##VIDEO ID:DPrShH3dm_o## we'll open up the planning board meeting for Tuesday October 8th 2024 this is being conducted in a hybrid manner pursuant to the general laws if anybody is recording that is fine you just need to let us know okay we will be um we are recording this and we'll be putting this up online as well uh 7 o' Town planners reports thank you very much Mr do um I wanted to start just by making a clarification um at the last meeting uh during the member comment SE section Mr suon asked about um a proposal for I'm going to call it a hobby garage at uh and this particular individual's looking at the land on two states Avenue this is the parcel behind the BFW that was split up couple of years back um and just for the sake of putting it into the planning report portion right here I do take calls about similar matters on a regular basis this one might be peculiar enough that perhaps I should have uh voiced it here nonetheless the clarification provided to that individual was that there needed to be a residential use um associated with development that property they could go other directions in the R20 District that are related to some commercial recreation um accommodations but going straight to facility that might be we'll say a hobby shop hobby garage maybe nothing but a gentleman's storage um building wasn't enough in my estimation in coordination with um Al Scott the building inspector to satisfy that residential component it needed to be accessory to something residential um so nonetheless that was the message um Transit it back um and we'll see what comes with that uh particular development uh wanted to share with everyone that losar energy I mentioned a couple meetings back there they'll be coming in within another month or so to expand their existing solar facility uh I think this one is called goban solar it's the sou the one south of the solar array closest to conomon Road and then that that operator is escaping me at the moment um why I couldn't tell you but anyways low energy operates the one to the south of that there's a bell do portion they're expanding into uh nearly adjacent if you will but across some conservation land um that same electrical transmission uh right if way passes near a property that is accessed from College Highway I believe it's owned um individually and in concert with property that does have front College Highway um and so the inquiry vo to my desk was Hey how do we approach the town about permission to cross town property to connect if you will to that electrical RightWay similar to what they did on the Eastern side at Boon solar uh so so nonetheless that's isn't necessarily a planning board matter but I wanted to share that that inquiry come in um and whether they seek a license or right away or something even more formal through the town will be matter at least initiated through the select board uh last week I had the opportunity to attend the valley development council meeting uh that's a group administered through the pvpc of HED in Hampshire County uh planners the poignant topic um which is certainly echoed through part of our agenda today is how the affordable housing act um is I guess providing opportunity or providing for change across Massachusetts when it comes into effect in a few months just a quick reminder to everyone uh The Joint planning board select board meeting took place yesterday um is rescheduled or scheduled again for October 21st I'll send an Outlook reminder at least so that everybody can hop in their calendars if that's the easiest way to do so um as we get closer I'll desperately try to remember to post an agenda for an update uh right uh is my understand that we'll have the Oak Ridge um homes myar uh coming in uh within a couple of days I only mention that because we got a little gap between here and our next meeting so if three members have the opportunity to sing by Town Hall um after I send an email out we can apply signatures to those final myars uh let's see town clerk chy my sent me a note indicating that the required post ing of the bylaw Amendment from the UN town meeting has taken place the time frame essentially this is allows for uh anyone who alleges a defect a procedural defect um in the way the bylaw amendment process went forward I too logic that um period concludes January second as it relates to Roa and Mr Tom shon's business this evening that just puts us in a period of time where uh according to attorney beglane the risk at this point in time is very low it seems very U narrow chance that would be that be appealed at this point time through that final posting now that we know that it's taking place uh the planning board can proceed with issuing the decision and the applicants to risk of receiving it um pursuing that in inter excuse [Music] me last item I'll mention is that uh we uh are in receipt of a letter ran Mr Crystal this was a gentleman a few meetings back that had a comment and a few concerns about variance that have been issued over at Lake mon Street um and I took a few moments you may recall as we were shifting gears between uh agenda items to share some thoughts and Tak content information and I spoke with him afterwards um he has some primary concerns with um I suppose the location the subject matter of that variance uh that was requested and was issued throughout the board of appeals um in this particular letter he asks for it to be um his you formal appeal that that decision um I don't know if there's any validity to trying to appeal that at this time presuming that the border of appeals uh satisfied their public notice requirements and conducted matters uh effici the the appeal period had closed in that particular project what was that address againn uh the address of the was to late mon um so nonetheless um I gave Mr Dory a copy of the letter if you're interested in seeing what it is welcome to do so mention for everyone's uh attention I don't think it involves the planning board as the pursuit of variances turn what was a non-conforming um parcel into conforming circumstance according to that proposal that's it 7113 does the appeals board have the final if we turn it down and they approve it I'm sorry does the bill board have the final say if we turn the project down and they approve it is that if we turn a project down the appeals and they approve it there are under a normal circumstance according to my understanding and I sure they have not been driv through the process uh one of the remedies would be that uh for example a special perment decision may come back to us to reconsider or go through the process a new if there was some defect or if if it was uh assigned in such a fashion uh through the marad of responsibilities that are flipped to the Border Fields I believe there are certain circumstances where they end up being the body to consider um and a bu which ones those are at the moment I cannot fully remember okay there are some sort of a random little yes they they are identified remedy is the right word there they identified as the body to receive INF fuel matters under those specific circumstances all right 710 p.m. continued public hearing 662 public comments 705 hey about awesome