##VIDEO ID:GyJIefBN96M## well hello everyone um this is the regular monthly meeting of the Southwick agricultural commission it is Wednesday October 9th 2024 um we do have a qu Quorum with myself Bert Hansen Dan Cook Zack Barnett Angie Simone and Tom jados so um did you see that text from Sage how he's gonna try to be at a yeah Scout meeting and an our meeting I don't well we'll see that would be some multitasking right there okay so um okay so we know anoun everything so uh you know apologies everybody if um there was confusion about when we were meeting because last time we talked about could anybody meet on a Thursday in case you know Doug mlin and others was set you know but so anyway we turned out to be today so I hope hope not not a hassle for anyone it's our normal day okay um kind of jumping head you know the chapter 61 Protocols are on here uh I was supposed to resend you guys the latest version but I haven't done that yet um and also I was hoping to have actually I reached out to Diane Gail who's not available on several Wednesdays right now uh and then Doug said well he but he turned out to be double booked tonight so um we'll shoot for next time to maybe go over that and yeah whatever yeah we got a few months till we start planning it again yeah right um no public comments I thought we're I thought Lindsey Hall from Firefly Fields was gonna come today but I guess you got tied up um so really the only the only thing we have to talk about is a farm parade um so we can be out of here 7:30 uh couple I have a couple of updates I talked to Dave priy today just to double triple check that he's able to get you know the big diesel truck and tractor like he's borrowing one from from someone because Alex is in Texas with their right Truck and Tractor but it's all set um he's going to be able to get Alex's old uh Ford tractor we had last year oh nice yeah oh we got the same one yeah oh cool y far as I know um I'm riding it this year want anyone on it yeah except um Jessica was gonna make a scarecrow for it yes right oh great that would be great use one of your pumpkins as the head yeah maybe then you can sit there and you know pretend to be a scarecrow I'll dress up as a scarecrow um there's two boxes of candy corn waiting for us at blossoming Acres so we can throw candy corn again this year are we going to get more candy than just that we ran out rather quickly yeah well it'll be twice as much as we had last year okay get us I'm gonna grab I'm gonna grab a bag of candy and stuff you know like this oh like this a little candy bar perfect well remember last year we ran out we're saying people sorry we ran out and they got like a pile in the side like it's okay we should get some dog treats too oh that's an idea there's a lot of dogs along the rout yeah I we don't need a lot but yeah they have I don't if they have like individually wrapped to us no you don't want the dog eting the wrapper right which they probably would do yeah um should probably ask the owners before we throw them a treat too right it's okay yeah because a lot of dogs these days have you very various issues hour I don't know if the dogs it's just the owners um I talked uh to Jack Feldman about getting some uh bailes straw again said fine we'll look it out um I did say if it's a nice day we'll just give them back to them and if it rains we'll buy them we gonna have hurricane like leftover hurricane weather up here I I don't know I mean it seems to be going out Crossing Florida and going out to seea hopefully it doesn't Circle back yeah we'll see um and then so what else uh so we'll be staging down at the DPW like we did last year um anybody have a can well who can come help okay okay here's my dilemma okay I got all the stuff to you know I'll give you all the pumpkins all the stuff what time can he be there I got a ball game that day okay and I was going to go try to make the game and come back and be in the parade but I might have problems setting up with you what time is the game what time 10 o'clock okay so I was thinking probably set up for nine yeah and that's what we did last year that's I said to that's perfect your game how far do you Southfield the hilltop farm so you can drop the stuff off and then go to your game that'd be perfect okay okay yeah and we're taking off out of there at 1:30 yeah we're supposed to like line up at 1:30 but parade starts at 2 last year we lined up at front IBS yeah yeah we can do that we can do that again just park at IBS yeah yeah but um okay is this this is your Wheelman yeah yeah I forgot I forgot all about it I was thinking it was the 20th I think it'd be fine long you don't get hit by a pitch or something but you know if you can get them if you can get him there at 8:30 I could really put some effort into load okay yeah um even 8 yeah 8:30 okay and I'll be in uniform you guys could see me in uniform there you go that be great you should wear the uniform on the float I'm gonna all right because I gota I'm gonna come right from the game well that'll be awesome yeah yeah okay good maybe should we get some baseballs to toss to people well there's there I go I'm be tossing the candy a true baseball player tossing the candy right keep your keep your glove on yeah right um hello everyone sorry it's done um I made it on to the meeting sorry Hi um I can be in the morning I can be there to help in the morning um I just don't know if I could be there in the afternoon um but um if you need any help in the morning I can definitely be there okay yeah we'll definitely need help setting up right okay perfect yeah and that's you said at the DPW um that's next to tractor or yes yes that's