##VIDEO ID:0JenDUKPtSA## so this meeting the like management committee meeting will come to order at 7 o'clock the meeting is being recorded if there's anybody else out there that's recording the meeting please notify myself as chair um and otherwise we'll get started and so first thing up is to read and approve the minutes or make changes whatever is needed anybody have any comments I didn't have any comments I read to them but I any no no so we'll accept Mike D second second is Paul M all in favor opposed abstain unanimous and I'll affirm okay dorm chever hi Mike kums hi Malcolm de Bay hi Mike debay hi Dick Gran's I Eric H is not here H Paul Murphy hi k affirmed done okay first thing any guests I don't see anybody I don't see anybody I think Michelle's going to join us see I don't think there's any other no that's all okay pop up all right so none start all right any public comments not lik no nobody here okay we'll move right on let's go to the next page here Paul Harvey concom update more yes uh certificate of compliance for 141 conomon Road uh was approved and the release of the bond so that project is done [Music] now uh application for variance of section 6.2 inal removal of dots 107 lakew Street iio this Committee in apology so I read the minutes I didn't realize I was supposed to take an action to get a letter written to the owner that's okay that's okay I just spaced out I guess uh not that you haven't been too too many jobs worries a lot of my time there you go so it was approved okay I haven't signed it okay it'll be coming your way okay and we said it's got to have lights and reflective gear on good good good okay all right excellent okay now on the situation with the desar docks I brought up the subject that we should split the Lily Drive issue away from the 1800 square foot problem we have and I made a motion to do so there was no second in my motion wow that's interesting actually the chair didn't even acknowledge my motion oh my god wow what can you do that legally no yeah second wow uh okay so what they decided they want get an input from the Town Council on what what what thinks they think we should do to solve the Lily Drive problem Oh Lily Drive first yeah yeah they don't what what about so they took no action on they took no action I said split them and mail the letters no second yeah because the they cannot issue by what it a local permit right a local permit cannot be issued those doc right um and the the other thing is is that they were denied a 91 a chapter 91 license right so you know the again the ball really rests with there's two one is concom Don't Give A A A an lpp permit yeah the second thing is that uh DP chapter 91 has got to take action you know because they're the ones that said they can't issue a chapter 91 license and you had to do ABC and d and and the the they said the number square feet they cannot license so that kind of says you got to get rid of something that's there get change yeah something has change chrisy will will act on that you think it's I think she'll think it's a local issue because there's no chapter 191 license they never they never issued one right they pulled it back give one no they they what they gave him was I'll let an administrative response you have that in the last uh minutes and the what it said was these are the things that you are violating and we therefore cannot issue a license right but if they never issued a license the state can stand there say we never give you a license so you putting it in didn't do anything else you're doing it to the town right that's where they're going to stand yeah so I don't that's interesting will touch it well they do have because it it was built without a license so they really do have a u a vote in it because it's State Property technically on the lake yeah and and it's in a great pond so it was built in a great Pond without any permits of any kind so it should be a state issue should be a state issue we're back to the enforcement yeah yeah yeah 21 years coming up on that one oh God yeah okay on the lp contract with Suffield we still do not have a deal really apparently Jason could not find any any verbiage that said that it was illegal to have somebody from out of state oh the the having having a Suffield on on the concom yeah okay that's we gota we got to push this one Jason doesn't return my emails I don't and conservation put out something that no people on the south Southfield side can put a dock in the water next year there were no l is going to be issued you cannot put a dock in water Massachusetts well remember we discussed this at a prior meeting and we said if we didn't have a contract that we would prefer to go back to the old lpp program where we collected money yeah uh and not force them into chapter 91 yep yeah because I think there's a risk with that that oh that'll be a mess it's two states you can't State could come back and say if you can't handle the whole state the whole the whole lake then you can't have an lpp LP because that was that was part of it that was I was you know Dennis Clark and I spent months and months and months and months and months on actually was it was about four years it