that uh 705 public comment anybody have anything for the board tonight that is not on the agenda the c51 there maybe a couple all right um not hearing anything 710 pm continued public hearing 662a College Highway thank you Jessica um we have a request for uh continuance Mr oh yeah just I was trying to figure out what he meant by next week but I assume this will be to the [Music] 29th as a keep that's Cor his intention is to try to last offer was to talk with me and Jessica prior to bring to the board okay so um do I hear a motion to continue 662a College Highway to um 710m on October 29th davea so move take s second roll call vote m i davea i s just Thor and I okay um 7:15 p.m. public hearing for six South lumus Streets permit approval application for multiple estate lots and a town Dr Mr chair if it pleases you all read the public notice fantastic it does please me very very I'm disappointed told it was my finger touch but nonetheless notice is hereby given in accordance with the provision of Mass General Law chapter 4A section 11 and the town of South B planning board will hold a public hybrid public hearing on October 8 2024 at 7:15 p.m via zoom and in town hall at 454 College Highway sou Massachusetts on an application by Vladimir vovi for State lot and common driveway special permits the property located at 6 South Lum Street in the residence 40 zone property is shown on current accessor snap 129 parcel 21 appan proposes to create two estate Lots one of which will have a common driveway in accordance with the code of town excuse me the code of South zoning bylaws chapter 185 sections 9 10221 and 30.1 zo information is provided a copy of the application and plans may be inspected by contacting the town planner John Gard has phone number or email address any person interested or wishing to be heard in the matter should here at the time of May designated M chairperson South planning board okay John how are you good how good I may have accidentally thought that was raw before when I walked in never happened there's no particular reason whatsoever I did the same thing um all right um why don't you make your presentation and then we'll kind of go from there and sure uh my name is John tomeski not rob with our Associates here to present a special perent application for uh the creation of two estate Lots in and a common driveway we located at Six South Lumis Drive Street uh here in the town of Southwick um P's located on the east side of South Lum Street South Lum street is over here is the East Side North is up which always makes it easy paral happens to be right on the state line Connecticut is right down here uh the parel itself uh contains 16.75 Acres uh it's partially developed at this point there's currently a single family home and a few accessory structures um there's lawn area and and wooded areas um ultimately the uh the owner and applicant would look to create a total of five uh residential lots three uh standard R40 lots and and the two estate Lots which is part of this application um in order to access uh what would be so the two the two estate lots are to the rear um they have sort of a longer um entrance into the into the this would be lot a to the North Lot B is to the South the common Drive is located on lot a that would provide access to lot a as well as ultimately proposed lot one was located at the Northwest uh portion of the site um sort of these green areas here year or what we have flagged for Wetlands on the site we not there's been no filing with conservation at this point you know until lots are created and there's construction uh just wanted to knowe that they are there on the site um I I guess that's it nutsh anyone has any questions okay um anything from the board I can't you put lot one driveway right off South Lum Street to make an a common Drive uh the B basically this this green area here is what we flagged as Wetland and the property line is just to the north of where we show this um if if be work within the 50 Foot buffer of the Wetland my understanding there's a no touch buffer touch so so I mean as we haven't proposed the the driveway location into lot one would be this back corner in here okay and you know I would assume the the house would be located in the Upland probably outside to you know any of the uh conservation sh station is the house that is currently existing that would end up being on a stock State Lot B is that going to stay yes it's my yes my understand it is the structures would this is the where the existing house is right here okay did he pass away or he still didone own house I okay that I remember he [Music] was and then there would be individual driveways for the two an Lots two and three would have their own herb Cuts corre yes anything else from the board oh right John do you have any comments sure thank uh I'll start with Randy Brown uh he shared a comment um just asking that some utilities be added to the plan to show their locations um in related to the the access easement and uh they St lot ways um I shared a few uh early comments most of which were addressed um and John of course I stepped off for a key moment of your presentation but one of the factors here was going to remain open at least it's my interpretation at the moment is the need for a storm water management permit owing to the area disturbance did you mention that a few moments ago or a fret territory I did not okay good um so if you will the the Northerly um I should say the common driveway uh in estate lot access there that hold development envelope I think we north of an acre worth of disturbance um without putting words in on your team's mouth John is there a thought about you know when and how to address that storm water perit need I I don't think we you know looked at that in any great Det at this point that's that's an honest answer um so I suppose the planning board would have two options um available um my only concern is that it option b to if you'll make it a condition of approval that we may need to modify some circumstance um related to this plane here uh in some water management I know we're not talking about a tremendous area of impervious but that's just a a point of awareness here let's see aside from that now I ask for some additional labels to be added to the plans that there and that was managed um here me for one more second um souly State lot um that divides the existing residence um in those front those future Frontage Lots it does leave if you a fair area open the estate laot byot talks about establishing some screening and separation between the separate uses um and I think we can either see by the colors on that plan or at least the tree line um on my share drawing right about there that do a lot too um in the house there's some openness between them in this area here yes so that we have a little bit of green um added there um so I think if you want to satisfy that um separation need there might need to be some plantings in that area one more a five loss included the existing house uh the existing house would be on uh L State B it's right here okay so yeah okay Bill I think the last comment with any bearing um or meaning tonight was related to the