##VIDEO ID:Yit8Po-NvQU## well good evening everyone this is the regular monthly meeting of the Southwick agricultural commission it is uh Wednesday November 20th 2024 um we do have a quorum with myself Bert Hansen Zack Barnett Sage Fury uh Jess Parker Jen Depetro and Tom jados so we are in good shape um uh couple of quick things in terms of communication I just got an email today from um Lyn Blair at the library and she has an idea for a program in the spring that she wanted to run run by us um like a plant a plant Swap and they would collect plants uh Thursday and Friday at the library and then have the plant swap at self on a Saturday um during their open hours 10: to 1 and it might be she's thinking something like uh the week the weekend before Patriots Day which would bring us to April 12th and 13th next spring so just uh any I think it's a kind of a cool idea I I don't get though bringing the plants ahead of time and then you go back and pick them up I don't yeah I guess uh that's a good question do you get like a ticket for how many plants you donated I don't get it yeah I don't know uh okay I swap or details I've done a bunch before but not with that so no so okay that's that's a good question uh got to some pretty intense plant swaps where people like literally fight over plants really yeah okay but do we think that's uh I would that that we would be okay with that and help you know help them publicize it of course and all that sort of thing okay good yeah think it's a great idea yeah if you need anything from us representation or something yeah we can advertise through our right we can advertise and I'm certain I'm pretty certain that they would welcome welcome any plants you know we might want to I wonder if the garden has any we could donate wild flowers or something that comes back I that's a little early you know middle of April but there might be maybe there's like buls we could dig up um yeah or even seeds I don't know out yeah yeah okay um that's good um they're doing the home study one there too right yes right and that's December 4th that's two weeks from uh today are you planning on going to that I was going to but now we're supposed to go to our daughters in Boston because her husband's going to be away so we're going to help with grandkids but you're going to be able to go I think so okay that's good um because I was wondering um you know open Farm day uh when I was over at uh second Eden there were two or three people there who were talking about homesteading and um one what there a guy who works at B me anchor Mark he has the red hair and red beard and his was his mom whose name I don't know but she was you know and she wants to start like a homesteading kind of group you know to share experiences yeah okay good of chickens but yeah he's kind of winging it kind of winging it yeah no un intended um yeah so maybe you know could talk to Lynn and you know maybe do a kind of a signup sheet and see if folks are interested in a home setting program maybe we should invite her to a meeting promote her yeah now it's only two weeks from today though or maybe for like the future group though oh oh yes for sure yeah yeah um see future yeah yeah and so well kind of jumping around as usual so um and speaking of the library the library basket raffle is going on um last year Tammy put one together for us I don't think we have one this year but anyway we can it's a good thing to support that's happening around this time yeah they they're selling tickets now until like December 10th or something like that right the library yeah yeah yeah I'll send my wife over okay you could go library is not that scary okay that's good um and then oh so here's something in the Westfield news the other day Monday a lighted tractor Christmas parade H it's going to be held uh this this Saturday the 23rd in uh in W weben the weben section trade committee uh it's it's at 5:00 pm wait I know yeah 5: PM uh rain date is Sunday and it's on Montgomery Road yeah W right yeah ending at the weben Union Chapel so it's a kind of an FYI W kind of starts well yeah small right and then here's um I got to kick out of this so illuminated tractors with working lights are welcome and attached lighted floats are allowed no persons on float on foot lawn tractors or quads will be allowed and people are asked not to throw any candy or cheese during the parade chees very specific UNS smelly yeah so if you go to the prey don't be expecting any cheese beads though didn't say anything about beads be ice all over the streets right yeah right right and then the other just another FYI texted you guys about uh Shauna Sherry at uh second Eden uh you know raises turkeys she took some orders during open Farm day I got one yeah just picked it up the other day and uh but she has extras so if you're interested I mean they're kind of pricey you know compared to big wi yeah but they're not mass-produced well right yeah right Farm Fresh you're supporting a farm basically yeah exactly so abely how big are they uh they're a little smaller than she was expecting they're like 11 to 14 pounds um you know they raise the turkeys but they take them to a place in Russell anyway somewhere in the hill to to be processed and so then they get them back oh maybe they're not quite as big as we thought they were you know because they're all with feathers and everything so anyway that's that's that for FYI and update updates so The Wanted just a quick thought about uh the farm parade it was it was already a month