folks here we are we're a few minutes late sorry about that the thunderstorms kind of screwed us up out there today all right you're at the finance committee meeting and today's been the newest today's State May 8 beautiful it's a Wednesday and it's 5:36 I am here Joe de Paul connley is here Karen deor is here Robert rooch is online David meth is in person Dr Richard owski is here Sher no one is not and I'm missing Alita on Alita is also online yeah all right folks how you doing today can you hear us okay great thank you not any of the head is perfect all right so first up we need to approve the minutes for 4:30 2024 doctor made a motion seconded and Karen seconded that motion Joe DV Paul con I David I I Robert H I Alita Maria I thank you then I see Reserve fund transfers do we have any reserve fund transfers no didn't bring my hearing I can't find them discussion approval of the pros and cons for both Financial others special Town theual town minut all right first the vice chair took her time over the week and got the pros and cons pretty much done for us so we're just G to read through them thanks Lita yes thank you very much no problem article one the article allow salary adjustments that was standard that was last one Mar adjustment I still want to read it yeah that th everyone comfortable with the standard article one yes L do you want us to make a motion for each one yes for the Frozen count okay so I need motion for article one motion seconded Kar seconded that motion all those in favor Joe D David M Robert Robert h i Alita G Maria I thank you article number two the town is this is this the standard plate two Karen or is this one I have to read I think it's standard okay thank you what's wrong you know that list I gave you with the pros and cons and the that think yeah just PA that but this is the old one right you said that's Chang the same no it has not okay so should be wow they did everything for me today why are we here why here oh because I'm the mouthpiece that's why I'm here all right so to Qui oh hold on motion to approve as discussed the pros and cons for article number two of the special town meeting motion to recommend article two of the right one at a time please oh I am sorry so the first motion is to approve and discuss the pros and cons for article two of the special town meeting motion seconded thank you all those in favor go ahead okay y yeah David meth Robert chea you're muted you're muted but she said I yeah Maria I sorry thank you DD so that's all sat X the Box okay can we go back to yeah are we gonna a minute we're gonna finish article two first okay okay so a motion to recommend article two of the special town meeting motion seconded are we are we voting on accepting the pros and cons or just being able to present voting on accepting the pros and cons of that article I I wasn't paying attention you did you didn't the you just voted on article two the pros and cons we're going to go back to article one right now so we don't have to do the second part that's later no we can do the second part but you said recommend so we're recommending the warrant article it's the second part thank you okay so the second part of that question is are we going to recommend or an article number two so I need a motion to recommend article number two of the special time year motion seconded thank you Joe d i Paul con I David meth I Robert Alita the whole budget season I was good and then i' Fallen apart the last two notice that yeah I appreciate we're here for okay so we're going to go back to the first one because I screwed that all up so I need a motion to approve as discussed the pros and cons for article one of the special town meeting motion seconded all those in favor Jo w i David Robert Alita G Maria I sorry that guys and then next we're gonna do we're going to recommend article one all in favor I motion to recommend article one of the special to motion second all those in favor David I I Robert h i Alita G Maria I always good rces okay up next is article three the other poloy benefits which is probably another standard one that we do every year annual basis will be available was sign for retirement employees um if we do not contribute the other post employment trust fund we would risk future chore Falls in funding our employee retirement benefits so first I need a motion to approve as discuss the pros and cons for article three of the special town meeting motion second thank you all those in favor D PA David matth Robert I Alita G Maria I okay and then along that same article a motion to recommend article three of the special town meeting is there any discussion n motion second all those in favor show DD I I David matth Robert I Alita D Maria I thank you right the next so this says that by paying the capital expenditures of freash we will be able to avoid bonding um and there was an article in the paper today that that the um selectman or Joe Doug rather is going to recommend bonding of 20 million at the town meeting okay so for quot it's very unfortunate that it was written that way we had a discussion the finance committee about1 18 million for votes the select board that following day week whatever it was had a rough discussion but they took our discussion and Doug talked about it what we were supposed to what I had said is at town meeting I would love to do a raise of hands real quick and get a feel in the room so I spent three hours this afternoon on the phone yeah discussing a lot of things about life and part of it was you can't do that I was not aware of that so I completely apologize to whoever I offended today um as usual but we we can't do that the the finance committee H in cheek take a straw V on anything okay period so so there's our that's Joe's first mistake of having that discussion dub took it a step further apparently in his discussion I I think what he really meant was to correct Mr deei and educate me that any of this has to go to a town voter at a ballot box that's where this would start so at a Ballot Box yes the town would have to vote on it first then it would go to a town meeting so what Douglas more or less said is gez as we're b as we're as we're doing this with the balls where do we do I think the end game was a presidential election would be a perfect place to have that as a question on the in The Ballot Box because everyone goes to it right so the town truly votes you would get more you would get more to get a real sense of because it's a bond issue and it's a lot of money yeah period so is Doug not gonna was the paper wrong yeah paper was completely wrong okay yes all right well that's but you are one of the next 400 people that will be calling me sure and and and uh yeah okay it's all good so no and I and and Cliff if you're listening I apologize I'm saying it wrong but you were wrong no it was a discussion about moving that step forward not Mr mland was going to bond 20 million at town meeting in two weeks was not what was meant by any of that good good so we don't we don't have to worry about the wording because I was going to just suggest in the me in the uh Town Hall it would have been a little awkward to yeah yeah yeah no we're good and hopefully the paper will call tomorrow and I will do a beautiful story about an idiot that I am so that's where we're at I didn't hear I didn't see you boed