sorry for the late start folks this is the finance committee it is June 25th hold on slow down we're good thank you we're good okay hello folks today is June 25th we are the finance commission uh we're starting a little late sorry about that BAC wasn't working at Town Hall I'm going to go with that one and we are in conference room three um who was here today Paul connley Karen Deo David meth Dr Richard zosi zinsky we think owski just checking and de um checking to see if you know yeah and then the audience is uh big guy Mr Pon so first up we have to make a motion to start I even a motion second say all those in favor Joe DDI paulle Ken May David and we don't have anyone on Zoom so public comment is first has anyone on Zoom that would like to discussion with me no no all right Mr Peron anything you like to say all right cool thanks okay up first we're going to approve the minutes of 58 2024 motion the doctor made a motion second Paul Conley seconded that motion all those in favor Joe D Paul Conley I thank you also consent agenda on 5 2124 a motion for that second all those in favor Joe D Paul I Karen stain David okay up first is a reserve fund transfer this is this is one Reserve fund transfer request we request for funding of $1,981 to bring Plumbing up to code at fire department so this guys was basically um fortunately I know the history it started with uh some duck work that had to be upgraded over the years kind of thing it's this huge box it took a wall out put the Box in and when they did that they found out the piping was soldered and not welded and apparently today's world it needs to be welded not soldered police station a fire station fire station y nothing to do with additions nothing to do with bedrooms right back the good old fashioned maintenance of the existing boiler and all that process so in the end um they didn't have the money and they while the wall was apart you either fix it or don't fix it so you fix it so that's where this came from is that correct Laura okay it's duct work now and no it wasn't duct work so there was a a 4ot by 12T box an aluminum box as big as that wall right there they had to take a wall down to find the old one which they did pulled it out apparently something was wrong with it I don't know how I'm not I don't want to be a plumber or the heating Cas guys put the new one in and when they did that and connect the pipes the old pipes were all soldered back a day today's stretch code today's Commercial Code call it what you will they all have to be welded okay no one knew about it because no one had it apart because this whole this whole process has been hell um and this is hopefully the end of it so lad us would say well it was a part you had to fix it now they did do that so now they're in front of us for funs the big box is a air handler or yeah air handler there you go but huge David I mean literally bigger than the length of that wall yeah good and originally of course we were going to take the wall down in in house we were going to do a lot in house didn't work out there yeah go but in the end it did because we were able to get the dollar values down to make it work and in-house we are doing a lot of the um the lipstick work in the end so that's where we're at sorry can't think today I like that so I need a motion to approve do made a motion Paul seconded it Joe DDI and you'll see this you okay agenda vot to authorize the chairman and vice chairman to approve the 2024 end year end transfers through the municipal monation Act so I need a motion for me and or the vice chair motion do second second all those in favor DBI Paul con Le K so I'm sorry I didn't catch for it's right on your agenda it's the second one down the agenda vote to authorize the chairman and I'm yeah yeah I'm sorry I'm gonna put and or vice chairman to just in case because one of us doesn't make it to the end well okay everyone said I thank you and then up next is everything that we were um going to be discussing first up is the maintenance department at Town Hall is looking for 30 $3,700 for a trailer to move the orange um tractor that they bought a year or two back for Dave so they needed it here they needed a parking r and yes you can drive it down the road but that's not what you're supposed to do so they looking there's a trailer to transport that we're a farming town and we drive behind plenty of farm tractors we do we do but those actually do like 30 miles an hour this little thing here I don't think does 30 miles an hour a good day so that's the first piece that you guys all have in front of you the second piece and and hold on TI this is all my emails and all my stuff that went back and forth uh so the library is out of code apparently we have wood chips against the building which is a fire hazard never should have been like that from day one fortunately or unfortunately we took our retired Fire Chief and made him had of maintenance for a few months and he caught it so instead of getting stuffed uncomfortable we got to fix it so that's where we are with that and that was a tune of six $6,700 to um fix our issue over there and below it is the bid from climate Landscaping remove Woods we got to remove wood chips and put Stone can't have wood chips the cost Stone get it out of course all of our houses have wood chips right up against them but we won't go there today yeah burn down a few every year all right so that's where that is at next I see 22 Grand from the little walk that they're doing well that's different so that's CPC funds okay that'll be in front of us in five years to repair don't worry yeah and if you going through your packet you'll see preventing mulch fires that's what that was all about right here I'm not sorry I'm going back to I know it says 67 but we had in the price 6579 oh did we yes and I see oh yeah 6579 you're right but the email said 67 right yeah so which one do you want to see us using Laura all I hear is car right here well you know yeah well he didn't say that in the meeting yesterday so this was what we had okay so that's what we're staying yeah okay but we still have it's still a drill yep it is it is I gotta okay what the bo is so yeah question about the trailer yes sir um so how often