good evening we'll call the Conservation Commission meeting on Monday June 3 at 7 o'clock to order this is both a in-person and a hybrid meeting and let's start with a roll call vote announce yourself starting with Andy Andy R Dennis Clark Norm cheerer Jerry Patria so we have four we have a quarum okay we have a public hearing at 7:05 get the minutes done before that let's do the minutes away I've already made all my change on the only thing I wanted to add the RDA for 42 poter Mill Road the submission was a formality of notification to the Conservation Commission we had as there was no resource or buffer area being inacted we Den please repeat that is there were no resource no buffer or resource areas okay okay no it's continuation continuation okay so I don't have to read it right okay any other if you really want to huh if you really want to I'll just go get it no that's any other changes to the minutes I can see doing none I'll take your motion move to accept the minutes as amended is a second I'll second that okay let's vote on the motion Andy Andy I Dennis I nor I Jerry I unanimous vot okay did we have anybody from looks like we have both anator in okay so we'll open up the public hearing it's a continuation for the noi 292-0416 55 fost a record we can note that M has arrived to join us we have petitioner on line do we who is speaking for the petition I am Steve Rivery a senior Wetland scientist I think anat is on as well tonight hi yes I'm here as well r i r d y now you you haven't had your meeting yet with the uh zoning board of appeals right no they have not we just we're going to present the site plan as I think slightly amended after the field walk we had a few weeks ago just to I think solicit any any input from you guys prior to um I think prior to that meeting that he's having with planning okay we understand that the uh SAS except the system was not approved and a totally do you happen to know if the title 5 de septic system was approved by Board of Health yet or not they cannot approve the septic system before the Conservation Commission will say yes on it it it was not approved um The Reserve System wasn't in the right place they said they'd have to move it back so that would have to be altered on the plan and I believe Chris asked for elevations the Contour it's post and free Contour so we can actually see what would happen out there but after that I submit the the revised plan uh to the uh uh fi director but I didn't hear back from them I don't know if Sabrina hear anything from him anything from who from uh from Thomas tber um I believe I talked to him last Friday and he quickly looked at it but he didn't have any comments yet he needed to look into it can I share screen I can put the plan up as we have it now I don't know if you guys have seen the let me just multiple you should be able to share now sorry I was just looking for apparently I didn't put it on my um works let me know if my screen comes up and you can see um site plan yes we can great awesome I'll just go through real quick I don't know what was presented last time but I'm I'm Steve rty I'm I did the original delineation out here I didn't file the notice of intent um an a toally re re- retained me recently to kind of help him through the noi process out here he had originally filed the noi a couple weeks ago but you know this is the site I think you guys know it um at this point you know Glen Brook we have Riverfront area um you know the proposed developments in the lower corner so me just zoom into that a little bit by my zoom um so some things that have changed since the last field walk there was some discussion of some tree clearing out in the back for some Hazard trees I think we're just going to do that one tree that's I think it was a larger Hemlock that's leaning over the proposed house so it's growing here but kind of leaning over into the developed area I think he had marked some other trees out there um but the idea is to just take out the one tree that's a hazard to have minimal disturbance beyond the proposed limit of work the limit of work is this dotted red line here which is about 5,000 square feet which um you know since it's a new development in Riverfront area you're allowed up to 5,000 as long as you're in the outer 200 foot Zone which they are you know just to meet alternative analysis and minimize impacts he's trying to locate the thing as far away from the riverfront as possible which is basically this little triangle right by Foster Road um so try to maximize that area as they can and this area here is already the green is the tree line so you know try to get as much of what we're what he's proposing outside of where the tree line is now to limit the tree clearing as well um so fairly small house we got in the field it's all staked out you know it's contingent I think on the planning Bo approval allowing for the frontage setback to be much more reduced than is normally allowed you know that that gets the house into this position which is closer to the street than the the neighboring houses um as you guys mentioned the the topography back here drops off you know pretty quickly um I think you mentioned Contours Dennis I know this revised plan I think has more Contours on it than the original one I looked at these look like one Footers within the limit of work here so I don't know if that's what you were referring to with wanting additional um elevations on the plan and he also took this the septic plan which is a separate document and had their his surveyor engineer put it on the notice of intent plan so they're combined so this plan shows the house and the proposed septic location and the septic grading which is all within the proposed limit of work um there's nothing proposed outside this red rectangle um within the riverfront area so that's kind of where things are at now I guess you know the goal tonight is to we know we can't get approval without planning board signing off on the the frontage set back just to see if there's any any more input you guys have on the site plan or things you would want to see or things to consider prior to if planning board does give approval to when we come back to you guys after that just to clarify it's a zoning board sorry I said sorry I said planning but yeah zoning board sorry misspoke so this house is proposed to be two stories uh yeah Pro probably it's it's going to be um yeah probably going beit to story yes because it's very small footprint um but it's going to be not with with lower roof not like uh very steep roof make it like looks not not as high so I didn't work I didn't work yet on the pl since I I'm not sure if if I'm getting this approv you know at this point I think we might be looking at a third party review on this if you get the zoning board approval and if you get approval from the Board of Health yeah I think if if there if there is no uh no any any