so this is uh work session meeting of the southw Agricultural commission today is uh Wednesday June 26th 2024 we do have a quorum with myself Bert Hansen Dan Cook Zack Barnett Angie Simone and online Jen dietro uh Sage Fury and guest Marissa cook oal so um I think uh Marissa you had said you you have about 30 minutes right so maybe we should just everybody yes that's that's right yeah okay so we can just uh jump into the um you know the open Farm stuff um and I I just sent around the um sponsorship letters one signed by me if you want to if you're soliciting sponsors and then one one kind of generic one you can sign yourself if you'd rather do it that way and was I got a little kick out of it because as I opened up those files it was June 26th exactly one year ago when I was working on him I don't know some kind of serendipity or something it's the day before the meeting or something yeah yeah Marissa did you um did you want to are you able to or did you want to share files of the you know passport and yeah um I sent over some screenshots um maybe just about 15 minutes ago sorry it was very last minute to the whole group um okay and hopefully yeah I don't know how to screen share I'm on my phone right now so I I don't know how to screen share um a file but I'm hopeful that everybody can just look in their email um and check or if I don't know if who's managing the zoom if they want to bring it up on the screen um yeah I don't have I don't have access to my email here okay but um so which which which pieces is it right so um let's okay oh there it is it's on the hold on that's my screen sorry um yeah Angie's Angie's sharing her phone here so right so the first file that I'm looking at in the email is um just the flyer the one that can be printed in any color printer yeah the eight and a half by 11 piece and um Bert I just took your recommendation of editing out that one line at the top and I added the uh additional Farms that are parti ipating this year um which are I added Granville scoop and second Eden and I did I I wrote solex Farm Plus 413b at solx just so that people know you know if you go to solex you kind of are in for a double treat because it's the cow Farm be Farm as well as um Andrew's honey stand separately so yeah okay that's good yeah like we did last year that's good yeah exactly and and um the next two files are the open Farm day brochure um and same thing B I took your grammatical recommendations and the things that you wanted struck just the excess Tex um it was a little verbose last year so I think it actually looks better spatially this year just having a little bit more negative space and then the only other update was the addition as well of those other um two Farms so Granville and second Eden and when I was at the last meeting I don't think you were there at the last Adcom meeting um I wanted to clarify that Granville scoop was actually participating because I hadn't been to the last shoule Adcom meetings so it was a surprise for me to to hear that a Granville Farm was on there and my my question at the last meeting was how how exactly does the commission want me to add this to the existing um templates that we have because we have a map of Southwick there and you know oh right what the suggestion was from the Commissioners was on the route 57 part just note the number down um and then write a little note like Granville scoop 10 minutes away on 57 West so that's exactly what I did and I included this uh Granville scoop address whole address um being gry Road Grand class yeah but I'm wondering now like because I'm just curious like now that I see that there Granville Mas or the Granville scoop should I go ahead and add Southwick to all the other ones just so that people are clear now that we're branching out of Southwick um you do have some people coming in from out of town so I mean I think but if you're not from town you may just I don't know you may not know the difference with South to I mean I think if they put the address in their GPS without the town it's going to automatically pull the town yeah I don't know that and it certainly says Southwick in at least three places on the brochure so okay yeah I think I think that's fine and I think that's great to um you know have that number seven little arrow you know 10 minutes down the road yeah that looks well yeah not only ice cream they have like an animal sanctuary yeah yeah kind of a petting right but people that can't keep their animals they've been taking them which is really nice oh really oh so it's like a sanctuary my name yeah my neighbor has sheep and he started having babies he didn't know they they could breed well he didn't know he thought the males were fixed so oh oops next thing you know they were having little babies and he had too many and he had to get rid of two and he searched around and they took up two of them which is really nice yeah nice place to live instead of you know maybe being slaughtered or right right right and just an FYI for you uh Marissa we the original idea was that Granville scoop was going to send their ice cream truck or whatever they have but apparently it their freezer their freezer died so we're they can't do that so we're going to just send people to the actual Farm they they said they were going to try and do hay rides that's what they are going to ultimately come up with okay which a lot of a lot of things that we don't actually see over there in Granville is their land and that would be a treat for everybody that involved so that was a question that I had as I was reviewing this um so thank you for the tips uh you know Commissioners at the last meeting for how to best include Granville scoop I think that works well and it's visually clear but um I'm just wondering if any of the descriptions of what the Farms are offering this year updated like I am I'm actually waiting to hear back from coward Farms because I spoke with Teresa a couple of weeks ago and she was excited about open Farm day and she said