##VIDEO ID:lZPsJD0QmRI## right anyone come order people out there welcome it is Monday February 3rd 2025 7M we're in hybrid South Town Hall for FL College Highway with us tonight we have Andy will start with you Andy Ren Chris Pratt Norm Cher kin solar Dennis Clark Jerry Patria okay welcome everybody that's yeah it we take any public comment if anybody in the audience have any public comments all right anybody online have any public comments no okay I guess what we can do now is we can look at our minutes January 6th e [Music] think a motion anybody I'll make a motion to accept the minutes as they are second all in favor Chris nor sign Jerry I I'll sign them [Music] around 66 you need this coffee or do you have just a signature page okay make sure it gets back to Norm here we skip them over okay okay since we have an noi 166 bir Sha sou ccil V commission will hold a public hearing under the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Law act uh General law c131 section 40 the self conservation commission's regulation and bylaw chapter 182 and chapter 450 for nov 10 via hybrid meeting in person the project location is 166 Berkshire a sou Mass 0177 ma 124 parcel 8 the applicant proposed the demolition of the existing house construction of a new single family home and Associated site improvements portions of the proposed work are within the 100 foot buffer zone of lake conand and 100 year flood zone meeting will held on February 3rd 2025 hybrid meeting right now welcome everyone who do we online you oh sure go ahead um copyright over here by the by the TV Cole from AR Associates representing Mr Cooper today nice to meet you nice to meet you guys um so the CLI proposing to uh construct a single family home on site where there's already existing home uh be full demolition of the existing home uh the new home will be located directly over the existing home so there'll be the whole foundation will remove uh I kind of give you a quick walk through of the site it's It generally it slowly slopes down towards this little this Lake kongan right here it slopes down towards it and then it the slope increases kind of rapidly so what we're proposing is a walk out basement with this house uh they'll have a wraparound porch this this this dash line here is the wraparound porch it is up on the first level so there's no stairways down into this it will have to be on to the first level um there is a patio underneath that said porch uh some key points to point out for the commission uh there is some trees being proposed there's a couple trees here and a few trees along the edge that're being proposed to be removed um there some a few of them are sick and health unhealthy and they would be others would be posed like more of a threat to the new construction uh the existing ground driveway will remain there will be a new turnaround spot for that as well uh existing garage up top will remain uh the car ports and whatnot that is going on obviously that's underneath the proposed house here will be removed uh no work inside of the 50 Foot buffer we do have a limit of work being proposed there just for construction purposes uh as far as the there is a slight increase of impervious about 350 square feet inside the 100 foot buffer uh to mitigate all impacts of that we are proposing two dry Wells be located on the downward slope of these two SED slopes as well as roof run off being tied into that um that's about it I mean it's I like kind open up question do you have any site pictures by any chance uh I don't have anything on me at the moment no but we can surely that what's the slope on that from the road to the lake it varies it varies I mean like obviously around here where the parking area is is less than 10% but you know up here it's a little bit steeper slows and then it gets much steeper here I mean if you can see our Contours here these are three to one Contours on the side of this house that's why that's why it becomes a walk out to mitigate any erosion you have plans on there for ab Bales swes WS type things uh so erosion control blanketing on All Slopes they going be 3 to1 or greater as well as this will be sailed uh to direct the run off into the dry Wells so that we won't be pushing any water to the lake okay it's pretty flat from the house down towards the lake though yeah from from from here from about like right here out you know I know it's bar so you can't see the Contours but uh it starts to smooth out it's already grass lawn right now so it's already Disturbed um no changes inside the 50 propos is that house the same footprint as that up since there it's different it's slightly larger I would say wider towards this uh South toward south slightly larger um but in general it's right over on top of it what is closest area of disturbance like as far as uh disturbance to the so the the deck with with with a patio underneath it will be the closest point to it uh that's about 78 ft where's the sil fence going to go what Sil fence is this line right here how far away is that uh that's about 35 36 feet there from the water or from the house from the from the top bank so that would be the limit of disturbance the sil fence yep yep again no work is being proposed all on that side on the upper side of the sil fence coming down yes were any of the trees in 100 foot buffer going to stay uh I believe there might be a couple shrubs that are staying but as far as the larger ones going uh some of them look like they might come down did they have a professional Harbor Harbor look at them see if they are in fact diseased um not be able to answer that question right now definitely going to take note of that get to are you familiar with the site on signing in I do have a picture from the water I can show you but I have a rough idea which one it is yeah I know exactly where it is foures away from there's two people waiting in the waiting room make sure it's done right then have any other questions or concerns or it seems pretty straightforward but I think maybe a site visit to check those trees and maybe get an idea about uh Sil fence limit to work kind of thing yeah sure we can definitely move that Sil fence into the 50 I mean outside of the 50 I mean right that's kind of what I was thinking yeah it was just mainly just for you know construction well you need to be able to move your vehicle inside the work I understand sure that was the only kind of reason for that there's nothing be proposed there that's something you're going to do this winter or you want to wait till spring uh that's more of a question for the clients to answer that one okay if you're how big of Rush you're in yeah but I think you could wait another meeting right sure to schedule a site visit Chris i' like to do that yeah anybody have availability this week to it's getting later later SN on Wednesday right is that the prediction is it well here's the picture from the lake did thisy flat down at the bottom that's it right there yeah okay yeah there won't be that much run off if it does rain that birch tree over there leaning one yep I just like to get an idea of ones that are inside the 50 Foot that they're proposing does look like there's much there is there anything on the plans to replace the trees that are coming down not currently shown but we can certainly show the mission requests what's the front edge on that does that say on that map good question current Frontage is 79.7 okay it's pretty much the same all the way down yeah yeah looking to the left and to the right it's pretty flat so you want to request a continuation to the next meeting so we can do the site visit sure just for the reason for the continu will be uh just for a site visit and inspector yeah sure absolutely okay have you saying that our next meeting is when is the next meeting March 30 March Yeah March 3D president day for a motion no I'll take a motion and make a motion to approve the continuation March 3rd call second all in favor Andy I Chris I Norm I I Jerry I we should set up a date for site visit