other concern so uh if by the uh I think the next uh Zing uh meeting is June June 10 so if uh if we'll have the variany have the uh s plan I mean uh septic design uh like approved or pre-approved uh so this mean on next meeting uh on next Conservation Commission meeting we can get this approved right well I think sounds like Anatolia there may have been some some feedback from Board of Health on on The Reserve System so you might want to look into that to see if because the reserve may have to go somewhere else and I don't I don't know where that is and how it affects this plan or that Reserve can still be within the limit of work is shown continuing to the next meeting and then we'll take it up then do you guys yeah we will ask for continuous do you have any other input on things you would want to see on the plan you know any River front enhancements around the periphery that you would want to see for some additional plan things or invasive control or anything like that I think that's like like I think that's the level of input we're looking at at now if there's any initial thoughts on things from the from the board yeah if it if it gets to the point where this is approved by the zba and the Board of Health then we'd absolutely want to see more plantings and you know we do we definitely look into it deeper but right now probably theoretical okay I have one concern that uh you're 10 feet from the property line on the side of the house I realize it's a slab and not a foundation so you're not going to have as much movement of dirt there's not a lot of room there to maneuver without causing damage to your neighbor yeah know tight yeah and go ahead Ste no I was saying it was tight but it's purposely untight they're trying to keep everything kind of pight to the to the front as possible to minimize uh Riverfront disturbance yeah and then other another thing there is the minimum 10 foot side yard on this zonan um neighborhood okay so you're asking for uh request for continuance in to the next meeting yes y look for a motion on that nor there are no other questions comments no is the zoning 10 feet on the main building or an out building main really okay I'm pretty sure make a motion okay we have a motion to continue we have a second second m is second Andy I Andy I tenis I normi Jerry when is June 17th 17th thank you you okay so we will close that public hearing um actually Anatoli has a question about 19 Foster really quick he's looking to for a certificate of compliance soon and he wants to know what type of monuments you guys would be happy with if nothing was specified um the order of conditions nor in the meeting um so if you could get feedback from you usually rocks right Boulders some sort of stone or Granite so I I did suggest that to Anatoli and he said that at this point Boulders would probably yeah that depends how big how big they supposed to be like for example 2 feet on diameter if that's if that's enough I can do that that's that's not very heavy yeah two feet a pretty good size Rock smaller little and how close on Center going to be two feet we always wanted them at the corners anytime the property line turns you got to put one there and then the distance between so this was the approved plan and then Monument up here Monument here Monument there okay so we defined and I think those are the only three monuments it's only on the corners right can you see the plan anat uh I I don't have on front of me see if I share this plan now can you see it uh yeah I see it this one was March that's the approved plan right there okay so just put them where it shows on the approved plan so Monument should have one in here yeah one two there three monuments yeah okay yeah so why will play the we'll play the uh rocks okay okay do you still want to do the site visit tomorrow or do you uh yes yes I will be there okay okay thank you so much you're welcome see you tomorrow see byee everybody thank you good night thank you I realized at the start of the meeting I forgot to ask if there was anybody the audience that had any public comments I I have a brief one okay B Hansen 53 Mor fing Road chair of the Agricultural commission and I want you guys to be among the first to know that our second annual open Farm day will be Sunday August 18th nice excellent you'll be hearing a lot more about that number two very good August 18th August 18th y third Sunday perfect anybody online that would like to speak during the public comment period okay I don't we go out of order and we'll take uh the letter from the AG cral Commission in regard to work on agricultural land appreciate that up please oh careful gives gives on you drops out on you sinks Stone cut my size in half all right should I read this letter you want okay I read your letter for you B I have it okay yeah oh you want me to okay sure sure um address to Dave fifty uh following a discussion at the agricultural commission's meeting on April 10th 2024 I'm writing to document a vote the commission took relative to your pond project the intent of the project is to excavate silk from a pond to restore its water holding capacity so that surrounding hayfields can be productive during very rainy season such as the summer of 2023 the commission voted unan unanimously that your pond restoration project is appropriate for an Agricultural exemption from the wetlands protection act and that it is normal maintenance as described in the farming and wetlands resources areas manual published by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Departments of Environmental Management Environmental Protection and food and agriculture we re recommend that the Southwick Conservation Commission allow an exception under the town's General legislation section 1823b by copy of this letter the required notification to the Conservation Commission before work begins has been satisfied sincerely Bert Hansen agriculture chair I'm just a little confused so during the raining Seasons they need to have they're flooding the field is that the F from the pond flooding the field the pond doesn't hold as much water doesn't flood out into the field it prevents water from in the field to going into the Pond it says you have to anounce yourself in your address Dave priy 8line Road South I just confused it says can be productive during very rainy Seasons such as the summer so if it was rainy it would need to irrigate right is this dry then you would need to right irrigate well again maybe these it's not for irrigation at at all it's so that the water can run down the hill cuz it's on the hill okay so it is the water needs yeah right at the between us and the Glock ones the water has to run down the hill and so the fields are getting flooded you can't it's too muddy dry the so is that the pond up there right here yes yes right so it looks like a wetland it's a pond it was the pond 40 years ago when we had cows cows