##VIDEO ID:eZUGorZP5eE## um we will open the planning board meeting for Tuesday January 7 2025 this is being conducted in a hybrid manner pursuing to the general laws if anybody is recording that is fine uh you just need to let us you know seeing no one um 7 o'clock Town planners reforms thank you very much Mr chair uh let's see just one pre fighting to share with the planning board give holiday break in the new year um I've had a number of inquiries across my desk uh from individuals and real estate agents um regarding five Crescent Circle um that's a that's the site of a a garage that was U constructed and utilized for commercial purposes um if you look at Zoning for the site offset from presentent Circle or C wherever that is CL right down in the middle of the building lengthwise give or take at the property um you know that affects certain opportunities for changes obviously would involve um PL work for certain nonconformities uh I guess the reason why I bring it up tonight is that um I think everybody can appreciate that when someone calls in they've got an idea and they had make kind to figure out over can I make this work um what I need to change how's it to bws um sometimes uh a lot of that depends upon well what rights carried for from the original use um in previous years I've been down to uh the town cler's archives in an effort to try to identify zoning maps from essentially this is the 1970s prior to the eight or so major revision that brought us fundamentally what to what we currently have uh and I have failed to come up with a do well a good reference man um so for what it's worth my presumption uh sitting from this chair is that that um is that it was constructed appropriately um according to uh rules and regulations in place of time just given the length time that it's been in it remains in current use by certain tenants there and that's unfortunately the extent of I'm call review it's not certainly as far from exhausted but those limited uh oper for feedback I what I'm able to provide people on the fly without going through a request for information or a more L process nonetheless OB was just want to share that there's been some interest and that's the me for the response been dividing with that I'll wrap up the top 705 public comment anybody have anything to the board tonight that is not on the agenda okay see nothing 710 p.m. continued public hearing 662a College holiday Mr chair I do have a continuance request from the applicant they're looking to be on the agenda for the first meeting in February um however I let's ger to the discussion um to bring up a couple of concerns um or thoughts that I have um I've shared at previous meetings that the applicant um has been coordinating through me um to brainstorm certain modifications uh several meetings ago we came in with a building that was fundamentally different in scale manag a number of concerns and was looking to but that up as I probably expressed certain optimism that we would swiftly move forward from that point um with that reduction in scale um comes another opportunity that the applicant was recognized for commercial um storage um the plan board I think recognizes this as you know essentially Bays that are rented out to uh smaller contractors um for interior storage um of their tools and materials um my concern with this proposal regardless of scale or anything else is that uh it adds yet another use uh Under the Umbrella of storage all seems really simple but our byw spells that have very clearly a separate uses um your retail level on self storage and then whole Self Storage um given that distinction um and the fact that it's spelled out U yeah clearly our bylaw I don't think it's appropriate for the applicant to continue down that Avenue without um ring for a new public hearing I don't think we can pass the straight Bas test to say that we've or we've been able to effectively communicate um that change in project so while on the surface it seems minor that's my concern with that application at the moment this i' share with you if someone feels fundamentally different you're welcome to let me know but otherwise my advice to Mr Bo was to submit a letter to withdraw without prejudice um and refile to properly notice those his current intention what was Mr Po's thought um it's fair to say that the advant leaned into the philosophy that these two activities are are Le compatible so uh I don't necessarily need feedback from the planning board unless someone would like to stand up and say John your WR but the for the time being we do have the convenience request before us guarantee um yes yeah I mean I you know we don't have to decide it I I think it's probably the wiser move for him to reapply with they clear and there wouldn't be an argument about I mean I don't disagree I think I agree with you I uh the more I I batted on I can't um I guess s side step the I can't go up with the solution that that Mees the two together um although coupled with my suggestion to Mr Bo would also be the inclination that the plan board would at least wave the storm water application fee uh component given that that will not have changed and therefore his only verion yeah I think group together that makes sense see anything with them uh yeah I think that's right but they are I mean you read through the biogs they are distinctly different it's a business stage Warehouse stage and I you know I don't I have to pull the actual application the notice was refence Self Storage but obviously that's meant to be as compact as the application is pry clear you know Public Storage business yes okay um so why don't we continue both of these and let him decide what he wants to do we can talk to him about one of them but you know at least they will both be continued for the time being on February me what is the end date I that was February 5th do I hear a motion to continue 662a col 710m on February 4 Dave spus so moved okay your second I Dave I CER I David Su I Jessica th and I okay um 715 contined public hearing for six South Lum Street see we have Mr fro [Music] I here yep and as I recall we left the public hearing open just in case there were any further revisions the application materials andn sorry believe we are ready to close Okay I do observe uh that thean should be made member um and Mr was absent he was open he missed one you go back and read yeah but I it's getting getting the paper notorized I gotta be a to sign it we'll just have uh Diane on okay um anything else from the board on this okay any um public comments regarding Six South Street okay I hear um FIP was there anything else you wanted to add from the applicant standpoint nope not at this time okay thank you uh do I hear a motion to close the hearing da vus moved singer second call vot Michael D i i singer I just for out of sour um all right we'll get to the decision um yeah um oh 7:20 pm 141 Haman Road public hearing on application to modify the special permit and site plan approval decision for lease and Rental boat slip reallocation es how are you this evening good good name and address you don't mind uh Ken eglon 141 Kuman Road thank you um why don't you tell us what you're here for I'm here asking for permission to change the original recommendation of the planning board couple years ago as to where all the rental docks would be positioned within the 40 slip Marina that I've been allowed um as a result of the low water levels on the K my Lake the last few years the design of 20 slips on one Pier if you will um hasn't worked the closest four to the Shoreline have been basically unusable limiting my income if you will um to only having uh 16 and a half so to speak I say 16 and a half because 16 were fully rented and I had a gentleman this past year who wasn't afraid to jump out of his boat and pull his boat into the slip area um and he paid me a little bit of money to be able to put his boat there so um in terms of a picture I'm I can show everybody at once this is what this is what it looks like now this is the rental slip as it was designated this is the um transan slip and and you will recall I hope that there was questioned whether should this be the rental slip or should this be the rental slip should this be the transing or should this be the transing so it's not like it shouldn't be a very big deal about that part what I'm looking to do is because this first slip area where there's four boats around it closest to the shore on this side I want to not rent these four and I want to move those four over to somewhere like here one two three four I'm not sure exactly which four it I don't think it matters put four rental Swifts over here um and I will mention it um as well let me add too that I think that this is good to be on this side because it's not going to affect the trans the moving of the boat so to speak the boats come in through here anyways to get over here and these boats here all leave this way so the fact that they're coming in going here or coming in going here and going out there way shouldn't matter much um and I'm gonna I'm gonna hold you for one second yeah sorry going too fast or no well that's um um so I forgot that this is public hearing so I got to read the notice of public hearing if you don't mind into the record um before we and then we take back yes of course my apologies I just didn't put two and two together when I was reading um so noce public hearing is given uh for Tuesday January 7th uh given an apps with the provisions of M general laws chapter 40a section 11 in the town of South bylaw that defending board will hold a hybrid public hearing on January 7 2025 at 7:20 p.m. via zoom in the town hall at 454 College Highway South Massachusetts on an application by Ken egleson to modify the special permit site plan approval and wellhe head protection district special permit for property located at 141 Kong Monro in the business and R20 zones property is shown on current accessor map 149 parcel one the applicant proposes to reallocate transient and leas boat slips at the subject property in accordance with cot of southw zoning bylaw chapter 185 sections 9 10 13 16 22 28 30 Zoom information is provided copy application may be insued by contacting Town planner John C in his phone or email any person interested or wishing to be heard on this matter should appear at the time and man designated chair for plan board thank you John no no that's on me um and go uh