um I'm going to get back to you because we may have I mean they're participating but she said we may even have the little choo choo train that they always have in the fall oh they may whip that out for open Farm day so I sent her a text earlier today and she's actually checking with the guys so um this brochure I guess if it may still have an additional edit or two but I'm just wondering like now that we're discussing the Granville scoop here like that sounds like a really cool thing to to maybe mention in there and for the Bai Farm um I added that last year our description was take a self-guided tour of this Farm a former dairy farm now hayfields I changed that to take a tour on a wagon um at this swarmer dairy farm now hayfields with views of proven Mountain so are there any updates to descriptions like I mean for instance is calibri definitely going to be an open Farm this year like I took out like the description we had for them yeah yeah we definitely should look at all these um you know with fresh eyes so to speak I last year we did we went around and interviewed them all should we maybe do that again yeah we probably should and there and we have the couple of new spots right and another um up you know update and and question is with firefly Fields there were some complaints last year that it was 10 bucks to ride the Pony bonies um which is what they always do right so we should talk to them about doing something special or you know it's not just open such as business as usual you know um so yeah so there'll definitely be few updates um Randall scoop and so actually sayage I wanted to ask and so they're going to have they're going to have their ice cream parlor open and do the sort of petting zoo kind of thing you're talking about Granville yeah yeah yeah yeah it's gonna it's GNA be you know obviously their ice cream is everyone's gonna love that because it'll probably be a hot day but yeah it's their petting zoo and hay ride oh hay ride okay so I'll definitely add the petting zoo and the hay ride if that's a guaranteed thing um yeah I just want to make sure that we're like accurately advertising right so yeah right they did say hey ride she said because they wanted to do uh they were going to do the thing the ice cream in town but because of the freezer the hay was the alternative great no that's great I mean just want it to be accurate because people do read that and kind of choose where to go based on what their interests are um do we know if bide is offering another wagon ride this year I know that was something last minute last year is Tom there tonight or yeah uh Tom Tom's not able to be here tonight uh his his father who ran the the hay rides last the tractor rides last year is actually going to be in Ireland uh during Farm day so I have to excuse me catch up with Tom and see make make sure we know what they're doing okay and um I'll definitely hear back from Teresa I think um within a day or two about their uh train can add that um any other updates that folks know of just because keep in mind this does take the brochure takes like a good two weeks to get out here um so that would put us at Mid July at this point and I know last year we had it by earlier July and that's what Inga was using to kind of uh drop off at businesses and recruit and obviously like it gave us like a solid month of doing some promo and dropping the brochures off around town other places so um just trying to be mindful of like when we should hear back and kind of have like a final version of stuff like you guys thinking as a commission like do you have any timelines that you're trying to to um yeah so it sounds like pretty much ASAP right I mean I think if we can get this buckled up by end of this week that would be great because then that would give us the first two weeks of July and you know there's a holiday there um so that would give us like a full month of having these brochures which you know I think that's it shouldn't be any shorter than that yeah it would definitely be good to get it out there at least by mid July that way we get a good amount of advertising I mean the fortunate thing is everyone knows now Farm day is an annual thing because we said it during the event so everyone's expecting it now at least but we want to get more people and not just the ones that already been there exactly for sure and uh definitely more people but but also some people didn't make it to all the Farms they wanted to get to last year so uh you know hopefully they'll be they come back one um well I I think the passport was a big benefit for this because people got marked what their uh what they actually visited so if they still have their passports they can look at what they missed and now attend it this time around I like how it says optional next to it because I know you guys had some feedback from last year about you know um I don't know if there was um about the stickers and things like that everybody doing the the tours quickly or just going there for the stickers to win prize I don't know I I like the optional piece on that um just so that people you know like you said they just use it for future references like oh we didn't see this Farm Maybe will go to next weekend or something so I like that I certainly can do that and I don't know if you know Jen probably you do that we're not gonna do the prizes thing this year yep yep yeah yeah yeah which is part of the feedback from last years's right right yeah remember that that's good yeah and um yeah calibri I I was kind of surprised to see them because I thought they weren't going to participate but they're definitely on board to open up their Farm um this year like they're gonna actually show behind the scenes a little bit well I'm I got to talk to them they're they're on board to be one of the Farms I got a an email actually like uh from Donna's daughter whose name I can't think of Danielle Danielle who said yeah we want to participate you know but again we got to have that conversation and