drank out of it that 1990 that picture there is from 1970 and 71 and we got it from who do we get it from the agriculture should say the mass it doesn't say on here multure yeah Mass Department of Agriculture that's what it used to look like and today it's just this is a recent picture of it it's all filled in it starts off of Grandville Road there's a Culver and the Culver is all um pretty much filled in on all of our property down to where the pond used to be and then it follows down to Klein Road it goes under Klein Road into our property on the other side of Klein Road the whole the whole area is filled in with silk that's come off of Granville Road so under water leaving the pond too very little no well very little very little goes under it goes under the road then it goes and there's another field across the road that they can't even hay um Sol do our hay and they can't even cut that many time many years they can't even cut it because it's too wet actively being farmed speak yeah yes going to do with the silt it's coming out of there where was that going to go I'm just going to store use to fill in holes in the different fields where there's a hole and we drive along hit a hole fill it in that that's going to go he was we were talking about putting it across the road in another field that's higher up so obviously if you cut if you take all the dirt out of the pond you don't want to put it right there because it'll just walk right back filling any Wetland areas no it's going to go you know that land across from our house across the street from the house yeah between our house and then Fred Jackson there's a another section of land probably that's where it's going to go up there after it's probably once it gets clean it's probably to sit around the edge of the pond for a month or so so it drains out and then we'll move it across higher land the higher spots not and not near the brook not near just to be clear now I don't want this Bond bigger deeper wider anything else I just want the muck out of it so that it can drain so the fields can drain I'm not going to second guess the agricultural commission that's what they do I know that some of that probably has turned into Wetland because it's sitting there so longa well this was this was done I want to say in the 90s my father had it cleaned out and since this is from the 90s to now was back the way it is so I spoke with Mark Stinson this afternoon and he agrees with me that we don't think it's exempt from agriculture it's a it's clearly a wetland right now it's not a do you guys you guys do use it for your irrigation it was never an irrigation P it never was an irrigation it was only a pond for the cows to drink in and so are you you want to dredge this area dredge is a strong word excavate the silt dredge the area so you would have more to return it to its normal state which was a pond back in the 70s back from when it was dug in the 40s up to when my father stopped having cows and like 1987 this is man made um I think it was before me so I'm thinking is this to we got blushing on we have the D involved probably need to get their blessing on it before they do anything is it well is it to maintain the amount of area that you're able to farm or is it to increase right now we can't Farm down in that area when how long has that happened over over how long how long last time you were able to farm over in the area that you're trying to like reclaim um last year so were able to cut first cutting got the whole thing second cutting that got less than half because of all the rain we got last summer and fall and then he has to go out there with his mower it down keep keep it clean water's coming from the road water's coming from Granville it's coming from like across from Jimmy s house there's a there's a PT there it comes down and around through that field and then it comes back out under Klein Road and then it goes back through our land on the other side of the road to that Brook and I don't want there do you think getting the silt out will solve your problem yes Stinson said they you should probably hire a wetland consultant to see if this is ask if you can take a ride out and take a look at it we did Google image from the road and we didn't see any open water it's hard to tell well that's because the pond is filled in so you're not going to see any open water but it's been filled in since the 1970s no no that picture that you see up there from 1990 and it looks like a wetland that's a pond actually it's a pond was a pond right in the 1970s well it still would be a pond if we could clean it out I don't I don't understand where you're going with this so there's agricultural activity which would be exempt not necessarily the whole property so I'm trying to understand what the activity is to understand if you have an exemption or not but you were using it for a period of time so this isn't a pond use for agriculture the land well it's the land is not farmed like for cows anymore but it's still farmed with hay we have we're in chapter 61a so it's I don't understand why DPW would even need to be or D would even have to be involved because we're trying to understand it's our land it's our we can't cut the hay we're getting less hay on our land because this is filled in we want to clean it out so the water will drain because it's on a hill and it should be that simple and so your question or issue is that it has because it's been wet it's it's become a wetland it looks like a wetland in the 90s just looking at the image right here it's filled in with vegetation how can you tell that's a wetland from that picture well the darker are are usually we don't even know now do you know about three and a half ft now oh well when there was water it wasn't more than three and a half fet because we P my father put a swimming pool in in the early 70s and we used water out of that pond and it didn't fill the pool because it's only about put a 20 x40 pool takes 40,000 gallons they didn't fill it so let just run off it's not Springfed your question is kind of like the water from the pond has to be used to support Agriculture and what they want is the pond to contain the water so that they can have of way I think but if you're gaining gaining area to farm to cultivate that's not exemp we're not gaining any area we can farm that land anytime it's not too wet when we can't farm that land is when it's too wet because the water can't run off the land into the pond area that whole area down there but there is an what we'd call an intermittent stream that's going through the property that's that's on the other side of the road though isn't it it's connected that way are you talking about the one on the other side of the road I'm talking about the pond has an inlet an outlet to it correct yes which is filled in also because that Culvert on Granville Road was never has never been cleaned out C that