that where they have the sand right yes right out front right in the like driveway out front Okay cool okay awesome you can't miss this truck no it's nice yeah um how are we gonna get the straw from Jack I think you picked it up last year right yeah somebody would I don't have a truck I can go pick it up okay I I can go pick it up the day or two before right sure you probably drop it at the DPW as long as they know we're doing it well I'll just or just keep it at your house keep till that morning you have room for that and the pumpkins there sure okay plus it's not that far I can run back and okay yeah any particular day you want to pick it up Thursday Friday probably Friday right let me just leave it on the truck Thursday would be nice because I have to go set up the field at Friday night okay okay that's fine it's not going to be we're going six Bales really I was trying to remember what we had last year think we got like 10 or 12 and we didn't really need that didn't need them we put stuff on them we just used them for sitting on the right we're gonna put them in the middle this year 10 that I think 10 because we got 12 and yeah okay let's go go with 10 I think we'll be good with 10 yeah okay um oh when I was talking to Dave about the the truck and um you know getting you know staging it and all that he and I said what what time would be good for you and he says how about 2 or 3: in the morning that's when he usually gets up right yeah yeah he used have when he was working he had he got up at 1:30 in the morning two days a week and 2:30 in the morning three days a week or something like that we drive all over creation right yeah yeah so anyway so how about you know round nine okay I've seen him out walking a lot more lately so that's great so he won't be we can get them there at 8:30 yeah a little earlier sure 8:00 probably be ideal okay that's about his dinner time right yeah lunch Lun working those hours anymore um so Jen you said you can't be there in the afternoon does that mean you can't join uh the parade yeah I'm GNA see what the um what it looks like I'm I'm hoping to take my mom out for the afternoon um but um if that doesn't work out then I can be there for sure so I'll know more closer to the time for sure you can you can bring her on the float yeah I know know that's I you're good yeah you absolutely maybe Paul can be on the float that would be kind of all I'm telling you this is a big truck yeah it's bigone I will do my best how was that did we get enough um Candy for donations or do we need more of that well last year we had one I forget how many pound box and we ran out about halfway or so so this year we have two boxes of candy corn so oh okay okay and Zach suggested um dog treats oh nice so I like that remember the bat dog dog had bat wings yeah that was pretty cool remember the ox they were like skeletons that was really cool yeah that was neat too okay so we have the straw oh we have those big big signs from open Farm day that um look like this so we have those two we can use and then I'm from Southwoods I'm getting a um a banner like like this but doesn't say open Farm days it's South agricultural commission oh that's that's great that's what we needed last year oh cool yeah we can use that every year right and for you know for anything like Farm Farm Forum we can put it up you know yeah right that would be good last year Tom made some like banners that just have like sck Adcom or sag.com or something yeah I don't if he still has those Tom are you there hey Tom youan yeah I'm here I'm here Tom um I don't think I got them back from last year well maybe not yeah I don't remember I mean they're literally just I just printed them and laminated them myself so whatever you guys want I can I can definitely Revo them yeah if you want to do it I think they worked out pretty well yeah so Ju Just so I'm clear you want Adcom or do you want a website we have the website anywhere else [Music] uh big it's on the farm day it is there and it'll be on the um these new Banner we have something with a QR code too uh feel like we did we did yeah I do I feel like we did too people could just scan it as it drives by right uh probably just southw Adcom yeah I'll have I'll ask Southwoods to put the QR code on the new banners so put one on each side okay so you want just so I'm clear what what you'll want me to print out is Southwick Adcom I think that's s or simple enough yeah yeah yeah okay thanks thanks Tom any other decoration oh oh oh um Dwight's going to bring some tobacco oh cool I was thinking about that yeah and we could hang we could throw cigars out to people you're buying them I so expensive yeah and if it's um if there's not a frost which might be any day now yeah I just heard there might be one maybe tonight yeah and if there if there's not a frost it' be a real mild one but yeah Karen would can bring some that'd be great too do they want to come on the floor well you know I didn't ask them but I will that'd be cool yeah he's a pillar of the community right who's that Dwight Dwight yeah yeah good idea we're G have 50 people on our Flo for any chance lenita is Gonna Come uh I don't know did I say that Tammy is gonna help um with the decorating no you didn't say okay but she is yeah yeah she helped last year [Music] y lenita H I'm not gonna be on the float but I'm gonna be filming it again oh last year yeah I'm sorry I'm gonna be filming it oh okay oh great with the Drone and with the carpod oh you're flying now yeah I know how to fly cool yeah cool oh cool yeah there another thing we kind of lost out on at the um open Farm day because so cloudy and rainy the whole entire