say okay it's you know what are you what are you g to do that's different than every other every other day yeah yeah right because it's part of our branding you know open Farm day so right yeah and I just I think like it would be nice I just want to make sure that like if people are G to spend their time there that they don't feel like it was a waste because that was a comment last year like I would have skipped it if I had known that it wasn't open and I would have spent more time at Bai or oh I would have had time to go all the way over to solx so um yeah just so for accuracy's sake and like we can also add an accur description of what they are going to offer too this year because right yeah like that would be good for them if they're going to actually open likee what they're gonna do so yeah or if or not we just put that Farm Stand only yeah well also is it 10 to four is that we're yeah we're do split shifts I think right right with the volunteers right if we get if we get yeah or if someone wants to still on this volunteer slip shouldn't we put the date in 10: to 4 so that the people know what they're signing for that's that's the discussion I wanted to have with that is I was thinking even advertising the split shift option like do are you more available for the first shift or the second shift kind of thing like yeah pick your preference and we'll try to make it happen oh yeah for sure I think definitely advertise that you can do split shifts that might like make some people want to do it yeah so but before we get into that in detail uh just a couple other things on farms um at first I thought well Grand scoop you know and there's and we thought maybe the wooders would open the you know Rockland Farm but Tom you know they they aren't going to so oh man one Farm in Granville but if you're already at slex or Klein view yeah you're you're like halfway there so I think that's good and then another thing to bring up you know the Hampton County Improvement league would like to have a uh kind of an information booth somewhere um probably yeah yeah so I don't know should we include that probably at the Historical Society that might be good yeah um but do should we advertise them in the brochure sure think so oh yeah that'd be great because maybe just put them under the Historical Society because it's Historical Society listed there yeah that's a great idea I actually don't have any more room to add any more lists that was another comment I was gonna make like I am at the margins and I've had to make the font smaller this year so I did see the note about um hamon County Improvement Le I don't have space to add them as a listing unless I make everybody like a lot smaller so I was going to ask like we know where they're going to be um so that maybe I can like add a notes the location and that way people know I mean yep and maybe we could uh we'll have to work on this a little bit but maybe shorten some of the descriptions if if like coward Farm has three lines yeah exactly else has one or too so I mean how much does it cost to add a page we could always add a side or something we just make it a list keeping it to one piece from a graphic standpoint it's a single document you want people to grab and go like adding something is you're kind of changing the um yeah the nature of the like brochure actually no we we could shorten it and also I can make a QR code to put on that to send us to a place that says if you want a more descriptive you know F this link and we'll have the big full sheet size of like all the descriptions yeah if you want to send me that QR code I can throw that somewhere on there um I think there's already a QR code to the website that I added to the brochure um somewhere on the back yeah it's on the back or front side I guess so you want me to update that like with the specific page that you want to send people too like just send that my way do you think you could send that by Friday well if you just made the QR code go to like the landing page for Farm day on our website instead of the actual South okay yeah I can do that that's fine that's easy I can make that easy enough um yeah uh does it do you have any sense of where hon county is going to be I mean they're not a farm so I don't know like adding them as their own listing might confuse people like if they're especially G to be like doubling up location yeah as as Angie just suggested if they're they'll probably I'll suggest to them that they be at the historical society which is kind of an informational kind of thing anyway and um and and that we could just include them with the Historical Society listing we'll do I'll add that then to their list um okay yeah if anybody has any edits to send so the descriptions like shorter ones if you can get me that by tomorrow Friday that would be great like yeah okay y I think they're kind of involved with the Historical Society anyway a little bit okay yeah I wouldn't surprised me they were at the um they at the our meeting we went to yeah also Marissa I should know this but did you do the did you do the the passport design and layout last year and any of the ads or did oh you did um I didn't do any of the ads I just did the passport so um the passport I think what we had agreed upon for this year was We would uh keep the same format maybe change a couple colors around and then just update the list of farms so um I can have that done yeah that that's pretty straightforward so I can have that done too um I mean I know last year we printed that after we got the brochures because wasn't as urgent like we just needed them by the 18th the day was but we can order it all together and that was my next question um so the format for all of these things both the passport and the brochure that's already uh known and spec out with the contact that I have there now that the Adcom has its own account with America's printer how are we going about printing this like am I still going to go through my contact do you have a contact there