##VIDEO ID:fDsalMIUsSI## this is the Board of Health meeting December 5th 6m in land land use room um presid at the meeting is Su Brasa I to introduce yourself Tom Hibert Perry putam Trisha sedlo and and Samantha our secretary is not with us tonight and maybe chish or Dr Linc will be able to log in she's able to um public comment Erica you have anything you wanna comment there's no public comment the minutes we don't have our November minutes ready Terry um but you did get the October 10th hearing minutes yes do you have um I go through them and there was just like little minor things that Samantha fixed do you have anything else you need to know no no I thought they captured the gist of what we talked about but they're very good um do you want to make a motion sure I move that we accept the October hearing minutes as is I second that all in favor Gary putam yes dubraska yes okay um Nursery report Trisha all yes good evening so for Southwick I've been um busy doing some um Health Training we did stop the bleed at the library November 19th I had 10 people it went very well I did Naran training at the food pantry um on November 12th and I think we had six six or eight people I forget and that went really well um we're going to do it again probably once spring comes around Springtime and I'm going to do another stop the bleed uh at the library in March because they had more people interested so we're going to do it she said January and February aren't good and I get it you know snow people don't want to come out cold weather so we'll wait until the spring to offer those classes again um the nursing excuse me the nursing students from Elms will start again at the Southwick senior Center in January and they'll do 12 weeks um and the senior center is fully aware and welcoming the students back we had um Mary Maryann and I finished our newborn behavioral observation training that we took three Wednesdays in a row in um November uh that was really good gave us an idea of what we should be looking for when we start assessing the newborns which hopefully will start soon um I think we're going to be discussing that at the um Western hamon County meeting on Tuesday it's on the agenda but Southwick already gave us our list of the last six months of um new parents so we have that and there's quite a few on there so hopefully a few will take advantage of our program um I did have uh protestas cases in Southwick and Granville so um hopefully that's slowing down it seems to be slowing down everyone complied did what they were supposed to we had no issues with that and the School nurses are wonderful so working with them was very easy um and I had um some salmonella cases in Southwick but nothing nothing that wasn't easy to take care of and as you know you've seen everywhere on the news that there's a ton of things going around salmonella leria seems like everything's contaminated right now so be careful what you eat um and for Granville the usual I've had tick cases up there always have tick stuff going on in Granville and again Pusa at their the Christian School up there so I've had to deal with some of those cases but it it seems to be slowing down thank God so um that's really all I have the um protestas cases were those kids vaccinated no they were un they were all unvaccinated yes they were all School AG kids yes cool yeah and the salmonella did you find where that came from or no it food history is difficult and a few of them do a lot of eating out so there was one person I think three meals a day they eat out so that forget that there's no way to I mean sometimes if someone goes out I only went out once this week to a restaurant or something you can try to pinpoint it but most of the times it's very hard to get food history from people okay yeah I didn't mean to interrupt if you had more to do yeah it it's been busy um I mean we could have of course had more thankfully we didn't but and I haven't seen too much leria here yet so that was I think that was more it was Countrywide but we haven't had too many cases thankfully I think Maryanne may have had a couple but nothing in my towns couple of Sy Maran she's had she's a few yeah how about the eoli toxin no no KN on wood I haven't seen that in a while so and Trish how are our covid and flu rates um right now I'm noticing covid is starting to pick up um of course I only get as you know the lab so um at home who knows I'm assuming it's higher I know we've heard of people out sick um in Southwick but definitely I'm starting to see more hospital and lab reports coming through but I have not had an influenza yet Maryann did I think maybe in Russell but I haven't yet so thankfully that'll stay low but definitely CO's yeah is the season right yeah yeah travel and everything else so I I'm as we all know it'll pick up now yeah I just my family just had a couple weeks ago yeah wow but we have our tests out there and PE and folks are definitely taking them I put them out in front by the um town clerk in between there and the um Treasurer and they tell me that people are calling and they're definitely coming in to get the test so at least people are doing what they know what they're supposed to do hopefully they're staying home when they're sick that's the other biggie right like what's the guidelines now for if you test positive I think it's five days yeah yeah yeah five days and then beyond that they say um it this the guidance was like a mixture of extra strategies for the