ago I know U and we haven't met in even longer ago than that so I kind of miss you guys but do we have any it was a good another good experience fun uh chickens got a lot of attention yep uh the tobacco got some attention too uh some people you know some favorable comments U I think I said on the day that uh to some of you that uh the candy goes a lot faster when the kids are in charge of thr so we definitely had a lot more this time yeah we had you two box I think we made it through about the church so that's better last pretty good yeah I didn't get a chance to go over there was at the Town Hall the fire department was giving out hot dogs I didn't get a chance to go over there I don't know if anybody we didn't yeah we're too busy un decorating our yeah we had to go back and get our car tow so um that was good you know so I'm assuming we'll do it again next uh next October I just have to apologize I was planning on going there but my um I had an opportunity to take my mom my mom has dementia so whenever I get a opportunity to um spend time with her I take her out share with my sisters so it's hard so yeah I would have loved to be there but I'm not sure if Angie I thought Angie and her husband were taking pictures and Dr videos and Dr video I saw the Ken Stumpy on yeah that's you know I don't think I've seen any from Jason either oh okay um I can ask her see if she has anything I don't know if we're going to be advertising anything like that but I don't remember seeing a drone up oh okay was it raining it wasn't raining no no nice day beautiful day it was nice yeah uh much better than F oh man yeah we needed that but yeah so okay yeah that's good that was fun and I like to I think it'd be fun to have even more people on the on the flow you we had know I think there was only like four or five of us maybe Dan and I and Jess were in the back you and Inga my wife and those two yeah my three kids yeah and then the chickens and the chickens yeah well maybe next year maybe we get some you know some goats you know some other right so believe it or not we have our third annual Farmers Forum coming up in January um our F historically our first two we've done on uh the 4th Wednesday in January because that's our kind of our work session day so that would be the 22nd this year let me just double check and make sure I got that right we have the land use the land use room um scheduled that day we don't but I want to bring that up because we did it first in the library the first year oh okay and then last year we did it in the land use room the land room worked a little better I think so it's bigger we had roughly the same number of people around 35ish I think but I think I think the um the land use room is is better supp be you know we're familiar with it right we have the technology oh right yeah presentations and things first the projector set up in the library was a little yeah I have to mention above the the conference room above the fire station though that was pretty cool but we can try to get that yeah I think we should probably try to get that sooner than later so no one else takes it right right so that should be that should be doable although just like oh no tonight's the third Wednesday so maybe the fourth Wednesday is in a regular meeting night in that room I'm not sure F Well I don't think we had any issues last year so yeah right right right and then uh for the agenda a couple of ideas I had well we've talked Jan about you you're doing your GIS presentation and um how um like I'm curious like what specifically how that specifically would help farmers that's my that's my issue right so I don't know so I've been asking and I've been trying to see what people really need that the farmers really need I mean mostly it's like it seems to be like of the lers weather and I'm sorry you have like a list of the layers that yep yeah so I was building it and I I was just like okay so how can I help them with this presentation is it even going to be worth it you know what I mean like what do they really what do they need what they think like soil you know properties like clay sand whatever y also if there's water that they could you know I don't know I'm sure there's a map of the great aquafer we had the yes exactly we like things like that like we had that issue with the um uh the I forget the far sorry excuse me for forgetting the farmer that actually wanted to use his own um oh Dave PR yeah wanted to use his own you know Water Resource there on his land and we had to kind of help him with that you know like things like that yes like layering you know so I was thinking of that you know mostly you know just thinking about the workshop that um lenita was talking about you know just climate things and you know resources and um things like that so um I'm going to I've been working on it I don't know if there's a layer but maybe we could create one of like what Fields have what crops planted every year because you know so when they rotate crops and stuff right yeah something like that is what I was thinking of and maybe want us having that information or not but certainly something we could bring up yeah and then and I'm not familiar enough with it so could a farmer make their own layers they can yeah they can use it they can utilize it they can things out and that's one of the things I was I mean the town uses it um there's offer to do that for the farmers I don't think farmer is GNA want to learn it right spend they have time time is an issue Farm don't have