have any availability that you guys want to email your guys best availability we can set that up by email sure sure okay yeah maybe Thursday might be a better Wednesday guess late on Thursday Andy and I are doing something two o'clock after okay we should 4:00 Thursday we'll tentatively set it up for 4:00 this Thursday yeah okay sure soon better you enough did you get the paper to sign did you get the paper to did you sign the paper for continuance um we have a paper for continuance happing okay you're on record is agreeing we don't have a piece of paper with us tonight I think that's the best we can do right now unfortunately sorry about right it is watching I got witnesses that's right okay all right tely Thursday 4 yeah and we'll email you conf okay all right thank you very much guys appreciate it thank you so much have a nice night yeah bye bye night okay we have the sou Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing under massachusett Wetland Protection Law General law c131 section 40 and the south of Conservation Commission regulations and bylaw chapter 182 and chapter 450 for a notice of intent via hybrid meeting zooming in in person the project location is 91 coill Road South Mass 1077 map 52 parcel 14 the applicant proposes the construction of a driveway within 100 foot buffer zone of a resource area meeting will be held right now welcome everyone pleas introduce yourself Jeff for the the crow with svenia Associates representing Ryan CL Michael Duncan have a copy of this of the noi yeah okay I'll take it yeah okay you have it nor put up it's on the yeah the G show it too probably knows he knows knows how to find St well I can kind of you can definitely give us an overview yeah yeah okay so uh this is a uh forsted lot it's on coill road um it's up near the top of the hill uh there are two resource areas on the property one is a state regulated bvw the second one is a municipally regulated isolated Wetland um there's an existing woods road that goes in there between the wetlands and initially that looks like the way to get into the property but we are putting a driveway on the Westerly side of the small Wetland to minimize impacts and it will require a little more cutting initially to do the driveway but a lot less both shortterm and long-term impacts because we'll be in the outer 50 feet of the buffer zone and uh there'll be a good forested wooded barrier between the driveway and the Wetland the house septic and the well are all couple hundred feet Bey down there in an UPL area what's the pitch look like is it pretty flat It's relatively flat yeah um I would say at the most about 8% no culverts or anything uh no need for culverts in the driveway no okay no is the driveway going to be paved or gravel you know I'm not sure of that yet um I think for the time being we're probably talking about uh rock dust or something um but we can get an answer on that and what's the closest to the Wetland it's could be the driveway yeah the driveway skirts it's about 50 feet just about 50 feet yeah yeah um so you see the isolated Wetland and then we we're showing the cor logs or they they look like straw billes but that's our symbol for erosion control and it runs just right along tangent to the 50 Foot inner buffer and the driveway is completely outside the 50 um but obviously do you have any plantings or anything proposed for that 50 foot buffer we're not proposing to do any cutting in it right but just to protect it from the driveway itself some kind of some sort of erosion control well we're cor locks but if you if you like plantings I'm sure he can do some plantings we can or something well the Waddles are going to be St I'm talking about after construction permanently yeah yeah we can kind of in addition to what's naturally there certainly can add some shrubs that's not just something yep just to take up a little more runoff yep just to mark it yep that can be done TRS or even Boulders I don't know well the nice thing about the shrubs is they take up the water yeah you know they firm up the ground The Boulders are uh just markers yeah well you run into them at night doing and that little one that's just under local bylaw yes yeah it doesn't meet the isolated uh land subject to flooding it doesn't have the volume yeah um yeah I think a few bushes or shrubs or something we can do that yeah and we'll try to make sure like um some blueberries and work with Ryan on that he's probably got a pretty good idea what about signage are we still working on those the signs for buffer areas last time we discussed talking about getting them for the OT right yeah yeah yeah what do we talk about something well didn't somebody have some plaques or something like that we talked about getting them and just giving them I I don't know if we didn't we say something about having them and been like like 8 and a half by 11 so smaller I I think they were they were smaller than that yeah there was discussion on the project I was on and I recall we were talking that even like this big is too big if they like 5 by seven yeah would be suitable um I'll talk to Super and see if she already has something on that and that I remember where they where they came from what was like a little like they were Stu together little metal plet I thought and I said I'd combine help her on stick them I never did somebody did I went up got them apart those were those were different that was oh okay was a different plaque or something totally different okay need to order what we're talking about we could put some of those up along the driveway just to make sure people understand that's the edge sure do we need to do a side visit on this one Chris um mean I feel comfortable it seems pretty straightforward the driveway is right on the pile prop boundary there's the one isolated Wetland which falls under us I think we've got some mitigation as far as plantings and the plaques I agree I feel pretty comfortable whether what kind of dryway it is or not I mean the um I can add to that because I know he always planted Ryan's father so it's going to be a paav a bottom it's going to be gravel up to up to the main body of the house and then around the house would be a paved area but it's all going to be so on the slope it'll be more gravel right that's even better all right yeah I'm comfortable with it yep you to plus we don't have any other papers just discussion I'm just joking of course rules and denials anybody else questions discussion make a motion to close the hearing goad second move to close Kevin seconds favor Andy I Chris I Norm I Kevin I Dennis I Jer I okay take a motion on the project as proposed with the amendments to we didn't talk about if we need to put a bond on it or not that's usual 10,000 can put that into your motion I'll make a motion to approve it with a bond and with plantings the $10,000 Bond plantings in the plaques and pl okay I'll second that okay Chris nor Kevin I I Jerry I all right okay very good okay wrote up next you just stay 65 hry conservation will hold a public miror hearing under the master of weather protection act General La 131 section 40 and Dela Conservation Commission regulations and bylaw chapter 450 for notice of intent a hybrid meeting VI dream and in person project location at 65 tany Road South L Mass map 26 parcel 51 the applicant proposes the construction of a single family home in Associated site improvements portions of the proposed work are within 100 foot buffer zone of a wetland welcome everyone okay y when you're ready okay so this is a a building lot at 65 tary Road um the previous owner had done some clearing there um and even started to dig an EXC excavation so then it's been sitting for several years the current owner would like to build a house there uh he got a um experience from the zba to uh move the house forward by 25 ft from the it's a 75 foot set back in that area um we have permission to move it forward to 50 feet to reduce the impact in the buffer zone um most of the clearing that is required for the