submitted maintenance agreement um and Covenant for the shared driveway John's coworker Tom Avery tells me is the same one that I represented before the planning board a number of years back um he's probably right uh but nonetheless it it's a gloriously brief document and perhaps it behooves us uh to run past town councel and make sure they satisfied first if Town Council say it's okay I definitely BR that here back common driveway on the southide is that the existing driveway now uh down here yes uh actually the existing driveway kind of Loops in here okay so that that would that would go away obviously I'm sorry if I can make one more observation you know be quiet for a few minutes um owing to timing this one came in we're able to get it advertised and on for tonight's meeting uh we generally give Town departments a number of weeks to respond one of the estate lot perm requirements is that it be I think they say sign off or something like that in the in the bylaw by both DPW and Fire dpw's Element both through their comments I think in the curb cut verman gets satisfied um but we are waiting me back from fire department that's it the Flor is yours um I trying to make sure that we're so these are two estate losss that are ultimately touching each other in the back right is it I mean I guess I had in my head you can't have two estate Lots next to each other but I guess that's not technically true it's how you measure it which is the driveway or or a lot of itself you can't have can't be within 200 feet I'm read what you're reading just go back to it I just always had my head you can't have two EST state lws next to each other so no state law should be created and no special per granted State lot which is within 200 feet of another state lot in R40 or within 150 ft of another state lot in R20 that is otherwise permitted by elsewhere in the chapter such distances shall be measured Meed along the frontage of the property on the same side of the street upon which the property is located um what's the distance between the two the two access strips right which is more than which is 200 exactly 200 and the access stps are how wide they're at least 50 that's why I out because I when I look at it I can't tell you know there's no measurement there and it's probably pretty it's probably pretty close to 50 just by eyeballing it if that's 200 but I'm assuming those are it is it is 50 we do have the we do have a label along the along the street it says 50.0 n but that the property lines aren't perpendicular to road yeah that that want to call it a right of way or that easement or however that whatever I don't know that has an official name is 50 true it's underneath the um yeah okay all right access and they are separated by 200 fet that lot is 200 okay um anything else from the board I just I I agree with John's mentioning about the buffer between me the existing home that's there if you're going to create another lot in front there should be plantings added because right now when you drive by just see straight back I has it been long enough for me to speak to you be quiet but now that of course that I'm seeing it up on a larger screen to some degree I don't know how the topography affects um we're going all the view sheds from that house to and from it perhaps the same aspect applies at lot three as well with their new um you know in my thought I was just seeing that existing driveway and that straight shot west from the house but there may be some element of privacy um protected by the bylaw that needs to be implemented for law three as well [Music] um anything else on the board one quick question I think the proposed hard compacted surface that 25 ft to the road is that the language we typically use or do we say paved or use that language we do now I remember when it changed but it actually may not be maybe it may have changed from that right it changed from that at the last one I think um I don't think it changed that's true okay um I think the entirety of the driveway says this to be a hard impact surface um I I think deliberately ambiguous as I said um in Prior decisions a condition has been that the apron at the street be paved with asphalt yeah so I think this here if I'm spting I think it say hard compact with Sur at the end there think maybe want to change that it's a uh anything else from the board um uh any um public comments yesus just hold on one sec you just got a name and address so Jeffree Circle one of the north up there yeah right where the state latte is but I'm kind of confused about the terminology what makes those two estate labs and the other ones not is it because there's drawing for a house already oh it's the Frontage that on the road so those two lots have that that 50 foot access strip which would not normally be a the amount of Frontage you would need in that area um and so that's what of makes it in a state lot okay and then I'm just wondering so obviously I live to the north side there um I'm just wondering about how what did things are going to be kept just because it's such you know beautiful W up there I hate for like all the treats to people do I'm just wondering how you know what did things are holding to stay um John do you know how big that property is uh yes lot a 2.9 uh it's five and a half acres total um including the including the ACC it seems you have line there of your Woodland line yeah this is a proposed line you know this is uh I'm trying to it's kind of a busy plan I'm trying to find where the existing tree line is I mean the exist I think this whole area is wooded my you know the with the estate Lots there is a 75 foot building setback line so you know this is a you know this is our proposed house location but there is some flexibility with that um but there wouldn't there would likely be at least a 75 foot buffer um I can't imagine someone would want to move back here and clearcut the whole thing but yeah I don't know that we have control over that uh but um there certainly I mean it's wooded now and I would anticipate at least 100 foot you know above but I can't speak to that um there certainly wouldn't be a structure because like I said there's a 75 foot building set back reate and it's all wooded now correct I mean it's all yes yeah that I did receive a telephone call from director butter to lot a with I think similar questions about change and so on so forth um the individual recognized that that he did not control uh this property um and I did explain that same 75 foot structural um setback as well as the presence of other resource areas BR certain limitations to how much clearing one might expect some big Timbers in um anything else yes ma'am 22 so there is no guarantee way of knowing that whatever they want right up to our backyard no that's not so as John was just saying there is at a minimum 75 feet from the back of that property for L to where they can um build their there's a building envelope right so that house is not going to be any closer than 75 ft to the back of that property um right and they clear the trees yeah I mean as with any lot any property that they own you could you could clear the trees but there wouldn't really be I mean I guess you sort