call the meeting to order um we have to sign in right because we're on Zoom remember so we'll just go through U those in attendance uh Russ Anderson Richard Stan Jen Willard Jason prone Sabrina perer Rett banish John Kane Randy Brown C Lewis n and Jess Bishop coming in the door pres um any old business or first of all accept of the minut those were not everybody get them did I entertain a motion to accept there were two corrections made in the minutes um one was on the time related to AM PM and Military Time Corrections have been made and there was a spelling eror that Sabrina pointed out so delution was actually Dil dilation so that's a big difference so those changes have been made all righty can I have an motion to with changing I'll make a motion to accept a minutes as CH you have a motion second I'll second Motion in a second all those in favor Russ Anderson I rich Ed Willard I Jason prone I sa Fuller i r banish I John Kane I Ry Brown ey um I think those are the official members all right old business any old business I have something real old um remember way back we did the the tabletop and we talked about getting a radiation detector for the um transfer station did that ever happen I know you priced it but we never I don't think I remember what the prices were that was few years ago hundreds wasn't it yeah I it was thousands it was um I don't think yeah I'm sure you would the know um any other old I don't know if it's old's business but something I want to bring up was um talking about how to clean up cold red espe the old contacts and cod I don't know who or how is the best way but probably this group might be as the best as as any out there probably all of us are involved Accord at some at some level so like can tell you half of those contacts are no good at least half we talked about a when we met with her on this committee we talked about purging that system right I think it did I don't know how I don't know who was an administrator I know think I am in richer yeah um I can talk to the girl that we had and see what what we have to do because I know we talked about that yeah but I don't remember what there's a way to look for inactivity or something yeah because no one has hard lines anymore right I know we did talk about there being like a one time Purge where I think she said when they would do it when do an all call when we GNA we GNA do an all call and then anyone that got unanswered like a a dead ended was going to be removed but I think it was only a one time thing okay that would be that would be good to bring up because I'm going to be doing a couple all calls from Motocross and Iron Man and some other stuff too so are you getting complaints or they just I did a call Raw the other day and I looked at the call list and I saw a lot of names and I'm like that's not even we all know they're out there so I think it just we talked about it as a group before that's why I'm bringing up today I haven't got any complaints though and I think we talked about um recruiting people to you know like doing a putting something in an envelope or something we're doing or something just a notification says do you want to add yourself to this list this is how you do it we did add to the to the website we did do some of that so when I do project go out in the water bill didn't it no when I do like Paving projects I send a letter to all the property owners of Butters I say you know here's the project I also tell them here's code red like I will send out future notices via code red and here's how to sign up that's a good way I think to get people to sign up but I'm targeting neighborhoods not the whole time okay I'll see where we end it it I got notes on that somewhere so maybe we could add that to the next mass mailing of whatever it might be whether it's water yeah some of that also check my my next item is we have a blind item um because you going in the tax bill water bill there's a fee to it yeah well because it's packed by somebody else yeah so and I try to remember what we we sent something out remember what it was I thought it was code red it might have been or was it the fire department recruitment was that yeah that's what it was a couple years ago that costs 1,500 bucks or something yeah5 we we I'll follow up with where we were can we put it on the town CER side it has been on in the past it has yeah um we get more people coming off of it than we going on it might be laborous but if we could get a print out of all the addresses and names and maybe compare that to an assessor list and was go Street by Street you know just you know time okay we know coming up problem is the cell phones are mobile you know so you don't really know what it's associated with an address has to beever you got the name and the address so you can match it up to assessor database let me see where we ended up I know she talked about it in that meeting um I can go back and watch the tape and see what she said and we we'll move on that to get it cleaned up you want thing up before motor cross possible I mean it really doesn't matter I mean it's going to go out it's going to go out that's the opportunity to see where you know what numbers are good what numbers je just sent it off for voting too so we can see what failed on that yeah is there a cost per so there's not a overall package for yeah you can do as much as you want I mean like per no no no uh anything else under old business okay under new business that was one of the the issues that we have a a line item of about $3,000 for LPC that hasn't been spent to date so one of the thoughts I had was um we do not own any satellite phones that I know of