##VIDEO ID:jFPkeKwRyfY## welcome everyone soua Conservation Commission meeting Monday November 4th 2024 7M we in hybrid the South Town Hall tonight with us we go around the table and Chris Pratt nor Cher Kevin solar Denis Clark Jerry patri all right we'll start off with public comment does anyone have public comment anyone on Zoom have public comments basically just I don't see anybody El down there say that's a bad thing sometimes okay uh well why don't we get our minutes out of the way then we have a little bit of time get the minutes of October 21 first car the fourth line the owner of the property the word of needs to be inserted this page uh beting Hills Road the first line shamman frat opened a public a continued I think one of the A's needs to go Chris opened a public continued hearing yeah second like that and then the the description of the four days of observation is not flid for line probably probably was four days or were four days observed were four days so there were four days OB observed of no flowing water it's not that there should be no water in the Stream but there should be no flowing water because you're going to have puddles you're not belowing one to the next correct further down under the boot on that the line stream Bo stream is intermittent delineation of the stream pending on field notes don't comprehend what that meant think I well we do because we were here that's right right about five years from now someone's going to read that stream was proved to be intermittent the stream was approved all right get rid of the second stream determines to be intermittent determined to be intermittent based on the field notes no there weren't field notes so pending field notes is okay correct we for formality right possible approach after plan open space action .1 Norm presented the potential resolution of open space Resource One one that's kind of unclear there too open space or open space it says or open space action item 1.1 for resolution or open space is it resolution for the open space or of the open space create and disturb a pamphlet distribute very last line of that you know regulations on how to ret treat the lake business um proposed amendment for local permitting program um there's no update on that but what does police Harbor Master Diane Gail is there no update from those people or are those two separate the actions in their rep the actions in their cour okay so there's no update from them we have not gotten an update from the state or from them okay all right so so the no up yeah from the and the next one after that the report from Suffield to provide scratch to provide and say no update the next one report from the sill concom meetings the only thing that was request for the retaining wall 61 North Lake Road was [Music] withdrawn 61 what was with drawing no what's the address North Lake North Lake I think it's rad so what needs to happen for police Harbormaster Dian from no update from oh oh I get it now complete sentence a motion ready motion to approve the minutes as amended okay R and second Andy I I Chris I nor I Kev ter I okay we will now move on to our 75 there after noi panry Road side no folder it was already open wasn't you guys AR yeah right we talked about it we just never can bring it up no wasn't here can I sign this no not yet we're gonna talk about that maybe make an amendment to that [Music] okay that's okay you sign just an extra bonus I signed last week's for squares [Music] up do I I need someone [Music] from is negative determination just sign yes anybody else I was not good thing I m [Music] you already read legal notice last meeting all right okay we have our Henry Road Post inspection of single family dwelling with Associated site improvements portions of proposed work are within the buffer d hello everyone Ryan Nelson from Arc Associates um screen sharing is not enabled but if um those remember from the site visit and last meeting uh there's been no changes since this is a proposed single family home in the buffer zone mostly um uh sorry all of the septic and almost the entirety of the house will be in the buffer zone um we are adhering to the 50ft no touch buffer zone um a lot of the site is already cleared there just be some clearing along the back along that 50-ft buffer zone as well as some pine trees out front that are beyond the buffer zone um I said no no other no other changes since we last met and you should be able to share can you try again yep there we go okay you did go on a site for Vi pris yeah sorry I missed it at the site visit we did discuss the uh potential of uh applying for variance because the house next door is 50 ft from the road and if they got the variance they could have a backyard right somewhat did uh anybody look into that Ryan we have not applied for anything yet um the septic can't really change so we wouldn't be able to move the disturbance away from the buffer zone but like you said it would give them more of a a yard area behind the house um but the circumstance of a prospective buyer um one of their conditions is this conservation permanent getting approved so um this is the first item but we can certainly ask zba what was that Wetland like down there was it Disturbed before or is it new Wetland or no it's uh it was created by zinsky brothers when they made the development work conquer road is you just have to say your name and address just for the record Chester sski 8 conquer Road thank you and uh that Swale where the Wetland exists now was created by zalinskis when they were building the uh subdivision okay and it has not been Disturbed in any way since they created it in the 70s we discussed putting up some kind of monuments or barriers to right prevent that from turning into a lawn that should easily put if it's not um yeah looks fairly flat actually and it's very like it you wouldn't think it's in the buffer it's it almost looks like they are now so right but would the question would be if the variance was issued that the house would move further away from the buffer zone uh potentially I I don't know how much like I said we had a a variance request for a property I think it was 194 Hillside Road a couple years ago but that was a pre-existing grandfathered lot and I want to say they only gave us like 10 or 15 extra feet so but I'm not sure this no guarantees this would qualify as it is a newly created lot I mean the hardship is subjective but never any guarantees with the cbaa right but the question is if the commission wanted to approve it as is and they could go back later on to try to do that or if the commission wanted to hold out and wait to find out if it could be moved I mean is there a reason to not let it go now I mean well the house as it is now all of it's in the 100 foot buffer right if anything we and variant they get improves the condition of less Construction in the buffer zone feel like it's somewhat reasonable that to expect someone living there to extend that 5et from the corner of the house to the 50 Foot it's living there not wanting a little more room to push a wheelbarrow around the back corner of their house even um but as far as a work and disturbance goes it's a fairly flat parcel looks like it doesn't look like there' be a ton of a r into the area so even if the zba gave you 10 or 15 feet that would open up that corner and make it more of aable space the question Andy is so you we want to hold up the project until a go to the zv you want to it the buyer the CH inent upon approval as it is I mean we can approve as is come back so they can create more yard you think that might be what they want to do but is it a reason to hold up their their project and their sale Saina were there still issues about the U violation the back of the wetlands is that going to be part of this or is that a separate issue up to you guys it is it could be the condition that that area would be that been Disturbed it would be not Disturbed revegetated or what you want um well that's on a separate lot well that's what that's why I'm hesitating it's not a condition I'm not sure if this is on a separate so we have to be separate we have to keep separate map or number as is right now keep that separ this isue right I would um in my opinion keep that separate I guess in the end it's okay like that it' be awesome if CBA would given 10 or 15 feet so that even the buyer could enjoy some space behind their house the um chori 8 conquer Road um the the buyer is amiable to anything that is required and I would assume that he would file the paperwork to see if he could move it forward if you guys approved you know the building of the house would that be any order conditions that they would not that they would need approval but they would need to go ask for approval ask for approval requested oh suppos anything can be written in you don't think that makes it messy wouldn't it just be more streamlined for them to go to the to the board of appeals and ask for that before this gets approved because if this get approv then they can just build the house that is if you guys really want them to like I'm saying I don't see a reason to not build it as is although it would be more optimal if they didn't well the reason to not would be you would think that there would it would be easier for encroachment within the 50 Foot which is in South you don't want disturbance Within but even if they do move at 25 ft chances are flat land they're going start mowing they're going encroach on it not that I'm saying it's okay I'm saying it's probably going to happen anyway well I would think it more than likely would happen as it is now because it's so clo that it's so close and I don't know what type of monumentation you guys would want to symbolize the no Disturbed area we talked about Boulders while we were out there yes we did I think yes maybe could double up on the bers talk about getting it on the the Deeds as well right so that people know like the third purchaser of this property is going to have no idea that the what those Boulders are for there just rocks in my backyard Devon's property has signs I think they're kind of aggressively large um but there's an actual like a street sign that says behind here is this is what it is that is ongoing condition right even after it's signed off on the certificate compliance so a new owner has a fair warning like it's here yeah um I mean as it's planned we're gonna it seems like we're going to let it go as it's planned but it' be great if they go to zba to see if they could get 10 or 15 feet so they would come back with an as built plan 10 feet forward or this or this plan would stick yeah you could do a modification it's less impact so be done without having to refile right what about like an enhanced buffer zone then what's that enhanced buffer like buffer yeah like the 50 because it's so open right [Music] now I plant some stuff in the buffer wordss grass area now yeah Chester did you say that sorry uh did you say that there was um Bittersweet a lot of Bittersweet over in that area that you had to cut down because they're choking down the trees yeah so there is invasives within the 50 foot maybe removal of hand pulling um of some invasive species and then plantings of natives is a buffer enhancement yeah I think we're all those conditions we should be able to close this a motion anybody's ready make a motion to close G Andy Andy Chris normis Jerry I okay motion on the project for a motion to approve the project with conditions with the U folders enhanced buffer zone removal of the bases increase visibility too right you're saying something about signs and such it's obvious it seems like something we need to discuss like do we want to go with some sort of small plaqu that Kevin's got yeah his were kind of big they were like just you put them on the side of the road