this all right this is the uh not the monthly meeting it's the um the work session work session uh yeah July 24th 2024 7 PM um someone Tom joining right now uh myself Zack Barnett and I never remember your last name jendra here hey Zach I'm I'm on it's Tom um calling names right now um let's see Sage Fury's here in person Angelina Simone is here and Tom jados is on zoom and we have a quorum so we can begin all right let's see any public comments I don't see any public Tom got your hand up at all sorry did I put it up I had to play with h nice to see everyone yeah well we can't see you but yeah your video's not on well this is this is what the view would be it's not pretty at least you know you exist right I'm in Spring I'm in Springfield see see I'm at a pope Pope soccer game oh there you go so I'll keep you guys off video just wanted to make sure I attended proof of identity um so mostly the work sessions about Farm day um who who was in charge of the volunteering I don't know so I don't know I don't get any updates so I'm not sure I'm wondering like I know that there's the you know there's the group um from the Honor Society y Honor Society I don't know any contacts or anything I haven't got I don't know birs talk to them or not the only thing that I've been doing is just um preparing for the T for everyone so I'm trying to get together the bags and you know I did the presentation I don't know if that's okay um but I'm I've been putting this out all in town I'm going to put it up online you know Facebook and I think um I was told by one of my friends he lives in Westfield been on the Westfield Forum too and things like that so at this time I don't have any updates from any of the other Commissioners regarding the volunteers I know I have my family volunteering and okay uh last week uh last meeting we picked which Farms we were doing so I don't know if you heard the meeting last time I don't know no I heard most of it you were yeah you were with us so um basically chose to do what we did last year yeah we have the same same people basically yeah I wasn't here on last but I chose Cali so and then so I guess me and my family will take that on are you also doing Cali no I'm gonna do scoop okay cool I'm doing Firefly I'm doing so that's pretty much all I have from the Southwood Land Trust um Debbie Zeno and her husband a volunteer and they offered to go to Bai Farm in the morning oh but I don't know if you have anyone else for the morning shift there I don't have any but other than what I have is I don't know anybody in the Honor Society like I don't know if they're going to be showing up here on the 10th and deciding where they want to be at that day or you know and how many people are included in that group um so yeah we're we're gonna have to figure that part out official meeting probably when everyone hopefully we can get everyone here yeah I've got a few people lined up pretty much the same as last year so yeah no that's great that's awesome because really when it comes of volunteers we don't need a ton we only need at least a couple at each Farm yeah if we get more it's great but but we're also doing split shifts we're trying to yeah week if I can get um I can get like you know I can split my people up and go different you know I mean I could do that too if we need to I'd love to at least be able to take my kids around to Farms before before it's over yeah I'd like to see a couple Farms yeah I'll work if I have to Firefly thankfully has a parking lot that they can access this time around yeah that's pretty cool great yeah that's great armed guards there oh my gosh so that one so um for for um Roger by father-in-law's Farm um my son's coordinating with his classmates from Pope for volunteers for our place so if there is a list I think we'll be okay with the total number of volunteers so you don't really need to allocate anyone to the Bai Farm I know we had may maybe just one for the passports but even if even even if we you just even if we just go through it the next meeting or whatever how to how to operate that we could have one of the kids do that but we're gonna have kids there on probably Saturday and Sunday helping out so just helping us prep and get ready so um to the there's a thin thin roster of volunteers um don't allocate any to us we'll we'll make do because we have obviously our whole family which is at least 11 plus you know five or six other volunteers um from my son's class or school so I think we'll be good you'll have the whole day covered yeah the other the other thing um Bert had asked and I just was able to connect with my father-in-law this week he's been having some issues um we're probably gonna only do 12 to four versus 10 to four so if it's too late if it's too late to change we'll figure it out yeah because we already advertised everyone with the time roster so that's going to be kind of a weird thing I think people are going to show up regardless at this point that's that that's fine okay we'll we'll we'll make it work we'll have the extra volunteers so we'll we'll be ready I can post it on Facebook when I do the postings about each Farm I can say in that post that that you're only open 10 to four but I'm not sure