five to 10 days so it said um increase testing maske wearing social distancing so it's not like a requirement but um but if you're if you're like I did on my day six I tested negative on the on the rapid so and if you test positive on day six or day five do another five days um you would you could you can test positive for a lot longer yeah um so I think like if I try I generally stay away from people so like I came back to work um on my day six and I if I was close to anyone I wore a mask but generally I was just in my office so I didn't and I tested negative so I think if I tested positive I probably would have stuck to the mask a little more for those couple days um and it was right before Thanksgiving so it was only two days that I was in what where I was in that 5 to 10 day period so and I think it depends on your symptomology too if you're still having right yeah then they're encouraging you you wear the mask mask yeah yeah yeah anything else Trisha I think that's all I have yeah I've got one thing that goes along with that um I didn't put it on the agenda for a vote I don't necessarily know if we need to vote on it but I did I think um some of the smaller towns in our district I think might be a little more um hesitant to the nurse the maternal wellness program um so I think in some of those towns we might be asking the Board of Health and the select board to vote that yes we want to do this um so I was just hoping if you guys would entertain a vote just in support of it um I think it's fully within the scope of what what our nurses do anyway um so like I said I don't think it's fully necessary but um but I think it would just be nice to have a vote that says this is a good idea and for our for our nurses to to do the maternal um wellness program so is that the name of it the maternal Wellness that's the official name of it um yeah it's like maternal newborn observation we don't really I guess we don't really have a name yeah that's what we've been calling it so we can yeah when when you went to your um your classes what did they call it newborn behavioral observation okay so but it's this one's not just about the newborn it's about the mother the parent too to get her eyes on that person so I think maternal newborn observation I make a motion that we participate in the maternal new observation program yes and I second that all in favor Terry putam yes subasa yes great okay just in case we need it yeah and I like the um the town clerk here was great and already provided um Trisha and Maran and kaen with all the all the names of the recent births but um some of the smaller towns um where they have far less birth so it's I think I think they were just a little concerned about people's privacy um which obviously will their privacy the only thing we're doing with that data is um sending a postcard to the address and then the the people will get the postcard and it will be up to the family to the mother if they want to participate so it's nothing invasive or anything like that but um um and the it's public record anyway so postcard as opposed to a letter I mean postcards aren real private we done really nice it's a real nice we had it done at a printer and I did I said to them like think wedding invitation so that quality paper and it's nice it's it's a nice if you get it you would be like oh wow they actually care and it's it was really done nicely so I think kayen will have it if you come in person on Tuesday we could show it to you or she could show it to you because she has the invitation we had them printed but yeah they're nice quality paper and it's nice and and Trish is that is that for home visits or yes home visit y great thank you we did run it by our medical direct or yeah our medical director and um Dr is it Wang Wong and he was he's OBGYN which I did not know so he was like so happy he said much needed much needed oh good so that was nice to have that support from him yeah yeah and I I think we're g to try at some point we're going to try and do a meeting with um myself and the nurses and him just to kind of go over that and all our other standing orders and make sure we're up to date on everything but um we were waiting until the class was over um and we're we're having a staff meeting tomorrow with Ken and Trish and MaryAnn so we'll talk about that tomorrow and um hopefully get something on the books with Dr Juan so um but yeah everything's going pretty smoothly with uh with the district Cherry do you have any questions for Trish all right no thank you thank you all right see you next time good night night um I just want to mentioned Dr Wong um have we given him a stien or whatever for I believe 2024 I'll confirm that no it was 2023 we had to get his W2 or whatever was I'll um double check run that by Ken because it it's paid for through the grant so is there a way that we can have that pop up every year to remind us yeah probably I think kayen can do that okay okay um yeah renewals yes so um so we I don't remember the exact date it's so as you can tell the agenda is very short it's between V our last meeting was on the um was on November 7th and then the next week we had Veterans Day and then Wednesday Thursday Friday I was at a conference and then the next week I was sick so I was only in for one day and then the next week was Thanksgiving so I was only in for two days so um that's why the agenda is so sparse but uh I want to say it was around the 15th that the e- permitting system was