be talking about that we can talk about uh Hampshire regional's impact uh on the budget those kinds of things okay so April 3rd joint meeting with Finance all right good all right well with that we're going to take a break it is 7:00 and I'm seeing members of the public safety building committee here so we are going to pause open meeting uh and we will be coming back to open meeting um so do we need a motion to go out of open meeting into executive session pleas was that for the purpose will do this yes I'm going to read it you want to read it well go ahead I make a motion that the select board uh adjourn from public session and conveni an executive session with the public safety building committee under mgl chapter 38 section 21 a number six to consider the purchase exchange lease or value of real property if the chair declares that an open meeting may have detrimental effect on the negotiation positions of the public body specifically related to the public safety building site M and while are we taking that one up too and in addition under mgl chapter 38 section 21A number 7 to comply with or act under the authority of any general or special law or Federal Grant in Aid requirements specifically executive session January 18th 2024 and February 27th 2024 and the uh select board will reconvene in public session at the conclusion correct okay that's a motion made could I have a second please second by Stephen okay all those in favor roll call please Lumber ey oh sorry Johnson ey B ey Vier ey okay so East ampton media if you would uh kindly stop our recording all right we're good so I think we're probably down close to the PCF not quite so we're going you guys are going back in public yeah we'll go back into regular session at about 8:0 whatever 8:0 8:03 thereabouts all right thank you very much all right we are back folks in Open Session it's about 3 minutes after 8:00 and we will pick up on our regular new business agenda uh Joy needs to depart but that still leaves a quorum here so we will continue on with colins Center update Scott m y so I I reach out to the Colin Center and they're going to be able to provide just a um an estimate for budgeting purposes on what it their report might look like final okay um so hopefully next day or two we're going to have a little bit of clarity on how that's going to impact the budget okay and for sure we would have it for our April 3rd budget meeting I hope so yes I hope so okay because otherwise I think that it's going to be really crucial to try and just get a sense of where we are with our current wages versus what they're maybe so I wonder if and this this work may already be happening but I wonder if Bradley he has spare time uh could uh get out in front of this and create a list of all the non-union people here's where they currently are and then we plug in what they're saying the me is to start you know so that when we're sitting we have a starting number when we do come back on April 3rd to look at this yeah based on the recommendation and then we could adjust right because I think in the in the budget worksheets people have put in their their next step but we don't know exactly so I I would use the next step number that's in there and then cuz I suspect some of them are going to be close to where that says and some will be off but we I what I don't want to do is try not to be here on April 3rd and say okay well now let's create this document yeah you know make sense Union versus non-union employees with a list of where their current steps are grading step this report should only be addressing the non-union people covered by ppb correct right non-union so basically where people are and you know verifying that everybody did their one step yes challenging their request and to be check the math and to be clear there was cuz the Collins report is a two-part report one part is public the other part is remains an executive right pending negotiations right right okay okay so that's at least hopefully something getting closer to us which is great uh we will look forward to that um assessors principal assessor and admin assistant update I think that'll just come up a little bit later on in car over it was a carryover item I don't think we need to mention anything of that um Senior Center building committee update um Scott you've got a um a little bit of an update here but we've also got the Warren article in here so we could go ahead and mention that if you want to um umu so we have the Warren article all set for the land acquisition for 89 Clark Street so um it's been reviewed by KP law and the Senior Center building committee um I have reached out to the land owner as well to schedule a uh introduction and start to negotiate um it's going to be myself um the chair chairperson and the other chairperson of of the two committees so hopefully this this week we're going to um meet and um hopefully have a deal but it might take a little bit longer than that um we do have the purchase and sale that was all set by our attorney so obviously I would I would imagine the uh the seller is going to have to do their own due diligence as well and look through that with their legal counsel mhm okay so that is underway and hopefully we'll be something that we can put forward on the warrant article without too much problem public safety building committee um just a brief update that we're waiting on uh an appraisal yep um so we're waiting on the appraisal for the entire potential um land uh that the uh public safety building committee had mentioned or preferred for their their site um hopefully in the next couple weeks we're going to have that we did have the initial prop initial proposal for the smaller