day okay any uh treat cornstalks yeah I was thinking that'd be cool too but I don't don't have any banita may have some yeah say corn although her he's he's done with corn uh Calibur still has it but yeah that's lenita I bet you she might have a couple yeah okay so they donate any or whatever what was that time Tom did you uh say something think he's yelling at his kids um think we lost them yeah okay and then do you think Ron wants to come get on the float I'll ask him yeah okay I mean you can sit on a hay bale you know right yeah um okay I think we pretty much good I should let may be a miracle if I sold them all that'd be awesome if you did but I'll go buy some that's kind of counterproductive my contribution I don't think so though I got a I put a small dent my garden already that's it oh okay they're everywhere the strangest thing too I planted three different types of pumpkins and some uh Acorn Sash and I've got five or six different other types bunch of different gourds came up from last year it's now I planted yeah I know but did like you leave some out there or something no seeds just no I can't believe it I got tomatoes that come back those uh heirloom pumpkins never had them before I've got 40 of them you mean you planted the seeds and this came up as a surprise other stuff that's do you harvest the seeds from own yeah yeah you know and I took like one pumpkin and I've got 200 seeds out of it and I pollinated yeah that's what I'm thinking must been pollinated right something different variety hi Sage hey good to see you hello hello where's the scouts think are we looking at yeah what's going on there okay there we go yeah Scouts are uh just getting back from a flag burning ceremony oh great yeah like two two minutes so uh what what I miss what talking about um the farm parade and and decorating our float um are you available to be on the float um when when is the farm prade again that's uh this oh we from Saturday 19th at two o'clock is a I'll actually be in town so yes is it same thing we got the the big trailer and a uh yeah yeah Alex is gonna be doing uh the whole thing with us it won't be Alex it'll be his his dad um Dave um Alex is in Texas with his his equipment so um we'll have Dave is getting a truck for us so we'll be all set um okay hey should we have any animals with a couple of chickens or goats or something on there man I can bring some chickens too new to yeah I got lots of X yeah well we can throw them at people that works I was just gonna say that that's terrible it's it's a farm experience you get a little dirty that's what farm about uh do you have some kind of a cage or crate yeah I've got a big dog crate oh and people could see into it yeah I mean bring like two or something yeah I got a couple too if you needed one I could bring like two roosters so they start fighting yeah maybe bring one so he'll Crow you know they're throwing money around like we're betting stuff good old days of South they give agriculture a whole new meaning the old agricultural commission ah yeah there used to be that fighting place up on Grenville road yeah really yeah back in like the 80s W um so I think we're we're pretty all set here and Sage we're going to have the the tractor and the truck and tractor again and the the old tractor uh we have more candy corn this year we have um bales of straw Dan has pumpkins uh we're going to see if we can get some corn cornstalks uh Dwight Arnold is going to bring some tobacco just going to like hang that from the side I guess so yeah see what it looks like we have the same trailer as last year right just not the same tractor I think so we could always bundle stocks too and just stick them around you just have a couple of them bundled up together the tobacco leaves yeah people know what they look like I mean it's you'll know it's tobacco uh so Zach is going to bring some chickens um yes so I think and you and you know Tom's going to print some signs where we have the um the big signs from open Farm day we can put on put on there so we we've got a lot this year to put on there um we did well winging it last year yeah yeah absolutely like one how much know this couple days I don't know what it was very quick yeah Marissa and Tammy and I and couple other people were down there like painting signs in the morning no I had the easy job go get some more pumpkins um last minute hey Bel yeah speaking of signs last year we had a handrawn sign that said um Straw from Feldman Farm yeah remember I wonder if we should do that again or should we you know stman tobacco from Arnolds if Dwight's on the flow they you know figure that out yeah okay what about that big sign that we got from the Big E last year yeah I mean house it is I kind of feel like the print on that is it's all small small but it says experience southw Farms pretty big okay the big sign well we we have the Drone that's flying around overhead so I'm sure that'll capture it for the uh at least the video you're gonna have a drone no uh hband Jason I didn't want to have like competing drones yeah I'll bring mine instead of the fighting we're gonna have drone fighting a little bit something for everyone of course we the we're the fun commission remember that got to put fun and everything okay and if anybody thinks of anything else or you're GNA bring your kids yeah good yeah I'll bring I'll bring my two humans too hope the little one doesn't jump off is at that crazy stage is that Lincoln yeah he M bite dress them up as roosters you really want to be known for this one huh control uh okay so we're go so if you thinking I'll I'll probably text just a list of who's doing what just so folks