and see him going by in your car kind of aggressively big for in the woods you could could poxy the sign right to the Rock his were like almost like a that's I like the idea of a pocket on a boulder that's what I like the best they move it yeah it's permanent do we have a precedent on that have we ever done that before no black on buers Yeah just something with signage on it so maybe this is establishing sort of a precedent they did some the um didn't the the greens didn't he proposed doing some not that we requested it but rather than Boulders he put He had got some signs some of the Lots there oh okay we've done bird houses before yeah well we can make suggestions and they used to Silver pipes silver pipes has a cap on yeah I those are pretty discreet yeah but they get grown over it's really hard to see those I like the idea of the I it's like it's there but it's not like yeah so yeah it's not ugly aesthetically some you would need a plaque on every Boulder just you know right want them to mark that this line of Boulders you think the $10,000 Bond would be sufficient so I think so I think we have a motion on the table you're making the motion right now and this is all going in it you're going to go to zba and ask for 10 or 15 feet at least to give that extra buffer in the back is that one of the conditions oh we're asking if you want to make it one well so BR we make it not a clean I mean follow if you're if you want them to come back if they do get the variants um if you want them to come back with an amendment that probably could clean it up this that would but there's just no gu no guarantee that that CBA is going to give it to them exactly right but approving it tonight allows them to move forward with the transaction that's actually a good idea get everything done at once right well the zva is just a recommendation from us correct well we're pretty much I mean they're going to ask they have to ask they have to go ask but it doesn't have to be approved in order for this to go through okay we got it off okay so that's your motion motion I'll second it no Chris I nor Kevin I Den I Jerry I all right the um the plaques on the on the boulders what do you want them to say one this is the 100 foot buffer no touch Beyond this point do not disturb Beyond this point signs said do not distur do not distur on this point do not disturb that's a good one say like chapter whatever yeah you put something official on there probably the one closest to the house I would would be the most appropriate and you guys will be looking for the same that we did which is like 50 every 50 feet that's GNA be probably twice as close 25t 25t yeah and size of the boulder bould get Boulder size Boulders okay something that somebody can't watch exactly right something you got to set with the back let you know if it's big enough when there yeah so they can't walk up with that exactly we don't have people rolling them down the hill or rolling you know yeah rolling them down into the Wetland right okay right okay moving on to new business 24 and 26 Nicholson Hill Road thank you thank you have a nice night you possible amendments we've got we've got Jeff here you can bring aair up to the table sorry about that like Boulders I was a little confused at the last meeting I didn't realize this was done under just south bylaw souw only South bylaw because these are isolated Wetlands that we're dealing with I don't know you got time Clos or I uh yes I got the first email from Mr Sven and then the second email with get I'm try to it up you want the initial noi was like last year and the delineation came up to here the house was going to be down on the slope with a lot of cut and fill we looked at the delineation and revised it we kept the bottom delineation as it was um and this because of this we were able to pull the house back up onto the kind of the crown of the Hill a little bit where it was another also going to move the septic system down slope so that it can be gravity Fed so this is where it was located we haven't TS have not been done yet okay then we'll know more about where the septic is going to be um so a whole new noi for this isn't going to do anything to improve the resource protection on this we're gonna if if we do a new noi we're going to just basically be submitting the same plan yeah the same erosion control everything so we're just trying to streamline it and move it forward and save everybody time and no I think the only thing I wanted to see was where the wetlands were down at the bottom and I went and looked at them and I agreed with them and they're still flagged okay so um they look good and I wanted to see what the new septic system was going to be we that will be it's completely outside of the 100 foot buffer so there should be it won't be located within the buffer zone and so um but we can come back with them later on when we know exactly where it is we'll have a plan that shows exactly where it is and where the perks were done but they have not been redone yet so I guess there's two things one we're looking to see if we can just amend this local Oni and move forward with the plan then after that see what you think about the plan as it stands so the delineation should live with the notice of intent my opinion is close the current notice of intent and file a new notice of intent this is local I think it's up to you guys but that's my my two sents in this I think it should be a different notice every time and I I would agree if this was a ation where we were going to increase the footprint and possibly increase the impact increase the amount of work that's in the buffer zone but we're doing the opposite we're reducing the impact we reducing the footprint reducing the amount of cut and fill you're just concerned about the new Wetland Elation correct is that the process yeah so you could theoretically submit a requested determination just for the Wetland and satisfy that there is a on that for request for determination or Wetland delation or the Wetland delineation but then the Wetland deline the Wetland delineation that lives right now with this notice of intent still lives so you would have two different delineations at the same time so and but this is a local this is a local order of conditions because of our local bylaw isolated wetlands are protected not they're not protected um they don't have the same protections under the wetlands protection act so this is you know so are we changing the delineation or we just adding on to the delineation would be this is a new delineation as a as opposed to the approv upper yeah the lower one is the same than Al so this is from last year that's not what we already talked about this year then or we walked out we walked out here and walked through here and this is where I said that it had been Del lineated as well but it didn't meet the criteria and this is where I this is down theedge the woods line okay yeah this is the new this is all the new current stuff remember the old one extended up and the corner of the garage was in the way and everything else this is the old one right here and so yeah this is the old delineation and compare that to the new one has the old boundary shown on the plan here je that big a deal to do a new notice vent just for local bylaw doesn't have to go to the state doesn't have to you have to do the butter Again part of it the butters definitely you the same process have we ever amended an noi before and let it pass I'm aware of I think that you like in 55 Foster that's why we did the new noi over there as well have amended them if it's less impact you can amend it if it's less impact on the resource area you yeah we have yeah it's and it is part of what was it 13 wor fund that was the latest amendment I think that happened last year 13 we have done it it's just sa's concerned that have the delineation even if it's amended the delineation would still stand be different you could could we just amend the delineation the delineation is only going to stand for two more years it's a threee it's not filed like a is it filed with the registry of deeds the order of conditions it is yep okay it should it should be you guys filed it right you recorded the order of conditions know what I looked at I tried to look it up and I did not find an order of conditions on this so I assumed that because of was a local jurisdiction it didn't need to be was yeah but it was ridiculous where they took the house I would had a 30 foot foundation wall I don't the 2426 lot of yeah yeah then they put it right here that's where the house is [Music] put yeah [Music] I can't tell you right now if it was recorded at the registry of deeds but that is the process it should have been recorded at the registry of deeds the same following the state regulation yes the same I wouldn't be opposed to Bing it if there's some way we could do it it wouldn't be a problem yeah like you said say it's less impact yeah I agree with that right let's let's see more stream line process either however can't change the pass that so with amending the order of conditions the plan reference I assume we would change the plan reference to the updated one and that would be the amendment and then and then it would get recorded at the registry of deeds it would have all the new delineation on it well yeah this one yeah because they don't they don't they don't file the plan they just file the order of conditions so we could do that yeah because they wouldn't have the delineation well it would prer refers to the to the accepted plan one that we we have that we have un filed in our in our room which would be changed to this if we amend it yeah especially if it hasn't been reported they may have been I don't I don't have that file with me yet I didn't see it today when I looked it up I only saw Deeds under name and I didn't see anything from Nicholson name recorded or you guys I mean it's up to the owner to make sure it's recorded you don't check that that could have done you but they would have charged for it yeah that's how Steve does it the date on the report yes do I check to see if like if you were to say we're going to go with this Ste delineation as of this date today's date and you have an older one that you're saying will still alive wouldn't the new one think get Place sued the old one automatically because yeah it should if you're yeah amended yeah under an amendment yeah void and this is it now we will to make a motion be done an amendment will that just automatically do it we said it's been done before yeah right so apparently can be done the question is because that they're proposing a new delineation as of this date where the date because the old one has a date and this one's going to have a date so because this is a later date today's date versus the older date doesn't that eliminate the older date because there's a newer date with a whole new plan and everything else we have for example so here's an order of conditions that you guys are going to sign later there's two things you can check order of conditions or amended order of conditions okay so in this case if it's amended we would check off the amended order of conditions today we would do that today not well I have to write it yeah and then put the new plan yeah the plan that you need to refer to is a separate page somewhere and then we would change that to this updated plan just a question which one gets recorded you know if you look at the old one you don't know about the new one well the new one should get recorded is there anything on the old one that you can't change anything on the old one once it's been recorded right you can't even touch I think anything that comes in new replaces what has been before that would be good that was basically what I was getting at yeah it eliminates the old it suedes it then