##VIDEO ID:ciA3ZDmVUL0## evening folks it's a little after 5:30 guys make sure all our cell phones are quieted I appreciate it I got to all right it's November 19th it's Tuesday it's a little after 5:30 so we are the finance committee in in attendance tonight it's Paul Conley Karen D Mayo Dr Richard lowski Sher Milton as our associate member and show TD absent is Robert oroch David and Alita de Maria all right first up we have the minutes for 625 got a chance to look down yep I'll make the motion accept did you get that all those in favor Joe DDI all Lei I was absent so I don't know abstain sherain Ken J thank you discuss the Le there's two that are highlighted the ad committee need somebody and if you guys don't mind I take that yep hopefully that can help Ste those folus in Direction yeah I they're doing good because sometimes they could sometimes they need an answer yep so I usually have one not that it's right I'll do to town clerk clerk anyone else want it I'll do it okay is any everyone here happy with where they are on the list let me ask you that y okay so accounting is Alita a is Joe Animal Control is Dr and David meth board of appeals David meth Board of assessors Paul Conley Board of Health shering Nolton Building Department Robert warjack look I'm saying that right Cemetery commission Joe Dei clerk Caren de Mayo Jim preservation committee Mr TD conservation Mr TD Council and aging Mr de P for Council Mr T that's what happens when you miss a meeting that's right it truly is what happens that's right we volunteer you yes you do uh DPW in Highway and solid waste Karen Deo and Paul connley DPW Karen De Mayo Paul [Music] Conley economic development is David meth and Robert kochak second guessing fire department Paul Conley and Joseph Dei historical commission Joseph Dei League management Joseph de what we gu Library Sher nlon moderator David meth Parkin wck Joe Dei and Robert H planning board Joe Dei Police Department Joe Dei Dr olowski school department Robert Pooch Alita Di Maria and Joseph de select board Alita Di Maria say that right SEMA is [Music] Robert sewer implementation is Karen Deo and Paul Conley and Treasurer collector is going to be Karen De we're all updated everyone's good um you want to do Co on the town CLK or do you want it does it really require a c um well I mean you know are you around during the day to Fridays Fridays okay I no it's up to you just you know show okay right okay that's good just check okay I'm learning we don't have to jump through hoops as quickly as we have P people can wait a few days and get things done just running around with our head cut off heavy lifting no and once un honestly once those guys are finally settled in yeah I don't think there'll be much there you right right so I've done in the past yeah biggest problem with both others is they look so empty when you walk through they just do you know the size of them yeah well there's there's there's some changes coming down the line big deal stillll a motion to approve as as said second all those in favor Joe DDI I Shar Al I Karen De both for authorized finance committee chair and vice chair actually wa recute the finance committee right reorganize first yes so do anyone want to be chair I'd like a motion to Jo be assist we got do one at a time do Joseph we'll do Joe first I will abstain I Sher Iain I'm not gonna vote for myself that's nice that's nice okay so so next up is your advice chair I make a motion leave Le where she belongs second it okay all those in favor Shar Miss meeting that's it right yep okay vot to authorize finance committee chair and vice chair to approve Reserve fund transfer requests second yes okay thank all those in favor Joe DDI Sharon I Shar J what is that dollar amount last year was $20,000 okay are you guys all still good with the 20 yeah I'm fine with that that just we had a reserve fund transfer request come in today at 3:00 or so 2 o' I didn't have a chance to look at any of that was working so it's not on the agenda tonight and normally when that comes in there is some back and forth with that department to see what's really wrong and how we fixed it none of that happened yet there's enough money in their account to do what they have to do it'll drain it down but there's enough money so that'll be on our next agenda that's why I asked how much 20,000 so it could still get approved yeah and then reaffirmed got next meeting so a little history there sorry that was good okay so next up we're going to vote to assign finance committee chair and vice chair access to all documents relating to financial matters of the town and that pretty much got brought up because what does that mean going there so basically what happens when as a board that we are we we do what we do right but we apparently really weren't allowed to look at I don't know how you say this um bills that come in because I had asked I said geez certain months it's like the lottery that the machine just keep going tick tick tick tick tick tick tick with dollars and I would love to know where we're spending our money and and well Mr Dee you really can't look at that so Laura did a research and said well actually if you do it you can do it you just have to follow procedure so then I can go in and ask for all the bills from accounting for the month of June and be able to look at them and and just look at them and figure out wow we're either spending a lot of money we're not you know what I mean just another set of