in that you could just no that's the problem at least if they you know I certain person call today I'm like that's not what was said this is all my fault I brought it up don't blame Doug okay just go after Joel please okay might be a little late okay so article the article provides a cost effective way to ensure that the DPW can address the needs of our community by by by paying for special Capital expenditures out of free cash we will be able to avoid the cost of bonding and the effects it would have on our tax rate the con we will continue to see further deter creation of our Roes that's all it is all right so then we're going to go back over to this page motion to approve as discuss the pros and cons for article four of the special town meeting seconded all those in favor that's D you know after no I I just I just have a problem with that because it looks like it's going to be disabled and it's not going to be but to save all we will continue to see further deterioration of our roads yeah yeah you're right the roads are going to deterior no matter what well there it's it's saying on one hand that we will be able to avoid the cost of bonding but we've already put out there that we're probably going to need a $20 million Bond so uh this article provides a costeffective way to ensure that the DBW can address the needs of our community by paying for these Cal expenditures out of free cash this will well so can we add to the pro to say it's necessary to maintain roads we've already left the horse side the bond that we're going to be looking for a million Bond isue Bing the million it's it's a you you want to say like it's a partial yeah yes it's m this is gonna I understand I'm coming from is because people think oh if I vote for this going to fix my we're going to turn around and go we're looking for2 million Bond but you guys said before you know what I'm saying so address some of the immediate needs of our community by paying for I would I would feel better with that I just be it's right or that it's year-over-year maintenance which is necessary um and this this funding will cu the hor has already out the bond I mean it's spending the paper and people are looking at that like oh my God just assum you know what I'm saying maybe bonding should even be mentioned in this no it shouldn't we're not going to avoid bonding we know that that dinosur is sitting out there so I just you know we will be able to avoid the cost of bonding at this time and the effects I think bonding goes away completely yeah it's just take bonding out there and say um and is it a cost effective way well because you're because you're not paying interest on B on the bond we're paying cash for it right but we're bonding the other million something for the well that's to do with this article correct but it does in the end because we've already unfortunately put it in the back of the r but you're right you're absolutely correct there's nothing to do with this AR this particular article the cost of right address the sum of the immediate needs of the community and by paying for these Capital exp vendes out of free cash we would be able to avoid the cost of bonding cost of borrowing B right boror borrowing borrowing as long as you get rid of the bonding on these funds and make it borrowing borrowing also borrowing yeah on these funds and the effects would have I would just say period right there yeah the cost of borrowing period yeah cost of borrowing okay periodes right but the pro is doesn't hit your tax rate you know yeah it is a pro it is a pro so but it's it's your I I think we should live I think we should leave that part in there all right that's good what the effect would have on our tax rate yes yeah yeah because that is that that she said that's the pro it right yeah we will be able to avoid the cost of borrowing and the effects it would have on our yeah and then just have the backpedal and that whole conversation that's is that the only change you were talking some verage in the front yes address the sum of the immediate needs of the community and the cost of borrowing okay some sorry yeah because the cat is already out of the bag where they've thrown that 20 million out and so people are going to not I 18 million I can understandable 20 what are they thinking well we we we haven't even gone down that road yet and and if you read the fine print that was only for half of what we need yeah yeah okay so but that's discussion anyways no no not kidding no we haven't even talked about that and yeah and I took 18 out of the study five years ago and and and Jo typical Joe just pull the number out of the sky so so that's let's let's get through this and then we'll have a little more discussion on that later yeah anyway okay I keep trying to run lottery so I can do all the pain doesn't happen first thing I would do it' be weird having 27 streets called Joi but that's okay1 that's problem we'll work on that I can L yeah you could at the smooth absolutely okay all right do you want to read the article this article provides a costeffective way to ensure that the DPW can address some of the immediate needs of our community by paying for these Capital expend expenditures out of free cash we will be able to avoid the cost of borrowing and the effects it would have on our tax rate okay are you guys comfortable online with that yes thank you okay so then we have to make a motion for that change of that article yes okay so I need a motion as written article four motion seconded okay all those in favor Joe D Paul Conley I David meth I Ken I Robert Ro I Alita G Maria I thank you guys okay so I'm GNA do it again that same motion but the way it's written here Laura um are you okay with that I was okay with the Way It Was Written or the way we should discuss so then I need a motion to recommend article four of the special town meeting motion seconded all in favor David mck robertt Alita G Maria I thank you let's read article five the con the cemeter commission cannot maintain the grounds themselves without the m so we should say without them more I think because it themselves they're still maintain they we're not Outsourcing that if they don't get them more so cemeter Mission cannot maintain the rounds without can't can't do their job if you don't yeah well why don't we just say the cemetery commission would continue to Outsource but they don't out right elimin need to Outsource more is allowed theary commission to maintain the grounds and create beautification of the they have one now it's to replace it yeah yeah basically it's a it's a smaller one to go in between the stones this says Article Five is about apply and accept grants no you're on the right you you jumped ahead of us okay just saying good okay so we'll change it the Cemetary commission can cannot maintain the grounds without the motor Perfect all right we're all comfortable with that you guys comfortable online y perfect okay so I need a motion to approve as discuss the pros and cons for Article Five a special town meeting seconded all those in favor Joseph T Paul David methen Robert Ro I Alita G Maria I thank you and then I need a motion to recommend Article Five of the special town meeting second thank you all those in favor yeah David Robert Alita G Maria I okay now we're gonna move on to Andel article seven rotary construction B