who are not here um yeah that'd be nice remind me Thursday we'll get that straw yeah I'll be able to help set it up and uh obviously participate yes excellent 8830 if you didn't hear that part yeah it's 8830 can you do that or anytime you can come it's fine oh no they all come in the morning okay at the DPW I keep forgetting when's the when's the actual parade like what what does it end I should say oh it's supposed to be 2 to 4 okay yeah we line up at 1:30 starts at two goes to 4 oh and I don't know more like half hour 45 minutes slow but and remember the fire department is supposed to be having hot dogs and hamburgers this year at pry Park yeah yeah yeah yeah after yeah that'll be kind of kind of cool um last year we make turn Street Alex pulled the truck over to um tootal Home Services yeah we might want to check with them ahead of time make sure that's okay kind of did it yeah or yeah we could 's really feasible to pull in here right yeah that's what we said last year um or he could go behind the summer house not the summer house the southw again the pling room back there I yeah if they let us turn right it's a little before the town hall obviously but yeah uh all right let's let's see I mean Total Home work pretty well I just don't if they have something going on all of a sudden we're blocking all their entrances right yeah okay check that out do you know them um no I mean the guy youo used to own it but he passed away I knew him okay his kid his kid owns it or something though they also rent out one of the bay too okay so we don't want to yeah compat on their business okay um let's see but I think we're all set for right now with the with the parade uh we talked about chapter 61 protocols potentially being you know review them in November um and and try to see as we said last time try to see you know Town apparently doesn't want to you know distribute this new document that Marissa put together because it's all it's all in the Mass General law but as we were saying there's there's something missing in how it works right it's not forced or whatever so have to see if we can we gonna talk to Doug about that as well tonight if he had come yeah yeah but um he wasn't able to come so let's see oh just one one quick thing back on uh open Farm day I sent a letter to all the people who sponsored us you know thanking them sort of given an overview of what happened that day and copies of the ads that we published you know with their names in it so hopefully they're happy campers I mean they're on our front page and I'm popping a keep it up there for a long time so good they're get they're getting their money's worth yeah hopefully they see it that way right um okay we uh we don't have minutes so a couple of FYI things um the there's a task force you know for North Pond you know because of the commotion there know people you know fighting trampling and you know cooking and crashing the place right so never ending war and there's a there's a task force um made recommendations for how to handle it and I can email that yeah yeah the select board accepted the recommendations on Monday um they want to have it apply to all the town-owned conservation areas but apparently that's going to need a bylaw okay change so that would be next you know next town meeting but I'll I'll send that stuff to you was this going on this summer or what yeah yeah yeah you one um South longard South South longard yeah yeah yeah they want to make the signs permanent get down to the North Pond and stuff okay all these people from out of town coming in parking there like lining up the whole street and then there was big fight one day it was all on on Facebook and everything yeah like they beat the crap out of somewh yeah Paul Paul and I were on the on the lake that day um and my friend had a boat on the other side by the rope swing I think they took the rope swing down but I'm not sure a staple there for for a long time but we were on the other side on our access of North Pond and yeah there was a lot of commotion the the um the police boats were out um very active and um yeah and then they barricaded it uh the parking lot the next weekend after I think and they don't allow any parking there anymore but yeah it was a there was like 65 boats in that little area it was pretty pretty bad I've never seen it like that before so there's like a boat launch there too and no not on that side down there yeah yeah the conservation area is not supposed to and you know a wild west over there water I'd totally like to be on that task force if um you know or whatever give recommendations to bring it up sometimes because the state gave money to help us purchase it we have to keep it open that was part of the a deal right that was open to everyone so I don't know if they're they were talking about renegotiating with the state but I don't know you said they came up with a plan yeah um yeah I mean place every time you walk back there it's just full trash yeah so they're gonna um uh just a few things um make this the parking lot smaller fewer cars pretty small to begin with I know uh they're going to put no parking signs for a mile in each Direction kind of an eyore they're G to close one of the trails or a portion of one of the trails that keep people off the you know the part that's been all you know sort of trampled the roaded and everything so um yeah and I'll send that around to you guys okay cool you can see what they're up to National Farmers day is this Saturday what uh Sage did you yeah I was just gonna say that they should put up a sign in the water that says uh contamination Zone don't enter you know it's not true I mean they