##VIDEO ID:pMTuF7wBjC4## this meeting will come to order welcome everyone to community preservation committee meeting it is Wednesday December 18th it's a little after 7 we are in hybrid in the land use meeting room uh with us tonight we have Denis Clark Rick hary Chris Pratt J sper ran Duan and welcome everybody and we will open up for public comment at this time there anybody in the audience public comment right anybody online for public comments nobody nobody's online that makes it easy I wonder if the link doesn't work usually there's at least one somebody want to test that out all right uh okay we are going to look at some new business uh or we're going to we have a project application coming in we do not have the application at this time for pickle ball Courts at Wally Park um this is updated submission for six courts with lights and a pavilion uh at this time we do not have the application but we do have some information we have some plans so since it is on the agenda we do have some time to discuss it I think we should give it a little bit of time welcome be also so now at this time have Beth Thomas joining us yay we do have something from AR I was waiting for the appliation application but you guys I am than summary of what can you guys share there is an estimated uh cost so we will I'll read the letter from our leest Associates so dear John Randy I hope this message finds you both well I'm ready to provide you with an update of the anticipated cost associated with proposed six pickle ball courts to be located within Wally Park below are the estimated figures with various components of the party the base bid excluding lights and Pavilion is 420,000 the lighting would be 150,000 Pavilion be 100,000 total estimated cost would be 670,000 if you have any questions to further clarification please don't hesitate to read out reach out to my office thank you for your attention to this matter I look forward to your feedback sincerely robbert MC can we backtrack a little bit first kind of confused because I thought we are they already had money for pickall courts so that's a good clarification Point uh so what they want to do is if this goes through there'll be withdrawing I believe their application Rick you want to correct why don't you I can explain so the initial application was um two separate applications one for one for the over here and one for Don at wall and the totality of those between them was six courts the new idea is we're not touching this this one's still going through but the one at wall Four Courts being a pickall player myself not like Mr White right who travels you know the globe doing pickle ball but um I agree with the assessment of B ports simply isn't going to be something that will be it'll be it's not enough right so we got we got another bid we're looking at doing six ports plus there was some issues with the first one the um bids that we got the the uh surface wasn't the one that we want to have in town just wouldn't be you know something that's conducive for good pickle ball or long lasting and so forth so we went and got a whole two separate Artic one for Town Hall the other one W Park one for Wally Park never happened it never happen got approve but never happened correct and that we will once if this gets approved we will be withdrawing that right so no money has been exped correct okay all right thank youy did I miss anything all right so that's the update on the pickle pul for uh application as far as we have it that's all we know at this point we don't have pictures or materials or any other cost outlines um how much was the we do have one appropriated for what was what was voted on to of my head I don't know remember like 210,000 250 okay thanks correct Randy White 17 Pine thank you Randy so the original project that 0 something thousand for the courts it's called the sport court it's plastic sna together tile uh you won't see any around here because I've only seen one which is in Bron Florida and then the next year they got rid of it uh it's put on a a thinner uh slab of conry and it's a snap other time so it has holes in it uh it it's uneven sometimes because it doesn't sit right on the concrete uh it can be slick in the morning because it folds the do uh and it's just not something that people plan on having you know played a lot of tickle ball uh the other thing you know the cost was $20 something, what what I've seen happen with pickle ball and I I work for the town of agam so uh very good friends with the parks and rec director who put put together that project also have spoken to West Springfield who put in Four Courts Southampton who put in courts and with the popularity of pickle ball which you see the numbers it's you know increased by you know 200 something percent there's x amount of millions of people the cost of doing business with supply and demand has has tripled agan put six courts in and I think their their total amount for the first ones for Four Courts was like 120,000 The Wil Bram project which this is kind based off of because did the wilham project they were paying about 60 to $70,000 per Court as opposed to $30,000 per Court uh and as far as the wait time before you could get a hold of a company set it up within two three months now they're six eight 10 months out for doing courts because was such a demand and there's companies popping up uh where they used to be dedicated pickle ball uh contractors that would do it now you have Landscaping businesses construction companies that are saying hey yeah we can do pickle ball and what they're doing is basically subbing it out and collecting their fee for it so uh so there's a price increase but the price of doing pickle ball uh seven years ago when I started there was five six companies