house and yard has already been done previously uh and then the buffer zone is pretty well forested right down to the Wetland it's mostly White Pine in there is this the one we looked at the we walked we walked yeah back they cut it off next door to that next door yeah yeah between smitties and between greckles it's right next to GRE that's my house it's between greos and the place that we looked at with LEC yes it's all wet in there yes it is at the back of it but not the front there's a wetland at the back and that's it grades uphill it's all mature white pine in there and then uh so we got we went to the zba and got a variance to pull the house forward so we would impact the W yes less house on the corner of conquered is pulled forward like that too that's what we were that's what we were looking at when we recommended to the other house yeah right so reduce the impact as much as we can the clearing has already been done so there you have that Norm to put on the screen TR fitting at the screen the symbol immediately to the left of the 24 see if it fits it there you go he got [Music] it you scroll so the first two photos obviously from the road if you go next page down you can see the clearing you look in West the red house is David greos you have a topo with the wetlands shown on it so we can see do yep that would be in section five and the site plan also shows it well you red delineate to yes yep [Music] is yeah there's a little Hill slight Hill that's thinking of might be that one drag it Sor I is this the same as Le had d needed on the next door it's the same it's a different portion of it there right here well yeah so my wet Flags end at the property line on the easterly side of the property and then the Wetland extends back kind of in a northeasterly direction and um I'm not sure the name of the stream that it's e to it's good they got variance on it well it it by doing it ahead of time it made it so that we knew that we were doing everything we could to reduce the footprint should make it easier for the house over here to get a [Music] kind of look over shoulder right yeah I went on the site visit so it's the house VI here that we went to the site visit further back but this lot that be this one you guys want to so what would they show the seic and everything like a full sight plan or would we just approve this are they looking for appr to show where the septics going to go the septics in the Upland at the front of the house so it hasn't been determined specifically where it's going to be but it is outside the buffer zone so the perks are in the front yep I see where the per tests are I'm just wondering if it was going to show like where that is the well location and everything the well hasn't been determined yet it's City water oh is it City all right makes it a little easier you're 100 foot yeah that does make it easier any the neighbors have anything well I'll blame that Steve you guys have any comments anybody comments from the audience or question I'm at 69 Tannery um my only concern would be like where the water when it rained where the water would would fall into the streets or same concern you had with the other house it's going in next to year yeah that that's a concern of mine um but I missed that meeting so I I'm good I miss that you comments today that's my lot oh it's your lot yeah oh I would say as far as runoff like coming off the roof the soil out there is it's Sandy and it's it's map as a fine Sandy LOM um infiltration shouldn't be a problem uh there's a pretty good a pretty good amount as far as going back towards the Wetland there's a lot of trees back there that are going to take it up um at the front it's pretty flat and I think most of it will infiltrate in I think there's also is a kind of a kind of a grassy swell along the edge of Tanner Road already anyway so it would be an uphill to run with the exception of the driveway which we can look at pretty small no garage not that I know of no that's the footprint that's the footprint as I know it so it's got a backyard before it gets to the 50 Foot yeah you know we like to see something on that 50 foot line some sort of delimination Boulders B Boulders I was going to continue my I got I live next door I was just going to continue my stone wall across OT thing you have a very nice enhanced buffer area on your property yeah I'd like to see that continue and they have you the other what we're concerned about the other lot next door is that weren't going to have any backyard whatsoever getting that extra 25 fet gives them halfway decent size back here we have to worry about roof runoff on this one you're saying it's Sandy lone awful small footprint yeah in a sand LOM on top of sand probably not I would expect it infiltrates pretty good yeah it's I think it's rated as moderately well drained shouldn't be a lot of soil coming in uh the soil at the front is meramac is it's red as excessively drained um the soil at the Wetland is where ham and that's classified as poorly brained but that's the expected it's in the is there any pushing around soil on that or you just going to build where it is I don't think there has to be I actually like I said there's an existing excavation area where somebody else had dug it out that'll be filled back in so probably it's just gonna be like dig this put it in this whole to much disturbance I don't think so no it's it's just it's well suited for a house it's pretty level you got the clst pave driveway they comfortable motion to close the hearing pretty much I'll move to close the hearing second all in favor Andy I Chris I nor I Kev I I Jerry I make a motion [Music] on make a motion stone wall do delimitation 10K Bond yeah same thing $10,000 Bond us usual Mark Mark the 50 Foot buffer he's going do the stone wall but we have to make sure said we have to make sure it's in the motion yeah okay gota even though he said so anybody want to make a motion phrase that that I'll make a motion to accept the project with the with the conditions that the 50 Foot boundary is marked with the stone wall and 10K 10K $10,000 Bond second all in favor Andy eyes Chris I nor I I Jerry I all right briefly on this this 32 Highland can we hold off till the end you know what we can listen to Jeff now can't we sure yeah well he's here this is just a quick um just an overview so um LZ Chapman Liz at 32 Highland um on the corner of coill Road in Highland Hillside Hillside sorry and um the property is in chapter 61a there's a section that's grown in it's all shrubs and Vines looked at it yeah we that's right we recommended to come in with an RDA and a recommendation from the agricultural commission so we've been trying to get a hold of the gentleman B Hansen yeah um he's been waiting well hear from him I I called the number and Sabrina answered the phone so I don't know what the number is for the agricultural but uh I'll give you bir's pH that'd be great we could find it agriculturally exempt if they're on board with it yeah thought we could do it at this meeting but to get on it right away this was a month ago so we tried to get them we're going to go to the meeting next Monday night agricultural commission um all right so you have this number or you can send it to me maybe yeah yeah um what we're trying don't read it out loud D send it [Laughter] over there's the cell phone number all right there you go jot it down is all right down here good guys thanks excellent all right thank you very much so yeah um just trying to get this area cleared there's a lot of invasive species growing in that area and I think it be a big I agree I think we're all agree yeah that wait so we'll talk to Mr Hansen we'll go to next week's meeting on that something in writing from that commission comeing with an RDA you can find agult so you think an RDA is would be required huh to cover our buts yes yeah yeah so don't know if it's required but I would recommend but it's not going to but there is it's not going to kick into an noi because of the the area in the buer zone