how many people will see that yeah that's fine whatever we'll we'll we'll plan on being ready 10 to four um but again my father-in-law's preference he was for the shorter end since the beginning um but we'll we'll we'll make do obviously he wasn't originally GNA be here but because of some unforeseen circumstances he is going to be present which is also good so okay so don't I wouldn't stress about it we'll we'll make sure we accommodate okay all right thank you we appreciate it sponsorship update uh Bert sent us a little text um say we have 200 from b& Tool the launch 150 and uh Inga has 650 unex VCA animal and Farmhouse I guess those are going to us and she's not in the other commission committee anymore wait what she's not she was part she was chairperson of the um edcc yeah and she her mother died and she quit I guess oh I'm sorry to hear that I didn't know so I'm not sure if the money is coming to us or if it's going to EDC because we're kind of Co the farm day I don't know how that works so we'll have to follow up with that with Burke you would know that okay so yeah so sponsorship we'll hold off on then until we get the exact what's going on I do have to update the website okay yeah I'm surprised I didn't I hadn't heard that Zack that she had resigned her position which it's understandable but I I I hadn't realized that yeah our last meeting um the other guy uh from EDC was here I can't remember his name but Greg Greg yeah um he was he was mostly highlighting uh shops but we did speak a little bit about Farm day um but yeah we're gonna have to get with them a little more and see what they're doing with all this yeah and see who they have for um volunteers I can invite G to our next meeting yeah probably should main meeting yeah just let let know we're trying to get a a grounding then and also the land trust um I don't know you're part of that yes the only one we've heard of was Debbie and I'll have to contact her to see what other Farm she's interested in okay because she wanted to go to Eide but I'll tell her I'll ask her what other one she wants to do her and her husband do you guys have any spons sponsors lined up um I'll have to double check with Marissa should we invite her to the next meeting too no I can invite her may we gotta out sorry the shop C quick is on the website already it's the tab I've used it it's pretty neat I did see it I took a peek it was actually pretty nice and impressive it's got a lot of stuff a lot more than I thought would be on there yeah they did it great too because the last one did you remember the last one no I don't think I ever used the last one oh the last one was horrible it was just it was just links it was you couldn't even navigate to the end of the last one it was horrible it was a work in progress there's a work with no progress I mean it's definitely come a long way no this one's fantastic I mean I I kind of feel bad about ours now the way they did theirs just trying to get in but not having having internet issues oh yeah she just said that I don't say about that but yeah because I mean she can do it manually too all she has to do the meeting ID yeah she if she's having internet issues maybe she oh oh yeah right know I mean it's bad it's a storm out there and everything I I gotta say though our website came out pretty good too actually yeah like I was on like a week and a half two weeks ago we we came a long way just well I'm hoping everyone else fall suit though because we still have a lot of work on this town for websites we're we're pretty much me and you know Austin and econom economics that they are are also doing a fabulous job so I just found out today too um my wife found a link on the main town website they're auctioning stuff off up from the high school or from all the schools you can get like picnic tables and filing cab it's like for five bucks oh wow when is this Zach where is that is online yeah it's on it's on the main page I believe um there's a few the school system yeah school systems on there there's a bunch of towns in the state on there um so you can looking for a file cabinet that work out it's a bunch of four uh four four tall ones and some two height ones yeah I'm looking for four yeah you probably get it for five bucks those auctions end in like five days or something sweet I have to go look at that can you send a can you send a link at some point like you don't have to do it now during the meeting but sometime I mean I am that efficient I could probably do it now and my wife said PE men can't multitask huh I guess it's just me course's calling me not a man no you're you're you're you're definitely one of the multitaskers apparently I'm not it's near here anything I'm negative yeah that's me yeah bringing me already yeah I bit on a couple picnic tables um let's see where are we Outreach marketing update um well we definitely have that one on we're waiting for the what you say brochures tomorrow the brochures are going to be at BT's house yeah and he's not gonna be home I can pick him up I don't know what time they're going to get delivered I don't know if they're come in UPS or post office but do you mind at some point dropping some off to me too yeah I can probably