of rely on the fact that people wouldn't necessarily want to do that in open up to a neighbor right most people want to have some degree of privacy and if you can't build something there there's really not a great reason to spend the money and clear all those trees um you usually keep the Privacy it's not usually an issue that comes up um it's usually more you know when things are going to be cleared for building that's really when the Privacy issue or the you know the cutting issue comes up it's p there if they building something they could I'm sorry they clear it if they had to build something well they can't have a they can't let me I guess let me put it this way they can't build something there they can't put a house there there's a 75t setback where they have to put the the house okay but like any other property if you wanted to go in your backyard and you had 75 ft of behind the house to the property line and you want to clear all those trees for whatever reason and you have the right to do that um like I said I I think most the vast majority of people wouldn't do that because they would want to have some buffer some privacy between then if they have the trees there they would have want to have that buffer so it doesn't usually come up unless there's a reason to do so for building purposes which it wouldn't here because you can't build the house in that in that setback and what I'm actually just trying to quickly look at is to see what [Music] um kind of pull up the gis to see um how much uh how many how much area of trees is on your properties and back behind you know Jeffrey and see how you know what kind of buffer you have that you have control over um for some reason it doesn't want me to pull off six [Music] LS yeah I'm working that what's the length of the Wetland property on the North side the piece that you're calling wet LS between there and right the the piece on the Northern side no no right there yeah what's the L to thato okay I mean I guess I'm saying does it but the neighbor's house in the back does it cover a whole yard or Ian it it does extend pretty much the the extent of this corner lot on this is Jeffrey here correct okay so then that piece wouldn't be touched basically oh yeah there there would be uh even extending into the second lot because of the 50 there's a lot of Woodland properties there's a lot of wood there yeah I mean I think the woods are all the way down in existing you know on the map where your on this map sure it's the fourth one from the left there y That's okay there a lot of Big Pine Fusion there too all right so if this gives you a sense that's so this is the um GIS which is the mapping of Southwick with the property lines on it right so that one in yellow there is the property we're talking about and the ones above it are the ones on Jeff there and I'm not sure which one you are as far as coming in you're what thir the third you're the third and she's the fourth all right so you can kind of see I think where that point or that hand is there that's the third one right there um so I mean if that gives you a sense of just how you know what you have for trees and then everything behind it I think it's likely to have 75 another 75 fet of trees that are going to stay there when they when they build that I guess I'm Envision like and animals and stuff of um this is our 40 yes um yeah and I can't remember it has come up I mean it certainly has come up there but there are some limits um on what they are allowed to do in an R40 certain number of chickens no roosters um I can't remember the other ones but there are some limitations as to what because it's an R40 there are some limitations it's not like it's a agult District where you can have a little bit more free rain as to what you're going to have there so there are some limitations sheep down she can go to the 107s cheap and ghost on there um I forget the exact number the guess sect number of livestock yeah fire that up if anybody's interested yeah I mean I you know it is it is a that can be developed um you know you sort of have to rely a little bit on a Good Neighbor policy right that people will cooperate and using those 75 foot buffers that there will be some separation in that area um plus whatever you have in your backyard as far as treeses there we don't um yeah I mean in as you said the third as you get closer to the front there there's less and less you know um trees that are part of that property in the back um so understand that but you know the idea behind the way we set it up is that you should have you know a decent amount of trees there um because they can't go in there and build it and the other thing too I guess to keep in mind I don't have the distances right in front of me but um going into that lot if it's all wooded like that I mean that's a pretty substantial project to get in deep into that lot right and and the expense of getting in that far the expense of running a driveway up that far you know there is the more the farther you go the more expensive it's going to get for someone to do it so that also sort of is a little bit of a um you know something that defers people back to you know brings them back to the front part of their property versus going that far in any your front two Lots at South are they going have their own individual tries uh yeah these two here yes okay so they're not sharing the Comon correct yeah the only these would be the only two lots sharing that one drive way okay and the proposed lot do you have a location retive um not not at this point okay how about a projected timeline for starting that information you said that this is just to sort of create the two estate lots and the common drive and then these other Lots can be created tomorrow right you know assuming you know and then I guess but I don't have that I don't have that information I'm not the one developing and just so you know the um with the common driveway that is that is the entirety of what that can serve it can only serve those two proerties um it can't be extended in any way shape or form after that um any other public comments yeah just Ashley Mountain Jeffrey Circle um so I see the line now where it says the 75 see where it says the um proposed Tree Line what is the additional like that another 75 ft where it's proposed I know you said it was kind of yeah I mean at at this stage it's just sort of arbitrary you know we just kind of put a house on there to kind of show you know this is you know a typical house and you know provide them with a yard I guess we do have a you know an area where for a septic that was just asked um but uh there's no I don't think we're not going to be held to that tree line necessarily any other public comments all right anything else from the board okay um so I think to get to make sure especially with fire but also you know there's other stray comments sitting out there um you hear from everybody except for fire oh no I'm to be fair yes there could straight com do I expect any no fair enough um but to at least say we've given the opportunity um because you know that's one time we don't then that's when it comes back right um so I think what we'll do and we have to