##VIDEO ID:RlW53twBz5I## this meeting will come to order welcome everyone to Monday December 16th south of Conservation Commission meeting after 7 o'clock we're in hybrids topic town hall with us we'll start here with CHR Pratt Norm Cher Jerry Patria Andy R all right welcome everyone we will start off with a public comment is there anyone in with public comment sure anyone online Christmas tree yeah thank you take that one state your name and address you public comment you gotta do it that'll teach you do a minute any you guys signed in too right that yeah thank you okay nobody on line of public comments we move to our first RDA 105 Lake beew Street proposed work top commission hold a public hearing on massachus WE protection act General 131 section 40 he conservation regulations B chter 182 and chapter 450 request for determination the project location is 105 Lake Street the proposed project is removal of seven pine trees all work is within the 100 foot bucker zone of Lake KINE the meeting will be right now welcome everyone guys do have um the RDA application in your folders um the applicant's name is Douglas Crone I do see him online yep I'm here hi Douglas how are you very good thank you do you want to explain your project uh sure we can do that I I I have my uh my wife with me too uh Lana covic so the um the the property of 105 Lake View Street it's a approximately 13,000 Square ft it's a parcel located on North Pond conoman Lake um and uh it has approximately 50 feet of Shoreline and from where the house is located in the direction of the um the lake and in the in the direction of the street on the opposite side uh it's probably of a of a moderate slope um our proposal is to uh remove seven pine trees that are uh struggling to they're competing uh with the larger hardwood trees uh one of the seven appears to be diseased uh two of the seven are located way too close to the house and are touching the roof line um two are located in the in the in the backyard and five of the seven are located in the front yard on the street side we've already planted um three fruit trees uh recently in the front yard and the and the on the street side uh in the spirit of conservation um we are uh maintaining 14 existing hardwood trees as well as uh two um of the healthy thriving pine trees over you guys do have the application in your folders but it is in black and white yes yes what I can do is share just give me a moment multiple sh want to say a very well organized package I appreciate that yes all right so this is the location of um the project North Pond and then this gives information on the parcel right here more information of the parcel and then here is um the trees he identified there also a bunch of photos on one of the pack that were extremely helpful okay um I can scroll down to those is this the one that you're talking about yeah y so retaining hardwood trees GRE trees retaining so the white arrows are the ones he wants to take down okay that's correct trees yeah zoom in on that a little got the the that's not I don't know Norway spruce or Evers yeah not um do you know that the hemlock is having issues exactly so um what type of fruit treats did you plant uh one is a honey crisp um and I think there's a one is a peach I think there might be two honey crisp and a peach not native no but we're willing to you know those aren't good enough we'll we're willing to plant something else are you planning to leave the stumps on the other trees is that part of your plan yeah yeah we can we we can leave the Stomps yep no problem me questions or counts or I mean I don't see much of an impact retain a lot of the shade value um without those trees it's already quite they seem like the smaller that are there and they probably wear more ornamental trees on there plant kind a lot of Hardwoods there already right yeah um what kind of is there going to be any type of Machinery like how are these coming down do you know uh yeah they were going to uh get up into the uh the higher part of the uh driveway and use like one of those Cherry Pickers and um get as you know close as they as they can um in for the back trees and then the front trees are just going to you know use the regular equipment that they use for every other tree but they will keep the stumps I want I actually want the stump so okay was it tree Wizards that was doing the work he he was one that provided estimate we got two proposals tree Wizard was one yeah okay to make a motion for negative determination the RDA okay I'll second all in favor Norm i j no no other planting we don't need I think there need the plantings are enough trees that are yeah probably got enough see that much what stumps will remain yeah I'll put that leave the St comments all right thank you for coming in thank you guys thanks for bringing your project forward negative determination um and you'll be getting it in the mail okay thank you so much thank you thank you thank you all right we have another RDA 16 and 20 Grove Street please continue propos work is removal of vitation with 100 foot leer zone of the lake would you like to well we did have a site visit based on first Zoom that was there Ben Ben not here no he's not here tonight no so I think being there firstand to see how come it was a little harder to describe there's a lot of undergrowth yeah mostly under so as we discussed plan on keeping the mamosas the big P sign property lines the don't them in Grass I just want to restore it as close as I can to what it once right and I didn't really have much comment uh see anything wrong with what he wants to do what the plan is to do taking down the little you know uh under Grove trees that were there um you can tell that they were they grown in just from lack of Maintenance uh you it's been a while since he's been there right yeah was a tough try to bring back are any of them invasives you saw right I'm sorry to see all what's down in everything we weren't able to get into certain places because it was so overround it just wants to thin it out the good stuff bad stuff so there m laal those are good which you can trim but you can't cut take out right but um it's the rule was under three in I could take down probably 80% of it yeah a lot of it was one in it's it's just so much it's hard to yeah it's hard to to put a marker on every one of those things that are there because there is just so much there so you can't really map everything it seems reasonable to me I think you know Dennis and I had spoken too he didn't really see much was any of it okay then you saw it and that no it took me a while to find the came a little bit then it hit me I was like we already down the hill he was on I don't know why for some reason drive by this place on the way to work every single day twice a day and I just forgot we're gret by Louis the one in back of Louis right was there so I guess I'll make a motion to find the project [Music] negative no Andy I Chris I nor I Jerry I right thank you very much um no just didn't and wait I'll write it up they'll sign it in the next meeting um and then you'll get it in the mail or if you want me to call you am I okay to get started you shouldn't until you actually have it in your hand PL to do with BL okay okay it's a good place to start thank you very much for coming in R for 54 Burk your have closed for post construction of ducking and stairs within the 100 foot buffer of the way this is we have to sign any yes determination on that yeah and you can go ahead and read it to make sure that it's okay um can I though you really can I encourage it because I make mistakes we have something about aase to a 10 by10 Deck with one 10 foot step 10 foot steps should be steps one set of 10 foot steps one that's a long step 10 step might want re also be a step down to a 10 by 16 Deck with will be built to Cod de will sit down at three and a half by 9 and a half inch blue lamb beam and helical piles for peers installed using handheld impact wrench install composite decking for the field and for the perimeter of the hidden fasteners install white trim board on the fascia and this step construct a should be custom instead of sustem cool VCH 16t long placed on the deck with dry storage and back rest straw veils or straw Waddles will be used for erosion control okay oh and there's more and there's more I think I do remember I did mention the variance no no work will be within the jurisdiction of the Wetland protection act made proceed ceed until final order of conditions are issued following submitt of a notice of intent re notice of intent has