eyes so as we as the board have to vote to give you permission to look at all of this in the bylaw it says Laura found it yeah in the bylaw it says that one or more members can be assigned to look and that there's language I'm just so it's it probably was voted years ago but it's it's probably good to revote it you know I'm just surprised that it isn't some other committee that gives us permission to look at so it's it's us ourselves okay yeah yeah but we just have to assign though or you have to assign it makes sense to me yeah I just another set of eyes and I'm surprised you didn't have yeah that's why I was like I can't wait to hear this well you got to understand Laura right unless it's written in stone and she can see it you know it's just like the town works if it's not written it's not right right you just can't assume so LA's like I can't assume that you can do that I let me do my research yes you can do it but when did we ever approve this right you know it wasn't with me as chair right right so if the chair changes right I think you got to do that every time just right well I just think if it depends on how you or who you're voting if you left it if you left it chairperson and vice chair I don't think it would wouldn't matter who it is who it is okay I was going to say that's how we should vote it then the position not the person not the person y okay so do I start where the yellow is I mean literally it says in in the discharge of its duties that's where you want me to start it doesn't it's doesn't flow you know what I mean so V to assign Finance Comm invite share access to all documents relating to financial matters of the Town see attached for language so the language is I'll just read the whole thing yeah make recommendations to the town or to any board officers or committee relative to the municipal physical Affairs in general it shall make recommendations to the town in regards to any Financial business of the town in the discharge of its Duty the committee shall by majority vote assign one or more individual members of the committee free access to all books of record and account bills and vouchers on which money has been or may be paid from the town Treasurer contracts agreements and any other documents printed or electronic related to financial matters of the Town correct someone want to second that well all right can can I do one question of course I'm gonna ask this question yeah so in there it's specifically says paid for by the town Treasurer so that excludes the schools am I correct yes all right just want to make sure damn so close right all right to okay so all right so as as a member of the finance committee so if we if we limit it to the chairman and the co-chair yeah um only have access to that thing if I have a question about the fire department spending and I want to see a bill or something I would like the capability to walk into her office and say can I see this line item or that line item the way that this will be voted is I have to get you or a leader to request so why can't I just why can't it just include the entire finance committee rather than limiting it to the chairman and the co-chair why can't any member of the finance committee if they have were assigned Liaisons to certain people if I have a question it's kind of redundant that I have to that I can't go in and ask LA because she won't give me the information so now I have to run and track you you down to go to request from Laura to give me the information it's kind of redundant I mean we're members of we're all members of the finance committee and if I have a question on somebody I'm the you know liaison with I should be able to walk into her office and go la what's you know and she'll tell me okay because I have the authorization to do it so rather than just voting two people of the board it just to me it just seems kind of redundant that I can't go when no I have to either Chase Joe down or Alita well if he's down in North Carolina doing his thing I'm stuck I tell me if I'm wrong I mean I'm just disag I think we should all be keeping the chair and the vice chair in the loop on what's going on and what we're questioning so that would force you to make sure that the the chair and the vice chair knows what's going on I think you do the chair and vice chair and and we'll try it right and if I get 18 discussions with you over stuff then I guess we're GNA have to change it Mr chair I'm just I'm just bringing up that point sure okay Nicole wants to say hi Nicole hi I don't know how to I don't know how to raise my hand this sounds it sounds like it could be um a nightmare for a counting if everybody is walking in there any time of day just asking for a bill um I think having some designated people is a good idea and I also think that to be you know to be reasonable and to understand that when you come in with a request we can't just drop everything it's an extremely busy office so it's got to be like you know here's an email can I see the bills from the fire department for the week of November 17th or something like that and expect that you know there it might be a day or two when they get before they can get it back to you because it you all know is I know that they're very busy and they you know so I think that to have every member of the finance committee come in in any given time and make them drop what they're doing is unreasonable yeah because we're only really going to be asking for bills if there are big