good evening everyone and welcome to the select board meeting for Monday June 17 2024 this meeting is being held in hybrid app uh fashion as well present tonight is myself chairman Jason Peron Vice chairman I almost said Doug M Diane gaale clerk Doug moglin I'd like to introduce everybody online and here to our new uh chief administrative officer nocole Parker she's here for her first meeting uh acting Chief or CEO Landis is not here this evening um assistant ceao naen signon and our secretary Lisa is in the other room um better do Pledge of Allegiance buddy you would like to lead us in that pledge Alle the of the United States of America the rep for indivisible first item on the agenda tonight is going to be public comments is there anyone that would be interested in making any public comments hi Rebecca parin house Side Road um these comments are my own they're not anybody else's um I wanted to I could sit behind a computer and you know garbage talk but I prefer to do it you know face to face so what I want to talk about is the recent Lieutenant process that um basically just taught everybody in this town and in the police department that you should do less that doing more in fact will not um help you to proceed in your career or your life for 15 years I've remained relatively quiet as to my true thoughts on a lot of the things that have gone on in this town because I didn't want to negatively impact my husband career and as it turns out I guess I needn't have worried um I think what we now know is if you do more by way of education and making yourself an expert in a topic if you take leadership courses to make sure that you have a staff that respects you and that you can lead them and guide them and motivate them that's not enough that what you if you take on additional duties that the chief normally does or Lieutenant normally does also not enough and that you definitely should not be committed to the community um when we reward somebody who says that they're happy at the end of the day when they get to go home and leave this town I think it's it's a problem um it doesn't matter whether you essentially say that you've developed a formula um in the data analytics world we call that garbage in garbage out um ultimately if you don't have the right inputs and if you don't have the right formula you're not going to get the right outcome um and I think that a disservice was done to this community ultimately um I think you know especially when it's been done you know a couple of times when we ignore um some of the really critical uh learnings and criteria for somebody to lead a community I think that's a real problem um and I also think that when you have um an opinion on something and you don't have the backbone to back it up you don't really end up with a good outcome um and so ultimately I think you know Diane you won with 35 by 35 votes when you ran um and I'm ashamed to say I was one of them frankly but I will not make that mistake again thank you is there anyone else that would like to like Yeah Joe de 28 next see youre now my name is Cathleen aren and it was um my son Roger that was overlooked on on this Lieutenant position um South has been always dear to our hearts and we love South my son um born and raised here he settled here he has his own home here his children go to school here and um personally looking at candidate one candidate two without a name on it I would say it would be hard pressed for anybody to say oh this is the more Choice candidate this one it's inconceivable to me that this small town can take a decent hardworking young man who is their own self product and um and dismiss him like that and um I would love to take the uh list that I have prepared and say who would vote for this one who would vote for that one it would be unanimous on this side Raj loves Southwick he's at all the events all the community things other person not other person well I don't care because I don't live here he's 45 minutes away he's not invested in this town in any way and I'm very disappointed in southw I taught here for 35 years and uh it's heartbreaking but you should on not good to us thank you anyone else Mr de hi Joe d258 Road South how are you tonight so let's talk about the Lieutenant's positions everyone else is slamming you guys you have four candidates it's a tough choice and you made it you can't hire four yes two lived in town two didn't live in town I think they're all s with guys and I think they all did a great job for us and they still do they don't seem to be too upset about who won except maybe the one that didn't and thank God you brought to the table at least what happens if he didn't even make the table so you guys are doing a good job keep it up good luck thank you anyone else in the audience anyone on Zoom looks like we have no takers so we move on to the second item on the agenda 605 pretty close um review and discuss the lpp agreement with Suffield Miss poer I see her here chair of concom I see Mr Pratt online and I see Norm right across the desk from me so whatever you guys want to talk about I think we pretty much talked about it so um as I said I put that out um and everybody showed up I did get everybody's input I wanted to make sure there's no additional input that everybody wants to put in regarding this um I I got gotten your email Sabrina that's what the attorneys are going to make sure everything's legal like and stuff like that um Norm I did get yours now that I've got I'm assuming everyone's input I will be sending this back to col I'm not D oh I'm not well you didn't get everybody or you didn't document everybody's so um everybody that's here that responded to me I've got your input I don't know if there's anybody else that's here here that has any more any further input on the lpp um I don't know if Mr Mr Sher I would like to uh I made the comment that we add this have associate members and I added in return soual point one associate member of the Southfield Conservation Commission for the