someone takes the one staples it to the old one and make it clear in our notes here that that happen right sign the new plan be a way to do it sign the new plan dated today so you approv right so can we do that why not why not with what I'd make a motion if you're looking for one sure I'll take a motion Den it I'll second it so you're approving approving an amendment to talk about the new delineation and the relocation but the septic isn't even they're going to come in with a plan for that well we're going to we're going to accept the septic outside if they change that that's their problem yeah you know to Steve and that's they say it's it's going to be there that's outside jurisdiction already the the the proed septic that was on the old pen it's that's outside the 100 anyways as of right now it's gonna go here but I'm saying the good per that they already have not that they want to put it there but I'm saying that other one is outside like I havn't even looked at this plan is it even like I think what they wanted to know is how should they move forward get the septic put it on the plan and then bring it in I made a so we cut this down we really can't cut per for it septic I'm sorry we can't dig for the septic to perk test it until we cut it down cut what cut what down we're going to bring the ground down a little bit like come down like this make a plateau on there he's this out to be flatter is that outside ofur put up some Sil fence right when they go to do that there would be Sil fence put in down here and along here kind of contining what's here and wrap it around there used to be to the left of the driveway it's going to go to the right of the driveway yes Kevin second yeah Kevin seconded cor Andy hi hi I nor I ke I Den I Jerry I okay so we're good with an amendment and we can move forward with your plan come back okay so so I'm writing we're not GNA make you do another noi right so can this proov tonight so that we can start moving forward on this or you need to see the septic well there's no it's it's not on the plan and there's no yeah erosion control on the plan plan as is I don't think all we would care about is erosion control I think yeah I think that's all we need to see is the erosion control and couldn't could she said there would be yeah when could if even if that septic changes from where the location shown on the plan if it does change once it start that could just show up on an ASU right correct as long as it's out of the 100 foot buffer it doesn't have to necessarily be on the plan right now things can change just as long as it's out of the out of our jurisdiction if it shows up on the asilt they don't really have to ask us to move it it's it's good now it's approved where it is now if they decide they're going to put it someplace else it's in our jurisdiction then it would be an issue it's matter show up on the ODS when they come in for right I mean that's what I think okay so can you just clarify what you made a motion on to approve amended no in 10 so we're approving this plan yes we didn't approve the plan yet we approved to have it to accept an amended notice intent instead of why wouldn't you we can we didn't make the motion yet oh okay so all right so you approving the first one was to approve the process to approve an amendment to the noi correct okay okay right thank you for clarify now we're looking for a motion on the plan as proposed the new amended noi okay I'll make the motion to approve the plan second the motion okay we around the table and sh jur [Music] okay thank you thank you for coming in no work can start until preconstruction site until I write this up it get signed preconstruction site visit Bond right there was a bond to this I'm not sure if that was erosion posted yet erosion controls are up any monuments was there a bond already posted for this I can't remember okay so you're going to check on that yeah whatever the conditions were is yeah the order of conditions are going to transfer as they are right I mean that's so that's including there conditions if it said mon that's what it is yeah I don't know if that yeah it doesn't the order of condition I don't even think we did we didn't even we need to do a preconstruction site visit as well so yeah we'll need to do that yeah so the order condition stands it's just that the notice intend we're modified right so we will let you know prior to construction or do you want to schedule a site visit now and go look at it it's are the erosion controls up no erosion controls posted erosion control up then call us up B post erosion control order the amended like I still have to write up the amend and Order conditions and these guys need to sign it so it's going to be at least a couple weeks very okay right yeah okay before yours yeah yeah and you never know these are three additional because it says three plans so we should stamp and sign that plan for tonight's date to make sure we know stampa with a smiley face and have everyone sign ity this day I we don't have an appr don't have the receive St Declaration of Independence right there no if we were upstairs I could just go into my office and I think this me okay good and then this the bonding one wasn't it 10K I think it let me I do have it um that's [Music] typ [Music] oops this one while you're there it was 10,000 what were the other orders conditions while you're there if you're looking at yeah um so it was standard order of conditions special conditions $10,000 Bond okay um and then we do the Reser to right to find 300 $ for our local bylaw monuments in the form of Boulders shall be placed on the 50 Foot buffer line to act as limit of lawn area to remain in place as an ongoing condition approximately eight Boulders in total in conjunction with the retaining wall the retaining wall is now gone okay so that would need to be modified as well and then buffer project only no resource area Shi now we have a modification of orders of condition oh okay so when I do the am when I when I do the amended order of conditions it's going to be a whole new a whole new packet okay I can I mean you can tell me what the special conditions are going to be right now nothing special just whatever is applicable I guess Scrat scratch off The Monuments or I know because well the retaining wall yeah but where the m so where's the 50 Foot where's the 50 Foot yeah not not really no we we have erosion control going into the 50 but all the grading is outside of the 50 Foot so monuments along the 50 Foot does not really P their and that's so that'll remain and not NE not Neary in the lower no it's going need for that that's so steep down there they're not going to be right never come back you they roll them down unless you plan on building an off on slide or something so monuments and 50 foot buffer usual erosion control um how many monuments so was going to be eight Boulders well that one was the eight Boulders were going to be down down there I don't know how many you guys want up there just 50 foot on Center whatever that ends up being right 50 foot in between 25 so it's less 50 so every 50 [Music] feet how many this is 40t right here so that would be like two or three boulders here right was sticking five now was sticking five five Boulders in total yeah give it a quantity as it to a distance that way it's understood I think easier for everybody want to hear Jeff sure and then there two out from there yep so five Boulders because that's like the that's the shall easier as far as Boulder to count specified before it's like a th000 pound Boulder is 2 foot by two foot by three I think so 500 to 1,000 pound Boulder nobody's going to move a 500 pound Boulder so like that recommendation everybody agree it's a good plan how am I supposed to measure that with a ruler is that 500 a visual assessment yeah visual well that's why I'm saying it's if you look at a boulder and it's this this by Gran [Music] or acious do you want do pla on this too do want do Plax on all of them from now on or you get a standard plaque sure yeah we should come up with a standard yeah what we can do down the road is we can use the Wetland protection act filing money to buy PLS that we can give Boulders in here yeah you can get lighter rocks business right so we're all set that what the value of bond you want to put one up this cash inste a bond instead of wasting time on a what instead of wasting time to go get a bond and I just put the cash value up you can write a check the treasurer will take a check do with that yeah 10,000,000 that is if it hasn't been posted already I'm I don't think we posted last time because of what they did to it last time I didn't there's no way I put 30 fo5 okay sign instruction he can start doing the erosion control work right away though right yeah okay very hit that ring thank you night have a good night thank you that was a good one request certificate of compliance 157 feeding H road is probably gonna come in here second go to the next one while should be Road covert request for certificate of compliance yes did you did you sign in okay that'll work we doing Randy Brown tpw director all right site bu looks good you want to add more to that a quick refresher so we plac our C on Klein Road a couple hundred feet away from South L street the old cover was I think 36 in for again metal pipe the new cover is 9 ft wide by six wide six fo High um concrete CT there's a natural stream bottom to it there's some Associated drainage in the area as well yeah so last week Sabrina and stop by S visit erosion controls the only thing that's remaining is erosion controls are still in place and the project sign is still in place right assuming as board signs Stu on it tonight we'll pull all that down okay but everything the St stabilized my grass is growing well looking for compliance nice [Music] work um ever is that I don't know Veron well it was right it was a everybody look for a motion yep make a motion to approve certificate second Chris I I I jur I all right there was no bond on this thank you thank you all have a good night too easy okay we'll come back up to request certificate of compliance 157 Feeding Hills Road that new Jeff again okay so okay here on behalf of art vinsky Crepes tea house to request a certificate of compliance on the uh instructions that were built there and work um the structures were built um at a higher level than uh originally planned so they less of an impact on the flood storage and the flood storage was um inconsequential so there was no call for compensatory storage in the order conditions um the walkway is built roughly as planned it was a little larger than an originally designed but not significantly so um it's fully stabilized there's numerous rubs and small trees are planted say really looks very nice you know area along the stream is stabilized better than it was before the work was even done so I think it's an improvement what's that I submitted that um there an asilt plan I can see um there was an asil let me to share I brought copies of it also so you submitted that in October also there was a request for to show the flood way yes on it and there's three copies of that also which we sent PDFs of I can I asked for the high velocity area none of the none of the buildings are located within the high velocity um let me bring the Overflow up this one in the Overflow really so the Orange is the 500 year M the blue is the 100 year so there's one here yeah in the in the 100 year but none of them are in the High Velocity flow area which is the cross-hatched area yep so yeah let me so this is an arrow image and one of the questions that I had was how much more pervious surface was put into place with the walkway because essentially from right here down that was not that was not part of the plan I ped that off about 27 ft long I think that