yeah just if you want to send like a group text let us know I can drop them off or you guys can come up to my house or whatever oh yeah that work too where did you get what did you do with them last year did you have one for some for each commissioner or last year we we just every put them at businesses but we didn't do them at all the Farms that's the thing we should do this year is to make sure every Farm has some to hand out definitely that'd be good is um we're thinking of putting a volunteer bag together and having some in the bag I don't know if we did that last year I think we did actually like a packet of them for the volunteers to place at the time I'm not sure like or it's supposed to be for even future information so I mean yeah we had them at the stand yeah so well like you've been dropping them off early before Farm I see okay yeah because they're I mean they're a guide but they're also showing our town and everyone participating in them and it's just also a slight road map to our history yeah that's perfect yeah awesome Marissa did a fantastic job on the BR sure lot yeah definitely so yeah I'll pick those up tomorrow um probably I'll probably swing by there around 5: I'm guessing it'll be delivered by then I'll send bir text saying I'm going to his house so Cs on me I am here this week so I mean I can also at some point meet with you and pick it up um arm info I don't know what that line refers to oh I think that's the what I wrote up about the Facebook oh thanks doing that it's really good information I don't know if anyone had a chance to look at it or that this yes yeah I've been me to stop by uh the sunflower stand in the Tobacco Barn but I haven't gotten there this week yet she just put her stand up at the sunflower yeah I saw I saw some things on Facebook about it yeah cheapest sunflowers in the area Okay so this just a little spiel about everyone's Farms right yes because at the last meeting we had talked about the posting schedule like every two days we're going to highlight a different Farm on our Facebook page okay so this is kind of like the blur that I would post I try to just the dates up too right all the dates yes I emailed the dates yeah so if you know of any activities that I might have missed just let me know before I post it is this info also on the website no I don't think it is I mean we have I think we have like sentence or two for each Farm or something like that I just went to their websites and their Facebook pages to try to find info but like looks like Eden I don't know much about them since yeah that's the worst part these Farms don't don't really you know give us enough information I'm trying to make that different but the one thing I had a concern about um um with uh Cal and malicious I think yeah the crossing of the road there um if like say yeah they're gonna have a we did we have the same issue on sheep pasture with the okay the sunflower stand we oh right right yeah I pretty much had I volunteer dedicated to helping people cross okay we also had cones out on the road um try to get people to slow down people fly down that and people probably go even faster down 57 I'm gonna put in faith that malicious thought about this and is bring their truck over there that's what I was wondering he might be doing that yes because Crossing that street that's that's a pretty busy street yeah visit Cali yeah we probably need to figure that out because we would probably need like a police crossing guard type of thing would be yeah and they did that last minute un that would cost money I think I for what they said for it like 60 a day or something like that or 60 hour hour I think hour yeah because we were like 240 for the day the four hours it's GNA be more now a few hours during the day like in the middle of the day when it's busiest true yeah I can go there and ask and you know introduce myself for one and then you know let them know that I'll be working with them and see you know how we can help and and how it's going to work out between the two yeah I think could bring us ice cream truck over that would be way smarter yeah yeah okay I can do that this week yeah it's it's gonna be definitely different this time around we feel like we we have a handle on it but really a lot of rules have changed and we're doing a little bit you know other different things so it's going to be another railroad it's good to see Joe participating though yes and it looks like calib has like got a ton of stuff to do now yeah is awesome great yeah so yeah it's GNA be a good time catch all of it that is the point of farm day right education a good time people involved spreading the word gotta get people into farming and like farming animals and raising crops and animals I mean so I had something um one of our friends works at agramar where's that it's in West Springfield the dairy oh the dairy plant yeah so they said that they think Granville scoop might be in their Co-op and if there's in if they are in their Co-op they said that cabit can go there with promotional items and educational items want them toese oh yeah yeah they do sell cabin up there so yeah why not so I'll reach out to the scoop and see if they're in the co-op and if they