been received from the issuing authority Conservation Commission which is just right here wait right here sorry the work described the request within the buffer zone is defined in the regulations but will not alter the area subject to jur jurisdiction under the ACT therefore a said work does not require filing with a notice intent subject to the following conditions and the following conditions are a variance must be obtained by the zoning board of appeals prior to any work straw bills or straw Waddles must be installed along the shoreline during the lifetime of the project that's that's while it's being constructed okay so I'll just correct those not like after it's been both it can take them out after 40 Years of 40 Years of hay bales and straw lels just the spellings passes Sur get sign this is an RDA not an N right yeah and that's a negative determination from okay um Ved done in the last meeting can I sign this one or I wasn't here no okay I think you were at the first public hearing I may have been was it three weeks three meetings ago I do remember yeah that's the one that exes for the it'll be good without your signature because we have four of us so if you want to sign it it's not gonna matter either way it's all good um something to note when you guys talk about erosion control please make sure you specify straw or hay I know hay comes out a lot so I wrote hey in an order of conditions and now the app is saying you wrote hey so I can use hey hey Scout seeds I know but when you say hey I think hey and I write in the order of conditions hey so just try to remember St straw straw St thank you you're allowed to make mistakes actually you can go back like five years which is one of my huge concerns because my plans over there were Pro 20 ft larger than we're allowed on the lot but I built them to size and i' always been waiting for somebody to call me out on you to the WR years are up you're all set but no the limitations I'm 20 years out allow like like to can go back and pull a permit that was wrongfully issued five years back I know that thank you for the make we're low mistakes yeah you can call them on it too oh sorry you still W okay new business we have a various request uh section 6.2 annual removal of docks 16 B Road letter wrote by Kenneth Lumley yeah 16 Road and then I have his I'm writing a request variance of section 6.2 annual removal of docs for 2025 my dock has been continuously used for more than 30 years has been well maintained and in good condition I have narrow lot and would need a crane to remove yearly my doc does not present a safety or navigational Hazard my doc has registered and annual fees paid for more than 30 years i' would be happy to meet with you if you have any further questions thank you for consideration Kenneth plumbley we approved this one a year ago I visited with dick runnels last year and he signed off on it then it has to be approved each year so that's just a formality pretty much y with the same conditions like a lighting I think we talked about reflective reflective yeah so as long you tell me what to write on that conditions do you want both lighting and reflecting I like both solar lights and reflective materials of some kind do you guys agree yeah made a motion I'll second I'm just making an this is approved for a second motion that's what I thought you said okay and Chris ey nor Jerry I all right perfect better all right I need I don't know where the form where actually says your name inad ofes but corrected it there got to be somewhere but I just didn't have time to find it 20 years of my signature and one year of his you still have his papers it's Jean she's got you know I gotta look through all of the stuff whatever whatever all right yeah P road work start dates 129 the erosion control environmental nomination is an a to himself the commission vote to accept the nomination do you vote to accept his nomination are you gonna get did you go Che how did he do yes yeah that's why I said work started so I went out to a site visit um the road controls were up this was the one where he where he's like you guys said hey bells and now you're telling me straw bales so about half of his um Bales are hay and the other half are straw I don't know if you want me to actually go out and tell them switch it but they're in right now they're going to both work for erosion control purposes and they're in shed area so I'm not really too concerned about sprouting or okay it'll just affect his lawn anyhow so hopefully there's not be any lawn there there might beit lawn maybe some M yeah um goes there the the area looked good I to go ahead to start work um and I got I know I got the contact for the person who's going to be removing the trees in the limit of work and also the person who's going to be doing the oh blanking on the word the bottom part of the house that goes in the ground Foundation that one [Laughter] Foundation most important part too young for Senor moment sorry you know she might have things on her mind yeah a little tired um yeah okay and so I'll make a motion to allow that nomination so move second all in favor Andy I I Chris I nor I Jerry I okay have update on 306 speeding Hills Road to be outside jtic you have a letter from ARA Associates um there's a letter and on the back is a new design they are staying out of any of concom jurisdiction um just because they can't really get any um adequate data to uh yeah because of the drought and I think technically are still in a drought right now who knows when it's yeah hard to believe here um so this is just their their formal letter to us and they did you know the noi was withdrawn in the last meeting correct so in case you see some work out there it's because they're out of our jurisdiction okay review 2025 meeting schedule and submission deadlines yeah and you have this again in your packet um it is titled 2025 Conservation Commission submission deadlines so the columns that you really need to care about or understand is column number one column number two in the last column which is column number five I think and the second to last column so basically the First Column is our Conservation Commission meeting dates note that we only have one meeting in January one meeting in February one meeting in April and I think from that one meeting in September yeah um and then so the NoDa submissions basically any Wetland protection act um application and or by application I'm just saying it needs to be submitted 10 business days before the meeting date right I can't I can't run around and try to get the legal ad in and everything so I wanted to have that set date which is 10 business days before meeting date um same yep same thing for request for certificate of compliance I need that request the actual paper in 10 business days before the meeting date gives me adequate time to look at the file go out and do a site visit um I just need that time okay same thing uh so other matters to be put on the agenda I put no later than five business days before meeting date the last minute stuff is killing me so um and with your approval I'll post it on the website and then I'll also hand this off to like I love Steve salvini anyone else that we deal with on a regular basis a great idea yeah I'll make a motion to accept this time frame second all in favor Andy CH nor Jerry thank you active Okay review expired bonds um we have that as much anymore now that we have our two oh the bonds yes we do bonds are the same BS Bond are the same nothing much has happened with the bonds uh Dennis came in and we had a look at them so I kind of know what to do for the bonds that have never been posted we kind of quickly looked at these expired paper bonds um one of the expired paper bonds that I'm kind of concerned with is 13 northpond Road $60,000 and it's an active project on a steep slope I did email arac the property owner uh and the general contractor saying hey you need to renew your bonds you're out of uh compliance right now and I got no response back from any of them okay St work yeah okay yeah the lack of response is kind of irritating you need a motion for that would that be uh I think that's just a normal okay state of business I would assume that doesn't need a motion but we can make one anyway Norm just to make it official I think that might be the wise okay I make a motion that we I'll second say what the motion is so Julie knows what to write the motion is to put a stop work on the project until the bond is paid 13 North Pound Road okay so nor made the motion I seconded Andy I Chris I Norm