meeting will come to order welcome everybody it's a South Conservation Commission meeting Monday May 6th 7 p.m. we are in hybrid at the South Town Hall um in attendance tonight we'll go around the side Andy Andy r that is clar Chris Pratt Jerry patri Lucas Karen and welcome everyone outside okay um do we have any public comment tonight I did have something I wanted to mention the Rotary Club in the south of landfest is having a global cleanup day on May 18th the town yard cleanup they're going to meet at The Daily Grind 9:00 in the morning pass out bags and then the DBW it's going to pick up the bags later on in the day so conservation used to do it clean and quite a few years ago glad to see somebody's doing it hopefully we can get some volunteers great next one do you know how long that is going to last is there any anticipation in how many hours usually it doesn't go much past two o'clock okay right thank you D Michelle has her hand up no Michelle pratts hello Michelle Pratt 152 Burkshire AV um I was just on the select board meeting listening um in on the information about the lpp program and um the Harbor Master the select board were and uh dick ran from Lake management we all talking about the lpp program and the meeting with the subfield select board that occurred last Sunday I think it was um and I was just curious as to I I was surprised nobody from Conservation Commission was on that meeting or involved in that process since it sits under this board so I was wondering if somebody could um speak to that if people were invited or if maybe I was on a phone so I couldn't see all who was person um if there was participation from this board there or not and like I guess why not the Aon Chris with dorm um part of that I think we all should have had an opportunity to go and respond at the meeting but I don't Norm isn't around but I don't think I don't know that he was invited either so if he wasn't going to be there somebody else should have been able to be invited I don't know anything about it nobody told me anything nice to hear from Norm what his thoughts on that is yeah but I but no one I know of was invited and if Norm was invited he didn't let any of us know that so do we know the the context of what they were talking about it was it about the um agreement between subfield there was part of it was the Suffield agreement yes it was the agreement ment with safield it was in regard to the amount of money that they were going to pay they're talking about a fiveyear sliding scale they're talking about enforcement they proposed having a member of uh a Suffield individual um as a member of our Conservation Commission um that was requested by select board member Maul and then um Doug mogan's response was you know that Southwick might like that too um to be on theirs because there are things that their residents have done that have affected the lake um that our Conservation Commission wasn't like aware of or involved with um but recognizing that they probably couldn't be voting members um so that was brought up um so a number of really important things um and then how would enforcement count and Suffield also wants an official count of Vats and docks um or something I believe is what they said too so yeah it was a lot a lengthy discussion I think as far as the like payment agreement I think the Conservation Commission talked about that a few months ago no Norm came up with the number of boats and Docks but we didn't really discuss any anything okay in traful and we don't know we'll have to look into that yeah but whatever it is it'll have to come in front of conservation because they are the authority they're the ones that are running the local permitting program good or bad that's uh yeah we we kind of administer it so we'll let you know all right thank you Michelle thank you all right we're at 7:05 we have some time to look over the minutes of April 1 you don't have to look but you have a copy of everything on the folder that's the agenda thought you had a copy of the minutes maybe you don't I have two you have two copies of the minutes what that there you go all right thank you e right I'll take a motion when anyone is ready I have a comment sure on page two under 530 different Road the name of that Association is not Kong South Pond Association okay it's something else I forget Four Season Four Season something and it's South Pond right Association it's mentioned there twice and then another illusion to it a third time so maybe put the correct name in there good idea CS we're members of the other one Bri and I okay thank you very much right on page three the noble Steve um the third line down the installation is currently planned at ford concrete supposed to be hasport concrete yeah good catch there how did Norm not pick that up I saw so little in there I figur he had proofed it right the motion is amended y ready when anybody's ready yeah I'll make a motion to approve the minutes as amended I'll all in favor Andy I I Chris I I J all right anyone else if anybody plans on speaking tonight and you haven't already signed up in the sign up sheet just go ahead thank you you okay yeah we got five minutes anything news there is an RDA but I don't know if you're gonna we could yeah or any of these anything else new [Music] um I think we'll save these for their after time we could get into some longer talks you could rectify the donation to annual dues we can do that ciens restoring okay so we um voted on a donation to Citizens restoring conoman which I guess is not proper so we have to amend that that to uh annual dues instead so I'd like to make a motion that we amend that um donation to be set as annual dues for assisten foring kind amount would that be a line item in our budget every year um this would be just for we'll do that I think every year would be a new vote like we've been doing make a motion second motion Chris I I Jerry I okay nice haveit all right um the 107 South Lumis Street possible Wetland violation you're welcome Michelle um we did get some Drone footage from the police I reviewed the Drone footage and actually with Andy was there with me um and it was just around the house okay so we didn't really see the back part the property um and it's on a USB so if you guys want to see it I okay around okay nothing obvious jumped out I good I mean in the aerial photos you can definitely tell that there are like trucks back there and it's within the 100 foot buffer so but I don't know if there's anything new I don't know what it looks like when you were doing the enforcement order take those trucks out there for quite a while yeah so that would be probably a Kyle it would be put the around that yeah the monitoring on that ask her all right question on docs not completely removed from the lake I think we can probably post call on that one for when Norm is here okay yeah thank you um and just an update uh Mr Gro has yet to contact the commission about his doc and and fine possible F thanks for that information 716 Jerry had an interesting he has a chapter 91 Doc and he wanted to renew it yeah what did they tell you J well I just made a call just out of curiosity to see what it would take my my 30y year is over yeah from when I did it right and I said where does it take to renew it and the lady told me well it's already been renewed for a certain amount of years um it got extended back in 2018 for four years and then because of covid I guess another length of time so there's an extension of five years for people that have existing after 91 dots huh that's interesting and I wanted to give that to Norm so he could update his list update his list there are a couple that are expiring this year soon after that we think are expiring they didn't really come out and send you a letter and tell you that they had the by accident that's how I found out okay so we are ready to move ahead with our agenda at 7:15 we're going to go along with our noi on 55 Foster Road the South Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing under the Massachusetts Wetland protection act General a c 131 and section 40 of the South County Conservation Commission regulation and byot chapter 182 and chapter 450 for notice of intent the hybrid meeting zoom in person the project location 55 Foster Road the proposed project is for the construction of a single family home within the river front or and buffer area and Border bordering vegetated Wetlands who do we have for that just state your name and good address yeah my name uh anatolio my address 23 Jun way Springfield okay so I am the applicant for uh 55 fter Road all right can share your plans with us there's a bigger minor colleag that I have on the screen excuse me do have a wetman consultant but he's not here tonight or they're not no uh I have the consultant who help me who did the Wetland delineation and also he did uh Wetland report and uh he did um alternative analysis did you receive that I sent you the what analysis alternative analysis oh you did yeah oh I did not get that this is the one when did you send this I sent you this this morning he this morning yeah oh no I didn't so Heritage is not representing you you're just using them fors of this yeah because is very busy and that could be months from now a little more complicated for us to not be a to deal with your consultant we need to ask questions yeah since uh this is the second time I I'm doing