##VIDEO ID:g-mCALE__NI## sort of 7 o'clock uh we'll open tonight's hearing for the town of sou planning board Tuesday February 4th 2025 we are holding this meeting in a hybrid fashion both here in person South Town Hall and also online for participation via Zoom or Mass General law uh we are recording and if anybody else is that's fine you just need to let us know anybody hearing none 7 o'clock and planner's Report thank you very much Mrs chair I have a couple of items to share with the planning board uh first uh I took a look at uh business throughout 2024 uh and assembled a modified annual report um shared with you if you have the appetites to look at it as part of routine business later on um in this meeting you're welcome to do so otherwise uh just share your with me and we'll get it off to the select Board office uh let's see I met no excuse me I coordinated with the land owner at 97 sheet Pasture Road his name is paavo zuu and um he is planning to construct a single family home uh for those of you who may be familiar with that area I think it was formerly referred to as 95 sheet pasture it was a large wooded parcel um on the west side of sheep Pasture Road tremendous uh slopes um out there that was divided up through a series of anrs we've looked at um over the past couple of years I think there total three lots right now two very large Lots um and one smaller lot at the southern southeas Le Corner um this would be the most northern lot so if you're driving down there you do see a fair amount of clearing off the side of the road uh this came up in our regular view of building permanent applications uh and in looking at the septic uh design I flagged it as potentially exceeding or at least as it showed on paper being greater than one acre disturbance um contacted the applicant asked him to have his consultant verified and he's like well I didn't really follow the um the grading plan when it came to my clearing I think I'm under it uh so I'll Entertain You know looking at the site understanding that this is a large parcel uh the septic system himself wasn't dictating his limit of clearing so I said i' I'd walk it um track it by GPS and look at the disturbance area he did the same his figures uh were greater than an acre and my presumption is that he was probably walking from tree to tree um out there when I walked I walked it um I wanted to give respect to to how far stomping had taken place so we can appreciate that if there's 10 ft between the extent of land disturbance and the next tree there's a fairly it's an IR regular but there's a margin on theide we looked at um some historic uh liar information there's a Swale out there that was not freshly Disturbed and I want to make sure that was something that was there before he acquired the property that was confirmed as such uh the reason why I mentioned this is that with DPW Mr Brown and I uh pended a letter and sent it off uh to Mr juk so that he understands that he is within really a couple hundred square feet of disturbing hitting that one acre threshold I don't see any reason why he wouldn't be able to implement the project and not increase his footprint of land disturbance but at this point um he's aware of it there an exhibit of the Perimeter Walk that I um took and if over time we see there more trees and stumps being removed then he's going to then everything is subject to a stor water permit just the heads up I in case any questions come to you as members of the planning board uh I did have a conference call with representatives from loadstar energy uh that's the solar group that's uh been uh thorough in their coordination and scouting of different sites in town um or I would say moderate resized solar installations this particular discussion revolved around uh the property on Grandville road that was purchased by graes Tea House PL any board members might recall that essentially that one is I'm going to say the fourth or fifth parcel amongst several others that were divided off and on the plan it shows a right of way I think this division would started in 1971 or thereabouts um that right way only exists on on the piece of paper recorded at the registry and in the Deeds of the properties um it's hard for us to uh determine even in light of the zoning regulations in place of the time um what the logic was to allow this division to take place without there being a a definitive plan to bring a road of that direction because essentially there were a series of landlocked Parcels created from one large parcel less it took place uh there are houses built on some of the southernly parcels um the craves Tea House land is uh vacant and currently being harvested for Timber uh but load energy I wanted to look into it we're familiar with the landlock condition of their other property uh they run Goose goosepond solar the difference being that uh there are uh easements of significant age across all those agricultural parcels between the land owners um for their own purposes extending back likely at least to the point of the creation of zoning uh so there have been some privileges extended in that particular scenario this having taken place long after establishment of zoning we don't have a mechanism to allow for development at this landlock parcel uh and we don't have a clause in our Solar bylaw that says you're exempt from Frontage requirements if sufficiently um war or something along those lines so without that language in there uh the only path forward really is to uh create a subdivision roadway there's some length uh concerns they'll be right at it I think essentially to make the frontage