par so did come in MH okay and at the present time title search is ongoing I believe it was was ordered anyway uh I'll I have a email from um Katie yeah okay I think that was order before Ed left if I'm not mistaken but let's check that um and then um just to put out there that there will be public safety building committee is working on a public information meeting which right now is going to be scheduled for April 10th at Norah school at 700 p.m. and that's basically going to walk the community um through the process that the committee has been going through and kind of the steps that they've been looking at all along as they're working on the feasibility of a new Public Safety complex so more information will be coming on that but for those listening uh hold tight on on April 10th at 7:00 at norrish school okay all right fy22 audit [Applause] update so I've reached out to Markham and the last part of it is uh getting some information from the school lunch program I did talk to uh the Norse principal uh last week make sure that it's on their radar so hopefully we'll have that and that will be the last part and then we do have to process uh the final payment as well mhm all right and then that would tie into on the FY 23 closeout there too we're still even though we've gotten the budget now from Hampshire Regional we're still waiting on reconciliation of the various accounts that Bradley is dealing with from the grants to various other budget line items um some of the um I think some of the questions to revolve around um um just correctly allocating the teachers that are under the arpa money and just making sure that everything is sitting in the right M the right line items Etc do we have any sense how I mean you know we didn't want to get until the very last minute be able to close our books I mean we still need to close our books and get our free cash done so I don't know what we need to do to push that even harder with the school I mean is there I mean no nobody's really there but is the munin people are they working on it or is Mickey Mickey's back now but I think he's still remote um okay he he said in the budget so that's why I said he's back but yeah you're right he he he is working just not on site he's just may not be on site okay but the last time we actually had a zoom was on Friday and I know he was still remote As of that day so um I I'll have an update on Friday it's when we get back together again okay all right because I think we really certainly by the time we come together again on April 3rd I'd really like to see some movement on that I think this has just been you know too crazy to assume that we are going to have some free cash to even play with here but I mean it we just can't go to the end of our extension that they've been so nice to grant us to get all this done I mean I think we have to really keep on pushing that one um so we've talked a bit about the revenue projection already I guess just looking at the latest revenue and expense report for 24 that Bradley sent out I'm trying to see which one I had I think we had a a couple of them did he send one today is I'm trying to figure out which one I had that I was looking at here um hang on um just to see if we noticed anything in particular where people are getting a little a little close in their budget issues here um Judy sent one out I'm sorry uh no that's Department budgets Revenue estimates wrong one never mind hey boy okay let me just look at my files here for a second here let's be sure I got it um so I guess the last one we have maybe is 321 yeah that's that's the last one I have okay all right right so that's the one and so we should be you know looking at just percentages I mean it's not the best best way to do it I mean most people by now we're at you know pretty much 9 months so somewhere in that 60 to 70% actually expensed is what we would be expecting to see so when we're seeing something that's really not not there um we're hoping that anybody that says 100% at this point in time is because they had to pay something up front and it's a onetime onetime cost I know legal for example that's at 48% that can't be totally true because they bill in AAR and I'm sure we've got lots of um lots of things lately that we've had to have them do with various property issues that probably will build that bill up a little bit more um few others I'm not sure if there's anybody that's teetering on the edge here but uh again people please take a look at your your reports I looking at town hall building expenses Scott for one I don't know we're at 94% spent I don't know all that that in compasses and you know whether we've got enough to get through the next 3 months um so that would be one where we've already we've only got $1,700 left for example um so there's things like that on the general fund that would make me pause a little bit um for some of these um anybody else see anything off hand ambulance expenses seem a little bit low too they're only at about 47% but maybe that's true and and I guess this this is where I come up with not having the narrative because I mean the header says this is as of March 21st 2024 but that's a default of when the report is run I guess I would want to know what's I'm assuming it' be through the last Warren article yeah that's what we need to know through the whichever last vendor warrant article and some of the other payroll article right um payroll warrant um so yeah that would be good to get a little bit a little bit more clarity on that true I agree with you um um I'm guessing all our debt is due in yeah June 30th I know uh just one other one that comes to mind just looking for Randall just a question to him on