she's talking about is just after 247 ranville Road there's a cover there that runs under grandv the road goes across my land into the pond or used to go into the pond it's not a pond anymore it's full a crap so would we be concerned about habitat Sabrina is that what you're concerned about and it would take away from habitat like not necessarily I mean I'm always thinking about habitat but I'm I'm concerned about whether or not this is an agriculturally exempt project well it sounds like the Overflow is affecting the urb culture and had it been maintained at its origin that would not be the case but it hasn't been maintained it hasn't been maintained for whatever reason and now it's full of silt and it's a murky Mucky pool of water which by every definition looks like a wetland right how about if we do a site visit can we get Mark Stinson involved I can ask him I think we should because this is the kind stuff like I haven't been out there in year it's possible if he could come and look at it he want to look at it coordinate a visit with if we went out there looked at it we'd have a better idea the EP I think the history habitat area the history of it is what's going to probably maybe allow for you to do what you're talking about certainly see your point you know because the history of it was just from its Inception was totally different thing that was envisioned for it and now between Road wash and silk and Phil and everything else has become something else so there may be an exception to this because of that that it could be restored back to its origin and that would help the field and your farming and your haying Etc this an actively farmed area right it's a 61a l it's a it's a hay field yeah ined in 61 chapter 61a that yeah it seems like one takeaway here is going forward to do this kind of work more often right so it doesn't become potential habitat or potential yeah right don't wait too long because nature takes over honest they did come to us before and we've had this conversation before and I've kind of been on the other side of it and thinking that it wasn't exempt but I'm kind of changed my mind about that now especially since with the agricultural commission you know that's right that's big for me yeah so s visit S visit get Mark's input who is Mark he's the D guy he's the D guy state for this whole area for the state or for the town state state state yeah but he oversees if we were to make a decision today and say yep sounds good to me go ahead and do what you got to do he might come at us and say why did you do that and you shouldn't have done that Etc so which we've been in that situation before so I think it's better to have him involved and and make a decision with him if he doesn't want to come out then it's up to him but right fair enough but at least so we reached out Etc and you we'll go we'll go look at it a good time to do our due diligence yep a time good time to try to set one up well can you make it with that huh what's your hours like say what sorry what are your hours like no change no change in my hours days better for you um um unfortunately clay season is on so I'm I'm up there on Saturday mornings running that uh I know nobody wants to go anywhere on a Sunday I don't mind um and then mornings would be possible but it would have to be ear I can do a quick Sunday if you want I can do a right down the road for me I don't know if Mark would be able to do a Sunday we'll take some pictures and send them to him I can do a Sunday if you you might want to wait a week or so well the reason I'm saying that is because the Hay's not been cut yet and once you have to walk through the ha well but once the hay is cut they can see how much couldn't be cut because of that a good idea area we don't we don't know when so going to be able to cut it well if they don't cut it they don't cut it but as you're walking through there make sure you wear boots cuz it's oh yeah ticks and what not tick tick too all boots yeah and you don't just walk to the pond walk take a walk all the way out to ground bille Road you see it's wet that whole way that they can't Mo because it doesn't flow right and so the process the process would be the schedule a site visit and then there'll be another come before this commission again based on the finding yeah exactly so yeah hopefully with d input right should we do Sunday the 16th that's wait about a week I'm well if you don't want to wait that's fine but I'm just saying if you do if you do you'll see how much can't wasn't able to be CAU because it was we do it do it to Sunday yeah it be would be better I hear what you're saying want do it this Sunday m yeah the Sunday's fine um and Sunday the 9th at what time you you tell me earlier the better whatever earlier the right 9 o'cl 9 o' 9 o' all right that work for you guys is that soon enough yeah okay BR your boots thanks for going in have culture commission appreciate it okay okay thank see you Sunday yep all we boots ons got [Music] anybody yes there are people um can we do mot next mot are we meeting on the spot at the place okay which is see have the address here Ro eight road is it okay is it Che yeah all right fine yeah okay let's move to new business then Mass do emergency certification expired work is yet to begin 600 College Highway collapse catch Basin and repairs the drainage system it expired well 30 days is up yep 30 days is up I so that has to go to the DP now right you can't we can't renew it for 30 days um I believe Robin is online to talk about this hi uh I'm Robin hunter from Mass do District 2 uh reporting in on this the 600 College Highway collapse catch Basin um as noted in the agenda the um emergency certification expired last week unfortunately we had U manufacturing delays beyond our control with our subcontractor this site required a specialized uh a um a specialized manhole which um required engineering drawings to be pulled together um those um we've been hounding the contractor about them um and they are supposed to submit those tomorrow those will go for review uh internally and then it will take them about two weeks to um take them about two weeks to fabricate uh once that's been approved and then it'll take about a week uh for the actual work of installing the cat Basin um and what um when we originally asked for the uh extension from D mark Stinson recommended he said that in this case where no work has been done other than a placement of a steel plate over the collapsed catch basin he recommended um let me look at his exact words that um that in cases like this um that it's possible that the commission may withdraw the emergency permit um and then the permit can be reissued when the work is ready to start um is what he had corresponded via email about um and I'm available for any other questions about the work or um and right now we're anticipating that this work would start that first first