purposes of this document associate member means the individual is a non-voting member but fully participates in discussion and bank and i' just like to clarify why I think that is so important you may not be aware but I have been appointed the liaison from the Conservation Commission Southwick and LMC Southwick to the Conservation Commission suffi I've attended several meetings and um we long time felt that we had a double standard on conservation on this side of the lake versus that side of the lake and this past meeting is a perfect example of of why we need representation there it was an item on the that involved the lake and I had prepared a a presentation I was not allowed to speak because I was not the petitioner and it was not a public hearing okay uh I was a later in the in the meeting they had public comments I asked to speak and the first person jumped up and said he wants to speak on Mayflower Lane as an item on the agenda that's not the purpose of this they W going to let me speak fortunately the chair did okay and I I thought I had to be brief and U I gave my quick comments on the lack of the sil fence and all the pre cutting they've done on the shoreline and uh I'm happy to say yesterday I went by and the sil fences up but we do have a double standard and we need representation over there so if we're going to give it to them need they need to give it to us okay thank you I'm not so Ma I'm just making sure know scen did you have anything before we move on I well I have a question in regards to the um thiso for the south of concom from I'm assuming the Southfield of concom what would the purpose is the purpose just lpp or everything that comes along with the Conservation Commission incling what this is my concern that's that's what we were gonna yeah not I didn't know that was Diane was GNA talk about that is something that was going to be talked about know what the goal also did list that my concerns as well the uh whole thing about them being on as a position on conservation is I don't see that um anywhere in the Wheelhouse of what they should be allowed to do it should only be involved with lpp and it should only be discussion of lpp issues so they can discuss it you know with their Town um but it shouldn't be in any way regarding the laws or the bylaws uh with the lpp um but just discussion in it and it shouldn't have anything to do with anything else that we discussed for Conservation Commission in Southwick that was actually one of my concerns as far as if they had someone on if we ended up going that route they wouldn't be able to vote for anything but Lake related issues but I I like Norm I had actually asked when we were there I think you were there if if if a non- voting member would would suffice and this is what we're here for is to get all the information so I can give it back to them and so we can actually come to an agreement for everybody so um thank you guys for the input Diane my initial thought was they needed they have an lpp representative they have a couple of lpp Representatives some and they are advisory to to the select board they should recognize on their side those members of that lpp to whether it's their Conservation Commission or their select board and use them in that advisory capacity and that way they are aware of the isues going on and have a voice they have a voice coming back here and it's it's in the same capacity then and we don't weigh in on Suffield matters except related to the lake permitting Lake management and they won't weigh in on ours that's my first no second if they must be a participant in Conservation Commission in my mind it would be an advisory role an advisory member and would only be advising on matters directly related to The Lakes as they pertain to Suffield residents it has to be that finite they're not going to make a recommendation or advise on anything on Klein Road absolutely that was that was one of my concerns clarify think we need to be on their Conservation Commission either if they recognize that lpp as an advisory and utilize it that's my first preference again like I think I said to you Sabrina I I brought this back because this is what was presented I'm willing to talk about anything that's what the whole purpose of this is so you know and everybody's here to give their opinion and input so this is this wasn't just so everybody knows this wasn't an agreement that's already done you know this is what we're here for to find out exactly what will work for everybody here come to some sort of consensus and bring that back to them and then try and work this out so Jason just one more Point yeah absolutely Mr um so as Diana specified about the lpp agreement I think it's kind of goes a little bit deeper when it comes to the subfield side of the lake as far as Norms representation for conservation issues as far as work that goes on along the Lakeside um he has been very diligent in uh being aware of what goes on over there and I'd like to see that to be able to continue um whereas you know Southfield doesn't really have any skin in the game on the Southwick side because it is a Massachusetts Great Pond I think that we do or we should have some Authority in uh looking to see what projects they have going on over there and maybe making sure that they're uh staying to the regulations of what we have for erosion control and things like that um the other concern I have with somebody from Suffield being on southa conservation even as an advisory would be I'm not sure if the state would allow that that's something just to check into um they might specify who can be on a conservation board or even as an advisory um through the state regs so that just might be something else to check on I did do a little digging on that there's nothing definitive on that that I could find obviously that would be what Mr Coyle would be digging into as well um but I'm hearing everybody on this um and we'll get that's what we'll kick it back and get some answers and try and come up