time no no I can't even imagine but we can yeah so that could be something we you know add so yeah yeah good that's great and when I bring everything together I will present it to you know and if anyone wants to give me any points yeah i' love to see what you I use it just for looking up properties pry basic stuff I haven't really delved into the layers too much yeah and um the program that I had showed me everything you know even the free sites and things like that but um the um the one thing that I remember from the last Forum was that Lindsay from Firefly wanted wanted was thinking of get more property you know and so that could be a thing too like what what land is available in the town you know to as a resource you know for people who want to grow and so that that was one thing that kind of kept in my mind when I was at the far for Forum last year you know and maybe it's maybe part of it is just hey did you know that GIS can do this this this this you know right like zoning layers and all that too exactly yeah things that would just be helpful for them and resources that they could you know but yeah the the climate the climate has been atrocious dry and then all the rain and then you know it's just so yeah yeah lot cold moments yep I wonder what kind of winter we're gonna have so I don't know it's you know have much of one last year in terms of snow anyway are up north snow so Colorado had what 20 20 or whatever really in a day but um the other thing I was thinking of like when we had all those visitors during at at Cali different visitors visitors from different areas that I wouldn't even think of you know we had people from Springfield people from and they were just visiting family you know and somehow maybe doing something where we can advertise out to those places for the farmers and get more people like while they're traveling to see their families hey stop by and you know but something like that and have people more people come to their farms and things like that so just just St you know do we want you know people get a farm day we have to have it in the high school a yeah know oh not just for the Forum but to go to their Farms like to you know to visit their Farms because you know we got some new ones you know and and more people to kind of like somehow show them like hey this this area has this kind of you know I was putting a list of where we had the people and where they're coming from and I was like wow there's different areas surrounding a GIS layer with all the data we collected already exported you know this Farm had this many people from this you know these places different areas they you know like coming out here you know to visit so could trct like what the weather was that day too y so that's what I was thinking and um yeah so I'll definitely be able to put something together hopefully um sooner than later but you know working on like okay what do they really need you know what like but I like what he was saying you know with the with you with the layers and things like that different things that they can utilize you know and teach them hey this is here you know yeah but yeah I think even explaining like it all to them because you know they might not be familiar and then maybe just maybe we could get some actual feedback on okay now they understand how how could we help you use this or you know maybe maybe this is the time where we can actually get some feedback from them great idea yeah just open it up to them and just say hey what what can we do for you just tell them start thinking about it might not know right on the spot but yeah ex they know it's there then you know the wheels start might start turning and absolutely thank you for that yeah yeah um so in town you mentioned minute ago Jen people you know the town uses it yeah I noticed it on the website yeah yeah specifically we might I bet Doug knows how to use it pretty well yeah I'm sure he does maybe yeah definitely [Music] yeah yeah okay maybe sending know who would not that's a thought no I can reach out to her and definitely um have a conversation about that yeah good that'll be great and I like to even though it's going to be six months you know in the past you know an open Farm day review and what I'm thinking there is um lenita Bloss me ancher said well they had their kind of their regular business that day but then they had a whole bunch of other people you know too I wonder if that's if that's going to be true at some of the other Farms as well seems like it was a Cali oh yeah people there oh yeah I think they did pretty well this year yeah yeah people enjoyed it Y and um we can just you know kind of throw that out there and see what they think and I'm kind of wondering we have 11 or 12 Farms now I don't know that we can go any any bigger than that I don't know how we would handle that exactly kind of maxed out on how many farms are yeah that at least willing to participate is there anyone that didn't participate last this year I've never gotten raised to participate not sure why but that's about it really I never want to discourage people from applying just because our count is high though true yeah I mean we I mean we just need to work on getting more volunteers I mean we did pretty good yeah if it didn't rain rain's what really cost us it didn't even really cost us too much I mean yeah people came out were hardcore you know enthusiasts oh definitely yeah I talked to more more than one person who said well I just sit home and be unhappy that it's