like how like when I who do I give the file to because you know um I don't think I personally don't have a contact there and I don't think anyone does as long and if you're if you're okay with it mariss you could handle it just be sure that the documents say you know Adcom you know we went okay sure yeah absolutely so handle the printing then same like finish same paper weight everything as last year right like y yeah okay great yeah they had that all on file when they gave me the quote that I gave you and Sage for um accounting so yeah once I get the final okay from the commission to move forward I'll just contact them and say okay these are the fil out and the POS have been approved right the not not for this not for the passport oh okay then I'm not sure how to get it printed then because I think they would um there would need to be like some sort of Prior approval or put a credit card on F yeah no we um it'll that just means it'll be out of next year's budget not this year's so when we get uh you know the the estimate or the invoice or whatever we can do the POS then I think I submitted the POS already for both of them they added it on the same paper um it was for both the passport and the brochure so um oh okay but if you want I can ask them to break that out and then but they definitely gave me the for both because I asked for both thinking yeah okay I'm boy for some reason I'm drawing a blank on that but let me check but it's okay we just we're just going to pay it out of next year's budget which you know which we knew anyway are we closures to different shops and yeah we'll put the brochures in the flyer you know at shops around town at The Farms too of course um great so I'll get working on all of that and take into account people's um comments tonight and yeah again if people can get me uh further information about a farm I'd say by the end of this week if possible that would be great just because yeah going into next week might might get a little bit tough and delay us um but I will send over the original file for the flyer so that the Commissioners can start printing those and start flyering like that's that's really easy to to do and you can start doing that as soon as you want you know going on there yeah and we can just we can also print print those here at uh at Town Hall you know too all right yeah there you go so I'll send the original file if um once you guys look that over I know not everybody got a chance to look at it because I sent it so late so sorry but once you all look at your emails um if you if someone the chair or vice chair can write back and just say hey looks okay I'll send you the original file um so that you can yeah okay printing no yeah and it won't be a bad thing I don't think if we we start the promotion right after the 4th because folks are going on vacation next week you not Farmers but but you know just so we don't get sort of Lost in the shuffle over the fourth you know uh okay yeah all right I mean I think that timing will work out because it's Wednesday already and I don't know that things are going to come in by Friday so that puts us into next week I think after the fourth Probably sounds more accurate but um yeah yeah just one little example so I called classy K9 kennel over on Luma Street which we all we use all the time for our dogs and they I said okay can I bring Eddie over and they are full from this weekend right through to next weekend you know so uh so just just a little tangent there so sh want to talk about the volunteer signup sheet now um one step away folks I'm sorry um that's right there's anything further please send me an email and I'm happy to help okay we're gonna right now we're just going to talk about the um the volunteer signup sheet and you already said Marissa you agree that we should say you know what times and split shift oh yeah definitely I think that will be an incentive for people to sign up if they know that they can make it to some farms in the morning or afternoon yeah I've heard that comment a lot from our former volunteers excuse me okay do you need you need to sign off now yes I do thank you so much but um yeah I I'll look for comments via email and anything else uh folks need me to to look at please send my way thanks so much everybody thanks for coming to the game oh yeah thank you thank you Dan I'll um I'll see you guys soon take care okay yeah bye bye thank you so much for your help on this that was quick okay thank you gone need to go yeah Elliot's in the background hey Elliot's on mute right now yeah Al so one thing I noticed on the the signup sheet Sage when I I printed it and the little it says upwk yeah the the sunflower moved over and blocked part of the word Southwest I was trying to find like the S just you know even though it was a PDF I don't know how that happened but that is weird yeah and so just a couple of the margins look a little weird too oh yeah yeah can you can you do a mockup uh like just circle things and send it back to me in an email so I can see what actually happened I'll look into it sure because uh this this computer's like brand new that I'm using for this and uh there are settings and presets and stuff that I still have to fixed so there's a possibility of just you know it's just new software without any actual guidance gotcha okay yeah we can do that we want to uh I had just a couple of sort of proof reading kinds of things we are actually the agricultural Al commission which I did put the AL in there did it take it away I must have missed that it's not in it's in the body of it but in this header it's not I'm G have to recheck on that yeah and then this form will be used for purposes southwick's excuse me open day just so we keep consistent there yep no I I I did catch the open thank you for reminding me yep and then uh please print the following and send by email sorry or deliver to the agricultural commission meeting you know what do they it's a little bit missing what they how the committee meeting fits