I Jerry I okay is that stop work order basically a letter and it's um sent to them certified mail I would think so okay more dependable way get something because certified mail might as well just yell out the window is it really oh yeah it's horrible it is really bad but I do believe it's in like the wetlands protection BS to send this stuff via certified legal I mean like guess I did email heads up hey you guys need to pay this ASAP yeah email them again let them know there's a letter on the way there's a letter on the way because that seems to be the same thing that's going on on sunny side you get you're sending mail to get no response I suspect that letter is still sitting in the post office perhaps ours always do we send them out every month and every month we go in and they're sitting right there on the Shelf we we have had issues with the post office they're just not sending them they don't it's like up to the carrier to go look to see if he's got any he should take today see and they hand deliver those right or do they just put them in the box they're supposed to get a signature right but they don't take them out of the post office on their route with them so they just sit there oh go that's an issue there's another update Andy thank you those are all another thing I didn't know those are all time sensitive because we have like a there's like a legal well ours are sensitive too if we miss the date it bumps us back another month yeah um jez yeah so and there there are other expired paper bonds and we need to look into those any that require a stop recorder that you know of off the top of my head no I know one of them is the 32 Beach uh road but the project has been complete for years one you went to look at yeah and this might be the case for a lot of these maybe not 130 Berkshire Avenue because that's a relatively recent project 928 2023 is when the bond expired um what's the date of letter that's what is that the date the bond will ision so the date of letter this this um spreadsheet was given to me by Jess at the treasurer's office the date of letter letter is when we the commission gives the treasurer's office a letter saying hey expect this bond from this person so that's when they received it okay that means that it's been through here you know right correct well that's the DAT the was informed that these people are supposed to have a bond y That's Bond's usually good for a year so like Teresa's Bond was probably posted on nine y 2822 would have been a one-year Mon and a lot of these people probably didn't just didn't get a certificate of compliance so they over their date and they probably don't realize that they need to get that certificate of compliance and so that's why they just left their bond but that's just that's my guess yeah okay so now you guys know all right the pending bonds the expired bonds and when I have time I'll try to get to it thank you okay we also have uh informational Beaver damic Canal South beer gate was cleared by DPW on 129 yeah and actually they were it was cleared about a month prior to that as well the Beavers are was it no by so our DPW cleared the Weir gate one out which is in Southwick um I think in October and then again in November beavers are busy and then in the Southfield yes you're right in the Southfield um area they DPW and nor volunteers maybe Norm knows more about this or Jerry um you get involved in that I like that the clear the clearing of the certainly the de boys must know what's going on they go up there every other day busy yeah like this is to funny that yeah okay that's St um these clearings are we're able to do that because we have um an noi specifically for this purpose 292 0295 okay Norm you had mentioned that the we gate area should be cleared more right that's correct there's some confusion on how they we Gates actually work but apparently if you bring the bottom rear gate up the tracks will because there's so much mud there the tracks will get clogged up and you won't be able to lower it back down Okay so we've got to develop a process in Lake management to resolve it and then annually make sure they go up and down correctly okay so that's an action that LMC will take and we're talking the wear Gates on the canal not the not the other ones we have newer wear Gates across from the launch area probably I don't know if we have the same problem no beavers there I don't think hurdles no yeah but allc has on their list to at least explore hiring someone to take out some beers okay Trapper c yeah on the south south side you're talking about well we want to approach both both okay get a new per or I think Beaver season is right now isn't it yes it's yeah I don't know if we can end April April 15 I'm not sure how fast move okay yeah it's a winter SC I think it would the season in Connecticut you can go get special permits for I think almost year round if if it's outside of hunting season you would need to get permission from um for of Health right he he's the one that yeah is yeah the signer off on that one that give like a 10day 10 day it has to be contingent upon one of the areas under his jurisdiction too just can't sign something so I'm not sure if this would be because it's not really polluting a water body or daging someone's property retic so maybe just do it for other reasons we could probably get through um fishing game maybe all right okay oh speaking of beavers the beaver hut is rebuilt down at the uh the launch really closer to the it's right next to the shore and it's bigger than it used to be that didn't take them long no is there two structures there or just that old one is still there under the water but the new one okay is way up above the water and it's closer to the on the sheline is it closer to the c or closer to the other way it might be right in the same area I didn't really go down look at it last time we were out in the boat I noticed it oh wow used to be here the shoreline here now it's over here just adjacent pretty much oh wow it's almost parallel and like behind they like where they like right is it effect you can't miss it it still affects the boat traffic right probably well just from his not from not as not as much there's more out there now it's further back so okay do you foresee an issue later so one it 169 okay 169 Berkshire or an address near that um they called me up and said that the Hut is being built on their dock so I assume it's the same Hut and they said and they were panicking area yeah they were panicking because like we can't remove our dock for December 1st what do we do and so I told him like okay apply for aarian so I need to actually um mail one of those Varian forms to them she's just like I'm freaking out taken over it's invaded she's like I don't want to kill I don't want to hurt them I don't want to do anything to the actual structure that they built which for me I would be like oh my god get this thing yeah say that's too close yeah they get aggressive um but she says she wants to leave it alone but they're just worried about you know being able to leave their docking year round so I need to send them that's that's an interesting situation it is an interesting situation it gets bigger because they P these feelers like they're out off the entrance they have branches and things that they yeah float out there's a good example of it if you ever go to the town dump there's one on the right on the way in yeah yeah so it's not just the HUD once they get those feelers out then it's like the Hut and then this much and then they start building around it and over it it's just it's just further out there you know there's more like an ice like an iceberg with more yeah kind of gives them a yeah little tunnels I guess we'll have to just keep an eye on it and see if anyone is concerned right I would imagine the lady with the dock would be I think again becomes a nuisance of some sort up being caic flow and such then yeah we'll have to talk about it I guess yeah all right we have tree work at 39 Lake VI road so this was um someone had contacted me saying that there's tree work being done I was out of fcom ELD so I asked you guys to go have a look do you have any updates like who is that the one I sent the picture of yeah what was going on you know well it looked like trimming but it may not be I don't know yeah I don't know if I still have that um yeah the yeah I saw that picture you texted it to us well I figured at least get the name of the company that's doing it so that we can have a point of referral as far as like asking questions and saying hey you were