do they have to transport it and from where to where again so I'm going to say they'll probably transfer it 10 times a year from from the wle park or the rail trail to say town hall and then I'll say in two years from now they'll probably never even use it but for now I'm going to go with 10 times a year and um is there a trailer that the DPW has that you could throw it on once a month um you would hope so but apparently it doesn't appear that way do they have trailers they sure do and I think the roller sits on one of them I don't think anyone has a listen listen we're not we're here strictly as a finance committee we're a numbers board sir we're not here to think about how people react and do things because that's not how we would run a to um we can say no the last time they did borrow one from the fire department that they have their ATV on and that's how they moved it last time so um and this is like a a typical landscape trailer yeah Double L so those who can hold the weight brand new though it's right down the Tractor Supply just appro yeah yeah brand new yeah it is uh but it's just you know it's 37 since I made to approve this trailer find no you're not making a motion or you're just perusing through I mean there're a diamond do in on Marketplace everybody's all these landscapers that are bailing out are selling their trailer and whatnot yeah but last time we tried that the guy in the other end of the phone Marketplace doesn't take a purchase order so we didn't get far sorry yes yeah that's where it's at if the opinion of the board is no let me know and and I can just tell them though at this point okay next up is uhle old update HVAC okay Library did you actually give me a list of everything or or no yes in the packet there's a list of everything everybody has the full list okay thank you thank you thanks so much easier all right so now the library HVAC and here they said they've known for a year that it has been down so they have the extra funds in the health dental retirement unemployment to put it towards the library HVAC yes so there are funds there to cover it there are fun yeah yeah everything that we're transferring in they're just available funds so what Lura does is look at our budget and wherever there's money still available we'll take it from there we're not we're not looking at this like we're taking money out of our um free cash free cash f that we have available currently that we did not use and being the end of the year coming up in two weeks we'll use those funds to take care of this don't we think that personally aggravates me is a lot of this SCB should have went through the budget system well that's feel like it's we we're like o we can sidestep it and I and I'm not saying about anyone that's doing anything here I don't mean it in a bad way but I've learned real quickly here that this is another Avenue of trying to get something um that maybe someone forgot and say HVAC was down for a year um the our maintenance guy that was in charge over there maybe gotten maybe it just didn't make it anywhere and now we have a new so a lot of this we're cleaning up messes I'm just going to say it we have a new maintenance guide that's helping us parttime the HVAC air conditioner in a certain section of the library is not working and hasn't worked for a year they took some mobile units they put them in there right now it's okay but it's not right and unfortunately it's going to be used this summer for with the kids so yeah it's going to be used and there's this big thing about green energy and all this other great things we're supposed to be doing but all that takes time and we don't have time I'm sorry and maybe green energy will come to Play Someday but not this week so this is an HVAC this is an HVAC issue it's a replacement of a con current HVAC probably MC Mini Splits so that's probably what it is the back section or the front section of that building it did work a year or so ago it stopped working now that we've had two weeks of heat everyone's noticing and so the money is where you said me just have it in in the general budget that we can allocate it yeah we're taking it from our health and retirement line item there was you know with people coming and going there's a little bit of savings on that line um okay so we're going to take it out of that line item and move it into a library H repair line now could the CPC funds be used for that someday maybe I'm not I don't understand you know the CPC world I don't think so I don't think so repair it's repair and maintenance you can't do that right and but you can buy steps and monuments and I don't know if we ever bought well I mean this this Garden Walk or something they're putting in for it's creating a recreational area okay so now to create it you can do that but you can't spend any funds to maintain M it just like the splash park you can you build it but we're going to pay to main to maintain it it's the town right so if you were building the library yes but not to maintain it yeah and if the hbac unit was a declared a historic um it was in the old library yes yes but it's not it's in that modern 20y old library we have so and we I think we've replaced every piece of that Library since it's been built the sighting the roof or I shouldn't say roof I know the sighting I better shut up because that's coming next we did do installation a couple years back which did save us money on electric so okay thank you sorry okay is what it is it is what it is yep all right so back list thank you for the list but that's so yeah so when you see where it's being pulled from that's where we had extra funds available by coincidence in some cases they it's not like you know it was just sitting there because the end of the month is the end of the year is a week or two away so Lowa looks at every line item to see where we can pull from and most of these that we look at the department head and most of these said I do have money here and here where I can use it that's and that's what Laura prefers is they find their money yeah you know versus we have to spend an extra 16 days looking for it okay so next uh Library Landscaping we talked about that so did you say these were like extra Library