it so uh yeah understand yeah so um I just it gets pretty complicated especially a situation like this need some technical get through all the different yeah he he write everything in the analysis uh I mean uh alternative um can't read it huh I can't read it yeah the copies are not good um well see on email yeah um I'm gonna stop sharing and I'm GNA try to pop on my email I'm just nervous Bo of appeals yep that's here want oh because we had some questions about I'm not sure if they granted it or not no it wasn't granted not not you want want more I wanted to see [Music] what this matter more than so it could go back to you it hasn't okay we continued our oh thank you this I'm sorry are you will andersonce chair of thank you trying to go over the comments from the uh D comments yeah you guys you guys have if you the plan which [Music] is got [Music] we just have him present it and then yeah you know go do your best to present it yeah so um I think you're familiar with this so uh as as as I understand and uh how much I understand U so we um as maximum we can we can do because the most of the area is covered with Riverfront except 900 square ft so when we proposing to alter 5,000 square fet so um as you see on the plan so with the uh left front corner of the L so this is the best best what we can do so do you don't have the limit of grading or limit of lawn area on here so we don't know uh yeah you you have uh over here the the Contour limit of work I I think you can uh you can you can take uh is that the Contour now or Contour after grading uh we can you can take a look from the G so this is existing yeah so we don't know what you're going to do to alter the land within that area yeah so uh so we have only uh existing uh topography from the uh from the gis and the this morning the engineer who for doing the sepic design they did the Topo this this morning and he sent me uh uh he sent me the design which is unfinish it but uh to this one that it's in my email well yeah so so this one right yeah I got that in the email but I didn't get the Alternatives um get that no that's just proposed design it's not no that uh that's not just not not finish it because um what we proposed on on the on on the plan uh after he did the toer and they they recognize that's very slope on the on the front and he need to redesign the septic uh system so when he was asking U if basically basally we have to move house little for backwards he was saying maybe 5 ft or uh or 10 ft so make the house smaller so we need basically we need on the on the front more space for the septic system so you have a 40 foot setback at this point on the plan M but you don't have that approved it's 50 foot is what 75 75 yeah that's not approved it because they this plan is until right this whole thing would be shifted back so it' be a lot more square footage if it doesn't get approved by the we can't approve this well this plan no can't yeah because the uh the board of appeal they would like to see what what you will say basically we not I'm not going to ask more variances like I need only 40 fet because we don't have we we will not have enough space uh for the septic I mean if you had one plan showing it 75 ft setback it would show how much disturbance it would be for that and then the other plan with 40 feet you'd be able to compare the differences you know how much of a right how much of a difference will'll make in Alteration and it really doesn't show yard area here I mean it's it's I don't know which which FL you look at let me see what you got there so so this is May 3 May 3D map that's the last Rion the [Music] driveway take this one in the front under so this is the driveway and then there's a couple of squares that's that's a scale on time um so even on the plan up on the screen it says proposed Reserve proposed septic and then this is the proposed driveway it's that gray gray line right here hard to read yeah just takes a minute to adj um I did well actually no this wouldn't it's yeah it's under the driveway so I can see the prop septic yeah yeah prop septic uh and uh that's this was original but today he was uh that's what he did this this morning he changed because there is the uh bigger slope on the front than uh than he anticipate and he changed the layout of of SE litfield going to be here and the resered area going to be on the [Music] front but he not finished it yet so you see those those pin lines that is the current current gradient okay but he say it's it's possible to do to do the septic system on the front uh and he was saying maybe we will need to push house back maybe 5 ft of so so do you have Town water supplied here uh yes so it is Town water so basically I will I we will have to make the house narrower like Tory sheet or make the backyard smaller to have those uh to fit in uh in the 5,000 squ alteration [Music] back there it's about 20 Fe yep yeah sure so the yeah and also Sabrina was asking um there is the notes about the uh uh perimeter of the of the limit of work and that is the not we will uh trim the Tre switches um outside of there and I'm I'm like circling that tree right now seven just like a twostory three bedroom house or uh yeah that's going to be three B because we cannot put the bigger septic system in there so that's why we limit it to three bed okay fored in my mind the only way this could possibly get approved is with the very VAR yeah that's that's right that's for sure such a tight tight area without having that VAR 75 the even even with the variance is tight even with the variance is tight without a variance I don't think it's if you look at the North W there yeah five feet between the house and the limit of work on the North side that's pretty tight but he did put um in the plan concrete bounds to be set to to I am assuming to limit or to indicate the limit of work that would be permanent but encroachment would be an issue I think in the future yeah we usually put monuments or things know big he's got monuments on the plan here we definitely need the site visit on this one for sure yeah I forgot about that so I um I knew that we should do that before before meeting right but Mr let's sh once you come on up well that plan we over 5 Max you have 5T here you can't then you can't disrupt anything exactly I don't see how you can do anything the variance there one but two more importantly I don't believe you should even talking to he doesn't own the property yet he's he has a purchase and sale contention ons yeah but our board we need a letter of saying from the owner you can act on our behalf but she hasn't produced well there's an electronic signature on the not 7 from the the own there yeah okay you didn't see that last time and I yeah I have the in the back corner you're on the buff that's with the variance yeah correct and right here that's what I'm saying I don't see there's no yard you can't go forward because of Le field and I just didn't see a reason how this could even PL in from that's what I'm saying it's even with the variant it's going to be there's no hardship present than the fact we can't put the house there yeah we the owner who has the hard ship I don't have the hardship I got that property for 50 years right my intention was to re retired be able to sell it I I can't sell if we can't build on it understood but sometimes in life presents itself as with zoning that's I'm sorry you guys haven't been there no we're we're talking about going there discussing pictures that I did illustrates this was the back corner of that line you can see where it drops off that that Pine the leaves are back of the house the owner of the property and she signed in that's one post for the foundation this is the front of the lot looking down so there's a huge decline there too you literally have a plateau about half the size of this room yeah that's one it's a slope and it's in the wet there was be grading involved we don't have any GR at all no not we can't really continue right well we can continue you can we can continue later but not tonight continue this we're going to have to continue it because if the zoning board doesn't approve it then you're going to have to come back with another clan right with even more approachment on it right yeah and U like B say the 20 20 ft behind the house what you proposing is is almost flat it's a little slow that's not like we'll have to judge it on site yeah we you get your consultant to come to your come to the next meeting did you ask Heritage to come represent you because we have some technical questions like they do this for a living you know that's what they tight situations they might be able to explain to us how this this could work you really need to have an expertise here right but not being the property and know looking at the map yeah I doesn't look like I just was driving here I I just reminded me that we have to visit have to visit to the side before the meeting but no nobody mentioned we have on here is existing rate we don't see what the disturbance will actually be there anybody else here for this is there anybody else here for this hearing okay so we should continue and before next meeting we will have the get in touch and we'll tell him what we're looking for in the meantime should we do a site visit just just look at the property yeah yeah sure yeah fine with me you want his consultant on site think that'll be good at this point or what's