you can buy a paddle from now there's like 300 and something companies out there that a paddle cost $100 for the best now they're into the $300 wow there's just it's just gone crazy with price so you think this will be a couple of years out for don't know it depends how fast it it would get approved and then to put it out to bid see you know what we get for bids I know the wilham project gagi out of blo I think uh is doing their project they're they're GC it um that I can't tell you but I know it's there's some time out there all right I may ask a question sure 5 is the boort that's going at Town Hall going to be this inferior surface no the same thing that it's not the originally so they do an asphalt base uh and then as you said it has a rubberized coating that gets I I've seen it done it literally gets poured on in five gallon pales and they put it on with a squeeg j and there's several coats that go on there the seal you don't even it doesn't look like asphalt you don't see any of the cracks or anything once it seals it's got a little texture to it for you know yeah is that what is that what this proposal is I yes okay yeah okay thank you and it's kind of the standard for okay you know the United States pickleball Association recognizes two surfaces concrete and the asphalt with the covering on it to be played on good thing the first the original project didn't get started to go through and we would end up having the inury reports out there pay wouldn't I was just concerned we were doing the seniors something yeah right if it takes to that ry's point I don't know if you saw the construction started out here for the pickle ball the gravel will be done this week and a Paving for the spring it has to have 45 days the closest I could book the rubber coating vendor was June so that was sent in a PO to him today for J how busy they are if it takes an extended period of time to be done um the likelihood that it will go increase in price is probably high right well I think I think when you get the price it it stays the price until they do the project okay so like materials won't increase and it'll come back once they get the bid that's their bid no matter what happens I'm not going to speak to that okay okay all right so that will be tabled until our next meeting um if anybody wants to see detailed plans Sabrina did a good job of rolling those out for us right here so thank you okay we're going to revisit at the Town Hall facade renovation and preservation warrant article so that's the warrant article I did say contingent on if approved by CPC to move to town vote see old business I don't know if you want to go to Old business first to do that I think we need to yeah because we have some information some maybe update on this whole thing okay uh so we're gonna look at the project application for the town or sou Town Hall facade renovation and preservation so those you who were not here in the last meeting you still have the application in your folders um or if you left it in your folder so most of you should have it I know I I don't I still have it so R do you want to come up or might as well can just say your name and anderson8 so we have some I believe good information yeah I also I did I know you had a um a concern of some of the wording in the original application I did hear you did some amending and amended and sent it in tonight I know it's last minute ver is important and is accurate it's accurate so I mean it's it is part of what we need to have but I did do some research we looked I did uh contact the Coalition and got back some good information about the uh ADA compliance so that would be able to be covered under CPA even though it was pre-existing I guess maybe it was not conforming to what it was supposed to be originally well I got thinking about that and I I don't know if it's going to tie in to the other entrance that doesn't have Ada you know they might look at the whole thing yeah so providing ADA compliance to the historic site is allow which we knew but we thought the first generation only right I think that's what we were thinking and from what I read the uh ramp now doesn't really comply with the ad regulations Carl said it was on waivers whatever so that's that's another I think important part piece to because it does need to be compliant right so I think that would bring it into compliancy and be covered under CPC CPA I did uh start to there was a document I found on restoration contractors okay so if should this pass then those would be the contractors Architects would be looking at as all 100% restoration type so assume they know pretty cut and dry for them I'm sure [Music] right okay so there's a little bit of update on that and does anybody want to have any question or discussion on the application itself I think we're pretty much covered every anything else send out the updated one to you guys after right it was just a verbi right and with that that's part of why we Revisited this before we're going to go now back to the town hall uh warrant article oh you guys do have um like a finance report right there so we know and I just added in the minus 1,000 1006 $1 164,50 from the unreserved because that was the 74 College Highway one so that should be how much we have in the account right now 1,783 19597 did you get my note about the PO yes said he sent something and I couldn't find it I got yours saying I said that that's all I'm yeah yeah it that what you said should be should be fine yeah what suffice I believe yeah you say we're all done all done y okay um so look at the ver of the warrant article on the project okay we can vote on the project but take a motion on that yeah okay why not um make a motion to accept the project application for the preservation uh and of 