the pro approving this article will allow the select board to authorize payments for necessary road workor construction the con the town will occur debt as a result of of passing this article questions what's the incurred debt going to be is that that is like that's not going to be a bond it's just what do you mean the incur debt well it's going to be ultimately will be a bond okay so article seven to see if the town will appropriate the sum of money to pay cost of roadway construction including cost of Paving resurfacing and for the payment of all other costs incidental and related therefore determine whether this amount shall be raised for taxation transfer from available funds borrowing or otherwise or to take any other action relative there again practice good so the motion is that the sum of 800,000 be appropriated to pay cost of roadway reconstruction including cost of Paving resurfacing and the pay same thing related their phone me treaser will approve okay the treasurer with the approval of the select board is authorized to borrow s amount under the pursuant to chapter G pursuant authority to ensure bonds or notes of the Town therefore 00,000 that we are going to bond or whatever we need to do to get there okay so how would that be its own bond that a Soler would that be ruled in which to like a $3 million bond issue to cover a whole bunch of things for it be rolled in depends on it depends on when it goes out for Bond and what what other bar rings are out there P okay okay that's I'm just wondering and I think through this there's not much the roof is is the roof still waiting to go out through a longer Bond there's a longer bond for the roof there's a bunch of things but they all go separately separately within then the one larger P okay P all right okay that's all right is um the our administrator is that no we have a treasure I'm a treasure collector at oh okay oh that's right that's collector's off sorry okay yeah I was I didn't know whether it was just like rolled into a package part of a package deal or whatever I have somewhere I'm going with just slay on but I was just I was just yeah I think it does because if it's a longterm or shortterm Bond depending like a DPW truck is probably 5 years right versus that roof is probably 20 years so you're right yeah and the rates are all crazy right now too right so exactly hopefully we can wait to bond after an election maybe and then we can go for a better price who know I'm sorry I copyright terms you refinance like you do in a house on a bond or are you stuck with rate just out of curiosity since rates are high can you can you refinance a bond a good question yeah yeah I would I don't know because it's it's a municipality versus I will have to ask our government banking [Laughter] Department I'm just going to say I'm sure there's so many points we can pay for to refinance anything so yeah 10,000 go look at any Finance at half a point right and go it's not gonna make any sense no it's a great question curious right I'll see if I can get a hold them I mean back in the old days the the rates were great for municipalities you know and that probably was never question but I'm sure right now if you look at rates and nothing is decent you're going to pay yeah it's a great question okay so back to article 7 we've read it are we all comfortable with what we said yep okay so I'm going to read it up here move the article will allow the select board to authorize payments for necessary workway construction the count the town will incur debt as a result of passing the article so I'm looking for a motion to approve as discuss the pros and cons of article 7 roadway construction borrowing motion seconded all those in favor Jim David meth Robert Ro I Alita D Maria I thank you and now I want look for a motion to to recommend article 7 roadway construction and borrowing motion seconded thank you all those in favor Joe DD Paul con David M Robert I Alita de Maria I so I'm gonna go to the article first get to the bottom this will be really good at it all right so article a is to see if the town will vote to fix the compensation of elected officials and Town employee salaries were stipulated provide for a reserve fund provide for Reserve fund come on provide a sum of money for capital outlay for the following Town departments cable channel 15 computer police Fire EMS Lake Management Lake restoration planning board Library Cemetery commission Town Hall public safety building chief administrative officer Treasurer collector town clerk Building Department emergency management Board of Health and DPW all various divisions of that and determine the sum of money the town will raise and appropriate including Appropriations from available funds to defray charges and expenses of the Town including debt and interest for the insur ensuing f y 25 which technically is July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2025 EDC is listening or to take any other actions relative therefore so that is the article we are discussing so then over here under Pros approved the article establishes the process for which monies are spent and will allow for the transfer of Reserve funds for unseen expenses the con disapproving this article would prevent the spending of monies on necessary expens and eliminate the fund for unforeseen expenses discussion these are these next three and this one aren't they standing kind articles but I still want to read them because are being taped and that's our procedure and we have the same pros and cons from last here pretty sure pretty close standard year to year just if there was a year I changed the year than you okay okay we're all good with that thank you I'm sorry it's taking long okay article motion to approve as discussed the pros and cons for article 8 annual budget motion seconded all those in favor Joseph de I Paul Conley I David Matthew i k my Robert h i Alita de I thank you and then next will be a motion to recommend article 8 annual budget motion seconded all those in favor Jo de I Paul con I David mey i k i Robert h i Alita G Maria I thank you so that be saying that's unanimous does it matter Laur okay all right so as David nicely pointed out article 9 is a repeat from last year's article 9 Department revolving fund annual spending limit authorization you folks need me to read that article no thank you is everyone in agree well we can't change the article so it doesn't matter all right we had our shot okay article nine Department revolving fund annual spending limit authorization the pro authorizing this article provides the mechanism for establishing the related funding limits for certain departmental revolving funds used for operational process this approving of this article would prevent the various departments the ability to function as design are we okay with that folks yeah okay to the next paper I need a motion to approve as discuss the pros and cons for article 9 the departmental revolving fund annual spending limit author authorization motion second it all those in favor Dr Joseph D Paul conle David Matthew I Ken Robert okay Alia G Maria I okay next is to a motion to recommend article 9 departmental revolving fund special limit authorization motion seconded all those in favor Dr Joseph T i i David M i Robert h i Alita G Maria I thank you article 10 is the same as last