that the consultant on site at this first initial yeah yeah that's a great idea um that way we might get some answers on site and then maybe also yeah maybe if you if you review all all the documents which I uh Supply I mean provide with the noi I think this will be better [Music] understandable so is there any chance for her to be able to save problems she defin just trying to like to you know would like to sell the property yeah I've been paying taxes on this property for long time paying taxes as um a building on and I mean I I have no guid is how big how big of a house can they put I came for 5000 5, so it could be 10% of the the lot or 5,000 whichever is larger larger 5,000 in this case would be larger because it's it's small but it's up to 5,000 has to be so that's why we need to have the consultant to can someone I'm even if he came in and said I want to build 900 square Fort house um can build a smaller house I me not necessarily could be an option yeah definitely yeah I mean that's hous is there any kind of you'd have to check with the uh the building department I'm not sure if there is don't I she does have a hardship the value of the property State $73,000 we've been trying to sell it we don't have any judgment on that all we can do is is look at the plan that he has and see what he wants to build and we're determining that situation not whether it's buildable lot or not we're not going to say it's not a buildable lot we'll say this project consultant might come back and say well I redesigned it in this manner how does this work for you and you know that that's how it works and go back and forth on it but I really think it's necessary to have a variance to be able to do anything property because it could be denied without having a variance right okay is there anybody that can make a site visit and we can have the afternoon now I think we have enough light in the afternoon we do do that it opens up some possibilities yeah this definitely will help we should find out when the consultant can make it also why don't we do that um can you check with your consultant to see when he might be available um for a site visit give us like three times three dates so that we can um him out there on site yeah we can do that okay would that be what would be a good time for you guys like 4:30 5 anybody else can anybody make it 4:30 too early too late what time get out like six forget it I'm good you're good I'm good you and that so yes 430 any day well not can you not do Wednesdays well let's find out what day the consult yeah yeah find what say consult make it we'll try to make his schedule probably busier than what we have yeah I will check with get back to Sabrina all right alternative again yeah okay I I will go and you have a continuance we'll have to vote on a continuance yeah what to accept the continuance the request well request for continuance yeah yes I'll make a motion that we approve approve the continuance for this project I'll all in favor chis ior and no disc to the next meeting hopefully and if not we'll amend from there yeah next meeting is May 20th May 20th we'll put that on the form there's not thing strong up by then we can push the continuance off your person no I think before that we will get the septic design uh as we just we also need some firmer plans with yeah how the lot will change oh yes no to the next meeting oh for yours sorry cons you get that time see that sure would you like would you think you can make a continue again I me correct would you like to come to the site visit if we have one would you like to be aware time well we're trying for 4:30 but we don't know what date he's going to check this consultant and we can we can let you know all right yeah right whatever I think it's good that you would be involved yeah thank you for coming down appreciate it okay thank you so much all right you enough thank you no I have Chris's so I'll just contact him y fine y thank you thank you fa enough thank you what's next okay 720 we're P there so we're good 34 iroy proposed removal and replacement of concrete wall stairs and Patio in addition to a [Music] hey the South cons Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing under the massachusett Wetland protection act General La C 131 and section 40 the South conservation commission's regulation and regulations and bylaw chapter 182 and chapter 450 for notice for intent via hybrid meeting zoom and in person the project location 34 iroy Drive the proposed project is for removal and replacement of concrete wall stairs and Patio in addition to the installation of a new paper walkway along the side of the house the work is located within the 100 foot of Lake Conan and within the 100-year flood plane and welcome H my name is Richard zto Jr with the green machine um I don't know how much you want me to go over from did anything change from the last plan from the RDA that you had there any changes from that what you presented last time but in the form of A7 yeah basically and he mentioned the comp yeah I did the math for doing that patio expansion and then what material will be removing to basically n z okay you can explain that part of it would be nice because that wasn't in the minutes I believe the First on page number 20 20 yes put this file thank have to about the existing wall being 24t long 6 feet tall and then now we're proposing to do a lower wall 24 ft long only 4 and 1/2 ft tall and then three be behind it 24 ft long 28 in tall and then with the new patio space um 20t long 10 ft out and then that wall the upper wall the 28 inch wall it's basically creating that triang triangle material which worked out to 180. n cubic feet of new base material we'll have to bring in the back fill the wall and put the patio on so proposing with the granite steps um existing on site there's like a big massive 5x5 um pad with a 4x4 pad on top of it is where the stairs end now so we're just going to remove that because the plan is just to install the new Grand of Step going to be four feet long um by um 13 inch deep by 7 and a half inch Rise um so we won't need to have a very large concrete pad and then to help that wasn't the total for the material we're also going to remove some sight on the some soils on the existing coery wall that's going to remain to make basically make up for the compensation um so in that area would be 24 ft long by um or no Sor that's what the wall is the area that's going to be removed 26 in Long 5T wide 12 in deep yes and so that works out um the 29.9 cubic feet added to the 55.9 cubic feet from the concrete Landing brings you to the 85.8 so just a PIR more um but besides that the layout of what we went over was the same so the DP issued a file number even though they say it's information's incorrect yeah it looks like it did you see the comments I read them on the email but we got from Mark you guys all moments so did you actually go out there and take measurements of everything as far as the flood plane and what saying is it's looking at the maps you really can't determine what you're compensating for I think he he said you just can't overlay the flood plane map on a on a site map s like he was calling out from the I saw how much land is yeah like probably not all the whole thing is probably not flood by Ian where the houses and everything right and that's what I didn't think it was but Mark's comments he said they were there's the map you give you gave us yeah on page four four and you have a copy of that in that packet as well um yeah I mean it shows pretty much the whole house not the whole loss right and then our whole working area it looks like the same the same what is on the South Lake GIS the same what is he saying so the flood plane is a 229 is that correct Jerry what's the nominal height t 26 I thought 26 27 so it's says 229 that's 229 for the 100-year flood plan the bordering land subject to flooding elevation appears it kind of covers the whole house using 88 datam but I don't think this is I want to say 229 was probably the extented it the docs are local permitting program sh there is that one of his questions yeah it was but I don't know how they are to do with because the owner just came in the other way to drop off the applications the only way you're actually going to be able to figure it out is the shoo and elevation out there right but even if it was all in within the flood plane there's no net gain of material right I mean yeah from what we're supposed to take out no n gain because I mean even if it is all in there's no net gain of material that he's bringing into to the site right it's going to be the same so I don't see why it really matters if we determine what the flood plane line is if he was taking a portion of the Hill out over here and put it back over there then that would know what the elevation for was where taking out but if it's in kind I right I agree with [Music] Chris if we pretended or knew that it all was within the flood plane which can we not build blood plane or what are the you can but you have to have compensatory storage so you would have to remove material from the flood plane area on your property or pay someone else to from their property in place in place and that's same amount of volume that you're adding El what if it covers your Full House well they're not working on the house yeah they're just they're just we're just talking about where they're