continue please I'm sorry okay at some point could I get a copy of that I paid for it but nobody you know I don't get the paper and I never got one so I appreciate that um so in continuing I don't I don't think that the In-N-Out is is going to be of any concern I'll also add that as you know one of the conditions when the um chapter 91 license was finally approved by the lake management Committee in the select board was that this front one out here had to be eliminated so right now it looks like this uh the Harbor Master um by way of a letter that I forgot to bring with me has approved you have it has approved the addition of this year without any um without any problem so now it looks like this and it looks like this and I'm looking to move for the rental slips over to the transient side um the um the restaurant renter from me um isn't concerned about that um in this past summer that he never filled up the um 16 spaces that he had and I'm adding four more anyway and that's and I want to use four here to move over to here and I would greatly appreciate your approval to do so any questions or let's make sure that we have it right now well I suppose it may not be right now but during the past season when this was operating did it look like that no it looked like this those weren't even those weren't even out there I've never purchased them when I got the approval I canceled them and they never arrived I do not have these um and so which ones currently or this past season were transition all of these that side that is only doesn't extend out all the way correct that was transient that was transient and that was and so there were 16 16 available being used for transi yes and 20 on the other side being used for rentals correct uh technically let me let me let me be technical here there were only 15 this side being used for transient because the restaurant had their own boat in here one of these I don't recall whether which slip it was but so yes um those of us who are on Zoom can't see what you're pointing to oh okay want G to go up there gra North and South what yeah I mean let me I guess let me be more clear on the way I'm referring to it because it is on the screen so um the one uh to the upper part of that I guess it is is it North North trans but the the upper part of that that plan the last um finger yeah whatever you want to call it the the last four was taken off last six no the last four four right the the agreement with the previous Harbor Master the current Harbor Master was not involved in those discussions at all the agreement with the previous Harbor Master um removed that last little section uh and if am I understanding that the desire is to add that section back that was agreed to be removed in the previous agreement or just to move for um you know for use location from being rental on the south to being rental on the north is that the objective or is the objective to actually add something so hold Eric hold on a second I mean one you know we're gonna get to the public comments and we can get into that sorry sorry no no that's fair um I was that's what I was trying to walk Ken through and hopefully get the answer for you um you know um so hopefully we can get there that's what I was trying to sort of walk it through so make sure I understood it but let me be better about describing it s for the folks on Zoom so that they can can look at it um and so the one on the North the one on the top of this screen was the transient um and you were using as you said 15 with one being used by the restaurant but 16 were being used um on that Northern one the Southern Southern one was for rentals and 20 were at least available um uh at that in the last season you are now coming to us asking for four make sure I'm saying this right correct me four of the rentals from the southernly side the ones that are closest to the shore to basically be transferred over you're just not going to use those four slips that correct and you're going to transfer those four rentals over to four spots from the transient side Northern side I'm going to be transferring the word rental over to the transient side I'm not physically moving the dock no correct you're going to be able to still have the 20 rentals 16 will be on the southern um we still haven't figured out a word to call these but the the the docks that the fer you know on those fingers you will have right 16 on the southern side and you'll have four rentals on the Northern side on the inside of the northern side um and so that will leave you with uh 12 transient on that side no because I'm because there's 20 right and that's and that's what so it's gonna it's going to be the same in terms of transient hold on so on the way it was established over the past season there were be asking for for those ones from the 20 to be removed and put over to the trans reducing the 16 on the transient side down to 12 you're also asking as you come here today to add on to the transient side to make it basically 20 on both sides I don't want to be I'm not asking you to add the four on the transient side those have already been approved by the Harbor Master that should have nothing to do with our discussion here which is why I went to them before I came here that's a done deal that's happening those are going there so I'm going to end up with 20 transient okay and I'm asking to take four rental move them over to the transient side still giving me 16 transient four of that 20 being rental well that's and that's and I said it the wrong way and that's I think the right way to say which is I want to just make clear about what's happening for the next season and what the requests are to us specifically um it is going from the southern one being 20 slips to the southern one being 16 slips and the ones closest to the shore are not being used correct and those are still those are not being used as rental slips well I mean so I I think that there may be I don't want to eliminate the idea I don't want anybody to think that they may be empty all the time I don't want to eliminate the idea that somebody may show up with a rowboat somebody may show up with a canoe it's against the law to put those on the shoreline they may be able to pull up into that southernmost Shoreline to docks that's just Poss they'll never be used for rental I will not rent them they will not be income bearing they won't be motorboats well what if next year the water level's higher it's well we'll leave it you don't have enough parking to cover the amount of rental slips you have available to you I only have 20 rental slips available take those two those two Branch lines off the off the the mainline if you want to tie up a canoe sideways well that might work for canoe in and out but it can't be used for a rental right be self-imposing yourself for more rental slips when no one's looking I'm not gonna do that but no I if you tell if you tell me I know if you tell me that the only way that you will approve this is for me to remove those two closest to the Shoreline fingers I'm great with that why because then I'll take them up here and put them up here and I won't have to buy them you know then I'll only have to buy the length if if that I have no problem with that I just thought I know that people did come and use these four this past year in canoes and and somebody came in with a the motor in the back type thing and he pulled up to there rather than over here but it doesn't matter if it's not available to him it's not available to him you know you you can make that call and I apologize that I didn't really explain that I wasn't I was only moving the four rental option to hear I wasn't planning on moving that those two fingers on either side but I can easily do that and and and actually save myself five grand I mean it makes sense to do so I just thought that you know it's there it's there I wouldn't I wouldn't use it to I have 20 rental I I I have let me rephrase I have 10 parking spaces for the marina I won't exceed that that's 20 rental I'm not that person yeah I mean the right the fundamental question that is being posed is are we okay with the reduction of the transan spots because that was part of the calculation well we're not we're not reducing them you absolutely 100% are the how there were 16 for the last two years okay so you I'm adding for here in Florida doing pretty well thank you so you have can let me you were and I this is the part I I don't know and I have to go back and look you were given and this may be part of the agreement the ability to rent 20 and only use 16 as transient that certainly wasn't coming no you you you approved 20 rental 20 transient the transient slips were applied to the occupancy of the restaurant correct that's the thing so losing hor slips for your transient you're losing square square footage of seating space in the restaurant in the in the bar I didn't follow that and don't agree but what the transient were factored in when we were looking at the parking calculations I believe you did not and made it a point not to I asked you to I wanted you to consider those as parking spaces consider them parking spots but the fact that they existed was factored into our willingness to agree to the parking As It ultimately ended up well that might have been in some private meeting or something but that isn't sitting right here in the discussion we weren't counting them as one getting 20 parking spots for the transient spots but they were you ultimately got a parking plan that was not exactly M would have required and this is my memory so certainly people can correct me but You' got a parking plan that was not directly to the map it we have some discretion and we factored into that that there were going to be transient spots there were going to be people who come to the restaurant and use the slips to come there and so you know that went into the discussion and now in the first season we those have gone from 20 to 16 and that may very well been the agreement that you had with the town and you know figuring all that stuff out I know there was that that was out of our jurisdiction um um and there was an agreement made um but it still doesn't change the fact that there are only 16 transient spots now and and now that you have the opportunity to put these back they're not going to the transient spots that were reduced from 20 to 16 they're going to the rentals because there are four spots that