took us to get that thing through the D oh and by the way on I did adjust the minutes for the conservation meeting on the uh on the desart thing I stated in there the vice chair made a motion and there was no second split the two issues and mail nice good so you put it in writing it's in writing oh I I guess what it really does though dick it just gets back to my issue of we need to get all the people in the town that are responsible somewhere and what are we going to do are we going to enforce it we're not let's get rid and that's what's hopefully will come out of our what everybody's giving me and that'll be the next meeting always on that did you get it from everybody or pretty much I Haven got but close right getting I haven't had time to work yeah I understand believe me I just did mine last Friday was like start I didn't mine was you know it's probably the same as everybody else's I'm sure well it's pretty much the same we worry about the whole thing is to make sure that we we all get in get everybody's you know it's coming up to get lpp already I got the stickers I got the stickers for next year they came in today's mail do you want to talk my two documents now or uh no let's do those on they both relate to your uh okay what it call the next section okay then that's it for rcom updates okay oh one more thing excuse me uh there was a meeting scheduled for this past Tuesday in Suffield concom where I was on the agenda to present the flyer that you package today get their endorsement but they couldn't get a quorum everybody was siting this so we lost the whole month the next one isn't until P should go out in December so I was disappointed with that I was ready to go you want to cover your do you want to cover your letter uh because that's really a conom issue the proposed fly which is Pages 15 through 18 yeah uh the Conservation Commission did approve this okay um did they approve it before I cleaned a few things up or is it before you clean I don't know what you cleaned up it's just the address I it's just some of the the the U there were some prop owners there some typos and things like that that I cleaned up so the one you have okay you should be able to go with okay and change anything so the issue is U we are a supporting party to scom so we get to comment and make any adjustments okay um so if you have any feed them back to me okay yeah you got to read it and everything then let us think about it right yeah okay there other than that we're moving forward I liked it I read it I thought the only the only one I had issue was is the cutting or pulling of Lake weeds I've been told you can do that and you don't have to go to concom but you're saying you have to if you go to CC meetings they talk while pulling it prior to that you could pull them and you could rake in front of your home mark Stinson the state guy State conservation guy involved in the I I don't know about that one and he said he thought that could be handled under an RDA time I would think so yeah that had to be a large area though well it's all turt cold which is all week oh turt C okay so so the question is do we allow him to do a certain section so he can have Lake rights yeah but that hasn't come back yeah I would think an RDA should be able to cover that yeah I mean that's from be the Conservation Commission right because the state does not say does I looked it up there not say that you can't pull weeds or rake weeds they have no issue with that but it is up to the local conservation commiss it is and even when a tree falls in it they say not you can't go even a little tree falls in there they want you those things come under maintenance okay do they come under people have been I think a tree in the lake I think you got to get permission you do that's what it says in here yeah yeah yeah breaking yeah it says that tree to fall down it's in your yard falls on and Parks it in the water mean you can't pick it pick it up or get rid of it before somebody gets hurt it could be a you can get an emergency you can get an emergency certification yeah just do it just do it always taking the stance in the past that people wanted to rake these if they're using a hand rake just like if they're taking a shovel and shoveling with their their shovel you leave them alone but if they're trying to bring an excavator something it's a different story yeah I mean you got to be realistic about the whole thing here and they don't you know you don't have to get an RDA for high water that erodes the whole damn thing and moves a three feet of Waterfront into the lake well I tell you I read through that whether it's a you Norm or whoever well yeah it is I think just about addresses everything yeah yeah good and I'm glad it addressed things like breaking leaves into the breaking and blowing leaves that's I see people doing that all the time cut grass and whole green thing was lying yeah they're they're they're cutting it so it goes into the lake yeah you're not supposed to do that coming from your house all the way down right so you know for I don't know do you want something from us uh saying Thumbs Up by the next meeting by the next meeting no on on this on this uh