actually doing the work I see we've come across it with the seaw walls where the engineers then have to just curious and we end up having to basically make these Beach areas and people are like oh it's a cool design it's like well you had to have it yeah so if they're not adding any fill no and I I did go on the site visit with um norm and Sabrina and you know I got some good eyes on the uh proposed project and it looked pretty sound I mean the walls craving I it's it's not like it you looked at it and everything I think it'll you know it'll not just enhance the looks of it but I think it'll good to me last time he brought it in it's just so I'm not really too concerned about the flood plane level because the numbers as far as the volume of materials works out in the noi it says the size of it's up there proposed alteration is 336 Square ft and then the replacement is 166 I don't understand that yes not the volume Cub feet is the volume below it 180 so and that's that so that's down here is what's important okay that's just the air proposed area where you're working at on the square footage got it there anything you want to put into the order of conditions Saina if we did vote on this other than standard order of condition I mean we have the salt we talked about on site and that's on the plan yeah the S funks and the size of the Machinery it's going to be the smaller yeah everything's under 10,000 yeah the standard bond amount you think I need I'm got to think about the bond suppose anything under water I would think you just keep it consistent anything I'd be will to make a motion if you're looking for all right we have to close the hearing first it's been a while take a motion and close the hearing we close it the hearing second second all in favor Andy I Dennis I Chris I I Jerry okay now I'll take a motion I'd make a motion to approve the projects um with the regular conditions and a $10,000 Bond okay I'll second second too late favor Andy ey I Chris I Jerry I that paper look ready for you okay thank you and then number of days before you 10 I believe for the for the we have to wait for the the peel right the peel yeah days all right business days my holidays okay good clarification appreciate everybody for their time thank you it paper proba when they right okay we do have a an RDA 15 North Pond Row the South Conservation Commission will hold the public hearing of the massachusett Wetland protection act General La C 131 of section 40 in the south of Conservation Commission regulations and boud chapter2 in chapter 450 for request for determination the project location is 15 North Pond Road the proposed project for an addition to existing steps the retaining wall on either side of the stairs the excavation of a flattened area with stone all work is within the 100 foot buffer zone of Lake Conant all right come on up just stay state your name and Andy heartly from wi construction go to add to those steps that we put in last year for a flat area wall on either side of the steps to retain it and just have a stone area versus flatter area in there I saw it's in here it was I got to it we all dayed right it's okay put it over here I don't know just have M wa no it's not that's not it nope it looks like the request it's application it there it is and then that thank you ma'am you're welcome a little confusing we have the original plans here yes yeah we not the original plans that were there already been done it's not proposed anymore right right just some changes modifications that's it we just want to add three more steps to the existing steps that we put in last year what retain steps make a flat area with st put a hay wle around it you prevent any erosion or anything like that do you want to highlight any of the work or this order conditions has been uh closed out it's been compliance has been issued on it don't remember got to remember because if it's still open then we'd have to do a modification for that do you know the CL here CL out done okay good I'm sorry you identify yourself and give me your address Ro thank you think you checked off the wrong boxes on the request of determination no check off whether it's been under the C Wetland bylaw um you're really not asking us to determine the boundaries of the resource area that was already [Music] done so the stone area is up the hill from yes L up the hill from the yeah from the lake yes and how are you proposing to do the work in that area yeah come in from side the house m Drive in like we did last year Drive in get to this area do the work and go out the same way we're not going anywhere else in the anywhere in consinity of this whatsoever just coming in doing this so we can set the steps for the machine and put the wall in flat and out so reg determination sobr would be whether the activities and whether it's under sou bylaws so a and he's got sorry A and D well the corner of your stone area be about 16 feet or so from the water should be yeah from the back corner from here yeah it goes up it's more than that because it's 10 from here right this area down B the water where the U patio is there's the steps that come down to the right right down to there so we're looking at probably I think 20 I think it was 20 ft from there okay the water yeah then the water from this point here from the closest point is where we measure yeah that's where you measure from yeah yes okay and there's all Mulch and trees and everything on between the water and the area we're going to work so that's just going to be Stone St for no no just Stone so perious is good y you said A and B Dennis A and D and D the work right wait a second no no not well jurisdiction of municipality right so that would be D DF and the activity C be c c sorry um do you mind if I write on the original that's fine yes years [Music] I anybody have any comments or concerns or is this like a p stone or like Stone 3/4 Stone so it's water will go right through it no problem right into the sand that's there be no problem whatsoever well this would be yeah two steps and add a couple steps steps just like that yeah that one I think just right said to be raised you're raising that little one right yeah yeah yeah is there already a wall up right below where the patio is there is a wall already with the steps that are there right so we're just going to go up higher with the steps put another wall in and then make a flatter area right put SE it that's it yes you're moving one tree no trees this stuff's all this was before this was done was already well done so there's nothing here so grass right now all right [Music] going get so the two steps that are there now just dump onto the grass you come off that goes onto a patio that's right there there's a patio right here there's two steps you yeah when you go up you step right on that grass correct close you can see the pitch and denn did I say something the reason for it is because the lot next door the water's just running straight down it's washing out that area so if we make it flat see all the hay they put down is gone was the lake that makes it even more that' be will to make a motion all right any more discussion pitch on that thing okay was hanging out the trees walking down that oh yeah oh yeah the lot next door my God that's ridiculous I make a motion to find negative all second all in favor Andy I Dennis I Chris I I'm an i Jerry I okay all right thank you thank you I'll WR that up and I'll have weite it you'll get it all right I'll give back your plan and good marker yeah you guys do some work on North Pond recently oh yeah yeah that was yeah for yeah quite a bit in those area that area right there it's pretty good up a good work thank you thank you take care good night do it it was easier when you sat next to me I can go over [Laughter] there part of us she doesn't Okay um move on to some new business request for partial certificate of compliance uh 28 Noble Steed yeah and you guys have um I think you have a packet maybe you don't lot of packets you do not so I'm not sure if he's here but I did a site visit on April 16th um do white Scott was present on the site visit and the area is mostly stable the grass is taken except for one little spot which is right here um that looks familiar yeah oh Matt you might want to refuse yourself when you yeah yeah right yeah I should want to do that I'll be back okay so were The Changing Hands he's buying the property see you so he's refusing have a nice time wait yes we have um yeah didn't I say anything oh interestingly I didn't realize that uh most of the Lots at Noble Steed are still under the the mother nli yeah so this is one of them obviously I didn't so what was your opinion on releasing it um I say release it uh there is some additional vegetation that's been planted we asked them last year um they complied there's a silt fence up it's doing its job unless you guys have an issue with this spot right here well that's ha and I'm sure there's grass seed underneath yeah yeah that'll take eventually it sounds like you're they're a good shape and you happy with it I'm happy with it I'm happy with it okay take a motion and a partial certificate compliance move to allow off partial certificate of compliance have a second I will second that Andy seconds all in favor Andy Den I Chris I Jerry I all right M mat you can come [Laughter] back it was accepted H it was accepted yeah I think I read itent it