that it's 7 o' we'll call the June 17th meeting of the Conservation Commission to order this is a hybrid meeting both in person and in Zoom we'll start by taking attendance going around the table Andy Ren Dennis Clark noren Cher Jerry patrium online we have Chris Pratt okay so first item on the agenda is there any body that's got public comments they'd like to make in front of the board anybody from the audience anybody online there is iPhone 4 connecting to audio not sure if they want first public hearings at 7:05 so why don't we do the minutes of the meeting first I have made my changes and they have been Incorporated e in the uh 772 and 774 College Highway certificate of compliance I think I made a motion to approve the certificate of compliance not to require that notice attent to be file so you made a motion to approve the certificate of compliance and require that the expired notice and can be refiled sure else got any other changes they like to make good yeah it's good fine yep good to go you want to make a motion move to accept the minutes as amended I'll second that okay all in favor and R Den nor I Jerry I CH I'm going to have to understand it wasn't there so yeah thank you okay all right I thought you were bringing me all right now I have 7:05 by my watch and by the clock first public hearing is 55 Foster Road we did have a request to continue uh from uh anoli anoli I see online we have the chairman of the zoning board of appeals maybe he'd like to give us an update on how his meeting went uh yes good evening I'm here um yes I request the continue because um I didn't have the respond uh from uh from hills of director regarding this uh updated septic design and uh we did didn't we didn't have the variances yet so that meeting also continue to the next one any other comments yeah this is Chris masani uh chairman of the board of appeals uh you requested a quick update on our on our meeting uh we we discussed the uh our concerns with the with the applicant a after the site visit that we had in conjunction with with your commission and uh it was obvious that uh we we had a lot of problems with the with the application and at on the the meeting last Monday we we gave Anatolia the option of withdrawing the application or having a vote that uh it seemed obvious that it it was not going to pass so uh he chosen either of those and requested that we continue our meeting until after your meeting so I think we're we're just getting kind of ping ponged back and forth here so we our our meeting is a week from tonight and we will revisit the two options of withdrawing the application or calling for vote on on the application so that's that's kind of where we stand and and kind of summarize okay so thank you Chris uh so we have a request for a continuance you have a motion for that make a motion to approve the continuance have a second second the motion for a okay let's go a roll call vote Andy Dennis I Nori Jer Chris um sorry guys I say no okay I I my reasoning behind that would be because there's no plan there's I mean what are we continuing it you know that's based on the opinion of uh anat is going to get through the um uh planning board of appeals and right now there is no plan for septic there's no plan for where the house is really going to end up um so I don't know what we're continuing actually there's not really a plan to continue let's let's give the zba there to do you know the one more meeting so if we're going to continue I would say it wouldn't be until after the zba approves the uh the his his new um placement of the house the setback okay that makes sense so we won't schedule a hearing until after that occurs okay that sounds good to me all right rord let me just say mbet has joined us yes okay sorry okay so the motion passed ccum four to one okay would you want to pass a vote on that one or I just got here somebody else go ahead and do that okay so now we have a public hearing number two 23 Castle Street do we have the [Music] sorry I'll read the legal notice southw Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing under the Massachusetts Wetland protection act GLC 13140 and the southware Conservation Commission regulations in byw chapter 182 and chapter 450 were request for determination project location is 23 Castle Street the proposed project is to secure a floating dock to the Shoreline of Lake conamat we have anybody here for the petitioner come on up and join us please and give your name and address for the record no I hurt myself whiteboarding oh gonna say working on my mom's car no I didn't even go to work today so oh at least it was doing something fun did you say a floating dock yes I'm sorry can I have your name please I am Scott Snider Peru 23 Castle Street so it doesn't have any feet on the ground there's nothing touching uh well the the first portion of the dock has two legs that are in the water and the other part just sits on two concrete blocks with a pole holding it to land I hammered that pole six feet down into the ground and uh it's pretty solid the front of it I'm going to have anchored with two chains going across um to two anchors so it won't be able to move from side to side technically floating docks don't need to it's only if they have holes on the ground that they're water I thought they I thought if they took up space on the lake Dennis that was part of it well you know that still would have to go for local permitting process but as far as the RDA unless they changed it floating uh docks weren't uh necessary because there was no impact on the uh Lake Bottom oh well I I think the lpp states that any new dock is going to come in with an noi or an RDA so that's according to our local byw I think it's also because of where it's situated on the land you know we that needs to get checked out um as far as it pertains to conser a uh as well as the bottom of the lake so if they're cutting through weeds or things like that to get to even though it's a floating dock that might pertain to conservation their access point you know the um but I know there in that situation it's not a problem because I know the the property is this in addition to an existing dock this another do no no this is one and only okay um I I have I do have a moing uh to the right all the way to the right of my property on the opposite side of my dock right um but white boat well skin atti yeah I saw yeah right okay what's the material of the dock uh it's pressure treat can't be pressure treat the deck that's all it is the deck is are go into the water okay yeah and pressure treated nowadays doesn't doesn't have