issues that we want to look into yeah keep it away from micromanaging well I mean it is it is only bills but like if you walk in there and go um how much money is left in this line item she she won't answer that question unless I have Joel or Alita so why she still won't answer it when you walk in by the way I don't I don't want that I don't want that burden on the accounting office I don't want anybody walking in there at any given moment to just drop everything and tell me how much is in this line item and it may you know not be the appropriate time or even question to ask yeah and why I wouldn't do it that way anyway yeah I I don't think we would be getting into line item by line item mid year maybe halfway through the year we might want to take a look at something but no I doubt and I think that's great and if you guys want you get the reports I hope you get uh you know the report from them for your meetings so you can review the whether it's the revenue report or the expenditure up to date um you know but I just I'm just imagining the poor girls in there now that are constantly interrupted for every you know day-to-day work and then having members of the finance committee come in randomly is just going to be too much so I think a good procedure in place is is most appropriate just advocating for the Department here thank you so I'll take a motion for the chair and vice chair to I'll make a motion right all those in favor Jo D sharing I and I don't so when I asked this it wasn't to go over line item by line item as you look you we all have our packets right and we're year to date so you can look at some of these and go geez it seems like we're spending some big money so instead of I guess my world since I'm a small business owner is I would love to see what we're purchasing not trying to torture anyone but you know what did we buy well all right it really comes into June June's a heck of a month well just just just to expand yeah I had a I had a case where I walked in I and and basically I I I just asked Laur I says um I says how much money is in the assessors outside um rol no the advisor that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah simple question she wouldn't give me an answer yeah I've been there okay all right Paul I've asked for baks I've asked for Binks I'm like just blink once or twice you don't know answer and I got this the door is there so it's like okay then I don't care no no and so I mean if it cost a town $100,000 that's way to look at it but if if that road you want to take is that I will call you or I will call Alita yeah task you with going in to find out one line all I did was ask you know how much is in that line item and I couldn't get an answer okay that's fine I can I can deal with that but when but when stuff goes to crap I don't want to hear about it going well you were the you know the A on well I was but I tried to get an answer but I didn't go down the proper channels so okay but that that's well Paul last time I looked you didn't sign that piece of paper that brought us down that rabbit hole so you're still okay I can deal with that that that's Al just remember you also are the Liz on sorry I said it wrong but to the department heads so those questions could be you would think they be answered there well so yeah I mean not a big deal it's it's you know it is what it is don't goes bankrupt Right Care Sun still comes up tomorrow it's gonna come up tomorrow yes okay whether we hit the tax levy or not so oh we always hit the tax ly we're dancing and then so yeah okay all right so that is all set yep okay we're good 2026 budget framework so last year's product that we had where do you guys stand with that you want to add to it take away from it I think it was fin that Diane G had the history with her when we were in the meetings going back say three three years she had that yeah yeah you only need one or two people to have the detail I like that it's more legible for me see that I'm blind so did we see a lot of comments on the comment section so i' my opinion I see I'd like to see minus5 come back into play and maybe the comments can just be on a piece of paper separate if they have a comment about some I think we need to have end this year financially between the schools last year and I don't know what the town is I'm hiring lately and where we're head in that direction so I just once again don't think the money is going to be where we think it is yeah and the people who comment usually do put together package right literally right your bigger ones do Brandy yeah bry's got it all dialed in fired yep yep so that's my thoughts I'd like to see minus five and then level fund and get rid of the comments they not being used it makes sense it usually if there's a comment it's a big one right it's not right yeah it's an explanation it's not yeah but they have they have the next page you know put a lot of this stuff on it usually gets redundant will that work for yeah I think so that probably most 80 80% of them will um sometimes they just put that gener there sometimes they don't even fill it out properly anyways yeah well yeah notice there's no increase if he wants double funded glass so giving them the option of having an increase no well as I recall last year some people just didn't care they put on what they wanted regardless and some of them were increases well we just that's what we that's what we need too bad well they didn't with the memo so I just I just know