call the uh Council on Aging meeting to order on May 13 2024 at 12:30 a roll call vote for attendance Paula here Carl lman here Elaine here Harriet here Teresa here Jack here Harvey here Donna po yes here moving on seeing none for public participation I'll skip that uh everybody receive April 2024 minutes yes yes any corrections or changes do I have a motion to accept Mo to accept I'll second it okay we have a motion on the table to accept the minutes we'll do that by roll call vote Paula yes car Lin yes Teresa yes Jack J Harry Harvey yes Donna yes okay unanimous okay moving on to new business all right I have some programs that we've scheduled for July in June because the next newsletter will be a combination June July of the summer um so Tuesday June 11th Rosemary help me with the last name sakore [Music] s yeah registry Pro she'll be coming in at 12:30 um she wanted to pick a time where they be some traffic sometimes the morning programs what day is the 11th Tuesday Tuesday okay 12:30 good yeah so she'll be how spell her last name s a c c o m a n i a c o m yeah she's very interested in coming in and talking what time is she coming in 12:30 and this is to speak about I guess wills and great different things that um the elderly should be concerned about she's the register of probate oh that she'll be a good one yeah she's and um she's so nice and obviously knowledgeable and yeah very nice um then on Friday June 22nd sorry June 21st at 10:00 a.m. we're going to try a canvas painting um I know we've done them before but a paint and snack and it's going to be a sunflower so hopefully we'll get some interest in that and then on Tuesday July 16th an ice cream social and that'll be at 12:30 and the friends wanted to do um a lottery tree again Lottery tree fundraiser so they'll be fundraising June and they'll do the drawing at the ice cream social the ice cream social is June 16 July July July 15th 15th or July 16th 16th 16 so we'll do different ice creams different toppings let people choose yeah I'm sure we'll have plenty of people come to that yeah put in the freezer for me yeah are you going to be away are you going to be away yeah be driving oh yes we put one in so is this something that um you sell tickets for or so usually we just register ahead of time um in the past we've done it for a couple bucks so probably to help with the cple Bucks yeah yeah I think last time it was five Carol do you remember I remember I I thought it was five but you know three maybe yeah you go to the summer house $5 we little yeah ice cream has gone up in prices much as everything else has yeah three would be probably on the canvas painting what the time was that 10 a.m. y Sheed come in early yep there cost on that one that's going to be $10 just some little snacks too May the snacks get more people in yeah can't do the the wine so we'll do this that's what I have for now for the programs anybody else new business I just have a question um the last um star Town event that we went to I noticed that they have another one and I think it's August yep the chicken having chicken pot pie and the music okay was it a show you guys were interested in is that I was just wondering if if you were planning on it do you have one little flyers I up some there yeah they gave us like three of them I do have the DAT I have the flyer I can definitely book it and if we have enough interest go ahead with it if we don't then cancel it a lot of people everybody loved it yeah okay we can do that George will be happy George loves to go to everyone of them he does like those last year we we scheduled every every one of them but we could only make it to two of them because we didn't have enough interest in all of them but it seems like we have new interest in some of the trips and stuff so yeah I will write that down yeah and if there's not enough interest SP drop if you want yeah right yeah yeah okay that was that any other new business okay moving on update on classes um seemed to be going well and people were very pleased that you want to continue classes through the summer so good yeah they seem very interested I looked at um the grants and in some of the classes we have so many people it's self funding yeah so um we have plenty of money to go through the summer excellent so some some people have said like I guess Zumba they go up to Wally Park yes and she charges $5 so she might continue with that so she won't be using grant money right so I wasn't sure if I should give the option to the instructors like if you want to charge five bucks or just go with the two bucks and pay off the Grant I think go with the two and use the grant because that I think brings a lot of people in because I hear a lot of it's only $2 okay yeah all right we'll do that okay and I will say for um aerobics Tomorrow there's voting downstairs so we're going to use the auditorium upstairs so that we don't have to cancel class which is fabulous yeah yeah um I don't think there's anything else with classes Brown Bag bags small get smaller all the time but get they pick up most of the bags yeah right away we have very few left over and usually you know somebody's coming later so it's going well the only thing with this month is we are closed tomorrow for voting and usually we would have brown bag pickups so they're going to deliver um the food and Wednesday we'll distribute it and everybody knows that they got a flyer in the last brown bag but just so you know excellent good dining room dining room is going good a couple of our