up and running um so I think that the 18th or 19th is when the letters went out to all of the lenses um so was Samantha and Karen did they do training on this y yep so we did a training um we did a training on the 22nd um I did it I called in we did a zoom meeting with the with the company and I I was home and they they did it um they were here and they did it so um so they're and they were able to go online and do it while they're y yeah so um Sam ANS Samantha's been the main one doing all the the health permits um and then Samantha had to get up and running on um munus which is like the budget money software that the treasure collector and accounting use um which Karen Karen does munus because building has been on um e pering for a while um but it's the way it's set up for Samantha is a little different than how Karen does it um so Jess menzone the um treasure collector came up yesterday and gave Samantha the rundown of munice um and she was she was feeling pretty good about it so um so I I think uh cautiously optimistic but I think we're in pretty good shape with that um I just kind of went through our renewals check it's it's the added difficulty this year cuz once like I sent out the report of how many people have applied um and once once they're in the system it's easy to track you know if they've included their attachments and all that stuff um but we still have to track it with our old spreadsheet to make sure everyone we sent a letter to gets online so next year it will be a lot easier um but this year we're kind of have to double our efforts um and track it on both both ways um but it it looks like about of the restaurants um the way the permit is set up is we had kept track of retail establishments and full service establishments as separate um permits um but the way and the e- permiting the way they track it is it's it's a food establishment and then kind of like a different a different grade so with those combined um because one one place can have a retail and a and a um food service so um with those and smoking yeah and tobacco and Catering so um so I I kind of modified the checklist so of food establishments we have about 604 I think um so about about onethird have applied that includ both that include both yeah um so 64 individual different places some of which have so under food establishment then that's the retail so then or is that the that's both that's the service that's both okay but how do they differentiate it in permitting you said it's a different grade yeah what what's the different grade it's it's still called retail and and food service but it's just the way they the way they track the permit it's just a different like it says on the permit what they're allowed to do but when they tally it up it's just one it's yeah um so we still have all the same classifications it's just the it's like it all fits under the one category I guess um so of we've have about onethird of the people that have applied um which is pretty good because it's only been two two weeks roughly that we've been up and it's been the holidays too and Thanksgiving and everything so um never tanning did Beauty no no that's tattoo Beauty and brow yeah SC or tattoo beaing in the brow is um tattoo now did they leave Southwick or they have two places now one here and one feing Hills or wherever oh do they well I'm not sure if they have two businesses or if they just have I'll have to look into that because um they didn't if they if they up and left they didn't tell me um which technically they're supposed to but they made they might have just opened another yeah um store [Music] um I will check on them to make sure they're still here um I haven't got any of their renewals yet so maybe they did move all together or maybe they're planning to move all together at the end of the year or something but um but yeah I'll find out about that good tip um so so yeah I mean the kind of the biggest category is food so it looks like we've got about 2third have have done it um so I'll probably give it another another week or so and then send another letter or make an iners visit to anyone who still hasn't um who hasn't done it yet um and try and hopefully get everyone to do it before the end of the year so what were our problems the patiseria was the problem yeah patiseria and Grill um were a problem every year I did talk to um Gris Mill um and he's a he's aware of it U they had it they actually had a small small kitchen fire um that they put out they put it out themselves it didn't they didn't do anything but um they I went by a day or two after that fire and just made sure they were cleaned everything up and and they were they were up and running so um but that was right when we were going live it was a couple two three weeks ago so um he I made sure he knew he he was good with it so um so hopefully they'll do it does Fusion have the other part of the restaurant open I don't think so they are they got a new Chef um they had some some problems so um they might they might even be re changing their name rebranding with the with the new Chef so we'll we'll see how that is about um roma roma um I met with them on um with Martino on was it Monday yeah this Monday um they are hoping to open the takeout sometime this month um he just got the application and everything in um take out a pizza take out P yeah they're gonna keep us to yep keep pretty much the same menu as as Victor had um they still have they need an additional hand sync in