there doing this did it look like it was Vista pruning as opposed to tree leveling well sometimes beginning of a tree leveling can start as aing at the top out so it looked like they had overhanging the one when I took the picture it looked like they were trimming back overhanging branches that's why I said could be trimming trimming but taking down starts like looks like trimming top it off and yeah they were kind of cutting things that were like over the house I know homeowners are getting pressured by their insurance companies to trim or cut down trees maybe they're trimming limbs I I don't know I didn't get any updates from the person who originally reported it after that entire ITW Maybe compy it was it I'm pretty sure yell we have lpp updates 2025 letters I saw some nice letters and diagrams and I don't know if everyone saw there did anyone see the diagram I didn't sent me the diagram I don't know if you sent it to anybody else I I got some comments back from just like placement of the stickers type diagram yeah I got some comments back from Eric Mueller about this letter and about my diagram um he was under the impression that the sticker um placement on the vessels was on the stern side but um in the lp outline it's listed as port side and then I would just I just told to talk to Dick about that I mean both of them are in the rear mine's in the front mine's in the front too originally I believe they're supposed to be the opposite side of your registration exactly that's how I have mine and the and theine I've been putting mine since we started this program they uh there's one over the other Lake management made some comments at their meeting and they'll be I like the back because when you're doing the survey of the lake you can see the sticker on the boat you can on the dock this is true so that I I think that makes a lot more sense a lot of them are covered and you can't see anyhow right some guys put them right on the pal they are supposed to be on the rear yeah according to the lpp I believe the original one I don't think it was it says changed 4.15 the owner of each powered vessel or registered sailboat moed at a dock or Moorings Waring in the kongan lake shall purchase an affix an annual vessel sticker to said vessel on the port left side of the stern beer there you go and this was a I don't know yeah what year was that though listed it might be 2014 the one's checking I'm so well it is 10714 yeah um and the last year's letter says port side too so I took it from the last well that's where it should go I agree that's where it should be so I won't change that mine's on the Bott and not is yours in the B I think you both the old ones are up front the back there's some confusion going on originally where the last guy put his you know all I did originally it was supposed to be on the opposite side of the registration sticker yeah maybe I can bring up that that drawing that because I didn't email it let me see if I can I'm pretty sure I emailed it to everybody I like I like that because I believe that's where it should be that way know when you're going around doing the survey look for the color yeah let's see I don't for the color you're not going to see if it's docked at your orer depends on what side of the dock you part on even then you're not unless you go we just do save sense mailbox so you guys can look at it and comment on it yeah what did Eric have to say about it against it or concerned about it or you want to clarify something I wasn't pay much attention no I'm not you okay think got me a little irritated you're usually the one that voice of reason on subject that I got irritated okay okay and then let me share [Music] zo probably just followed what the Commonwealth says and I know that he didn't want everything coming to the commission he thought that'd be too much work for us a conversation I had with him before okay if you're going to be changing your doc need to come back in for an RDA and things like that you didn't think that was necessary but I think it is necessary because you might be moving it you might moving into sensitive area and I think it's needed I mean if it's in the same spot in engineering we say form fit or function if those all three match then you don't have to change anything in engineering I don't know about here yeah um in my letter I wrote if your doc configuration has changed a request for determination of applicability needs to be submitted to the South Conservation Commission before permit will be issued before you put your dock in right and that is what I would think Eric might take issue with because that goes along with one of the conversations you've had in the past but I think it needs to come in you didn't mention anything about that no no it's just a sticker placement well we didn't disc discuss this one El okay okay okay we can wait so this this isn't really going to go out into February I just want to make sure we got right you know we definitely like to have LMC weigh in on yeah um and as far as sticker placement this is my drawing yes very nice I have an example of moing a swim draft a boat lift Dock and vessel and I'm not familiar with Boat Lifts so um Eric's comment was to put it on the side pole I guess which is fine I think that's where they normally are now that I think about it you you won't see it in the middle the B yeah so but I think everything else all right does everything else look okay well and me like I this would be a good visual so people see it no one I think it's something different than what people usually see because otherwise it's same old same old okay get my money they don't look at anything else they did uh they did mention uh that on the sketch is not the address requirement the sketch your sketch has for stickers but there's also an address requirement well that should be there already yeah well I mean I could but it's how many how many would you say are missing what percentage do you think are missing from the docs like 50% more than 50% yeah I think people don't understand what the dock code is so I have an example from well I know S field didn't really abide by it I think there were 10 in in dufield some did but not all yeah 10 many it's a safety thing it's not monitoring who you are they can give an address for the police on the water so what I can do is I can put the code placement as well and then on the back of this sheet have how to how to know your code I didn't understand the code thing until I found this sheet that lpp created years ago I'm like oh that's what everyone's talking about well when when Jean mails the letter the letter States what their code is yeah okay but Je not doing this anymore I know the past that's what happened yeah okay how she did that I'm not sure and that's cuz when we were driving around we didn't know who belonged to what yeah right so it was it was a way to do that right so I could put um my beautiful drawing and the cheat sheet for figuring out your code in with the yeah nail it's like your number the first three or four letters of the street yeah first three letters of the street and then like Mass yeah facing out so you can see it yeah um the size of the letters are they 2 in is it is it is dict dict1 one in high small one in minimum High character yeah we can change that if we want to one inch you can't see very far out so need I have five inch on mine and mine you can't see see him from my house five inches not quite oh that the one inch is for the dock SE so wait hold up Mark location code on swim float FY moing Boat Lift outboard end of dock with 3in minimum High characters then it says Mark location code on Doc sections Moorings and buoys away docks are three inch and boats are B they break up and drift off I don't understand that I understand the doc sections but then it goes on to Moorings and buoys with one inch minimum High characters but you just said moing and buoy for three well you're not going to be able to fit all that on a little moring a little buoy even a swim raft it's kind of hard because it's barrels swim ra you should be able to those little Moorings and buoys some people just have like a bobber sticking out of the water you're not gonna yeah put a whole bunch of big letters on that okay if you think so yeah this is the drafted in 2024 mass and Connecticut um so if you guys think that's fine we'll just stick to it and I from last year I didn't I didn't really change anything except I put math in Connecticut on there right because concut does have to fill out their own now because this town is not or has we're still