funds that they're moving around or is this just in the budget in budget okay so it doesn't have to necessarily come out the modernization ACT allows you to transfer money within good anything um so we already discussed the library Landscaping right so she's just showing where it's pulling from so curb machine and trailer must have had some monies left over when they bought that Y and that's where you're pulling it from y okay and then of course the health and dental was the other piece of that that was for the library Landscaping the library hbac which I blew right over which we did talk about the 16,000 that is coming out of the health dental retirement and unemployment okay sorry next up is the garage storage building project so that's the police department in the back of it on the right hand side was an old salt shed that was where our DPW was a million years ago So eventually they convinced the town or the the police department said hey at no expense of yours we want to clean that building up and start using it for some storage which they did it's worked out great now they've decided it must need a new garage door which it doesn't have and two path stores so they can store their new boat in there okay where did they store the old boat they sh inside the station at one point it was inside the station but this one is bigger than the old one I'll give them credit for that and my understanding is it's it's very tight to put into the garage at the police department they have to unor it from the truck lower it and you'll slide it in so in an emergency I'm sure we're going to be taking the top of it off because we're going to be doing something quick um accidentally of course so I thought when they bought the new boat it was going to be shrink wrapped and and parked outside like the other one was for 25 years it was inside at one time and then then it was outside in Shing but you have a new Chief coming in and they feel that we should be redoing this old building so it can go in there so now you are going to ask us to approve all these transfers can we pick and choose which ones at this point in my life you share sell can okay a big well it's it's frustrating and I I I don't want to get into what my real feeling s but a lot of this okay so that's where we're at with that we're going to explain everything out then we'll go back and and vot on them okay Patrol rifles so this started because we're outfitting the used Cruiser for the new resource officer and they forgot to include a shotgun in the back all of our Cruisers have a is it a shotgun in new Patrol rifle in the back of their Cruisers and and it's all for bad reasons why we have those you know they have their pistols but this is that situation where they really need it um they are if you before I got on here when I was in The Other Board um I had thought we started a program of doing one shotgun a year and we did for a couple years there like three grand four grand to to update those they also use them for their training to get certified or trained on them so in theory those guns are probably used far more than their service pieces are because everyone has to train and get certified on them so one or two of them broke a knuckle here or there and they're kind of falling apart yes they were able to get parts for them which they did um so they're okay but they do need one then after they started looking at their budget they found a little bit of money and they would like to purchase four of them I believe which is the 14,000 right is it four four yeah and I think Brett is so yeah he's on I um so so the four of them will cost us the $1 4,377 and then once again it shows where they're grabbing the money from the medical requirement the chief development conference and travel and petty cash okay I I'll ask the question again now the chief development yeah is their existing funds yeah all this is existing money no no I'm not saying existing money the town this is all exist funds in the Police Department chief development conference in travel the petty cash is there medical requirements is that theirs so it's all their existing funds now they're choosing to move it within their own budget got it yes of course and I'll be as honest as the day is long we really never looked at the police budget but when I keep seeing 8,000 and 14,000 we're going to dive into that police budget next year I'm sorry oh yeah if you have all that extra money yeah that it just driving me it personally driving me nuts but that's me and I'll shut up oh it's the town's budget money now it is a Town's budget money but when we sit here and Nick and dying people to death exactly which we do that's my point it's not just the police absolutely and I don't think they look at it that way and not they're they're great guys they do a good job specifically any budget right right but police and fire for years we you know we're good guys and they need their funds but right give advance from the doubt we always have yeah the chief development they didn't know what that would cost so next year that kind of comes down but you know medical requirements you should be asking a lot more questions about that $7,000 medical requirement and a lot of this they were short guys last year so I'm sure some of this didn't happen because they were down four five six guys at one time so people weren't going to be able to do maybe the training or this or that per se yeah so what is and what is medical requirements what what's in there do you know I would double Brett can you can you Enlighten us please we got Brett right there he's coming up I am so I think it's in their contract we have to pay sir how are you not too bad how are you Joe good buddy so can you answer the young lady's question so the question what is medical requirements is that what the question is yeah yeah so as far as I know medical requirements is supposed to be for uh immunizations and stuff of that nature why it's up to the amount that it is I could not tell you this was the first year I was involved with the budget so what else Falls in there I'm not 100% suree all right thank you sir did I explain everything for the most part okay for everything else there yeah yep yeah all