the storm water management um only spent 7,000 so far usually that we knock down right pretty much all the way so again maybe there's a big you know a timing there is timing expense there on that one he mentioned street sweeping okay and that's a springtime contracted expense it's quite large very good okay um and refilling the salt shed yep okay Cemetery commission expenses also quite low um so just just you know people just just keep an eye out in terms of what you have there if you need to do some transfers um we're going to try and rely on you um anybody else have any comments about that if not we'll keep on chugging um arpa finances I had Bradley run an arpa financial report cuz we haven't seen one in about 2 and a half months we hadn't done any more arpa Awards since early December I think it might be um there's still again because there's a little bit of mixup with some of the issues on um I think some of the teachers for the um the arera money may not have been fully classified there or there might have been a couple of cross postings from what he said so I I want to spend time and go back with him and see which ones are really done and just a reminder too that we're coming up on quarterly reports for arpa that would be doing theoretically April 15th so once we PE once we see people's quarterly reports come in if projects are actually done then we will have a better handle I think at the end of April to say okay there's this amount of money left and we should be able to go back and reprogram that for other future needs that we have or immediately future needs um and the one I think that we definitely need to be clear on John as you brought it up the other night is on the school for the um the behavioral uh Specialists and peras that are NE Diversity Program yeah I mean just to be sure how much money is really left for them to carry them through the fiscal year through this through June but then there may even be some that would carry already into into September I don't know but that we had not approved the 25 amount but until we get a yep a better tighter figure on what we really have left it's going to depend on some of these that are finishing up that maybe have a little bit extra money to put back in there um and again I haven't dug into the material on the arpa probably in two or 3 months but there there were two big reimbursement placeholders there that once one was for the water main for the for the um yeah um for the water so that work's been done I think that money should be coming cuz there there one is for the second phase but the 180,000 that was the arpa money the work has been done that should be an invoice already but I it's not showing up on Bradley's report as having been expensed yet so that's what I want to check on too and then once it gets spent well no no there were two there were two that like I thought there was a 63 or 30,000 that we had to put the money up there's one Rand in the storm water that's getting that's working on it now that one is finally kicked in um and so that's with the Culvert Asset Management Grant and that is starting now time bonds working on it they're doing was something with the with the with the green Greenway uh not for our no I don't think so the one for Randall is is one where we had to put out the 10 some thousand and we will get reimbursed some of that once they start fiddling around with the state money that has to come in and out it's just the most convoluted process in terms of how you have to get reimbursed so we'll we'll see if I can uh I'll try to sit down and go through it with Bradley and see if I totally understand where we are but it'll be a little bit clearer I think at our end of April meeting when we have their quarterly reports in and we know if everybody's still working on projects or not um but we'll see um okay uh tax title we did that already did um schedule for budget hearing so basically we'll go with April 3rd and see how far we get and that may be the end of our hearings we'll see if anybody has any um anything else I mean you know we usually just during our regular discussion Scott you know like we'll talk through the townwide budget and the you know treasur town clerk there's not usually other departments that necessarily would come to present anything once we get through the school okay um any other business that can't wait until the next meeting which is not March 26 that would be April they sh vu all over again I know it feels like it's days I tell you is it the 9th um it would be April 9th would be our next meeting anybody have anything that can't wait I Know Dan had s a note around eastampton media is inviting us to come for a walkthrough tour at East Hampton media at some point in time I think it would be nice if we did that just to see the facility and get their input I think D certain to attend and if my attendance makes a qu I'm sure it'll be dealt with accordingly no that's okay but I'm I'm interested I know next's nothing about Communications yep okay Scott why you take over the old business well I lose my voice you out of water no I got some thanks thank you so we we got the quote for the storm water utility study from um time Bond so I'm going to have to circulate that um no update on the viip I do have the instructions to get that ready um it's one of those lingering projects um we did meet with Town Council uh about the Cannabis payments is essentially it's a evolving legal field right now with no clear answer on how to move forward um but I I know Chris and I we've been emailing uh back and forth on how to kind of move forward with with what the agreement is that Southampton had with the um with the dispensary so yeah and I