year except I'm sure the about change yeah is for I want to read that anyways the see if the town will vot to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of 13, 539,000 [Music] [Music] so that is the article in front of us article 10 Regional passing this article will allow for schools to operate as budgeted avoiding Cuts in Educational Services the con a no vote will force the school district to operate using 2024's approved Budget on a 112th basis per month excuse me the request FY 202's budget will then be required to be presented at a town each of the three towns for approval so we all understand that yes yes all have any issue is that what it said last year I know the 112 is in there yeah yep that's exactly what it said except I changed the years other than that there was nothing else changed so would would it be a special town meeting you know if the if it was turned down yeah then it would have to be a special town meeting yeah okay so will then be required to be presented at a special town meeting for each of the three towns for approval yeah yeah because we're already at a town meeting yeah so special yep okay are we all good with the amendment of that article yes yes a motion to amend it thank you seconded all those in favor of the amendment Jo David Matthew Robert I Alita Maria thank you sorry just to clarify they would have to have the 2025 if we vote that down it then goes It goes back to the school district yeah to figure out if they're going to change anything to suffice everyone right and then we have to have a special town meeting to approve that right but isn't that I mean couldn't they just live with the 24 and theoretically they to a 12th budget so yeah I guess they will live with it until it gets passed again or doesn't get passed will then be required to be present well it is required because they're not going to live with it they're going to come right back well that's they are I know what you're saying required that right it would go back it okay then I've got a question yeah how much on average is an annual town meeting a special town meeting if we have one we've had them we had one for pop right but but what is what is the cost 4,000 it's not a cheap proposition it's not no but if if you do this if you turn it down you would want hundreds of thousands of dollars cut out of for Budget yes that would be that would be yes if the works are angry it's not over 10 grand right so it's 13 is by by a million um it went up by what were we at 800,000 at our side and then we got it down to 500 on our side 650 is what I uh last and 440 is what the state tells us we have to do okay so there you go so but it was up around $800,000 so the town isn't really voting on 13 million they're voting on yes yeah we are that's our that's our share but that that isn't the grand share correct that was the in only our share she was originally looking for about a million dollar of which our part was 800 we kept asking questions and asking questions and it came down to I believe like 660 is the last number I saw but the state had said 440 is what we had to give them no questions asked we had to give them that above and in theory in there is the resource officer for 80ish thousand by time everything's paid which the they will then pay us back for we won't see it goes into the general fund right when it comes back in but so out of that yes on top of that 44080 to get us throw into a special Town being you know we could probably try to get her shave1 to $150,000 off or try to force or we had the town said Notre resource officer it would have dropped another 80 you know but so the resource officer is in our ours and theirs no it's in the school budget we have to show it in our side we have to show it on our side because we're paying the officer right um and then we will build the school for that officer for that officer so the money won so we're paying 87 or 8 so is the school officer in her budget then so like I said it's in two places it's it's on ours on print I don't think there's a dollar value because the schools well no there's a dollar value for us right cuz then they turn around and reimburse us right but it's not there we're not whacking it twice if that's what you're doing that's what I'm that's what I'm trying to get at no no we're not okay no and we could we spent a lot of time on that literally to make sure because even how do you build them back we've never how do you build the schools right you know la like Whoa stop stop you know are we sending out weekly bills like how does this really work because now it's taking time out of accounting once again for a process so Laura hopefully figured that all out maybe not so happy but but you know once again LS had a lot of extra to do this year haven't you really did well I should this we appreciate it right right right just when she thought she had it figured out here's a new storm here you go yeah but it's almost old all right so back to article 10 we're comfortable the way the way it's written okay so we made did we do it well we we actually passed it then I yes we I don't feel like it's required be presented the request for 2020 budget will then be that that sounds like it's legally required I anyway um well then need to be will need to be represented at a special meeting but would need need to be that sounds would need to be would need to be in order for in order for approval yeah right yes in order that's what's missing too right would then need to Beed at a special town meeting town meeting in order to be approved in order to be approved yeah who wrote that down nobody it's in the minute so okay so a no vote will force the school district to operate using the FY 2024's approval approved Budget on a 112th basis per month the requested FY 202's budget will then no y would need to you don't even say will then right okay no I'm with that's why I'm doing this yes okay budget need to be presented presented the special town meeting need to presented at a special town meeting for each of the three towns for approval no order to be approved there you go thank you three towns in order to be approved all right so I need a motion as written for the con motion second thank you all those in favor Joe d i David Robert Ro Alita Maria I thank you have that written down right you're good I don't want a phone call okay so now we have to approve okay motion to approve as discuss the pros and cons for article 10 Regional School District budget I thank you all those in favor Jo de I Paul con I David meth I Robert I Alita G Maria I thank you motion to recommend article 10 Regional School District budget motion seconded all those in favor Joe d i Paul Conley I David myth I Robert h i Alita G Maria I Okay so work has the fros and cons twice for article 10 me put that in there as a test thank you article 11 OPI settlement special Recovery Fund this ISS new so I'll read it article 11 to see if the town will vote to appropriate and transfer the sum of $737 121 from free cash into an opiate special Recovery Fund in accordance with chapter 77 section 19 197 of the acts of 2023 and mgl c44 figure that out 53 and any other enabling authority to take any other action relative therefore requested by the select board it should be special revenue or should I say that well it doesn't matter we're not changing that that's