454 College Highway South Lake Town Hall um as written of the Amendments of some verbiage conservation permission did discuss it at their meeting and the general consensus was that uh it was valuable as a historical in Southwick and it would be worthy of this project FKS I well you need a second anybody want a second motion second okay Dennis is a second okay Dennis Chris I DP i r d i b Thomas I okay so we're looking good go you know yeah right hope would beable there to be a Worthy Pro here so thank you for your time thank you thank you all right did you put this did you steal it from me no you just did you put it in the back no I didn't underneath this I always do but I didn't so you can all look at yours I'll find mine you want to look at mine it's on here somewhere there it is okay that's strange let's here okay I'll read the article as written to see if the town hall the town will vote to appropriate and transfer some of 155,000 from Community preservation General and Reserve fund to pay for the architectural design and construction Administration for fees and Rehabilitation of the historic section of South Lake Town Hall the property shown on the sessor map 088 parel one register to the hamon county these book 2283 page 0461 otherwise known as four four College Highway or take any other action relative to requested by the C Community pration Committee okay and then explanation for the Articles request the funds for the architectural fees and construction Administration the South Lake Town Hall has been experiencing leaks in the front of the basement and basement areas the original building is a solid masonry wall there is no cavity between the interior width and the exterior width of masonry which normally would be used to capture water that gets through the outer wall and directed to to the outside mortar joints and the original building are very deep and showing signs of deterioration which contributes the moisture getting into the wall there are observed areas of deterioration architectural panels leading to the concrete sprawls and failed Coatings of the panels as well as failed sealant in the uh perimeter of the windows and masonry control joist joints leaks are also observed in the below grade walls with the front of the building directly inside off of the of the yeah there a little space there fix that concrete Plaza area at this time the town would like to plan for building envelope and drainage repairs to correct the deficient deficiencies supposed to be deficiencies deficiencies in the building that provides a wi type facility okay ex it also it doesn't mention the historical Limestone block at the top of the building that is deteriorating that's an important piece as well I think they referring to panels says that is that part of the panels they say Limestone no I don't know whether they're Limestone or not that's that's and if they are limestone have to be replaced as the same materials I think it would be important to imp that as part of that okay I can put it I mean I copied this from the application limstone was probably put somewhere else in the actual application but I can we can add that so failed coating on the Limestone pan panels the deterioration of those carved ones the architectural Limestone so that will be the restoration of the Limestone deteriorated Limestone architectural panels deteriorated Limestone it says deteriorated architectural panels just insert Limestone to deterior architect got it that'll work okay that work for you should ask me okay that's what you want um I don't know if I wasn't paying attention but did you guys vote on which fund to take the monies from okay I just put General unreserved and I underlined it because that was just a place keeper for a yeah and we do have a lot of money in the general Reserve at this time so it would make sense that that would be okay what I looking at we almost have $2 million on there I believe well yeah yeah yeah so would it behoove us to have somebody take pictures of what's going on so when we present this at town meeting and can we do we're not presenting it the town does they they might want to do that we're just there to support to say that we think it fits the the bill we're not I know selling it would be selling thank you that's good idea because they're not going to get it they haven't been here they're not going even some of this language like AR the panels yeah just to explain and to show some of the deterioration what needs to be restored I think would be good for you to of water in the cellar that would be great right yes yes because there there are some people in town who are going to be like nah we just did it yeah for that 30 years ago I understand exactly okay so yes I can take a motion on that uh warrant article as amended we um which part did you amend well we put the limestone in oh the the explanation the explanation for the explanation the explan yes okay explanation as far as the warrant article goes I didn't see much there that need to fix prices right place now correct General unreserved funds I can just like vote on that fund so I can write it in the make a motion to take money from the general unreserved to pay for the uh Town Hall restoration uh applicate the um architect will design second that okay all in favor Chris I I I Thomas I John's now on John Wally I all right John thanks for coming I'm a little late that's okay better late than never right I don't know about that depends where you're going okay we on to the next review 74 College Highway Grant agreement contingent on if pass at town meeting all right so I've talked with um Mark the Town Council steuart with the Coalition and Lee so the red the red editions the stuff in red is from Mark the stuff in purple is from stew