hoping that the state's going to come through we'll see um that would be nice but this might give some leverage to that if people think they have to fill out their own and pay gr and they might get on somebody's case um yeah and at the end they said violators may be subject up to a $50 day fine because it's $50 for the structure $25 for the if you're in violation so that's thing that I changed really in my email address it's not mine instead of beans it's gonna be a fun year which brings us to the hours for lpp administration wrote a nice letter to n requesting to make sure that we have enough funding available to perform our duties as administrators of the lpp so how much time were you saying you put into that for just lpp me I have no idea how much time I put into it but um this afternoon I was sort of writing out what exactly needs to happen and about how much time um it takes to do each task of course there's a busy time of year and a not so busy time of year yeah there's yeah that's the thing it's really variable um I know it sounded like from need's response to Norms email we need to actually I think we need to have a meeting with them document we have to have the documentation yeah the yeah um because I was telling Norm right now as we have it we don't have the staff hours to do this this year this for 2025 we don't have enough right um it's puts a strain on me I know it's going to put a strain on Julie um it takes a lot to to minister this permitting program it always has taken a lot yeah um and I know Norm does volunteer work yeah you know and I want to get that volunteer work number too um I just want to get the general number how much how many hours we put in per year to administer this and is it even worth it might not be we're one of the only ones that still do it towns sent it back to the state yeah so so that might be what happens if they decideed select Board office that we can't do it yeah well I appreciate your efforts on this one yeah for sure yeah yeah gotta get done yeah yeah that's a lot of work both you ladies and nor Mr nor best volunteer around yes well that's the thing is that we need day I'll be retired I'll come help yeah it's not gonna be anytime soon you tried that once right I did it's just not quit quit retirement yeah so that's it for that okay so shall we vote to accept the draft proposal hereby see so for this year covers everything I'll make a motion to accept the drafts of the ltp letter out the residents of South and con mind Connecticut Connecticut thank you Andy I Chris I Norm I Jerry I all right you said you're gonna send those comments or someone was goingon to send those comments and I'll make sure that we review this as well okay because we haven't reviewed this yet officially okay shouldn't be a problem I don't see a problem but well every year they come back and say well I'd rather have this it's too late to incorporate I've been to the meetings and I know there's a lot of opinions I don't dick out a lot of stuff in there a couple years back you got a lot of change done yeah so I essentially copied this from the last years and I added you know because seld doesn't have the agreement lpps given us some great ideas so that's a good thing but the sticker will be port side because that's what it says in okay from now on yeah it says it in the outline so I mean unless they want to change the outline um yeah gotta keep keep the rules right all righty and we're on to update and request for increase conservation staff ours oh you weren't even there you was even there I wasn't even there Reas he had Co I had Co um so in the last select board meeting um this past Monday uh myself when met en Norm approached the select board about an increase in comcom coordinator hours didn't exactly go very well in my opinion um but I kind of understand where they're coming from they kind of need validation um and last year I brought this forward we brought this forward in front of the budget um meeting they said this is not the avenue to do it and then so in the meeting on Monday I had I had mentioned that that we were told not to do it during the budget hearing and then Doug said we need to do it during the B the budget hearing right and go said that is specifically a budget back and forth so this is what used to happen with Dennis as well we requested hours for Dennis to the same thing happened year after year after year yep yeah but there has to be some sort of a clear-cut thing it's either them or the others one of the others so if if the select board is saying I can't do anything about it it has to be budgeted in it's the budget and the budget is saying the select board has to approve it before I can put it in the budget then they need to figure out how that's going we need an arbitrator well I'm curious as to why Doug didn't say that at that meeting yes he was at the budget hearing so my suggestion was to basically there's also the sort of misinterpretation it seems that she shouldn't be doing all this stuff by herself you know there's all these Commissioners that could be doing some of it do they understand we're volunteers correct so and and I said that is not how it worked um so I think there's a lack of education on it too so it would be my suggestion was basically really outline a list of everything you do yeah and everything that doesn't get done everything you do and it doesn't get done maybe we should all keep track of our hours too that we put into this and and show them that you know we don't just come to meetings and that's all we do is sit at a meeting do I said you know like M we do site visits this is an active meetings very occasionally I said you know and I use the example of the tree cutting specifically because I said she was out of ours gets a call was the only one that responded and was available to do it but we have a agreement that no one commiss site by themselves for right a variety of safety reasons and otherwise did you not history has taught us that um so I said you know that's kind of how it works it's not like no you replied I just was out of hours maybe it needs to be written and submitted rather than AOK actual breakdown of approximate hours of what takes how long right for you to do you know like you were just talking about it now like you know when RDA comes in you know the reason why you put deadlines on them because it takes that long you know for you to be able to do what you do and really break it down and also maybe explain what Commissioners do and what they don't do um you know I mean I try to i' get as much as I could because it's also a fact it's not like you know fantasy that she does a lot that keeps everything in order right for us otherwise it'd be a chaotic kind of a it was at one point it's Gott a lot better oh yeah about the other day and then and then that along with a decision of the process of does it go to budget first and then select board approval which makes sense so budget says yeah we can afford this and they put in their two cents in and then it can go to the select board and they can say well it's in the budget now okay and this is what it is you know something like that M but you can't keep going back and forth you know we can't do we can't decide without a budget and then budget says well we can't decide without the select people what was good though is Joe Dei was in the audience and he's the chairman of the finance committee right so he heard it yeah correct so that's just crazy to be honest it just doesn't Mak sense like you know they need to have their process in order of all these things happen sometimes you got to just nail people down by so do you know the date and time that Doug told you this so when you get told the next item you can say wait a minute on this date and time and the time is important because that Nails them to the wall you told me on Tuesday at 3:14 this is how it works and now you're telling me and the year before on that date this time you told me now they keeping track and they say well that changed both recorded meetings well I but when you have it verbally like right here my notes i' been like we've been trying to do this and he's Jer and I know how long it's been going on show for sure and that's why I was frustrated because they acted surprised Doug acted surprised like this is not like come you're here I said I'm here to you know Ro up and um Sabrina and then like like wow that's buty goes that's a buet thing and I said it at at the meeting when we were there I said we had a discussion earlier about this and this is what saying so I don't know but