well I know it just that s thing say you said recovery recovery of Revenue that s is section special special Revenue fund yeah that was a is that what you're talking right there I SC that up yeah thank you no it's fine yeah it really is um the select word better be ready to talk about it though that's all I'm saying yeah I was going to ask what it's all about myself yeah I'm kind of confused do we have that we don't have that information do we no so I'll get it from Lisa we'll get it from Lisa yeah I know the gist of it yeah I need yeah I see myself talking more than usual at the St meeting so it'll be nice to have the town got some kind of settlement did we got some and they weren't supposed to put it into free cash and they correct because we weren't set up to take it any other way but it's not the bigger question is how old is that k i I think the bigger question will be asked and it's only seven Grand is what do we is that to buy more our can what's it for right that's what people are going to want to know what we're doing is it for Education you know that's what I need to know so thank you yeah but no one else is GNA be able to answer the question okay and I can't shut my mouth okay 11 op okay so the pro is a yes vote will allow funds previously settled for free cash they move into an opiate special revenue account the con a no vote would mean that the town is not in adherence with chapter 77 section 97 of the acts of 2023 and mglc 44 what did you say that was before the 53 maass General Law chapter 44 section 53 can we change adherance to compliance a no what would me the landing compliance right yeah in compliance yeah where's that going after not town is not in compliance right there get rid of that word yeah yeah okay one a one year jailter the other one aware of my sing [Music] [Music] anything where we we okay okay yeah we're good I I guess when they start talking I got to listen to is not in compliance with chapter 7761 next mgl as Law chapter 44 chapter 44 what's what's SE 53 I know little symbol gets so confusing yeah we're going to do a thing on symbols so I have that honest to God because towards the end I get took care of you last year you and you're going to take care of me this year we had it all spell out he did oh my God I'm just a puppet up there all right so I need a motion for the con as written motion seconded all those in favor Joseph PA con David math Robert h i El G Maria I guys want to be chair next year any of you just feel you're doing a great job we can make that work real quick okay so we're back to ARL 11 on my other paperwork okay a motion to approve as discussed the pros and cons for article 11 opiate settlement special Revenue fund slash revocation of opiate stabilization fund get R of the re what happened the Special Reserve F of Opia stabilization fund revocation is Con so I'll re motion again motion to approve as discussed the pros and cons for article 11 opiate settlement special Revenue fund of Opia stabiliz no just special Revenue FIA special Revenue fund stop right there stop right there stop right there F not account emotion has discussed the propos and cons for article 11 opiate settlement special Revenue oh Revenue fund mine says Reserve okay that's right okay Revenue fund stop right there yes okay motion thank you second thank you all those in favor show DV David Robert G Maria I so much folks motion to recommend article 11 opiate settlements revenue revenue fund fund R of the rest Mo motion seconded thank you all those in favor Joseph DDI Paul con Robert oh sorry Alita de Maria I was on mute thank you okay so that puts us hope it's done I see 14 through 18 on new paperwork so Article 13 is community preservation anual budget we we can read the pros and cons correct do we have to approve them you don't have to recommend them you have to approve the pros and cons thank for the waiter V okay well Pro a yes vote would keep the town in compliance with Master General Law chapter 44b outlining the transfers of the individual reserves as specified within this article but definitely going to need paperwork on that the con is if we do not appropriate this article proof I'm sorry if we do not first grade's coming back to me if we do not approve this article we would be in violation of our agreement with a commonwealth and town of slick does that sound okay yes sir we're good we're going to line okay so we're going to move over to this page so so I need a motion to approve the pros and cons motion seconded thank you all those in favor Joseph DD I Paul Conley I David MTH I I robbert El had to drop out okay that's fine how'd you catch that you heard that for her no she sent a message on here well my hearing's really bad today all right article 14 so 14 our community preservation committee administrative and operating expenses the pro is a yes vote will allow the transfer of money to be used for administrative and operational expenses of the community preservation committee this provision is allowed under the agreement the con if we do not pass this article there would be no monies available to help administrate administrate administrator administer thank you the program so that's their budget we yeah that's more of administration y yeah but it's their CPC secretary yeah but we don't scrutinize that budget we don't have any no no we don't have any say over it it's all the CPC board right they get their 3% they got their money in it is one it so requests go to them they approve it and it goes straight to to meeting 5% that's going up 5% yeah and it's always been 5% 3% do they spend it every year no oh that that administrative they come close to spending yeah that that they probably do they don't they don't spend all their money that they have in their in their pot right all this money the 10% that goes into each one they don't necessarily right yeah because they do have one the housing one that's outrageous yeah they just got to get some projects submitted for it right they do yeah well like the library which no but there's that like the housing segment of this is through the roof but we don't South doesn't seem to own any land where they could build a veteran's home or or this or that we just don't seem to have the capabilities to get that to finish yeah a lot of times there's some low-income housing that they might do some painting and spruing up but the last three or four years we've actually spent money across the street which they hadn't done forever right so right so they're going in the right direction but there's some big projects that could be done if they come before the CC y or you know reconsider whether it's a worthwhile tax a years ago sir that was brought to town meeting and it was voted to stay at 3% and that's funny because 3% of what the inflation of our product is what today is a lot more money than we could probably go to one and a half% and sell the same dollar value as when it first started but right that's not our job going to stay in our L yeah right because if you don't do the 3% then you don't get the maxim or the maximum State match two two levels of funding you get the first level but you wouldn't get second L but if we if we're looking for pro uh you know projects that aren't really even that worthy and throwing the money at it then so what if you got a if you got a match it still