in the town and should sell go out regular phone goes out everything goes out we have no way communicating with anybody so I didn't know if we should have a couple cell phones satellite phones you know available for us for Town operations and do you have any actually I'm gonna be I'm looking back in my notes from um I sit on BAC um the western region Homeland Security Council um and I also sit on Whi which is the interop committee um and they just granted Franklin County a satellite phone and I think it was a lot more than $3,000 so packages I've checked weren't but you know I don't know what I'm getting either but they but so if you guys don't have the funding for it that's always an option too okay is is what's folks thoughts on that you mean is it a one-time fee or there a recurring annual costs I'm sure there's annual Serv fees you know it's a it's a product going to buy the product and I'm sure was a service Fe something how long budgeted F budgeted probably yeah yeah I wonder if it's set up like cell phones where they sell you the device for nothing because they get you on the service plan and everything else on the sell satellites are the same way because then if you're buying something for Public Safety maybe it's not related to a main fee or a service fee and that might be the difference too is that you have to get a public service sell you know phone not just a like say a regular commercial could be two different level make it more because of the back service and yeah I don't know and and I might be able to inherit the annual fees under Emergency Management that's under already line items how long do they last for two years then you get a new one or your kids they get free Disney tickets or something yeah um unaware of what that is it's kind of one of those things you when you need it you need it but so if we were to purchase it it would have to go to a one of the Departments right to have police department and then or maybe to that's if you're going to need it we'll be involved yeah there is a line item that you guys can cover the maintenance feed on it that might be you know we could buy it and then you know assign it to that do you want me to explore it with within that price range or how do you yeah I'm just pulling up a couple packages right now I put in for municipal government ones the higher end ones are in the 2500 3 right in that range yeah you know this one uh I mean I mean I'm just looking online just to look it up but phone with uh you know 300 minutes and plan and voice messaging Global coverage is 2135 so yeah the the ones I were all kit you know ready to go um and I can check with Mike Gerard with Mima to see too is this a renew like every year line item to buy the equipment wouldn't be but the service prop no I mean the $3,000 just rolled over that's SP in the buam yeah said you buy one and buy another one you know next year or something like that or maybe one other departments buys their own could be yeah I think it's something to explore so I know that Homeland Security um has money and they're looking for smart ways to spend that money and they they prefer regionalized purchases and things like that is that something we should look at regionally so that our mutual Aid Partners have the same capabilities an option and ultimately that's what you are looking for to have communication so anybody that could write a grant for us find right I think it's worth assuming that way because they won't say no that they have a lot of money they're trying to spend just took out Russ is trying to spend money um what's the group's decision do I like the idea of the at B you know if we can look into if the LPC can cover it or Homeland you know some big thing we could still get one and then go for grants for yeah you know because if something happen police are going to need one Town Hall's going to need one you know everybody's going to need one yeah at some point yes uh it was approved for $5,600 and that included equipment cable installation and 500 units of air time one Fone that was one what kind of installation um I I think it's so they were putting this in the communication command post um it's like a hard almost a hard Center so yeah I'm guessing it's not the portable it's probably a bigger amount of you all research which one if that's sure what you want to go with it yeah yes I'm sorry it does say it's a mounted phone it has better coverage than a handheld phone okay probably outside anten minutes is that like life or is that like a yearly thing I don't know that might be something 300 minutes that might be enough forever but if it's every year you have to an emergency that's not a lot of feel like you're WM I'm guessing it's probably going to be every year otherwise yeah I'll research it and use that budget and explore the grants for electric Department I have a phone call with m d today I can ask them to send us some recommendations on packet and sure this okay cool any other new business all right um so I want to we're going to do some contingency um planning in relation to the motor cross did you get my package I did okay um but for doing so we need to go into executive session under section four uh discuss deployment of security Personnel devices or strategies with respect here to for U motocross national contingency planning only uh to not reconvene an open session did I have a motion to go into executive session make that motion I second a motion in a second we need to take a roll call vote Russ Anderson I rich Jen Willard yes Jason Peron I Saina poer I red banish I John Kane I Randy Brown I I okay with all that we'll be going into executive session