the arsic in different there was a time where they wouldn't let you use pressure treated content in in the wood no endangered species out there no endangered species endangered species were by Norm send them all over to Norm no no what's the what's the flotation maturity I was going to use 55 gallon barrels um I was able to Source them they were used for hot sauce and vinegar um so there was no chemicals in them at all these are the plastic ones yeah plastic ones they're blue I was going to have four of them two on each section there's two 30 or two 10 foot sections that are going to stick out into the water um so that gives me alog together I have about 25 ft in the water 25t long yeah from the from like the water line to where the end of the dock is going to be it'll be five feet on land that's a small one yeah says 30 feet on the plan 30 feet all together yeah it's 30 feet long if you count the five feet that's sitting on land because the first section I had to secure it to land and I had to put it on blocks to get it up high enough so if the water level rises it's going to be high enough okay any other discussion debate questions to go on the site Vis it after he puts it in all right you guys can come on over you guys can come on over towels absolutely got to make sure they work I'll make a motion if you look for one okay I'll second find a negative negative determination been seconded by Jerry roll call vote Andy Andy I Dennis I Norm I Jerry I Chris I unanimous vote all right you're good to go thank you guys thank you feel better thank you for coming in Scott you're welcome Chris have a good one bud y bye guys [Music] we have one more public hearing we have the RDA for 49 South longard and I got to read the legal notice the Southwood conservation will hold a public hearing under the Massachusetts Wetland protection act GC 13-40 and the sou Conservation Commission regulation and B R chapter 182 and chapter 450 for requested determination project location is 49 South longyard Road the proposed project is for the removal of Three Trees along the shore slope Shoreline of a wooded parsel this is the conservation area we're talking about here and the select board is here's the app we have officer banish as a represent okay so we have representative we have a representative okay yeah did you give us your name and address for the record uh Lieutenant Rett banish 11 Depot Street Celtic Massachusetts welcome Lieutenant thank you thank you got me candy so that's good you guys know what I like here okay we all know this is this is the tremendous rope swing that we' been fighting for a long time about that the rope swing and the tree that extends that was the other concern yeah and the third tree is so there's another tree that they're jumping off of another jump off yeah it's to If you're looking at the shoreline from North Pond it's to the left of the one that sticks out it's about they're jumping about 30 feet off the tree at least they were doing it last year I don't know if they're doing still on the conservation area yeah yeah yeah yeah once they cut the trees down what are they going to do with a m the people from going out there and into that area and tripping over the trees and and you B it off or put some shines up or something so to my knowledge the original plan I don't know if this still holds true or not but the original plan was to drop the trees where they where they are and leave them there as basically a buffer area to you know control some of the erosion and everything that's going on there from people walking down uh there's several old sets of stairs and stuff I don't know if anyone's actually been out there to to see it over the years but you know every year it gets a little bit more eroded um like I said my knowledge of this was they're going to drop the trees with the brush and everything right in the area there obviously not in the water but on the on the slope side there and leave them there for those purposes and again I don't know if that has changed that's what I heard in the last year but this has probably gone back uh year and a half two years at this point from when we originally made the recommendation to to drop the trees there will be some improvement because we're going to leave the vegetation it's going to grow back because it won't be trampled over right the foot traffic won't let anything grow right now it's just completely bare and how low are they going to cut the trees down and they gonna leave a stump at all yeah they're gonna leave the stump I don't know how low say yeah we leave it has a decent stump there you know so there could be some habitat value left in it they are Oaks do Oaks resprout out if they're cut they do but it takes a long time right that's some do it but you also have to worry about are they going to just jump off of the nice platform to jump J 30 m board SP cuz you got the one that's hanging off so they stomp it they're still G be it's it's really it's really shallow though I don't know if they would go that far to just jump right off at that jump in one feet put water so there's one the one next to it that they're also jumping off of sorry to me to interrupt um it is also kind of leaning over the water so again that might be yeah I got two two quotes from two different tree companies um none of them really specified on how low they were going to yeah it would be good to have that information but make sure that they're going to do what they say they're going to do I mean we're not hiring them so we just want to know what their specifications are going to be access we have the funding right I have no idea how we're going to funding I did you talk to Randy because they have a fund for specifically I talk to Randy they don't have any there's no money left in it year they're using up that money to cut trees around time that's too bad but this is a Conservation Commission property the commission manages it so I would assume that they would go in front of the finance committee and ask for this money I mean people commit all the time want the commission to pay for cutting trees next their properties and you know that's not right you know to has a budget for cutting trees right yeah if this goes out for bid and all that kind of nonsense it's going to cost a fortune they already have a company that cuts trees that already has the bid that already you know has a contract with a to does it make sense that I'm not sure this would go out to bid it's under 10,000 I think anything over 10 what I saw was prevailing wages what the quotes I saw both the quotes are in your pockets but