there's also this sort of like misconception of there's all these Commissioners how Commissioners and I said you know I said ter it's nice to have Gail was the one saying I said it's good to have other to I said you know kind of throw out questions that other people may not know um but I said it's not part of what we do as primary volunteer organization right you know pulling ours and we have our own lives and we're putting ours in yeah based on what we can and we make the meetings and such and whatnot so the the brunt of it falls on Saina so she's really support she's the coordinator right coordinates it's a busy job yeah and it always has been and you know if it's uh whatever else they have to do we had people putting in twice what they were getting paid for at one point and just doing it because they were you know good about it they're passionate about it and you know it's that's admirable but it's not expected I don't think but I mean you know the ping pong thing is just silly I mean they just that's doesn't even make sense how do they budget other stuff do they budget other stuff they should budget in the same way they budget other things yes I'm frustrated but we'll get there right but I would say that you know breaking it down and putting it in writing as far as has a job description of exactly to the detail of how much how many hours she actually does put in and then how much of that responsibility also definition of what we do and where our limitations are as far as what we or what time of the week she runs out of hours by exactly and and showing that may support thinking behind why there needs to be an increase and it's it's concrete it's on paper can't make it go away well one of the big ones is all the running around you do for site visits and just checking stuff out you can't put a you can't determine how long that's going to take as you don't know until you're out there right right and you know if it were just sitting behind a desk all day well you know you were there a certain amount of hours and that's it yeah it's not just going to see the initial site visit you have to go out and monitor and then go back and recheck it it's very Dynamic not to mention the disruptions too because let's say she sits down to do a certain project regarding something and then she get a call and somebody's you know half on fire saying you need to come down and see this just to drop everything and go there and then sometimes you know she doesn't feel comfortable going long she calls one of us and one of us short of course course so that's how it work it's not like you know we don't have an office or a desk or anything no that's true we know the call I don't believe call us oh there used to be cards I don't know if you guys want cards and if they do do we answer because I don't answer numbers I don't recognize I know get all right we will move it on uh we do have a description here of a site visit that you guys went to 32 Road road so we're moving down to the compliance that was fabled at I don't think it was the last meeting I think it was at a previous meeting anyway yeah sorry um um let's see it was cold and rainy it was cold and rainy pres present at the meeting was myself Andy re in the um we told um the applicant son we did not need to drive the five hours one way 10 hours to come see it for the site visit um and thank you very much for that by the [Laughter] way because it was nasty up here in New York where I live it was freezing rain and snow oh God yeah yeah it was it was raining luckily it wasn't rain yeah um but it was not very nice for us as well um do either Andy or M want to comment on I think you got a little covered here inviting I think the only big concern was that the steps did the staircase landed in the water the stairs didn't the actual supports for the staircase are in the water in which kind of makes it a dock I think I mean it's a little dock it's one step there it is in the water so those piting legs yeah i' like to see you should be able to yeah that was the change in the the plan that we saw the step the bottom nonstop and they were actually share what on your screen so it extended the steps out so finds the um the water you like to see that and this image is not what we saw it say backgrounds species Norm is going to bring up um image this is from August of 22 when I did all the docks on the m Metts side right right and this is 32 beach with the Cannons yep yep sure the nice walls yep yeah they are nice walls they're great you can see the staircase does end in the water yeah yeah so this noi was buffer zone only those two uh pillars I guess is what you call them am I am I wording this correctly um they are in the water yeah that would have been a resource impacted project so this was not permitted so as it stands right now my my recommendation would not to be issuing the certificate of compliance because of this was the time of the installation was it on land and therefore you know Lower Lake level and well I don't think the lake varies that much no plus it's a drought right now it's a drought and they were they were that picture is 22 I do have pictures from but that's still yeah we know the lake doesn't yeah I'm sure that wouldn't have been done in the water at the time it was done it had have been on an extreme dry time it's just unfortunate that the water rolls back up possibly you could have had some erosion there too and some of the beach got washed away maybe yeah jees I mean I know that at my house I've lost about three feet of Shoreline yeah it's it changes it's substantial it does definitely change about the original plans we saw had the stairs just as like a straight shot down they do I have them yeah I think it was indicated as a buffer zone to too between the end and the water if memory served that's why I'm wondering here stop sharing sure I'm going to look at Beach Road 32 n this is the site oh wait you can't see what what I can see it where's the zoom sharing the screen let me zoom in to this let me see the plane F go straight down the water yeah you see you can see water and you can see they end at the the wall right it's a straight shot down the walls are different than in the plan which is okay fine you got to change things up that's kicked out because of the landing St added is that what's in the water right now that what we're looking at or was there a piece added this the water is down at the bottom see the way the steps end at the third wall yeah the steps now end out here that's true so if we look back so they didn't they didn't build it to the sketch they added a section well like I said they added those Landings like up here there's like a 4ot landing right there's another land it out I'm sure they don't want to walk and end up in the water anyhow so you know that's probably not something that was desirable certainly that's straight shot the stairs are straight down too and it's not really straight down so right looks like a straight down well those three walls are in a straight line and the three walls aren't lined up like that either the walls seem pretty solid the walls themselves are okay this is like side view side view shows it too it does show something coming down past the wall there P the wall yeah see the little slope thing there that's the slope of the l oh that's not the stairs that's stair is that yeah is slope but yeah okay I think that's what the stair is supposed to this this is more like that way than that way and then that way and then that way yeah what would we need to have them do I don't know was going be my question if we don't issue a cert certification of compliance what happens they would they would need to go into compliance before they get a certificate of compliance so according to what was approved they would have to take that portion of the staircase out yeah short and I think even to do that I don't know if you can correct Me Maybe Dennis has more information that would be an impact itself removing it from you know the L going to maybe two steps or however well I mean what what is there for impact now were you show you I mean is it causing any problems where it is at this time so I think down the road it could be an issue just because of the ice so when the water freezes be more like the yeah because it move the steps it would move the steps be incumbent on the homeowner to fix that anyway for well they got 4X4 St they might not want to leave them there in the first place for that reason I don't think they should have been installed there of course they I mean I mean just just like