draft letter oh erosion one the erosion no the the draft um thing that's going to go to well I would like any comments improvements enhancements I on the erosion issue no no on this letter look at all of the different things on there if you have 15 through 18 15 through 18 like the tree that fell in the lake you send it to him and say well you know something like that okay one quick update on master plan implementation committee supposedly well well I Mee just before you do that so do you need anything from us I think we need to read it and come back with something that's what he said we read it if we want to comment we do and then the next meeting because the next meeting is is a month away okay got another he doesn't get any comments forget it right okay all right ask impation committee y supposedly have a mission statement I haven't seen it but nobody's contacted me yet I'm our first meeting wow that's the concom and that's Plan update all right so then the next thing is your erosion yes this is to address the master plan action item 2.2 2.2 this was a sweetheart to do lot of that a lot of work in there and U you haven't read it read it let's discuss it at the next meeting uh I'd like to particularly in the auction items for LMC and I want to prioritize those and I got a piece of paper that like you to vote and get it back to me have the do it tonight he these are the ones on page 208 you're talking about 24 20 22 23 24 yeah 20 and 21 yep so if you wanna if you want to send them to me I'll get them all to Norm in one block whatever what I'll do too is anybody's not here just so we just scan yeah we'll just scan them to you I can scan it to you right yeah and then I'll get them to Norman one if you got additions to the list will be we should get one to Scotty because anything on erosion he's really we got to make sure he's on that meeting when we talk about that put over here his Beach is getting wrecked over there mine so mine yours is do all you three yeah oh yeah all ski guys out there in front of your house that's right every Wednesday Thursday and Friday night yeah y now you noticed that in the list of LMC things um I got crapping of Beav I start doing that great but how do you do it I talked to guys on that left and right he hired a guy some years ago yeah you got I talked to the guys he gave me a whole list of guys to talk to they're all out of the business and then they said they said since it's they can go it's two lands there you got Massachusetts and subfield so if you I talked I got a list of the guys I talked to who do you who did you talk I don't have any guys but I know Beaver traffing to Massachusetts is November 1st to April 15th y if you can find something but you're gonna be remember it's got to be Suffield because all of them are in that one mile and they're out by con by Canon Brook okay and Connecticut is 121 to 331 but you can get a permit for basically the whole year I was told that they don't there's people on concom over in Suffield that are really against it and they're using smart traps in mass and the guys that were using smart traps in Mass said that it was worse than regular trapping that they what and I told you all about that so I mean there's went through all this so if you got people that'll do it I couldn't find anybody do toal and he said I'm done yeah and we were paying $50 a beaver right they don't want to do it well because it's near the trail counter Bear Tracks you right near the trail where the beaver are people have dogs down there jumping in the water there's all kinds of stuff when I was talking to these guys everybody was like not going there right not going there well they've changed the rules on what you can use for traps they're using smart traps where they drowned them yeah the counter Bears they used to use it would snap on them and they drown but they found it cruel or something I don't know somebody did and they stop but if he's got somebody that'll do it and he can get if he can get it through since he's sitting on Suffield cona you're sitting on comcom in subfield right or you're over there you go to the go all the me if you know cuz I heard that nobody over there would would would agree to to anything about trapping near their Trail that's what I heard from one of the the guys that had done it but he retired you gave me a list of like four guys and I had talked to Dick about this like a year ago they all have given up they won't do it they they all left the other problem the other problem is is that that uh what they have have for permits they never pay off the permit with the pelts because the pelts aren't worth anything no they're not and this you got to get all different kinds of permits too you got State permit and then you got to get go through the the local permit but the local permit with I guess um with you guys over here in in Southwick it's pretty hard to get them to agree to anything too oh yeah that's the board of Heth proves that yeah we got sherald before but yeah I don't what do you need from us so we can help you versus giving you more work to do yeah any improvements that you can make to the to the letter yeah any additional action items prioritize