right so I'm just confused that did you say four rifles it's four rifles yeah and but the quote on this page from Yankee is three yes they added one more to that's why is the quote is the quote the same price 14,000 no no right okay so so the quotes for three but they they're going to grab four if they can skip two and pick up one or something re can you explain to us yeah I didn't I didn't catch that it was garble on my end sorry on the quote uh for the rifles some of them are being kipped and some of them are being picked up actually I've got the quote here hang on one sec uh they should all they should all be picked up they're actually from a local vendor over in East Hampton so we can pick those up direct ourselves um so the original need was one and then you discovered there was a couple more that you know were not in perfect maintenance shape and then a fourth one is that because um there's nine Cruisers that need them yeah I think we've replaced two so far Brett is that a good thought process on those lines um so like Joe was saying early we identified we needed one for that SRO position for the car that's coming in I had gone to our Firearms group to get a quote for said gun and when I talked to them they said Hey listen we were you know supposed to be on schedule for replacing these as we sort of go along here they identified a number of six total that need to be replaced these you know Patrol rifles date back to when Chief Kiki was here so that's you know probably 10 plus years ago at any rate uh like Joe said they are starting to show some wear we actually had some damage in one of the uh one of the buol carrier groups in one of the guns which we had to replace uh you know I'm obviously concerned that going forward we may have similar failures in these other guns um you know to get back on schedule we did identify those monies that you're looking at there we like to get a jump start on replacing them that would leave us you know after this with three additional that'll need to be replaced and whether that's you know one lump sum somewhere we replace them each year you know we're willing to do whatever we need to do right thank you um is is there trading value on the old ones for training oh the old ones will be saved for training and that will cut down on the usage of the on the new ones until they can't get part from thank you you want to ask him about the boat storage go ahead yes right yeah just to we we see you had that 8,000 in there for the overhead doors yes and the two doors in the building just yes give us a little bit of background on that if you would so the building itself as described before that was something that uh I believe it was two chiefs ago when uh Kevin Bishop was here uh they wanted to take on that building as a project you know basically with the understanding that it wasn't going to cost the town any money as Joe had said um we were able to re side it with some donations I believe we use some grant money on the actual rollup doors that are there that leaves the salt shed and the original um entry door you know human entry door on the side which is in little bit of rough shape I guess we'll say uh my thought was you know if we could get that door for the old salt shed we could put our boat in there it'll give us plenty of room both widthwise and height-wise uh you know it's $220,000 bolt that the town just you know bought for us so I'd like to sort of keep that in the best condition it can we could shrink rra it over the winter as Joe was saying uh this was more so on the day-to-day storage during the season where we can roll it in and out of the garage ultimately we've got a boat house in the in the works I'm not sure how far out that is you know it's probably several years at at the earliest um again it's more or less to to make a secure area to keep that if you do leave it outside unsecure we do have radios lights all kinds of other stuff it's a potentially a Target to you know either vandalism or theft if it's left outside unsecured uh do you have other uh trailers and other stuff you could put in there with that thing too uh in that space I would say no it's not big enough um we do have some of the bilding maintenance equipment in there right now snowblowers shovels and you know some smaller equipment the other side of the garage it's a 2 Bay over there we've got our ATVs in there signages in there uh we've got some stuff for the range in there there's a number of things in there we do some projects in there as well what is what is pending you said there we planning to buy a a storage unit for the boat but this will be the doors will be temporary so our our ultimate plan is we had talked about uh putting up a boat house and that would be down at the North ramp they went ahead and they got approval from the state because it is the state's property to put the structure in uh we've got designs on it I believe there's been permits on it the one thing we don't have is of course funding so funding is always the major hurdle um I don't see that funding probably material izing obviously right away so that's why I'm saying we're probably several years out from being able to tackle that project what's the estimated cost of a boat house uh I think the number it was given to me was somewhere in the area of $100,000 cheap and that that would be with probably volunteer labor or you know like a voke type project or something like that so okay so it's 8 8,000 now up front to hous it in a garage that we have and then someday we'll sink that 8,000 and spend 100 on the B [Music] house okay thank you no problem and if we do approve that that would come from school expense what is that school expense that's um in the police department so that's where they um pay for the officers to go to the academy um any of their um workshops or classes that they have to go to come out of that line line item so again this is specific Police Department funds that they're moving around yes all yeah okay so that got us to there the next is the trailer I think I already talked about did we buy a curb machine laa yeah we bought it that was the leftover yeah that was the unexpended I figured no no absolutely I just yeah so 3, almost 3500 