I wouldn't conern myself because I don't think conservation is going to pay for have the money to pay for it well you for of the financial committee the select board is asking for this so and see that the financial committee would comply and do you need the finances to do actually approve this I'm going to guess probably not right we do not obviously the trees can't be cut until they it's funded but true we don't need it we don't need to have the money in order to approve this RDA and the RDA is good for three years yeah we're just discuss that just just somewhere along the line the money has got to materialize somewhere usually when people come in for with a project they have their contractor come with them and tell us the details of how it's going to be done and how are they going to get in there not bring big equipment in or you know how we're going to do it so it' be nice to have the details I think that that's probably part of the reason you're seeing the numbers you're saying because of the ability to get into that particular location on the on the slope side there yeah the um the second company that came in said that they were going to bring in I think a small Bob fat so and they were going to leave it at the top of the hill um they couldn't bring any equipment down because it's too too steep of a slope so I think there was also discussion to try and do it over the winter of course that was doesn't really work if it I would you know I would make a motion to find a negative if they you know putting the stipulation they come back with the details when they're get ready to do it Ryan's quote says it'll be climbed due to limited access of equipment and that prevailing wage was factored into the place right but we don't know if these people going to do it I mean right I know when we were out there we talked to Ryan that was you know the property was taken into consideration and we talked about limited access and then he might use something at the top of the hill to pull something up out of the water like winch it out but it wouldn't be going down like said a small Bobcat or something just to you know if anything ends up in the water we be able to pull it out but there there's no way to bring anything down there so there would be no equipment my only concern is you know we'll cut these trees down and as Sabrina stated there are already other trees that they're jumping out of I mean how many trees are we going to end up cutting down eventually I mean are we going to den the whole Shoreline you know it's a just a concern I have you know I see that we should um you know provide you know or try to promote more safety over there but is it really going to be accomplishing that or are they jumping out of the safer trees now and they're going to jump out of more dangerous trees later um it's just I think should be part of the conversation I have a question too was there any talk sometimes we talk about replacing trees that we take down is there any talk about you know planting a tree elsewhere maybe not directly where that one was but somewhere else you know when people cut down trees we sometimes make them replant others I think I'm mainly concerned about the shoreline though you know jar this is just a taken down operation there's there's a lot of erosion happening there already I mean that's look at those Banks and they're pretty much eroded if there was some kind of planting there vegetation on the shoreline that would be well that's kind of goes hand on hand right in that area keep it from happening but in 30 years you'll have the same problem right maybe luckily any other questions anybody online that got a question or comment not can we have a motion first to close the public hearing it's uh RDA so you don't have to close the don't have to okay all right then you started it's still public hearing yeah because of bylaw said RDA is public hearing okay let's let's close it we have a motion to close the public hearing motion to close make the motion I'll second Jerry seconded roll call vote Andy i v i nor I Jerry I I I okay okay so public are has been closed do we want to make a motion on the RDA I mean I would I say we make a motion to find a negative with you can put a condition on that they come in with a plan to be approved by the Conservation Commission okay so we have a motion do we have a second second that is second to debate roll call Andy denn nor I Jerry motion has passed okay what do you need for me going forward anything particular just when they're ready to do it have them give a plan how they're going to go get in there how much they're going to cut down how big a stump they're going to leave okay the details sounds good thanks for coming all right everybody I can't wa conations I can't you know leave still let my wife see that all right you around then as soon as July 6 wait so why don't we uh go out of order here since we have some people in the audience go to Old business what oh he didn't sign in the letter from the Agriculture Commission in regard to work on agricultural land 8 clim Road you like to join us again please so we did have a site visit in the porn ring my was there denn was there and I was there it was just a Sprinkle that was spr heard you got your feet wet yeah sure did um you have to stay yes melissa8 58 thank Youk thank you any uh any input on the the site M norm and I deci visit with Mr Mr griffy and we walked the property looked at the area to confirm it was agricultural right and in my mind it's agricultural if it wasn't then there would be possibilities that it be a wet Meadow and it would be jurisdictional but under the agricultural exemptions it probably was agricultural before the wetlands protection act was even put into place right A lot of times they did that to drain the field so they because those soils are great you know in my mind it's would be considered exempt but that's my opinion okay I agre you agree I concur okay and I have no differing opinion so I just have a question about um the method for dredging and what are they going to do with the materials after dredging are there any invasives in there that they need to get rid of and a different way or I wasn't at the site F fill some wetlands and over in the corner Chris that would the no that that was we did have some of discussion last time we'll make sure that's in the you know that done properly not no Wetlands will be filled and that equipment will go in there like I say it's mod field anyway you know it's not like right now okay I mean I wasn't at the site visit so I just you know there is really no Define channel