raining or I can go out and do something we had great turnout for what it was but I just wish we could see it without that rain yeah right there always next year always next yeah we'll see what next year brings Sun yeah I guess stage to your point I guess having too many farms would be the right problem to have yeah it's a good problem yeah well remember this too though I mean everyone keeps looking at as I gotta visit every Farm I'd rather them take time and spend their time with the farmers directly like a couple Farms or a few Farms learn about them and then the next year that we have it go to new Farms you know you don't need to rush the process our Farmers don't just go there for a quick how do you do and then you don't know anything about their Farm you leave and that was the whole point lost right it's about meeting your farmers the whole point supposed to be educational versus yes whatever the opposite of that is not a speedrun like Doug likes to do he's like I gotta go to Every Farm appreciate your Farmers don't just rush through and yeah high five okay on to the next one I got my stickers yeah yeah oh yeah the sticker P fanes I had a thought like um it just came to my mind um you know sponsoring um like a I know the farmers are proba on kind of like a break right now or they I don't know are they kind of yeah it's part of vacation yeah so like when they start back up again maybe sponsoring a um like a um a bus to take the seniors if they want to on like a farm tour once a month or once every two months or something just to get them to be able to visit um if they don't normally have a chance to but I was thinking of maybe somehow so that they you know they're still able to visit you know nicey thing you know interesting idea because one was it at the when we went to the Historical Society back in April that Jim putam brought that up oh yeah because there was some talk about uh the Souther Villages you know formerly American in wanted to start Farmers Market but didn't work out and and Jim says well how about if we kind of put that on its head and we take people to the Farms not start a new market if we like teamed up with the senior center something yeah have that band I can put the questions out there if you if you want me to talk to the person in charge or the senior center I can ask that question maybe that's something they would be interested in I don't know if that's sure that's overstepping or whatever but no no it's um Lisa Anderson okay I can certainly sure yeah I can I can ask that I mean for future like when the farms start opening up and you know for Farm Day next year have have a bus available yeah that yeah that's what was my thought was too is having like a a shuttle yeah yeah a shuttle or something like that but I know a lot of people were thinking that too the same things that would be kind of cool keep it open to everyone as many people as possible and we have our new banners from the parade put them on the side of the van yeah those are nice banners thanks s I'm glad glad you like them yeah um so I think if we do that you know for for the farmers former Forum um You by the time we get through kind of the intros people having a snack and talk about the open Farm day and then we do your present that'll be you know I you know it be that fild time you know an hour and a half or something you know are we going to do like a year in review kind of thing with the things the things that we've done um we've done that before start off with that right we should do that yes um Farm day and things like that yeah definitely make a list of everything we did yeah yeah y okay and uh if we haven't filled all we have some available slots you know on the commission so if we haven't filled them by then we can we even fill them until next appointment cycle yeah we can okay people would would they be official or not until no the the selectboard can appoint okay people you know as as needed yeah yeah yeah fashion right I mean the the main time of course is in June June July when August meeting but it can it can be anytime so okay yeah I mean do we have anything on our website or anything saying we're looking for more people currently no I so it no one's busting down the door to join right what spots do we have available again uh we have one commissioner I believe and three three alternates um so it's a you know it's a few you know it's you know it's I realize we down that many people because I remember having a full roster not that long ago what about um people on the volunteer list um we have their information but can we use it for that kind of thing true I don't know if we yeah I think we I think we reach out it's the same concept you're volunteering for longer term yeah yeah I mean right right I mean that might be a thing there was at least one person who came to the orientation at the fire department who said she she wanted to get involved okay kind of lost track of that but I can yeah yeah maybe we can put a list together or we have a list now but yeah send something some kind of um ad like you guys said like a something and maybe something will come from that even just blasting it out on Facebook sure just stting you know we have these openings if anyone's interested y I think we need to uh point someone officially to uh to run the Facebook side versus the website I don't think it should be the same yeah it was Sanji of course um yeah um I don't like Facebook I don't either I don't like Facebook the only reason I'm on it now is because