said it was 140 square yeah I just from doing the measurement with the aerial I I estimated at I think it was 140 square fet um additional additional so here's the as built that's not necessarily reflected reflect and then I can bring up the approved I think it was this one this was the approved plan so I had kind of a larger circular area at the end but instead they put a going down in the noi the path was said to be 3 feet wide I didn't measure how wide it actually was I said how wide three 5 I don't know I didn't lay down I'm about 5 feet tall I didn't measure it okay um you know I understand there's differences in how it was planned and how it was built and we've gone around on that but I think overall it's a little consequence point you know the pastel people can walk on it people have baby strollers people have wheelchairs I don't think that that increase in the path size is significant as far as I mean there's plenty of grass area on the sides for the water to run in and and infiltrate into the grass off of the walkways Sabrina in the order of conditions did it call for extra impervious surface in the parking area I thought it did in there let me bring and see if I have it in my file I have it here added drainage um and I did check to see if there was any mention of wanting to have impervious pavers there was no mention of that my next question yeah and I listened to all three meetings this is before me so I listened to all three meetings I read the meeting minutes and there wasn't so this um there's standard order of conditions be under the additional the a bond no there are just two additional it was the bond and then the right find $300 per day that's it and yes there is a there is a $10,000 for this so the request is granted just make sure you release $10,000 once this if it gets approved the order of conditions or the quest then they'll begin we'll begin designing and laying out the handy cap ramps um I had to wait till after this is done to do that so that's kind of step two which I think will be a request for determination because I think we'll be under the threshold on impact so have they satisfied the order conditions I have another question in the notice of intent we have a proposed enlargement of concrete sorry it's slow up on there um was that ever enlarged or was that left alone due to Landing I don't know that it was increased um the concrete pad where the refrigeration unit is beside the building did the pad get increased or did you stay with the pad that was there no it's increased you did increase it okay but we checked building Park okay yeah I think is that is that outside the 100 foot buer it is still within I think this is the 200 right here oh the river front right yeah we're yeah we're in River Front um so it's in with the 200 outside of the 100 for the Wetland down here I do not have an answer on that what the size of it what it was says does that say 16 by 20 yeah did I write it down existing concrete P for a larg refrigeration unit I wrote it down in it a concrete pad originally was 16 by 20 ft oh you wanted it 16 by 20 there is an existing 12 by 16 concrete pad so there would be additional 128 Square ft um within the outer 100 feet of the river front so the goal was to be 16 by 20 you know if that's about what they did yeah 16 by 20 okay yeah s was on top of that no and I just read it um late last week when I was reviewing this stuff so that's why I didn't mention it during the Mee um let's see site project yeah $10,000 so just FYI there was no preconstruction site visit in the file I'm not sure if that was actually done and I saw no um em reports on file just let you guys know nothing was submitted to the commission when these things were being built but the bond was posted [Music] and you were there do you think well I'm trying to remember back from the original plan I know we discussed perious versus non non perious services but I don't remember what on it was a before you were on the commission but last year I think they did they asked for request for certificate compliance and I think that came up in conversation um as well as compensatory storage but looking back when it was under a public hearing compensatory St it was minimal one and 32 FS of an inch yeah it was no consequence right um so and it wasn't listed in the order I don't think imperious pavers were uh I don't think pervious pavers were also listed um they W so it's not in the other conditions yeah it doesn't matter but whether I was on the board or not I would the meeting oh you were oh good job all my question was um I'm gonna you know take it back to you guys for and anything that you can point out that's specifically not in compliance the the walkway um there are plantings along the riverfront there are there is an island it's not um in this image but there is an island with plantings in there I think that was talked about um during the public hearing so that's been done um there's additional plantings out back around here and so it's just the walkway yeah just the walkway um in addition to the additional 27 ft or so they're wider figure out how much more in perious surface is that what we can figure we could do the multiplication I'm I'm not sure if it's four or five foot wide and said it was supposed to be three foot wide and is that going to have an effect that really does that matter that's what I'm going to well I don't see that it would I mean there's grass surrounding it right so there grass all around it I mean I mean if we force them to take it out and put it into the correct size we're going to cause more land damage probably can I a just state your name and address please my name isin 157 F Hills so the reason of that extension which we did down the RO because it used to people used to bring dogs there it's a path there it's always Sandy so it was washing off all time so this is why we extended just to cover that area where they walking anyways so that's down the brook and this is why they lay more tiles just to kind secure because then anytime water comes up high we're not talking about like you know normal but when it's flooded that area would be washed off all time because it kind of walked way past and you probably saw it it's like a tree fell down so kind of cover it people couldn't walk in C but at least toward that point we thought it's kind of logic can make it favors it's not helping with erosion if you come to the commission and and explain that to them they probably would have you know it would have been on record that it was approved it's a problem because it didn't come to us I mean yeah I just but does it impede ABS water I don't know if that's going to hold up the certific appliance or not is it well it's it his point makes me remember when I did the delineations I do remember there's a path that goes out in the woods and it's just a Woods frail and yeah it's muddy and so what he's doing here he's increased the impervious area a small amount but he's minimizing the erosion and sediment that you're going to get into the stream there so I think that that's kind of um it kind of washes well the negative impact of the impervious is is better than the erosion and that you know people are going to walk down there it's going to muddy up The Path and I think you're better off with pavers than you are just a dirt path and people will walk there like Dennis said it would be great if you came in with that in the plan explain that yeah I don't think we're aru approve that plan but now that's pass that plan makes it messy all um I I agree I believe it's a an improvement as well there have been other planting been done I'm ready to take a motion if that's the only issue I'll make a motion approve the compliance second okay okay I favor Iain from the vot okay I I Jerry I okay G's one exension take a vote to release the Bond make a motion I'll move to release the bond $1,000 Chris I Norm I I Jerry I okay motion carries again exension they are yep I noticed one of them written on sorry files are we all setting up y all right just briefly I'll give you a b update on Noble Ste is that stilling on engineering stuff so um I have started filling out applications to Army Corps and mea and think but we have to wait till the okay okay thank you Jeff thanks very much everybody good night got a i yeah that's me I just Hope Springs Eternal right I got a Tom Brady one too we have a request for certificate of compliance one 41 Conan roads good evening Kenston 41 K thank you thank you I know he's [Music] there all right I'm back welcome back Ryan righty thank you um let me try and pull this soon okay so this is for Mr egon's Project 141 Kuman Road um project involved the rehab of this existing restaurant building associate site improvements parking lot improvements dra improvements um sewer pump improvements new striping Landscaping uh there was a retaining wall at the southern part of the parking lot there was some regrading for comp storage uh at this peninsula down here there was plantings that were to be installed along the water those have all been done floating docks have been installed those all been installed properly everything is stable everything's vegetated um there was that filtrex grow sock that was the be staked along the Waterfront to help minimize erosion that was done uh it has decomposed and the impregnated seeds within it um look like a fair amount of them have germinated and taken hold along the bank all the plantings aside from one or two I think on the Northern end that the Beavers are chewing on um have survived and are doing well so um everything looks according to plan we did a site visit last week I inspected it a couple times before that and I did not find any issues with the project anyse no yeah good she wrot a report up there yeah yep um it you know it looked good um there was one planting that did not survive but the rest of them look like they have survived there's cages all around them because the Beavers are busy over there and those cages seem to be working they keep it trimmed yeah yeah I told I told the guys the restaurant guys they need to trim it more anything that sticks out it's gone you know a lot of those plantings are second plantings some of them are third plantings the Beavers got in tore the cage down because it wasn't deep enough in the ground and ate him up again but you know I guess there is one that hasn't didn't survive or maybe it'll come back who knows but um yeah it's it's an ongoing battle with the be looking for motions make a motion I'll make a motion second Andy Chris Brad ey Norm I Kev I Jerry I okay thank you you want to release that Bond I'll move to release the bond I'll second that NBI BR I Norm i i i Jerry I something mention about the crash yes I did mention it's been cleaned okay the actually the barrels were taken away actually all right great but it also was cleaned what all around it right but uh with the with the docks not being in use at this time of year right I just to took the whole Barrel right away right I think that that's where that trash comes from so a little behind getting it cleaned up my my my it's not their responsibility up the trash for the barrel that I put there even next year have one with a little chap on it there used to be chap on beever no not the be I think I don't know where it went I'm not a coupley days it's true it might be I'm not say way yeah I don't know what it is when you release your bond how long do it take um an average there for releasing the bond I all it is is that I write up a letter for the the treasurer gets the letter and then and then I don't know what happens after that right I'm wondering if there was a average of time for week two weeks no no um who holds the bond the treasurer treasure okay treasur of the town of Southwick right yeah first I need to write