out you okay nomination of erosion control monitor project manager Tom mnon change of erosion control material three Lum Street yeah so three Li Street I did preconstruction site visit on the 18th of um April and they changed the silk f um to straw Waddles with the recommendation from AR and I believe you have that no you don't have that letter but I have that letter available actually it's right here what am I talking about there it is um I don't know if you want to read it or or move on but I gave the okay to do to start the project on that day they had their bond all set the order conditions was reported at the registry of deeds um their DP sign was up everything looked good okay discussion more Vining subdivision comments for planning board so we got to approve of the monitor Mr MCD oh did we yeah oh so that's the changed also not just the well they changed from Bales to Waddles that was the CH yeah from silt fence to and it looks good SBR yeah okay if there's an very big slope it's basically flat so yeah i' make a motion to approve theion monitor that second Che too late did you second I did all in favor Andy Dennis Chris ey Jerry I all right okay next I have Mort Ving subdivision okay discuss Mort Vining subdivision comments or planning board so this subdivision is finally going in front of the planning board and the planning board had requested um any comments that the Conservation Commission had with those plans to be sent off to them can we put in about the uh preast covert you want to comment about that I think it's a good idea yeah pre-cast covert could be a potential disaster most places are pre-cast what was the reason they didn't so you want the pre-cast cover yeah yeah definitely if it's possible it's better off to not pouring concrete out of sight with especially in the water put forms and and taking forms out as compared to just craning the piece in being done um I did talk with John this morning about that Crossing and there was talk of enlarging the CT pipe and bringing the grade down so it would be partially buried in that sense um so that that makes sense yeah is an option as well [Music] um do you want to make a comment about that I would comment that I would defer to the engineering recommendations best practices strongly suggest a pre-cast okay I think Randy was strongly suggesting that as well yeah anything else on that I looked at the two I I sent you the plan that the planning board received and um I think our old plan and I looked at it it looks relatively the same I didn't really see any big differences at least for for our what we what we really care about so in our jurisdiction not care in our jurisdiction we care about everything it's good that you're paring that we're making progress on that anyway so yeah like to see that completed sooner than later we're just proed okay I'll move on eight Rising Corner possible Wetland violation been by there several times myself there seems to be a lot more ponding at the bottom of the hill there thank you so much for coming partially filled my joy so I have some pictures for the group this morning Serge um zov from eight Rising Corner Road or 891 Barry Street the one and the same yeah you guys can look through these so the area is dry as of today we had quarter inch per hour for the last eight hours on Saturday and as of this morning look through the pictures if you want um I have no water in that area I know there's some water in the base still but that is I think the issue with that is there's always going to be water there and I'll tell you why the right across the street and I have pictures as well on a flash drive if you would like them care the water is there the water isn't the problem we like water it's the dirt that gets so I have some additional information to that as well the dirt that's in there um is a desperate effort to basically so over the winter there was a car accident and it's because the water rose up high enough where it flowed on the road now all that area is awam and the DP DPW from Southwick was there I said guys what are we going to do about this and they said no that's agam they turned around and drove away so talking with agam what can we do they brought in um an 18,000g pump truck on the we had some historic flooding this year especially during the winter um they pumped out three trucks and when that wasn't enough they basically took two pumps simultaneously pumping them basically how that area works is you come down a hill then it comes up a hill and there's a dip and unfortunately that dip is where my property is now there's pictures uh on this drive as well um that's the name of the so we could look at a let's let's just use the example of P of puddle I made it pretty simple there a oh yeah so this is the area across the street this is a picture from this morning this is um not eight ring no worries um so we have 890 which is the property across the street their driveway if you zoom in I don't know if you can zoom in I can zoom yeah just the driveway all this area basically and that street is all tilted towards me so no matter how much rain the water goes that way when there's excessive rain the water is definitely going there and I have another picture on the um let me see what the names are here uh let's see oh that would be better um you go down keep going keep going that um traveling water with pooling opposite side so right in the darker shade there at the base of the tree that whole area NOP the other side so this is on 890 this is the opposite Street and this is closer to uh five um Rising corner on the southw side that whole area fills up with water and basically just runs across the street and that's what actually froze and so DPW said you need to do something so they asked me to run a pipe under my driveway closer to Connecticut but before I did that they were pumping water into that and it was still not enough so the next Pro proposal came to well you there's a stream down that way cut a ditch so that so there's no more accidents basically this was a emergency response to uh to the situation so I cut that ditch and the water ran off um and since then we've had no flooding in the street so it works the the why I have dirt pushed up against that area right now is to create almost a funnel so anytime and the reason I have an issue with your sediment complaint I understand what it looks like but here's an example of up the street so this is um we can pass these around this is the DPW did this and this is up the street for me coming from the southw side that looks like sediment degreg I'll show you a picture of my little sediment runoff I think um actually it'll be on there it's called uh what here I think it's called Beautiful drainage I just called it that for beautiful P so this is how the water basically why I have an issue with sediment is it doesn't run from there I don't have a path of high to low I have a path of as it rises it exits at the lowest point of my property so I've designed it that way so that there isn't sediment and on that street there the whole winter there was no sediment path there was no sand in the street ever unlike the opposite what I'm showing you there so I designed it that way with the with the cooperation of Brandy him and I were on the phone many many times he came out and looked at my property we have essentially the future plan is going to be to fill this area here with uh 3/4 Stone and top it off with um rip wrap so that any sediment does travel it'll get caught in there but my whole goal is anytime it gets to the street level it will empty out at this lowest point the goal and the issue I have with categorizing that as Wetland is if I leave it alone and let's I fill up um example I think picture number two if I fill that back up the next colossal storm we have again all that water is going to be on the street again and ry's going to be calling me or or agam's gonna be calling me saying you got to do do something about this now most of that area and the example of that drainage too they could put something like that in I welcome it I told Randy hey Randy I want that you know I don't want what I'm doing I want that and he said well let's try your method first right because of the money I've spent and I told him I don't mind spending the thousands of dollars for the Rocks the excavation the the rip wrap I just want first of all no more accidents on my street and second of all I don't want more issues for um this whole area I I don't want sediment I don't I understand the issue with the going into the stream I understand that that's detrimental to you know whatever else you know and I see it up the street for me so I know I'm not the only example of this on my street I want to prevent it as much as I can so that's my goal with the quar stone and the ri W they redid this whole thing this was all grass this was a grassy squale this got many few years ago because it was a problem they planted that that was a grassy spil I don't know how that got washed out like that well like I we' had that's the best ideal is to have a grassy sale there but what you got proposed also would work so I don't I think that there is a solution is there and you just have to do it that's that's my solution I want to do it we don't want to stop the water welcome the water just that we don't want to I agree I agree and that's my goal um if you're working with Randy that's