write the decision to vote on it anyway so um I think the plan will be to continue it to the next meeting leave it open in case so we can put in the comment as part of the hearing um you know we'll go through if there's anything new to offer we can certainly offer that if there's any adjustments on the plan in the meantime certainly we can present that uh we'll close the hearing and then we can vote on the decision at the next at the next a um so just to say a lot it was uh for Mutual understanding um there clarification on the direction for storm water permit um comment from fire department um the buffer that we mentioned existing residents and the depart is that something you want to see something on the plan is that or if we had the opportunity we might as well add it to the plan so if x number months or down the road it gets sold there's an expectation by the buyer manage that um and I thought there was one more thing had to put a question mark was it maintenance agreement com oh yeah when're D thank you all right um all right so in the history of 662a I'm going to put this on for 7:15 uh on October 29th um do I hear a motion to continue this public da being so moved a second a roll call vote Michael dity I da I I Jessica for and I okay um so just in you are familiar with process we're going to keep this hearing open there's a few there's at least one more comment that may come in from the firey Department about the plans they may make the um adjustments that we talked about here tonight to the plans we'll reopen it on the 29th at 75ish it may be later if the other hearing goes forward um and then we'll have also have a written decision that we'll go through and edit and vote on um at that hearing okay thank you all right have a good night um 250 College Highway continued public hearing give you that I did before I don't know if that'll do anything it's not okay all right um You said he does yeah I think John might have a comment response letter okay and a Revis P just toti I like your efficiency there I lose it it is true devil on your rest all right go ahead John uh so uh this is obvious this is continued um to my understanding that one of the outstanding issues or one of the comments from the last time was uh there were sort of significant excess in parking we I I think that was one of the um am I correct in saying that yes so we surprisingly we when do you ever have to uh so scaled back the the parking uh we are now I think eight was what was required we we scaled it back to nine so we slightly over the the minimum required um that reduced the significant amount of impervious in the back area here um sort of rework the storm water um and I I think there was also some additional um screening to the adjacent properties I don't know I can't I don't know exactly if you know some of these arities were proposed or the fence was proposed um so I don't know if there were any other do you have the comment response letter handy John I know one this is kind of round two if you will for this proposal but we never got so far as formal responses in round one if you don't I can put it up and the March through it I've got it handy if that's the best solution I mean the original comments were from close to November of last year is that yeah I decided to regurg dat BR um so the I think the first comment had to do with the fact that our proposal had to do with a bylaw that hadn't quite been established yet is that correct correct so that's off the table that's off the okay check um so you just want me to kind of read these and then if you don't mind okay uh so comment number two the application material state that the proposed reconstruction of the four family building coincides with the surrounding uh surrounding neighborhood by Nature how does this use coincide with others in the surrounding R40 Zone land rla response proposed reconstruction will coincide with the surrounding existing residential land uses within the R40 Zone land applicant is committed to ensuring the streetcape of the proposed reconstruction aesthetically coincides with the surrounding neighborhood please refer to the attached example architectural elevations for greater detail regarding proposed design features final architecturals will be provided prior to uh building permit application and can be provided to the planning board as a condition of approval I don't know if you have those I have a couple copies of those typical [Music] you so just for the board's Clarity uh in review we have uh this I'm going to call it building functional front which would be imagine the parking lot side elevation [Music] go back to what that would be the part front Okay thank you comment three the application material State storm water management will be provided acknowledging that the limited scale of the work does not trip a required requirement for a storm water management permit could you Des dve at a minimum the goals of the planed storm water management effort as it relates to on and offsite matters rla response the storm water basin will be sized appropriately to infiltrate roof runoff and driveway flows from the project site so the proposed graving sort of has a a gutter down the center of the parking lot and will sort of feed down almost sort of a grass sale probably won't really even be noticeable it's is just you know sort of a depression in in the back site it'll just be grass area sort of provide some groundwater recharge I guess so there'll be no there'll be no flows heading towards of College Highway and so everything should be will be managed on site okay good with that one comment for the site utilizes public water and a private septic system the application materials state if applicable the renovation reconstruction of the existing building at the subject property will provide for adequate methods of disposal of sewage Refuge or other waste generated by the proposed use will the existing septic system need to be reconstructed where is the current septic system or where will it be reconstructed rla response the site intends to reutilize the existing septic system do have I don't think so John I don't think you should pish for it I don't think it's there you might know the plan better than me there time so is that that is the intention is to reuse the existing system obviously it' probably be a Title Five exection I would assume and any issues arise then move forward from there so all four units will use the same SE I'm sorry all four units will be using the same setic I would assume so yeah um I mean I I find it I guess un likely that that septic would be sufficient for that given the age of that property and how it was set up but I don't know I mean it seems I guess it would have to to be determined I guess um okay but I mean the the plan would be I guess regardless of whether you're using it or able to use it or need to replace it it's going in the same location that it exist in but we just don't know where that is it's right okay uh comment five the application material State the building will be renovated and reconstructed to current building code in an aesthetically pleasing manner the term reconstruction can cover a very broad range