them and and then I'm trying to incorporate the select board in subfield a little bit more try to get a little better buy in yeah I think maybe we should change the first sentence that says and it's endorsed by subfield conom subfield board is it well I gotta go I got gotta get it okay yeah right that's a good idea and then we'll get it from yeah Aron and AR yeah yeah and this will help because U Mo yeah mo mo yeah he is he's really upset that they have nothing to say about the lake and this kind of incorporates yeah is he near the lake anywhere where does he live he live someplace on okay so you know what else you should tell them how much money they make on taxes yeah people on the lake that they don't have to do anything for right I pay 3,000 them extra a year because I live on the lake I pay $30 for every foot on the lake really and they don't do anything they could take my three 3,000 and give it to you and they'd be done and they can keep everybody else's yeah a lot of income from the lake that goes into the town yeah one of the action items that I have in here is to consider limiting the number of boats on a private dock to two and number of PWC I think that would take at least 40 vessels off the L maybe more maybe more yeah I think you I think you probably I would like to see it's limited to homeowners only yeah that would be the big one to me yeah because everybody's got two or three pontoon boats on their docks yeah nobody has two or three B no no but I don't know if you I got two Town votes yeah how are you going to enforce it though it all comes back to enforcement you're not going to be able to enforce it there's there's docs that are still renting they've got for you know there's still people rented to other people so also comes to enforcement you know you're touching are that was also a subject of of uh that's different action item is to is to rev up the enforcement yeah yeah okay because that's the most important we've got all these rules we've been doing for years if you don't enforce them you can't enforce docks or the stickers or any of that so that's the most important is to get the meeting is that written in here CU I I read through this and I remember reading that about limiting the number of votes for dock look at the AC it's right here yeah so it's on the one you just handed out you out it should be in there too y it's not I'll get it back in no no I mean you have it it's number three it doesn't have a list of of the amount oh I did that after okay do yeah um yeah the only the master plan actions I should should that say just in our discussion here should that say be limited to the uh homeowner you know to the property boats that are associated with that property only yeah you got it because that's really tough you got people with kids that actually I mean you got a lot of people right all you got to do is check the registration well that's what I'm saying and it's got it might have the kids's name on it like yours well he's out he's out he's out he actually owns the jet ski but I bought it I know yeah see that gets a little bit more difficulty for us yeah we don't have easy access to registration yeah that's true oh you're right yeah you're right uh so that's why I thought of just limiting to Any House on the lake two boats through pwcs Max well and and the uh de he talks about even for chapter 91 for a home it's an accessory use and they talk about it's for the an accessory used for the homeowner it's not a a place for people to rent out space for 20 people you know it says to a resident yeah residents right yeah that BRS the scope not homeowner but that's going to take care of like right where you live the guy across where they have seven boats or 12 boats over there yeah you know for a fact that those 12 boats aren't owned by the same guy right so that's where it's going to get you're gonna really knock a lot of boats off the way that's where it's going to come in yeah I know at least two oh I know right across from you over there that there's a whole list with the big houses yeah yeah anyways that's a whole different ball of wax are we G to get push back from thep or from Christy Hobbs or whatever because of the fact that wasn't it them who said it's not a big deal having extra boats on the lake it was a nonissue ter yes the police we have to modify the lpp agreement is one question and the second question is what if we come up with a bylaw byw yeah that would be part of this discussion how do you implement yeah you know yeah they're not real good at enforcing Town bylaws no no all of these are great ideas is but you know what enforcement is the issue we've been talking about this stuff for 20 years oh God yeah well 35 for me yeah I got you I I will number them as you're asking I will too I'll go in I'll scan them to you I'll scan it to you scan to me I'll get everything because I want to check off that I've got everybody okay well we'll get them in it's this one yes yes yeah okay it'll be in the CLD I don't care can go in the CLD we are not GNA try to scan all right um let's see what's next on here let me just so what do you do with your spare time though Lees you thr them in the