up the letter so think you can do that this week um I can try no promises I just need this a portion of this money by the 10th but by the 10th by the 10th and we are at the fourth there's no cash and Bill do I will see what I can do and I'll let you come in here and I don't think that the lawyer who has waited long enough will wait much longer okay fair enough thank you all thanks good night thank you okay we have an application for variance of section 6.2 annual removal of docks at 107 Lake View Street John W 24 avator field you guys have the application okay well why would you like uh it would be very difficult or impossible to pull the dock out it's been there it's the sediment on the bottom of it it's bolted it's bolted to a wood Dock and um it is square Footers buried and the North Pond and it it keeps moving this way filling in um so it's just I like your picture they better these were hard yeah I know I didn't know if I I didn't know how to do it so I do 107 Lake View so I'm here for 107 Lake View for my dad's place so I should have here's your comes off comes off of this dock which is a wood which is a wood dock that um and then and it's bolted here and then it's maybe four pylons out and they are all there's no wheels on it I mean it's been in the I mean it's been there since 15 years now or something has then moved then so whatever getting it out and moving it would be digging out the P you know the the pylons is it wood is a wood type well it's it's a tack right so it this is original wood this is the one that was there moved in so it's bolted here then there's maybe four pylons let me go back so we come out this way right so there's one two three four and those are all in I mean there in okay so there's no pressure treated wood hit in the water there uh that is a good qu been there for a long long time been there since before so this was my the next thing we I have the that I mean the question is I I'd rather be gone the whole thing yeah you know a matter your stanions are wood yeah yeah so um and how far they are in the water also varies great I mean there's times they're barely in the water right they're in the mck I mean it really matters on the water level as far as that goes that like your doc know that H is that similar to your doc ours was uh all was right it was originally and then just before we went I don't know why um got the aluminum kind with the wheel oh so you were able to pull that wooden went out of there and half me something but um it's pain memory now I don't but you know that was a lot of years ago so I but yeah it was it was removable that was the one thing that kept emphasizing whereas this one isn't right well if you have this one doesn't sound like this one looks like it's built and if you have removable stanions I I had a wood for 30 plus years you just take everything out but this seems to be piled into the ground oh yeah so it's not easy to do no I can see I can see that that would be unless you modify the design and you know next guy might want to do that you know what I mean it's not feasible no okay the way that it was designed it was just kind of stuck in there navigation or safety hazard is that any concern with that typically we ask for like some sort of lighting or you know reflective cones you can put I can check it did have lights on the but I will check them we I I can add the lights to it that's typically what you those that get the variant just in case a crazy snowmobiler go across it so we could condition the variant with that right that's put the would that satisfy LMC I think that's usually standard that probably would though yeah that would yes exactly that's why now what about the boat lift is that in the water or not it's it's not in the water we haven't had it in the water because this it I can't have it deep enough it would be in the channel quite deep right now the way so I did have it back I mean it was it's been I don't know if it's five years since it's been in the water um because it just it's I think a danger to my boat I mean people coming through North it just it would sit out there's so much sent that's come in from the as it kind of comes around um that so it's sitting right as far up as I could possibly get we had we winch it out when we bring it in and it is winched up as much as it can as far as U the front of the retaining wall and then the back feed again sometimes can be in the water sometimes cannot just because I can't bring it it and I can't put it sideways it's a you know we have a hill about like this and sideways would yeah be I think a d you know a danger so it's winched up as far as I can possibly get it out of it but it's still a little in the water is that why you're asking well that's why I didn't know because if you came by depending on the water level the back feet could be in the water so I you know it was transparency that's why that's why there we can do that we'd make sure that we uh explain that because like could be a foot or two depending on water level water level that does fluctuate so it's not going to be used would it just be taken away anyways I tried to so of course it's here was to be removed at some point I think we had a dock further down if you see how the pro if you saw had it kind of goes like this we're at the peak out here if you could ever put it under docking probably use it and would not be as far out though it's on the edge twice I thought I had it sold along the way of people along the way so it's on that fence of it may just be dis up for that at a future date yeah I I would probably be at this point like I said I've had inquiries about selling it and been on the fence and they either didn't want to pay or moving it a whole another plastic one in with stanions that just one guy can take it out looks like he qualifies they both qualify for the Vari take a motion yeah he probably do it I'll move to give this gentleman a variance for his for his doc all second all in favor Andy Chris nor Kev I Dennis Doc and the uh and the lift and the lift and for comments for the LIF us to put that it just isn't totally on the water comments on the doc would be the that'll cover it all right thank you so I need to hand that I'm just trying to remember the process I need to give that off to Harbor Master in LMC yeah just send it to them side question what say that you know lakes and people being who they are no notand but but like if somebody says hey how come his his doctor do have to get out why don't I build one like that but that would be a new duck it's got so you have regulations in place as what a dock he's kind of grand I think he's grandfather yeah kind of eventually that thing's going to rot out and somebody's gonna say we need a new dock at that point so when it when it eventually I think so that's what I would do if I were buying the house that he wouldn't be able to do the same thing again and the for another May 31st is a cut off date it has to be in before then got it all right just just curious yeah I so we uh I mean we switch stars because the untreated regular wood deteriorates very quickly yeah it does three years and the ice could take it for a ride too and that could be another condition in there when it finally deteriorates it has to be replaced with a removable dock fa not time will fix the problem probably okay we move on Forest cutting plan review fall feeding Hill Road AKA Captain fer apartment so you have you have the uh Little Packet in your folders um viw for comments I checked on our um Wetland layer under their GIS and GIS says there's no Wetlands I don't actually think that are based on across the police this this is um behind this is behind the plaza where Brookshire bank is I can actually bring up the beautiful high we used to ride for a new dirt bikes to get gas at the M station it's all high mountain back there definitely Wetlands behind the gville and there's a yeah stream that goes under the road on 57 that's for the left of their stuff is all like that's a big Mound back there big this is the parcel here let see if I can get up a Bas map and then we put in the Wetland layers which does not necessarily mean there isn't where did all the layers go that's different it's all beautiful so that's what they're looking at it's just it's thinking so there was somebody who um I spoke to today one of the ab Butters I think it's 642 yep Zuber he was concerned about um this Force man exactly runoff so he's saying like he's concerned if trees are removed storm water um there would be an increase of storm water on his property um in mine which one is yours that's the that's the stream that connects over the Hudson Drive runs through all the fields and under the railroad tracks what stream goes around the back right up back here yeah this is right back through here it goes across the fields in front of the solar farm okay and then it goes under the because under Feeding Hills wrote at the library that's not yeah I think the I think the solar it wasn't intermittent stream either the staging area over here no they're going to put their staging area here and here like the landing area they're going to come out yeah they're going to come out here yeah it's in there yeah it's they had two Landing areas one was one was at the end of this and ones at the end of that par the only time of water in that now is that one special day pretty much in March when all the snow melts and it rains yeah and then that thing comes quite a bit of run off from always has been so you're saying 31 even with the solar farm it's slowed down a lot cuz now they don't plow that field it's all grass under the solar panels so it's it's changed what goes on like as the amount of water that goes by the library is diminished how much of that are they planning on cating is it canect what you're talking about as far as the dynamic see if it's like is it like a clear cut no it's not a clear cut no no this is longterm this is a long-term plan the healthier plans and let's see what did they write in their report to get rid of a bunch of oak trees or something or so there's no Wetland impact what so ever yeah like I said I don't see anything I they would have marked Wetlands on their map well necessarily really need to go out look at the S because sometimes the Foresters don't get it exactly right or they don't down the plan yeah but if sounds like Andy's pretty familiar with the area yeah it's and it says there's no Wetland impact so there's nothing we can do anyway at this point it's all that's like behind um the Chinese food restaurant and it all just go real back of I never even noticed that there was a every one of these Lots like was up real and then over and down to the field on the back side it is just a giant brand block there yeah the owner of 642 he said he does have wetlands in his in the back portion of his property and he's concerned about additional water and I believe he said if there is additional water he'd want to like take a trench to move the water away um yeah this is all hypothetical we don't know yet but I did tell him I would come by tomorrow with a copy of this plan to see what he has and I did contact UM Jacob Maco to let him know that there was somebody who was concerned about increase storm water on to their property in a butter um but I had just emailed him today I don't know so is this a wetland or are there portions of wetland in there in that triangle there I mean I haven't gone out there and will it become one if we all the trees the triangle is high it's so it'll it'll slope down always like the back of all those blocks is it's a longterm plan so they're longm we walked out to 772 right that site visit the water's down here yeah and the water the low point is like here yeah and it's all uphill from that side I mean there still could be Wetlands up so it sure