##VIDEO ID:y59ePKmYZAg## good evening uh it's Monday January 27th 5:30 in conference room 2 the hybrid meeting for the board of assessors is now in session call to order myself Alan Hoy Dean rer John Kane pres and Sue Gore is absent tonight first on the agenda is there any public comments I don't see anything no one okay okay next on the agenda John can you make a motion to approve the minutes for October 21st 2024 I will make a motion to approve the minutes for October 21st 2004 2024 I second it John can you make a motion to approve the minutes of November 25th 2024 I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from November 25th 2024 I second the motion I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes of December 16 2024 can I get a second I second the motion now for new business can I get a motion to approve December's motor vehicle abatements I'll make a motion to approve December monthly abatements second the motion to approve December's monthly abatements can I get a motion to approve the supplemental CPA tax ID heric make a motion to accept the supplemental Community preservation Act tax second motion can I get a motion to approve supplemental real estate IA Ric make a motion to accept the supplemental real estate tax I second the motion to accept the supplemental real estate tax can I get a motion to approve personal property taxic make a motion to accept the personal property tax second the motion to accept the personal property tax can I get a motion to approve real estate tax all din Ric make a motion to accept the real estate tax I second the motion to accept the real estate tax can I get a motion to approve Community preservation Act tax um ID make a motion to accept the community preservation Act tax I second the motion to accept the community preservation Act tax I get a motion to approve sewer betterment Dina R make a motion to accept the sewer betterment tax I second the motion to accept the sewer betterment tax can I get a motion to approve sewer betterment interest I make a motion to accept the sewer betterment interest a second motion to accept the sewer betterment interest e can I get a motion to approve sewer betterment for 552 College Highway I'll make a motion to accept the sewer betterment payoff for 552 College Highway I'll second the motion to accept the sewer betterment payoff for 552 College Highway now I get a motion can I get a motion to approve Westfield G and E pilot I'll make a motion to accept the Westfield G and E pilot I'll second to a motion to accept the Westfield g& pilot I get a motion to approve the city of Westfield pilot I'll make a motion to approve the city of Westfield pilot I'll second the motion to approve the city of Westfield pilot this one can I get a motion to approve the town of West Springfield pilot I'll make a motion to approve the West Springfield pilot second the motion to approve the West Field filot two times I'm gonna get this one can I get a motion to approve motor V vehicle commitment number seven I make a motion to approve the morle vehicle commitment number seven I'll second the motion to approve the motor vehicle commitment number seven can I get a motion to approve motor vehicle commitment number number one I make a motion to approve the motor vehicle or motor vehicle 2025 commitment number one I'll second the motion to approve the motor vehicle 2025 commitment number one can I get a motion to approve CI technology edits in I make a motion to approve the CI tax maap maintenance invoice the amount of 20 2000 I'm sorry $240 I second the motion to approve the Cai tax map maintenance invoice in the amount of $2,040 and I get a motion to approve Cai technology order invoice I make a motion to approve the CI tax map maintenance quarterly invoice in the amount of 9850 I'll second the motion to approve the CI tax map maintenance quarterly invoice in the amount of 9875 can I get a motion to approve New England time Solutions invoice I make a motion to approve the New England time solution invoice in the amount of $238 57 I will second the motion to approve the New England time Solutions invoice in the amount of $238 57 C can I get a motion to approve bishop and Associate invoice WB I'm sorry let's back up my apology can I get a motion to approve WB Mason invoice uh I'll make a motion to approve the WV Mason invoice the amount of $161 and 36 I will second the motion to approve the WB Mason invoice in the amount of $161 36 the and I get a motion to approve bishop and Associates invoice I make a motion to approve bishop and Associates invoice I will second the motion to approve the bishop and Associates invoice yeah you so she can submit a accounting a you approve those number is there anything the board wishes to discuss no I don't have anything at the moment John the select board is talking about the Assessor's job description tonight have we had any input on that I oh is that for the assistant no I think it's it's for the Assessor's position I know's position right yes uh I know I talked with um it rice no no um the lady the lady that took PE Oh Nicole Nicole I'm sorry I I spoke with Nicole last week about the the situation because uh it looks like Sue is going to be retiring in about another nine months nine months and we have to make a move on looking for somebody to F her shoes because Sue does a lot of work for the town and uh we it's a it's a lot of work and I hope that we make the right decision on who we hire yes that's what I was hoping is that we can maybe make a suggestion to them or something about hiring someone to train with her because I know they talked about that but to train with her because for us to go out for them to try to find a you know certified assessor or whatever is going to be nearly impossible then we can come right in and you know she leaves and the next day someone comes in it's just gonna be that's not g to work yeah I agree because we're gonna have to some somebody's gonna have to um work right by her side for I would say a good six months or so yeah if they can even get that that long yeah I know they had mentioned somebody in the town um but I don't know if that's uh that's going to happen that's i' like to see hire from within the town I would too because they keep going outside and I think it's really demoralizing people in the town hall and town positions that are like well if I get an entry level position is that you know the end of what we're doing here right and now everybody's not everybody but a lot of people are retiring and there's plenty of room for advancement and moving up yeah okay I just I didn't know if anyone had talked to us about it or they were just I did talk okay to Nicole last week about it and I voiced my concern about um because if you're going outside you're you're probably opening your your wallet up to a lot more yeah you know somebody who you may get more results quicker you know as far as their competency but it's going to be a a large increase yeah um in the salary oh yeah and I with our budget the way it is I don't think we have too much W will run and that that's right as a you know small town wise we can benefit from getting someone from within right who's you know shown some loyalty to the to the town itself and is worthy I guess or you know deserving of getting that the certification you need because it's a it's an expensive process and also they're worth a lot of money after that because a lot ofs are going through the same problem the assessors you know they're everyone's aging out and they're looking for somebody so someone looking for that job they're expensive up there have that and the schooling is isn't cheap no but the town is willing to you know I'm sure that you know we're willing to pay somebody to go to that schooling and and you know subsidize that and that's where I think the cost salary-wise versus the cost of the school the school is like a one-time kind of thing and then you've got that person there whereas a salary you start someone at X I mean that's imp perpetuity essentially and then once you've set that salary level for that position no one's taking less than that ever right right so then we get somebody who's not trained at that salary level because we need somebody and then yeah then we got to train them yeah and now they're worth however X more they want and that meetings at 6 tonight right yeah all right anything else can I get a motion to adjourn this meeting I will make a motion to adjourn I'll second the emotion the board of assessors meeting has adjourned at 550