L huh do we have anything else on your master plan no okay no so moving on comes to this and then we'll come back to the small package this thing which is from nrcs which is good news yeah uh because they have a contract now okay and they're and and they want to have meetings I've had um telin with Darren and he wants to have meetings and I I said look we'll do whatever you want you want to have face to face do you want to do face Toof face in Zoom uh we did that one that we had uh in the select board's office we did it as a combination of zoom and face to face that's fine you know I don't know where this contractor is from it was not identified uh or at least I didn't see it maybe it is identified somewhere in there but uh you know it's it's really a boots on the ground effort and I think the thing that we've all talked about before Forest we want to make sure they're focused on the right Solutions don't don't solve something for a Thousand-Year flood and Noah's got an arc that he's building in southw um because if that Lake comes up that much that's not the problem we're trying trying to solve it's gonna be a lot more problems than Conan well somebody be making a decision at the state or federal level that Kuman is going to just become a bigger Pond and because it's holding water back from flooding on Harford or some other place I mean that's the reality of life you know a couple Farms get flooded and a couple houses or nothing compared to a major city and and one of the options that if you recall that was proposed was to buy the any of the houses that are and properties that have low-lying uh where homes can get damaged sutic systems and becomes UNL unhabitable inhabitable uh and so on and those numbers are are huge multi multi millions and I had put together a spreadsheet that has I identified every single home that was impacted and and estimated what the if it was just a shed or something like that you know that's one thing if it's going into the the uh and I'm talking the 229 yeah MSL which is that's FEMA number that's not um what can happen with a 500-year flood yeah but if you think about it if you go much above 229 it's going over the still it's a it's a rise in in North Pond and the a couple other areas where it would where it would go out and I mean there's a lot of other places that are going to take water and be tot whole Southfield side over there is gonna get underwater where he is oh yeah that whole area that be underwater yeah and so you know their solution of their solution of well we'll buy the houses and and knock them down no that's just that's one solution yeah that was proposed I don't think that's that's how we're going to have no but but if you think about it look at all the tax money that then goes goodbye yeah so okay anyway um anything if that meeting exists that would have to be with the select board a lot of that's why and that's why that's why I want to make sure that we get a meeting I'll do a this I just got so I'll do a followup um based on this so let's just chew on what you'd like to say um because we have talked about it but I want to make sure I get everybody's input uh you want feedback from us on anything we got to what issues we have to stress in the yeah yeah please you mean I got to read that document yeah okay I you know and but just give me just give me short yeah I know what you mean I don't need a lot of verbage all I need is okay we will you know yeah okay this is BS okay yeah it is a lot of it yeah okay you have to cover yourself yeah yep okay all right okay so for the next you know C so the next meeting we can talk about it h this isn't going to happen overnight this is GNA be a multi-year process so and that put the they going to start next year okay yeah so we have you figure they're not going to do much over the winter no but you know let's get our ore in the water and make sure that they understand what what we would like focused on we can't tell them but we sure can you know and and Darren has been really really good I mean he's very practical uh he understood that some of the ones that presented in that piffer were Pie in the Sky ridiculous I know so anyway um and and I maybe somebody here and certainly not me I've been here since 68 but there was words made that at one time North Pond actually had an outlet that God damn you know where the Earth and Dam was that washed out yeah they there's a claim that that was an outlet do you know anything about that it's up around the corner past this I know where it is but I mean do you know that it really was uh I think anybody think that the flood 55 took out everything that was there took that all right and and never never re it from the only outlet that was there before that would have been back in the 1800s probably when they were using it with where they had the locks yeah I mean that would make s a controlled Outlet up there that was the solution in the original study dat right right right years ago yeah y they were gonna put one we actually have a design for that yeah but you don't know anything if if you're poking around uh the one person I'm gonna try and get a hold of is uh off on the point there um NE no no no