so should we say deliver to drop off at Town Hall yeah oh I was actually thinking of trying to get them to come to one of our meetings oh that would be good we could drop it off a town hall too though yeah yep okay then I need an address like who to address it to who wants to take the uh Gathering of that or do we have an actual inbox that just goes to agriculture does Jen want it because Jen said she was gonna organize the volunteers yes I was just gonna say I'm um you know definitely I took uh July August off of school so I am available after the 30th of June so um yeah I I'm I'm open and welcome to do you know yeah I think they probably should come here and Adcom has a mailbox here so maybe uh you know attention Cindy Barton and then she could put it in the mailbox and then Jen when you on whatever schedule you could you could pick them up and I can definitely that yeah okay and then we're going to add the times split shift the date oh the date yeah yeah yeah add the date and the time I don't know what you're going to do for split shift prefer we posting these one to four 10 to do 10 to four right yeah three hour shifts all right so 10 to one one to four yes there you go and in real life of course they should be there a little bit before 10 you you know well I think I'd add a half an hour extra in the beginning of each one you want to make 9:30 to one and then 1 to 4:30 yeah just this way it gives people time especially because you're relieving another person so yeah oh so maybe 12:30 to 4 yeah so 93 you want them to help up too at the end but that's true yeah right yeah because if the farm Day hours are you know to 10 four then you want to make it so they're also there to clean up also right and Zach just said you know wasn't all that much cleanup last last year so oh like what 10 15 minutes per Place couple chairs everything in a pile it can get picked back up uh weita helped with that y we'll get traffic cones from the DPW again is she completely off the commission no Len no no she um she's not on the website anymore oh sh town website on really J's on there oh they must have took off the wrong person yeah no because lenita applied to be reappointed as an alate um oh an alterate okay yeah well she has been well okay was she a fold before yeah maybe they took her off to she not fall anymore maybe I think I thought they had all everybody I shows a vacancy on there too okay well this uh part of this is um we're still kind of waiting for the select board to actually do the they haven't done that they haven't done that yet so Jen presumably will fill the vacancy you know Marissa's they have four days yeah I recall in some previous years that we were we're into like August yeah um well I remember now everyone's new now too so they're still getting their feet wet yeah so anyway we'll we'll get there but L lenita is still okay Pard of it I was confused because she wasn't on there unless I yeah didn't see it but um let's see yeah yeah Tammy still on there yeah she did not reapply right but her term doesn't end in four days anyway unless she said she wants to put immediately yeah no she just didn't like Mara did yeah yeah she didn't actually resign so anyway so this uh uh document with the checklists in it I think Jen had a question about oh um she was starting to say something okay Jen sorry I didn't mean to interrupt um what was my question oh are we posting the voluntary checklist in like libraries or are we kind of putting it out there in places that people might look at you know right next to the posting of the actual brochures wherever the brochures go those should go with my opinion perfect okay so two pieces of paper um or you know wherever okay I know people when we did the postings for the um the the last event that we had uh The Forum there was a lot of people and a lot of companies that were very welcoming so like the Mobile station I can ask the library to put it up in the bulletin board like that so yeah that's a great idea yeah right yeah what I don't know sorry I think it was Sage talking yeah but he wasn't in front of heun anyway as Zach has said at least twice in this meeting we're going to need more [Laughter] volunteers um we also kind of have a competition going with ingun who can get more so so um answers my question I appreciate it we have the um EDC who's also yeah yeah the co-sponsor EDC and the land trust so they should are all these sponsors coming back uh we don't know yet okay uh I know mine is is uh the launch is coming back oh I see I see you wrote it over here yeah so what they did last year and um everybody I'm pretty sure that everybody said last year they would plan to do it again this year so it shouldn't be shouldn't be too hard know and there's just a list of you know farms and a shared sponsor list with the EDC and land trust are we going to be like three different people asking the same question uh that can annoy people for sure didn't I already give to that yeah I mean Ina did most of these any but um [Music] the new power or something you called it um and Dan do you think uh Terra Americana will be back and Sonic Sonic oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so we'll be working on these I didn't know these folks are Le liia C and Joshua Gibb and Chris Gerard I'm not sure who those folks are Chris Gerard is my neighbor I think he had something with the garden and I think he couldn't do it so I think he just donated his oh okay from the garden last year so I don't think he'll be back okay so I forget what are we making the checks payable agricultural commission South agricultural commission yeah very we have to be very uh yeah yeah Bert henness b u r t h no b a n c o o I have to be very particular about does that particular would Adcom suffice or no Adcom is probably okay but because it's GNA get deposited right yeah yeah get cash Banks aren't too can't like even just today as we're scrambling to get the bills paid under this year's budget the um uh this uh Marie Reagan is