costed you to play and was it really worth it yeah it it's seems like they they get a lot for the the general and the recreational they're able to spend that no problem but it's more of the low income and the his housing and the historical that those projects are not abundant right yeah it's interesting yeah in itself okay so that's AR 14 okay so the pro yes but will all the transer Mone is to be used for administrative re expenses Comm preservation committee this provision is allowed under the agreement the con if we do not pass article there would be no money available to help administer the program we're comfortable with that um so I need a so no recommendation is needed okay so vote to approve as discuss the pros and cons for article 14 motion seconded thank you those in favor Joe d i Conley I David meth I Karen De Robert I thank you Article 15 is just is last year approv the article allow for the use of community preservation funds to make the interest princi payment on the 600,000 Bond issued for the approved Alum treatment of Kuman Lake but upon failure to approve this article will require the use of general fund appr ration to fund the debt payments and the amount just that be the next question the sum of 69,4 is what we're looking to do to put towards the $600,000 bond we can do the ma $600 Grand cost of 70,000 a year so 18 million what about on the previously approved $600,000 bond issue just to let it know that it was previously approved it's not one right make that interest principal payment on the previous approved previously appr previous approve 600,000 M sure so I need a motion to um a motion as R motion seconded all those in favor Joseph TD I Paul Conley I David Matthew I Karen too I Robert check gu thank so that's Article 15 so vote to approve as discuss the pros and cons vote to approve has discuss the pros and cons for Article 15 Community preservation committee administrative and operating the numbers are off just a little bit the numbers changed after I Ted up oh yeah fix 16 I'm so sorry all right so it's what is it though 15 or 16 just voted on 15 for the Alum treatment okay gotcha sorry a vote to approve as discussed the pros and cons of Article 15 treatment Debt Service motion second thank you all those in favor David Matthew Robert okay so now we are on article 16 correct yep 16 okay so 16 is the souck library yard revitalization South Public Library 95 F House Road it's the library wall that they want to build and the transfer of the sun will be $ 22659 15 that being said the uh sou Library yard read that Library approval approve the pro approving this article will allow the transfer of funds to improve the property the con failure to approve this article will mean the property improvements cannot occur I don't know if it's an improvement it's it's I guess it is right it's a something they want to do it's a project this article allow ins funds to it's um fund the projects yeah I mean I I mean I kind of look at it like this is to me a case in point where you're looking for some something to spend your money on synonymous property improvements and project are the same yeah are they yeah yeah it's pretty kind of the property yeah like the average rational person Ur with ask can occur well the con doesn't mean it can't occur it means the funding won't be allocated from the CPC somebody could but it wouldn't be yeah but it wouldn't go through right yeah they wouldn't get it without coming out of the to the town not well I mean strictly speaking the the vote is to allocate funds from the CPC for this project right like when you look at 17 the not to jump ahead but the con doesn't say that the the dredging won't happen it says the the general funds won't be appropriated for it you know and they have to find them elsewhere so it's just seems like it's like it's telling you hey we need these improvements and they're not going to happen unless you fund this it feels it's really just to vote whether the CPC funding will be allocated for a capital project in my opinion oh you're retired you want to build a w no it's a walking this article will allow the transfer funds to percussion musical instruments any basically it's saying too it's like kind of well the finance committee wouldn't give us money through our regular budget but the uh CPC or exactly going on they would give us money so yes so it is it is what it is you know not that they asked for it that way but they knew better right but yeah yeah through normal normal funding channels these guys said they to be done and if it doesn't come out this is something that really needs to be doneus this is a it's more of a Fluff project like you said CLE allow the transfer of funds to okay so that's I mean it it I guess I'm I'm okay with it okay thank you all right so we read the pro we read the con I need a motion to approve article 16 Pros motion second discuss pros and cons of article 16 okay motion was made and seconded all those in favor Joe DDI David Robert Ro I thank you pros and count right yeah it's just the pros and cons yeah that's allc no control W didn't get the same no we cried that before then we told no we couldn't do that yeah that ship is sailed I am not I'm already enough trouble [Music] alling and it's $100,000 uh okay good all right article 17 the pro approving this article will allow for the use of community preservation funds to pay for unseen unforeseen costs related to the project failure the con is failure to approve this article require the use of General funds general fund appropriation to fund the unfor unforseen expenses I'm just gonna say I have a problem this is the dring unforeseen expenses when it doesn't have a quote in front of you you know what I mean but we can't go there no because it's that's CPC money right this is for core amping permitting process dring dire of theen South clob Middle pond we okay with article 17 just the pros and cons and just the pros this is something that is going forward yes if they do not use the CPC funds then yes General funds will be used it's something that has to be done is that right I don't live on the lake but apparently yeah so it's just the next version of whatever did sealed when they did the yeah God bless you when they did the Alum treatment right this is a whole another closer to shore kind of issue I think you know what I mean where the Alum treatment was deep and further out so the core sampling will tell us said yes those leaves are 300 years old okay so it it needs to get done regardless of where the funds come from and this is a place need is a really big word I don't know people will get up and say Yes it needs to get done it wasn't presented to the finance committee to approve 100 Grand or say right yeah and a lot of that comes down to is the CP CPC fund sitting there and you know does it need to come out of the general fund when my 3% already went towards this and your 3% already went towards that account I don't know you know it's a I don't know it's a whole discussion that well the point being two is that that money that that 3% at least people know that it's going towards something thing that that 3% is not you know it's going for something that is going to you know benefit the town which is so that's no absolutely yeah one way or the other we're going to pay for it where they whether they raise