week of July um due to these manufacturing delays do you saying you want to withdraw it and have another one issued is that what you said what does it say on the emergency certification about extensions it says right on right on there do you have a copy of that um no not really it says it's got it spelled out right on there as far as any extensions go let me just I can look it up on the mass. and we did we did reach out to D prior to the um expiration and and Mark had recommended that it could be um withdrawn reissued but of course I defer trying to pull up the phone well if debrina confirms that with sson because they're the ones that would approve it extension anyway let me just go I think it's out of commission's hands once the um it's it's up to the commission what does it say there as far as go loading um let's see always tell people that don't get your emergency certification until you're ready to do it because you have 30 days and that's it and you think the the state would know that but yeah it was certainly um it was our understanding that this was going this uh special manhole was going to be constructed and provided during that that 30 days which is technically teally this was was not an emergency because it took so long you could have had a notice of P filed by now um I mean we it was our it was our understanding that this was going to be accomplished much much sooner it when it's some been somewhat of an evolving situation so but I I understand um I understand the point um we we really have been um asking for updates from this contractor for weeks uh and we had we had been given previous timelines that have been passed by hold on that's not the right it's not the right form I don't know why I brought that back to it wasn't it wasn't that wasn't the right on there there was the wrong form she had up oh order yeah there we go emergency sir and then dat site visit work allow General [Music] condition it says no work shall be authorized rise Beyond 30 days from the date of the certification without written approval Department if Stinson gives written approval then they can get extension okay um let me just look what her comments was thaton said withdraw it and then ask again that's s right to me I mean you know then anybody could do that right you know well I didn't get it done so just give me a new one market said that if it takes two months to get the material they should do a proper permitting because it's probably not an emergency money so spend by so it's up to he he says it's okay then it's okay it's okay then it's not it's up to you guys no it's not it says right on there any extension has to go be approved by the D the department Department of Environmental Protections d That's not Conservation Commission and what you just said he answered that that if it takes longer than that they need to file the other paperwork kind of had a feeling he would say that but if he changes his mind and says it's okay to issue an exension then that's fine with me it's really going to take no time to file a notice of intent it when file it we'll approve it to get the workout you're talking about the state you're talking about government be next year before they get that so I think Mark might make an exception but you know that's up to them to find that out and we really don't have the authority I mean for years I've been telling people you know that you can't you can't just issue another one because you didn't get it done in time then it wasn't an emergency but if Mark said it's okay then I don't have a problem with it we're gonna pass this back to Mark may I share my screen just showing the the um the email from Mark senson where he recommended that the commission may reissue it or withdraw and reissue um if not that's I I don't think you I don't think you can withdraw an emergency certification never heard of that done there's no form to withdraw there's no we're going to talk to Mark and straighten it out okay okay thank you thank you anybody online for anything else that you're aware of no um there was Mark Divine or not Mark Divine we start bending the rules for them we got bend them for [Music] everybody Rick Divine actually had a question about his doc situation I don't know if you want to take it it's not on the agenda it's on the agenda it's not well let's go through the agenda get this all right let's go to still under new business request for partial certificate of compliance 17 Noble Steed Crossing what do we have for that okay so we have a request for certificate compliance over at 17 M Crossing um and this is for the subdivision order of conditions for Noble state so I went and I had a look um the are is stable one um and I'd recommend issuing a certificate recommend what issuing a certificate make for a motion make a motion to accept the partial certificate of compliance and we have a second from a Andy Andy Dennis I nor Jerry I unanimous vote we have requests for certificate of compliance expired work never started 772 and 774 College Highway so this is a proposed office building I believe which um mixed use Office mixed use office building work was never started Dennis went out and inspected the silt fence and we realized that the order of conditions had been expired no work has begun on site so what are they going to do I suppos to file again I believe so the U request for certificate certificate of compliance needs to be voted on Highway Church they want dollar that I know and then re they're going to resubmit for Z 772 774 okay okay that's the next one they did put up silence there when they first started yeah I see right there how long do those have to St on post construction like after construction the house is built and you inspect everything uh pretty much until the area is stabilized I think technically the commission tells them yes you can take it that or not when it looks good to you when it looks good they started where's yours 28 same place right the hill yeah well and that so fence was up before the house started yeah slope is insane but if it's stable it's stable right okay I guess I guess we doina what take a y make a motion second what are we moving motion is to approve the certificate of compliance check off the box that says the work never started exactly the expired oh okay sure yep okay and Andy I Benn I Norm I Jerry I I unanimous vote next item erosion control monitor nomination Rick Zito for 34 eory Drive is Rick online must be I don't believe you Rick's been in here A bunch of times he was the one that presented the project I would you're looking for Mo motion a motion to approve be the best one for the job I'll second motion and seconded by Andy Dennis I Andy I nor I Jerry I I which one's this z z awesome approved yeah he said that work should be done within three weeks so that should be the next slide an update on North barn Conservation Area put your uh is this related share