doing some big signs for us and it's been in the works for some time and just realized today that her invoice says Inga hiling so the town won't pay them because it's May out it's attention Inga you know so got got that fixed anyway uh all the media and the Outreach pretty much all the same stuff I'd like to add oh I got the West flyed news here P I think must be a new one yeah the consant on Aging messenger Westfield Westfield lifestyle is a MAG magazine very similar to go local and then the library links newsletter as well as the as we were saying you know websites for us EDC SLT I don't know if EDC and SLT have Facebook pages but um yeah I don't know okay so then this this is the the last couple pages are volunteers from last year and where they were um do NH NHS mean oh National Honor Society oh okay so as I said uh notes including students so whereas an NHS kid should say I'd like to say that and then also if it's St Mary's or Tom's going to talk to uh Pope Francis so I sent all them the information okay Matt Collins who's the principal and athletic director there okay he said he's putting online for the high school okay will they be able to receive credit um is there something from the town like to give them hours of volunteer yeah we signed a document for uh yeah for year yeah they they have a a sheet they give to whoever there's they're volunteering with and you just kind of sign it to authorize how many hours it was you know that kind of thing so yeah definitely awesome some of the National Honor Society kids never gave me their sheet so I don't know what they got cred who's up with that but well they just needed it signed maybe someone signed it we just make sure they know that that's something that they can do um like on the day or something or reminder so I just included the um I wanted to get the list of last year's uh volunteers out there so you know we could whoever contacted whomever we could start start talking to them like Zach you could talk to your [Music] mom you know um we could talk to the I don't know Dan if you want to talk to the priy or or I could you know so just kind of look through the list and see who you who you who you know and who You' feel comfortable talking to talking to about about volunteering who did they come to last year I had no thing to do with them they were there yeah okay yeah okay Alex is but I will I definitely will I know where they live and yeah bang on the door yeah they're probably planning oh go ahead Jen sorry um so when we put out the postings is there a time frame where we can actually put it up on the board in the middle of town um like on the electronic yeah I don't know if we can do that yeah does it cost money to do that no no oh it does oh okay that's cool yeah that's good so maybe we should put on the on the malicious sign they have a sign too oh that's cool they have a fancy one yeah like on the way in and out and we had an orientation session for all of volunteers last year it was um Saturday August 12th um this year it might oops a similar date would be August 10th would be um like a week be a week before so is that sounds good for you guys yeah I'll keep that date open okay good yeah we had a good turnout for that last year most of the most of the volunteers showed up where is that held usually at the library or here at the no here at land use usual spot uh let's see what and with these NHS kids from last year some of them graduated so like Lucas Karen for example yeah uh so he probably won't be here I mean he might be back for the summer might yeah yep when HT reaches out to him sure oh for sure yep and I have already contacted um Maryann marata who's the NHS coordinator at the high school and she's already sent out oh cool information and then I followed up with like a um some I I sent an email back I responded all replied all and gave him some details so they've had two two hits already Yes um okay that I think for the moment that is it for the open Farm day Ina is going to be involved again this year she's working on some signs and some you know the the sponsorship she using her budget for some of that huh I think so I think at least for some of the signs she's going to um that's another good question uh SLC doesn't have a budget yet as far as I know um I mean SLC SLT yeah I know what you're saying yeah okay and you know we're going to need since we have more participants we'll need more lawn signs you too that's that's not a huge deal we saw on from last year right oh yeah so yeah there would be less expense there yeah I've got a bunch of them I think Sage I think you have some open Farm um blond signs I think has a couple did you get a I believe I have some did you make up a sheet for uh giving to the to the companies when they oh yeah yeah actually it's in your email um or I could I can give you a hard copy all right no no okay yeah okay I just I just one s tonight wife print it out good okay yeah yeah it's uh I just sent it at like 5:30 or something okay okay let's see in the sense I'll actually be glad when this chapter 61 meeting is over since we've been talking about it for like three months it's gonna be July 11 that's def yeah uh it's on agenda I believe so I believe so it's a Thursday it's not been going on for a long time yeah it's not the select board regular day it's a special meeting just for that yeah yeah and with other you know with um like Conservation Commission and others who need to know how these things work and then um I meant to put the community garden on here I actually did um excuse me I got those uh Base Post you know the metal thing and driving around for the fence and then 4x4 s for the actual fence post how many did you get 12 12 each one side a year yeah that's right oh and um we had looked at uh Harbor Freight for the pump uh they're not a vendor so rather than go through go through that process Home Depot is a vendor to the town and I actually through Home Depot found a RI battery operated pump and that's that's sitting