and this stuff with a red pen is from um Lee so hopefully we've got it um we just have to make sure that there were two words that were important to use one was uh conserv ation one was like Recreation right I think there were two of the we have to make sure that we're doing it for the purpose of yes one of those two and um behind your Grant agreement you have a one page two cided um so the page that says CPA Grant agreement 74 College Highway questions for clarification um we can look at that so talking with Lee this morning he said for sure this would be for conservation purposes so that's what I corrected in um I guess we call it section one use of Grant funds on the first page down towards the bottom I just admitted out and Recreation so for conservation purposes right I believe that's what we had discussed at our meetings but just to make sure for clarification conservation purposes will be saying pretty much as is Recreation purposes can be partially developed to be like a skate park or you know things like that as long it's so we're getting rid of the recreational and making sure that's conservation purposes because that's why that's what we're trying to preserve um at that side um another question that um Stu with the Coalition had asked was do we want to set a timeline for the completion of this CR they would suggest that it be at least two years as the state moves slowly to approve CRS when talking with Lee this morning he was thinking maybe leaning more towards three [Music] years three years it's final me okay and um does anybody else have any discussion on that or three years three years and I think that would probably be under turn I'll have to figure out where to actually put it in here but I'll put it in here somewhere um on page four of the grant agreement in blue I I guess I would say highlighted but not really highlighted I changed the letters to blue because it's Insurance because I wasn't sure if we actually needed insurance for this when speaking to Mar with our town so he asked if maybe we would want to put insurance on the Kias or other improvements paid by paid for um by using CPA money and he also asked a question on the property insurance but as far as property insurance for this is going to be conservation if we leave it open to the public as long as the property owners not being malicious they can't be sued um so I don't necessarily think we need property insurance Lee did you want it did you want it we will be having general liability and property insurance just as a matter of fact on 74 College Highway so okay I would presume that it would just get steam rollered in with our current policy okay I agree with that insurance on the kiosk or sign I don't think we need that I think it end up being more expensive yeah than actually just right usually you don't want to put a claim in because it costs more a claim than it put act repair yeah um so should I just admit Insurance out completely from the grants I make a motion to admit omit the insurance portion I have a second than a second all in favor sign okay Chris Thomas I John can John W says I but he has mic can you unmute yourself I read his lips I know I read it too but we can't have silent votes stop it no playing come on okay [Music] for Section will be deleted at this time yes correct get rid of the blue and I think that's all that I wanted you guys um I'm not sure if there's going to be any more final edits I did send this back to council before edits with Lee um but as it stands right now I don't need you guys up to you guys so the purpose of me doing this before the meeting sorry the purpose of me doing this before the talent the special toal meeting was to have this ready um to go so the Historical Society get the funds as quickly as possible because there is a deadline the deadline is in uh end of January I think yes um and the town meeting is going to be January the special town meeting is going to be January 14th normally I would do this afterwards and we would have some time but I wanted to get this together and have it signed by all the entities so I can hand it to Laura the next day after the 15th of January um so that's why you're seeing it now turn pretty much a full-time job for you yeah around the around meeting times it is it's quite busy yes this project is turning into a full-time I mean for them for sure yes for everybody hopefully we don't have to make any amendments on the floor at the to meeting make my life a little harder this is the only thing that's going to be on the town meeting or is well this won't be on the war article right this is just for us to approve this is behind the scenes the College Highway Warr article is the only thing on meeting the fa might be is there something else about to planner is have to go on that meeting that might go on the meeting know if there's anything else on the special town meeting other than the fulltime Town planner is likely to be that's likely to be on it also that's it's a part-time Town planner ADC director desperately needed so there will not be an article for 74 College Highway at the Tom me this is not no no right if we need to amend this we can come back and do that at another time because we don't need to have it actually as a warrant article um we need to have it ready first too late to passes too late to get the town hall on there right on become a warrant I don't know I did the we did the warrant Town Hall just now I mean I I just want to get it all well just in case no one what's the deadline before the the meeting is it two weeks before the meeting just before Chas yeah is the deadline for the Arles okay so theoretically we could get this get two articles on you could get to town hall it next week or yeah I think that's a good idea yeah