are then hopefully imagine they are that'd be great that would be amazing and the more the better we want to really make this work I really want this to be like the event of our year for the town yeah one of the biggest ones I mean yeah geographically it's definitely the biggest yeah because everyone like does it to what the um the tool store to literally the church that's it it's like okay yeah oh speaking of that um bir he mentioned I think he just texted us did he uh there's an item on the agenda about the farm parade and activities on the bottom oh okay that's separate from day though I guess it's well we can go to that next I guess are we done talking about Farm day we really po well there's an etcetra do we have any extra information from any of us she there's only four of us there's no point or five of us sorry there's only five of us I say not not this time because it's no point I already informed you you guys know what's going on meeting yeah if you have any sense to put in seriously just text me or talk after about it yeah we should probably wait till next time just so I mean I haven't even seen it yet okay that's do just I'm sorry I'm sorry what um I was just gonna update like where I put postings I don't know if anyone else has done any um it's it was hard for me to find time too so like um so today I went out Millie's put it up um I was working this end um so Millie's um I got the pride I stopped at today um they said they have to ask um I know Big Y didn't do it last year you can't things up in Big Y anymore they they don't allow it and then Ocean State they didn't they don't have a posting they used to but they don't have a posting board um so um and then I'm going to be working my way down so um the notch put it up and then the mobile put it up last but uh it was for the Farm Forum oh we put one up at um there's one up in the s in oh cool awesome we did it after last all right perfect um so that's good yeah like um also I'm gonna work with my friends at the rail trail and um you know maybe the new one uh the new restaurant on the lake yep oh yeah yeah Blackboard con and the fusion bar yeah I can try to may they have something for events oh yeah so I'll try those too I haven't been at the fusion yet but I've been to the Blackboard and I don't remember seeing anything but you know I haven't any I want to but never here yeah oh and I put some at the Town Hall um I put more of these just in case I put one of these on the board so um that's pretty much it but I'm still working on it and I like I said I was going to do the Westfield Forum I'm going to put it up on the Westfield Forum just as a posting on Facebook oh oh yeah everything works everything helps yeah I remember the Granville tall and uh in Southwick for on Facebook what do you think about like if I because I go to Enfield a lot what about like Suffield Grandy if if they'll allow you that's fine because they some of the forums don't let anything out a tone and just advertise it so that they because I go to Simsbury for work and I go to Enfield so I the Border I have some in the it's like yeah I mean the let you put them up do it okay absolutely yeah because I mean the more people the better the that's the whole point is exposure yeah I don't care if they're in a different state or anything no and we had people coming from all over the country if years yeah literally everywhere great yeah it's awesome okay there there is in the Westfield Duncan on East Maine in the Westfield shops they have a they have a like a corkboard that we could put some stuff on Pro or put a sign up if you wanted to I mean it's pretty close to the Border yeah that's fine so I can May so I can maybe grab a couple I know I know a couple like a manager down there or whatever the other thing I was just thinking do we have it running on our town electronic sign you know the one at the 57 intersection we did talk about it I don't know if it got up there yet though well yeah I don't even know who to talk to but um that might be just a good idea to have it running like you know few times every hour to at least make people aware that it's coming even if they're just transient uh you know transiting Southwick yeah I think ber was gonna do that we did it last year I believe and we're also gonna get the message up at the town dump oh yeah that's smart y that's a good idea yeah what about some of the golf courses you know like Edgewood Or you know the ranch or whatever fine they have place to put it yeah they're kind of agricultural at least Green Space right there used to be a farm there ex I mean the land's still green it's not exactly exactly be Sunnyside Farm I went there for a field trip when I was a kid I mean still you can take a field trip it's just now you're putting yeah in your P but yeah U if they have a sign you know a place to put stuff like that sure all right I'll po I'll I'll try to pop into those and see if I could talk to the shop the pro shop or whatever see if we can get something up there just any is good maximize our resources while we have them um anything else anyone that's about it for Farm day yeah for today anyway B's probably got more updates that we don't know about but yeah he he