of our our actual yeah it's kind of a necessary evil at this point but yeah our website constantly has 25 to 30 viewers a day really we have dedicated viewers that's nice even though it doesn't change what I mean that's more than I thought yeah well when we first ran it believe it or not it was hitting 500 600 views wow but but because we're not doing daily updates it it diminished which is fine because it's not Facebook it's not Tik Tok we're not going to be able to update it every second yeah we should look at like some of the selfic forms see who posts the most get them in there you go he let's see who who's not here tonight let's see Dan Ron lenita maybe maybe that's what yeah um yeah but we should have a dedicated person that's for sure and you know I come to think of it that could a volunteer right doesn't have to be a commission member I don't think I know anybody Lucas what do you do yeah maybe Tammy I mean she you know she uh how many meetings do we have until the Farm Forum well that is a good question December because December five or six December 11th would be our regular meeting and then um oh that's right we're not doing two a month yeah three the four the fourth Wednesday of December is the 25th which B might not want to meet that [Music] day when's our regular meeting in January uh the 8th okay it's pretty early so yeah that's good and um you know the 26 so it would be the eth we could meet the 15th if we have to and then the 22nd would be the Forum I don't think we have to add any ratings yeah I don't we've got it pretty well down at this point yeah yeah so we should meet um I was actually I was saying to my wife juliia saying you know maybe the commission will agree not to meet at all in December I think we should meet I think we should I think we should meet December 11th let's put it this way let's make it a zoom only meeting this way this way we have people that can if they're far away with family or something like this they're not like trying to destroy their plans just to be at the meeting yeah I'd rather come in person yeah I don't know what the uh what the rules so to speak about Zoom only I don't know I've seen a couple other people do it I I think even um uh economic I think even did it twice place I mean at least you always have the option I would keep it hybrid even here fine yeah here B's always here he's the fixture the Mas out of the group yeah I mean if if I'm in town I will attend okay you don't have to be but we have the hybrid option yeah so just back on the forum for a sec so Logistics and snacks so I guess we talked about logistics but um do we want to sign up just going to do what snacks and stuff now or we can I think we could probably do that later lenita brought donut last year I think that was good was there cof she's not here we can tell her she's doing that again right um we had waterers I mean I can probably get a a donation from Big Y again okay sure that's easy enough since I might know a person uhuh get waters and whatever was there coffee at there was coffee not a lot of people touched it though okay so maybe juice kind of don't like to eat up in front of other people in public events it seems oh yeah all I say is apple cider yeah be festive fresh cider would be nice yeah would be good I don't know if L has fresh cider she does it's not her own she sells somebody else's yeah um yeah maybe you Donuts or cookies big why has it but it's not localish yeah not from South rck but yeah and they have one it's from America I think it's actually from like East Hampton one up there and they at least the Big Y here carries a like a branded cider there's Big Y cider and then there's this other Farm I can't think of and now there's I'm seeing showing up caramel cider that I'm try it but it's already sweet enough they need to add that too might cut down the tartness a little maybe that's interesting app or something you can't have enough sugar right I mean I can't have enough sugar but I'm I'm Different okay so that's good that's a good uh good progress there uh the chapter 61 protocols um this referring to what's in the um the 2040 plan or why well there's yeah there's that I'm they shut down right what what Marissa did what Marissa did um but I don't really I really don't want to let go of it I don't want to let go of it but if it's already in the 20 240 plan or whatever yeah excuse me um I want to know more like how are they gonna enforce it or how are they gonna promote it yeah like what are they doing like yeah and this thing I texted this to you guys and I emailed it to you and I brought copies again about the master plan implementation committee and this is the to me this is what we want to see I think so let me just read you something in the combined draft there's a mission statement and a description of the three primary roles the implementation committee will serve to achieve the plan achieve the plan's goals it role is quote to ensure the vision goals and strategies of the master plan master plan action plan are achieved through collaboration assistance and communication now we could just read that exact same paragraph and say to ensure that the vision goals and strategies of the chapter 61 Protocols are achieved through collaboration assistance and communication you know there's just I mean I I think we want to somehow get that kind of Buy in to have have these have it work the way we feel it should be working you know now is the master plan going to designate us to handle that part of it um that's