don't know that they're out of town right well they are going to put uh buoys in the water to keep boats out or further back that's going to stop a two-year-old maybe yeah we'll see um so it's the it's the national um FFA that's kind of sponsors this National Farmers day so we W we're not doing anything but just be nice to a farmer that day on the on the website though October 12th yeah this Saturday okay I'll post it I'll put on the website all right you kind of your Farmers go shopping there yeah absolutely for Farmers Market the Grandville things going on this weekend all right right yeah Monday's Aus right we got a tent we some of us have a yeah three day weekend where you selling yeah Columbus Day Columbus indigenous day can I just say since open Farm day my husband and I only shop produce at farms now whether it be Cal or blossoming Acres around town it's definitely better than the grocery store for sure cheaper too oh yeah that's great Jane that's what everybody should be doing yep especially this town we're farming some pumpkins on Tannery Road there's pumpkins okay on my [Laughter] way okay well good um and has nothing to do with well I guess it does impact the farmers but Daylight Saving Time ends the first weekend of thought they were getting rid of that thought they were getting rid of it I thought so too you know I heard this was the last year I think it is the last year I'm hoping it's I've hated it ever since I was born it didn't bother you until you're like 20 no it's always bothered me I hate it being you get out of school and it's about to be dark yeah half the year that was Nightmare you go to work in the dark and come home in the that's the worst yeah absolutely right yep been there done that too um a couple of things under other matters um I'm wondering you know calibri closes on the 27th of this month oh wow yeah it seems early but I wonder if we would would anybody be interested in taking tours taking a tour of some of the farms in town they're open to it yeah yeah Cali or ask lenita she says well not right now because it's really busy U but I think that'd be good you know for us to actually see what they're what they're doing you what it looks like so how they're set up yeah okay so I'll uh pursue that and then oh you know last month I I neglected to uh we needed a motion to empower Zach to all right sign documents and you know Ser uh serve as the chair if the chair is not available um did I you can make that motion yeah um let's see yeah so I'll make a motion to empower Vice chair Zack Barnett to perform all the duties of the chair in the event of the chair's absence the second the motion okay third okay good uh so roll call vote uh bird Hansen I Dan Cook I Zack Barnett I Angie Simone uh Sage Fury hi Jen dietro hi and Tom jash hi hi unanimous okay Zach you're empowered thank you you're now one just open for one nay you know see so um I have some other matters okay I am actually resigning um this will be my last meeting yes um unfortunately um due to personal reasons I just can't um be a formal member of the commission anymore um I just don't have time it's it's taken a lot out of me to do this and um mou on the land trust and work work's been really tough this year and other things going on also but um I'd love to still be a volunteer and help out wherever I can okay sure well similar to what Tammy's doing you know right yes she's not a member but she's going to yes I still want to be a part of it you know in the future if things slow down definitely come back okay thanks for everything now yeah really thank you I'm sorry to hear that thank you for all the help take you have to take care of you you know yeah I'm we thin as it is yeah yeah okay I'll send it to the select board also they know yeah I wonder we need to vote to accept the resignation I don't think so if we just n nay we won't we won't let you resign I don't think we have that power right um wait what's going on here am I bleeding or something no no I just want to say thank you Angie um right there s I just want to say thank you Angie for all your help and everything that you we really appreciate you know for sure and um you know thank you and you've done a great job this year and uh just appreciate everything you've done thank you yeah yeah thank you I'm still gonna be around not that the last time you guys will see me laska what was what was your title on the board this Clerk we need too clerk we do does anyone want to be clerk Sage Jen Tom I am not sure what that entails but I know it's it's a little bit not well defined um is it in our handbook it is it's like um doing the minutes when um Cindy isn't available if the chair isn't available um me and Cindy worked out where every if we were meeting twice a month she would do one set of minutes I'd do the other set of minutes okay that might be good for you it's a it's a little boost for your H rep so we probably could do that uh next time um who's well almost everybody's here so um yeah who isn't here oh Jessica J right oh she has um ronon's never here supposed to bring him this time I tried toight is gonna be CL he's just not feeling good lately that's B oh that's not good well you know just tired he's old yeah yeah um so we I want to see if we I think anybody who who might want to join the commission you know and I mean there's aou there's two alternate spots open right now you a full member right yeah yeah so we have a full opening Y and uh we got do some recruiting right oh and you just got reappointed too right yeah okay yeah I wish I knew yeah that's yeah when school started yeah that's all right you teach yes in Spring feed what what