is it I can't anything but there was an exemption on there right on state exemption thatch with the agricultural commissions okay I I'll email has to be the Monday before because that's what okay all right Julia right you're Julia okay and I will make sure to uh also CC on my emails all right thank you yeah sure enough not have to wait till thank you guys sure enough good night have a good night bye okay we have RDA continuance for uh 170 Mayflower Lane West Connecticut cut and remove lily pads within Lake tangan additional information is pending here it comes you wanted me to write up our plan of attack I uh did the gis just I measured off the area yeah 45 by 35 in that area I kind of Po dock what I was looking to do for a dock and then I printed out like the uh the means of removal you know the okay used right see that whatp you can have a seat we we'll ask a few questions what type of weed removal did you have in mind well it was just that it's a weed razor it's I mean I I don't know if Norm saw one you went out there I don't know if I had them over there but it's just on a rope you throw it out oh and you pull it in it cuts Cuts gets toward the it cuts the little yeah towards the bottom and then there's a rake that you throw out and it floats on top and then you just rake in top of and you'll do it again next year well yeah you'll have to do it all the time I mean but you don't get the root yeah yeah it just but it's just prevent be good for three years okay right okay so in three years come back another okay so what what what is this that's if these guys have you had any more thoughts on this the issue we had last time was how big can it be and what propos it 25 by 25 yeah 35 wide and 45 out to the uh yeah yes 35 yeah5 yeah which is pretty much how far that other dock went out before you know it it's very shallow there just to get in the boats both the Dock's GNA have to go all far enough just a single dock it's actually a youth gate oh that has to go for that the lp that yeah I know we got GNA approve the dock tonight yeah doesn't oh that's not not tonight it won't no you have to go in for a supper meeting for the dock Oh I thought we just if you had a certain amount of footage I thought it was um for new do propos if it if there are issues okay then we would meet at for it here okay but if it's a regular application that get goes into the office you don't have to approve it that's what I'm saying okay we have a doc over at middle Pond now that she's been into the office soid okay then you know the process yeah yeah yeah yeah that's my aunt lives over on bk8 yeah he me stand I mean do you guys want this yeah that go along with the RDA yeah maybe we'll keep that cop of that yeah sure you'll need it in three years of all that again did you keep a copy come the iint it out what I do is take a I made a copy of the doc though yeah easy sometimes just to take a picture that's all online anyway I can the doc applications every year yeah yeah yeah we know that one but the like I said but if it was a different shape doc so I had to come in correct okay Problem whatever so what percentage would that be Norm of the entire area 100% looks like yeah it's that little Al Cove area 100% what what what is your L front property pretty much that because the other property comes in around wraps around in the front there which is never going to be developed because PR you owns that going in well we never thought yours was going to develop either yeah yeah that's all Wetlands on the side it's like I'm at the I'm at the 50 Foot buffer right now I mean it's all it slopes down into the wetlands where it comes in mine was up on the hill so I had like a lot more area you know it's kind of setting a precedent we're talking about making it a precedent so that would be 100% of the could be removed in the future for anybody no I don't think I don't think it's probably going to be on a casee by case basis if he's got 70 feet of Waterfront yeah I mean I only have the probably like 60 feet or 50 ft of Waterfront in front there okay so someone's got 200 feet yeah this could be a navigational thing for 60 feet yeah because it was just it's just the size of the to get a board on both sides of the dock you put a dock in there yeah I think that's what we talked about last time it's small enough even though it's that's his total Frontage it's covered with weave weeds you can't get in and out safely and really only half of it covered with the lily pads half of it was not I mean it's really just the right side I mean but obviously if you don't do anything it's going to keep you know growing yeah yeah yeah that we'll grow back throughout the years they do quicker than you'd think yeah well we saw when since we've been there you know do the blossoms again in couple months you know or a couple weeks they go fast you done any more research on it Chris well I mean just what I had which said it isn't allowed at all for any reason but Norman thinks differently because as as goes I think it was even allowed but found something different so so where do you think we stay on Norm I'm I think we we have the right to do this and we should do it I mean the boats could just go in there and chew it up with their props anyway right I mean that's that's what going to stop happening right they they do but the way I see it he's not really removing the weeds he's removing the leaves of the weeds tops of the tops of the weeds so there's some semantics as far as he's not removing them he's just cutting them back leaving the roots yeah and cleaning up the debris so it's not floating everywhere if we were to leave in five years it would look like it used to yeah let's make sure or if in the meantime we find out that it's not legal it'll still grow back it's not a permanent solution so I mean well I I when Norm came out to me I was doing my research on it too and I looked up in the state laws I saw was it was the way I was doing it was the proper way to do it you know by the the I was looking up Mass I mean I I live in mass now okay so I that's what I was looking up I mean I know we're going to be in Connecticut but I mean I knew what's a the L yeah I know the lake M we would not have removal we would to have I think you choose the words carefully that's what you you don't say removal you see you say maintenance of weeds or something what does the tool say it does triming trim triming weed there's a big difference between removing and yeah removing would be actually like the roots out you know deep it is but trimming on trimming only with that device that you mentioned yep seems acceptable if you word it properly see and the 35 wide right it's the 35 wide 45 out to open water so out to open water is reasonable and 35 width is reasonable and you come back well if he's got 200 feet of property 35 ft is still reasonable right you know yeah looking for motion think a motion move to accept the project as discussed with the proper wording the negative determination negative determination first yes and uh the phrasing to be called um weed trimming trimming as opposed to removal is that may be important in the future I'll make sure I put that on in three years I'll second that motion okay in favor Andy Chris I nor I Kevin I Dennis I Jerry I are you gonna start tomorrow oh yeah chopping ice get ice Harvester first I'll see you across the lake keep an eye thank you guys night okay on to our business renovation of accessible pathway and Associated improvements to four Rising corner from the Appalachian Mountain Club this is a proposal to put a picnic table and some gravel on the other side of the bridge makeing the whole thing ADA Compliant ADA Compliant yeah hi everyone sorry there we go all right hello H how are you perfect glad to meet all you uh my name is Miriam mman I work for the appalachi mountain club I'm the New England national cro coordinator I'll I'll I will refer to it as the net from here on out because that's a lot of work so net um some of you might know that the net travels