weren't able to be rented appropriately right so it it's putting those that rental income above the transient response and to me again the fundamental question is whether the original part of this was restaurant in Marine was the adjacent usage and now it's becoming a marina with an occasional restaurant if you care you know because last time you didn't seem to think they did very well there and you weren't anticipating them having much issue with your moving with the docks because they hadn't done well well what happens with restaurant that does do well and now the parking lot is full and the transient docks are looking to be full and we don't have the parking I know that at the bottom of maybe that form right there it talks about the parking calculation if you took something other than other than these numbers in consideration when you made your decision it's not on paper um and if that's the situation then let me leave those two docks there and and they can become the transient just clear this up I for one at least I'm pretty sure everybody on the board didn't make that document right there but approved it we have a written decision that you are following that has what we say we have recorded meetings about what we say and so again this is on memory alone but I am pretty damn certain that the the math of what you have in that parking uh lot is not the exact math of what is required uh for a restaurant with the capacity that you have I'm pretty sure that we used our discretion and took into account um a variety of things um in approving that there's a pretty simple calculation the attachments to the bylaws which say you have a restaurant with this capacity you need this parking spots you don't have that but we went the other way around we figured out what is our parking capacity minus the 10 for the rental plus the 11 that we were getting from the land that I'm renting from the town and based on how many restaurant type parking there was times four you approved something like 86 or something that was the calculation the calculation wasn't backwards from what is the capacity of the restaurant the capacity of the restaurant is not how many people we can hold in the restaurant the capacity of the restaurant is how much we have parking room for that's the number why we included the transient parking as part of your available occupancy not by the not by the MK proved our math no no if you look at the math that I didn't prove your math because you didn't include any of the transient in the math we did when we allowed for the math to be lower than the usual required am should should we postpone this and do some research and find out what was I bring that well let me you know but if you can read it clear enough you if you look at the math on that paper this argument is GNA go on all night long yeah no I don't want to argue about it but I just is there anything else you want to present to the board right now before I turn it open over to let me first start with from the board if you may have any um any Town officials have any okay um any public comments sure Eric just make sure you uh first of all name and address but also just make sure you speak up so we can hear you it's a little bit sort of echoing I'm going to turn this on okay just let me know if I if I need to adjust uh Eric Muller Eric hold on one second if you don't mind yep we're just trying to change something technical around here so it can be better heard thank you I got an extra hearing aid um okay go ahead Eric I uh Eric meller 12 Shore Road Vice chair of uh Lake management committee so I'm kind of speaking also on behalf of the Lake management committee as well uh so unfortunately we didn't realize this was going to be uh a topic until very recently so I'm I'm I have not been able to confer with everyone on Lake management we have a meeting on Thursday we can bring that up so ideally it would be great if this uh if a decision can be delayed until we've had a chance to review it and it sounds like you may want to do that also because there are things that you want to review um the the item that would that I'm certain would be of concern to Lake management is the item of adding back doc that was agreed to be removed the current Harbor Master was not involved in the discussions that went into deciding to remove that endsection of Doc for safety reasons so I think before um anyone should agree to put it back um the that that topic should be rediscussed well just I mean just to be clear I don't and I don't mean to cut you off but my understanding and you know we'll have to make sure and confirm that this is the case but from a planning board standpoint we had already approved those those 40 slips the reduction was done outside of planning board jurisdiction and my understanding from Mr egleson is that those have been put back by the current Harbor Master again that's outside of our jurisdiction and what's in front of us right and I and I the you may be you may be completely correct I there was a lot of discussion that went on with uh Doug moglin from the from the select board there was a a kind of an extensive process that took place and I don't I don't know whether that ever circled back to the planning board so you may be you may well be right um but but the assertion that the new Harbor Master wasn't involved can just approve this and circumvent an entire public process which took place that resulted in the removal of those of that n section to me does not does not seem okay the the repositioning of of the allocation of where rental is versus where um uh where transient is I think is is not a big concern I we'll discuss it at our meeting uh on Thursday I think that particular thing is probably not not of big concern and and Mr eglon is quite correct that Lake management would have actually preferred that it come out the other way um but our understanding was when we suggested that they switch and put the the um transient dock South and have the rental dock north we were told by Mr eggleston's lawyer that they leave legally couldn't do that because their chapter 91 license specified how they used it and they would have to go back to the state and reapply for a new chapter 91 license that was what we were told by Mr eggleston's lawyer during those discussions so if that's true then he probably needs to do that anyway um but but Lake management actually would have preferred it be the other way from the way it is so that's that's not a big concern the big concern for Lake management I'm saying would be the the addition back of the dock that we felt was very important to remove for safety reasons can I respond to that very just one point uh Eric um I I apologize if attorney Matton who um mistakenly said that the chapter 9 license um dictated where the transient or the rental went that is not true um as a matter of fact the chapter 91 license says is that they don't care which ones are rental which ones are transient or if any of them are rental they're just giving me a chapter 91 license for actually 49 slips to be within a specific area they don't care about the layout or where the rental are where the transient are it was the planning board who said that they approve the rental slips on the southernly side and the transit on the Northern side and then you you is the Lake management select board wanted it to be just the opposite right and then we settled on what the planning board had approved but it was not it was not from Matt danu if he said that and I was at every meeting I thought where he would have been and I'm sure that was never said okay well you know they I there's obviously there's always room for um confusion and misunderstanding um and certainly you know when we go back to recorded meetings we sometimes find out the recordings actually were the way we thought or not um again I from a Lake management perspective having the having the rentals on the North I think has certain advantages from a safety perspective uh because because there's less traffic in and out so I think there are advantages to that uh to to putting rentals on the Northern uh SP spur instead of the Southern spur so I think there are some real advantages there the the concern that Lake management uh would have is adding back something that we all agreed would be removed for safety reasons uh and and and it has been working decently well we had some problems early on we actually added some additional buoys to keep boats out of there because there were issues um and I think the last year I think it worked pretty decently I do want to note one other thing there was a comment about low water we haven't had low water for the last two years we measure the water level all year we measure it multiple times per week I've got data that covers 20 years the last two years have not been low at all they have been normal to high so they have low water years and I can show you the data to show that I I don't know what the impressions are I've got 20 years of data to show okay then I I don't disagree with your data what I disagree with and I've I've spoken to Le and Associates and and them there their information regarding the depth of water on their drawings is what we base the positioning of the docks and the water levels at the first dock says that it would be somewhere around three feet so i' I'd like to I'd like to suggest something we've got a lot of details to talk about here if if and I and I have a feeling that dragging everybody who's sitting here on this call through all these details may not be really efficient and might be a lot of frustration to a lot of people it sounds like the planning board may have some things they want to look at i' like I know that Lake management would like to have an opportunity to discuss things with you and with the Harbor Master so my my request from Lake Management's perspective is can we delay any decision on this until the next meeting so we have an opportunity to meet discuss it sort out our issues and then maybe when the next next meeting comes along all this stuff's been settled and it can go very smoothly if if that's acceptable I think that would be a great outcome for for this evening I mean I that's where I think the board is going is we need to look into figuring out you know exactly what it is it would give them the opportunity to me if what you're saying is true it's sort of irrelevant because that's another issue that has nothing