grades first grade you're in a room of how many kids and no no Aid or 20 20 kids and I'm the special education home by myself wow the toughest surprised you didn't resign that spot been thinking about it need money yeah everyone needs I hear in that one uh okay I don't think we have anything else um we are if we had a working session it would be Wednesday October 23rd but I don't think we really need it maybe I think working sessions really fall under Farm day primarily well and Farmers Forum we'll probably need one yeah yes Farmers Forum you're right so uh okay well we can take the 23rd off that's okay with me sounds good to me yeah let's let's have a good holiday time off yeah uh anybody else have any comments questions suggestions for the good of the order anyone else resigning just had one thing um hi uh sorry um the garden yeah are we doing anything with it this season or are we going uh just letting it go until the spring or wa not sure yeah I think it this stage of the game um you still gotta get those water tanks set up yeah and pretty soon that's you and me can do that yeah we'll do that one of these weekends we got the foundation built oh I forgot to say um Brett do you know Brett from hydroponic yeah oh yeah he volunteered to help with the garden oh great he said he can he knows how toook up the pumps oh really that kind of thing here whenever we need them okay cool okay it's the guy should invite him to a meeting it's a guy on the radio Brett from hydrop he used to be on Adcom he said yeah yeah maybe we could get him to join again yeah that's a great idea oh just so just so you guys know um other than two weeks in the rest of this year I am going to be in town finally again so you need me need me at all excellent trust me it's not going to last once January hits I'll never be P seen again the way they're going okay well that's great that you'll be around the next couple of months so I'll also be able to help you with the uh with the tanks as well if you need it does Ron usually till it w yes yeah spring how is it looking right now is it grass tall or is it short that's in in the pl used hasn't rained much yeah it hasn't really rained since we did that the grass isn't too bad it's six in maybe um because get bad let me know and I'll bring my get over there and do it yeah so I'm sorry Sage say that again I'll bring my mower over there if it gets too bad let me know okay and I think uh Jen to your point we normally um Ron chikini normally uh tills in the spring and fall and we do it around the beginning of November oh okay I think we should just kind of Let It Go for this year okay if that's okay with you yeah know I was just wondering um because I know we had it on the agenda a couple months back and um we thought about doing like a cleanup in October but I know October is almost over so but um no that's fine I just wanted to see where we're at with that and that's totally oh I see what you mean yeah we did talk about a work session we have um some materials to to fix part of the fence could I mean I could store them for now yeah but like maybe the spring time or something we can definitely make it happen or something you know when it has to happen I think on some s we do it in between now and Thanksgiving sometime I'm I'm available uh yep I'm available too I can be available did we Harvest anything for the food pantry there was I really to tell you the truth I ran out of time for the garden so I had no opportunity to go there unfortunately um I want to do better with it next year for sure um make more time that way now that I'm in Southwick more now so I was going back and forth between here and uh Enfield so we're in Southwick for good now so um yeah so definitely have more time for it next year it seemed like Sunday sorry sorry go ahead sorry Jen I started talking before you stopped no no no it's okay I I take break sorry um um you know you know previous uh work sessions have been on Sunday so it seems like Sunday yeah that works for me usually and to one you know something like that we could do would Sunday November 3rd work that's that's the end of daily savings too so it be you're just trying to kill all of us yeah I see why not yeah okay let's give it a shot yeah that sounds all right you're done with baseball by then right yeah okay could do the tank on yeah okay yeah I was just we just talked like a week ago and I said I don't think I can do anything in the garden because I'm thinking we're going to do it in the next couple of weeks like I'm not available I my weekend been pretty packed lately I went to New York last weekend and Julie left Tuesday and they said hey when is that Granville thing this weekend right up so many people here it's it's October 9th and so many people are saying Bo I can't I I can't believe it's October it's been October for you know 10 days sry it's still summer to me yeah no right leaves are turning what yeah leaves are falling I went up to the cat skills this last weekend see some of the trees there's two leaves left on what a different world wow up in the mountains it's fer up there okay well Jen thank you for bringing that up about the garden um oh no problem um I can I check I just checked my calendar I can be there on the third to help too as well so excellent yeah thank you of course we kind of assume that most spouses will be there I'm thinking so yep all your children and okay good I think well with that I think uh should we have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn okay Dan you want second it's a second time I second some yeah there you go all in favor hi hibody good night and weekend everyone all right take care