screening on no I got it I got it wait did I just take it away from you no I have sorry I don't think it made it today which one want my bad okay I gave it back before it totally signed you really know how to make her M for the one that never started yeah [Music] so still talking about RI we're on the [Music] one last two these things where's the one that said it never started it's in that one it's I think the second sentence or third you know bring a pizza take your box home will you that's the same thing started it's commen it's not start think you're gonna need a bigger we have to like commencement speech right they that's the one that we bought and we put out and thought it was unless they didn't put it out yet but the they said they're going to start working on would it be an idea to like build a box around it have the voice SC build a container and then put these in it with holes at the top right locked where you just throw yourself in the appropriate place and for still get in it but Bears might not yeah so let me give you some back out here sure okay yeah on the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend I went up to North Pond Conservation Area to weed whack the entrance area and to pick up the litter in the parking lot and this is what I saw this is bin number one and this is bin number two okay and so I notified Sabrina Sabrina sent an email out or text out to buildings and grounds asking them to pick it up and uh I went back on Friday and it hadn't been picked up so Saturday morning Norm went back there and picked it up himself did it yourself good take this is the Bears got this what it converted to wow okay so what's what's the deal they're not we don't have somebody to go out and clean up for us we we we have the Buildings Department comes once a week I believe okay uh now and I had to go on Monday and I went up there today and it was clean as a Wen okay but I went up on Saturday oops back I went up on Saturday and this is what it looked like Saturday after you cleaned it no it's when you cleaned it when you cleaned it okay no what this was this was yesterday excuse me this was yesterday Sunday okay what the day before one of the two so this is after you cleaned it after I cleaned it like this the next day yeah a lot of usage there okay I went to pull in in the parking lot full are those our barrels that one of them is our that that one is our Barrel can we have a take out what you bring in policy so that we do sinus has and I will say this because I I I pick up inside the conservation area on a regular basis and it's cleaner now than I've seen it so people are bringing it out to these trash barrels well that's good put them in the trash barrels and then the animals are tear it apart te apart okay so I think what we need to do is to ask for a second pickup a week yeah they in the busy months anyway uh I don't know if building department going to accommodate that but because this is you know we've had a lot of negative publicity on this stuff it's thrives me every time I go up there and find it like this and I hate negative publicity uh so I think what I'd like to do is is ask that we get a second pick up each week so he Robert Landis um said on May 29th that the trash collection will start next week so it hasn't even started yet and if we do want another pickup every week we need to get money from we need to ask for money for it because right now it's under salaries and it's already been budgeted in so the commission would need to request money from the finance committee it doesn't seem to matter whether it's a holiday weekend or not so even if we said holiday weekends only second pickup maybe that's not really relevant reg weekend it's weather related yes it's a busy place right and obviously the the number of alcoholic cans and bottles is extensive you think more barrels would help to put a couple more barrels well it would help but the animals will still but if you can we used to chain them down down so that they couldn't this one's got a chain on got a chain on it yeah you can see the chain over here yeah oh chain the tree that's one issue we need to come to solution and then uh two of the Rails have have been actually broken it's a tight fit in there and the whole thing is split well this is an older picture actually now that I realized this is from last year B that back together but two of these are actually broken we have to figure out a way how we're going to replace them they're non-reparable okay and then the other area this is the famous rope swing this is a very steep slope I took a picture the slope I I I figure is too steep for me to go down and remove trash was very Steep and from a safety perspective I did it last year don't do it and you know this is just where the teens hang out I figure what the heck they can waddle in their own Meer but if somebody wants to go out with me I'll be glad to go and is there the access from the water or just really tough you need like it's actually shoes would tread yeah and it's just it's just litter everywhere towels I I probably put a dozen towels into into those black bags or so they get them wet and they leave them there yeah must be nice so I guess I'm looking for recommendation on you think we should just leave this as it is now I mean the average person is not going to get out and take a picture of this and get us get this negative publicity and maybe the teens will learn from it I don't know have so many Alternatives right now do we no and we could rope it off best of luck was rope it off and put up sign a rope swing rope it off put up signs no trespass so I would I would say do nothing on on that particular area until the trees then we'll go in and clean it up find another rope swing elsewhere clean it up before the trees go because in the proposal we're planning on leaving the trees right there oh okay good fine I yeah there's really I don't know even bigger containers more containers they're just going to fill them up like you put a bigger container they'll bring their trash from home put a dumpster there it'll still 40 yard roll off there it'll still BR household TR I'm a big fan of you brought it you bring it home yeah yeah they don't do that though that's problem well they're doing it they're getting it back to the trash BS yeah if that's the thing if you have a barrel there at least they can get it into one spot instead of have to chase it all over the woods if we get the recycle bins from the G Scouts that might help with with us too but all right we'll just hold off that okay I'll keep my eye on it thanks I did ask um Southwoods to give me some quotes for some signs um they have yet to get back to me on that but you have a copy of them um one of them being no swimming um another one would be no rope swings or use of rope swings allowed police take notice violators will be subject to trespass um there have been issues