on that last parcel look at where the limits are you'd be bringing a Colac and part of that part would be utilized to make it 200 feet of Frontage in that zone um obviously then you also have to deal with the fact that that right of way is now owned by these landowners there Parcels are sufficently large but it's a tricky scenario it's a little messy uh I don't know if that puts a pin in it all depends on who's motivated and where maybe even those landowners say you know we're tired of maintaining this um Road this our driveway maybe they wanted as a private road something long who knows where it could end up I want at least a circle back with the planning board uh I met with Greg de from the economic development commission um he had explored or was beginning to explore a dedicated connector from the rail trail to College Highway uh understanding that well the rail trail is offset from our main north south thoroughfare and our uh commercial districts um only existing connections would be or the nearest ones would be from along or along beeding Hills Road or along Depo Street uh this concept would um require passing across a corner of 42 Depot Street um and the other suggested connection would be through the and I'm sorry is it the Christ Lutheran Church I proba went too far out Lim there College Highway uh Daily Grind there we go no no lightning strikes just yet so I guess I I didn't go too far but anyways uh through that property um to achieve some elevation and length for it Circle back to the planing board only us to brings to your attention and uh reached out as a courtesy to the current owner of 42 Depot Street who said he would entertain the idea he sees if it could bring a benefit to the community and I think we on the planning side could see that it may bring a benefit to his project as well so uh that's in the works I'll also share that um after some delay we have received uh the master plan appendix from dvpc and with that we can begin okay 716 all right 705 public comment does anybody have a comment or anything that's not already on this evening's agenda seeing none in person anybody online on all right first thing on the agenda is 662a College Highway continued public hearing Mrs chair we have received an email request uh for continuing um before we do so I'll just share that I have advised the applicant um to request uh to withdraw their application have it withdrawn without prejudice so that they can resubmit and have an eligible number of votes okay uh but we want he want to clarify a point that's been clarified um was all right well then we'll entertain it continuing for one more meeting give one second to bring up the next agenda oh you have it there okay yeah I mean perhaps we can slide it in here if you anticipate a yeah yes I think uh right in there would be a good spot then do I hear a motion to continue 662a College Highway to our next meeting February 25th at 7:07 p.m. Dave's pus so moved Okay C second roll call vote Jessica Thor and I D and I I and then I totally skipped something super important at the top agenda we got so distracted me my apologies um in case you weren't at or did not see the select board did their part in voting uh of members all three to appoint Diane up to take over um the remaining time of Mr Sutton's vacant seat she is aware that she will be required to run this may in order to continue on with that seat and it will take her to a potential re-election in 2029 okay um so I would just need a motion for us to appoint Diane jiza to Mr Sutton's vacant seat as a full-time member of the planning board Dave Spa so moved got singer second roll call vote justor and I Dave Spa I got singer I um welcome Diane although unfortunately um we will not be allowing Diane to vote as a whole time member this evening as she will need to make some time to swear in get the town awesome thank you thank you wonderful all right now we can go back where are we now all right 660 College Highway continued public hearing we we also received a continuous request uh from the applicant as they have yet to meet with the CCC for the provisional license all right then what I would do is entertain a motion to continue 660 College Highway to February 25th at 710 PM Dave SP moved singer second roll call vote Jessica thoron I Dave Spina I singer I back on all of a sudden we're back on TR do you need me to talk for 30 seconds good next on the agenda is a continued public hearing on the proposed Adu bylaw just a moment open this up I think the cloud would be reliable rain down on it's cloudy yes Microsoft's own CL be without fault perhaps that's that has today's update on it bear with me for another moment i' love to be able to show that document just no such look well I apologize and apologize for the delay but let's get into business and we'll do it the good news is I don't have any heavy uh topics to discuss on the draft bylaw um you have to Pardon that the virgin virgin online uh does not refect what I have in front of the board members but I'll talk about some of those minor changes um so under B I'm sorry oh sure not that good and at the same time when I go to review the meeting I would like to uh under the schedule item number one um at the last meeting I think we briefly touched upon some clunky wording about how we were dealing with the Wellhead Protection District so my suggested um rision was and those of any um overlay District how do I do yeah uh and just simply delete the specific reference to the wellhe Head prodctions oops that was a head hand it there but nonetheless um that in which the situated how about that um no there's I