where we're I'm not trying to be dooming room I just don't know where we're headed you know the whole school trade school thing sounded great and I and I truly hope it works out but what was the last year 800,000 I think ended up at six they asked they asked for a million the they took away a few things they only at four so they ended up at six yeah yeah and that round table was December 4 for anyone that can make it um and I did let them know that we will't be talking about the trade school and how out yeah they should have an upate us a great time discuss the dollars how it's going to play out like why was it taking so long well through molasses or something the state is the state when it comes to education and everything else so it is what it is and the contract negotiations is those rats GNA fall so yeah there a lot going on yeah okay do need a motion to adjust it as needed second all those in favor Shar this a good time to bring up dates law can we go right into that a new business is next so let's talk about so last year's dates for our Saturday [Music] meetings they [Music] were so my opinion is I think we're too close to the end game when we get to the end game we're we seem to be out of time so I'm hoping to move things up a week or two so that way in the end I'm hoping the accounting team has an extra week in there to get stuff done you know and and I know it's it sounds simple and it probably won't be when we start arus but same with Capcom I'm going try to move like just doesn't need to wait to the end because then you know you got two days before the printer I hear right and we got so many books for this meeting and I would it doesn't change the dollar value right they all have budgets they're all working it's just a matter of getting next year figured out right so Laur what was our first date for budget hearing Bud hearing a Saturday in no they were they were first week first two weeks of it was two weeks apart [Music] yeah the 23rd yeah one was the 23rd yeah the other one would have been two weeks before that the eth maybe I have a copy of it in okay yep 9th and 23rd still it so we and that was the second one so so the first one could be would be March 8 for moving it up I'd like to move it up to February oh okay maybe the 22nd 22nd when is vacation week in February is there a February vacation week with kids probably that week because weid thank you y that's the end of it or the beginning of it the President's Day it is the 17th so I think you want avoid we're gonna be have to well we've learned any kind of vacation no one can make anything yeah so 15th that'll be the beginning of you are correcty is there a problem with doing and I know we we tend to delay and do it in two weeks is there a reason why we can't do it the first and the eth you like March March 1 and then and then yeah we can first first and the 15 the first and the eth first and the eth one and the e two weeks in a row and it's not like we're seeing the same people right it just goes down to the finance committee and the select board having those two Saturdays available so they can't have those yeah yeah let's do that first and the eth Y propos that yeah yeah I'll reach out to the select board because when is everything so our April May when's our Tom meeting D meeting will be the 20th U because the elections will be the 2 Tuesday in May which is the 13th and then the top meeting is the following Tuesday which is the 20th that just there I gotta go cap between now it would Happ can you would that up didn't we last yeah we could find a quick enough or just email to me tomorrow now how do we avoid after all our budget meetings and we approved everything I think it was the fire department last year that came up with last minute things after we did fire um maintenance at Town Hall here yeah was quite a list was it there they they knew what was going on two three weeks before when we met and all of a sudden it came I didn't appreciate that um think have been a change this year I'm not I'm not a fan of that this year yeah at all you know that was because I've been it wasn't months it wasn't some emergency thing that happened and all of a sudden oh yeah by the way we really need this to be done it was we look at our line items oh we have all these monies left over here and there we're going to package that and we going to use it here [Music] um need the garage door yes for the boat I mean I just wish they did it differently like you said you know had they known that money was in those accounts they could have handled that much differently ahead of time now mind you you got one guy going out one guy coming in you know so there's that little bit of a issue in the same with maintenance one guy coming out one guy coming in or an assistant coming in back then and you know Chief uh retired Chief Anderson so so I I see why it happened I'm not thrilled of how much money all of a sudden we came up with and which could have went right back into free cash right you know as we tighten budgets we tighten free cash so we're going to get to the point where we're back to the old tax levy Paul yeah yeah yeah how that work right so what were the dates for Capcom um February 15 February 2 and March 12th so what day was on probably a Thursday Thursday yeah Thursday Thursday Tuesday so we can probably go the sixth okay 6 20th those three of them on the 27th Mr chairman yeah know I'm looking I'm looking go ahead no I don't I mean just the the 20th is