think just to say I think what we're sort of thinking is not to really involve KP law but to try and and try and just talk about what somebody's willing to do what's fair and Equitable yeah you know so cuz the law seems to be yeah evolving there's various you know legal legal challenges and to C in communities that are much bigger than us that I'm okay with like the Cur you know 25 and we put a but we put it in the budget so therefore we should try to collect it this 25 budget we should zero it out if we don't think it' be collectible good point and I'm I'm just asking them to honor the agreement they signed got no so I think Scott now talk about it a little bit more and see a Way Forward on that so we can at least have a discussion about it um good apparently legal challenges are are many on the eastern part of the state for larger communities that have got hundreds of thousands of dollars which is not us that are getting as Revenue so you know the kp's point was you know how much is how much is it worth it to you to go waste your money in terms of legal fees so negotiated discouraging us I think to pursue it legally try to solve something amicably so thank you I think that'll be our next step good okay and uh no updates on the underground tank not yet y okay oh can I just say you know somebody yeah underground storage tank at the highway garage uh that was the reference in passing we pay very large fee to have it inspected Andor maintained annually there's a desire to move forward with a new facility and I second that but not at its current location and and Randall will stop by today they talk about the insurance costs to get a rer for it was the insurance not the inspection yeah yeah thank you I couldn't make sense of it insurance is what it is and it's outrageous yeah it is y okay and that's like the landfill that's a town expense more or liability to be clear and therefore should be Town Expense It Is A Highway you know they spot the fire trucks of yeah fill up it's not just the highway department the whole town stands behind has itous way buil should that God help us yeah that's true ever occur good point okay next up we have a variety of personnel change forms um John would you like to take those on please creative reading yeah um let me get to my correct double-sided paper here okay so some good name challenges com yeah I know so the first one is uh motion to approve PCF for Ethan brastad of Southampton um effective March 10th to probationary firefighter as needed $15 per hour okay second want to take them one by one well because there's problems with the next okay all right two so have a motion we have a second Sten Ste second yeah yeah okay okay all those in favor I I all right and take the um next two up together PCF for Jonathan Meo of Southampton um going from probationary firefighter $155 an hour to as needed basic firefighter and we modified the PCF to match the uh wage scale that's approved so it's 15.92% pler yeah okay Jack pler same data yep okay second so these are these are both sorry these are both they both so what happened is they were they were uh probationary firefighters was was $15 and then when you pass your firefighter basic 6 program you get a 50 cents increase however they're also reclassifying them from probationary to fire basic firefighter and the minimum minimum scale for a basic firefighter is1 1592 okay so it's all encompassing they get another 42 cents an hour motion is correct y okay all right so we got a motion in a second then Stephen did you second that I'm sorry yes okay all those in favor I I okay so that's for Jonathan Meo and Jacqueline pler and now that brings us to PCF for Benjamin Suz uh Souza Souza uh as needed firefighter/emt basic 1842 per hour of Montgomery Mass and in the comment sections you can see how he gets to the rate which corresponds with the pay scale second all right all those in favor I I I okay motion passes and I I would note that this is the first packet that included all the U yeah background credit to the uh to the current interm fire chief with um Cory checks and all that are done ahead of time plus certificates of training and so forth great job uh next we can take up together I think uh P these are related to Police Department PC one's full time on part time take PC you want them separately I I would yeah okay PCF for David angers of Southampton uh replacing U replacement of full-time officer 37.5 hours per week police officer grade 7 hourly rate of 3291 which is above the starting rate however there because of experience and all that both the chief and the union have given assigned documents agreeing to this and everybody is an agreement that that should be the starting wage for this individual based on their history step seven not grade seven thankk you yep yep correct okay second all right all those in favor I I all right motion passes all right and then next we have a PCF for Nathan charet of Westfield this is a part-time as needed not to exceed 19 and 1 12 hours a week police officer initial hire uh starting off at the initial rate of $23.14 second all right all those in favor I all right great that one passes as well brings us to the assessor's office all right some may feel this is a repeat but somewhere any objection doing these both together no fine go for PCF for Kathleen MCN maau of haydenville adjusting uh hours from a range of no less than 20 no more than 24 remaining in the admin assistant post same grade same step same wage also PCF for David Z zagowski zagori zagorski of East Hampton um as permanent principal assessor 24 hours a week grade five step 11 hourly rate of $31.44 that position both positions are eligible for benefits second