downstairs I around oh nice yeah it's $179 I talked to Richie Reid yeah I talked to Richie Reid you know the well guy he said yeah that the capacity of that pump you know should be fine so uh are we going to use the pump out of the well or out of the p uh I think out of the well okay um I'm not so I have a container I have a bracket container that they'll donate to the town okay buzzy container oh okay like what kind of container you mean to put the water in it's about as tall as a ceiling really on it's a bracket it's got a pump on it but you can take that pump off it can it's just a holding container he wants to get rid of it and he's got it in his backyard is it food grade you know what's been in it yeah he just water just water y he used it for his greenhous we ordered two of the 275 gallon toast as well did you so I mean it wouldn't hurt that more think you fill them all up we good for a while yeah yeah and one thing I think I might mention this one of the previous meetings that Richie said don't pump the well dry on your first on your first yeah probably do more like 100 gallons at a time probably if that yeah I it'll start it'll start to get thin like can't we pump from a pond are we close enough to water though I wonder are we can try it I mean right now is just probably there's been so much rain yeah we don't have to worry about it rain to worry about it you still want to pump too much sludge right cuz then you're going to get bacteria gr we yeah you know what we can also do we can also rig it so that it collects rain water I think this thing collects rain water that's a good idea oh that would be awesome so I gotta talk to him worried about the pump and overdo the pump's uh you know ability and you can blow the pump out in a year right okay that's yeah if you could Dan double check on that and yeah I'll talk to him soon yeah good told me about this a couple months ago I forgot about it now we're talking about like oh yeah that's right that would be a nice but we'd have to get some flat Stones because it's got four feet on it okay you know you don't want it to lean yeah like some concrete blocks kind of thing or yeah but I I probably could come up with stuff yeah I've got a few I've got a few us all we got a couple block that we can just yeah I've got a few I even have four solid concrete blocks that are like couple thick yeah maybe three four in six so that's what we would need something so it's a pad it won't sink into the ground I should have grabbed there were six by6 pieces like this pressure treated down by where my shop the other day like 20 30 really yeah are they still there no oh pasty fence puts stuff out for people to take like almost every day oh man I should have grabbed them what were you thinking I don't know they might it might happen again literally they put stuff out every day yeah people just come and take it yeah people drive by there two three times a day just waiting for them to something out where is it nagam yeah he's defense they put all their scraps out like one in Westfield too when they tear down like sections of the fence they leave it out people grab them oh yeah yeah k the old uh what do you call Stockade F thing yeah they do that there in Westfield they used to well it's just like pallets if you ever need a wooden pallet you just go to any Industrial Road you'll see like them lined up against the curves y yep yeah I wonder why in the world anybody buys them you know because they're like everywhere anyway um and Jen we got we have some minutes to look at but Jen I wondered about your GIS uh potential Workshop Southwick just upgraded their GIS that's good to know apparently it's easier to use I haven't really tried it much yet Sabrina was talking about it at the uh Land Trust uh openhouse thing at The Brass Rail so what they upgrade like the layers or the actual software platform I'm not sure I mean it looked it looked very different I know that um oh sor it's okay sorry um the program that they were using was the same that I was using like it was um and I I when I was doing some projects I was going on to the um Southwick website to see if maybe they had it and they did and um the one I was using was terrible it was like from 1996 you know and and um there are some out there that you don't need to um buy um you know a part of the software to use there's free ones out there so I have been coming up with some ideas for like a PowerPoint to kind of um and then maybe next year I was hoping to get it for this year but maybe next year be have it be part of our mapping for the open Farm day um to kind of get more detail and um part of that is for you know for the Farms to actually try to solve problems with their you know if they have problems with Logistics um we can um kind of touch on that too you know because it's it's more for research um not of only mapping but it's more for research which is really cool for the town you know um yeah informational so I've been kind of putting something together I don't know if there's a time frame that you were looking to do some kind of presentation whether before the uh open Farm day or after maybe in the fall or probably after things slow down yeah that's a thought after open Farm day yeah would probably be good that would be great yeah and that would give me some time to kind of put something together and um I have a lot of good ideas and um just during school is just hard I start school back up in September but by then I could have something available and you know um and I can draft something up you know before maybe the end of July I don't know if that's too late but um you know I I'm I'm really intrigued by the whole process and if it could help the farmers get more customers or you know maybe somehow some way help them with it you know it' be kind of cool to be able to do that so we can link right to it from our website so yeah yeah yeah so I'll check out the new upgrades and hopefully they're better so you know that what you were talking about