through Southwick Southwick is the first town in mass that the net goes through and this section of Trail is like super popular I spend a lot of time on the trail and like every time I'm out on section one in South Vick I see dozens of people no matter what day or what time of day um so what we're hoping to do um is reconstruct and enhance a section of Trail with funding from a mass Trails Grant uh the value of this project is $68,000 and will be funded entirely by mass trails and AMC um we're hoping to reconstruct .26 miles of trails so .26 miles on way and then 0.26 miles back so it's an out and back Trail so for a total of 0.51 Miles um we're hoping to like reconstruct this Trail in accordance with fad guid Lin so Forest Service Trail accessibility guidelines so it's essentially a universal access Trail um this type of Maintenance would require a mini excavator mud buggies and other type of machinery for transporting materials um we'll use compost socks and Waddles for erosion control uh part of this work will be within the 100 foot buffer zone and there is currently an existing bog bridge that spans throughout like across the Wetland that we H to repair it was installed in 2018 um and it is no longer accessible um so yeah yeah right so CA because uh my my predecessor predecessor presented to you all in 2018 I think Bridget likely yeah so we're going back while we've applied for the funding to go back hopefully to uh like Revitalize a section of Trail so the AMC we have professional Trail Crews within the last five or six years have really stepped up into this role of building accessible Trails we've worked with mass aabon with DCR in Mass alone but also in New Hampshire and Maine to build accessible Trails um and so what we're hoping to do is go back through the section of Trail it hasn't been accessible for like a long time um and rebuild it reconstruct it maintain it so it's accessible for yeah a long time but this will require us going into the 100 foot buffer zone and going in with Machinery so uh we wanted to talk about that and part of the project would be to install a turnaround point and an ad Ada accessible picnic table and benches um and also a series of interpretive signs which we'll talk about the history of New England trail the local indigenous history you know Southwick all these different types of local environmental knowledge the Ecology of wetlands all these things which will be available in like regular English but also will have a braille component um and also we hope to install like a guide rope for folks who are visually impaired um but the main reason I'm here part of the main reason I'm here is to talk about yeah uh uh using you know a mini excavator near or around the Wetland buffer zone you planning finding an RDA for this project sorry are you planning on fing a request for determination for this project yeah I think we could do it under request for determination I don't think it need yeah it is okay so would you be making Trails going up the mountain or how far up past yeah so um it's say the the starting like the trail head itself is at uh 5 right Corner Road so it's like literally right when you go in into Mass into southp um and that's where it would start and then it would go like there's an existing bog Bridge like 026 miles out just past the bridge and then it would just be coming right back so it's it's it's not far um you're not going up the mountain side no we're not we so AMC's like like I said like we've gotten really good at building accessible trails and we've got really good at like assessing what would be realistic for accessible Trails so like I said like guidelines like are a real thing and we we understand what's within the realm of possibility so it would not be within the realm of possibility to like keep going up like proven Mountain into that area it's hard to walk up there never mind oh I know I know yeah so so what what we're really hoping to do is like this like I like I said so in 2018 my predecessor's predecessor there's there's been some turnover uh came and you know requested you know Wetlands permitting and stuff like that to like build a similar type of Trail um it just it wasn't built the standard we like asked to use our own professional Trail Crews to construct the section of Trail and for whatever reason it didn't work out um but like I said like within the last like five or six years like AMC and I send if if folks are interested some examples of like the types of accessible trails that we've been building um even within the state of Mass it's been like really cool the if if you're interested like the closest one is at AMC's Noble view Outdoor Center which which is in Russell Massachusetts um so it's kind of close like 25 30 minutes uh but I digress I personally love i' I've worked on accessible Trails I've sat in the excavator I've done the things um but yeah we're not we're not hoping to go too far like uh we're just hoping to get out to the bridge maybe get some like a plate compactor over the bridge just so we can like Harden it on the other side install some picnic tables a turnaround point so folks can get back over the bridge but the other issue with the bridge is that so it was installed I think in like 20156 it's like a standard like long bog Bridge um and there's been a lot of beaver activity in the area and so there's been a lot of like sediment stuff that's like built up and like the bridge has kind of like slowly started to turn because there's so much like you know building up and like part of what we're hoping to do is like send our crew members out there with like big Muck Boots to try and like restabilize it to make it like an even surface so that's another part of the project that we're we're hoping to accomplish um and then past the bridge and I I can share some maps I I've shared some maps and photos with Sabrina um past the bridge we're hoping to construct like a picnic table a bench a turnaround point so folks can wheel walk you know take their strollers down get across the bridge look over at the wet lens be like oh my God this is beautiful you know hang out have a picnic and then turn around and come back uh but for that all to happen it needs to comply with the forest service Trail accessib accessibility guidelines and part of that is like if you're walking along a trail it can't be like this and currently the bridge is like this so we're hoping to make it like this uh if that makes sense it does and you'll probably be taking a few trees down or at least some of the roots out because as you get over that bridge there's a lot of roots you have to step over yep make it flat you probably have to put some fill in there maybe or yeah so we would be like a part of like the excavation process is like where so part of FST guidelines is that has to be at least 6 in deep of like surfacing material on the bottom there's like a fabric a specific fabric that we use um but part of that is digging digging out um and then on the other side of the trail yeah there's a specific tree that's just like every every time I go out there it's like like it's just getting like lower and lower um and the roots are pretty robust so ideally we would be able to to remove that tree and then we would we would back fill it with gravel sorry you okay sorry I I know said said something wrong but yeah so the on the other side of that bridge is a tree that is like clearly not doing too hot um and if we could ideally remove that and then we would fill that in with gravel material surfacing material um compact it down and then install a picnic bench a turnaround spot you know and then folks could come right back out towards the parking lot would we like to see a detail plan well yeah so you can put all that into an RDA with Sabrina she'll talk you through it if you need help with the RDA process um I read through the trail Grant most like everything she said is in the trailer Grant with the fabric and the material and the compacting and yeah I mean it all sounds great