to do with the planning board here so when we come back the issue we're talking about being about adding those the adding that's not a planning board except it will affect our math at the end of the day when it comes to being an occupy for for the decision we're if we're talking about 16 transient slips versus 20 versus you know we're gonna need an answer well but no we absolutely need an answer I just I mean the answer right now is that there's an agreement side of the planning board that has reduced the number of transient spots to begin with so um whe you know that did it did but but yeah I mean not sure that that's I don't know I don't know enough about what happened and um I'm not sure that that's well there's a document that's been recorded that talks about the decision made with the appeal and how within two years it would be discussed it would not be discussed a decision would be made made by the Harbor Master and when I brought it to the select board they said we have nothing to do with this it's strictly the harbor Master's decision no and let me be clear it may very well be something that is perfectly fine and the town has every right to make decisions outside of P well that had nothing to do with you that's why you sent me to them first you wanted to make sure that that would be the last meeting that I was here you wanted to make sure that that addition was added or allowed to be added before I came back to you and I'm here in January just for the reason that I understand that decisions are not going to be made tonight all right um so um let me just see if there's any other public comments about this any other public comments all right um sir go ahead name and address please isers 120 Road own the majority of the real estate surrounding this property with the exception of two homes between us and the bike trp I just came to let the board know that Mr edleson runs a great business it's really nice to see him do as nice as he did down there to clean up what's down there and make a nice functional business he is I can tell you from our side of the lake that he is probably having problems with shallow water on the front docks so I just came to speak in I if he's just changing positions of the docs I just came to speak in favor of it all your calculations with seating plans and car charts and stuff that's up to you I just came speak in thank you um any other public comments are you talking about just repurposing the number you already have you're not adding changing inserting any extras you're just repurposing from the north to the South correct is that to me yes yeah you'd be the one to be answer so why don't you technically not um there are four slips that I'm looking to add to the what is there now they are four slips that were eliminated when I first put the marina in because Lake management had a problem for safety purposes so the part that's closest to the cover the end that we've talked about that was approved by the Harbor Master was not in originally for the last two years which eliminated four transient slips so they were only 16 so now that I've got permission from the Harbor Master to add that extension back on which is four transient slips and I have shallow water on the rental side I'm looking to take four of the rental spots boats over to four positions on the 3 dock leaving me with 16 transient docks like there has been for the last two years so I am adding and moving by on world thank you any other um public comments okay what's the next meeting January 21st what do we have on thank you how often you meet every two weeks yeah I was intending to put you on for the next meeting on the 21st unless you wish it to be on a different dat I will have to go with that date it's my granddaughter's birthday and I just leave the party early because I can't make it on the 4th and I can't make it on the 18th because I'll be away and I don't want it to go that long so I'll be here on the 21st thank you so but here's what I'm happy to do Ken is right I mean we actually have a public hearing on for the for 7:15 about accessory dwelling unit bylaw going to take a little bit of time um mean I could put it on for 8 o'cl which I think you know these things need to be dealt with beforehand so we can put it on for 8 o'clock that'd be very nice of you do I hear a motion to um continue the public hearing to 141 K on road to 800m on January 21st Dave pis so moved right here a second second m i d i David I Jessica th I got okay all right thank you I in front of us so often with that I just wasn't even I read it and didn't think um oh 7:30 in planning board time the New Year this is the public hearing for 660 College Highway um special permanent s plan approval application for proposed resale marijuana establishment good evening um I just got to read the notice but youall can come up here and grab a seat and we'll get to in one moment um this is the notice of public hearing that notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of M General Law chapter 48 section 11 and the Comm topic bylaw that planning board will hold a hybrid public January 7 2025 at 7:30 p.m via zoom and in the town hall at 454 College Highway sth Mass on an application by fnw Holdings LLC for special perment inight plan approval to establish a retail marijuana establishment a property located at 660 colge Highway in a business restricted and Del restricted zones property is shown on current EST 65 27 the ACT proposes to establish a retail marijuana use of the subject property in accordance with the code of sou zon and bylaw chapter 185 sections 91 17 19 30 and 35.2 zoom information is provided a copy of the application may be inspected by contacting the town planner John G at email any person interested or wishing be out of the M chair person s planning okay so nams and addresses for the refere if you could Jason Fury 104 Feeding Hills Road Michael Albert 438 College Highway South gentlemen um why don't you get started just tell us the your application and we'll go from there absolutely uh so we have been um kind of going through this process with Southwick for about six eight months I would say um for the host Community agreement uh establishing for our company um it was a competitive process um we were one of the two selected applicants uh for that um we currently run uh Pioneer Valley Trading Company in Westfield um it's a uh a a 2,000 foot retail cannabis operation as well um we've been open for just about a year uh coming up in about one week we'll be open a full year um things are going great in Westfield and um we're all Southwick Westfield guys so um we wanted to bring it to uh bring it to town when when you guys release the request for proposal so um we have since secured the property um we purchased a 660 College Highway which is the Old Southwick uh Episcopal Church um that is right on right on the main drag there across street from the post office um and uh we are going through the steps we're deemed complete right now with the Cannabis Control Commission for our uh provisional lure um so we are just waiting to get on a meeting with with the state um it's it's a pretty easy process they just have to read our name off and drop the gavel um so we're just waiting on what meeting we be on um it's looking like it'll may be on February meeting for a provisional lure so um but no things are going good we're uh we're we're ready to rock and roll over there um just got to iron this out with you guys here and um and the next step would be uh uh building permit and then uh the daunting CCC inspections so um um there's a there's a long road ahead but we're very familiar with the process and we just did it in Westfield so um we're it's still fresh in our uh in our queue so um we're excited to get it going and we do have our engineer on yep we have uh Terry Reynolds uh he's done all of our stuff for our entire company uh since the Inception of it and uh he did the site plan stuff he's our uh engineer so he has all the documentation that he can pull up for you and we can kind of go through it up there Terry how are you this evening I'm good you want to just run through the plan for the board that would be great sure if I can share my I'll share the plan um e whether John does it or whether you do it can you all see it there we go yeah so I mean it's the old Episcopal Church um these are original plans from 1999 uh basically nothing things really changed in it the building was built as proposed with the Landscaping um shrubs along the side of the building this area we have um I believe we've got oh a total of um 31 parking spaces three of which are handicapped right in this area um the the site um has a a on-site septic system that is out in front we've looked at that in terms of its capacity um for for the current use it's well oversized current use only needs about 90 gallons per day it's D designed for 440 um so that's in good shape the site does have um its own lighting um and um let's see if I can stop that and I'll share share the light that we have here um so it it has pretty pretty adequate lighting for the site um can you guys all see that yep okay somehow I've jumped out just compact so I can see what I'm doing um lost myself here um well so it's annoying so the site lighting basically you know this is uh showing the front elevation porch uh the parking lot uh two perspectives the parking lot's well lit the the front entrance way is all lit very well there's security lighting on both the um on all basically all four sides you can see it in this upper left picture um there's lighting to the right to the left and then there is lighting behind uh site um uh additionally uh elevations just so you have perspective of what's there um is uh coming up you know we have the the front elevation this the South Side um um not sure can you see my cursor yes okay um north side and then this is the rear of the building um there are no real changes being proposed to the building um everything's being kept basically the same um and uh that that is pretty much it there's not too much more to be said um the appropriate do doents have all been submitted as Mike said um so uh at this point uh it's really just going through the motions here um of uh just getting the approvals okay um any questions from the board sorry yeah can I get clarification it was my understanding when you went through the approval process that this was supposed to