with a plan and an agreement that works for everybody very good I do like the insertion that Chris put in his whereas um that there Massachusetts great ponds and town of Southwick has been granted the ability I would just replace that with the duty by the state if it were me so consider either or i' probably go with authority or liability or authority anyone else have any input on the lpp process and agreement that we're going to try and Hammer out withi I do have something from J Nelson the secretary um she had mention that it this um agreement should also include that the parties agree that the subfield residents are not exempt from completing and submitting the lpp application on a yearly basis and to have the stickers adhere to the applicable structures SL vessels inclusive a docks lifts Moorings swim floats iies and vessels and that they agree that findes can be imposed in the event Southfield Lakefront owners do not submit their application and the allocated time frame May 15th of each year and have all structures and vessels removed by is out I first it's record I can't usually read I know Mr mlin can't read my writing and I know I sometimes can't even read my own so perfect thank you anyone else anybody else on Zoom Mr chairman yes sir so I agree on the what uh jeie sent in because it's also very important this payment is in Li of us collecting those fees from their residents but it does not absolve Connecticut residents from their um their duties under if they care to join the lpp um any Southfield resident or south residents feel free to go for a chapter 991 license if they'd like to stay out of the lpp and not fill out the online form um but that's always been a sticking point with subfield over the years when we try to encourage compliance via letter or whatever we usually get a uh sternly worded email or Stern phone call from the Suffield attorney so if codifying that in the letter would be a good idea um I also agree with Mr Pratt um you know ex officio by definition is almost needs would have to be a subfield Conservation Commission member um but it doesn't make them ex officio to the southw Conservation Commission effectively makes them a member it doesn't say a non- voting member or anything like that it's just by the nature of their office so that would mean if we had one on theirs and by X official would have to be a Conservation Commission member and I learned that when we had the master plan that the chair of the planning board was ex officio to the master plan uh advisory committee so and it could only be the chair of the the planning board at that point to the master plan so I think it's a it's a tricky situation because I um I also think under Mass General law it does Define a Conservation Commission in fact this board recommended um to send a special act to the legislature on the comp the exact composition of our own Conservation Commission and I don't know that we can actually do what's being asked to be done here nothing wrong with having someone be an adviser or something like that in some unofficial capacity to the board um and it should be Converse as far as lpp goes um or sorry LMC I don't know because that's a a advisory committee to the select board with no zero statutory Authority they act they do important yman work but all of their enforcement power and and is delegate is comes from the the Border committee that is has statutory responsibility for that whether it's this board or concom or Adcom or it doesn't matter wh you know whichever board that is that has some statutory Authority so I think that would need to be worked out I think the idea that's present here is a good one though because we've I know just in the last week I saw work that was done in subfield that was actually absolutely mindblowing just to see it no way that that would happen in the town of Southwick conservation wouldn't permit it it actually probably get laughed right out of a meeting but it happens in subfield apparently by the town's own folks did the work um so I think that there's benefit to be derived here from having Mutual representation whether it's in an advisory capacity or what have you but I don't see how we could see a Suffield Conservation Commission member even ex official or not on or a South a subfield resident on the Conservation Commission I don't see how that could happen and probably the converse is also true so I think it just needs to be in some kind of advisory capacity thank you just one more thing it's really two different things we're trying to correct a conservation issue with a lake permitting dock permitting program correct they don't belong together correct so there you go got it we just did it just now just talking about it right and we talking about work that was done had nothing to do with docks and yeah and boats but it was work that was done in Connecticut right yeah I think this was I mean this is a great agreement I'm glad to see a successor agreement you know appreciate everybody that's put the time in to to to execute this I just think that this section is number two is really problematic um and then jeie suggestion is is a really good one because always gets everybody up and it's usually in year two or three of the agreement when compliance starts to Wayne and the letters go out and then everybody gets all riled up and if we can avoid that it'd be great very good thank you thank you all all right next item on the agenda is acknowledge the payroll warrant number 2425 dated 65224 in the amount of 425,000 14047 next is to acknowledge payables warrant 24 29b dated 610 2024 in the amount of $33,750 cents and didn't see any minutes right now um next discussion item we're going to go on to talking about designating Miss Gale to review the marijuana retailer application packets against submission criteria to move forward with the select Board review so we're going to have to talk about that later because we also talked about in the well this is just to designate me to make sure they met the