##VIDEO ID:HvFo8UHG7DY## okay I call the Council on Aging meeting to order on Monday November 18th at 12:30 um we'll have a roll call vote for participation Paula here Carol Smith here Elaine here Teresa here Jack yes Harvey here Donna yes here uh public participation okay um everybody have a chance to review um October minutes y any corrections or changes I don't see do I have a motion to accept the October minutes motion to accept that I'll second any further discussion he we'll have a roll call vote to accept yes yes yes hey new business the only thing I have is our Christmas party reminder is um nove uh December 11th the only difference it's going to be in the um auditoriums so it's a little bigger and it will be hosted by um Tuckers oh and some volunteers yep oh good okay um she's I'm hoping she gives me a different choice though because before it was just two so it'll be I'm gonna see if she'll give me a choice of chicken um fish or the leef so I'm waiting on that one okay so um we have volunteers um uh invite will go out to the three select board members um Nicole and naen and they will be our servers okay got a question on that about the drivers are you gonna talk to Denise maybe get Frozen in for that day what of the drivers you can go yeah I think that's what we try to do said something about thatp years so I'll I'll remind Denise to do the Frozen how much is it this year 15 and I'm hoping next year it'll be 10 so it's still a good meal but I just would really like to offset it for the people that you know money's tight and especially around the holidays so 15's not bad I think they paid 20 or 25 last year did yeah yeah yeah 25 and then next year we'll go down to 10 and then we'll offset that because that's what our grant is for really is to help offset the from out of town like another like Westville out one they can also if they're in our club if they come to our senior center they're still um allowed to come and that and why I like it in the auditorium is downstairs they only had room for 100 um and they never really counted the servers but um so they would say we had a cap of 100 anybody that came in after that or they'd have to turn away up here we could go up to whatever and we're not we don't have to turn away unlimited so it's unlimited so well not a thousand Donna don't go inviting everybody we still have a number to go by but yeah it's so much easier to do it and there you could go up to 200 easy so so I think we'll set up the lobby with the long tables and that's where all the um gifts can go so then people can go out there and not be in the way in the front and then we'll have and then as we raffle them off we'll be by the doorway yeah and then people and then people can go and give them to everybody okay I was going to mention that um for service we often had heads of other departments yeah if we do anybody else it's just going to be police and fire oh okay and all right yeah yeah okay because there's too many department heads to pick and we have some new ones now and we just did the greet and meet so I think we're okay with them giving them a break for this year we'll see how it goes the girls were telling me that they had so many it was just kind of and because it was downstairs it was a little combusted this try to serve I've noticed that so it might be nice just to pick the Selectmen na Nicole and then um police and fire just the the Chiefs and then that way we kind of include the important people um what about entertainment so I sent a message to the um band leader what's his name I forget rich rich Quinn yep and he will let me know um on that date and time okay yeah perect and I'm pretty sure his trip is the following Wednesday oh perfect because he had I I had checked on dates so I think he should be available okay perfect excuse me uh December 11 it's a Wednesday it will be 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. well for you it might till four cuz you're a server and you might have to be doing dishes downstairs no just kidding so do you need help setting up we usually we always came in usually at around 10 so um usually Hillary and I did all that so Hillary is really so the tables and everything will be set up the tablecloths will probably be on like that day before because she'll be setting up the tables and then I believe Dawn is is doing all the um center pieces and then I think that's pretty much it maybe okay right pretty much usually we check people in Che people in and there's usually um depending what they that's right e told me that this morning the ribbons for their their meal their meal so when they come up to the table right and um she said we had those downst somebody sells raffle tickets y yeah okay so I'll make sure there's a table for you to do that yeah and wristbands through mother and then the only other thing is the list of people who contributed and then the letter that they get yeah we need a letter like a thank you letter that goes request our donation requesting a donation so we can pick up for you have one from last year yeah I do have one you have one basically it was another year but yeah that's fine I can get that out and then we have to have you know and usually there's a list of um people who normally have and then yeah I got last year's list like this okay so then you know all right I can make a copy of that when we go downstairs okay new we'll have to start that we have to start right away because this is coming really quick yeah like a fright train I know it's like I know why don't we start right after thanksg or do you want to start before I would like to start the week before if we can i' I've got a procedure being done on the 13th so Paula just brought me uh four baskets five baskets started with the basket because you know it coming quicker than you think right