regulars like Josephine went to Assisted Living so kind of lost her um but it's it's going good okay it's going good I I'm Sor no go ahead ask they haven't seen Mr Fletcher is he still coming or he yeah he hasn't been here in a little while also right yeah Denise contacted him um he had some things going on he couldn't make it in okay I didn't know if he was maybe an assisted living to yeah that's good okay that's inter um finances yeah there's they're going good um getting ready to get POS for Tuckers and for the giveaways y um good it's going good good good amount of money okay old business you want to update us on the volunteer lunch just yeah so I think we reached out to to about 55 volunteers so far 40 have responded um they still have a couple more days to respond Andia Tuckers we're going to do the kind of same meal as last year the chicken and the veggie and hopefully a chocolate dessert we have we have I don't know if I already mentioned giveaway um under old business I'd like to mention um the direct ctor position I was reminded this morning and I don't know who was on the board La when Cindy was hired last time the board interviewed the applicants first and narrowed down the number of applicants to three and then the select board interviewed those three and chose the director so I don't know if anybody on the select board was was on the select board when Cindy was hired but that's how it was done before which doesn't mean it has to be done that way now but um I do think you know I've asked to be on that committee for the hiring and I haven't heard anything so I don't know if we should reach out to Doug who's still the chair at least through tomorrow well through next week at least and remind him of that I don't know if he was on the select board then certainly Jason wasn't and Diane wasn't and um you know I it doesn't mean we have to do that it just means we did have an input last time right right so okay seems like it would be a good idea especially if there's several candidates to kind of narrow it down and I understand now the application it's closed so whatever they have now and I'm hoping they have at least some yeah well I heard um that they had about 10 people apply and I guess four of the 10 were kind of qualified or so so I I did hear that they were gonna somebody told me it was on the agenda for the um select board meeting tonight I didn't look yet um that the applications would come to us so I'm not positive I I'll look into it though okay okay and I you know I don't know that we want to interview but I mean that's I think we should have input I absolutely think we should have I was a full member you too right no you were you no okay I was a full member at that point and it was really enlightening um and what we did if if I remembering it correctly we ended up picking the three who were then sent that is correct yeah and and there were a few who you know five minutes after they did start talking we already knew that they probably wouldn't be among the three um but it was really good to hear the variety of of what these people had to offer um and and the expertise that they had in the different areas um of being a director um and and the three we sent were fantastic FC any three of them would have been very good and Cindy of course was fantastic so that's something right we need to check into y any other old busm oh can I just just add one more thing in the back of my mind it just popped in I do believe that the board had or we got from someplace a list of questions right that that would be proposed uh to the individuals who came so that we were prepared when right oh yeah what yes well if it comes down to that you know we could sit down and come up with questions or I'm sure you can find questions they're probably on fil some right anything else under old business we haven't heard anything about expansion or anything you know of course the select board is extremely busy now with everything else and of course with elections and then next week the town meeting maybe that's something you know at our next meeting we can talk about well definitely how about the gardening club anything to say about the Garden Club well it's moving along it's growing it's growing we have quite a few members actually it's kind of surprising well we're supposed to meet on Wednesday because not Tuesday not Tuesday because of the voting but Charlie Pratt um I spoke with him because he had said he would get us some plants and I spoke with him last week after our meeting I just I was leaving and he was coming in it was perfect timing and I said Charlie are you still able to get us the plants that you know you had talked about oh yeah get jell you want anything you want so he said but call me I said he said when do you want him I said Wednesday that's Wednesday and he said just call and remind me so possibly they will be there I'm hoping yeah I'm hoping and then Cara's gonna call and ask him or give them a little reminder yeah we picked up a number of stuff that we needed and I think we're all set as far as that gardening flope I mean things are growing yeah yeah yeah I scratched around the lettuce today loosen up the dirt and kind of mounted so that they'll had good started well if there's nothing else is there a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I second okay we have a motion to adjourn any further discussion okay can we do that with um roll call Paula yes Carol Laughin yes Teresa yes Jack yes Ary yes Donna yes okay we adjourn at 12:45 you work