out of our jurisic long out of our jur what else we got is that no comments looks like that no comment sent to the state for this one so it's Not Gon to Flo that's well comment was made it's out of our jurisdiction I think yeah that's it is okay well it is it is right right think 55 fter Road removal of dead material within the riverfront uh wait a second Granville Gage update yes oh unfortunately Randy Brown has left um but him and his team with the DPW cut the big oak tree that was um over our pathway so they cut that up set those aside is that the one that somebody cut down yeah chopped it down they chopped it down took them forever it looks like it took them forever and somehow it didn't get caught um so that tree has been removed from the pathway it was a beautiful beautiful oak tree it could have been used for many things but um and then also he he had DPW come with some millings and fill in all those potholes sure than Randy for us yeah well I was he was GNA stay longer but yeah it was a happy update pass the time you know okay now pre removal within the riverfront dead tree yeah I I don't know if anat is online uh yes I am here good evening everyone again good evening hello uh yes I was asking Sabrina um about um uh because while we will be clearing the the lot when we proposing to build the house and I was thinking at the same time if I can uh remove the all the three which has been I mean three lcks which has been left by the three uh three REM company who did the clearing for the power line and they didn't take the LX but they just simply drop it on the on the property so that's why I was thinking if that's uh if it's possible to remove it to make it look looks nicer over there no we don't make things look nicer we keep them for the environment and we don't want anything touch dead trees are good also an to sometimes we give people permission to do one thing and it becomes something way bigger and then they oh you said we could do these things you know and so there's no plan and like Dennis said we don't just clean up the forest the forest is the forest and that's why it's supposed to be left the way it is so uh yeah understand thank you for coming to us but don't no touch in there okay okay not a problem also I was think if Sabrina you will discuss that um restrict declaration which I send it to you the draft yeah you guys have it it might be at the back of your folder Declaration of restriction pursuant to conditions this is an's draft um which was requested in the order of conditions to be reported at the registry of D [Music] property I think sent this today huh yeah yeah that looks exactly like we talking about right yeah basically the the same I just I we Chang the all the information like the about the property and owner the number two on the second phase there permanent monuments fourth line get no person shall build dredge Mo or alter um the the mo is like pretty gentle but someone goes back there with an axe and knocks down a tree well it doesn't say I can't do that alter it says I couldn't yeah an alter do not touch stay away like some you need to like put in there that no altering the vegetation or land like it needs to be a little more specific if you start doing specifics they're going to say well left that out right if you do spefic put then it's going to you're going to leave something out and they're going to say well that wasn't in there so this case it's better to do a generality right you know that no alteration period can you put it like no alterations of the vegetation or the so that get this wording from iary things I think that Sodom perable standard I gave him I gave a copy of I understand I think that's some people try to do with like the north pound conservation restriction well it doesn't say do it doesn't say you can do it there doesn't mean you can't do it there this is like a boilerplate standard you know what people go by so I wouldn't want to be altering itang anything in it right so you need approval or just that you for consensus on I think uh yeah you guys need to approve this I'll make a motion to app approve the Declaration of restriction for to the order conditions on 55 Road all all in favor Chris I I I Den I Jerry I okay the wording is fine thank you does need to be formatting needs be hey didn't mention that before you approved it oh the words are all good does this need this needs to be notorized I assume by a notary and then and then reported uh yes I will I will do that uh maybe tomorrow when we'll bring it I mean we'll record it and we'll send you the copy perfect okay thank you so much thank you thank you byee okay W for the uh application materials field notes the USB video for 306 feeding Hill row we have the field notes and they did give me USB I have not had a chance to double check to make sure everything is on the USB but um I'm going to say that's cool okay and I do have the order of con make sure I know what I'm talking about here it's not going to carried away I have the order of condition yet 306 fitting Hills right we're talking about yep yep have the order of conditions here if you guys want to review it um what did we say for the ongoing condition is just the tree line as depicted in the Wetland filing plan um sha Reser Shall Serve as monumentation for limit of work and no further alteration Beyond this point shall happen without filing for a permit with the South Conservation Commission perfect so you guys are welcome to look at that it you seen it or you are you comfortable with it the USB stuff I haven't looked at it yet oh I can only do so much I know be sending um an email to Nicole and Jason Peron about meeting more hours of course very soon of course and do here use my pen for aure I think you have our support yes yeah I think it was last year or earlier this year we had talked about it just you can't be in two places at once it can't and for some reason things keep piling up without me getting it done don't forget they chap the uh local permitting program has funds that you should be getting money from for I yeah I mean um keep 95% of the work that I do is Wetlands protection act stuff so but if you if you're doing stuff for just a local permitting keep your time and take that money out of the budget that we had that's what those funds are for y right I think so yes for administration more hours yeah I feel like there there's fing it does take up time yeah yeah I'll take I'll make a take a motion I'll make a motion to uh thank you since it was a formality on the field notes and USB I'm make a motion to accept the order conditions um what was it 36 36 306 Hills Road I'll second that thank you Dennis all in favor and I nor I I that is I Jerry I okay our negative determination we have to have some signatures 100 ber your have that's been completed been passed around okay request for certificate compliance on 115 P Jackson Road fav last meeting so we can do that now thank you we have a site visit that was done and then we also have a plan from an asit plan from Arc that was submitted today Ryan is still [Music] on I'm not sure if he's gonna speak to this what is this address red Jackson 115 60 Minutes oh thank you Ryan all right all right so this is our finally heav an as built plan for the commission um house everything's fine there um there was a section I'm just going to go by the the list in my uh letter that was sent over today um number one there was a retaining wall off the west side of the house that has yet to be completed but it's outside the buffer zone uh we don't see any issues with that it's sight stable um you could even do away with needing one just a matter of the owner's preference uh septic was all staked out and installed properly we overlaid the permitted limit of work versus what the actual clearing was and you can see all of that is consistent along the limit of work the conservation restriction area signs are in place we have all the NH ESP Monument locations have been pinned out um there was a cross covert that was proposed on the plan in addition to the existing covert that was mass DP um wanted that for just for assurity even though they really hadn't been to the site um but through the past few years of uh when Kevin was out there constructing things granted the past two years are fairly wet um this existing covert more than adequately handled the flows so um the thought was that another Culvert with additional disturbance wasn't required um there was supposed to be a rain Garden I think in the front yard over here somewhere um but all of the pre-development storm water flows or sorry post-development matches pre um there really wasn't that significant of a grading in this front yard area um so there was no uh excavation there in the front yard um the Wetland replication area which was up to the Northeast on the other side of the Wetland that was um installed I was there with Kevin a couple years ago when he excavated all that all the grades are correct and it does have pretty good hydrology intercepts groundwater um the plan things are in a few of them had to be replaced um I have no no issues with that um so aside from those items everything else is per the plan second you want to talk about the site Vis it everything looked like it was in place all the the signs like I said they were Overkill sizewise you might want to ask the board to let you make him smaller I think that's what they specified was that size yeah good size everything's grown in nice everything's in compliance y make a motion make a motion to accept your certificate of compliance all in favor Andy p no I Jerry I okay we have a $10,000 bond to release I'll make a motion to release that Bond second all in favor n Jerry I look at 32 Beach Road iance there yeah I expect to have a letter from I think it's Sage out of Westfield next week so hopefully we'll get that done okay I understood they were going ahead and buying that place is that retaining wall this is the retaining wall issue I thought it was I I had heard I missed a meeting but I had heard it was con Upon Us accepting it or and then I had heard forgot where that they g go ahead and put a down payment really but maybe they had somebody to go look at it probably looked at it so fine so but we're going to table that table report okay old business for the discussion of proposed CH for satisy master open space action item 1.1 um so we have somebody making a website that serve the same purpose or we need a pamphlet uh deliver it to people they're G build a website build the website it's supposed to go to each of the property own so if you if you mimic the pamphlet after the website but you actually deliver it to them they got it you know how many websites are out there and how many have you visited all of them right so the likelihood of someone visiting a website I think is minimal well like you know I think if you give a QR code or put one in a pamplet people right maybe visit both so I think the pamplet is a good idea but a lot of times when I a pamphlet in the mail or something that goes in the trash quite quickly I did have a comment on unless I'm interest in that thing Connecticut Mass Kong Lake okay have responsibilities and number four no number five trapping of beavers I believe that that's only Board of Health it's not conservation trapping removing a dams would be conservation but trapping or Beav is a Board of Health right issue and in Connecticut they have different laws about I think they've got open they had open season on Beav is it all years I'm not sure if that's changed but new yearo they change it yeah so you're saying you like to have be moved or yeah yeah because we don't have jurisdiction over there the actual trapping only the removal of d outfall at Baker Shore South Road we're done with this one we not I had asked that everybody