with there you know um because it's a great program to be able to um for them to utilize so you so yeah I can definitely put something together now that I will be not in school after the 30th working on my final paper tonight really okay yeah lab bi biology lab is one credit but it's the most work I've ever had to do yeah but it's fine um today will be the last day I'm happy about that so yeah thank you for bringing that up um I'm I would be happy to do something you know yeah towards educational yeah excellent thank you uh just backing up a little bit so do we think we should have a well no when should we have a workday at the Garden you know to do this fence and try out the pump and all that want to do it at the end of the year where it's cooler yeah probably yeah September or something okay because I think it's okay right now it's hanging in there oh yeah it's just yeah it's fine yeah or we should doing like a 95 day tomorrow okay yeah but fall fall sounds good to me so that's yeah that's good there's a few a few fence posts that are kind of leaning but we have those those metal stakes I I can just you know pound them in there for I don't remember how many I gave you I gave you a few yeah several yeah good okay and Cindy minutes what I do with my copy I wasn't at that meeting but um we approved all the standard yeah that was pretty awesome yeah I just had a couple of um kind of typew type Jesus what is wrong with me uh proof reading type of comments on the first page it's you know it's it's Firefly one word Fields over her Farm um I think barshop has two PS some stuff that have capitalized that I don't think need to be and it's got a date on the bottom of 410 24 so that probably should go so I can I can give Cindy a marked up copy anybody else have anything else I mean I me there wasn't much in the way of conversation to to record you work on the minutes but I think we're good wait Tammy wasn't at that meeting did she wrote Tammy yeah I saw that actually yes oh Tammy wasn't there okay so absent but your name's not on there whose name years M oh no never mind I'm sorry I thought I didn't see you on there is there any way that I could go back to solx farm to do it again sure absolutely yeah see so any other I'm not seeing that thing on this thing you sent tonight there someone here that wasn't so we got to take Tammy off of all the votes was think that's it yeah I don't think Tammy Tammy wasn't there Tammy definitely wasn't there because she's not on yeah okay we'll take so we'll take Tammy off we'll take the date off the bottom of the page so she wasn't present on the first right so we'll say absent uh and then those oh you got it couple it oh see it okay all right I pressed the wrong box I was like saying it how you Spell's name it's oh no it's Len one B yep so I have to oh if she was absent so see okay okay I make a motion to approve the minutes as marked up okay I second okay seconds okay all in favor uh roll call vote Bert Hansen I Dan Cook hi Zack Barnett hi and Simon hi Sage Fury hi and Jen deetra hi okay great thank you you know I kind of I was wondering about this today since we're so used to these hybrid format yeah meeting now do we still have to do a roll call vote I don't know I I want to ask we have that new handbook I would like to get a printed copy of it you think we can get a couple of those for in the next meeting sure um they said they were gonna pass them out to new members yeah and not existing members I know I don't get yes we can we can get those nice I mean I have it on my I work on my phone and I could print it too but it's a lot of paper yeah it's tough on a phone or even a laptop you got something that's 50 pages yeah okay they did spell a lot of that out in there so yeah yeah just hard to reference yeah um yeah I have something okay you had mentioned you wanted to step down at the end of your term and you still want to do that um oh sorry if I haven't updated so I what I was thinking was to become an alternate rather than a commissioner right but you said you didn't want to be chairman anymore right but I do want to I have applied to be commissioner right just wondering when you wanted that to change over take place well uh again we gotta we got to wait for the so you have to be reappointments right yeah okay so once you're reappointed we can and then we have a vote okay yeah so are you are you still I'm still game yeah okay I think say you still game yeah yeah we'll just have our normal vote everyone just we just make sure everyone's comfortable with the new Arrangement and everything and go from there okay so once yeah thanks select board does their yeah job yeah this they didn't meet this past Monday for some reason um they they meet almost every Monday but um I go to you two guys for grievances nice uh and Angie I want to ask you not to put you on the spot here in public but since Sage travel so much we could have we could also have a vote to approve you to sign things if Zach for some reason yeah someone does kind of need to be here especially if I'm absent see like in the summer it's no problem but during the school year I can't here to sign anything because I don't come back into town till like 4:30 right I mean I should be um I'm usually mostly unless I'm on vacation or something I'm around but Sage is never really around yeah yeah never I'm trying to change it but you know it's going to be a few more months before it happens peace I literally have to change my job oh like I literally have to leave the company so to do that I have to pay off some debts and take a lower paying job because I'm gonna be starting a whole new career oh man I mean I got I got a company similar to where you work machines aren't as big though any uh this is probably a conversation for another meeting another another time off the anyway so um what else we have that's it want a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn yeah motion to adjourn and I'll second it all those favor I yeah I good night everyone