really wanted to be here but pain kind of took over yeah Farm parade oh actually I have a community garden update oh um I met with Dan yesterday he got some cinder blocks um took some pictures I think I seen that in that Tex I didn't send these ones I haven't got but um we actually tried stacking them oh they're stackable oh perfect so that's um I think we could we're gonna lift them lift the bottom one up enough so you could get a bucket under it and then the top one we could probably get a hose fitting on it they make hose attachment things that way people can actually you know water that's yeah um but we have to it's really overgrown in there we're going to have to chop down a bunch of weeds um I gotta confirm where Bert wants it I think I know where he wants it but and then we just got make sure it's really level and then definitely gota make sure probably secure them together we don't want this tipping over um I would say we don't fill the top one more than halfway ever we got to keep the bottom one pretty full too and we got to remember to drain it before it freezes otherwi it'll definitely destroy them the frames are in are like very strong very well built steel or aluminum um galvanized steel I think it could be aluminum no it's not aluminum it's galvanized if it's galvanized steel we can get G galvanized plates and just anchor yeah we do that um so we have cinder blocks and um 6x6 pieces of pressure treated lumber there oh that's great um I think we still need to get a couple pallets too though to kind of lift them up a little higher um if anyone can come across like the heavy duty blue pallets um those will probably work best industrial parks are the best way to get those kind of um the blue ones are harder to find because they are heavy duty and they actually work usually we don't want the pine ones that just kind of fumble um they got a support some weight too or plastic ones would be I don't know how much weight they can really support but I could have probably got them from work but work kind of changed the way they did everything and can't get them probably plastic too when it freezes it might get brittle oh yeah they do so that's why you see them go through them so much yeah they break and crack EAS especially in the winter y so yeah if we can find some good blue pallets or something if we keep them up off the ground I don't think they're going to rot very quickly are they staying where they are are they going inside no I think B wants some inside okay um oh no actually we don't need palets I got plenty of Oak 4x4s and they're short like they're four feet long I believe okay so we can just make yeah we like that right yeah okay maybe pin them together something I have the screws already okay all wether screws so when you're available I can meet up with you and can build that sure a all right I keep forgetting I have that wood nothing like I'm doing anything with it one day yeah right 80 and can't lift anymore I mean it's been raining enough that I don't think anyone's even had to water their their plot yeah I know that's true it's not as bad as last year it's tolerable that's good I mean I've got a bumper crop of of tomatoes already that's awesome did anyone ever get out to be able to cover the non-used Lots at all it's it's all overgrown I mean it's nice though it's mostly flowering plants so the bees are loving it okay um I don't have a problem with that I mean uh is it the outside that's really getting bad or it's inside the garden oh it's inside the Gard inside in the back corner that's B picked up a couple L from my my house I don't know how what the status is of those cuz he was supposed to have his friend work okay cuz they were working last time I knew but then they stopped yeah once the gas sit on for a while they stopped working oh so you got to clean C clean up the carburetors yeah might they might be working so that's what I'd be happy to pick grab it from them and do some mowing I ran over mine so I gotta see if it still works OHS it was an accident I totally forgot I put it where I put it I didn't have rear view camera put the bikes behind the car more people actually use utilizing the garden the sh Gard look amazing I mean there's corn in there like that's awesome 10 so I think it's we should take some pictures after we mow yeah up a little take some pictures that's where start showing off like Farm yeah just to get it done I got a weed whacker too I can bring oh yeah so yeah that's right I'll I'll head over there with my weed whacker and mower maybe this weekend cool yeah I don't have anything planned this weekend so if you're going there let me know I can Mo there I'll let you know I find things get done better when there's a yes more than one person there is yeah like P each other yeah oh man he's already that far yeah well put put like the time if you guys are gonna go together maybe I can meet you guys over there because Saturday I'm open so we I'll message it right in the group this way everyone knows where awesome most likely I'm thinking it's going to probably be uh years I don't know what the weather looks like yeah oh that's true we should actually look the weather I was thinking the weather looks good this