the kitchen um but they're not changing much in the kitchen um but it it needs to be clean still and um they put up so in the big dining room they basically put up a wall down the middle um and on the when you're walking in the right hand side um they put in a big bar so they're kind of going to run it as like a smaller smaller restaurant and then the left hand side will kind of be um for just for pizza and if you know PE for small smaller events um and then they'll still have the the banquet room in the back for for big events um now will they be catering the big events or I I think so okay um so so yeah they're still they're still figuring all that out but they want to open the get the kitchen up and running and then open the takeout and they're still they still have work to do on the bo bar and in the dining room and then um down the road they'll open open that up um so so that's the update on them all right um um but regulations we haven't done are you ready to move on I I think so let me just see if there's anything El I wanted to do for no I think that's pretty much it and then so for I haven't sent anything out to the septic um well the the installers Got a notification for their annual permits um but I haven't sent anything out for septic install permits um for when someone needs to replace their system I think I'm going to try to get through the one thing at a time get through the renewals yeah um and then I'll send something out to all the designers all the people who do perk tests um and the installers and try to move that towards um e permitting I think that will be a little bit more of a challenge can all those plans be done electronically so what um what most other towns do is it looks like they have um they have the applicant scan the plan um and send send it send the plan in digitally and then also drop off or mail in either one or two hard copies now how do they scan something like this um they you can actually get it I've I've done it to send out um plans when people request a copy of the re septic you can actually get a halfway decent scan from your phone um so they can do that or pictur yeah take a picture some of the engineers might have um if they have the big plotter it might have a scan or two um so some of them might have the capabilities to do it and some um but we also have we also have access to the scanner um there's it used to be in DPW it's in the clerk's office now a big um large format scanner so if if someone couldn't scan it to get it in the system we could have if they bring the hard copy we could scan it um so we got you're scan software I use G Gus scan for my receipts and stuff and I think yeah to the size you just to stand above it and take a picture sure yep yep yeah I do that in the office all the time I'll lay the plan out on the floor stand there with my phone and some if the text is really small um because they're the bigger plans sometimes it can be hard to read but um but it's fairly successful so but that's kind of I'm doing kind of one step at a time annual permits and then we'll move on to that okay so any other any comments or questions on that part Cherry no okay I guess I and this is an off-the-wall question Tom the very first item emergency Beaver trapping what is the Board of Health and or what is the health director's role in that I know there was there was a big Kur fuffle about uh six months ago or maybe a year ago with with conand do do we make sure it's done humanely what what is what is that yeah so um so if if someone if there's a outside of beaver season um someone can request a permit from the Board of Health um to do an emergency emergency Beaver traffic um so it has to meet strict it's I don't know I honestly don't know why it's the Board of Health um I guess there's like some strict criteria of like it has to actually the the beaver has to be actually causing like flooding which could be you know affecting someone's house or like there has to actually be a real world impact so it can't just be I don't want that Beaver on my property um but if it's there's a dam and it's causing a flood um and they want to trap the beaver outside of beaver season they need to get the permit from the Board of Health we in the past we had um a beaver was not nwing on trees in somebody's yard by the water and the tree was going like this over their garage oh yeah and so they trap the beer be they end or something come down and take the tree um I got a permit out of season Once because the beaver was flooding our Hayfield had a dam on someone else's property and flooding our Hayfield yeah yeah if it affects agriculture that's one of the um one of the criteria I won't I can't remember remember all all of them off the top of my head but um like utility lines or transmission septic system septic systems there I issued one a year or two ago on um maybe it was Fred Jackson and there there was a beaver dam and it was flooding up to the base of like the telephone pole so it's like that that could be affecting the the stability of the telephone pole and we don't want to have all this whole street lose power because of the Beaver Dam so that or flooding the road yeah so can people make complaints if if beavers done away with and there you know didn't seem to be um any issue with the I'm I'm just TR yeah okay okay because it's it's kind of Co regulated by conservation so our our permit is only for trapping the beaver okay if someone wants to remove the Beaver Dam they