for a intermittent stream it's a Meandering the water comes and goes but there's really not an intermittent stream on the property as far as I can see you have to have a defined channel for that to be right I felt telling it a couple of times but com um sorry I was trying to this um so there was you had mentioned a CT that was possibly blocked on fine Road in the last meeting well there's there's a culvert where it comes in from on Granville Road and then it comes in and it goes around and down and then it goes back under Klein Road the one on Klein Road the DBW went in there and shw some stuff in there because he caught them one day when it was raining real hard they happen to be going they were saving the row you know so that's what that's why they did that but it could have done a little better job in my mind but they need to be maintain but the doesn't have the money or whatever to maintain them so so is that so the one where it drains off of your property it's kle road is that's the one that was clogged or is clogged right now it was it was flowing when I we FL flowing it could get clogged with all that stuff they dumped in there but hopefully DBW will keep an eye on I'm sure make sure that the they uh there was a project going further and down the road yeah that's bottom of the road yeah that's a bridge repair I think right it's happening now yeah um right so the issue was Flowage right where are you going with this I'm asking what the purpose of the is is to drain the water from the property the field into the pond yeah and then eventually goes from the pond and drains across the street into another what one well it's not it's not a pond a pond is 10,000 it was a pond it would be jurisdictional it's a farm pond a pond is is certain size and holds a certain amount of water under conservation you know conservation laws Farm Pond is not that's totally different that's so basically what you're saying is we didn't even have to come and see you if it's not a pond right right but it's was nice I mean because then if somebody complained and we went out there with orders and stuff then just avoids that you know so you don't have to but it's always a good idea yeah to do that and if you wanted to get it in writing then you could file for it but I think that so how B big does a pond have to be to be a pond 10,000 square feet of one water but not the the this the Farm Pond is a pond that's utilized by for example irrigation or watering farm animals but or draining fields too that's also dra that's listed under normal maintenance as far as the drainage that is under normal maintenance they could actually go out there and clean that uh area out to let it drain that well when was the last time you look at the natural Contours of the of the environment in that in that area you have all these hilly bits coming in off roads and such and it all seems to kind of like puddle into this place so at some point it was probably a puddle that maybe retained some water and then the idea maybe came about to make that into something a little bit deeper hence the man-made portion of it so that the cows can drink their water out of that that's the history of it basically but when you look at it now you can tell just by walking there's a high road coming down this way which is 57 and then you have Klein going down like that and all of this is a rolly kind of thing that has this one little section where clearly water always kind of pulled and evaporated and pulled and evaporated so this is this is kind of what it looked like to me on the offs side of it going down to climb on this day which was kind of a a blessing and a gift in a way because we could see what water does in the area with all the rain coming down there's a whole I don't know what to call it but like coming down the road itself going into that same pipe because they don't have like a drainage system all the way down to that one spot so all this water is coming off the road and flowing into there the field is doing the same thing so at some point maybe the town DPW or whatever might want to revisit that whole Road and and what to do with that pipe and maybe out a drainage somewhere and whatnot right that's what we it appeared like it would be helpful on the road end of it but aside from that this land has been doing what is doing for a long time if they were going to wanted to develop that property I would definitely say we get it delineated you need to come in yeah with all the proper paperwork if they're going to develop it well they're planning you're not planning to develop it you're planning to farm it it's all right it's like it's a hay field good it's a hay field yeah we like that we did a quick calculation one time um of the amount that they don't get to cut for hay three times a year as far up as we went and and what they what we think they sell a bail ofy for or around baale they're losing a couple thousand worth of Revenue every year by not being able to cut that's some good hay for horses out there yeah the hay was this person cuts it okay so you able to haay it before and it's it's been it's just over time it's less and less less and less as long as you guys aren't trying to get more land to Hay no we're trying to Hay the land that we have exact back in the old days we used to put tiles in they used to put drainage tiles in it would drain through the underneath the ground yeah I mean his his family um farmed that land until 1980 his dad lived there until he passed away in N um 200 12 and then well he stopped farming in 1980 is but the land was still for hay and then he passed away in 2012 and then we moved up there and this is just something that's been on our list we got to do it we got to do it we talked to Dennis about doing it it all you know went to sleep for a while and then we're like okay now we got to do it because we notice more and more they can't you know in the spring it rains a lot and you every year it gets wetter so I I did talk to Randy and I asked him to check out that CT food to make sure that it's not blocked so hope that will also help about that think we've talked I remind whatever that's fine thank you very much there's yeah there's a lot of culs on that road that are Chris has got his hand raised Chris no oh no sorry my little hand I thought you had your white the mouse over just like put that right there Chris you got anything to say guess not he's M yeah he kind of just walked away his video off no I'm sorry I did mute myself um you know like I see what's happening is there's not enough drainage there right now for them to utilize their property