weekend at least I know that yeah it looks pretty clear till next Wednesday yeah it's gonna be a nice weekend yeah I would say a Sunday or maybe Friday afternoon if that's doable I wouldn't say Saturday I live five minutes away from it so doesn't matter to me I can make my kids come too actually I could too h they keep each other s well s Siege just put it on the on the the text you know and we can if I can make it I could probably make it Friday afternoon to help yeah that's what we were discussing we just throw right on that group text that we have yeah we can all meet up and get all the U all the uh Flyers too yeah yeah all right just put that in there and I'll I'll make sure I can get over there okay sounds like a plan s good cool all right uh Farm parade um what bir say oh he wants to do something after the farm yeah he was thinking of an event uh at the Town Hall yeah logistically that might be an issue just because all the vehicles end up here yeah um did they I think they said on Facebook that they're doing something at the Town Hall okay after parade this year interesting I think they were doing like a cookout so if they're doing that maybe we can I don't know you like a booth just advertising atcom something like that it doesn't have to be anything major especially if they're doing it a cook app it's pretty close to Halloween too so you can push your some kind of activity for the kids maybe Retreat if we doing it again I want to do it but you know honestly with everything I just know I just have too much going on just I mean I'm not gting come to meetings right now it's that's how bad it is right now for me so unless someone else GNA take it on I might not be able to do it this year all right we can talk about that our next meeting or something we got a little time for that we can even talk about it in September yes we can or at least I might need help let's put that way all right I mean if something you don't want you know I want to do it trust me I want to do it you want to win we were second place we so close second place is the first loser we gotta go get the momentum going you know come on trunk Retreat right yeah I can't do Pokemon twice though I gotta do something different but I want to be active yeah yeah yeah I mean even if we have to have like those foam crossbows and have a zombie hunt that'd be cool that's pretty cool that's pretty cool yeah all right so um we would have to for we'd have to coordinate with Joe on that one if he wants us to yep he showed up last year before it it show up again I doubt it I think we proved ourselves we didn't make a political or anything like that fun time I had a great time at the trailer oh we got to talk to Alex priy about that yes oh okay we need that 50 foot trailer again yeah I I wasn't able to attend so back then I was working overtime so this year is different we'll have to invite him to a meeting probably after Farm day yeah let the let the it cool down a little everyone's Minds now fresh and relaxed from the the fun awesome event we're going to hold gonna be amazing it is gonna be amazing we're gonna finally be done with it for a year you know start planning it two weeks later for the next one we liter did we planed it all year does take a lot yeah it does take a lot okay so um was that all our thoughts on Farm parade anyone else have any no I mean we got to make sure we can get Al use the trailer again um we should probably coordinate with the business across the street Total Home Improvement make sure we can park there afterwards like we did last year I think we just kind of showed up there okay I mean it didn't seem to be an issue but we did take up their whole park we we should ask permission always on that so that's a good idea was the farm parade the same day as the trunk Retreat yes it was is that gonna happen again do we know uh I believe it is I do remember like taking stuff out of Bert's car putting it out yeah okay yeah transfering at the end yeah okay yeah I think you came by and grab stuff right yeah yeah and everyone dropped off at me yeah that's right because I had to get hay bales and stuff I have some of that straw Pokemon you gotta catch them all yeah two whole bundles I have inside my chicken coop so it doesn't like oh they don't eat it it's just Bing yes you don't want to get moldi maybe we could do something with the SLT for the farm parade because I know Alex is on the SLT now so oh he is okay that'd be great yeah why not why not it's promote the same thing Farm conservation Farm growth yeah land preservation land gr talk to R about that as well whenever she comes if she can beekeeping program is Bert right yeah I'm interested in that I wanna I don't know much about it yeah I'm saying I'd like to know more but I'm not gonna be around for that I don't think wait August 21st I might be I think I have training that's why I'm here right now is because I have a training week I actually been here all month which was amazing at the main at the main farming yeah I'm training for laser so um they're teaching me a whole bunch of stuff data and all that kind of paperwork and all that and um I'm coming back again next month for the same kind of just newer stuff and