criteria and I'll be looking for a motion and I got one I'll second that motion roll call vote Jason Peron yes than Doug next talk about improving the change order for the one Klein Road Culvert project with Eastern Earthworks Randy anything we need to know about it yeah this is one of the good kind of change orders where we uh we had a grant through mdp program BS came in very competitive and under budget so we had some excess money to utilize and use that to extend Place some existing drainage in the Bo and coordinate us with MVP program they're onol with it so this is a change F to work to the contractor I would be looking for a motion to approve that change order for the one Line Road culbert Project motion to approve the C Road change order second roll call vote Jason Peron yes Doug next we need to approve the donations to the selfi animal control shle for $861,000 p& F Fone $100 M fosi $100 industrial sand blasting $50 Interstate building $111 jnn LEF $35 m&g pakus $50 J rushell $25 C&J Sawyer $25 and K andb shacked $50 I'd be looking for a motion to approve those donations motion to accept those donations to the Animal Control sen shelter Doug second call vote Jason Peron I Doug I next we need to authorize the chair to sign the agreement between the sound of Southwick and Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Professional Services for the town of Southwick green communities designation Grant Administration effective May 7th 2024 through December 31st 2025 I'll make that motion for you to sign second go call vote Jason Peron I van I Doug next we need to accept and sign the safe Grant for student awareness for $464 and Senior safe grant for $2,191 T any um just again this is a support Grant offered by the department of fire services and it's based on population and your active participation in the safe program we've applied for and received this grant several years in a row um this year's award was on the higher side we're very excited to get the amount that they awarded and it'll continue to support two very critical pro programs um which is student education as well as senior safe programs in our community so we're fortunate to have Department fire continue to support this and it is supported again in the backbone of the legislature of Massachusetts so next time you see him to say hey thanks for supporting safe very good thank you Chief I would be looking for a motion to accept the the safe grants motion to accept and sign the grant for the safe R I would ask that um s board member m sign itard say that saw that Legacy just the change leadership all right so I'll make a motion for Doug to sign that I'll second that motion roll call vote Jason Peron I I Doug I good next we need to acknowledge call Force firefighter Ben Cleland for completion of the firefighter one two training evening everybody um as tradition would have it each time we have a call Force firefighter who participates in in training uh they do it on their own accord um they have two opportunities one is to go to Connecticut and do firefighter one followed up by a second course of firefighter 2 usually a year later or they can choose to go to fire academy in Springfield which is the firefighter 1 and two combined program uh Ben chose to do the lad which is a little bit more time investment and certainly a little bit more demanding on his schedule um he's been with the department for just over a year uh was working initially as an EMT um caught the fire bug as well too so jumped on the fire side and I'm here to say that he successfully completed all the requirements for firefighter to one into and is now uh handed a yellow helmet which uh indicates that that success as well as being now an interior firefighter and no restruction so congratulations Ben yeah conference well done thank you thank you congratulations thank you so much one picture over that's way very good thank you very much thank you that's that congratulations thank you everybody have a good day thanks see next we need to acknowledge the retirement uh resignations of dick grenell for the day of 621 2024 as his last day next we need to approve the contract for dick brenell's as a consultant for a maximum of 10 weeks through 831 2024 to cover construction activities for the Klein Road culbert replacement project and any other projects under construction this summer Randy any else you need to add no I would be looking for a motion to approve that contract motion made second roll call vote Jason Peron I Dan g i Doug m i next we need to approve and accept the donation of $400 from the Sarah Gillette services for The Elder Incorporated to create an entertainment cart for the adult section of the library into the gift account I'll make a motion to accept that donation second roll call vote Jason Peron I I Doug Mo to sign the WPA form two determination of applicability Massachusetts Wetlands protection act mes General Law chapter 131 section 40 for Wally Park there something we need to actually make a motion on or just sign we were the applicant I think we're just signing is that the one I just signed out on I don't think so didn't yes it is it is sorry l no yeah she had me signning elsewhere the little sign little sign tabby was somewhere else okay motion for the chair to sign second roll call vote Jason Peron I Doug I see we' done that new business fiscal year 25 Paving in infrastructure projects Randy well this is a fun meeting every year we talk about where some [Music] money so I gave you a summary of all the funding we have available was meeting appropriation month ago we've also have our chapter 90 or chapter 90 allocation is available as of July 1st and then there's uh a couple of bonus allocations this year the fair share Amendment um I think it's called the millionaires tax and some of some terms and also R rural roadway funding uh a few meetings ago the board voted to reallocate some ARA funds towards Paving infrastructure projects and then when we have these meetings every you