we didn't quote the curve machine right that's for sure this is that trailer we were talking about all right so that's that trailer the the to um maintenance guys a tree removal project $6,000 and it's going to come out of bond anticipation where is the tree removal that down by a lake down by the river get Taran swing yeah cut them Taran okay if we cut these trees down are they just going to move it to another tree so what are the finance Comm we're in charge of numbers here okay we're in charge of numbers so I I'm asking this what do you think going to happen what do you think's going to happen what are these kids gonna do they are going to go and move that rope swing to another one so again matter of fact they think the rope's been donated somewhere is what I was been told waiting to go on the next tree okay so so okay okay got my answer I got you I I I don't even want to be here okay trash cans upgrade this is my fault um we have a new gentleman taking care of picking up trash throughout town at the all the um parks that we own or maintain and it's come to our you know this is all me Carl said did the whole thing wrong so I'll take the heat bottom line is we have a gazillion trash cans that are junk um the gentleman that's now maintaining and picking up the trash once a week has offered to repair them all and this is what he needs to ,000 for parts to fix them all some of the cans are a gen not to piece if we want to replace them and I poo pooed that right away so that's what that is for that make sense okay the funny part was the gentleman said to me that you know the trash can should look much better when the folks are filling them up um I didn't know how to take that because there probably household trash going in them but anyways that's where that comes from and assistant Animal Control the money's coming from there yeah that's see and then U last report and this is where we're at parking lot ceiling and line striping that is for Town Hall and it's not doing the crack it's literally coming in and sealing the facility and restriping it you follow me which will get us a few more years of course out of our pavement here at Town Hall and how come this did not go through the normal budget process and held off and is this build is this the building facilities Department one more piece of the building facilities that someone knew was not helping hard time for a little while had come up and said this could happen um no it did not go through our process corre is something that is of an urgency or can it be held off one more year and go through the proper budgeting process is the parking lot going to cave in and fall apart in one year it's probably going to get worse honestly yeah and then lead us to the situation where we'll probably would have to do more work I don't think it's a I'm disappointed it comes through us this way personally and I think if it come through our budget process we would be doing that you know what I mean it is our parking lot here so the seniors and everyone else it's our parking lot um this is how it came to us so yeah can we put it off I'm sure we put anything off right but is it the wisest move to make I don't know we could probably use it you brought the the seniors in particular walking in how bad is it over in the seniors area where they would come into the Senor center it's the same everywhere it is okay yeah and it's not that it's bad it's just deteriorating so as you know when they seal it they they kind of seal it so kind of just rolled off versus sinking in so as you see cracks will form and then they'll they'll do that so it's a maintenance issue that's really what it comes down to and I don't and and I'm sure in 10 years we'll probably still have the same driveway I don't see us spending money to to rip all this out I can't West Bank just did it and I couldn't get a number out of them I tried like what did this really cost you know what I mean CU we're in the same boat you'd have to rip all this out we do the base layer and then we do it but you're looking in hundreds of thousands oh I know we are I literally question on the garage yes it read Chief so a second now back on sorry so you want to it's to store the boat for the winter right so you drive it in and keep it there until the spring that's why I think it was first but now I'm here they're gonna use it during the summer back year round year round we keep it the last boat got kept inside the Baye here we had a spot in Bay three for it this one's quite a bit longer so it doesn't fit in we can't close the door we can't get in one of our Sally Bays but literally the back of the motor is against the wall so you can't get around it whatsoever um it would be Our intention to keep it in that uh Back Bay out in the rear building uh pretty much year round but this would be primarily for the summer months so we could drive it in there secure it drive it back out drive it in Secure it in the winter we would obviously um we would have to winterize it but we would have to shrink wrap it per se this building how often does it come out of the water and into the garage in the summer so unlike the fireboat we don't leave our boat down at the um at the marina we've got equipment and stuff that unfortunately is left on the boat that would be accessible to anyone who would get on it um so theoretically sorry about that theoretically anytime you know over the weekend or during the week for that if we deployed the boat we would bring it back at the end of the shift put it away until it was going to go back out again I got it thanks that's a daily what's that that's a daily it's in it yeah it could be daily sure about right so the fire department's boat sits down there in the water right the police boat goes back and forth with them so when that event is over that boat comes back get put in storage and ready to go for the next one right once again if this actually went through the process of the budget we would would know all this instead of being shoved at us in the last minute but it's okay it's all good and what was the intent when you purchased the boat for storage does Rett know that I don't think it was discussed I don't I I didn't remember hearing it so as it