a good question are we the enforcers or yeah are we the enforcers that's that's uh to hire some muscle I I get Thor on our side is there a copy you've sent a copy of this to us before okay I gotta find it in my files to I mean I I have a few copies here if you want to take one hard copy just that part of it right yeah um so I think yeah so reviewing the you know the South 2040 to where that fits in um I'm wondering you know people who are in chapter 61 or APR whatever they have to file each year uh the kind of a plan so to speak that they're going to continue doing what they're doing and I'm wondering if Mo those go to the assessor's office once in a while that form comes to us but I'm curious also go to the state 61's off statewide right yes right I is yes we should probably least be copied on it all right and [Music] um you know if if you go online you know mass.gov and you can either go directly to chapter 61 or if mdar and then I mean it's pages and pages on pages um and that was a point that came up at the select board that well the pro calls that Marissa developed it's really all in the law exist written but she just kind of put it all together right right so I get their point but same time they're kind of dismissing it because no one really enforces it or really tracks it for that matter like how can we track it better yeah is that even something in our perview right I the Agriculture Commission I would I would think so think it would be at least the 61a part yeah well if we go back to um you know from the master plan when we came out of you know here's all the things that like the Adcom are GNA have to work towards like if it fits into any of those buckets per se you know maybe we have that kind of Avenue to go down because then if we're like a leading role on something or leading party because remember there's those leading parties and then support parties then maybe we could combine forces with someone else if it fits one of those buckets I have to go back it's been so long now I haven't looked at I put that out of my mind for a little bit I know we were living it and breathing it there for two two years yeah I haven't looked at of lately either yeah what happens if someone doesn't you know file their yearly stuff does something actually happen or does it just get you know you know I should know that but I don't um like who would be the enforcer of that yeah well I think it's going to be up to like because there 's like shortterm and long-term goals but there isn't there weren't really specific and hard end dates to things I don't think but I think that's the whole point of this implementation committee is for them to look at okay this is these are all our short year goals so in my mind they would then be reaching out and saying like Okay what are we What's the progress on these goals and I think they're the ones supposed to kind of stay on top of everyone's just doing what they need are supposed to be doing in my mind that's how it was going to work but also when you're section when you're 61 or 61a you're in a diff your land is taxed differently so doesn't that involve the IRS at that point some form right right yeah and I don't know like to your point if somebody doesn't do it I mean yeah I don't know they haven't filed it then do they owe back taxes or is there land get discredited if they take it out of 61 they ow they can they can owe back taxes um they gotta pay fair use right um okay these are all good questions um I'm going to talk to the assessor's office about you know are they getting the the reports that they're supposed to get from the land owners they probably I'm kind of guessing they are but but uh check that out it might just go straight to the state yeah does the state kick it back I don't know yeah yeah so I'll pursue that a little bit um also there's probably if there isn't but there might be layers for the gis system of what 61a what's ER property I think there is I believe so I think there is too yeah things that TI it's hard to keep track of it yeah okay well I just wanted to again not not let go with that yeah no I mean find a way to it's like Marissa's kind of put it all into one you know lumped it together so can almost track it at that point right yeah this way it's all over the place and there was no like from my understanding I kind of came into the middle of this but that was part of the problem right there's like all these steps that should happen but nobody's aware of all the steps and like who notifies who that these things are happening right exactly yep yeah no subject um subject matter expert on the whole thing was right right she made an organized system yeah that's what I understood okay so may back out to Marissa and see how she still feels about it yeah yeah do you want to do that would you yeah okay much joh buy me one more oh yeah okay good uh that's good again there's that's progress um community garden update um Dan and Ron uh till tilled it um couple of weekends ago the water tanks the water tanks put the water tanks in place uh we've been talking about testing you see if we can get the water from the well to the I'm kind of wondering how much water is in the well right now might not be the best time to after after tomorrow you after this weekend maybe we could we could get we're months behind on rain I don't know how much two days of rain going to affect it but yeah supposed to be a couple inches yeah yeah do we collaborate with the Conservation Commission with the garden too or we do