logistically because of the ice in the winter it ice moves things doesn't matter how right how how much you weigh how strong you are you're gonna get moved yeah it does trust me it happened to me yeah the ice will take your dock for a ride yeah um and I think you know in a few years the ice is gonna push this you're have Dage well they're they're in the ground with 4x4s there so they're probably pretty good it's like a permanent St that's just very Sandy yeah soil there so I think they would be able to come out with little impact I wouldn't call that highly erodable soils there now I forgot has the house sold yet no okay it's it is under contract um but yeah we haven't sold because we haven't gotten the release of the compliance so that's that's the the her was on I mean you know my mom four years ago just you know trusted the constru ruction company she did mention that it probably didn't follow because it was too steep of a grade so they had to add the additional Landing because the way it was going was too steep or something that she vaguely remembers but she just she just you know trusted the construction company to do what you know the right thing so back to Norm photo the lake I'll stop my share nor go ahead and so what you folks need you don't need a staircase you need a certificate of compliance right right you're okay if you get rid of the staircase to the water or at least a section that's just that last section just a piece of they could just take out that last section of steps yeah we we essentially want to be in compliance and you know definitely not leave something for the new homeowners that would you know be an impact that that they would have to correct as far as these stairs go if they took off the sets of stairs and just made that a viewing deck they would be in you even leave that last Landing there yeah take out the bottom section make like three steps back to here to come down to the ground yeah and this ended just walk the rest of the way that's all there would be right I mean technically what I would that would be for our purposes ended there it would be in touch with land and not water and that just syn some 4x4s in there and make that just going down one one two three four stps and stopping at that just I know it's kind of like that's what I would do that's a good compromise and then if you want to have a dock you can put a ramp from you could make this actually lift up back down backc people stairs but I mean is that something that would grant them a certificate of compliance if they willing to do that I think that would be reasonable let's move it back and we're not to make them redo the entire like to help them out a little here there was one thing um that was concerning aside from that was the bamboo that was planted along the shoreline was that on your property what bamboo there's bamboo let me just try to find a picture of it I planted nothing everything that's on seeds flew in let me share nature took over yeah so this is the oh can you see the image yeah yeah that would have been the next door neighbor okay okay planted I know that the neighbors she goes out and she does plant a lot of stuff yeah she does a lot of planting okay so we'll contact the neighbor about the B Stone and the stone that goes up the hill that's certainly nothing we put in no the bamboo also belongs to them not these guys but the other guys we just did the Cannons yeah yeah we did I mean when those walls went in it was like oh my gosh this is exactly like a fortress we need to get some some cannons out here happy to see those cannons okay so we're I think if we maybe compromise on this we could help these folks and get a certificate for they trim back the stairs now is is this contingent upon the sale getting a certificate compliance I would think so the lawyer and doing the title brought bring down so well it doesn't have a a certificate of compliance so in Massachusetts apparently and even from a discussion that for two weeks ago at the committee you guys were saying that property can't sell without it and I think you were mentioning some of the expired bonds is like some of the sales go through within the family so no one really does the due diligence on the title thing to look and you know some new homeowners like uh you have a project that wasn't finished so we discovered this be we figured like I said we trusted the construction company that installed it to do everything correctly and this is coming as a surprise to us on the sale of the property so I think that's reasonable as far as coming back the stairs so that they're Seated on land yeah um is that going to be treated as a new project like all new paperwork or just a continu to this project I think just a just modification modif yeah make sure it's in compliance it's almost exactly yeah bringing it bring compliance all right so they go on paperwork easy yeah and then um now we're not really ruling [Music] on the soundness of anything we're just ruling on whether they completed the project right right we can we can't address the engineering part of it right I just well yeah my concern would be like it goes out there and digs a new hole and somebody calls and he's and he's you know like you're supposed to have another noce of intent to dig a new hole to put a new post for some reason we us out of the lake for the old one we do have South numbers local bylaw we can put a South number out there they can put there they have a number still the 29 yeah they still have their number though yeah yeah the 29 292 0359 it's it you know they didn't get their certificate of compliance so the order condition is kind of hanging there it could be considered as still in process plus everything's extended two years D number back up yeah right catch that to get the D number back up before you start moving things around so put put before you start work on the um staircase just make sure that there's a sign what is it no bigger than 3 feet by 3 feet mhm that just says your noi number which is 292 0359 and that way if somebody sees the work that's being done they'll know that it's been permitted and then we can send them a letter for that just so they they have in rating okay sounds good okay fine [Music] um um that's me thinking right now all right I think that would be anybody that would be here live in person did you have any questions about okay just here to observe just here to observe so all right anybody want make a motion yes yes okay we're not done yet so and that one oh oh don't I thought you it during the meeting no anybody want to make a motion compliance I'll make a motion that we have them modify the stairs before the CER get your certificate of [Music] compliance PR nor Jerry I all right about the bamboo oh yeah so you're are you the neighbor that has the bamboo yeah um that clumping bamboo or is it spreading bamboo oh we I mean it grows on to the beach I try to clip it down but so it spreads it's a spreading time I think so yeah okay is there something I should about that you should remove it and burn it probably replace it with something um not invasive bamboo is very invasive you can just leave it natural or yeah or let the whatever grows there grow naturally but the bamboo probably should not be right next to the water's edge um it could spread get a panda is one of those Critters or maybe put it in a planter if you guys really want the bamboo put it in a planter that's like with the bottom and side so it can't anywhere that usually spreads by Roots call it clumping bamboo is different than spreading bamboo oh yeah the clumps don't go anywhere they just kind of stay in one place okay much easier to [Music] manage if you if you have to have bamboo you know it is cool and it's fast Girling nice you know privacy thing exactly thank you so thank you J all right anything else on there that you're going to be talking about on there where on the old business that we crossed on um so northpond Conservation Area there's no updates um I do want to go out there with Andy to do some measurements so we could at least get the fencing in and then talk about possibly getting volunteers to planting do some plantings and the brushing and and the brush but I think first thing would be and CRC might have some volunteers for that stuff that's great um I at least want to get that fence up so that's I guess sort of an update review pending bonds Dennis did come to the office and he um helped me and looked at some of the bonds that were pending never posted um so I have Direction on where to go for the majority of them and then no