y I'm working with Randy we basically have a plan to have it essentially as soon as it comes off the road it rises to the elevation of coming off the edge it goes to the stream there's no standing water and there's no issue with it sitting on the road freezing over and causing accident not a wetland I don't think it'll turn into a wetland I don't think it'll turn a wetland too I mean you want to make sure what goes into the Wetland right nice I've had I've had numerous people come by and tell me well you don't have any Wetland vegetation here so that to me is just like but more more than anything that accident is the reason oh you think it's Wetland so DP went by on the agam side where the actual water is and they think it's isolated land subject to flooding that's very difficult to prove that it's got to be and I have some yeah I mean I this is I pulled from southw G this is what I pulled from magam V it clearly indicates where the Wetland is which is why I put the driveway where I put it because when I did the driveway La um August 2021 it was dry it was bone dry till November and to this day it's bone dry till November November to April this is a perfect uh your picture is one through five uh one through three example of November to April we have that water is it standing well it depends on the amount of rain okay it's I've had it be dry in in the winter ified drainage ditch and like I say the grassy whale is the best but if you want to do the stone rip wrap that's the alternative also I took a walk through there while that was flowing and it was full and before a lot of that fill was put in yep on the aalam side and and I drove through there every day in a vehicle that was kind of high up in the air so I had one of the birds I VI then I walked it that to me appeared as though the water the other way naturally until the driveways were put there and dug a trench and now the water goes oh for sure on the road and caused that huge icy burn for sure I I wish you came up my driveway because then you could see that the driveway that problem the biggest problem of all this is the easiest Escape Route for this water would be to go to Connecticut I've tried to talk to Connecticut they're just like this is an agam problem the pipes were dropped in before the driveway was put there driveway still both driveways would need a pipe right and when I was there water was perking out on the Connecticut side on both sides for this water was coming out of the ground but you can see a Swale that goes down that goes down used to go where it used to go and the driveways are clogging it up right so it did create the problem there's no dri he's not argu about that oh I'm not not at all what I'm trying to do is propose a solution to the water would not the water be best to go back where and actually went not when it pools do major storming then it goes in the street and because of how the street was designed I talked to Randy I said can you is the option of redesigning re-engineering the street to give it higher elevation to cause it to have a basically a top not a pit a top he said that's out of the question that kind of that kind of money will not be spent on this considering it's Southwick literally 300t of agam and immediately Connecticut 7 100 ft and back to awam no three towns are going to work together to do that so basically he's like this is a fix this is a solution let's see if this works and since um since that January incident it's worked and that's essentially why I'm here I want to explain what's happening because I feel like just like you a lot of people drive by and they're OHA this is crazy I agree I luckily I have an excavator you know and it's literally just like my farm use excavator but because of that I didn't have to have you know Randy re or redesign the whole drainage area there and I would i' prefer it because I know that whole front portion of my property belongs to the town all three towns actually you know please take it give me drainage alleviate my headache will that happen and I think like on College Highway we had that problem with the Steep elevation that it was a major problem for a while once the construction is done and the LA is established you're not going to have that that's that's my goal especially with the Rocks it'll be a gr and it's really ugly and that's another thing I think picture picture this one like that's hideous to me I really hate how it looks this is all going to disappear and uh just my example of picture two here once the growth starts coming back this will all be green with a little bit of rip wrap rocks it'll be it'll look good it'll function and hopefully no more accidents you have ry's approval I think that would we can just monitor yeah no problem keep an eye on I don't mind you guys calling me back and talking to me I that's appreciate you coming in I I want to I want to fix this I told Randy I told uh Mario over in in agam please give me rocks give me piping run the ditches they're let's let's just try you can't run a pipe across the other the other driveway Connecticut on the Connecticut side they the OWN I mean that's where the water used to go right I mean the owner the owner was Furious when agam was pumping it because once once you get it over this hump Connecticut actually has drainage at the base of that um Drive drainage into their stream in this example is the Wetland here all of this Wetland here and the road kind of runs right here so I said please let me let me and he was Furious that awam ran just a over his driveway so I I don't want to cause any more issues with my neighbors same thing with the neighbor complaint was because when awam pumped that majority of that water they just laid the hoses basically they spanned them out like that and it ran over his yard so he came home probably saw this mountain of water coming off of down his front yard you know obviously reacted which was right to do so thank you for coming in and showing your concern and bringing us to our attention and working with us on I appreciate it I appreciate it so did you say you put a cobra underneath your driveway I have not put any cobs anywhere yet and I'll tell you why because when I put the driveway in there was no need to oddly enough Mike here uh no don't talk brought me the initial like um so I had to pick put in big rocks to raise live and it was dry he drove in there so I mean you can't get you know 20 21 it was a dry year so okay I mean land subject to flooding it wouldn't be flooded that time I think Randy said he wanted a c under under the under the Southwick driveway yes and that's that's exactly right this picture right here demonstrates that this right here is my driveway so this is where your this this is where my cobt will be I do plan on putting it there along with the three quter and the Rip r it'll NE my goal is to never have it trapped on the awam side it can like I said the elevation Rises and smoothly pours into down the stream e [Music] just all righty the water will be happy in Southwick thank you I I'll be happy too all right is a silk fence did you put a silk fence up to prevent the sediment from going down so the sil Fen is uh well there's no more sediment that you see the pictures are dry um I could put silt fence at the end of my lowest point I could not a Sil fence what I was planning on doing is dropping two Bales and keeping them two of them yep stake them in keep them there happy and dry as long as I can and come to Water season again I'll put them there I have no problem with that but I think the rocks will do the job of the s b as soon as you know I do that perfect all right thank you for coming in you want pictures can I take take that I did work so hard app much do you want these back sure I'll take them very good thank you thank you again okay North pound Conservation Area we're going to discuss the possible hazardous trees you a letter from the chief you got it asking us the progress so yeah where we are on that Saina did a whole video last year was it last last year the year before I had a video and I also did a PowerPoint presentation anybody file any paperwork on that didn't we ask them to file paperwork before any trees were taken them as far as the police or as far as the trees coming down on North Pond and file at least the Rd or something you have to file something we made that clear last year a year ago don't come back in say it's an emergency when you had all year to file for okay so we want police if they're going to cut trees down what the remediation where the trees are going to go how many they're going to cut what the remediations going to be for it which ones the ones that the kids it's not an emergency for two years and nobody does anything about it way I look at it in the way the Deep he looks at it too okay okay vote for Conservation Commission representative for Community preservation committee I'd like to nominate Denis Clark or Kevin and Norm [Laughter] who's the nominee Dennis I'm currently holding that position so okay he's been involved since Inception and he was also the consultant too unpaid consultant too for a while so this way you can keep him as an un unpaid consultant and still work I think it's a great idea okay so how long do you have to do it every year has to be new nomination every year no it's just uh you're the position that you filled Dave McWilliams his three years was up so that's