do they have like times when they go out or are we gonna should we do it all together or like I don't know if we like put imitations out or anything but yeah we do I mean if generally when things happen uh we're we kind of instigate it we're the drivers and then conservation will you know we've had these work days like sanowski property Yeah clean up around the ponds and stuff yeah we kind of made that happen and the ha right yes right that Meadow yep there but yeah well I was going to say should we do we want to try to think of another work day at the Garden or at sanowski for that matter I mean we do have our our falling down fence post stuff we got get those in should we do it this year or after the winter well that's there's really no reason to have them all you know right start rotting now the Frozen uh the Water that's inside that wood is going to freeze so they're not falling this season it's going to be probably beginning of Spring where we'd have to attend to yeah and um and just being the time of year you know Thanksgiving week and it's kind of hard we get can we get people out I'm still going to try to coordinate with d and test that pump at some point yeah yeah good yeah I don't thinkone be there for that or did we pipe it at all are they like piped together or anything the water tanks no no I was thinking of some ideas for that but I don't know that we' necessarily have to I wanted to eventually set up some kind of like rain collection system for them but m and we wouldn't have to pump up to him giant found something I think they're they're concrete forms They hav't At Home Dep they're about the size of the tanks really yeah and I think we could just Plum into them h no kidding okay put a screen in there to keep you know big debris out yeah I actually did that for my uh chicken Coupe I have the gutter screened off and it goes right into a tank so I have fresh water for the chickens that's smart nice cool how are the chickens doing are they liking their new home oh they were Ling since day one but I get five six sometimes up to eight only have eight chickens so that nice yeah they produce 12 or 13 a day that's awesome it's funny tell one thing I like their eggs a lot better than the store she works at the that's pretty good yeah my neighbor gives me free eggs from her she has chickens across the street anyone who stops over my house you're going home in my sister does that too in months in yeah it's like I'm like okay yeah they're that's awesome I'll take them we started working on ways to preserve them over the winter because they're gonna eventually stop laying probably December oh I actually found this I think I I send you the link sage just has four little round spots in a frying pan so you can cook a bunch of round patties and then you just freeze them and you can make breakfast sandwiches all winter you haven't you haven't shown me anything like that that's pretty cool send me a link I thought I did but maybe I didn't but yeah it works pretty well just take a bunch of eggs you know stir them up just pour them in there about 30 seconds a batch and is that McDonald's St pretty much yeah right that's one way because you can't freeze a raw egg really right guess you can freeze my wife said you can freeze the hardboiled eggs but yeah I heard that too hardboiled eggs you can just not the raw off I don't see why that would matter it could be more of the the Thong process maybe you can dehydrate them too but seems like a lot of work oh powder powdered eggs yeah technically you can pickle eggs I don't know why you would but you can I actually kind of like pick yeah yeah they still have draw pickled eggs in the back of the bar wants to eat them if you're drunk enough you'll eat anything it's like the trick to get over a hangover yep absolutely juice yeah juice yeah well okay the be e this year there was a booth that they were giving you know like shots of pickle juice think about it picklebacks are good drink pickle backs yeah yeah some people love them some people hate them take like a shot of whiskey and take a shot of pickle juice oh yeah like completely cancels it out yeah when you go to the red Fair they got the big very fat pickles that they sell a dollar a piece sometimes $4 a piece but they're like huge and people just buy them and they're just eating them throughout the entire time throughout the R Fair I'd rather take the shot pickle in one hand and a turkey drumstick in other yeah that's pretty much that's the style of eating there oh man tell you the food's not bad sure I'm sure it's good rest from the cow yeah okay moving right along uh we do have a couple of sets of minutes here from Cindy uh from September 11th and October 9th but since there's only three of us in person and we weren't able to email them around ahead of time so I'm I don't think we can vote on those right now no not yeah right next meeting we do that next time email them around in the meantime roll that over to the next meeting then we'll have these ones too right there you go right um let's see we did our FYI any other uh can I just ask two questions for the okay yes thank you that's funny I like that okay one question oh of the Forum did we want to do earlier than 7 o'clock did we want to do oh yeah what we we debated that last year yeah we did I forgot question remember I think we did that six we I don't remember like an hour early a lot of them well the library programs 6:30 to 8 oh okay but I think one of the reasons we liked the land use room is