and that way you're not bringing them all in in one day right I bring a few in at a time yeah you can call me we'll set up yeah yeah we'll set up something [Music] okay I gave you I gave you guys a um copy of the newsletter we literally just came this morning in a box um the there was a page this year we did the remembering our seniors that's everybody that we lost from January to October 29th um anyone from the 29th on will go on the um so every month we'll have a little it hopefully it'll be a little blurb up top with one or two people maybe um but I I didn't feel right just putting like anybody in October and then forgetting somebody's family that was in May though I just ended up doing the whole column and making sure we we remembered everybody that was the only thing new in there this year graduated that's all I have for you anybody else in business classes is yeah I think um aerobics and online dancing are very crowded 29 29 people in there the other day yeah it's and it gets it get tight when you're so on January 1st they're going to be moving upstairs we're going to wait till after the holidays because there's some booked rooms and stuff so they'll be everybody all the classes will be going upstairs except for um I think yoga one of the yoga ones does it downstairs with the kid right in that area they like the mat or the floor whatever um and then whatever um activities are in the auditorium during the day from January on we'll just try to either give like if you're teaching let's say aerobics and Friday you can't go in there because mem coming up is the Art Council thing so that Friday and Monday those classes so we'll give you an option you can either do a different time that week on a different day or or you just don't have it right so they'll have an option okay good good so classes are going well how's high Cho we're going to leave it actually he had six oh good so I I haven't done anything went the six good okay yep a brown bag I know Carol's not here but you helped with that usually I came in here kind of late um but everything was I guess came in early this past month never it all depends on when that driver comes with the food right right and then he just we just have him come in put the pallet down and we just start ripping it apart and putting the food on the table and then someone says well we're early but do you want to open the brown bags and start putting it in and then oh it's better just to get it all done once it's there you might as well get it done yep and there were seven people that couldn't make it to get it but they came over the next three days so I think only one bag got put out most people come at that time frame that's when the call goes out they usually you get maybe one or two that come a little early but usually their bags are all ready I know so dining room not really much CH no than sometimes it's for sometimes it's not it's half finances Lisa we're doing good this year we got the formula grant we got the the first donation or deposit and um I I I believe we were getting like I think like 12 to $13 a a senior and now they went up to like 15 so that gave us a little bit more money they go by the census so let's say our census says we have I don't know I'll just pick a number 2,000 seniors well they don't they're supposed to give you that 2,000 times $15 they don't do that they they take like a 100 or 200 less than that I don't know why the state does that maybe I don't know it's lunch I don't know somebody went on a trip I don't know why they do that but they do it to all the towns that's what we were told um so they go don't count your census and then go byy that number and think that's the money you're getting wait till it gets deposited but I just go by whatever they give us old business well I'd like to mention that I think the meet and greets have been well received and I think that's that's a very nice idea um the last one especially when you know lunch was served it was I just thought they people people do come out to meet the new people I know it was funny because I thought after jman's own I mean we have Christy um the town clerk in December and then I thought okay we'll take a break after that and then people were like well who's in January and I'm like like it's not a bad idea should do in January although a lot of people know him but the new Chief right re and and the lieutenant because he's new too so I could do that I mean they really I think they look forward to the food yeah so but they like coming in and they like to see who the person is and and I did even though we passed new new business um Nicole had mentioned that in her previous two towns they did a um coffee hour with the um Chief administrator and they you know it just could be a coffee hour monthly yeah they did monthly so you knew if you had a gpe if you didn't if your taxes went up or you had a water bill problem soon as she comes in you know you're seeing her this this so they can stop coming to me and complain about things like can't control and they can go to Nick so I'm looking forward to that one it's gonna take a lot off my plane but so we we we discussed it and we're going to pick a date and um like it'll be the same Wednesday of the month or whatever day and then so everybody will know I'll put it in the news letter um to let everyone know and then um we'll we'll see how that goes good who with tager Mike tagger okay yeah so police will be next good police any other old business you can think of any other questions or thoughts I just have to say I've heard nothing but positive feedback haven't heard any complaints you're doing a great job thank you Brian you you're doing a good job thank you okay is there a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second any further discussion they will adjourn at 12:45 thank you