the vacation week are you looking at February 20th of course we are okay I'm just I'm just letting I mean I can't be there but that's fine no I got you you're right let me do this let me just cross that week right off there we go all right we're good so we get do the 6th the 13th and the 27th go budet he with done and then we'll have to do a uh reconciliation together but we'll figure that out as we get closer I can you an extra week and a half or two weeks buffer great everyone okay with that yep Nicole does that sound good to you sounds good to me thank you for your consideration yeah it'll all go out the window as soon as this meeting's over but at least we we're going in the right direction I'll make sure I am in South Lake for those days any new so I don't know if you've met Nicole have you come to one of our meetings yet um I when's the last time you had one no serious I I don't I don't remember she is now the top dog upstairs as we sit in the Celler here um so any complaints just call her she'll pick up and and I I I'll give her this her door seems to always be open at the end of the hallway so the door's open if you walk by and she's not on the phone she'll gladly talk right yes I do like to keep my door open if if at all possible it's always open yeah yeah so welcome aboard Nicole thank you problem all right that's that's SC anything for old business what are we missing this is too easy we okay anything no are we um is everything within budget from all the officers moving around and well they they say they are I just selectman's meetings and there was there was a few pennies left over and and um both wanted a little bit of training yep so that came out of those pennies left over okay I think they're doing good I mean everything looks good I just want to make sure I really hope it comes in like they say everybody had what they needed for furniture and Mr CH yes sir man um so we we do have some training going on right now with treasure collector and Clerk and they're very much under budget they authorized $5,000 we have a line item with hired services for $8,000 I think we've spent will spend maybe a thousand so we're very much under the budget they they're getting the training they need it's happening quickly and efficiently so they're not using up a lot of the money that was authorized so uh and they're under budget with the whole reconfiguration too um there was around 10 almost 11,000 left and they just had to put the countertops in so once that's done it should be all set and they should be under budget as well I talk to both of them and they that very specific help that they needed so and a lot of it sound like they were going to do on Zoom anyways so they brought the cost way down and seems like it's working out good for both of them yes is great if I may again quick um you know we do have to talk and I know Doug brought it up last night but we do have to talk about some sort of succession plan in the assessor's office and then there's probably going to be training for that too right but that'll go in for next year's budget correct yeah but it's you know something to think about and something for you guys to have in the back of your minds oh absolutely yeah yeah I just get a little nervous when you guys are upstairs talking because I feel sometimes you forget there's actually a budget in play and not you I never forget about a budget I promise you that I just that's my personal feelings I just sometimes get a little nervous up there and M mine my little personal feeling is how well you guys have uh really handled the budget in Southwick for all of these years you you've done a fantastic job do is pleased with you and you know you've done a great job with the budget and and bringing the town up to where they are so congratulations on that they've done a great job I'm just a mouthpiece um I know they're supposed to be or there is the survey going around about the fiber yes yep that I launched yesterday I believe saw survey uh yeah maybe this morning or maybe yesterday I don't remember either in the last couple days I saw something on Facebook about that so they are um putting out the survey to see if we should be moving forward or not if it's one are the other big issues that I Paving was 20 million or Hing and ha over what they may or may not have to with that the fiber of course is 16 million 15 million so still a big number and what they're looking for on that is to see if they can get they need a certain percentage of retention right or it's not going to work right and they're very close on their margins so that is a very important survey that you really should fill out everyone in town it can't hurt to get an honest number of who you know I would think I would sign up in a heartbeat because every time I go on my computer it's slow as heck which department I haven't seen it yet um what's that is it on the town website I believe so town website okay I just want make sure it's been all over social media yeah it was is it on the Southwick is it on your Southwick Facebook so on the town Facebook I see like stuff from Diane a lot and a couple other people oh she'll have it up there don't you worry yeah there's also paper copies in our office for anybody that doesn't have a computer gotcha oh that's not the case of M so you have that and then there was some talk about the transfer station I was to say y y y for million that I've heard people talking about different options yeah of what to do