the other the the high point off of lake Lake View Street on the very end uh he's lived there forever his family has the one that's got the big wall built in there to hold everything um yeah but you got to get somebody who's been around for a long time on these things he's I think he's third generation yeah you got to get somebody so will I will I will check on that is the um he's like one4 something like that whatever Lake View he's right on the on the top on the point yeah Ray Ray good I'll call Ray because I've talked to him a few times he's got a lot of info yeah yeah he's pretty shotgun yeah so I'll call him yeah and he may know whether there ever really was or was it just because yeah the whole damn thing disappeared in the hurricane of 55 yeah I think it was just an earth and Dam I don't think there was ever a a control structure there no at least there's the other thing is interesting there's nothing about that in the history uh book in the 19 in the uh 200-year Brown book that was put out by the town yeah there's all about the flood but there's not a thing about it in there about every being a structure that got washed out houses well there had to be something there when they had to damp the locks there they Dro that's going back but I'm saying down that hill all the way down I think once the canal was abandoned that long finished off that was a 100 Year almost a 100 year difference between the flood oh yeah and and the so there's a big difference between those two right right okay because that's a good 50 foot drop there oh yeah yeah you you weren't going to put put in something to just trickle water away have something that was underground controlled all the way at the other side the street yeah because otherwise you're going to take out the road take out the road yeah y all right so I I'll contact Ray de he may he's given me a lot of history they just filled it in with dirt that's what they backed it down or cars like they did down the canal yes oh my God you know that right all right so back to if unless there's something else on here let's go back to the uh regular notes the smaller one and we got a few things there the 159 uh but sure have of action you can see what I wrote and seing something some kind of uh schedule it's page 103 yeah page 103 and 104 and they so we're seeking some kind of a schedule because this is now it's problem started in 2019 that's when we had the muddy river go into the lake and it was identified then as a problem so we're now a bunch of years we're five years and nothing has been done to fix it and there is a there is a plan but nothing's been done to the plan did Rand I didn't see anything did Randy ever answer you on this I couldn't remember no he didn't okay because I knew we had talked about this on the phone okay so he's never answered it well it's I put it out on the 12th so Oh I thought you had already put this out I mean sooner way before that I rewarded after okay we talked so we gota wait for the answer on that that's the deal all right so 105 is December one doc removal um so couple things have happened since by the way Suffield now has an equivalent code red I just signed up for it and so they can do the same thing we do with our it's not called Cod red it's some other name but uh you can actually see if you go online you go on town of sa website you can then look and it has a emergency notification system so they're in the throws of of getting people signed up for it so that's good news um now so the question becomes so for December 1 is is um concom GNA do a like a a have the Harbor Master do a code red I'll bring it up on Monday uh they should they should say you know you got till December 1st to get all the stuff out of the lake they don't have the ability to just do the lake front residenc yes they do they do yes they do you can on you can go and you can you can uh some people know how to do it others don't but you can focus on Boom you know you can take a lake and draw a line around it and do it like that that's interesting and and make it you know you don't have to like program in the list of phone numbers they need to use do it off a map do on a map yeah it's pretty cool I think most of them are aware of it though there's very few docks left in the water only right Fair I'll bet you there's several dozen they still got time that's the only one got time they got till December 1st you got to let them go a lot of pulled out there oh yeah no it's just a reminder yeah yeah you know I mean Chris still got 20 30 boats over there guys I mean so they're still working as hard as they can to get them out yeah I mean there's a lot of people out and it's been warm oh yeah that's the other isue my talking about is are they gonna put out a reminder on it like they do for all the other just a reminder seem like a bad idea right I don't know how much work it is for them that's the thing oh well it's a simple message you know reminder that all docs are supposed to be removed right by December one docks and floats yeah bring it up Monday okay all righty um let's see and that only applies if people have signed up for oh yeah and if the if the Conservation Commission doesn't