be a retail and medical treatment center is that no longer case uh so um in order for uh us to have that medical we're absolutely planning for it um it it requires uh double the space in the vault because those products need to be kept separate for State tracking um so uh so to answer your question yes it still is in the in the plan but we need to um Supply have an ability to supply our own uh um products to those medical patients with a grow so that's um so we we had a cultivation license um that's still in the um but next order of business after this gets going is to get that medical component going with the grow so the grow and then then we can apply for I took a peek at the inside schematics and I didn't see a separate medical um not grow se but for medical queue and different registers they usually have to be separated out in my experience so I just was if if it is down the line probably want to make sure your interior design matches that plan oh yeah absolutely so in um did you see the the indoor schematic plan I did perfect um so did you see how there was nine point of sale registers so the last three on the end are uh ear marked for medical because those need to stay separate as well uh as well as in the vault um we'll we'll be doing two rows of shelving um while we're while we're wreck it'll all be wreck but um it's planned for that whole right side of of the the storage vault is going to be the medical center so you're building out as if it's absolutely yeah absolutely so then there's no retrofitting when we do get the medical part of your your HCA is that y absolutely it's my big question any other questions in the board T chips can't sell food there we tried there is a Chinese food resurant right next door though so I was aiming for somech out front with some chips we we we got a lot funny questions during our our Westfield site plan approval meeting because we were taking we bought an old Dunkin Donuts so there was they were all making jokes Donuts coffee and cannabis dream is steal a donut truck just to see if they chase me Mr you comment on the parking the woods and how we I was GNA see if I can bring up S play more time because Terry has a calculation broken I think as Mr CA is alluding this is this is well over the required parking exact number it's supposed to be but it was based on the customer service area uh we have a customer service area of 1300 Square fet uh which translates to basically requiring seven spaces um and there are actually absolutely some food trucks that's what iue any other board comments um any Town official comments Mr chair if I may just for a brief moment uh and only because it's I guess it's my time to mention it uh in terms of the submittal information um we did receive a security plan thank you for sending that absolutely um and we were copied on distribution over to uh the police department customarily um we received feedback from um the police department with regard to that security plan and that helps yet to take place and I'm I mean correct me if I'm wrong but you for us to Grant a special permit you need to have um the uh say the provisional license you have to have that for us to Grant a special permit so this is going to have to be continued at least for a meeting to for you guys to get that act before we can do anything anyways um and um and just to touch on that too and then the buil once we receive special permit then we can go for our our building permit with the the um Building Commissioner uh and then that is when when we receive the building permit then we apply to the CCC for Architectural Review they have a team of archit Ts that work for the state and and make sure that your building meets uh you know meets mustard for the use um so then once they deem you architectural approval that's when we can start building um so there's a lot of Lynch pins in this in the uh in the the process uh I will say that the CCC um from our previous experience in Westfield they're pretty pretty lightening right now as far as response times and and getting things going um but uh you know it it is all in their hands at that point um so we're hoping and praying that we we could possibly make the January meeting but we're thinking maybe it's going to be February um so then it would be um after that Architectural Review and then that process just kind of give you guys a kind of a rundown on how the process works from here um but uh you know we like I said we just did it in Westfield so it's all kind of fresh still so um we're we're not intimidated by it so um you know we're going to keep keep plugging away at it so and at least I mean the only for myself but I mean I see this somewhat as a limited role that the planning board has I mean we're looking at parking we're looking at lighting yeah correct some degree of security though frankly that's pretty well you know you I mean I think we technically have to look at it um but it's really just looking at those those basic things for from a town standpoint you know there's obviously this entire structure in place for review by um the state so absolutely um you know ours are are pretty limited um all right um any um any public comments Marcus Marcus Phelps 28 Depot Street I wonder if the applicants could give us a summary of the community outreach meeting oh yeah absolutely um so we held it um I think that was uh late October um after we received our host Community agreement um it was put into the it was advertised the westw Evening News two weeks before um that's a CCC law um so we advertised it in the paper and it went out to all of Butters within 300 feet uh from the property lines um and it went to the planning board and the uh select board um and we held that meeting it was at from 5: to 7 I believe it was and uh there was only two two people that showed up to it but they got a tour of the whole facility and um so that's kind of it was a rundown so that's an opportunity for the public to come and ask questions on how the site will work um what our proposed hours are going to be how these things work because it's still pretty new in the state there's not many many stor uh you know they haven't been around a long time I should say there's a ton of stores uh but um so that's kind of how those work is as an introduction to the public on your facility and your plan thank you welcome any other public comments Hill Road sou be any power concession stand out front um the power we can definitely continue that and discuss it absolutely um any other public coms Mr chair I feel I should share um I did receive an email um I was expecting some correspondents but I'll share the gist of what the the email was about uh looking down the road to when sign permit comes forward um the polite request from the public was that uh the signage be I'm going to say tactful um if not benign as to if you will the nature and purpose of your your business I won't take any ownership for that comment uh but I did take a look at signage over in Westfield and see that simply States the name of your business right yeah um yep and and that's all we're we're proposing is the name of our business on top of the uh so it's two sections we're proposing our our logo pioner value Trading Company uh and then on the top of it it's going to we're proposing premium cannabis um so it's you know it's not going to say weed or you know it's not going to be I I absolutely get what you're saying and and that was a really important thing for us to in Westfield was to uh because we were on the main drag there the other two in Westfield are kind of tucked uh off so we definitely took that into into consideration uh for our proposal to the plan board um as well so and uh we're not proposing any other signage we're not going to be um taking that old sign out putting another sign in we want to repurpose what's already there um currently the electrical doesn't work under there we got to get somebody to look at that but um it's it's uplet right now from exterior lighting so I want to get it to to actually work from interior illumination for both sides um but as far as the signage uh the size I think it's under 50 square 50 ft and up and then uh 18t is the max for elevations were way well under those um so we're not proposing anything funky on that end of things and if you guys want to see our logo too um you can go to our website Pioneer Val trading code.com um I included it in the package though the picture of the sign um so um yeah that's kind of where we're at with the sign um any other public comments okay um when is the meeting in January that you were get on so the I believe I I'm unsure of the actual date of it um my whole life is dates and and numbers and um but uh it it is uh they're usually mid to first second week of of the month um so if what they do is they let they let you know 72 hours beforehand if you're on the meeting or not which we just take it in stride you here either way we can continue it on um but just so you know our schedule is um January 21st is the next meeting okay that sounds like that's probably not going to be something where it makes much sense to have you on so February 1 February February 4th is the next one after that beautiful okay um maybe put you on that and see where things stand we can let you know ahead of time to see if it gets delayed and you get a bounce off you bounce us off corre um it could certainly be just Contin the meeting and if we if we do um by some miracle on that January meeting um then would it be possible to get on that January 20th if we if we gave you ample time beforehand no that's probably could we do that better be safe and sorry because that's another two week delay that we're trying to avoid if possible they have it and and not needed then exactly yep so um just if you're not com and let us know you got it yeah you know why don't I do espe with I think the probably that it's G to happen um but and mostly it's been dealt with here so why don't I put you on for 7:10 pm on the 21st okay um perect so I he a motion to continue to 710 p. Dave take us your second roll call vote Michael I Dave i d singer I David I th I thank you very much Terry appreciate you thank you appreciate you guys right um who's here for anything I see Jesse's here um actually that's the first so Jesse is there anyone else here yes Dan and nany here for the'll do right next and then okays you folks will be the next after how are you good