have to do our formalities our due diligence and but you know to me it sounds very nice so and would we need to modify the parking area at all well so yeah Randy to come back in because he might have some comments I have a little note here for Randy Brown our DPW supervisor is here at the meeting awesome and and said he might have some comments but he just he just stepped out for a moment stepped out for a second he should be right back in yeah that The Floating Bridge wasn't the best idea to put in there um we probably should have had a helical Pier yeah I thought that's what we were going to do and uh yeah that it turned out that the D liked floating Bridges but because of the beaver dams being there was a really bad idea because it's never it's never worked out properly I don't know if they could somehow get helical peers to hold it up so it wasn't above all the it's not really floating it's kind of half listing instead of floating yeah the hard part yeah so the hard part is that like this grant was due to and so I like finally submitted it like earlier today um and and the other thing is like if if we if it gets approved and we get the funding and we don't have the permission to do any of the work we could always just say no but it's you know it's better to ask for the money and then if we don't get it we deny it then the other way around but uh yeah I mean if we could put in for like a heracle pad to like you know reinal the bridge or like actually stabilize it so it's more permanent yeah that would been great I mean pretty confident you you'll get support from this commission it's a great idea I'd love to see it utilized a few of us left from 2018 so yeah I was gonna say I don't know I don't know how many folks have like been here since 2018 like since yeah U CPA funding for Bri yeah but uh I mean basically it's it's very similar to work to what we were doing back in 20 well I mean we applied for the grant in 2018 we got the money in 2019 so like I I submitted it today and if we were to get it the work wouldn't start until like July of 2026 so it's it's it's like we have time right and like one of the really cool Parts about the New England trail being a national Scenic Trail is that we have access to Federal funding so it's you know it's uh for me it seems like it's a lot of time between now and then but I'm also in my 20s so like everything seems like a long time but in reality it it it it allows us to have you know a buffer zone between when we know we get the funds and then we can actually start doing and planning the work I mean the work is already planned out but if if there's you know between now and then we're like oh we could do this or we could fix this or maybe we should adjust this spec you know there's there's opportunity for some flexibility uh if that makes sense yeah very good awesome but yeah the parking lot is a whole other issue and it's not it's not like it's a whole other issue so I so to kind of step back the New England trail is managed by like a series of adopters so it's broken up into sections so section one is from like Southwick to like South Westfield and then like it's you know two three four five miles per section and the adopters for section one are the Pioneer Valley hiking club and so they they are the ones that like kind of brought me out to the section in the first place is like hey this is an issue um and it was really the parking lot that was the main issue uh and then we walked out on the trail together and they explained to me that it was built to be an accessible Trail but like never turned out that way um yeah which I think is just like kind of a bummer um so they're moving in the right direction so that's good exactly exactly so the the parking lot issue is is hard because all of the water that flows down Rising Corner Road just flows into this parking area DP director just came back in so you want to give him a chance to you have any ideas Randy about the parking at FL Rising Corner uh I know it's familiar with the site it's you know water does go off the road there it is a low spot so it's not just the road water but water from that kind of area between the park and the kind funnels it's low there it's a low spot there's really no easy way for to drain the water um away from that spot way we can keep it there but you know the parking l going have some some flooding down there is there a way we could do any infiltration or they could do any infiltration um you look into that yeah for sure probably suitable material in that area for tree okay so maybe some infiltration in the parking lot area as far as water flow might not be easy to keep that out of there because it is a low area yeah sorry so we can see what we can do with that you know discuss that more with Randy when you're coming forward with a project but all sounds great and we thank you very much for coming in a very nice job presenting thank you thank you all and uh yeah Sabrina has a lot of the photos and maps and the whole description of the grant so uh yeah but if you have any questions I can put my email in the chat so you can reach out to me directly uh but yeah otherwise thank you so much for your time uh thanks for coming in I appreciate it and have a good night yeah bye bye bye okay we have removal of trees and right away Along at h Road Randy do you have any comments on that no I can give a quick break down if you want I gave it I don't know if you looked at it but pretty much a formality right yeah we have a notice of intent that allows do the work um we just need to notify the efficient and advance of it so we're taking some trees down on hokom Road in advance of a drainage and Paving project uh probably some sticker shock with a number of trees I was a little surprised when to count myself yeah but it hel road is a heavily forested Road 112 Tre 112 yes yeah um so the reason why we're taking so many is uh we're looking to install an it's called a sub an underd drain system along the edge of the road um and what that'll do is allow Brown water to you know to collect in this under drained system and we can discharge that further Downstream um it is a wet area and one of the issues with the road is the road is deteriorating and I think groundw is one of the one of the primary causes um so the tree that will that's to help to fac facilitate the under drain system and also uh removing those trees hope open up the canopy and and open up the canopy will allow more sunlight to hit hit the road and and that in itself does help preserve the road and just getting sunlight and air um helps extend the life of the road so for those reasons uh we are doing this work Ed hul Road I did meet with the planning board about a month ago a couple weeks ago Ed hul Road and Scenic Road so it was a hearing process planning board um hearing hearing we had with the planning board um so that was approved and so now it's more I say I said more of formality but certainly it's part of our notice and to not notify the commission of anywhere like this so looks like this falls under the generic order conditions that it does yeah I believe so yeah seems okay to me yeah so we plan doing this work uh probably sometime starting this spring no no set date yet but okay sooner later I don't think we have to make any motions or so you don't need anything from us no I think like this is more of a just a formality it's a lot so we'd have people come and tell us about it yeah thank you appreciate it Randy thanks for coming in he we have a request for C certificate of compliance for 32b drove that was where we had the steps coming down into the lake they've been removed so all that has been mitigated um met I went out and worked at that and they were nicely removed they stopped at the last landing and put a rail so now they just like a deck at the bottom okay without the final set of steps going into the lake okay s good to go a motion to accept the certificate of compliance for 32 Beach Road second seconded by two people all in favor Andy I