do some money carried over from prior year so this year we have uh just about $2.45 million available and I gave you a list of uh 28 projects and uh happy to discuss any of these with you based on the merits I know in the past we've also gone and done site visits to inspect some of these roads in person happy to do that again this year we also have all projects in mind and obviously be happy to P some the other projects talk about one thing to keep in mind for some of these projects that include old Paving and drainage we could break them up into two years um like we did on being um red Jackson Road couple years ago we did drainage in one year ping a second year we're kind of doing that now with heeding Hills Road doing drainage work on going with this year I'm hoping we can pave this that that section of Road next year with these funds so keep that in mind too some of these numbers the numbers I gave you include both drainage and Paving are there any projects that we did the drainage that are on this list for the paving that yes we probably should reaffirm our commitment Hills Road I gave you three three options for beeding Hill Road you want to go a b c and then uh South Lum Street number 17 we did and work on that will so those would be my two top priorities is to complete those projects can make a suggestion Mr chairman yes um that we once again schedule our annual kind of morning tour the roads to have a look at some of these and invite um Miss Parker to come along as well to get a look at it since this will be our first look at some of the roads that we've got and uh we could schedule that sooner than later just do it in you know one morning like we did last year did we do it on the weekend last year no I we did it on Friday I'm pretty much open for for C future so Randy would you be looking for Feeding Hills Road I know you're finishing up the drainage would you looking to be do like I'm assuming based on where the work where is number 268 how far does that go is that where they're off now top of so You' probably look going to want to do that section or just the section that they're digging up they've been doing yeah I I if I would choose b b I think we talked about that one before going up to that point that is the wor section I hope come upot out there last year well you want to pick a date and um um we can review our notes from last here and marry those up can you just refresh me Randy on gargan we were only going to do sidewalks one side correct yeah we did that last year and this is and now this is G well you up one side we ripped out sidewalks on one section of Guardian ter that was a last year just one section the South Side okay we didn't allocate money to put a proper sidewalk on the side that that would be number 24 gotcha I know you and I I came up I know there's been some inquiries as the far as uh sidewalks on Vining Hill somewhere down the road and I can say and I'm sure Mr mowan can concur there's an awful lot more kids in our neighborhoods um I don't walk that way so it's not so much for me but um you know up to pearlbrook at least would be something I would probably be looking to at least put on the radar um is it yeah it's half a million bucks oh there it is all right um but I have seen a few I you know I pay attention to Facebook and the the forums and I I've seen kids coming around the corners and there's an older gentleman that walks I think every morning he's he's out there it you know it's something I think that needs to be done I'm glad to see it's on the radar and I don't know where we'd throw that in but I have a question on that I think it's a good idea do we still have a sidewalk offset fund from development that's occurred elsewhere in town where developers put money in that account yeah there's about 30 to 35,000 we're almost there [Laughter] then I will say that when the development on Mort Ving Road moves forward uh there will be fairly sizable contribution the sidewalk F I want to say 160,000 my head but I I could be off that how part is you know sidewalk I know roads I we know that but how 160 how far would that get with sidewalks uh it's about 100 bucks Buck foot well look at College Highway to Pearl Brooks 450 the more you do I will say that the cost of concrete cement has gone up tremendously in the past four months so mot does have a they track cost and they has it's kind of like three nice all right what what days when do you guys want to do it the only the only days I can't really do are Thursdays pick one pick one Fridays are good fine for me that'll work what Friday we want 28 five 28's no good because it's the national how about the 21st how about this Friday it's Friday I don't think so not very good with putting things in my phone I don't think I have anything on the be the only Friday well we have a lunch in at noon and this is the only Friday I probably have something to conflict with that oh no problem well want to do five the fifth is that one no actually that's a is that techn no that be all right Friday theth is f you're July 5th yeah yeah is that good for you no that's I'm off that week oh I'm away okay you're off the whole week okay 12 I can do the 28th I'll just work it in did you say you could or couldn't do the 28th Mr we can do the 28th uh or I'm sorry this Friday you said you said this Friday I could do this Friday or I could do the 28th at 10 let's just if it works for everybody we'll do is all right um we'll do the 21st this coming Friday meeting at one time eight or nine eight eight all right eight at the DPW that works for everybody okay 661 think that's going to be cover it for that next we need to approve the bid awards for the following DPW annual Services crack ceiling guard rails line striping pavement materials emergency tree maintenance and vehicle and equipment repair Randy you want to go over any of these I can um I'll just kind of real quick summary we can answer any questions you have so we have seven seven bids that were open last week for all of our