should I I unfortunately wasn't in on the decision on the bat that was uh not not one of my things that I was doing so I don't have any information on that sorry that's my fault everyone was aware of the boat everyone was in on on designing that boat and everything else so it is what it is in numerable times and I should I should have at least brought up where he was going to put it and I never did well honestly I bet you they thought it it used to stay inside but as Rett said you can't get around it right Mikey Mikey was working on it and nobody can get around the boat understood but I'm assuming they I should have said something when they got the boat where we going to put so it's either buy a new building for $100,000 or for 8,000 we can put it in an existing structure it's a good use of it so I think it's a good deal myself so you know what it's not about the deal it's just about how this crap is just loading up on us that I think that's the frustration you're hearing from the finance committee tonight and next thing the the the storage unit or the garage that we're putting the boat in we're going to find out is inadequate we've got it's old I mean that's been aaed since I was a kid and I'm 27 so yeah yeah it's been around a while but you know and and you know the police have been keeping it up so I'm sure I'm sure uh as long as we can get the fireman's Association building down with the next five years will be all set so that doesn't become the new was that wrong no okay all right so that so as of right now Laura that's where we're at the [Music] [Music] 71,500 8th maybe yeah right because June 30th is this weekend yeah we're not saying anything by Jun 30 we do we'll do that Monday after okay all right so let's go down the list I'm looking for um yes or no right so I need a motion for the library HVAC no motion to the next one I'll make the motion I'll make the motion for the library all right for the children I'll second it okay thank you I say that from I'm saying for the library all right so the motion was made in second all those in favor for the library hbac Joe DD I paulle I Ken David matth Dr thank you with that sure next up is the library Landscaping which is to get rid of the woodchips and to put the stone in make the motion I'll second it there you go you got that you're good all those in favor Joe DDI Le Jaren de David meth and just for the record that is for $657 the first one Library HVAC is 16,000 so on the same page garage storage building project for the police department motion motion second second you got that Elizabeth yeah just want to make sure yes thank you I know you're like hearing my voice to play the tape 100 times but elate that okay all those in favor Joe DD i i j i David meth okay Patrol rifles $1 4,377 I a motion the doctor made a motion second second minute all those in favor Joe d i Paul CL I Karen I David Mei thank you the trailer for the maintenance department at Town Hall $3,700 motion second all those in favor Joe D Fon Le Karen no D matth thank you tree removal project we're voting as a finance committee okay I need a motion all right that fails next up his trash cans upgrade have a question with the trash cans yes when he fixes the trash cans all he has to do is replace the tops is that correct everything is not correct sir it's not correct it's not correct what is he going to do to fix them whatever everything it shows within the the visuals just shows that the prop needs to do um I'm not quite sure exactly what parts he wants to order but whatever is needed to make each trash can work the labor is free this is strictly for parts are all 11 at the um Conservation Area and is it all that one so some is for Park and wreck and some is for conservation okay yeah he kind there was a listing right yeah it's split up I suggest we do them all or we do none that's where I'm at sure motion second all those in favor Joe DD I Paul Conley I Karen to my I David myth I okay parking lot ceiling and line striping which is for the town hall complex I need a motion motion second all those in favor Joe ddii all Ken thank you that's everything that's that's everything on this list we voted for the chair Vice chair want do that CL is there anything else L that I missed you did got to do the one Reserve fund Reserve fund transfers that no right on we did the year yeah we did the year end but we didn't do the reserve right the very body Vice chairman to sign Reserve fund transfer for fy4 right okay so I need a motion for second so that I thought we did that so that's the vote to authorize the chairman and or vice chairman correct I thought we did that earlier the sign Reserve fund transfer for FY 2024 year ending I need a motion motion second all those in favor Jo d i Paul Conley I Karen I David thank you first one you did was for the year end yearend transfers fine this the reserve fund you're right you're right thank you sorry I did not study today it shows I know it shows iorry that's is that all the business what else you got just a question so can I apologize the readers dis verion but I can't keep straight the free cash and then stabilization and Reserve fund um so the think I remember the free cash 3.7 yeah and then as of July 1 a lot of that goes away right yeah a lot of it is gone yeah because we technically put how much towards the taxes was one point something one point something right and we usually leave about a million to roll over correct 900 Grand a million usually rolls over to the following it goes to taxes um helps with our budget directly it reduces So in theory right we're we are giving you a false tax number because we're taking a million dollars and we're putting it towards our our budget every year the end of the budget year we when we just did our when we just did our budget you'll see if you go back to that paper back at home you will see where we took oh okay money we're going to take the money out of this 3.7 year budget yes to make it right we use some of it for at the special town meeting for snow and ice some of it for for Paving the and stabilization is all interest that we received no no stabilization from my understanding in lower well actually we have a historian hard to believe that