read it and give me their comments sabrin new comments they have been incorporated into this document and if there are no other changes other than the one that was just mentioned which I could change can I move forward on the project sure we still need to get the guy from Connecticut's com right here right that's my next step if you go to him do we need to see that again or is that something that's outside of our well eth gets I will keep you a prize the documents good good enough I thought it read really easy Norm yeah like reading it it was like easy to read through and understand it was like welcoming it wasn't like hey these are the rules you gota read them you in in it's just an informational piece yeah good information to put out there yeah definitely agre okay we need to make a motion on that we question was good I think what's the next step on this subm submit the draft or well next step is to get to uh P Morris and the stuff field Conservation Commission okay to get them to approve and comment and right we also want to get our select board gr endorse it as well okay and after that it's is it a bylaw or does it get submitted as a bylaw at least for ours our part of it no I hadn't planned on just kind of informational suggestive go in the open space plan eventually to okay yeah yeah that's great yeah so to look at it there's no real penalty if someone would were to violate any of this this is what there are penalties associ kind what I'm getting he says we don't we don't want to put that in because it's people over the head doesn't work that well no like you can't run your wash them water in there there's a penalty for that but yet yeah I know yeah okay I guess probably deal with that on an individual basis if it rises okay but yeah this is great nor thank you very much all righty I'll call Baker sh at sou time we have a letter drafted to the SP board yes action item I sent it to you in Norm to Rie yeah I gave it a thumbs up okay Norm did you I read it uh I have no problem with the letter my only issue is the timing we're in the process of negotiating the contract with the SL board in Suffield for the lpp this is just to our select board this goes to the select board and then we ask them what they want us to do so they could they have that information we did our due diligence it's informational for them to make help us make the next step I think they already are kind of aware of but I just want to make sure they have an official letter from US problems okay okay have they paid yet from last year I don't believe so Jason not returning any of my emails he's not are you sure they're going through I'm not sure I don't get any say to make it okay we got LMC to resolve the do situation at 129 North Lake a three docks exceeded 600 square ft maximum surface area yes three docks to 1800t okay uh you talked last time about uh incorporating possibility of incorporating really drive into the is into the solution uh is the really driver does impact each of the properties along the way I went back to to the solicitor the assessor and and the first thing she said was realize that on the map LLY Drive looks pretty big he said it's really the very small segment of of land secondarily she said that all the properties that are taxed as waterfront properties as if they own the land and then I checked with another source on on the top path that we had was was similar issues and it took years to resolve the ownership of the to so my suggestion is you want to you want to explore Lily Drive for ownership we should separate it from the issue of the 600 square foot violation okay and send the Letters Out how far away is it from the lake the Lily is it right on the water or it's in the water so it's separates the land owner the water me share there drive and the big the big one of concern is 46 so it's within our jurisdiction yeah the toe path was a different situation and that turned out bad terrible that's just portion of this or something it's this stock yeah this stock and this stock okay okay them by themselves 600 this stock down here no who do is that didn't look up well see that's the thing we can't just isolate one or two docks we got to go every one of them that's on there some of these they're not even waterfront properties that have docks it's like White Street it's not fair it's across the street from it they yeah I don't have a problem if we want to go after the Roy Drive issue yeah but we we got to separated on the violation that's been there at 129 and 119 North Lake Chris what do you think about the letters two je two pieces of property 6 I think these con con with the drive issue I'd like to see it comparing as well I'm make as far as I'm going to make a motion that we split them and we vote on the 600 square footage W well you don't know 600 is the square foot issue if we don't know what they'll lead back thing so can we separate them for that I think we can I think the the the docks are huge so if the people own the LLY drop let's assume they own it they're way over 600 feet so that's easy that whether they own it or not they're over 600 feet so these letters I I would add in the letter show proof that you proof of ownership ownership I mean that's part of the and then if you can't then there's nothing written about still they're over 600 then we have to keep that in there yeah Pro because they're going to have to go through chapter 91 anyway they're not going to be able to do it underc that's what you feel the 600 ft is their way over right they do a chapter 91 they they submitted a chapter 91 they came back and said you don't own the land you got do this this and this to get it approved they didn't do it so therefore the state rejected it never would be part of the the letter Sobo proof of ownership well you can't put a dock on plan you don't own there's nothing in the deed that suggests that the adjacent land across can be used to put a dock sometimes that's written into a deed the town's taxing them as if they own no nobody has some people have access rights but nobody has dock rights except for the oh half people that's different totally separ is it okay yeah just these guys here they went to just the top they went to court when they put in that subdivision and somehow they grabbed that piece of land I don't know how that happen a long story unit it's distinct then here's a question since they're being tacked for that land as it's their own anyway can we make a local bylaw can we present a local bylaw that that becomes their property as far as simple thing that der Road as far as the lpp goes just der Road they just they don't own that property it's on the map it's not there they it's not I know can we propose that as a byw have to say that as far as lpp is concerned I think it already says in the bylaw you have to own the land that or get permission from the land own I'm saying to make an amendment to them is it open public for Lily Way well that is that's for all properties not open public that's but I'm saying to get rid of Lily Way for our purposes we can't do that that's I'm asking that's what my question was we could have done that we would have done it a long time the landowner has to do that they have to claim that land is there so every every individual land owner would have to go so every single person that and they and some people have done at least one person has done that so far and they took it off the map and they own that property now wants the to it's been going on for a long time and we're pushing people in Connecticut to do it really can't tell them to do it not do it ourselves I can't believe the town can't solve it right away think that nobody owns developers Ro but now it's all public though like everything around it really it's not like it's but it really behooves the person that uses the Land There to claim it is theirs you know they been using it yes it's right been doing it for 50 years people probably I don't know if shouldn't add anything to the taxes maybe it would I don't know they already get charg tax that's the key water well they're getting taxed as waterfront property that doesn't mean they're getting taxed on that piece of property you have you're on the waterfront you have a view of the water right because their property line doesn't go all the way up they can't yeah I'd be happy to send these letters out as long as you add the you know show proof of well you got Al to the letter saying they can't have a dock unless they correct well they can't have a dock I mean that's you're saying it right there anyway they they can't we're saying that they can't have one that's greater than 600 square feet right that's what the letter says but now you're saying unless they own the land they can't have a dog well that's the rule that's that's the difference that's the rule in can of worms here not in Connecticut at the end of what's the street I'm thinking of holiday holiday holiday the same thing yeah yeah but we offered him a solution that he could if he join the association up there he could still he could have his dock in there next year okay we're basically saying that all these docks there will be no docks on off of w drive next year here well I wouldn't we wouldn't be able to issue a local permit for him that's for per yeah these are permanent dos right so we put ISS we put an issue a permanent form we have to go through chapter 91 and then all the Restriction nothing will happen all the restrictions thereof does it does it belong to the town no that's I don't know you yes he claimed itag thater tomor no you own it that's crazy I'm sorry I'm surprised nobody's done that well there people not on the lake because people have done it up on Whitewood that was a quick flame deed he just said nobody hold it he grabbed it and nobody objected to it w it could be yours he just have a bunch of Rowdy neighbors to deal with hereby claimed a c yeah like then I said I I think the letters are correct except establishment of ownership yeah Pro advancing around the letters at all the norm is just basically just looking to have them at least be within regulation size of whatever Pro they're not going to tear those docks out reasonable no well we're basically tell them they have to not out by the by the the letter says May 15th I believe well if they tear them out they would need don't they need a permit to tear him out yeah well they didn't get a permit to put him in yeah how long have they been in though before 2010 before the wetlands protection act probably right those really yeah they've been in there long time they've been there for a very long time um they've been in there about a decade I believe I think long I I I I don't live on the lake but I feel like as long as I've ever gone on the lake I've always seen them I've been going by there for a long time they' been there can of worms a preexisting non-conforming thing B count wors um and also a good part of the square footage of those docks is the canopy if we tell Miss despard would you just take the canopy off to put do you think she would be in compliance from there I'd have to go back and very nice canopy but I agree they've been there a long time we're looking for compliance say at least 20 years I mean ever since I've been every time you go around the corner there they are I mean almost letter for now we get we want to administer the lpp but this is kind of a gray area yeah let's get some legal advice on this before we send anything out the lawyers are going to get involved with it when we especially when you tell people you can't have something you know rather have a lawyer tell them they can't have something okay what about the other one markers is that on the agenda this is um well the docks belong to 129 but they're on property oh so this is for the same okay okay all right hold them