everything and so you yeah you proba be here yeah there's a good chance I'll be here so okay I might be able to do that I don't know how we sign up for it is it at the library is at the library you sign up for it on the library's website you know okay yeah that should be a website then I see 21st of August is a Wednesday I gotta find out what time you have a meeting that night oh yeah that is a meeting night actually so that might not work well I think we he had planned to coordinate with them so I think we're gonna do that instead of inste meeting oh that's right you're right yes because we were G to make it a farm uh agricultural thing yes it's right after Farm day yep basically so I meant about that little break afterwards don't hold off until after that week so was it other matters I don't know what that is other matters I were not reasonably expected by the chair prior to May anything else come up I think so I was gonna mention during the section um the geographical information system oh uh presid presentation I was going to do yeah I was thinking because it's for the farmers I was thinking maybe have it Incorporated with the Farm Forum if we're doing that again that's a good idea um yeah because it could be part of and then hey how can we help you and then let's see okay let's see okay how do we get the younger generation to get to your what can we do for you and I all these things are coming in my head and I'm starting to build the the program and the the um the actual presentation um but I was thinking because it's for them maybe we can incorporate it but that's just a thought maybe you could do like a quick you know overview before that at one of our meetings and then do a big presentation for Farmers yeah yeah yeah definitely yeah so I don't know what you guys would um if you thought if that good oh yeah absolutely great idea and just you know have it more interactive but um yeah because I was thinking okay I could do it at the library but then how are we going to get people there but if we have everybody here for F Forum I could just you know make it work for them so that's awesome that's all I just wanted to say I actually had an idea too um to help farmers and other businesses even I don't know if we could add it to our website but I keep seeing all these posts on Facebook kids looking for summer jobs um farmers are always looking for help always so how can we get them together plus we're the last time we did the whole Farmers Forum I men mention that maybe we can try and get the farmers to list whatever they have for possibility of openings on our website problem is getting that function on the website's not a quick easy thing to do and I abandon could there just be a form that someone could fill out say hey I'm looking for work this is my contact information and then we can it out to all the F yeah we can do that too this was another thing that we were talking about Angie and I were talking about how to get the you know maybe in the schools or something to try to have something for the schools next year you know to get them more interested in visiting and you know somehow and I was thinking maybe they can come up with a list and post it at the schools with the counselors and say hey newsletters we probably try to get into their News letters do that something like that for next year yeah coming up September now so school year right so I was just that because I remember you were talking about you know the youth you know trying to get them involved and getting more into it that was last year sometime and you know I feel the same way you know we should try to invite and invite the National Honor Society kids here you know probably early in the school year that would be great we could use them as like a like a way to get information to and from the schools see what they think would be a good way to communicate that's a that's a great idea so maybe put that on the agenda or something before school starts end of August or maybe the first week of August or September yeah first week of September um during the craziest time of the year I mean we don't have to you know no I know I'm just kidding they're just getting back to school too so they're not really ramping up their stuff probably till middle of fall even but we could at least get the ideas going yes you know get some information kind of like put it out there to you know try to get the younger generation in there and or we might have to just have some a couple people go to them yeah because getting them here at this kind of time that's gonna be a little challenging too you have later bed times at that age yeah cars sporting events too true oh yeah yeah National hon Society you you're doing a lot true I'm sure but if we can make this one of the things they're doing instead of maybe something else they're doing you know but yeah I've seen enough posts where there are kids looking for work and be an age uh you do need a work permit do need a work perm but I you get that through the school yes so why don't we reach out to the guidance counselors because they're the one to do the work yes that'd be a good idea yep I wish I was on the parent committee because they know have an easy access to