that's the historian now but he's back there so stabilization was created long long time ago and at some point in this town's life they were able to put money away right literally you look at that number okay my understanding of a lot of it came when we merged the school system so and this is just this jerk talking but I think you're going to see that slowly dwindle down because the way the school process is working and then when we're a poor town again we'll be able to get more money from the school system is that correct Mr mland that would be the read digest version yeah unfortunately and the reserve the reserve fund 102,000 102,000 how was that difference from free cash the reserve is is a line item within our budget that we start with um $163,000 every year we budget in for um the one we just did the reserve fund transfer for okay for that dollar that's so that comes from that's the line item that all okay and so that's every year and that gets pretty much wiped away because we're also dipping into fre cash well the reserve fund transfer only we only use it when people have unforeseen um okay so literally this one for 18,000 for the fire department that we just voted on tonight will come out that Reserve fund okay so after tonight's votes we're down to I can't remember I don't know what yeah we're down to say 80 80 roughly all right and then how does that get populated oh every year we refresh it with another one in yes it's in the budget part of the budget and it's a standard number too yeah okay right historian well just to close the loop on what you're asking the balance of the free C of the yes Reserve rules the free cash at the end of the year you had 160 you spent 100 there's 60 left that 60 will roll into free cash at the end of the year got it right thanks and as the tighter we make Town budget the less free cash will roll over right let's face it some departments are great and and and and that money rolls over you know and quite honestly I think that's how the police used to be there was funds left over we never really went after it but it rolled over but when we see all this foreplay tonight right we're going to have to look a a little deeper into that just we by Statute we have to look into it a little deeper just because of what we are as a board sure so anything else no under new business do we have anything so for next year um we should be planful about having more oversight into the school budget and a CPC budgeting processes you you you can go to the meetings and and and you can definitely listen in and and you can probably discuss with them under public comment but at the end of the day they bring us a budget the school does yeah and we go yay or nay or like this year some of us basically bought at the $800 to a million dollars they were looking for and they did do some due diligence and they got those numbers brought down and of course they promis us next year with the whole vocational thing being liquid that's going to change their num somewhat but yet the town's still responsible you're just going to come in a different dire ction for the vocational side so it doesn't go away completely and there's some loophole in there that'll allow him to grab this or grab that but I think that loophole will go away after a few years so it's only through the public meetings that y as and and anyone can attend those right that's the sad part as we come into our budget season and we all squawk about the school but yet no one took the time to go and listen other than those last few weeks when we're invited yeah right poor Karen you've gone a million them back in the day you know when your kids were there really involved I get it discussed in those meetings or they yeah they did go they go over the budget just like we do absolutely they do I don't think that n's done behind cloes well go ahead they go to Executive session an awful lot and they don't discuss the line item by line item that we do in public I believe that's more behind this seems yep so but we so two years in a r though we have gotten their budget line item by line item we have Karen we have we have maybe not on time the first year that's for sure after the fact actual versus but but Karen you nice pleas I am I know you are you come a long way my friend you've come a long way I will give you credit for that um so yeah that's what it is in CPC those numbers are always there that that's public and it just no matter what projects come through their door and how they see fit to but didn't I mean the town meeting uh there was that last minute you know we're going to take some money and put it into the admin and I didn't earn your experience yeah so that started years ago because it it was allowed through CPC right things have changed back in the day when CPC came to town you couldn't build a park with it and then that thatw had changed over the years and you know while W Park was being built we took monies and helped finish Wally Park but if you I think if you Google like someone got got up at town meeting and said um we're using you know that money for to build a park you can't he was probably on an old CPC readout you know unfortunately with the internet you can pull up old stuff because it is allowed for Parks now and it's been for a few years um so it is what it is so CP money CPC money is there whether we're putting a little addition on back at a library for a reading board or the jungle pit whatever the M pit what whatever that was they built at Wally Park that's what it's for right I mean let's it's it's come a long way too we able to use it for for the Lakes right that's I'm not even questioning no I know know they have the criteria and they got they do I just it just feels like it's only it's it's an outlier because we're working hard looking at all these budgets and this one just comes in uh you know and then for good or bad and then the town meeting they're making adjustments to it we're not we don't have any insight into that at all we just we're just in charge of the maintenance in the end of all of it a close Boop yeah we we're the maintenance guys in the end um and some would say we're at 3% and I'll get in trouble for this too you could almost go down to 