Jesse Sal Mar Ste um so this just back up for discussion uh where things stand um whether you joh starting you just want to give the up as to where we are I can go I'll let you drive um since so since the last meeting I I believe it was on the 17th um we've we finished all the curb up until the uh Crossing area so the curbing is 100% um and and 95% of it all backfilled um we've completed the um uh drainage uh in between on the easement to water quality Basin number five which goes in between house number 20 and 22 and that's all been rough graded um it does need a little bit of LOM in the springtime um but that pipe's been installed the the stump that U Mr mlan uh had concerns about we remove that stum um and we completed the sidewalks up up past uh house number 22 um so we're uh just on the other side of the house number 22 to start the sidewalks going that way um and um the drainage is all online um on that back section so any water that comes down that slope on the on the road is all TI and we'll drain the proper way to Water Quality Base number five so that's all act 100% active and um I actually met with Mr McAn uh on site um about a week week or week week or so ago while we were doing work I gave him my phone number and he gave me his phone number so if and I said if he has any other addition concerns that he could reach out to me directly and you know I can address whatever issues he might have and um moving forward we're we're going to jump over to water quality Basin number three which is already like shaped but we just need to um grub it and reestablish um The Contours of it and there's an outlet control structure to go in there and and we're going to finish that up and once that's completed that gets us out of all the conservation areas and that can at that time we can have our um enforcement order that's issued against us from conservation lifted uh once we complete that base and so with like this Colder Weather that's where we're going to be working on the the off the road um drainage stuff and then if we start to get a you know a couple warmer weeks here we'll continue on the sidewalks to get those to the um Crossing area so right now you're you're what's the time frame to sort of to finish up that conservation um I would say given the weather this week we're probably not going to get much done because it's so cold out um but I would say starting next next week we probably have like two and a half weeks in there um so I was um thinking of coming back on the um the February meeting yeah February 4th meeting and to give you guys another update on um where we're at with everything um anything else um no um I I spoke to Steve salvini today and he's going to be starting the submit process next week for the the 401 Water Quality permit anything for no but uh Jesse has been continuing with his meetings on DPW I attend alongside Randy appreciate the open communication appreciate you speaking with the uh the concerning homeowner as well yeah obviously and I know that on house number 20 he had an issue with his his um water in his front yard but what I did was to be a little bit proactive to kind of help him out is I regraded the easement as like a swwa and I'll it'll be more defined once I lo it obviously in the springtime but everything is pitched to that easan and so if he just regrades his front yard properly to the easement everything will drain back to that water quality base and he won't have any issues with water in his front yard um looking at you know see ran playing here tonight so um not here so um hopefully that's a sign that things are resolved all right anything else NOP um you know as J described he's work he's continuing to work through um the avilable task that he has before him as whether will provide um and in the meantime you know we'll look uh both for we go we'll see what work can be done um in February and uh for some further feedback on that on water and I'm still meeting John and Randy every two weeks so I met with them today and so another two weeks we'll meet again okay yeah all right sounds good appreciate it have a good day all right uh Earth excavation special permit renewal for Shaker Farms Country CL how are you this evening good thank you yourselves good I'm Dan ctz 66 ZR Drive Westfield Mass my wife n n go 66 Drive W own of Shaker Farms Country happy New Year and the property there um we're here uh this evening to uh look for the renewal of our sand excavation permit that we're doing off a Hudson Drive there uh we have um Pierce Brothers had uh completed what had been designed originally and what we had submitted originally for that permit and um they got to a point where they didn't um they didn't have detailed plans of the continuation of the rest of that that area we kind of looking to we're just G to renew the permit today yeah and we're so we're kind of looking to see if we can't get the rest of that material removed for fure future development maybe down the road we're looking at right now okay um but today we're just here for the renew yeah but we've uh subed the uh got plans us have these yeah okay but it's just um it's just that one section the north furthest North section of the uh the property there I do have a picture of what what we have there and is that part of the prior yes it has been um it's just that at the time um I believe ALC Associates didn't have the Manpower or something to they it was too um it was too dense and too uh difficult to try to do an accurate recording of the uh levels and everything else in that one corner of the of the property this is this is what it was that's it's the most recent one there so if I can add add a little texture to Ling what been shed with the board members um I suppose everybody won't recall it is a great deal as I uh do but the Tilcon uh property extends northward from Hudson Drive and essentially terminates uh roughly speaking uh with the long East West line of Northern Center the property with the exception of a finger portion which you see on the right side of this plan extending along here so the's um sand and gravel removal operation was proposed essentially in a virtually a triang triangular area extending northward from that East West property line um so to the west of their excavation uh there's a stream in W resource areas um and to the east that after mentioned f of tillon uh property uh what is depicted here on this particular F been distributed um are the monitoring Wells um with elevation references on them within the excavation area so the lower left area of this plan and the Contours that are shown here are that's essentially the remaining um area that at a future Point uh theot which is it sounds like you look to come and and ask for modification to that Earth excavation special perit okay just want to describe what the is so so you would still need a modification right um is there anything else to be done other than this portion of it for this particular property there yeah but there's another one but this but this permit does not app no it's not so this is simply just to continue on the permit y well I mean I guess I'm I'm just trying to think through whether and I think what's left there what they've calculated left there to be done is about a about an acre and a half if were States up there yeah but that's the different that's for the modification yeah y so we're just here today and get it renewed yeah and that's what I just want to make sure I'm just trying to think through I I suppose it does but is there a reason it's being separated out utation and the renewal renal came off oh yes so the renewal was submitted uh for December it be timely uh that's a a business item of the planning board versus the public hearing for modification so it's just simply the timing couldn't be meshed together to put which we would like um okay but the idea I mean the permit becomes somewhat uh move I suppose if the modification is granted all right anything we just didn't want the renewal to you know we just want to make sure we still had oh no understood understood it's necessary to to make the modification um executable I guess so okay if I may for so uh the qu say have submitted a $20,000 Bond um to accompany the renewal quest for their operations uh as sit out there today um again the excavation site essentially is at a point of completion um set for like the restoration um effort out there um in recent well in recent years uh we've been looking at bonds with a closer uh you know magnifying lens um and you know Finding certain opportunities to improve what's supposed to be the default protection for the town um so while I personally have no issue with the fact that you uh secured this and bring it forth um I just observe that this is essentially uh one that the burden for Renewal um lies uh as an open-ended obligation um of the applicant whereas Town Council has recommended um bringing that to essentially something that is available and active for a period of time let's just pick a a number say 90 days past the expiration of the renewal in this particular Cas should the town need to go in an exercise against the bond so uh that matter or not uh withstanding want make a comment is the bond only able to get decided tonight or is it something that can be decided in association with the modification the only element I want to throw out there coupled with this is that uh the we don't have a fully complete picture of the work that has been done out there um although in previous filings you have had U surveys that indicate you're you know working with that uh uh you have both on the East and western side you left the Burman place um um along the uh the stream I just notic that that's absent from what we see here today um it appears uh from the ground well information they provided that they're maintaining greater than 30 fo required separation to ground water but we can change that so I mean I guess the way I'm thinking about it right now is right the we're renewing this permit with no allowable work at this point in time basically to be done it's then being so that the bond really doesn't matter all that much when there's no work that can be done then the modification is going to come down the line that will change the work that that will allow for there to be work to be done but I'm assuming that with the modification assuming it's granted that if the bond tweet that can be tweet in that process I