why you need that M that's for conservation not for that was also for CBC I believe he wasn't the representative was he no Dave was huh Dave was yeah yeah they're confused on there they wanted me to reup or application to get back on and I said I've been appointed by the Conservation Commission I don't need to do an application what I do for conservation probably because I'm not sure when that appointment ran up and somebody tells me I won't know when that appointment I had to put in a new application this year because I'm taking David's place for conservation so so if they give me the correct information I will respond Dennis you're for Community preservation your up on the 30th of June up here or there so that's so we have to revote conserv every three years I guess it's every three yeah so 7 of 21 or sorry July of 2021 was the beginning of but that's for my conservation commiss position not for the CPC we have to get that a little ironed up what if what if your times aren't concurrent like they don't end at the same time so he's not on conservation he can't be GRE preservation representative I'm um not understanding the question Dave MC Williams was representative yep right and then and then I took his place so if you took his place you would have the same length of term from 21 to 24 right but his term isn't the same for conservation is what I'm saying correct they don't right so if his term for conservation ends the CPC thing right then we have to find someone else to slide in let me just double check stays I think Dennis is is up this year as well when is it I'll bring up the conservation so we've got three Chris is up Dennis is up and Jerry's up this year in June July or June 30th they up I think Lisa sent you guys all an email saying like State your letter of intent letter of intent she did for CPC but not for conservation I got one I you didn't get one for no I I told her that I was I needed one for conservation any I will put in my letter okay going anywhere to go onto the portal and just put in your application that you want to be read yeah reappointment is not an option but you just put in you want to be reappointed and re live that was like two months ago for me so that you got the email from I sent it I can do that yeah so we're still voting on CPC y let's do that okay motion on the floor G to vote on Dennis I'll second motion okay we'll do our vote Andy I Dennis I Chris I I Jerry I okay so all be good for three years well if you're on conservation get so confusing I yeah correct exactly that's what we're saying it should be there is that that all right that's good okay Forest cutting plan 58 Tanner Road um is this the property that's for sale it is not that's the one right next to it that's one my question you have to but even though it's next to it it still has a wetland on it that they don't show on the force cutting PL I've been out there when they crossed over to do a perk or try to do a park the area that they're entering from Tanner Road I believe that that's a wetland area it was anyway we should ask to do a site visit with the Forester okay so you're saying I see some Wetlands on the map so right here there's a wetland there' be Crossing yeah so here right but they don't have it on their plan they crossing any Wetlands meaning they don't don't have like a it says over here any Wetland Pro in and they don't they said none if they usually put pter Roy or right the type of stream Crossing Wetland Crossing doesn't have anything on there okay so I'll make a note of that to um I'm assuming this is Jake well Jacob is the state Ross and then you want to do a site visit sure where place okay okay do we need the service for to comments too or what's that the comment section do that have to be I don't know has to be conation only gets like 21 was it 21 days to comment after the fourth plan's issued and when was this issued March 15th it a while yeah comment period is long [Music] gone you think there's one up here that they all of a sudden it stops right there what this proposed start date um April 9 oh yeah add that cross horsa they take okay skid roads there's one of them that's not acceptable shifting is not acceptable me crossing a wetland Jake break's not allowed R the enforcement order talk about that the last meeting right that Noble St yeah uh did you guys sign did you leave already yes there should be I think I signed that you should have signed the actual inforcement order did you do you know if you signed it at all do I have to leave again no I'm just kidding why do you keep on buying these places I don't know stay in one place have to talk to my other half she finds them a big why I just move in and follow right yeah you just mow the lawn right not even that [Music] really she had sign something she said she got to have a sign well one was the executive session the other one was soor I called up to Super if we get some bags from the mass Highway clean up nice and he said well he need to have permit to Cle up to Highway oh yeah we us used to get last Home Depot so he uh said we'll give you a permit we'll give you some bags too so trash say come on we're helping you I said but the trash isn't on the highway it's on the people's properties yeah we know fantastic May 27 what day is that so I spoke with Mark Stinson about friendly enforcement orders with subdivisions and because this one that we're still waiting on if you guys want to extend it or not he suggested that we do a friendly enforcement order for the storm water only so that way Jesse can work on the storm water infrastructure now right so if you guys agree you can review this and sign it sorry to interrupt I just forgot my USB stick and I oh oh I just have a couple of them and I don't want to buy a bch sorry I will safely remove it I believe it was this just put the SP your now I'll be able thank you have a good night bring a suitcase of unar okay so enforcement ORD good to be uh do you have to vote on that emergency Serv R yeah do you have to vote on them enforcement order or you just sign it okay then we already voted on it last time you can uh we can ratify it right here take a vote on it ratify it that out of the way let's do it make a motion to us I make a motion to uh ratify the enforcement order of for 600 College Highway or Noble Ste Noble St Crossing I this one you don't have to because I haven't given it to him yet well we can still okayy now have to wait all right second Andy I Den I Jerry I Ry so end of the calendar year is like end of this year end of June yeah FAL year starts July yes the emergency certification for 600 College Highway they collapse that cover when they put in the Right Aid wall is what I was told that that goes underneath the gas station under the meaning the W the that's what Shelli told me I'm not sure if that's 100% true but that's what he told me he heard that that was the reason that cover collapsed so hope it doesn't do it again I don't know how they're going to get in there because they're still working on the gas station they are they haven't got that done yet how long does that take generally do you know the gas station that should have been done weeks ago I don't know what happened they ran into some major snags where they had the crane there then they took it away and then they brought it back h must to not sure what stag they ran into but that didn't cause anything right the wor there they shouldn't have they said they found they said they found some illicit connections into the cul I think the car wash used to oh I don't think any of that stuff was still functioning but they did have some connections I first got into town they were sudsy water going us for the brook behind there so all right all right all right but I guess that yeah the uh the highway department or the mass Highway ask for the Emergency certification they're yes an authorized agency to do that so yes so they're doing that and you have you have a copy in your folder of their paperwork um I have my site inspection first oh yeah and then the next one is the next pages are the emergency certification form they have start date of 4:29 and dat 529 soor I went ahead and signed that I believe you need to rectify that make a motion to ratify the emergency certification for 600 College Highway second n all in favor Andy I Chris I that one Jerry I okay okay can anyone make the Memorial Day Parade it is May 27th Andy no no come on guys I already emailed back I couldn't we have a float or a car we're GNA ride in or got the Hat it's a walk how hard 100 yards ouch my kn it is do we have to dress in anything funny that's a good that right we'll try to to see walk [Laughter] along we're always away where's it from they they say from the the summer house parking lot across from the summer house um and then the down and then take Vehicles down to the old cemetery and new cemetery and there's a gathering at the American Legion afterwards fores where your friend's Choice yeah right that parking lot you walk down to the Congregational Church okay and then they drive down to the new they stop in front of the old cemetery and then they drive to the new Cemetery those Cano hanging around still that we had oh the nice ones behind the ATV yeah no those are all those were fantastic we can do it again though yeah sure that would be fun okay all right so those of you who canot be great it does say please RSVP as soon as