kind of annual Ty on qualif contracts for the categories you listed I would say the the uh cast of VI vendors is same as past um no real surprises I did uh include uh if there was an increase or decrease over prior year pricing I see I think you see the most in general went up a little bit one may made a little more than others um but I don't have anything any any questions lot any questions break it down you want to do these one by one yeah the one by one okay anybody any questions all right so I would be looking for a motion to approve the bids for the borrowed materials bid to John S Lane and rosadi materials I'll make that notion second all call vote Jason Peron I I Doug I would be looking for a motion for the crack sailing to be awarded to indis Industries motion made second roll call vote Jason Pon I I Doug M for a motion to approve the bid for Premier fence to be doing the guard rails for fiscal year 25 make that motion second well call vote Jason Peron I I I will be looking for a motion to accept the line striping with Atlantic pavement markings make that motion second all call vote Jason p i i Doug I next I will be looking for a motion to accept the pavement materials bid this one do each product just read it all so for the products we have cold patch to andri materials double dense to eurovia Northeast Paving and the burm mix to andri materials and to True TR stone make a motion to accept those as red for pavement materials second roll call vote Jason Peron I thank you I'll be looking for emergency tree maintenance to bid to be Ed to Enviro Arbor Solutions make that motion second roll call vote Jason Peron I Daniel i dou m i okay so we're gonna be doing the vehicle and Equipment repairs awarding bids so let's see the we're going to be doing the looking for a motion to award the pickup truck category to to seret Ford the dump truck triaxle category to marot Ford and the heavy equipment and machine Machinery categories to can's mechanical make a motion to accept those as red for vehicle and Equipment repairs second roll call vote Jason for I I [Music] Doug J can I just ask a question from my own knowledge to yes absolutely were these ifps or rfps when the bids that went out an invitation to bid or was it a request for proposal it was not RFP it was more traditional bid I guess call ifb and what I see some were lowest were not were they all not lowest yeah so like borrow materials um there was that was a bit under 30b yeah so that's a right on board bid so the low bidder was actually in I think were Inon pickup so we could we could we could back her an AR PA to pick up the materials yeah so so the other Fitters J and were much closer okay then then he and some you said were the lowest and some you say just most advantageous so that wasn't the lowest so so in borrow materials that was advantages correct also the P material also those are all the okay good thanks we need to renew year three of heavy equipment rental contract for fiscal year 2025 ready so this is our annual contract for heavy equipment rentals it's been with Crestfield construction for at Le a decade now at um it was bid in 20 FY 23 set up as a one-year contract with option to Ren for two additional years so we're just ending year two of that call a threee contract so we would be moving into year three with this with this award and the way that the pricing there basically pricing was consistent each year FY 23 24 25 there no change in pric and I guess I'd be looking to for a motion to renew for the year three of the heavy equipment rental contract FIS 25 Doug second roll call vote Jason Peron I I Doug we need to approve and sign the anticipation serial loan Grant application note payment to East Hampton Savings Bank in the amount of 129,290 52 on August 1st for the 2024 DPW and SEMO grants make a motion someone to sign that or we all sign that everyone everyone that second roll call vote Jason Peron I Doug all right anybody have any new business Diane sure just a heads up um we tweak the sewer rates late last year sometime early fall maybe and uh talking to Randy the retained earnings on that will be running low so uh we need to have some conversation on that sooner than later and um I've asked Andy Randy to prepare some data so we have at least a starting point talk about what to do with that situation and I know how you feel about that yeah it's a common topic all right and uh just want to mention the Southwick land trust is having their launch party at The Brass Rail on Sunday between 12: and 2m to uh talk to people some more about what their plans are that's it Mr mlin no no business maen anything Miss Parker it's all new it's all new and I have nothing right now I believe actually I the one thing I brought up I think Randy I didn't even realize you added it to the list so so that was the Vining Hill the sidewalk sidewalks yeah so so now we are on to Old business and dates to remember need to talk about the appointments process and status and the town clerk will give update on June 1st for needed appointments we had this list here somewhere um yeah it on me I know mixed it in with everything else you want to just take my sure thank you faster than digging through the pile so so we've got a few bunch of vacant and expired and we need to move forward on these danan I know you work on that we have a couple of new applicants that have been keeping track of um I see people are submitting their things online for reappointments um and or jiggering their roles on the board as as associate versus and so as they come up we can I think we've got a pretty good handle on that we solve some vacancies we can still recruit so I guess we need to start looking at filing this um sure um we can do the um you know Public Work ones and all those first public safety no put that on next week's or not next week the next agenda we'll fill all that out and then we can get going with we vacant seats after that which will be July 1st [Music] lpp issue with scary jury property and we