think that's a reasonable conclusion the only adjustment or as there I think the Bond is also intended to implement you call it reuse elements or stabilization efforts fair fair enough the B last year 20,000 was he yeah okay all right so I mean I gu my feeling I wouldn't have an issue with the bond now um it may be reeps during the course of the modification you know and we can we can with that if needed but for now it doesn't seem like it has any real use so okay any um other information to provide either a job from you or okay anything from the board all right um since this happens every two years I don't remember do we just have to do it at by open or public language oh fantastic okay um so I hear a motion to renew the Earth escavation for Shaker D second period of oh years automatically for period two years thank you appreciate that dick you still seconding that yes all right do a roll call vot Michael D i da i s i David I Jessica th and I okay you're all set thank you so much yeah thank you that's fair enough you to spell it out fair enough on record fair enough no no no um I just had I want to make sure it's uh I per you 600 charge Highway okay on up there only work the application before us is for the Mobile gas station FR of feing Hill Rooks Road in College Highway uh looking to reface the canopy there is a signage element to it on two faces where identifies the Mobile Gas Corporation um the can be right as it sit today um as it's been in place for cons period of time has very similar signage it is illuminated um this obviously would be an LED upgrade um this type of stage this type of canopy for the sake of discussion does not fit very well into our uh the sign n table in our bylaw uh where we describe a canopy um we put it in the same category is a slash onw um projecting from a building Pace uh struct entirely separate structure um can't really call that wall signage uh bylaw says it's supposed to have you know one if I could just call it a canopy find one sign Ty do this does have mobile identification on two bases I probably said too much but I want to least observe that as well as observe the fact that what is out there today has been in place for a number of years and this is tend to be a replacement yes all right um anything from the board okay uh do I hear a motion for a positive recommendation for 600 College by sign da D singer second vote Michael I da i d singer I David S i Jessica th and I your future bylaw amendment I said that in you um planning board members uh please uh I want at least Forge an opportunity uh for brief discussion if the board is so inclined to conduct additional public hearings uh through the winter and spring months we have some opportunities to clean up um some we've SE we've seen some opportunities in the zon B com down to I think they're just kind I spoke earlier on about establishing consistent language between our marijuana um facilities bylaw and the current CCC language as it relates to separation distances um this is about the whole uh you know from the center of the entrance Point versus property line that something they needed us to address so there was there's that opportunity for minor TW um in recent meetings uh I brought up the mixed use um POF for business restricted different in the location of residences as it relates to if a building faces the street if it doesn't face the street and uh if it will an inclination by the board as I interpreted it that the building should whether the residence should be integral to um a structure that contains a business element rather than left of stand alone structure that's one opportunity um other opportunities that I do not have further detail yet um but could be um for us for discussion um if we choose to approach the selectboard with it uh would include amendments to the business restricted bylaw for by right uses um or to the special permit section of ouring bylaw in light of recent activities if board members have any feedback you're here or moving forward you're welcome to shoot me a note and we can move on for the evening Fair off fa off thank you uh six South limit you're calling it this is when the fun begins Marcus Ed the first time good night Marcus byee okay members should have a copy in their folders uh and this reflects some minor adjustments from assciates that I can talk about as we work over to s oh that was just a j I may have left a cryptic note for Samantha so you can't fall on that that's why you all have but okay yeah we oh I'm not sharing it that would be fantastic could really want to see it not that don't have any excuses no no we'll be fine thank you we're totally blaming John I mean just to make sure feel and cookies would have been an acceptable alternative to David don't let that stop you what you're saying you should brought it up chip can I suggestion please to edit all the dates in the first couple three paragraphs there to remove the the and I mean oh my goodness I these guys right here yeah I just I can't I thought you requested those to be added no you see how fast she moved away from the biscotti yeah I noticed now even listening over there you having a biscotti discussion over here as the lack thereof discuss that today it came up seconds yep very important we talking about cookus ands make soon I feel it it's G to be for the employee volunteer thing got can post post we don't need any tyo biscottis tyo biscottis I don't need it I don't need your germs support grou I oh any um scroll down so we get that yeah of course lost oh there she is I'm sorry sorry okay all right any issues with these you all good on this all right you want to keep going any problem with the general findings okay let's scroll down so we can get to the special permit criteria [Music] okay yeah where the one that pass that right yes yeah I'm sorry that's fine I just okay hey everybody on set with 1 through S okay keep it moving I'll stay in here all night 8 through 17 Al um specific findings we'll go one through uh five here with us okay keep going down six through 11 all right uh specific finding number nine yeah um I I see I have this worded in a negative fashion um but perhaps the proper path forward is to make reference to um the elements conditioned below below that uh ensure that those Stone water issues are adequately managed people that are language system on lines that the pro proposal contains adequate measures to prevent pollution service at groundw but the applicant has requested to defer that stone Water Management permit filing for the driveway right so later on it only specifically gives a St Water Management per okay and find the ways okay in my mind anybody else want to change that so just to be clear they have to do a storm water management permit after this they not coing like we typically do that's correct uh and just so we put it out in the open because we're going to see more of this later uh there are three uh key condition elements for this one um one is the stor R management permit uh that needs to be submitted for that common driveway uh that serves in a state lot in one of the anr Lots uh the second is they provided us with um a driveway maintenance agreement that wasn't fully satisfactory in the eyes of Town Council um but rather than burden through all this process they said that's fine we have the got Town council's comments and here let's condition and make sure that is resolved it's in our B that has to be recorded in 30 days after transation or after F period um anyways so I think there's that and I we remember number three when we get to it fire sister oh the fire sister thank you so much so all right so anything else with five through or six to 11 on number 10 why is it not physically and environmentally feasible to place on all servers under underground the as I interpret I do not want to speak for the applicant uh but the services that provide for the existing residents and for the proposed estate lot are both set back uh considerable distances from the right of play unless the services are shown overhead um on top of that the Northerly one would create more potentially more work within conservation jurisdiction any other issues with that dick um I don't agree with them but that's okay the suggested condition only reflects what's on the on the plan yep we could change the rather the the find finding and condition that Amendment um I can bring up the plan I mean you can I guess I would I don't have a problem if you change it to reflect that the applicant has represented that it's not physically environmentally feedable to place all that and that you know you can put in a condition that I just see this thing during a ice storm or snowstorm just losing power all you have five houses with no power out there you he's way off the road whatever I mean if I may um opinion those overhead Services um are only depicted for the estate Lots um and so each lot will have Individual Services um from the existing transmission LS okay whatever anybody yeah [Applause] let's talk about that when we get down there highight I think you leave it in just like that I mean it's just a finding okay and um then we can talk about think about okay uh decision is for the special per s on approval that's okay uh first per terms and conditions but we see one a but those are just the standard ones with the tweak to what it actually is down fine C is the same is the same is same that's all right you go down to five so eight is what covers the B water I said that under above fantastic jum read it for four time all right keep going down okay this time those 9 10 or 11 oh good yep yeah okay keep going down so these are the basic so let's um and the question is whether you want to put in a condition and you can decide how strict to make it you know anywhere from to the extent Fe underground you know blah blah blah be installed to you know you could you can all the way up that spectum anyway so I don't know or you could just not put anything in there they got to be the developers choices to what they want to do I you know there's expense to it Al much better my to management standpoint poers out it various places you know it has some it has some going impact very personally y so anybody thoughts on public through adjust or not I would limit my approval of language to extent possible or feasible I'm not going to dictate that engineering component for four or five lots that are dealing not only with