I think so I would yeah yeah why can't we get pickle ball on we don't have an application John I wish you were here there is no application yet so we did go over uh some of the information that we do know but we had an application I thought the Riad have to go to the owner of the property to be okayed by them first which I guess it hasn't happened yet I know it has been turned into the [Music] town but we haven't gotten it here yet yeah so John I know you handed handed in the application to me but then I noticed that the the owner signature part was not filled out so I talked to Cara and she and I asked her if it was brought in front of the select board yet and she said no so she took the application and a copy of the plans that was given to me um to bring to the select board and I have yet to receive the application since then so I don't have that part we don't have the application application I don't know where it is but we did review some things yeah technically we can't vote on it right so John we brought everybody up to speed with where we are but it can't be voted on because it's got to be it's got to be signed by or the select board has to look at it and approve it first well we'll do that in May then okay yep unfortunately all right so we'll look at the the grant agreement if I think it's important that we have this ready for the Historical Society to have hoping that their application was voted at a positive note at town meeting and I think that it's been looked over by several people and edited appropriately so I will make a motion to accept the facility Grant agreement as amended that we have in front of us do I have a second I'll second okay all in favor Chris Pratt I I Thomas I okay John W I thank you John and uh if it does get amended again for some reason we can come back and vote on the amended version but right now as it stands it's good to go um hopefully it doesn't get amended again I don't know do you want to make a vote to just have like Chris sign off on it while we're viewing the amendment I would make a motion but sign off on any amendments on the all right you guys are comfortable with that me a second okay all in favor abstain th all right John W thank you John oh you're welcome save us a meeting yes exactly be way easier okay we will move on to the South Housing production plan project completed they're going to be what's this one tweaked a little bit to add the kiosk um trails and signage so I will read the conservation restriction acquisition article to see if the town will vote to appropriate and transfer the sum of $ 39,50 for Associated land acquisition cost a kiosk Trails signage and $125,000 the cost of a conservation restriction for a total of $1 164,50 from the community preservation unreserve fund to enable the select board and Conservation Commission to direct and Grant and purchase a profession conservation restriction pursuant to math General Law chapter 44b section 12 and Mass General Law chapter 184 section 31 through 33 of 10 and a half acres plus or minus of open land said conservation restriction to be managed by the Conservation Commission Associated land acquisition costs include conservation restriction related costs and acquisition costs including but not limited to drafting the conservation restriction Baseline studies title search and costs legal fees and transfer expenses to purchase for the open space conservation purposes under 40 chapter 44b the property shown on the assessor map 157 parcel 3 registered to the hamon county of registry Deeds Book 22 317 assessors math 157 parcel 3 page 73 otherwise known as 74 College Highway or take any other action relative th to requested by the community preservation committee the explanation for the article the use commity preservation act funds will purchase the conservation restriction thus enabling the South Historical Society Incorporated a 501c3 nonprofit or profit organization to purchase and protect 10 and a half acres of land located at 74 College Highway adjacent to their existing Southwick Historical Museum property originally the property was part of a historic more Nicholson Waterman farm and is recognized as a significant portion of a surrounding rural land landscape currently the property is undeveloped but is zoned for Industrial and Commercial uses that could introduce structures and activities that detract from the scenic views along this portion of College Highway the conservation restriction will protect the property in perpet and perpetuity permanently protecting the rural character of the landscape the open space that supports the land land use strategy identified in southwick's master plan 2040 management of the property will focus on P of public Recreation through the use of trails and interpretive signage as part of comprehensive site plan the the warrant you guys voted on the warrant article in the last meeting but since then I I just tweaked it to add kiosk trails and signage I think there's a there is where is that I got stuck on that and then take that I can fix it thank you right next to each other too for some reason so Market Mar margus started the explanation for the article and I took it for some reason when I copy paste it onto my word doc every single line is underline R red squiggly so I can't actually tell if like if it looks somewhat similar I'm gonna say yeah that's right all right thank you okay I will make a motion to accept the amended article for the conservation restricture act acquisition for 74 College Highway a second second all in favor Chris Thomas all righty very good all right we'll move on now to the South Housing production plan project is completed we're going to be going to take back 83691 of unencumbered funds from the housing Reserve funds