did that last week um you know I went home after it and dug up the gis on safield the state of Massachusetts Southwick and I forget which other one of course Google's not official but um ended up with pretty much four different property lines that didn't match and I know I sent a we sent a message out to John Goddard and Mr gells and really the only way this comes I think to a complete conclusion is the property needs to be surveyed and property lines need to be figured out because there's different I was shown one marker here and a different marker there the original marker allegedly and Mr Gren has made a very good point um it the I know it's said that the original marker was about 13 ft out in the water and he was talking about um maybe we could get one of the dive team and if it was broken off which I believe I did read it got broke maybe that thing is still in that water and we can find that location other than that I think it's really um on the association to get that survey we've basically run our force on this I I agree with you on that I don't know where we take it after that I'm sure it will come up again we can probably leave it on here for another week or two but another meeting yeah I mean the pictures some pictures show this I guess that shows something there I don't know I think that's the actual [Music] Monument like I said you looked at the overview on the satellite views yes and one of them had the property line going straight through that cabin on top of the hill the other one followed the straight line so it's like I said it's out of our realm of figuring out at this point and as the the author of this report we were provided even said to the jewes it can be off three or four feet any one of those points and you project that out it's not up to us to say you said you shift it six inches one way and then you go out that many feet it's going to change the complete angle so so I assume someone has to respond to the association as to our findings I know you've kind of been running back and with dealing with them quite a bit would did you mind doing that sure I can do that Mr M any no opposition okay thank you Diane and next we need to talk about the interviews for Sergeants tentatively scheduled for July 1st Chief select is on there somewhere I have one application so far one application one do they do buy tomorrow you'll have few more oh oh but they're not due tomorrow I might have a few more tomorrow due tomorrow think at a certain time really getting even tomorrow doesn't seem like a dayun day why did we do that all right there gives us time to review them so y all right next is the um vacant COA director position naen um the chief and I reviewed um resumes we chose six applicants to reach out to um one of them did not return my call five of them set up a phone interview uh one withdrew before the interview we did speak with four applicants um two were very good when I called them back to see if they would be interested in continuing uh one applicant did has not returned my call and the other one is very interested in moving forward so did I do the math right we have one one yeah you got that okay yes um and I think there may be one more there was one applicant that I'll go back and look at her application uh but she would she withdrew because she took another job but she sent me an email over the weekend and said wanted to know the position was still available so I'll go look at for application again okay okay once we know what going that I guess we can figure out bring them in and talk to them all right well when will we do that because we are stacking up July 1 well I thought we I was going to talk to Carol and Paula yeah tomorrow yeah and then so you know something tomorrow I just well if the other person is interested we have two yes if we have two but then the interviews will be when when would you like to have have them that's what I'm saying if we keep shoving everything to July 1 we're going to stack that data pretty heavily unless we meet just to do two interviews that's July and it's over the holiday Mr M any on any of that and then we meet again July 15th so we push it even further we could always meet on a different night to do that or that didn't go over so very well we on a Saturday but I mean it's we could meet on the eth I don't see any reason why not um every other is kind of a a schedule of convenience if we have to have a meeting up you know we meet every other every week during most of the year except for during the summer so we have to have another meeting on the E so be it let's plan on after naen finds out what's going on we'll plan on the eth any prep preferred time or there normal time normal time all right we'll do it at 6 o'cl on the 8th we'll do the interviews for the COA position one more time one more be ready for the 28th would you know to get them before the fiscal year would you be no won't matter I mean it the 28th is a next Monday I think right no that would be that would be Friday Friday 24 next Monday I think I don't know if everybody else is available but kind of a know a short window for them as well I think they yeah be better my opinion we'll just stick with the e seven eight Mr mlin the HS I IMA for wg& and ISP no update at this time other than um people may have noticed I have seen the vehicles out let Gas and Electric folks have been in town looking at every single pole in the town to try to evaluate its condition and suitability for our project marijuana dispensary deadline was June 7th Miss scale updates um in no particular order the request for information that did meet the sub submission criteria are as follows 681 College Highway Inc doing business as cannabis Hut submitted by Thomas Rook of Springfield with a proposed location at 686 College Highway Haven who is a social Equity applicant submitted by Mark dup of West field with a proposed location at 681 College Highway Sunrise cannabis a social Equity applicant as well submitted by Kaylee heurn of West Springfield