both if you hold one but the wording is excellent yeah very well written and I said good to the letter all three names that's all because we all three names meaning Lake management and Har Master yeah just that like what to do here so we're going to go to get permission to go to town Town legal to council Council yeah yeah because we start we say we're going to find him we're going to have to find him and then if that's not legal we're going to get 12 can you make that contest all right for yeah I can email or contact Nicole yeah so what's what is the question that we want to ask review ownership bring bring up the whole thing about the you know the docs and the Lily way you know what best way to handle it we're trying to administer lpp and part of the lpp says you need ownership to do to put a dock in and the ownership of these areas are in a gray area okay and therefore you know but how should we how how can we proceed okay this is just asking a question since we Grant hardships because docks aren removable can we Grant a hardship because the square footage exceeds what it's supposed to because it' be more of a detriment to remove than removing what's there like that's what we said we're telling they can't have it but all right well how are they take it out that's not in the the hardship right now I'm just asking the question asking the question I don't know a couple thinking along the same lines because I don't see how those are going to get taken out it's been there for is it pre can the hardship also extend to the ownership of the property I'm just asking the question it's not we have three criteria for hardship and those aren't one of them is can't remove it easily and yeah not feasible to remove it's been there previous a certain date and not a hazard you know so those are the hardships right they don't have one for handicapp accessible we're talking about add that one think I am sent out I than foreview yeah she moved yeah yeah where we at okay we are request for certific compliance three South Lumis I just spilled up a letter I think I sent it to you in Norm to review so oh and um they wanted there was question on whether to reduce the bond amount but um they decided not to move forward with that because well originally they put a cash Bond so he wanted his money and so he's switching cash bond with shity Bond and so he's in the process um with the treasurer right now so um yeah I guess if one you guys say I could send that out I can just send it the letter to them about um not issuing the certificate of compliance and how that's been tabled and then I could strike that off and we'll see them again in two years sounds good okay 56 Side Road possible unpermitted work and all alteration to a resource area I haven't gotten any um any contact from them I I don't I don't know why I can send out another letter um a more you know what I'll send out a letter that has a certified letter yeah a certified letter so I know because I feel like they're not getting the letter okay so I'll send a certified I want over there and I was confused on the address and I saw a c on the left side that could put in was that I was like I don't remember ever talking about that there was like a culber into the pond on that private that shared driveway and you go on the sunny side on the left there like five houses on the left they bought a pond and they have a shared driveway and at the end of the shared driveway the North End they dug a culbert like right into the pond I saw it too about the right hand side of side talking 56 is on the right yeah but when I went up there to look at 56 the excavator was there and like they dug a culbert right into the pond that's the uh subdivision right the ranch yes that little little private the shared driveway on the left and all the houses are like right on the pond and here right you got our map yeah like so where are you talking here somewhere so that's that's what it used to look like and then they put a a cover in like right into the pond can I hold your phone it's slightly different angles that's the Google Maps that's what Google Maps I like how'd you get it before how do you know they're gonna do this that's Google Maps had it Google Maps and then they just put it like so someone did leave a voicemail saying that there is something going on they're digging up or digging near a resource area and iied I D I drove by and I didn't see anything well that what what's the address I honestly don't know it looks like 52 Sunny Side originally that was not supposed to be a pond That was supposed to be detention Pond part of the subdivision that never gotten written into the order conditions so it is kind of jurisdictional this is across from the old golf course right it's next it is a golf course it's Drive Ranch golf course it's the very number one very beginning of Sunny Side Right H 52 52 let's look at it yeah it's not it's going to be the odd side of the road because 56 is up on the right so it's going to be the odd side and they all so it's that little shared driveway shared Drive yeah right right that's it shared driveway four houses on that driveway the other side is the pond that's the Shar driveway comes along the road that's sunnide Road oh right next to it got rid of these bushes and they dug a trench right down to the pond into the pond so let the water right here yeah I think so that up yeah that so if you look at that corner that like the edge of the grass right there so there's the edge of the grass there that corner right and they took all all those big bushes and I put that wow look at that Andy point it out on is it where is it there yeah yeah they di this that must be what someone called me about something when I was all right is that part of the a um John if he knows anything about that that yeah that's quite that's all trap roer the edge of the grass right do that go back to the driving over a p when I live that way that's Google Maps there's the in that section that's ended yeah right there's the edge of the grass so this whole clump of stuff here is gone and I just it's the and then who did right into the Wetland wow yeah it doesn't make sense I didn't see that one but I see it now before I can't go by us you guys were here before me like did they talk about this three years ago now they're doing it they were talking about being 200 feet but from the river front they're going and all those tangly bushes those are the things that were going on back before they started even di but the ranch sunny side ranch said do that so Sao go check on that we'll get back to the meeting now we go back to the 18 Maybe update on 13 oh North Pond dead tree conservation property dead tree conservation property um I sent I wanted to clarify a couple things that I sent it off to Nicole for commenting I just I want to make sure I'm correct before because I feel like this is yeah something else because we had sort of talked about that I remember it so the process is the same it's just I don't know financially who's responsible for removing the tree and I want to be sure okay that we know it's a we know it's a hazard it's a hazard it's on it's on Town property y the state owns owns the CR the state had said it's the neighbors responsibility financially to do it but I'm not 100% sure and I so I sent it off to Nicole to see if she had we've always had the neighbor responsibility a lot of people come in and say that yeah you know it's put too much uh shade on their garage and it's wrapping the roof out or you know people always trying to get the town to pay for it I get I get that but tree limbs tree limbs um you know that are hanging over onto the property it's their it's the home responsibility to cut the tree limbs if they feel like you know um they're detrimental to to their property so long as they don't kill the tree however this tree is dead the tree that's on the conservation property it's dead so if it it so in my mind it could possibly be a hazard that we know about whaty what you say we Randy and I we looked at it last year and it was in it was in the process of dying but it wasn't leaning anywhere so at the time it wasn't a hazard um and I don't know if it's a hazard right now but I just I want to make sure I want to make sure the Letter's right yep okay okay update on 13 burshire land donation you know I feel like there is an update but I didn't check all my emails yet I read that the I thought online it said the money for the survey was approved it was awesome I'm not crazy the problem with the billing they build they bu um the attorney was supposed to us so the attorney is supposed to change the billing okay yep so it needs to be yeah surveyor you have to be surve and they're not vendors so we have to get their information or attorneys needs to change the invoice to their name so the attorneys an attorney do with so accounting accounting issues so in theory it's approved Theory it's approved we just have to work out the kick yeah we receive the PO but we don't know who have to now do that that stuff you said it it's recorded no going back all right propos amendments to the local permitting program request select forward Chief Harbor Master Diane Gil moves forward motion on that no update okay report from the subfield no up Noble Steve subdivision we heard from Jeff um nothing on lpp Norm either or is it conservation nothing on sofield conom now I go by bamp road all the time they're Excavating the Wetland um at the farm there across the street from that uh from holiday yeah I'm wondering how they do that is that different in Connecticut they just that's the one that runs into the lake doesn't it there is one I think so yeah yeah just got their own set of rules H yeah they got big excavators in there they're digging everything out of it nothing hopefully nothing goes all the trees are out there are some dead trees in there where the uh herens used to nest and things this it's that over by the treee F oh okay yeah I was wondering how if that was on any of their agendas or it hasn't been just curious I'll do drive by there and yeah okay take the job s hey publicate PL Wetland violation 31 s West Road we need a letter from Ryan don't you a letter from somebody yeah I don't think it's specif SI letter from somebody just to get this inclosed out um who is the one that you talk to Alexa they just write no it needs to be someone else right or could they just write us letter they could just write the son could did work if I have a son's email or contact I'll swing by there again okay well I just need that that's all let us strike this off um we have one letter in the mail the VFW Post 872 American Legion Post 338 do make concern VFW Post 872 and American Legion Post 338 would like to invite you to participate the Veterans Day Parade on 11 November 2024 the parade will gathered between 10:15 and 10:30 in the parking lot across from the summer house at 5:35 College Highway South L Mass the parade will proceed at 11:00 down to the town green at the war memorial we'd be honored if you and your group could join us in Remembering our country's military servicemen and women who have lost their lives serving the country at the conclusion of the service there will be a brief gathering at the American Legion for participants and their families please RSVP as soon as possible sincerely Darcy L Rock and Ryan d I'm going to be in Missoula I'm going to be in qest I can't go anybody else want to go I think it would be nice if somebody it would be I'm not going to be I wear my town jacket and my cap right there you go carry Banner saying something and watch for cardboard PS we need more funding yeah right needs more funding that'll be the Flop out donation bucket hanging out your carry a bucket in Myck out of it for motion yes sir make a motion all favor Andy ey ier guy