construction activity and appears to include the wholesale replacement the existing structure you provide greater detail scope of work uh so that the board members can understand what exterior changes are are planned and assess their aesthetic value rla responds the applicant intends to reconstruct and slightly expand the exterior of the existing structure please see the attach example architectural elevations for further information on the proposed aesthetic design features the applicant is committed to aesthetic integration with the surrounding neighbor did comment six how does the project satisfy the requirement under section 18510 c not sure what that says but our response was please see the attached provis project narrative for an R response to the site plan review standards for review under 18510 C oh that's okay um I guess we do have a revised narrative but have to [Music] Sor what I don't really read every SL one for but I'm for the board to choose the direction I just Le torture good friend um yeah no no I just didn't know if they were from a certain Department um or a combination I think the ones that John is running through were my original comments okay which to be fair with the wackiness of The Proposal before we had B it are admittedly a little uh um detailed how you want me to continue I I might have found a spot where we address rest 10 185 10 C gez you've gone this far you might as well that's my my my suggest there might be multiple Pages um so that it this involves site plan approval um the following criteria comes directly from the town of South zoning byot under section 18510 c with regard to site plan approval which is presented Below in italics followed by our responses um so in reviewing and evaluating a a site plan as part of special permit here or otherwise under this chapter the planning board shall consider the following standards assistent with a reasonable use of the site for the proposed for the purposes permitted or permissible by the regulations of the district in which it is located in addition to the other criteria set forth in this chapter number one The Proposal must conform to the special permit re no that's all right you don't have to go through all that okay you don't have to go through all that um nicely done yeah I mean I you know John was tapping me saying yes make him go through all of it but I'm G to say um yeah move on you can hop on to the next the next the respons off street parking and loading please confirm that no accessible units will be uh required through the renovation reconstruction of the building rla response accessible units are not required as part of this reconstruction town houses are exempt under 521 CMR comment eight will there be any illumination of the parking area R response there is no proposed lighting within the parking area comment n under 185-205 parking areas should be screened by planting or fencing on each side of adjoining or facing side or rear lot line of any residential lot although the land to the north and east of the subject property is not an active residential in it's not an active residential use CR to the South is residentially occupied and all of the surrounding Parcels are zoned R40 the planning board should consider whether this requirement is satisfied as currently presented and if existing PL is to be retained are adequate ourly response the site plan has been provided the site plan has been provided to Show additional landscaping around the parking area and a fence to the north comment 10 under 18530 B5 the board may allow parking at a rate between 8 % to 125% of the required minimum with adequate justification the current proposal is a mere 238% I the current proposal is 238% greater than the required eight parking spaces should be revised to conform to the bylaw supplemental justification needed R response the applicant has rised the parking to show nine spaces Which is less than the 125% of the require ired eight spaces other General comments number 11 what is planned for the apparent encroachments upon the property R response the property owner will be in contact with the abiding property owner to discuss the property encroachments and sort out a removal plan does that have to do with like the um number 12 how will the planning board determine compliance with the site plan for proposed plantings can Define the proposed plant species size in space r response a plant list has been added to the revised site plan set for greater information marus so proud I'll just I'll explain the respon it was well appreciated that you didn't have the same sassiness that John had in his Quest and your responses um there was a buffer between John and that letter I think all right um Mr chair may I make a suggestion yes at the risk of after having suff through that letter um you want him to read in all the bylaws no I I don't I'm going to just recap a couple of things for everyone's perspective so we do have the revised part parking lot here we've got uh storm water management being depicted in some way shape or form um understanding that uh waste disposal will be designed and managed and fit into the uh the property right we have dumpsters now shown we have uh planking screen on the back side of the enclosure as well as an extension of that closure along the Northerly property line between at the edge of the parking lot uh previously they did show the additional plantings on the south o lot line I only mentioned that in that it augments what is there under the current scenario perhaps the board would wish to contemplate a condition that should that um screening at the adjacent private property fail um that's some uh buffering be required of this property owner lastly Famous Last Words uh the proposal before us today with the new uh architectural information does expand uh to a modest degree over the existing footprint now John I don't have a good handle uh in terms of the existing footprint I don't think there's a porch on the front of that building um so I do think we see an expansion towards the street uh and then a squaring off if you will of that uh I call a rear it's the white building line um up against the adjacent property so that would come uh into consideration to be part of the findings required of the planning board for that change uh in the footprint as well as um the extension of this lapsed residential not performing use all right yeah we do have the discretion to do that it looks like it's identified as about 420 that right yeah of additional mostly in the front and back on towards College in right side functional back I'm having a hard time with the front and back given that the build I'm saying it two different way so the frontage towards the the yeah yes I yes I agree with you sorry I'm talking about the front of the original house and then the left side of the original are wor these expansions okay all right um anything from the [Music] board anything else from your planning nothing from your plan nothing further um any uh public comments okay all right um do I hear a do we have anything outstanding I don't think there is right no we had uh non- Department comments previously okay do I hear a motion to close