want to do it is there a reason why we can't ask the town hall to do it I mean they sometimes they used to call it Cindy sometime sometimes that's for math but he's talking I know you got get get yeah you and it really it would be better if it came from concom because they're the administrators we're not um okay so so Norm you're gonna 81 on the 18 okay 18 52 Lakemont Street variants yeah um which is an interesting uh interesting thing is that I took the time to go research and I actually I could have scanned it and sent it to you but there's a it was a notice of intent and I've asked for the copy of the notice of intent there's an order of conditions and a certificate of compliance that was done for the the dock that bridged the Wetland this as I understand it is just for the one that's on the other side that's in the lake because you really don't have a way to get it out if I understand this correctly it's just that section uh I guess I I don't know for sure right but but we would not want them trumping all I know kcom would not want them tromping all over the wetlands and everything else to take out the one that Bridges the Wetland that would be counterproductive I I do remember that issue and they got approval to leave it over the Wetland right there it is oh okay yeah it's and it's it's registered in the hamon county so it's valid um all approved but I I wanted to see a copy of the notice to see because the one thing they didn't do the thing that got recorded refers to some some uh plans and the plans weren't recorded as part of the order of conditions it cites them but they're not in there so I want to go back and and look at the plans and see what actually got permitted oh yeah you can I asked for it so I'm waiting for somebody to get back to me um so there's not much we can do about that right now it's it's not ready for um approval but I don't see that it's going to be an issue personally I'm very familiar with that that site so if if it turns out that the U the notice of intent does what I think it does yeah then we can just say you know sign it you know like I'd make a recommendation at the next meeting we sign it right um the last thing that was uh 40 ber Avenue I got a response which is in here uh and they are it did not get done last year he's got it on the still on the doo list yeah uh so that's good and because that's got an outlet that's cascading a ton of crap into the lake uh and the reason it's bringing a ton of crap is the pipe is all rotted out so there's a sinkhole in front of the guy's house that's growing and you know that's that's a problem yeah is it on his property or the town property no it's on well the catch basins are on Town property but the pipe runs through private property via an easement so it's legal but the problem is it's rot it out it's an old CMP what we want to do is eliminate it completely and infiltrate all the water that takes care of two problems because it gives us the attaboys for not sending any more cruddy water into the lake yeah and and uh we eliminate an erosion problem so I mean it's a it's a really really good we already did the one it's number 38 uh birkshire around the corner that's that was finished last year but Mother Nature didn't cooperate we could not get to we have all the parts if this isn't getting done it's on list is it because it's a big job or is expensive it's not that expensive it's probably you're probably looking at maybe 30 40K yeah because we already own all the materials just didn't get to the top of the list didn't get to the top of the list that's the problem is this Ken's Son by the way yes it is yeah I gave that to you that's what Ken has been doing he he helps over there I thought it was pretty interesting you know one of our one of our members makes good so headline that's Todd yeah I saw that yeah okay wondering about that that's interesting so the last thing that I had just as a reminder if you haven't sent in and I'm gonna send I just did a reminder via email but anybody that has not gotten me their list of outstanding issues please get them to got from Scotty who's not here H I got him from you got Mike Mike noros me um he and Deb does Debo uh I think I just got Deb okay I think I just got Debs um who else we got Eric Eric yeah okay and so we'll do that at the next meeting as long as I get him in time to rack and stack them I want to be able to get okay you now this one this issue appeared on everybody's list you know this is issue was on T and so on okay okay uh do we have anything else just to re restate though we owe Norm feedback on the master plan stuff yeah we owe you feedback you did it already no we owe feedback on the this one oh on that one okay yes the uh yes nrcs yes yeah so you owe three make don't leave your I'm you're sitting over at s's Package Store doing nothing it all there you go okay okay okay uh okay um minutes for yeah you you'll give us those you email to me and then what I do is once you email them to me I insert them so they fit the same format that we're using okay do we have anything else nope a motion to adjourn M see I'll second it second is Malcolm all in favor I oppose abstain unanimous good night