with cars parked in the wing area of the parking lot blocking all traffic coming in and out so the police asked us to put no parking signs along there so I have a little sign to put along the fence and then um as I mentioned rope off the area that's the trouble area it's been completely eroded there's no undergrowth at all and just say habitat restoration area keep out there some snow fence up there yeah yeah and then just I'm thinking plastic signs so they're not as expensive and I know they're going to probably get ripped out a bit and tossed around but at least there'll be something there when I was there I was there to um get a second quote for the trees last week um I was with three other adults and some kids were trying to jump off the trees while we were there and I said hey you can't do that that this is Public public property and it's a liability you could get hurt and they apologized they had no idea that they weren't allowed to do it so I'm like okay I guess we need signs that actually say Do not jump from a tree do not swing from a rope swing um so yeah I'm waiting for a quote from Southwoods and one thing while I was there doing the weed whacking the Southwood police officer came out on a four-wheeler so I was pleased to see they have representation in there he was looking for other other vehicles and he said what are disgusting devices sad that's sad yeah so all right on to volunteer work for sanoski property Boy Scout volunteered two hours for General rank advancement yeah I had some uh Trail markers that still needed to be put up from last year year we did a volunteer effort with I can't remember the group of high schoolers wasn't National Honor Society it was some other group and you're intera or something yes yeah um and I had a Boy Scout who needed some hours for like I said General rank advancement so he went ahead and did that last week so we have right new Trail markers put up um not perfect but at least that part's done and I can give Dave back his GS and jit so that's step and hopefully he got Advanced okay and then we got dle intern Iz he roetti to Wi for a semester in 2024 2025 school year yeah well we had another high schooler who's interested in interning for the Conservation Commission I had an interview with her was either last week or the week before she seems great and eager to learn so yeah good good work okay all right update on tree cutting on Mayflower Lane that's me it is you at the last meeting I had announced that uh there was a preliminary plan for tree cutting on May fallan at the Conservation Commission meeting in Suffield H and uh is I gave that update on our last meeting here and then the Thursday after that I gave an update to the lake Management on it and uh I said you I said and more to come and two people said it's already been started they've been Chang sauce for four days out there so I went out there to see what's happened and Mayflower Lane is in safield you said it's in Suffield okay and this is Mayflower Lane this is for my boat View South this is Turtle Cove in South pal okay lovely and you can see all these trees were cut down no silk fence piles of dirt stumps uh and why are they cutting the trees they're going to build a house yeah the property was sold it used to used to belong to PR no PR grf grass view construction they sold it combining three lots in for the house here house will be 170 feet from the property but all these trees here are well within 100 feet okay Mr pruning uh oops I don't want that we don't need that sorry and here's some other pictures I drove out there too I took a boat trip out and there's logs everywhere yeah and looks like that property was cleared and top show was mounted up and then it grew back over the years that doesn't look like a natural Mount right yeah Bo just looking towards the lake and then oops vagio that's going to go that's what's going up South they're going to build that in there I knew it so I sent these photos to St Mo the conservation guy Shadow over here pleas and I asked him well first of all I figured uh I read the minutes from that that meeting and they said in the minutes that they had approved the The Cutting but I don't remember any votes they're they're they're less formal there's no little people tackle who made motions really who approved who second it and things like that dangerous uh goodness man but they also in in the subfield the Conservation Commission approves and monitors house building like the building inspector would hear I guess no really so when they said it was a preliminary I think I think they intended to let him cut even though I don't believe they voted on it but in my when I sent the first email to Keith Morris he he came back and said uh he mentioned that Wetlands were protected okay and so I've asked him to put it on the agenda so I can speak to it I think what it happens is in the state of Connecticut is there's no no regul that says a great Pond has a buffer ey oh I think that's what it's going to come down is the issue we're gon to find out have no idea what they yeah what the regulations this is on the Connecticut side yeah yeah you know and and there was you know there been constant tree cutting on on the Southfield Side Y that uh we never understood why but I think that's why because because there's regulated yeah y more to come on this okay interesting interesting and if if that's the case then you'll have to decide if we want to take any action there's nothing we can do if it's not in the water though that's it's the property until it gets in the water then a problem all this all this dirt if it get a lot of it starts eroding into the lake then that's already fted in Turtle call already get a B in there okay so that's my update there more to come okay let's move to Old business propose amendments for local permitting program requested by the select board and the chief of police Harbor Master I do can report that the Lake management did review that and they would like something specific in there not allowing rent us clarifying the term commercial saying commercial include rental Maybe we should work on the one that's proposed and subtract from that only if you want to subtract if you want to do something that's as controversial as you're going to jam up the proposed one because the rental thing may run into a legal which will jam up might take a while to figure that out so well I do know the planning board has it on their agenda to talk about it right they haven't had a meeting yet well we can update it again once that all clears let this ride now I like do that you got to go back to the state for all updates right but everything else they were happy went to Lake management yeah we didn't see anything else they're never happy with everything suffice it to stay that's the treatment area I don't know if who wanted to mention that yeah yeah so tomorrow you probably if