for haying so they're losing out some money as far as uh number of bails that they can Harvest each year so I you know I see this as affecting their business as a farm so in that regard I see that as uh agricultural it affects everybody's business down the line too because they sell it to horse farmers and affects their business affects solac business because they're the ones that hay it so right there's a whole farming Community that's relying on this okay I don't know if you can need a motion or Chris what do we need to do just right back to um I think it' be just safe to make a motion to accept your petition to have agricultural exemption on that uh project and there're so moved can just say so moved so moved we have a second I'll second it Andy a second any discussion or debate on the motion I do have a question yes oh you should quit while you're ahead you no no will we be getting a copy of this so we can keep it with our chapter well that's why I say maybe you should put something right into there commission so okay on the motion roll call vote Andy Andy Den I Norm I Jerry I I CH unanimous vote thank you thank you thank you for your time yep thanks for coming in y sorry you got your feet wet all right you get soaked soaked okay I see we have uh Ryan Nelson online what what item are you here for uh Ryan hi everyone uh we have a site change or an amendment to the noi for Less Manis on 13 northpond Road okay so let's take that item what other proposed would you review the proposed changes again Ryan Forest sure let me bring those up give me one second all right not sure if you can see my screen but this is the original plan that was proposed um obviously here's the house the lot is quite steep so we had a series of retaining walls there was going to be a main retaining wall around the walk out basement of the house and then uh another series of retaining walls for this lower tier seating area next to the water um over the past quite a few months we've been working with the contractor and the structural engineer on the design of those walls and we were running into a problem where the required tiebacks for these retaining walls because they're so large they were interfering with each other the ti back for this main wall around the house uh needed to be something like 18 ft which would put it inside the house foundation um and then same thing with these lower retaining walls the tiebacks required for those were interfering with the global stability of this front face of that retaining wall so essentially we couldn't make the retaining walls work from a structural uh design so instead of that we have a different solution and we're proposing to use vinyl uh sorry not vinyl steel conventional steel sheet piling around the outside of the house which would act as that main retaining wall around the walk out basement and by doing that it allows us to have a greater reveal on the outside of the wall which allows us to drop the grade and eliminate needing to have these walls around the Waterfront patio area so we've updated the plan this is the old plan that's the old plan y so this is the new one here um so the sheet uh the steel sheet piling would be within the same footprint of that originally proposed wall and then that eliminates needing a upgradient retaining wall around the deck uh down below we need a small just uh like Pao block P wall 2 or 3T high for the stairs um so over overall this results in a lot less impervious around the Waterfront we've eliminated the original proposal of doing a Hardscape patio down by the Waterfront instead we're going to do a composite deck built on grade with custom feet that Contour to the land um we we after doing some test pits and installing erosion controls we uh thought it best to pull back what was originally proposed just due to soil stability um and what the feedback we were getting from the structural designers so this sheet piling would probably be I think they told us 30 ft in length so 2third of it gets embedded into the ground with the upper 10t or so um being the reveal on this section of wall right here and we'll just have a a vegetated either landscape planter bed or grass between this walkway and that sheep piling wall well Ryan I thought the lower retaining wall was going to serve as erosion control also so previously we had the deck closer to the water and yes that was the case um but we have the deck uh pulled back away from the water and uh we won't be disturbing any of the earth underneath the deck area the main concern has always been erosion in that area that's why when they proposed to do the uh retaining wall there was a that was vinyl retaining wall the original proposal a picture um we I believe it was I can't recall but there were a couple um stumps that were not within the limit orc but they were nearby and The Roots were in Conflict so we also had a couple site visits with the structural people for that um and they recommended that we essentially not disturb it so we could potentially look into doing vinyl sheet piling but there was a significant amount of roots from large white pine trees that I think would be in the way so whatever happens and it sh at the fenes even double Sil fences I don't think would stop any major erosion in that area that was the big concern because okay the fil f is don't do pick up a lot when it comes to Major erosion that I like the idea of the steel pilings up on the top it's just my only concern right now is the protection of the lake from erosion during the construction process so I mean I I I understand it's it's less disturbance than what was previously approved um not sure if you're familiar Tim saev is going to be the one doing the work he is immaculate in his site work and thoughtfulness on what he does so um I have full confidence in him doing this so who's doing the work Ryan Tim saev he did um scully's project those series are what what's weos Lo 12 right now just Sil fence that would correct yes yes just silt fence this line right here yeah think can come up with something better than just a sense they don't work I mean we do we could do M multiple tiers of it um we are creating you know a plateau where this deck area is going cutting into the hillside but we're not disturbing the downhill side of the deck or sorry elevation 233 is right here so like Midway through the deck is the cut into the hillside now this Project's been going on for a while I'm not sure if most of the Commissioners here are even familiar been out there to look at it oh it's really is really you looked at it nor and you seen probably should