the hear Dave so moved second do a roll call vote Michael dhy I Dave Spa i s i just for and I okay um so same thing as the last one John well other than this one is closed um so we will draft up a decision and uh run through it and vote on at the next meeting it'll just be carried as a routine business so there's no set time for that but sure um obviously if you were the applicant is here you know we'll try to get to it as soon as we can oh it's not you I'm sorry I know why [Laughter] you're U oh yeah so if if anyone's here then um you know we'll get to it soon 29 it'll be on the 29th just carried on routine business okay thank you have a good night okay okay yeah I'm not gonna oh I got you I just want to that family together Mr chair one moment John I did I didn't mean to drag you through that letter oh if you meant to deliver it in that fashion make me feel bad about it then you done a good job I'm surprised I got through without my reading classes but everybody stopped listening after a while I think so Interruption um all right um oh s plan review s plan review right there yeah okay you put two on the same page now yeah I all right pull that up your last one for the evening I hope so all right can stick around you want me to talk this time that uh so this particular project was submitted to conservation uh this is the everybody sees it as the open turn off over by Long's part three I say Z Shi antique house I appreciate the thought he was permanent tractor trailer parking lunchtime parking many people have come to me and said what are we going to do about trailer parking nonetheless uh this is if you will that site um and through coordination with the applicant uh in Arc Associates um just like we saw for over Nicholson Hill Road late last year we have two family home proposal that goes through site plan review on our end uh it is I think it was continued last night through conservation from a site plan review perspective I don't think that conservation jurisdiction has any bearing upon the location of the house which is already pushed as far as functionally away possible from um from conservation areas joh you wish to share anything did I not cover anything you nailed it uh so perhaps the board then wishes to just walk through the uh requirements under s plan review I'll bring just a [Music] second is that going to take the whole lot or is there something else PN down the road after that uh with this all being within conservation jurisdiction I don't anticipate there me yes I B In This Very and this is what zone 40 this location 40 yeah I think there's a small portion over here that's in where the agricultural conservation I think it's on the other side that TR okay if I recall I think Nichols h Road was only ever a protected Affair owing to site design challenges related to conation in the they have think a planning board issue aside from waiting conation side at that tricky site okay I don't see that all right um anything from the board no long time ago Victor shiy had a auction house there talking 40 years ago um all right anything else from the this is your last opportunity to make him run through bylaw all right I would never do that okay um all right so [Music] um do I hear a motion for a posi for a positive recommendation for the site PL or 306 feeding pills Road Dave vus so moved got a second dual roll call vote mik Authority I D Spa I got all we all right you are all set no two families allowed it's got the got enough Frontage uh in area it just they're It Is by R right so as long as it has [Music] enough I like from our house thanks for coming in good to see you outside the dumpster there you go the door dumpster oh yeah we don't want the St [Music] falling I st [Music] Aton huh six or years really be fun bring it up okay you grab minutes while you're doing that no this one take okay okay I think everybody has a copy of a draft um a draft a super draft super preliminary accessory blowing unit contemplated chainon uh so with the affordable housing act uh I believe it's mid-February um that those changes are slated to become active um and I don't think it's a fundamental is you at least as was bounced around in that fashion with the development council meeting I attended but we do need to consider what review um is prudent for by right um anory dwelling units uh as well as defining them within our bylaw you're burgering up what can be managed what can't be managed what's before you essentially I fold it in if you will the definition aspect if only because uh the template that I was directed towards I I'm not fully um comfortable with grow area we don't talk about it elsewhere in our bylaw but this is a definition that I'm as a designer I'm not comfortable saying that's appable throughout the entire place that's going to trip us up at some point but nonetheless so let me take one half step back essentially accessory dwelling units are going to be allowed in any District that allows single family homes by right so in South that's going to be our p in our our one two zones right because AC is by special permit um business not eligible VR only allows presidential by special permit um in industrial for backstage business so having that awareness um I have made reference to if you will those two districts as well as mention that you know if the oay um district for the Wellhead protection area applies that would have to adhere to any constraints under those circumstances only one accessory dwelling unit is allowed as a matter of right on any property that's in line with if you will the Mandate uh from the state saying they should allow uh I have an here as a comment we don't allow them today I recognize it's not likely we're going to allow seven of them on one property in the future but I do say should additional accessory dwelling units be allowed um on a single property with the isud of a special permit by a plan boy I think that's an idea that probably comes from density that has yet to arrive this out like but it's here for discussion and thought moving forward the draft B on out that they should not be used for short-term rental purposes dimensional constraints for an accessor dwelling unit is one half of a gross floor area as I defined above uh of the principal delling or 900 squ F feet whichever is less making sure they comply with the dimensional requirements in our uh zoning table as applicable to single homes um let's see par uh at least one space being provided for accessory dwelling units uh the construction of a new I I wanted this a detached garage to survey you shall require special permit uh that's another question do what degree of Regulation should the BL board does bling board want SL plan approval should say here we go amendment number one uh so just as we saw for the the two family proposal a few moments ago in sou like this is our review process um for borite uses uh running through site plan review making sure that we talk about uh 's location by in terms of the plan um access parking architectural style um and if you will the aspirational idea of minimizing tree vegetation so removal and grade changes related factors um if an accessory dwelling unit is proposed for