have to go through conservation okay okay and it's also regulated by fish and wildlife okay so from the state so it's kind of a weird a weird it doesn't come up that often maybe once or twice a year sometimes I I don't think I've had anything in the past year okay because it does seem odd that we're we have septic right under emergency Beaver trapping I mean that that yeah okay yeah yeah there is and people don't realize that there is the beaver trapping season right November to April some people don't realize that they that you can't touch the Beavers at all right and it it also if they get the emergency permit sometimes they'll request it in season um because it allows them to use a different type of trap than the regular trap so um I guess it's more more effective well it doesn't make sense I think out of season they can use the kab beer trap that actually kills the be already yeah otherwise they use the other trap to trap it live but then you can't transport wildlife in Massachusetts then you have to dispose of the Beaver right so I don't know what's the right that's the other thing people don't don't realize is you you and I thought this initially too when I first started in public health you're like oh they're just trapping the beaver that's that sounds nice um but but if they trap it they they kill it yeah so so they don't like hunt them to eat them or well I think they use the pelts I had we actually had four beavers trapped oh wow so far um and the person who traps it for us they use the pelts the meat they use it for game meals oh really yeah interesting um the skull some people want the skull so yeah I once like caught a mouse in our house and then I transported it to like the local Trail that's illegal guess so technically maybe is is it any Wildlife or is it just fever not sure I don't remember what the law is don't put that in the minutes yeah we'll have to look that up yeah um but and the the um the Trappers are licensed as well it's not okay it's not just uh you know Joe out there getting a permit and trying to figure out how to trap a beaver for himself but they get a professional to do it so but yeah I'm good with that I some people sayar Trapper was saying want like collars collars even though f is like a yeah Choo now but yeah well thank you for that yeah that information the more you know I might not be be at the meeting if we have to do an emergency Beaver you know intervention so just I'll put that on record well that's that's something that I would just do and then and then tell you guys about so okay so it it won't weigh on your conscience thank you no problem okay so go ahead Tom with your report all right so um so a few perk tests this month um 150 South longard Road um that's a new construction lot it's just a you almost wouldn't know it's there um although now you can see the perk pipes if you drive by but um just a wooded wooded lot between two properties um I think someone's planning to build there I'm honestly not sure um 30 South Lumis Street um that is a repair um that per was yesterday and um 306 Feeding Hills Road That was supposed to be new construction not a repair I wrote that wrong we got a few errors on here that's that's embarrassing oh um yeah um so that one we already perked that one um but they were trying to stay away from there's some Wetlands there so they were trying to stay away from the wetlands perk um they ended up actually just doing an extra deeple um we didn't end up doing an act another perk test but um but with the soil the soil where they were hoping to go wasn't as good as they thought it was going to be so um made sense to kind of keep it where they had it and they reoriented their the house plans a little bit but um but they stuck with the original the original perk um eight Patriot way did the final inspection this week um yeah that was a repair all sand there it was why it failed I don't know yeah it was garbage grinder could have been or grease or what I think it I think it was like 20 15 20 years old but I probably did the original first yeah you know yeah time with that yep um housing um 8 Curtis Road I believe the I I should get an update this week um as far as if they were able to do the eviction there um I I know there it went to court last minute and there was a stay of the eviction um now what was the the bank owns that yeah the bank owns it and then there's family of the original owner of the I guess the previous owner that still um still lives there um I guess technically squatting um but they so they were granted the eviction but they the occupants um got more time to find somewhere else to live so the bank took them to court yep the bank took them to court I'm not actually involved in the court case but I I got a complaint about the property um so I kind of followed up on it and um it's not I don't think it's worth doing a violation notice because the bank's not going to be able to do anything until the people are gone and once the people are gone they're going to clean up all the trash and auction it off to someone who's going to flip it anyway so um so I'm just monitoring it for now um 80 Bungalow Street um I did get some good updates on that one today um they are they had repaired the heating system last year um and I I don't think it's like like the hot water isn't quite hot enough um so they she's on fuel assistance they um are you know next they've been delayed because of the construction on Bungalow Street unfortunately um