guess any applicable standards of nor District um we talked about uh making a revision I still have my old notes from the last meeting here but the essentially item B2 as been advised to say that um up the two accessory dwelling units uh may be allowed by special permit um that's one topic I'll dig into a little bit deeper with attorney beglane we have our standards um for special permit at that scale that we can dig in we can rely on I'll work with attorney biging to see if there's any further um bolstering that feels is necessary within this section right here at least as it relates to those standards of the special permit itself um okay dimensional requirements um this particular topic has been hot amongst uh the um Massachusetts planers list serve that I subscrib to in that uh the regulations say the your least restricted least restrictive excuse me um setback requirement is what's going to apply to accessory DW an accessory dwelling unit uh and in this case the way the regulation leads that means it doesn't matter if it's attached or detached your accessory um use setbacks are the ones that apply um that makes things a little bit sticky um when it comes to creating an attached uh excep dwelling unit to your primary residence uh on a site uh that has yet to be want to say resolved or perhaps it wasn't even explored when they wrote the regulation so that point as well I'll look to see if attorney beging has any more careful uh language we'd like to put in there but I don't think we have much of an opportunity to do so and maybe we shouldn't at least according to state law um but that's a loose end uh that remains um and it's fair to say that uh I think our intent moving forward is to leave this public hearing open so we can take um feedback from departments any suggestions you have feedback from attorney beglane um at least up to the point where the state releases their model on byw and see how they have addressed some of these uh remaining items I think that was it the only other change that we wanted to make sure coming out of last meeting um where we we explored know does a detached garage uh for accessor duing unit require a special permit the decision of the planning board level was no it does not so that's been removed from this docum those are the only items I wanted to share of give an update where we are update to you about that conversation regarding setbacks we'll see how shakes out moving forward so all that in mind saying is we have so much that we're waiting uh from the state for is there anything that the board members have that they have thought about in the past couple of weeks that they want us to explore and think about before those come out yep just the one thing I have is I think right now in the AC Zone we allow single family residents by special permit we also allow adus by special permit in the AC Zone I think it makes sense I still have thought about it I think I can't imagine why you wouldn't but to make sure that that is because it's not a by right structure to begin with okay makes I'll make sure that's included in the coordination uh with Mr B Diane anything no that makes it less confusing I agree yeah that was good point dick did you have any thoughts on this no I just had a concern before um talking about the project going down on Mor Winding Road and a fire department wanted sist for water protection if they added these units do we need to enlarge the water capacity I think waiting for the fire department to get back to us does the fire department review building plans for that sort of thing like the health department would have to to be sure that title five I am reasonably confident that I'm just going to say for smoke detector um and carbon monoxide detector requirements that the at least the fire department's inspection um arm is implemented uh for new projects that are permitted through the building department um but I will bring that specific element back to the chief's uh attention yeah okay and uh before we turn to the public perhaps this is a good time uh for the rest of the planning board members for me to share that uh um I mentioned the chief's concern about some funds being tied to the town um complying with state law as they related to adus um had doish around uh but I think concerns that the chief picked up on are probably rooted in the MBTA uh communities who have been uh well they're subject to mandates uh that they uh Implement multif family zoning around MBTA um Transit points in the communities it's been a real point of friction in the states using leverage as it relates to grant funding um and communties that are unable to or can't comply so I think uh we're clean on that and I'll Advance the discussion with the fire chief is related to uh sisters all right any comments from the public or town staff or other Town Representatives anybody online seeing none [Music] um a Tre hearing but that's a fine spot for it okay do I hear a motion to continue the public hearing for the proposed Adu bylaw to February 25th at 7:15 p.m Dave spus so moved singer second R call vote Jessica Thor and i d i singer I 11:30 1:41 find Mountain Roose please join us up here I might be able to hear what John is saying not a word of what you said did I ever hear you should have come closer sooner it's every year it's every week I bet you when when you're online you can hear you you can hear you fine but we have a microphone for the room we failed to Jo that on that's on I'm not confidence of their operating table but nonetheless okay good to have you here Ken thanks for having uh Ken eglon 141 Kuman Road South M um