take a a close look at that before Saina and I were there I remember hanging on to trees trying to walk our way down yeah I'm I'm not against a site visit however um the Shoring Company that's doing the sheet piling has a window um coming up in a month or so and then if we don't make that this would probably have to wait another year maybe we could compromise and put Waddles down or something just to well Waddles are even worse than are they they'll just roll into the water okay how about a double I you saw you know how steep that is you know it's steep yeah I've seen events out there happen already with projects that just wipe the whole Sil fence everything right out so I mean that's my yeah I'm thinking double Sil fence with straw in the middle would that be any better that' be better what could we recommend you know well we recommended the final sheet piling would hold anything back but true yeah and then they were going to cut it off right that's what it was going to be we were going to have it keep it up high enough so it would prevent any erosion then when you got done you're going to cut it down to a regular height so it wouldn't be sticking up in the air yeah we we could still do that it can't be as close as we originally proposed it but maybe in line with the deck or maybe underneath the deck and just having it be temporary until the deck construction starts from a sequence Point um the sheet piling would be done first and then the house and then they would work on this accessory access stuff uh down to the lake last that that wasn't the sequence originally though right the sequence before was to do that she played first um yeah so the sheet piling cons for erosion control purposes the vinyl can go in first but yeah prior when we had the walls we were working in Reverse just due to Logistics of how to access it um but in this case now with the Ste I know i' feel more comfortable if I saw that on the plan yeah I would suspect that if they're going to be doing the sheet piling up top they'd want to do it at the bottom at the same time because that's window two two separate products two separate companies the steel company doesn't do vinyl vinyl is a different process but the Sheed piling is like what they when they dredge the lake they they use that it's very secure right we're happy we're happy to do the temporary vinyl sheet piling in the area of the deck um I apologize it's not shown on here but we didn't want to hold this up for Less more than we already have in that case there's less disturbance than the original plan right I would looking for a motion to approve it or any more discussion any more uh any more ideas debate discussion all I guess this would be a minor a minor Amendment to the if it's less yeah impact Min think it's okay if it's just verbal we don't need to see it on a drawing right as long as yeah it'll be on the drawing right okay yeah I'll just write on the original hopefully Ryan will give me a hard copy and I'll just write approv and we we can have another pre-construction meeting too just to make sure you can inspect it yeah I like that idea try not to hold you guys up sounds good make a motion to approve the minor Amendment as uh described we have a second second Jerry has seconded Andy Dennis I nor I Jerry I unanimous vote all right thank you everyone really appreciate it thanks okay Ryan thanks Ryan um I just want to make a note cliff Clark asked to record the meeting a while ago and I didn't have a chance to oh I I approved it okay fine just want to you know is there anybody EL Online that's here for a specific item see if it's good enough heing none then we'll go back to new business third item letter from Mass DOT 60 College Highway elicit discharge Mobile Stations private drainage lines were discovered connected to mass dop drainage system Miss 19 Foster first one request for certificate all right we're going to take the request for certificate of Appliance 19 Foster Road we have an update yeah um he meaning Anatoli put in some monuments um and I have some pictures to show you so this is the backyard the house the silt fence and the wetlands right over here let's see if you can see some of these monuments there's a monument over here right here and there I'll get a better picture for you though a monument here over here and right here in the three spots that was indicated on the plan was that good to you if it's good for you guys as far as the size um of the monument people look kind of small a little bigger it's up to you guys what do you think think we told them two feet right those is that still the S fence that's up there yeah yep and that's where the hard to monitor of course somebody could roll those Boulders and we'd never know it after the sil it would be um a order that is ongoing an ongoing condition sorry on the order of conditions um so there's at least that the self fence is the limit of work now limit of yard it's the limit of let me just bring up the I believe it's the limit of work so the ladders are already in the Wetland so they're already working and beyond the limit of work because the ladders are stored on side of the S there's also a shed over there from previous um the previous owner use the existing yard yeah so the existing the existing shed is right here here's the limit of work and the silt fence here's one of monuments so there's already stuff over there there's no limited yard then so The Monuments aren't we don't have a limit of the yard so what are The Monuments for right The Monuments aren't where people have to stop mowing right because the shed is where people have you can't go further than the shed the yard can't get bigger than it is I thought was the original discussion right could you make it footprint that's usually what the monuments are for right um but in this case there was no limited yard so what the mind yeah the yard the yard is kind of goes right up to the Wetland the the previous yard at least um the shed still is there is there any buffer between the Wetland and the lawn area let's see if there's a picture I mean it's too late because we're already the order condition that was the only picture there's a there's a a little bit of a buffer I mean you can see in the the plan where did it go I if he did what he was supposed to do then did make a motion and improv it yeah so this is you can see the the Wetland right here and then don't want to revisit it then just that was did what he's supposed to then make a motion to approve the appliance okay so we have a motion from Dennis prove the certificate of compliance do we have a second