no proposed location at this time but it is not required for the social Equity applicants and pioner Valley Trading submitted by Michael Albert and Richard fiori um I believe both of Southwick with a proposed location at 60 College Highway so those packages are available for our independent review and um you know we'll review them against the criteria against the score sheets that we have and then I presume we will want to schedule those for an interview as well on one of these non-heating Tes so so we're going to score independently and then submit them to Nicole who's going to summarize the score sheets and rank those um but I presume we will finalize those scores after the interviews and and include the interviews as part of the information it's going on this long I'm not in any I don't think it's needed need to be rushing so I wouldn't I just put it on we said with the 15th is the next regularly scheduled not the reg next after the July 1 one I'm sorry uh the 15th is the next regularly scheduled I know when I grabbed my bag there's an awful lot of information in there there was a lot a lot of information about some of them are about that some of them are a lot so you know I think the 15th works for me to schedule the interviews to do the interviews for the marijuana the Cannabis licenses to make the final decisions after we score everything uh prior to scoring will be after we meet with them and they supplement that information all right um Mass General Law chapter 61 61a 61b write a first refusal policy review The Joint meeting is set for July 11th 2024 at 6: PM land use hearing room T-Mobile Grant I did literally just send the email to Mr sheal finally and uh asked him for the information that we need to move that forward um and that's all I'm going to be waiting on and I can shoot that actually not I have to get a couple other people that want to sign on to it but after I have the information I can finally put that Grant finally together fully together select master plan implementation subcommittee members Mr mowan and Mr dhy sorry no update this week no update okay and the DPW plan to incorporate buildings and ground department under DPW that still looks everywhere well they were all gonna did you together have an opportunity Randy I don't think anybody's likeing involved with that so I'm not sure you looking for S and direction I think someone need to be dir okay I think Nicole might be able to Jump Right In on that and coordinate sure good well we'll give you the particular on who to get in touch with and you can you can Randy can fill you in and and okay and do that sure so if if uh that means everybody's approving absolutely trial wi fire no no yeah that' be easy and that is it as far as listed old business and dates to remember Miss scale any old business no sir Mr mowan uh just two things one is the uh Iron Man race was was that last weekend or the weekend before it was a great event uh thanks to the folks in town that came out and uh cheered on all those riders that came through town and to the motorists who showed a great deal of patience um as that event made its way through town and to the uh safety agencies South police and fire that were um did a great job handling that traffic and all those Riders and uh I think we also have to coming out of our meeting last week um I think this Board needs to vote uh to designate you Mr chairman to uh work with the ACO for a letter of agreement with the incoming Lieutenant we voted the candidate but I don't think we set up the process to to do the agreement with them okay so if you're looking for that motion I was going to say guess I'm looking for that motion I'll make that motion okay I'll second the motion V Jason perone I I that's it Mr M for me naen anything no the agreement's drafted so okay and it was just basically gonna kind of bom with the old one and I have nothing new I'm assuming Miss Parker doesn't have any old business I don't have any business I didn't know the water restriction if you wanted to mention it to PO meeting um people are well aware I certainly saw it everywhere that doesn't stay a secret one yeah I'll just I don't want I don't want to touch that one so and that appears to be it for our agenda for the evening um we're actually a little bit past seven we're going to be going into executive session so we are going to be going to exec session a motion to go into the ex session pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 30A section 21 subsections 2 and three and chapter 214 section 1B labor Council litigation matters and strategy for collective bargaining with police Union Coalition fire I a DPW non-union staff and clerk Union upsu executive session regarding Mass General Law chapter 3A sections 21 2 and three chapter 214 section 1B and exception number two moves to go into executive session to conduct collective bargaining sessions with nine Union personnel and to not reconvene an open session move to go into executive session to conduct Neo contract negotiations when non union personnel and to not reconvene an open session and declare that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the baring position of the body to not reconvene an open session move to go into executive session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining and that the chair moved to go into executive session to conduct strategy sessions and preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and to not reconvene an open session move to go into executive session to discuss strategy strategy strategy with respect to litigation and that the chair declar that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the body into not reconvene an open session and this regard chapter 14 section 1B everyone will have a right to unreasonable substantial serious interference with their privacy and the spere court shall have jurisdiction and Equity to enforce such right and in connection therewith to award damages motion motion second roll call vote I I