my taxes or you use money that I've already put in already put into this yeah pick your poison yeah good okay so Goot to approve as okay I read them I read them right yep vote to approve as discuss the pros and counts for article 17 South Cove Middle pond dredging Lake management committee Tan Lake motion second all those in favor Dr Z CH d i Paul Conley I David matthy I I Robert R I thank you article 20 say temporary slope easement we go and still development yeah where do you know where it is in town if you want to it's got to be close to article 21 Lori drive and Cody Lane I think this is all part of that same package oh okay because one has a dollar value to it that's which is the AR article 20 as the dollar that's why we're talking about it okay yep you see at the town of sou will vote to take the following easements by animate domain so we're taking easements for the front yards to do work learn some of 20,000 for the payment of all damages costs and expenses incidental and related to said taking or to take any other action relative therefore so it's 20 grand and then over here temporary slope easement article 20 the pro is approving this appropriation of funds will allow the road to be accepted under Mass General law and makes additional chapter 90 funds available I thought that's what 21 is no the quy uh well I don't know um is the sub definite plan subdivision of property so temporary so the temporary slope easement is needed first to get it I think that's to tidy up some stuff so youve the article going correct and why is it temporary because I don't want to mow your WR so I'm just going to take it over to what we have to do on that slope and then I'm G to give it back to you as a mess and then and and you can shule your own sidewalk in the winter field right and then anytime you want to actually do something you don't it's anas temporary s easement no I mean the temporary explanation yeah you up the explanations yeah off the Record we spent a lot of time on these two articles because there there's a dollar value to one and the select board got confused with it we all got really confused and the attorney got confused um in the end it's it's they're the same area but the 20 grand is just for one of them we thought they more 20 sounds like right 20 grand to create a temporary slope slopes are there I think we have to go in so so this is another parcel just like Robin Road remember Robin road yeah it fell apart and then come to find out they didn't do all the easement takings and all the pins and all of that so before we could spend 300 Grand to fix the road and make it beautiful got we had to tie all that in I think each didn't each neighbor get charged a few bucks each they got to dot the eing FR ital so the so the first part temporary slope easement is the first part of that a 15 foot wide temporary slope easement across a lot labeled okay revise Lot number three still Brook yada yada yada because okay there you go 20 foot wide storm drain easement access right so there's water issues that they're going to correct and they need the easement to go on that person's property property endurance and that 20 grand is either is either to pay for parts of the eent or to pay for the actual TR construction yeah okay so so that's what that is okay right so we don't have legal right to go through the gentleman's property to do what we need to do y and the 20,000 is is either paying some to him and as you say some to do the repairs always smiles just oh yeah Joseph figure this out yeah by the way I don't know if it helps or not no it's all good you got time this warrant article explanation of article 20 the warrant article secures funding for the town to secure and record drainage easements in conjunction with the road acceptance of Lor drive and po Lane which is the next article rights for these easements were never granted by the town by the original developer so once again it's another project that wasn't finished properly back in the day we're cleaning up that mess and by the way when we do that we get the chapter 90 money for that road whether it's a half mile quar mile 600 ft there'll be some pennies brought back to or chapter 90 and I'll read article 21 just for explanation that warrant article allows the town to accept Lori drive and Cody Lane as public ways so right now they're still private and they never finished it what's the emminent domain piece is that how you ex how you accept a road no so enous domain means the gentleman says screw you you're not coming on my property through the state and through the government the end domain allows you to go in and take that parcel for regardless um best example Westfield there's a church there by the McDonald's by the pike right the church has gone the state came in and took that for the road right um by en domain they pay them something per se but not maybe the cash value they thought that's in 21 isn't it the 21 is taking of the is is allowing the roads to be taken which one has eminent domain listed in oh I 21 does too 21 but talking something that's 27 years old they took bir and Ben can't even park a car in drive not a good practice no but they do that they don't no that's exactly they don't that's just their way you got to get done no fun when somebody walks up and says you have to we I had been trying that for years but they don't say that to it's true they tell no it is you got to go you got to go there perfect example 57 was coming through Southwick at top of my Hill those those houses land still sitting there people took it all under end domain paid them whatever and we've never the state never develop make a beautiful industrial park but we're not going to go well the frogs moved in they just shut that right down more holes the street okay all right back to our all right are we good with it uh yes okay know we are 20 Pro approving this appropriation of fund allow the road to be accepted under M law and and makes additional chapter 90 funds available a con fa to approve this payment means that chapter 990 funds will not be available to the town to go over to this one that says 22 but it's article 20 thank you thank you vote to approve as discuss the pros and cons for article 20 temporary slope easement well excuse me that 20 specifically doesn't give you the chapter 90 funds 21 does doesn't right right so why do we say the con of 20 is that we won't get the chapter 90 did you have to do this well no but that's article 21 I mean you can't say that you're going to get chapter 20 chapter 9 payment failure to approve this payment means that chapter that means that means that the easement will the temporary slope M will not proceed you could say which in in turn would not make not allow the acceptance of the road to approve this payment means that the easement the acceptance of lury driving Cody Lane would not be possible read correctly very this it means well he's right though chapter 90 funds isn't even in the picture yeah it will be towards the end and it means I mean the town could vote down 21 independent of 20 so failure to approve this payment well if they vote down 20 there's no 21 well I think at meeting she better explain that if we vote no ontic 21 is kind of subject not what do you do with eminent domain where does that put eminent domain if you put both of these down well