all right all those in favor I I I all right very good that takes us through all the PCF oh very very good okay next let me get some it's st's turn let me get some commas in these numbers so I have a half of a chance it's a short list but I still find it challenging yeah I know uh the warrants uh there are four to report on payroll treasury p 24-37 in the amount of $331,700 second is payroll deduction warrant PD 24-37 in the amount of 57 52,900 2.97 treasury warrant W 24-38 the amount is 295,000 - 38a for $4,000 even okay anybody have any questions on those they're pretty pretty self-explanatory I think and again I will just you know as we look at arpa things in particular I tend to focus in on the arpa levels versus you know what's on the warrants and whatever we have on Bradley's list too to make sure we have a a matching number hopefully good try to do all right next up uh just uh in addition actually SC the other signatures that we have to do on the mdar thing for sure um but we also have a certificate of retirement a tad bit late but we have certificate of retirement for Janine Domino that we sign tonight uh just to say given with sincere appreciation for your dedicated 14 years as assistant assessor and town clerk thank you for all your service benefiting the community of Southampton Mass awarded this 26th day of March 24 we'll sign that and get that to Janine and if she were available to come in and get it for a little little uh handshake in front of Select board that's fine but if not we'll we'll get it to her so we'll all sign that before we go tonight and we can catch up with the other guys that are not here you usually sign before after you adjourn or um it kind of circulates as we go along doesn't really matter as long as we don't don't not don't not sign it that's all you done the PCF we just did just all done is good no problem all done finally byebye congratulations Cindy all set yeah yeah so we'll we'll just be sure that we sign everything we need to before we go tonight uh we have some minutes to approve as well motion to approve January 2nd January 18th and March 12th second all right all those in favor all yeah so these are getting Katherine Ingram is doing a great job with our minutes um she's caught up and doing them uh we've got a different way of delivering them to her so she's more on top of knowing what she needs to have they uh had had a bit of a delay getting to her in the past and I think we will be up to date with minutes as we go along a whole lot better than we ever have been frankly um any pending items just um I don't think there's anything really on the uh the East Street section at this point for the Green community Grant I have made a phone call and have left a message with the folks there at the Western office western Mass office to um figure out where the status of that is and I'll report on that when I find out and then we'll still keep on with an assistant account that has really got to be a priority I think based on other comments that both John and Stephen have said in terms of just getting getting things up to date so we know what's happening and and you know even as jened said there there may be things that are not evident that should be things that that office needs to be doing and and uh you know because they're underst staff they're not aware that there really is more to be done that they're not aware of um our next board meetings also a little minor change there it won't be April 14th and 28 sorry somebody had a wrong calendar here um it'll be the 19th and the 20 uh why can't I do this 19th and 26th is that right 19 and 23rd are you in April yeah the 9th not the 19th 9th I'm sorry nth in the 23rd am I right on that yep um that's what I have so just with that I'm I'm envisioning is the 9th the when we have to vote to finalize the warrants under Robert's schedule um does have to be that Friday I think we have another week Beyond that would that be we don't have a meeting that week in the school vacation so I personally will be out of the state thank you when is when is school vacation the 13th to the 20th I think 13th to 20 okay okay good to know well that'll give us a date to aim for for the night yeah we should be able to have it all see if we can get the war unless there's any last minute things coming in it shouldn't be that a lot of people like CPC and everybody have their draft huh the appraisal yeah I know given their draft uh draft articles so they've already helped out by doing some of the drafting themselves okay so regular meeting will be April 9th and the 23rd and I think that's do um tomorrow just uh tomorrow night we will be the I should have said this earlier the public hearing for the Norse budget and after which I we uh will have our regular we'll have school committee meeting after that to make any adjustments based on the public hearing Andor what we heard from Finance or updated numbers so I would Envision finalizing our budget tomorrow night okay great and once again thank you and Kim for doing all the Yan's effort to pull that budget together we would still be thank waiting and we really it would be great if we can um also just make sure that the Famous Lunch receipts get yes Lun receipts reconciled that's apparently well we're waiting on some of that issues for the auditor um so I know we've reached out so we'll kind of keep on pushing on that one again but there's no reason we shouldn't have that by the end of the week I would think okay I think that's all we have for an agenda guys um so I will take a motion to adjourn so moved second all right all those in favor hi hi hi all right we are adjourned at 8:35 thank you thank you thank let us all try to e