you have a letter only you have a letter in your and oh I think it's just with the sticky sticking out makes it easier thank you this one yep all right here miss P the South planning board is pleased to report completion of housing project plan effort that was funded by the community preservation committee and that the document has been submitted to the secretary Augustus at Massachusetts executive off office of Housing and livable communities in accordance with the guidelines for the housing production plan regulations under Mass General out chapter 40b a copy of the document is attached here with the town's consultant the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission has confirmed that all invoices related to projects have been submitted and paid therefore the remaining $836 191 in funds allocated to this effort may be released back to the community preservation committee if you have any questions please contact us say earlier your earliest convenience Jonathan e got Town planner all right I'll make a motion to accept the unencumbered funds what's that moved okay all in favor Chris Tomas I perfect I will send this around to get signed wait this is for the minutes this is oh that's a different paper it's yeah yeah he didn't need to say anything in the M all right thank you all righty okay that's be uh don't we have another return of funding or no we're going to save that no that one's in the going to be in the next meting you're going to review the 2025 application submissions deadlines I have created a submission de this is so I don't have to do anything last minute I'm not running around and things you know so this is just submission deadlines for the application to be put on the next or the yeah the next meeting so for example if you want to be put on the January 15th meeting you need to submit your application by December 31st I need like two weeks to look at it make sure it's complete make copies send it off to you guys so you can review and so that's just what it is for the I think that's fair and responsible are we right so we're going to review this will this be posted for yeah I can post it on the website perfect so it would be 2020 yeah Sabrina went over this with me and I looked at I said yeah why didn't we do this before it makes a lot of sense absolutely um so and confusion like is it gonna be on it sort of like thing did it come in in time did it come in did I get it during this de yeah um so I don't see any reason why we shouldn't vote on it tonight unless somebody wants to look it over more thoroughly could have the dates run it's very possible okay I'll make a motion to accept the uh application submissions for deadlines second all in favor Chris I dun Thomas I all right and warhouse repair project project is complete and we have a report submitted yes I think I sent that report out to you guys a while back we had submitted this last month um if not I can certainly email you a copy and the original will be in the folder the app folder in the the filing back there so that is officially that project is officially complete all right right we resend that just so we can another look at it okay we have any other mail uh I don't think so okay then we can review the minutes of November 2th oh that's okay for for question about the minutes a because I wasn't here so I read this in advance to see what I was missing I was missing Miss so much fun I know I appreciate the detailed notes um this question is actually for uh Miss Gil it says in the other one other under matter other matters and I notic there's a vacancy um for us and you said that um you're working on a new person to fill a vacancy is there you update on that fortunately no okay had to ask we'll still take referals n have come forward yet okay sorry no no it's okay can only do what you can do I did not see anything else that I questioned although sometimes when I get in speed reading mode I missed Miss fings that's why we have Mr Spina he's very good at So Silent great now for some reason I thought Mr Wally was here last meeting I thought he came late Jo Joanne was here Joan was here but no John was John was somewhere else that day you were you're not here last meeting where are you John I think so I think he was in weren't you in Boston you went to Boston to your granddaughter's inauguration thing oh that's right okay yeah all right I was confused was in the Ted kenned Center yes way more worthy of your time the minutes is very thorough and I didn't see any your problems with it I'll take a motion on the minutes of November 20th approve minutes okay second side have tostain I don't you don't have to I don't have to okay y t um I that Thomas I okay that's four that's a no it's not no it's not wait what about there he wasn't there oh I read him they found sounded terrific thank you so much I was counting on johnse I and that's why we voted to do that otherwise it carries on forever yes I know I trust me I would have changed my position but yeah all right is around anybody have any other matters they want to bring up happy holiday happy holidays yes sir if I abstained can I change my vote if you wish to change your vot right now you can change vote I am going to change I say I okay and that's so I can sign since John's not here thank you we do have smart people on this board we need more wicked smack thank you R all right anything else we need to sign while nope so for my personal Clarity yes if we have to amend this stuff you're going to be able to just sign off on it so you don't have have a special meeting before the special meeting right Perfect Right absolutely thank you see if he can find me though I'm hiding all right with that I will make a motion to adjourn the meeting da been a second I I thn thank youn