possible to this address and or number okay discussion on Doc rental space we have had an ongoing thing down at um what's the street white white Street that's it I saw a Marketplace you can rent Doc and S so that's is that the Facebook P post put on so Bob Landis did send off something to Chrissy hops about that and she didn't think there's a problem with renting it's under the um 10 oh not under it's not under that but it's under 10 which is uh the um cut off for Marina yeah um so there's less than 10 boats to be rented there or 10 slips to be rented and Commercial she doesn't think that fits a description for let your friend use money for it well I guess the bigger issue they probably do anyway probably if I lend you my car that's different than if I rent you my car it's a whole different legal o it is but it's I mean he's he's going to make money but is it right does it fit that definition we should see what the Lake management committee has well we already know they they have something against that they don't they think it's not legal according to 1.5 section but it's very vague about and I looked up the definition and it is not posted under the state regulations as far as what commercial is sure your homeowners insurance company you have something to say about it do that1 or is thatal well the other thing is parking is the other issue there an lpp that would be the bigger issue is 40 bucks right yep so they still have to get a sticker they still need the $40 sticker there you go oh each boat yeah I mean it doesn't doesn't seem right that somebody could be able to advertise right it kind of feels weird well I mean it almost seems okay to me except that at some point you to have a business license because now you're you're offering a goods for sale or rent or lease so you'd have to Som commercialview either but I understand liability on we have a hand in the audience if they apply for a do permit in March or April the one boat but then they're going to rent it six how do you catch that or do you make them get it for six and pay for six whether they rent it or not no we can't make them do that but we would make them as boths joined they would have to be permitted as they come in the only way I think we know is if Norm does we do survey the lake two or three different times throughout the season and that would be on on The Hit List of if they're there a legal opinion on that well and that's um I think dick is asking for Town Council to give yeah opinion on that I did send out an email CCU and Norm Landis naen I think Lisa and I asked them if guess I asked if we could have some legal advice from Council and I haven't gotten anything back from them but at least I asked right y but as far as the state considers it is a a nonissue yeah cuz I think it was a chapter 91 doc they wouldn't care no the chapter 91 doc would be tering like liability insurance and all that would it I don't think so not always no home owners home owners yeah right mine's under my home yeah okay all right and you know lpp is based on the chapter 91 RS yeah well get an opinion from yeah what's her name Chrissy well we did get an opinion from Chrissy she said it's not a problem Oh Chrissy one who gave you the okay I called yeah okay discussion of interactive Trail at the sanowski property talking about signage and story walks or things are about to get real yeah okay no I'm kidding this probably won't take too long so my magnumopus of this entire internship has been working on well firstly researching something called shinrin Yoku which is Japanese for Forest bathing which which essentially nobody's like actually bathing it refers to like going on a long usually multi-hour walk through the woods or some form of nature whether in a local area like sanowski or like some kind of urban park and just taking in your senses what you feel what you can smell what you can see Etc and so my plan is to put up signs on Trail in sanowski to encourage people to participate in this strategy so I have a very rough map here we did a brief tour me and Sabrina a couple days ago and I marked in pink the path that the signs that I would put up would be around are they interpretive signs that interprets the things in your look yes I actually mind you I'm not an artist but I drew up a very rough draft of what one might look like in this case it's about the pated Woodpecker oh it gives details about what it looks like what it sounds like Etc that's nice that's perfect high ground know I love it I mean this is something that i' like I'd like to see in all of we talked about this at North Pond as well yeah when we first acquired North Pond of having those kind of for that too so even better so um yeah I mean only thing I have for you um the design I put there what I was thinking roughly the size of like speed limit sign maybe a little smaller I don't have the exact numbers but that was the idea and we would put them on like the already existing Trail markers on the uh Trail and if there isn't one in an area we might just put it on a tree and on the map I marked this bridge for example with this bridge I might point something out about the the book excuse me the brook there right so you get the general idea you have to be careful about putting it on treeo that's kind of frowned upon they have the base of certain trees like at wi Park in Manchester we walk through there and they'll tell you what that tree is you know the Latin term and then the American term or whatever and it's it's informative as people walk through Tre yeah but it's usually on the ground you know and then you got to check it every year that's another way of highlighting cool things they see as they walk through and I think the key thing that I read multiple books about this and the key thing that they drive home drove home excuse me is that this is the key to like achieving relaxation our increasingly stressful and urban Society this helps us reconnect to Nature because for the history of our human race we've always been so close to Nature and now we're not so this is in my opinion one of the most important things we could do on the property and in the town and chle that would work well I've been out on nature walks with seniors and it's like a road race they're just like come on slow down and enjoy kind of some signs there would force him to do that so that would be cool so Lucas's last is the 20th of May well for the school you can stick around I might come back you never know but we don't know so um do we have the okay for him to like move forward because our next meeting is on the 20th um and we won't have him after that I just I'm just assuming we won't have him after that I can I won't be part of Conservation Commission but I'll still be around at least till late August I'll be more than willing to keep working working on it with you that be great so you want to keep working on it and like finalize a plan yeah take your time or we can just whack it out I mean that depends what do you mean bying out it'll be nice it will be nice if you're Avail if you're available then okay because I I know we I was a little nervous about the time CR crunch so but yes okay you promise yes I'll be around there's like a period in June I won't be like couple weeks but besides that I'm here okay super right thank you Lucas of course all right we already discussed the CRC Noble Ste subdivision so we got exension on uh order conditions uh we did get some um information back from D Jesse needs a 401 Water Quality um certificate so they are working on that now okay request for permission to access Pro we still doing that one I still haven't I still haven't followed up with it so that's why it's there okay okay and there's no there's no update Granville Gorge chaos roof still on holds we did somebody contact Brian I tried to okay tough guy to get touch all right he means well though North Pond conservation property recyclables update so um I emailed Dominique the mother of the Girl Scout a while ago and she finally got back to me and she said that she was actually waiting on what materials you guys wanted to approve um for the bin I assume so she has we had been waiting on what materials you will all approve at the parking lot and then they had some action steps to take after them so they are waiting for something from you guys they' given couple options but then didn't we decide just to use whatever you have available to you and then yeah present something to us present it works yeah yeah make the decision okay so I'll tell them to to think of something and then come back and present yeah they don't have just we already approved the project they just let us know I don't think we have to vote on it or they don't have to present it okay so just inform us yes okay all right all right discussion on Doc not completely we taed that for Norm Noble Steed update there just in general um uh he from my understanding is stabilizing the slope over on the open space part the East the most eastern part of the property um and he's been working closely with John Goddard and Randy Brown with doing some infrastructure there is Jeff still working for yes yep yeah all right and our last possible Wetland violation 31 C West Road no update okay I don't know does anybody else have anything to say anybody uh comments concerns I don't all right look for a motion yep I have made the motion second wow went again second 857