congratulations mad chairman you know and I know you know what you got yourself into so you've been doing it long enough doing it long enough and the joy as I get to interact with folks like yourself oh jeez so um the last time we left off we were talking about adjusting the location of where your dedicated transient slips would be or particular slips moved from the shallow end of the southernly dock to be moved up to the Northerly dock where you would be able to Le them to voters with deeper waters we looked back at your special permit right Mr planner um we had dedicated one parking space for every two least slips um but we didn't have a particular number attached to the transient slips as to what they would exchange for occupancy yes um we the board understand that we permitted for 20 transient slips but that over the past couple of Seasons you've only been operating with 16 yes right um the issue of you being able to add four more slips to your Northerly dock is not necessarily a planning board concern as it stands you've been operating with four less slips than we initially permitted for um and if you are not allowed via some halting uh via the lmc's um objection um for you not to be able to put those form more back you'd be operating with 12 transient slips as opposed to the permitted one right okay in reviewing our prior discussions and thinking about it I don't necessarily feel that the reduction in transient slips whether it's from 20 to 16 or if it's from 16 to 12 is so great of a concern for us when it comes to parking occupancy that isn't already existing simply because of the site's constrictions as they exist already um that is only my opinion and the rest of the board will have to wait in on that um I also want to acknowledge that when we first issued the special permit we had located the transient slips where we had because we wanted the ease of access for the restaurant owners we also felt like that would not disturb the Souther Leia butter as much the the home owner to the I say that again because I think you're backwards we felt that the transient voters coming in and out all day right that would be more disturbing to the private land owner as opposed to a least slip going out once in the morning and once in the afternoon okay so for us as a land use board that was our realm of thinking as well as the fact that your dedicated least parking spots are on the southerly side yes to make so ease for everybody on the land however I don't think the moving of for back and forth is is much of a concern for us in that matter either good um is there anything else that the board members would like to add an agreement disagreement either of the substance of the issue or my conclusions I don't know don't make sense to me same with me I'm good well perfect sense okay see being as the LMC issue is separate from us I'm willing to let that be handled outside of heart issue and I appreciate that I did want to comment that it it has been yeah approved to add those four by the Harbor Master per the select board and the LMC has if they object and then your approval is Rene it's given back to you after hearing however that plays outon I don't necessarily think it's going to affect our special permit decision good um Mr plan please tell me if I am forgetting anything or subject matter you did a great one not that I think that was a a reasonable summary um we don't control doc configuration um or location that's chapter 91 business uh we do have if will the summary email from uh Eric Mueller see if you'd like for me to read into the record we can do that why don't you do that and that touches upon I guess where their concerns are and where we are defining a point of inflection okay okay perfect uh this is um dated January 20th 2025 addressed uh to me um do Mr mlin Chief banish and a Nicole o' Conor as well as carpon copy to the rest of the Lake management committee uh hello all and I'm Sor this is from Eric mu uh as this is my attempt at a summary I may have missed uh something so please feel free to correct or embellish the SE bit keeping in mind that the intent here is to keep this at a bullet summary level in this summary I'm restricting the discussion to the topic of the northern spur of dock at 141 Kine Road there are other topics that deserve discussion in this overall area but for the purposes of efficiency discussion is focused only on the Northern spur configuration of Doc bullet point number one uh the planning board initially approved a plan that had an equal number of Doc sections on northern and southern Spurs bullet two MP approved that configuration in chapter 91 license after an initial official appeal was raised concerning safety issues and then subsequently retracted following an agreement as outlined below B three prior to implementing the plan a number of meetings were held where Lake safety issues were discussed and an agreement was reached between all parties whereby the northern spur would not include its most outboard section this was done to prevent additional congestion in the area where boers are navigating between north and it should be South and middle FS the select board chair Harbor Master LMC 141 owner and his attorney were all parties to this agreement since that time the Harbor Master role has changed hands as the Harbor Master at that time retired in the interim uh bullet point four this agreement provided for the owner of 141 to request adding this final section of Doc back to the northern spur with approval from the Harbor Master point five prior to any final decision being made by the planning board LMC would like to be