Chris I Norm I I Jerry I all right the paper around J you're the best way to go thanks amazing that Randy went out there and inventory each and every tree and identified them all right six in no no no they probably have numbers on them too I'm sure they have right got it back signed you sign it okay aome hardwood say NOK there at all all right so Mr Banks you are all set of compliance and signs thank you very much for sticking with us and have a good night well thank you for your effort uh and yeah thank you take care now good night okay Norm I think you're next up with the master plan action items updates yes we have um more tasks on prioritization last fall we prioritized the lead actions for open space and for concom now select board is asked to imp to prioritize both lead and support action I sent an email out to you earlier and you can do it by mail email or hard copy a hard copy the get these out it's easier to read when you see the whole thing at once I I'll probably fill out the online yeah you can come on up okay the this is the one in last chance that's it up here the open space's first time so you know you have to be the open space is pretty easy because we don't have very many was only only two pages it's 13 items okay so that's should be pretty easy to do you want us to rate these in order of importance kind of thing yes okay now the conservation support role we have 29 action items I'm not going to ask you to do all 29 I'm asking you to tell me your top 10 and your bottom 10 putting a one into there and it count it down for you excellent I get the information back and I'll get it out to you again and we'll we'll finish the project okay again paper is okay handwritten okay Electronics okay any way you want to give it to me glad you're not picking on okay can't text it to you if you had to I probably live with we appreciate your work nor thank you very much for representing Us in the town I could say yeah okay so we'll basically prioritize our top 10 B be nine that we won't prioritize that's correct and we'll get back to those nine later y okay we do have a letter here for the select board um and our conservation commissioner elected Bill status review draft letter the select board this is what it says say your select board numbers the Conservation Commission supports Town vote to have three Conservation Commission members B elected members and is requesting the select board continue in his duty as authorized by the two consecutive votes approved on May 16 2023 an annual CL meeting article 16 and December 5th 2023 special town meeting article 7 authoriz the town of the select board to make any other action relative there to and further authorize the board of selectman to take any and all actions necessary to petition the general court as a said or take any action relative there to December 5th 2023 so this is basically asking that that vote that we had through our does it have to go to town meeting again it shouldn't have to it should this the select board will be petitioning the state to make it go through at the state level because it never was put on their agenda to be voted on never made it Mr B never got it to after went to Ved on and it had plenty of time to get to agenda I'm not sure why it didn't although although I think I know why I can't see it because here that's unfortunate huh determines of to yeah you which is why we're doing this in the first place yeah yeah so give it so I have a copy here I'll send this copy around I'll sign it we'll take a motion to sign it first I guess what no exact I don't know if I missed a meeting was this discussed that I missed a meeting the town meeting they voted to uh how many positions are going three positions to be elected for conservation commissioner only on conservation four appointed right four appointed three elected correct are you going through all the commissions like this I guess is the question Kevin had or is this why are we why why it was a petition put forward through the town's people yeah um twice two times yeah well one petition but two votes yeah and um finance committee got voted down we wanted to so this was have them be elected right so this passed through a town meeting it wasn't from the select board it wasn't a mandate from the select board it was through a town meeting a people's petition Park and W is partially voted in planning board's partially voted in so it's commun SP preservation partially voted yeah so it's not uncommon right is there any structure in place as to what positions will'll leave our current setup when this gets implemented or is that for future consideration I would say that's future consideration okay the idea is that right maybe I'll submit names in secret an appointed person would someday have to run or the appointed person stays appointed no unless they want to run for a seat become a you could run per the article the article that was presented to the town um went through how it would be elected three of three people would run for the seat I presumably three of you um one would be for one year one would be for two years one would be for three years so that your stag so to you would have to run again for a full term in that initial set and then after that you would if you wanted to remain on you would run again um and then whoever's appointed would go through the same appointment process they do now the remainder would go through the same appointment process it's not like you would all have to rotate somebody pick a pick a date to run do you know of any reason why it didn't V pleas last time asked for it what let's say that is it up to the state legislature or our representative to bring it to the Boston to have this put in front of them they did they did do that they did it went through the second reading it got to the third and then it didn't move forward because politics Boston oh as usual not just Boston Politics as Usual Politics as Usual as usual that covers it okay so I'd like to it was very near being passed and it just got stalled so my recommendation was that you have this discussion in open meeting if this is something that as a board you want to go through with the town wanted you to go through and do this twice if you want to I suggested that so that there was no complications you discuss it here today the evene and decide if you want to should we individually write letters to our our representatives to tell them to say that be a good idea to get on the ball and try to get things through that the town has voted for now it's sugges we get the word out to yeah the people of the town to let them know that this is been called a representative should be doing their job elected to do correct so I'll make a motion to pass this around to sign it all in favor Andy CH Norm Jerry I people always think a town meeting on something is voted on it's a done deal that's what I thought not true found that out the hard way they also think the planning board can make plans they're not a planning board that's not what they do they look at right by May enforcers should like us yeah not even enforcer like do you do you comply compliance do you comply or do you not comply exactly so by you know they're kind of hurt just by their name okay next our agenda is review the shro designs anybody have any comments on those I honestly did not review them I have them I hav looked at all of them some of them might be a little wordy Sabrina was supposed to do some modification last yeah so we'll save that for next meeting we'll keep that on okay 4010 Mountain Road W Southfield Connecticut applications for variance of section to removal of docks um it should have been on in November yeah but it kind of slipped through the cracks I believe this has been applied for before we've approved this before um it but it does have to get approved every year for a variance so this has been approved for a variance before longevity on the lake it hasn't been a problem hasn't been a problem no it's pretty pretty short dock anyway so I'll make a motion