pre-existing non-conforming primary residence the requirements of our now amended 18528 shall apply provided that no special permit may consider the a use or imposed conditions on such use so I think the special permit accommodations that we have built into 18528 essentially would only apply to matters pertaining to the existing the pre-existing nonconforming we would be able to utilize the Adu as an intensification of use justification it appears that we would not um please understand that what I've thrown out here for an idea certainly uh should be run through Town Council for them to identify other potential conflicts one that's sitting in my mind U from this afternoon and then of course looking at the six off lumus proposal is how does it relate to um R40 estate lot proposal single family home buy special permit and just making sure that whatever inter relationship is supposed to be between the two um is spelled out that's that's a that's a gap as I see right here or this the answer I don't have just yet is I'm assuming that um dwelling is it the F term did I throw that in there dwelling is a defined term in our existing byla uh as I took a ride past it it wasn't fundamentally let's just say it out loud right now no we have to bat out of the way early on uh dwelling in parentheses permanent structure except that of a hotel or in intended for human habitation erected on a closed Foundation or slab using permanent weatherproof exterior materials connected to a safe water supply with adequate sanitary sewage disposal facilities C at least one furnace or other customary form of heating constructed with ceilings and walls furnished on the outside with laugh and plaster in a customary manner or finish in some sub accessible substitute yada yada yada proper insulation maintain a healthful room of 69 degrees fahr at 0 degrees outdoor temperature modular home construction components and individual material construction shall be deemed to come under this definition so I think that's adequate to cover both single family home as well as a box slab mounted box that was someone's chosen to have foress so I uh through this before everyone just to raise some awareness uh there's no um apparent discussion U or urgent need to try to uh speak in a special town meeting or to have this in place prior to February 18th U but nonetheless uh would expect that this is something that comes up as we March towards the spring I want to share with you na welcome ER uh my research work on that continues the goal is to just frankly because I do want a both a timeline um as well as a a reason comprehensive list of the deviations um from subdivision standards that's it will continue to take some time no Ste uh Noble Steed as everyone remembers a couple years back flipped from uh holding covenants in new of the bond to a bond securing the remaining infrastructure the value of that bond is no longer tied to much of anything the way it's structured it's a flat amount whereas I suppose Lots will rise and fall with the economy and construction costs and so on and so forth uh So within our subdivision regulations uh it states that the board May um at twoyear intervals uh come back and revalue the remaining infrastructure to make sure that there's adequate protection for the community uh we are slightly passed that was I think a uh July if you will to your opportunity I did Mr salt marsh continues to meet with Randy and I um to talk about construction to be blunt it's been um slow there's been um a promise to resume some infrastructure some key infrastructure work related to drainage um this week Mr s Marsh's suggestion was that we uh have this discussion on uh the 12 where he anticipates having uh completed that drainage infrastructural work and extending herbs sidewalk and pavement patches essentially to the Limit allowed uh with the current roadway I say the limit allowed because as everyone I think recalls there's a stream Crossing out there that's currently going through design processes he's working with t Reynolds engineering um we shared some draft information um from them for when they're going to be entering a 401 Water Quality permit processing excuse me application process um for that particular Crossing um I share that and I share the notes from our meetings only as related to I feel unobserved slowdown in if you will the incremental progress that we had seen earlier in the year over the past month or so it's essentially roughly gone quiet um and there's reasons for that however that element is pushing forward I have conservation restriction um tasks on my desk um stemming from some Town Council comments from at this point months back so there's MRC likes to use his analogy of a of an old drawer push one side and a little bit than the other at a time as a treading drive out suer home if it suits the board then we have that discussion on the 12th which is now only two meetings away you know me it's up to him to push it Forward come back and so the go ahe no no I mean that's it's and I mean I I try to think of the stuff that needs to be done but it sounds like it may needs to be done the next month or not happening for a bit of time that's I think reasonably accurate right we don't have any confidence we'll probably see another snowf free winter because uh the heavens above Hayden uh don't like me to see snow uh but nonetheless you're right we're not promised any meaningful Improvement particular if it it'ss rainy that's to fund my to the crossing itself that permit process is going to spill into 2025 I don't think we're going to get an answer back from the state on the now revised and amended conservation resarch application until 2025 when it comes back for our for signatures and then will resubmitted to the state um so it's supposed not for a lack of willingness to move certain things forward but that Crossing uh for sure in connection with going to take a little time um so in the meantime Mr salt marsh uh has indicated that he'll um go through it's on him to present Randy Brown with an updated schedule of values for the remainder we'll look at that and we're going to see if uh the bond that we hold still is adequate to cover the remaining workout okay thank you planning board member at di yes I just wanted to thank you all for your vote um in um keeping me on as your associate member I'm sorry I wasn't there tonight to thank you in person but um I've got something going on here that I don't want to share um so I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate it and I'm looking forward to the next year well any other planning board member and staff comments thanks for agreeing to do it Diane yeah right um all right minutes April 23rd just got did we you get them email did I miss it Thursday I didn't see it attach a chance to review absolutely and there's already something missing from the town planers report am I confident that the rest will be absent I also don't know why that 566 is there but that's a differ um well that's fun just okay we'll kick him off to the next sounds good um well since we only have one day here make a motion to adour the meeting second all those in favor say hi hi good night everybody thank you