included in a review of the owner's request noted above based on the limited information available to us at the time of its last meeting LMC members voted unanimously that it would be in the best interest of navigation safety for the doc configuration to stay as it is for parentheses not add another doc section which would approach further towards the navigation area between the South and middle ponds as LMC was a key party to the existing agreement it seems prudent to include LMC in discussions prior to changing that agreement respectfully dick renold say LMC chair and Eric Mueller as LMC Vice chair thank you Mr planner detail um I don't see anybody from LMC on line at the moment to comment but I think that um they will understand that our action has no bearing on the issue that they currently hold with the decision of the current Harbor Master if that is for them to hash out on their own and I don't think we need to delay our work in doing so um are there any other Town officials or public comments on this matter here none um Mr egleson you heard at the beginning of our meeting s the beginning of our meeting that Diane will not yet be eligible to vote fully on this matter until our next meeting um that's fine please proceed yes don't let me interrupt no yep it doesn't make a differ and as a um special permit you do need to have the four out of five so what I would propose that we do is we will close the hearing this evening we will prepare a decision to review and vote on as a full four member board at our next hearing unless you have anything else to add or you would like us to keep it open for further information don't know I only ask when is that next meeting and please don't tell me that it's in two weeks it's not it's in three I love to hear that so the meeting is then is probably the 25th 25th thank you because I'm gonna be in Florida on the week of week of the 18th okay so 225 um and that no discussion just just a a vote on your made decision that I did you guys discuss enough prepare I would assume that the language will be quite close to the original special permit um we will probably be making some sort of edit to the look back period um to continue that process especially considering the fact that over the past two seasons we haven't really had a full-fledged operation happening there in both sections and for you now you'll have your full 20 lease slips would like to see how that operates alongside a full bustling restaurant during those yeah weekends put it in there I'm happy to come back in November or that time frame to to discuss that awesome at which time I will have a couple other requests I wouldn't expect anything less an opportunity there well there's one more thing but um I have a question um off you've got three vacancy in this board do board members have to be residents of Southwick yes or land owners residents our self- representation is this whole like American thing so I guess that's what we we roll with run in the town you live in right and that's just on the boards that's not unlike the Lake management committee and stuff that's that's both States I believe so yeah oh what it is just because there are several members from Connecticut okay all right so without anything further Ado do I hear a motion to close the hearing for 141 KGAN Road da been so moved go singer a second we call vote just and i i d go singer I all right we work on that well thanks for a great summary because you said everything I spent hours ji oh yeah except that I consider the Lake management committee I consider what the Harbor Master has already stated as final nothing sir I have it right it's f as as as you say you might come back with future requests nothing's her final right all right but we'll see not our job those docs have been ordered all right to be on you know they're going to be here apprciate the announcement yes they're going to be I hope they are pretty they're going to be the same as that all right wonderful okay and and as the board requested of me last time the two in the shallow area in the rental area will remain initially it was my thought was to take them awayone and and bring them and put them in the end but so that were're fair of 2020 for the moment they will still be able to be used as transient docks because last year people did commit to put kayaks and kak too man yeah right it's so okay thank you all for your time thank you good night have a good night all right public hearing question and meeting it's now over how about that move on to discussions Noble Ste Crossings reevaluation of subdivision infrastructure security Madam chair I have a email this afternoon from Mr salt marsh I have no idea what's going on over here hey I'm online right now I should be looking all the live stuff when did I delete this shows up here all right fine uh this one was addressed to me and Randy but nonetheless since last planning board meeting uh we were able to lay out the water quality Basin number three that's the uh if you're traveling into the site there's a Spur Road a go to the crossing there's a basin in that area they we're going to lay out and work to finalize uh so they laid it out and Survey the area but we're frozen out due to the winter weather from a couple weeks back in freeze uh as soon as the win as the weather breaks we will continue to work on the side is planned We are continuing uh we are currently working D diligently excuse me with our Consultants Steve salvini and Terry Reynolds to submit our application to mass DP Crossing and get a firm date from them as to when we can expect and and permit suing we expect the permit