1% because of inflation today our houses are worth X and 3% of that after the first 100 Grand the only thing is if you go down to 1% the state does not match as good as they do which thens maybe we do less than the checks I don't know I I you know the one hard thing is I think it's how the housing and the historic those budgets are and that's the sad part right if it was being used everywhere I agree with specific but the intent I we understand the intent the intent is great but we just don't have the you run out of good you know good causes and then you're looking for kind of questionable or foolish things to put it on because but then you're at the end of the day like I I was feeling that at the town meeting well we're voting for $22,000 for a walk that I'm willing to bet nobody's gonna use it or look at it or no they will the kids will use I'm with you but you're just getting older now and I understand where coming from ex exactly I get it you get me my kids don't no no but I mean we're all at that stage right would you you know our taxes are going up left and right you know I I don't even want to tell you what my day was like today with with to do with taxes on people but it's we're getting to the point where you're questioning everything you know 3% on and I don't live in a fancy house I I don't I really don't and and and I pay my taxes and I shut my mouth but the folks that live in those higher ends which which they chose I get it but you know 3% on top of whatever they're paying that adds up it does you know they don't see it because it's in your ta you know I love it it's in your tax bill everything's in your tax bill just pay that that number right and God forbid if the banks paying your taxes for you and you're p i mean right people are questioning I mean they don't have the knowledge that we do and they don't appreciate that there's a lot of over you know a lot of diligence and rigor that goes into the process and everybody's trying to be as as Frugal as they can but they're saying my road is falling apart and there's a water park going up and we don't even have trash pickup and we can't run our lawn sprinkler or you absolutely right so tell them to go to selectman meeting public comment it's true well but they don't and it's 20 million for those roads that's a whole another bite of that Apple that that's not coming out of this budget that's that's another line item just like your 3% it's going to be right there for your roads which will take 10 years to do let's be honest and as soon as we're done that first world we did is going to be in trouble and it's all good it's just where we're at you know and we're our I think our tax base is decent compared to other towns yes we don't have all the services but we're not I don't think we're there yet we're here but we're not there so I tell everyone they can look around there's other towns you can go move to and maybe that those tax Bas will be better for you I don't know and maybe even someday we're going to be those ones moving because we can't afford to live here that's it is what it is any other new business as we ran uh well the fire department I spoke to him today and the new amb one should be hitting the assembly line oh good so that's uh that's something going on he did have to do some repairs on that rental oh yeah the system went out well but still it's a good deal had money in the budget so that's that's good so maybe August September we might see the new rig roll in but that's working so January 1 yeah January 1 and then which is fine save us you know put plates on till next year I got a little nervous I was at the dump the other day and they had the U the hopper blocked off and had a just a box out front for trash and I'm like oh God cuz we know what's going to happen that is coming with that Hopper but um they were doing some maintenance maintenance on pm he scared me I called Randy I goes don't even tell me he goes no no no we're just they had to put in some plating and stuff and yeah so a little bit of more hatching and stuff and maybe get us another year down the road with that thing but that's going to be you know that pig has enough lipstick on it right now eventually it's just you know but whatever that day coming to be adverti trash or do we fix it right well there you go and that's a whole another discussion I for the stman to deal with huh those guys I'm in Alliance Club I enjoy going up there and pulling all those out of that container yeah when you're retired you know that's I don't never know that okay anything else so I we're good we're good Laura talk to us where are we we're good think we're good we did the year end and you you did these Lor happy we're all happy how was the uh how was the office moving going upstairs is that um the DPW has been evicted they signed their thing I believe the dumpster showed up they threw everything else out okay so I believe D I actually had to call DPW today and I had to go through the rigar row of remembering someone's number because that I guess we call here doesn't go there now okay yeah right it's an easy number but uh 20 30 3020 and if you already know 569 so you just go 203 2030 but we haven't pH all of a sudden haven't come up with a snag I haven't seen it I think maintenance or our town hall guys are ready to to um they have it all figured out to move accessors okay that that ball will be rolling I believe everything is out for the desk maybe upstairs and then the cloaks came in to do windows and whatnot think it's under 10 okay but honestly until July 1 it's the funds aren't available until the funds are available right right but which is right around the corner literally exactly um okay so I think we I think we're doing okay very good the bigger question is when are they going to replace the poor lady down at the DPW because she's your new yada yada yeah and and that whole mess that hasn't started yet but that's his problem that's the select board again yeah that's your problem those guys they got a lot of hiring left to do anything else I think that's about it I need a motion to adjourn motion second all those in favor J folks have a great night Motocross Nationals this weekend going join yep be there my green