otherwise it would probably already have been done but they are replacing the whole heating system for the house good and hot water so um so that'll be good and um I think everything it sound I'll be out there this month to do a reinspection finally um but it it sounds like everything is finally in place and she's getting all the help that she needs and and uh I would I would hope by January February at the latest we can we can take that one off the off the list alth now I said that and it's going to drag out longer but knock on wood I guess um and then Aaron Circle I made the same mistake last time where I said no violations because I had two cases at Aaron Circle um and I think I had told you guys about this one last time um he I had the report from Highland Valley he was um got the cleaning um there was a gentleman there that just some trash and and junk in the um kitchen and kind of made the kitchen un unusable and there was the odor throughout the apartment um but he got uh a cleaner through Highland Valley and um they were supposed to have gone out there two weeks ago uh the week I was sick so I wasn't going to go um get him sick or anything like that so um I did stop by today um and he wasn't home um what number aan 38 I believe um I did stop by today he wasn't home but um so I I'll get out there um at some point um either tomorrow or next week just to confirm that everything was actually done and um and that there's no no more violations there um and we talked about yeah Roma we talked about um there was one of a food truck that uh is doing an event this weekend that I inspected this morning new food truck we've had them before but not in a couple years it's the Tai Chili food truck um they they've been around for years they're um I used to them in Westfield I think they were originally based out of West Springfield and now they're based out of Feeding Hills um but they they were good they were have no issues the uh so where are they going to be they are going to be doing an event at the um at the wick there's a bike race or something this weekend W um okay so our reg our fee schedule yeah when it to affect Pon passage I don't remember or P Passage there was a couple um a couple permits like septic installs um we said effective January 1 okay but otherwise everything else was yeah okay yeah and that's that's what's loaded into the system so um so when people pay online it's it shows them what their fee is and you can um put it so that those permits our would effect January 1 yep okay that okay yep yeah it's kind of kind of neat um the way the system works like I can it's it's always been a struggle like if there's certain uh establishments that they see our old permit used to have the the two rows and they would check whether they're retail or food service and total it up um and there was always a few people that were like I don't know what I am I don't know how many seats I have um and they should know I mean it's their their business but um sometimes they would just guess and mail it in and then that was always kind of a pain to call them but um so now I can I can go in and change it and I would I approve the permit before they pay so it's not like before they would send a check with the application based on their guess but now I can see everything and if there's any issues we can fix it and then they'll pay once I approve it um so and then once and then once they pay harder to keep track of um I think it'll be this first year yes I think like because as I'm going through I'm making sure everyone is actually what they're applying for um so I think this year it's a little extra um but next year everyone will be in the system so everything will be pre-populated for them so they won't they won't have to guess that it'll be right there for him so um so but this year it's a little extra work for me but um but I think it'll be I think it'll be good um and Tom did you have to do anything with the cinnamon bun Saloon out at out at cowards what's that it's the first time it's been there before and it's delicious I mean really you know I've done the offic unofficial inspection of the food it's wonderful but they it's a mobile it's a mobile um uh I can't tell if it's a truck or it it gets rolled there and they've been here every since cowards opened for Christmas season um Thursday Friday Saturday um there and maybe Sunday they're I think they've got one more weekend um well I'll have to pay them a visit tomorrow because uh they're supposed to have a permit uh it sounds like but they do not so they've been here that the reason I asked is they've been here before I don't were I don't think they were here last year and they may have slowed down for covid but they've they've been in in the in the little building behind cowards but now they have their own own station yeah they are they there this year have you seen them this yes it's there today yeah yeah all right okay so time check tomorrow now you got some work tomorrow they're making g go shut down the cinnamon bun Saloon oh do not I'm just kidding I I'll make him get a permit I won't shut him down but um seen them on our list but I I I was thinking that that's the same thing we've been talking about because it's a per yeah so that would be like a temporary license that they would need um so I'll bring them the application or they can do it online and um do the inspection and um but yeah they should if they're cooking the cinnamon buns they they also need