and start date I plan on attending the planning board meeting at the end of the month to update our progress accordingly thank you Jesse s um so he did he stopped by DPW earlier today we had a brief chat he gave us a an update and I just asked that he provide a little something update the planning board understanding that work really isn't happening out there right now but that the uh permitting work is uh a Paramount concern the planning board very good and hopefully for the next meeting we'll have an answer as to when saini and rynolds will be getting all that work together as we have been waiting sometime true okay all right next lot development plan review for Lots 14 and 19 at the greens of Southwick East subdivision good new is I didn't upload these files today last so chances are I should be able to find them give me one moment see if I can share them everyone [Music] look at they know can see that magic happening behind the curtain over here andard okay uh as is uh customary now uh for our work at flexible residential district subdivisions uh we bring forth the lot plans um for planning Board review in you're right the approval I think the wording in our bylaws and on our decision perhaps is rooted uh from the logic that some of these FD projects can get very creative in clustering homes um this takes advantage of some other um opportunities at a flexible residential uh subdivision such as reduce setbacks otherwise it functions largely the same with the exception of the fuel the open space has preserved um as a conventional subis so what we see before us the two lots we have are lots 14 and 19 if you were to travel into the subdivision uh and travel all the way to its further furthest most point Lot 19 would be at the co theack and lot 14 would be several hundred feet uh before that point um on what I believe would be working out to be the Westerly side of the street that this is lot 14 right here um so uh we are receiving lot plans from our Lebec Associates same consultant that permitted um the project the subdivision so they show us the uh necessary elements uh for AC septic features um surface features like driveways and the residences themselves as well as the movement of storm water um off of the bares this being left 14 um this one I believe is not held in do of a bond for the subdivision let me take a moment and bring up Lot 19 we'll look at that briefly okay so Lot 19 is off of that terminal Cola sack farthest point from Tannery Road uh rear portions of this site um are dedicated to storm water management uh for a good portion of the subdivision roadway um this has already been constructed um and functions in some way shape or form having said that much again is my belief that Lot 19 is still currently held um as one of the four Lots covered in that Covenant NOA Bond at the moment um so if the planning board members are inclined to do so we'll say a you know provisional uh positive recommendation or approval of these lot um lots that would suffice um not understanding that um the developer will have to appear um and either place another lot U into the Covenant um or if the numbers pan out I don't think any more subdivision work if you will infrastructure work has really been completed as of L the roads are all generally in place um although not all with um top course of the basketball so I don't think the balance of security is going to change much we'll have to have Mr Brown look at the values when that request comes in see what what steps are necessary okay all right any questions or concerns from board members nope so this would be a motion to make a provisional positive recommendation sure on the Lots 14 and 19 for the greens South East do I hear such a motion Dave P so moved take s second call vote Jessica Thor and I Dave P I take singai I will then proceed with releasing the Lots um at least for the building permit system that is available at this time um and I will coordinate with the developer to come in and request for the death okay do we have an anr for six South M we do so planning board members uh we most recently I think there was being in January issued a decision for uh six South Luma Street which was provided to the town clerk and went through the appeal period without any action so that has been the decision has been recorded as such the ve Associates have has proceeded with the submitt of the plan largely in the same format as frankly the special perit fing plan but for anr purposes I wish all anrs were such because that makes us um very much familiar with the frontages and area and access points um I think welcon appreciates a lot more detail than you typically would see on an anr plan um but endorsement of this plan would um essentially acknowledge the frontage lot as well as the estate lot which estate Lots which would be allowed by the special permit granted okay so this is the approval not required to establish Lots one two and three right yes as well as the recorded plan that establishes a perimeter for those estate Lots okay all right hey Jon I'm trying to see on my computer can you just point out which Lots or what sure thing let me zoom in just touch first tick okay I believe uh is this Jeffrey Circle is that what intersects right there at the top of my screen there so that once we get past that house lot in the corner well so this is a anr lot one we have that common driveway that's drawn here to serve both an anr lot one and the estate lot a common driveway goes to the to to the house that's already there is that correct or is that a new house no it's going to be a new one okay so and we'll go with