to approve the variance for 4010 Mountain Road second that all in favor Andy Chris I Norm I Jer I okay conservation restriction monitoring summary for rise and cor Cal land trusts commissioner to review reports say anything in the report of off the bridge um I have a little L letter here for J the south of Conservation Commission I completed my annual monitoring for the rising Corner conservation restriction held by Castro land trust for 2024 I observe no items of concern and everything appeared to be consistent with the terms of the conservation restriction I greatly appreciate your ongoing stewardship efforts please do not hesitate to contact me if any issues arise you have any questions about the conservation restriction is always a good idea to reach out to us early in the process and we at Castro are here to help until next year do Watson our updates everything's looking good okay all right we have North P Conservation Area task workk recommendations you have anything from that L PP decide con res will be charged do we have enough information on that Norm yet well I know they're working on some kind of we uh the letters forms and the letter go out but the usually school vacation week which is two or three weeks not February so we need to well and it looked like we were not going to be able to have a sign agreement so I asked this to be put on but Nicole Parker is now involved with Colin mole over in subfield and he is given up his his requirement of having a Conservation Commission member right from Southfield Monarch conservation board so I think we will be getting a contract the next beable future so we shouldn't have to change the form we'll get a we'll get a payment from subfield and not from the homeowners on the lake just like we did for the last five years EAS peasy I think we're okay that'd be a lot better you know if they got the payment from last year yet not yet well because we didn't have a contract oh okay okay we have uh Tennessee gas pipeline company LLC to conduct vegetation maintenance activities and its permanent easements this is submitted 10312 24 Commissioners to review and acknowledge basically exempt what they want [Music] they just notifying us more like Randy did pretty much yes us SM I can read the letter but it's full of numbers and letters that you won't understand the facilate compliance with 49 CFR part 192 subpart L operations and subpart M maintenance tennessy gas pipeline company LLC tgp can conducts periodic vegetation maintenance activities on its permanent easements the existing cleared cross country pipeline Corridor is regularly managed in order to maintain low growing Woody and herbaceous vegetation typical conditions along the corridor vary from residential areas to field type habitat or shrubby succession vegetation it include Wetland and stream Crossings tgp must maintain its easements to allow for aerial and other types of inspection of pipeline condu conditions to enhance its damage prevention program to facilitate planned methodic protection survey and to allow access for both routine pipeline maintenance and emergency Repairs by maintaining its R free of encroaching vegetation that may impede Visual and physical access to the pipeline in Associated facilities these RS are proposed to be manually and mechanically moded as part of tgp's Massachusetts vegetation maintenance program tgp contractors employ tractor uh tractors with rotary mowers Where site conditions allow their use in areas too saturated to support wheel tractors handheld brush trimmers are utilized all discernible ruts created in vegetation management activities in the r be repaired okay we have an aerial map going the area where it will happen basically it's right the corridor and right away so again it's kind of a notification to let us know that they are going to exercising their rights to clear their right away inspection or repair the heads up hey old business anybody have anything on that follow Baker Shore we don't we have anything from St on that do we Norm not on that one request from LLC to resolve doc situation you have anything out that so6 sunyside Road permeable possible unpermitted work yeah that tree in North Pond we need to make something happen there um the tree is definitely dead and not looking like it's going to be there too much longer either way but we don't want it falling on someone's house um I know Sabrina has been working on trying to figure out how for that to happen on 13 Berkshire land donation I think Nicole's been working on that and right now it's looking like the deed is very convoluted and will cost a lot of money to get it straightened out and right now at this point it's looking like we probably shouldn't be expecting anything to happen um with this uh you already put in $6,000 to try to iron things out and as far as letting this go for now if the owner land owner irons out the contract and wants to Red donate after we can look at this again but right now I'm thinking that we can just this aside we haven't assumed ownership yet have we no we've got money we can't because we don't the deed is not so okay solid so not like a clear deed at any point does it turn into a liability well we don't want it to be yeah we don't want to have conflicts if we do take it right right now it's looking like that's the case so I see I think we can recommend to the select board to release this from uh our donation wat as far as table it until it fig out last I heard the attorneys were involved and they were trying to have man said it's very convoluted convoluted not a good word so as far as pursuing this at this time I think we going to recommend that we T it don't continue until things are ironed out okay propos amendments for local permitting program oh update on 13 oh that was it proposed amendments on local permitting program I don't think we have anything um no no update I already gave the one think that was it okay uh was there going to be a request from Chrissy hops that she's chapter 91 what what was her involvement her what well it says here requested an update from Chrissy hops on the lpp no we don't have any update she did she sent her an email but she hasn't got to reply back okay yeah isn't she strictly chapter 91 yeah okay um report from suffi presentation on lpp F on contract we just heard report from Suffield conom meetings yes I have a report U there were two big issues lighted them as a prior meeting 623 Forest Road was a major redo of property lot of concrete new retaining wall Boardwalk tree removal and neither of these two are set up as a public hearing so I'm not allowed to speak so what I do is I present my list of questions that I would ask if I was allowed to speak okay and on the first one the big one on Force they also gave them to the developer and he went down every question and answered to my satisfaction with exception of one okay the boardwalk I can't tell if it's over the water or not and what he did is he referred to the homeowner home owner says oh I've got a I have a dock permit from the from the Conservation Commission well I couldn't speak so right I got to I got to look at this sketch and see if it's over if the boardwalk is over the water so that one went well then this 128 was a second one and this was a this was a um another wall cany wall at 485 lakew Drive uh and again uh the board asked my questions it was good that the contractor was there and he is a conservation commissioner from the town of Stafford in Connecticut so he he was aware of things uh and they they they answered all my questions the wall is going to be four feet back from the from the lake all all the so fencing will be in Connecticut won't be in Massachusetts um and Keith Morris will do be doing several inspections fantastic good job so so far so good I wish I could talk yeah found a okay the folder closed want to say anything came to the end of my folder so Noble Steve no we'll see there's nothing all right a motion motion to Second favor all right good night everyone good night