second M has seconded roll call vote Andy I Dennis I Norma Jerry I Chris you're muted Chris is he up in Maine someplace he's in main yes I'm in Main Chris ey a yeah on delay 10c so that's the unanimous vote now we'll go to the letter from massot 600 College Highway can you give us an update on this one s this one is elicit discharge so this is um a letter that was basically cc to the Conservation Commission it is to Da Shelli LLC which is the Mobile station and it's talking about the mass do discovery of an elicit uh illicit drainage connection or discharge into the Massachusetts Department of Transportation drainage system without a properly issued non-vehicular exess permit drainage tie-in permit um so this is sort of like mail yeah that we had gotten from them is that the car wash that used to be connected into it I believe so the first in town people report bubbles coming out of the book so I don't think they've been listly discharging for quite a while right but they still had the connections I guess I think they update they updated that 20 years ago I think so may have been 20 years since they then yeah but okay at least that long since we've seen bubbles coming over good tax yeah so I gota ask what's our responsibility now we don't have any no this is just information okay so what they saw was the old pipe no longer in [Music] use that'll get resolved all right utility maintenance not ification letter from uros overhead maintenance door yes so they have they meeting overs Source submitted a plan where they have one two three four five six structures which they're going to do work on um within buffer buer of bordering vegetative Wetland um they are exempt in the Wetland protection act um but this is just them giving information to the Conservation Commission I gave you a copy basically of the gist of the of the areas um this is line 1853 um and they have more detail of each one in their packet but you're welcome to to read it so again this is just for information information okay anybody got any questions on that no all right pretty self-explanatory all right let's work to the next item under new business work to commence culbert on Clin Road Randy Brown was it for moving downstairs is that started already the work in Clin Ro yeah um I gave them the start date and that was last week yeah um they are replacing the Culvert it's a much bigger CT I believe we got a grant for it [Music] um yeah so they had to submit a new notice of a separate notice of intent for this one aside from the generic one so that's why this is something um and Randy Randall Brown and John G nominated themselves as erosion control monitors for this they anticipate um that the project will be done in eight weeks okay right so do we need to approve the erosion control management yep have a motion move to approve Brown and John G as erosion control monitors for this project okay thank you Jerry second by I'll second that by Andy any discussion or debate roll call votey Andy I Dennis I Norm I Jerry I and Chris you're on mute gotta give it a minute to get there and Chris ey all right thank you unanimous vote okay okay let's go back to all business now Mass do emergency certificate expired work is yet to begin 60 College Highway collapse catch Basin and repairs to drainage system um I did ask Mark Stinson about the process of an expired emergency certification and he said that it's fine we can them another one just act like the last one didn't even exist I'd like to see that in writing the email um makes no sense at all it says right down there the D has to approve it but it but I had gotten crickets from Nast doot they hadn't contacted me at all or tried to submit anything after so I can try reaching out to see if they want to do a notice of intent now or at least an RDA just get the the D to approve the extension that's all get them to approve it they have the authority to approve it we don't they do if D says yeah it was legitimate they need to do it God bless them they have the authority we do not says it right on the document itself at least that's what I've been telling everybody for 20 years noted okay okay update on 10 Grand View Street the owner has has compile complied to the dock being moved here um I do have some photos you guys remember 10 grand de okay yeah R Tre so here's the previous image um with Mr Dick Reynolds and he has basically like a yard stick showing where the position of the dock should be it's about six feet to the South um and that was the agreed upon position we use that Big Pine Tree on the other side of the lake lines up with the right side of the dock right right around here you can see this this little hump right here Landmark good noticing because it's hard to get the waves to stay still so we can move it yard stick funny and here's the oh I'll just zoom out so I'm taking a picture basically straight on right um and here's the position now I think he actually moved a little further than what we asked oh far um I don't know uh the neighbors the neighbor to the South their dock is out I was told during the site visit that usually he doesn't put his dock out but his the neighbor's dock is out um yeah that's so I feel like if it's moved any further it would definitely impede any navigation for that one yeah um and then I believe this is Mr divine's um dock all the way over here so he's not happy with the position of um the dock over at 10 Grand View but I feel like 10 Grand View definitely did what they much as could do yeah um and that there is no navigational Hazard situation has been improved so would you like me to send a letter to 10 BR view thinking them and Bally saying that they have that' be great and then we can close this he still hasn't submitted that okay there is three votes on there now yeah I noticed that yeah okay propose amendments to the local ining program request by the select board in Chief of of the Harbor Master now this is the state lpp not the Suffield that's the Suffield is the second on here okay now we had the original request from the select board with their recommended changes LMC has recommended a change to section 1.5 uh uh where it talks about uh non-commercial Community docking facility and I have added for the purposes of this document the renting of dock space on a non-marine do is considered a commercial activity they would like to add that to our input back to the selector uh Norman do we have to propose that as a bylaw is that a you know does it have to go through the process of a bylaw to have that amended or does it have to go to the D it's got to go to D okay y so other any other