you're familiar with the site right so just south of the proposed driveway is um anr lot two and the existing driveway you see in that gray tone kind of go through in a curve yep right for geometry purposes um and for this estate Lot B the access to the existing home is going to be reconstructed just a little bit south of there as they have and then then at the um souly Extended that lot would be the third anr lot okay an existing home is where I can wait to find print existing homes that's this rectangle over here okay yep okay thank you then no other questions we have a positive recommendation to endorse a motion to endorce the anr plan for six South Lumis Street Dave P so moved Dinger second we call vote Jessica th and I Dave I Dinger I right thank you very much Mr chair primary function yes the most important thing agenda the Ed renal decision second I bring that I'll threaten to bring us up online that's right you can see the crazy things I'm seeing over here get there okay declaring Victory technology okay dick can you read that okay I can so this is mostly inclusion of the language that Mr Goddard had sent out um just kind of reformatted to more match how we currently render our decisions you know how I am I do little nitpicky on something just a little bit um and then there was just a couple of edits to make sure that we had the correct information in there um towards the end with the record of vat so I think if we can just scroll through this and everybody has a chance to read procedural history and our findings it's a fairly short decision there Vick are you okay with that I'm very good with it did you have any questions or does that look good to you looks perfect all right then do I hear a motion to the approve the decision for the Ed hulc tree removal decision as written da so moved take a second roll call vote Jessica Thor and I I got I right we um are you gonna be back in town anytime soon dick um for a day or two I might be let me just I'll tell you a second I will be back into town not this month not this month this month nope okay do we might need to just amend the decision to include an AFF fiction of an electronic signature sure I'll do that for the board members and leave uh Mr Brown's signature line available for him to in right is there any objection to that slight edit no all right very good all right all right I will manager if you hear on we have um meeting minutes to approve um we still need to wait on October 21st until Diane is sworn in as Mr szinger was noted um October 8th though should be ready to go if everybody's had a chance to review them yep for you Diane okay then do I hear a motion to approve the meeting minutes for October 8th 2024 Dave so moved s second roll call vote Jess Thor and I Dave i s i any planning board or staff member comments the mic meeting met on January 22nd will be meeting again tomorrow um right now what we're doing is there are a large number I can't remember the exact number 20 or so different boards and committies that have lead the lead of an action right and so the EMP is going to divide that group amongst us and we're each going to individually be the npic person who interfaces with that board and helps them understand their actions make sure they're making forward progress help them coordinate with other boards Etc so we can reach down to various other boards and EXC on that go figure okay I'm the one for this board crazy but that's funny so but y so makeing progress um and that is something else that happened at last night's select board meeting uh Mr Peron was had to step down as the select board um representative to the mic and the select board nominated Diane Gail to do that so she will be joining you on the mic um I know I sent my ratings back to Norm I saw Mr Spina had were you able to get those not yet not yet dick were you able to send your ratings off to Norm I not got those done yet no okay if we could do that soon within the next week or so so that Norm can compile all that and at our next meeting perhaps our mic representative Mr Spina will might have some results for us here what we think is there anything else I just want to say thank you for the appointment um and I appreciate it and I appreciate your faith in M I appreciate you being it's it's a fun job that not everybody wants to do yeah um and with that in mind in case anybody is out there listening or um we are still looking for at least two people to volunteer their time to serve on the planning board one as a full-time member who would be running for election this may to serve a five-year term as well as somebody to step into Diane shoes as our associate member that is a one-year appointment by the select board so if you or you know somebody who's interested please go to the town website and apply under the uh select board's appointment application or you can reach out to myself or the town planner if you have any questions about what it might be having to do here on the board besides this fun that we get to have been great awesome about all right hey J yes D there a problem you're you're leaving very early it's only 8 o'clock and you're already done is there a problem you're more efficient than Mike I would not disparage our dear former chairman in such a way except to say that um not having enough members here makes moving meeting least but we are we're moving along efficiently thank you for your endorsement of the timing Mr out singer um with that in mind too I hear a motion to close the planning board meeting tast being so moved take a second everybody say hi hi hi good night everybody thank you for your patience