you're on Code Red you're near the lake you've seen the signs tomorrow they're treating the lake lakes close for swimming and boating tomorrow opens up gradually until the 10th for full use on the 10th don't eat the fish that's another thing key fish Turtle Cove uh North Pond at the at the uh Causeway there and South Pond where the silt is uh just through the Y like gravy Joe's there there still milk foil in mil foil hydr and curly Leaf three big ones little bit in sers SC right but the but the area is pretty small yeah okay anything on that one okay report from the SFI presentation on lpp followup on contract uh it didn't show up yet on on the S field uh uh select board meeting I'll go to that meeting when it happens um but that's the only update there mobble steeve subdivision 292 0280 request extension of all of conditions and project update anything update there no update no update admission for Access sisy property after Sunset any update no thank have not provided me with a liability okay rvel Gorge kosu we wanted we've in the past we've tried to just get a hold of renon I know so we want to measure it ourselves and he was talking about talking about the seal opening and everything did we Kevin last time so Kevin said he had had handled he was going okay just say maybe Kevin okay yeah say maybe Kevin because I thought it was yeah yeah Kevin Chris Kevin Kevin sounded very good to me maybe Kevin yeah actually all right try again here discussion of docks not completely removed from the lake I have no updates there anything happened with the uh the letter sent to that Marina gentleman Frank moved he moved yeah ah so is it still his marina yeah but it wasn't the marina that was the issue private home ah okay should we scratch that from the I would think if he's gone then that's not isue all right um do you want to write a letter to the new owner and say look they got it needs to be taken care of because I haven't seen it show up in the deed transfer May hasn't been sold yet keep an eye on that and then whoever it is because they're going to have to get an fvp application they're have get a DI or whatever so when I see it I will notify you yeah just send me the name and address nor please okay yep 107 South Luma Street possible Wetland violation any update no possible Wetland violation 31 Sam West Road NOP I have not had time to go out and have a look okay moving to other matters Public Health advisory came out for conoman Lake fish contaminated with beas recommending you don't eat the fish on a regular basis in Lake cona other bad news story most of the fishing deres all catch with relase so they won't be impacted but I don't know how we got the message to the average citizen I mean some people troll oftener I mean yeah if you catch a trout you might eat it but people don't usually eat bass yeah so they catch him at least no more than one one a week one month yeah so children children under 12 people who are nursing pregnant or may become pregnant should not eat fit the fish at all yeah um any fish any type of fish it's like that a lot of lakes M's been like that for years that's true that's true and then all other people like you and me even in Montana it's same story no one's ever tested my Mercury I'm merury it was tested in 2022 and now we're just getting to report it was yes our fish are not good that's two years ago they gotten better haven't they oh yeah yeah now all better now did you eat that and they're like we don't eat it C releas anybody got anything else I do I do have a question um specifically about the CPC Goose Pond fund so that was a project that was uh I think approved in 200 and six and it was for $20,000 for my understanding and on the State website it said project complete so I'm wondering if we can return the funds back to open State it's still there still money there it's still it's 8,000 what I don't even yeah oh 8,000 sorry not 8,000 5ou $ 5,661 144 we could use that for something else so um this was money we had that we didn't use we going to do the board walk down on found out we didn't own the property yeah I remember that so hasn't stopped anyone else um I guess board one said I'm looking for a vote to return the fund the open space the open space CPC motion okay to return the money from open space 5000 6614 to the open space it's specific to that so there's no way to say we like to use that somewhere else that's what we're saying you can't it has to for that specific better better bins and some sort of solution for the [Music] north some serious containers in Auditors can't use the Boost somebody tell us re yeah be goond it has to be goond it has so we have a motion to return do we have a second second motion to return the money how do we vote Andy you want a little G but we still have somebody from the audience wants an update on a 10 Grand View it was a good idea though Dennis and Grand View it was a very nice idea it really was yes give them an update floating BS which the lar floating BS yeah it was GNA be nice little thing bikers kind of stop and look as far as I know it happen um the owner was going to contact the Harbor Master because he was concerned that pivoting the dock six feet would um yeah that's up to the Harbor Master in the uh okay will we let him speak or who's online online Rick Divine was there I guess right still there he's still there Rick he's iPhone 185 not on the agenda are they still there no response he said I'm watching to see if you will bring up my concern to the commission tonight and he said that at 8817 I don't know if he's still Al that's that was two minutes minutes so it's back up Harbor Master yeah he the ultimate Authority with Harbor Master we asked the guy to move the dock the owner said he was move gonna push back to the Harbor Master whatever he harb Master said do he said he's trying not going guess okay trying trying to I guess unmute himself oh trying to get on okay we should at least listen to what he has to say and then and asking to unmute him you there Rick it's probably inan like fiddling around everything sure it's happened to all of us says not working okay not working ask him if you can text it can you text it message and I'll read it out loud and then we can text him back basically why didn't he hear us think he heard us he's looking for he's looking for an update all from the Harbor Master or well we gave him an overall update we basically handed it over to it's not our jurisdiction anymore so it's up to the Harbor Master the owner thought that if he pivoted the his docket might inhibit um nav navigation with the South neighbor so he called the or will be should be calling the Harbor Master and we don't know anything okay and you know that's Chief Landis right now so yes in case wasn't aware so maybe contact UM Chief Landis Harbor Master Landis for an update anybody else got anything awesome motion to aurn Second all in favor I