existing overhead supply lines but we're also talking right up against the Connecticut border I don't know if that makes it any more difficult they're kind of at the end of the line there so and John you want to just add one you know if feasible to the exent the extent feasible underground utilities should be installed I don't want to go any not in today's day and age does that satisfy you dick yes it does um you know because I'm 300 feet off the road and I got Underground Service I don't see big problem there but we'll try all right let's go down and make sure the votes are set up corre there page that's details I thought you big picture wow getting deleted you're getting Z I guess I got some other that's to much yeah listen Marcus BS gets throw in there for fun too I'll get there in a minute oh for J that's a nice I like that I can say we're like one Mind Body over couple weirdest bopy T you ever seen them him your Healthcare proy pretty soon I mean that's oh yeah like why'd you even plug her in make me have to P the pl just don't this making of a great SI toop just the two of you right Felix and Oscar yes so many comebacks so many recordings this keep going down for a minute is this the only to do a vote on the storm water for that one so they did not file so one of my early one of my early comments was looking at that common driveway the fact they have to F where the house would be in the state lot they got a turn off on the Frontage with it and I said hey is that more like yep let's do a c manangement permit later so just for those two it's needed okay okay that's right it's they're not moving anything else below it right you're right yeah yeah yeah that's the only thing that triggers it okay perfect okay um then go up all the way up to the back to the beginning did we have storm water in there or noon I felt that was no on okay I'm we need separate votes though right for common driveway common driveway and state that's so that's why I left the extra page ah you were just trying to see if we would remember what's supposed to be there except one time I confused that word myself this is the first time wasn't able to vote in all these years 12 years um let's see pretty good record m I gotta go with one blemish on my record for only to the extent that the plan submitted in Su special per that okay what the word well not really recusing yourself the one that I did a friend of mine was oh yeah you did you a good friend I was like I didn't want to be in yeah everybody all set with this yep okay good all right I got no say m don't look at me um did we do the we Clos we closed we didn't do the actual vote all right so um do I hear a motion to Grant an estate law special permit site plan approval for six South liit Street Dave moved da s second V Dave I take singer I Jessica th and i j i thank you um do I hear a motion to Grant a common driveway special permit and safe plan approval for South Street singer second I singer i j th and Ian jba I sorry I can't talk do I hear a uh motion to um accept the written decision as amended here tonight for six South Street Dave spe moved take C second call V i d i s i j Thor and i d j i okay that is all said um St dry everybody okay with that letter right so long as it I'm reading it correctly is that we are recommending acceptance upon the condition that the funding is made available to bring it up to that was there right yes I read that correctly I'm excited that that two people in case they read it great don't listen maybe there's six but okay your faith um we can do a motion to approve the letter J been still moved right second take s a second vote mity I I singer I David I jessor and I okay amazing I showed back up here a moment ago I will uh make sure that is distributed all right um planning board member comments it's warm in Florida shut up thanks him um Diane Gale um visiting the pascotti the uh well that see um the funding for Town planner as a full-time position is that going on the regular town meeting in May does that need to be voted on how it's going be included in the budget it's just going to be part of the budget it doesn't have to be it doesn't have to go to town meeting in anyway sh just budget so then when the budget gets approved in May that'll be included in there the decision to include an econ Economic Development portion of that is that in any way need to go to a town meeting or is that just simply part of the function of HR okay and approved by board which reest okay all right all good news yeah I mean it's you know I if it had to be in town meeting I would certainly be speaking in favor actually I don't understand the economic development part of it but putting that aside it's certainly a full-time R um even without that so um I don't I I simply don't understand the two being together I don't think they have any Divergence necessarily but um I think want should be done yeah the idea that it's a full-time role is going to be better for getting people in there and be better be more consistent with the amount of work that's being put in absolutely in that so okay um honestly I Envision thec part of it being very there are no sted split powers on it not dedication as I just see the EDC as is a touch point for the master plan implementation committee and The Economic Development Committee just to kind of put them under an AB and that's whatever gets it through and I would have to say that in all my time going to trainings the vast majority of town planners that I'm coming across a lot of them have that slash in their in their job time tile so yeah it's not unheard of no I think it it's not unheard of whether it should be or not I think that's more a product of of funding and whatever else than it is actual I don't want to say qualification because that's not the right word but I mean those two things are completely you know potentially Divergent I mean the fact depending on how they're structure it's depending on how they're structured some towns the economic development commission actually reports to the planning board is under the planning board fair enough yeah yeah I just think from a skill set you know the idea that tough for sure would have that skill isn't necessarily I they may they may have some you know independent okay um have it I don't think it's on the agenda but the meeting minutes from June 25th we have oh what do we have 25th if they you didn't get the other ones but June 25th I did review and no 25th the June 25th ones we received prior to our last meeting we were able to I was able to review July and August so we were able to we can at least get into the fall I hear 25th the approval of the meeting moved a second I I David I Jessica th and I okay yeah um you uh members uh present today please stick around we have a document for the registra I need you to sign think um with yeah it's a real signature can we print you could that but you have to print again on anr mys so your choice all right so both Dian um so after tonight's meeting I'm planning on resigning and allowing these folks to take over I would assume as has been the and the reason I'm doing it now is because I think it's a nice breaking point I wasn't planning on running again in May and the history to the extent you're aware has been always to have the and we did it with Jessica is to have the associate member step on to the board in advance of an election they have well you didn't do it with that's fair enough she stepped on to the board it wasn't but we have the associate members step onto the board shortly before the election so that they get you know at least a few months of of being a regular member and then would have to run again um in May for the spot for the whole five years spot so um I to be fair I've been running around and have not talked to Diane about that but assuming she wishes to do so um I would hope that um the select Bo would you know honor that tradition and uh they have plenty of time before our next meeting to to put her on there and allow her to inue to participate anyways as as an associate member but to put her on there as a full-time member if that's what she so chose so Diane will reach out to me and let me know if she so chooses I will definitely thank you I'm not putting her on the spot as sorry I couldn't be there tonight lovely Co I call it's just been one of those isation going to be it what when is this resignation going to be I will submit it to whoever I need to submit it to um Jessica we ago I assume to Jessica but um you know this is just one it accomplishes allowing her to get on the board and two this is a pretty decent break between what's coming up and what is being finished so um so uh yeah like I said I'll get that to whoever I'll talk to Jessica tomorrow the next day in TR get that in but we have plenty of time and You' have plenty of time to deal with a couple meetings before our next well that's some news it is so they were slightly aware of it I I didn't tell you exactly when but I well I was going to stay on you just beat me to the punchline I was going to stay on to deal with if there was something at the special town meeting that needed to be dealt with with me as the chair I would be happy to do so but not not that has anything to do with the planning board so I don't need to be take any active with that so stay out for this and now it's a good time so I'll let you there are plenty of folks here who can take over this I'm following you know following you this is I was just wrapping up these last few ones and like we talked about last meeting I'm done I'm resigning also who are you going to advise me app point in your place I think You' do a good job I don't have that luxury Mike mik Mike took Jess all right so hey it's been it's been a lot of years Mike you've done a you've done a fantastic job I I being under your your leadership has just been great we got done a lot of things while yes we did so I got no I got no qualms about resigning at this point I've been through a lot in this last year um and this just brings it to a to a head uh been close to 12 years he you got on before me yeah I've learned a lot so and uh it's been great I learned a lot here learned a lot from you Mike really have I don't about that but no I'm serious I need to me too to pump up my tires um all right well your motion sir make a motion to close the meeting than spe a second all this in fav I have a good night every good oh is this the