update on outfall Baker Shore request from LMC the no update on the request from LMC to resolve doc situation I still have to write a letter and send it off to council no update on 56 Sunnyside no update in dentry North conservation property no no update on 13 Burkshire land donation I I really think I need to give that up to somebody else to work on I don't have the capacity um nor are the rest of them yours yes I only have one but I lost my picture I got to go back and get guess I got to stop sharing and go back report from selfield I have information on the last subfield comp meeting that's not the one I want well let me just say that uh there's an interesting meeting on Southfield Conservation Commission meeting I made the presentation on our pamphlet of what the dos and don'ts are on the working in the 100 foot buer Zone and I got maybe lukewarm response maybe that's just you being hopeful and POS say that's encouraging Keith Keith Morris wasn't in favor at all uh and they wanted to know if I had already contacted the select board and I said no First Step was to come see you guys after our conom approved it uh so they were going to call Colin Mo Chief's s first the next day so it'll come up again at the next meeting but but then there were two other three other items on the lake on the agenda one was uh burnt house burned down several years ago 407 Lake View I think uh they have a proposal to replace the house then there was another uh retaining wall that was removed from the agenda but then there's a big project at 623 Forest Road and I have a sketch here of the proposed is massive they're taking everything out and replacing it new they have concrete stairs they're taking decks out putting new docks new decks in they're putting new papers in they're cutting down trees they got a boardwalk uh in Turtle Cove or adjacent to it this is on middle Pond oh on middle Forest kind over by the the sand The Sandbar right before you go to the sandar it's just before The Sandbar if you're coming from North or just after The Sandbar just coming from I know what you meanly what you mean yeah and if you want to look at the sketch this is it uh it's there was another big one on Forest about three years ago all hardscaped just down to about three or four houses down from this one this looks like another one just like it yeah is The Hardscape functional meaning it's holding soil up like preventing erosion it or is that just to be water just flows right over it we send that to the D what they think like hard clay or something like I just over well papers are hard oh these are pavers are they got pavers they got concrete steps coming down they got new decks got perious and impervious right it depends on what how they fasten them together right and whether they allow liquid to go through right this doesn't say ah okay but the your caning wall is 110 ft long it's huge how close to the water is where he getting while on well what bothers me is it says the approximate property line you know yeah they consider in the water their property that you know you got to know exactly where the property line is as far as I'm concerned right you know and they got Sil fency big black line is Sil fencing but there's a boardwalk that goes the whole the whole length it's pretty massive Boardwalk along the shore yeah board like goes right here why with a retaining wall I imagine what is it four feet from the mean annual high water line needs to be clear for pedestrian passage think it's two feet two feet you're supposed to be able to walk the whole perimeter of the lake without being impeded really yeah there people the fence down to the water they can't build it all we got to leave our little SP okay not everybody knows that well here's here's the picture of today's view I was going to put up on the screen oh yeah I lost a lot of business going on there Disney World I know that place yeah I know the next door my buddy used to I know Place yep the legs right by your left all right I saw a list of questions that I would ask if I was allowed to speak and I'll hand I'll finish that and get that off to Keith and ask him to send that out to each of the maybe this would be even a good question for Mark Stinson to send him to see what feedback you have I I've always felt their hands TI field right do we have any course it's like another little Babs i' like an official yeah3 got change out the straw you know that nor huh they're calling out hay bales not straw yeah I see I think everybody calls I it's such a bad habit as soon as you get educated what is what you like what's in Waddles who knows you sent me sent I can pour that off look like a lot of regrading just don't understand where Wildlife is supposed to be wild when things like this yeah I think that' be a good okay I don't want him to start jumping down their F because they're trying to negotiate a contract with them and I'm trying to be a Lason gets to sit at the table and yeah we want you to make connections that's a fair [Music] point just think as as feed back from okay what it's interesting so the state of Connecticut would allow that all the way along the perimeter of every Lake in Connecticut well one thing Keith did say that I didn't mention and this is back to the proposal on the flyer on the pamphlet he said our rules are not as tough as southwick's rules so he admitted that well it's not even Southwick it's Connecticut versus m I know some of the Connecticut Builders would have come into town like why can't I do that it's true take back the J take the J to be Connecticut I love that battle let's look at the minutes of December 2nd anybody else I do s you have a couple things okay um emergency certifications 642 College Highway can you just say page doesn't have page page third page yeah half down commissioner members did not Rectify yes we about that word wonder if I ever fixed that no secret r ratifying with with a d oh there's instead of a c is it I don't know how to spell ratify Google knows yes review the 25 foot vegetated buffer uh size on signs I don't know you were right you were approved you were right I was wrong sign or formal consent to a treaty contractor agreement make officially valid r a t i f y corre I'm sorry I miss it's halfway down in the third page underneath emergency certification it's the last word in that so it's r e r a t r e r a t i FY no e c but a instead of EC this word yes but r a t oh FY FY thank you sure thank you anything okay I'm afraid to say so is she is she is she getting the gist and the details that you guys wanted are you yeah just like in general because in the last meeting um you guys had mentioned that you wanted more details to be able to read back in the minutes and see like under like fully understand what was going on right um right maybe you should be able to read it and get it's like a short story so you think she's on she's on point now it should yeah there shouldn't just be the conclusions but like what led to the conclusion we went for a visit we looked at it like we highlights points you can bu it beginning middle and end so this is pretty good yeah is you good it's understandable okay make motion we approve as amended okay I'll second Andy I Chris I all I wasn't there that's okay Jerry I thanks I did make the suggestion to Julie that if she wanted she could take some MACC courses so it helps her understand lingo everything and she like and paid training I'm I'm happy that you're do that can we talk you site visit yeah she already did visit yeah she went on the certificate of request for certificate of compliance site visit over at the Cs tea house with you need me no problem you get a pair of boots and you're all boots okays yeah just Gard boots yep BR this to our our Mac does 320 each year for commission it's $60 for our agents yeah other person 60 for me and 60 for Julie so if we add her on good idea I think that we can approve that I'll make a motion to approve yeah that I'll it's not due till the end of June we we're good for this year this is just a later or do we have to do it in the new year no yeah we can do it in June yeah in the new year is a good make sure to put put that in the budget for um right fiscal year it's always good to stay that organization they give you a lot of information and then remember you had mentioned um the open space committee and how they would probably be able to train you know so that could be something if you guys want to um cover cover their training so trained [Music] ahead yesk I'll entertain a motion second that favor everybody unanimous we got a