because you don't have as long as we stay as long as we want so true true yeah so what do you think would makes sense six yeah I think because it's not going to go too late you know if we did like I think we did six to eat last year yeah I think it was six because people are getting out of work at 5 so they can make it yeah yeah yeah and that's on a Wednesday right yeah we should just confirm what we did I think last year worked perfect yeah it did yeah we should just confirm that's what we did and just go with that and then advertisements I think we put some stuff around the town yes I believe and then on Facebook we just got to reach out directly to the farmers too right I think it's the best way to get them here yeah I think I still have the template for the last ad or I don't know if we want to you want me to update it we don't really get anyone from the public yeah one or two people yeah yeah right send it out to the list of volunteers or I mean I mean mostly wanting the farmers there want the farmers I don't know how many I we could say come meet your farmers but yep I think it was because of how we worded it people probably thought you had to be a farmer okay okay I mean you don't have to be a farmer to go no it's over to the public absolutely but do we want to bombard Farmers with a bunch of questions people saying you know trying to meet them I don't know if they would appreciate that or not they might well we can ask them you know we can hey [Music] um especially if we're going to reach out to ask if they're coming you can ask them that one question too right you mind the public joins us um okay yeah so I was just looking for last year it looks like it was 5:30 to8 listed on the it was on on the website South math website oh oh really okay yeah Wednesday January 24th 5:30 to 8 oh should we have like the the cocktail hour type of yeah yeah okay right get your Cy donuts can we just put on there it says general public and local farmers welcome in big red font so okay yeah I'm thinking is does 5:30 seem early but we're thinking that people are going to come at 5:30 and you know have some kind of a snack and then we also going to try to get more public here you almost need them to RSVP because what if it outgrows the land use room right how many snacks we have right was it in the land Ro land use room last year it says it also says in South bake Town Hall Auditorium and wasn't there last year so I don't remember we were going to do it in the auditorium then we switched it back okay land I think we had to put signs up in the front saying it's in the yeah was it because of audio oh right that's right Echo there's a really high ceiling there yeah oh with all the people there it would be yeah just beely yeah I don't know about getting the public to RSVP we can try it I doubt you'll get them to RSVP yeah doesn't hurt to say it oh of course no just that's it's gonna be a they're just gonna show up if they're coming Refreshments while supplies last y for reference our first one started at 6:30 because I just found that one too okay oh the one at the library yeah that's was a little late yep yeah Refreshments probably last I like that Jen did you have another question you said two no that's it I snuck that other second one in there that was it I had nope that was it the time and advertisements that's it yeah so 6 o' did we say or 6 well I think I think 5:30 for 530 people show up oh to get everybody in program at 6 okay and then some more and then after yeah we won't go all the way to 8 right mingling from 7:30 to 8 as well we don't have to say that but program will go from 6:00 to 7:30 let's let's say questions answers I think last year worked really well yeah are we gonna keep it uh in person only yes I think it has to be did we record um we didn't no I think we decided the farmers might not want that oh okay right oh right right right right although did we actually ask them if they wanted or not no we should ask them that maybe we could ask them this year and next year yeah and maybe it would be the the meeting portion or the presentation portion that would be recorded not the the mingle not the mingling yeah no it's just the meeting part perhaps yeah is this actually an official meeting or is this just a no it's a get together it's a yeah Workshop it's got yeah it's got to be a because we do have a quorum usually yeah but it's not a meeting where take minutes or Vote or the time for when the farmers can just voice whatever there yeah we ask some questions try to get them to ask us [Music] questions okay as long as we're not trying to make official statements or anything we're fine yeah right we don't need any on it yeah my oh mysh bruised up that Tom I don't know Tom's muted I shut off myone haven't heard much from Tom I'm here I'm here I'm just at my daughter's soccer practice in Connecticut ah okay that was that was not my phone though whatever that was he very athletic kids2 news update for weather I think something I usually have one but I shut off my yeah I got yeah some Gremlins something any tornadoes coming we good yeah yeah that's all I had for questions thank you okay very good thank you um so I think I think we're we're good for now so till December 11th um as always I appreciate the good the good input the good ideas and the laughter you know we need laughter absolutely it's the fun commission that's right so would anybody like to make a motion to adjourn a motion to adjourn and a second okay all those in favor okay steing everyone