there yeah and is that just going to be um more of information meetings that people would have to attend to find out where really serving to that also I would I was hoping when they did the survey for the internet they would do something to a transfer station but I was thinking it was on paper side um I don't know where they're going with that I know there was discussions um I think they put it back in ry's lap for a few more questions they want it answered and then they're going to come back and from the selectman again but I am sure it'll go out to the public long before they make a decision so where did that come from was that just people concerned about um elderly who can't get to the dump or was there a bigger issue surrounding the transfer station so Joe de's opinion and nobody get offended please we'll go back six seven years um we go to the Maya convention all the time right there's a guy with a little dumpster so you put your depends and me Doug M and Mr Fox would chuckle about it um Mr Fox's gut feeling his whole life has been we need to keep that open I get it I have a dumpster at my place I could care less um I don't use it a transport station like you need to I just don't uh I think Doug was up in the air and we did Reach Out x amount of years ago to three different trash haulers to get actual quotes and and just like the million 2 it was crazy money back then and and it was just a piece of it never mind it didn't include the services of the trash being sent out like you know now we have a certain number our trash goes to Springfield wher it goes it all works this time around I do think it was you know geared maybe a little bit more towards the elderly and and I if you listen to the tape which you should do go back to the selectman's meeting and listen to it there was talk about well maybe what we are missing is just we have no bulk pickup in town so maybe we should do a little bulk pickup would that would help the senior years with the mattresses and the stuff they can't get rid of per se um I don't know where it's going to go personally you know I the blue barrels are the blue barrels and if it's uh kind of a double-edged sort because you take like you know the city of Westfield okay the city of Westfield still maintains twist stre so if you have bulk stuff you want to dispose of the town still has that available you can load your pickup up and pay so the transfer station per se would not go away if you did hold trash pickup you would still have to have somewhere to dispose of wood metal and that type of stuff that they wouldn't commonly pick up at your in that little blue bin okay so it's not like you're going to get rid of the transfer station per se right but it just it will make if you have people that and I mean it's like they're open Tuesday nights they're open during the day they're open a week weekends and people just can't seem to fit that into their schedule which for whatever reason and it's it basically it all depends how much do you want your taxes to go up because no matter what you decide on it's going to cost you money all right so now we're talking $15 million for the cable thing and now you want to do curbside trash pickup okay that's X am so how much when I when I saw what the options were basically like getting rid of it and having the taxpayer pay for themselves in the back of my mind is the was the budget that tight that you even have that there as an option because that would be like another tax on the the town's people well now that's the one I just wanted to make sure really so just just keep this in mind uh and I might be off on the dates a little bit but seven years ago the actual total valuation for the town of Southwick if somebody wanted to come in by the whole town of Southwick we finally got over a billion dollars in valuation okay all the property in town add it all together all right in seven years do you know what the total valuation of the town of Southwick is today it was a billion then yep seven years billion no it was a billion we two billion dollars now in seven years we double the value with the town of Southwick yeah okay so you have to understand that so the mill rate keeps going down because we have a levy limit okay so the more the value of the property goes up we have to keep reducing the mill rate because we can only raise and appropriate so much money let's say you got to get to 100 you can multiply 4 * 25 or 10 by 10 it still gets you to 100 okay so people look and they say oh God the mill rate keeps going down yeah but has but you're still paying more in taxes because your value keeps jumping yeah the minimum value for a house in southi is $250,000 over in Firwood Park those houses sold for $10,000 back in 1950 they're selling for $250,000 dollars you cannot buy a starter home in Southwick okay just to just to you know and these we get so people don't realize it's like oh yeah it's nice to have trash pickup and have this and half that it all comes at acrost it's going to raise your taxes the schools are going through their contract negotiations now they're just starting with the contract negotiations do you think the teachers are going to take a pay cut absolutely not oh don't you know what I'm saying so all this all all this stuff is on the board you know 15 million here you know it's guess what you want your roads pav guess what your taxes are gonna go up so you just Bas I just asked because I wanted to know so you just basically tell