because that's what this is about yeah I mean basically I think I if they both go down that then there's no ENT domain then there's no emminent domain and those towns aren't accepted roadways that's a big which a mult which cuts out the chapter 90 money that we're eligible for and then you can sit there and go up up pretty argument and go well why don't we plow and Patch the roads if they're not accepted why doesn't the guy that built the thing do you know you get in a whole Myriad of things but I mean because we gave his bonds back we gave back every all collateral he left out so there's nothing left there so we're basically so we so just like with Robin Rogue right we're stiffed okay so basically and probably because now it's too late to change the articles but I think maybe she should explain at town meeting that article 20 if it's not accepted article 21 is like a m subject and that would be something for Town Council to address at the meeting well or whatever but I these two articles completely address eminent domain we either have it or we don't have it well the town always has emminent domain then there's no it's a mve point then right you know I mean we're approving the 20,000 it's a move Point yeah um but yeah I mean we can so on 20 just to be y accurate and we say failure I mean really are the con the con to doing this it's really supposed to be I'll go back to my original argument a year ago the cons are supposed to be if you vote for this there's a pro and there's a con but we flip that around we're making them both Pros in a way failure to approve this um but the failure to approve it means that the temporary easement uh cannot proceed more more needs to be added to which is required to the which is required for the um Road acceptance the first part the pro was right that if we do approve this appropriation funds will allow the road to be accepted and make additional funds available but the cons would be the road would not be accepted all right I I think we need to add a little bit more to the cons because if they not to do it we're not failure to approve this payment means the the easements they're really separate there's no easement without domain is it really the easement or is it just the acceptance of L Cory drive and Cody Lane would not be possible it's not going to be possible because the eminent domain doesn't take place if we don't approve it if you don't approve it they can't touch it yeah but there's left to the homeowner or whatever El they want to do with but the town could approve 21 and deny 20 they could now they're both the same they're not the same one of them is to spend $20,000 on a right on an easement but they could approve emminent domain and take the and accept the roads without having a water easement Place yeah so that's what you know yeah but it's something driving that water easement is that is that because the road's not acceptable like as as as made it's not acceptable that's why going after this easement and the 20 grand to make the road comply to some spec somewhere well there also could be that thing could have been built where there is a drainage structure 20 or 30 feet off the road but they can't get they can't get legally because she needs to supplies for more information um I you can make a healthy healthy uh so let's make a motion for the chairman to figure this out because I am not coming back to another meeting four time meeting we can just ST stick to what the article says and say it's you know a failure to approve it means the temporary easement will not occur in said of chapter 90 funds yeah the temporary easement will not occur period period okay yeah people are gonna vote for it anyway no I that's the sad part right we spend more time yeah thinking things logically through yeah they've already been three articles ahead yeah and we're still here yeah temporary make a motion to move the question yeah yeah that make a motion that that shouldn't happen anymore to move the question no they should be three three articles ahead of us so that's okay that why am I wasting my time here you need a coffee or something that's not right principal over PR okay so I got a high school did you do that when you were on the board a Bo that when you were used to be that big one that big one that for did you just blaze over these things we already took care of that you want the truth yes yes we did we glazed over I learned so much sitting here it's it been a week now that that that we never I I I'm a jerk but if you want to go to the big Bo I think you got to be on this board for a year because you truly do not we can sit there and BS all we want but you truly do not understand finances until your s on this board I understand it but I have a question now what you're saying is realistic and in fact it is true how is it how is it they can overwrite whatever we put down not as decisions but as suggestions because you elected them to do that we're appointed here you should where's the you should you want me to make you a sticker no okay can we please finish the last yes we can good chair I made a motion to move your question oh you did I couldn't see you with the lights I'm so sorry okay so we got out we got that done all right let me find my third set of papers here we are and this is going to be article 20 okay vote to approve as discuss the pros and cons for article 20 temporary slope easement motion seconded all those in favor marginally we see marginally in your name the record that's the what's gonna be on the campaign sign thank you Joe DD oh ken Robert h i he's still there still here sir I'm paying I'm stuck in my office this he has to do one way okay we need the recommendations please article pleas AR donation 20 thank you may not lost by a digit yes I'm where do I have it the very last thing motion to yeah but I don't have any I understand that so no pros and cons for it no we just we just voted on just recommend it we did the pros and cons now you slow be we have to do two on second I just IED and I got all scre up I'm sorry vote to recommend article 20 temporary slope e motion all yeah promotion was made in second service that's a real I not a middle of the BRS Robert thank you more pros and cons no more pros and cons it's going to say should we take a vote to allow the chairman if there's any little yeah tweaks to the pros and cons he can work with I think you go with the vice chair since she's not on yeah just in case there's a little tweaks for absolutely you can make it so you could delicate I would not do that or any of you on okay so I need that in form of a motion that the chairman um weak as needed the pros and cons motion seconded those in favor Jose TV remember yeah are you happy all that yeah just in case you know I just there's always a little like yep okay so the agenda we did Disc discussion approve of Cl and P recommendations we did that is there any new business I see none is there any old business I see none and just for the records as of May 8th three Cash is 3.73 million and the stabilization fund is 2.98 million interest received portally and the reserve fund is 102,000 in it I will entertain a motion to ajour motion seconded all those in favor dros Joe d i Paul GLE David J Robert Ro I thank you thank you that's it folks have a great uh evening our next meeting will be at town meeting