an inspection from the fire department um yeah they've got ovens at least two ovens oh wow and rolling the dough and everything right there yikes right so if they're not there it' be either Teresa or John coward that do not tell them I sent you all right I'll give them a link to the meeting minute the meeting video though but no they're they've been one they they're you know I haven't anything that raised a red flag but I'm not looking on the inside fabulous yeah yeah I'll check that out um we had we had one we did have I don't even remember what what date it was um that's the type month it's been I it might have been before our last the week same week as our last meeting I don't remember but there was one of those um the the frozen meat trucks at Tractor Supply oh um and they did not have a permit we've had one before that that got a permit so I stopped by um it was actually kind of funny I asked the guy if he had a permit and he said oh yeah and uh and then I he went to go get it and I said to the other person I was working with him I said I hope it has my name on it and uh it was a perent for Connecticut public health district so um so but they they had a um they were out of like Georgia or something um but he called the their main office and um I I emailed them the application this was before we had the e- permitting up and running um they filled it out I did the issue the permit and uh and he he paid for the permit and so they they did do once I once I gave them a hard time they did get the permit and everything but um but yeah so I think I if I have any downtime over the winter um I might send a letter anywhere that has these sort of events uh that might have a food vendor coming in for certain things like cowards uh Westfield River Brewing Tractor Supply the bar shop The Brass Rail um just a reminder to you know it's not it's not their responsibility um but it is their property so you know worse if there was a foodborn illness or something um worst case scenario they could have some liability um it's ultimately is the responsibility of whoever is selling the food to get a permit but um but just so they have the information of you know anyone who's coming in and selling food they need to have a permit for with the Board of Health so if you're allowing them on your property um you might want to cover yourself and if you have any sort of uh agreement or contract before they come on your property to sell food that in that contract they agree with you that they're going to get the permits um just so they just so they know um because you know I don't know I don't know currently I don't know what they tell people like Westfield River they have a food permit so they might think oh no we have a permit you don't need one um which isn't true so um because there was now there's this one at cowards there was the um that one at Tractor Supply so um so I'll I'll try to do that in the next maybe usually not going one usually January's well um we'll see they they're only here um I think they've only ever been here during Christmas tree season okay they may they they may be because the the shop is open the coward Shop is open a little bit longer than the Christmas tree season but I I I I think they're only there I know they're only there when it's when when part of it's open okay they've been there this is the second third time yeah they did have someone last not this year last summer might have been like Mother's Day weekend or something when they were selling a lot of flowers um they had like a a a smoothie smoothie shop set up for the day that did get a permit um at coward Farms but but nothing nothing recently so all right um Roman restaurant do you have more you don't anything more to add nope yeah that was it so they still have some work to do but um they their goal was um hopefully this month if not early early next month to be open just for takeout so and then your meetings yeah meetings um I had the mhoa conference was in Springfield this year it used to always be on the cape um so that was kind of nice not to have to make the drive and stay over I could go home um and nothing big to report at Hampton County Health Coalition or western Mass public health so Tuesday yeah meaning Tuesday for the the um public health district for the grant and and then our our next meeting would be January 2nd um if we go by our normal um our normal calendar and be the first Thursday can't hear you we're traveling back from South Carolina that day so I I'm I doubt that I can even remote in we're fine okay are you around the following Thursday I'm in Chicago and probably can so I'll be at an hour earlier at at a all week Workshop but I should be able to to um at least join for part of the time okay um yeah do you want to schedule a then what for but if it's just you and I yeah usually we don't have entertainment every you know it's one of those networking things and you're supposed to network and get trained during the day and all I like to do is go to the hotel room so I I I can I can try to beg off for Thursday but I should by first of that week if that's going to be possible hour before us you want to Anchor that yeah for the ninth for the nth okay you post it or whatever rooms available or some room yeah we don't need much okay okay so we'll go with J so I have any any unanticipated items I don't think so no do you have any other questions or comments ter no all right so I can move that we that we are ready to adjourn at 650