us coming it's coming out of your hence why we moved meetings up two weeks um you know let's get in front of all of this was there an issue that brought that forward no I think the select board is listening to their consti somewhat and they're just trying to you know and and and you know some of those folks are new to the select board they don't know the depth of certain things of the history so I think they just which is fine they come forward you know it's it's all good so they'll learn you know nothing seems and I think they're starting to realize honestly every time they open their mouth with some of these big projects there's a lot of dollars involved and that you know I keep saying Levy Levy Levy and what was it five the bottom line is whatever whatever we were doing last year without new growth and everything else it's like 500 Grand is what we have to play with right right they want new furniture upstairs the new bedroom set at the fire department that's 300 you had the schools come in for a million yes we got them down to six back to the 500,000 that we really only have to play with depending on New Growth know so we don't have there's not a ton of money here there just isn't um and we're getting to the point with you know the new dump truck here or the the new lawnmower we're running out of right a million two a million five every year we're putting in Paving right it's still a check every year there's a payment to that so and we don't have enough debt rolling off here to you know that was the old I get it that replaces debt starting in my life but we're getting to the point where we don't have it rolling off as much as we do we want to put on right you know and what is the interest rate when putting it on oh look at that don't even go to the interest rate it's out of control coming off going back on yeah yeah it's coming off at 1.2 yeah that's going back on at probably five to six or four right yeah yeah so there's some tough that's why I honestly that's why I want the minus five in there there's some tough decisions this year I am and I'm Mr Debbie Downer but I just I see it that way and I'm going to continue to see it that way and and honestly at the end of the day if we have to cut some people's budgets we're going to cut them and I'm not going to go back and forth and you know we're we're appointed to do a job that's why we're not elected right okay and this year we're we're steadfast on making sure everything's right and remember we have no control over salaries that's entirely the border of Selectmen so whatever money they decide to give away takes the money out of our pot that we have they not giving it way it's get quity and to keep quality but you know what I'm saying is that yeah but but that's that's that's their you know perview so in the end we're going to look in the pot and go all right this is what we have left okay that's how we're going to De it up it's pretty simple Lucky Charms yep exactly it's all good all right anything else no oh good are you sure we did everything right Laura you make me nervous that's up we're good we're happy okay I would like anything else tole on your end no but I if I could just give one clarifying comment uh the value of the town is somewhere around one .55 or not quite 1.6 so I just so we don't have the rumor mill coming out later on that we've doubled in 7 oh I know that I mean earlier earlier projections actually had that at 1.9 but the reality is has come back to a little different so it's just under 1.6 I believe Laura I don't know if you have it in front of you but um we I just wanted to make that small clarification it's no big deal just wanted to make sure that we all knew that I love reality when it goes down that's better are just slightly under Mr chair public comments sure go ahead okay uh Marcus Phelps 28 Depot Street former Town planner and member of the planning board last night at the select board meeting there was a discussion about uh having a town planner position full time for planning and economic development so I got up last night and spoke in favor of that uh the salary of course will be increased from what Mr Gard who has been the planner parttime so this would be a full-time position and uh when I was a planner I was part-time there were a lot of inquiries from people who are coming into town as to where they could build something what they could do one of the bylaws etc etc so the planner always gets mixed up in Economic Development and right now of course the commission the economic development commission does not have a professional staff person so I think a full-time position like that is very worthwhile would you be applying for it no I I think it's somewhat worthwhile um but if you watch our plan and board meetings I'm not quite sure they want to in southw so that's up to the select to figure out yes yeah it's up to the selectman to decide the position description apparently there is one that's been drafted wonderful uh and routed around yeah so that's their deal we just apply the line item just it heads up that more money expect yeah more money yeah I think it's worthwhile to have some because if you get an economic development going then you get ratables and you get additional money coming in should they want something in town correct yes thank you anything else anyone on line for public comment I screw that up nobody there a me a motion to adjourn motion second all those in favor Sher n i folks have a great night