just talking to all of them right there and say hey so I need get a hold this person their name information this person this person can you also help us can we go to these meetings can we like it's open to the public it's like this yeah oh okay or even school committee meetings probably yes I don't think they discuss that kind of stuff though if you show up they have to true you can make him yeah so while we have you here you're gonna listen to us if you make it part of their business then you know the school committee would have to yes you know if we want to get I don't depends how far we want to get integrated with them right right but children are our future we want them here yeah that's what I was I remember you saying that um sometime last year and you know we we were talking about it too it's just like it's it's you know there's a lot of talent out there there is and there honestly I think the kids of today are actually harder workers yeah they can't they have more to prove and it'll get them outside just like get them off the devices y or at least get them equipment that can attach the device they'll work in yeah you gotta you got to put them together yeah just get a tractor they'll be happy no more Farm simulation we can do real someone's got to program the automated you know tractors yeah there you go get their digital education up uh next meeting is Wednesday August 14th yeah that's right before F that is right before that's after the that's after volunteer the volunteer thing so I guess that's probably good H I don't know W you might need to you might need another special meeting yeah the seventh or even the weekend if we had to wait how is that doesn't make sense what's next Wednesday what is oh yeah that's well next Wednesday is the 31st oh that's Weir that it lines up like that yeah literally one meeting left it's like really maybe we should have an emergency 7th I think we probably should because that would be two weeks from now oh you know what really through it is the fact it's a five week July yeah first on the first which is not very common no so seven actually should have been our meeting not 14 right so that's more of a typo um good thing that's not set stone is that too close though to to a volunteer thing I we could do it's probably actually good to have it right before the volunteer yeah it it doesn't have to focus on anything but getting ready for Farm day I'm just wondering how we get volunteers to the 10th like how we because I don't have any information I don't we need to really crack down on getting volunteers signed up between now and the next could send out an email I think Burke has some of their emails from last year the people that whoever you talk to just get an email they signed up to volunteer how are we recording it through the website or volunteers uh we need someone designate just make sure that they know who all the volunteers are that we shouldn't just post it on like some information database thing we should have someone actually in charge of that I don't think we're going to get many of these back I mean might get an email to us yeah I mean hey hey Zach just sorry to interrupt if if I drop my phone is dying I'm at 1% so I just wanted to let you know so pretty much done anyway yeah all right so if I do drop it's because my phone died okay yeah keep me posted about Friday okay okay sounds good all right thanks yep bye see you bye um and I don't know how many we don't know how many volunteers EDC or land trust has lined up yeah so far land trust only has that one Debbie and her husband so maybe we should have a special meeting and invite Marissa and Inga and GRE what's his name Greg Greg on August 7th yeah yes I think we kind of have to yes because we we really need to get that crack out we need to know what we're doing vot on that or just agree um that's just inviting people I don't think that may it to change the meeting date yeah oh it's adding a meeting date so so we still gonna meet on the 14th too yeah I think we need to yes yes keep think we need to add a work session so I mean yeah there's four of us so we can vote and uh I say that if we do vote we need to make sure that us for are definitely there yeah to make sure it happens yeah I don't have anything um I will be online just that's just because I'll be florid accept fly back all right um I'll run all the way back from Florida I'll be able to be here I motion to have a uh work session scheduled for August 7th 2024 that's second um so I I Sage fairy I Simone I the eyes have it all right that was painless so I think that's about it for this meeting yes unless anyone can think of anything else that you can think of right now everyone go with themselves motion to adjourn second oh oh Cindy um I got all the POS and PO requests are in and all set um I just had to have the Southwoods po re in increased and they did that for me the same day so I just resubmitted it so everything's in the works awesome ex perfect thank you you're welcome thank you very much for the work all right for good a motion to adjourn second all in favor I I all right have a good night have a good night thanks Cindy for help out yeah you're welcome have a night you too good night