changes you would like to make do you need more time do we need to keep it on the agenda are we happy with other than like he obviously posted it online doc space for rent so that's obvious but I know lots of people who's got their friends boat down there yeah so how would you recognize and enforce that other than catching them on Facebook in which case he says oh no I just let Sabrina bring her do she's not R and writing unless you find the contract how are you going to enforce it because you can't do it by boat registration because nobody's boats registered at the house on the lake it's at their well I I think if we if we have evidence we VAR ties we take action right otherwise we don't but then they just dummy up and they take that ad down and they're still going to have five boats at there let's see what the D says about that like you said last time let's go with what we've got so far because there was no problems nobody had any problems with with the suggested changes so a lot of times also when uh people are putting uh their friends boats on their dock they have their information ahead of time and put it in with the application um at the beginning a lot of times people are renting spaces that might come later or not at all as far as the boats go so that might be another way of telling who's renting space on their Doc it's worth having in there just how do you do anything about it let's see what the see what the response from because that's that's the only other change that was suggested it's the only one from LMC let's go with what we got okay so okay we'll send that back to the select board then and get it off to the EP for p good okay the next item is report from the safield presentation on on the lpp follow on contract yes all right so this is the contract with Suffield which you were all asked to forward any changes you wanted Chris made changes Jean made some recommendations I made some recommendations and those were presented to the select board select board is going to take those under advice okay I can tell you my view of of what they what they were telling us at the meeting tonight was that uh there would be no ex official members of the Conservation Commission uh from Southfield L ours I don't think that's a lot that's that's IL legal you they can come to the meetings and but they can't vote yeah I had made a recommendation to possibly making associate members non non voting but allowed to debate and discuss not even sure if we have I don't think that it's G to fly with that either but the topic only comes up probably once a year anyhow they wouldn't need to be at every meeting yeah so maybe they could just attend when it comes up to put their opinions in all right so anything else on that one all right latest update on subfield Conservation Commission meetings I went to the last one one and Mayflower Lane was once again on the agenda uh the uh the applicant was there I had prepared a presentation and I had a handout and I asked to speak during the applicants part of it and I was told that only the applicant is allowed to speak and that's the way they normally run their meetings different uh so then later on in the meeting there's a public comment and I says I like to make my public comments about Bay far or late and U our buddy Chris uh Keith Morris said uh you can't speak on items on the agenda public session up the chair overruled them and allowed me to speak nice okay so I went through budy but your times limited S so I went through a couple of things gave him my hand out told him was distressed that there was no Sil fence down by the lake uh they also have well I'll get to that in a minute um and when it ended he gave me a copy of the plans which I actually had behind me and I looked at the kop the plans and they have uh snow plow areas 20 fet of the lake so I'll be taking exception to that yeah at the next meeting that a good idea uh but I sent a a note to uh be Morris the next day after I quickly looked at the plans and said the sil fence has got to be fixed can't have snow removal next to the lake uh and the sil fences need to be improved because they got s fences on the other side of the road and then Road and then there's the wetlands so I said you probably need two Sil fences on the other side of the road yeah yeah and also can't tell where the actual property lines are and where the road is but it appears to me the trees were cut on self property so their next meeting is the 23rd of July it's a public hearing so I will get to speak and uh I went out on a boating ride yesterday and I'm very happy to say went by Mayflower Lane total Cove and behold there a Sil fence up fantastic so we've had some success with the liazon so I quickly send a note off to key second that Happ so that's the latest and greatest there progress okay next item Noble Ste subdivision request extension of order of conditions and project update any updates no updates request for permission to access sanoski property for sunet yeah I contacted Ken and he's no longer interested in stargazing um he said he'd let me know if he changes his mind okay so we can take that item off there okay good Renville Gorge kios roof any updates I bumped into m Brian drenan at the gas station greated him um and he said he was gonna try to talk to the guy who supplied the roof over at North Pond we'll see if he gets back okay if I bump into him I'll remind him too yeah right okay 107 South Lum Street possible Wetland violation any updates there no update about 31 West Road possible w violation any no I haven't been able to get out there no update any other matters the board would like to bring up okay Chris you got anything you want to bring up no I'm good here okay oh before we make a motion to adjourn oh no that's my hand sorry it's a yellow hand my Phantom hand um we have somebody new in the audience did we have an introduction yes please introduce yourself please no I will I didn't I I I didn't I will I wasn't GNA participate so I'm Nicole Parker I'm the new town administr I mean I'm sorry chief administrative officer I started today and our meeting just got over so we wanted to come up and catch the end of your definitely very interested in your work and you'll be seeing me at most of your meetings just so I can keep up to date with everything especially everything on the lake I know you have a lot of work there so I'm really excited to work with you all hear Nicole thanks for coming all right thank you now we'll entertain I'll make a motion to a journ we have a second second all in favor say ious V good night all okay thank you everyone